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Date Posted:09/20/2010 7:27 PMCopy HTML
 Saturday September 24th, 2010 Commentary Team: Sammy Daniels & Jerry Nitro Venue: The Angel Arena, Grand Rapids, Michigan Theme Song: "Rock Underground" by Dawnbreak Deadline: 11PM CST Friday! September 24th 24 Hour Deadline: None
Main Event No Disqualification Adam "The Jackal" Smith vs Chase Heroin (After last week, it's safe to say that Underground's first blood feud has commenced; Chase and Adam do not like each other and Chase sneaking in, snapping a picture of Adam's wife in the shower has a lot to do with that. Adam didn't take kindly to that and attacked Chase backstage to the point where it looked like Chase had suffered a concussion. EMT's cancelled the match- but it was all an act to avoid the match as Chase wrapped a chair around Adam's head and had the last laugh. This week- it's No DQ- meaning no excuses.)
Singles Match The Nega vs Judah's Mystery Choice (Judah cheated his way to victory last week and The Nega didn't appreciate it. Challenging Judah to a match next week to prove who the better wrestler was- Judah turned it down and instead told Nega that if The Nega could defeat an opponent of his [Judah's] choosing- then they'd get a rematch.. But the catch was The Nega wouldn't find out who the opponent will be until the time their match would start. The Nega accepted the challenge- now let the anticipation build to who Judah's choice will be.)
Singles Match Bedlam vs. Phoenix Winterborn (Bedlam and Othniel saved Rich's chances to defeat Winterborn last week- as Natural Selection's Sergeant of Arms has stepped it up in setting the pace for the rest of the group in terms of production. Defeating Ace Hart last week- Bedlam also announced that since Winterborn wanted Natural Selection so badly- he'd get his shot. This is what Winterborn wanted- a crack at NS one on one- well, he's got his shot. Let's see what he does with it.)
Hardcore Match Sir Owen Gyles vs Damian Devir (Beating Decaine in a jousting match may not of been Sir Owen Gyles' best move- as part of the win came with Gyles breaking the front windshield of Decaine's 1967 Shelby GT 500'.. Decaine didn't appreciate that and wanted to make an example of Gyles so he booked him against the bright star- Damian Devir. On a roll as off late- Devir toppled Jamie Static this week- now he's looking to keep chugging along forward against The Warrior of Light. This is no jousting contest- this is a one on one match up, will Gyles survive Devir.. In Devir's speciality, a hardcore match!? It's safe to say that this ISN'T Gyles cup of tea- does this have something to do with Decaine's Shelby? Yes. )
Three Way Dance Scott McCoy vs. Shane Satan vs. Chase Young (Originally the match featured Tripp Arickson, but due to unforeseen circumstances, he was forced to be yanked off of the card. These three newcomers have a golden oppurtunity to impress Decaine and get a shot at working with The Mad Genius- McCoy, Satan and Young can definitely open some eyes in this four way brawl. Not much is known about either man- all of them are making their debut, so the best way to go on a debut is to win- that's what each of these three are looking forward to. Who'll edge out and take the win? Any of them can steal it and impress the boss.)
Opener Jacob Mitchell vs Loose Cannon (Jake.. On Underground.. In the opener no less?! A HUGE chance for Underground to be taken on a more serious level with The Prodigal Son being featured on it. Jake looks to continue to lead by example- as a dominating force as he takes on PWT newcomer- Loose Cannon. Many are looking for Jake to rip through Loose Cannon like a Hurricane- but Loose Cannon could have the biggest win of his career- short career- if he found a way to slow Jake down. With Loose Cannon defy odds- or is he just blood in the water for The Bull Shark?)
