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Date Posted:08/10/2010 10:26 PMCopy HTML

Sunday August 15th, 2010 Commentary Team: Bobby Fecca & Eddie Styles Venue: US Airways Center, Phoenix, Arizona Theme Song: "Diamond Eyes (Boom-Lay Boom-Lay Boom" by Shinedown Deadline: 11PM CST MONDAY! August 16th 24 Hour Deadline 11pm CST Sunday Night
Main Event PWT World Hevayweight Championship Triple Threat Hell In A Cell Match Xavier Homicide (c) vs Duke Andrews vs Damien Collins Ref Assigned: Jim Richards Rules: Everyone knows a HIAC's rules Writer: Justin (A little more than a month ago Xavier Homicide completed his journey to the top of the mountain in PWT. He fought against all the politics and sneak atatcks to get there. But there's no rest when you're the World's Heavyweight champion! His two challenger on this night took different paths to the title. Duke Andrews attacked the champion, distracted him, and cost the X-Man matches. On the other hand Damien Collins made his way to the championship betaing other possible contenders. This is a chalelnger that X can respect. But folks will the HIAC be big enough to contain this epic clash?)
Femme Fatale Championship Lumberjill Match Tani Lyons (c) vs Mikah Ref Assigned: Mitch Roberts Rules: All other Femme Fatales who've debuted on TV witha match will surround the ring. If either Tani or Mikah end up outside the ring its their duty to throw them back in Writer: Heather (Back in July when we kicked off this new season of PWT there were two Femme Fatales that rose above all the others. First Mikah rose above the competition in a femme fatale battle royale to secure herself this title shot. Later that night Tani defeated marie Dominque to end her PWT career and become the NEW Femme Fatale championess. Since that time both women have been on impressive streaks. Tani is currently undefeated and Mikah has suffered just one defeat. Its finally go-time for these two lionesses of the Femme Fatale pride!)
Titanium Championship Caged Ladder Match Scott Addams vs Zarek Lyle Ref Assigned: Willie Sharpe & Mitch Roberts Rules: Match begins in a cage with a roof attached featuring a trapdoor. There are 2 ladders attached to opposite sides of the cage. You must use a ladder to get through the trap door. You then need to pull the ladder up with you to then climb it to the Titanium title Writer: Scotty McAddams (This match was set-up when it was learned Drew Stevenson wouldn't be returning for the new season of PWT. The announcement was made that the final two men left in the #1 Newcomer Battle Royale would face-off at this event for the Titanium strap. Well we've gone ahead and made this match a caged ladder match between twof of PWT's brightest young stars, the New Revolution if you will. However with the threat of Natural Selection in the air, is this dangerous match really wise? Probably not, but there's too much pride on the line to take that into consideration folks. Tune in for one hell of a match!)
Inferno Grudge Match Whisper vs Nevyrmorr Ref Assigned: Frank Mason Rules: There will be piping around the ring shooting flames up. You can only win the match by setting your opponent on fire Writer: Matlock (This was a match originally scheduled for Line In The Sand back in June. At that time doctors wouldn't clear Whisper to wrestle. So over the past month Nevyrmorr has continued to taunt an torment Whisper. In the course of this feud we've seen Terri laMin and Kim Pain be dragegd in. On this night though things will be settled one on one between Nev and Whisper. Is this really her last hoorah in the ring or will the Diva of Destruction send Nevyrmorr into Exile? This match is gonna be HOTLY contested one way or another)
Advertised Segment CM & Kaydence/Masked Duo Confrontation Writer: Johnathan (Week after week the Masked Mana nd Woman duo have been pains in the backsides of Kaydence and CM. Well last week this deadly duo challenged for PWT's power couple to meet them in the cage for a confrontation at Caged Combat. Will this really be the culimnation of all these weeks of sneak attacks? or is this just another bit of trickery cooked up by the Masked Duo?)
Backyard Brawl Match Javen vs Matt Matlock vs Eagle Ref Assigned: Willie Sharpe Rules: A backyard will be built outside the arena including a six-foot tall wooden fence. These three men will fight it out using various backyard favorites as weapons. The first to score a pinfall or submission wins Writer: Johnathan (This match was originallty intended to be Javen vs Matlock vs Ryan Starr. Word is that it would be for a future title shot but no word on which title. We don't know if that's still going to be awarded to the winner or not. Brooks is very mum on teh subject. However Eagle has been added to the match as Ryan subtracted himself. It'd seem the free-spirit has begin to garne himself some attention form the higher ups. But folks what's going to happen as the pioneers of this match return to it? There's been an obvious rift between Matlock an Javen in recent times)
Tag Team Championship Cage Match Power & Glory - Gee + Tank vs The Rossdale Sisters - Lori Anne + Elizabeth Ref Assigned: Jim Richards in the cage, Frank Mason outside the cage Rules: You win this match one of three ways - Pinfall, submission, or both members of the team escape the cage. Writer: Big Bad John (Georgia James has wormed her way into the heart of PWT owner Jonathan Brooks giving birth to the new hot coupe "Geebrooks". This has been a beneifical relationship for Georgia as she convinced her "boo" to award her an Tank the tag team titles. She'd also secured what many felt was an easy match against The Bullet Brothers for this show. But with the attack on the Bullets by natural Selection that won't be happening. Gee has since chosen the Rossdales to take the place of the Bullets. Can Power & Glory roll over the Rossdales or will the Rossdale gals get the biggest upset ever in their career?)
ALSO APPEARING: Natural Selection?!, Draven, Phoenix Winterborn, Jonathan Brooks, Ryan Starr and MORE!
Card Subject To Change |
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Re:PWT Presents: Caged Combat! - August 15th,2010
Date Posted:08/19/2010 7:01 AMCopy HTML
We fade from black to the word "WARNING" in its big red lettering. Underneath is the actual warninga bout illegally viewing the following pay per view event. Ya know the drill with fines and possible jailtime. Once that fades away we fade into a video recapping all the major feuds leading into Caged Combat.
Georgia James is seen working Brooks to get her way for the Tag straps.....CM & Kaydence are shown getting attacked again and again by the masked duo.....Javen is seen pulling Matlock out of the ring....Matlock shown slapping the taste out of Javen's mouth.....Eagle is seen flying high an taking out opponents.....Nev is shown burning Whisper's face months ago.....Whisper's shocking return....Nev challenging Whisper for an inferno match.....Scott Addams and Zarek Lyle making elimnations in the #1 Newcomer Battle Royale....Lyle gets rid of Addams.....A title seen hanging in the air as we see Addams an Lyle face to face.....Mikha winning the Femme Fatale battle royale....Tani beating Marie Dominque......Tani an Mikah beating the same opponents enroute to tonight....until last week when Tani beat Lilian but Mikah fell to Ginny Genocide.....Tani holding the title and Mikah looking on determined.......Then we look at Xavier Homicide fighting through a tough series of weeks enroute to tonight......Duke Andrews and his "shady" tactics to reach a championship match......Damien Collins doing things the right way.....The PWT World Heavyweight title in the background with pictures of DC, Xavier, and Duke before it. A HIAC is suddenly dropped over things....
The video ends and we come in LIVE to the US Airways Center in beautiful Phoenix, Arizona. There's the obligatory explosion of pyros as "Diamond Eyes" by Shinedown blasts.

The camera begins to pan all over the arena. Fans are screaming and cheering, waving signs in support fo their favorite wrestlers. Of course there's those with signs antagonizing various stars. There's even some "pirate" NS shirts and signs in the crowd. But the camera pulls away from those quickly and comes down to the ringside announce table. Bobby Fecca and Eddie Styles are at ringside with us dressed in their Sunday best.
Fecca: WELCOME LADIES AN GENTLEMEN TO CAGED COMBAT! We're here live in Phoenix, Arizona at the US Airways Center with a sold out crowd onhand! Thank you everybody watching at home for welcoming us into your home tonight. Folks this is our first pay per view offering to you in this new season and we've got a hell of a card on tap for tonight.
Styles: No doubt about that Bobbsie! You take the card we have for tonight and you've got a great pay per view card by itself. However you got to remember that this is the return of a pay per view concept that I've loved since it began in oh-five. Every match will have some knd of confinement applied to kick things up a notch. We've got a cage match! There's a Caged Ladder match! Inferno match! My favorite, the Lumberjill match! Backyard brawl match! That's a PWT original Bobbsie, and of course we've got the triple threat Hell In A Cell match!
Fecca: You're right there Eddie! Tonight's card is already an extremely strong one for pay per view. But folks when you add in the concept of this pay per view its really amps things up. Not to mention that we have FOUR HUGE title matches tonight. The first of these will be in just a few moments as Georgia james and Tank, known as Power an Glory, defend the tag team championship against Lori Anne and Elizabeth Rossdale. Many believe this match to be a cakewalk for the champs, but the addition of the cage could be just the equalizer the Rossdales need. And what a huge upset it'd be for them if they won the titles.
Styles: Well I wouldn't be looking for that to happen Bobbsie. There's no way that Gee an Tank are losing those straps tonight. They're going to make minced-meat outta those girls.
Fecca: Minced-meat may be exactly what Zarek Lyle and Scott Addams look like after their caged ladder match tonight. These two longtime friends have quite a competitive streak between them. That does not bold well for the health of either man as they're surrounded by a cage with a roof on it and you include ladders.
Styles: Not at all. You know at a time like this with Natural Selection a growing threat by the day this match shouldn't even happen. Addams and Lyle should just come to some sort of agreement. Hell let Addams have the title. Lyle has the contract for a shot at any title he wants anyways. There's five months left on that thing. Lets focus on surviving Natural Selection and then he can chase titles.
Fecca: I can assure that won't happen Eddie. Honestly I don't even think Addams would accept the title that way. These men have alot of pride and want to prove who is the better tonight. But with Addams injuries I worry about this match.
Styles: Well I'm not at all for all this worrying Bobbsie. It brings me down and tonight I wanna be high on the excitement of pay per view! And hey there's nothing more exciting than every one of our femme fatales surrounding teh irng as the championess Tani Lyons defends her title against Mikah.
Fecca: That's going to be a hell of a match indeed. Tani has proven herself a string champion thusfar in her reign. However tonights he faces a great challenge in MIkah who has only suffered defeat once this season. Many argue that it was a fluke as Mikah was distracted with the championess outside the ring. Tonight is her chance to prove her point. Tani, though, is a woman who worked hard to become championess. She's not going to let that title slip from her grasp without puttingup the fight of her life.
Styles: You're right on the money there. And the best part is that even though all the lumberjills surrounding the ring may be jealous of Mikah, they've got to have their eye son teh c hampioness' title too. So this match should be pretty fair for Mikah to prove she's the new standard in the femme fatale division.
Fecca: You talk about standard in a division? Xavier Homicide has been a standard in the heavyweight division for awhile now. It all culminated for him on June twenty-seventh when he finally became PWT World's Heavyweight champion. But folks the road has been bumpy for Xavier since that time. He had his coronation as champion ruined by Duke Andrews. And since that time Duke has been a thorn in Xavier's side. He's cost him matches against Ryan Starr and his other challenger tonight, Damien Collins.
Styles: When you have a triple threat match Bobbsie the odds of your leaving as champion are dropped significantly. Something like thirty-three eprcent right? Well then you take the match and put in inside of the demonic Hell In A Cell? I'd say Homicide has almost zero chance of walking out tonight at all, much less still as champion.
Fecca: I can't disagree with thata ccessment of Xavier's chances to leave tonight as champion Eddie. That's going to be one hell of a match and I can't wait to see it. But lets not forget about our two non-title matches tonight. First we have what is a Caged Combat tradition: The Backyard Brawl match. This one is a PWT original that will feature Javen, Matlock, and Eagle.
Styles: What a great collection of talent in that match too. I love this match and how we take a few guys and throw them in a backyard filled with all kinds of goodies. Javen and Matlock pioneered this type of match a few years ago. They know what to expect in this match. Eagle's been impresive lately I hate to admit. He should be right at home and able to do some damage here. However I'm predictiing here an now that Javen walks out the winner.
Fecca: If he can pull his tail from between his legs long enough to show up you mean? Anyways folks lets turn our attentions to the other non-title match tonight. That just happens to be an inferno match between Nevyrmorr and the Diva of Destruction, Whisper. This match stems from an event several months ago when Whisper was trying to announcer her retirement. However she was interupted by nev and his actions....I...I. Folka have a look back for yourselves.
The scene goes into a flashback to that fateful night.
{{ Whisper brings the mic to her lips " Thank you all for that tremendous welcome. I know we all haven't always seen eye to eye out here, but I hope you all also know that I love everyone of you and that is the reason I have stepped in the ring for so long"
Crowd chants" We love you too...We love you too"
Whisper" For years now I have come out to rings just like this one and I have put everything I have into being the best women's wrestler to ever lace a pair of boots. Now I'm not one to brag, but I think I have done just that as well as becoming perhaps one of the overall best wrestlers too. Lately though I have been away from the ring trying to heal up a career's worth of lingering injuries,and while I was away from the ring I had a lot of time to think about things. When I was a little girl I dreamed of becoming a professional wrestler and I did just that, but what I have achieved since then is beyond my wildest dreams. I have won more titles then I can remember and been in the ring with some of the greats. Now as I come to the cusp of a very difficult decision I asked myself what was I coming back for?"
The fans start to boo seemingly knowing where this is heading
" Now hear me out...I love this sport just as much as I did when I first started, but sometimes you gotta know when to walk away from something. I did that recently in my personal life as well and so tonight I'm here in this PWT ring before all of you wonderful fans to officially announce my retirement"
Crowd" Don't go...Don't go"
A few tears stream down Whisper's cheeks during this obviously emotional moment. " I'm not going anywhere, because as long as my girls Kimberly and Jazzy are in a wrestling, I'm right there with them in spirit. I'm going back home to Tampa and I'm going to spend some time with my family and friends....Thank you all for what you have given me and most of all thank you for giving me a life that I will never forget. "
Crowd "Thank you...Thank you...Thank you"
Whisper hands the microphone back out of the ring to Sabrina out on the floor and walks towards the far end of the ring on the ramp side.
Whisper starts to step through the ropes when a maniacal laughter fills the air..." AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA"
Whisper turns around to see Nevyrmorr, who was still lingering around the ringside area has taken the microphone from Sabrina and is now laying on the ring apron flat on his back looking up at the arena ceiling.
" You are kidding me right?"
Nev rolls to his side looking at Whisper.
"You are out here wasting our time to tell everyone that the old gray mare just can't cut it anymore"
Whisper turns back towards the center of the ring with Nev rolling in under the bottom ropes coming up to his feet with a sinister little smirk on his face.
" Ohhhh sureeee you can butt your nose into other people's business....Like mine. But you just can't cut it in the ring anymore, well Whisper,let me be the first to let you in on a little secret. "
Nev steps in face to face with Whisper now. " You never could cut it...You were nothing but someone else's arm candy. If you weren't with the boss in so many companies, you would have been forgot years ago. "
Nev slowly steps around Whisper sizing her up as the fans have kicked in the boos big time for Nev.
Nev stops back facing Whisper " Well Whisper you are right about one thing...You have done a lot of things in your career, but the one thing you have never done is beat me. Hmmm I wonder if you never would take a match with me because you know you can't beat me? "
Nev smiles, flashing his ghostly white teeth . "Since you just don't got the guts to wrestle anymore, perhaps you should just come back to my hotel room and show me the only thing you have ever been good at...I'm sure Terri wouldn't mind....Then again maybe you are to old for that too"
Whisper smiles holding out her hand as if offering to take Nev's hand. Nev smiles reaching for Whisper's hand only to get drilled with a right hook that would make Tyson retire all over again and Ali have another stroke....Whisper drills Nev several more times knocking him to the mat and sending him scrambling for an escape. With the crowd going nuts and Nev crawling towards the corner...Whisper taunts to her fans and points to Nev. Whisper grabs a hold of Nev pulling him to his feet and spinning him towards her....WHOOSHHHHHHHH....Is the sound that comes from the ring with a huge fireball explodes from Nev's hand hitting Whisper squarely in the eyes.Whisper immediately hits the mat writhing around in pain as Nev looks down at her with this shocked look on his face like perhaps he didn't mean to do it....He quickly rolls out of the ring as Referees and PWT staff rush to the ring trying to attend to Whisper.}}
Now the shot is back live at ringside.
