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Date Posted:02/13/2009 8:35 PMCopy HTML
[The cameras fade in to the words "PWT Caged Combat - Last Month". The scene immediately cuts to a steel cage lowering over the ring, with a shot of Matt Matlock & Georgia James making their way to the ring.
Sabrina: The following is a 'love me or leave me' match to be contested in a steel cage. The stipulation states that if Georgia wins, Matlock must stay 100 feet away from her. If Matlock wins, Georgia is obligated to stay with him at least one week and then go out on a date with him....
["She Fucking Hates Me" by Puddle of Mudd begins to play, as various clips from the match are shown; Georgia sitting atop the cage with a steel chair; the super-plex from the top that landed Matlock hard on the canvas; Matlock several times groping and kissing Georgia; Matlock giving her a face full of crotch and gyrating in a pinfall attempt; Georgia nearly breaking Matt's ankle with a knee drop onto a chair wrapped around his ankle from the top rope, and then doing a double stomp onto it; Matlock pulling the wrench out of the dozen roses and hitting Georgia with it; Georgia spitting blood into his face; Georgia hitting a moonsault on Matt; and finally Georgia locking in 'Georgia's Song' and then Matt clocking her with a wrench for the three count. The song ends with Matlock walking out of the arena with Georgia in his arms.
[The video clip continues to play with some previously unseen footage from backstage, as nearly the entire PWT roster tries to stand in Matlock's way. However they get out of his way, and Matt walks out of the arena with her in his arms as the scene fades. We cut back to the commentary table with Styles & Fecca.
Styles: Folks that was what took place last month as Matt Matlock & Georgia James engaged in a brutal and perverted contest, which Matlock wound up with the victory in. Due to that, both Matt & Georgia have been absent from Shockwave the past few weeks.
Fecca: From what we understand, due to the clause in the match contract, Matt took Georgia to some undisclosed location. However he allowed her to make a cell phone call to her fiance, and that folks resulted in this match.
[The shot turns a screen with the 'Hardcore Hell' logo and a picture of Matlock & the RHM on opposite sides of the screen.
Fecca: I was speaking to Georgia earlier today and she said Matlock tried putting off the date so he could keep her in his little hideout, but somehow her fiance found them and got her out of there.
Styles: And we can't forget the date between Matlock & Georgia last week folks. It didn't go so well for Matt if you remember But take a look at the Right Hand Man wanting to get a start on this match early! This is unseen footage folks, this is the first time we're airing it.
[Cut to the restaurant where Matlock & Georgia were on their date last week. Georgia is gone after kicking Matt in the nuts. He's got an ice pack on them, when from behind the RHM knocks Matt to the floor. He grabs him by the hair and slams him face first into the table, and shattering the plate in his face. He punches him several times before lifting him and dropping him through the table. RHM continues his vicious assault as various security workers pull him off.
[Cut back to the table now.
Styles: So folks now that the viewers are up to speed, let's go to Sabrina for the introduction to what is now officially a street fight.
Fecca: Hold on....folks, I'm being told the match has already gotten underway in the backstage area! The cameras are back there as we speak...
[And so the scene changes to the back now where Matlock & The RHM are in a brutal slugfest. Neither man is even in wrestling attire; Matlock's in a t-shirt and denims while the RHM is in dress pants and a shirt that's unbuttoned. The two men are sweating, and bleeding from their foreheads and noses already. The hard punches the two are exchanging can be heard throught the Angel Arena. RHM gets an upper hand on Matlock now, and irish whips him into a nearby wall. He charges and splashes him right into the wall. He slams Matt's skull off the wall repeatedly. He lets go as Matlock simply falls to the floor in a bloody heap.
Fecca: Holy shit, these two didn't wait very long did they!
Styles: Folks this isn't wrestling, this isn't entertainment. This is two men having a real, brutal fight here in this arena and this is very very personal.
[The RHM now has a steel chair in hand, which he cracks over Matt's back. Matt shouts in pain as the blood pours over his eyes. He slams it there again, and again, and again. It's obvious he's not interested in a pinfall or a knock out, he just wants to inflict some serious pain on Matt. He swings the chair again but Matt somehow rolls out of the way. RHM goes to swing again but Matlock grabs a handful of dirt off the floor and tosses it into his eyes. Blinded, RHM shouts and drops the chair. Matt tackles him and runs him all the way THROUGH the door of a nearby janitor's closet.
Fecca: These two are out to kill each other!
Styles: I think Hardcore Angel would be proud, don't you think?
[Matlock gets up to his feet and grabs a mop, which he ends up breaking over his opponent's head. He grabs RHM by the hair and screams, as he dunks his head into the soapy water in a nearby bucket. He pulls it out, and then puts him back underwater. He pulls him back out again, as he's nearly choking to death. Matt then looks to a nearby wall and grabs a bottle.
Matlock: Mr. Clean, Mr. Clean!
Fecca: What the hell?
[Matlock unscrews the bottle of Mr. Clean and grabs RHM by the hair, as Matt POURS THE WHOLE BOTTLE IN HIS EYES!
Styles: Do you wanna get in between them?!
[Matlock tosses RHM whos screaming in pain now out onto the floor. He spits on him, and laughs.Just then Matt falls over and we see Georgia James with a lead pipe! She drops it and grabs Matlock now, taking him further into the backstage area. She takes him to the door that says "PWT Women's Locker Room" and shoves him inside. The cameras barely are able to get inside but we can see Matt suddenly surrounded by other PWT divas.
Image: You sick fuck!
Isabell: Perv!
Summer: You wanna treat girls as objects?
Aubrey: Time to pay you sicko!
Matlock: Oh hell...
[In an instant all the females are on him. No one can see what's going on but there's a lot of screaming...mainly from Matlock. It lasts a few minutes but then Matlock is thrown out. He's wet, covered in what looks like soap or moisturizer cream, bleeding even more now, and his shirt is ripped and his pants are just about off. Then Georgia walks over and punts Matlock in the nuts.
GJ: I'll leave my man to finish you off you sick fuck! I have a match to get ready for!
[She walks back into the locker room and then locks the door, as Matt is struggling to pull up his pants and get to his feet.
Fecca: Matlock just got mauled by the divas! Look at him!
Styles: Good god. Maybe I should start thinking about what I say...
[Matlock is up now, barely. He looks around but can't find his opponent. But this changes soon as RHM hits an axe handle to Matt from behind. Matt stumbles as RHM takes him through the back, slamming him off of the wall, punching him and hitting him with broom handles and 2x4's along the way. Matt eventually reaches the parking lot and stumbles through the door and falls to his knees.
Styles: They're in the parking lot now, that's Matt's domain!
Fecca: He's not in any shape to make it his domain though is he?
[Matt tries to pull himself up using a nearby truck. RHM goes to slam Matt's head into it, but Matt manages to block it. RHM tries again as Matt blocks it again. A stiff jab to the jaw and a slam into the side of the truck and RHM is reeling. Matlock goes to the back and rips off the license plate, which we can make out says "SXY STYL"
[Matt bashes the RHM's brains in with the license plate. Matt, covered in blood, soap, sweat and water, grins and slams his opponent's head into the side window. He pulls him around to the back of the truck, opens the tailgate and tosses RHM into the back before getting up himself.
Styles: Guys I just made the payments on that, come on....*sob*
[Matt climbs up onto the cab, signals, and then leaps off with a viscious looking leg drop onto RHM's body. He then takes him and litterally tosses him out of the truck onto the hard pavement.
Fecca: Somebody get out there and stop this, this is enough! This isn't a match it's a fight to the death!
Styles: My truck, my baby...
[As if on cue, we see several members of the PWT & arena security coming towards the scene. Matt's stalking RHM but he sees the goons. They go to seperate them but Matt pulls out his wrench and starts swinging, and punching, as the guards drop like flies after shots with the wrench to the head, torso and legs.
[Matt heads back to RHM now, and slams Wrench into his kneecap.
[He slams it into his knee again.
Fecca: Matlock has completely lost it!
[Matt puts the wrench back into his pocket and walks off. No one can see him now, but RHM is slowly but surely getting to his feet. He's in over his head, this wasn't how things were supposed to go. Just then there's a squeal of tires, and we see headlights. It's the trademark orange pickup truck.
Styles: I hope they both die after what they did!
Fecca: SHUDDAP STYLES! This is more imporant then your fucking truck! Two men's lives are on the line here!
[Matt hits the gas and heads right for RHM. It doesn't seem like RHM is gonna be able to get out of the way and he does. Matlock was going so fast he can't stop and goes crashing into the side of a wall.
Fecca: Oh...my...god...
[The car enging is smoking and the front of it almost crushed. The cameraman rushes over but somehow Matt survived the crash, as he shoves the door open and falls to the concrete. Everyone thinks this is over but Matt gets to his feet, looking even worse then 'worse for wear'. Off in the distance, we can see RHM getting up to his feet.
Styles: They're not gonna stop!
Fecca: These two are insane!
[The two of them run right for one another, and collide with a flurry of rights and lefts just as they did when the match started. They keep going, exchanging punches as they brawl to the edge of the parking lot.
Fecca: These two are heading away from the arena and out into the streets now!
Styles: Kill 'em RH! Teach the bastard not to rip off my lic--
Fecca: Give it a rest!
[The two literally are out in the streets now, on the road leading into the Angel Arena. Matlock lifts up RHM and body slams him onto the concrete. Matlock gets on top of RHM and punches him repeatedly. He punches him about fifteen times, before standing up and lifting RHM up by his hair.
Matlock: Time to finish you off.....what the fuck?!
[Matt turns his head, but it's too late. A car comes driving down the road, obviously unaware of the brawl that's spilled into the streets. He's too close to be able to stop, and in an instant both Matt & RHM go flying across the hood of the car as it collides with them. The two of them lie on the road, motionless. Meanwhile Fecca, Styles & the crowd are watching on the PWT-tron in shock.]
Styles: Oh my god...
Fecca: ...I uh..folks, I don't know what to say here. Both Matlock & the Right Hand Man have just gotten run over by a car. I've gotten words paramedics are on the way to the scene. But...I'm really just speechless folks. This is not fake, these two men just got so obsessed with literally killing one another and they just got run over with a car. ....Folks we have to get on with the show but we will keep you up to date on the condition of these two whenever we hear anything. I...I just.....
Styles: Folks we'll be right back.
[Cut to a promo for the PWT's Sunday Night Shockwave.......Sunday's, only on MSN! |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Hardcore Hell II' (October 2006)
Date Posted:02/13/2009 8:36 PMCopy HTML
[ The cameras cut backstage and Scott Addams is seen walking into the corridor. Standing by is Ken Mitchell, looking to gather an interview.
Ken: Scott, in the past few days we have noticed that as soon as you signed your PWT contract, you have charged yourself right for Raymond Brothers and The Current backyard Champion, Prabhas, as well as the championship. Out of anybody in PWT, out of any title, why these two, and why this title?
Scott: Ken, really it's simple. I came in, but I know that I'm not exactly a big household name, you know. While those that do know me know that I am one of the best athletes that this busines has to offer, I signed to PWT and they seem to know little about me, so I figured I would target teh backyard title for righht now. Sure, I might not exactly be one who is big with the hardcore matches, but this is how I see it. Think of it when guys like Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero and Dean Malenko came into ECW, that is exactly what this is. A technition going into a hardcore environment, an environment that not many think I will belong in, but I am determined to *take* that championship belt, one way or another. I wil get my shot and I will bring more prestigue to that championship than any of these two guys who are nothing more than card openers at best, can or will ever do.
Ken: That's interesting. now you say you're one of the best technitions the business has to offer, but as far as I know, I know nothng about you, nor did i ever hear about you until you signed your contract. So what makes you so special to deserve any sort of championship shot?
Scott: First of all, Ken, watch your damn mouth because I'll slap tat smirk off your face if you're not careful. But what makes me so special? Are you stupid, heh, that's a retorical question, don't answer it. Before signing to PWT, I was under contract of XWA, I was part of a stable that had actually made their name prety known around here. You might know them as teh Art of War. Well over on british television, we bcame the Axis of Evil, and I was part of the team with Bryce Manning, Caleb Stephens, Bryan Williams, Rot, and Drew Stevenson. Jim best fire dus though, too much for him to handle. I was one of teh best the federation had to offer and I made that known. Before that, and even now, I'm on contract with the IRX. And you know what makes me something big around there? First IRX tag team champion, with Xtreme 3:16. I've defeated Sean Hunter two out of the three times we've fought. I competed in the first and only Revolution X Cage, and I eliminated Kowalski using a facebuster from 26 feet in the air, and took him through a table. I face Rot and Bryan Williams in the first and only Elevated Annihilation match, and pushed them to their limits, though I lost.
Ken: So you don'ty really have anything big to show for yourself?
Scott: Shut it, before I know you silly. I pushed Rot and Bryan Williams to the limits. I pushed the entier roster to the limits in The Revolution X cage. I've gone face to face with Bryce Manning, I pushed Drew Stevenson to the limits in our last man standing match, and I am one of IRX' top competitors. What makes me so special is that I have more talent in my pinkey, than just about anybody here in PWT has, or will ever have. Let's face the facts, I'm greatness. And there is nothing anybody else can do about it. And since I have to start from the bottom and work my way up, I'm gonna do it with these two pricks, and show everybody who the hell Scott f*ckin' Addams is.
[ Scott walks off and the camera looks at Ken.
Ken: Well back to you ringside....