ALSO APPEARING: Megastar, Christine Smith, Kei Hideshima, Natural Selection
(Card Subject To Change) |
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Re:PWT Friday Night Underground - September 24, 2010
Date Posted:09/25/2010 9:35 PMCopy HTML
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Re:PWT Friday Night Underground - September 24, 2010
Date Posted:09/26/2010 9:21 AMCopy HTML
Jacob Mitchell vs. Loose Cannon
As he said he was- Jake set the tone of the night here. Getting a pretty wicked pop upon arrival, The Prodigal Son took the fight to Loose Cannon, and the kid pretty much didn't stand a chance. Jake cut off LC's offense on many occasions, but it wasn't until LC tried a top rope manuever, Jake destroyed him. At one point in the match, LC managed to gain an advantage and some momentum but Jake fired off a move that he's been hitting recently, a Yakuza Kick he dubbed "Dead Man's Switch." Cleaning LC's head almost off of his shoulders- but Jake didn't slow the match there. Instead he kept the punishment up, after each hit he shouted "WHERE'S TEAM PWT AT" as a way to try and rub it in. It wasn't until a good twelve minutes of brute punishment- LC tried one last round of offense but Jake killed those chances with a HUGE Prodigal Drop and got the win. Jake didn't bother with an attack- he didn't bother rubbing the victory in- after the three count he pushed himself up and looked around before smirking down at Loose Cannon's fallen body- as the scene cut to the back.
.. Ever Fire Your Gun in the Air and Shout "Aaargh?"
Nitro: The Nitro loves it!
Running his hand over the polished hood- the light beamed off the glossy exterior, it was a beautiful car. Decaine invested a lot of money in it- definitely his pride and joy. His stopped his hand right before he touched the windshield causing the camera to pull back, showing him there.
Decaine: Owen Gyles, I'm not calling you "Sir," because you're delusional. You tried to harm my baby last week and for that- I tried to punish you. I tried to put you at a disadvantage, but somethings came up and it was looking like things were going to fall into your favor- but eh- eh. No.. No.. No.
Daniels: What the hell is he talking about?!!
Decaine: You see Gyles, as the sole head of Underground, I've been granted the power to do whatever the hell I want to do, meaning if you're not keen enough to pick up on it- you're at MY disposal. So because technically I can do what I want- I'm announcing that your match tonight against Damian Devir? It's been thrown out- because well- it has come to my knowledge that you are in possession of illegal substances.
Daniels: .. What..?
Decaine: Indeed. Grand Rapids Police searched your locker and came in contact with a sack labelled "Merlin's Magical Dust," which I presume is street name for some kind of mind-altering drug. The police are currently looking to take you down to the station for questioning, meaning- well, you've been disqualified since you're not able to make your match tonight. I hope everything goes well- Gyles, I hope that you can clear your name because I'd hate to see such a talented individual fall early to drugs- we don't need another Chris Webber on our hands..
Boo's flooded from the arena as Decaine gave a slow clap.
Decaine: I guess I'll be seeing you in five to ten- depends on if the D.A. steps it up and decides you had the intent to distribute. In that case? I'LL NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN!
The ovation Decaine let off got quicker as he smiled.
Decaine: So the winner of the match- By disqualification- DAMIAN DEVIR!
Just then- a huge >CRASH< was heard as Decaine jumped in his place. The camera panned to the left- showing Moonlight had actually KICKED Decaine's door OFF of it's hinges! Decaine's eyes went wide as the horse trotted off.. Decaine moved towards the door, layed on his back and just like Keanu Reeves in Point Blank shouted..
Once again Decaine's 'baby' gets hurt- this wouldn't sit well with him.. AT ALL.
Cameron: DUDE, LIKE NO!
A huge crash was heard in the back as the camera panned towards our culprits- South Beach Kru. As of late, they've been getting a lot of attention from both fans and other talent alike. Cameron was looking down at a broken vase at his feet as Donnie looked on, puzzled.
Donnie: You're an idiot.
Cameron: Like- No. You're the one that put too much touch on the pass dude. Like, this was Christine Smith's mom's favorite vase or something!
Donnie: Really? I missed the memo. I was too busy listening for another 'serious' message from Addams. I know what Natural Selection means- the guy gives me a headache. Him and his hero attitude.
Cameron: I know. Like- He's a hypocrite, dude. He tells Megastar "Dude no problems, k?" Then like, he goes and dedicates a whole section to the guy.
Donnie: You know what happened to the last martyr of pro wrestling right?
Cameron: Huh?
Donnie: He got buried. His name was Muhammad Hassan and he got powerbombed through the stage.
Shooting Donnie a blank stare- Cameron shrugged.
