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- Register:12/01/2008 4:13 PM
Date Posted:02/19/2009 4:32 PMCopy HTML
The PWT Free For All has just concluded and it is officially that time folks… That time to watch a months worth of work culminate on the grand stage of Pay Per View.
The scene draws open on a high, flat, apartment complex roof top in the midst of a city somewhere. On the ledge of the building is a boy… Probably about eleven or ten. He has dark hair that falls just above his shoulders, and as he looks down, his eyes seem almost empty.
"Hey… Hey Kid."
The kid turns his head only slightly, seeing CM in his Spider man attire (bar for the mask).
CM, "What’s wrong?"
Kid, "There’s No More heros…"
Spidy Michaels walks across the building and places a hand on the kid’s shoulder, "That’s not true… You’ve Got me."
The kid shakes his head, "Not anymore…"
CM, "What do ya mean?"
The scene begins to shake and tremble as CM tries to maintain his balance atop of the building… The Kid vanishes into thin air… CM looks around confused, and then turns around to see a very evil Nova on the opposite side…
CM, "You…"
Nova, "Me…"
Nova darts across the building and lunges for CM… CM grabs him and both men go falling off the building… "Hero" By Nickleback begins to play as the scene of CM and Nova spiraling to the ground changes to a vortex spiral…
Narrator, "The Eldest story in the book… Good…"

Narrator, "Verses Evil…"

Narrator, "The Innocent…"

Narrator, "Against the Corrupted…"

Narrator, "In a world where Valar and sportsmanship…"

Narrator, "Is often times pushed aside for a "By Any Means Necessary" Attitude…"

Narrator, "One has to wonder just how far…"

Narrator, "A True Hero will go to Save his World…"

Narrator, "The Days of Good being guaranteed to triumph over evil…"

Narrator, "Are over. Evil has taken over…"

Narrator, "Can order ever be restored to the life of a Modern Day Hero?"

Narrator, "Or must he dwell in his own turmoil Forever… Tonight The battle lines have been drawn and for one side, or another It Shall be their…"
"Final Verdict."
With that the Banner shatters as we begin sweeping the Donald L. Turner center in Tallahassee Florida as "Hero" continues…
Fecca, "WELCOME To Pee Dubbya Tee’s FINAL VERDICT! LIVE on PAY PER VIEW! I’m Bobby Fecca at ringside alongside Eddie "Icon of Style" Styles and what an incredible evening we have lined up for you here tonight!" Styles, "Oh My God Bobby! You’re not kiddin!" Fecca, "The theme of the show is a classic one, Good Guys Verses Bad Guys, but for as simple as it sounds, never have we had such complex situations needing to be drawn to a head in PWT as we do now." Styles, "No Doubt Fecca, No Doubt. Whether you’re talking about the marital situation of one Becca McCallister, or the family turmoil of Christian Michaels, there’s a lot of stuff that needs to be taken care of here tonight."
"Everybody's Fool" by Evanescence hits and the lights go black.
We hear the bell sound three times to signify the official opening of this PPV event as Fecca says, "And it looks like we won’t be wasting any time as we head into this incredible opening contest."
Sabrina, "Ladies and Gentlemen… The Following contest is our OPENING BOUT! It is scheduled for ONEFALL with a Twenty Minute Time Limit!"
Then blue lights start flashing on the stage and Shadow seemingly appears at the top of the ramp. Blue smoke floats across the floor on the ramp and by the ring and this continues as Shadow begins walking down the ramp.
Sabrina, "Introducing First… The Challanger… From The Darkness of Man's Soul… He weighs in tonight at TWO HUNDRED Pounds… He is… SHHHHHHHHHHHHADOWWW!"
Fecca, "Well this young up and comer made his debut to PWT Television last week on Shockwave by attacking WallStreet in the middle of the ring as a very physical way of telling the self proclaimed Corporate Icon that he’s not standin’ for the immoral acts that WallStreet’s been committing as of late." Styles, "Immoral?! The guy let’s his WIFE know that she’s about to commit a FELONY and he’s committing an "Immoral Act"?! No wonder there’s "No more hero’s left", it doesn’t pay to be a hero thanks to the Shadows and Bobby Feccas of the world."
Shadow arrives at ringside and removes the chains from his pants tossing them to the side. Then he jumps up onto the apron and flips over the ropes.
Fecca, "Great athleticisim by Shadow." Styles, "Okay, the guy can flip over a rope. Let’s see what happens when he tries to flip over the rope in a few minutes and WallStreet drops him on his freakin head."
"Clickity Clank, Clickity Clank, The Money Goes Into My Piggy Bank Clickity Clank, Clickity Clank, The Money Goes Into My Piggy Bank I’ll Get Atcha…"
The PWT-A-Vision is showing various clips of the Corporate Icon’s previous slew of victims here in PWT and of course some of his even more famous promo moments as the curtain moves and out from behind it steps the man himself…