[ The camera goes back out at ringside and the interview scene fades out. The fans are taking a break. Some of them are just staring at the ring, watching the crew members cleaning up the ringside while some are discussing the previous match. Things seem to have gone pretty quiet at the moment and the crew members are all done with cleaning up the ringside. The fans anxiously wait to see what's gonna happen next and trust me, none of them were expecting what followed! 'The Final Countdown' by 'Europe' hit the PA and after two seconds of total shock, the fans roared, and roared as loud as the citizens of a country who had just gained independence would, they roared like the fans of a baseball team would when their team would have won the league for the first time in an infinite number of years. Even the commentators can't believe their eyes.
Bob Fecca : Oh my! It's .. it's ..
Eddie Styles : Its Avi 'The Killer. Oh boy, who knew that he would make his return at the pay-per-view!
[ There had been no rumours about the return of this man. No one even surfing the net would have had a slight clue of 'the Killer' returning to the company on this ppv. NO ONE! And as for Avi, well he just loved this. The fans were making all sorts of noises and he had never received this much cheers, not even when he put up the fight of his life against DVD or Christian Michaels. A quarter of a minute had passed and there were no signs of Avi. The roars were slightly slowing down, but still there was enough of them to keep the roof vibrating. The music died out for the second time and the fans were almost quiet in disappointment. The music now hit again and the fans now slightly started to boo, thinking that there was a technical problem in PWT or as if someone was trying to make fun of 'the Killer' by constantly hitting his music.
Eddie Styles : I guess this is just some stupid stuff going on.
Bob Fecca : Where is he!?!
[ But all of a sudden, from the back of the curtain, emerged a man wearing a black shirt, black jeans and a hood. The words 'KILLER' were printed on the chest and the fans got back to their feet and once again started chanting like crazy! The person, presumably Avi walked down the aisle and climbed up the stairs. He made his way through the turnbuckles and spread his arms to a huge ovation from the crowd. Avi got up on the right turnbuckle and did the same thing there. He then came down and asked for a mic. The fans continued chanting like crazy and were not giving him a chance to speak. After sometime, Avi signalled to them to be quiet so that he could speak. As the crowd settled back down, Avi let a deep breath and then gave out a loud scream...
Eddie Styles : I can feel all the excitement in the arena Fecca, what about you!
Bob Fecca : Yeah, 'the Killer' has indeed made a mark by returning in such grand fashion!
[ He threw his head up in the hair, thus compelling his hood to fall back and his face to be revealed. Avi looked at the fans from all the four corners who seemed to be the most happiest persons in the world to him. He smiled at a few fans in the front row and then once again allowed the chants to die down so that he could speak.
Avi : It's been a while since you'll saw Avi 'The Killer', hasn't it?
[ The fans roar ' yeahhh ' as Avi smiles.
Avi : Now I know that many questions will be raised on my sudden exit from PWT more than a month back. Well, I can't exactly tell you what happened but let me just reveal a little bit. Actually somethings in my personal life had fucked up and I had to repair them before the situation became out of control. But the good thing is that I am back and i'm once again going to give all you fans something to feast upon!
[ A descent pop from the crowd.
Avi : Someone asked me 'Avi, what did you miss the most in PWT?' and I said that I missed almost everything. I missed the hardwork shown by each and every superstar of PWT, the passion in every superstar's heart and the enthusiasm of the fans. I missed seeing the hardwork put forward by the management and the determination in the eyes of the superstars. Hell, I missed every single bit of PWT!
[ 'The Killer' gives out a smile.
Avi : Plenty of things have happened in this company since I have left. First of all, Mr David Van Dam won the People's Title and I congratulate him for the win. I do hope that he retains the title today as well.
[ Avi gives out a chuckle.
Avi : There are many other huge matches coming up too as MJ takes on NED and ...
[ The fans give out a loud roar on hearing this.
Avi : Yeah, there indeed are going to be fireworks tonight and I would have loved to be a part of this show. But unfortunately, I won't be able to do that due to the long break I took from the company recently. Anyway, that is something which cannot be changed. Plus it should not be forgotten that with your support and my talent, I could once again be back to where I was before I left, right?
[ There is a huge pop from the fans.
Avi : While I was out of the company, one thought constantly kept me wondering. 'Should I have taken the break?', 'Are personal matters more important than PWT?', 'Shouldn't I go back now itself and give the fans what they deserve?' All this was going on in my mind day in and day out and the worst part was that I could do nothing. But now, when I am all ready to be back, I feel so much more better. It has ofcourse become a cliche these days, saying that you are 100 times better than what you were before and stuff but I mean it. There is a fire burning inside me and I want to achieve whatever I have not in the PWT. I want to make sure that I don't end up by just being known as a former hardcore champion of PWT despite my abilities. I personally believe I have what it takes to accomplish my dreams and I am going to turn them into reality, no matter what the cost is.
[ A determined look can be seen on Avi's face.
Avi : Alright then, I won't take any more time. There is a great show ahead and I hope you'll enjoy it. This is one of the best wrestling companies around and it's just going to get a hell lot better with 'the Killer' getting back in action.
[ Avi gives out a huge roar. He opens his shirt and throws it to the crowd and many people jump to catch it. 'The Killer' then leaves the ring and heads back to the backstage area. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Hardcore Hell II' (October 2006)
Date Posted:02/13/2009 8:37 PMCopy HTML
Fecca: Well folks, it's been a hell of a night thus far. And speaking of that, we still have no word on the condition of Matt Matlock or The Right Hand Man. If you missed it folks, the fight between the two spilled out into the road and they wound up being hit with a car. They're on their way to a nearby medical facility, and we will update you when we hear something.
Styles: As well we've seen Hexus at a bar following a tribute to Hardcore Angel, the debuting Scott Addams announce his intentions for the Backyard Champion, technical difficulties causing the Whysper and Jason caine match not to be broadcast to our viewers at home, and the return of Avi "The Killer"! But now we have....well I'm not what match we have folks.
Fecca: And folks we understand that we'll try an show the Whysper an Jason Caine match next week on Shockwave!
[Cuts to a picture of Sir Owen, Kane 2, & Jay Styles.
Fecca: Well folks this match was scheduled to be Kane 2 & his partner Sir Owen Gyles taking on Jay Styles. However Sir Owen hasn't approved of his partner's backstage attacks, as well as his lack of doing anything to prepare for this match. We witnessed the team implode a few days ago, so quite frankly I'm not sure how this is going to go.
Sabrina: Ladies and gentlemen. The following is now a TAG TEAM MATCH...and is scheduled for one fall!
Fecca: A tag match? This should be good.
["Enter Sandman", by Metallica, starts to play over the PA system. The arena goes pitch black dark, as a red light takes over the darkness, Smoke fills the ramp area.. And a video of Styles starts to play.
Sabrina: Introducing first. He hails from Memphis, Tennesee and weighs 212 pounds....JAY STYLES!
[As the smoke continues to consume the entire ramp.. Jay emerges through the smoke and on the ramp.. On his way down to the ring, Jay ignores the fans and gets a determined look in his eye as he awaits the arrival of his partner and opponents.
Fecca: Well I wonder who Jay's partner is going to be against Kane 2 & Sir Owen.
Styles: Who knows? But no matter who it is, I thin--
[The loud pounding of drums suddenly fills the air, as Freedom Call's "Warriors of Light" begin to play over the speakers.
Hands up high Our warriors of light And carry on a thousand times Our forever lasting ride
Styles: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?!
[The song kicks into full gear now, as we see Sir Owen Gyles ride out onto the stage on his noble steed Moonlight. On the steed with him is Lisa Janetty..
Sabrina: AND....his tag team partner! From Hereforshire, England and weighing in at 220 pounds, and being accompanied to the ring by the "Little Rocker" Lisa Janetty..."The Warrior of Light" SIR OWEN GYLES!
Fecca: Sir Owen has joined the other team! He was scheduled to fight Jay alongside Kane, but now it seems the roles have reversed!
[Sir Owen rides the horse down to the ring, as he & Lisa get off. Lisa stands near the corner as Sir Owen gets into the ring. He & Jay look into each other's eyes.
Styles: Folks these two were supposed to be on opposite sides of the ring, so who knows how they can work together?
[Flames suddenly shoot up from the corners of the ring now, as "Slow Chemical" begins to play. Kane 2 steps out from the back and adjust his glove, as he walks down to the ring.
Sabrina: And their opponents...first, weighing in at 330 pounds, from Death Valley...KANE 2!
[Kane 2 stops at the ring now, as the lights go out and "Graveyard Symphony" begins to play in the arena. A large monstrous figure steps out from behind the curtains now, as Sir Owen & Jay look on unfazed.
Sabrina: And his tag team partner, weighing in at 320 pounds....NIGHTMARE!
[Nightmare looks to walk down the ramp, but Sir Owen & Jay have had enough. Jay Styles tackes Kane 2 to the ground, as Sir Owen runs up to confront Nightmare. The two of them exchange rights and lefts, as Sir Owen irish whips him down towards the ring. Jay gets up now and tosses Kane into the ring now, as the referee calls for the bell.
Styles: And here we go folks!
[Jay & Nightmare take positions in the corner as Sir Owen & Kane start things off. Sir Owen connects with a clothesline to the man he was going to call a partner. Kane 2 immediately gets up though, as Sir Owen lifts him up and drops him with a spinebuster. Sir Owen drops a knee to Kane's head and hooks him up in a surfboard stretch. However Kane doesn't stay down long as he manages to fight out of it. He pushes Sir Owen back and connects with a hard right hand to the throat dropping the noble knight to the ground. He picks Sir Owen up and irish whips him to the ropes. Sir Owen bounces back and gets a face full of boot, dropping him.
Styles: Sir Owen Gyles making his PWT pay per view debut here folks, and in the early going things aren't going too well.
Fecca: Kane 2's buddy Nightmare is in his debut contest as well, and it looks like we're about to see what he can do.
[Indeed, as Kane 2 tags in his partner. The imposing figure of Nightmare steps between the PWT ropes for the first time. He lifts Sir Owen up and hooks him up for a brainbuster. He drops Sir Owen square on his head and floats into a pin attempt. However Jay rushes into the ring and stomps on Nightmare's back before the ref can begin the count. Jay & Nightmare get into a slugfest but the big man gets the better of him and drops him with a neckbreaker. Jay rolls out of the ring holding his neck.
Fecca: And the newcomer Nightmare basically manhandling his two opponents here. What power!
Styles: Things aren't looking good for Styles & Gyles here.
[Sir Owen is struggling to his feet, as Nighmare looks to hook him up for a muscle buster. But Sir Owen manages to get out of it and slides down behind Nightmare's back. Sir Owen connects with a series of punches now, driving Nightmare into the corner. But Kane reaches his hand in and gouges Owen in the eyes. Blinded Sir Owen turns and falls over, reaching for the tag to Jay. But Nightmare grabs his leg and keeps him away from the corner.
Fecca: Good teamwork by the newcomers here, keeping Sir Owen isolated.
Styles: Agreed. They seem to actually know what they're doing, I'm impressed.
[Nightmare lifts Sir Owen up into a suple position and holds him there for at least ten seconds before dropping him. He rolls into a pin attempt again but he only gets a count of two before Sir Owen gets a shoulder up. He tags in Kane, and the two grab Owen by the throat. But before they can do anything Jay comes running into the ring and tackes Nightmare. Kane 2 is temporarily distracted, which allows Sir Owen to blast him in the face and connect with a big time overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Jay rushes back to his corner now, and leans on the ropes with his hands out as the fans are cheering.
Fecca: And listen to this crowd Styles! They're hot to see Jay inside the ring!
Styles: Come on Sir Owen! You can't last much longer in there!
[Sir Owen struggles to his feet but manages to get to the corner and makes the tag as the crowd explodes in cheers! Jay clotheslines Nightmare, and then Kane 2. Nightmare gets up and gets a punch to the jaw, as does Kane. Jay hooks Nightmare up and drops him with a german suplex as he goes rolling out of the ring. Kane 2 then recieves a beautiful looking standing dropkick sending him over the ropes to the floor.
Fecca: And just like that Sir Owen & Jay are back in the game! Jay's on fire!
[Jay is posing inside the ring, but then some chick hops over the barricade and gets onto the apron. She distracts Jay, while on the outside Kane 2 & Nightmare are assaulting Sir Owen.
Fecca: Who the hell is that?
Styles: That's a new signing, some girl named Jessica Hall! Looks like Kane found a replacement for Lisa! And it's working cause Owen's getting whooped!
[Lisa doesn't like this and walks over to the otherside of the ring, and pulls Jessica off the apron. She then slaps her across the face and Lisa points to where Owen's being double teamed. Jessica then pounces on Lisa and the two girls start tearing at another. Jay bounces off the adjacent ropes, leaps onto the opposite ropes and does an Asai Moonsault taking down Sir Owen, Nightmare & Kane!
Fecca: What carnage! Bodes lying everywhere! We have Lisa Janetty & Jessica Hall catfighting in front of us while all four men in this match are sprawled near the entrance ramp!
Styles: I love it! LIsten to the crowd!
[Sir Owen gets to his feet, bleeding from the forehead. But he grabs Kane 2 and tosses him into the ring. He connects with a leg drop and then makes a cover. Kane kicks out, but then Sir Owen is quickly on top of him again as he looks to lock in the move he calls 'The Holy Light' (Bow & Arrow Lock) Nightmare is back inside the ring and goes for Owen, but he's caught partway by Jay Styles who takes him down.
Styles: STYLISH IMPACT! STYLISH IMPACT ON NIGHTMARE! Did you see his head bounce off the canvas?!
Fecca: I certainly did Joey and I think he's out of the equation for the time being!
