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Date Posted:02/15/2009 2:07 AMCopy HTML
Warning: UNAUTHORIZED INTERCEPTION OR RECEIPT PROHIBITED!!! This Pay Per View event is the exclusive property of Professional Wrestling Today Inc. Only by paying a fee to a cable operator or other entity authorized by PWT INC is the viewer granted a limited license to view this pay per view program. This Pay Per View may not be recorded, rebroadcast, retransmitted or otherwise distributed in any manner whatsoever without the expressed written consent of PWT INC. Federal Law provides for civil penalties and criminal penalties against any violators.
Unauthorized Viewers Beware and be forewarned!!
[ After the warning of unauthorized viewing of this pay per view flashes across the screen, the PWT logo flashes across as well. The screen is then black until we fade into into the opening of a video package. Shots of the happenings that have led up to the matches scheduled tonight playing across the screen. Its not a long video, cause lets face it this card was pretty WCW'd, but it gets the point across. And as the video comes to an end we fade into the sold out MGM Grand arena! Thousands of fans are waving signs either supporting their favorite stars or antagonizing the heels. The cameras panning over these fans before panning down to Bob Fecca and Eddie Styles sitting at ringside.
Fecca: Welcome everyone to another pay per view spectacular brought to you by Professional Wrestling Today! Folks we have a great night of action lined up for this evening.
Styles: Thats right Bob! We have some highly anticipated matches tonight. One of which happens to be Javen versus Akmed in the "Caged Lust" match. It should be interesting watching these two men fightf or a week with Becca.
Fecca: Don't forget about the special enforcer for this match, Sean Frost Mann. Nor should you forget about the second match involving a ladder. Its a ladder match between Whysper and Matlock. Hanging above the ring is a briefcase containing a contract to challenge for the TITANium championship.
Styles: That should be a great one. Whysper's an exciting competitor and Matlock is just so damned straightforward and brutal at times. What about that "Burn In Hell Match" between Sighfur and Kane 2?
Fecca: That one's going to be hot, no pun intended. I'm also looking forward to Bobby Johnson defending his title against Sean Hunter. These two have exchanged words in the past, but finally they're going to get in the ring and see who's the better man.
Styles: Easily Sean. And another match that will be easy to pick the winner of is Nic E Dangerously facing the legendary Hexus.
Fecca: So who's the easy pick?
Styles: DER! The In Eye See!
Fecca: I won't doubt that Dangerously can win, but I highly doubt it would be an easy victory for him.....*IF* he wins. Another unpredictable match will be Jason Caine an Jay Styles challenging the retiring Drew Stevenson for the Peoples championship.
Styles: I hate to see Drew be on the way out, but hopefully he realizes that now isn't the time to get out of the business. Hopefully he'll come back as an exclusive competitor on our roster. He's got alot left in his tank I think. A couple ladies that have plenty in their tanks too are Georgia James an Image Johnson. These are two of the most talented women on our roster, and I believe tonight they have it in them to steal the show.
Fecca: How about the main event of the evening? David Van Dam, with all the controversy surrounding his possible appearance in BUD tommorrow night, defends his heavyweight championship against MJ Storm. And I have to admit that as much as I hate the change in his attitude, it does seem to have brung about a brand new MJ. Eddie, this MJ has all the tools needed to walk out of here tonight the Heavyweight champion for a second time.
Styles: Ya know, picking a side in this match is pretty hard Bob. On the one hand I want MJ to win. Why? Because just like he and CM, I'm worried about what might be done to our championship on BUD television. They can have Stephanie McMahon-Magera come out and have all the press conferences thats he wants. Bottomline of the matter is that there is always an animosity between the two companies. We hate them and in turn they hate us. Its just the way it is. And there's no way that we can trust *them* not to maybe attack David, take the championship, and effectively piss on it.
Fecca: On the other hand though Eddie, you've got to believe that Van Dam isn't stupid. He's not going to walk into Hangover on Monday night wearing the title. David knows the history of hatred between us and them. I have a hundred percent faith that David is not going to let them get ahold of our championship if he retains.
Styles: And what if he turns on us?
Fecca: I have it on good authority that David would never do that. I've even been told by higher-ups that David has said on more than one ocasion he will never even compete for BUD. And I believe him.
Styles: Whatever. But he still has to win the match for it to be a possibility we need to worry about. So lets talk about the *true* main event of the evening. Lets talk about the reason that everyone shelled out their dollars to buy tickets to the event or to watch it on pay per view.
Fecca: I thought we just did.....
Styles: I'm talking about the REAL main event you tool! I'm talkinga bout......Angelique versus Amethyst Jane in a Jell-O match!
Fecca: Shoulda known.....
Styles: I just wish it was me instead of that lucky bastige Sighfur as the ref....
Fecca: Well you have to stay here an call the action with me Eddie, but as a consolation prize, that match is our first of the evening!
Styles: YES!
[ We open in the backstage area of the arena. Superstars upon Superstar are scrambling about trying to get ready for their parts in this evenings shows. Looking down the hall we see Angelique, her hair is piled atop her head. The view falls down her slender frame, wearing a small silk teal robe, her legs slender and silky protruding from the short hem of the robe. She wears a pair of Black heeled shoes. She smiles at passing people as she makes her way to the entrance area. Stopping at the entrance talking to a tech guy whilst awaiting her cue. The music in the arena is so loud that angel and the tech guy have to lean into one another to hear what the other has to say.
[ Somewhere down the hall someone is yelling out to Angel, but she doesn’t hear them as her music hits her cue and she steps through the curtain. As Angelique makes her way to the ramp, her music blaring the crowd is going wild, she waves with a smile.
Sabrina: The following contest is the Jell-O match! Introducing first from Chicago, Illinois, ANGELIQUE!!
[ Suddenly, a young boy at the age of 13 begins to rush through the live crowd as he jumps over the barricade and begins to run towards Angel and tried to hug her but security immediately grabs the boy before he could even reach Angel. The boy was wearing a "I Love Angel" t-shirt and security was pulling the boy back into the live audience.
Styles: He loves Angel!
Fecca: Folks we're being informed that the young boy's name is Patrick and just happens to be Aubrey Baxter's little cousin who is a huge Angelique fan whom Angel has actually met before in the past.
[ Aubrey Baxter begins to appear at on the ramp and she grabs Patrick by the collar and immediately begins to pull him into the backstage area after making a fool of himself in front of a live arena. As she departs the crowd suddenly erupts again in defeaning screams this time. Wondering what the hell is going on now Angel turns towards the crowd's eyes, behind her… standing on the stage in a button down dress shirt hanging loose from his faded jeans. Looks around with that deer in the headlights look and is cursing under his breath for not having a map of the MGM and knowing this way led to the entrance ramp, is none other than NovaCaine. Angel’s eyes open in shock as more Security comes from everywhere to apprehend the intruder. Angel quickly turns back to the stage area and speaks up.
Fecca: IT'S NOVA!
Angelique: He’s my guest.
[ The head security guard, Snoop, steps to Angel, questioning her, they must have it settled because he shakes NovaCaine’s hand and leads him off the stage and down the side to a front row seat near the pool of Jell-o that has a reserved sign on it. Angel smiles at Nova as she finishes making her way down to her match. Sean Hunter is already poolside on the deck and he is none to happy at the sight of Nova in the arena as he approaches Angel, words are exchanged but unheard by anyone but Sean and Angel. Sean storms back to his lounge chair as Angel stands near Seifer, awaiting Amethyst Jane. On the other side of the pool Y2Jesus simply raises an eyebrow but shrugs it off as the lights shut off.
[ A laugh can be heard as candles begin lighting up all around the place. The soft sounds of "Somebody Help Me" begin playing through out the arena but still nothing can be seem. Soon the titontron is coming to life with shots of Amethyst, in the ring, out of the ring, backstage, from her being brought back to life. Finally a black rose settles on the screen, Amethyst's name coming over it. Out of no where She seems to turn up on top of the ramp her head bowed down low, her long black and purple hair is hit by red strobe lights.
Sabrina: "And making her way to the ring hailing from Miami Florida. She is God's Mistake.... AMETHYST JANE!"
[ Amethyst slowly walks down to the ramp and off to the side, making her way towards the pool of Jell-O. Finally Amethyst raises her head, coming face to face with PWT as the lights come back on. She tosses Nova a little glare before turning to face the pool of Jell-O. Angelique has already gotten in as Seifer is leaning up against a part of the deck. Amethyst looks at the jell-o and begins to make a face.
Fecca: You know, with all these people out here I'd be amazed if this didn't turn into some huge brawl! You've got former Horsemen members Seifer, Y2Jesus, Amethyst Jane. You've got Nova sitting in the front row, someone who had attacked AJ before, someone who had gotten close to Angelique before, and has beef with Sean. Then you've got Seifer and Sean who have been friends for a long time and did I mention Seifer and Nova in what was one of the most intense pure blood hatred feud and match of all time.
Styles: Yea, that's great. Now shut up and let me enjoy this.
[ AJ is still being hesitant as the fans begin to chant "AMETHYST" and Angel leans over the pool whispering to her as she finally lets loose and jumps into the pool of Jell-O must to a large reaction from the crowd. A smirk finally spreads over Seifer's face as he makes the signal for the bell.
Styles: Oh this is going to be good!
[ Seifer gets inbetween the two ladies and explains the rules. Basic pinfall or submission to win. He ends it with wanting a nice dirrrty fight and then backs away as the two women smirk and get close, tying up in the center of the jell-o.
Fecca: Here we go! Two former Heavyweight Champions going at it here in a match that they don't really like but when it comes to these two friends, anything is good!
[ Angel begins to push AJ back towards the side of the deck as both Sean Hunter and Chris LaCasse are watching on intently. She gets Amethyst to the side and begins to lay into her with punches, after two of them AJ ducks under her arm and begins to lay into some rights of her own. She backs off a little as Angel begins to come out, and the two of them begin trading rights again, this time it’s AJ who gets the upper hand by kneeing Angelique in the gut, as she doubles over Ame grabs her head and brings her down with a DDT right into the jell-o!
Styles: I’ll bet that tasted good.
[ Ame backs up a little as Angel brings her head up out of the jell-o, removing it from her eyes. The DDT having pretty much no effect no the jell-o as she tries a little of it and smiles, lifting some more up and pegging Amethyst right in the face with it. She gives a shocked look and picks some up on her side and throws it at Angel. Angel charges at AJ as she follows suit but with Angel having more of a head start she nails AJ down with a clothesline, bringing her body into the jell-o. As a devilish smirk plays on the corner of her mouth she grabs AJ’s head and dunks her into the Jell-o as the cheers are erupting. Meanwhile Styles is sweating and dabbing himself off.
Fecca: You okay there partner?
Styles: Two of the hottest women in wrestling, in the world, wrestling in bikinis and jell-o, WHAT DO YOU THINK?!
[ AJ pops her head up, wiping the jell-o from her eyes and flicking her hair back, sending jell-o right into the face of Seifer who was standing behind her. She looks around and notices this as she flashes a devilish little smirk of her own, with the momentary distraction Angel comes up from behind of Ame and goes to lift her for a suplex but AJ blocks it, spinning out of it and around to Angel’s back as she hits a German of her own. Angelique is a little out of it as she’s once again drenched in the teal Jell-O and as she gets up AJ picks her up and slams her back into the Jell-O.
Fecca: DEATH FALLS on Angelique!
[ Ame goes to make a pin as they both slink down into the Jell-O. Seifer pushes off the side he was leaning on and gets up close as he slaps his hand on the jell-o.
[ Angel is able to slip under and get AJ off her as she comes up to the other side, her hair that was once set nicely on her head is starting to come undone as she flicks it backwards, it goes into both the faces of Seifer and AJ.
Fecca: And Seifer gets hit with Jell-o again!
Styles: I don’t think he gives a damn! Would you?
Fecca: Absolutely not.
[ Angel takes the opportunity and jumps forward, grabbing AJ’s head, jumping forward and bringing her down with her as her head goes SPLAT in the Jell-o.
Fecca: Now the PAIN OF AGES!
[ Lique makes the cover here.
[ Janey maneuvers her body to the side as Angel goes to lift her up, grabbing her head as she brings AJ over to the side of the pool, lifting her up trying to get a bulldog off of the corner but Amethyst throws Angel’s body out as she comes crashing down onto the deck as the crowd ‘Ooohs’.
Fecca: This is why I love PWT. Unlike certain promotions in the North East, we can have a ‘diva’ match with two of our best females and they actually wrestle instead of hair pulling!
[ Angel begins to come around, making her way up as Amethyst starts walking over towards her as she does Angel jumps off into the air and lands on AJ’s shoulders, trying to flip around and finally just nailing her to the side in an attempted hurricanrana that didn’t quite go as planned due to the jell-o. AJ is up and meets an elbow to the face as Angel grabs her and nails her with the Chaos. Instead of going for the cover however, she’s lifting AJ up onto her shoulders.
Fecca: Final Judgment time!
[ But as Angel lifts AJ up into a military press she begins to move around and the slipperiness of her body she slips off and back into the jell-o. As Angel turns around AJ grabs her by the head and swings her arm around, nailing her with the Silent Screams twist of fate as she too backs off and doesn’t make a cover this time.
Fecca: I think these ladies are realizing that it’s going to take more then a couple moves to get the other one down.
[ The cameras pan over to see Seifer leaning comfortably against the side with a beer in his hands as he enjoys the match. Both Sean and Chris are enjoying it as well with their beers on the lounge chairs as Nova edges up on his seat watching the contest. Amethyst lifts Angel up onto her shoulders and runs towards the deck, about to toss her on it but Angel’s slippery body slides right off her shoulders as she pushes AJ up into the corner and then flattens her with her body in a modified clothesline. As AJ comes out from the side Angel lifts her up and slams her down on her face behind her. But as Angel turns around AJ is quick to her wits as she jumps up and nails Angelique with a buzzsaw kick. Angel is indeed buzzing after it as she stumbles around and finds herself victim to a neck breaker near the side of the pool. Ame smirks and begins to lift Angel up but she grabs her head and drops her with a jawbreaker. Catching her before she falls and near the side of the pool, Angel grabs her and kicks off of the side, turning around and slamming Amethyst’s head into the pool of jell-o. As she drops her Angel stands up and begins to do a little sexy dance that really gets the crowd going.
