Basic Information
Legal Name: Tristan Wallace Gimmick Name: Nevyrmorr Face: Eric Draven - The Crow Announced From: Terre Haute, IN Birthday: January 17, 1981 Height: 6'0" Weight: 230 lbs. Theme Song: "Iowa" by Slipknot Charismatic Make-up Distinguishing Features: His makeup. His mutant powers. Arm-length raven tattoo In Ring Attire: Black and white Crow makeup. Black pants with a white Celtic Cross on each side. Arena Attire: Nothing fancy. Rock shirts, maybe even sports jerseys. Regular jeans, shorts. Whatever. General Attitude: Though, he's not as cynical as he used to be, he still has a general dislike for people. Has a huge sense of justice, so hates to see other people pushed around if not himself. Has a sarcastic, biting sense of humor. Deep down, he's a caring individual. Absolute Do(s) and Don't(s): Just don't make him look like an idiot (i.e. bringing teddy bears and flowers to the ring during a match.) Dos...just look above. He doesn't always use his powers in the ring, but only when his life/career/lives of others depends on it. If it's a hardcore match, his powers are fair game. Though, he'll rely on his wrestling abilities more. Just think of them as foreign objects.
Professional Wrestling Background/Career Tendencies PWT Accomplishments: None :( Other Wrestling Acomplishments: W2K - World Heavyweight Championship. Tag TeamChampionship (with Phoenix as The Exiles). Ohio State Championship.
FWA - Tag Team Championship (with Regulas Dante as The Church of the Twilight...not THAT Twilight). Trained By/At: (Who trained you to wrestle?): Antonio "El Pantera Negro" Machado Manager/Managing: (Do you have a manager? Are you managing anyone?): Applications are open for consideration. Tag Team Partner(s): Salman Van Dam, if he joins. Stable: LemmyChops(with SVD) Weapon of Choice: Mutant abilities - Pyrokinesis (ability to create and control fire). Psychokinesis (ability to move objects with one's mind. He can fly using this). Empathy (The ability to literally feel emotions in others). Style: Technical with some high-flying and a little bit of submission. Signature Moves: 1] Manifesto - hammerlock leg sweep DDT 2] Cry of the Black Bird - diving sumersault stunner
Finisher(s): Hexxer - (Arm trap neckbreaker. It is William Regal's Regal Cutter/Union Jack move. Occurs when an attacking wrestler takes hold of an arm of an opponent, then moves to a back-to-back position, so that the opponent's arm hooks across and round the opponent's own head. At this point the attacking wrestler falls backwards to the ground, forcing the opponent's own arm to drag them to the mat.)
Memento Mori - Gamengiri from anywhere, inside the ring or out. Jumping high kick to the face or side of the head. Other variations include, stepping up on the opponents chest and also with leg feed(after a kick is blocked and the leg caught or the initial kick is a feint to set up the real gamengiri attack). It can also be an enzuigiri, which is to the back of the head, depending on where he's aiming.
Wall of Sleep - triangle choke sometimes preceded with a victory roll or standing/super frankensteiner
Other Bio: Nevyrmorr's been in the MSN-turned-Aimoo circuit since September 2003 and the first place he called home was PWT. He's never forgotten it, and although he's seen action in other places, PWT has always been special to him. He's back after an extremely long absence from PWT and out to prove that gold in W2K isn't the only lasting gold he can find anywhere. The past is gone. The present is here and the night is always darkest before the dawn. Sample Entrance: I don't have anything imagined up, yet. I used to have something long and drawn out, but for now, make him pop up out of nowhere. The ramp/aisle, the crowd, rafters, wherever. He's like that. |