Basic Information
Legal Name: Phillip Williams Gimmick Name: King Flip Face: Dane Cook Announced From: The land of money and fame Birthday: 12/15/85 Height: 6'0" Weight: 220 lbs. Theme Song: "Obnoxious" ~ Immortal Technique Charismatic Make-up Distinguishing Features: Small scar on the left side of his head, a triangular chunk of his upper right ear is missing, and both of his hands are heavily scarred with lacerations and burns. In Ring Attire: White hooded vest with "King Flip" in gold stitch, white boots/trunks and elbow/knee pads. Arena Attire: Expensive three piece suits, typically with a tie, a gold Rolex and Doc Martens. General Attitude: Respectfully sarcastic, plutocratic if enough history permits it. Absolute Do(s) and Don't(s): Do: always smile, size up person speaking, nod and agree with what they're saying no matter what Don't: Speak long-winded, joke, provoke an attack, attack from behind, show fear
Professional Wrestling Background/Career Tendencies PWT Accomplishments: 1x Tag Team Champion (w/ Georgia James) Other Wrestling Acomplishments: 6x World Heavyweight Champion 7x Middleweight Champion 4x World Tag Team Champion 18x Hardcore Champion Trained By/At: Killer Kowalski in USA, Great Muta in Japan, Rey Myserio Sr. in Mexico Manager/Managing: "Big Daddy C" Chris Calvin Tag Team Partner(s): n/a Stable: n/a Weapon of Choice: Flaming barbed-wire 2x4/baseball bat Style: High Flying / Technical Move List:
1. Suplex Variations (Vertical, Back, Snap, German, Tiger, Dragon, Northern Lights, Fisherman) 2. Springboard Maneuvers (Legdrop, Moonsault, Planca, Spinning Heel kick) 3. Spinning Headscissors ; 4. Dropkick 5. Dragon Screw 6. Enziguri 7. Monkey Toss 8. Dragon Sleeper 9. Mahistrol Cradle 10. DDT Variations (Normal, Suplex, Reverse, Tornado) 11. Full Nelson Drop 12. Russian Legsweep 13. Swinging Neckbreaker 14. Flying Crossbody 15. Single leg Boston Crab 16. Reverse Chinlock 17. Chickenwing Crossface 18. Armbar 19. STF 20. Sharpshooter
Signature Moves:
1. Dethronement - Rolling Thunder 2. Crowning Moment - Pele Kick 3. The Beheading - Spinning Impailer
1. MAIN - Dynasty Driver - Ranhai 2. Royal Blood - 530 Leg Drop 3. Drollery Drop - La Mistica Other Bio: He arrived. He wreaked havoc. He left. He came back. He wreaked more havoc. He left again. Repeat. Sample Entrance: K-I-N-G F-L-I-P flies right to left on the tron, followed swiftly by an explosive pyro and "Obnoxious" by Immortal Technique over the speakers in the arena. Chris Calvin walks through the curtain first, megaphone in hand, yelling obscenities at the top of his lungs. Flip walks through moments afterward and the two walk down the aisle/ramp. Chris rushes up the steps and sits on the bottom rope for Flip, who happily obliges and enters the ring. Chris stands on the apron and points up to Flip as he taunts from the second turnbuckle. |