Cameron: Dude- The Lameass Revolution should get power-
Before Cameron could finish, Donnie whipped the Nerf Ball they was playing with off to the side as walking into the locker-room was Adam and Christine Smith. Cameron stood at attention like a private in front of a general as Donnie looked on. Stepping forward and in front of the broken vase- Adam smirked.
Adam: Stand down soldier, everything is fine.
Cameron: Like, yes dude-sir.
Donnie: Everything cool?
Adam: Everything is cool. Tonight, Chase's bitchass is MINE, and I plan on paying him back ten-fold for the way he badmouthed my queen..
Looking off at the very beautiful Christine Smith, Adam nodded.
Donnie: Good.
Cameron: Like- totally.
Adam: I need to get ready for my match- You two better keep good watch over Christine, because if you blow it- if anything happens to her under your watch..?
The Jackal stepped forward and cut a sly smirk.
Adam: Somebody is gonna get stuffed and mounted. Trust me boys, this Jackal's word is true.
Tapping each man on the side of the face before stepping forward- the scene cut back to Christine looking on.
Cameron: Dude, I feel.. Like- Kevin Costner in Bodyguard!
Donnie: I feel like Sinbad in First Kid, only if the first kid was actually the first lady..
Christine: I feel like Carrie right before she blew the school up with her mind..
Cameron: LIKE, WHOA!
Scott McCoy vs. Shane Satan vs. Chase Young
The contest between the 'new blood' of PWT was alright, the crowd was kinda flat, not really reacting to either man's moves. McCoy was definitely the 'weaker link' in the match if there was one, the competition between Young and Satan was prominent though. A lot of the hardcore- die hard fans in The Angel Arena ridiculed Satan with chants of 'YOU CAN'T WRESTLE,' kinda similar to how the ECW Fans mocked Orton when he took on Angle. Satan- although face, played to the crowd pretty well, keeping character and not breaking kayfabe. Young looked to be in his element though, the kid was definitely talented and had a few solid exchanges with Satan- McCoy threw in some offense, but everything was dominated by either Young or Satan. As the match winded down- a sweet little exchange that showed off each man's strengths- McCoy managed to hit a CBD on Satan- kinda sloppy but he hit it, Young followed that up with a Untrustworthy Confessions- Satan managed to recover from the CBD from McCoy and hit Young with the 'Nuff Said' and made the cover on McCoy who was closer as Young- knowing he had been hit with a big move rolled out of the ring to save face and not get beat- smart for a new kid who had impressive ring presence as Satan made the cover and got the win.
Two Bombshells.. KAPOW!
A promotion named UWWE existed last year- right before the end of MSN's reign as the supreme ruler networks on professional wrestling. Nevertheless, UWWE housed several prominent athletes- From Addams to Stevenson.. to Kevin Sane, Xtremist, even The Prodigal Son. Alex Bradford owned the UWWE, and he was now managing Xtremist within the halls of PWT. As Decaine moved through the back, furious about what happened with his car and Moonlight- turning the corner, Decaine banged into an individual- that being Alex Bradford. Being in absolutely no mood for anything- especially running into a rival despite IRX and UWWE being from different eras, Decaine arched a brow.
Decaine: What the hell are you doing at my show?
Bradford: What?!
Decaine: What? I didn't know I stuttered. I said.. WHAT-ARE-YOU-DOING-HERE? I don't know if you've noticed but this isn't Shockwave, this is Underground and I KNOW I didn't request your clients services.
Bradford: Uh, I'm around because Xtremist is here, checking the show out.
Decaine: Why?
Bradford: .. Cause he's a professional wrestler?
Turning the corner- we saw Xtremist and he didn't look too thrilled, he always looked mad at the world so it was nothing new. Standing aside of Bradford with his arms over his chest- he mean-mugged Decaine.
Xtremist: Problem here?
Decaine: Yeah I've got a problem. Your lazy ass 'manager' is standing in the middle of MY hall during MY show. I don't know if this is how you guys did it in.. Unversal.. Unprofessional.. Unleashed World Wide Wicked Wizard Wrestling Entertainment- but that's not how we do it around here.. So I sugge-
Cutting him off- Xtremist chimmed in.
Xtremist: Does it look like we care about your opinion?