Fecca: The Atonement!
Styles: Oh how I love this move and what comes next.
[ Angel leans down and places a soft kiss on AJ’s lips as the crowd goes crazy, she backs off another devilish smirk on her face. Amethyst comes to her feet and sees the opportunity to hit her finisher as she grabs Angel’s face and plants a kiss right on her lips.
Styles: OMG! I can’t even hear myself think, listen to this reaction!
[ The noise is indeed deafening as Amethyst releases, Angelique is stunned but a moment passes by and nothing happens, no follow up DDT to the Kiss of Death, instead both Angelique and Amethyst Jane lean forward as their lips come together again. Styles falls completely out of his chair.
Styles: I’M IN HEAVEN!
[ The entire arena explodes and if possible it’s even louder then it was just moments ago. Everyone, especially the men enjoy the little kiss as they break and begin to whisper something into each other’s ears. The two of them nod and glance at Seifer, giving a little wink as they go for another kiss but this time hold one of their arms out towards Seifer who looks shocked but a devilishly handsome smile spreads across his face as he heads over towards them joins in on the kiss.
[ No more than a couple seconds pass before two big splashes are heard as both Sean and Chris dive into the jell-o, Seifer takes the hint and as he goes under the two ladies arms and out onto the other side of the deck, laughing he grabs a microphone.
Styles: He’s got his Playa’s Card!
Seifer: Now THAT was a good match! With the power bestowed upon me, BOTH Amethyst Jane and Angelique are the winners!
Fecca: I actually think that the fans are certainly the winners here.
[ The crowd cheers as the girls hug each other and smile as do eventually the guys and the cheers just continue to explode around the arena as Seifer notices the beer cooler and smirks as he receives glares from both Chris and Sean. He pops his collar and brushes his shoulder off as he takes the beer and heads to the back as both ladies and the guys begin to do the same, jell-o going everywhere. Nova had already left and disappeared out of sight. We switch back to Styles and Fecca.
Styles: Is it time for the People’s Choice Awards yet Bob? Because THAT was the match of the year.
Fecca: It certainly was a great one, no wonder these people love them!
Styles: I can’t believe Seifer got three way kissing action, that lucky son of a bitch!
Fecca: Their men didn’t seem too pleased.
Styles: So what! Live for the moment Bobby!
Fecca: Well, we still have a hell of a lot more to come tonight including Sean wrestling Bobby Johnson for the Titanium Championship and of course the match that just keeps heating up as DVD defends the PWT against MJ Storm!
[ Up on the tron we see highlights of the match, which of course draws more cheers from the crowd as we fade from ringside. |
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- Register:12/01/2008 4:13 PM
Re:PWT Presents 'Dangerzone II' (November 2006)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 2:08 AMCopy HTML
[ The match is now over… fans can’t complain about not getting there moneys worth tonight. This one match in itself was well worth the 29.99 to order. Angel is making her way quickly to her locker room, in a hurry to get cleaned up and greet her guest. She rushes through the door and straight into the bathroom, forgetting to lock the door as she turns the water on and climbs in, peeling off the bathing suit as the shower water flows down over her slick and sticky body. She doesn’t hear the man enter the room. He walks around the room, looking at pictures and such. The shower turns off and shortly after angel steps out into the open locker room area, thinking she is alone, naked and still dripping water form her refreshing shower. She suddenly realizes she isn’t alone when she spots Nova standing near the table.
[ Nova not reacting one bit surprised...
Hey that scar on your thigh wasn't there the last time I seen you just out of the shower..
[ Angel is too stunned to move...
Ummm Hello Andrew... she looks at her thigh.. Yeah, uhh, it's new
[ Nova strolls over closer to her, his demeanor never changing from being calm and laid back even with a gorgeous naked woman standing before him still glistening with tiny beads of water.....He pulls up his shirt and points to a scar right along his chest near his ribcage...
I got this one from a drunken fan with a beer bottle..
[ Dropping his shirt back into place he reaches down touching her thigh..
Looks like that puppy took some stitches...How did ya do it.
[ Questioning her but never moving his hand from her thigh. Angel blushes, fighting past the growing lump in her throat...
I uhhh... It happened while I... damn… she takes a few deep breathes, trying to maintain her demeanor but failing miserably. I did it refurnishing the house, piece of sharp wood.
[ Nova nods, softly caressing the scar with the end of his index finger.
You better be careful with that stuff.
[ He steps back looking at her and smiles.
Can I have my hug now or should I wait until you are wearing more than a smile?
[ Her eyes grow wide, she completely forgot she was still nekked... she turns, rushing into the bathroom for her robe, she ‘s tying the robe at the waist as she comes back and stops in front of him, looking at him shyly...
Sorry about that... I kind of got lost in your presence.
[ She steps closer to give him the hug as the scene fades out to ringside. Styles is gawking at his monitor
Styles: I have so never wanted ta be a guy named after a PBS program anymore than I do now....
[ At first the intro to "The Truth" plays a while and then the Silent One hits the stage. He flips his hair back pounds his chest with his fist and gives the rock/heavy metal hand sign.]
Sabrina: Making his way down to the ring first.. WHYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSPER!
[Then, he looks up towrds Heaven and points towards that direction. He walks to the ring and once he gets a few feet from it, he sprints and slides in. Then, he gets up and does the same thing he did on the stage, but does the taunt with both hands in the air. He climbs a turnbuckle does the same taunt with both hands but with his mouth wide open like he's yelling. Then, hecloses his mouth and hold his index finger to his lips as if saying 'shh.' He runs to another turnbuckle and does the same taunts again. He then hops down, kneels at the turnbuckle, and prays.]
Fecca: What is that?! Religion has no place in wrestling!
Styles: Are you an idiot? We have Jesus, a mecca, a messiah, a fallen star, and there is no place for religion in wrestling?
Fecca: It doesn't make it right.
Styles: To each his own.
[As Whysper continues to pray, he is soon interrupted..]
Styles: And, here comes Matt Matlock!
[Guitar chords start to play over the speakers. Eight seconds in, pyro explodes on the stage as Papa Roach's ‘Born With Nothing, Die With Everything’ starts to blare through the arena. Matlock steps through the curtain onto the stage to a chorus of boos from the crowd.]
Sabrina: "Ladies and gentlemen...from Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada...weighing 235 pounds, ‘The Cornered Animal’, Matt Matlock!"
[Matlock walks down the ramp and extends his arms to the side and spins in a circle slowly, as we see sparkler like pyros go off along both sides of the ramp. He reaches the ring and rolls inside, heading for a turnbuckle. He raises his arms up to his side as Shawn Micheals-style pyro shoots off like gunfire inside the ring. He lowers his arms and it stops, as he hops down to the mat. He leans over the ropes and starts mouthing off to the fans, and then he turns around to look at Whysper, and behind Whysper Matlock can clearly see the ladder, a grin crosses his face as he stands there a tall and proud man.]
Styles: Let's get to it!
[And, with that the bell is heard as the referee signals for it, and the two of them begin to circle the ring with each of their eyes piercing through the other's, and as they tie up Whysper ducks under grabbing Matlock from behind, and as Matlock throws out his legs, he tries to break it, but before he Whysper lifts up his leg, and trips Matlock and he falls right on top, and instantly begins to bash Matlock over the head several times, Matlock tries to cover the back of his head, but soon Whysper uses it to his advantage putting Matlock's arms over his knees, and begins to pull back on his chin as he cups the chin. Continuing to pull back time and again, Matlock is heard yelling out in pain.]
Styles: What a start for Whysper, he's really taking it to the champion!
Fecca: You're just a cliche.
Styles: ..shut up.
[Matlock somehow powers out bucking Whysper over, and he falls straight to his back, and both men got up about the same time, and as the two began to share massive shots to the face, it was not enough for Whysper as Matlock swooped in on his knees, tripping up Whysper, and it was not long before he grabbed ahold of Whysper's head, and continued the facial assault. But, it was one shot, the shot just prior to the last that really took it to Whysper, and just for good measure he threw on the last, and Whysper was done.. D-O-N-E.]
Styles: This is nothing, but a fist fight!
Fecca: Ya heard!?
Styles: ..shut up.
[Bouncing off the ropes, Matlock came crashing hard down on Whysper's body with a peircing elbow drop, and the scream was heard, though very subtle to keep his pride as a man. Matlock was seen on his knees, looking down at Whysper, and as he finally did stand back on his knees, and he dropped right back down right on the forehead of Whysper.]
Styles: o0o0o0o, a vintage move, but it's vintage for a reason.
[Standing to his feet, Matlock grabbed Whysper by his hair, and soon threw him straight into the corner, and as Whysper's back bounced against the turnbuckle Matlock had come charging, and as he flies through the air we see his forearm slam against the right side of Whysper's face, and Whysper lets out a grunt.]
Styles: Matlock is coming out like a demon! He's not going to walk out of this a loser, we can feel it.
Fecca: Matlock is the man. There is no one betta!
[Whysper soon falls to the mat, with his ass bouncing off the mat.]
Fecca: He really took a shot to the head right there. Good for Matlock!
Styles: You're an idiot.
Fecca: And, you smell like fish!
Styles: That's not fish, that's your mom's pussy.
Fecca: ...
[Matlock soon grabs onto Whysper's hair pulling him back up, and begins to light his chest up with knife edge chops, repeatidly hitting the same spot, a huge red spot begins to form on his chest, and you can hear the crowd getting behind Matlock.]
Styles: Why are they cheering him on!?
Fecca: He's the King of Controversy!
Styles: I thought that was Hunter?
Fecca: Who cares!?
[Though, it was odd the crowd was getting behind him, you could at the same time hear the cheers for Whysper. Looking around for a moment, Matlock finally ducks out of the ring grabbing the ladder.]
Styles: This crowd is undecided, but this is turning into one hell of match, and you can feel these people only showing more and more love.
[Pulling the ladder down, he uses both hands to move the ladder closer to the ring, and by this time Whysper is up and see's what is going on.]
Fecca: Watch out Matlock! Whysper is up!
[Whysper is seen running at this point, and Matlock's view of the ring it truly a blur, and out of nowhere from his point of view he gets knocked back by the force of the ladder, and falls to the ground, crushed.]
Styles: OWW!~
Fecca: Gatdamn it!
[But, Whysper wasn't done as he quickly climbed the side of the ring and he comes crashing down on the ladder and Matlock's face with an Asai Moonsault.]
Fecca: NO!
Styles: At this point Bob, there is no clear winner. Both these guys are giving everything to pull out the victory.
[Throwing the ladder off of Matlock, we now see a cut on his forehead that is slowly having blood boil to the top. Grabbing him by his head, Whysper throws Matlock up against the guard rail, and quickly comes running at him with a vintage splash clearly taken from the Stinger's playbook, but Matlock moves, and Whysper goes chest first into the guard rail and goes straight down to the padding holding his chest, trying to just breathe.]
Fecca: He really did take quite a shot to the chest right there, that had to hurt.
Styles: I'd be dead.
Fecca: No surprise there.
[Matlock is walking around the outside of the ring trying to gain his composure as Whysper continues to lay there, and Matlock realizes what is going on he slowly makes his way over to the ladder once again, and puts it in the ring. Slowly climbing back into the ring he sets the ladder up, and inches his way up the ladder, and as he stands on the top starting to pull the briefcase with the contract on the inside away Whysper is seen coming out of nowhere!]
Fecca: Behind you Matlock!
[Almost.. gliding up the ladder he comes out of nowhere grabbing Matlock by the head, and brings him crashing down to the mat with a massive DDT!]
Styles: HOLY SHIT!
Fecca: I concur.. HOLY SHIT!!
Styles: These guys are just.. phenomenal tonight.
[Both taking a good blow from that DDT off the top of the ladder, they both barely move on the mat that is now the gravesite for their bodies, and the referee isn't sure what to do at this point, but eventually Whysper stands to his feet, and looks around for a moment, and soon he bounces off the ropes, and Matlock gets up and tries to catch him in a side slam, but it's reversed into a headscissors takedown!]
Styles: Down goes Matlock!
Fecca: Didn't you say that line earlier?
Styles: ..shut your mouth, fatty.
Fecca: I'm the fat one!?
[Now taking his turn climbing the ladder he's to the top quickly, but he looks down at a stirring Matlock, and we're not sure what he's going to try, and do, but he comes down.. SOUND OF SILENCE!]
Fecca: I don't think so!
Styles: ..I did not see that coming.
[Whysper is laid out, and Matlock has made his way over to the turnbuckle, sitting against it still on the mat, trying to gain his own breath. It wasn't too long before Whysper gets up though, and Matlock begins to run at him.. POETIC JUSTICE!]
[As Whysper finally gets back up he sits on his knees for no more than 2 seconds, and quickly sets the ladder up as it tilted over, and rises high enough to reach for the briefcase.]
Styles: Here we go!
Fecca: Get up Matlock!
[Whysper is reaching up, but at the same time we can see Matlock now staggering, but making his way over trying to stop Whysper.]
Fecca: YEAH! You see that Styles!? Here comes Matlock!
Styles: You're so loud.
Fecca: ..
Styles: Ahh, much better.
[The ladder gets knocked over!]
Styles: Matlock has knocked over the ladder!
[And, Whysper is now hanging with the briefcase, and Matlock grabs onto his feet trying to pull him down, but it seems only help him.]
Styles: This is just getting crazy now!
Fecca: C'mon Matlock! Pull his ass down!
[Whysper falls to the mat!]
[He's got the briefcase!?]
Fecca: ...!!
Fecca: What the hell has just happened.
Styles: We all just saw the coming out party of Whysper, that's what.
[There Whysper lays unconscious, and the referee grabs his arm, raising it in victory, but all the while Matlock is seen sitting in the corner, shaking back and forth, almost.. paranoid, and he can't seem to shake what just happened.] |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Dangerzone II' (November 2006)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 2:09 AMCopy HTML
Fecca: In a moment folks we'll be bringing you the last match of Drew Stevenson. Tonight that last match is a defense of his Peoples championship and.....Wait a minute....
