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- Register:03/13/2013 7:33 AM
Date Posted:07/31/2013 4:30 AMCopy HTML
I've Been Waiting For This Day[off-screen] | 
Early Sunday morning in Miami, Florida. Antonio wakes up, stretches and yawns and gets out of bed. He heads towards the kitchen and opens up the fridge and grabs some orange juice. He heads back in his room and sits down at his desk to check his email before he heads out to the gym.
He opens up his laptop, logs into his gmail and sorts through the email. There's a lot of junk in there like:
"Meet Hot Russian Single Women"
If this were Brazilian women I might risk the inevitable virus and click on this.
"University of Phoenix"
I already graduated. Delete.
"A Message From Your Facebook friend Adrianna21"
Nice try, I don't even have a Facebook account. Delete.
"Size Matters - Better Sex By Adding 2-4 Inches to Your Manhood"
*Antonio scoffs* DELETE!!!!
"ClickNLoan" "Direct Deposit" "Loan Department"
My credit is good. Delete. Delete. Delete
"Cobra Insurance - Recently unemployed? You need affordable insurance."
"#1 Electronic Cigarette - 14 Packs Worth of Cigarettes for FREE!!"
"CONGRATULATIONS - $2,500 in 1 hour..."
Delete. *Antonio takes a drink of his orange juice*
"PWT is Coming Back! - PWT Newsletter"
Delet....... *Antonio's eyes widen and his glass slips out of his hand onto the floor spilling the rest of the orange juice. He stares at the screen for a few moments with questions going through his head. The main question being, 'is this real?'. He clicks on the e-mail and then clicks on a link in the email which takes him to and he's greeted by the homepage confirming the fact the Professional Wrestling Today is indeed coming back. He stands up eyes not leaving the screen. He then grabs his cellphone off the desk and dials a number which rings until someone picks up the phone.*
Hey, it's me....have you heard about PWT......Yeah its coming back.....What am I going to do? Are you serious, I'm going there.....Look I don't care what you have to do, I want in so make it happen....Yes I'm sure, I've been wrestling again for a couple months now, I think I ready for it.....Look I'm not going to pass up on this opportunity, do you realize I how I've been waiting for this moment?....Trust me I'm ready, just please make it happen....I don't care about the paycheck, just negotiation whatever price gets me in that ring....Okay good, call me as soon as everything's done, I want to sign that contract asap....Talk to you later.
Antonio hangs up and looks down at screen once more focused on the PWT logo as he takes a deep breath
I was beginning to think I was never going to get this chance.
Scene fades to black |
| |-Antonio Johnson-| |
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- Register:03/13/2013 7:33 AM
Re:I've Been Waiting For This Day[off-screen]
Date Posted:08/03/2013 5:44 AMCopy HTML
I've Been Waiting For This Day[off-screen] | 
5:00 in the afternoon of the same day, Antonio still hasn't made it to the gym, he's been too busy waiting for the phone call from his agent to tell him whether he's in or not. He's spent most of the day pacing around the place and watching Netflix hoping the time will past by faster. He did find time to clean up the orange juice he spilled earlier though. As he's sitting on his couch watching Netflix on his PS3 he can't seem to focus on anything he's watching .
He watches about 5 minutes of Star Trek: Voyager but decides he wants to laugh so he switches to The Office. He watches about 5 minutes of that and decides he's in the mood for something different so he switches to Friday Night Lights, after about 10 minutes of Coach Eric Taylor and Tim Riggins being awesome he decides he's in the mood for some crime-drama so he switches to Law & Order: SVU. Antonio's a sucker for a Law & Order marathon but not even Stabler beating up on perps who turn out to be innocent and Olivia being being hot can take Antonio's mind off of his current situation. He still finds himself staring at the phone more than the television. He decides to just turn off the television and listen to some music to help him relax. He puts on his headphones lays down on the couch and listens to some B.B. King & Bobby Bland to help him relax. This does a much better job of relaxing his mind and he closes his eyes and winds up falling asleep. At 8:15 the phone rings and wakes Antonio up. He grabs it and hits talk. Yo. Its a done deal. Antonio stands up off of the couch Really? I was expecting at least another day or two before you had a deal done. Well obviously I've done business with PWT before, and delivered them a pretty popular superstar who was a decent draw so I didn't have to do much selling. Antonio let's out a deep sigh of relief Thanks man. So when do I sign my contract? As soon as you get your ass to Grand Rapids. PWT's first show back is Saturday. Saturday? That soon. Yep. There's a long silence You still there? Yeah. Its just...I never thought this day would come. Well its come. If it will ease your mind a little, the card is already set so unless there's some last minute changes you won't be wrestling. Look, I got to go but I'll talk to you later. Alright man. Later. Antonio hangs up and takes another deep breath I hope I'm ready too. Antonio sits down on the couch, slightly hunched over, elbows on his knees and face in the palm of his hands What have I gotten myself into? After a moment Antonio basically answers his own question I've waited a couple years for this moment, now its here. I've got a second chance, now its time to make the most of it. Antonio stands back up I guess I better get my affairs in order. Time to head to Grand Rapids....or rather, its time to head back home...where I belong. Scene fades to black
| |-Antonio Johnson-|
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- Register:03/13/2013 7:33 AM
Re:I've Been Waiting For This Day[off-screen]
Date Posted:08/10/2013 6:47 PMCopy HTML
I've Been Waiting For This Day[off-screen] | 
Antonio Johnson arrived in Grand Rapids, Michigan late Tuesday night. He took a taxi straight to his hotel which was only 3 or 4 blocks from the Angel Arena. He had a meeting early morning to sign his PWT contract. He got to his hotel about about 1:00 am, he gets comfortable but couldn't sleep no matter what he did. So once again he just lays back, puts his headphones on and listens to some blues to calm his nerves. He eventually drifts off.
