Date Posted:12/10/2011 4:52 AMCopy HTML
Basic InformationLegal Name: Jemma Ana Gimmick Name: Jemma Ana Face: Leven Rambin Announced From: Las Vegas,NV Birthday: 1/28/1988 Height: 5'6" Weight: 127lbs. Theme Song: " Just Dance " by Lady GaGa
Charismatic Make-up Distinguishing Features: ??? In Ring Attire: Women wrestling outfits Arena Attire: sexy clothes Crowd Affiliation: Face Style: Highflyer and Technician Coin Phrase(s): ??? General Attitude: She very shy as being around the people. Absolute Do(s) and Don't(s): She dont like people messing with her. Favorite Match(s): Women matches Least Favorite Match(s): ???? Taunt: ????
Professional Wrestling Background/Career Tendinces PWT: (This space is for acomplishments in PWT) Other Wrestling Acomplishments: (This space is for titles an acomplishments in other companies. Please keep in mind that PWT only recognizes ICWA & The Domain aka BUD as fellow main-stream promotions. W2K, IRX, an EE are the only really big indy's that we acknowledge.) ------- Trained By/At: (Who trained you to wrestle?)
Weapon of Choice: Hair brush
Current Wrestling Info Manager/Managing: (Do you have a manager? Are you managing anyone?) Tag Team Partner(s): (Who is your regular tag partner or partners in PWT?) Stable: (Got a group together? What's the name? Who are the members in PWT?) Moves ( AT LEAST 15, NO FINISHERS!) *What that means is that you can't use the RKO, Pedigree, Sweet Chin Music, or any other moves of that sort as one of your regular moves. And you ABSOLUTLY can't use ANY PWT performer's finisher as one of your regular moves.
Eye Poke Rubbing her boot in her opponets face. Cheap shots Chokes on the ropes and with her boot. Headsicors Pile driver Sleeper hold Throwing make up in the face. Sleeper hold on the top rope. kicks while Opponent is down. Tiger Driver. chostline bitch slap. stomps kick to the gut kick to the thigh hurricanrana from the top rope followed by a bow. dragonsleeper sleeper hold drop. hair pull backbreaker.
Signature Moves: - Twist of Fate - Moonsault Finisher(s): - Bulldog - Sharpshooter
Other Bio: Coming soon.
Detailed Entrance: Jemma Ana comes out starts running down the ramp than high five the fans and she slide in to the ring also waits for the match to starts at the arena.
