Basic Information
Legal Name: Jason Vargas
Gimmick Name: Face: Ravem Announced From: Buffalo, NY
Birthday: 02/15/76
Height: 6'1
Weight: 212 LBS
Theme Song: "Blackened" -- Metallica
Charismatic Make-up
Distinguishing Features: Juat a very grungy dude.
In Ring Attire: Ripped jean shorts, black knee pads, black combat boots, white t-shirt promoting whatever company he may be working for at that time.
Arena Attire: He never dresses up... so most of the time he can be found sporting the same sort of attire he wears when competing.
General Attitude: He redefines crude and disrespectful. The kind to look you down and up when he passes by and spit on your shoes... and think nothing of it.
Absolute Do(s) and Don't(s): Don't: Have him show any kind of respect for anyone. The only thing he respects is inflicting pain upon people.
Professional Wrestling Background/Career Tendencies
PWT Accomplishments: None
BUD Heavyweight champion (x2) BUD Vision Champion (x2) BUD THC Champion
Trained By/At: Nobody
Manager/Managing: None
Tag Team Partner(s) None
Stable: Nope
Weapon of Choice: Crobar
Style: Brawler
Signature Moves: Triple Powerbomb. Clothesline from Hell. Gore.
Finisher(s): Tiger Driver (sets up like a pedigree, lifts opponent up and drives him down for a piledriver Flying Leg Drop
Bio: Karnage made a name for himself in BUD when he debuted there back in 2001. He was a staple of both Burnout's Ultimate Domain as well as Bytche' Ultiimate Domain when the company made the ownership switch. He competed in a number of mind nunbingly grueling matches such as a pick axe on a pole match, where he suffered a gash that required 85 stitches. He's a multi time world champion, competed in almost every single Master of Domain tournament, coming out on top in only one of them. He's a legend in the business and plans on gracing PWT with a little bit of his veteran presence, and continuing his reign of dominance.
Sample Entrance: He comes out. He gets boo'ed. He gets into the ring. Doesn't acknowledge any of the fans... and any fan that tries to reach out and touch him he pulls away angrily.