[Kane 2 reaches the ropes and Sir Owen breaks the submission hold. However he stands up, but doesn't see Sir Owen stalking him. He turns around right into the 'Kingdom Come' (Amityville Horror)!
Styles: Down goes Kane!
Fecca: They ain't done yet! Jay's on the top rope!
[Jay signals to the crowd and leaps off, connecting with the 'Stylea Go Round' (450 Splash). Sir Owen slides in for the cover. ONE...TWO...THREE! "Warriors of Light" hits the speakers now, as the ref raises their hands.
Sabrina: Ladies and gentlemen here are your winners....Jay Styles & Sir Owen Gyles!
[Nightmare is up now near the ramp, as Kane 2 rolls out onto the floor. Lisa gets back into the ring and hugs Sir Owen. The new girl Jessica Hall seems pretty badly beaten up but she joins Kane & Nightmare near the ramp. The three of them stare down down Jay, Owen & Lisa inside the ring.
Fecca: Well Jay & Owen may have won this match but something tells me this issue is far from done folks.
Styles: It may be so, but that match was fantastic! Far beyond expectations. Could this night get any hotter?!
Fecca: I do believe it can, because folks still to come McKnight & Johnson! WallStreet & Flair! People's Title match between DVD & DC! Then the women's title gauntlet! And MJ Storm defends against Nic E Dangerously! Don't move out of your seats! |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Hardcore Hell II' (October 2006)
Date Posted:02/13/2009 8:37 PMCopy HTML
[The scene fades in as we see Raymond Brothers wrapping his hands in tape readying for his big match. The scene than cuts to Prabhas who is walking out of his locker room as their match is up next.
Fecca: This next match is a big one; and lots of talk has built it up to Hardcore Hell II.
Styles: Brothers versus Prabhas; a big match for the veteran and yet another hurdle for the newcomer Champion.
Fecca: Let's go to the ring.
Sabrina: The following contest is scheduled for one falls and is a hardcore match for the PWT Backyard Championship. From Chicago, Illinois, the challenger, Raymond Brothers!
[The lights dim as the crowd quiets; a spotlight lights up the empty entranceway as "Animal I Have Become" begins to play over the PA system. A single steel chair sitting inside of a ring appears on the Tron as we see the words "FLIPSIDE" appear above the chair. Raymond Brothers emerges from the back, raises his hands in the air, and makes his way to the ring. He salutes to the fans, slides into the ring, and leans in the corner ready for his match.
[The crowd cheers and jeers as they are divided on who they want to win this match; either way it will be a great match.
[" Destruction of the Decade" hits the PA system and the crowd goes wild by hearing the music and the camera's shows off the cam towards the entrance ramp and after a few seconds " Prabhas enters the entrance and the camera zooms over him as he makes his way, the crowd cheers for him a lot by chanting " Destruction...Destruction...Destruction". Slowy Cameras zooms out and Prabhas walks through ramp straight towards the ring. Wearing his Wrestling Attire.
Sabrina: From West Side, Chicago, the PWT Backyard Champion, Prabhas!
[Crowds cheers more and chants more. Prabhas then comes to the ring bending the middle rope and goes to the trunbuckles and poses for the fans as they cheers for him and the Music stops playing when he in the middle of the ring after going all the four turnbuckles
[The two walk towards each other in the middle of the ring, look around to the fans, and shake hands.
Fecca: What a sign of respect for each other.
Styles: Get over yourself.
Fecca: Let's just call the damn match.
[The two lock up and try to bring down each other in a show of strength. First, Raymond achieves in getting Prabhas down to one knee, but than he powers back and gets Raymond back down to one knee. Raymond grabs Prabhas in a side headlock, but than Prabhas pushes him into the ropes.
Fecca: These two are matched up fairly well.
Styles: I just want this match over; both of these 'good guys' are boring the crap out of me. Get the tables; get the chairs; hell, go get a damn hockey stick.
Fecca: You are an ass.
[Raymond bounces himself off of the ropes and throws a hard shoulder block as Prabhas, who lands hard onto his back. Raymond sees this as an opening and goes for a quick cover.
[Kickout by Prabhas
Styles: Not even a two-count; Raymond is washed up.
Fecca: I am about this close to nailing you with a chair myself.
[Raymond picks Prabhas up off of the ground, tosses him into the ropes, and goes for a clothesline; but Prabhas ducks, bounces off of the ropes, and nails him with a clothesline of his own allowing Prabhas to try to gain some motion of the match. Prabhas slides outside of the ring, lifts the apron, and pulls out a chair and a table; and slides them both into the ring. Raymond finally gets to his feet and picks up the chair for his own use as Prabhas slides into the ring. Raymond raises the chair to swing at Prabhas, but instead gets a chair to the face thanks to a quick thinking Prabhas and a greatly placed drop kick. Prabhas picks up the chair, and places it on top of Raymond. Prabhas runs across the ring, bounces off of the ropes, and leg drops hard onto the chair driving it into the neck and chest of Raymond.
Styles: There we go!
Fecca: That didn't look good.
[Prabhas throws the chair off of Raymond, and goes for the pin
One.... Two..... T.........
[Kickout by Raymond
Fecca: WOW!
Styles: How the hell did he-
[Prabhas not wasting a second, sets up the table near the corner of the ring. He moves over to Raymond, and picks him up. Raymond throws a few punches at Prabhas, but Prabhas punches back and decides to toss Raymond into the corner. Prabhas nails him with a few good punches and an uppercut. Prabhas climbs the ropes and sits on the turnbuckles still punching away at Raymond.] Fecca: Whatever Prabhas is thinking, it may be a way to end this match....soon!
Styles: This is getting good!
[Prabhas goes to pick Raymond up, but instead Raymond uses his momentum and center of gravity to lift up Prabhas and superplexes him through the table.
Styles: No way...
[Raymond goes for the cover on Prabhas]
One...... Two..... Thr...
[Kickout by Prabhas
[Raymond stands up and begins to yell at the ref and slaps his hands over and over again; meanwhile Prabhas lays there in the reckage of the table still. Raymond pushes the ref out of the way, and grabs a chair to beat on Prabhas some more with. Raymond raises the chair, and swings hard for Prabhas and nails him right on the head; allowing Prabhas to bleed from his head quite alot. Raymond climbs to the top rope, takes a deep breathe, and jumps for Prabhas who is still in the middle of the broken table
Fecca: This is suicide; he is putting his body on the line.
[Prabhas gets his leg up in time and Raymond falls right on top of it, sending him to the mat hard on his back. Prabhas stands up, and tries to get his balance for a middle after such a hard hit to the head from the chair. He slides outside of the ring, and begins to set up another table outside of the ring as Raymond holds his face in pain from the hard shot after jumping from the turnbuckle. Prabhas has the table setup and slides back into the ring and waits in the corner for Raymond to stand up.
Styles: Oh yes, this is going to be great... he is going to spear him through the ropes and hopefully onto the table.
[Raymond gets to his feet as Prabhas runs full force at him, and nails him with a spear sending Raymond hard to the mat.
Styles: Damnit... what the hell is the table for than?
[Prabhas slides out of the ring, and tries to pull Raymond out. He is able to pull Raymonds' lower torso out, but Prabhas somehow grabs the ropes and pulls himself up and stands on the outside of the ring.
Fecca: This doesn't look so good...
Styles: Quit saying that.
[Raymond grabs the chair laying near the inside corner of the ring, but Prabhas grabs is from his hands thanks to Raymond nearly falling off of the edge of the ring. Prabhas swings hard the nails Raymond in the back, allowing for an opening for Prabhas to climb onto the edge of the ring also as he begins to nail some snap jobs on Raymond.
Fecca: This match is sure taking a toll on the both of them.
Styles: I want that damn table involved.
[Prabhas grabs Raymond into a sort of side suplex grapple, but due to such little room on the outside, he is not able to pick up Raymond. Raymond than turns around as Prabhas nails him with a hard uppercut, grabs his head and falls backwards toward the table driving both of them through the table onto the hard concreate
Fecca: DDT... DDT through the table.
Styles: Yesssss!!!
[Raymond is bleeding from his head very profusely also as Prabhas gets to his feet somehow ready to end the job. Prabhas yells "Come on... Get up" to Raymond as he somehows also gets to his feet. Prabhas kicks him hard to the abdomen, grabs the back of his arms, and nails him with the Power-ful Pedigree
Fecca: There is no way Raymond is coming back from this.
[Cover by Prabhas
One... Two.... Three.....
Sabrina: Your winner and STILL PWT Backyard Champion; Prabhas!
Fecca: What a match!
Styles: What an ending!
[Prabhas helps Raymond up to his feet as the two slide back into the ring. They both look around at the wreckage from their match as Raymond hobbles over to the corner near the announcer, and grabs the Backyard Title and a mic. Raymond walks over to Prabhas, and stares at the belt holding in his hand. Prabhas takes a step back knowing with Raymond did to him before, but instead Raymond holds out the belt to the champion and raises his hand.
Raymond: The PWT Backyard Champion... Prabhas.
[Prab..has...Prab...has the crowd chants. The lights dim to a blackish hue and silence breaks through the p/a of the arena. Then a slamming sound is heard on the PWT-tron as the words 'True Innovation' show up. Then the sounds of "Confessions" by Bleed the Dream are heard and smoke begins to fill up at the entrance way and Scott emerges from beind the entrance way. Scott walks down the ramp a little ways and a red pyro shoots up in an X behind Scott, off the side of the ramp.
Scott: Let's cut the gay shit and get down to business. Neither of you deserve that belt, and I am here to take it from you.
[He runs towards the ring and slides in as both Raymond and Prabhas begin to kick him. They both bounce off of the ropes together as he ducks their clothesline. They bounce off the opposite ropes and he knocks both of them hard to the mat with a clotheline of his own. He slides quickly out of the ring, lifts the apron to reveal a Singapore Cane, and rolls back into the ring with it.
Fecca: After the match these two were in, he comes out here and deals some more damange. What a wuss.
[Prabhas stands up first as Scott turns towards him and pulls back on the cane. He swings to nail Prabhas, but instead Raymond pushing Prabhas out of the ring and Raymond gets nailed in the head with the cane causing more and more blood to spill out. Prabhas hits the floor outside of the ring hard as Scott grabs the Backyard Title, gets into Raymonds face, says something, and smashes the belt into his head just for good measure. Scott rolls outside of the ring leaving Raymond out cold inside of the ring and Prabhas outside of the ring.
Fecca: He is walking away with Prabhas' belt.
Styles: Didn't you hear what he said? Prabhas doesn't deserve that.
[Medics rush to the ring as Raymond is out cold. Prabhas climbs back into the ring to make sure that Raymond is ok as the scene fades to black |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Hardcore Hell II' (October 2006)
Date Posted:02/13/2009 8:38 PMCopy HTML
[ A shot of the Titanium Championship is shown hanging above the ring as around it are tables, ladders, and chairs (Oh my!)
[ The screen shifts to see Christian Michaels climbing the top rope with a steel chair and WHAM!
Fecca: I got an idea and it don't look good for Seifer... SOUTHERN CLIMATE!
Styles: Oh my gawd..... Can you believe it.
Fecca: Southern Climate from the top rope onto Seifer and driving the chair into the face of Seifer. Now all he has to do is set that ladder up and climb it.
[ We see another flash and this time Seifer and Christian Michaels are at the top of the ladder. Just like that CM hits Seifer three times in a row with shots of his own sending the champion realing. He then grabs at Seifer but he smashes CM's head into the top of the ladder three straight time and then pulls him up. Lifting him up on his shoulder Seifer gets a bad idea brewing in his head and he's going through with it as he lifts up CM... IMMORTAL INSTINCT.... CRASH! THUD! Both men down and breathing heavily as they gaze up at the arena light fixtures and that Titanium belt that hangs up from the rafters. The crowd chants,"Holy Shit, Holy SHit, Holy Shit."
[ Flashing yet again to see Seifer throwing CM onto the table propped up in the corner with a series of shots to the face he backs up and charges leaping into the air it’s the SEIFER SPLASH! CM slumps down into a sitting position as the shards of broken wood and metal scatter around him.
[ Flash again. Seifer's up as CM has a ladder in his hands. BAM ladder to head. BAM! Another shot this time to the ribcage steel ladder meet ribs. Christian sets the ladder on a vertical base and locks the hinges and then sets up the tables on top of each other. Positioning the ladder near the tables and not even lose to being near the championship belt.
[ CM then takes the second ladder and props it diagonally to the vertical ladder using it as a catwalk as he carries the limb body of Seifer up the ladder. He props Seifer on the top rung of the ladder and then climbs up grabbing Seifer by the head and slamming it into the stop of the ladder busting him open just alittle bit as blood trickles down the face of Seifer. CM positions himself just right and grabs Seifers head Leaping through the air and this is when the world stops. JUST LIKE THAT... JUST LIKE THAT..... JUST LIKE THAT THROUGH TWO TABLES. "HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT."
Styles: JUST LIKE THAT THROUGH THE TABLES.... IT’s FECCA THAT’S SPEECHLESS. My god I’ve never seen anything like that. Seifer is down, CM is down, there is wood and metal everywhere. Christ it looks like these two men have been ran over by a mack truck.
[ Flash. Seifer grabs the catwalk ladder and sets it up from behind the ladder that CM is on. He then sets up the steel chair and then grabs another one outside of the ring and sets it up infront of it. He climbs the ladder and after elbow shots to the lowerback he grabs CM and places him under his arm and leaps towards the steel chairs. REVERSE DTT THROUGH THE CHAIRS. On impact the chairs explode and cave underneath the weight of both men.