The crowd goes ballistic as Fecca says, "It was at this very event some two years ago that we last saw WallStreet compete in a PWT Ring… Whether ya like the man or ya don’t, this has been something that we’ve been waiting to see for a very, very long time." Styles, "Now you’re makin sense Bob-oh! I can’t freakin wait to watch WallStreet man handle this punk! I hate these guys with hero complexes! Mind your own business and guys like Nova and WallStreet wouldn’t have to demolish you! But NooOoOoO… Of course I shouldn’t complain.. We need idiots like this to provoke the true greats of our sport so I can be entertained by watching them get dismantled."
WallStreet starts making his way down the ramp as Sabrina announces, "And the Opponent… Making his way from HARTFORD CONNECTICUT… He Weighs in at 278 Pounds… He is The Corporate Icon… TAYLOR… McccccccCAAAALLLISTERRRRR!"
Fecca, "There’s a clear size advantage here for WallStreet… Shadow stands six foot tall and two hundred pounds verses WallStreet who’s on the high end of six foot four and has nearly an eighty pound weight increase at two seventy eight… Perhaps more importantly then that however is the experience of WallStreet. WallStreet’s a seasoned veteran who is constantly learning something new. He doesn’t get stagnate because he never stops being a student of the game. For Shadow it’s gonna have to be a matter of heart and will. Shadow’s gonna have to keep his mistakes minimal and capitalize on his speed. I believe Shadow’s best chance in this thing is to keep the pace fast and steady, and to try and utilize a more high risk offense to keep WallStreet off his feet." Styles, "Very astute logic, But let me sum it up a little easier then that… WallStreet Greater Than Shadow."
WallStreet slowly gets to the ring. He looks up and see’s Shadow on the opposite side. All the games are clearly over… WallStreet walks up the stairs and slowly walks the canvas, taking the time to stop in the middle of the outside canvas and glare out into the erupting sea of humanity.
Fecca, "I’m not gonna lie, I’m ecstatic to see this man in that ring again… BUT… I just wish it was with a different attitude and under different circumstances."
WallStreet enters the ring as the music slowly fades and the lights draw back to normal. Referee Frank Mason is presiding over this contest. Mason goes over to Shadow and checks his arms, upper torso, and legs for any possible foreign objects. As he does so, Shadow’s eyes are locked on WallStreet’s eyes across the ring.
Mason finishes checking Shadow and comes across the ring to check WallStreet for any possible foreign objects as well. Shadow’s still glaring at WallStreet, so WallStreet uses a hand to gesture for Shadow to "Just Bring It". Shadow rushes across the ring, making WallStreet immediately spin the referee around. Mason cuts Shadow off at the pass as WallStreet hops out of the ring to the crowd’s dismay.
WallStreet points into the ring, "YOU GET THAT SON OF A BITCH BACK!"
WallStreet adjust his trunks on the floor as Mason makes Shadow back up to a little past center ring. Mason turns around and insists that WallStreet get’s back in.
Fecca, "Come on WallStreet… You’ve been talking so big and bad, let’s see ya back it up." Styles, "HEY! BACK OFF! He works on HIS schedule!"
WallStreet starts to climb back up onto the ring but Shadow starts to lurch forward so WallStreet hops off and again dictates to the official, "BACK THAT SON OF A BITCH UP OR I’M GOIN HOME!"
Mason again insists on Shadow backing up. Once Mason’s satisfied he turns back to WallStreet and pleads with him to get in the ring. WallStreet reaches up and grabs the middle rope, again cautiously pulling himself up onto the ring. He slowly enters between the second and third ropes, but as he does Shadow starts heading his way. WallStreet leaves one foot in the ring but brings the rest of his body to the outside of the ropes as he points at Shadow and yells at Mason, "HEY! WHAT’D I TELL YA?! KEEP CONTROL REF! BACK THAT SACK-A-CRAP BACK!" Mason puts his open palms up to Shadow, insisting that he back up a couple of steps and stays back. Shadow complies so WallStreet finally enters the ring, and Frank Mason can finally call for the opening bell, officially bringing this contest underway.
Fecca, "Mason calls for the bell and it looks like this one is officially underway." Styles, "That’s what the narrator just said." Fecca, "The who?" Styles, "………… I… I Don’t Know… Whoa, that was weird. It was like I was instantly enlightened to a much higher understanding of the workings of our universe, only to have it equally as instantly taken away… I don’t know what the Hell I was on about."
Back in the ring WallStreet and Shadow are slowly circling each other in the ring… The two suddenly come driving forward and hook up in an elbow and collar grapple. WallStreet wastes no time as he grabs a big fist full of Shadow’s hair and drives him back into the corner.
Mason, "HEY! Let go of the hair and get it out of the corner! Come on! ONE! …… TWO! …… THREE!"
WallStreet slowly breaks the grapple and starts backing up with his hands up… Then out of no where he bitch slaps Shadow across the mouth, drawing an "ohhh" from the fans.
Fecca, "What a complete display of disrespect."
WallStreet turns around and looks at some fans as he points and says, "Yeah, That’s right!"
WallStreet turns back around to see Shadow rushing his way looking for a big right hand. WallStreet ducks under and grabs the Dark Knight in a rear waist lock. WallStreet hoists his lighter opponent up with ease and then slams him down on his chest with a rear waist lock take down, before sprawling around onto his upper torso and applying some paint brush slaps to the back of Shadow’s head for hoppin up and leanin back in the corner with a cocky smirk on his face.
Fecca, "Well it’s like he’s just toying with him at this point."
Shadow get’s up, his face red with anger. Shadow darts toward WallStreet but WallStreet immediately ducks down under the top rope, placing a hand on the outside ring canvas and hopping down to the floor as Shadow misses on an attempted shot in the corner. The crowd boos but WallStreet starts walking around the ring, tapping his temple as to implicate he’s too smart for Shadow… What he doesn’t realize is that Shadow didn’t hesitate to hop out of the ring himself. Shadow comes up behind WallStreet and grabs the back of his head, making his eyes draw wide with shock before Shadow smashes the Corporate face into the ring. WallStreet’s head bounces up as his body turns and his back falls against the ring. Shadow grabs a fist full of the ring apron with his left hand and then CRACK! A big chop across the chest of WallStreet with his right.
Shadow delivers a second Chop!
WallStreet covers his chest up but Shadow throws Taylor’s arms down and CRACK!
Fecca, "Shades of the sixteen times heavyweight world champion, Ric Flair, on that exchange."
Shadow releases the apron as WallStreet stumbles on the floor, gripping his chest in pain. Shadow hops up on the outside ring of the ring as WallStreet’s still holding his chest, his back turned to the ring. WallStreet turns around and Shadow leaps back, delivering a big Moonsault to WallStreet on the floor as the crowd erupts.
Styles, "HE CAN’T DO THAT!" Fecca, "Why not?" Styles, "HE JUST CAN’T!"
Shadow pulls himself up, holding his own ribs momentarily before bending down and grabbing WallStreet by the head to start picking him up. Shadow guides WallStreet to the ring and rolls him by the neck and the trunks. Shadow slides in behind him and rolls McCallister over to his back. Shadow hooks the leg as Mason drops down and counts …………One…………Two… Only two as WallStreet kicks out.
Fecca, "Looking for the pinfall, but only two on that exchange."
WallStreet starts pulling himself up but Shadow aids him along the way. Shadow grabs WallStreet by the wrist and backs him against the ropes. Shadow springs WallStreet off the ropes, making him dart across the ring. Shadow goes to the center of the ring and drops down, probably wanting a Back body drop, but what he doesn’t realize is that when WallStreet hit the far ropes, he hooked the top rope to stop himself from running. WallStreet power steps forward and WHACK! Big kick to the chest of Shadow. Shadow pops up and WallStreet grabs a fist full of his hair, circles around the ring to build momentum, and then drives forward slamming Shadow face first into the top turnbuckle pad. Shadow bounces back, twists around and falls back into the corner.
WallStreet, "IT’S MY TURN!"
WallStreet grabs a hold of that top rope with his left hand, then he draws back and CRAAAAAACK! Big chop across the chest of Shadow.
Shadow tries to stumble out of the corner holding his chest but WallStreet violently shoves him back into the corner and then grabs the top rope, lifting his leg and placing his foot across the throat of Shadow as he begins choking him. Shadow kicks and tries to pry WallStreet’s foot off his throat as Mason get’s in there and demands a break. ONE!... TWO!... THREE!... FOUR… COME ON STREET, BREAK THE CHOKE! Mason starts pulling on WallStreet’s leg, so WallStreet ends up breaking the choke as Shadow drops out of the corner to a knee, holding his throat and gasping for air. WallStreet hooks his neck and lifts him too his feet, leaving him on his feet only momentarly before hoisting Shadow into the air courtesy of a Vertical suplex. WallStreet slowly circles the ring, still holding Shadow up, and then drops back delivering a Stalling Suplex. WallStreet floats over into a lateral press for the cover as Mason drops down ……………One…………Two…… Only two as Shadow kicks out. WallStreet jumps up and get’s in the official’s face, demanding he count faster next time. Shadow starts pulling himself up in the middle of the ring so WallStreet grabs him by the hair and helps him the rest of the way. WallStreet grabs Shadow by the arm and delivers an Irish whip from the center of the ring across the ring. Shadow hits the ropes and comes back. WallStreet scoops him up for his big spinebuster, but as he snaps around Shadow hooks the Corporate head and reverses into a modified snap DDT. The crowd erupts as WallStreet snaps up to his knees with his eyes floating to the back of his head before he drops to his back.
Fecca, "GOOD GAWD! What a Reversal by Shadow!"
Shadow slowly rolls over to his knees and crawls over to WallStreet, hooking the far leg. Mason drops down and counts ………One……………Two……………Thr… WallStreet thrusts his arm up and rolls to his gut holding his neck as Shadow falls back on his knees and looks up in frustration.
Fecca, "What a close call! Shadow was a mere hiccup away from pulling off a career makin’ upset."
Shadow gets up and looks from one set of ropes, to the next… Shadow suddenly darts for the ropes on the left side of the ring (if you’re looking down from the ramp)… Shadow jumps onto the second rope, but when he does WallStreet starts rolling toward the opposite ropes. Shadow leaps back looking for a Lionsault around the same time as WallStreet rolls out of the ring. The crowd cheers however, as Shadow apparently saw WallStreet leaving and landed on his feet. WallStreet’s on the floor holding his neck after the impact from that DDT reversal to his spinebuster a little while ago. WallStreet starts to turn toward the ring and as he does, Shadow darts back, bounces off the ropes, rushes across the ring and leaps over the ropes… WallStreet looks up just in time for his eyes to grow wide as Shadow connects with a modified plancha over the top.
Fecca, "SHADOW UP AND OVER! ANOTHER VISIT TO THE HIGH RISK DISTRICT AND IT PAYS OFF BIG TIME!" Styles, "It doesn’t pay off big time unless he get’s the pin off it, and since this idiot’s trying to show boat by doing moves to the outside instead of worrying about wrestling his opponent IN THE RING where matches are won and lost, I can’t imagine the pay off’s as great as you’re claiming."
The crowd is on their feet, cheering wildly. When this all started they weren’t sure who Shadow was or why they should care. They just knew they wanted to see somebody put WallStreet in his place. Now they’re not cheering Shadow just to piss off WallStreet, but because they’re genuinely supporting Shadow The Wrestler as opposed to Shadow the Opponent of WallStreet.
As WallStreet and Shadow lay in a heap on the floor, Referee Frank Mason starts to apply the count.
Shadow slowly starts to reach to the barricade.
…………………THREE! …………………FOUR!
He finally get’s the barricade and starts to slowly pull himself up as WallStreet’s starting to stir slightly.
Shadow’s on a knee, his hand ontop of the barricade as WallStreet’s rolled over to his chest, one knee extended so he can try and prop himself up on it.
WallStreet gets to his knees and starts trying to crawl toward the ring as Shadow get’s to his feet, holding his lower back from the impact it made with WallStreet’s chest.
WallStreet gets to the apron and starts pulling himself up slowly on the apron as Shadow slowly stalks the Corporate Icon.
Shadow rolls in under the bottom rope, then rolls back out, breaking the count. Mason argues with Shadow to bring it in the ring, but Shadow doesn’t pay him any mind. WallStreet pulls himself up and Shadow comes over delivering a hard martial arts kick across the side of WallStreet’s ribs. WallStreet grabs his ribs in pain as Shadow grabs him by the wrist and delivers another Irish whip. WallStreet goes darting forward and ends up nailing the stairs with such force that he goes up and over em while the body on steel impact makes a metallic echo through out the entire arena, followed by the thud of WallStreet landing back first on the otherside.
Fecca, "What a show of strength by the much smaller "Dark Knight" Shadow. I am thoroughly impressed by Shadow in this PWT Debut contest."
Shadow slowly stalks around the stairs and sees that WallStreet’s rolled to his knees and is trying to crawl away. Now the two guys are right in front of the commentary tables. Shadow walks over and grabs WallStreet by the head to try and pull him up. As he does WallStreet shoots up and delivers an eye rake, making Shadow grab his face and stumble away as WallStreet drops back against the ring, his chest going up and down hard as he tries to regroup a little.
The crowd is booing as Fecca says, "Not exactly the most noble of counters, but a counter I suppose never the less." Styles, "That’s called being Resourceful."
Shadow turns around and WallStreet darts forward looking for a big clothesline. As he does Shadow ducks down and hoists WallStreet up and sends him over back first onto the Spanish commentary table.
Fecca, "WallStreet looking for the powerline, but Shadow reversed with an inverted back body drop. Not quite as much elevation as a typical back body drop, but that’s too be expected with the large weight differential between the two athletes."
Shadow looks at WallStreet laying motionless on the Spanish announce table… Then he looks to the erupting fans… He gets a small smile as he starts nodding his head, apparently confirming something to himself. He turns around and darts forward, sliding back into the ring. He immediately pops up to his feet and starts climbing the ropes.
Fecca, "Oh No… What’s he thinking about here?"
Shadow climbs to the top rope as the capacity crowd is on their feet in anticipation… Shadow extends his arms and let’s out a loud yell, which the fans react too quite well… Then He leaps out, flipping through the air as the arena floods with camera flashes for this highly impressive 450 Splash Attempt… However, just as he’s about to land, WallStreet’s eyes grow wide and he flies off that table, landing on his chest by the ring, thus leaving Shadow to go crashing through the Spanish commentary table on his own.
Fecca, "Well I said he’d need to utilize a more high risk offense but this is a lot more then I was talking about." Styles, "I won’t lie, that high risk offense was fairing pretty well against WallStreet, but you can’t only pull the trigger so many times before you’re bound to lose the round of Russian Roulette." Fecca, "We need EMTs, Trainers, Referees… This thing has to be over. It was a Hell of a try by Shadow, and I’d suggest that if this kid can wrestle again we definitely set up a rematch, but after that it’s gotta be over for tonight." Styles, "Well yeah… I mean, no sense in risking permanent injury over one match. Go home, heal, come back and give it a go another day." |
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- Register:12/01/2008 4:13 PM
Re:PWT Presents 'Final Verdict III' (January 2008)
Date Posted:02/19/2009 4:37 PMCopy HTML
Shadow’s on his chest in the rubble and debris that was once the Spanish commentary table. His back is moving ever so slightly so we know he’s breathing, which is a plus. On the floor WallStreet’s still down on his chest. Referee Frank Mason has exited the ring to check on Shadow and referees Jim Richards and Mitch Roberts have joined him.
Fecca, "There’s no telling what the extent of the injuries he surely just suffered are, but I hope he’s able to return soon. He put on a very impressive showing here tonight." Styles, "Hey, the bar was set high. It was his first match, it was on Pay Per View, and it was against of the all time greats of our sport… It handled the pressure well. But in the end, this is why guys who don’t worry about drawing a "Holy Crap" reaction from the fans like WallStreet are still here today, and guys like Shadow come and go like a Herpes outbreak."
Speaking of WallStreet, he’s slowly starting to come around on the floor. We can assume that his rolling off the table was purely off of instinct as he didn’t exactly rush right back to his feet after he got out of the line of fire. WallStreet slowly brings himself to his knees as he starts using the ring apron to pull himself up again. Of course all eyes are still on Shadow. The nearly 14,000 fans that have gone beyond capacity at this rinky-dink crap fest of an "arena" are all on their feet trying desperately to get a glimpse of Shadow and see if he’s okay. WallStreet pulls himself up and rolls into the ring. He uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet in the ring. As he looks out over the top rope, for the first time since Shadow’s leap of faith, he’s seeing the carnage at ringside. WallStreet reaches a hand through the ropes and snaps his fingers toward Sabrina.
WallStreet, "BRING ME A MIC!"
Styles, "Well we’re all watching Shadow, but it looks like WallStreet’s calling for a microphone in the ring."
Sabrina gets up and brings the microphone over to WallStreet.
WallStreet takes it and stands in the ring…
WallStreet, "HEY! Hey Ref!"
Mason turns around.
WallStreet, "Don’t get the bright idea that you’re gonna call this match because this dumb ass took himself out. Get in here, do you’re damn job, and count this guy out! NOW!"
WallStreet tosses the mic down and Mason looks to Street, then to Shadow… Not knowing what else to do he heads around the stairs and slides into the ring.
Fecca, "This kid could of just had his career ended and all WallStreet can think about is getting a win?" Styles, "Last I knew that was the point Bobby… To WIN." Fecca, "Some things are more important then a number in a column…" Styles, "Not if you’re a natural bread winner like WallStreet is." Fecca, "That’s what’s wrong with this business, there’s no compassion anymore." Styles, "You want compassion go commentate figure skating tournaments."
Back in the ring Mason is on his feet and sees no choice but to adhere to WallStreet’s demands.
Mason, "……………………ONE! …………………………TWO!"
WallStreet, who isn’t exactly in grade A condition after the high risk offense of Shadow is holding his ribs, wincing slightly in pain as he breaths.
Mason, "……………………THREE! ………………………FOUR!"
Fecca, "Shadow put on a great show here tonight, let’s just hope he get’s a chance to even the score down the road."
Mason, "……………………FIVE!"
Wait a second… In the rubble we see Shadow grabbing onto the pants of Mitch Roberts on one side and Jim Richards on the other, trying desperately to pull himself up.
Mason, "………………………SIX!"
The crowd that sees this starts cheering, but when he actually pulls himself up to his knees, that far away look in his eyes, the crowd goes absolutely nuts and WallStreet’s eyes get wider then Rosie O’Donalds waist line!
Fecca, "There’s… There’s no way…"
Mason, "……………………………SEVEN!"
The officials at ringside are trying to convince Shadow to lay down and await medical attention but Shadow just keeps trying so desperately to climb to his feet.
Mason, "……………………………EIGHT!"
Fecca, "Don’t do this son… Call it a night… You could lose everything!" Styles, "YOU IDIOT! LAY DOWN BEFORE WALLSTREET PUTS YOU DOWN FOR GOOD!"
Shadow begs the referees to assist him, so they do and he get’s to his feet.
Mason, "…………………………… NINE!"
Shadow turns around and hobbles toward the ring… WallStreet’s face is in shock, he looks at Shadow, then at Mason, not able to believe Shadow may actually make it back in the ring.
Mason, "……………………………… TE…"
Just before he gets TEN out, Shadow throws his corpse under the bottom rope. We can see WallStreet’s mouth say "No Fuckin Way…"
Fecca, "WallStreet can’t believe it and frankly, neither can I."
WallStreet rolls Shadow over to his back and covers him. Mason drops down and counts …………………One………………Two………………Thre… Shadow gets his foot on the bottom rope, thus breaking the count. WallStreet drops back to his knees and shakes his head. WallStreet gets up and takes a minute to look down at Shadow…
Fecca, "What a huge amount of heart being displayed by Shadow." Styles, "Must be to make up for his huge lack of brains!"
WallStreet grabs Shadow by the neck and starts to lift his limp body up off the mat. WallStreet just shakes his head as he brings Shadow to the center of the ring. WallStreet hooks Shadow’s arms, not putting any real force into hooking them as this is pretty much over anyway… But suddenly Shadow’s arms drop from WallStreet’s grasp and sweep the Corporate Icon’s legs unexpectedly. Shadow quickly separates WallStreet’s legs and then delivers a Jeff Hardy like sit out drop between WallStreet’s legs. The crowd goes ballistic as Shadow’s face is etched in pain.
Fecca, "My God… He’s comin back!"
Shadow pulls himself up, but every movement makes him wince in Pain. WallStreet gets up and bounces off the ropes, coming at Shadow. Shadow takes him over with a big arm drag… WallStreet gets back up and comes right back to Shadow, But BAM! A big Hip Toss. The crowd is going wild as WallStreet get’s up, staggering this time. He turns around and BAM! A big Kick into the gut. Shadow turns WallStreet around, hooking his head like a Reverse DDT set up. Shadow lets out a yell and then twists, nailing his version of the reverse Twist of Fate.
WallStreet is down but Shadow is hurtin bad and isn’t able to capatlize with the cover quite as quickly as he’d like. Never the less, he is slowly trying to inch his way over and the fans are going nuts because of it… Finally he drapes himself over WallStreet and Mason drops down to count
Mason & Crowd, "ONE!"
Mason & Crowd, "TWO!"
Just Crowd, "THREE!"
Wait… Just the Crowd? As Mason was about to hit three he was yanked out of the ring by a dark haired female.
Fecca, "WHAT THE HELL?! Shadow had this match won! Who the Hell is that?!"
Now he’s arguing with the woman. The crowd is booing loudly as back in the ring Shadow turns his head to see what’s going on. He slowly pulls himself up and walks over to the ropes by the female.
Fecca, "Who the Hell is she and why’s she getting involved in this match?!"
Back in the ring WallStreet get’s to his knees holding his neck. WallStreet crawls behind Shadow and BAM! He delivers a stiff low blow between Shadow’s legs. Shadow doubles over, holding his genital region as he turns around… WallStreet hooks his arms in the center and…