[ The tron flickers to life and we see Drew Stevenson walking towards the gorilla position. He's getting ready to head to the ring when suddenly he's blindsided from behind! Its that damned Jay Styles and he's got a metal pipe in his hand. He waits til Drew gets back to his hands an knees, then nails Stevenson with the pipe right across the back of the shoulder. Stevenson collapses to the concrete floor and Styles grabs the Peoples championship.
Jay Styles: Now you've got a reason to retire bitch!
[ Jay kicks Drew in the ribs and then heads for the ring himself. Several backstage officials rushing in to check on Stevenson.
Styles: Well.....So much for a triple threat I guess.
Fecca: That dispicable S.O.B.!
[ "Enter Sandman" by Metallica blasts onto the speakers as Sabrina raises her mic.
Sabrina: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the ring for this Triple Threat match.....Jaaaaaaay Stylesssssss!!!!
[ The arena goes pitch black dark, as a red light takes over the darkness, Smoke fills the ramp area.. And a video of Styles starts to play.. As the smoke continues to consume the entire ramp.. Jay emerges through the smoke and on the ramp.. On his way down to the ring, Jay ignores the fans and gets a determined look in his eye as he awaits the arrival of his opponent
Fecca: Don't adjust your sets folks, that really is the Peoples title over Jay's shoulder. But don't be confused and think that he won it! No, Jay attacked Drew Stevenson backstage like a coward and STOLE the title.
Styles: Possession is nine/tenths though Bob...
[ Jason's theme song begins to play. "California Love" By Tupac Featuring Dr. Dre hits the PA System. All of the stage lights remain the same while some of them starts to flicker on and off. His theme song begins to play louder and he comes from behind the curtain with a very cocky and arrogant attitude. He has a eric bischoff type grin upon his face as he walks down the entrance way and jumps over the ropes to get inside the ring. He steps on top of the middle rope and raises his left hand in the air while trash talkin some of the fans that may boo him.
Sabrina: And the opponent, Jaaaaaaason Cainnnnne!!!
[ He finally steps inside the ring with a smirk upon his face as he raises his hands up and looks at the fans as if to say "How can you not enjoy looking at this?". Jason's theme then fades away and its times for Drew's. And on c ue "Burning Bright" by Shinedown hits. The fans all come to their feet to see if Drew's going to make it out.
Styles: I bet Drew's in an ambulance on his way to a local hospital
[ After about a minute of his theme playing, the ref declares that Drew isn't coming out. So this match is now considered a one on one match. The ref calling for the bell and once it rings we're underway. Jay and Jason starting off circling each other. they finally meet for a lock-up in the center of the ring. There's a struggle to see's who's got more leverage and it ends up being the bigger Jason Caine. He shoves Jay Styles down to the mat. Styles looking surprised as Jason makes a gesture to say that he's "All that an two bags of chips"
Fecca: Jason showing Jay that he's got more power.
Styles: Jay'll figure out a way around it.
[ The two lock up again. This time Jason takes a headlock on Jay Styles. He searches for a way to slip out but no go so far. So Jay falls back to the ropes and shoves Jason away. This sends Jason across the ring where he rebounds back to a dropkick from Styles. Caine hits the mat and shoots right back up to his feet. And this time Jay Styles reaches up and takes the headlock on Jason. He then goes ahead and takes Jason over with a headlock takeover. Briefly Caine's shoulders stay down for a one count. Jason then manages to get hold of Jay and roll him over into a pin. One...........Two.............KickOut! Styles kicks out of the pin and back into the original situation. This time though, Jason forces his way to his feet. He lifts Jay into the air and hits a beautiful side belly to back suplex. Naturally the headlock is broken as Jay is slammed into the mat.
Fecca: Thats one way out of a headlock.
[ Jason then pulls Jay back up and nails a perfect gut-wrench powerbomb. Looks for a pin but Jay able to kick out at two. Both men get to their feet and Jason plants a kick to the mid-section and then lands a doublearm suplex. Soons as he hits though, Jason gets to his feet and bounces to teh ropes. He comes back and drops a leg across the throat of Styles. Jay flops like a fish as he holds his throat. Caine decides its time to show off to the ladies his bod again. Unfortunately this gives Jay a chance to recover, and he does. Popping to his feet, Jay falls back to the ropes and rebounds off to catch Jason from behind with a bulldog!
Styles: Thatta boy Jay!
[ Caine ends up holding his face. Styles then pulls Jason to his feet and sends some hard forearm shots to the small of the back. He then throws on a waistlock and finishes up by nailing a german suplex. Now Jay tries his luck at getting a positive response from teh crowd. They start off booing but suddenly cheer as from the back comes a limping Drew Stevenson! Stevenson limps to the ring, climbing onto the apron and entering it.
Fecca: Business is about to pick up, the People's Champion is here, and he looks ready to fight.
[Stevenson makes a b-line straight for Jay Styles, tackling him to the mat. No time for pure wrestling from the reigning People's Champion. He unloads with a flurry of forearms, smashing into the sides of Styles face. Styles raises his arms to protect himself as Caine pulls Stevenson off of Styles Caine hits Stevenson with a big half-nelson suplex. Stevenson grabs his neck as Caine turns around, seeing Styles attempt a big clothesline. Caine ducks it, big half-nelson suplex for Styles! Caine stands up and slams his arm into his chest several times. He pulls Drew Stevenson up and hits him with a gut-wrench poewrbomb. Stevenson grabs his back as Styles is back up, charging towards Caine. Caine side-steps him and pushes him, using Styles' momentum to throw him over the ropes. Caine pulls Stevenson up... big spike piledriver. Caine makes the cover.
Sabrina: Your winner, and NEEEEEW People's Champion... JASON CAINE!
[ As Caine celebrates the role of spoiler for Drew Stevenson's retirement match, we switch to the shot backstage. Christian Michaels is walking down the hall with his wife Rhya. There's a number of the roster standing around back chatting about the card so far. And once they see Michaels, some look at him with disdain while others seem to have a bit of admiration. Its a split between the locker room over CM's crusade at the end of the week of keeping the PWT title off Hangover. However the couple pays none of them any mind. Instead as they round a corner, they see the newest couple of Travis McNeil and Emerald in a corner. The two seem to be whispering sweet nothings to one another and share a kiss. The Michaels stop and look on for a moment before before they scoff and head on about their business. We, though, go back to ringside for the next match. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Dangerzone II' (November 2006)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 2:09 AMCopy HTML
[ The ominous hell in a cell structure begins to lower around the ring, already we see a metal bar going across the entire ring.
Fecca: We’re just moments away from the Burn in Hell™ match, a first ever in PWT!
Styles: But more importantly we’re just moments away from Seifer’s in ring return to PWT. The last time we saw him was in a hell in a cell in an epic match against the now King of PWT, Christian Michaels.
Fecca: And the last time we saw Seifer compete at Danger Zone was last year defending his Titanium title against David Van Dam.
Styles: Well I think it’s safe to say both situations are different now, he’s facing someone who just doesn’t seem to be right in the head.
Fecca: You mean he goes and chokeslams whoever the hell he wants?
Styles: Pretty much.
Fecca: This match is Seifer’s creation, but right up Kane 2’s ally, he prefers both inferno and hell in a cell matches.
[ The arena darkens for a moment before fire pyro explode at the top of the ramp, sending in Kane’s music as Kane 2 makes his way out onto the stage. He makes his way down and into the ring, surveying the cell.
Sabrina: Standing in the ring for this Burn in Hell™ match, from Death Valley… KAAAAANE 2!!!
[ “Trucker Anthem” by Kid Rock blares over the arena as it kicks in when the guitars pick up; the stage and ramp fill up with smoke as Seifer appears at the top of the ramp. Staring out at the structure.
Sabrina: And making his way to the ring, from Miami, Florida… SIIIIGHHFUUURRR!!!
[ He makes his way down to the ring and doesn’t take long before entertaining, standing right up to Kane 2!
Fecca: Seifer showing no fear here!
[ The two of them back away from each other and on the outside the fire is lit as it quickly spans around the ring, the flames dancing a couple feet into the air as the cell door is closed and the bell rings.
Styles: Here we go!
[ The two men begin the staredown, Kane 2’s eyes are hard to see but we can see Seifer, focused and intent, burning a hole right through Kane 2 until suddenly Kane 2 stops moving altogether. Seifer looks a little confused, glancing around and then trying to shrug it off but Kane 2 remains stopped.
Fecca: Um… either he’s playing some heavy mind games or what we thought was true has just happened…
Styles: You mean that Kane 2 is a robot that’s finally run out of batteries?
[ In the ring Kane 2 finally moves, shaking his head to the side as he backs away from Seifer and over to the ropes. He dives backwards out of the ring, his hand grabbing onto the steel as he does so and quickly the flames catch fire and his arm becomes engulfed in the flames. He doesn’t even seem phased by it as he walks towards the door where a confused referee unlocks it as the bell is sounding.
Sabrina: …the winner of this match… Seifer!
[ “Trucker Anthem” hits over the arena as Kane 2’s arm has finally been put out, but the monster doesn’t even notice the staff dousing the flame as he exits the PWT arena, throwing an arm up before he goes.
Fecca: I don’t get it. He just left.
Styles: I don’t think anyone does Bob.
[ Abruptly, Seifer’s music is cut off as stomping sounds are heard through the arena, loud ones like if King Kong were on his way over.
Fecca: What the hell is that?
Fecca: IT’S A BIRD!
Styles: IT’S A STING!!
Fecca: IT’S…
[ Sure enough the monster known as the Bloody Baby Strangla Kangaroo descends from the rafters with no grace whatsoever, landing on the roof of the cell and caving the roof in as it lands in the ring, silver sunglasses, the old W2K Impact championship on his waist and some green boxing gloves. Seifer had fallen back into the corner from the impact and now comes out of it, his eyes already completely wide, not expecting this. In the shock he seemed to be frozen stiff as the Kangaroo winds back and WHAM!!! Sends his right fisted boxing glove into the stomach of Seifer, the impact sends him flying over the top rope and into the side of the cell with such force that it breaks the entire thing off it’s hinges and falls backwards, leaning up against the announce table as Seifer lies in front of it on the cell siding holding his stomach.
Fecca: OH MY GOD!!!
[ Seifer hears the one sound he doesn’t want to hear, a bell ringing, and not the ones in his ears from the punch.
Fecca: No way… this can’t be a match… not after the Bloody Baby Strangla landed the most devastating finishing move of all time, THE PUNCH FROM ANTARTICA!
Styles: SHUT UP AND HELP GET THIS CELL OFF ME! I’m freakin’ out man! I’m having flashbacks of that one time I went to prison, OH SOMEONE GET IT OFF!!
[ Fecca slaps Styles in the back of the head.
Fecca: Just be glad he isn’t coming after us, if anything we’re protected underneath this.
[ Seifer slowly, and I mean slowly makes his way to his feet. Holding his stomach as he has a pissed off look on his face, he slides into the ring and looks up at the Kangaroo. He gives up about two feet in height and probably two hundred pounds in weight but he’s showing no fear as he reaches up and rips the glasses from the Kangaroo’s eyes. His eyes go wide and he begins punching at Seifer who tries to block his blows but to no avail, it isn’t long before he’s sent packing out of the ring again.
Fecca: I’m waiting for Seifer to get pissed off enough and turn Super Saiyan for the first time and totally pwn him!
Styles: And then go flying at Bloody? Yeah, that’d be cool.
Fecca: Then he’d get into a karate stance and start yelling. BLLLLLOOOOOOOODDDD SPIIIILLLLLLEEEEEEERRRRR- AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Styles: You took it too far.
[ Fecca lowers his head in shame as Seifer isn’t turning super saiyan but instead is going underneath the ring, pulling out a steel chair wrapped in barbed wire as he slides back into the ring, staring at the Kangaroo who comes at him again. This time Seifer ducks under a punch and turns around swinging at the head of the kangaroo but the chair simply bounces off and has no affect, he does it a second time and nothing again. Trying one more time and the chair is deflected from a fist by the kangaroo sending it flying to the stage. Seifer now bounces off the ropes and begins to throw a furry of punches into the face and body of the kangaroo, starting to drive him back until Kanga head butts him and sends him across the ring. Seifer’s quick to his wits as he rolls out of the ring and knocks over the steel steps. He grabs the lighter one and heaves it over the top rope right at the Kangaroo but Bloody simple takes his fists and smashes it, flattening the steel steps.
Fecca: If I were Seifer, I’d run now. This is the same maniacal kangaroo that made his debut a year ago in W2K chasing after Seifer, Jacob Mitchell, Cross, and Christian Michaels. Stealing Jake’s W2K Impact title and WRM’s sunglasses. And then proceeded to chase them halfway across the Pacific!
Styles: Not to mention he came back and stalked most of them this year along with Ryan Cain and Tim Torn. That’s how he got the green boxing gloves!
Fecca: Well rumor has it Seifer pinned him in Antarctica so I think he’s back for some revenge.
Styles: He probably melted a bunch of ice and got a glacier to fall on him and sat on top of it to get the pinfall.
[ Seifer was going to work under the ring, grabbing weapons and heaving them up into the ring, from steel chairs to ladders to tables to kendo sticks to baseball bats to trash cans to bowling balls to fire extinguishers…
Fecca: Damn we have a lot of stuff under the ring.
Styles: All we need now is the kitchen sink.
[ Seifer now pulls out a kitchen sink and throws it into the ring as well as he slides in picking it up and throwing it at Bloody’s face who slams it down to the mat.
Styles: BLOCKED!
[ Seifer cracks his head to the side and grabs a couple baseball bats, as he begins to wail them into the side of Kanga’s stomach, seemingly getting the advantage for a moment and as he does he drops the bat, turns sideways and WHAM! BLOOD SPILLER!!… which has absolutely no effect on the kangaroo as Seifer’s eyes go wide and he begins frantically grabbing weapons and using them against the kangaroo, each one seems to stun the kangaroo for a moment but no longer before it’s time to use another one.
Fecca: I repeat, just get the hell outta there!
