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Date Posted:12/22/2011 9:35 AMCopy HTML ![]() "Here is where you start to amuse me, Johnny." We opened on Scotty who was backstage at a local independent organization. He was sure to have his Titanium Championship with him. Dressed nice as usual, his sunglasses on and confidence radiating. He thought that Sheppard was amusing for multiple reasons but John-boy needed to start to know his place heading into this match-up. There's always going to be the talk of people that don't like Scotty but for Sheppard to think that Addams is out of his element was just wrong; in fact - it was ignorant on his behalf. In this case ignorance is definitely not bliss and even though Sheppard may be a good grappler he was still no match for Scotty, especially in the PWT ring. [Scotty]: Johnny, if you'll just humor me for a second... did I hear you say that we're both out of our element here? Let me explain something to you, Johnny - and this is why you amuse me. You amuse me because of your perception on me. You amuse me because of how behind in the times you are that you fail to see, understand, and realize what is exactly in front of you. You talk about how I'm a tag team specialist and you know what? That might be true. Put anybody with me and I can rise to the tag team championships any given time I want to - I've just managed to partner with a few of the most talented guys in the business like Zarek Lyle and Tony Rich. But in PWT, John-boy? TNR was never the primary focus. If you at least paid attention to what went down last year Johnny, since you didn't have the balls to be able to actually compete in the ring - you would understand that Zarek and I went through a hell of a match at Caged Combat but in the end I was the superior man that night and walked out with this [Scotty holds up the Titanium championship]. Now since you seemed to not get the picture, Johnny, the idea here is that you've only seen me when I've had a partner in crime dominating everything around you. But this belt right here and the fact that I've held it longer than anybody? This says that I'm not out of my element at all. In fact what this says to me is that you should watch just who you're talking to and start showing your respects for the greatest champion to ever step foot inside a Professional Wrestling Today ring. There was confidence for a reason and it didn't seem that Sheppard fully understood it. See, the confidence that was with Scotty now is different than the punk that you saw before a few years ago running around saying he was "Greatness Incarnate." This was confidence of a man that knew he had ability and the fact that people turned on him because of it. ![]() [Scotty]: And you know the best part about all of this Johnny? Is I'm not even back to prove a point to the people, or even prove anything to anybody in the back. I'm back to be me. I'm back to get to the top by any means necessary. I spent my first while trying to be for the people, put on good matches for the people but now it's about Addams. Hell, I'm already the longest reigning Titanium champion, I already went through a hell of a match with my toughest adversary, my own partner Zarek Lyle to earn it. I had a few championship defenses here and there, and then Meltdown I retained, John-boy, against Tony Rich and Drew Stevenson. But I'm out of my element, right? I mean oh my lord how could I manage to do any of this without a tag team partner? Besides the fact I started as a singles athlete. I've done things for my career you could never do, Johnny. And to this day, seven years after the birth of Scotty Addams, the biggest prize has eluded me but not anymore. See, I'm here in PWT with my lovely fiancee Tani for a reason and you're step one to helping me achieve that goal, Johnny. It all starts with going into the new year, going into 2012 with all the momentum on my side. But yet you feel like you'll be able to make me tap out, eh? With what was it.. a heel hook, you called it? That's your problem, John, is you're a one-trick pony. You've seen it once and there's nothing new to see about it again. But me? I'm versatile, I'm unique, I'm an innovator. But I don't know if you're able to comprehend what that means without using Dictionary.com. Nothing you do is going to stop me, Johnny. And if memory serves me correctly we squared off once before and with all this big talk you got right now? Why don't you remember the time I pinned you in the middle of the ring and then you tucked your tail between your legs and ran away. To this day, Johnny, your highest accommodation is beating Duke Andrews for the TV title in ICWA but I've already been there and done that, One and Oh, Johnny. You and I are on two entirely different levels and 2012 will be the year of Addams. You may not like it... but who said you had to? Scotty looks to the camera holding his championship up to it with a smile and a chuckle. It was an Addams that the people that followed him on the independents and more recently ICWA, were more familiar with but to a bit of a different degree. This season isn't about proving a point, it's not about revenge. This season is all about getting to the top of that mountain of PWT. 2012 is about achieving the prize that has eluded his grasp for the past seven years. 2012 will be a beautiful year. Look out.