"Does it look like we care about your litle promo crying about being not taken serious for a 'former' world Champion?"
Attention shifted to behind Decaine- As standing there with a black beanie, a pair of sweats and a throwback Rodman jersey was Cryse Treborn. Cryse stepped up and pulled the beanie off of his head and stuffed it in his pocket.
Cryse: Xtremist, huh?..
Cryse smirked and cocked The Prodigal Brow.. It was genetic.
Cryse: .. Don't look too 'extreme' too me.
Xtremist: Who the hell are you supposed to be? I thought stage-hands weren't allowed to interact with talent? The ring needs to be scrubbed kid, I suggest you get out there and clean it during intermission.
Cryse: Yeah, I can use your face a mop then. I don't know if you think you impress people with your little rant- but I've goot news for you 'Xtremist..'
Stepping up and getting into Xtremist's face- Cryse stared on.
Cryse: .. I ain't Matt Ward. I'd like to see you pull that underhanded stuff against someone that'll smack that poor excuse for a beard off of your face.
Xtremist: Why don't you try and see what happens, ring-rat?
Looking over- Decaine wasn't going to blow this. He didn't care about Xtremist- his golden egg laying goose was standing right before him.. and Xtremist had potential all of a sudden, Decaine saw the sparks- invisible to everyone but himself- flying. These two were so much alike, it was awesome. They both thought they were the best and would literally die trying to prove it- they had the same ring style AND they both were just kicking off their PWT careers.. Decaine knew this was destiny showing him her boobs- he had to take advantage of it. Grabbing Cryse by the shoulder, Decaine smirked and stepped forward as Xtremist and Bradford stared on.
Decaine: Now.. Now, kids. Cryse.. Xtremist? Why not settle this in the ring at the next Underground?
Xtremist: Why wait? I'd teach this little punk a lesson right here- right now.
Cryse: I'd hit you so quick, I'd warp back to the start of the Revolutionary War.
Decaine: Because, as Bradford pointed on, you're professional wrestlers not pit-fighters. You settle scores in the ring, in front of the people and not behind the scenes, that's not how this business is. Oh.. And by the way..
Decaine slapped Cryse on the shoulder.
Decaine: That big surprise I had? You're looking at'em. Fifth Generation star..
Xtremist: Looks like a little rookie to me. Nothing special.. Nothing at all.
Decaine: Now that's remained to be seen. How about you settle it next week?
Cryse: Fine with me. Just another reason to expose another worthless world champion. They seem to be a dime-a-dozen these days. Talking about nothing special? I've never heard of eWa.. Then again, I've never heard of UWWE neither so I guess- your World Title reign is as legit as your fat friend being a natural blonde, huh?
Smirking Cryse looked on as Xtremist took smirked.
Decaine: Is it on next week?
Xtremist: I've got no complaints- I'll see you next week, little boy. Hopefully you've got something to back that mouth up or the only one getting 'exposed,' is another punkass multi-generation wrestler living off the name of the people before him. Mitchell- Treborn, same difference. Let's see if you're any good.
Cryse: I wouldn't worry about me- you should be worried about you. Xtremist, ah? I'll put that name to the test.
Decaine: IT'S ON!
With a little staredown- the scene slowly faded off to black as we cut to commerical.
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Re:PWT Friday Night Underground - September 24, 2010
Date Posted:09/26/2010 11:21 AMCopy HTML
Never *Chase* Heroin
Chase: So you've got yourself a pair of p[censored]s, is that suppose to be intimidating? If I REALLY wanted Christine, I'd have her spread eagle on my bed, with a dildo in her mouth to stop the screaming.
Shot to life- We see Chase Heroin leaned against a wall- looking as cocky as ever.
Chase: So here we are, a few more filler matches before I slap you around like I'd do to that little bitch of yours. This week has been fun Adam, I loved the talk 'cause for a second I was sure that your balls had actually dropped, but then you went all Pillman on us and busted out the gun- you jumped the shark you stupid f[censored]k, and you only had one match in PWT. There's no coming back from that- where's Andrews after he said he was going to 'kill' Jake? He's no where to be found, because that's so f[censored]g stupid, it makes people tire of your ass.