The Woman finally backs off on the outside so the ref can get back in the ring as the crowd is booing loudly.
Fecca, "Oh come on." Styles, "What happened to your enthusiasm Fecca?! COME ON! STOCK MARKET CRASH! STOCK MARKET CRASH! BAH-FREAKIN-GAWD!"
WallStreet, who’s still a little loopy from the Fatality, rolls Shadow over and hooks the far leg as Mason drops down and counts
Mason calls for the Bell as the crowd is screaming obscenities and booing loudly.
Sabrina, "Your Winner… Taylor WALLLLLLLLLLLSTREET McCallister!"
The Woman slides into the ring and helps WallStreet up to his feet. She’s a well built woman… Still very attractive, but certainly no Stacy Keibler, The Chick’s an intimidating force. WallStreet calls for the Mic again……
WallStreet, "Hey Becca… Becca… Meet Eris… You’re Opponent Tonight!"
WallStreet drops the mic as a devlish smirk comes across Eris face.
Fecca, "THAT’S Becca’s Opponent tonight?!" Styles, "GAH-HA! Let’s just call it Two-n-oh for team WallStreet tonight and skip straight to Becca tongue wrestling WallStreet on Shockwave!"
"Piggy Bank" by Fifty Cent takes over the air waves as WallStreet and Eris exit the ring. Back in the ring Shadow’s still out.
Fecca, "What a great effort by Shadow… This kid really made his mark tonight. He said win, lose or draw he was gonna make an impact and I have to say, Mission Accomplished." |
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- Register:12/01/2008 4:13 PM
Re:PWT Presents 'Final Verdict III' (January 2008)
Date Posted:02/19/2009 4:38 PMCopy HTML
Shadow’s on his chest in the rubble and debris that was once the Spanish commentary table. His back is moving ever so slightly so we know he’s breathing, which is a plus. On the floor WallStreet’s still down on his chest. Referee Frank Mason has exited the ring to check on Shadow and referees Jim Richards and Mitch Roberts have joined him.
Fecca, "There’s no telling what the extent of the injuries he surely just suffered are, but I hope he’s able to return soon. He put on a very impressive showing here tonight." Styles, "Hey, the bar was set high. It was his first match, it was on Pay Per View, and it was against of the all time greats of our sport… It handled the pressure well. But in the end, this is why guys who don’t worry about drawing a "Holy Crap" reaction from the fans like WallStreet are still here today, and guys like Shadow come and go like a Herpes outbreak."
Speaking of WallStreet, he’s slowly starting to come around on the floor. We can assume that his rolling off the table was purely off of instinct as he didn’t exactly rush right back to his feet after he got out of the line of fire. WallStreet slowly brings himself to his knees as he starts using the ring apron to pull himself up again. Of course all eyes are still on Shadow. The nearly 14,000 fans that have gone beyond capacity at this rinky-dink crap fest of an "arena" are all on their feet trying desperately to get a glimpse of Shadow and see if he’s okay. WallStreet pulls himself up and rolls into the ring. He uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet in the ring. As he looks out over the top rope, for the first time since Shadow’s leap of faith, he’s seeing the carnage at ringside. WallStreet reaches a hand through the ropes and snaps his fingers toward Sabrina.
WallStreet, "BRING ME A MIC!"
Styles, "Well we’re all watching Shadow, but it looks like WallStreet’s calling for a microphone in the ring."
Sabrina gets up and brings the microphone over to WallStreet.
WallStreet takes it and stands in the ring…
WallStreet, "HEY! Hey Ref!"
Mason turns around.
WallStreet, "Don’t get the bright idea that you’re gonna call this match because this dumb ass took himself out. Get in here, do you’re damn job, and count this guy out! NOW!"
WallStreet tosses the mic down and Mason looks to Street, then to Shadow… Not knowing what else to do he heads around the stairs and slides into the ring.
Fecca, "This kid could of just had his career ended and all WallStreet can think about is getting a win?" Styles, "Last I knew that was the point Bobby… To WIN." Fecca, "Some things are more important then a number in a column…" Styles, "Not if you’re a natural bread winner like WallStreet is." Fecca, "That’s what’s wrong with this business, there’s no compassion anymore." Styles, "You want compassion go commentate figure skating tournaments."
Back in the ring Mason is on his feet and sees no choice but to adhere to WallStreet’s demands.
Mason, "……………………ONE! …………………………TWO!"
WallStreet, who isn’t exactly in grade A condition after the high risk offense of Shadow is holding his ribs, wincing slightly in pain as he breaths.
Mason, "……………………THREE! ………………………FOUR!"
Fecca, "Shadow put on a great show here tonight, let’s just hope he get’s a chance to even the score down the road."
Mason, "……………………FIVE!"
Wait a second… In the rubble we see Shadow grabbing onto the pants of Mitch Roberts on one side and Jim Richards on the other, trying desperately to pull himself up.
Mason, "………………………SIX!"
The crowd that sees this starts cheering, but when he actually pulls himself up to his knees, that far away look in his eyes, the crowd goes absolutely nuts and WallStreet’s eyes get wider then Rosie O’Donalds waist line!
Fecca, "There’s… There’s no way…"
Mason, "……………………………SEVEN!"
The officials at ringside are trying to convince Shadow to lay down and await medical attention but Shadow just keeps trying so desperately to climb to his feet.
Mason, "……………………………EIGHT!"
Fecca, "Don’t do this son… Call it a night… You could lose everything!" Styles, "YOU IDIOT! LAY DOWN BEFORE WALLSTREET PUTS YOU DOWN FOR GOOD!"
Shadow begs the referees to assist him, so they do and he get’s to his feet.
Mason, "…………………………… NINE!"
Shadow turns around and hobbles toward the ring… WallStreet’s face is in shock, he looks at Shadow, then at Mason, not able to believe Shadow may actually make it back in the ring.
Mason, "……………………………… TE…"
Just before he gets TEN out, Shadow throws his corpse under the bottom rope. We can see WallStreet’s mouth say "No Fuckin Way…"
Fecca, "WallStreet can’t believe it and frankly, neither can I."
WallStreet rolls Shadow over to his back and covers him. Mason drops down and counts …………………One………………Two………………Thre… Shadow gets his foot on the bottom rope, thus breaking the count. WallStreet drops back to his knees and shakes his head. WallStreet gets up and takes a minute to look down at Shadow…
Fecca, "What a huge amount of heart being displayed by Shadow." Styles, "Must be to make up for his huge lack of brains!"
WallStreet grabs Shadow by the neck and starts to lift his limp body up off the mat. WallStreet just shakes his head as he brings Shadow to the center of the ring. WallStreet hooks Shadow’s arms, not putting any real force into hooking them as this is pretty much over anyway… But suddenly Shadow’s arms drop from WallStreet’s grasp and sweep the Corporate Icon’s legs unexpectedly. Shadow quickly separates WallStreet’s legs and then delivers a Jeff Hardy like sit out drop between WallStreet’s legs. The crowd goes ballistic as Shadow’s face is etched in pain.
Fecca, "My God… He’s comin back!"
Shadow pulls himself up, but every movement makes him wince in Pain. WallStreet gets up and bounces off the ropes, coming at Shadow. Shadow takes him over with a big arm drag… WallStreet gets back up and comes right back to Shadow, But BAM! A big Hip Toss. The crowd is going wild as WallStreet get’s up, staggering this time. He turns around and BAM! A big Kick into the gut. Shadow turns WallStreet around, hooking his head like a Reverse DDT set up. Shadow lets out a yell and then twists, nailing his version of the reverse Twist of Fate.
WallStreet is down but Shadow is hurtin bad and isn’t able to capatlize with the cover quite as quickly as he’d like. Never the less, he is slowly trying to inch his way over and the fans are going nuts because of it… Finally he drapes himself over WallStreet and Mason drops down to count
Mason & Crowd, "ONE!"
Mason & Crowd, "TWO!"
Just Crowd, "THREE!"
Wait… Just the Crowd? As Mason was about to hit three he was yanked out of the ring by a dark haired female.
Fecca, "WHAT THE HELL?! Shadow had this match won! Who the Hell is that?!"
Now he’s arguing with the woman. The crowd is booing loudly as back in the ring Shadow turns his head to see what’s going on. He slowly pulls himself up and walks over to the ropes by the female.
Fecca, "Who the Hell is she and why’s she getting involved in this match?!"
Back in the ring WallStreet get’s to his knees holding his neck. WallStreet crawls behind Shadow and BAM! He delivers a stiff low blow between Shadow’s legs. Shadow doubles over, holding his genital region as he turns around… WallStreet hooks his arms in the center and…

The Woman finally backs off on the outside so the ref can get back in the ring as the crowd is booing loudly.
Fecca, "Oh come on." Styles, "What happened to your enthusiasm Fecca?! COME ON! STOCK MARKET CRASH! STOCK MARKET CRASH! BAH-FREAKIN-GAWD!"
WallStreet, who’s still a little loopy from the Fatality, rolls Shadow over and hooks the far leg as Mason drops down and counts
Mason calls for the Bell as the crowd is screaming obscenities and booing loudly.
Sabrina, "Your Winner… Taylor WALLLLLLLLLLLSTREET McCallister!"
The Woman slides into the ring and helps WallStreet up to his feet. She’s a well built woman… Still very attractive, but certainly no Stacy Keibler, The Chick’s an intimidating force. WallStreet calls for the Mic again……
WallStreet, "Hey Becca… Becca… Meet Eris… You’re Opponent Tonight!"
WallStreet drops the mic as a devlish smirk comes across Eris face.
Fecca, "THAT’S Becca’s Opponent tonight?!" Styles, "GAH-HA! Let’s just call it Two-n-oh for team WallStreet tonight and skip straight to Becca tongue wrestling WallStreet on Shockwave!"
"Piggy Bank" by Fifty Cent takes over the air waves as WallStreet and Eris exit the ring. Back in the ring Shadow’s still out.
Fecca, "What a great effort by Shadow… This kid really made his mark tonight. He said win, lose or draw he was gonna make an impact and I have to say, Mission Accomplished." |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Final Verdict III' (January 2008)
Date Posted:02/19/2009 4:38 PMCopy HTML
[ After witnessing the incredible return match of Wall$treet to a PWT ring, the crowd is really abuzz right now. Not only are they buzzing about $treet's big return though. Tonight these screaming PWT fans saw one hell of a performance by the man known as Shadow. This young man, calling himself our very own "Dark Knight", stood up to one of the best in the business today......and he didn't flinch once. Mark these words folks: Shadow will be a big-time player in PWT's future.
[ As great of a showing as Shadow had, lets change our focus abit. The scene has switched to the backstage area of the Donald L Turner Center. We see none-other than the backstabbing brother Javen walking the halls. He's dressed casually tonight, not scheduled to compete. As Javen walks by a darkened area a voice calls out to him offscreen.
???: Psst! Hey!
[ Javen turns to look in the direction of the voice.