Fecca: We'd soon find out folks that Nev had no remorse for that fireball and he antagonized Whisper for several shows before she revealed her sight had returned. This matchw as scheduled for Line In The Sand but doctors wouldn't yet clear Whisper. She has since been cleared and challenged to this match by Nev. Win or lose Whisper says this is the bookend of her illustrious career. Lets all hope that it doesn't end with somebody in the ICU burn unit.
Styles: I'm not looking forward to that match at all Bobbsie. Cooking human flesh just doesn't do anything good for me. Why couldn't they just have a "Whisper wrestles in a string bikini" match?
Fecca: I highly doubt she'd participate in that type of match. And I'd hate to see what would happen to whoever proposed the match to her. But folks enough about Eddie's wet dreams, its time for this show to get on the road! Our opening contest is for the Tag Team chapionship!

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Re:PWT Presents: Caged Combat! - August 15th,2010
Date Posted:08/19/2010 7:04 AMCopy HTML
The cage had been lowered around the ring while Fecca an Styles briefed us on tonight's card. The fans are buzzing. As we are just moments away from the opening bout of the night.
"Black Cat" by Janet Jackson kicks up and the fans cheer as The Rossdale Sisters of Lori Anne and Elizabeth make their way out to the ring all smiles.
Fecca: These girls are bigger underdogs then the 1-2-3 Kid when he faught Razor Ramon. Epic underdogs. I hope they pull it off and shock the world tonight. That'll teach Georgia and her evil ways.
Styles: What's gotten into you? Georgia's rollin' now. Ridin' high, bendin' corners, and sittin' ontop of the wooooorld!
Fecca: Yeah I lost respect for her she's sleezing it up to get ahead. That's not the Georgia I know.
On cue we Georgia and Tank make their presence known to a massive amounts of jeer as we hear, "Swagger Like Us"(freestyle) by Drake kick up. The Tag team champions strut out with the belts in tow. Georgia has her belt wrapped around her waist and Tank has his wrapped around his neck. They walk down the aisle reveling in the boos and jeers they're recieving as they get to ringside and rattle the cage so to speak. They then talk shop looking up at the Rossdales who are already in the ring. They climb up the ringsteps and walk through the cage door. They hand their championship belts to referee Frank Mason. The four PWT stars then stand toe to toe in the ring and Frank Mason hands the belts to Sabrina.
Georgia smirks to herself as she motions for Elizabeth come and fight her. Elizabeth steps forward and goes to lock up but Georgia pokes her in the eye stunning poor Elizabeth. The crowd boos. Georgia struts with a cocky smile written across her face.
Fecca: Already? She's cheating all ready! Seriously?
Styles: It's a steel cage match! It's all legal....
Fecca: Still. Who starts a match with a poke to the eye?
Styles: Gee that's who. The Goddess is baaaaaaaack and I love it.
Georgia took advantage of blinding Elizabeth and clipped her in the back of the knee. Elizabeth hit the canvas with a thud. Georgia immediately locks in the single leg boston crab and sits down on the hold. The fans are going nuts as Georgia tells her to tap out. But Lori Anne charged hit kicked Georgia right in the chest. She fell forward down to the canvas. The crowd erupted in cheers.
Georgia rolled off to the side. Elizabeth pulled herself up and limped abit trying to shake the effects of the submission hold off. Lori Ann charged Georgia but she was caught off gaurd when Tank nailed her with a vicious shoulder block that flattened the femme fatale dead in her tracks. The crowd booed him. Tank ate it up extending his hands into the air gloating to the crowd.
Fecca: Real tough guy. Leveling a woman like that and then acting like it's all fun and games. Come on Lori Ann, Elizabeth kick their asses.
Styles: You need to calm down. They knew full well when they accepted this match that they were in for a war.
Georgia slowly pulled herself up by the ring ropes and when she did Elizabeth ran at her full steam ahead and dropkicked her into the steel cage. Georgia bounced back into her waiting arms and immediately Lizabeth slammed her down to the canvas with a side russian legsweep. The crowd erupted.
Tank on the other hand was laying the boots to Lori Ann as she was grounded. The crowd was giving him the business with every stomp. Tank doesn't care he's reveling in it with every boot to the midsection. His back to Georgia who is in trouble following the Russian legsweep not aware that Elizabeth was making the first cover of the match.
Fecca: Elizabeth Rossdale has the cover. One, two, Georgia kicks out.
Styles: She just got lucky with that.
Georgia rules her shoulder off the canvas and to the side and elizabeth stays on her and picks her up. She hooks her up and hoists Georgia in the air but Georgia blocks it flipping out of the move and hitting a hangman neckbreaker. Georgia smirks as she drops to a knee and then grabs Elizabeth by the hair and throws her head first into the nearest side of the cage like a dart. Georgia stays on Elizabeth and begins to run her face across the cold hard steel.
Tank had pulled Lori Ann up by now and she was struggling to stay vertical after the beating that he'd been laying into her and everyone knew that this was not pretty in the least bit. Tank smirked and grabbed the woman by the throat and began talking trash to her. He then lifted her up with both of his hands and hoisted her into the air high about his head this was not going to bode well for Lori Ann as Tank hurled her into the steel cage with a gorilla press slam. The crowd boos him as Lori Ann comes crashing into the steel and getting hung up in the ropes.
Fecca: This is a massacre right now. They're just toying with these girls and dominating them. Come on Lori Ann and Elizabeth. Lets go.
Styles: Power & Glory can not be stopped Bob get over it. This is the team to beat.
Georgia had busted Elizabeth wide open gratting her face across the steel like a brick of cheese. Georgia smirked and let Elizabeth drop down to the canvas pulling her out of the ropes. She then turned around to face her partner Tank and centerstage inside of the ring they smiled at each other and then began to do duel ric flair like struts in the center of the ring showboating. The crowd erupts into more boos as they laugh to each other as both Lori Ann and Elizabeth begin to stir and slowly pull theyselves up. Georgia tells Tank it's time to "end them" and Tank zeros in on Lori Ann and knees her in the gut and places her inbetween his legs and hoists her up for a powerbomb but Lori Ann was not going to be put away as she began to struggle.
Fecca: Tank and Georgia are going for "The Power Play" what is a devistating tag team finishing manouver. But Lori Ann has just reversed it into a facebuster.... She's just driven the monster down to the canvas face first. Cover him Lori Ann.. This could be it...
Styles: Don't hold your breath!
Lori Ann rolled over Tank and made the cover laying all of her body weight across the big man's chest.
Frank Mason got into position and made the count.
Tank POWERED OUT. Tossing Lori Ann off him like she was a small child. Lori Ann skid across the ring and looked up with a wide eyed look of bewilderment at Tank's display of brute strength. He slowly began to get to a knee and recover and Lori Ann charged the big man and nailed him with a running low dropkick to the head. She immediately went for the cover again...
Again Tank didn't just kick out. POWERED OUT! Tossing Lori Ann off him like she was nothing yet again.
Fecca: What a display of strength. This man is a force. I might like like him but he is a Tank...
Styles: I love it. Come on big guy.. Steamroll Lori Ann an' show her why they call you a man machine.
Tank finally got up to a vertical base and Lori Ann charged him again and she nailed a basement dropkick to the knee. She took Tank down and see immediately grabbed him by the head and drove him down head first with a spike DDT. The crowd roared their approval and Lori Ann spent couldn't make the corner as she took a knee standing over the prone body of Tank. Who seemed to finally be feeling the effects of her non-stop assault on the big man.
Georgia on the other hand had Elizabeth cornered and was peppering her with cocky jabs just teeing off on the bloody Rossdale sister. Elizabeth would then throw weak token punches back at her but Georgia would duck under each one and pepper her with quick snap jabs. Georgia then backed up and charged at Elizabeth with a clothesline attempt but Elizabeth ducked under the attempted lariat and spun Georgia around. Georgia taken off qaurd was immediately slammed down to the canvas with a body slam. The crowd roared it's approval as Elizabeth stumbled around and immediately fell onto of Georgia.
Frank Mason got in position and counted out the goddess.
Georgia shot her shoulder off the canvas. Elizabeth looked on in dismay and Backed up and charged at Georgia as she just got to her feet and nailed her with a crossbody driving Gee back down to the canvas hard. Immediately Elizabeth hooked the leg and covered again.
Georgia kicked out.
Fecca: The Rossdale's are rollin' and we could see new champs here if they keep it up.
Styles: Nonsense...
Lori Ann went for the Rolling Thunder....
Fecca: LORI ANN JUST HIT THE ROLLING THUNDER! She hit it.... On Tank... Lori get the hell out of the cage. Get out of the cage now.
Lori Ann knew that covering the big man for the three wasn't working and she bagan to scale the steel structure. As Tank began to stir beneath her... She was slow to climb the cage as she'd taken one helluva beating herself and expended alot of energy fighting back.
Styles: No, no come on Tank. Stop her. These peons are half way to the titles if she escapes.
Fecca: And your precious Goddess isn't fairing so well against Elizabeth right now.
Georgia was in trouble. After getting a stiff Superkick right to the chest. Georgia crashed to the canvas and rolled around clutching her chest. Elizabeth immediately went for the cover hooking both of Georgia's leg.
Georgia again kicked out. Saving the tag titles as Elizabeth looked up at Frank Mason and pleaded with him for that to be a three count but he shook his head no and held up two fingers. That was close. Now Georgia who was stalking Elizabeth who turned around right into a lariat from Georgia that completely turned her inside out as she walked right into it. And Georgia smirked to the crowd dusted her shoulder off and nailed a picture perfect standing moonsault. Connecting on the splash Georgia hooked the leg for the cover.
Elizabeth kicked out. The crowd went wild. And started up a "Here we go Rossdale's, Here we go" chant to hype the sisters up follow behind them. The scene was surreal almost as everyone in the arena was rooting against Georgia. Georgia was insensed and charged leveling Elizabeth with another hard lariat. And then georgia pulled her up by the face and began to berate her jabbing her finger in her face telling Elizabeth that she needs to "stay down"....
Fecca: Georgia's wasting too much time taunting Elizabeth Rossdale.
Styles: Forget that. Tanks about to break Lori Ann into a billion pieces. He's caught up to her scaling the cage and poor Lori Ann is trying to kick him off.
Fecca: Oh this is not good.
Fecca was right Lori Ann was in a bad way now that Tank had climbed the cage and pulled her back inside of it by her hair. The man had brute strength off the charts and after she'd kicked him off a bit and climbed over top of the cage he regained his composure grabbed her by her long locks and in one fatal swoop tossed her down to the canvas below. Lori hit with a great thud and on impact bounced like a basketballn and fell limp. The crowd began chanting "Holy Shit, Holy Shit, Holy Shit".
Fecca: Oh my god in heaven. he just tossed her back into the ring with one hand. ONE HAND. Tanked her down at least fifteen feet. And now what's he going to do? Good god no.
Styles: Yes. Oh yes. He's gonna sqaush her like a bug, yes. Supa Fly Eat your heart out.... The Tank's taking flight.
From atop the cage Tank leapt into the air with a big splash attempt. And he came crashing gracefully down atop the now lifeless body of Lori Ann Rossdale crushing her with great impact. The crowd erupted in boos and started up a "she's a pancake" chant. Tank slowly pulled himself up and holding his midsection and turned to spot Georgia in a trouble as Elizabeth had turned the tide in her favor hitting a dragon screw takedown and locking in a boston crab submission hold. Georgia grabbed the ropes but Frank Mason couldn't break the hold being that it was a steel cage match there were no rope breaks to be hand.
Tank narrowed his brow and locked in on Elizabeth. Who sat down on the hold and wrenched back. Everyone began a "tap" chant and Georgia refused to give in.
Fecca: No... Elizabeth look up. No, no...
Styles: It's too late partner. It's too late...
Indeed it was as Tank rushed her and damn near seperated Elizabeth's mind from her body with a vicious big boot. That left everyone gasping. On impact Elizabeth crumpled down to the canvas in a heap breaking the hold and allowing Georgia to pull herself up by the ropes. And then Georgia motioned for her and Tank to toss Elizabeth into the steel cage and Tank grabbed her limb now limp body and pulled her to Georgia and the duo flung her into the cage back first with a big to tandem hip toss. Elizabeth hit and got caught up in the ropes.
Fecca: What a hip toss by Power and Glory leaving Elizabeth Rossdale mangled up and the ropes. And Lori Ann's stirring, I don't know how... But ah she's showing signs of life and if I was her I'd just stay down.
Styles: Some people don't know when it's time to quit Bob...
Lori Ann try as she might just couldn't bring herself back up to a vertical base. The big splash from the heavens above just too much for her small frame to withstand. And She fall back down face first. She was dead in the water as the sharks better know as Power and Glory circled her and Georgia looked up and told Tank "Let's finish it" and just like that Tank picked her up, placed her inbetween his legs dusted off his shoulder and hoisted her up for a powerbomb and Georgia stepped forward as Tank thrust her down grabbed her shoulders and backstabbed her with great impact and velocity.
Fecca: POWERPLAY! They call that Powerbomb and backstabber combination "The Powerplay" and as you can see it is a devistating manouver.....
Styles: Say good night princess..... The clock's struck 12.
it was academic and Georgia and Tank simply placed their boots on the chest of Lori Ann as boos rained down on them and Frank Mason reluctantly counted Lori Ann out...
The crowd boo'd even more.... As Georgia and Tank took a bow as "Swagger Like Us" kicked over the airways... They were dominating throughout this match no matter how much of a fight The Rossdale's put up they had an answer to it with even greater force and these fans hated them for it.
Georgia and Tank turned their attention to a bloody Elizabeth Rossdale who finally had managed to pull herself out of the ropes and she stumbled right into the chest of Tank. She hit back first and felt him up a bit and turned around her eyes big as flying saucers as she stepped back. Only to be sandwiched between Tank and Georgia. And just like that Tank balled up his right fist cocked it back and delivered a spine tingling straight right to Elizabeth's mush that sent her reeling into the arms of Georgia.
Fecca: This is too much. You won the match, you still have your titles. Now this? punching out a defenseless woman. This is dispicable.
Styles: This is the Power Play!
And after pie facing Frank Mason down hard to the canvas Georgia shoved Elizabeth inbetween Tanks legs and in one fatal swoop they connectted on another vicious "Power Play" leaving Elizabeth in a lifeless heap on the canvas. Both of them high fived each other in celebration as "Swagger like Us" kicked up again. The duo left the ring all smiles and were handed their championship belt which they hoisted high in the air with cocky smirks written across their faces as boos filled the arena and they looked on proudly at the carnage they'd just left behind.
Fecca: This isn't the Georgia James I've known for the past five years. She's changed damn it and not for the better. I can't wait until someone stands up to her and sets her straight... Forget Natural Selection, she might be a menace to everyone in PWT no matter what side you're on.
Styles: No she's just rulin' and reignin' with an iron fist like she's suppose too. Don't hate greatness, appreciate greatness.
With that Georgia threw up the upside down peace sign with her half of the tag titles drapped over her shoulder and a cocky smirk on her face.... Once again repping Atlanta to the fullest. As Tank brushed his shoulder off and then held the championship high in the air....
*We cut to a highlight package of how tonights Main Event came about*
Georgia James and Tank are walking the hallways all smiles with their tag titles all smiles and they walk right past Christian Michaels and Kaydence Starr. Kaydence spots Georgia and calls out to her.
Kaydence: GEORGIA!
Georgia turns around on her heels and looks the stunning redhead up and down with an evil stare. Kaydence speaks up.
Kaydence: I used to respect you.. I've busted my ass to break down barriers just like you. And now you're actually doing the one thing no one would have figured you'd do in a million years.
Georgia: What's that praytell?
Kaydence(Smirking): Sleep your way to the top!
Immediate Georgia snarls and fire is in her eyes. Kaydence grins.
Kaydence: Struck a nerve 'eh... Must be hittin' alittle too close to home Oh Fabulous One. Guess you're one helluva lay for Brooksie to be bendin' over backwards for ya.
Georgia moves forward to attack Kaydence but Tank pulls her back and tells her "now's not the time' and CM steps up.
Christian: Gee, you've changed and not for the better. I don't know what yawl've got goin' on with Brooks but it ain't right, an' it's gotta stop. It just ain't right.
With that CM simply shook his head in disappoint grabbed Kaydence by the hand and blew right past Power and Glory. Georgia stood there in disbelief and threw up here hands in disgust.
Georgia: Da do something next time!