[ Seifer’s finally run out of weapons to use as he’s knocked to the ground, the kangaroo stalks him and Seifer crawls under the bottom rope, reaching under the ring as the kangaroo grabs him and pulls him back in. In his hands are two cinder blocks. He kips up to his feet and picks them up fury flashing in his eyes as he brings them forward and smashes them right into the head of Strangla one on each side which stuns the kangaroo and then Seifer throws out a thunderous Blood Spiller, but still the kangaroo is standing! Not satisfied Seifer runs back at the ropes and jumps up into the air with a jumping Blood Spiller, right SMACK into the face of the kangaroo sending him to the ground. Seifer jumps at this chance as a referee slides into the ring.
Fecca: HE DID IT! It took all the weapons we’ve got and some cinder blocks and three finishers but he did it!
Sabrina: Here is your winner… SEIFER!!!
[ Seifer looks exhausted as the bell rings and he stands up. Weapons are all over the place as is parts of the cell and Seifer’s body is completely drenched in sweat.
Styles: Uh oh…
[ He slowly starts to turn around and as he does he seems the Bloody Baby Strangla standing straight up with his boxing gloves winded back ready for another Antarctican Punch as Seifer’s eyes go wider then before and he darts out of the ring faster than Speedy Gonzalez and through the cell door making his way up the ramp at such speeds as the Kangaroo leaps from the ring over the roofless three sided cell and begins to make way after Seifer.
Fecca: I’m speechless, freaking speechless, let’s go to an advert.
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Re:PWT Presents 'Dangerzone II' (November 2006)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 2:10 AMCopy HTML
[ After the situation backstage involving Sighfur, CM, and a rabid kangaroo that has escaped his confines of W2K.....Well we get back to normal out at ringside. The ring crew having done an excellent job of getting the broken down cell outta here. Now Sabrina stands in an unobstructed ring.
Sabrina: Ladies and gentlemen it is now time for the "Caged Lust" match.
[ The crowd pops.
Sabrina: In this match, Becca Wipwreck will be suspended fifteen feet above the ring. To win this match, either Akmed or Javen, must retrieve the key hanging from that pole...
[ Cameras focus in on the pole affixed to a corner.
Sabrina: They must then get a ladder and set it up. Then the object is to climb the ladder and unlock the cage holding Becca. The person who successfully does this will be the winner!
[ The fans pop and then pop louder as "Keys To The City" by Lil Kim featuring Trish Stratus blasts over the speakers.
Sabrina: At this time, please welcome PWT Owner....Becca Wipwreck!
[ Becca appears from behind the curtain. She throws up a hand an the fans are going nuts. There's even a number of males giving hoots an hollars as Becca walks by them. She gets down to the ring and climbs in. Holding out her hand for the mic, Sabrina hands it over.
Becca: Some of you might not realize it, but tonight is the WWE's Survivor Series. And a little earlier in their show women's wrestling witnessed a truly sickening moment. Amy Dumas, wrestling there as Lita, had her retirement match and unfortunately lost to Mickie James. That was bad enough, but then they couldn't let one of the women who revolutionized the way we're looked at in this business leave with any dignity at all. Amy Dumas made it possible for the women in this business who aren't six feet tall and weigh two hundred pounds to be taken seriously.....and still look sexy doing it. We became more than eye candy thanks to her! And if the WWE won't show her the respect and let her have the dignity that she deserves, then bah gawd we will!
[ She then leads the crowd, mostly the female members but quite a few males too, in a chant of "THANK YOU LITA!". The tron then coming to life with a picture of Lita with those same words under it
[ But the pic is soon replaced by the entrance video for none other than Sean Frost Mann. His theme, "Remedy" by Seether, hitting over the speakers. Becca looks up the ramp with disgust as a couple refs try an usher her into the cage.
Sabrina: Please welcome the special enforcer for this match.......SEAAAAAAAAN FROST MANNNNNN!!!!
[ Once again the crowd comes to their feet cheering as SFM finally appears on the stage. Of course Becca still has her nose upturned in disgust as the cage raises. But there's something a bit different about Sean tonight.
Fecca: Is he wearing a referee striped fur coat and walking with referee striped cane?
Styles: Hells yes he is! Bob we have a freakin pimp for a ref!
Fecca: He couldn't just wear the traditional ref shirt?
[ Apparently not folks. But as SFM gets to the ring and hands out his pimp gear, its time for the first person actually wrestling in this match. "Rockstar" by Nickelback blasts over the speakers as the tron video kicks onf or Javen. The fans come alive surprisingly cheeringf or this guy! Finally ole Javen arrives on the scene at the top of the ramp. This sends the fans into an even greater frenzy and he heads down toward the ring. On his way Javen slaps hands with the fans before sliding into the ring. He runs up to the middle turnbuckle in a corner an taunts the crowd. Javen then hops down an hops from one foot to the other awaiting his opponent.
Sabrina: In the ring now, from Jackson, Tennessee.......Javen!
[ Then "Bodies" by Drowning Pool plays over the speakers. Most fans boo but a few cheer as Akmed appears on the ramp. He starts on his way down the ramp. Javen decides that he's going to get an early advantage and runs over to the corner with the pole attached. he hops up to the top and reaches up for the key. But Javen see's Akmed now charging down the ramp full steam ahead. So he forgets the key for a moment and somersaults off onto Akmed! Both men goingd own as fans begin a brief "Holy Shit" chant.
Fecca: Javen taking himself and Akmed out!
Styles: That crazy sumbitch! How does he expect to win this match if he takes himself out?
[ Javen is the first to move as he rolls off Akmed. He holds his back for a moment and then lifts up the ring skirt. We can see a bunch of items under the ring and Javen grabs the closest. That being a trash can an its lid. Akmed is slowly getting up.....He turns right into a shot to the head from that trash lid! The lid folds in half with the shot and Akmed staggers. This is the oppurtunity that Javen uses to put the trash can itself over Akmed's head an shoulders. Akmed struggling to get the tras can off himself, and meanwhile Javen reaches back under the ring and withdraws a steel chair.
Fecca: Uh oh! This isn't going to be good for Akmed.....
Styles: He's about to have one hell of a headache.
Fecca: If he doesn't already have one from that shot with the lid.
[ The crowd cheering as Javen winds up and....WHAM! He slams the chair into the trash can, denting it into Akmed's face! Needless to say the big man is taken off his feet. Javen surveys the situation and then hops up onto the barricade. He takes a moment to catch his balance and then moonsaults back onto Akmed and the trash can! Javen is holding his own stomach as he rolls on the thin paddingc overing the concrete. In the ring SFM cringes a bit from the asssault that Javen has lain on Akmed.
Fecca: Javen is destroying himself in an effort to destroy Akmed first!
Styles: And its going to be either really smart or really stupid in a bit.
[ Finally Javen picks himself up and rolls into the ring. He uses the ropes and pulls himself up in the corner. Ever so slowly Javen then begins climbing to the top rope. He gets there and starts to reach again for the key. But during the time it took to get to his feet an climb the ropes, Akmed has managed to get himself up. He rolls into the ring and gets right to his feet. Getting into position, he takes Javen off the top rope with a powerbomb! Javen's back slamming hard into the mat. He writhes in agony as Akmed looks up towards the key. However instead of going for it, Akmed decides to go back to the outside.
Styles: What the hell are you thinking you twinkie sucking bastard!?
Fecca: Apparently he's thinking that he wants to see if he can incapacitate Javen.
Styles: Oh....
[ Under the ring Akmed pulls out a table. He sets it up beside the ring, in front of the ramp. Looking back up under the ring, Akmed finds his wannabe "Crown of Thorns" kendos. Those are kendos wrapped in barbedwire by the way. He slides back in the ring with them and stalks Javen. The younger brother of CM having no idea what's coming as he gets to his hands an knees. But he finds out quickly as Akmed slams one kendo across Javen's back! The barbs ripping away pieces of flesh as he pulls back and swings the other, repeating the process all over again. Javen crawling to the ropes and pulling himself up. Akmed comes in swinging one of the kendos and Javen rolls to his left. But then Akmed slaps the one in his left hand against the top rope. Javen is trapped and Akmed rears back for a huge headbutt......Yet it never comes. Instead his eyes bulge outta his head as Javen had put a foot into Akmed's groin!
Fecca: That'll take away the advantage Akmed had with the kendos!
Styles: Definately
[ Javen pries the kendo from Akmed's left hand and then slaps it across Akmed's forehead! And again and again! Blood begins to trickle down Akmed's face as he drops to a knee. Javen rares waaaaay back for another blow with his kendo, but Akmed still has the other and catches Javen in the gut with it. The enigmatic stalker yelping in pain and hobbling away. He falls back to a corner and drops his kendo to the outside. Akmed comes in looking to do some more damage. However Javen dropkicks a knee and Akmed munches the second turnbuckle padding.
Fecca: Good lord these two men are killing each other.......And all for seven days with Becca.
Styles: Poor Becca. She's going to have to spend the week with someone that's a mangled wreck.
[ Back to the action in the ring and Javen's leaving the ring. He looks under the ring and finds a second table. This one is set-up on the opposite side to the pole, between the ring and barricade. He then walks over by the one that Akmed set up earlier. Javen looks at ita nd then looks under the ring. he finds yet another table and sets it up. However when he looks in the ring afterwards, he see's Akmed almost has the key! Javen frantically searches and finds the chair he used earlier. He then throws it, like Sabu is fond of doing, right at Akmed! The chair hitting and stunning the big man. However he doesn't fall, thanks to grabbing the pole.
Fecca: Akmed hanging on.....
[ Javen curses and then hops onto the apron. Then in an amazing showing he manages to spring onto the top rope and use the bounce motion to pop up and dropkick Akmed. This sends Akmed flying through the air and through that table Javen set-up between the ring and barricade! And poor Javen winds up landing across the top rope gut first! The bouncing of the rope shortly after causing him to flip onto the apron and roll down to the thin padding outside.
Styles: I'm speechless!
[ Even SFM is a lil shocked by that move. He comes over to the corner and peeks out at both men. Officials from the back come to check on both Akmed an Javen. In teh ring, Sean looks up and notices that the key is gone. The cameras then focus on Akmed and we can see it clutched in his hand!
Styles: If Akmed gets up and gets in the ring he's got this!
Fecca: But can he?
Styles: Yes! Look!
[ Akmed has gotten up, with the officials' help. He shoves them away and rolls into the ring. The ladder is laying in a corner of the ring and Akmed retrieves it. After setting it up under the cage, Akmed begins his ascent. But Javen too is up! He rolls into the ring and sneaks up behind Akmed. Javen then yanking his opponent off the ladder with the "Javen Effect" (reverse twist of fate). Both men are down again, but only briefly. Javen snatches the key and climbs the ladder. He's almost to the lock when suddenly Akmed slams a fist into his gut! And now we have a slugfest between them directly under Becca.
Fecca: Whoever can knock their opponent off here is going to get the win...
[Suddenly though SFM throws himself backwards against the rope. He rebounds off and pushes into the ladder, having enough momentum to topple it! The fans watch in stunned amazement as Akmed and Javen are both sent flying through the air and through the two tables set-up side by side on the outside. SFM smirking as both men lay in the pile of splinters.
Fecca: What the hell was that!?
[ SFM sets the ladder back up and then withdraws another key from his pocket.
Styles: Holy crap I think he's going to win this match himself!
[ He climbs up the ladder and unlocks the cage to a very ticked off Becca. There's a pause before finally the bell rings and Sabrina announces.
Sabrina: The winner of this match.......Sean Frost Mann....
[ As a reluctant Becca s being pulled from the cage into SFM's arms and Fecca an Styles are discussing this turn of events, we switch to the shot backstage. The cameras pan backstage again to what looks to be a pretty quiet section of the hallways. Only a few people in line getting some food and merchandise when suddenly we hear someone running and WHOOSH right on by the camera as it quickly turns to see the back of Seifer taking off down the hallway at such speeds you’d think he was driving his new car.
[ A couple seconds pass and everyone scatters when they see the large hopping Kangaroo making his way in the same direction as Seifer.
[ The cameras switch over now to where Seifer was, finally slowing down as he looks to the side and sees a name on the door and suddenly stops, backs up a couple feet as the cameras pan to see the name.
Christian Michaels
[ A smirk spreads across Seifer’s face as he busts open the door, CM jumps up from the couch with a bag of cheetos in his hands.
Seifer: You stole those from Cross!
CM: Did not! What the hell are you doing bustin’ into my locker room man? Me an Rhya coulda been getting’ it on!
Seifer: But you’re not, and you’re coming with me.
CM: Why? Wha for?
[ Seifer is looking all paranoid as he keeps looking behind his back.
Seifer: No time to explain, you’re just the only one around this joint who has been in this situation before and have experience. Two heads are better than one when planning strategy.
CM: I don’t follow.
Seifer: Did you watch my match?
CM: Yea but I turned it off after Kane 2 left cuz me an Rhya just finished up getting’ it on, she’s in the shower right now.
Seifer: So why the hell did you… ARGH JUST COME ON! You missed its return!
[ Seifer has already dragged CM out of his locker room.
CM: Whos… OH SHIT RUN!!!
Fecca: My God what’s gonna happen next?!
[ CM yells as he sees the Bloody darting their way as the two of them now take off and we fade. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Dangerzone II' (November 2006)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 2:11 AMCopy HTML
[ And after that its time for another match.
"You never knew what was gonna happen...or when."
"I had done too much to turn back..."
"And I've done too much to go on."
"I guess in the end...it all catches up with you."
"My grandpa asked me one time...do I care whether I live or die."
"Yeah I do...."
".....but now its too late."
Sirens then go off.
