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Title: John Sheppard | |
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Date Posted:12/14/2011 5:58 PMCopy HTML Basic Information Legal Name: John Sheppard Charismatic Make-up Distinguishing Features: (This could be anything like ascar or a tattoo) Professional Wrestling Background/Career Tendinces PWT:
------ Other Wrestling Acomplishments: The only fighter in ICF history to simultaneouslyhold the Light Heavyweight and Heavyweight Championships. Former USF LightHeavyweight champion, SFC Heavyweight Champion, NWA World HeavyweightChampion, ICWA World Television Champion Trained By/At: Himself, Daisi Darkside, Liz Liang, SarahStock. Current Wrestling Info Manager/Managing: Liz Liang Moves ( AT LEAST 15, NO FINISHERS!) *What that means is that youcan't use the RKO, Pedigree, Sweet Chin Music, or any other moves of that sortas one of your regular moves. And you ABSOLUTLY can't use ANY PWTperformer's finisher as one of your regular moves* 1.) Lariat Signature Moves: Spine buster, Single leg take down Finisher(s): Tazmission , Exploder suplex Bio: Known for winning several MMA titles out high school, wrestled in the independentpromotions. Dating Sarah Stock, torn between her and Liz Liang Detailed Entrance: The arena goes pitchblack as Holiday In Cambodia by The Dead Kennedys hits the speakers.Sheppard walks to the ring, Liz Liang following close behind. |