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Date Posted:11/21/2009 7:50 AMCopy HTML
PWT Danger Zone December 4th, 2005 | PWT Shockwave has just drawn to a conclusion and the viewers who were watching have all but simultaniously clicked over to their respective Pay Per View channel where they see the concluding credits for the PWT Free-For-All. The screne fades to black breifly before... WARNING!!! Warning: UNAUTHORIZED INTERCEPTION OR RECEIPT PROHIBITED!!! This Pay Per View event is the exclusive property of Professional Wrestling Today Inc. Only by paying a fee to a cable operator or other entity authorized by PWT INC is the viewer granted a limited license to view this pay per view program. This Pay Per View may not be recorded, rebroadcast, retransmitted or otherwise distributed in any manner whatsoever without the expressed written consent of PWT INC. Federal Law provides for civil penalties and criminal penalties against any violators. Unauthorized Viewers Beware and be forewarned!! With that we fade back to black breifly before the heavy drumbs kick up for the start of "Conflict" by Disturbed. As the song proceeds we find ourselves traveling down a deep portal which has many of yellow lights and ahead of us is a large, diamond shapped, yellow sign which clearly reads... We continue full speed ahead and just as we're about to collide with the sign we dip down and the scene switches to sweep the jam packed Hammerstein ballroom.
Fecca, "WELCOME TO THE CITY THAT NEVER SLEEPS AND WELCOME TO P.W.T. DANGERZONE! I'm Bobby Fecca alongside "Steady" Eddie Styles for what's expected to be one of thee, if not THEE biggest event in this companies long history!"
Eddie Styles, "No doubt Robert... PWT's rising to it's peak, and we're doing it right here in the Big Apple, New Yawk New Yawk... Bobby, it simply DOESN'T get ANY... Bigger... Than... THIS!"
Fecca, "Absolutly... The Hammerstein Ballroom is jumping and folks, it's just the beginning... We're being broadcast over the entire United States and Canada on Pay Per View, and folks... For those of you watching, and I know that you're ALL watching... If you're nervous, you should be. PWT's coming with a full head of steam and we're not stopping till we get to the top."
Styles, "Pfft... We won't even stop then. Once we reach the top we'll just start building new levels and continue to climb atop of each one till we make Sears Tower look like a lego house for action figures." [ With that said its time for tonight's pay per view to get underway! We go to teh ring where Sabrina is standing in the center ready to announce the participants of the first match... Sabrina: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is a round one match in the People's Title Tournament. Introducing first, from Seymour, Missouri, weighing in at 250 pounds, DREW STEVENSON!" [The camera is paning around the arena viewing the fans as they're screaming while also holding up multi-colored signs of their favorite PWT Superstar and or diva. Nothing seems out of the ordinary, however, the titantron or whatever PWT call's their large screen flicker's to life, a video package of Drew Stevenson begins playing as everybody gets to their feet cheering loudly as Drew has gotten his name quite known by purely dominating OCW and now getting exposure in the high rank's of W2K and PWT. The public address sound system comes on playing ''Hurt'' by Nine Inch Nails to follow the video, no sign of Drew yet as the video continues to roll and the song just plays, where is he? After a dramatic pause, a white hand is seen grabbing ahold of the dark blue gorilla curtains as the man pushes himself through now standing on the top of the ramp. It is definitely Drew Stevenson! He wears a his normal ring attire and has his short black hair wetted back, his goatee is trimmed neatly as he looks out at all these screaming fans while just merely nodding his head approving this ovation. Drew smiles and begins making his descent down the long, silver roadlike rampway, his obvious destination is the PWT ring! He gets there after a quick second and takes a left walking around the side of the ring heading over to the steel step's, he ascend's them quickly and step's through the middle nylon rope ready for his first Pay Per View match, hell, his first match ever in a PWT ring. The titantron and public address sound system shut off as Drew crouches in a corner, ready for the match to begin. Sabrina: "And his opponent, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing in at 225 pounds, JAY STYLES" [A dark red light starts to flash throughout the arena followed by a lighter shade of red.. Then a video of Jay Styles appears on the titron and "Enter Sandman" by Metallica blast over the PA system, as Jay Styles appears with Akasha on the stage and gives a cocky grin as they makes their way down to the ring. Jay Styles rolls in the ring and stares at Drew Stevenson, Akasha moving to stand by ring side. Bob: "I really like the new commer's chances in this match, I think he might be able to pull an upset over Jay Styles." Eddie: "I doubt it, Jay Styles is a seasoned pro, Bob, who has earned his stripes in PWT. Remember during late spring and early summer, Jay recieved a World Title shot against Christian Michaels, where he almost won, defeated Superchyle, a man who achieved a lot of success in the early days of PWT, and worked a program with David Van Dam, a program where he really worked hard to push David Van Dam. Plus, since he's been back, he won his match at Hardcore Hell, and he won last week against Edgar Monroe. He's on a real roll." Bob: "That may be so, but keep in mind, this is Drew Stevenson's first match in a PWT ring. He looks like he's in tremendous shape, and he did well in OCW. I think he might be able to pull one over." [The two continue debate whether or not Drew can defeat Jay, when the bell rings to officially start the first contest of PWT's six Pay Per View since it's official reopening show on April 12. Jay Styles, who's competed on two PWT Pay Per Views: Ultimate Judgement and Hardcore Hell, knows how to start the match off. Slowly. He stays back away from Drew, moving close to the ropes, his eyes locked on Stevenson. Drew, the most inexprienced of the two, moves in quickly, wanting to make a big impression in his first match. Drew swings a fist looking to connect with a hook, but Jay is too smart for it. He ducks the bunch, and quickly grabs Drew's legs, pulling them out from underneath him. Drew rolls over onto his stomach, good wrestling training there, but this allows Jay to slide to Drew's head and lock on a seated front facelock. Bob: "Jay Styles is not known for his mat wrestilng, but here he is, grounding the bigger Drew Stevenson. Smart technique from the 8 year veteran." Eddie: "He must've spent some time with his buddy, David Van Dam, and picked up on some mat wrestling. Look at the way Jay's raking his forearm over Drew's face, that's a typical Van Dam move. Go Jay Styles!" Bob: "I doubt he learned that from David Van Dam, I don't think they train or travel together." Eddie: "Hey, they were talking together, weren't they? Maybe David's helping a friend out, giving him some new moves. Geez Bob." [Drew, who perfers a technical style, manages to spin his way out of the move, and onto his knees. He glares at Styles, who smirks at him, taping his forehead. Jay: "Don't fuck with me rookie. I know more wrestling holds than you know cartoon characters... chump..." [Jay continues to taunt Drew, who finally has enough, and tackles Jay to the ground. Drew begins to unleash a fury of closed fists to the head of Jay, really knocking him senseless. Eddie: "Oh come on ref. Look at those closed fists. Those are illegal."[The refere, who is actually competent, compared to some other companies referees, pulls Drew off of Jay. The ref looks at Drew, and shakes his finger. He tells Drew to open his fists up. If he sees closed fists again, it's going to be a disqualification. Eddie: "There we go, a referee doing his job."[Jay stands to his feet and shakes the cobwebs out of his head. Drew and Jay quickly lock up, and Jay takes advantage with a headlock. He doesn't get the headlock locked on for long, though, as Drew lifts him up, and drops him on his knee for a big atomic drop. Jay clutches his tailbone as Drew bounces off the ropes and comes back, hitting a big clothesline. The crowd is roaring for the rookie, who spins around the ring his hands calling for louder cheers. Jay rolls out of the ring, and begins to pace the outside, shaking his head. Bob: "Drew's really getting in Jay's head here. Those furious punches, and now the atomic drop. Jay can't be too happy." Eddie: "Would you be happy if people were sitting here disrespecting you like they're doing Jay Styles? All the man is trying to do is wrestle, and people are booing him, and this new kid is showing him no respect. Those closed punches to the head should've gotten him disqualified." Bob: "When was the last time you saw someone get disqualified for using closed fists." Eddie: "Ric Flair disqualified some chump for using closed fists against Triple H." [Bob rolls his eyes as Jay rolls back into the ring, ready to go again. He and Drew lock up, and this time Drew hits a spinning drop toe hold, then locks in a seated back waist lock. He tries to lock Jay's arms up, to lock in a seated Full Nelson, but Jay manages to use his legs to lift part of his body up, then flip over, causing Drew to flip over with him. Drew lands on the mat, and Jay lands on him. Jay stays laying on him for the pin. 1.. 2.. [Drew gets his shoulder up, not wanting to go down in his first match for PWT. Jay rolls off of him and pulls Drew up. Drew is a little wobbly on his feet, as would anyone who has 225 pounds come down right on their chest. Jay lifts him into the air, but Drew slides out of Jay's grasp, and lands behind him. Drew hits his version of the Angle Slam, "The Final Conflict". Eddie: "Hey, that's David Van Dam's move! He can't use it!"Bob: "Please, DVD doesn't have it trademarked, DVD didn't even invent it. Drew Stevenson can use it if he wants." [Drew makes the cover on Jay, hooking the leg, but the ref doesn't see this, as Akasha has the referee distracted. Drew stands up, and begins to make his way towards there, but Jay manages to slide behind him and hit him with a low blow, before rolling him up. Akasha hops off the apron and points to the pin. The referee turns around and slides into position. 1.. 2... [Drew manages to kick out at the last second. Jay slams his hands into the mat out of pure frustration. He stands up, and pulls Drew to his feet. Drew quickly small packages Jay, and the ref counts the pin. 1... 2.. [Jay kicks out and gets to his feet, before dropping back down, driving his arms into Drew. He begins to use open hand strikes right to the temple of Drew, really pounding down. He stands up, and falls backdown, driving his arms back into Drew. Jay wraps his hand around Drew's throat, using a chokehold. The refere begins to count for the break. 1... 2... 3... 4... [Jay releases the choke, and uses some open hand strikes, before going back to the choke. 1... 2... 3... 4... [Jay breaks the choke, and moves his positioning, so that his leg is across the throat of Drew. Jay begins to argue with the referee about a previous call as he chokes Drew. Drew's face looks like it is turning blue when the referee notices the choke. The referee pulls Jay off of Drew, and begins to warn him about the choke. Jay argues with him as Akasha slides into the ring, and quickly kicks the now kneeling Drew Stevenson in the skull. She slides out of the ring, with out being noticed as Jay goes for the cover. 1.. 2... [Drew manages to get his shoulder up again. Bob: "Drew is really using everything he has to keep from getting pinned. This kid wants it, and he wants it bad." Eddie: "He should just stay down."[Jay pulls Drew up, and places his head between his legs. He signals for his verison of the Flipping Piledriver: "The Stylish Impact." He wraps his arms around Drew's midsection, and begins to flip. Somehow, in midflip, Drew manages to counter, and his back crashes into Jay's chest. Drew reaches back and pulls Jay's leg's up. He's got the pin in. 1... 2... [Almost a three, but Jay manages to break the pin at the last second. Drew gets to his feet, somehow managing to feel reenergized. He whips Jay into the ropes, and moves to the side. Jay comes bouncing back, and Drew hits him with his verison of the over-used Diamond Cutter: "Greatness". He gets up and moves to Jay's legs, and begins to lock in his "Career Killer", The Texas Cloverleaf, but the ref is again being distracted by Akasha. This doesn't stop Drew though, who likes it in anyways. Jay is groaning in agony, trying to get to the ropes, but he can't. Suddenly, a man rolls into the ring. It's Jimmy Stryker! Stryker is holding a chair, and he drives it into the back of the skull of Drew Stevenson. Drew falls off Jay, and Jimmy lifts Drew up, and then piledrives him onto the chair. Jimmy rolls out of the ring, pulling the chair with him. Jay draps an arm over Drew. Bob: "No. Not like this."[The referee slides into postioning. 1... 2... 3... [The bell rings, and Jay climbs to his feet, his arms raised. Sabrina: "Your winner, JAY STYLES"[Jay Styles rolls out of the ring, and he, Akasha, and Jimmy Stryker head backstage as PWT gets ready for Nic E Dangerously's first match back in PWT! |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Danger Zone'
Date Posted:11/21/2009 7:51 AMCopy HTML
PWT Danger Zone
December 4th, 2005 |
Fecca: "And we are ready for our second first round, Peoples Championship Tourney match, Eddie."