Tank shrugged and walked off leaving Georgia alone with a snarl on her face. As we fade away. |
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Re:PWT Presents: Caged Combat! - August 15th,2010
Date Posted:08/19/2010 7:05 AMCopy HTML
After the lil confrontation between Gee an Kaydence we're outside the arena. We see that a portion of the parking lot has been sectioned off and transformed. Tranformed into a beautiful backyard setting ladies an gentlemen. There's a six-foot tall wooden fence around the "backyard". The pavement has been covered with a layer of NFLgrade grass. In one corner of the yard is a tool shed and we can only imagine what all is in there. A swing-set is set up and even has a lil mini-slide attached. Nearby is a lil plastic kiddie pool fillwed with water. Over near a section of fence ya can also see a smoking bbq grill.
Fecca: Ladies and gentlemen its time fo rthis crowd favorite, the Backyard Brawl match. The rules are simple enough for this match. All the competitors will enter and then the match begins. To win you must pin or make one of your opponents submit. In this backyard there are various items you'd find ina normal American backyard. These items are all legal for use in this match.
Styles: I LOVE this match! Its easily one fo my favorite matches in all of PWT. Lets get it started!
Referee Willie Sharpe is the first to open the gate and enter the backyard. A moment later and "Born with nothing, die with everything" by Papa Roach is blared through some big speakers set-up outside. Through the backdoor of the arena comes Matlock with hsi arms raised. There's a group of PWT fans nearby who got to walk up and witness this match for free. They're cheering Matlock as he walks to the yard. He walked in through the gate and held his arms up high.
Fecca: There's the self-proclaimed leader of Team PWT. Matlock is someone you could say was an unlikely suspect to lead the team into battle. However he's stepped up and taken the bull by the proverbial horns.
Styles: That's true but you know Javen had a point I can't totally argue against. I mean why make yourself a target if you don't have to? If I were in their positions maybe I'd just let Natural Selection run their course an pick up the pieces in the tag team division.
Fecca: Well luckily for PWT you're not in their positions.
Good ole Matlock is holding his arms up still for the fans outside. They're alla bout cheering some Matlock. Then suddenly they boo as a rainbow-haired blur shoots out of the back of the arena. Its of course Javen. He blows through teh gate and clobbers Matlock with a forearm shot to the back of teh head. Matt hits the grass and Javen just starts stomping away. BOOOOOO! Say the fans as theyw atch helpless.
Fecca: What the?! Javen! Javen has sprinted out here and is trying to take Matlock out.
Styles: You don't know that.
Fecca: The hell I don't! The son of a bitch said it was his intention all week long to injure Matlock. He wants to injure this man he calls his friend to keep him out of this Natural Selection-PWT war!
Javen pulls Matlock to his feet and delivers a Eurpean uppercut. Thatd rops Matlock to his ass and then Javen kicks him right in the face! All of a sudden the fans start to cheer an the camera gets a shot at the back of the arena. Through that door bursts Eagle. He's sprinting towards the backyard at full speed. Javen spins around seeing him coming. He dropkicks the gate sending it slamming shut right in Eagle's face! We switch to the shot right outside teh gate and see Eagle knocked onto his back. He rolls to his side as we switch back to a view inside the yard. Javen is upa nd he locks the gate now. Brushing off his hands he turns around...and eats a right! The fans outside and those in the arena erupting with cheers. Matlock is back up and he's wearing Javen's head out with forearm shivers. He hooks his right arm under Javen's left and hip-tosses Javen away from the gate! Javen hits on his ass an rolls up to his knees. He leapt up and turned around. Matlock was there and ran through Javen with a clothesline! Matlock turns around and he picks Javen up to his feet. There's a pick up in the crowd noise. Matlock looks up as Eagle has gotten perched on the top of the fence.
Fecca: Look out folks, Eagle's gonna soar!
Eagle leaps off the fence with a crossbody block taking out Matlock and himself! Javen falls back and rolls over near the fence. In the meantime Eagle and Matlock get up. They start to exchange right hand shots. Matlock though witha knee to the mid-section. He takes Eagle over towards the swing-set now and rams his head into the slide. Eagle pops up but Matlock slams his face back down. Again and again. Then Matlock takes Eagle and gets a running start, stops, and lets Eagle run facefirst into the side of the tool-shed!
Styles: Holy crap! Eagle face-first into the side of that tool-shed! What a perfect thing to have happen to a tool. Ahahaha
Fecca just shook his head there at ringside. Out in the backyard and Matlock decides he wants to get something out of the shed. The door is inexplicably already open but he pays no attention. Matlock steps into the shed and then suddenly comes stumbling back out holding his face. Out of teh shed steps Javen holding onto a shovel. He comes charging out and clotheslines Matlock down with the shovel. Eagle was getting up over by the shed and Javen stormed over and whacked Eagle across the back. He dropped down and held his back. But Javen took and put the handle of the shovel under Eagle's chin and pulled back on it. Immiedately Eagle grabbed at the handle with his right hand as his left clawed at the grass. The ref is powerless to do a damn thing about it.
Fecca: Look at that snake Javen! He's choking Eagle with the handle of that damn shovel.
Styles: Its amazing isn't it?
Fecca: Hell no!
We haven't seen Matlock in a bit and then all of a sudden we see why. In thats hed was apparently one of those metal trash cans ya always see destroyed in wrestling. Matlock holds it above his head and then smashes it over the back of Javen's! He flies forward off Eagle's back. Matlock chunks the trash can over a ways into the yard. He just steps over Eagle and pulls Javen up by a handful of hair.Matlock pulls Javen over towards the trash can and then delivers a big ole suplex to Javen on the trash can! He sets up and holds his back in pain. Matlock gets up and he grabs the dropped shovel Javen had before. He swings it like a golf club catching Javen in the back! This sent Javen to his hands an knees. he reached back to hold his back with one hand. Eagle though is back into the heat of things now. he grabs Matlock by the necka nd spins him around, sending the 6-time Backyard champ face-first into the side of the shed! Matlock stumbles back an Eagle drops to his hands an knees. Matlock stumbles back over Eagle and falls to the ground. Eagle shoots upa nd grabs Matlock's legs. he walks up an bit and then falls back. Matlock is sent flying into the side of the shed!
Fecca: Eagle catapulting Matlock into the side of that shed. How far will these men go in this match?
Styles: I hope untils omeone bleeeds! I love to see some blood in a match like this. If we don't I'd want my money back as a fan.
Fecca: With this type of match I'm sure its only a matter of time.
There's a few kicks to Matlock before Eagle turns and goes after Javen. He takes Javen by the back of the head and sends Javen face-first into the shed! Javen turns around holding his face and Eagle gives him a Stinger-splash against the side of the shed! Javen slumps down and Eagle makes his way into the shed. He comes out a moment later with an eight foot ladder. The crowd goes wild at this development.
Fecca: Here we go! Eagle has found a ladder in that shed.
Eagle lays the ladder up against the side of the shed and he starts climbing up the side of it. However Matlock and Javen are both up and together shove teh ladder backwards. Eagle falls off to the grass and then has the ladder fall on top of him! Javen and Matlock seem to be in agreement that its time to work together as a team. Looks like Matlockw as instructed to keep Eagle down. He does so by picking up the ladder and dropping it back down on Eagle a couple times. In the emantime Javen went into the shed and grabbed to sawhorses. He brings them out and puts them a lil ways apart form each other. Matlock is instructed to bring the ladder over. That gets laid atop the sawhorses.
Styles: What is this going on?
Fecca: Looks like Matlock and Javen have constructed a crude table here. This doesn't bold very well for Eagle.
They both pick up Eagle and lay him across the ladder. Its to the side of the shed now where Matlock lifts Javen up to climb up top. Javen gets up there and he looks down at Eagle on the ladder. He does a Snuka pose and then jumps off. At the last mome Eagle rolls off the ladder! Javen drops his mid-section across that ladder and flies back onto the grass. He's rolling in pain as Eagle leaps up onto the ladder and jumps off. The make-shift table falls apart as Eagle flies through the air, hooks Matlock, and drops him in a HUGE ddt!!!
Fecca: What an amazing ddt there by Eagle!
Styles: Holy crap!
Fecca: They're all down Eddie! If someone could just make a pin I think we'd have a winner here.
The cameras outside are panning the fans and OH MY GOD! The camera pans back to where it just was and standinga mongst the crowd is Natural Selection.
Fecca: Dear lord no...
Styles: Someone call the rest of Team PWT!
The fans of course dig having wrestlers standing by them and start a good lil "NS" chant. There's some extra security out now in case NS tries something but they seem content for now. Back inside the backyard and Javen has crawled over to the kiddie pool. He's looking at his reflection in the water when all of a sudden Eagle flies in with a leg drop across the back of the neck! Javen's face splashes into the water. Eagle to his feet and goes back to Matlock. He grabs the ladder from before an chunks it down on Matlock as he was gettin up. He kicks the ladder off Matlock and then picks him up. Matlock is brung in front of the slide on the swingset and body slams at the bottom. Eagle goes around to the back, climbs the ladder and then slides down with a variation of a baseball slide dropkick. Pin by Eagle and its only a two before javen breaks things up with a boot to the shoulder.
Fecca: Only a two there thanks to Javen brekaing the pin.
Javen now takes Eagle towards thet burning grill. He kicks it open and tries to shove in Eagle's face. But the free spirit folks is fightingw ith all his might to block. He then throws an elbow to Javen's gut. A second and thrid follow that one up. Now its Eagle trying to force in Javen's face. Wait a minute Matlock breaks this up! he tries to arrange a collision between Javen an Eagle's faces. They both block and then hook Matlock up for a double suplex.
Fecca: No no no!
Styles: Oh shite! This is bad!
The two of them manage to get Matlock up and nail a double suplex...ONTO THE GRILL! It tips over with Matlock atop it. Suddenly he's flopping like a fish outta water off it. Eagle and Javen come up fighting each other again, Javen taking shot after shot before finally ducking under Eagle’s crazy right hand. Getting low, Javen managed to yank a bunch of grass and dirt from below his feet and when he popped up threw it in Eagle’s eyes, blinding him.
Fecca: Damn Javen!
Vanishing from sight for a second, Javen strolled out of the shed with a bunch of empty plant-pots. Raising them above his head, not even bothering to separate the bunch—Eagle managed to hit Javen in the mid-section, doubling him over. The grill was still sitting there- Matlock was beginning to get back to his feet as Eagle stood up. Javen rushed forward and Eagle hit a drop-toe hold that sent Javen crashing into the grill face-first. The crowd popped as Javen hit the ground hard, giving Matlock a second to get to his feet and give Eagle a taste of his own medicine with a Russian Leg Sweep, the back of Eagle’s head met the grill as once again the fans popped.
Styles: Do none of these idiots realize this match comes to an end with a pin or submission?!
Fecca: Yeah, we’re gonna see A LOT of pinfalls, Eddie. This is a backyard brawl, not a iron man match!
Matlock wasn’t about to pin anybody, he still had a bone to pick with Javen. Hitting Javen with a few stiff shots, he wanted to teach Javen a lesson for trying to chicken out and lose his PWT pride. Nevertheless, Javen managed to lift his leg and kick Matlock in the you-know-where as Matlock’s eyes crossed. Reaching for the first thing he could grab- Javen slammed the plastic pot over Matlock’s head over and over again, until it finally broke and cracked. That didn’t phase Matlock though, he just laughed it off as Javen frantically tried to cover up, he looked ridiculous, but atleast the shots wasn’t coming through. Eagle who had gotten back to his feet popped back into sight and slammed the wooden end of a broom across Matlock’s back—he felt that.
Styles: WOW!
Matlock’s back arched like the McDonald’s "M" as Eagle spun the broom around and cracked Matlock over the top of the head.. Not breaking it quite, but coming extremely close to it.
Holding his head in pain as this skin split at the very top of his forehead, Eagle tried to deliever the final shot, but Javen managed to save Matlock with a backyard football type tackle. Nailing Eagle down to the ground, Javen stood up and picked up the almost-broken broom, and pressed the edge of it into Eagle’s throat as the fans were split, he saved Matlock, but he was still acting like an idiot and playing dirty. Matlock quickly came-to and clobbered Javen across the back, Javen perked up and dropped the broom, questioning Matlock. Matt worded something Javen’s way as Javen pointed down at Eagle and up at the sky- Matlock took a second to think about it before a smile crept over his face.
Fecca: What now?!
Matlock picked Eagle up to his feet as Javen moved over to the make-shift clothesline standing there. Hopping onto it- Matlock shook his head and kicked at the pole- Javen lost his footing and crashed down onto it, getting a bit of revenge from when Javen kicked him down there.
Styles: Ouch!
The blood didn’t bother Matlock, it set a fire in him. Chopping away at Eagle now, he backed Eagle into the pole and rushed forward looking for a clothesline.. But ended up hitting the clothesline. Bouncing off of the steel pole and staggering backwards, Eagle scooped Matlock up and moved towards the nylon strings used as clotheslines and dropped him across it, a make-shift SnakeEyes. Matlock grabbed his throat in pain as Javen fell to the turf, holding his lower reigion. Eagle looked over to the ladder, and with a nod stood it up. Ascending it, Javen got a second wind, and jumped up, climbing there as well. Shot for shot, each man didn’t back down as Matlock, slowly but surely got to his feet. Moving towards the ladder, he noticed neither man was paying attention, so he did what he did best—raise hell. Pushing the ladder to the side, both Javen and Eagle crashed from the top, down into the tool-shed, breaking it upon impact.
Fecca: GOD!
Glass.. Plastic.. Everything in there, broke. The plastic tool shed looked like Godzilla had stepped on it as Matlock limped towards the area. Reaching what used to be the door, he stood above Javen.. But once more, Javen was one step ahead of the game and had a sack of fertilizer, half full but beamed it at Matlock. Some of it got into his face as Javen kicked out Matlock’s knee, Eagle had reached for something—a plastic rake. From a sitting position, he swung the rake as hard as possible, the plastic smacked against the side of Javen’s head and graced Matlock’s nose, sending them down. Eagle was trapped under a heavy bunch of plastic and used whatever strength he had left to push it off of him.
Fecca: Eagle can win this right now!
Before he could make the cover, Matlock hit him right a solid right hand as he leaned over Javen, sending The Free Spirit back. Matlock got to his feet, not before Eagle could use a piece of the broken tool shed to slam over Matlock’s back, which immediately created a welt from how hard he was struck.
Standing tall, Eagle hit Matlock once more across the head this time with the thick plastic piece as Matlock doubled over, which caused Eagle to strike him yet again! Javen had also a piece of heavy plastic from the broken tool-shed and dropped it across Eagle’s back as Eagle stumbled forward. Hitting Eagle once more for good measure, Javen moved towards the ladder and picked it up, slowly scaling it.
Fecca: Javen is looking to climb the ladder! What doe she have in mind?!
Reaching the top, Javen fixed his footing.. But a red-head jumped into sight-
Javen spotted Wright standing at the bottom of the ladder as Javen’s eyes got wide. Wright smirked and with a few hits, tipped the ladder over—Sending Javen crashing back through the debris that they had created earlier; he and Eagle. Grabbing Eagle’s arm, Wright dragged him over to Javen’s fallen body as the ref dropped..
Eagle gets up groggily as his theme plays. In the arena Sabrina announces him as the winner. Fans are cheering indoors an out. |
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Re:PWT Presents: Caged Combat! - August 15th,2010
Date Posted:08/19/2010 7:07 AMCopy HTML
Fecca: What a huge win tonight for Eagle in the Backyard Brawl match! Folks that man went out there and he earned awin in a match pioneered by his opponents. However take nothing away from Javen and Matt Matlock. These two men fought tooth and nail and made Eagle earn it.
Styles: What right did Martin Wright have getting involved there? He cost Javen the win plain and simple! That clown should be fired for what he did!
Fecca: Many people would say Javen got what he deserved for how he's treated Martin lately.
Styles: Hogwash!
Before there could be more back an forth between them "Move" by Thousand Foot Krutch hit over the speakers. The fans came to their feet cheering as Sabrina stood outside beside the caged ring.
Sabrina: Ladies and gentlemen please welcome to the ring "The Southern Heartthrob" Christian Michaels and Kaydence Starr!
CM and Kaydence made their way down the ramp with a purpose in their steps. Just one look at them in their street clothes could tell ya that. Still though both were slapping hands with the fans who were lucky enough to be beside the barricades. At the steps CM stopped and let Kaydence get into the ring first. He held out his hand and took the mic from Sabrina.