Chucking at his comment0 Chase quickly threw a stupid face on and held his hand out like a gun.
Chase: MY NAME IS ADAM SMITH, I LIKE TO BE CALLED THE JACKAL, I CARRY AROUND GUNS TO SCARE PEOPLE BECAUSE MY C[censored]K IS SMALL SO I NEED TO ACT TOUGH, BLAH BLAH BLAH SHUT THE F[censored]K UP! I'm not afraid of you man- your ears make me laugh. If you get caught in a gust of wind, you're gonna be like a kite in a telephone pole, you're fried. But- Tonight- I'm going to SHOW you who the f[censored]k the best on Underground is. I dare your new friends to get involved too- That's if of course..
Chase stroked at his goatee.
Chase: They aren't double teaming Christine- I know black chicks are freaky- I know Christine is freaky..
Bringing his index and middle finger up, he smelled them together and sighed.
Chase: .. I love it. See you soon sweet-heart, I promise- I won't go TOO hard. Gotta pop that cherry, can't leave it untouched, I mean afterall- You wanted me, right? You're gonna get me, in full form.
With a smile wink- the camera cut to ringside now.
Phoenix Winterborn versus Bedlam
Daniels: Umm.. OK?
Nitro: The Nitro is like.. Confused?
Daniels: Ladies and gentlemen I've been informed that Bedlam has NOT arrived to the arena. I'm being told that due to unforeseen circumstances he will not be attending Underground this week- a unspecified important date has come up, causing him to have to withdraw out of the match tonight.
Nitro: Meaning..
Daniels: Bedlam won't be here tonight.. I hope everything is OK.. That's two pretty big hits for Natural Selection, first Othniel goes down with that torn rotator cuff and now Bedlam.. is pretty much M.I.A?
Nitro: The Nitro knows that Natural Selection is a well oiled machine, but this is pushing it. They're down Othniel indefinitely- and The Nitro hopes they get Bedlam or they're walking into Hardcore Hell with just three members- The Nitro ain't no mathematician, but the match involves five from Team PWT, five from Team Megastar and five from Natural Selection- they're at three now and The Nitro is worrying about their chances!
Nevertheless- with no theme music, out marched Phoenix Winterborn from the back. The fans popped like crazy as Winterborn rolled into the ring and was tossed a mic.
Winterborn: Are you SERIOUS?!
Resting his foot on the bottom rope facing the ramp- Winterborn sighed.
Winterborn: I have no opponent for tonight because Bedlam wussed out at the last minute? I can't believe this nonsense- Look Decaine, I know you're best friends with them or something- so I'll make this clear so there's no confusion..
The camera cut to a new angle as Winterborn stared into it.
Winterborn: Underground isn't worth my time- it isn't worth the time of anyone who stands against Natural Selection. Instead of sending someone out here to give me a match, you take the low-road and have Daniels annouce it, pathetic. You make me sick- that's why from here on out, I'll stick to Shockwave. Say what you want about Brooks, atleast he doesn't shaft you for his friends. I'll be on Shockwave. You'll NEVER see me on Underground again- unless I'm here to kill it off and make sure this show fails.
Daniels: Did.. Did Winterborn just quit Underground?!
Shaking his head- Winterborn tossed the microphone over his shoulder and was about to roll out of the ring- but stopping him dead in his tracks was the stare from The Bull Shark who stood on top of the ramp. With no shirt on, just a pair of stone-washed denim jeans, Jake looked on while bringing the microphone up to his lips.
Jacob: Are you finished crying yet? Wait, you know- Don't answer that. Instead, listen to this. I've had to put up with listening to you cry to whoever'll listen about wanting to challenge me- Nobody takes you serious because no one believes you stand a chance against me. But that was until Decaine got his time- his oppurtunity to run the show..
Daniels: Huh?!
Jacob: It goes like this Winterborn. Brooks won't give you the match 'cause you're not worth the effort of the paperwork he's gonna have to fill out regarding workplace injury. But Decaine? He'll give you the match, 'cause Decaine knows how to please these leeches here..
Pointing around at the fans, they of course boo'd him- feeding into his ways.