Styles: "Are we? So I still have time to take a nap, then, awesome. You know it seems every match just gets worse and worse."
Fecca: "Oh, no it doesn't, you just woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning."
Styles: "Yeah, your mom's."
Fecca: "Sigh. Anyway, fans, this is a double-zebra match, meaning two referees! Perhaps this is an advantage or disadvantage, depending on who you are. With Maury Povich in stripes, as well as the Green Ranger, there's no telling what will happen!"
[The Green Ranger is already in the ring, with his ref shirt on over his suit, but under his gold pad. He's clapping his hands and doing some poses for the crowd... when... "Fireman" by Jawbreaker begins to play over the PA, along with a video clip of McFly wrestling. 10 seconds into the video Raymond McFly makes his way out from backstage.
Styles: "I have a feeling we'll be having a tribute show to this guy the next Shockwave."
Fecca: "Don't be silly-"
Styles: "Right, Wall$treet doesn't care enough. I can't believe I said that."
[Upon making his way out he gets a mixed reaction from the crowd. Some cheers and some boos, but nothing to violent. He continues to walk down the enterance ramp, as he gives the Staight Edge "X" (The CM Punk pose) to the crowd as he slides into the ring. Upon arrival in the ring he goes in the far right turnbuckle and climbs it. Once again doing the Straight Edge pose. After hes down posing, he climbs down, and sits down in it, and waits for the match to begin.
Styles: "He likes to do that pose."
Fecca: "Indeed..."
Woman's voice: "Danger..... danger.... danger..."
["King Nothing" by Metallica rumbles across the speaker system, as Styles ducks under the desk, looking for a Bird-Of-Prey.
Woman's voice: "... danger.... danger... you have entered... the Danger Zone..."
[The guitar rocks in, as the song start going. Nic E Dangerously steps out on stage, under some strobes, looking around, as Maury walks in from the curtain, clapping his hands, pointing at NED, and wearing the ref shirt, too. He also has a whistle.
Styles: "Now, that's dumb... we've been in the Danger Zone since this pay per CRAP has started."
Fecca: "Your jokes get more lackluster everytime you flap your gums."
[NED grins, as he levels his arms with his shoulders, and lowers them to some boos. The strobes make his entire entrance look slow-motion, and when he reaches the steps, he walks along the apron, eyeing McFly like a hawk. Maury slides in, blowing his whistle, trying to eject Green Ranger, who poses down some more. Once NED steps in, the bell rings.
Fecca: "And this match should be underway!"
[Maury puts his arms in, while Ranger tries to explain the rules- Maury says "Let's get it on!" and boom, NED forces a lock up on McFly early. McFly is overpowered, and sent into the corner, and NED tries to get in a choke, but a squirming McFly is able to get his leg on NED's midsection, and force him away with a foot-push- NED comes at McFly fast- but not fast enough as he rolls from the corner, and NED slams into it- McFly grabs NED's head, smashes it into the turnbuckle, and then spins him around and goes CHOP (WOOOO!), CHOP! (WOOOO!)... and then climbs up onto the second rope, and the crowd counts- ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR!! FIVE!! SIX!!! SEVEN... EIGHT!!! NINE.... and as McFly waits for the crowd to cheer the tenth, he takes way too long, and NED grabs him on his sides, and lifts him up fast, walking a step forward and dropping him backwards- face first onto the top turnbuckle.
Styles: "I'm surprised these New Yorkers can count that high, but apparently, McFly got stumped after nine."
Fecca: "Oh, stop it!"
[McFly tries to shake it off, and regain his footing, but before he can, NED grabs his hair and charges him across the ring, and smashes him into the opposite corner. NED then brings his forearms into McFly's face, over and over, getting faster and faster with the frustration mounting. In all honesty, NED expected this to be over by now.... McFly dips, and NED changes to his feet, and sends his heel into his midsection- again- and again- then reaches down and brings McFly snapping up and into a hip toss- McFly is sitting- and he rolls and spins, and NED loses his footing with the leg sweep. McFly uses this as a good chance to get in a good offense, and hugs NED's head much like a stunner, but brings down a Jaw-breaker instead! NED pops up and stumbles, and McFly catches him with a dropkick! NED goes backfirst into the ropes, and McFly gets up, runs full blast, and hits a clothesline, sending NED toppling over!! Maury rushes to McFly before he can do anything else...
Maury: "You try another stunt like that again, and I'll DQ you so fast, you'll go back to the future!"
[Ranger shakes his head, and grabs Maury, leading him out of the way, as McFly grabs the top and slings over- NED's up, though, Maury gave him precious seconds, and he catches McFly with ease, and spins, running McFly back-first into the ringpost! McFly curses, and slumps to the floor, as Ranger begins a count.... one... NED sends a foot into McFly's face. Two!, NED reaches down, three! NED slings McFly up, four! NED scoops him for a slam... five! NED runs him back-first into the ring post again! SIX! NED rolls into the ring- and Maury counts: "SEVEN! EIGHTE! NINE! Ranger had almost no time to push Maury so he shut up- and then NED threatens the Ranger!
Fecca: "Things are breaking down already!"
[NED's finger is in Rangers, uh, helmet mask, and Ranger starts threatening to ring the bell- McFly crawls in, and rushes NED's back, hannering him with some axes. NED turns, and McFly sends a haymaker, rocking NED before he was ready and sending him off balance. McFly trips NED up, NED lands on one knee, and after a couple steps, McFly goes for- and hits- the "Shining Wizard"! A huge pop from the crowd thus far, and NED goes face first into the canvas! McFly covers and Ranger darts down- ONE! TWO! NO!!! Maury pulls Ranger off, and says NED's shouler was up... McFlyis stunned, and he's on his knees, knowing he could have won right there! NED starts to get up, but McFly catches him, and twirls him for a "Reverse DDT"... however, NED powers around, and ends up on top with the advantage, reversing it into a "Piledriver"... he brings McFly down on his head, and covers- ONE! TWO! NO! Ranger stops Maury from counting, and they start to argue! NED stamps the canvas with his fists three times, and pushes up, grabbing the Ranger's shoulder, and spinning him around- face to mask, they argue, and NED's face becomes more and more red-
Fecca: "McFly could have another shot here-"
Styles: "For the love of god, Dangerously, turn around!"
[McFly reaches and goes for a schoolboy- and rolls NED back- ONE! TWO! NO! Ranger's count was broken by NED kicking out- and now both race up- McFly's a bit faster on the up and sends a couple fists at NED to keep him stalled- McFly then runs to the ropes and back hoping for a swinging neckbreaker- NED catches him, lifts up and spins back- tossing Mcfly over the top and down onto the floor! McFly cradles his head and neck, as NED shakes it off, and heads to the outside. Maury is getting excited, screaming and all- while Ranger slides out with them. NED shoves someone out of a chair, and folds it up. Raising it, he poises to smash McFly as he stands- but when he goes to strike, Ranger grabs it from behind, and tries to pull it away... NED spins, latches on and rips it out of Ranger's hand, and then ducks a swing.. SMASH! He cracks Ranger's helmet and sends him right down to the floor! NED turns, and right into a shot by McFly!! The chair bounces off NED's head, and he drops it, stumbling around, and McFly sends NED back into the ring!
Fecca: "The course of this match has just changed! Dangerously's in a bad position!"
Styles: "Did you not see the only person sympathatic to McFly's cause get his head smashed in?"
Fecca: "Oh... crap."
[McFly follows in, and covers NED- only Maury has something in his eye... yeah, right! McFly waits, and then gets up, arguing with Maury to make the count by slapping his hands together... NED's up and pounces at McFly- who spins and kicks just in time- he goes for a quick snap DDT- but NED lifts him up like a "Northern Lights", and then brings him down in the "Kryptonite Krunch"- but McFly wriggles out of it, sliding over and behind NED- he grabs him for a "Reverse Suplex", lifts him up and hangs NED there- the brings him down misection-first onto a top turnbuckle!
Styles: "I can't believe that little worm got out of that!"
[ NED's straddled, and McFly runs up, and hops onto the corner, and pounds NED in the face with some hits. Then, lifting him up, he goes for a "Superplex"... however, NED out powers that, and tosses McFly onto the canvas belly-first... NED's at the top (weirdly), and he goes to stand, and fly off. McFly grabs Maury's leg and shoves him so he hits the ropes, and NED's straddled again, much to the relief of the crowd! McFly races up, hops over the top and climbs up behind NED_ and then nails a bulldog! NED sprawls, and McFly crawls over for the cover... Maury counts- ONE.... then he decides to go check on Ranger's health!! McFly slaps the canvas, and rolls outside where Maury is calling for help for the Green ranger, and McFly grabs him to put him back in the ring- Maury stalls with an arguement, as NED slinks back up- but McFly must have heard him because he round-shouse kicks as NED comes at him- NED stumbles back, and McFly comes at him with a wild swing, NED ducks it, gets the waist lock, McFly elbows back- twice, and a thid time NED lets him go- McFly hits the ropes, comes back, NED tilt-a-whirls him for a backbreaker- but McFly lands behind NED on his feet, and apllies his own waist lock, shoving NED into the ropes and back for a sunset flip- NED hangs on, and McFly rolls back, McFly gets up and runs full blast, and NED ducks, and tosses McFly back over the top and into the railing!!
Fecca: "Good night!"