Fecca: OHHHH BOY! Folks last week on Shockwave the Masked Man who has been tormenting Michaels for weeks made a challenge. He challenged Michaels and Kaydence to come out her etonight for a "confrontation" to settle things. Eddie I think its safe to assume that we're going to see an all-out brawl here.
Styles: Oh you better believe it Bobbsie. Whoever this masked man and his accomplice are has gotten under the skin of both Christian and Kaydence. They've got them at a boiling point and I think they're about to boil over!
The Heartthrob has now entered the ring with Kaydence. She's standing with her arms folded over her chest glaring up towards the entrance ramp. CM turns and finds the hard-camera side of the ring. He raises the mic as he looks into the camera.
CM: Ya know everybody about a week ago there were a couple douchebags in masks talking about settling things!
The fans cheer.
CM: And yet here we are, myself an Kaydence, and I don't see those masked douches! But I know they're here in this building. I can smell the putrid stench of their cowardice. So what I'm gonna do is ask that for once, JUST ONCE! The two of you grow a set and get ya asses down to this ring! Get down here and catch yaself an asswhipping!
Michaels throws the mic down causing that loud thud sound.
Fecca: Christian Michaels is serious as a heart attack tonight folks. This is one night where I would suggest that looking the part of coward wouldn't be so bad.
Styles: Yeah no kidding Bobbsie. Rednecks are dangerous when you get them riled up.
But it doesn't look like the masked duo has any intentions of backing down folks. Slowly form the back, no music or fanfare, they come. Both the masked man and his female companion are walking slowly towards the ring. The fans are booing. There's a thick tension hanging in the air. Everyone can feel the fight coming
Fecca: Here they come folks. These two masked hoodlums have for weeks bee the thorn in the side of Michaels and Starr. Tonight we're supposed to settle it once an for all. Ladies and gentlemen this is not a scheduled match. What is about to happen is totally unsanctioned. This folks is nothing more than a fight.
The masked man and woman hit the bottom of the ramp and take a right. They walk over to the steps and slowly climb up them.
Fecca: I hope Christian and Kaydence smack the taste out of these two's mouth. After everything that this Masked Duo have put these two through, it's time for them to get some payback.
Styles: I don't know why Michaels and Kaydence continue to put themselves in this position. They are just going to be embarrassed once again.
The Masked Duo is climbing into the steel cage through the door, CM and Kaydence stay back while they both climb in, the man first and then the woman. Behind them, one of the referees shuts the cage door, and throws a big lock on the door. The Masked Duo turn to see the door closing, and that's when CM and Kaydence charge. The Masked Man or MM and the Masked Woman or MW turn just in time to see CM and Kaydence infront of them. CM and Kaydence both throw some punches that send the Masked Duo reeling backwards. CM goes all out hitting the MM with several right hands, it looked like CM was never going to let up, but out of no where, the masked man blocks a punch, and then kicks CM in the gut, now it's the MM turn to throw some punches and he has CM reeling backwards with lefts and rights. Across from them Kaydence has the MW backed into the corner, Kaydence throws a knee into the MW's gut which doubles her over and has her stumbling forward. Kaydence bends down to pick up the MW when the MW throws back her elbow clocking Kaydence underneath the chin.
Fecca: Kaydence and MIchaels started off hot, but the Masked Duo is fighting back.
Styles: Just like I said, they are just going to get embarrassed again.
Back inside the cage, the MW has taken Kaydence to the ground with clothesline, and is kicking and stomping Kaydence, who tried to roll out of the ring but instead got pinned against the cage. The MW has a hayday with this as she continues her attack. Across the ring, CM is fairing a little better, he and the MM were exchanging blows, but the MM ducked a punch, then kicked CM in the back of the knee dropping him to his knee. The MM grabs CM by the back of the head, and runs forward throwing CM into the air and slamming him into the side of the steel cage. CM bounces off the cage as the crowd boos. CM pulls a Ric Flair and stumbles around, before falling to the mat. Back on the other side of the ring, Kaydence was able to fight her way back to her feet and threw a few punches, before the MW jabbed her thumb into the Kaydence's eyes as the crowd boos loudly.
Fecca: These two don't care about any of the rules.
Styles: You're forgetting that this isn't a match, there are no rules.
Fecca: Well they don't care about human decency.
If you thought the crowd was booing loud before, that doesn't even come close to as loud as they boo when the MW irish whips Kaydence across the ring, and the MM runs forward clotheslining the hell out of Kaydence. Kaydence does a complete flip in the air from the impact of the collision and comes crashing down to the mat, as the crowd is up on their feet letting the Masked Duo hear it. The MM and MW talk for a minute, and then they both turn and start to climb up the side of the cage. The Masked Duo doesn't get very far because Christian Michaels is back on his feet. He runs forward and grabs both the MM and MW by the back of their pants, and pulls backwards on them, knocking both of them off of the cage and to the mat. The MM is first to his feet for the Duo, and Christian is waiting for him. CM throws a few punches that find their mark. The MM is standing his ground though, CM throws a punch but the MM puts up his arms and blocks it. CM throws another one and the MM blocks it. One more punch for CM and another block by the MM. The MM then throws a punch of his own, putting all his weight behind it. It would have been devastating for CM, but CM was able to duck out of the way, and the Masked Man's hand ends up slamming right into one of the steel cross bars of the Steel Cage. MM immediately drops to his knees holding his hand. CM was going to continue to attack. but the Masked Woman grabs CM's arm and spins him around.
Fecca: I think the Masked Woman just bit off more than she could chew.
Christian stands there staring the MW. She senses she is in trouble, and shoves CM as hard as she can. CM doesn't even flinch as the woman looks up at him. The woman takes a few steps backwards and then runs at CM and shoves him again. Once again it doesn't even phase the former PWT Champ. The woman shakes her head as CM stands there smiling at her. The MW pulls her arm back and throws a huge slap right at CM's face. But CM is able to duck out of the way, the MW's open hand slap doesn't hit CM, but it does hit her partner the MM. Who had just barely stood back. The MW looks over at the MM who is holding the side of his masked face. Christian Michaels is back up to his feet, CM starts moving towards her and the MW backs up, and runs right into Kaydence, who was on all fours behind the MW waiting for her. The MW stumbled backwards and fell to the mat.
Fecca: CM and Kaydence just pulled the old one jock distracts the nerd, while the other jock crawls behind him and then the first jock pushes the nerd over the other jock trick that I saw a lot of kids have happen to them in high school.
Styles: Come on Fecca, we are all friends. You can admit that you were the nerd that the jocks picked on in high school!
Back in the cage, Kaydence is on top of the MW and delivering a series of nasty punches to the MW face and ribs. CM and the MM exchanged a few punches, but CM ducked a punch, and then hit the MM with a dropkick, and the MM flew back first into the cage and fell to the mat. Across the ring, Kaydence stands up and grabs the MW's legs, she hoists the MW into the air a little bit and then drops backwards catapulting the woman into the steel cage. The MW hits the cage hard, and falls to the mat clutching her face. Kaydence leaves the MW on the ground, and comes across the ring to join CM, and help him lift the MM to his feet. Kaydence and CM then grab the masked man by the back of the head and throw him head first through the middle and top rope. The MM's head and shoulder hit the cage so hard, that it seemed the whole cage shifted a little.
Fecca: You still think the Masked Duo is going to embarass CM and Kaydence here tonight?
Styles: It is just a matter of time.
CM and Kaydence are in control right now. They stand in the middle of the ring's with their backs to each other each facing their Masked Opponent. The MM and MW are slowly getting to their feet. They both get to their feet at about the same time. The MM and MW stumble forward, CM grabs the MM, and the MW is grabbed by Kaydence. Both CM and Kaydence kick their masked opponents in the gut, and then they both go for their Twist of Fates. CM goes for the twist of fate, but when he goes for it, the MM is able to slip loose. CM scrambles and throws a punch that the MM ducks. THe MM drops to his knees and slams his arm up between CM legs hitting him with a nasty low blow that drops the Southern Heartthrob to his knees. Kaydence had the MW all set for the twist of fate but when she dropped down to hit the move, the WM spun over and dropped down hitting Kaydence with a neckbreaker as the crowd boos.
Fecca: Damnit, CM and Kaydence had it under control.
Styles: These two are crafty. I just want to know who they are so I can pick one of their T-shirts from the PWT merch booth when they come out.
The MM and MW have CM and Kaydence both down. The Masked Duo, immediately head for the side of the cage and start climbing. They are halfway up and both CM and Kaydence are still down. They get two thirds of the way up the side of the cage, the fan cheer as CM and Kaydence are starting to climb to their feet, but it is going to be too little too late, as the Masked Duo is on top of the cage.
Styles: I guess another time then...
Fecca: Wait a minute!
Phoenix Winterborn had ran down from the back. he had a chair in hand keeping the Masked Duo at the top of the cage. They were fidgeting as CM and Kaydence were climbing up. They figured it was best to try their luck with Winterborn and the chair and swung their legs over in unison. Just as they hung on teh side, ready to drop, CM grabbed hold of the MM's mask at the top! Kaydence reached over an grabbed a handful of the top of the MW's mask.
Fecca: Are we finally going to see who they are....
Styles: Yes yes yes....
Finally they drop downa nd the masks they in the hands of Michaels an Starr. The camera tries to get a close-up by the formerly masked man an woman dart around by the announce table around the ring to avoid Phoenix. Fecca thinks he recognizes them. But when they get to the top of the ramp both look back at the ringa nd we get a clears hot of their faces. Its...
Fecca: MJ Storm and Caitlin Fury?!
In the ring there's stunned looks on the face of CM and Kaydence both. MJ is glaring back at the ring. He's pointing and yelling that this isn't over yet! he and Caitlin finally head backstage. In teh ring CM looks at the mask in his hand and throws it down. He an Kaydence leave the ring as we head into a video recap for Nev versus Whisper. |
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Re:PWT Presents: Caged Combat! - August 15th,2010
Date Posted:08/19/2010 7:10 AMCopy HTML
Fecca: Ladies and gentlemen, we have had one hell of a night so far. Caged Combat is living up to it's legacy as one of PWT's most violent pay per views. But now we are getting ready for a match that has become intensely personal.
Styles: That’s right Bob. Coming up next is the Inferno Match between the legendary Arch Angel of the ring herself, Whisper, and Nevyrmorr, PWT’s resident mutant freak. And I have to say Bobby, usually I cheer for the bad guys. But in this case I have to root for Whisper.
Fecca: Indeed Eddie, I know just what you mean. And for those of you at home who aren’t aware how this came about, over a month ago Whisper had come out to the ring on Shockwave, presumably to announce her retirement. Nevyrmorr interrupted her for some reason and then blasted her in the face with a fireball!
Styles: The two of them were supposed to face off at Line In The Sand, but Whisper wasn’t cleared to wrestle. The two of them have been tormenting each other with mind games up until now though. So tonight, in what’s been billed as Whisper’s final match, she gets a chance at revenge on Nev. I hope she gets it.
Fecca: Well enough talk, let’s go to the ring.
[The cameras switch from the commentary table now over to the ring, where Sabrina stands with a microphone in hand.]
Sabrina: Ladies and gentlemen, our next match tonight at Caged Combat is the Inferno Grudge match! Set up around ringside now is piping set to send fire into the air. The flames are designed to become more intense whenever someone is slammed onto the ring canvas. The first person to set their opponent on fire will be declared the winner!
[Slipknot's "Iowa" drones through the crowd as a ring of fire appears near the entrance. Nevyrmorr steps out of the curtain by himself, without Terri at his side. The flames part and he stands there in the middle of the ring of fire, looking around menacingly.]
Sabrina: Introducing first! He hails from Terre Haute, Indiana, standing at six feet and weighing in at two hundred and thirty pounds, he is The Dark Warrior…
Fecca: Nevyrmorr coming to ringside this evening without Terri LaMin by his side. Given the match stipulations, that’s probably a good idea.
[The flames part again as he proceeds to the ring. He wears the long, black trenchcoat and has the bo staff sheathed on his back. His long, black hair hangs in front of his painted face, obstructing it. Still, you can see his intense eyes peering out from behind. Nev slowly climbs the ring steps and climbs into the ring. He crosses himself holding his right index and middle finger together. He moves them downward and then left to right. After that, he takes off his trenchcoat, shirt, his bo, and its sheath. Nev then walks to the middle of the ring and stands their glaring up at the entrance ramp, waiting.]
Styles: I doubt Nevyrmorr knows what he’s gotten himself into here Fecca! Whisper’s done a lot in this business and it’s hard to imagine a match she hasn’t been apart of.
Fecca: We’ll see if he’s bitten off more then he can chew momentarily.
[As "Iowa" fades out, the arena is silent for a moment. "Ich Tur De Weh (Do I Hurt You)" by Rammstein hits the speakers now as the lights in the arena go out. Only a white spotlight is seen on the entrance ramp now, as it fills up with smoke. Despite being a heel, the legendary diva Whisper receives a massive pop from the crowd upon making her entrance. She taunts the crowd and makes her way down the ramp now.]
Sabrina: And his opponent, hailing from Tampa, Florida, standing at five feet eleven inches and weighing in at one hundred thirty-eight pounds, and competing in her final match tonight…(massive crowd pop), she is the Arch Angel of Wrestling, The Diva of Destruction, she is WHISSSSSPEERRRR!
Fecca: The legendary Whisper, she’s done everything a wrestler could hope to do inside of the ring and PWT has the honor of hosting her final match. You can feel the electricity in the air right now.
Styles: It’s quite a feeling.
[Whisper has by now entered the ring, and is standing across from Nevyrmorr. The two exchange cold glances, a harsh contrast to the heat that is about to surround them. Nevyrmorr heads to his corner and grabs his Bo Staff, pointing one end over at Whisper.]
Styles: He can’t use that, can he?
Fecca: The rules of the match say the match ends when you set your opponent on fire. Technically, the match is no disqualification. He can use that if he wants to, as if having over one hundred pounds over his opponent wasn’t bad enough.
Styles: Well you can’t count out the diva of destruction.
[Frank Mason has been arguing with Nevyrmorr about the staff, but there is technically no disqualification in the match so he allows it.The flames are turned on, shooting out high into the air and sending a massive surge of heat into the ring and around ringside before calming down to almost the heat of a campfire.]
Fecca: For anyone at home not familiar with how this match works, basically the flames are at a rather low temperature right now, but anytime someone is slammed into the canvas, as Sabrina said, the flames will become more intense. You have to set your opponent on fire, so it’s best to do so when the flames are at their worst. It can happen at any time though.
Styles: And yes folks you do have to set your opponent on fire to win this match so if you aren’t comfortable with that, you should not watch this.
[The bell rings, and the two immediately run for each other. Nev runs and swings his staff at Whisper, who ducks underneath and spins around looking for a roundhouse kick. However Nev himself ducks under that kick and smacks Whisper’s leg with the staff as she cries out in pain. He wraps the staff around her neck, and hooks his leg around hers and drops her with the old Russian leg sweep, and as they both hit the mat the flames shoot up higher, and the heat becomes more intense. Nev cracks Whisper over the back with his staff once more and goes to do it again, but stops. He looks at it a moment before sliding it aside into a corner of the ring. He then stomps her a couple of times, each stomp affecting the fire outside.]
Fecca: And early on in this contest Nevyrmorr has the advantage, thanks to using his staff.
Styles: But why did he toss it aside? He could just wail on Whisper with it and have no problem.
[Nevyrmorr picks up Whisper now and does an irish whip into the corner, following that up with a big time body splash in the corner. Upon contact the flames shoot up once more, and Nev goes to toss Whisper into the flames. However he receives an elbow to the face for his trouble and Whisper grabs him by the hair, forcing him headfirst towards the flames.]
Styles: Woo! Go Whisper!
Fecca: Whisper now with a quick reversal looking to end this right here and burn Nev’s face right off!
[Nev is struggling to resist, but he manages to keep himself out of the flames. His face paint starts to come off but he pays it to mind as he pokes Whisper in the eyes. Without any impact on the ring canvas the flames die down again, with Whisper in control of the match. She hammers Nevyrmorr with several right hands, and then goes for another kick. Nev catches her foot, but Whisper manages to leap and kick with her other foot, nailing Nev with an enziguri as he lands with his head on the ropes.]
Fecca: Nev looking to counter another kick but he got a kick right to the chops for it!
Styles: Whisper’s looking to take advantage now. Set him on fire!