[ Final Flash. Seifer reaches the top of the ladder and finally ends the thing with a bang. He grabs the championship belt and yacks it down as "Hate in ya eyes!" takes the airways and Seifer atop the ladder raises the belt high in the air. He smirks blood trickling down his face.
[ Back to reality as the tape fades.
Fecca: That was certainly an awesome match.
Styles: In my opinion it should have been match of the year!
[ The camera from the TV fades back to a locker room, there we see to a solid reaction the 2006 King of PWT and God of Wrestling standing and watching it, shaking his head. The cameras pan further and a huge erruption is heard as we see the 2006 Master of the Domain Seifer standing next to CM with a smirk on his face.
Seifer: That was one hell of a match indeed.
CM: I'm juss glad I don't have ta go through that hell again this year.
Seifer: Yet, you mean.
CM: I meant at this PPV. We'll still have to finish our best outta seven series one day.
Seifer: But of course. Who you facing anyways?
CM: Lazerus in a Texas Death match.
Seifer: Uh that dude from the Bible?
CM: I'unno, doubt it.
[ They both shrug as Seifer extends his hand.
Seifer: Well once again congrats on the GoW.
[ CM nods and shakes his head.
CM: Be careful out there, got a bunch of clones running around!
Seifer: Clones? Wait, NED?
CM: Haha, I meant Kane 2.
Seifer: ...
CM: I'm serious.
Seifer: .......
CM: He's scary man, tougher and crazier than the original!
Seifer: .........
CM: Okay Cross.
Seifer: gdi
CM: Ace.
CM: Aiight now you're yourself.
Seifer throws on a pair of sunglasses.
CM: Those...
Seifer: The ones from the Bloody Baby Strangla we all ran from a year ago? Damn straight.
CM: He returned you know.
Seifer: Kanga ain't want none of me after I kicked his ass in Antartica.
[ He pauses, rather freezes. CM looks at him and waves a hand in front of his face before turning and freezing too, Kane 2 was standing in the door of Christian's locker room.
CM: Now would be a good time to run.
Seifer: Yeah, screw that. We're supposed to be showing foos like this just why we run this joint! Or why you run it, and I did back when I was wrestling. What's up big man? Still pissed I hanged your cousin Undertaker from that forklift eons ago?!
CM: Don't push him man! He's insane!
[ For a moment there was no reaction until Kane 2 started to slowly shake his head side to side in similar fashion Kane did in the 01 Rumble before he kicked some serious ass.
Seifer: CHRIS!
Seifer: Aren't you going to lead me to the back exit of your locker room?
CM: Um, what about all that stuff about showing him who runs this place?
Seifer: Yeah... about that... I don't work here, you do.
CM: Screw that man, it was your idea. And uh, I got some bad news.
Seifer: I'm not really me and you're not really you. We're just made up and are being told what to do by people typing about on a keyboard?
Blink blink.
CM: Riiight. Actually it's just that there is no other exit... and I think he's pissed now.
Seifer: You go that way, I go this way!
[ Indeed he is. Kane 2 starts to come after them as they both split off to the side to get around Kane 2, it was a sacrifice, one of them were going to get caught, but there was no other way! That person happens to be Seifer, Kane 2 lunges and grabs him by the neck, lifting him up and... WHAM! into a chokeslam as CM appears at the door way.
CM: Looks like you jus joined the club, sorry Seif, gotta run!
[ Kane 2 has now shifted his attention to CM and was starting to come after him as he takes off down the hall.
Seifer: Sum bitch.
Fecca: Uh, welcome back to Hardcore Hell, Seifer!
[ Fade to video promo to reveal the location of "Danger-Zone" this year. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Hardcore Hell II' (October 2006)
Date Posted:02/13/2009 8:39 PMCopy HTML
[ We just had an advertisement showcasing that this year the "Danger-Zone" will be the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada. And now that its complete, its time for the next match on the card.
Fecca: Well you know what match we have next Eddie, its the Texas Death Match.
Styles: Oh yeah Bob! Its time for the first "God King" in this business to show Lazerus the error of his ways.
Fecca: In my personal opinion its Michaels that is in error.
Styles: You also think that the women's division is a valuable one.
Fecca: It is!
Styles: Whatever. Those beyotches need ta get those boots off and get back in my kitchen, cause I'm a bit hungry.
[ A video starts on the tron as we hear "King of Kings" by Motorhead start to play. This video comprised of images depicting Christian Michaels in PWT action, shots of his beytrayal of Javen and embrace with NED spliced in....Fans are booing like hell, the lights coming back on to reveal their former hero with his back to them....His arms are outstretched in Jericho-fashion...CM spins round and makes his way down the aisle with a cocky walk....Many fans shouting obscenities as he moves up the steps.....Michaels steps into the ring and calls for those jeers....The music fading away as CM waits for the match to start...
Sabrina: This next match is being fought under "Texas Death Match" rules. This means that anything goes and falls count anywhere in the city limits!
[ The fans cheer at the prospect of CM an Laz fight amongst them, something CM has been promising.
Sabrina: And once there is a pinfall or submission, you have until the count of ten to reach your feet. If you can't then the match is over!
[ The fans cheering even more, ready for this thing to get kicked off.
Sabrina: Introducing first, already in the ring, he is the winner of the "King of PWT" tournament for Two Thousand Six.......he is also the "God of Wrestling" Two Thousand Six......A grand-slam champion here in PWT......The one and only "God King" in the business.......CHRISTIAN MICHAELS!!!!
[ Christian triumphantly raises his hands in the air. This immediatley brings about a chorus of boos from this jam-packed arena.
Sabrina: And his opponent....He is the self-proclaimed "Saviour of the People"......He is....LAZERUS!!!
[ The instrumental version of Kanye West's "Jesus Walks" begins playing over the PA. The Titontron kicks on as we see Lazerus's video begin to play.. after a moment Lazerus comes out from behind the curtain and looks out at all the fans.. he beats his hand against his chest twice and then raises it up in the air before walking down the ramp.. He slides into the ring and gets up on the turnbuckle and beats his hand against his chest once more and raises it in the air again.....Suddenly though the crowd boos as CM charges across the ring. He's looking to get an unfair advantage, but the reaction of the crowd alerts Lazerus. He springs back and surprises CM with a cross body block!
[ Both men race up and its Lazerus beating CM to the punch, literally. He rocks the "God King" back to the ropes before taking an arm and whipping CM across teh ring. Michaels hits the farside ropes and rebounds back. He foils whatever plan Lazerus had with a flying forearm smash a la HBK. And why not further steal from HBK? CM kips up, but when he does, Lazerus has as well and lands a dropkick right to the kisser! Michaels is sent onto his back and he choose to roll out of the ring.
Fecca: Lazerus is out here and taking it to Michaels in the early goings!
Styles: He's getting lucky. Christian's going to figure things out in a minute and get it together.
[ CM gets an earful from some loud fans at ringside as he gathers his thoughts. He waves them off and turns back toward the ring......Just as Lazerus suicide dives between the top an middle ropes! Both men go flying back into the ringside barricade with the force of that move. Frank Mason, the ref for this match, slides out to see if they can continue. Of course they can and slowly get to their feet. CM with a strong right hand to the side of Laz's face. He then takes hold of his opponent's silvery hair and tries to slam Laz's face into the turnpost. However Laz puts his foot up to stop it. He throws an elbow to the gut and then sends CM into the turnpost face first! CM's feet fly out from under him and he lands on his back, holding his forehead. Lazerus then grabs Michaels legs, spins him around to just the right position. Michaels is beggin for him to think again about this, but Lazerus refuse. He falls back and catapults CM face-first into the turnpost again! Once again the sickening thud of a man's skull hitting a metal turnpost can be heard throughout the first few rows.
Fecca: Good lord what a sickening thud...
Styles: I gotta agree, but its only going to get worse from here....
Fecca: Worse than that?
[ Attention switches back to where CM has staggered back to the barricade at ringside. He throws his head back, trying to get the hair out of his face, and blood flies up in the air as well. Ringside fans cringing as Michaels face becomes that proverbial crimson mask.
Styles: Oh damn......That's some wicked juice, but *yes* its gonna get worse.
[ Lazerus smirks and charges at CM. Christian manages to dip his shoulder and backdrops Lazerus over into the front row. Thankfully security had already made those fans move. Now we gets no lawsuits. w00t! Back to the match! CM turns round and throws a wild punch as Laz is getting up. Somehow Lazerus manages to block it. He then takes the back of CM's head and drives his face into the barricade. CM bounces back for that to shake out the cob-webs. At the moment he's shaking cob-webs loose, Laz perches on the barricade and then leaps off with a clothesline! Michaels slamming onto the thin padding as Lazerus rolls through. He looks at CM for an instanta nd then reaches under the ring for a weapon.
Fecca: Uh oh, looks like its time to get some weapons involved.
[ The Saviour of the People raises back up from under the ring and has a kendo stick. Laz winds up waiting for CM to get to his hands and knees. Unfortunately for CM he does just that.....and gets caned right across the back! The Heartthrob yelps and reaches back with his right hand. He quickly tries to crawl away now, but to no avail. CM takes shot after shot as he crawls up the ramp. Finally though CM manages to rolls outta the way of a kendo shot. He moves to his feet with lightning quickness, and shoots forward to bury a knee in the gut of Lazerus. With his opponent doubled over, CM now takes the kendo from him. Laz stands back up, just in time for CM to swings full force at his forehead. The kendo smacking Lazerus across the forehead. He falls onto his back on the stage and CM goes wild with caning him across the abdomen. Lazerus eventually rolling to his stomach, but that only gets him some shots to the back.
Styles: Now this thing is going the right way. Heh heh heh.
[ CM stops with teh repeated shots and stands by Laz's head. As the fan favorite pushes himself up, CM holds the kendo horitzontally and snaps it over the top of Laz's head! Lazerus goes back down and Michaels tosses the broken kendo aside. He takes a handful of hair and leads Lazerus over to teh edge of the stage. CM talks a lil trash before attempting to throw Laz off. But Laz starts fighting for his life! He's throwing right after right. CM is rocking back.....KICK TO THE NADS BY CM!
Fecca: Oh come on Michaels!
[ A smirk from the 2006 God of Wrestling before he springs forward and nails the "You Just Got Whapped" superkick on Lazerus! The fans all gasping as their hero stands straight up.....and then falls back off the stage. He crashes through a group of tables set up down there with some PWT free merchandise samples for between matches. CM stands at the edge of the stage looking down. The fans are booing and he's flips them off. Then he amazes them by going ahead and leaping off with a big splash! The fans don't deny the rightful "Holy Shit" chant. But its not a long one because as CM rolls in the pile of broken tables, he manages to roll back onto Lazerus for a pin. ONE............TWO.............THREE!!!
Fecca: Folks if you're wondering how come Christian Michaels isn't being announced as the winner, its because this match isn't over. He did get the three count, but now Lazerus has a ten count to get to his feet. If he doesn't, then this match will be over.
Styles: Might as well go ahead and stick a fork in the kid then.
[ Michaels manages to get up off Laz and Frank Mason starts the count.
[ No movement
[ Still nothing...
[ Laz is still just as laid out as he was a second ago...
Fecca: What the hell is he doing?
[ CM breaks up the refs count at seven and picks Lazerus up to his feet. CM tells some of the fans over by that barricade that he's about to end this thing the right way. Looks like that way is gonna be a Jus Like Tha-NO! Lazerus manages to somehow turn it and get CM into position for his "Fall From Grace" finisher, which is a reverse death valley driver. He also notices that there's one more table and drives CM through it with the finisher! Michaels is sprawled in the pile of wood as Lazerus pins.....ONE............TWO.............THREE!!!
Styles: Dammit!
Fecca: Michaels now the one with a ten count to answer or its gonna be over!
[ Lazerus gets off the pin and waits as the ref begins the count on CM. It only gets to about four before Michaels manages to push himself to his feet. And before he even knows what in the world has happened, Lazerus has hit a german suplex! CM holds his head an neck briefly before he's pulled up and then hit with another German suplex! He looks to be out of it as Lazerus hits a THIRD German suplex on the FLOOR! Laz bridges for a pin and Fran Mason counts to three with CM barely twitching. And with that pin by Lazerus its now time for the ten count again.
[ CM is sprawled out, face bloody and his eyes rolled back in his head.
[ The fans are counting along....
[ Lazerus is leaning against the nearby fan barricade. He's already being congratulated by fans.
[ Suddenly from beside the stage comes CM's wife, Rhya Michaels. She rushes over to her husband and starts rolling him to his stomach...
[ Rhya slings CM's Left arm over her shoulder and does her best to lift him...
[ She's still trying.......
[ Rhya just about has Christian on his feet.....
[ And he's up! The crowd boos Rhya as she tells them to go Eff themselves. She lets go of CM and he falls back against the barricade.Meanwhile Lazerus decides to go after his opponent as Rhya seems to be leaving....No wait she went and got a couple chairs! Lazerus is totally unsuspecting as Rhya slams one chair into his back! He's dropped to a knee but gets back up. Laz turns around as Rhya is telling him that he doesn't treat her husband like that. She swings again, but Laz catches the chair. But before he can do anything else, he's chop-blocked from behind.
Fecca: Dammit! This match should be over, but thanks to Rhya, Lazerus isn't being announced as the winner right yet.
Styles: He won't be anyways, and further more, Rhya was just helping her husband out. I find that admirable.