Jacob: - But you've gotta wait. You need to exhibit patience. See, just because you've got a victory over Bedlam- who DID have matters to attend far more important than kicking you around the ring- doesn't put you up the ladder, but I'm willing on giving you a pass. You don't have to face Escobar- you don't have to face Bain- After Hardcore Hell- after Natural Selection destroys Team PWT- You and me- One on one- Only on Underground.
Jacob: The ball is in your court- Think long and hard about it.. 'cause there ain't no turning back. You really wanna step in the ring with me and endure the psychological trauma I bring to the table- that's on you. Then, the actual match itself where I tear you limb from limb? I'd advise you think wisely, I don't show mercy- I show no compassion. I'll let you think about it, you know where to find Decaine if you're ready on signing your PWT death-warrant. You'll be just another name to add to the list of fallen PWT Stars- Nothing more- nothing less.
Dropping the mic, Jake moved the mic from his lips as he and Winterborn's staredown continued.
Judah's Sideburns is the Mystery?
Outside of Judah's locker-room, yep Judah had his own locker-room due to his extreme coolness. Nonetheless- Judah's door was creaked slightly open as he was seen with a cigarrette hanging off of his lips.
Judah: You ready to show this a[censored]e what happens when you mess with me?!
No response from the mystery man, but Judah smiled.
Judah: He stands no chance baby, NO CHANCE!
Just like that- Judah stepped out of his locker-room and closed the door a bit behind him, just enough to block any view of who was in there.. The mystery remains, who was Judah's mystery man?
.. Could it Be?
Cutting from Judah's mystery to the back of the arena- the camera was seen standing over the body of a fallen securty guard. Split open like a melon with what looked to be a cigarrette burn in the center of his forehead- blood dropped from the wound, as the camera spun around to see another fallen body.
Daniels: Now what the hell is going on back there?!
A huge >PAHKHACK!< sounded- and in the distance the image of a body falling limp was in center frame. Hurrying towards the body of ANOTHER security offical-
Before the camera man could get to the area- whoever the culprit was, had disappeared.. but leaving a trail of burnt foreheads and busted skulls in his or her path. As the scene faded- around a corner smoke was seen- light amount, definitely cigarrette smoke.. maybe it was Judah.. Nah, couldn'd be. Judah was on the otherside of the arena- who could possibly be breaking people's skulls and burning them with a cigarrette?
The Nega vs. Judah's Mystery Opponent
Standing in the ring- the fans were pretty pumped as they were high on The Nega. Something about the guy was different, and that difference set him apart from the rest of PWT. Now the camera shifted to the top of the ramp where Judah had strutted out with that swag of his. Staring off towards The Nega- he lifted the mic up.
Judah: Alright- the moment you've ALL been waiting for.. The introduction of The Nega's opponent. Now this ain't no joke- but this guy- he may be good, but he damn sure ain't no Judah! So- your opponent you masked freak- the one.. the only..
Daniels: Who?!
Judah: .. Appppppppppppooooooooolllllllllloooooooooooooooooooo..
Daniels: Oh.. My.. God..
Surely enough- stepping through the curtain- the 7'4''.. four hundred and fifty pound tattooed beast. Looking over at Judah with a smug look, he continued down the ramp- The Nega looked.. well.. awestruck. Once he hit the ring- Judah was quick to follow and begun shouting at Apollo, the crowd was too shocked, it's been a while since Apollo had been around. Stepping over the top rope- The Nega attacked Apollo, but with a huge right hand, he shoved The Nega back.
Daniels: Apollo?! Last time we seen him, he was running with the 3rinity!
Nitro: The Nitro says that's a HUGE motherflower!
Nega rushed forward again- this time Apollo scooped him up with one arm and planted him into the mat- it didn't look like it took a lot out of The Titan, but it surely took a lot out of The Nega. With an impressive show of strength- Apollo grabbed The Nega by his head and pulled him up- slapping his hand against Nega's throat. With a single heave- Apollo lifted The Nega into the air and planted him with a chokeslam Apollo liked to call "Apollo's Arrow."
Calling Judah into the ring- the ref warned against it, but one look from Apollo shut him up quick. Judah laughed and smiled as Apollo stood back, pointing at Judah, telling him to make the cover. As Judah stepped forward- Apollo shook his head and smirked, before slapping his hand around Judah's throat!