[McFly tries to shake it off, and Maury begins a superfast count (he's already at eight), but NED tells him to shut up, and he rolls out and with the chair- he just picked it back up- goes after McFly. McFly is pulling himself up- and NED brings it down- McFly moves and NED smashes it on the railing,t he vibration really hrting his hands, and he drops it- as McFly grabs his arm for a short-arm- NED takes it across the throat and McFly hops on the railing, and falls down with a driving elbow... NED struggles to get up- but it's moot as McFly is already helping him by pulling him up by the hair. McFly goes to give NED some of his own medicine, by smashing him into the ringpost, but NED's foot goes up to stop it, and he elbows McFly in the jaw..
[NED scoops up McFly, and drops him face first on the apron, and McFly flip some... NED goes for the chair again, but it's kicked away- by the Green Ranger!
Fecca: "Listen to the fans now that it's fair again!"
Stlyes: "Yadda yadda."
[Ranger goes down a twelve point list on what NED's done wrong, but NED ignores him and turns to McFly- McFly, on his knees, goes for a low blow but we see he's really heaving NED up on his shoulders, and spinning him waist-first into the ringpiost. McFly drops him and rolls into the ring, and Ranger starts his count.... Maury rolls out and helps NED to his feet, and at six, NED rolls in, to kick to the head by McFly. McFly rips NED up, whips- NED reverses it and shoves McFly into the corner, but McFly reverses into a "Don't Mess With Texas", however, NED catche shim on his shoulder, and smashes him with a shoulder breaker, holding on, and heaving him onto the corner for a "Tree of Woe"... NED backs off after some heavy kicks, and then runs, smashing McFly with a knee to the gut. And again... and again... NED backs off a furth time, and goes for a baseball slide to the head.... McFly does a vertial sit up as NED slides in, and NED straddles the ring post, coming VERY alive for a few seconds, slapping the canvas in pain, and going limp. McFly frees himself, and grabs NED's arms, pulling him to the center, as Maury is going nuts, pulling out his air- he can't cheat with the Ranger back in action- and McFly covers- ONE! TWO! NO!!! NED gets a shoulder up, and then immediately checks his balls. McFly wastes no time, and he picks NED up... and wraps around to get behind for the "Drug Free"... NED bends forward, and flips McFly over his back- and then mauls him with his shoulder into the corner, and rains down hit after hit.. McFly is off balance, and he stumbles into the "Deus Ex Machina"... and NED drives him down...
Fecca: "SICK!"
[McFly is sprawled, and NED stands up to raise his own arms, before dropping to his knees and covering McFly... Maury laughs, and tells Ranger to count... who shakes his head, and realizes he has no choice.... he drops down and ONE! TWO! THREE!!! The bell rings, and NED advances to the second round! |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Danger Zone'
Date Posted:11/21/2009 7:51 AMCopy HTML
PWT Danger Zone
December 4th, 2005 |
Sabrina: "The following contest is the Backyard Title match. It is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Indianapolis, Indiana, NEW GEN!"
[The arena goes dark. Red and blue lights start to flash. NG music hits the 1st verse starts and he walks out to the ramp. NG stands on the ramp and looks out to the crowd and listen to the cheers/boos coming from the crowd. He starts to walk down the ramp and he looks to the crowd and yells different things to the people in the front row. He climbs into the ring and climbs the turnbuckle and raises his hands to show the pride he has in himself. Then he climbs down and jumps around waiting for his opponents.
Sabrina: "Introducing next, from Plainville, Indiana, WHYSPER!"
[Right now, Whysper doesn't have too elaborate an entrance. He's a newbie fresh from the training grounds. Once he hits the stage, he'll flip his hair back pound his chest with his fist and give the rock/heavy metal hand sign. He walks to the ring and once he gets a few feet from it, he'll sprint and slide in. Then, he'll get up and do the same thing he did on the stage, but does the taunt with both hands in the air. He climbs a turnbuckle does the same taunt both hands but with his mouth wide open like he's yelling. Then, he'll close his mouth and hold his index finger to his lips as if saying 'shh.' He'll run to another turnbuckle and do the same taunts again.
[The lights suddenly dim. They turn black & red when a hard guitar line suddenly comes over the speakers. The fans are on their feet as Papa Roach's "Getting Away With Murder" starts to play. Thirty seconds in, they start to boo when they see Matt Matlock step out onto the stage in blue jeans, a black colored "Adidas" muscle shirt, sneakers & a pair of shades. He stands there and grins. As the chorus begins he jerks both arms up in the air.
I feel irrational
So confrontational
To tell the truth I am
Getting away with murder
[A huge blast goes off on the stage now. As the smoke subsides, he has a huge grin on his face as he makes his way down the ramp.
"Ladies and gentlemen...from Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada...weighing 240 pounds, representing The Takeover, he's the reigning Backyard Champion, "The Cornered Animal", Matt Matlock!"
[He reaches the ring and slides in, heading for the nearest turnbuckle as the chorus starts again. As it does, he sticks both arms out to his side as pyro shoots off rapidly in the ring behind him. He lowers his arms and it stops. He then hops down, and then awaits his opponent.
[New Gen dives at Matlock before the bell can sound. He begins to hit him with a barrge of punches to the head, he's really fired up. Whsyper just stands in the corner, watching. New Gen pulls Matlock to his feet and whips him into the ropes. Matlock comes roaring back to get it with a big clothesline. New Gen pumps his arms as he pulls Matlock back to his feet. He lifts Matlock up, BIG powerslam. New Gen bounces off the ropes and comes back with a big legdrop. He goes for the quick cover, forgetting Whysper is there.
[Whysper breaks the count with a dropkick to New Gen's head. Whysper pulls New Gen to his feet by his hair, and hits him with several chops, knocking New Gen into the corner. Matlock rolls out of the ring, trying to catch his wind. Whysper whips New Gen from one corner, into the other, and comes barrling towards him at full speed. Whysper leaps into the air, going for a flying body splash. New Gen manages to move out of the way, and Whysper crashes into the turnbuckle padding. Whysper bounces off, and into a power clothesline from New Gen. Again New Gen goes for a cover.
[Matlock breaks it up with a steel chair to the head of New Gen. New Gen rolls off of Whysper, clutching his head. Matlock nails him with the chair again. Matlock opens the steel chair up and grabs New Gen, lifting him up, he quickly powerbombs him onto the exposed chair. New Gen clutches his back, as Matlock covers him.
[Whysper breaks it up with a leg drop to Matlock's neck.
Bob: "What action we've had early on. Three attempted pin falls already."
[Whysper pulls Matlock to his feet and hits him with a quick European Uppercut. Matlock stumbles backwards, clutching his throat. Whysper backs up and rushes forward, driving his knee into Matlock's chest and face. Matlock snaps up and catches a back elbow from Whysper. Matlock hits the mat, and Whysper runs, hitting the ropes, he comes back, leaping over Matlock, he hops onto the second rope. He flips backwards, and is in mid air when New Gen comes from out of no where and drop kicks Whysper, spinning his body so that Whysper crashes chest first on the mat.
Eddie: "This New Gen guy is really impressing me, he keeps looking like he's done for, but he keeps coming back. He's got balls."
[New Gen flips his hair back as he turns around. He gets caught with a forearm to the side of the head from Matt Matlock. Matlock hits another forearm, and then kicks New Gen in the gut. He lifts New Gen up, and falls backwards, hitting a nice vertical suplex. Matlock rolls his hips and picks New Gen up... Another verticle suplex. Matlock hits a third. Then a fourth. Then a fifth. After the fifth, Matlock goes for a cover.
[Whysper rams his arms into Matlock's head, breaking the pin. Matlock rolls off of Whysper. Whysper pulls him up, and slams his hands into Matlock's head, before hitting a superkick. Matlock falls through the ropes and onto the outside of the ring. He's laying on his back when Whysper runs off one set of ropes, comes back, leaps onto the top rope, then leaps off, and flips forward two times, hitting a Springboard 450 Splash. He hits Matlock dead on, but the impact causes him to bounce into the air and off to the side. Whysper clutches his ribs, rolling around, as the crowd chants "Holy Shit!"
Bob: "Did I just see what I think I saw! My God in heaven, I've never seen anything like it."
Eddie: "This Whysper kid is really trying to pull it out here. This could be it, if he can make the cover."
[Whysper slowly moves over, crawling towards the body of Matlock. He makes the cover.
[Matlock manges to get his shoulder up right before the three. The crowd is in utter shock that Matlock was able to kick out. Whysper gets to his knees, shaking his head in disbelief. The referee reenforces his count by showing Whysper how close the three was. Whysper stands up, and pulls Matlock to his feet. Matlock os wobbly, unable to really stand. Whysper pushes him against the apron as New Gen begins to stand in the ring. Whysper backs up, and climbs onto the barricade. He leaps forward, going for a flying body splash. New Gen comes diving from in the ring, hitting a spear while Whysper is in mid air.
[Bob continues to ramble on as New Gen slowly, and shakily, gets to his feet. He turns around to face Matlock, and gets kicked straight in the gut. Matlock quickly hits a Matlock Drop, New Gen crashing chest first into Whysper. Matlock rolls New Gen over, New Gen is still on Whysper. Matlock makes the cover on New Gen.
[New Gen manages to barely get his shoulder up, Matlock doesn't notice.
[The referee signals for the bell before going to grab the Backyard Title. Matlock rolls off of New Gen and gets to his knees, his arms raised. The referee pushes his arms down, draps the title over New Gen, and raises his arms as "Let The Bodies Hit The Floor" begins to play over the PA system.
Sabrina: "Your winner, and NEW Backyard Champion, NEW GEN!"
[Matlock looks at the referee in utter disbelief.
Bob: "I have never seen something like this. Matlock had the cover on New Gen, who was covering Whysper, unbenounced to Matlock. New Gen managed to get his shoulder up, but Whysper didn't. New Gen's the new Backyard Champion in a match that could go down as the biggest upset in PWT's New Era."
Eddie: "Matlock was cheated!"
[The two continue to argue as PWT Danger Zone fades to a hype promo for David Van Dam vs. Seifer. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Danger Zone'
Date Posted:11/21/2009 7:52 AMCopy HTML
PWT Danger Zone
December 4th, 2005 |
As the hardcore bout concludes the cameras switch to the halls of the back where we see Chris Demented headed for the Gorilla position.
Fecca, " What a great moment for this blue chipper, New Gen." Styles, "HORSEMANUER!!! THAT'S A TRAVISTY IF I EVER SAW WON!! I DEMAND A RECOUNT OR SOMETHING!! SOMEBODY STICK A RED BANDANA IN NEW GEN'S BACK POCKET AND SHOVE HIM INTO THE STREETS!!!!" Fecca, "Regardless, here we see Chris Demented about to make his way to the..."