[ He's suddenly tackled across a table by his big brother Christian Michaels! Javen is caught totally offguard as he and his brother tumble over the table to the floor. The two roll on the floor for a second trying to gain the advantage. Eventually CM ends up in a mounted position on his younger brother. The angry Heartthrob begins to rain down lefts and rights to his brother's face. Javen does his best to cover up.
Fecca: Yes! Get him! Teach Javen a lesson about turning on his real family.
Styles: Were you just asleep back when Christian turned on Javen two years ago?
[ Javen finally manages to shove his brother off. Scrambling to his feet Javen looks to make a dash back to the Caine locker room. There he'd be safe with the numbers game. But this time CM tackles him from behind. Michaels quickly to his feet. He yanks his brother up and sends him headlong into a closed door. The thud of Javen's head against the door is sickening. He gets to his hands and knees but is kicked hard in the stomach by CM.
CM: You wanna turn on me lil brother?! I want you to know that I understand you want revenge...
[ Another punt to the ribs.
CM: But you went to far giving him access to Rhya and Gabby......For the love of God she's your neice!
[ Javen pulls himself to his feet but takes a punch to the jaw that sends him back down.
CM: And my wife?!......You gave him access to my defenseless wife?!.....I should effin kill you where you lay!....
[ CM reaches down and grabs a handful of Javen's rainbow colored hair. He drags Javen back toward the door. Ya know, the one that met the top of Javen's noggin earlier. CM kicks the door open and then drags Javen inside the room. There's no lights on in there so we have no way of knowing what is happening. But we can hear what sounds like several punches. Seconds later and Christian emerges from the room. No sign of Javen. CM pulls the door closed and walks away.
Fecca: Uh.....Where is Javen?
Styles: That crazed-inbredded-slaw-jawed-yokel probably just killed him! Someone call the police!
Fecca: Stop that Eddie. I'm sure that Christian and Javen just had some brother to brother talks in that room....
Styles: Don't you cover for that disgrace to the PWT Heavyweight championship
[ Fecca shakes his head.
Fecca: Ladies and gentlemen our next match is Xavier Homicide getting a shot at the Backyard championship. Now last week on Shockwave we saw Matt Matlock pull off a truly heinous act. He came out here and said that he'd lay down and let Ryan Starr pin him for sole possession of the Backyard championship. Ryan came down and...
Styles: Matlock kept his word Bob! He laid down and allowed Starr to pin him and become champion.
Fecca: Yes, for a moment Matlock did keep his word. But as he went to leave teh ring, Matlock suddenly turned and attacked Ryan Starr. He knocked the new Backyard champion to the outside of the ring. It was there that Matlock proceeded to place a chair over Starr's throat and stomp on it more than once!
Styles: So what? Matlock changed his mind. Sheesh! You act like he's the first person to ever do that.
Fecca: Well dammit all Eddie! Ryan Starr is in a medical facility and has not been able to speak since last weekend! Doctors aren't even sure if the kid will ever speak again!
[ Eddie Styles just kind of hushes up.
Fecca: Now folks tonight is a great oppurtunity for Xavier Homicide. In the few short weeks he's been a part of this company, Xavier has faced some of the best we have to offer. Its been something of a baptism by fire for this young man. Tonight his hard work could pay off. And personally I hope he knocks Matlock's damned block off!
[ We cute to a video package collecting the highlights of Xavier Homicide's career thusfar in PWT. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Final Verdict III' (January 2008)
Date Posted:02/19/2009 4:39 PMCopy HTML
[ After the video its time for Sabrina ta do her thang in the ring
Sabrina: "The following match is set for one fall and it’s for the PWT Backyard championship!"
[ The crowds who have already seen an awesome show opener cheer wildly, some intent on seeing Xavier win the gold, others happy at seeing Matlock’s ppv return. The lights in the arena flicker on and off for a few seconds and then "Grew Up a Screw Up" plays throughout the P.A. system. 10 seconds into the song Xavier walks out onto the stage with a serious look on his face.
Sabrina: "Introducing first, the challenger hailing from Miami Florida and weighing in at two hundred and forty six pounds… He is Xavier Homicide!"
[ He stands still for a moment and looks around the arena. After he scans the arena he holds his fist in the air then walks down the ramp. He jumps on the ring apron and steps in the ring between the top and middle rope. He takes off his necklace and watch and hands it to the timekeeper. He then takes off his shirt and throws it to the fans as he warms up for the match and awaits his opponent. He really doesn’t have to wait long. The loud banging opening chords of Chris Cornell's "You Know My Name" sound over the arena speakers as the fans turn their attention towards the stage. The opening verse of the song plays, as the 'tron above the stage showcases various clips of Matlock in interviews, backstage and posing. As the song begins to pick up, more clips of in-ring action are shown on the screen, as Matlock, along with his fiancé' Jessie Winters and manager Aubrey Baxter appear at the top of the ramp.
Sabrina: "Anddddd introducing his opponent hailing from Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada and weighing in at two hundred and seventy pounds he is the current PWT Backyard champion, the cornered animal Matt Matlock!"
[ Matt steps out from between the two women and poses on the stage. As the chorus starts to play, pyro shoots up from the stage and then all the way down the ramp. Matt stands on the stage a moment, as the ladies come down to meet him. They proceed down the ramp to the bottom as the chorus comes to an end. Matt gets close to one of the ringside cameramen, and looks into the camera as he mouths the last line of the chorus, "you know my name", as his name flashes all over the 'tron. He heads into the ring now, as Aubrey & Jessie stand in his corner. Matt paces around the ring, posing and taunting all the while. As the song comes up on the second chorus, he heads for the top and stretches his arms to his side as pyro similar to that of HBK blasts in the ring. As Matt lowers his arms, the pyro subsides, and as he steps down he looks at Xavier smirking a little, before the bell even rings Matlock is attacking Xavier after tossing the belt out of the ring. He takes him down with a hard shoulder block and stands over him screaming at Xavier to get up.
[ Xavier is instantly to his feet not one to sit down and take that shit mildly, the pair lock up but not for long as Xavier backs Matlock to the corner and hits him with a solid right hand to the jaw almost knocking him senseless. Matlock grabs his jaw and ducks out under the ropes trying to break up the fact that Xavier can take him if needed. As the ref moves Xavier away Matlock gets out of the ring and grabs his title before heading back up the ramp. Shaking his head Xavier jumps from the ring and starts chasing after Matlock who turns just in time to connect the title to Xavier’s head knocking the challenger out.
Fecca "God damn that Matlock! Who does he think he is?"
Styles "The champion, this match has no rules, therefore he can be doing that and not getting in trouble!"
[ Matlock just looks down at Xavier and shrugs before placing his foot on his chest going for a lazy pin but Xavier kicks out at two, much to the shock of the champion. He gets right in the refs face screaming that it should have been three when boom! Xavier’s leg lands in the Promised Land for many men to bring them to their knees. Matlock’s face goes white much like in the cartoons where the color just drains downwards before clutching his area and dropping to his knees in pain.
Styles "THAT was uncalled for ring the damned bell!"
F[ ecca laughs at his commentating buddy’s outburst
Fecca "It’s all legal remember? He can do it and not get in trouble, isn’t that what you just said?"
Styles "Oh shut your mouth!"
[ With Matlock stunned Xavier grabs him and pulls him up before slamming him straight back down for a hard DDT right on the steel ramp, but doesn’t go for a cover instead he once again pulls Matlock to his feet and starts dragging him backstage still throwing the occasional left hook to keep him dazed. Everyone moves from their positions as they tumble through the curtain both fighting like mad with Matlock starting to get out of his dazed state. Matlock slams Xavier into the wall only to be met with a short hard clothesline from Xavier who quickly drops and goes for the pin.
One… Tw… KICK OUT!
[ Matlock gets his shoulders up just after the ref counts one. Almost getting the two count Xavier is back to his feet and grabs the nearest object to use as a weapon which turns out to be a fire extinguisher. Turning around Xavier slams it into Matlock’s head before unhooking it and boom as soon as Matlock is up he gets shot in the face with the spray. You can see him cover his eyes but it’s too late, some of the spray gets in there.
Styles "This is unfair! Xavier is cheating!"
Fecca "No he is finally getting to unleash everything the way he wants. No rules!"
[ The ref grabs a bottle of water and begins flushing out Matlock’s eyes as Xavier heads off possibly for another weapon, or to try a surprise attack on Matlock. Matlock stumbles through the backstage area trying to find Xavier, only to get whipped through a door, immediately you can hear screaming and people running out, Xavier having nothing but a grin on his face when the camera pans up and looks at the name plate on the door which reads "Caine Clan" we see Angel Aria and Kimberly take off as Matlock gets to his feet coming face to well body part of one Mason Caine. Before he can do anything Mason has all but tossed him back out of the room watching as he lands with a thud.
Styles "Ahhh! Matt how could ya let yaself be thrown into that room!"
[ Xavier comes out of no where and quickly goes for the pin but Matlock only just kicks out in the nick of time. Shaking his head Xavier pulls Matlock up and drags him out towards the ring once again, the ref following, as they get out onto the stage he lands a wicked suplex which knocks whatever air is in his system out of it and once again goes for the cover only to look down at the ring and break the pin on his own accord. Matlock struggles not only for air but to get a few shots in which he does making Xavier stumble backwards down the ramp, the crowd are on fire chanting between them for both Xavier and Matlock. Matlock’s on his feet and stumbling down the ramp after Xavier, who uses Matlock’s momentum against him, and landing a back body drop the crowd cheer as he leans down and goes to pull up Matlock only to go down faster the a two dollar hooker. Matlock looks up at the arena roof with a grin on his face before holding up his trusty wrench.
Fecca "That cheating son of a bitch!"
Styles "Go Matlock you have the win just cover him!"
[ It takes Matlock a few minutes to get over to where Xavier is and he falls ontop in a pinning predicament the ref slides into place and starts
One… Two.. Thr…KICK OUT!
Styles "NO!"
[ The crowd are to their feet chanting for Xavier, the ref looks at them both as they lay there getting their breath back. He goes over asking if either of them want to end the match getting two loud "No" replies from both of them. Matlock is the first to his feet, he grabs Xavier and rolls him back into the ring as soon as he slides in he grabs Xavier and props him up on the top turnbuckle, he climbs up getting ready to hit The Matlock Drop but Xavier fights back! He manages to fight Matlock off and gets him onto the canvas before looking out at the crowd he flies off with an uncharacteristic elbow drop landing it right in the heart of Matlock and quickly recovers getting to his feet Xavier lands The Jackpot and quickly covers.
One… Two… THREE!!!!
[ The ref motions for the bell as Xavier looks up in disbelief, he had gotten the three, as soon as the ref hands him the title he gets to his feet holding it up high
Sabrina: "Your winner and the NEW PWT Backyard champion… Xavier Homicide!"
[ The ref holds his hand high, but the celebrations don’t last long as the tron lights up
"Congrats Xavier, you done something that many thought was impossible, not only do you get a winning streak but you get a title to go with it."
[ His attention is drawn to the voice of SinDee who is sitting there with a grin, a mocking golf clap goes along with her remark.
"I thought I’d crash the party, I’ve been sitting here at home wondering when to come back I’ve seen what has been happening and decided to just call Becca chat to the boss before seeing her. See I have a point here Xavier, I am going to get to it right about now.."
[ She reaches down and grabs something the crowd in attendance giving her hell.
"You sir, are the proud owner of the title, but you won’t be defending it just yet. See I had a little heart to heart with Becca dear and with some stipulations, I managed to secure a lovely contract that enables me to be your first title defense, now don’t worry you have a little bit longer to keep the title for. See I am invoking my shot at the next Pay Per View that PWT puts on offer. Until then, you won’t be defending the title, and Matlock won’t be getting involved, this match as stipulated in my contract is for a guaranteed one on one shot, but it gets better I promise, not only are you going to be facing me in my return match, but it’s not going to be at the arena. We’re going to be locked in a bar. Hope you like Bar Room Brawls Xavier, your about to get real familiar with them once we’re done. See you soon."
[ With that the tron fades out to Xavier standing in the ring looking pissed off at her intrusion and her announcement.
Styles "YES! She’s returning!"
Fecca "Honestly, can’t she go after another title? Let the man have his moment!"
The scene switches from Xavier to advertisement for March's Pay Per View Event. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Final Verdict III' (January 2008)
Date Posted:02/19/2009 4:44 PMCopy HTML
[ A very warped, almost demonic version of Pop Goes the Weasel begins to play as our focus goes to the tron. The scenes are red and black with flashes of fire and crackling coals. In between images of flames we occasionally see surveillance like clips of Javen. Is that Javen entering the 7-11? More fire. Javen on a telephone in side his own living room? More fire. Javen and Mason backstage at the arena preparing for their match last week? More Fire.
[ An almost demonic and definitely creepy male voice is heard as the music still plays.
\\ Javvvv-in___ Javvv-in___ Come out Come Out wherever you are___ Heeee-hee! Wanta play a game? This isn’t a Saw movie But guess what? Iiii Seeeeee You. Heeeeee-hee!
[ The music slowly winds down
[ A Giant clown’s head like Calypso from the twisted metal games pops up on a spring in the center of the fiery scene.
[ Static.
[ Speaking of the Caine Clan.....After that bizarre lil piece of footage there, we switch to a scene backstage. The scene we have is about four of those big ole anvil cases stacked on top of each other. Our camera pans down to the ground and then slowly up, letting us see how tall these things are. Then slowly we move around a corner and find Josiah and Mason Caine standing behind this stack of anvil cases. It seems that they're staged in this lil area to attack CM before tonight's big main event.
Josiah: Mason! Would you quit counting how many skittles are in that bag and just devour them? We're supposed to be keeping an eye out for Michaels. He did threaten to hurt us all you know.
[ Mason ignores his uncle. Instead he chows down on some more skittles. Ole Josiah shakes his head but then hears the shuffling of footsteps getting closer. He raises his cane ready to defend himself. But its just That One Guy and Jimmy King walking by.
TOG: Hey Jimmy did ya hear?
Jimmy: Hear what?
TOG: Hannah Montana is here tonight without her dad. She's signing autographs for those of us that ahve young girls.
Jimmy: Really? Hmm. Ya know I don't have a lil girl, but I do enjoy her music. I got most of her music on my Ipod. Lets go and see if we can get some autographs.
[ That One Guy just shakes his head.
TOG: You're something else Jimmy. Lets go.
[ The two walk awaya nd the camera focuses back to Josiah Caine. He's suddenly sweatin bullets like he's just delivered a sermon. And maybe he has in his boxers. Ewwwww! Anyways though, he wipes some sweat off his brow.
Josiah: Erm......Mason......You uh.....Wait here in case Michaels comes by. There's something that I.....erm....Have to take care of....
[ Mason seems perplexed as his pervert of an uncle hobbles off. The camera though decides to follow Josiah. He rounds a corner and suddenly a door that he passes opens. The sinister preacher never knows what going on until the ether soaked cloth covers his mouth and nose. Josiah struggles and tries to call out to his nephew. But the sound is very muffled and Mason is prolly eatin some more skittles. Eventually though Joshia slumps down to ground. The cameras then finally get a good look at what's going on. Now perhaps you were expecting it to be the person responsible for the footage a few minutes prior. Well there's no clown heads here. Its.....The Southern Heartthrob!
CM: Sleep well Josiah........Even though right now I should be skewering your sorry ass with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed or razorwire......Instead though I want you to witness what happens tonight.....I want you to see what happens when your family screws with mine.....
[ Christian then hooks his hands underneath Josiah's arms and begins dragging him off. The cameras then go out to ringside for the next match. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Final Verdict III' (January 2008)
Date Posted:02/19/2009 4:45 PMCopy HTML
[ The camera focuses on the ring and the bell tolls, Sabrina stands in the ring mic in hand..
Sabrina : Ladies and gentlemen the next match is the Jingle Belle Tiara on a pole match and it is to determine who is the PWT Jingle Belle.. Introducing first……
[ The lights go out in the areana, and "Head for the Barricade" by Limp Bizkit starts to blare on the P.A. system. The crowd turns their attention to the ramp, as Isabell Winters steps out from behind the black curtains. She is met to a loud chorus of boos. .
Sabrina: She is the self-proclaimed "PWT Jingle-Belle Championess".......ISABELL....WINNNNNTERS!!!