[ Back to the match, and Lazerus is getting to his feet, holding his left knee. Standing to his left is Rhya, and to the right CM. Both are armed with their chairs. Husband an wife take aim.......WHAP! The two chairs meet with Lazerus' head called in the middle of the sandwich. But to his credit, Laz only goes down to his knees. He's prolly a lil concussed but he raises a defiant middle finger to the God King. CM laughs.....Lazerus laughs......Rhya laughs just so she isn't the last one not laughin....WHAP! Christian slams his chair down over the top of Lazerus' head!
Fecca: Oh what a vile chair shot!
Styles: Niiiice.
Fecca: He was defenseless!
[ Michaels pulls his chair back and there's a gash in Lazerus' forehead spilling out blood like a faucet had been turned on. Lazerus collapses flat on his back. CM stands over him and then kneels down, wiping his hand over Lazerus' bloody forehead. CM holds his now blood covered hand beside Lazerus' face and tells him how this match is about to be over. He then tells Rhya to open the barricade. She does as asked and CM drags Lazerus over to and then past it. He drags Lazer into the middle of a row of fans and finally makes the pin. ONE...........TWO............THREE!
Styles: WOOOOOO! Thats gotta be it Fecca.
Fecca: I hate this, but I'm going to have to agree Eddie. I don't think that Lazerus can get up after the punishment that he's taken....
[ CM and Rhya move away, arm in arm as the ref starts to count....
[ The fans are beggin for Lazerus to get up.......
Fecca: Dammit!
[ The bell rings and we hear "King of Kings" once again as CM and Rhya stand looking down at a bloodied Lazerus.....amongst the fans....
Sabrina: Here is your winner......CHRISTIAN MICHAELS!!!!
[ Fans are booing as we then fade backstage.... |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Hardcore Hell II' (October 2006)
Date Posted:02/13/2009 8:39 PMCopy HTML
[ Bobby Johnson, his wife Image, and his cousin Brianna come walking into the Angel Arena. They walk down the hall, and turn to head off to their dressing room.
Image: OK Brianna, we’ll hook up after the Pay Per View is over.
Bobby: Yeah because we will be in the mood to celebrate after we retain our straps.
Brianna: You guys know that I am always down for a good party. I’ll see you two later, and good luck to the both of you.
[ They turn and leave her, as she heads to her dressing room. She turns the corner, and notices that the lights are dimmer than usual, but she decides not to pay it any attention. She continues around, and as she approaches her dressing room, she hears something.
[ She looks around to see where the noise is coming from, but doesn’t see anything. She shakes it off, and figures that it is just her imagination playing tricks on her. She grabs the door handle, and as she is turning it, the hallway lights start to flicker. She looks up at them, and before she gets a chance to do anything, that sound from earlier can be heard.
[ She wastes no time in turning the knob to her dressing room open, and darting inside. She locks the door, and turns around, and notices that the lights in her dressing room don’t work. She flicks the light switch up, and down to no avail. She looks inside her gym bag, and brings out a small flashlight that she had. She presses the button, and lets the light shine directly in front of her…that is when she hears a rustling sound in the corner behind her. She swings around, and shines the light in that direction, but sees nothing. There is another sound directly behind her, and when she turns to see what it is, there is nothing. She starts to get a little nervous, and starts to backup to the door. She bumps into something, and when she turns around and shines the light, she comes face to face with a man.
[ The man is revealed to be Jason Voorhees, and Brianna screams, as she backs away from him. She goes around the couch, and Jason goes to follow her. She pushes it in front of him, and he stumbles over it, and she makes a dash for the door, and tries to unlock it. She drops the flashlight, but is still able to unlock the door, and run away. She looks back, and sees Jason taking very long strides, as he is in hot pursuit of her. She goes around the corner, and gets to Bobby and Image’s locker room. She begins to bang on the door, and call out to them, but get no answer. Jason comes around the corner, and she takes off down the to the game room. She runs inside, and to her luck, Kane 2 is inside the room, drinking a soda. She runs up to him, and begs him to help her. He seems confused as to why she would be begging for his help, that is until Jason comes bursting into the room. He places himself between Brianna and Jason, as the two big men come face to face. Kane 2 goes to strike Jason, but his punch is blocked. Jason reaches out, grabs Kane 2 by the neck, and delivers a huge Choke Slam, and drops him on one of the pool tables. By this time, Brianna had already darted out of the room, and Jason looks around for her, shrugs his shoulders, then heads back out the door. ......
....Cutting to Shauna Lane we find her wandering down the side of the rampway with a microphone in her hand. Making her way around the corner, she soon stops in front of Sean Hunter's seat, and Sean who was seen leaning forward lifts his body up just slightly looking up at Shauna.
Sean Hunter: You're blocking my view.
Shauna Lane: But, Mr. Hunter, I wanted to ask you a few questions.
Sean Hunter: You want a few words? Well, there ya go, you just had them.
[And, almost on cue Johnathan Brooks is seen tramping down the metal rampway, like a penguin oddly enough, but nonetheless here he comes pushing Shauna back slightly, and turning back to Sean.
Johnathan Brooks: What did I tell you?
Sean Hunter: Um..I probably wasn't listening, so yeah, carry on chubby.
[Sitting back, crossing his arms with a very arrogant grin that's become trademark with Mr. Hunter he props his head a bit looking up at Brooks.
Johnathan Brooks: You're done! YOU ARE DONE! YOU HEAR ME!?
Sean Hunter: Hold on a second.
[Sean stood up for a moment, and looked in one direction, and then the next with that grin only getting wider. Soon, he poked Brooks belly, and we just hear a grunt from Brooks.
Sean Hunter: Oh, so you're not the Pillsbury Doughboy?
[Shauna's mic caught that, and Brooks had a few emotions, one being embarrassment, and he backed up as he heard the crowd laughing, and laughing. But, soon we focus on Shauna again.
Shauna Lane: Mr. Hunter, can I just get one..
Sean Hunter: Twelve inches.
Shaun Lane: Huh?
Sean Hunter: Seventeen inches.
Shauna Lane: WHA...!?
Shauna Lane: ...that's...impressive, but that's not my question.
Sean Hunter: Oh. Well, ask away dollface.
Shauna Lane: What about Bobby Johnson's challenge?
[Utter silence, only Hunter giving a double blink, and before long he's seen laughing a hearty chuckle until he falls off of his seat pounding his fist against the steel floor, getting back to his seat two minutes later, he looks around, and then leans forward.
Sean Hunter: You were serious?
Shauna Lane: Yes.
Sean Hunter: Oh, well...Sean Hunter vs. Bobby Johnson? Well, let's up the ante since the walking sex joke wants to shut my mouth. Oh, I don't know...let's say, a number one contendership, and add onto that my reinstatement if I win?
Shauna Lane: But, wait...that isn't very fair for Bobby, you get two things if you win, but he only gets one?
Sean Hunter: Okay, okay, um...I'll come to terms with PWT management, and my contract will be terminated. Because, let's face it, if I lose to Bobby Johnson, I wouldn't want to show my face around here anyway.
[He looked around for a minute or two then nodded with a grin sure of himself.
Shauna Lane: But, I wanted to talk to you more about your penis?
Sean Hunter: What are you talking about?
Shauna Lane: You were just..
Sean Hunter: QUIET CHILD! |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Hardcore Hell II' (October 2006)
Date Posted:02/13/2009 8:40 PMCopy HTML
[ Suddenly, the lights suddenly start to flicker neon green, and on the octotron, a movie movie plays, showcasing Tearing Leaps, people getting Torn Apart, and other highlights of the Evolution of Perfection. The crowd starts to get hyped up as "Burn It All" by A Dark Halo begins to blast throughout the arena as smoke engulfs the stage area. The fans are now on their feet, awaiting the arrival of one of, if not the, favorite superstar. Finally, after a few seconds, none other then Tim Torn walks onto the smoke-filled stage. The fans pop as Tim forms a X with his arms, holds them by his sides, then raises them in the air (Ultra Mega Taunt). He grins at the response the crowd gives him.
Sabrina: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, from Newark, Delaware, weighing in at two-hundred and three pound, The Evolution of Perfection, Ultra Mega, The Biohazard, Tim Torn!
[ Tim walks down the ramp and jumps onto the apron. He looks around at the fans as if he were God. He closes his eyes and just listens to the crowd. Tim hops over the tope rope and walks over to and climbs the top-right turnbuckle. He performs his Ultra Mega Taunt, and then jumps off the turnbuckle by backflipping off with a corkscrew effect to it and lands on his feet. He stands in the center of the ring, lowers his head, and performs the crucifix with open palms as the lights return to normal and the music slowly fades.
Styles: Tim is out to prove that the Femme Fatale Championship is a sham. He doesn’t think that there should be one in existence because it demeans women.
Fecca: That is BS and you know it Eddie. This guy is just trying what he thinks is the easy road to a PWT Championship. Image is out to prove to him that the road that he has decided to take, will not be as easy as he thinks.
[ "Some Bodies Gonna Get It", by Three 6 Mafia starts to play over the PA system...
"Somebody gon' get they ass kicked Somebody gon' get their wig split Somebody gon' get they ass kicked Somebody gon' get their wig split Beat 'em up, beat 'em up, break his neck, break his neck Beat 'em up, beat 'em up, break his neck, break his neck Beat 'em up, beat 'em up, break his neck, break his neck Beat 'em up, beat 'em up, break his neck, break his neck"
[ The arena lights go off, all except the one over the ring, and on the rampway. Pink laser lights dance all over the arena, and Image makes her way onto the ramp. She makes her way down the ramp, and halfway down, she starts to run forward and slides in under the ropes. Image goes over to one corner and climbs the turnbuckle. She flexes her left bicep, then gives it a quick kiss. She jumps down and walks to the center of the ring.
Fecca: Image is already in the center of the ring. You are right Eddie, she is as ready for this match as I have ever seen her ready for a match.
Styles: WTF!!!
Fecca: Hey…it sounded right in my mind, it just got messed up on its way out.
[ Tim walks to the center of the ring, and faces Image, as the ref signals for the start of the match. They both stare each other down, waiting for the first person to make a move. Tim flashes Image a smirk, and extends his hand towards her. She looks down at it, looks up at him, back down at the hand, back up at him, then shakes her head no. Tim smiles and continues to extend it, as Image wonders if she should trust him or not. She finally relents, and slowly starts to extend her hand. When she gets close to Tim’s hand, he reaches out, and tries to slap Image across the face, but she was ready for him, and steps back in an effort to duck out of the way. She raises her hand, and strikes him instead, then takes a few steps back, as Tim holds his face, and looks at her, as she points and laughs at him.
Fecca: Tim was up to one of his old tricks, but Image was ready. It is apparent that she has been doing her homework.
Styles: Like I said earlier…this match will not be the cakewalk that he thinks that it is.
[ As Image points and laugh at his expense, Tim charges her. Image side steps him, and gives him a Drop Toe Hold, springs back to her feet, and takes a few steps away from him. He gets back up to his feet, charges her again, only to have Image side step him again, and take him down with another Drop Toe Hold. She gets back up to her feet, gives him a few slaps on the back of the head, then takes some more steps back. The women in the arena love the fact that Image is winning the mind game battle, and show their appreciation.
[ The men don’t appreciate the sentiment, and voice their displeasure.
Fecca: This match has quickly become a battle of the sexes.
Styles: That is what it has always been. Ever since Tim made the challenge. I am not surprised by the crowd reaction.
Tim gets up to his feet, as Image rolls out of the ring. He gives chase, and rolls out after her. She starts to run around the ring, and he takes off after her. She makes a full loop of the ring before she slides back , and as Tim slides in, she starts to give him stomps to his back and neck. He struggles to a knee, and Image spins around, and gives him a Spin Kick to the side of the head, but he raises up his arm, deflects most of the blow, and grabs her leg. He stands up with the leg still secure, but Image countermoves with a Enzuigiri, and releases the leg, as he stumbles to the side.
Fecca: Image knows that she can’t outmuscle Tim, so she has been using her mind, speed, and martial arts skills to her advantage thus far.
Styles: Image is no fool. She knows that she is at a slight disadvantage in this match. It’s the great ones that can overcome those disadvantages, and Image is out to prove that she is one of the great ones.
[ Tim catches his balance by grabbing on to the ropes. Image hangs back, and waits to see what Tim is going to do next. He stands up, and charges her again, but as she sidesteps him, he stops running to avoid the Drop Toe Hold. Image loses her balance, and Tim takes advantage, by grabbing her, and spinning her back towards him. He lifts her up on his shoulder, and drops her with a Coolness Bomb. He gets back up with a cocky smirk on his face, as the women in the arena boo him loudly. The men in the arena show there support, and give him a huge pop, in an effort to drown out the women’s boos. He bends down, and guides Image to her feet. He gives her an Irish Whip into the ropes, and follows it up with a Spine Buster. He gives her repeated stomps to the body before going over to the corner, and making his way up the turnbuckle. He gets his balance, and stands there, as he raises his arms in an up and down motion, in an effort to get the men more involved.
[ Tim leaps off the ropes, and executes a perfect Swanton Bomb, it’s just too bad that he hit nothing but mat, as Image rolls out of the way. Both competitors lay there as the women begin their chant.
[ The men start to boo, but then the women start another chant.
[ The men in the arena take the hint, and sit back down in their seats.
Fecca: Well it looks like the women have won the chant battle this time.
Styles: It just goes to prove the theory that p*ssy is power.
Fecca: Without question it is.