Before he can even conclude that sentence we see someone come out of no where with a Golden steal chair in hand, which conincidently finds it's way across the upper back of Demented. Demented stumbles forward as we get a glimpse of a young man wearing a pair of black relaxed fit cargo pants and a silver button up shirt, not to mention a face of determination. (Picture Christian)...
Demented staggers around and the man brings the golden chair crashing over the skull of Demented.
Fecca, "What the HELL IS THIS?!" Styles, "FRIGGIN GREAT!"
The crowd is offering a bit of a mixed reaction as the new face drops his chair and bends down, grabbing a hand full of Chris' blonde hair, and hoisting him to his feet. Our mystery guest begins dragging Demented by his hair, taking him through one black curtain into the Gorilla position, and than right through another, bringing him out onto the walkway.
The crowd pops simply because the performers are right before them as our Christian lookin' fella proceeds to pummel Demented down the walk way, till they eventually get to the ring where the unknown superstar rolls Chris into.
Fecca, "This is repulsive!" Styles, "Awe come on, if it was that bad Security would stop it." Fecca, "TO HELL THEY WOULD! THEN WALLSTREET'D HAVE TO FIGHT HIS OWN DAMNED MATCH! SECURITY'S AS DIRTY AS A DAMNED TOILET BOWL!" Styles, "Geez, relax Robby." Fecca, "IT'S BOBBY!"
Back at the ring Demented is slowly starting to get up as our mystery athlete has reached under the ring and obtained a black steal chair. Our nameless assasian slides into the ring and places the chair on the canvas a few feet away from one of the corners. He then picks up Demented and hoists him into the air, ploping him on the top turnbuckle. The stranger than climbs up the ropes, grabing Demented's shoulders to help him keep his own balance as he steps on the top ropes and inches back a couple of inches... He than grabs Demented's head and guides him up as Demented finds himself climbing to the top rope and his head being positioned between the new commer's legs. The New commer hooks the arms in tiger suplex or pedigree formation, and then leaps back, driving Demented down face first into the steal chair with a modified top rope pedigree.
As the mystery athlete stays on his knees, glaring over his desecrated prey, the lights dim out as the ever so familiar opening cords begin over the PA...
"Clickity Clank (crowd erupts), Clickity Clank, The Money Goes Into My Piggy Bank... Clickity Clank, Clickity Clank, The Money Goes Into My Piggy Bank... I'll get at ya..."
The curtain suddenly shifts and out from behind it to a huge eruption steps the Corporate Icon himself.
The crowd is going biserk as Fecca says, "No where else in the world would you find a crowd that actualy favors WallStreet..." Styles, "I Always said that New York produces an intelligently superior breed of person in comparsion to the rest of the world."
Back in the ring our mystery performer gets a huge smile on his face as he plops down on the second rope and props up the top rope, persumably holding them open for WallStreet.
Fecca, "Wait... This kid's with WallStreet? I Should have damned well figured!" Styles, "Nice... We finally drew someone with a brain!" Fecca, "So now that his opponent's been rendered unconcious by this VIAL attack from whoever in the HELL that kid is, now WallStreet's just gonna pick up the scraps and put away another win?!" Styles, "Why not? That's the way it would have ended up anyway; This guy just saved us all the five minutes of watching Demented get tossed around."
WallStreet proceeds and gets about a quarter of the way down the ramp way when his music abruptly cuts. The crowd begins booing as WallStreet turns around with a perplexed look.
Suddenly the PWT-A-Tron lights up as a voice similar to that in the nWo song says the same words that appear over the tron...
From their 'Soul Survivor' by Young Jeezy and Akon blasts over the PA as we see random clips of different BUD matches on the PWT-A-Tron.
Fecca, "What the Hell..."
"But if ya lookin' for me I'll be on the block with my thing cocked, Possibly sittin on the drop now - Cause I'm a ridder, (YEEEEAHHH) I'm Just a soul Survivor. Cus Everybody know the game don't stop, tryin' to make it to the top for yo' ass get popped now - If you a ridder, (YEEEEAHHH) a soul survivor..."
Suddenly from out of the crowd somebody hops the barricade right behind WallStreet. We're only seeing him from behind right now but he's wearing a pair of off white dress slacks and a tan turtleneck, as well as a short brown hair cut. WallStreet finally decides to stop watching the PWT-A-Tron and turns around, only to halt in his steps as his eyes widen in surprise. His look of surprise quickly turns to anger as he goes for a hard right hand, but before he gets it off he's hammered from behind with black baseball bat. WallStreet drops to a knee as we see none other than Damon Hades (picture Abyss) with the ball bat. The crowd is going wild with boos as the camera angle switches and we finally see the face of the crowd jumper. The crowds boos grow even louder as a lot of them recognize the man from his time in ICWA and BUD.
Fecca, "Thats... Thats.... That's Bryant Montgomery!" Styles, "NO! THAT'S THE SAME GUY WHO HAD WALLSTREET THROWN IN A MENTAL WARD! HE STOLE WALLSTREET'S COMPANY!!" Fecca, "I don't like WallStreet, but when it comes down to the lesser of two evils you can bet your ass that I'd asoon deal with McCallister..."
Back in the ring the Christian lookin' fella has dropped out to the floor and grabbed but yet another steal chair. He rushes up the ramp with the chair however the over seven foot monster Damon quickly gets infront of Montgomery and raises his leg, big booting the chair back into the face of our mystery athlete, knocking him down to the ground making the crowd boo further.
Damon grabs the mystery performer by the head and picks him up to his feet... He then takes a handful of the kids testicals and hoists him up into the air like a chokeslam, only holding his balls as opposed to his throat. The new guy is elevated way in the air by his jewels with an undescrible expresion of pain on his face, as Damon then slams him back down to the ground with what he calls the "Testicular Slam".
Bryant points at WallStreet and begins barking at Damon. Hades seems to listen as he grabs a fist full of the Corporate Hair and hoist him to his feet, placing his head between Damon's legs. Damon rolls his eyes into the back of his head showing only the whites as he hoists WallStreet up into the air and keeps him there by the arms (via the outsiders edge)... He actually proceeds to walk down the walk way, around the ring and right infront of the commentary area.
Fecca and Styles stand up as they both plead, "DON'T DO IT! THINK ABOUT THIS!"
But sure enough, Damon delivers a huge Crucifix powerbomb, droping WallStreet through the commentary table as the New York crowd is booing hard.
Back on the walkway Bryant is smirking as he has a mic in hand.
Bryant, "Easy big guy, that's enough... (Smirks) New York New York... They claim it's the city that never sleeps, yet there lyes your flagship guy unconscious. (laughs)... But hey, don't get me wrong, I got nothing but love... California Love... (Crowd gives more hostile boos)... Ya know it's kinda funny... I've been sittin around in my pent house down in LA, watching as the ICWA was being rebuilt. I knew it wouldn't last though, see Taylor has a tendincy of doing these things. Let me explain to you people what you're dealin' with. Taylor's a great business man when he wants to be, no question. But he thinks with his d**k to much. Everytime a piece of ass with a promotion comes his way he suddenly throws the ICWA on hold and dedicates himself to his lady's place. He did the same thing with BUD when he was goin' with Serena, and he's doing it now with Becca. But that doesn't matter to me. I ran the ICWA with the kind of style and grace that Taylor could have NEVER understood! I WAS The ICWA! Don't believe me? Ask James (laughs). But then I grew board, I closed down shop, and I moved on. I found a job that I LOVED! I was hired on as the Bytches Ultimate Domain Cheif of Staff!"
The crowd boos as Bryant just shakes his head.
Bryant, "You boo all you want to but each and every one of you knows full well that when you get home tomorrow night you're gonna be watchin' Hangover! (Crowd boos) And ya know why? Because of ME! In my breif time in BUD I did things that NOBODY DARED! I broke bariers and defecated all over that so-called 'Line'. During the peak of the NRA/B.U.D. Feud I brought the NRA Legend's champion to our show and in an April Fools prank that's STILL talked about, I implicated that we were merging! I had the entire world on my finger tips! I took the under appreciated talent and turned em into superstars over night! If not for me Dante Cross would have NEVER been World champion! I made it happen. I saw the God given talent that nobody else was interested in pushing, and almost instantly he was a world champion under my adminstration. I produced innovative and unique matches that drew like nobody's business! And what happened? I was released. And why? Because big ol' WallStreet just couldn't stand that I was at the center of the hype... I was Serpent's right hand man, but by then Taylor had gotten enough political stroke to have me ousted so he could secure his own popularity... Taylor "WallStreet" McCallister FEARS Bryant MONTGOMERY!"
Styles, "GAH!" Fecca, "I'm not the president of the WallStreet fan club but I highly doubt that he "fears" anybody."
The crowd is growing more and more hostile as Bryany bismirches New York's favorite performer.
Bryant, "Taylor, you've never changed! You always have to be top bill, both here and in life. You've ALWAYS been jealous of me Taylor, and why?! Because I grew up in the lap of luxery and you scumed around in Phili and New York? (Crowd pops) Did it get to ya, bein' a white boy in the hood while I was living amongst movie stars and whinin' and dinin' before I'd even hit puberty? It's not my fault your ol' man was worthless pile of CRAP!"
Bryant laughs as the crowd continues their anatomy chants.
Fecca, "That's low... WallStreet's daddy's been deceased for quite some time."
Bryant, "But it's okay Taylor... I love your envy... Hell, it gets me hard! (Smirks)... You go through these promotions and get your hooks into power so you can play political games and hold people down... Ya did it with the ICWA when ya owned it... Ya got into BUD and went straight for political power and within the course of a couple of months you were pow-wowing with the board... And then ya took this place... Fine, whatever, but when you screwed me out of my Job at BUD you set yourself up for this. I LOVED BUD! Hell, I still do! I don't blame them at all... Roxy, bless her soul, was as gracious a woman as I could have worked for and Serpent... Oh man... Mr. Davis was a SAINT! He was a King amongst men! Even Syck... Justin "Syck" Underwood is a creative genious! The man's right their with Serpent... And I know that had you not blinded the powers that be with your political crap I'd sit amongst them, runing BUD even now! But I can't, so I'm going to settle for the second rate company (crowd boos)... How's it feel to be thrown to the curb by me AGAIN Taylor? Get used to it brotha, cause whether you like it or not... I'm... Takin....... OVER!"
Bryant drops the mic as 'Soul Survivor' hits the PA and the crowd erupts even louder with boos.
Fecca, "HE'S TAKIN' OVER?! WHAT'S THAT MEAN?!" Styles, "I don't know, but it can't be good..."
Bryant Smirks as Damon refinds his place beside Bryant. As Montgomery stands smug in his destruction we fade to an advertisement for our up and coming Pay Per View event: PWT Final Verdict... |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Danger Zone'
Date Posted:11/21/2009 7:53 AMCopy HTML
PWT Danger Zone
December 4th, 2005 |
[ The lights dim as the tron sparks to life and "Hate In Ya Eyes" by Chamillionaire blares throughout the arena. Up on the screen is a shot of a turquoise colored ocean as it begins to move faster and faster to the city of Miami. The stage begins to become covered in a white fog.