[ Isabell raises her arms in a taunting fashion at the top of the ramp, and gives a cocky grin. After this she begins to elegantly walk down the aisle to the ring with a look of confidence on her face. As she gets farther down the ramp, a few fans reach out their hands to get slapped, in which she goes out of her way to ignore them. She walks up the steal steps, before stepping through the bottom rope into the ring. She goes to the center of the ring and poses for a bit. Finally she goes to a corner, and stretches delicately, as her music fades to silence.
Styles: Look at Isabell. Such a glowing image of what a championess should be Bob.
[ "Whatever U Like" By Nicole Schezinger Featuring T.I. begins to blast over the p.a. system. The lights among the stage begins to flicker in a pink color. Victoria's sexy entrance video began to display among the titantron screen. The fans wait for the arrival of Victoria Hamilton to appear from behind the curtain. She can hear whistles coming from within the live crowd. Victoria comes from behind the curtain, dressed in a nice piece of wrestling attire. Victoria raises her hand in the air and poses for the crowd among the stage.
Sabrina : Making her way to the ring.. Hailing from Los Angeles California.. Weighing in at 137 lbs.. She is the PWT Jingle Bell.. Victoriaaaaa Hamilton!!!!
[ Victoria grins as she begins to walk down the entrance ramp. She struts her stuff down the entrance way and she can see a few crowd signs with her name in it. She makes her way towards the steel ring steps. She notices a few fans in the front row taking a few pictures of her among their cell phones, she does a few poses for them until she finally decides to step up the ring steps and she enters the ring. Entering the ring, she poses for the live crowd. Moving over towards the ropes, she steps on the middle rope and hangs over the ropes and poses while blowing a few kisses. She looks at the tiara and smiles. She steps off the ropes and poses once again, for the crowd to get a good look again but the bell has already tolled and Isabell comes from behind with a vicious forearm shot to the back of the head and Victoria tumbles over the ropes to the outside.. Isabell goes to make use of this opportunity but fails to capitalize on it with her fingers touching the tiara but a determined Victoria pulled her back from the ropes and Isabell slammed down onto the mat on her back..
Styles: Nooo! Izzy was so damned close.
Fecca: Yes she was, but Victoria hamilton is not about to let this oppurtunity pass her by. She's looking to get some retribution on Isabell tonight.
[ Isabell Winters finally rolls to her knees, looking up at Victoria. The rightful owner of the Jingle-Belle tiara looks about ready to smash Izzy's pretty lil face in. Winters is beggin for mercy from the ring vet. However it seems that Victoria left her mercy at home tonight. She reaches down to pull Izzy up but No! Isabell with a classic thumb to the eye. Victoria staggers back into the corner behind......The same corner that has the role attached to it. Izzy rushes over and starts to climb up like she's gonna go for the classic ten punch combo. But instead she starts reaching up for the tiara. Unfortuantely for Izzy she isn't quite high enough up. And also unfortunately for her Victoria Hamilton just powerbombed her to the mat!
Fecca: Well folks it seems that Isabell want sto get this match done with as soon as possible.
Styles: She's an important woman Bob. Izzy has things to do ya know.
[ Ms Hamilton picks Izzy up without incident this time. She then sends teh former Femme Fatale championess to the far-side ropes. Winters rebounds off and comes back to a clothesline. No time to catch her breath for Izzy though. She is once again pulled to her feet. Victoria, holding onto Izzy's left arm, rotates the arm a full 360. She then yanks on the arm a couple times causing Izzy to yelp in pain. Hamilton then arm drags Izzy down. Even then though she refuses to get go of the arm. Victroia now has an armbar on Izzy. She wrenches on it several times before breaking it. Ms Hamilton then pins the arm to the mat with her left foot on the wrist. Isabell is powerless to do anything as Victoria then leg-drops the arm with her right leg!
Styles: Ahhhh! She's gonna break Isabell's arm! Somebody stop this brutality!
Fecca: Would you stop? Victoria Hamilton here is showing what's made her a veteran of the ring. She's focusing on incapacitating the arm of Isabell Winters. Obviously a sound strategy in this match. You need one arm to balance yourself on the top rope and the other to reach up and grab the prize, this time the Jingle-Bell tiara.
Styles: Izzy's gonna make a comeback. I know she will!......Least she better. I erm placed some bets in Vegas on this one.....
[ Back in the ring and once again both ladies are on their feet. It doesn't last long as Victoria gives Isabell a single-arm ddt. After she hit sthe move Izzy flops around on the mat holding her left arm in pain. Now Victoria decides that its her turn to go after her tiara. She turns her back and starts heading for the corner. Victoria doesn't get far before she's ran down from behind by Isabell. Lookd like the tiara thief wasn't beaten down quite enough yet. And now she's on the attack herself. Isabell decides she's gonna go after the left ankle of Victoria's. Looking for the "Lovely Lock" anklelock. But Victoria manages to kick her right leg around enough and kicks Izzy in the hurtin left arm.
Fecca: Nice escape there by Victoria Hamilton.
Styles: No it was cheating!
[ Izzy and Victoria race to their feet. Looks like a clothesline coming from Victoria here. No! Its ducked under by Izzy. They both turn around and this time its Izzy looking for a clothesline. Her clothesline is ducked under by Victoria. Ms Hamilton then reaching back to grab Izzy for a neckbreaker. But this is countered by Izzy who spins it around and NAILs a beautiful ddt on Victoria Hamilton. Folks we're talking Victoria stood straight up on her head before falling on over to her back.
Fecca: Oh my goodness what a ddt by Isabell!
Styles: Yes!
[ Knowing that she has the iwn wrapped up, Izzy just lays on the mat for a second. Finally though she gets up and heads for that corner. On the way Izzy is shaking her arm, trying to get it back to life. That ddt kind of hurt the arm and shoulder when she threw herself back. But she makes it to the corner and starts climbing up. On the top turnbuckle Izzy holds onto the pole with her good right arm. With that bad left arm she starts to reach up for the tiara. Izzy touches the tiara with her fingertips.
Styles: Yes! Get it Izzy!
Fecca: Winters has her fingers on the tiara....If she gets possession this match is over.....
[ But as Rocky Balboa said folks: Nothin's over til its over". Victoria Hamilton has gotten to her feet now. She see's that Izzy is just moments from securing the tiara. Victoria scrambles across the ring. Izzy see's her coming and jumps off the top rope looking for a double axehandle. Victoria though catches Izz outta the air and delivers a HUGE spinebuster!
Styles: NOOOOO!!!
[ Victoria pops up from nailing that spinebuster all kinds of fired up! She talks a lil trash to Isabell and then heads for the corner herself. Victoria Hamilton slowly begins to ascend the turnbuckles. But she still feels the effects of Izzy's ddt earlier. Still she gets to the top and turns around. Oh noes! Izzy has managed to get to her feet. However she isn't crazy enough to charge the corner. Instead Izzy chrgaes into the ropes. The resulting wobbling of them causes Victoria to wind up crotched on the top turnbuckle.
Fecca: That can not feel good at all for Victoria Hamilton. But its a prise you pay sometimes in the high risk district.
Styles: I should go check on her....
Fecca: Park it Eddie!
[ Eddie Styles sulks, only wanting to go rub Vicky's boo-boo better. In the meantime Izzy, who'd just leaned against the ropes for a second to shake out the cobwebs in her head, finally heads to the corner. Isabell has some choice words for Victoria. She then brings Vicky's legs to where Vicky is sitton the top turnbuckle and no-longer straddling it. Izzy then grabs Victoria and yanks her off the top turnbuckle with a "Super Goodnight Kiss" diamond cutter!
[ Confidently Isabell gets back to her feet. She looks at the sprawled out form of Victoria Hamilton and snickers at her. Izzy then climbs up the turnbuckles, with fans booing loudly at her. She doesn't care if they fail to recognize the true greatness that stands above them in the corner. Izzy reaches upa nd is finally able to grasp the "Jingle-Belle" tiara. And finally....FINALLY....its officially hers. The bell rings and we hear "Head For The Barricade" by Limp Bizkit start up.
Sabrina: Ladies and gentlemen here is your winner......and the NEW "PWT Jingle-Belle"......ISABELL WINNNNNTERS!!!!
[ The fans are busy booing their heads off as Izzy celebrates her big win. She places the tiara on her head and starts to walk around the ring, waving her hand like she'd just been named Miss America. Before Fecca can rant an rave about things we go backstage. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Final Verdict III' (January 2008)
Date Posted:02/19/2009 4:45 PMCopy HTML
[ Camera’s show Kimberly Pain in the back walking along the hallway together with Mason and Nova on their way back to the Caine Clan locker room..
Kim : Is Alayna here ?
Nova : Yes she arrived a bit late but she’s here..
Kim : Good I am getting sick and fucking tired of these god damn no-shows..
[ Mason and Nova both nodded as Kim glared towards Nova..
Kim : Your fault I am trapped facing these…
Nova : I know and you are appreciated..
Kim : Yeah, yeah I know.. Still don’t have to like it now do I..
[ Nova laughed and the trio stepped into the Caine Clan locker room closing the door infront of the camera..
Fecca : Those damn Caines are all getting ready for their matches..
Styles : Looks like the Femme Fatale champion.. The Clan’s wild and crazy bitch Kimberly Pain is not to pleased with the opponents she had in recent weeks..
Fecca : I don’t like her but she at least wants to fight.. And she looks ready for tonight..But folks before Kim gets in the ring tonight, its SEifer versus David Van Dam......"Lions Den" match..
[ We fade into a video package covering the lead-up to Seif versus DVD. We're talkin from the point DVD won his fourth Heavyweight championship til now. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Final Verdict III' (January 2008)
Date Posted:02/19/2009 4:46 PMCopy HTML
[ The video packing rolls showing us the rivalry between David Van Dam and Seifer. We see glimpses of the famous IronMan match and then the recent activity between the two. Seifer running out at the end of the match with Nova to go after DVD, and then DVD returning the favor at the end of the tag team match. Finally after the video ends it reads… ]
Lion’s Den
Fecca: Well ladies and gentlemen, it’s that time! Time for one of the matches we’ve been waiting for all night!
Styles: All night? Ever since mid December! I can’t wait for this Bobby, Seifer and Van Dam inside that Lion’s Den, it’s going to be great.
Fecca: Two world class athletes will enter that den and it won’t end until one of them either gets knocked out, or taps out. Its been a long time coming for these two but finally we’re going to see which man is better tonight.
Styles: My money’s on Seifer.
Fecca: Why am I not surprised?
Styles: Because Seifer’s the freakin man!
Fecca: He may very well be, but I’m inclined to think DVD might have something up his sleeve. He’s PWT’s most decorated athlete for a reason and he said he thinks he figured out how to break through Seifer.
Styles: Unless he’s going to come out dressed like IronMan, he’s done for.
Fecca: Nice cheap plug for IronMan coming out in theatres on May 2nd. And yes, they paid us to promote that.
Sabrina: It is now time for the LION'S DEN MATCH! Two men will enter and behind them, the door will be locked. The only way to win is through submission or TKO.
[ The arena lights dim as the sounds of Eminem's "Heart of a Champion" fills the arena. The crowd rises to their feet as a golden spotlight shines on the stage. David Van Dam walks out onto the ramp with a towel wrapped around his neck. ]
Sabrina: Making his way to the Den, from Indianapolis, Indiana he is THE IRONMAN, give it up for DAVID… VAN… DAM!!!
[ Bouncing from foot to foot, the heavyweight grappler moves down the ring aisle heads over to the left where the Lion’s Den is. He heads over there and survey’s the structure before whiping his feet outside of it and then entering into the Den. DVD picks a section and tosses the towel to the ref as he proceeds to warm up, loosening himself up for what would no doubt become an instant classic. ]
Fecca: AND THERE HE IS! David Van Dam, you can see the look of focus, of determination in that man’s eyes. He’s got a plan tonight and it looks like he’s as ready as he’s ever been.
And the prophecy read that One day like the phoenix rose from the ashes That a boy will be born unto a family in the slums This boy will go on and use the knowledge that he gains While fighting for survival in the streets To become a ring leader And in time that boy will grow to become
[ Trumpet players and dancers alike dressed in all white with gold trim rush out onto the stage and begin to play the beginning of "King Back" by T.I. as the tron sparks to life, showing a stormy night across a vast land of hills with dark thunder clouds rolling in all the while two torches rise on both sides of the entrance ramp, the flames rising up every couple seconds engulfing the stage in an orange redish light as a fog rolls in. The crowd rises up and roars with excitement as the dancers continue to dance in celebration of our Great King. The video pans throughout the hills as the rain begins to come down. As the storm rages on, fire, explosives, and soldiers can be seen between the many hills as it becomes a battle ground for war. The music picks up as the fire increases, the camera on the video begins to shift upwards, showing the top of the hills labeled with various well known name federations throughout the years. The cameras zoom out even further, making all the fighting going on between the hills representing different companies seem smaller as a mountain in the center of it all stands out. The camera zooms around quickly side to side, quickly ascending the mountain where still, we see more warriors battling each other as they trek up the mountain. As we continue to ascend the fighters are beginning to become scarce until it's nothing but dirt until we reach the summit. The cameras pan up on The Sempiternal Warrior Seifer with his hands out to both sides, standing atop the mountain over looking all the battle grounds as the storm continues to rage on. We pan to the side of Seifer who flashes a little smirk when the camera zooms quickly forward forward, right towards his eyes as he seems to welcome the challenge. It enters and a large bolt of lightning fills the sky as the screen goes white. ] [ When it does we see teal and silver pryo's explode out across the arena, covering the stage in light and through the smoke we see Seifer rising up from the ground on a throne. The crowd erupts into an insane standing ovation as Seifer looks out into the arena before slowly stepping off his throne and putting his arms out to the side. He lowers his arms and removes his crown and King of PWT belt, placing them on the throne again before making his way down the Lion’s Den. ] [ The video now is zooming across the Miami skyline at night. A storm enters into the city skyline here as well and with it comes another flash of white lightning, upon doing so we're treated to various clips of Seifer hitting his signature moves on different opponents throughout his career all the while being intertwined with the lights of the city. ]
Sabrina: From Miami, Florida... he is the King of PWT... SEIFER! [ Seifer makes his way to the Lion’s Den and looks at the structure with a sadistic little glint in his eyes. He takes his time walking around it, tracing his fingers against the cold steel structure, and then comes around to the front where he enters in, cracking his neck and widening his eyes as he does so, as if he feels the power from stepping through that door. It’s locked behind him. ]
Styles: And there HE is! The one and only Robbie!
Fecca: Seifer too looks ready for this contest, he has been waiting a long time for this.
[ The referee talks briefly to both fighters, telling them the rules and making sure everything is going to be clean and then slaps his hands together as the bell rings - it’s go time. Neither man moves. Standing across from each other in this circular fighting pit, the two of them are locked into a dead stare with one another, neither one moving an inch. Sizing one another up, going quickly over their opening game, deciding on how and when they should move while watching their opponent’s every single breath he’s taking to see when he’s flinching, when is the right time to attack. The crowd is on their feet, waiting with baited breath, holding in their excitement like a constipated fat man running to the bathroom just waiting to explode. Finally, some movement. Both men begins to move their fingers around, you can just feel the air getting thicker and thicker with tension, with intensity. The stare between these two is enough to keep the audience captivated. Then, in a split second, as quick as lighting the two of them dart for the center spot in the Den, throwing right hand after right hand after right hand. Seifer, DVD, Seifer, DVD, Seifer, DVD. The crowd is absolutely going insane. It continues until both men back up, going for a harder right this time and instead end up locking up. Both of them in similar size and weight are trying to size one another up, first with their arms, getting them into position. Then their legs, trying to push the other one off balance using the power generated from their muscular legs. Neither man is able to budge the other, it looks as if it’s going to be a deadlock until DVD loses ground and Seifer drives him back but David brings a knee right into the oncoming gut of Seifer, causing him to double over. He gave up the ground on purpose so he could get Seifer with the knee and take advantage. DVD knees him again and keeps Seifer doubled over while applying a front face lock to Seifer, trying to suck some air out of him in the beginning. Seifer is fighting it off, trying to have none of it as he charges with his head between David’s arm, running forward and slamming DVD’s back into the side of the cage. DVD doesn’t even flinch. Seifer backs up and does it again, this time DVD feels it but it’s of no concern, he keeps applying that lock, wrenching his arm on Seifer’s neck harder and harder, trying to choke all life from him and end this one early. Seifer goes for it a third time, this time he also pushes off of the cage and is able to turn DVD around towards the ring and lift him up getting ready to slam him into the mat but Dave flails his legs and is able to get back to the ground where he takes advantage of the change in momentum and instead brings Seifer up and over with a suplex, putting him down on the mat. ]