[Whisper now uses her foot to push Nev’s face close to the flames. They aren’t raging but they are still there and the heat is having an effect on Nev. He struggles though and manages to lift his body off the mat, prompting Whisper to kick him in the side. She tries to lift him up but the size difference is too much and she simply nails a picture perfect dropkick sending Nev flying back towards the ropes. Whisper’s landing on the canvas gets the flames shooting up higher, as the camera gets a shot of her face and the beads of sweat upon it.]
Styles: You gotta remember, even though this may seem like a normal match, there’s a lot of heat inside the ring. And that heat can have a serious impact on your energy level and your strength.
Fecca: It’s a molten hell inside of there Styles, and I’m just glad I’m not a part of it.
[Whisper runs towards Nev now, but he sidesteps and Whisper almost goes through the ropes and sets herself on fire. She turns around to a right hand from Nevyrmorr, followed by a Samoan Drop with sends the flames shooting high!]
Styles: Whoa!
Fecca: That’s a lot hotter then they were earlier!
[Nev lifts up Whisper now, lifting her onto his shoulders.]
Fecca: He’s looking for The Judas Angle! He’s going to drop her back first right into the fire.
[Sure enough Nev has Whisper up on his shoulders with the flames shooting at least six or seven feet into the air and is ready to drop Whisper into the fire. But she nails him with a left hand, and then a right hand, making him stagger. She then slides down and around and drops him with a Tornado DDT that makes the flames hotter and leaves the two laying in the ring!]
Fecca: What a counter by Whisper! But she can’t take advantage, they’re both down while the flames are searing!
Styles: Someone may have to stop this match before the two of them die of heat stroke!
[Whisper goes to grab one of the ropes to help herself up but she reels back in pain as the ropes are hot to the touch. As the flames die back down she gets up on her own power as Nev does the same. The two stand, their bodies racked with pain and sweat as the crowed lets out a reaction of cheers and boos.]
Fecca: Like Nev or not he’s giving it all he can tonight against one of the sport’s legends.
Styles: it’s a shame that Whisper’s retiring though. She’s showing tonight she’s still got it.
[Whisper motions to Nev, almost taunting him to lock up with her. He obliges and we have a collar and elbow tie up between the two. Nev seems to be overpowering her, but she shoves him back suddenly and gives him a hard bitch slap across the face! She takes quick advantage and drips Nev, his impact with the mat causing the flames to fire up a little, and Whisper rolls him over into a texas cloverleaf.]
Fecca: What strategy by the Arch Angel of wrestling! It’s hard to stand up and knock someone into the fire without the use of their legs!
[Nev is screaming in pain from the expertly applied Cloverleaf, as Whisper keeps the pressure on. Nev is tapping but there’s no submissions in this match. After a good minute or two of having the move locked in Whisper lets go, and as she stands up Nev is struggling to get to his feet. However with his mutant powers Nev has no problem grabbing the hot ring ropes and hoisting himself up. He stands now, although barely as the pain in his leg is evident by the look on his face.]
Styles: Must be some heat in there, Nev’s face paint is just about off.
[Nev goes to run for Whisper but his leg gives out as Whisper grabs him and hits a Belly to Back Suplex. The impact from the move sends the flames up high, and Whisper makes a motion to the crowd. She heads for one of the turnbuckles.]
Fecca: What on earth is she planning?
Styles: Get down Whisper! It’s too hot up there!
[Oblvious to the announcer’s cries, Whisper suffers through the pain of the heat and climbs up the turnbuckle. The flames on the outside are raging at her back now, hell it’s amost as if she’s in the fire. She leaps off the turnbuckle with "Angel In Flight" and hits a big time Moonsault on Nev! The impact of the move is almost too much for the piping system outside as the flames fly up much higher then they should!]
Style: AHH!!
[It’s hard to see inside the ring with the flames the way they are, but it’s obvious that both competitors are up. Nev is against the ring ropes, and Whisper is primed to hit The Silencer. She goes for the kick and Nev drops down and hits Whisper below the belt as she falls over in pain.]
Fecca: Folks I can barely see inside the ring with all the fire, but I think Nev just stooped to hitting a woman below the belt in order to get the advantage!
[Nevyrmoor then looks towards the corner where he had earlier dropped his staff, and with his powers it comes flying to him. As Whisper is on the ropes, the flames high, he holds up the staff looking to swing hard.]
Styles: I think Nev is looking to end it right here! One hard swing and Whisper is into those flames!
Fecca: Why doesn’t he swing though?
[Indeed it seems that Nev is having some reservations, as he can’t bring himself to swing. He tosses the staff away, actually out of the ring as the staff catches fire while it goes through the flames. As it’s quickly extinguished on the outside, Nev runs at Whisper with a clothesline. She ducks and as he turns around Whisper nails a picture perfect Silencer, catching Nev square in the jaw as he goes tumbling backwards from the force and outside into the flames. He rolls around on the ground a moment as his body is completely on fire. He’s quickly extinguished as the bell rings. "Ich Tu Dir Weh" starts up again over the speakers, as the crowd lets loose with a massive ovation.]
Sabrina: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of this match, the Arch Angel of wrestling….WHISSSPPEERRRRR!!
[As the fire it put out, Nevyrmorr quickly stands up. He is fireproof after all so heat has no real effect on him. The fire in the piping system has been shut down now and the temperature at ringside is back to normal, but Whisper is still inside the ring. Nev slides inside the ring now, and locks eyes with the legendary diva.]
Fecca: Oh come on now! She beat you! Let it be!
Styles: Nevyrmorr can’t be happy about this, especially after everything he’s said about Whisper the past couple of weeks.
[Nev holds up his left hand, and he’s seen creating a fireball, much like the one he used to cause this whole mess in the first place. Everyone gasps but he puts it out just as quickly as he made it. He then uses that telekinesis power of his to quickly have a microphone come to him. The music fades away…]
Nevyrmorr: Whisper, despite everything I’ve said to you, and done to you, tonight, you gave me everything you had, and it proved enough. You defeated me, you set me on fire. For that, you’ve earned my respect. You truly are, the Arch Angel of Wrestling!
[With that, Nev sticks his hand out to Whisper and she takes it, the two sharing a handshake. Nev raises Whisper’s arms up in victory, as the "Ich Tu Dir Weh" hits once more. Nev leaves the ring now as Whisper celebrates inside.]
Fecca: An unexpected show of respect by Nevyrmorr, but after a match like that I am sure glad to see it happen.
Styles: That was the hottest match I’ve ever seen.
Fecca: Must you make such bad puns?
Styles: In all seriousness though, that was a fantastic match and Nev should not be disappointed in the outcome. Tonight they both came and they gave us everything they had. But up next folks, we finally will crown a new TITANium Champion for the first time since Drew Stevenson decided to be a douchebag and leave the company.
Fecca: Indeed. Partners and members of Team PWT, Zarek Lyle and Scott Addams will face off inside of a Caged Ladder Match to determine the new champion.
Whisper leaves the ring and as she's making her way around ringside shaking hands she comes across a familair face. Its none othe rthan the big man they call Cross! He has two cans of beer and gives one to Whisper. They pop the tops, salute, and share a beer together. As they're doin that a pic of the Titanium championship is shown followed by a video leading us to tonight...
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Re:PWT Presents: Caged Combat! - August 15th,2010
Date Posted:08/19/2010 7:18 AMCopy HTML
The scene reopens backstage, Ken Mitchell is standing-by with the newcomer, Martin Wright. Martin is all smiles, he looks completely thrilled with his actions, finally getting revenge over Javen.
K. Mitchell: Ladies and gentlemen, I'm standing b-
Before Ken could finish, the camera jerked backwards as someone sprinted past him- wearing a black bandana, followed by another guy sporting a black bandana as well, covering their mouths.
Fecca: What the!?
Switching angles, the camera now showed someone being trampled, completely stomped out. Shoving past Ken Mitchell and Martin Wright, we now see Marcus Bain and Jacob Mitchell as Jake shouted orders, only to hear Bedlam bust into laughter as he continued to kick at the fallen opponent.. Whoever it was.
Fecca: Thats.. That those pack of wolves! Who the hell have they attacked now!?
Bain was seen lifting the man..
Styles: RYAN STARR?!
.. And held Starr in the air by his throat before tossing him aside like a sack of potatos. Starr crashed through a water cooler as Bedlam sprinted over and jumped onto the table that was almost knocked over. Standing high, he leaped off of it and brought his knees to his chest before landing on Starr with a huge aerial stomp.
Con lifted Ryan Starr up and sent him towards Christian Othniel who cleaned him a superkick that would definitely leave a lasting impression once this night was over. Jake slowly moved towards Ryan, like a shark stalking an already hurt prey and motioned for Marcus to pick him up. Bain held him by the back of the shirt, nearly a foot difference and about a hundred pounds made a significant difference.
Jacob: Thought we wouldn't catch you? You thought you were safe from us, Prancer? It doesn't matter where you run, where you hide, or who you hide behind.. I already turned Tony Rich on you, do you think that was the end of it?
Like a crazy gang-leader, Jake grabbed Ryan by the neck and squeezed.
Jacob: You need to get it put in your stupid head, that you're NOT the Diamond Dallas Page of PWT. You can't draw your own side and leave free- You're not strong enough to fight us. I'm not going to even waste my time offering you a spot within the elite because you're just as weak as the rest of the PWT.
The camera panned over to Bedlam who had caught a glimpse of the Backyard Championship and smirked while shaking his head.
Bedlam: This is a title?! Looks like something Wal-Mart sells!
Throwing it over his shoulder, the Backyard Championship landed with a >THUD< behind Bedlam as Othniel and Esco surrounded Starr who was out of it.
Jacob: So, let this be a lesson to you- let this be a lesson to Brooks as well, don't count us out, we'll find a way to get in. We're anarchists, we live by our own rules, nothing like those society has put down in front of us. Starr- You weren't chosen for a reason and for that? You've gotta..
Letting go of Starr, he moved to the back of him where Bain dropped'em. Jake took a few steps back like a kicker in the NFL and cracked a devilish grin before exploding forward and planting the sole of his foot behind Ryan's head, kicking his face into the water-cooler that he had knocked over earlier. Kneeling beside Starr now- Jake cleared his throat and shrugged his shoulders.
Jacob: .. Bite the Bullet.
Con and Bedlam spit down on Starr's fallen body as Jake pushed himself up. Looking down at Starr who just now was beginning to feel the pain set in from the attack, he chuckled.
Jacob: Wow, no backup from Punks Wrestling Today? I guess it sucks when you're a fence sitter..
Bedlam: .. Or a pole sitter.
Bain: He's queerer than a two-dollar bill.
Esco: Gayer than a Fruit-Loop.
All attention switched to Othniel as he was about to say something, but instead paused- sighed and shook his head while staring at the ground. Cutting to his signature pose; the face-palm, NS got in a round of laughs as he shrugged.
Othniel: .. Why do I always get the last word?
Shaking his head- Othniel kicked Starr in the ribs, almost buckling his knee in the process as Natural Selection marched off.. In the immortal words of the little girl from Poltergeist.. Theyyyyyyyyyy'rrrrrreeeeeeee Heeeeeeerrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeee. But wait! Into the scene comes none other than Whysper. He looks down at Starr and picks up the dropped Backyard title. A smirk on Whysper's face as he whsitles for Frank Mason.
Fecca: I think Whysper's about to beocme the new Backyard champion!
Whysper pins and Mason jogs up. He drops down and counts the ONE.......TWO........THREE!!!! The bell sounds out at ringside and Sabrina announces Whypser is teh winner and NEWWWW Backyard champion!!!! Fecca and Styles go apeshite as we get ready for the Tiatnium match now.....We think....And hope.
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Re:PWT Presents: Caged Combat! - August 15th,2010
Date Posted:08/19/2010 7:20 AMCopy HTML
Sabrina: The following match is a CAGE LADDER MATCH! The competitors must escape from the cage, and using their ladder, climb at the top of the cage to the championship!
The lights suddenly go dark without any sense of warning as "Reject Yourself" by Killswitch Engage begins to play over the pa system. A single figure comes out from behind the black velvet curatin. As the lights slowly raise, you see Zarek Lyle walking down the ramp.
Sabrina: Making his way to the ring, from Crete, Greece, weighing in at two hundred and twenty five pounds, he is the winner of the Newcomers battle royal, and co-umber one contender for the Titanium Championship, he is Zaaaareeeeeeek Lyyyyyllllllee!
As he walks down, he taunts the crowd, getting their screams up to a point of his liking. He hops onto the apron and flips over the top rope. Zarek goes to a corner, jumping to the second turnbuckle, to get the crowd roaring. He hops off the turnbuckle, and jogs around the ring a bit. Resting his hands upon his knees in a crouching position, he awaits for Scott.
"Pride, Honor, Glory, - it all defines me.."
The arena goes black and the opening guitar plays setting a mood as red and white lights surround the entrance and rotate in quick circles shining on the fan and the entrance as "Forever Dead" by Sevendust hits with the lights in a strobe to go with the double bass in the beginning, and the verse cuts in. As soon as the verse hits the curtain is pushed aside and Scott comes walking out from behind, receiving a mixed reaction from the crowd. The lights quickly flash with a red and white combination as the arena is black as the lights pulsate to the beat of the song, and with a big flash the lights are instantly back on and smoke is filling up at the entrance as Scott emerges from the smoke.
Sabrina: Making his way to the ring, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at Two hundred and fifteen pounds, he is the co-number one contender to the Titanium championship, he is Scoooooootttttttt Adddddaaaaaaaammmmmms!
His arms are in the air as he turns around in a circle taunting as streaming sparks explode to his sides from the two bases set up just for his entrance, and he's showered in the sparks. Scott makes his way walking down to the ring throwing his hands out to the fans giving high fives to them going back and forth on both sides as he reaches the edge of the ring and the solo of the song hits. Scott raises his arms up into the air to form the "A" taunt with the arms in the air with his wrists, and his music continues to play. Scott lowers his arms, and walks over to the corner standing on the middle turnbuckle, looking around at the fans. Scott jumps down, out of the corner and leans against the ropes waiting for the match to start/waiting for his opponent while the crowds reaction settles.
Scott and Zarek are in opposite sides of the corner, as the lights strobe and the ceiling is brought down. The camera zooms out getting a good glimpse of whats going on and the championship hangs high above the cage. oming back into the ring, Scott and Zarek are in the center of the ring staring each other down taking some smack to one another as Scott points up to the belt notioning it's going to be his, nodding his head, but Zarek shoves Scott and the crowd starts to get into it. Scott comes back and shoves Zarek, who comes back and starts to throw right hands at Scott. Zarek starts to back Scott up to the ropes and Irish whips Scott. Scott hits the rope but without much give as he hits the cage and stumbles forward. Zarek takes him down with a vicious clothesline and goes for a cover.
Fecca: A pin attempt here by Zarek.
Styles: But only a two! Scott kicks out!
Fecca: Theres been a heated back and forth between these two men this past week and I think the fans as well as myself have been looking forward to seeing what these two newcomers can do on the grand stage of a PWT pay per view.
Styles: I gotta agree there, but you have to take into account there's been a lot of doubt it seems from Zarek about Scott. I wouldn't be surprised if we see "Greatness Incarnate" rise again tonight.
Fecca: What a move by Scott!
Zarek started to pick Scott up from the mat, but Scott was able to catch Zarek with a quick cradle pin, but only a two and both men got to their feet. Scott to his feet first, waiting for Zarek, and right as he turns around, BAM, Busaiku Knee Kick.
Fecca: Scott just connected with the Knee Kick that caused him to lose the newcomers battle royal!
Styles: And it's definitely an impressive move at that but what Im trying to wait for is to see if Natural Selection is going to get involved with this match. Remember Othenial said he was coming after the winner!
Fecca: I hope those cowards don't ruin a good match like this!
The crowd is going wid and he points up and rushes over to the ladder and starts to climb. Zarek is quick to get up to Scott though, and throws some punches into Scott's back, stopping him in his tracks. Grabbing holds of Scott's tights he pulls Scott off the ladder and he falls to the apron. Zarek looks up and sees the title hanging high above the cage, and then down at Scott who's starting to get up. The crowd is going nuts and Zarek leaps off of the cage with a huge crossbody to Scott, and rolls off holding his own ribs.
Fecca: Scott tried to climb the ladder early on but Zarek was able to put a stop to that but not able to keep Scott down!
Styles: I gotta give both guys my props. They've shown they can work as a team when they need to, and even though Scott's ribs are banged up he's not showing any ounce of giving up here tonight. It takes a lot to do what they're doing tonight.