[ Image and Tim start to stir. Image slowly starts to make it to her feet, as well as Tim. They stand up, then immediately lock up with one another. Image is able to grab Tim’s hand, and tries to give an Irish Whip, but he reverses it, and sends her into the ropes instead. He tries to follow it up with a Clothesline, but she ducks under it, and keeps going past him. She leaps up on the ropes, and executes a Springboard Moonsault. Tim turns around, and takes a few steps forward, and Image goes flipping over him. She lands on her feet, and as Tim turns around, she gives him a Mirror Image, and watches as he drops to the mat like a rock. She pounces on top of him, and hooks his leg in a pinning combination. The ref goes down to make the count.
One….Two….Three…pinfall by Image.
[ The women in the arena leap up out of their seats, and explode.
Fecca: And Image has retained her Femme Fatale Championship in a hard fought battle.
Styles: Woman power prevails again….hoo freakin’ ray.
[ The ref holds up Images arm, as he hands her the Femme Fatale Championship. All of a sudden, she is attacked from behind by Tim Torn. He backs her up into the corner, as he lays into her with rights and lefts. She drops her title as she makes that slow slide down to the ground. That is when he starts to stomp a mudhole in her, and walk it dry. He takes his foot, and presses it up against her neck. The ref tries to stop him, but Tim pushes him away, and continues to try and choke the life out of her. As Tim is going berserk on Image, the arena goes dark. Tim stops, turns around, and looks up the ramp, when something belows from the PA System.
Fecca: Wait a minute Eddie, you don’t think that….
Styles: C’mon Bob, he is only a movie legend.
[ Tim looks up the ramp, as a spot light hit’s the entrance, and a large man appears.
Fecca: Oh my God…….it’s Jason Voorhees!!!
Styles: This is just insane. I know that this is the Halloween season and all, but give me a break.
[ The crowd gives Jason a huge pop, as he slowly makes his way to the ring. Tim seems unafraid, and slides out of the ring. He charges Jason, only to get a Big Boot for his troubles. Jason bends down, and picks Tim back up, then wraps his hand around his neck, and drops him with a huge Choke Slam.
Fecca: Jason just choke slammed Tim. Oh my God.
Styles: Tim should have just counted his blessings, and left the match while he still could have.
[ Jason walks past Tim, and heads over to the ring. He grabs the ring ropes, pulls them down to help him step up on the ring, then steps over them. He advances toward Image, who has finally come to, and has stood up. She has a look of horror on her face, as Jason towers over her. He grabs her by the neck, and pulls her close. She tries to resist, but he is too strong for her. The crowd lets out a loud cheer, as Bobby Johnson comes racing down to the ring, and slides in. Jason releases Image, and faces Bobby. He drops the machete, and puts his hand up in the air in an effort to tell Bobby to stop. Bobby stops, as Jason grabs the back of his head, and pulls off the Hockey Mask to reveal that Jason was actually Bobby’s good friend Travis O’Neal.
Fecca: Travis O’Neal decided to get in the Halloween spirit, and show up to the party as Jason.
Styles: I guess that he wanted to get on the show somehow.
[ Bobby, Travis, and Image have a good laugh,
Fecca: Folks, I'm getting word through my head-set that Ric Flair will not be able to attend tonight's show. He was on a promotional tour for the WWE and his flight got cancelled and the soonest he could've been here is Monday morning.
Styles: That blows!
Fecca: But I'm hearing, that we're going to try an have that match two weeks from now Shockwave!
Styles: Right on!
[ Cut to backstage.... |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Hardcore Hell II' (October 2006)
Date Posted:02/13/2009 8:40 PMCopy HTML
... to see Seifer talking to a few of his former co-workers backstage when CM walks by. He calls out to Seifer who turns around and nods.
Seifer: I'll be right back.
[ Walking over, him and CM walk to the other side of the hallway so they can speak quietly.
CM: So uh, I had a question.
Seifer: Shoot.
CM: That stuff you were talkin' about earlier, you know before Kane 2 kinda chokeslammed your ass.
Seifer: Yeah, no help from you.
CM: It was a hit or miss, one of us was gonna get it and I already paid that due. Anyways, about earlier, you think that too? Cause I've had that strange feeling someone was just like, typing out words and actions for me as well for a while now.
Seifer: I was joking.
CM: ...O.
Seifer: Wait... you're serious?
CM: Huh? No...
Seifer: Wanna talk about it?
CM: No.
Seifer: You sure?
[ CM glances around.
CM: It's Kane 2!
[ He takes off as Seifer turns around and doesn't see anyone. He just shakes his head and heads back over to mingle some more as we fade to ringside
Sabrina: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the PWT People's Championship... Introducing first, the challenger..."
[The arena lights lower as the crowd gets on their feet. They know who's about to make his way to the ring. "Survival of the Sickest" by Saliva begins to play, as the lights begin to flash. Pyros shoot off in the PWT arena as Damien by God Collins pushes his way through the entrance curtain and onto the PWT entrance ramp. He stands on stage in his trunks, listenting to the roar of the crowd. He spreads his arms wide as a shower of golden sparks falls around him. He begins to walk down the aisle.
Sabrina: "From Salt Lake City Utah, weiging in tonight at two hundred and forty pounds, The Real Deal Damien Collins!"
[The cheers are defeaning as the challenger to the People's Title slides in the ring and waits on his opponent. DC's music ends. The lights cut completely, which is custom for a lot of entrances. The crowd turns their attention to the ramp as "Cult Personality" by Living Colour begins to play over the public address system. A shower of golden sparks begins to fall as a golden spotlight shines on the stage. Walking through the sparks is David Van Dam and Monica Swhear. They stand in front of the sparks as David Van Dam spreads his arms wide, Monica wraps her arm around his waist and kisses his cheek. David has on his Ric Flair style entrance robe, and the duo begin to walk down the ring aisle.
Sabrina: "Making his way down the ring aisle, being accompanied by Monica Swhear, he hails from Indianapolis, Indiana and weighs in tonight at 230 pounds. He's the most decorated athlete in PWT history, he's one half of the PWT Tag Team Champions, and the reigning PWT People's Champion, "The Main Event" DAVID...VAN...DAM..."
[DVD climbs up the solid steel steps and walks down the apron. He wipes his feet off before steping into the ring. Monica slides under the bottom rope and smiles. DVD takes his robe off as Monica gives him another kiss, sliding out of the ring as the song ends and the lights return to normal. He unstraps the People's Title from around his waist and hands it to referee Mitch Roberts, who takes it over to DC and then holds it up.
Fecca: "What a match this promises to be, Eddie. Last year at Hardcore Hell, these two met for the PWT World Title, in the exact same circumstances. David Van Dam as Champion, Damien Collins as challenger. Last year, Damien Collins scored the victory, could history repeat itself?"
Styles: "I'm not sure, Bob. David Van Dam seems to be on top of his game, more than ever. I think he might be able to defeat Damien Collins this time around."
Fecca: "Well we're about to find out, because there's the opening bell."
[Van Dam and Collins stare at each other, neither man moving. The fans are cheering, but not for Van Dam or for Collins, just cheering at the excitement of seeing this match. The jam-packed Angel Arena is on the edge of their seats as two of the most popular wrestlers in PWT history move towards each other. They don't touch, they just stare at each other, almost eye to eye. They don't say a word, no trash talking, they just merely stare each other down. They nod slowly, knowing it's time. They back away from each other, and begin to clap in rhythm, getting the crowd clapping, getting them ready as they move back towards the center of the ring, and lock up for the first time. They struggle back and forth, as Collins' showcases his strength by pushing the Champion down. Collins smiles and bounces from foot to foot, telling Van Dam to come on. Van Dam gets back to his feet, another lock up, and this time, it's Van Dam who pushes Collins to the mat. Collins is back up, and this time, Van Dam raises his right hand up. Collins meets it, they lock fingers with their right hands... then their left hands... Greco Roman Knuckle Lock as they move chest to chest with their hands locked together. They push against each other, each man working to gain the advantage, but neither man can. The crowd is still roaring, cheering, but sides are beginning to be taken. It's like Hogan versus Warrior from Wrestlemania Six, the crowd doesn't know who to pick with these colossual fan favorites. Collins begins to gain the advantage, pushing Van Dam into a bridge. Van Dam battles back up though, and reverses it, getting Collins down in an arched bridge. Van Dam leaves his feet, and goes to drive his body into the abdomen of Collins, but Collins gets his legs up, and monkey flips Van Dam, but their finger's are still locked as they both get back to their feet. This time, Van Dam quickly pops his hips to bring Collins over with a Belly-to-Belly-Greco-Roman-Suplex.
Fecca: "Neither man is able to gain an advantage early on. They seem to be evenly matched."
Styles: "I agree, Bob. Solid back and forth action, with a focus on wrestling. This one is going to be a classic, maybe the greatest People's Title match in history."
[Van Dam and Collins are both back up, and another lock up. This time, Van Dam gets Collins in a standing side head lock. Van Dam really works it in as Collins reaches up, but there's not hair for him to grab on to, just Van Dam's bald head. Collins moves his hand lower to grab Van Dam's singlet, he pushes him off. Van Dam hits the ropes and comes back, ducking under Collins' leap frog. Van Dam hits the ropes again, and leaps over a flattened Collins, but stops after he leaps, and drops his elbow into the small of the back of Collins. Van Dam quickly gets back to his feet, and drops another elbow to the small of the back of Collins. Collins clutches his lower back and rolls away, actually rolling under the ring ropes to the ground. He holds his lower back, shaking his head. DVD hits the ropes and comes roaring towards the ropes where Collins is. Diving through the middle and top rope, Van Dam looks to be going for a Samoa Joe style flying-forearm, but Collins moves out of the way, and Van Dam crashes into the ring barricade, which in the Angel Arena is like the WWE barricades. Van Dam crashes into it with his left shoulder with a sickening thud.
Fecca: "That could be the difference maker right there. Van Dam went for the big flying forearm, but missed. All Damien has to do is pick Van Dam's shoulder apart, and we could have a new People's Champion."
Styles: "I hate to admit it, Bob, but you just might be right."
[Collins grabs Van Dam by his left arm, and whips him towards the steel ring post. Van Dam hits it, shoulder first, and groans in pain as he tries to grab his arm. Referee Mitch Roberts is being very generous with the count, not wanting to end a People's Title match on a count out, so instead, he demands that Collins brings Van Dam back into the ring, and Collins nods, rolling Van Dam into the ring, Collins drags Van Dam by his left arm towards the steel ring post. Measuring the distance, he pulls back, and slams DVD's arm into the guard post, before rolling into the ring. Collins pulls Van Dam up to his feet and pulls Van Dam's arm back in a hammer lock, before lifting Van Dam up and slams Van Dam back down with a heavy body slam, focusing the impact on Van Dam's left shoulder. Collins hits the ropes and comes back, leaping into the air, he comes down, driving his knee into the shoulder of Van Dam. Van Dam clutches his shoulder in pain as Collins goes for the pin.
[Van Dam gets his shoulder up in the knick of time to break the count. Monica looks worried out side of the ring as she tries to cheer Van Dam back into the match. Collins pulls Van Dam up and hits him with several hard forearms, before Irish Whipping Van Dam across the ring and into the ropes on the other side. Van Dam hits the ropes and comes charging back. He gets caught with a big Damien Collins Dropkick! Van Dam hits the mat as Collins crouches, calling for Van Dam to stand back up. The crowd knows what he's going for, he's going for the DC Drop. Van Dam staggers to his feeet as Collins goes for his finisher. Collins grabs Van Dam's head, and brings him crashing down with the DC Drop. The crowd looks on, cheering as Collins rolls Van Dam over.
[NO! Van Dam kicks out of the DC Drop! The crowd is shocked, and begin to cheer as Collins looks at referee Mitch Roberts in complete disbelief, aruging that it should of been a three. Roberts shakes his head and holds up two fingers. Monica sighs in relief as Van Dam rolls onto his knees, rubbing his shoulder as he stands up, trying to shake some feeling back into his now numb shoulder. Collins charges towards Van Dam, but Van Dam ducks, and manages to raise up, flipping Collins over, and sending him crashing back first on the outside. Collins clutches his back in agony as Van Dam drops to his knees, still trying to clear his head of the cobwebs. Van Dam rolls out of the ring and pulls the still-down Damien Collins up to his feet. DVD locks Collins in a Full Nelson, brings him up, then drives him back first onto his knee. The crowd let's an ohhhh as Van Dam quickly rolls Collins into the ring after the full nelson back breaker. Van Dam whips Collins into the ropes, and catches him with a big tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Collins clutches his lower back as Van Dam quickly locks in a Texas Cloverleaf, leaning back to really put pressure on the lower back of Damien Collins.
Fecca: "Van Dam making a comeback with some very smart wrestling. He's going after that lower back of Collins, really forcing Collins to deal with some serious pain."
[Van Dam keeps the hold locked in as Damien groans, trying to crawl towards the ropes. He manages to get his bottom hand on the rope, and Van Dam quickly releases the hold before grabbing Damien and pulling him to the center of the ring. He sets Damien up like he's going for a Rock Bottom, and lifts Damien up, then drives him down into his knee with another big back breaker. Van Dam doesn't let Damien hit the mat though, as he pulls him back up, and hits him with a big T-bone Suplex. Damien grabs his back, really feeling the pain as Van Dam signals for the end. He pulls Damien up, and lifts him onto his shoulders for a fireman's carry. The fans know what's coming as DVD swings Damien and catches him with a Diamond Cutter, hitting The Last Chance. Van Dam rolls Damien onto his back and makes the cover.
[Mitch Roberts signals for the bell as he takes the People's Title from a ring hand. He hands the People's Title to Van Dam and raises his arm.