Fecca: You can already tell this is going to be quite the clinic.
[ Rather than immediately go to the mat, DVD kicks at Seifer a couple times on the face and neck. As Seifer starts to get up when DVD stops kicking he’s quick to drop to the mat quicker than a bag of cement and is right on Seifer again, this time with an over the head north south kimura lock. He’s able to immobilize Seifer for now as Seifer feels himself out in this submission, only slightly moving his arms and legs, knowing that he’s got to escape the submission as there are no ropes to break it for him. ]
Fecca: David going to another submission hold. This one, though reversed, happens to be one of Seifer’s favorites.
Styles: Well it’s clear he has been doing some research.
[ DVD continues to apply the hold, pushing down on Seifer’s face trying to get him to pass out with the increased amount of pressure. Seifer feels it too as he begins to kick his legs a little harder, trying to give him some space underneath and push himself up. Seifer brings an arm around and pushes on the mat as he uses his legs to help him up as well, though the core comes from his abdominal muscles forcing his body up and Dave has no choice but to oblige as he’s being pushed up and losing ground as the two of them are now up to their feet with DVD still having the hold locked in and Seifer with his back to him but shoves David’s arms up hard, successfully breaking the hold and spins around DVD grabbing a hold of his neck and swinging it down into a reverse DDT. With DVD now down Seifer too is quick on the attack, jumping to the side of David and begins to drill those knees right into his ribcage. He lifts his body up and swings them down, almost to the point where his body is vertical as his knees come flying down into the side of DVD. This causes Van Dam to clutch his side, feeling the blows as he rolls over and pushes away at Seifer, getting to his feet. ]
Fecca: Man this is intense.
[ Seifer’s right there in his face, sending forearms to the head of DVD and then some kicks to the gut, bringing him over but before he’s able to do anything David grabs him and takes him down to the ground, getting a good grasps of both legs as he tries to semi stand up and turn him over into a Boston crab but Seifer’s able to claw his way on the mat and escape the potential submission. He’s now turned around as David comes towards him Seifer scrambles all the way to the cage wall, not wanting to give Dave a chance to get the jump on him when he gets up. Well now he has to so he grabs a hold of the cage and does so and just like he thought, DVD is right there, grabbing him around the torso and heaving him up for a belly to belly suplex. Only Seifer knew it was coming and reverses it, using DVD’s own momentum he hits him with his own belly to belly. From there Seifer takes advantage of him being in control and pushes DVD over on his side and then measure his targeted area. Striking those knees right into the lower back of David. ]
Fecca: Looks like Seifer’s finally started on what’s got to be one of his main game plan’s.
Styles: Weaken that back.
[ David is smart though and gets himself out of this situation but maneuvering his body around but when he does get onto his stomach Seifer’s right there on top, swinging down hard onto the side of DVD’s head, left, right, left, right. David tries to struggle out but Seifer keeps him grounded with his leg grip. ]
Fecca: Well if this were a mixed martial arts contest the ref would probably end it here and now. But this is a Lion’s Den match! Ref certainly won’t be ending this one.
[ Seifer lets up and gets off of DVD but staying nearby so he knows his opponent isn’t going to just let him get up. So rather than get up like one normally would and give Seifer that kind of body advantage he does what Seifer did earlier and turn on his butt to scramble away but that’s exactly what Seifer wanted and the moment he does he jumps David, sending an elbow right to the face of Van Dam that catches him above the eye and busts him open slightly. Seifer pushes down hard with his forearm, rubbing that wound open even more as he does so and putting pressure on Van Dam as he begins to hammer in those punches, low again and trying to get as much as the ribs/lower back as he can from that position. Van Dam begins to struggle to take control with his legs, trying to lock them around Seifer but Seifer’s able to keep his body up for now, making sure DVD doesn’t get his legs wrapped around Seifer’s back. DVD keeps them up their but fights back another way, this time he takes his hands and grabs a hold of Seifer’s head, drawing him in closer to his chest in hopes of lessening the pressure Seifer’s able to get on his face. This works as Seifer is no longer as vertical as he was and therefore his forearm smashing/rubbing/smothering isn’t working as well. Seifer too tries to fight this and push himself back but David has managed to grab ahead of Seifer with the other arm as well that was previously trying to block Seifer’s rib shots. This of course causes Seifer to take some more, but DVD knows he has to give up something to get something and braces for the blows while continually working Seifer. Finally things go his way as Seifer ends up pushing his legs out and doing so lowers his back and bam, DVD wraps his legs around them and then lets go of Seifer’s face and pulls his foot underneath his other ankle, choking Seifer around the torso. The Transcendent now has his head free but he can feel the leg choke David’s got locked in. He again goes for that wound, figuring right now that’s his best strategy but that’s exactly what DVD wanted as he grabs his head and immediately starts to push and pull, trying to get that triangle choke locked in good. ]
Fecca: DVD is bringing the heat!
[ Seifer feels the pressure immediately and still with his arms free he quickly slams the sides of his hands into DVD’s temples a couple of times, causing him to loosen the grip and as soon as he does Seifer rolls over and pushes out with his arms, somewhat breaking he hold of David’s legs around him. As they are now over on their stomachs with legs still halfway intertwined, Seifer grabs DVD’s ankle and begins to twist it. However Dave having just come off the offensive is able to get up to his other leg and he jumps and spins, kicking at Seifer’s gut to get free of the hold on his ankle. Seifer stumbles backwards and DVD runs at him looking for a clothesline but Seifer is able to recover and ends up thinking the same thing, only his is meant to be short. They both connect and both come to the ground. ]
Fecca: Well I think I know what DVD is trying to do, use Seifer’s primed submissions against him.
Styles: He does know Seifer knows how to get out of them.
Fecca: Of course, but it’s got to get into Seifer’s head a little. DVD’s way of telling him how much he prepared and knows what he’ll try and use on him.
[ The crowd is chanting and stomping, wanting them both to get up and sure enough, they do. Both coming to their feet about the same time and connecting near the side with right hands again, this time Seifer ducks one of them and jumps out, grabbing DVD’s head and bringing him down with a jumping neck breaker. He too goes to the mat but quickly kips up much to this Florida crowd’s delight. Seifer is motioning for DVD to get up and he does but is met with a knee right to the face and then Seifer continues his assault, giving him stinging slap after slap. ]
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- Register:12/01/2008 4:13 PM
Re:PWT Presents 'Final Verdict III' (January 2008)
Date Posted:02/19/2009 4:47 PMCopy HTML
[ The crowd chants each time he connects one. His hand has now made a fine red mark right on DVD’s chest as the 4-Time Heavyweight Champ is reeling. Seifer kicks him in the gut and lifts him up before slamming him down with a jackhammer. Looking up at the top of the Lion’s Den Seifer smirks and walks over to the side, he jumps up and grabs a hold of the ledge on top, pulling himself up to it and then stands out, looking down below at his fallen opponent and then out into the cheering frenzied crowd. ]
Fecca: Seifer up to the top! He’s going for Part II!!
Styles: Here he flies!
[ Seifer leaps off, driving an elbow right into the sternum of DVD! DVD feels the effects as does Seifer but it’s on to Part III of The Combo as Seifer grabs a hold of David’s arm and starts to apply an armbar submission but though knocked woozy, DVD knows what’s coming and manages to keep pulling his arm away until he’s able to roll over and get up as Seifer comes toward his prone opponent. He gives him a hard shot to that wound to keep the blood tickling out and then walks beside him, grabbing him around his body and locking in an abdominal stretch. Seifer pulls back as DVD tries to fight it off, shaking his head when the ref asks for the submission. Seifer every once in a while lessens his grip only to smash a hand into the lower back of his opponent and then get a better grip since the sweat that’s dripping from these two men begins to make it slip. DVD knows what’s going on even though his lower back is being put through some pain. He bites the bullet though and the next time Seifer goes for that regrip, DVD reacts and with all his might heaves Seifer over his body in a hip toss that sends him crashing to the mat. Knowing DVD is weakened Seifer reacts quickly to keep his control and charges at Van Dam but DVD is too smart for that and just grabs Seifer and gives him an over head belly to belly suplex. Due to positioning Seifer goes flying into the side of the Den. The crowd is again, still very into this match as David walks around a little gingerly, shaking his head and knowing that it was now time for him to go to work. ]
Fecca: Crash! Looks now DVD is ready to go on the offensive.
[ That’s exactly what he does, and post haste. He doesn’t want to give Seifer even a second to catch his breath and mount another attack chance so David goes in there, picking him up from the back and slams him down with a hard German suplex. He lifts him up and does another one, barely any fight from Seifer at all. He knows being thrown into the cage didn’t help him any and David goes for a third German. Even though the crowd is more for their home state hero, they’re digging that DVD hasn’t let go of the hold and he lifts Seifer up, a little bit slower this time but gets him up for a forth German suplex! He’s still going at it and brings him up again for a fifth German suplex! DVD finally lets go and lays on his back below Seifer’s feet, breathing hard, but Seifer’s breathing harder and looks to be broken anyways. DVD said he was a lion and he keeps true to that as he grabs Seifer and basically forces him onto his back as he swings him around for the Last Chance! ]
[ David gets up to his feet and grabs the ankle of Seifer, turning him over and begins to twist it. Seifer suddenly feels the pain shooting through his leg but can’t do much to help fight it off as DVD continues to twist at that ankle, twisting and twisting, threatening to break the ankle if he doesn’t tap out. ]
Fecca: DVD now with that Main Event Lock, locked right in!
Styles: Come on Seif, fight it!
[ That’s what he’s trying to do as the pain sends signals to his brain waking him up more, telling him he’s got to stop this. Seifer is pulling for the side of the Den, trying to get some kind of leverage against David and though the ankle is being twisted in ways it shouldn’t be, between slamming his fists on the mat and clenching his teeth he’s getting closer and closer. DVD feels it too and so he pulls Seifer back some. Doing so causes him to loosen the grip a little and Seifer takes this as his chance to get out of it by pushing up quickly and then rolling under, sending DVD across the Den. Luckily for Van Dam he was far enough away from the Den that he immediately goes right for the ankle again, grabbing it and shoving Seifer to the ground. The pain sets back in for Seifer as DVD holds onto it harder, twisting and twisting the damned thing! Seifer reaches out and finds he’s right by the cage, he begins to climb up it and when he’s high enough he kicks out at DVD, connecting to the chest of David to put him back some and break the hold as Seifer goes to the ground. He holds his ankle but for a moment before grabbing onto the side of the Den to pull himself up. He begins to limp around but tries to walk it off, unfortunately for him he doesn’t have much time as DVD is ready for another onslaught. He comes for him and it looks like Seifer’s ankle is giving out as he falls but he is using it to his advantage as he drop toe holds DVD. Immediately Seifer gets up and drops an elbow onto DVD’s back and grabs his legs, trying to set him up but DVD grabs a hold of Seifer’s ankle again! The quick movements continue as Seifer doesn’t let him get the hold on as he maneuvers through and the two end up back to a stale mate standing up. ]
Styles: Talk about some back and forth action now! Both men want their submission in!
[ The stalemate doesn’t last long as DVD dives for that ankle of Seifer’s but he jumps over him and as DVD comes around Seifer swings out, looking for a Blood Spiller but DVD is working too low to the ground so he misses and David comes swarming in, grabbing a hold of Seifer’s body and slams him to the mat behind him. He tries to get Seifer into a side hold but Seifer scrambles out of it, coming back hobbling to his feet but when he does DVD gives him a snap mare. David holds onto him and now looks to be going for a second only this time Seifer locks legs with DVD and blocks it. He tries again but again Seifer blocks it and the third time he reverses it, sending DVD to the mat. Seifer is up and hobbling a little as DVD begins to get up but he doesn’t get a chance to go on the attack as Seifer grabs him and gives him a pendulum backbreaker. Rather than letting go Seifer keeps a hold of DVD, pushing down on his neck while keeping his legs in place and bending his back over his own knees. Seifer holds this submission for a few seconds before finally letting go of DVD and grabbing a hold of his legs, he moves at a lightning pace and then he turns… and DVD’s in the Immortal Deathlock! ]
Styles: YES!
Fecca: He’s been working for that all night, it could be over!
[ As the pain shoots through DVD’s legs and lower back to his brain like it did to Seifer earlier, he knows the trouble he’s in. He shows that he really wants this thing by not even giving the fans a show and fighting it off the long way, the way most do, instead he immediately tries to grab the ankle of Seifer he had targeted earlier. He is able to get a hold of it and begins to put his own pressure now. It’s a double submission, both guys working hard to get control but because Seifer’s ankle had been in DVD’s submission for a while longer, DVD gains control, Seifer’s ankle gives and he falls, letting DVD get him back in The Main Event Lock and then grapevines it, knowing that it was time to put Seif away. Thus, the struggle begins. ]
Fecca: And just like that the tides have changed yet again!
Styles: NO!
[ Seifer fights and holds on, trying his damnest to do something but that grapevine is keeping him from going much of anywhere and he knows it’s useless to try for the cage as DVD is smart enough to make his body a deadweight and prevent Seifer from getting to his feet. He slams his fist against the mat, trying to find the strength within’ and then he does it again, this time he looks to be getting weaker. A third time, even weaker. ]
Fecca: He’s fading!
[ Seifer does it a forth time and it barely has any impact at all as his head hit’s the mat and then there’s no movement at all while DVD is still on that ankle like it owes him money. ]
Styles: damnit.
Fecca: Looks like it’s over for Seifer. DVD just worked that ankle all night long.
[ DVD knows that Seifer’s out of it so he lets go of the hold and holds his arms up into the air. As soon as he turns his back Seifer springs to life and when DVD turns around BOOM!! ]
Styles: He was faking it!
[ Seifer clenches his face from the kick as it was with his worked on ankle and he puts it down gingerly. DVD is down now and Seifer grabs a hold of his legs and as quick as his ankle allows him to move, he turns him over and applies the Immortal Deathlock submission again. ]
Styles: What a sly guy!
Fecca: Seifer’s got his finisher locked back in, this isn’t good for DVD.
[ DVD wasn’t knocked out from the kick since Seifer wasn’t able to really deliver that powerful one due to his weak ankle but he knows he’s in trouble as he feels the pain again shooting through his back. David begins his own struggle, trying to push forward and then climb up but Seifer’s keeping him back and away from the sides of the Lion’s Den, turning each time DVD tries to move towards it. As the pain sends his grogginess away he remembers going for Seifer’s ankle again and as soon as he gets a finger on it Seifer loosens the hold for a split second and moves up as he puts DVD more vertical and now synchs down even harder, sending more pain waves through DVD’s lower back and now neck as well. David feels it and begins to squint his eyes and hand quickly, open close, open close, and finally... he taps. ]
Fecca: My God his body is twisted almost like a pretzel!
[ The referee calls for the bell and tells Seifer to release the hold and he does just that. “Can’t Be Touched” blares throughout the arena as the crowd gets into a big SEIFER chant as he lifts his arms up into the air. ]
Fecca: I gotta give it to him, that was intelligent. DVD had him!
Styles: Can’t lose via a pass out. Seif knew that and he faked the pass out so he could trump Van Dam! Give him an Emmy!
Sabrina: Here is your winner of the Lion’s Den match via submission… SEIFER!
Fecca: What an amazing match between these two, yet again! No wonder these two are some of the best PWT has to offer.
Styles: Seifer IS the best Bob, and he proved it to Van Dam once again.
Fecca: But he fought his heart out, this was truly a great ground physical match up. My hats off to both men for what is no doubt the highlight of the night up to this point. What a match.