Surely enough Judah fell victim to Apollo's Arrow, just as Nega did- only this time Apollo dropped Judah on Nega's fallen body. Putting his left foot on Judah's chest the ref counted to three as Apollo lifted his arms into the air..
Daniels: Apollo is back.. I can't believe it! THIS IS HUGE!
Due to conflicting problems between Aimoo and the artist of Apollo's current theme- it was blacked out, but Apollo's huge self was seen standing on the top of both men, like a Titan that conquered the world.. Apollo was back and there wasn't a man big enough to slow him down- he'd DEFINITELY be a problem.
After Apollo's debut.. The camera was backstage, where the scene opened up with Megastar Mitchell lounging around the back, looking like- well, a true grizzled veteran. No sign of Duke Andrews meant he was alone, but he didn't mind it. He knew that NS wouldn't try anything, they knew better than that. Pushing himself up- he begun forward where he stepped and closed in on the recently debuted Cryse Treborn who was leaned up against a wall, looking on.
Megastar: My boy.. Finally got your big break!
Cryse: Next week- Me and Xtremist go one on one.
Megastar: Piece of cake. You've got it, don't sweat it.
Cryse: I'm more worried about the issue you're having with Jake, pops. He's different these days, he's not the same guy I remember. He's got too much going on- plus with Othniel dropping and Bedlam being AWOL, it's gonna make him even more ruthless knowing he may be down 2 guys for Natural Selection.
Megastar: Don't worry about your uncle, that's my concern. All you do is make sure next week, you get your ass out there and show the world why you're the one that's gonna lead the charge- not Othniel- not Xtremist, not nobody. You've got it all my boy, not it's time to execute.
Cryse: You watch your back pops, they're like wolves..
Megastar: Like trained wolves. If it's one thing they won't do- they won't jump me. Maybe they'd jump Andrews, I'm actually expecting that- hell, we both are.. but that's the consequences for standing up to them. I've got something in store of them at Shockwave, you just wait.
Cryse: Wait?! I was about to jet, we should go talk about this over dinner, my treat!
Megastar: Deal.
As the two walked off- they reached a turn and made it- the camera panned and turned to see Jake standing there with Bain and Esco.. Jake's arms was folded over his chest as Bain smirked and Con looked on.
Jake: I guess it's time we make my nephew a deal he can't refuse, just for insurance purposes..
The camera cut to semi-static as the scene fizzled out slowly- now to the last commerical break of the evening.
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- Register:04/09/2010 4:35 AM
Re:PWT Friday Night Underground - September 24, 2010
Date Posted:09/26/2010 12:03 PMCopy HTML
Possession is Nine-Tenths the Law
Back from the break- we're in the back again where Sir Owen Gyles in standing the parking lot with Moonlight, he had been closed in by police officers. Looking at the four men, he took a long breath.
Sir Owen Gyles: If you believe I have commited a crime, I must be a man of honor and turn myself to the law.
Holding his arms out, a officer stepped forward and handcuffed him.
Officer #1: If you claim those are not drugs, even though it looks like pure 100% Columbian Disco Inducing powder, then you're off the hook. We've gotta protect the safety of the promotion, with the roster and all.
Sir Owen Gyies: Believe me officer, I know you mean no harm and am just performing your civil duty. The bag of dust, it was given to me after slaying that ghastly Green Knight as a thank you from the great Merlin himself!
Officer #2: .. Did he just confess to a murder?!
Sir Owen Gyles: Of course not! I am no murderer, just a knight of the round table!
Officer #3: You can tell us ALL about it at the station-house. We've even got donuts and coffee!
Leading Gyles towards the back of a police car- the officers placed him within it. Looking around though, a look of worry crossed The Warrior of Light's face.
Sir Owen Gyles: What about my steed?! Moonlight cannot be left alone- especially with that tyrant!
Officer #2: Don't worry Gyles, your horse is going to be picked up by our animal unit and taken to your home. They're just running late- some crazy guy let a bunch of wild pit-bulls go around the corner.
This didn't sit well in Gyles head, but before he could plead his case- the cop slammed the door.