[ The lights dim, or for the most part and we now see them only shining down on the rampway, and Stone Sour's "30/30 150" begins playing as the screen shows sped-up clips of Sean Hunter in action: Hunter posing; a slow-motion clip of Hunter delivering the Decapitator; Hunter ducking a clothesline from Y2Jesus, jumping up, and then hitting the Decapitator; and Hunter then is seen in slow motion leaping from the top rope and hitting Moment of Silence upon the motionless Wallstreet. The entryway slowly begins to light up as one spotlight after another snaps down on the entrance. As the lights continue to shoot down upon the entryway Sean Hunter steps out into the pure view of everyone in the arena. The lights in the arena begin to gradually return to their original glow as Sean walks down the entrance ramp staring at the fans with his overly confident smile that brings a glow to his face. He looks over his shoulder, and glances at the curtains a few times. Sean Hunter then continues down the rampway and throws his arm out to the side acknowledging the fans and showing the crowd his smug grin. Sean Hunter then slowly steps up the ring steps; step after step, walking with such a purpose. As Sean places his foot on the ring apron he immediately follows up by thrusting his opposite leg through the ropes, as he lunges into the ring. Hunter walks to his corner, and he jumps on the top turnbuckle looking throughout the crowd. Sean then jumps off the turnbuckle and he awaits for his opponent...
Fecca: Sean hasn’t been scheduled to compete in a PWT Pay Per View since Caged Combat. He must be pretty amped up for this match.
Styles: He looks like the same old stuck up Sean Hunter to me Bob.
[ The G.O.A.T., by LL Cool J, starts to play over the P.A. system. Single words start to flash up on the big screen….
[ Various scene from past matches involving Bobby starts to play. Bobby giving Ricky Carter a 450 Splash off the top of a ladder, while Ricky’s laying on a table. Bobby giving Matt Matlock a Bourbon Street Blues™ in The Elimination Chamber. Bobby with a tight Bourbon Street Blues™ on Chris Stlyes. Bobby giving Demented three straight Killa Kicks™, with the last one knocking the big man over the top ropes. Bobby jumping off the top of the turnbuckle, and giving MJ Storm a Body Splash, while he is laying on the announce table. Bobby giving Luther Aldridge The Greatest Trademark Move Of All Time™. Bobby standing up on the turnbuckle with his arms raised in the air after winning the ICWA’s Royal Rumble 2. Bobby in the middle of the Hell in a Cell over a fallen MJ Storm, as he is holding the PWT Titanium, People’s, and Tag Team Championship’s simultaneously.
Styles: And here comes Teh TITANium champ!
[ Bobby makes his way out from behind the curtains, and stops on the top of the ramp. He has his PWT Titanium Championship fastened tightly around his waist. He gets down in a Shawn Michaels type pose, then stands back up and starts to jump from side to side a lot like Brock Lesnar used to, and the crowd boos him loudly. He stops jumping, and starts to make his way down the ramp. He stops in front of the ring, and leaps up onto the rings edge, and then grabs the ropes, and leap frogs over them, and lands inside the ring. He walks over to the far corner, and climbs up the turnbuckle, and flexes his biceps for the crowd, and gets back down, and walks over to the opposite turnbuckle, and repeats his flexing routine. He finally jumps down, and takes the pullover and hat off, and sets them down in the corner. He gives his TITANium Title to the referee.
Fecca: Has been waiting for quite awhile to face Sean in a match, and now he finally gets his chance.
Styles: The question is will he make the most of it.
[ The ref calls for the bell, as the two men walk to the center of the ring. They get into each other faces, and begin to let the insults fly. Sean gets tired of the smack talk, and connects with a hard shot across Bobby’s jaw. He stumbles backwards a bit. Sean goes for another shot, and Bobby ducks out of the way, and delivers a hard shot of his own. He grabs Sean’s arm, and Irish Whips him into the ropes. When Sean bounces off of them, he tries to go for a Clothesline, but Sean ducks out of the way, and bounces off the far ropes, and as Bobby turns around, he is taken down with a Shoulder Block. Bobby gets back up to his feet, but is met with a kick to the gut. He drops Bobby with a DDT, and gives him a few stomps to the body. He grabs Bobby’s legs, lifts them up, and spreads them apart. He delivers a Knee Drop to Bobby crotch region, and lets go of his legs, as Bobby howls out in pain. Sean doesn’t seem to care about the pain that Bobby is going through at the moment, and guides him up to his feet. He looks back up at the rampway again for a second or so, before continuing to what he was about to do. He gives him a Irish Whip into the ropes, but Bobby is able to grab on to one of the ropes to stop him from bouncing off of them. Sean charges him, but he is able to duck down, and throw Sean over the ropes, and onto the floor below. Bobby runs and bounces off the far ropes, and uses the momentum to propel himself over the top ropes, and land on Sean, as he gets up to his feet. The crowd roars with approval at the move that Bobby just executed, and the ref starts to count, as both men lay on the ground. They both start to stir, and get up to there feet. Bobby grabs Sean by the arm, and slings him into the ring steps, and watches as Sean goes crashing into them. He gets back into the ring to stop the count, then gets back out and goes over to where Sean is laying. He grabs Sean by the back of the head, and it bounces off of the steps, and Sean falls backwards, and hits the ground. Bobby guides him to his feet, and rolls him back into the ring. He gets in after him, and gets up to his feet. He guides Sean back up to his feet, and slings him into the far corner. He tries to follow it up with a Bobby Splash™, but Sean steps out of the way at the last minute, and Bobby hits nothing but the turnbuckle.
Fecca: These two men have been going back and forth so far. It’s pretty much a toss up at this point in the match.
Styles: As too be expected Bob. These two are not going to let the other one get the best of them.
[ Sean turns Bobby around, and gives him a a hard slap to the chest, which makes Bobby recoil, and howl out in pain. Sean delivers another one, and the crowd delivers a loud pop with each blow. Sean glances back up the ramway for a few seconds. Bobby apparently gets sick of getting his chest slapped on, and reverses it, and starts to deliver a few chest slaps of his own. Just like Bobby, Sean yells out in pain. Sean reverses the move again, but this time pushes him back up off of him. Bobby steps out of the corner, but is knocked back into it by a Pele Kick from Sean. Sean runs forward, and gives him a Body Splash, and bounces off of Bobby. He comes stumbling out of the corner, and runs right into Sean, who grabs him, and sends him flying with a Belly to Belly Suplex. He stalks Bobby, as he starts to get up, and goes for the Shattered Dreams. Bobby is able to stop the move by pushing Sean into the ropes. Sean turns around, and charges Bobby, but is taken down with a Samoan Drop. Bobby gets back up to his feet slowly, and gives his head a shake, in an attempt to get the cobwebs out. Sean starts to try and make his way to his feet, which makes Bobby run backwards, bounces off the ropes, and takes Sean down with Running Axe Kick. He goes over to the corner, and climbs up the ring post, and wastes no time in going for a Flying Elbow Drop. He turns Sean over, and goes for a pin attempt.
One…Two…Kick out.
[ Bobby gets up to his feet, and slaps his hand three times to signify to the ref that he thought that his count was too slow. The ref holds his ground, as he continues to argue, and all the while, Sean sneaks up behind them, and does a School Boy to Bobby, and goes for the pin attempt.
One….Two….Kick out.
Fecca: Bobby needs to keep his head in the game. Sean almost ended this match with that pin attempt.
Styles: That would have been a pretty cheap way for this match to end if you ask me.
Fecca: You have to do whatever you have to do to get the job done Eddie.
Styles: You’re talking like you have actually wrestled before….have you?
Fecca: Uh….no.
Styles: Then shut up and watch the match then.
Fecca: Screw you Eddie.
By this time, Sean has given Bobby an Irish Whip into the ropes, and followed it up with a Clothesline. He looks up the ramp once again before he stalks Bobby, and when Bobby makes it up to his feet, he puts him in the Fade to Black (Tazzmission), and locks it on tight. Bobby tries to escape, but it is too no avail. The ref asks him if he wants to give up, but he says no. The crowd is pretty loud by now, some urging Bobby to break out of the hold, and some urging Sean to finish off the job. Bobby takes two steps forward, but suddenly he pushes himself backwards, which catches Sean off guard, and that both hit the ropes. Sean loosens his grip on Bobby, and Bobby is able to get his arm around the neck of Sean, and give him a Modified Stunner. Bobby gets up to one knee, and holds his neck, trying to get some air back into his lungs. He gets to his feet, and leans on the ropes, as Sean slowly begins to stir. He stands up off the ropes, and as Sean gets to his feet, Bobby grabs his arm, gives him Irish Whip, and follows it up with The Greatest Trademark Move Of All Time™ (Irish Whip off the ropes into a T-Bone Suplex). Bobby gets up to his feet and lets down the straps of his singlet, and let’s out a loud yell. The crowd gets excited because they know what is about to come next. Bobby stalks Sean, as he slowly makes it to his feet, Bobby gives him a Killa Kick, which sends Sean flying into the ropes, and through them. He hit’s the floor below the ring, and Bobby gets out of the ring, and goes to where Sean is laying. He bends down to guide him to his feet, but gets a Eye Poke for his troubles. He stumbles backwards, and grabs his face. Sean gets up, glances up at the ramp for a few seconds, and goes to hit Bobby, but the punch is blocked. They start to exchange blows with one another….that is, until they hear the ringing of the bell to signify the end of the match.
Sabrina: By reason of a Double Count Out, this match has been determined to be a draw.
[ The crowd voices their displeasure….
Sabrina: As a result of the Double Count Out, Bobby Johnson retains his PWT TITANium Championship.
Fecca: As good a match as this was, it almost feels like we all got ripped off.
Styles: Almost feels like it….we did get ripped off.
Fecca: And what was Sean Hunter constantly looking over his shoulder, and up the ramp so much for?
Styles: I don’t know, and right now, I don’t particularly care. I wanted to see a winner of this match dammit.
[ Bobby glares at Sean, as he gets his TITANium Championship from the ref, and starts to make his way up the ramp. The show cuts to video package of the opponents in the next match, as Sean continues to look around him for some strange reason. The scene this time opens up right outside the side of the arena. We see Seifer leaning up against a dumpster eating a taco as CM comes running around the corner and dives behind the dumpster, out of breath holding a couple bags in his hands.
CM: I think we’re safe… are you eating a taco?!
Seifer: ...No.
CM: I can see it!
Seifer: Actually it's a chrunchy, chewy, cheesy gordita. Crunchuesy. I was hungry.
Seifer: So?
[ CM throws down the bags and looks a little mad as Seifer hands him the Taco Bell bag.
Seifer: Stop whinin’, I got you one too.
CM: That’s so not the point, I coulda been killed Seif! This is all your fault too.
Seifer: Yes because I just called him up and told him to dive down into the ring, break the cell and give me the Punch from Antarctica.
CM: You dragged me into this!
Seifer: Oh… well uh, see if I hadn’t I’d be a goner now and then he’d of surely come after you. He hates us. If we were in Texas at least we’d have a better numbers advantage.
CM: We got the heat Seif, we’ll be good.
[ The two of them are loading the guns with the ammo CM bought and getting prepared for war when they hear a car swerving followed by a crash. About five seconds later they see a truck flying through the air and crashing onto the ground.
CM: Yep, he found us. You ready man?
[ Seifer grabs a red bandanna and ties it around his forehead, Rambo style.
Seifer: I was born ready mu’fucka!
[ They cock their weapons and off they go, diving out from cover and firing their AK’s at the Bloody Baby Strangla who continues to come toward them, seemingly hop stalking ‘em. The bullets hit on their mark but they seem to have no affect. After a couple minutes pass by.
Fecca: It’s a warzone out there! Somebody call the cops!!
Seifer: I’m out!
CM: Me too, the grenades!
[ CM begins to throw grenades but the Kangaroo punches them back towards them and they are forced to dive out of the way as it explodes. Seifer reaches out to CM.
Seifer: Aiight man, Ima be real with you. I don’t know if we’ll make it out of this, since I’m immortal and stuff I’ll just get hurt like hell but I won’t die so here’s the plan. You distract him by running into the arena to give me a head start, he’ll see me taking off and start coming after me. I have a bazooka in my hotel room just down the street.
[ He looks up towards his hotel and then back at the approaching kangaroo.
Seifer: I think I’ll be able to make it.
CM: WTF do you have a bazooka in your hotel room for?
Seifer: Uhhh… situations JUST LIKE THIS would you stop asking questions Dr. Phil and just go?!
CM: Alright, alright! An Seif.
Seifer: FUAT?!
[ Which is short for FUCK… WHAT?!
[ Seifer gives off the [mad] look as CM takes off running towards the arena causing the Kangaroo to give chase, but CM is already inside and he finally notices Seifer high tailing it up the street as the Bloody Baby Strangla changes direction and comes after Seifer as we fade. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Dangerzone II' (November 2006)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 2:12 AMCopy HTML
[ We're now back at ringside, once again focused on Bob Fecca and Eddie Styles.
Fecca: Folks during that last segement with CM, Seifer, and Bloody Baby Strangla, we recieved word that Nic E Dangerously will not be here tonight. Apparently he recieved some bad news the other night and in a rage destroyed most of the furniture in his home. As such we were told that he was in no condition to compete
Styles: Damn! I was really wanting to see him and Hexus face off.
Fecca: Well its just as well that NED couldn't make it. I hear that Hexus is having some issues with his back. So I've been told, just now, that we're going to try and reschedule this thing for two weeks from tonight.
Styles: Well then.......What say we get the next match going?
[ A voice is heard. "Bow down before The Glorified Goddess." With that smoke rises as "Downfall" by Trust Company breaks out and the crowd raises as Georgia James struts to the ring holding up the A hand gesture. She walks from one side of the stage and too the next as Heyman follows her closely behind as she walks down the ramp ahead of him. Georgia stops at the base of the ramp way and looks around the arena as the fans root her on. She shrugs with a cocky smile as she walks up the ring steps and struts tight roping the apron with a Ric Flair like strut before climbing through the ropes. She stands center ring and takes a bow before leaning against the ropes casual with her arms spread out waiting for her foe. She doesn’t have to wait long as "Some Bodies Gonna Get It", by Three 6 Mafia starts to play over the PA system...
"Somebody gon' get they ass kicked Somebody gon' get their wig split Somebody gon' get they ass kicked Somebody gon' get their wig split Beat 'em up, beat 'em up, break his neck, break his neck Beat 'em up, beat 'em up, break his neck, break his neck Beat 'em up, beat 'em up, break his neck, break his neck Beat 'em up, beat 'em up, break his neck, break his neck"
[ The arena lights go off, all except the one over the ring, and on the ramp way. Pink laser lights dance all over the arena and Image makes her way onto the ramp. She makes her way down the ramp, and halfway down, she starts to run forward and slides in under the ropes. Image goes over to one corner and climbs the turnbuckle. She flexes her left bicep then gives it a quick kiss. She jumps down and walks to the center of the ring, face to face with Georgia.