Sabrina: "Your winner, and STILL People's Champion... DAVID...VAN...DAM..."
[ DVD celebrates and the announcers recap the show so far... |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Hardcore Hell II' (October 2006)
Date Posted:02/13/2009 8:41 PMCopy HTML
" Darkness consumes us all, from below you it will devour"
[ The scene hits in pure darkness, not a peep can be heard bar the voice. We hear a giggle, and suddenly a candle is flickering allowing us to see half a face. For many their hearts stop, why is Amethyst fucking Jane of all people showing up on video to PWT especially on a pay per view.
"Hello children, I am guessing you want to know what is happening with me, what I have been doing, who I’ve been doing…The answers will be clear soon. There are things being said, deals being made. Some done with the devil, others done with friends. Soon my pets, soon it will all come clear, until then sit tight and enjoy the ride. See you all soon…"
[ The candle flickers a little.
"November will see you gaining answers you all desire for, tune in, I’m not saying when I’m not saying where… It’s all up to you…"
[ With that, the candle flickers out leaving everyone a little more confused then ever, that is until the arena dips into darkness, nothing is said nothing is heard until the sharp start of "Somebody Help Me" begins playing, the crowd doesn’t know how to react, or what to do until a figure walks out unannounced, obviously since Sabrina isn’t saying anything no one knows who this person is or why they are here. They walk slowly towards the ring, their cloaked head hiding their identity to the world. Getting to the end of the ramp the person heads up the stairs and steps through the ropes grabbing the microphone from Sabrina and motions for the music to be cut. They reach into their pocket pulling out a box that distorts their voice raising that and the microphone the mystery person begins to speak.
"Not that long ago I was a part of this company, I was able to do things I never thought would happen so late in my career, my life had fallen to pieces and yet I pushed myself because I never give up. Most think I left to pursue a life, to gather the pieces but that wasn’t it. I left because something wasn’t right in my life; I needed time to relax and to get everything right again. I left to train to get better. The time hath come for the rebirth of life, of everything you could ever imagine going wrong in the world. You see there have been mumblings rumours if you will circulating about one person showing back up, most of you laughed it off thinking she would never return but you are wrong…"
[ They toss the voice thing into the crowd and take off the cloak, we see Amethyst standing there in her custom made cat suit, her long black and red hair falling over her shoulders. Her pale face looks at the camera that has quickly focused in closely to her.
"I am back, and the talks were true. I have come to a deal with not only PWT but BUD as well. Oh yeah ladies and gentlemen, the bitch is back and she will reign supreme once again. I have a loverly contract stating that I can come and go from PWT as I wish, fighting whom I want and there are a few people out there that I want…"
[ She just laughs and shakes her head
"Soon you will all see who I am after, if you are lucky I will show up at Shockwave this week and let you in one more… Until then, enjoy the rest of the night."
[ With that Amethyst drops the microphone and heads to the back leaving the audience in shock at her sudden arrival. |
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- Register:12/01/2008 4:13 PM
Re:PWT Presents 'Hardcore Hell II' (October 2006)
Date Posted:02/13/2009 8:42 PMCopy HTML
We’re at ringside now as Sabrina announces the next match up.
Sabrina, "The following contest is a Hardcore Gaunlet rules match for the number one contendership for the Femme Fatal Championship. The rules of this match state that two people will start out in the ring and every five minutes one more person will come out if a pinfall or submission is not secured by the combatants within the time limits. Falls count anywhere in this match up. Introducing first from Columbus Georgia accompanied by Kane 2, "Lil Rocker" Lisa Janetty."
"Crossing Boarders hits and the crowd is on their feet as Lisa Jannetty comes out. she goes to the right and the fans just going crazy and then she goes to the left and they goes crazy. then she points to the stage and her client Kane 2 appears and she stands in the middle of the ramp with Kane 2 behind her and she points to the sky and pyros shoots out from left to right, then she keeps on walking with Kane 2 behind her and she climbs on the steel steps and she gets in the ring and Kane 2 goes over the top rope and gets into the ring. she poses for the fans she smiles and she tells Kane 2 to get out of the ring and stand at ringside as Lisa Jannetty is ready for her match.
All of a sudden the lights go out in the areana, and "Head for the Barricade" by Limp Bizkit starts to blare on the P.A. system. The crowd turns their attention to the ramp, as Isabell Winters steps out from behind the black curtains. She is met to a loud mixed reaction. Some fans boo and show their disapproval while others give a nice little pop Isabell raises her arms in a taunting fashion at the top of the ramp, and gives a cocky. After this she begins to elegantly walk down the aisle to the ring, with a look of confidence on her face. As she gets farther down the ramp, a few fans reach out their hands to get slapped, in which she goes *out of her way to ignore them. She walks up the steal steps, before stepping through the bottom rope into the ring. She goes to the center of the ring and poses for a bit. Finally she goes to a corner, and stretches delicately, as her music fades to silence as she stares at Lisa eye to eye.
Fecca: The first ever Hardcore Gauntlet match in PWT history is underway and Lisa Jannetty and Isabell Winters drew first.
Styles: Yeah and that means they’ll be elimated earlier on so my Goddess doesn’t have to waste her time on them.
Fecca: You never know Aubrey Baxter could win it or even one of the Lucky Heat girls.
Styles: No I’m certain my Goddess will take it. She’s comeback with a vengeance. Just you wait and see.
Fecca: We’ll see partner we’ll see. I think it is wide open tonight but you never know Georgia’s proved us wrong many times when she’s been counted out or neck and neck with others before. It wouldn’t be surprising to see it again.
Lisa and Izzy Winters lock up. As the timer starts at 5 mins counting down for the next combatant to come out in this match as these two women jockey for position early in the bout. Locked into the collared elbow tie up they struggle as neither one budges as Izzy locks Lisa into a side headlock and wrenches starting this bout off in a more technical manner then you’d see. She wrenches and wrenches as Lisa flails her arms struggling to get free as Izzy quickly Irish whips her off the ropes and nails her with a reverse elbow taking her down to the canvas. She quickly begins to blatantly choke the life out of Lisa squeezing and squeezing and the referee can not do anything about it because this is a hardcore match. After several seconds she lets go of the hold and darts out of the ring as she rummages under the ring looking for weapons to be utilized in this match up as the clock times down to about four minutes in the match. She pulls out a kendo stick and slides back into the ring where she begins to wail on Lisa who has just pulled herself up from the elbow and choke. She hits her in the back and then in the mid-section followed with flooring her as she nails her with the kendo stick over the head knocking her down cracking her across the skull with a lot of velocity.
Fecca: This is one of the most Anticipated matches we’ve had partner and the vibe tonight is eerie.
Styles: You’re right it feels like something is going to happen and with everything going on especially the possibility of Nic E. Dangerously walking out with the PWT Championship this could be a very historic night to say the least.
Fecca: I couldn’t agree with you more partner. And Thee Reigning Goddess will be back in this match up but don’t tell it to Isabell Winters she’s working Lisa Janettey over with the Kendo stick.
Styles: Yeah sure Bobbo. What she needs to do is come out now and clean house. She could save us from having to watch Isabell Winters clean Lisa’s clock with that Kendo stick in my opinion.
Fecca: I won’t go there!
Styles: Cause you know I’m right! That’s why!
Izzy wears her out as Lisa struggles to even defend herself being knocked down with another sick shot from the Kendo Stick. Izzy decides to go to the top rope with the Kendo stick in hand as she looks down at Lisa who is pulling herself up. She leaps into the air and comes crashing down with a wicked clothesline using the Kendo stick right across Lisa’s throat driving her back down as she had just turned around. She taunts Lisa as she stands over her and doesn’t see that Kane 2 has entered the ring and stands right behind her. She slowly turns around as the crowd roars and her eyes get big as she wildly swings the kendo stick nailing nail in various body parts but he doesn’t seem to be phased at all. So Izzy backs up and runs at him only to be kicked in the mush with a vicious big boot. The crowd gives a roar of approval given that they can’t stand Isabell Winters one bit and they begin to tell Kane to chokeslam her. He picks up the Kendo stick and breaks it over his knee with one fatal swoop and then picks up Izzy by the throat and lifts her up and sends her crashing down to the canvas with a vicious chokeslam. There is a pop from the fans as Lisa Jannetty sees her down and just rolls ontop of Izzy and the crowd roars as the referee counts her down.
Eliminated- Isabell Winters
Fecca: I can’t believe it Kane 2 just chokeslammed Isabell Winters straight to Hell. That’s night right.
Styles: I guess he didn’t want to see Lisa get eliminated first.
Fecca: Still doesn’t make it right.
The crowd is going crazy as at 4 mins and 55 seconds Kane 2 has helped elimate Isabell and just like that "Me & U" hits by Cassie and out comes Aubrey Baxter to a respectable roar of approval by the fans. They all cheer for her as the timer restarts at five and counts down as she paces outside the ring once at ringside not wanting to get into the ring with Kane 2 after the vicious chokeslam. She stands outside the ring as Lisa recovers from the Kendo/clothesline shot as Aubrey only gets into the ring after Kane 2 exits it. She slides in behind Lisa and rolls her up into a school girl pin for a two count. The crowd goes wild as she pops back up and immediately takes down Lisa with a running bulldog again for a two count. Lisa fights back and monkey flips her and then hits her with a charges with a Baseball slide dropkick that forces Aubrey out of the ring. After that she barks orders at Kane 2 and he follows them as he grabs Aubrey and drops her across the top of the guard rail. He then picks her up and places her into a bear hug and rubs towards the ringpost and slams her back first into the ringpost. The crowd boos as they like Aubrey and he picks her up and rolls her into the ring after the two power moves and Lisa quickly cover Aubrey.
She kicks out and the crowd goes wild they begin chanting for her as she tries to fight back. Lisa stomps away at her and picks her up and slams her down with a snap suplex. She goes for a cover and Aubrey kicks out and then she fights back after rolling Lisa into a small package for two. She hits her with a couple knife edge chops as the clock continues to roll down to 45 seconds. Aubrey irish whips Lisa into the corner chest first and then runs at her hitting her with a knee to the back. She climbs out the ring and reaches under the ring and begins to grab as many weapons as possible tossing them all into the ring. Cookie sheet, steel chair, fire extinquisher, a tool box, and a stop sign all at her disposal as she climbs back into the ring. The clock ticks down as she grabs the steel chair and slams it right into the back of Lisa whose arms are tied in the ropes and can not get free. She slams the chair into her back a second time and then grabs her legs and yanks her forward slamming her face first into the canvas and then rolling her over as the clock rolls down she makes the cover.
Just as the clock hits 5 seconds as the referee makes the three count and finally Lisa is gone.
Eliminated--- Lisa Janetty.
With that Aubrey pulls herself up as she looks down as the referee rolls Lisa out of the ring she turns around and Kane 2 grabs her by the throat brutalizing her again with a vicious chokeslam that throttles her. She looks up at the lighting in a daze as he then grabs the referee by the throat and chokeslams him down to the canvas in a rage. The crowd is in a frenzy as Kane 2 has just wiped out everyone in sight at that as "Lucky You" by Lost Prophets hits and out comes Lucky Falcon as Kane 2 grabs Lisa Janetty and he carries her in his arms to the back. She gives him a funny look as he walks up the aisle and she sees that Aubrey is down and the referee is down. She knowing that this could be her time to steal an elimination and get closer to being the top contender for the Femme Fatal Championship she shakes the referee some and wakes him up just enough so that he can make the count because she quickly rolls up Aubrey.
NOoooo! Aubrey barely is able to kick out after receiving a crushing blow that was the chokeslam from Kane 2. She is in a bad way no doubt about it as Lucky sees this and begins to work on her with kicks and elbow drops that are vicious and frequent not letting her have any kind of breathing room what so ever. She then grabs Aubrey by the back of the hair and begins to punch her in the face holding her hair. Shot after shot finds it’s mark but to no resistance what so ever from Miss Baxter as the crowd gets behind her as Lucky pulls her up and delivers a vertical suplex and then drags her close to the ropes and leaps off with a leg drop right across the throat. She makes the cover.
Again it is Aubrey showing some resiliency and not staying down in this match after that move she gets upset and she grabs the stop sign that lays in the ring and as Aubrey gets to her hands and knees she lifts it up and slams it down across her back. She puts the sign on the back of her head and then bounces off the ropes and delivers a elbow drop to the sign that hurts her as much as it hurts Aubrey as she knells over her shaking her arm. She quickly rolls her over and makes the cover again hoping that this will put her away.
There is a kick out as Aubrey refuses to go down as she barely shoots her shoulder off the canvas and much to the shagrin of Lucky will not be eliminated and the clock continues to tick away with every moment as Aubrey is pulled up by the air. Out of desperation Aubrey rakes her across the eyes. Stumbling off it is Aubrey who pulls herself up and then clothesline Lucky down and she then picks her up and scoop slams her down. She pounds her chest and then grabs the steel chair and swings connecting nailing her right between the eyes as she falls down hitting her with all her might. Next thing you know she’s making the cover and she gets a long two cound for her troubles.
Fecca: Aubrey refuses to die and I have to say that I have never seen her like this before partner. This is without a doubt the most resilient I’ve ever seen her.
Styles: Championship gold will do that to you it makes you go crazy.
Aubrey sees her opponent down and grabs the same stop sign that was used on her moments ago and she grabs it as she waits for Lucky to pull herself up. She does so and she swings the sign cracking her across the skull. The crowd oohs and aahs at this and she drops the sign after a second shot drops Lucky clean on her rear end. She grabs her by the air and tosses her with the women’s snapmare and then drops an elbow right across the spine. She rolls her own to make the count as the referee gets into position.