Fecca: We've made it to the semi-main event of the evening Eddie.
Styles: I've been waiting all night for this one Bob!
[ As the music begins to pick up Seifer is seen up on the titantron, the backround is now a mixture of Miami and Seifer as he is seen hitting his Trademark moves on various opponents spread throughout his illustrious career. The view continues showing him in a wide range of his past matches all the while flashing shots of the city, almost intertwined with each other.
Fecca: This match has been a few weeks in the making. as many will remember it was back on the November thirteenth episode of Shockwave that David Van Dam cost Seifer a shot at the Heavyweight champion for this event.
Styles: Oh like Seifer won't get a shot anyways. He's the golden boy of this company......Not that there's anything wrong with that mind you.
[ As the music continues to echo throughout the arena Seifer makes his way out to the entrance stage completely engulfed in a thick fog as the lights are still dimmed. Behind him shines a fascinating array of greenish laser lights focused on him and down towards the ring.
Fecca: Anyways, DVD cost Seifer the match with Georgia james by using a chair. So the next week Seifer returned the favor to david during a title match, and again last week to cost him the TakeOver triple threat. Now that steel chair is secured to that pole...
Styles: Yep and the first to get hold of it can use it just like a wristlock. I'm pretending bloodshed in this bad boy!
[ As he treads down the ramp silver and turquoise strobe lights begin to flash rapidly around the arena while behind him the greenish looking laser lights continue to shine towards the ring, making it seem as if Seifer was walking in the light as he nears the ring. Seifer stands on the outside, looking into the ring, he then lowers his head and jumps up onto the apron, grabbing the top rope and arching his back backwards as a set of explosions from the top blast down.
Styles: Man, Bob this guy may take an hour to get to the ring......But damn is it worth it!
Fecca: It is indeed impressive
[ He slowly moves his body between the top two ropes before spinning around with his hands in the air as he looks out at the masses, the lights finally lighten as the music comes to an end. Suddenly the arena lights shut off, casting the arena in complete darkness. The PWT Titan Tron flickers to life displaying the word 'The Takeover'. This word quickly begins to morph, and cycles through a list of words, starting with: Titantium, United States, Crusiserweight, Backyard, Television, People's Tag Team, World, Most Improved, Syckness. Then the titan tron boldly displays the words 'He's held them all. And he's not done yet.' Gold and red pyros shoot off from the stage as the PWT PA system begins to blare the song "Violence Fetish" by Disturbed. A golden spotlight shines underneath the titan tron where David Van Dam stands poised, Angelina Santana standing next to him. The crowd is coating him with boo's, coating him with their hate. He revels in it. A shower of gold and red sparks fall around he and Angelina as they move forward, towards the ring.
Sabrina: "On his way to the ring, residing in Grand Rapids, Michigan, he weighs in tonight at 230 pounds, being accompanied to the ring by Angelina Santana, he's the most accomplished wrestler in PWT History, this is DAVID VAN DAM!"
[ David stops at the base of the ramp and raises his eyes to the heavens, raising his arms, his index fingers extended towards the sky. Pyros shoot off behind him, three pyros total. The crowd is in awe of this awesome figure, this walking legend. Their boos have ceased. He allows Angelina to walk up the steel steps before him, being a gentlemen. He holds the ropes open for her, letting her enter the ring before following her. The duo stands in the ring. Angelina says something in David's ear before rolling out of the ring and taking her place in his corner.
Styles: What the hell is this ref doin?
[ The ref has leaned over the top rope and is telling Angelina to carry herself to the back! David is going ballistic.....The fans love it......Seifer? He's just sitting back in a corner with a smirk on his face. Finally that lil jezebel Angelina stomps her way up the ramp.
Styles: How can he do that to her?
Fecca: The ref probably saw what happened with Angelina getting involved in CM's match earlier. And wanted to advoid a repeat of that incident here.
Styles: But how's David supposed to feed on someone's support now? All these stupid New Yorkers are just cheering for him to fail!
[ With lil miss Santana sent to the back, our ref is ready to get this match started. He calls for the bell, which is rung this week without Seif as the times-keeper. Both men moving to the center of the ring....They circle around each other in the center of the ring....There's the lock-up! Seifer and David both struggling to establish dominance early on here with this lock-up....Suddenly david pulls away and hops out to the floor. The fans all over Van Dam with jeers! Telling them to shut-up only seems to rile these people more...DVD waves the match off and starts heading for the back...
Fecca: Where the hell is he going?
[ David stops midways up the ramp. He looks back to the ring. Right now the ref is on a five count. DVD comes back to the ring, rolling in just long enough to break the count. Then he grabs a mic
DVD: "You know what? Screw you people! I come out here to give you your money's worth, and all you can do is boo me? You people should be worshiping the ground I walk on! Not booing me! I'm the most decorated superstar in PWT history, for Chris sakes. If you people don't show me some respect, I'm leaving."
[ Someone forgot to tell David that ya don't get respect by verbally demanding it. The fans just get louder with their jeers. David puts his hands over his ears, trying to not hear this. Finally he can't take it anymore and raises the mic again
DVD: "Fine. Try having a semi main event with out me!"
Fecca: He can't just leave!
Styles: You gonna stop him?
Fecca: No. Seifer is!
[ Van Dam is moving up the aisle toward the ramp, but suddenly he's caught from behind with a clothesline. David tasting some ramp before he's pulled back onto his feet by Seifer. He takes a headlock on ole DVD and starts pulling him back toward the ring. Just about to the ring DVD throws an elbow into Seifer's gut. He throws a few more before trying to slam Seif's head into the ringpost. Blocked by the Immortal and transwarp drive or whatever. Elbow to David's gut now and then his face bounces off the ringpost. Takes a handful of David's tights and rolls him back into the ring. Seifer covers for the pin but just gets a one count. Seif to his feet, pulling DVD up as well, to nail a vertical suplex. With his opponent arching his back in pain, Seifer glances up toward the chair hanging on the pole. He grins and climbs to his feet.
Fecca: These fans here in New York going wild as Seifer seems to be going for the chair.
[ He climbs up the turnbuckles, reaching for the chair. DVD suddenly is up on his feet and heads for the corner too. He ascends with cat-like quickness, trying to pull Seifer off in a super german suplex! But the Immortal hangs onto the pole, knowing that a move like this could be devastating to not only his odds of winning but his career. DVD clubbing Seifer's back an neck with his arm in an attempt to loosen that grip on the pole. The goal is finally accomplished and david pops his hips and sends Seifer flying back into the ring with a super german suplex!!! The Immortal hitting on his shoulders an neck before flipping on over face down. David himself landing hard on his own back an neck. he rolls over to the ropes. The ref stepping in and checkin on both men. Neither really moving as the refs tarts his double count. One...........Two...............Three...........Four.............
Styles: Holy shit what a move!
Fecca: I think the fans agreed with you on that one Eddie. But now both men are paying the price. the ref is now at a five count...
[ Six................Van Dam is picking himself up using the ropes. He holds the back of his neck staggering toward Seifer. The fans are booing thinking David is gonna get the win....Without the chair ever being used! DVD looks to rolls Seif over for a pin but he's surprised by a small package! One.....Two......Kick-out! DVD rolls up by the ropes.....Seifer kips up and charges in, perhaps looking to send David over the top rope. But bah gawd Van Dam catches Seif and goes for a spinebuster....But wait! On the way down Seifer hooks an arm around David's head and pulls him down into a ddt! Both men down.
Fecca: And they're both down again....
[ Just long enough for a three count this time on the double count. Both men back up and trading the lefts and rights. Seifer ducks a right from David, going behind and snatching him back an down with a reverse x-factor. DVD rolls away holding his head. Seif pulls him back to his feet. And he just starts delivering the knees to DVD's face. Over and over and over again! With a now groggy DVD's head trapped between his head, Seif adjusts their position....
Styles: I wonder what Seifer is doing?
[ And here comes the answer to Eddie's question. Seifer lifts David up into a powerbomb position, but then falls back dropping DVD throat first across the top rope. Van Dam is holding his throat and rolling on the mat. He eventually rolls away to the outside, looking for some relief. Seifer is not into that idea though. He hits the ropes on the far side and comes back looking for a baseball slide dropkick. Not happening though! David manages to twist out of the way. But he then twists back around and snatches Seif out of the ring, dropping him on the back of his head. DVD brings Seifer to his feet, looking to connect with a piledriver. But the regular variation isn't working. Van Dam switches and goes for the cradle piledriver a la Jerry Lynn and is able to connect this time! DVD feels he's put enough of a hurting on Seif to try for that chair himself. He rolls back in the ring, climbing up the corner to go for that chair on the pole. But down on the arena floor Seifer is pulling himself up using the ring apron. He gets onto the apron and then climbs up the corner with DVD. There's some position jockeying but Seifer grabs David and leaps off into the ring with Matt Hardy's side-effect!
Fecca: Good lord! Seifer taking Van Dam back into the ring with a side-effect.
Styles: Man after that there may not be any use for a chair in this match.
[ They're both catching a bit of a breather. But its Seifer up first and he's looking at that chair. He waves it off and grabs Van Dam's legs.....Steps over and crosses one.....Fights to turn David over.....
Styles: Immortal Deathlock!!!!
[ David is suddenly alive again, screaming in agony. He tries and tries to crawl for the ropes, but Seifer sits back further. With no hope of getting to the ropes, DVD reaches back and grabs one of Seifer's legs. He manages to pull Seifer down and twists as best he can on the ankle!
Fecca: This has got to be a first....there's a sharpshooter and an ankle-lock being applied at the same time!
[ Pain is finally starting ta get ta Seifer so he releases the sharpshooter. David as well lets go of the ankle and both move to a corner. they pull themselves up, and charge across the ring. Seifer flies into the air and connects with a leaping clothesline, much like Undertaker's. He rolls through back to his feet, hits the ropes and drops a leg across the throat of DVD before Van Dam can hardly blink. DVD is allowed to get up. Takes one step forward holding his throat and is dropped in a drop toe-hold. Seifer takes a stance in the corner waiting for DVD ta get up......Van Dam turns around into the Blood Spiller superkick!
Styles: Uh oh....Seifer could be setting up for...
[ Seifer picks up DVD and he hits the "Knights of the Round", which of course is a F-5 spun out to a stunner. The Seif looks for a pin but he pulls off at only a two. He hasn't grabbed that chair yet and he really wants ta use it. Seifer ascends to the top and grabs hold of the chair. But he notices Whysper coming down the ramp. Seif shrugs it off and goes to unhook the chair. But suddenly DVD is up again and leaps up on the top rope. He catches Seifer and takes him through the air with a supper "Last Chance", angle slam. During the process the ref is clocked by the chair which Seifer had a good hold on. DVD is up and looks ta use the chair on Seifer. He tries to swing but Whysper catches the chair and snatches it away. A stunned DVD turns around to find out who stole the chair. Instead he gets cracked right over the head with it.