[ Seifer looks down at his fallen opponent and smirks before heading for the exit of the Lion’s Den as DVD begins to come around. With that we once again head backstage ] |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Final Verdict III' (January 2008)
Date Posted:02/19/2009 4:47 PMCopy HTML
[ After an excellent showing, as always, from Seifer and DVD we're backstage yet again. It would seem that Mason Caine has now left the Caine locker room. He either told Nova that Josiah was missing or just decided to go find him on his own. It doesn't really matter "why" Mason is roaming the halls. All that matters is that he is......and he just spotted an unopened Snickers bar on the ground a few feet in front of him. So he looks to the left.....Looks to the right......Nobody's around here. The candybar musta fallen outta someone's pocket. Can't be stealing it if ya find it can ya? Nope. And so Mason goes for the candybar. But suddenly its jerked away!
Mason: Wha?!
[ He goes for it once more and again its jerked away.
Mason: Grrr....
[ Mason goes after the Snickers bar again and again. Each time he almost has it but its yanked outta his reach. The camera follows as the Caine's physical monster follows the runaway Snickers bar. Eventually this leads Mason into the very same room that Javen was sent into earlier. The candybar just bouncing across the floor to the wall. Now against the wall we can see the fishing line attached to it. Mason runs for it but smacks his head against the wall. He steps back, rubbing his head.
Mason: Ow...
[ Then he watches as the Snickers slides on up the wall. It slides up to an airduct and gets stuck. Mason snatches it and rips the thing open. Just then the door to this room slams shut! Mason cocks his head to the side as he see's Javen and Josiah lain out. But he does nothing else as the scene fades to ringside.... |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Final Verdict III' (January 2008)
Date Posted:02/19/2009 4:48 PMCopy HTML
[ As cameras go to the ring, "Ezuli" begins playing as the lights beging to enter a strobe like feeling. The colors change to purple as the music picks up the pace. All of the sudden it all stops and a spotlight opens up on Alayna Patrick who stands at the top of the ramp with her back turned out to the crowd. She poses for the crowd. All of the sudden the lights start to flash again. Alayna turns around starting to walk down the ramp.
Sabrina:"Making her way to the ring from Malibu California......Alayna Patrick!"
Fecca:"This talented young lady wants to get back in the Femme Fatale and what better way to get back in the swing of things than with a win over the champ."
Styles:"Who said she's winning anything? Alayna will be lucky to make it through this match alive!"
[ She rolls her eyes at the fans as they scream things at her. She shakes her head as they ask for a high five. She then walks over towards the steel steps making her way up them fast. She gets up onto the turnbuckle and turns around to look to the inside of the ring. She jumps down off of the turnbuckle and makes it to the middle of the ring looking out to the boos coming from the crowd. She simply fluffs her hair as she waits for her opponent faking a yawn.
Fecca:"Alayna looks bored."
Styles:"Well she'll be far from that in a minute or two."
[ Lights flicker as the song Nobody's wife by Anouk starts and Kimberly appears walking out of the curtain with the Femme Fatale Championship around her waist.. She taunts the crowd before slowly and methodically making her way down the ramp and towards the ring.
Sabrina:"And her opponent making her way to the ring from the Sulphur Springs Sanitarium...the Femme Fatale Championess, Kimberly Pain!"
[ As Kim steps through the ropes, she unfastens the belt from her waist and hands it to the ref as she looks across the ring at Alayna.
Fecca:"I wonder where Nova's at? He usually accompannies Kim to ringside."
Styles:"He's more than likely getting ready for his match against Chrissy *coughs* I mean Christian Michaels. Not like Kim needs him out here anyway.
[ As the bell rings, Kim comes at Alayna with a clothesline, but Alayna is wise enough to duck underneath. But as she runs into the ropes and comes off of them, Alayna is met with a spinning heel kick courtesy of the champ. Kim smirks as Alayna falls to the mat. She then drops an elbow across Alayna's chest before making a cover but Alayna kicks out at two.
Styles:"Alayna should have stayed down. She would have made things easier."
Fecca:"Easier for who?"
[ Kim then pulls Alayna up to her feet and goes for a bulldog, but as she does Alayna pushes her off into the ropes. As Kim comes off them, Alayna takes her down with a hiptoss. As Kim is quick to get back on her feet, she comes at Alayna but is met with a boot to the midsection before Alayna grabs a hold of her and takes her to the mat with a swinging neckbreaker. As Kim is laying on the mat, Alayna connects with a standing moonsault before going for a cover. But Kim kicks out just after two.
Fecca:"Alayna starting to prove her worth in this one."
Styles:"But for how long?"
[ Alayna is up on her feet first and waits for Kim, who's slowly getting up to a vertical base. As she does, Alayna lifts her up and sits her on the top rope. Alayna then climbs to the top as well. She tries going for the 'First Class' but Kim elbows Alayna in the side of the face hard before pushing her from the top. Kim is now perched up on the top rope and in waiting. As Alayna get to her feet, Kim jumps from the top and takes Alayna down with a hurricaranna. Before Alayna can move anywhere, Kim locks her into a 'Painfilled Ending'. Alayna screams in pain and tries reaching for the ropes, but she's just out of reach. After about a minute in the hold, Alayna taps out.
Sabrina:"And the winner of the match, the Femme Fatale Championess, Kimberly Pain!"
Fecca:"Not long enough."
[ After the match, the ref hands Kim her title and raises her arms in victory, before going to check on Alayna. Kim watches the ref crouched by Alayna for a minute before getting an evil look on her face. She then shoves the ref aside and locks Alayna in the 'Painfilled Ending' again. Alayna is screaming in pain and the ref is yelling at Kim for her to release the hold but she refuses. The hold is on Alayna, who is screaming in pain and tapping like mad, for a good few minutes before a few referees came down and finally got Kimberly off Alayna. Kim shook free of the referees and exitted the ring with a satisfied look on her face as she saw Alayna holding her shoulder. Fans were booing Kim loudly as she made her way to the back. The refs were left to tend to Alayna as scenes fade. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Final Verdict III' (January 2008)
Date Posted:02/19/2009 4:49 PMCopy HTML
[ Its about time for Angelique defending the Peoples championship against Jessica Jones. The tron is alive as a video starts showcasing the rivalry that has sprung up between these two in the past couple months. Everyone watching from home gets a full-screen shot of it. Meanwhile as the video plays we have officials rolling the dumpster for the match to ringside. They leave and the video comes to an end. Sabrina then makes her way into the ring.
Sabrina: Ladies and gentlemen your next match is scheduled as a Flaming Dumpster match!
[ The fans pop loving insane gimmick matches.
Sabrina: The way you win this match is to throw your opponent into the dumpster and then set it on fire...
[ More cheering because everyone loves fire.
Sabrina: This match is also for the PWT Peoples championship!!!!!
[ Title matches definately equal crowd pops.
Sabrina: Introducing first, the challenger, hailing from FLORIDA!!!....
[ Fans go nuts cheering for the challenger beingf rom Florida.
Sabrina: She is a former two-time PWT Peoples champion.......JESSICA JONNNNNNNES!!!!!
[ "Poison" by Alice Cooper hits over the speakers. The crowd is on its feet and cheering as the curtain is pushed aside by JJ. She steps out onto the ramp an strike herself a pose. Fans cheer as she taunts them for a moment before running down the ramp and sliding in the ring. She gets to her feet and runs into the corner getting up on the second turnbuckle. The fans showing JJ some love before she hops down. Her music eventually fading off.
Fecca: There ya see Jessica Jones ladies and gentlemen. This young lady was once a proud member of the Caine Clan. However she made the "mistake" of thinking for herself. Nova didn't appreciate someone with a mind of her own so she was jumped out of the Caine Clan. Well now Jessica's ready to get a piece of Angelique who took her chamionship back in December.....Wait Angelique won that belt on December second and is only now defending? Whatever happened to thirty days to defend or else you're stripped?
Styles: This is the two-thousands Fecca! We don't go by every ancient wrestling rule in the book. Sheesh!
Sabrina: And her opponent......She's been a champion many-times over the course of her career, but now she's......The reigning PWT Peoples Champion...........ANNNNNNNNNGEL!!!
[ The arena is pitched into total darkness, leaving the swarm of inhabitants to wonder what’s to come without warning ‘Cherry Pie’ begins to blast in a deafening volume from the PA System, suddenly a spotlight shines above the ring, showing deep into the rafters, pointing directly at Angel who sits perched atop a cloud that hangs from wires on the ceiling.Angel’s slender legs daggling over the cloud as her hand holds onto the invisible wire. She is slowly lowered into the ring. Looking out into the crowd with that familiar smirk on her face as the crowd erupts in a deafening sound. As the cloud reaches ring level Angel steps from it and begins a slow walk around the ring as the cloud is raised back into the rafters, a form of glittery confetti begins to fall from the ceiling above the ring. Angel stands in the middle of the ring, hands on hips as glitter falls around her.
Fecca: Folks regardless of what you think of this woman, Angelique is one hell of a competitor. Eddie did you know that she was the first ever *defending* Heavyweight champion of Chicago based Bytches Ultimate Domain?
Styles: Why yes I did know that Bob. Did you know that you can bounce a quarter off her ass?
Fecca: No and how do you know?
Styles: Nova told me.
[ The bell rings and this match is underway. In the ring we have only Angel and JJ circling each other. Referees Mitch Roberts and Frank Mason are on the outside of the ring. They're only even there to call for an end to this match once someone is in the dumpster and its lit ablaze.
Fecca: Both women circling one another here....trying to feel out the other....Neither wanting to make a mistake....
Styles: I wouldn't mind feeling them out myself.
[ Finally they both make a move, meeting in a lockup in the center of the ring. Both of these lovely ladies struggle to gain dominance over her opponent. Its a stalemate though so they break off. A lil bit more of the circling before they try it again. And folks for a second time there's no clear outcome. They break it off again and go back to walking circles. One more time? Its looks that wa-NO! Jessica went for the lockup but Angel faked her out. Angel ducks behind JJ and smashes a forearm between JJ's shoulders. The former champ stumbles to the ropes. She turns around and glares at Angel. The current Peoples champ grins and tells JJ to bring it on. Jessica does just that. She charges towards Angel but ducks as Angel goes for a clothesline. The defending champ spins around and takes dropkick right to the chesticals! She hits the mat but races back to her feet as does JJ. Before Angel can react she eats a spinning heel kick. She goes down and rolls out the ring holding her mouth.
Fecca: A bit of a slow start here Eddie but the pace is picking up.
Styles: Its only a matter of time before Angel takes over and dominates this match though.
[ Angel is holding her mouth checking for blood. There is none so she turns back towards the ring. That wasn't a great idea as JJ nails a baseball slide dropkick. This sends Angel stumbling back into the ringside barricade. JJ slips out the ringa nd comes over to where Angel's at. She grabs a handful of Angel's hair and slams the champ's face into the barricade ONCE.........TWICE........THRICE......FOUR TIMES! Then JJ grabs two handfuls of hair and throws Angel down to her back. Our defending Peoples champ holding her forehead with one hand and her back with the other. Jessica not letting her dangerous opponent gather herself for long. JJ pulls Angel to her feet and whips her toward the turnpost of a corner. Angel manages to put the brakes on though. She turns around and here comes JJ charging in. Angel sidesteps and JJ smooches the damned thing!
Styles: OoOoOo! That'll leave a mark.
Fecca: Indeed it will. I'll be surprised if Jessica didn't just lose some teeth there.
[ JJ staggers back holding her face. No sign of blood though folks. But Angel may be on her way to changing that. She yanks JJ around that turnpost and then whips her towards the dumpster! JJ smacks it face-first and the dumpster goes rolling til it hits the ring-steps. Meanwhile Angel pulls JJ to her feet and scoop slams the former champ on the thinnly padded floor. JJ sits up holding her lower back in pain. She's soon once again ripped to her feet. This time Angel takes a handful of hair and slams Jessica's face into the ring apron. JJ stumbles back and then gets clotheslined to the thinnly padded floor. Angel quick to put the boots to her.
Styles: Told ya. Now Angel's dominating this thing.
[ Angel notices some nearby cables and decides to wrap one around JJ's neck. She then pulls back on them, really choking the hell outta JJ. The refs are trying ta get Angel to stop, but they can only beg an plead for her to. Eventually she does though. Angel then decides to look under the ring for a weapon. She pulls out a trashcan with its lid. Taking the lid Angel whaps JJ as she gets to her feet. Angel smirks liking the sound of lid hitting a human's skull. So she goes to pull JJ back to at least her knees. But there's no interest in JJ to taste that damned lid again. So she gives Angel an uppercut right between the legs. And folks she may not have any balls, but bah gawd it still hurts! Angel drops the lid and steps back, leaning against the apron of the ring. JJ now takes the lid and she WHAPs the reigning Peoples champ over the head with it. JJ then grabs the trashcan, puts it over Angel's head, and dropkicks the trashcan. This leaves Angel in a trashcan/dumpster sammich. She falls to her knees and JJ gives her another kick sending Angel on down.
Fecca: Jessica Jones is not done yet.
Styles: She will be soon enough!
[ Back to the action and JJ has rolled Angel into the ring. JJ now with her back to her opponent as she opens the dumpster. Jones turns back around and steps into the ring herself. She walks over and picks up Angel. But the champ was playing possum! She shoves JJ into a corner and then clotheslines her in said corner. Angel then moves out a few feet and charges back in again. JJ though manages to get a foot up stunning Angel. Jessica uses this oppurtunity to hop up on the top tunbuckle. She's thinking high-flyin but Angel shakes out the cob-webs. Angel like a cat springs to the top rope with JJ. Then much like Shelton Benjamin in WWE takes JJ off the top with a superplex!
Fecca: Holy damn what a superplex!
[ We've got both of these lovely ladies on the mat now. It takes a moment for both of them to recover. Once they're up its a total slugfest. Both women are exchanging right hands like its gonna be outlawed in the next ten minutes. JJ finally seems to gain the advantage. She has Angel leaning against the ropes. JJ charges across the ropes and comes back runnning hard. But she's backdropped over the top rope into the dumpster! The fans coming to their feet sensing the end is near. And indeed it is folks. Angel ascends to the top turnbuckle. She turns her back to the dumpster and looks back a couple times measuring. Then suddenly Angel moonsaults back into the dumpster!
Fecca: Oh my God!
Styles: Holy shite that was awesome!
[ All the cameras come up and are focus on the dumpster They're waiting to see who's going to emerge first and most likely win this match. And its Angelique! She slowly climbs out of the dumpster. Angel then calls for a can of flammable liquid and lighter from ringside. Suddenly JJ pops up out of the dumpster! Everyone nearly has a heart attack but Angel dropkicks her back into it. Then she pours the flammable liquid in and lights the dumpster up. Immediately the bell rings and refs and officials converge on the dumpster. They furiously put out the flames with fire exstinguishers. Angel smirks and falls to a seated position in the corner.
Sabrina: Here is your winner......and STILL the PWT Peoples Champion ANGELIQUE!!!!
[ The commentators discuss the ramifications of this match as JJ is being brung out of the dumpster.... |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Final Verdict III' (January 2008)
Date Posted:02/19/2009 4:50 PMCopy HTML
[ Well folks the pay per view machine keeps chuggin along. PWT refs and other officials had quickly scrambled into action once Angel set the dumpster on fire with Jessica Jones in it. Normally this kind of action would get ya suspended, but it was the stipulation of how to win the match. Currently EMTs were loading Jessica into a waitin ambulance to take her to a local burn center. Angel herself was getting checked out in the trainer's room.
Fecca: What a pay per view this has been Eddie!
Styles: Its been one of r the books Bobbsie, but I can't help but feel that dark cloud hanging over us.
Fecca: Me either. I feel something bad is going to happen to Christian Michaels....
Styles: You feel bad for him? What about Nova? CM's going around abducting the Clan!
Fecca: Sounds like turnabout is fair play Eddie.
[ The tron flickers to life again and we're backstage. Kim Pain is walking the halls looking for the rest of the clan. But suddenly she's grabbed from behind! Its CM and he's got another cloth with ether on it. He holds it over Kim's face until she slips away into unconsciousness. Then just as the rest of the clan, she's taken away to that room......
Styles: Someone find Nova and tell him's what's going on! |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Final Verdict III' (January 2008)
Date Posted:02/19/2009 5:04 PMCopy HTML
Clickity Clank, Clickity Clank, The Money Goes Into My Piggy Bank Clickity Clank, Clickity Clank, The Money Goes Into My Piggy Bank I’ll Get Atcha…
[ WallStreet’s Tron plays as the crowd erupts with boos. The curtain moves to the side and out from behind it steps…

