Basic Information
Legal Name: Christian McMillion Gimmick Name: "Southern heartthrob" Christian Michaels Face: Matt Hardy Announced From: Memphis, Tennessee Birthday: January 25th Height: 6'2 Weight: 224lbs Theme Song: "Kryptonite" by 3 Doors Down
Charismatic Make-up
Distinguishing Features: CM has always stood out by looking like that guy ya could just have a beer with. In Ring Attire: Pants much-like Matt Hardy's. Though for CM they're usually colored blue and may feature stars in support of his Dallas Cowboys Arena Attire: CM is generally a jeans an t-shirt kinda guy. But when the ocasion calls for it he'll put on a suit General Attitude: CM is generally laid back until til ya push his buttons the wrong way. Absolute Do(s) and Don't(s): Michaels has made his career on being a company-guy. He'll do whatever is necessary to get something over.
Professional Wrestling Background/Career Tendencies
PWT Accomplishments: PWT World champ 4x, held basically every other title in PWT, won multiple PWT Choice Awards, 1x King of PWT winner
Other Wrestling Acomplishments: W2K Champion 2x, W2K God of Wrestling 1x, pretty much every other title in W2K, several W2K awards, ICWA World champion 1x, ICWA Tag Team champion 1x
Trained By/At: Nic E Dangerously an Jericho KoX
Manager/Managing: n/a
Tag Team Partner(s): n/a
Stable: n/a
Weapon of Choice: Fireball a la Jerry Lawler using flash paper
Style: Brawler/Technical
Signature Moves: Southern Climate - Leg drop from the top rope or higher depending on the match
Dragon Whap -CM goes for a kick but the opponent catches the foot, throws it down. CM spins round on the other foot bring his leg back around to do Shelton Benjamin's "Dragon Whip" kick
Armdrag Takedown - This may not be abigger type move, but CM's whole career he's often countered people charging in at him with these.
Finisher(s): Just Like That - Twist of fate. I mena its just that simple. Lol.
You Just Got Whapped - Superkick virtually out of nowhere. There's no stomping to signal its coming. Match is going an suddenly superkick.
Bio: When it come sto the world of professional wrestling Christian Michaels has literally seen an done it all. Having been born the son of a promoter he's been involved his whole life. He started his career at the bottom an worked his way up to be a 5-time world champion. Seven times if you counted W2K's main championship.
Sample Entrance: (Gimme just a lil bit an I'll add this). |