He wakes up a couple hours later at about 7:35 am and he jumps up and hops in the shower real quick. He gets out the shower quickly almost falling down on the now slippery floor but he manages to keep his balance. He dries off, puts on some clothes and his mask then darts of his hotel room. He's now glad that his agent booked him so close to the arena where he's supposed to meet the bosses. He runs to the arena and gets there in a time that would make Usain Bolt look like a tortoise. Once he arrives at the arena he shows the security his I.D. to get inside. Security is looking at him strangely which he's used to because of the mask. As he walks through the halls the few people that are there also give him a double take. Antonio pays those people no mind because he's somewhat in awe of being in the Angel Arena.
He finds the bosses office no problem and looks at his watch and its 7:59 so he made it just in time. He knocks and hears two voices saying "Come in." As he opens the door, there stands Becca Stevenson and Jonathan Brooks. They both give him the same strange look the security guard gave him, but they welcome him in anyway and tell him to have a seat which he does.
Welcome to Professional Wrestling Today, we're glad to have you here and welcome you to the roster.
And we're glad to welcome you to the PWT family. Though when we went to look you up on the internet we only found about three matches and no information about you prior to this year even though your agent tells us that you've been wrestling for some years now.
Normally we would be way more hesitant to sign you given these circumstances but we're both familiar with your agent. We took a gamble on another one of his clients before and it turned out to be a great decision so we're hoping lightning strikes twice.
Now your agent tells us that you're a long time fan of PWT.
Antonio can't speak, its like Ursala from The Little Mermaid stole his voice. He can do nothing but nod.
Well then I'm sure you're familiar with the long storied history of this company and its past champions. And you're familiar with the gold standard we set in the wrestling industry.
Antonio nods
Good. And I feel we don't have to tell you about what we expect from our wrestlers in and out of the ring.
Antonio opens his mouth to say something but again can't get any words out and nods once again disappointed in himself. Becca and Jonathan stare at each other wondering what they are getting themselves into by signing this guy.
Your doctor faxed over the results of your last physical and you check out. So I think now that we got all that out of the way are you ready to sign your contract?
Antonio nods furiously like a bobble head mounted to the dashboard of a car with hydraulics, driving over a bunch of speedy bumps during an earthquake. He then realizes he should dial back the enthusiasm some. They present him with his contract.
Your agent has already looked over everything and given his seal of approval. The only thing standing between you and being an official PWT wrestler is your signature, so let's take care of that.
Antonio is handed a pen. His hand is shaking so badly that it makes his bobble head impression a few moment ago look like he was in slow motion by comparison. He moves the pen closer and closer to the paper and when he goes to sign he completely misses the paper and starts writing on the desk.
Johnathan and Becca look to be having second, third, fourth, and fifth thoughts about signing this guy now. Antonio pulls it together though and finally gets his name on the paper.
Congratulations. Welcome to the company.
This is an opportunity many people wish they had so don't waste it.
Antonio stands up to shake their hands and that's when he realizes why he's been getting those stares. He remembered to put on his shoes, shirt, and mask but forgot his pants. He's standing there in his boxer briefs. Despite the mask hiding most of his face you can tell he looks horrified. He turns around to dart out of the office but he trips over the chair he was just sitting in. He struggles to get back to his feet and then manages to run face first into the door. The impact knocks some stuff off of the walls. He then struggles to get the door open and he realizes he's pushing instead of pulling. Once he gets the door open he darts out of the office leaving just Becca and Brooks standing there.
Are we sure that agent is legit? I'm starting to think he must owe someone a big favor.
Must be his sister's boy. She must have force him to get Antonio a job.
Brooks looks down at the contract
He didn't even write "Antonio" on the contract. He wrote down the wrong first name.
They both look down at the contract trying to make out the name he wrote in his chicken scratch handwriting.
Suddenly Antonio pops up in bed breathing deeply realizing that was all a dream. Well everything except him signing his contract. He also realizes its now Saturday and he should be getting ready to head to the arena. He showers up and gets his gym bag even though he's not competing, and leaves his room but not before double-checking to make sure he's wearing pants. Once he's outside he decides to drive the 4 blocks to the arena so he puts his bag in the back seat of the rental car and heads to the arena.
Once he's there he turns off the car and just sits there staring at the Angel Arena. He wants to get out of the car so badly but he can't. Its like his body won't cooperate with his brain. He's too nervous. He starts talking to himself.
Come on, man. Get it together. You've waited years for this moment and now its finally here. You're a PWT wrestler its time to act like it.
Antonio takes a couple of deep breaths and takes the keys out the ignition. He reachs back and grabs his bag, opens the door. He steps outside and locks the door then heads towards the wrestler's entrance. The security guard stops him.
Johnson....Antonio Johnson.
The security guard lets him by and he enters the Angel Arena. Though he was just here a couple days ago, its different this time. Before the place was almost empty but this time the pre-show madness is happening. This time its real. And after one more deep breath, Antonio smiles and whispers to himself.
I'm home.
Scene fades to black.
| |-Antonio Johnson-|
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