Zarek starts to bring Scott to his feet, and snaps him with a european uppercut and Scott backs to the ropes. With another right hand or so, Zarek grabs Scott by the head and takes him to the other side of the ring and throw Scott face first into the cage. Scott bounces off, and Zarek throws him to the cage again. Zarek getting pumped up, goes for it again, but Scott is able to stop it using his foot and elbows Zarek in the gut and then throws Zarek into the side of the cage. The back and forth has the crowd loving it and Scott walks Zarek across the ring and throws him into the cage, and starts to grind Zarek's head across the metal, busting him open, but its not before long before Zarek is able to stop the attack throwing shots into Scott's ribs, and then connecting a big inzeguri and both men go down.
Fecca: And there's blood! The grinding of his face to the cage did not help Zarek at all.
Styles: No it didn't and both men are having some ware and tare already and they haven't made it up to the ceiling yet!
Scott is using the ropes and starts getting to his feet, and Zarek is inching his way over to Scott. Scott starts to climb up the ropes with the cage and gets into the ladder that is strapped to the side. Scott takes a quick look back to see Zarek geting up, and Scott, instead of going out the trap door to the top, starts to scale across the ceiling inside of the cage.
Fecca: Scott had the chance to escape right there to the top, but now he's scaling the top! What does he have planned!?
Styles: I couldn't begin to tell you Bob-o, but it's not gonna be good!
Scott is about the center, and releases, falling down right towards Zarek, but Scott is caught right in the jaw with a beastly Yakuza kick and Scott is down for the moment.
Fecca: Zarek just clocked Sott with that kick he calls "Flatlined!"
Styles: I don't get it. That kick had such impact and Scott's STILL moving?! Amazing!
Zarek wipes some blood from his head and brushes his hair back and is irritated. He grabs one of the ladders off the side and taunts for Scott to get up. As he does, and turns around SMACK! The ladder is run right through Scott, and Zarek leans against the ropes, and stomps at Scott a few times as the blood starts to run from his head. Zarek grabs Scott at the legs, and the crowd is cheering him on as he slingshots Scott right into the cage wall. Zarek seems to have control, and points up, to start climbing the cage but as he does it doesn't take long for Scott to get up and stop it. Standing on the ropes, shots to the back of Zarek and Scott gets Zarek on his shoulders but Scott starts to lose balance, so he leaps off the ropes looking to connect the Platinum Driver, but Zarek is able to flip out of it landing on his feet and hands.
Fecca: Zarek just countered out of that very precarius position on the ropes!
Styles: it looks like Scott was about to use the Platinum Driver but again like you said Bob-O, big counter by Zarek!
Zarek pounces on Scott with rights and lefts as Scott starts fighitng his way up and throws Zarek's face into the cage and works up the fans with a taunt and lifts Zarek up again and drives him down with the Platinum Driver! Neither man is moving for a few moments and the crowd is chanting "THIS IS AWESOME!" as Scott and Zarek bleed still. Scott is first to his feet, facing the audience from the corner, but BAM! Zarek is out of no where with his own Stinger Splash, reverse DDT combo.
Fecca: Zarek is making a come back here!
Styles: Scott may be in danger! But again we have to realize they haven't made it to the top yet!
Scott's head bounces off the mat, and Zarek loses his balance and falls into the corner, looking on. Scott is too his feet shortly and turns around to see Zarek rushing at him for a spear of sorts, but Scott side steps, and Zarek goes right into the cage shoulder first and Scott starts to climb the cage. Zarek is down for a minute, and starts to climb the cage behind Scott cage to the trap door. Scott through the door first, gets to the other side of the ceiling, and taunts to the crowd as they cheer. Zarek comes through, and starts to pull the ladder up.
Styles: And Zarek's got the ladder! This could be his time to shine! Remember, Bob-O, he NEEDS this!
Fecca: But dont't count out Scott. He looks like he has something planning.
Scott see's it, and waits for the moment. Once the ladder is up top, Scott turns Zarek around and the two start to exchange blows. Zarek goes back to Scott's ribs with a knee as he nears the edge, and starts to back up with Scott from the edge, and gives Scotty a scoop slam onto the steel and the pain in his face says it all as he goes to holding his ribs. Zarek takes the ladder and starts to jab Scott in the ribs. Zarek lifts the ladder up going for another big jab, but Scott rolls out of the way and Zarek sets up the ladder and starts to climb it, but Scott stops him with shots to the back, and pulls Zarek down rough making him land on his back.
Fecca: Scott taking control back now!
Styles: This match has been a great back and forth all night, so I wouldn't count Zarek out just yet. He may still come back and win. At this point it's anybodies game.
Scott starts to stomp at Zarek but steps back letting him get up. When he does, Scott comes in with the Master of the Midwest Combo, but Zarek dodges the final knee shot, and right when Scott is up to his feet, PELE! Scott staggers back at the edge of the cage and steps forward away from the edge. Zarek calls out for the end, as he points up to the title and gets Scott into position for the Sweet Mistery, but Scott's able to weasel his way out, and quickly starts to climb the ladder that has been set up. Zarek gets to the other side and starts to follow realizing he has to stop Scott. Both men are at the top and exchanging blows, and the ladder starts to wobble, and Scott throws a high kick to Zarek's head, and then smacks his head into the top of the ladder.
Fecca: Zarek with a beautiful Pele Kick, and Scott counters out of Sweet Misery, taking both men to the top of the ladder!
Styles: very dangerous situation right here! The wrong move could spell disaster for both men!
Zarek is dazed, so Scott moves quickly to the very top of the ladder; grabbing the title and pushing the ladder back with his feet, Scott is hanging onto the title in mid-air, and Zarek plumets off the cage and through the announcers table down below! The crowd is chanting "HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!" as Scott releases the title and falls to the cage, breathing heavy as he lies on his back the title across his chest as "Forever Dead" plays.
Sabrina: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner and NEEEEEEEW Titanium champion........ SCOOOOOOOOOOOT ADDDDDDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMS!
At the entrance we can see Christian Othenial looking on as EMTs rush out to the scene, and Scott starts to climb down the cage. With his music playing, and Scott reaches the bottom, he grabs Zarek's hand and helps him up to his feet and raises his hand, though EMTs needing to help Zarek stand.
Fecca: An absolute hell of a match, and Scott Addams is our NEW TITANium Champion!
Styles: But why is Othenial out here?!
Fecca: I'm not quite sure what to think of this, but definitely great sportmansship between Scott and Zarek!
Things head backstage |
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Re:PWT Presents: Caged Combat! - August 15th,2010
Date Posted:08/19/2010 7:24 AMCopy HTML
We open up backstage and Georgia James full of herself celebrating her victory tonight like she's won the World Title a second time and doing a victory dance with the belt wrapped around her waist and a bottle of Cristol in hand. She pauses gives Jonathan Brooks a big victory kiss, high fives Tank, and begins to guzzle down some of the wine.. The crowd cheers. Not for her but for the man standing behind her.
Fecca: IT'S DC! DAMIEN COLLINS!!!! Set her stage Dame. Set her straight.
Styles: Who does he think he is barging into P&G's locker room like that
The crowd cheers as Damien puts his hands on his hips shaking his head in disbelief as Brooks and Tank point forGeorgia to turn around and finally turns turns ,spots Damien and immediately she straightens herself up placing the bottle behind her back.
Damien looks first at Jonathan Brooks shaking his head and speaking up.
Damien Collins: Mr. Brooks, we have a threat like Natural Selection ready at a moments notice to pounce on any of your superstars and you're here getting all liquored up, having a party... Really? I thought better of you....
Damien shook his head in disappointment after Jonathan Brooks just shrugged his shoulder and said "I gotta let some steam off sometime", and then turned to Georgia who cracked a sheepish grin. DC shook his head and spoke up with contempt.
Damien Collins: And you Georgia, oh how the mighty have fallen. You're actually celebrating the fact that the both of you might have put the two wrestlers out of action for a while with that disgraceful display out there in the ring. I used to have respect for you but it's less and less everytime you---
Georgia cut Damien off.
Georgia James: We just did what we had to do..
Damien Collins: No, you won but you used those girls as an example. A stepping stone. I won't stand for that.... Not from the two of you(he shoots Tank a glare) or Natural Selection. After I become World Heavyweight Champion here to night my first order of business will be cleanin up the mess that you and Natural Selection have been leaving around PWT.
Georgia stifles a laugh and shrugs her shoulders with a smile and speaks up.
Georgia James: Not like it matters right... Beating Georgia James don't meeeeean anything anymore huh Champ.
Damien Collins: Prove me wrong then, Champ, Prove me wrong.
Georgia James: Keep the title warm for me next World Champ... Now run along.
Damien cracked a slight grin and said "we'll see about that" and left GeeBrooks and Tank behind. Georgia turns to Brooks and and puts her arm around him with a smirk.
Georgia James: Sugar dumbling... I want Damien Collins in a handicap match vs. Power & Glory. Make this match for me.
Jonathan Brooks: I'll see what I can do...
Georgia rubs on his shoulder and looks up at him with her doe eyes and he is mesmerized. She then whispered sweet nothings into his ear. Jonathan light up with a huge grin as Georgia gave a seductive little smirk.
Jonathan Brooks: It'll happen. Just give me time. It'll happen.
Off Georgia rubbing her hands together with a devilish grin we cut to ringside and Styles and Fecca...
Fecca: Damien confronts Georgia, tells her the truth that her actions tonight and for the last two months have been disgraceful and uncharacteristic and she goes to her sugar daddy and asks for a handicap match? This woman's outta control.
Styles: No, he shouldn't have opened up his mouth and bad mouthed The Goddess, and now he's gotta pay the piper.
Fecca: Someone needs to stop her.
With that we shift to another area backstage as the cage was being cleared away the cameras went to show Ken Mitchell standing in the backstage area.
Ken: Ladies and gentlemen, I was just given word that the former champion we have been waiting on has finally arrived. They should be coming through this door in just seconds.
Just then the backstage door opens and in walks a brunette beauty. Ken Mitchell looks surprised to say the least as his eyes move up and down the womans curvy figure.
Ken: Ciara…Ciara Cage?
The brunette beauty looks at him with a huge smile on her face.

Ciara: Yes, Ken its me.
Ken: Well this is a pleasant surprise! You sure do look a bit different! I can honestly say I don’t think to many people were expecting you to be the returning champion.
Ciara: Oh and why is that Ken?
Ken: Well you are a new mother and all.
Ciara: Ken it has been almost two months since I had Nathaniel and as you can tell I am in my best physical condition ever! I haven’t been working out and training my hardest ever since I had my son for nothing! I am more then ready to get back inside the ring and show the other femme fatales how its done. After all I didn’t win the championship twice by just sitting on my ass.
Ken: Yes, congratulations on the baby first of all. And then secondly, congratulations on your hard work getting back in shape because it definitely shows.
Ciara smiles.
Ciara: Thank you Ken, but you might be careful how much you check me out now.
Ken: Ahhhhh does that mean your not returning alone?
Ciara: Techincally yes, because he has been working in the PWT since I been away.
Ken: So, the rumors are right about you and Duke reconciling?
Ciara: I’m not saying that.
Ken: Then the other rumor of you dating Tony Rich is true?
Ciara laughs.
Ciara: Rumors are not what we are here for Ken. Besides its not important who I am with right now, just that I am not on my own anymore so to speak.
Ken: Alright Ciara. I am sure everyone will be interested in watching how that transpires. Just as I am sure they are all anxious to see you returning to the ring.
Ciara: I sure hope so because I am anxious to get started!
Ken: Do you have anything to say about the current Femme Fatale Champion or anyone on the roster?
Ciara: Oh I have plenty to say, but I will save that for my official in ring return! Now if you will excuse me Ken I have someone I need to see.
Ciara smiles and waves goodbye as Ken watches on showing appreciation for her new and improved look. |
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Re:PWT Presents: Caged Combat! - August 15th,2010
Date Posted:08/19/2010 7:29 AMCopy HTML
Sabrina: The following is a lumberjill match for the PWT Femme Fatal Championship.

Sabrina: Introducing first...The LUMBERJILLS!!
"Diamond Eyes" by Shinedown begins to play over the speakers and the crowd begins to cheer as the women of PWT begin to come down the ramp led by Ginny Genocide. She waves out to the fans blowing kisses. Behind her is Lillian Hart, who keeps a serious look on her face. Georgia James, The Rossdales, Nina, Ciara Cage, Mari Saito, Ruby Cooper, to name a few follow behind. They are all dressed in nice outfits and crowd around the ring. The arena fades to black before "Shakin' Hands" by Nickelback begins to play and the arena then flashes with hot pink, neon green, and purple lights. Mikah soon makes her way out onto the stage, one hand on her hip the other by her side. She stops in the middle of the stage before rolling her hips to the left before continuing her way down the ramp to a roar of boos.
Sabrina: Introducing the challenger from New York, New York....MIKAH!!
More boos ensue, with a few cat calls thrown in. Mikah looks around the ring at the women standing and staring at her. She narrows her eyes before she jogs up the stairs before strutting two steps onto the apron then slowly getting into the ring between the bottom and middle rope. She then jogs over to the far right turnbuckle and hops up onto the second one before shimmying her chest a little before holding her arms up in the air. She then jumps down and looks up the ramp. The lights in the arena go dim once again as "Beautiful Disgrace" begins to play. Purple and white spotlights fill the arena scooping around the dimmed arena. Tani then steps out onto the stage walking backwards she then turns to the crowd and the cheer as she holds the Femme Fatal championship high in air. She then brings the championship down glancing at it before letting off a smile and placing it on her shoulder. She then starts down the ramp.
Sabrina: And from Apple Valley, California, she is the PWT Femme Fatal Champion....TANI LYONS!!
Cheers come from the crowd as Tani goes to one side and slaps the hands of the fans then to the other where she does the same. She then goes towards the steel steps quickly walking up them. She walks to the middle of the apron, in between the turnbuckles, just before getting into the ring and she turns towards the ramp putting her championship in the air once again, she then brings it down presenting herself. She then ducks under the middle rope into the ring. Tani then gets into the ring getting up on the nearest turnbuckle and doing the same motion from the second rope. She jumps down off the turnbuckle immediately making eye contact with Mikah.
Fecca: For those of you that don't check out PWT.com all that often you might have missed it, but The champion and the challenger have been going at it all week.
Styles: A battle of words is much different from a battle of strength.
Fecca: That is the truth, but both women had very strong words for one another and there is no doubt that it will translate in this match tonight.
Tani hands her belt to Mitch Roberts who shows it to Mikah before raising it in the air for the fans to see. He then walks it over to Sabrina who takes it from him. It's obvious that both women in the ring are getting a bit anxious as are the women on the outside. The bell then rings. The women circle each other for a couple of seconds and Tani is the first to make a move running straight at Mikah. The women lock up there is a struggle for power at first but Mikah gets the upper-hand when she sweeps the legs of Tani with her own causing Tani to fall back to the mat. Mikah doesn't allow any time for recovery she is swift to get down and pin Tani shoving her elbow into Tani's face hard to try and keep her down. However, Tani gets a shoulder up after just one count.
Fecca: Mikah looking for a quick win tonight.
Styles: She could do it if she wanted to.
Fecca: We'll see about that, Mikah is an amazing performer but you can't count Tani out.
Seeing that her pin attempt didn't work Mikah stays on the offense and uses all her strength to hold Tani's head down shoving her face into the mat. She yells a few things that can't really be heard to Tani before lifting her up off the mat by her hair. She then sends a swift uppercut to Tani's jaw which causes Tani to stumble back a bit. Before Tani can recover from this Mikah sends a hard kick to Tani's midsection. Tani falls back into the ropes, but Mikah remains in control grabbing onto Tani's hair bring her out and away from the ropes. She slams her arm onto Tani's back and Tani falls to her knees. Not having any of that Mikah lifts Tani up to her feet and whips her into the ropes. Mikah runs at Tani for a clothesline but Tani ducks under it stopping herself she turns towards Mikah as she turns around. Tani then grabs her and pulls her down onto her knees with an inverted lungblower. Mikah holds her chest as she stumbles back a bit. Tani then gets to her feet keeping the advantage as she hits a dropkick sending Mikah to the mat. She then goes for a cover. ONE..TWO...Mikah kicks out quickly. Tani doesn't waste time getting to her feet she goes to grab Mikah, picking her up by the hair to get her to her feet. Tani then whips Mikah into the ropes but Mikah grabs onto the top rope to stop her momentum. Tani impatiently runs towards Mikah who ducks and grabs the top rope pulling it down sending Tani tumbling to the outside of the ring.