Fecca: Here comes the Champion and there is a look into her eyes that I’m never seen stands face to face with the challenger Georgia James.
Styles: There is without a doubt tension but it isn’t the kind where this could explode at any minute with hatred.
Fecca: As much as these two respect each other and are friends the competitive spirit has to come out soon enough and when it does all bets will be off.
Styles: I got a feeling that won’t take long with these two.
Fecca: You just might be right.
Styles: Like always.
[ Georgia stands face to face with Image Johnson looking up at her because of the decided height disadvantage between the two combatants. Image takes the Femme Fatal Championship belt from around her waist handing it to the official for this bout Frank Mason who shows the belt to both women and then holds it high in the air as Georgia simply nods her head rubbing her taped hands together as Image smiles telling her it will still be hers. The bell is rung and the match is on as these two proud competitors circle each other as if they’re about to tie it up.
Fecca: You can feel the tension as these two prepare to do battle. It is thick…
Styles: Not a bad thing being that this is a match of respect instead of hatred do I have to always repeat myself?
Fecca: No you don’t.
Styles: Well then stop bringing up the obvious things that I point out with my Pulitzer Prize worthy journalistic skills.
Fecca: It is certain as they’re not wanting to make the wrong move to start.
Styles: Ignore me if you want but when I win my Pulitzer you will not be thanked you ungrateful peon.
Fecca: What Pulitzer?
Styles: Forget it just forget it.
[ As Styles voices his usual disappointment in Fecca Georgia finally breaks the ice and all of the posturing by running at Image full speed and she is driven down with a stiff shoulder block for her troubles. The Champion stands over the challenger with a grin telling her she’s got to come harder then that as the challenger sits on the canvas looking up with a smile on her face as she taps her forehead. Image tells her to watch herself and Georgia shrugs her shoulders and immediately gets on all fours in an amateur wrestling position. Pounding the mat demanding that Image get down on the ground and try to take her over but Image refuses her request knowing full well that this is not her forte and right up Georgia’s alley. This infuriates Georgia who pounds the canvas with her left hand again this time getting Image to walk up beside her but instead of getting down and trying to take over Georgia she drops an elbow instead knowing that technical wrestling right in Georgia’s wheel house. She comes crashing down hitting the canvas with authority as Georgia rolls through out of harms way just as Image makes impact with the elbow drop. Miss James pops up and she hops around shaking her right arm which is the one that Image just banged up mocking her. She even says "that’s gotta hurt" as she shakes her arm own arm as Image pulls herself up glaring at her.
Fecca: A little bit of mind games from Georgia James in this match trying to get into the head of Image.
Styles: No she’s just returning the favor for that shoulder block.
[ Now the bigger Image holds her arm as Georgia invites her to lock up in a Greco Roman knuckle lock. This is odd because Image has the decided size advantage between the two so even with a hurt elbow Image shakes it to get some feeling then smirks as she agrees to lock it up. She even raises her hands in the air forcing Georgia to jump up utilizing her height advantage with a wingspan well over six feet tall. Georgia backs up some and then calls her to bring it in and she does going to lock up and Georgia delivers a vicious swift kick to the knee cap hobbling Image and then follows it with another vicious kick to the side of the knee forcing Image to drop like a rock in a great deal of pain. Georgia has an ear to ear grin across her face as she hops around and mockingly shakes her leg in an attempt to "get feeling back in the knee" so to speak. Image looks on glaring as she knew that Georgia would bring something different to the table them anyone she’s ever faced before.
Styles: This is going to get ugly real quick and I love it. Georgia is on top of her game and she’s chopping down Image piece by piece.
Fecca: Do I like her tactics no but they are effective.
Styles: Don’t hate appreciate greatness in flesh and blood.
Fecca: I do appreciate greatness but all month we’ve heard honor and respect and she’s using cheap tactics to get ahead and taunting one of her closest friends in Image Johnson. Excuse me if I think that is uncalled for Eddie.
Styles: Heh. She told her and the world she’d come with it like only she does. It wasn’t like she just sprung it on her at the last minute.
[ Fecca has no answer as Georgia runs at Image and dropkicks her right in her injured knee and as she falls down it is Georgia who drags her close to the ropes and then climbs to the outside. She jumps up and nails a picture perfect Somersault Planca crashing down across Image’s mid-section as she pops up and then grabs Images leg and drops a knee right across the back of it followed with a standing side leg-lock that twists and wrenches on the knee more then anything. Image shakes her head no as Frank Mason asks her if she wants to give it up after several seconds in the hold as she is a good ways away from the ropes.
[ Georgia yells this out repeatedly as she wrenches the knee bending it out of shape viciously as everyone in the arena is behind Georgia who is the aggressor in this match up. There are a few who are rooting for Image who demand that she get to the ropes to fight on and it would seem that Image hears them loud and clear. She digs deep within her as Georgia tells her to just give up but she refuses as she crawls closer and closer to the ropes. Georgia tries to pull her back but in doing so she gives up some of the pressure on the leg and knee allowing Image to get to the ropes for the rope break but Georgia doesn’t let go of the hold as she locks it in just as tight as before but she is going to have to break it as Mason starts the five count.
[ She lets go and raises her hands in the air with a look off innocence as she backs up seeing Image hanging on the ropes and Miss James charges and goes for a knee to the back and she misses as Image rolls out of the way. She gets tangled in the ropes and it is Image who grabs her by her long blonde hair and slams her down to the canvas barely able to stand as she drops down to a knee. She looks down at Georgia and she grabs her leg lifts it up and smashes it down to the canvas and does the same thing two more times as Georgia howls in pain rolling around.
Fecca: Georgia getting a taste of her own medical here as Image is now focusing her attentions on the right knee of Georgia James. We all know if Georgia has no knee she can not get off The Dream Sequence.
Styles: Yeah but you know our Goddess has a trick or two up her sleeve.
Fecca: I was afraid you’d say that.
Styles: Because you fear the truth.
[ Georgia crawls out of the ring and rolls to the outside and walks off the knee smashes as she looks up at Image who returns the favor mocking her challenger. She sees Georgia walk to the right side of the crowd at ringside where her group she calls women of faith are situated and talks to them she seems to be getting a pep talk from these young impressionable ladies as the referee starts the ten count.
[ On that count she slides back into the ring and Image is there to cut her off even though she is still favoring her left knee Miss Johnson goes on the offensive delivering rights and lefts to Georgia as she comes back in. Then she Irish whips Georgia into the far right corner and charges hitting a big clothesline on Miss James and she comes off the corner and Image follows up bringing her down with a bulldog. She plants Georgia who rolls over to her stomach breathing heavily as she gets a gleam in her eye as Georgia looks up at the lights and she ascends to the high rent district and comes crashing down on top of Georgia driving the air out of the challenger. She hooks the leg and makes the first cover of the match up.
[ Georgia shoots her shoulder off the canvas kicking out as Image looks on pulling her hair as Georgia rolls to her side. She pounds the canvas and stands up as Georgia slowly pulls herself up and she is pie faced down by Image who stands over her and kicks her into the corner. Georgia who barely hangs on to the top rope pulling herself up but she is met with two kicks followed by an uppercut that nearly knocks her off her feet then a right and left jab forcing her to stumble forward and then Image takes the middle rope and nails her with a missile dropkick that completes the SIX PIECE flooring the ex-championess as Image makes another cover looking to end it here.
[ Georgia again is able to shoot her shoulder off the canvas at the very last possible instance before Frank Mason can count her out of it. Image looks up and this time doesn’t waste time complaining to the referee about the three but stays on Georgia grabbing her by the hair. She then nails her with cross face forearm shots as she mounts her in what looks to be a camel clutch and then pulls her up and slams her down face first with a great deal of force. Georgia holds her face and nose as she pulls herself up only to be kicked right in the gut as she tries to pull herself up. Image then charges and nails her with an axe kick that forces Georgia to tumble through the middle ropes to the outside. Image follows the ex-champ as she lays looking up at the lights in the ceiling as she is stalked by the current champion who is on the attack grabbing Georgia by the hair and then dropping her face first with a snake eyes on the security wall at ringside. She grabs Georgia and then puts her in a bear hug running full steam ahead slamming her into the ring post and not letting go she then slams her back first into the ring apron and rolls her into the ring.
Fecca: I don’t think I’ve ever seen Image this intense and brutal in her assault on her opponents then tonight. I don’t know if Georgia can overcome the decided strength and size advantage as I think Image is just going to ground and pound her into submission.
Styles: I have faith in Gee even if you don’t Bob and I know she can pull from from the flames.
Fecca: Not by the looks of things she isn’t.
[ Georgia receives a series of vicious elbow drops to the back as she is rolled into the ring and that is followed up by a leg drop right to the back of the neck. Georgia is quickly rolled over and again it is Image Johnson who looks to score the pin fall retaining her championship after the continued assault on the ex-champion and current challenger.
[ Georgia is able to kick out barely after the vicious assault by Image who picks her up ands he puts her on her shoulder and then runs slamming her down with a powerslam that shakes the ring. Georgia is out of it as she lays sprawling on the canvas looking at the ceiling as Image goes to the top rope and she comes flying through the air with an attempted flying elbow drop reminiscent of Macho Man Randy Savage. She comes down ever so slowly and as she does Georgia rolls out of the way forcing Image to crash to the canvas with a sickening thud and her elbow looks like it is broken in half as she pops back up on Image to her knees holding it and she kneels down and Georgia rolls her up into a Majistral Cradle pinning combination taking her by surprise.
[ Image musters up enough strength to roll through into a modified inside cradle turning the tables on Georgia.
[ Georgia forces her way out of the hold and she is back up and she waits for Image to get up and she does and she hits her with a standing Dropkick to the face and then runs at her and nails her with a follow up spinning heel kick that takes Image back off her feet after coming back up. Georgia grabs the arm that is injured and she pins it down with her boot and then drops a knee across it. She pops up and then grabs the same right arm and drops another knee across it for good measure before hitting a leg drop with her arm drag taking down Image who was back up briefly. Georgia stomps away at the arm and then pins it against Images back and begins to repeatedly knee it. She is going back to the arm that she injured earlier in the match and she then sees that Image is in the seated position as she poses for the fans who roar their overall approval while there is a smattering of boos and jeers directed towards her. Georgia then runs from behind and wrenches Image down with a neck snap taking a page out of Mr. Perfects book jerking down Image on impact and then as she lays flat on her back Georgia ran to the ropes bouncing off hitting a picture perfect Goddess Gift 2.0 to a large pop from the fans in attendance. She pops up and turns with her hands in the air dancing a little jig and as Image slowly comes up Georgia turns around and places her in a hammerlock and soon after delivers a belly to back suplex out of the hammerlock driving down Image who is favoring her arm but still Georgia makes the cover.
[ Just as Frank Mason brings down his hand for a three it is Image who kicks out and Georgia shakes her head no. She stands up and she begins to stalk Image as she slowly comes up and it is Georgia who sizes her up and she attempts a Dream Sequence but Image ducks out of it and with her bad arm she tries to lock up Georgia but Miss James fights out of it. She then grabs Images arm and takes her down with a falling arm wringer that wrenches it badly forcing Image to howl in a great deal of pain. Georgia calls her her to get up taunting her even more and Image pulls herself up by the ropes with her good arm as Georgia stalks her and walks up to Image who delivers a knife edge chop getting her off with the bad arm. Fighting the pain it is Image who hits another chop and another chop backing off Georgia and she charges and takes down Miss James with a Lou Thez Press followed by piston life lefts pounding Georgia in the face. Image pops up holding her right arm as she calls for Georgia to get up and when she does she walks right into a spin kick by Image that brings her back down to the canvas yet again.
Fecca: Image is making a move despite the injury to her arm and Georgia is again on the defensive.
Styles: Oh no.
Fecca: Oh yes.
[ Georgia slowly makes her way back to her feet after the flurry of offense from Image and she runs at Image and leaps into the air spinning and takes her down with a spinning headscissors flipping Image down. Georgia gets back up and rubs and hops up but Image as Georgia tries to turn and twist into another lucha libre type move is slammed down with a sit out powerbomb from Image Johnson that rattles the ring. The crowd lets out a collective oh and ah as Georgia looks like she is out of it after the high impact counter to her attempt at a hopping sunset flip goes woefully array and Image makes a pin stacking her up after regrouping.
Fecca: This could be it.
Styles: Not so fast my friend Thee fabulous Goddess Georgia James kicks out
Fecca: Barely!
Styles: Still counts non-the less.
[ Georgia rolls to her side as Image pulls her hair in frustration as she looks on wondering exactly what it is that she has to do. Georgia pulls herself up as Image seethes while stalking the battered champion still favoring her right arm a bit and Georgia turns around and she catches Image’s boot as she attempts the Mirror Image and mustering up enough strength she drops her on her head with a CAPTURE SUPLEX powering down the bigger combatant. This forces the crowd to erupt in cheers as Georgia shows some grit slamming Image down to the canvas in a power move getting the best of her friend who has a decided size advantage. Miss James back up holds her head which snapped back off the canvas after the powerbomb with a vicious whiplash effect as she stands up not capitalizing on the devastating suplex she just delivered to Image Johnson. Georgia turns around and sees Image getting back up and she sees her walk towards her and take a swing and Georgia takes the left hand falling back a bit as Image fires with another left hand and then a spinning back elbow staggering Georgia. She then grabs Georgia pulling her in with a front facelock and attempts a DDT but it is blocked and Georgia stomps on Image’s foot with all of her might after grapevining her calf to stop the move. She then fires off a series of elbows to the side of Image’s head and grabs her right arm rolls through twisting her down and locks in GEORGIA’S SONG center ring.
Fecca: She’s got Georgia’s song locked in and it looks like it is going to be over.
Styles: Tap out Image, Tap out.
Fecca: She’s fighting it. She’s fighting it and inching towards the ropes using whatever she has left in the reserves.