Styles: What the hell is this?
[ Whysper pulls Seifer over into the pin and exits the ring. Our ref comes to just in time to slap the mat for the One.........Two........Three!!!!! "Hate In Ya Eyes" hist the airwaves as Seifer's hand is raised in victory. he smirks at DVD who has a fit over in the corner. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Danger Zone'
Date Posted:11/21/2009 7:54 AMCopy HTML
PWT Danger Zone
December 4th, 2005 |
Georgia James is in her locker room, perparing for her match up. She looks up, to see the rest of The Takeover standing there. They look at her, as DVD sighs and begins to speak.
DVD: "Georgia, I remember when you first came into PWT. I saw how good you were. I kept telling management they needed to give you a shot, but they didn't give you a shot. So then, I made sure you got here. Right here. We... we made sure you got here. We took care of you, like family. We watched your back. We made sure you got here. Then... then last week, you had no respect for us. You bad mouthed me. You bad mouthed Matt. You bad mouthed the group. You that more of yourself, than for the group. That, Georgia, is unforgivable."
Georgia looks around, but says nothing, she's smart enough to know not to push any buttons, not this close to her big chance.
DVD: "Georgia, tonight, you get your big chance. Your big chance at fame. But you're doing it... WITH OUT The Takeover. You're going at it, alone. And you're going to continue to fight, ALONE! You're going to learn that with out David Van Dam, with out Matt Matlock, with out The Lee Brothers, with out Angelina Santana, you can't get to the big one. 'Cause you don't have what it takes. Georgia... heh... Welcome to the spotlight... I hope you like the feeling of lonilness when you're out there, every one booing you, and knowing... KNOWING there is no one back there who's got your back."
[ DVD shakes his head, and members of The Takeover walk out, leaving her alone, staring at them, being forced to contemplate their words.
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Re:PWT Presents 'Danger Zone'
Date Posted:11/21/2009 7:54 AMCopy HTML
PWT Danger Zone
December 4th, 2005 |
Fecca: We have had a great night thus far, next up we have the Main Event. This match should be a good one between Georgia James and Damien Collins. It's no ordinary match either, it's an N.Y.C transportation match.
Styles: I'm only saying this because I have to, but why don't you explain to us what exactly a N.Y.C transportation match is.
Fecca: In a nutshell, the two wrestlers must reach three bus stops, ride in a taxi and be in a train car on the subway before they can win the match. No pinfalls, submissions, DQ's, KO's or anything of the sort will be counted before they do all the things mentioned.
[ "Georgia the whole day through!", is heard throughout the arena as the name Georgia James rolls across the screen. Followed by images of a mysterious brunette flashes across the screen. Inbetween the image of the Georgia state flag waving inbetween her posing. As the spotlight is on center stage as the Ray Charles classic "Georgia on my mind" can be heard out walks the lovely Georgia James. She smiles a toothy grin and points to the right and then the left. There is a roar as well as cat calls for her beauty and love for the fans as they cheer for her. She walks down the aisle focused on the ring and then as she gets to ringside she blows a kiss to a little boy sitting in front row seats. Smiling at another little boy giving him a hug she then walks up the ringsteps and gets into the ring climbing through the middle ropes. She stands centerstage now with the spotlight on her and she raises raises both her hands up in the air as the spolight goes up.
Fecca: If you notice, Georgia is not wearing normal ring attire, it's cold outside and this an intense match up, she has long sleeves and long pants and probably a couple of layers underneath.
[ The man that needs no music but has some anyways Damien The Real Deal Collins, is about to make his way to the ring. Survival of the Sickest begins to play along with a video package of Damien wrestling. With the music and the video we also have the PWT fans up on their feet cheering their loudest. Damien walks through the curtains out onto the stage and recieves a huge ovation from the crowd. He stops in the middle of the stage and does a few poses as the flashes from the cameras in the arena go off. He then starts to make his way down the ramp towards the ring, he slaps as many hands as he can, once he makes it down the ramp he slides into the ring and climbs up on one of the turnbuckle and poses again this time for a little longer making sure everyone has their chance to get a good picture. He climbs down and waits for the match to start.
Fecca: The change from normal attire is definitely more noticeable on Damien Collins, this is a guy that usually wears tights and his wrestling boots, tonight it's long pants, long sleeves, and a T-shirt overtop.
Styles: Fecca it doesn't matter what the hell they are wearing, this is wrestling, the only thing that matters is these two of going to beat the hell out of each other.
Fecca: This is it folks, PWT Championship is on the line, and there is the bell.
[ Neither Georgia nor Damien are too quick to attack, they circle, sizing each other up. Suddenly they both explode towards each other and lock up, Damien is much bigger and stronger and easily pushes Georgia backwards. GJ might be smarter, she drops down and hits a drop toe hold. Damien hits semi-hard but quickly gets back up to his feet. They lock up again, This time Damien slides Georgia right into the headlock. Georgia pushes him forward and they hit the ropes, DC grabs hold, Georgia rolls backwards. DC turns and runs at Georgia with a clothesline but James ducks out of the way, Georgia runs through and jumps up on the second rope, and spring boards off of them going for a hurracanranna, she lands in position and connects. The move gets her some momentum but doesn't take to much out of Collins, the fans did love it though. Collins is climbing to his feet, Georgia meets him, and whips him to the ropes, DC bounces off she bends down for the back body drop. If only someone would have told her that this never works, Damien dives over her going for the sunset flip. He connects, but a pin isn't going do to any good and lets her go and they make their way back to their feet. They enter a lockup, Damien whips her hard to the corner, he runs at her, she moves to the side, he stops himself in time but turns right into a hard punch from Georgia. Damien wasn't expecting it and stumbles back into the corner. Georgia hits him a few more times and then mounts him going for the ten punches. It's a little early and she barely reaches the third punch before Damien lifts her up and walks forward a few steps. Damien runs forward and hits a poweful spinebuster. The fans go crazy, Damien stops to catch his breath as Georgia recovers on the ground.
Fecca: if these two don't slow it down a little they might never make it to the first bus stop. We still have a lot of match left.
Styles: Only time will tell, but for now we have ourselves a real knockerslobber or something like that.
[ DC pulls Georgia up by the hair, about halfway up she hits DC in the stomach with a hard punch, DC lets go of her, she runs backwards into the ropes and comes off with a shoulder block and connects, DC drops, she then goes for an a plain ol' leg drop but Damien rolls out of the way, they both reach their feet about the same time, Georgia runs at Damien, Damien quickly moves to the side and hits a hip toss, Ms. James pulls off an incredibly athletic move and lands on her feet. DC runs at her and she goes for a hip toss, DC lands on his feet this time. Georgia runs at DC, he goes for a hip toss she blocks it and goes for one of her own, he blocks it. She gives DC a swift shot in the gut and then goes for another hip toss, they are right next to the ropes and she actually gets over the top rope and he falls down to ring side. She waits for him to start getting up, after a few seconds he does get to his feet, James runs across the ring to the other side, bounces off the ropes, runs back towards Damien and starts to dive over, Damien quickly side steps, but Georgia somehow manages to grab hold of the top rope and somewhat stick a landing on the ring apron. For the moment things are good, thats only for the moment, Damien yanks her feet out from under her and she falls hitting her face on the ring apron.
Fecca: What a string of moves from these two!
Styles: Is her face okay? I'll be the first person to admit she is one of our better looking wrestlers.
Fecca: Well Collins isn't that bad either.
[ Fecca realizes what he just said, and quickly tries to cover it up
Fecca: Well thats what 9 out of 10 girlfriends say, at least. I wouldn't say that, I'm not gay!"
Styles: Sure you're not.
Fecca: 14 homosexual encounters do not necessarily mean your gay.
[ Damien isn't really worried about looking good right now, he's got a PWT Championship to defend. He picks up GJ and rolls her into the ring, DC flashes a quick little pose for the fans, they love it, and then he climbs back into the ring. Georgia is slow to her feet but she makes it, they lock up once again, DC grabs her wrist slides behind her and gets a wrist lock applied, Georgia only takes that for a few seconds and throws an elbow into DC's face. DC lets go real quick. Georgia grabs DC's wrist and irish whips him to the ropes. DC bounces off and tries to counter with a clothesline, GJ ducks and spins Collins around kicks him in the gut and connects with a swift little DDT. She grabs hold of DC's hair and pulls him to his feet and whips him to the ropes again. Damien bounces off and for the second time in the match Georgia goes for a back body drop. DC baseball slides through her legs and out of the ring. Georgia quickly turns grabs the top rope and vaults over it coming down ontop of Damien. Damien catches her, she wiggles fiercely trying to escape his hold. He has her though and swings her into a side walk slam. Damien once again stops and poses for the fans, they go crazy once again. Damien picks Georgia up and throws her into the barricade seperating the fans from the wrestlers. Damien hesitates for a split second and then runs at Georgia, she slips to the side, grabs him by the back of the head and helps him fly over the barricade and into the fans in the front row. At first the fans are a little angry, they just got landed on by a full grown man, but then they realize it's Damien Collins.
Fecca: The action in this one is back and forth, someone takes the momentum and looks to have a good hold of it, but is ripped away by the other one.
[ Georgia hops her little self over the barricade grabs DC by the back of the head and pushes him forward into the aisle and they head for the the hallways and such outside of the arena. She gets him to go for a little ways, but he slaps her arm away and connects with a vicious punch. Georiga is rockin backwards Damien grabs her and sets her up for a suplex. Damien lifts her up in the air, holds her there for a few seconds and then finishes the suplex.
Fecca: Thats concrete he just suplexed her onto, cold hard concrete.
Styles: Sucks to be her!
[ Damien pulls her up and along their path out of the arena. She gets tripped up and goes down and pulls Damien with her. They both get up and Georiga is heading out on her own, Damien is following, she almost reaches the hallway outside, but quickly turns around and drills Damien with a forearm. Georgia then continues out into the hallway where our cameras pick her up. She stops, scopes out the hallway looking for the best way out of the arena. Damien appears behind her and grabs clubs her in the back of the head. For the first time we get a good look at our surroundings. We see several differen vendors, food, drinks, popcorn, and then the booth where all of the wresltlers T-shirts and what not are sold. Damien shrugs his shoulders, mind as well check out his new T-shirt while he is out here. He picks Georgia up and pulls up toward the booth, they almost there when Georgia pushes DC's arm away, he turns to fight her, but she surprises him with a dropkick. Damien stumbles backwards into the merchandise table, he knocks the table over, the merchandise goes all over the place, and DC goes down as well. DC wanted to see his new T-shirt, Georgia gets a good look at it first, she bends down and picks it up, she looks at it and smiles, not a nice smile, a sinister one. She rolls the T-shirt up and slings it around DC's neck.