[ Eris. The Lady introduced earlier. Following closely behind is WallStreet, now out of his gear and into a T Shirt and a pair of work out pants.
Sabrina, "Ladies and Gentlemen, the following bout is scheduled for ONEFALL… Depending on who wins here tonight, either a Divorce will be agreed too, or an unwilling wife will embrace her Husband on Shockwave… Introducing first, being occumpanied to ringside by The Corporate Icon, Taylor McCALLISTER (Crowd boos)… ERRRRRRRRISSSS!"
[ Eries and WallStreet proceed down the ramp.
Fecca, "Eris was introduced to us earlier tonight as WallStreet’s choice to face Becca Wipwreck tonight… She’s already made her presence felt as she screwed Shadow out of a huge victory over WallStreet."
Styles, "Hey! WallStreet’s resourceful! If she hadn’t of come down and pulled that referee out –Which she was justified for doing, he was counting way too fast-… But IF She hadn’t of done that, WallStreet would have kicked out."
Fecca, "WallStreet showed no signs of having the ability to kick out of that Fatality from Shadow."
Styles, "That’s because he knew the official was out of commission, so why put forth an extra effort? That’s why WallStreet’s so good, he preserves as much energy as possible until it’s absolutely necessary to apply it."
Fecca, "Are you planning on applying for a job as his public relations director? Do you wanta be his agent or something?"
Styles, "Hmm… Now that ya mention it, My Paycheck’s never looked as good as it did when he was running PWT… Maybe I should try and get back on Mr. McCallister’s payroll."
[ WallStreet and Eris get down to the ringside floor. WallStreet motions toward the stairs so Eris steps in front of him and begins climbing the stairs as WallStreet follows. They climb onto the ring apron and WallStreet snaps his fingers at Referee Mitch Roberts, and calls him over almost like you would a well trained dog. He points down to the ropes and Mitch get’s the idea as he puts his foot on the bottom rope and lifts the middle rope, offering Eris the easiest access to the ring as possible. Then WallStreet points to the second rope and the top rope, so Mitch sits on the second rope and raises the top rope for the Corporate Icon.
Fecca, "What a jerk."
Styles, "Yeah, but at least he’s making himself useful by holding the ropes for WallStreet."
[ WallStreet enters the ring as Eris climbs the turnbuckles and raises her arms. WallStreet points to his apparent hitwoman and applauds.
[ The arena is pitched into total darkness. "Bossy" by the Kellis begins to play, purple and white lights begins to fly through the air, the music grows louder as a purple mist begins to rise up from the arena floor, the music continues to build as the mist begins to fill the arena area, flanking the crowd. Just as suddenly the PWT tron jumps to life. Becca emerges onto the stage, her face set, and her eyes gleaming as she looks out into the sea of faces.
The crowd erupts as Sabrina announces, "And the opponent… From Grand Rapids Michigan… BECCAAAAAA WIPP…"
[ The camera switches to the ring where we see WallStreet grab a hold of Sabrina’s hand that’s holding the mic and shove her back into the corner. He towers over her like a monster, making her tremble in fear as he says, "You Announce her by her LEGAL name! You announce her Becca McCallister!"
[ The crowd boos but Sabrina, her voice trembling, complies, "Becca McCallister!"
[ WallStreet let’s her go and she immediately fleas the ring as WallStreet smirks up the ramp toward an unamused Becca.
Fecca, "The stakes could not be any higher for our Chair-lady. If she can win this bout, she can obtain a full fledged divorce from this jerk in the ring."
Styles, "Hey! How about some unbiased professionalism here!"
[ Becca makes her way down the ramp way, and up the stairs into the ring. Climbing through the ropes she takes a stance in the middle of the ring as the crowd reacts loudly.
[ The music slowly draws to a fade as the lights readjust. In one corner a very determined Becca Wipwreck, in the other, Eris with WallStreet standing on the outside ring apron, standing behind her. WallStreet seems to be offering some last minute advice to Eris.
Fecca, "Keep in mind folks, Eris has had all week to train for Becca, Becca found out at the top of the program that she’d be facing Eris, who up until tonight, none of us had ever heard of."
[ WallStreet reaches in, wrapping his arms around Eris’s waist and he smirks devilishly and starts to nibble slightly on her ear, drawing a smirk to Eris’ face as she reaches back and put’s her hand through WallStreet’s hair… Becca looks like she might throw up, but instead she decides to dart forwards, looking for a big forearm. Eris ducks out of the way and Becca hits the turnbuckle pad as Mitch Roberts calls for the opening bell and WallStreet hops down off the ring.
Fecca, "What in the world was that all about? Are these two having some kind of a tangid love affair?"
Styles, "I don’t know, why don’t you ask him yourself… He appears to be heading our way."
Fecca, "Joy."
[ In the ring Eris turns Becca around and starts putting the boots to the abdomen and chest area, stomping her down. Meanwhile we can hear a headset being messed with at ringside.
Styles, "Welcome to the ol’ Commentary booth Mr. McCallister."
WallStreet, "Thanks Eddie, but you can just call me WallStreet."
Fecca, "Hey WallStreet, what’s the deal with you Eris? You two an item?"
WallStreet, "First of all Fecca, It’s Mr. McCallister. Secondly, No, we’re not an item, that was Psychology 101. Just screwin with Becca’s head a little."
[ Eris pulls Becca up out of the corner perhaps just as much to continue her offense as to attempt to shut up Mitch Roberts. Eris picks Becca up for a body slam, but Becca wiggles free and slides down her back. Eris turns around and is taken over by an arm drag from Becca. Eris shoots up and comes back at Becca, but is taken over by a second arm drag, this one held through for an arm bar submission hold.
Fecca, "Becca turning the tide with a well placed arm drag into an armbar."
WallStreet, "Yeah, don’t worry about that. Eris is just feelin her out… Heh… That’s kinda hot."
Styles, "GAH-HA!"
[ Becca applies the pressure to the arm as Eris struggles to her feet. Eris reaches out and grabs a fist full of Becca’s hair, snapping her to her back. Eris runs back and bounces off the ropes. As she darts across Becca rolls to her chest… (Ever notice when a Diva rolls to their chest it looks like they’re taking a Cammel Clucth from the invisible man?") Eris jumps over her and Becca pops up (Don’t worry fans, I meant she jumps up, nothing popped). Eris hits the other set of ropes and comes back, only to be taken over with another arm drag/arm bar follow up, drawing another solid reactions from the fans.
Fecca, "And Becca Wipwreck right back to the arm!"
Styles, "McCallister!"
WallStreet, "HUH?! PRESENT COACH! Wait… What?"
Styles, "Fecca called Becca by Wipwreck, I was just telling him it’s McCallister."
WallStreet, "Oh… YEAH BOBBY! Get It Right damn it! … I think I dozed off."
Styles, "Ha-ha! Someone else who think’s Women’s wrestling is a good excuse for a nap."
WallStreet, "Well usually It’s entertaining just for the possibility of a wardrobe malfunction, but there’s nothing in that ring I haven’t seen before."
Fecca, "So then you have had relations with Eris?"
WallStreet, "I didn’t say that…"
Fecca, "But you said…"
WallStreet, "Hey, Who are you, Kenneth Star? Don’t worry about who’s given me head in the Oval office, just shut your mouth and watch the match."
[ Back in the ring Eris fights back to her feet again. This time she breaks out of the arm bar by raking the eyes with her right hand. Becca turns around holding her eyes as Eris grabs a fist full of her hair, draws her back, hooks her in the set up for the reverse DDT, and Delivers a snap, spinning reverse DDT. Eris hooks the far leg but only two.
Fecca, "Impressive move by Eris."
WallStreet, "Of course, She’s under the astute tutelage of yours truly."
Fecca, "Is that the same "astute tutelage" that nearly lost to Shadow tonight."
WallStreet, "You must be under the impression that I won’t beat your ass too… I don’t discriminate between Staff and Wrestlers Bobby, ask your fat retired buddy "Tiny"."
[ Eris gets up and draws Becca up with her. Eris goes for a vertical suplex but Becca blocks and counters with a Small Package. 1, 2, Only two as Eris kicks out. Eris hits the ropes and BAM! Takes Becca down with a clothesline.
Fecca, "Becca coming back briefly with the counter but Eris cuts her off after the kickout with that clothesline."
WallStreet, "She’s got this."
Fecca, "Just like she had the referee so you wouldn’t lose to Shadow?"
WallStreet, "First of all, Shadow deserves all the credit in the world… He stood toe to toe with the absolute best that there is… But at the end of the night he simply was not Good ENOUGH to get the job done with the Corporate Icon. Period. Now keep pushing the subject and this sore neck I have from his lil reverse Just Like That is gonna seem like nothing compared to what you’re gonna feel."
[ Eris delivers an elbow and goes for the cover. 1, 2, Only two. Eris gets up and Becca slowly starts pulling her self up. Eris goes for an Irish whip but Becca reverses. Eris hits the ropes. When she comes back Becca hits her with a stiff kick to the gut and then nails her version of the Stunner.
WallStreet, "Ah Crap…"
Fecca, "You’ll be saying more then that once Becca divorces your ass!"
WallStreet, "Styles, handle my light work."
Styles, "Shut Up Fecca!"
WallStreet, "………… That’s it?"
Styles, "Well I can’t get physical… I hurt him I have to call the rest of the show on my own. I don’t get paid enough to do that."
WallStreet, "Fair enough."
[ Becca covers Eris as Mitch Roberts drops down and counts… ONE…………
[ We hear the headset drop.
Fecca, "Where the Hell’s he goin?!"
[ Just as Mitch is about to hit three WallStreet grabs him by the leg, pulls him out, and decks him with a stiff right hand dropping him hard on the ringside mats.
The crowd boos as Fecca says, "OH COME ON! NOT AGAIN!"
Styles, "YES! I HATE ZEBRAS!... Eh… That’s not a racial slur, I meant Ref’s. Crap. I hope the Johnson’s don’t sue me."
[ WallStreet slides in the ring behind Becca as she get’s up, wondering what the deal is. Becca t urns around and BAM! Kick to the gut! The crowd is booing loudly as he hooks her arms… And then BLAMO! Stock Market Crash.
Fecca, "THIS IS APPALING! Where the Hell is Drew Stevenson! Restraining order or not, This ain’t right!"
Styles, "I Heard he left to record promos so coke addicts could still sleep."
[ WallStreet smirks down at Becca, laying motionless on her back. WallStreet heads out of the ring and lifts Roberts up, paint brushing his face to bring him back around as Eris gets to her knees, holding her neck as she crawls over and hooks Becca’s leg. WallStreet rolls Mitch back in and the fans boo as he holds his head with one hand nad uses the other to count One………………… Two…………………. Three.
The bell sounds as Sabrina announces, "Your Winner… ERISSS!"
[ WallStreet slides back in and Raises Eris’ arm as Eris holds her neck and glares down at Becca. WallStreet offers a sarcastic kiss toward the unconscious Becca before the two victors go off to exit the ring. |
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