Styles: Not so fast my friend Georgia leans back and wrenches on that arm.
Fecca: Don’t give in Image.. Don’t give in now.
[ Georgia grits her her teeth with a look of determination as she leans back ripping and tearing at the arm. Image is asked to give in and she refuses shaking her head no as Frank Mason asks if she is going to give it up as Georgia rips and tears at her arm more adding pressure to her banged up arm. It doesn’t look good as Image reaches for the ropes pulling herself but it is not enough as Georgia leans back with all her might and damn near rips the arm out of socket forcing Image to slam her hand on the canvas repeatedly. This forces Frank Mason to call for the bell as Image continues to tap as Georgia keeps the hold until she hears the roar of the crowd as her theme hits.
[ "Downfall" by Trust Company rips through the airways as Georgia kneels down holding the championship belt that she has fought long and hard to regain. She flips her blonde locks back with a smile on her face nearly in tears as she clutches the championship. She pulls herself up as Frank Mason grabs her hand and raises it in the air as she slings the championship heavenward while the crowd starts a Reigning Goddess chant.
Fecca: She is without a doubt The Femme Fatal of all Femme Fatal’s after this match fighting off everything a game Image Johnson could throw at her to be recrowned Championess.
Styles: Just as it should be our Goddess on top of the mountain as Thee Wise and True Reigning Goddess.
Fecca: Let the second reign begin.
Styles: All hail Thee Reigning Goddess.
[ On that cue it is Miss James who takes a bow with an eternal smile across her face beaming as she holds the title in her off hand. She points to the fans as she stands upright again and takes a bow now on the left side of the arena after bowing to the right. She comes up and places the belt on her shoulder as she sees Image Johnson stand up holding her injured arm limping towards her. Miss James takes a step back and with a smile extends her hand towards Image Johnson and urges her to shake it.
Fecca: Will Image shake her hand?
Styles: Georgia is staying true to her word partner. She’s keeping her end of the bargain but will Image Johnson keep hers?
Fecca: YES she will!
Styles: Talk about a classy move by our new champion and the former champion.
[ Georgia smiles as she holds the handshake pulling Image in and messing her hair with a Cheshire Cat grin as she raises her hand in the air. She points towards Image and then lets go after turning to center ring holding it and then she opens the ropes for Image who climbs through them after telling Georgia to soak in the moment as Miss James tries to climb through after her but Image insists that Georgia enjoy the moment and she obliges shrugging her shoulder. Walking to the center of the ring Georgia raises the championship up with both hands and then drops it down and kneels before it bowing three times before picking it up and kissing it. She stands up and climbs out of the ring and high fives many of the fans at ringside and then hops the security wall on the far right side of the arena near her women of faith and celebrates with them. She holds the belt high being mobbed by the fans at ringside as she walks through the crowd with belt in hand high fiving and showing all the fans love as she celebrates the beginning of yet another title run in Professional Wrestling Today. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Dangerzone II' (November 2006)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 2:12 AMCopy HTML
[The arena lights fade to black. The fans know it's time for the main event, for the most hyped match of the night. Two former friends and current Tag Team Champions. They've waged wars in the past, but for months they have not been in the ring with each other. It seemed they had put their past behind them and were going to be a rocking team... But then boom badda bing, it all fell apart. Now, here at Danger Zone II, they're going to settle their differences for the PWT World Title.
[With the lights off, "Back in Black" by AC/DC hits the speaker systems. The crowd stands to their feet and begins to boo loudly. A lone spotlight shines on the stage, and there he is, the challenger. Next to him is his fiancee. MJ Storm doesn't look at the crowd, he's looking at the ring. He bounces on the stage, mentally pumping himself up. The couple start down the ramp, ignoring the boos from the crowd. MJ slides under the bottom rope and into the ring as Cassie climbs up the steps and into the ring. They pose, getting more and more boos, until "Back in Black" fades out.
[Silence fills the arena for only a few moments before the speaker system flares to life. "Cult of Personality" hits the PA system, and the crowd explodes with cheers. Golden sparks begin to fall from the top of the arena as a golden spotlight shines on the reigning PWT World Champion. Standing next to him is his girlfriend, Monica Swhear. Van Dam has on one of his large Ric Flair esqe robes. Van Dam and Swhear begin down the aisle. Van Dam lets some fans reach out and touch him before he climbs up the steel steps and enters the ring. Monica follows after him, standing behind him.
[Van Dam's music fades out as Sabrina stands in the center of the ring.
Sabrina: "The following contest is your Danger Zone Main Event, and it's for the Professional Wrestling Today World Championship. The referee for this contest is senior PWT official, Jim Richards. Introducing first, in the corner to my right. He hails from Madison, Wisconsin, and weighs in tonight at 256 and 1/4 pounds. He's being accompanied tonight by Cassie, and is the former PWT World Champion, and one half of the reigning PWT Tag Team Champions. This...is...MJ STORM!"
[The crowd boos as MJ raises one arm up, letting anyone who wasn't sure know that he is MJ Storm.
Sabrina: "And his opponent, standing in the corner to my left. He hails from Indianapolis, Indiana, and weighs in at 230 pounds even. He's accompanied tonight by Monica Swhear, and is one half of the reigning PWT Tag Team Champions, and is your PWT WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION... The Main Event, DAVID...VAN....DAM.."
[Van Dam raises his arm, and the crowd roars with approval. Sabrina steps out of the ring as Van Dam unstraps his Tag Team Title, handing it to Monica, who also exits the ring after kissing him on the cheek. Cassie gives MJ a kiss of his own before leaving with MJ's Tag Team Title. DVD hands his robe to a ringhand, left with only his World Title. Senior PWT Official Jim Richards walks over to him, asking for the World Title. Slowly, DVD unsnaps the title, raising it to his lips kissing it... Perhaps kissing it goodbye. Richards takes the title, moving over to MJ Storm. He shows the title to MJ, who pats it lightly with one hand. Walking back to the center of the ring, Richards calls both wrestlers to the center of the ring. Richards has one of those collar-microphones on, so the fans can hear what he says.
Richards: "This is for the World Heavyweight Championship, there will only be one decision. The title can change hands on a pin fall or submission. There will be a strict ten count on the floor, and I will be very strict with the disqualifications. If one of you reaches the ropes, the other has until a count of five to break the hold, and I will not hesitate to disqualify either of you. Gentlemen, this is for the richest prize in the game today, so let's have a good clean fight, and may the best man win. Challenger, are you ready?"
[MJ Storm nods, his eyes glued to Van Dam.
Richards: "Champion, are you ready?"
[Van Dam nods his head, his eyes glued to Storm's.
Richards: "Alright, return to your corners and wait for the bell."
[Van Dam and Storm return to their corners, awaiting the bell. Richards raises the World Title up, letting everyone get a good view of the title. He brings the title back down and walks to the ropes, handing it to the time keeper. Richards returns to the center of the ring. He waits a minute before signalling for the bell, officialy staring the contest.
Fecca: "And it begins. This match promises to live up to it's hype, folks. Be prepared to be in the match for the long haul."
Styles: "Everyone thought these guys were friends, but there is no doubt now. These guys can not stand each other."
[Neither man has moved from their corner, both just standing there, staring across the ring at each other. They're in no hurry. This is Pay Per View, they have as long as they need to. The crowd is silent, anticipating the first contact. They move from their corners, each man walking to the center of the ring, so they can stand toe to toe, not saying anything, just staring at each other. Storm has the height and weight advantage on Van Dam, but Van Dam has the experience and cardiovascular conditioning advantage on Storm.
Fecca: "MJ Storm's best bet is to try to end this match within twenty minutes. If it goes longer than that, he's into Van Dam's ball park."
Styles: "Well, Bob, actually, MJ's best bet is to try and keep the match fast pace, and not allow The Champion to set his pace. Storm can't try to out-wrestle Van Dam, he has to use impact moves."
[The crowd is on the edge of their seats, it's been a minute and a half, and no action. They're craving contact. DVD raises one arm and points at all the fans who sold-out the MGM Grand to see Danger Zone II. He points back to himself, as if to say the fans are his, and they're here to see him, here to see him retain his title. The crowd approves, as MJ Storm just sneers and shakes his head. Suddenly, with a quick snap, Storm nails Van Dam with a solid left hand, then another, the crowd is ready now, finally action. A third left hand has the Champion against the ropes, Storm whips Van Dam across the ring into the opposite set of ropes. Van Dam hits them and comes charging back, ducking under an MJ Storm clothesline attempt. Van Dam quickly reaches up, grabbing Storm's head, he brings him down with a neckbreaker. Both men lay on the mat for a few moments, before getting back to their feet. They stare each other down, this time, DVD nails MJ with a couple hard forearms to the side of the head. MJ staggers as DVD whips him into the ropes. MJ hits them and comes back, dropping DVD to the mat with a big shoulder tackle. Van Dam is quickly back to his feet, and the two have a stand off.
[They lock up with a collar elbow tie-up, both men pushing against each other. MJ has the size and leverage advantage, so he utilizies it to push the reigning World Champion back into the corner. Referee Jim Richards is quickly in on it, demanding a release of the lock up. Van Dam moves his arms out to the side, letting Richards know that he's not keeping MJ there, so Richards orders MJ to back away. MJ begins to back away, but takes a sucker punch right to Van Dam's jaw. It wasn't a closed fist though, so all Richards can do is reprimand MJ for not breaking. Van Dam moves is jaw around, shaking his head softly. He moves out of the corner and locks up again with MJ. This time, Van Dam isn't going to allow MJ to push him into the corner, and quickly spins around MJ, lifting him up, and sweeping his legs out, so that he puts MJ down face first on the mat, following that up with a seated front face lock,really squeezing it in.
Fecca: "Van Dam really likes to use this seated front facelock. Notice how he locks it in, and lifts his body off the mat, forcing MJ to carry his weight on his neck."
Styles: "Van Dam excutes every move he does to perfection. You won't see him make mistakes when it comes to the moves he does."
[MJ tries to break the hold, but he can't break Van Dam's grip. MJ pushes himself onto his knees, gritting his teeth, carrying the weight of Van Dam. MJ gets to a standing position, but Van Dam still has it locked in. MJ wraps his arms around Van Dam's waist- almost completely around them, before using pumping his legs to charge towards the turnbuckles. He rams Van Dam into the corner, Van Dam groans but doesn't release the hold. MJ pulls back, and then rams them back into the turnbuckle, but again, Van Dam doesn't break the hold. One more time, MJ backs up, holding Van Dam, who's holding him in a headlock. He charges forward and slams Van Dam into the turnbuckles again. This time Van Dam breaks the hold, laying against the turnbuckles. MJ grabs Van Dam by his hips and raises him to the top rope. MJ climbs up to the middle rope, and then the top rope, pulling Van Dam to a standing position. The crowd is on their feet. MJ looks like he's going for a super plex, but Van Dam blocks it. Again Storm tries, but again Van Dam blocks it. Van Dam pushes Storm off the top rope, and Storm hits the mat hard, but he gets up to his feet, only to find himself getting nailed with a flying cross body. Van Dam keeps on it for a pin, but Jim Richards doesn't even finish getting into position when Storm kicks out.
[Both wrestlers are back to their feet and they lock up again, Van Dam locks in a standing arm wrench on Storm, Storm reverses it into an arm wrench of his own, Van Dam reverses it, taking Storm's arm into a hammer lock, Storm ducks under and reverses it into a hammer lock of his own, and then a headlock. Van Dam lifts Storm up, and drops him flat on his back. Van Dam quickly locks in a seated rear chinlock. He really wrenches it in, pulling back on Storms' head. Storm's hands immediately go to Van Dam's, trying to break Van Dam's grip, but the grip is too good. Storm slams his fist on the mat in frustration. He tries to break Van Dam's grip again, but Van Dam cinches it in more.
Fecca: "Look at Van Dam's grip, he's really got it locked in. Notice the way he's pulling back on the neck of MJ Storm. He's really trying to stiffen MJ Storm's neck up, and reduce the range of motion MJ has with his neck."
[Van Dam releases the chin lock and quickly gets to his feet, driving his boot into Storm's back. Storm lets out a groan of pain as Van Dam pulls Storm to his feet, and quickly hits a big DDT on MJ Storm, driving Storm's head into the mat. Storm grabs his head as Van Dam is quickly up, off the ropes, and comes back, leaping into the air and dropping a knee into the back of MJ Storm's neck. He quickly locks in another seated rear chinlock, wrenching this one in. Storm groans in discomfort as his neck is stretched back again.
Styles: "Van Dam looks incredibly focused tonight, he doesn't leave MJ Storm alone for any length of time. He stays on him, keeping on that neck of MJ Storm."
Fecca: "He's preparing him for either the Cross-Face Chickenwing- The Faded Glory, that he likes to utilizie, or his Fireman's Carry Diamond Cutter- The Last Chance, that he uses to end most of his opponents."
Styles: "If I were MJ Storm right now, I would really try to get out of the ring for a few moments and get his wind back, and try and work off some of the stiffness in his neck."
[Storm manages to pry Van Dam's fingers apart, and quickly rolls away, rolling under the bottom rope to the floor. The fans boo him heavily as he rubs his neck. Cassie is quickly to his side, asking him if he's okay. Referee Jim Richards demands MJ Storm gets back in the ring, but Storm asks for a time out. Jim Richards begins the ten count, letting Storm know that he's not playing any games. Van Dam gets tired of waiting, and gets out of the ring, going after Storm, but Storm moves away from him, rolling back into the ring. DVD slides in after him, but MJ nails him with a few boots to the back. MJ is quickly on the offensive, dropping to the mat, he lets out a flurry of forearms to Van Dam's head and upper back. Van Dam pushes Storm away and gets on his hands and knees, but catches a big kick to the mid-section for his trouble. Van Dam grabs his ribs, but catches another boot right to the mid-section. He rolls away from Storm, holding at his mid-section, while MJ Storm crouches, calling Van Dam to his feet. Van Dam slowly gets to his feet. Storm runs foward, ramming his shoulder into the mid-section of Van Dam, taking him down with a viscious spear. Storm wisely goes for the cover. Richards drops into position.