Styles: Now thats good stuff! She's choking him out with his own T-shirt.
[ DC isn't about to get 'choked out' with his own T-shirt and throws a couple of punches up at Georgia's face, she lets go of him and he quickly climbs to his feet. DC stumbles forwards trying to get out of the arena and start cross off the stipulations, GJ follows close behind him, they come across an escator, Damien chooses to go down, Damien walks down, Georgia is close behind, they reach the bottom. Damien starts to get off, Georgia leaps forward and connects a mean looking bulldog. Damien is down, and not moving, Georgia stays down, she needs to catch her breath. After several seconds she climbs up the feet, she looks up and there a hundred feet in front of her is the door leading out of the Hammerstein Ballroom, and onto the streets of New York City. She makes her way towards the door DC pushes himself up to his feet and runs after her. Georgia reaches the door, she starts to open it, DC is right behind her and grabs her by the back of the head and toss her out the open door, there are quite a few steps leading down to the New York side walk, and she falls down most of them. Damien exits the building and walks down the steps to where Georgia is lying. Damien looks up and across the busy street is a bus stop, thats where he wants to go. he starts to head for it, Georgia trips him up, he almost falls down the stairs but catches himself. He continues on down the stairs, Georiga just kind of rolls down the last few steps and follows after him.
Styles: Remember Damien look both ways before you cross a busy street.
[ Damien remembers this and looks both ways the best he can, there are a couple of cars approaching, he tries to wait, but Georgia shoves him out into the street and he is litterally inches away from getting hit. He turns to let her know that wasn't very nice but she lets go a fury of punches and he stumbles out into the middle of the street. Damien finally blocks one of the punches and gets in a few of his own. Damien turns and starts heading for the bus stop, Georgia runs and jumps on his back, she locks her arms around his throat applying the sleeper hold. Damien stumbles forwards the rest of the way across the street, he is almost to the bus stop, but has to do something about Georgia, he sees a car parked close by and rushes towards it. Once he gets to the car he goes to the side, turns, and slams himself backwards pinning Georgia between him and the car. Georgia lets go of the hold, DC falls to a knee and catches his breath and then walks over to the first bus stop. |
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- Register:09/21/2018 12:36 AM
Re:PWT Presents 'Danger Zone'
Date Posted:11/21/2009 7:55 AMCopy HTML
PWT Danger Zone
December 4th, 2005 |
Fecca, "I hope we don't get sued over that car!" Styles, "We shouldn't, I saw it earlier... It's just Whysper's rent-a-car." Damian glances about as he notices a group of New York's finest coming about to maintain order and keep the performers protected from the pedestrians about. Damian is about to head down the street when CRACK! Georgia nails him from behind with one of the officer's night sticks. Damien instantly drops as Georgia smirks and tosses the stick back to the officer she'd stollen it from. James pulls Collins up off the sidewalk and grabs him by the back of the head, bouncing his face off the bus stop sign. DC staggers around and much to all of our surprises, a bus stops. Georgia shrugs and grabs DC by the neck and pants, tossing him up into the bus. James hops up on as well and drops a five spot in the Drivers payment dish. Georgia grabs DC and pulls him up the steps and onto the half full bus of people watching in surprise as just a couple of police officers follow onto the bus. The bus driver begins driving which sends Georgia's balance off and DC drops down and delivers a modified firemen's carry in the isle. Fecca, "Well there's no rule stating that you have to ride the buses, simply get to the bus stop, but on that same token there's no rule sayin' ya can't ride the buses either." The bus proceeds as DC grabs Georgia's head and applies a generic chinlock. Georgia fights about slightly however with this being a crowded setting it's difficult to fight to much. Suddenly she gets a bright idea. She puts on of her feet on the edge of a seat, and then does the same with the other foot... She presses off, fliping herself back, Making DC lose the hold, and delivers a very modified moonsault across the upper body of Damian Collins. Georgia gets up, grabs the rails hanging from the ceiling of the bus, lifts her self up, and drops down in a modified senton splash to the gut of Collins. Georgia once again gets up and seems hot on the offensive as she grabs DC's right leg. Looks like she may be hoping for that half boston crap but DC draws his leg back, pulling her forward, and then uses the other leg to kick her off, sending her stumbling back a couple of feet. Damian pulls himself up as the two come together and begin swinging hard rights at each other. Finally however, DC swings all the way through and ends up applying a side headlock of sorts. Georgia tries to squirm out but isn't finding herself very successful so she grabs him and lifts him up for a side belly to back suplex, however she only gets him a little ways up before he blasts the back of his head on the ceiling's hand rail and drops forward into a pair of laps of a young couple. Damian grabs the back of his with his left hand, and not fully aware of where he is, he uses his right to try and pull himself up... Unfortunatly he doesn't grab a handle or chair or anything, but he actually grabs this young lady's breast. Damien lifts his head up and looks as she's beat red in the face... he quickly withdraws his hand as his face grows equally red, and ironicly the man's face is fairly red too, although he somehow doesn't seem embarassed. DC quickly gets up as the gentlemen says "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" The man gets up and we realize that he's fairly decently built. Collins is back pedling, surly not afraid but what's he gonna prove trying to attack an un trained pedestrian? Styles, "THAT PERV! HE JUST COPED A FEEL ON DUDE'S WOMAN!!!" Fecca, "It was an accident!" Styles, "HORSEMANUER!" DC: Whoa buddy... I didn't even realize, just realx man, I don't want any problems... Man: MOTHAFU**A IM'A KILL YOU! Georgia stands back and giggles as DC finds his back pressed to the back of the bus. The man gets close to DC as DC says: Come on man, you don't want to do this..." Apparently he does as he goes to swing but DC ducks, allowing the man to punch the back of the bus. The man shakes his hand as he lets out an "AH F**K!" This time he seems less enthused as he gets ready to go for another shot but the bus suddenly stops making him jolt forward as DC ducks, hops on the seat nearest him, jumps over the back of the man, and bolts down the isle as he sees Georgia getting off the bus. Damian's about at the door when he suddenly stops, steps back to the seat where the girl he sexually assaulted is siting, and withdraws a pen... DC grabs a book which she seemed to have been reading, and jots something down on the inside cover as she's smiling but beat red with embarassment. As this is going on the man at the back of the bus turns around and sees DC... DC's eyes widen as he says in a hurry, "CALL ME!" and then bolts to the front and out the door. The door shuts and the bus begins to move as we see our large foe knocking at the window and threatening bottly harm to DC. DC takes a deep breath in relief, although his relief is short lived as Georgia pelts DC in the back of the head with opened can of Pepsi. DC stumbles forward and we can see that Georgia got the pepsi curtosy of the hotdog vender in the background. Georgia grabs Collin's shoulder, turning him around just in time to blast him over the forehead with the can and make him drop to a knee. James wraps DC's head, and drops back delivering a modified DDT. Fecca, "MAH GAWD! DDT right on the CONCRETE!" Styles, "And These two still have to make it to another bus stop, through a cab ride, and into the subway!" Fecca, "You mean two bus stops..." Styles, "They were at a bus stop... The bus proceeded to another bus stop and dropped them off, thus they've now been to two bus stops and need to reach one more." Fecca, "Hmm... Seems you're right..." Styles, "No kiddin'... Why don't you sit the next couple of plays out eh? It may be late night, but the streets are well lit as we appear to be right in the midst of time square. We can even see the MTV Studioes, and ICWA New York (Which WallStreet bought from the WWE when they got done with it)... We can see the breath of the two performers as there's a few small snow flakes in the air. The police cars are arriving as it seems that the police protection was following the Bus. Georgia picks up DC off the concrete and starts guiding him by the back of his head, however DC quickly puts on the breaks, wraps his hand around grabbing a first full of Georgia's hair, and bounces her face off the small metal counter on the hot dog stand. She bounces back as Collins wraps her up and delivers an over head belly to belly suplex. She goes flying and lands on a Taxi cab which had just pulled over to collect a fair. As she bounces onto the hood the cabby abruptly swings his door open, and steps out. Cabby, "HEY! WHAT DA F**K!? GET DA F**K OFF MY F**KIN' CAB MOTHAF**KA!!" DC walks over and grabs Georgia by the hair, pulling her off the cab as the Cabby says, "LOOK AT DAT F**KIN DENT!! WHO DA F**KS PAYIN' FO DAT S**T MOTHAF**KA?!" A couple of the police officers begin attempting to calm down our cabby as DC notices a Bus coming his way. DC thinks, and apparently Georgia was thinking too because she suddenly thwaps DC in the testicals with the back of her hand. Collins bends over and James delivers a hip toss sending Collins up onto the taxi. Cabby, "AWE HELL NO!!! MOTHAF**KA THINKS HE'S A WISE GUY?! YOU LISTEN HEA YOU LIL C**K SUCKA!!" As the cabby proceeds to flip out, Georgia takes a leap of faith and jumps onto the back of the Bus, grabbing hold to a silver hanlde designed to aid in an emergency exit via the back of the bus. She simply smirks as Collins lifts his head up just in time to see Georgia waving. Collins rolls off the hood of the cab and says, "HEY! If you keep up with that bus I'll make sure the cab's taken care of and ya get a lil extra in your pocket!" The cabby's skeptical but he says, "Get in! But if you f**k me I'll beat ya ass!" Collins hops in the passinger seat, apparently not overly used to taking cabs, but the cabby doesn't say anything as he gets in the car, squeels his tires and takes off. Styles, "Ya think this match will inspire a speed three?" Fecca, "Anything is possible." The cab proceeds at an accelerated pace, weaving about to get around other cabs, buses, and private transporation. Finally they arrive behind the bus with Georgia James. Collins, "Keep it steady..." Cabby, "Huh?" But without a reply DC opens the door and begins stepping out, placing one foot on the floor inside the cab and one on the arm of the door. Cabby, "ARE YOU F**KIN' NUTS KID?!" Collins pushes off with his inside foot, swinging the door outwards and quickly jumps onto the hood before the power of the wind against the door could swing it back closed on him. DC starts slowly stepping forward on our car which is maintaining a fairly high rate of speed. The cab's hood is growing tight against the buses bumper as Georgia looks at DC with disbelief. Fecca, "This is crazy... Just sit down and let the cab pull over, the title isn't worth this..." Styles, "Collins wouldn't do that... It'd involve a BRAIN!" Whether he's brainless, couragous, or a bit of both, DC doesn't opt for Fecca's suggestion as he proceeds toward Jaames. Georgia realizes that she's stuck and is gonna be screwed real hard if she doesn't figure something out so she holds onto the pole and begins kicking at the back door on the bus. After a few kicks someone finally gets up and takes a look out the window to see Georgia yelling "OPEN THE DOOR! OPEN THE DOOR" The person on the bus shrugs and opens the door as Georgia reaches around, grabing the inside of the doorway, and slowly side steps off the back of the bus and into the bus itself. Collins is finally to the front of the cab's hood When Georgia spins around, grabs the hand rails on the ceiling of the bus, hoists herself up and delivers a modified front drop kick, nailing DC in the chest and sending him flying back, landing back first on the windsheild, shattering it. Crowd: HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT... The cab begins swurving a bit as his line of vision is slightly disturbed by Collins arm, however he reobtains control. The bus slowly draws to a stop as does the cab. Fecca, "This is insane!" Georgia hops out of the bus and onto the cabs hood as she yells, "Drive around the corner!" The cabby slowly pulls out, driving around the bus and around the corner where we see the sign for another bus stop. Georgia gets out, slaps the sign, and then goes back and hops into the seat Damian had been in as she says, "Grand Central Station please." Cabby, "You f**kin nuts?! I can't drive around wit' a body on my windshield... Not ta mention a shattad' windsheild!" Georgia, "You'll get paid well..." Cabby, "How well?" Georgia, "Our boss is WallStreet McCallister..." The driver puts the car into gear and begins driving. Fecca, "WallStreet's wallet is none world wide, but I think it's a safe bet to say that it's known the best right here in New York City." Styles, "Apparently... How's Georgia just gonna go around advertising our boss' wallet like that?! Like he hasn't had a bad enough night!" As the cab is driving about we notice Collins beginning to stir on the windsheild. He slowly rolls over, his back a bloody mess. Fecca, "That looks rough... Right now I'd like to take the time to give a huge credit to the PWT Camera crew. We've got em out their in vehicles and on foot, making sure to cover this as best we can, and frankly their doing a phenominal job." Styles, "I gotta admit, the PWT Camera crew's really gettin' it goin on." Collins is on his knees on the hood, looking a bit dazed, however he seems to get aware fairly quickly as he sees Georgia through the shattered glass. Collins slowly lifts himself up... Cabby, "What the f**ks he doin?" Collins stumbls forward and leans down, holding the roof for balance as he lifts up his leg and stomps the glass, not once, not twice, but three times before it finally gives up and shatters completly into lil glass chunks which fall about the hood and the inside of the car. Fortuantly Georgia and the Cabby both seem to avoid getting the glass in their eyes, but it's all over their laps. Collins drops to his knees on the hood and reaches in, grabing Georgia by the hair and pulling her, making her crawl up out of the cab and onto the hood. Fecca, "This doesn't look good..." Collins brings her up to her feet and the two exchange a very slow series of punches as they're attempting to maintain their balance so they don't become a curb stain. Finally however, Collins reaches down, scoops up James and delivers a huge spinebuster, slamming Georgia back first on the roof of the car. Collins drops to a knee as the cab continues it's travel. Collins slowly and carefully gets himself up on the roof, however it's evident that he's not very comfortable up there. Fecca, "This is EXTREMLY dangerous! One wrong move by either of these young athletes and it could mean their careers.... or even worse." Collins tries to stand up but nearly falls over so he quickly goes back down to his knees, realizing this is a lot more dangerous than even he had realized. Collins grabs onto Georgia and pulls her over a bit, making sure she's in the center of the roof, and then moves around so he's sitting on his ass. He grabs her legs and begins intertwining them with his until he finally has a modified figure four leg lock applied. Collins leans back, his body coming down over the empty space that once laid host to a windshield as he reaches inside and holds on to the ceiling of the cab, hoping that's enough to keep him from flying off as Georgia is leaning back the other way, over the back window. Crowd: HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT... Styles, "I'm not a Damien Collins fan by any stretch of the imagination, but I hope to God he knows what he's doin' here." Collins' seems fine now... But Georgia apparently isn't content to stay in the submission move as the crazy bitch actually starts trying to roll it over. Collins eyes grow wide as he starts yelling "ARE YOU NUTS?! YOU'LL PUT US BOTH OVER THE SIDE!!!" But Georgia isn't listening as she's almost got DC to his side. Damien is trying to fight it but James is putting forth all of her strength and apparently has had a bit of an added adrenaline boost as well, as she finally gets him over and the two are a mere inch away from being off the cab... If that's not bad enough, Collins is now hanging directly over the driver's side. Cabby, "GET DA F**K OUTTA DA WAY KID!!!" DC, "I CAN'T!" The driver is trying his damnedest to see around the champion but it's certainly no easy task. Finally however it appears that we've arrived however, as the cabby slows it down and pulls over to the side. Georgia finally releases the reveresed figure four as DC pulls himself over, landing his back on the hood of the car before he rolls off to the ground. On the back of the car Georgia slides down the back window and rolls off the trunk. Georgia begins hobling down the stares of the Grand Central Station as she's clearly feeling the effects of this bout and perhaps more specifically the figure four. Collins slowly pulls himself up on the car, his back a bloody mess from the windshield as he pulls himself around the car and hobbles down the same path as Georgia before him. The cameras rush to catch up and by the time they do both Georgia and Collins have paid their respective fairs to get into the subway and the camera man of course does the same. He follows Damien Collins who is following Georgia James, who is apparently just trying to get to a subway car. Go figure, she gets their and there's nothin' but empty tracks. Georgia shakes her head and turns around just in time to see Collins approching. Georgia goes for a right hand but Collins grabs it, spins it around and applies a standing arm wrench. Georgia bends down in pain as she slaps at her shoulder, implicating that she's feeling the pain their. Finally however, Georgia spins it around and reverses to an arm wrench of her own, only breifly however as she begins applying a couple of kicks to the ribs of the champion before releasing the hold.... Georgia then grabs Collins by the back of the head and thrust him over the edge of the floor, and out onto the tracks. Georgia hops down and gets ontop of collins, grabbing him by the throat and beginning to choke him out when we hear it.... Chuga Chuga Chuga Chuga Chuga Chuga Chuga CHOOOOOOOOOOOT CHOOOOOOOOOOOT... Fecca, "OH MY GOD NO!!!" Georgia glances up as her eyes widen and she jumps back. Collins opens his eyes but has no time to make such a bold move as he's directly on the track beams, so he rolls over... Unfortunatly not the right way as he's face down on the very tracks that the train is on... He can't move cause there's not enough time, and sure enough the train runs directly over PWT Champion Damian collins...
The entire Arena gasps as Georgia, who's back on the floor, even has her jaw dropped... She's not the nicest woman alive, but she's still human and even she couldn't feel comfortable seeing Collins get ran over by the train. For the first time since the ring we see the official, which is ICWA Senior referee Tim White... The train has finally come to a stop and security is rushing down to the terminal. Fecca, "Oh my god... Please God... Please let him be alright... He's only 23, he's got the entire world ahead of him... Just God please... let him be okay..." Styles, "..........." Security turns on their flash lights and begin hoping down, starting to look under the train to see if they can find any body parts or organs about. Suddenly however the arena erupts as they see on the PWT-A-Tron, that the world Heavyweight champion has found himself atop of the train. Collins crawls down as Georgia has her back turned and is explaining what happened to one of the security guards. Damian suddenly places his hand on Georgia's shoulder as the crowd is going absolutly nuts in the Hammerstein Ballroom. Crowd:D-C D-C D-C D-C D-C D-C D-C D-C D-C D-C D-C D-C D-C D-C D-C D-C D-C D-C D-C D-C D-C D-C D-C D-C D-C Fecca, "HE'S ALIVE, BAH GAWD HE'S ALIVE!!" Georgia turns around and Collins instantly jumps up and BAM! Fecca, "DC DROP! DC DROP! BAH GAWD HE JUST HIT THE DC DROP!!" Back at the ballroom the crowd is on their feet and going absolutly ballistic. Collins rolls Georgia over and lays himself over the top of her body, however the official shakes his head and yells, "YA GOTTA GET HER IN THE CAR COLLINS!" Collins' face tells the story of frustration as he shakes his head and slowly gets to his feet. Damian grabs Georgia by the neck and arm and pulls her up to her feet as the train's doors draw open. DC carts James into the car and then again goes for the DC drop, but this time Georgia quickly wraps him up, applying a crossface chickenwing... She holds it breifly before falling back and sending Collins up and over via the suplex she calls the "Millenium Suplex". Collins just misses the pole designed for standing folks to hold on to as he hits the ground. Georgia rushes over and hooks the leg as referee Tim White drops down and counts .................1...............2................. Nearly three but Collins just gets the shoulder up. Georgia gets up in a rage as she begins arguing with the official, insisting it was a three count. Collins is slowly getting himself together as he uses the very pole that nearly decapatated him to pull himself up. Collins is out on his feet as he's staggering and Georgia turns around. Georgia walks over to take advantage of our staggering champ when he suddenly snaps up and BAM! Fecca, "ANOTHA DC DROP! HE WAS PLAYIN' POSSUM! DC DROP!" Collins rolls over onto Georgia, hooks the far leg, rolls her up so all of their weight is on her shoulders as Time white counts ........................1...........................2..............................3!!
The bell sounds in the arena as 'The Sickest' by Saliva hits and Fecca says, "COLLINS HAS DONE IT, COLLINS HAS DONE IT, DAMIEN COLLINS HAS RETAINED THE PEE DUBYA TEE CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!" Styles, "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"
Collins is on his knees with a far away look in his eyes as he's deeply breathing... Tim White raises his arm... The championship is probably still at the arena but Collins doesn't need it to know what just happened. The folks in the car are clapping and the people in the Hammerstein Ballroom are going insane.
Fecca, "DAMIEN COLLINS IS STILL THE CHAMPION!! SEIFER BEAT DVD, SO NOW WE GET TO SEE IT... SEIFER V.S. COLLINS! I DON'T KNOW WHEN, I DON'T KNOW HOW, BUT BAH GAWD I KNOW WE'RE GONNA SEE IT!!!" Styles, "We should have seen it tonight Bobby!" Fecca, "Maybe, maybe not! But bah gawd I wouldn't replace this match for anything! These two young athletes just left it all out their, and bah gawd they gave us EVERYTHING! What a performance... I tip my hat to these increadible young athletes!" Styles, "But now what?" Fecca, "That's a great question... Now we're headin' to the Burt Flickenger center in Buffalo New York, and as we head their we do so with a lot of question and a lot of statements made! Folks, Danger Zone earned it's name... This night is over but we hope to see ya Sunday night from the Burt Flickenger center... We'll be shown nationally on the WB from 10pm - 12 pm, we hope you'll stay up late with us! I'm Bobby Fecca alongside Eddie Styles saying Good fight, Good NIGHT!"
The scene fades on Collins breathing heavy on his knees and Georgia breathing heavy on her back. |
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