Fecca: Ouch, Tani hitting the floor pretty hard there.
Styles: Lets see if these ladies on the outside play nice...I hope not.
Fecca: There job is to keep the girls in the ring, nothing more.
Styles: We all know that never ends well...
Lucky for Tani she had nothing but friends on the outside of that ring. Nina is quick to rush to her side to help her to her feet along with Ginny Genocide. Mikah seems annoyed as the women help Tani back in the ring with not so much as a stomp. Mikah doesn't let this distract her though. She grabs onto Tani's hair and slams her face into the mat. Tani grabs her nose as she tries to get back to her feet. She doesn't get very far before Mikah slams her boot into Tani's face. Tani falls down onto her side. Mikah then goes to grab Tani's hair but Tani grabs a load of Mikah's shorts and sends her to the outside of the ring. For Mikah, the outcome on the outside is a bit different. Ruby Cooper is the first to Mikah and she seems to be doing her job lifting Mikah to her feet in order to put her back into the ring. That's where the hospitality ends though, Mikah along with Ruby Cooper is blindsided as Lillian Hart runs towards them with a vicious clothesline that sends Mikah straight to the mat.
Fecca: Oh my God a huge clothesline by Lillian Hart on Mikah, we all know that there is a hate between those two women that has a ton of history.
Styles: What is it with people hating Mikah, she's gorgeous.
Fecca: She also said she would fire the entire women's roster...
Lillian is now on top of Mikah slamming her head into the mat. Ruby Cooper is back on her feet and tries to get Lillian off of Mikah but Lillian swings at her. Tani not wanting to wait any longer gets out of the ring and grabs Lillian off of Mikah. This doesn't bode well with Miss Hart. She pushes Tani back into the side of the ring. She then yells at her to "back off". To which Tani replies "This is MY match!". Lillian returns her focus to Mikah and as Tani steps forward to grab her off again. Tani picks Lillian up, not without a fight. Tani then turns her around and begins to talk some sense into her. Lillian doesn't wanna hear any of it she just wants to continue her attack on Mikah. Tani holds her back and with the help of Ruby Cooper Lillian remains restrained and Tani turns and picks Mikah up off the grounds and rolls her into the ring. Tani is on her feet and Mikah is struggling with the help of the ropes. Tani helps her a little more bringing her to her feet. Tani grabs Mikah and sets her up for "Perfection" her powerbomb face buster she points out to the crowd and they cheer. Mikah takes this opportunity to send a shot to Tani's side, and another, and another. Finally Mikah pushes back and stands up straight. She jumps up and hits and enzugiri. Tani falls to the mat quickly and Mikah goes for the pin. ONE...TWO...THTani kicks out!
Fecca: A near fall there by Mikah.
Styles: We almost just got a new Femme Fatal Champion!
They all look on as Mikah gets to her feet and stares Tani down. Tani slowly pushes herself up to her hands and knees. Mikah then without missing a beat runs at her and smashes her foot into Tani's head with a "Taste of Poison". Tani falls flat onto the mat and boos fill the crowd as Mikah looks out to them. She then looks out to the women on the outside and yells "IT'S OVER!". Mikah laughs before turning back to Tani who is still out cold. She then drops to the mat and grabs Tani's arm pulling it up and effectively locking in "Cupid's Chokehold" aka the gogoplata. Tani is awake now! She begins to squirm trying to get away and the ref is right beside her seeing if she wants to give up. All of the sudden Tani is pulled back bringing Mikah along thanks to Lillian Hart. The ref looks back to see Lillian yelling that Tani is under the rope. Before the ref can even turn to Mikah to tell her to let go she gets to her feet and begins to yell at Lillian on the outside. She isn't stupid enough to step to the outside only to be attacked. Mikah then returns her attention to Tani who is up on one knee holding the side of her head. Mikah grabs Tani by the hair but is met by a knee to the midsection. Mikah stumbles back only for a second before Tani grabs her closer sending another knee. Tani throws Mikah's arm over her shoulder and reaches to grabs Mikah's other hand in between her legs although it's a bit of a struggle. She then swiftly lifts Mikah into the air behind her and brings her crashing onto the mat with a wrist clutch exploder.
Fecca: What the hell was that!?
Styles: Well it was a wris..
Fecca: I know the move but...that was devastating!
Tani then crawls to Mikah simply draping herself over Mikah. ONE...TWO...THREE!!
Fecca: Tani has done it after a devastating new move!
Styles: And I think you're forgetting to mention some help from Lillian Hart.
Tani's music begins to play as Mitch Roberts grabs the Femme Fatal Championship from Sabrina. He hands the title to Tani who is only up to her knees at this point. She takes the title from him staring down at it with a smile. He helps her to her feet raising her hand in the air.
Sabrina: Here is your winner and still PWT Femme Fatal Champion....TANI LYONS!!
Tani heads to the turnbuckle stepping up onto the second rope and hold her title high. As Tani celebrated we went into a recap video for the main event. The video ended on a shot fo what the HIAC was all for.

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Re:PWT Presents: Caged Combat! - August 15th,2010
Date Posted:08/19/2010 7:30 AMCopy HTML
The arena's lights dim- thus letting the tide of camera flashes rip through the arena. The Cell, one of the most devilish structures in Pro Wrestling begun to descend from the heavens, light beamed off of it's exterior. Fans in the arena of course went crazy, they knew that the main-event was coming up and that somebody, possibly all three of the men involved in this would never be the same again, it's that same blood-thirsty mentality that made the PWT Community so diverse. Not only were fans interested in blood.. guts.. cuts and broken bones, but they respected the Femme Fatals just as much as they respected the contributions the Backyard Division gave- as well as the TITANium and Tag Teams. PWT was unlike no other, and tonight, once that cell drops, it changes everything all over again.
Fecca: My.. God. Look at that, Eddie.. Over five tons of pure pain.. anguish.. torture and sorrow.
Styles: Sounds like a night with Brooks!
Fecca: This structure- this cell changes people. It shortens careers, it does all sorts of long-term damage to those involved. How are three of the top men in PWT going to survive this without having their entire career changed- possibly flashing in front of their eyes!
Styles: That's the chance each man has to take to win the PWT Championship. They want the title? This is the first sacrifice they've gotta make in a long-list of it. Collins.. Andrews.. even the PWT Champion himself; Xavier Homicide, they all wanna be at the top of the mountain, but to get there they need to first climb it, and this begins the path.
Fecca: Just looking at it- It gives me the creeps, sixteen feet high?!
Styles: Imagine being locked in there with two other people that'd do anything to walk away with the PWT Championship- Somebody's gonna get hurt, it's just a matter of time before we find out who.
Fecca: Sadly.. I agree with you there partner.
Sabrina: The following contest is scheduled for one fall.. and is for the PWT Heavyweight Championship!
After the lights dim down, the opening to "Down From The Sky" by Trivium begins to blare throughout the building.
"Epitome of Perfection"
The words are heard as a small video package featuring Dukes greatest moments begins to play.
"A chasm grows In the cavity of serpentine teeth Hunger pains strike For the sweet feast of innocent blood Of innocent bloodshed Now here we go"
At this point Duke has made his way from the back, standing for a moment on the stage before slowly walking towards the ring.
"The vampires feed on the wars of mankind Growing fat on the throne of an empire Tyrant rules with the threat of a great fire"
Duke is now hopping up on the apron and stepping into the ring.
Sabrina: Coming to the ring, hailing from Grand Rapids. Standing Six Feet Four Inches...The Epitome of Perfection....Duke...ANNNNDREEWWSS!"
"I've opened up my eyes Seen the world for what it's worth Tears rain down from the sky They'll blow it all to bits To prove whose god wields all the power Fire rains down from the sky"
Styles: That's my favorite!
Duke is standing on the turnbuckle opposite of the ramp looking out around him, at the cell, before he gazed out into the crowd. As Duke's theme faded.. NJ Legion Iced Tea" by A Day to Remember starts playing over the PA System.
Fecca: The Real Deal!
The arena is immediately overcome with deafening cheers from the fans. After a few seconds Damien "The Real Deal" Collins appears through the curtains and thousands of flashes from cameras go off. Damien starts his descent to the ring. As he walks down the ramp DC slaps as many fans' hands as he can, and even stops to pose for a fan taking a picture.
Once he makes it down the ramp, Damien climbs into the ring and climbs up the turnbuckle where he strikes a pose so everyone in the arena has an opportunity to take a picture. After a few seconds of posing, DC climbs off of the turnbuckle and stares off at Duke Andrews while waiting for the match to start.
Fecca: And just one man is left..
"Undisputed" by Ludacris starts playing and "The X-Man" Xavier Homicide steps from behind the curtain and scans over the crowd.
Sabrina: From Miami, Florida... Introducing the PWT Heavyweight Champpppiiiiiooooonnnnnnn.. F XXXXXXAAAAAVVVVVIIIEEERRRRRRR HHHOOOOMMMMMMMIIICCCCIIIIIDDDDDDEEEEEEEEEE!
He makes his way to the ring. He shakes the fans' hands until he finally reaches the ring and then he jumps up on the ring apron, grabs the top rope and hops over it. X-Man starts shadow boxing in the ring getting pumped up and waiting for the match to start, all ths as the fans go wild.
Fecca: There it is, the three men competing for the PWT Championship.. Three men.. One Championship.. One hellacious cell..
Styles: This outta be good.
Richards looked at all three competitors, all giving the nod of approval as he gave a thumbs up to Willie Sharpe on the outside who locked the cell, tugged on the door a few times, it wasn't going to opened by anything less than a Hemi Powered Dodge Durango. Once that was cleared up, the bell was sounded- the match was underway. As previously though- both Collins and Xavier targeted Andrews as the first, but Andrews used his wit and dropped to the mat, rolling out of the ring. Shaking his head as he tapped at his temple, he knew that he was Public Enemy #1 and wasn't going to take the chance of being taken out so soon, she he'd bid his time.
Fecca: Look at that coward! GET WHAT'S COMING TO YOU, DUKE!
Styles: Coward?! Are you crazy!? The whole point of a match like this is to be smart and bid your time! You need strategy, that's what Duke has!
Wasting little time as he knew he needed to take advantage of the situation- Xavier quickly turned his attention to DC and hit him with a few open hand shots, that eventually sent him to the ropes. Pressing his weight on DC- Xavier whipped him across to the other-side. Snapping off the ropes and coming back hard, DC ducked beneath a standing lariat attempt from X. Stopping dead in his tracks, DC waited on X to turn around and when he did so- he looked for an early end..
Fecca: DC DROP!?
NO! X didn't allow it, instead he pushed DC off of him and into the ropes chest-first. Duke being the smart guy he was, quickly pulled the top rope down before DC could hit it, sending him crumbling to the floor. Quickly applying the boot, Duke picked DC up and begun to rake his face against the chain-link, the fans didn't appreciate it, but Andrews had a sound strategy. X only had so much patience before he made his way out of the ring and joined in on the action. Duke tried to get away from X- but the second X spun him around and hit him with those solid right hands, the fans broke into cheers.
Homicide looked like a man on fire as he connected with right after right until Duke was groggy. Grabbing Duke by his hair, he looked to slam Duke's face into the steel, but Andrews managed to block it. Hitting X in the mid-section with a elbow-shot, taking the momentum away from Homicide, Andrews managed to slam X's head into the cell and then got into the ring, standing and of course played that off with a taunt to the people as DC and X slowly got back to their feet.
Styles: See that Bobb-O!? That's Duke Andrews at his finest! He not only grounded BOTH DC and Homicide, but he even slipped in enough time to play to the fans! Amazing!
Fecca: He's a no good dirty snake and I don't trust him for a second. You read the reports right?! You know how Jake gurantee'd a new member here at Caged Combat?! Well what if it's Andrews?!
Styles: What are you talking about, you nut?! Take your tin-foil hat off and understand not everything is a conspiracy! How do you know Jake wasn't trying to cause a stir within PWT?! From what I've seen, it's all a bluff! A facade! A way to keep Natural Selection's name relevant because they're locked out!
Not giving Eddie an answer, Bob knew that could of been a reason, so decided to let it go. DC was the first back into the ring as Andrews quickly put the boot to him again. Catching Damien everywhere imaginable from the head to the ribs and even the shoulder. Standing DC up, Andrews whipped him into the corner and followed closely behind with a clothesline once Collins' hit the turnbuckle. Stumbling forward, Andrews decked DC with a stiff right hand, dropping DC to the mat again. Homicide had gotten to his feet as well as rolled into the ring. Andrews tried to cut him off with a stomp too, but X managed to roll out of the way and out of no where- kipped up, causing the fans to jump to their feet as Homicide looked on, like a bull while he waved Andrews forward.
Andrews and Homicide exchanged insults as Homicide cracked a smirk. Rushing in, Andrews missed a left hand- Xavier didn't. Sending Andrews down into the mat pretty hard- Andrews popped up as Xavier took him back down with a hip-toss, but instead of holding onto the usual headlock- X stood up and dropped a perfectly placed elbow across Andrew's head. Getting back up quickly, it was X's turn as he now let off a barrage of boots aimed at Duke, hitting him all over, causing the fans to once more break into a roar, seeing Xavier get his hands on Duke was something they wanted for a long time, and they finally got it.
Andrews rolled out of the ring again to get away from the beating from X, but as he stood up straight with a smile on his face, thinking he had done something smart, the second he turned towards his right- he stepped into a HUGE right hand from Damien Collins!
Jumping back from the momentum placed behind the shot, DC threw another.. And another.. finally after the fifth or sixth punch, DC gave Duke a taste of his own medicine and raked HIS face against the steel, showing absolutely no mercy as the fans ate it up. Rolling Andrews into the ring, allowing X to take over, he stood Andrews up and hit him in the midsection with a quick toe-kick- then followed that up with a Snap Suplex. Making the cover, Richards dropped into position.
DC broke the pin attempt up, not yet.. Not yet. X had a million dollar look of frustration on his face as he slowly pushed himself up and looked towards DC, who simply shrugged his shoulders. Getting into his face, DC and X exchanged words for a second as that ended with X threw the first shot. DC blocked it and attempted to fire off a hard right hand of his own- X ducked beneath it. Popping up behind DC, X looked for a waist-lock, but DC blocked it by hooking his leg. Elbow after elbow hit X in the head from DC as using the split second X gave him, DC pulled of a standing switch, now HE had X in a waist-lock. DC hit X with a forearm shot to the lower-back and pushed him into the ropes. Hitting it chest first, X bounced back as DC quickly snapped into the air, looking for a neckbreaker- getting impressive hang-time.. But too much hang-time as when Collins got to the peak of his leap, Andrews managed to push himself up and catch Collins' legs on his shoulders and snap him down- as DC pulled X down.. Hitting some sort of weird.. Powerbomb/Neckbreaker combo that only Andrews seemed to have not gotten hurt from.
"HO-LY SHIT" chants started as DC held his back in pain, X held his neck, but Andrews? He was fine. A bit tired from taking those boots from X and having his face meshed into the steel, but he'd definitely survive.
Styles: That right there is why Duke Andrews is my favorite and has been since this match was announced!
Fecca: Oh stop you bandwagon fan! I bet your NFL team is the Saints and your NBA team is the Lakers too, huh?! You're a fair-weather fan!
Andrews rolled to DC and made the cover, Richards dropped again..
Fecca: COULD WE!?
Styles: HE GO-
Grabbing at his hair, Andrews thought it was over and he wasn't happy with DC kickout out. Taking full mount now, he begun to fire off shot after shot, each connected and did damage to the already staggered Damien Collins, Andrews had grown irritated with the situation and wanted that PWT Championship. X on the other-hand, he had recovered from the neckbreaker and hit the ropes. Sprinting forward- X leaped into the air and sent all his weight forward, crashing down onto the mat as well as snapping Duke forward with him, connecting with a bulldog. Spinning Andrews around, X hooked the leg.
Richards held two fingers in the air, Duke's right shoulder popped up.. X took a deep breath, the match was beginning to tire them. DC had got back to his feet by using the ropes to pull himself up and X was back up too. Andrews once more rolled out of the ring, that was the smartest strategy imaginable.. He needed to regain his composure, and he did so. X looked to grab hold of DC, but DC hit him with a back elbow shot and caused X bouncing backwards- and as X came back at him- DC popped into the air, once more showing that amazing vertical leap and pushed his legs out, knocking X with a hard.. yet beautiful dropkick.