[Van Dam gets his shoulder up, he's not going to be put down this early, especially not off a non-trademark or finishing move.
Fecca: "And just like that, the tide has turned, and now MJ Storm is in control."
[Storm pulls Van Dam to his feet and kicks him hard in the gut, before lifting him up, holding him up for a powerbomb. He holds him there in the air for a fe minutes, before bringing him down hard on the mat. Storm quickly moves to the top rope and flips backwards, landing hard on Van Dam's mid-section with a moonsault. Storm smiles arrogantly, not going for the pin as he moves, grabbing Van Dam's legs, he turns him, and locks in a Boston Crab. He leans back on it, putting the pressure on Van Dam's back. Van Dam grits his teeth as he crawls to the ropes, grabbing on the bottom one. Referee Jim Richards demands Storm release the hold, and at the count of four, Storm does so. Van Dam crawls under the bottom rope and onto the apron. Storm smirks as he steps between the ropes onto the apron himself. He pulls Van Dam up and quickly hits a dropping Suplex- one where he lifts Van Dam straight up, and then drops him off the apron, not following through with it. Van Dam lands back first on the arena floor. The crowd gasps as Van Dam grabs at his back, yelping in agony as he spasms on the floor. Monica is quickly there to check on him, as is referee Jim Richards. Jim Richards asks Van Dam if he's okay to continue, and Van Dam grunts out a yes. Richards nods and is back in the ring. MJ Storm goes to get out of the ring, but Richards holds him back, telling him to give the Champion a moment to get up.
Styles: "I don't know if it's a wise move on the Champion's part to continue, the ring is about five feet off the ground, add in the six feet four inches of MJ Storm, and Van Dam took an eleven foot fall straight onto his back."
Fecca: "But David Van Dam wants to beat MJ Storm, so he's not going to go down easy."
[Van Dam reaches up, grabbing onto the ring barricade, he pulls himself to his feet slowly, grimmicaing in pain. Jim Richards finally begins the ten count, and he reaches four when MJ Storm dives through the ropes, colliding with Van Dam's body- they both topple over the ring barricade and into the front row of the crowd. The crowd roars with approval as Jim Richards hops out of the ring, running over to the barricade to make sure both wrestlers are okay to continue. Neither man is moving, MJ actually took the brunt of the fall into the crowd, Van Dam managed to avoid a hard landing. Van Dam pulls himself up and over the barricade to the ringside floor, crawling towards the ring. MJ Storm actually landed on some chairs that fans barely managed to evacuate in time. Van Dam manages to pull himself up and into the ring, laying there as Richards asks MJ again if he wants to continue.
Fecca: "What a suicide dive by MJ Storm, I'm still in shock. He took himself and David Van Dam into the crowd with that one."
[Van Dam pulls himself to his feet, and sees MJ standing in the front row of the crowd. Van Dam holds his teeth together in discomfort as he runs off one set of ropes and comes charging back. The reigning World Champion leaps from the ring onto the top rope, using the top rope to spring forward, Van Dam clears the ring barrier, colliding with MJ Storm with a huge clothesline, sending them both into the chairs in the front row. The crowd is on their feet.
Styles: "My God, Bob Fecca! Van Dam just jumped from the ring into the crowd! What next!"
[Both wrestlers lay in a heap of chairs, neither one moving as Referee Jim Richards kneels next to both of them, checking on their condition, trying to see if they are okay to continue. Still, neither man moves, and Richards looks like he's considering throwing the match out, but DVD reaches his hand, shaking his head no, pleading with Richards to let them continue, as does MJ Storm, neither man is able to muster enough strength to get up though.
Fecca: "For twenty plus minutes, these two have battled, they've left it out there. I don't know how much they can take."
[Both wrestlers begin to get up, slowly. They finally get to their feet. Van Dam nails MJ with a fist, MJ nails Van Dam, Van Dam to MJ, MJ to Van Dam. MJ brings his knee up, crashing into Van Dam's midsection, he moves towards the ring barricade again. He slams Van Dam face first into it. MJ grabs one of the chairs that they crashed into and sets it up, standing on it, he manages to lift Van Dam up to his feet. MJ carefully climbs onto the ring barricade, pulling Van Dam onto the steel chair. MJ manages to lift Van Dam up, and bring him over, both of them crashing onto the ring-area floor with a big suplex. Again the crowd roars, both of these wrestlers are putting it out there. MJ manages to get to his feet, pulling Van Dam up, he rolls him into the ring, following him in. MJ goes for the cover.
[Van Dam gets his foot on the bottom rope, breaking the count. MJ sighs as he lifts Van Dam up, who's obviously in an incredibly amount of pain, and whips him into the turnbuckles.
Styles: "Keep in mind that Van Dam wrestled over twenty minutes last night with Bobby Johnson. He's got to be in a lot of pain right now."
[MJ raises Van Dam onto the top turnbuckle, but this time it's at an angle. MJ climbs up there too, and signals for something. He puts Van Dam's head between his legs, almost as if he's going to try and powerbomb David Van Dam. The sold-out MGM Grand stands to their feet, not sure what to expect. Van Dam manages to fight back though, and get his own footing on the middle rope. Van Dam sends a couple of hard shots to MJ's gut as he wraps his arms around MJ's mid-section. Van Dam steps up to the top rope, pulling MJ up with him. The crowd is breathless as Van Dam pops his hips, and sends MJ flying through the air. Storm flips through the air, crashing up-side down into the ring-barricade as Van Dam falls onto the ring apron.
[David Van Dam lays on the apron, breathing heavily as Jim Richards is checking on MJ Storm, who isn't moving, who is just laying there. Van Dam reaches up onto the middle rope and pulls himself into a seated position. He slides off the apron and moves towards MJ Storm. He lifts MJ Storm up and brings him back to the ring, rolling him in. Van Dam rolls in after Storm. Van Dam lifts Storm up to his feet and gets behind him, pulling him into a reverse facelock. He then finishes the move, hitting his Gentrification. He makes the cover.
[MJ Storm barely gets his shoulder off the mat, saving himself and his title hopes. Van Dam groans in frustration as he pulls MJ Storm up, and underhooks both of MJ's arms, but MJ manages to straighten himself up, sending Van Dam topping over him. Van Dam hits the back, grabs his back, and stumbles back to his feet. He turns around.. Weather Advisory from MJ Storm! Van Dam drops like a sack of rocks as MJ falls on top of him for the cover.
[Wait, NO! Jim Richards waves off the pin, pointing at Van Dam's foot that's dropped over the bottom rope. MJ runs his fingers through his sweaty hair. |
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- Register:12/01/2008 4:13 PM
Re:PWT Presents 'Dangerzone II' (November 2006)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 2:13 AMCopy HTML
Fecca: "We're thirty-five minutes into this match... How much more can they take? They've put their hearts into this match... I just don't know what's next."
[MJ grabs Van Dam with both hands and pulls him up. Hard forearm from MJ, followed up by an Irish Whip. MJ digs down deep and lifts Van Dam up, dropping him hard with a big One Man Flap Jack. Van Dam hits the mat hard and grabs at his ribs. He rolls around in pain as MJ Storm hobbles to the top rope. His body is screaming in agony as he climbs up the top rope.
Styles: "What is he planning on doing?"
[No One knows as MJ takes a deep breath and leaps off, coming into a seated position, he drives his leg into the throat of Van Dam, sucessfully hitting Tsunami Leg Drop. Van Dam grabs at his throat, MJ goes for another cover, but referee Jim Richards informs MJ Storm that Van Dam's legs are under the ropes. MJ frowns as he goes back to the top rope, Van Dam staggers to his feet, he's still holding his ribs as MJ Storm does off, looking for his trademarked top rope spear, The Lighting Bolt, but Van Dam manages to get out of the way, and MJ manages to catch himself on his feet, stumbling, but he turns around and catches a big boot to the gut, his head is shoved between Van Dam's thighs, his arms are underhooked, he's lifted up, and Van Dam sits out- hitting his Icon Driver. Van Dam makes the cover.
[MJ Storm kicks out! Van Dam can't believe it as he holds up three fingers. Jim Richards shakes his head, raising his arm to indicate that MJ got his shoulder off the mat in time. Van Dam sighs in frustration as he pulls MJ Storm up, and lifts him up, some how he's able to keep MJ Storm in the air long enough to drop him over the top rope, bounce him back in the air where Van Dam brings him down with a brain-buster, hitting the Over-Kill, but this tme, Van Dam doesn't go for the cover. Instead he pulls MJ up and goes to lift him up again, but this time, Van Dam can't hold him up, and Van Dam hits a knee, grabbing at his ribs in pain. MJ grabs Van Dam and lifts him up onto his shoulders, and runs a little bit, before slamming Van Dam down into the mat with the Capitol City Slam. Van Dam grabs at his back, in incredible pain. MJ doesn't make the cover though, he lays on the mat, in incredible pain as well.
Fecca: "Over forty-minutes, Eddie. For over forty-minutes they've been waging war."
Styles: "I don't know how they're still going... These men are putting their hearts and soul into this match."
Fecca: "It's obvious that neither man wants to lose."
[MJ Storm pulls Van Dam up, both of them sore and stiff. MJ whips Van Dam into the ropes, Van Dam comes bouncing back... STORM CHASER SLAM! That's got to be it. Van Dam looks out of it, but can MJ make the cover. Pain is rivetted on his face as Cassie slams on the mat, willing MJ to make the cover and win the match, but there's Monica Swhear, willing Van Dam on. MJ crawls over towards Van Dam. MJ drapes one arm over Van Dam's chest. Jim Richards slides into position.
Fecca: "This has to be it."
Styles: "We're going to have a new World's Champion.
Styles: "How did he kick out?"
[MJ complains to senior official Jim Richards, slapping his hands together three times and holding up three fingers. Richards shakes his head and holds up two fingers. MJ sighs in frustration, turning around to face the still-down Champion. Storm slaps his leg several times, signalling for the Thunder Crash. Van Dam stumbles to his feet, MJ comes forward, going for it. Van Dam moves out of the way, MJ turns around, he's on Van Dam's shoulders, the crowd roars as Van Dam swings MJ into a Diamond Cutter- completing The Last Chance. Van Dam makes the cover, the crowd is on their feet.
[Wait, NO! MJ Storm's shoulder comes up just in the nick of time. The crowd groans and boo's, clearly unhappy as Richards holds up two fingers. siginalling that MJ managed to dig down deep enough to kick out of The Last Chance. Van Dam shakes his head in disbelief as Van Dam pulls MJ Storm up. Van Dam backs Storm into the ropes and goes to Irish Whip him, Storm reverses it, and when Van Dam bounces back, Storm grabs him for the Storm Chaser Slam, but Van Dam grabs Storm's head, and drives him into the mat with a big DDT. Both wrestlers lay there, not moving, trying to will themselves back to their feet.
Fecca: "We're almost at the fifty-minute mark, Eddie, and I'm in utter shock. How are these two men still going?"
Styles: "They have the heart to win, Bob. Neither man wants to leave this match with out the World title."
[Both wrestlers are up, MJ swings a big right hand at Van Dam, but Van Dam ducks it and moves behind MJ. He chicken wings Storm's left arm, before bringing his right arm around, locking his hands together, successfully locking in his dreaded Faded Glory. The crowd is on their feet as Storm's free arm waves around, trying to gather some momentum. Van Dam cinches it in more, pulling back as Storm tries to pull his body towards the rope, all the damage done on his neck and shoulders coming into play now.
Fecca: "This is one of the deadliest submissions in the world of wrestling, and Van Dam executes it perfectly, I don't like MJ Storm's chances, Eddie."
Style: "MJ Storm is a fighter, if anyone can break the hold and survive it, it's MJ Storm."
[Storm reaches out, he's almost to the ropes when Van Dam pulls him back to the center of the ring, Van Dam pushes his foot into the back of MJ's knees, bringing him down. Van Dam quickly wraps his legs around Storm, trapping the challenger. Van Dam pulls back harder. Richards asks Storm if he wants to give it up, but Storm shakes his head no. Cassie slams her fists into the mat, trying to give Storm that added incentive to break the hold.
[Storm doesn't, though. He rotates his arm, trying to get himself up to a seated position. He can't. he begins to rock his body, trying to get Van Dam flat on his back, but Van Dam won't let him, he pushes against Storm. Finally, the hold begins to wear on Storm. His arm falls limp to the mat. Referee Jim Richards moves to it, raising it once, it falls.
Richards and the Crowd: ONE!
[He raises it again, and let's it drop.
Richards and the Crowd: TWO!
[He raises it a third time, but on it's way down, MJ manages to save it, pumping it, trying to get the momentum, but Van Dam squeezes harder, increasing the pain. Storm yelps in agony, closing his hand into a fist. He places it on the mat and pushes against it, trying whatever he can to break the submission. MJ Storm raises his arm above his head, flatening his hand out. It wavers, MJ's still trying to fight it. Finally Storm brings it down, slapping it off the mat several times, tapping out. Jim Richards quickly calls for the bell as the crowd cheers. Van Dam releases the hold, rolling away from MJ Storm.
Fecca: "Fifty-four minutes and twenty-seven seconds, Eddie Styles. That's how long these two waged war against each ohter. Fifty-four minutes and twenty-seven seconds. They put it all out there. Do not take any thing away from MJ Storm, he may have lost tonight, but he put up one hell of a fight and has nothing... nothing to be ashamed of."
Styles: "No he doesn't, but Bob, David Van Dam is still our World Champion. He survived Bobby Johnson last night and MJ Storm tonight. He survived almost fifty-five minutes of intense pro wrestling. Listen to these fans, Bob. A standing ovation for David Van Dam. For this match."
Crowd: Match of the Year! Match of the Year! Match of the Year! Match of the Year!
[Van Dam stands in the center of the ring, the Professional Wrestling Today World Title draped over his sweaty shoulder. His girlfriend, Monica Swhear is helping him stand up. Van Dam takes the World Title, and raises it to the crowd.
Fecca: "For Professional Wrestilng Today and Eddie Styles, I'm Bob Fecca saying goodnight folks, and thank you for tuning in to Danger Zone II, we'll see you next week for Shockwave!"
[With that, Danger Zone II goes off the air. |
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