Officer #1: This guy is nuts. Get Sapolsky on the phone- tell'em we need the shrink to meet us there. Green Knights.. Merlin's Dust?! He's either psycho or he's just- psycho.
Officer #3: I'm with the latter option.
The officers had a laugh as they got into their car and drove off. Moonlight was seen standing, watching as her master was being escorted away.. but before it could take off- a infra-red light fell on it's ribcage and a loud >POP< sounded as dart was suddenly stuck in Moonlight's body. The horse shook it's head a few times before dropping to it's front legs.. and then to it's back legs- then down on it's side, passed out. Stepping into the scene with a tranq gun pressed against his shoulder was Decaine and he was all smiles now. Looking off towards the cop car that drove off and then down towards Moonlight, he had a look of achievement on his face.
Decaine: I told you I'd get even you nut- not only did I cause you to lose- but I got you arrested AND am gonna have possession of this stupid horse. That'll teach you to play games with me.
"Decaine? I have business I wish to speak with you."
Turning to the source of the voice- Decaine was standing a good few feet away from the masked Kei Hideshima. Nodding, Decaine smirked, he was fond of this guy too as only one could wonder what that 'business' was going to be about. And just like that- we go to ringside.. for the main-event. Decaine stood triumphant as this week he had gotten the last laugh on Gyles, but would The Warrior of Light leave this sins unpunished?
Chase Heroin vs. Adam "The Jackal" Smith
This proved to be EVERYTHING plus more as Chase and Adam went full steam ahead, they looked to be working extra stiff. In the early moments of the match, it spilled outside the ring and really.. took some time for it go back into the ring. While outside though, Adam showed to have a HUGE advantage as he had no respect for Chase and beat him senseless. Hitting with everything except the kitchen sink, Chase ate a few hard chair-shots, one of them even split Chase's head wide open. Smith looked to be in control when Heroin hit him with a low blow that turned the match in his favor. From there, it was Chase's turn to deal punishment and he didn't let up. Smith took a wicked chair-shot, it didn't cut him but it shook him. The match spilled outside the ring once more- at one point it even reached the locker-room section. Chase kept shouting for Christine- but he got no answer, instead he took a few stiff shots from Adam. Heading back ring-side, Chase got taken down, and now Christine and SBK headed towards the ring. The fans popped as when they hit the ring- Christine took the oppurtunity to trip Chase up as he hit the ropes- giving Adam the oppurtunity to hit The Stuffed and Mounted, getting the pin. As he got the pin- Christine and SBK rolled into the ring and begun to beat Chase down along side Adam- a sweet victory that'd soon turn salty.. from the taste of blood.
He's.. Heeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Chase tried to cover up from the stomps as the fans cheered and chanted for more- that's when a heartbeat pulsated througn the arena- riling them up.. big time.
Daniels: WHAT WAS THAT?!
The heart-beat caused the lights to flicker and then- out of seemingly no where "Bloody, Beat and Scarred" by Metallica started through the crowd- the fans went absolutely insane as the lights cut off, entirely.
The lights was off for about five or six seconds and when it went back on- Adam, Christine and SBK had paused the beatdown of Chase and perched up on the turnbuckle with a cigarrette in his mouth and a kendo stick in his right hand wrapped in barbedwire was-
The fans POPPED again as DD jumped down- Donnie was the first to turn and was met upside the head with a kendo stick. Cameron rushed forward and too was taken off his feet with the kendo stick. Christine and Adam remained as Death Dealer stepped forward- standing over Chase's fallen body as he didn't exhibit a facial expression- let alone a word. The crowd chanted his name as he took a drag of his cigarrette before flicking it out of the ring after killing the cherry.
Dealer pointed the kendo stick towards Adam- and then to Christine before using it to gesture the cut throat motion. Adam was smarter than to try and go after DD after that hectic match and rolled out of the ring, taking his wife with him. SBK regrouped outside the ring, standing behind Adam and Christine as Metallica continued to slam on- Death Dealer just stood over Heroin's body- staring off at those outside the ring.
The cryptic scene of DD staring towards Chase's newly found enemies- and him standing over Heroin had the fans in a frenzy as the camera slowly begun to close out.. What a way to end Underground.. ANTICIPATION ROCKS!
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