Basic Information
 Legal Name: EJ Keith Davis Gimmick Name: "Unbreakable One" EJ Davis Face: Josh Henderson as John Ross on the tv show Dallas Announced From: Sydney, Australia Birthday: 25 Height: 6'4" Weight: 226 Pounds Theme Song: "Break The Walls Down" by Adam Morenoff
Charismatic Make-up
Distinguishing Features: Nope In Ring Attire:  Arena Attire:  Crowd Affiliation: Face, but he can be a jerk sometimes Style: Highflyer, Brawler Coin Phrase(s): You will feel my wrath and my fire General Attitude: He is nice to everyone he meets, but mostly his family still if you cross him he can be a prick Absolute Do(s) and Don't(s): He has two different sides to him as his Australian accent comes out strong, so when he is nice he can be protrayed as a gentlemen but when he is being a jerk then he can be protrayed as an a hole. He don't cuss at all, but sometimes he will fight someone just for the heck of it. Favorite Match(s): not really sure Least Favorite Match(s): Hair vs. hair, Loser leaves, Kiss my ass or other body parts Taunt: He does what Y2J does
Professional Wrestling Background/Career Tendinces
PWT: None yet
Other Wrestling Acomplishments: None this is his first company he has been part of
Trained By/At: His older brother Billy Davis at his wrestling school
Weapon of Choice: His biker chain, Steel Chair
Current Wrestling Info
Manager/Managing: Maria Davis (his little sister) Tag Team Partner(s): Ryan Tyler Stable: it will be revealed soon, and it will be his little sister Maria Davis, his sister's boyfriend Ryan Tyler and him of course
Moves ( AT LEAST 15, NO FINISHERS!) *What that means is that you can't use the RKO, Pedigree, Sweet Chin Music, or any other moves of that sort as one of your regular moves. And you ABSOLUTLY can't use ANY PWT performer's finisher as one of your regular moves*
1.) Low blow 2.) Headscissors Takedown 3.) Running Clothesline 4.) Step Up Enzuigiri 5.) Springboard Moonsault 6.) Snap DDT 7.) Running Bulldog 8.) Breakdown 9.) Flashback 10.) Double Underhook Backbreaker 11.) Double Underhook Powerbomb 12.) Reality Check 13.) Wheelbarrow Bulldog 14.) Piledriver 15.) Running Spinning Heelkick
Signature Moves: (Moves that you almost always find a way to hit or apply in a match. 3 or fewer please)
1 Lionsault 2 Twist of Fate 3 Spear
Finisher(s): (That's it! The match is over! What move do you do to achieve final victory in a match? Please 3 or fewer)
1 Fire Down Below (Codebreaker) 2 Evil Intentions (Cross Armbreaker) 3 Davis Bomb (Walls of Jericho)
Bio: He is the younger brother of Billy and Maria Davis, and he has two sides to him, best friend to Ryan Tyler
Detailed Entrance: The arena goes dark, and all of a sudden blue and red fireworks goes off as "Break The Walls Down" by Adam Morenoff hitz. EJ walks out from behind the curtain, and walks down the ramp. He slides in the ring, and jumps to his feet. He walks to the middle of the ring, and poses for the fans. |