Before DC could make the cover, Andrews got back into the ring and quickly kicked DC in the stomach.. And threw him into the turnbuckle. Lifting DC up into the corner- DC tried to fight back, but Andrews hit a few shots with his right arm, taking more life out of Collins. DC sat on the top rope, staggered as Andrews stepped onto the ring apron outside of the ring. Grabbing DC beneath his arms and resting most of DC's weight on his back- with one sudden lift and a roar, Andrews hoisted DC into the air as the crowd jumped to their feet thinking what was coming could definitely be a nail in the coffin for Collins..
With one more snapping movement, Duke leaped off of the apron and sent DC soaring through the air, before crashing down onto the floor, well- DC hit the floor hard, but the back of his head, almost part of his neck snapped against the thick steel pipe running across the foundation of the cell.
Grabbing at his head quickly, DC looked to be out of it. Andrews landed kind of awkard as well, but not as bad as as DC. From the top of DC's head, a gash opened up and blood begun to pore like Niagra Falls, Andrews looked down at this and smiled, he loved what he saw.
Fecca: O- Oh my God.. DC is busted open from the back of the head.. Cuts like that are NEVER good..
Styles: I guess that knocks one out.. Now it's just Andrews and Homicide and from the looks of things, Andrews got this on lock!
Duke rolled back into the ring.. Again, X was still recovering from being hit smack in the face with that powerful clothesline from Collins, and as Andrews moved towards X- X lifted Andrews off of his feet with a hard European Uppercut. Firing off another- this one sent Duke into the turnbuckle- But Duke snapped forward- Xavier scooped Duke off of his feet, using all of Duke's momentum against him and spiked him into the mat with a spinebuster that got the fans all riled up again.. X made the cover, looking to finish it.
Styles: YES!
Pounding on the mat out of frustration- Even the PWT Champion was beginning to grow annoyed with what was going on. The match had taken a lot out of each man thus far, neither was going to walk out a hundred percent, or even at 50% once that final bell was rung. X rolled to the side and layed on his stomach, trying to regain his breath as Andrews was sorta out of it too. DC had made small signs of life, the blood continued to pour from his head which wasn't good because it'd make him even more tired.. more woozy and a hell of a lot more shook to have to go the distance with X and Andrews. X pushed himself up, taking a few heavy breaths, he was beginning to tire- as was Andrews who's back was in extreme pain. Standing Duke up- X sent Duke into the ropes- Duke came back off of it and avoided a HUGE dropkick from Xavier. But when Xavier stood up- he stepped right into a kick to the midsection. Quickly locking X up- Andrews snapped backwards- planting X face first into the mat.. Pretty effin' hard.
Fecca: WAIT, LOOK!
As Andrews got to his feet with a smile- DC managed to use whatever he had left to stand up and spring forward. When Andrews stood tall- DC ducked beneath Andrews' arm and popped up- snapping Andrews down with a DC Drop- the fans went absolutely crazy.. they nearly blew the roof off the arena.
The blood that DC lost and was continuing to lose, it definitely had it's effect on DC. He could barely move, but he pulled himself closer to Andrews and with everything he had left, covered Andrews.. barely.. but he managed to throw his left arm over Andrews.
Fecca: YES!
Fecca: YES!
Styles: YES!
Almost at the same time Richards' hand slapped the mat, Andrews' shoulder popped off of the mat, and because it was that way- the match would continue, the fans were going crazy, so crazy that someone was going to have a stroke from their blood pressure spiking through the roof. DC didn't know what was going on already, he had lost so much blood from that gash, that he was out of it. Andrews? He and X both were in the same boat, but atleast they could look forward to a resurge of energy.. Possibly. DC? He was took weak to even think about it. X had flipped over, onto his back and was staring up at the lights as DC was laying flat on his stomach. Chants begun to rip through the arena, mixed of course, the arena was torn between DC and X.. Andrews would have to rely on self-motivation if he wanted back into the mix.
Fecca: Wow.. What a match thus far. Each of these men have give it their all, and they don't seem to be through yet.. Somebody has to win this, the PWT Championship is on the line!
Styles: DC has lost so much blood, he can barely breathe. X is don-
Before Eddie could finish- X used the fans more than likely to get himself back into the mix and got to his feet. He was shaken, he was tired, but this was the spirit of a champion. Andrews had got to a knee and X knew he had to put this away already, time was against him and the longer it went on, the more likely something was going to happen that'd cost him the PWT Championship. Reaching down, he picked Duke up and sent him into the ropes. Springing off of it, Duke came back and fired off a clothesline out of desperation, but X ducked beneath it. X hit the ropes himself and as he came off of it, he hit a running Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex that sent Andrews crashing across the ring- and eventually to the outside.
DC had used everything he had to get himself up and into the corner. Resting there, X had no time to show mercy, he had to use whatever advantage he had. Firing off a few hard shots to DC's mid-section, he backed up and let DC come into him. Once DC was at good distance- X kicked DC in the gut. Quickly acting on it, X threw DC's arm over his head and grabbed hold of his leg. Looking to pull him into the air in a Fisherman's Suplex position- Tragedy struck.
Right before X could snap back and drop DC on his head with 'The Death Penalty,' Andrews rolled into the ring and nearly broke a chair over the top of X's head with how hard he struck X. Crumbling to the mat as the crowd broke into cheers, X dropped to a knee and looked up at Andrews, as Andrews fired off probably the most sickest smile of his career and folded the chair across X' face from X' seated position, busting the PWT Champion open completely..
Shouting something down at Homicide as the top of his head bleed like crazy, he spiked the chair down to the ground and he turned around, looking for Collins- Thats when Collins came like a bat out of hell, full sprint forward and leaped into the air once more. Andrews didn't see this- and just from a stroke of luck, but as DC snapped down and pulled Andrews to the mat- the same chair that acted as Andrews most trusty weapon this match quickly turned into his worst enemy as DC hit a perfectly put DC Drop on Andrews, over the steel chair.. bringing the fans to their feet as DC crawled.. he inched.. he clawed.. over to the first body he saw.. Xavier Homicide's as he didn't have the energy to turn Duke over onto his back. Finally being within an arm's reach of Homicide, DC carelessly threw an arm over X' bloody self as Richards dropped.
Fecca: ?!
Styles: !?
Once Richards' hand slapped the mat, it was as if America dropped another bomb on Hiroshima, an explosion unlike before was seen and it lit the arena up.
Before Sabrina could reach around the Cell and hand Willie Sharpe the PWT Championship, from the crowd jumped.. Yep, Natural Selection.
Fecca: Oh.. God..
Bedlam and Othniel were the first to actually reach the cell as Bedlam told Sharpe something- he nodded and opened the cell door without hesitation.
Fecca: What the?! WHY DID YOU OPEN IT, WILLIE?! C'MON!
Bain and Esco were next to hop from the crowd, the bigger two were a bit slower than Bedlam and Othniel but they did their job with no problems. As Con and Bain slid into the ring, finally- making his grand entrance as the last of the pack, was Jacob Mitchell. Donny beat Jake to the ring and too joined NS in the Cell, all the mean while Jake strolled slowly, before jumping the barricade. As he touched down onto the ground- Duke Andrews noticed what was going on and made a bolt to the door- But Bain and Con met him there.
Fecca: Oh no.. Andrew- Andrews is being blocked in by Marcus Bain and Con Escobar and they have absolutely no intention of letting him go!
Out of no where- Jake moved to the door and parted through Bain and Esco, to stand a few feet from Andrews. Behind Duke- Bedlam stood, Othniel and Donny were in the ring, he was completely blocked off. Having a staredown- Jake shook his head and stepped aside- giving Duke free space to walk.
Fecca: Wh- Wha- WHAT THE HELL?!
Jake worded to Duke "You owe me" before Duke.. No nod.. No smile, bolted through the door, he wanted no part of what was about to go down. Jake turned around and looked at Sabrina with those cold eyes as he snatched the PWT Championship away from her and made as if he was going to hit her, causing her to flinch and trip backwards. Walking back into the cell, Jake looked towards Sharpe and told him something- Sharpe acted quickly with a look of pure terror on his face and locked the cell as he passed Jake the key from the outside.
Styles: I.. I don't even know.
Fecca: What the hell are these wolves going to do!?
All of Natural Selection rolled into the ring, DC was out of it, he didn't know what was going on as Xavier was just beginning to come back to consciousnss from that shot he took with the chair. Andrews backed up the ramp, looking on at the ring as Jake fired one last glance his way before cracking a smirk and nodded. Bedlam took out a pair of handcuffs from his back pocket as the wolves struck.
Fecca: .. Why am I not surprised that criminal has a set of handcuffs on him?
Othniel, Bain, Esco all rushed in, stomping a whole new meaning of a 'mudhole' in Collins as Jake stood over Homicide, staring down at him as if he was going to rip his soul from his body. Othniel grabbed hold of DC's right hand as Bedlam handcuffed it to the ropes, Bain put in a few more solid stomps as Natural Selection now circled Xavier Homicide. Jake had thrown the PWT Championship aside, Xavier's future looked EXTREMELY dim now.
Fecca: Why the hell did they handcuff Collins to the ropes?! What are these lunatics going to do to XMan?!
All of NS looked around at each other- as Jake nodded and that was the signal. Pouncing of Xavier, every member was included on the attack- while Donny filmed with the stolen PWT Camera. The fans boo'd as the stomps, punches and elbows rained down on Xaiver's body, he was overwhelemed. DC was just getting a sense of where he was, but blood trickled down his back, he couldn't do anything, even if he wanted to.
Eddie was unusually quiet, probably nauseated at what he seen as they stopped the attack, Bain and Con picked Xavier up. Holding his two arms out, Jake squatted and got at eye level with Xavier while Othniel passed him a mic which he stole on the way to the ring.
Jacob: Not so tough, are you?
With a hard backhand, Jake smacked the taste out of Xavier's mouth.
Jacob: You know what this is, Homicide? This is your judgment day. God himself stands before you and has decided his sentence. For ducking me, for pretending like you I wasn't around..
Pausing.. Jake shook his head.
Jacob: .. You've been found guilty..
Yet another backhand smack from The Prodigal Son.
Jacob: We're eliminating all traces of the waste that they left behind when they left. You? You're the last of a toxic breed. By taking out of the picture, we take one more step closer to rebuilding PWT in the image we see fit- One step closer to shattering the public view on PWT.. Isn't it fun!?
Jake smached Homicide once.. then twice.. Before he grabbed Homicide by the throat.
Spitting in Homicide's face, Jake backed up.. And with a few steps, he sprung forward and planted his foot in Homicide's face, the heel of his foot cracked against X's nose, shattering it upon impact.
Fecca: .. God..
Shouting at Bain to "PICK HIS ASS UP" Con was next in line. Backing himself into the corner, Con rolled his shoulders forward as Bain whipped the almost lifeless XMan towards him- Con broke into a good three yard sprint and got low- nearly BREAKING X with a spear that probably caused internal damage. X's body was like a acordian, it was bent in half as he hit the mat, his arms limp- his legs the same. Blood continued to fall from his nose as the crowd grew quiet now.. Not even Fecca or Styles had anything to say about it. Bain kicked Xavier out of the ring and was soon to follow, the Manimal picked Xavier up on his shoulder and constantly rammed Xavier's head into the cell.. Like a battering ram.. over and over.. and over again. Throwing his limp body into the ring, Con stood him up sent him at Bedlam, as Bedlam knocked him in the kidney with a stiff right hand. Doubling him over Bedlam locked him in a Gullotine Choke all the mean while Othniel locked on The Foreseen and had Xavier's back at a REALLY bad angle. Holding the double submission for a good fifteen, twenty seconds, they let go as Jake picked the mic back up.
Jacob: Let this be a lesson to the rest of Professional Wrestling Today. If we do this to a former champion- Imagine.. What..
As Jake spoke, he moved over towards Damien Collins.
Jacob: .. We'd do.. To the current one..?
Grabbing DC by his throat and fixing his attention up- All that left The Infamous' eyes was straight.. hate. He was fuming, that rage he had.. It was scary.
Jacob: You pass this message, Damien. You tell your friends- you tell PWT that we're not going away. You go tell Whysper and Eagle that they're out of their league by thinking they're up to par with Bain and Esco.. You go tell Addams that Othniel is coming for the TITANium Championship.. You go tell Matlock- Winterborn.. Draven.. Tracker.. Georgia.. Christian Michaels.. Hell, Damien.. Go tell Brooks to dig up the corpse of the Mother of PWT; Hardcore Angel.. You tell them that we're through playing games- That it's time Natural Selection begun in PWT- And that all of you? You're finished..
Much like he did with Homicide- Jake got low and stared into Damien's eyes.. That same look he shot Mari Saito.. That same look he shot Scott Addams.. That same look he shot Xavier Homicide.
Jacob: .. Done. And this..?
Holding his arm out to the side as Othniel placed the PWT Championship there, he took a look at it, kinda turning his head and gazing at it for what it was worth. Smirking at his reflection, he dropped it infront of Damien Collins and narrowed his attention back up.
Jacob: Enjoy it for the time being. I never lost that title.. It still belongs to me. I've got bigger plans to handle first, once I'm through with that.. And you've still got my possession.. I'm coming after you Damien.. I'm going to make your life a complete hell. You think you've seen bad? You think you've seen me at my worse? You haven't seen a quarter of what I'm capable of doing. I'd suggest you sleep with that title- you eat with it, shower with it if it'll bring you closer, because when I decide it's time..
Snapping a kick off- catching Damien across the face as blood dropped from the cut.
Jacob: .. It's mine. Now Homicide?
Turning back towards Xavier who could be in a coma for all we know, he smiled.
Jacob: Let's put an exclaimation mark at the end of this sentence..
Esco and Marcus picked Xavier up, even though he was dead-weight he was still light for them. Holding him in position- Jake glanced at Damien.
Jacob: .. This is how you do it.
Dropping the mic, Jake sprinted forward and got mad hang-time before spiking Xavier down.. forehead first into the mat with The Prodigal Drop. All of Xavier's weight fell onto his head and neck as he landed at a really bad angle, Jake jumped to his feet and looked towards Marcus with a cut-throat taunt. Lifting X up, Marcus hoisted Xavier into the air.. Held him there for a second before jumping and planting Xavier flat on his back with The Cause of Death.. a huge powerbomb that put the finishing touches on Xavier. Standing up- Jake pointed towards the cell now..
Cutting a sly smirk, Bain picked Xavier up and lifted him above his head in a Military Press position. Taking a few quick steps, Bain beamed Xavier towards the side of the cell.. he threw him as hard as he possibly could- which was pretty hard as Xavier hit it, but he didn't broke through it.. Instead, hit it and bounced back, cracking his head on the ring apron. Watching the mayhem, Natural Selection was happy with their work.. They had done what they accomplished. Jake picked up the PWT Championship now and took a last look, he chuckled before simply dropping it before the knocked out Damien Collins. Strangely, nobody had come out to help either man- why? Unknown. Bain and Esco kicked the door to the Cell open- there went the reason for the key as it flew off of it's hinges. Leaving the ring, moving through the crowd- a quick camera shot went backstage- or to the electricity conductor, where Natural Selection's masked man had pressed a button and raised the cell, before quickly darting out of sight.
Fecca: .......
As the cell raised, all sorts of PWT workers flocked from the back, as if the flood-gates was opened, but it was too late, the damage had been done. A huge pallet, wooden crates was seen being shoved out of the way near the gorilla curtain as the producers quickly halfed, some checked on Xavier, some checked on DC, clearly the concern was on both- DC might have a concussion from earlier and Xavier? Homicide might be paralyzed after the beating he took. One producer threw up the notorious "X" as quickly an ambulance rolled from the side of the arena. EMT's rushed out of it and attended to both men as the two that came from the back of the vehicle, brought out a stretcher. Quickly wheeling it towards Homicide, they did what they had to do before putting Xavier on it. Lifting it up, and wheeling him back to the ambulance- a producer managed to get Damien free of the handcuffs as he collapsed in the ring, exhausted. The last image of the night didn't fall on Damien Collins, who had his special moment ripped away from Natural Selection.. but it fell on the former PWT Champion- the underdog that nobody believed would succeed. Xavier Homicide was put into to the stretcher as the EMT's messed around with equipment..
Fecca: .. I think.. We're in serious trouble..
And on that note.. Caged Combat concluded on a serious and very bad note |
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