Lucky kicks out at the last instance as she looks up and Aubrey makes the cover again.
Another kick out.
Another kick out. This time it forces her to grab the steel chair across the ring and runs at her but she is drop toe holded by Lucky who pulls herself up. Forcing Aubrey to faceplant and hit the canvas face first into the ropes but the chair bounces back up into her face and nails her in the face. She fans back with the whiplash action and you have Lucky who drived her down with a belly to back suplex. She does make the cover one, two, thre--- Aubrey again finds a way to kick out as the clock hits zero and the crowd anticipates just who is going to come out next.
Fecca: This could be it. Thee Reigning Goddess could be back.
Styles: Don’t play with my emotions. Come on Georgia.
"Hot in Here" by Nelly rings out through the crowd jeers as Summer Stratus makes her way to the ring and the crowd is whipped up into a frenzy because they know that with one elimination or five more minutes that this will mean finally Thee Reigning Goddess is back in action. As Summer comes to the ring they chant we want Gee, we want Gee, we want Gee. She tells them to go to hell as she slides into the ring and makes a beeline right to Aubrey as she begins to stomp away at her helping Lucky double team her. She tries to get some breathing room but she’s being double teaming and can’t find any. She is picked up and then hit with a double suplex from the two women. After the move it is Summer who is fresh into the match that makes the cover only to a two count.
Fecca: I don’t know how much lover Aubrey can keep this up with the double team.
Styles: Me either. She needs to just give up get beat down so that my goddess can make her way out.
Fecca: You’re telling her to lay down.
Styles: Why not the sooner she does that the sooner we get to Georgia.
Fecca: You’re amazing.
Styles: Aren’t I..
With that Summer takes her down with a snap suplex and then climbs out of the ring telling Lucky to stay on her as she reaches under the ring and pulls out a table. She slides it into the ring and then she follows as the crowd buzzes in anticipation of what exactly is going to follow. She sets the table on all fours as Lucky holds Aubrey at bay and then she whips her into the corner and then charges at her and goes for a handspring elbow and connections. Aubrey falls forward after the double teaming and it is Lucky who pins her again.
The crowd roars as she kicks out finally at two as there is about three minutes left on the ticker. She rolls to her stomach after taking all of the punishment from the duo this time Lucky and she begins to crawl to the ropes to try and get out of the ring she is stopped by Summer who goes to pick her up. She pulls her up and puts her in her shoulder for what looks to be a powerslam but it is Aubrey who wiggles her way free and shoves Summer forward into her own tag team partner Lucky Falcon. She crashes into her with a shoulder block of sorts and then falls backward and it is Aubrey who pulls herself up and grabs her from behind and nails a reverse ddt. She drapes an arm over her chest now as the referee begins to count her down.
There is a kick out from Summer who is stunned by the reversal from Aubrey Baxter and she sees that Lucky is back up barely and she sees that Aubrey has the edge and she charges as Aubrey goes for another cover but out of the corner of her eyes she her charging and she moves out of the way. Lucky hits her own partner with a elbow drop and looks out shocked as she doesn’t believe that she just hit her partner with an elbow and this allows Aubrey to grab the Stop sign and smash it in her head and then she kicked her in the midsection and bounced off the ropes and hit a bulldog that takes her down. There she rolls her over and makes the cover.
Lucky finds away to kick out. She had her with the element of surprise but it is Lucky who finds away to kick out of the move. There is a roar from the fans as they look on and Aubrey doesn’t waste anytime as she sees that Summer and Aubrey are stirring and she climbs to the top rope and leaps in the air as they stand side by side with and nails them both with a flying double clothesline. The move is what gets the crowd to go crazy as the clock rolls down and the fans actually begin to count as all three of the women are down now.
10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.
"Downfall" by Trust Company hits and out walks Georgia James with a strut as the fans roar their approval. She walks out in Green top that ties around her neck with a white statuette of the Goddess Helena with yellow ray beams shooting out from it, she has on two black gloves, and baggy black leather pants. We all get a closer look and she has a GODDESS platinum belt buckle that she points too with a smirk saying that Thee Goddess is back as she struts down the aisle. The crowd is going crazy as she takes her time to come to the ring as Aubrey looks up at her while Summer and Lucky attempt to recover. There is no time limit as everyone has made their way to the ring and Miss James smirks as she stops Midway down the aisle as Aubrey stands upright but Summer rolls her up and Georgia warms her with a smile but it is to late.
Aubrey wiggles free at the last instance as Summer looks on as Georgia stands at ringside. The fans are chanting her name Georgia, Georgia, Georgia as she paces the ring as Summer pulls herself up and goes to the top rope nearest to Georgia. She climbs it and Georgia sees her ontop of the turnbuckle and climbs it pushing her off and ontop the rope hanging her out to dry. The crowd goes wild as she hits throat first and bounces back and Aubrey standing now catches her with a Shuffle side kick that damn near takes her head off. The crowd pops for this and she doesn’t make the cover as she is caught by Lucky Falcon who drives her down with a Russian Legsweep as she herself is back up now. She goes for the cover and gets a long two count as everyone waits for Miss James to get into the bout as they see her rummaging under the ring for something.
Fecca: The crowd is going wild.
Styles: That’s Cause Thee Reigning Goddess is back and she’s going to show these peons who rules and reigns.
Fecca: She’s taking her sweet time. Just like Georgia to make a big enterance and milk it for all it is worth.
Styles: She wouldn’t do it any other way and she’s got a ladder Bob. I see bad intent in her eyes.
Fecca: This can’t be good.
Styles: Bad for the peons good for Thee Goddess.
Fecca: He’s baaaaaaack.
Georgia slides the Ladder into the ring and gets it behind it and picks it up she sees that Lucky notices her and as she charges Georgia hits her in the face with the Ladder. The crowd pops for this She then slams the ladder down into the mid-section of Lucky not one, not twice, not thrice , but four times in a row. She then picks her up and body slams her down on top of the ladder and then opens it up and places Lucky into the ladder. She then goes to the outside of the ring and slingshots herself with a somersault planca that finds its mark to perfect sandwiching Lucky crashing down as she hurts herself with the move. The crowd roars as she rolls off the ladder and Aubrey sees this as an opening for herself as she rolls Georgia up in a sunset flip.
Georgia kicks out and rolls out of the ring as Aubrey goes after her leaving Lucky and Summer inside of the ring. Summer sees her partner is trapped in the ladder and she goes to help her out of it. When she does she picks her up and without even batting an eyelash clothesline her own tag partner down to the canvas. She grabs her by the head and then picks her up and powerslams her into the ladder and covers.
Fecca: Summer Stratus just betrayed her own partner.
Styles: This is for the right to face Image Johnson and the Femme Fatal Championship my friend.
Fecca: I know but that’s her partner.
Styles: It doesn’t matter.
Georgia is fighting off Aubrey Baxter who found her and attacked her back on the outside as the betrayal was happening in the ring. She grabs her by the waist of her pants and drives an elbow into the small of her back. Georgia grits her teeth in pain as she tries to escape but Aubrey again drops a leg across the back and then places her on the Announce table. She looks like she has bad intent as Styles and Fecca back up getting out of the way. Georgia is pulled back up and Aubrey looks to go in for the kill but Georgia blocks it with a double leg take down and she begins to fire off with rapid fire punches. She pulls her up and locks her into the front facelock and there end just like that she drives her down a DDT that sends them both crashing through the table. As it breaks Georgia looks up and sees that Summer is in the ring and she totally ignores Cassie after pulling herself up and she slides into the ring.
Styles: DDT trough the table and I don’t know if Georgia’s going to quit.
Fecca: I hope she don’t stop now but I know Summer has got something to say about it.
Georgia is cut off by Summer who throws some punches at her as she stands up and they exchange rights and lefts. Georgia blocks her punch and knees her in the mid-section and then Irish whips her into the far turnbuckle. Georgia runs her and hits a clothesline taking her down to the last turnbuckle and then she backs up and hits a dropkick right to the face. The crowd is going wild as she pulls her out of the corner and she makes a cover as the crowd goes crazy.
Summer kicks out as the crowd boos and Georgia doesn’t waste anytime at all and locks in a STF. She’s got the STF locked in tight as the crowd cheers for her and she is not letting go of the hold as Summer reaches for the ropes but there is no rope break in this hardcore match. She grits her teeth shaking her head no as Georgia demands that she give it up. She refuses to give up after being locked in the hold for several seconds and Georgia lets go and then walks across the ring and picks up the ladder she’d brought into play. She stands the ladder upright and then walks over to Summer who surprises her with an inside cradle only to get a two count. Georgia shocked at this hits her with a knee lift and takes her down and then she grabs the stop sign and smashes it across her back. Miss James picks her up and lays her on the table she punches her repeatedly and then she goes and climbs to the top of the ladder as she sees Summer down and she leaps through the air with a moonsault from the top of the ladder. She comes crashing down as she doesn’t see Hope move out of the way at the last instance. The crowd goes wild as Georgia is in a heap, Summer is not even all the way there and no where place near making a cover as she’d crawled away from the table.
Fecca: Georgia just crashed through the table.
Styles: That’s crazy. That’s crazy. I can’t believe that Georgia missed the moonsault.
Fecca: Come on Georgia.
Summer sees Georgia is down as Aubrey crawls into the ring as Summer goes to crawl over to make a cover. She can’t stop her as the referee sees her down and she covers Georgia in what looks like it could mean curtains for her.
Georgia kicks out barely at the very last instance. There is nothing that seems to be able to stop Georgia as she rolls to her side and Aubrey pulls Summer by the air and grabs her. She flings her across the ring with the Women’s Snapmare and goes after her and she runs and clotheslines Summer down. She makes the cover and over gets a two count which allows Georgia enough time to shake off the cobwebs. She stumbles around as Aubrey goes to pull up Summer and she does and grabs her by the head and she is shrugged off and dropkicked down and Summer goes to the top rope and climbs it leaping through the air with a Flying Crossbody it is Summer who lands crashing down across Aubrey who just got up.
Aubrey is able to kick out and Summer back up does not see the steel chair wielding Miss James and Georgia swings the Steel Chair with deadly accuracy and smashes it right across the back of the skull of Summer Stratus. She falls down in a heap and Georgia demands that it is Aubrey who makes the cover and she obliges after Georgia slams the steel chair across the back of her skull for good measure.
Eliminated- Summer Stratus
Georgia tells Aubrey to bring it as she drops the steel chair and dares Miss Baxter to grab it. She smirks as Aubrey steps forward as she steps on the chair shaking her head no telling her she’s going to have to come harder then that and these women exchange blows soon enough. Georgia hits her with a right and a left and whips her into the ropes and goes for a Spinning Heel kick and connects she gets up and then goes to the ropes and springboards herself off with a guiotine springboard legdrop. She goes for the cover.
Georgia smirks as Aubrey shoots her shoulder off the canvas and then she doesn’t stay on her but allows her to get back up. She calls for her to get up and she runs at her with a diving clothesline and she misses and when she turns around it is Aubrey who sets her up for a piledriver and connects. Georgia is taken off guard by the move as Aubrey makes a cover for a very long two count. The crowd is in a frenzy as she gets back up and she pulls up Georgia by the hair and sets up a steel chair she pulls her to the ropes and looks to go for the kill as she swings around and Georgia shrugs her off. She lands on her feet standing before Georgia who stumbles forward and ducks under a clothesline attempt and hits her with a falling neckbreaker. She then sees her down and backs up and hits Aubrey with a Ric Flair style knee drop and then she grabs the ladder. She closes it up and she lays Aubrey ontop of it and springboards herself off the ropes and she connects with a perfect Goddess Gift 2.0. The crowd goes wild this could be it.
There is nothing but a roar as Aubrey kicked out of the crushing Goddess Gift. Georgia enraged picks up the steel chair and smashes it cross the mid-section of Aubrey as she rolls off the ladder she then puts her leg in the steel chair. After dragging her to the ropes the crowd raises to their feet as Georgia sees this as her chance to end it as she climbs to the second rope and then she leaps and comes crashing down with a Pillmanizer the double stomp forces Aubrey to howl in pain as Georgia jumps up and stomps on the chair again and then immediately locks in a Ankle Lock. The crowd goes nuts as Aubrey tries to fight it trying to kick Georgia off but as soon as Georgia grapevines the leg and begins to wrench at the ankle in a great deal of pain it is Miss James who twists and she tears at the ankle and screams for Aubrey to give up. Georgia is not letting go as Aubrey raises her hand and slams it down to the mat tapping out.
Eliminated-Aubrey Baxter.
The crowd erupts as "Downfall" by Trust Company rings out. Georgia lets go of the Ankle Lock and stands up with her hand raised in victory. She smirks as she raises her hand in the air and then she begins to do a Ric Flair like strut and drops to her knees looks up and raises her hands to the heavens. She has a smile on her face as she pulls herself up and bounces right to left brushing her shoulders off. She points to the crowd as celebrates her victory.
Fecca: Georgia’s back and she won the gauntlet she’s running the gauntlet and proving that she is The Femme Fatal fo Femme Fatal’s.
Georgia grins from ear to ear with a smile and climbs out of the ring and struts to the back high fiving the fans winning her return match in a big way. |
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- Register:12/01/2008 4:13 PM
Re:PWT Presents 'Hardcore Hell II' (October 2006)
Date Posted:02/13/2009 8:43 PMCopy HTML
[ The lights in the arena go out as a slight guitar cord, distorted, begins to fill the speaker systems, getting louder and louder. Finally, it reaches it peak and continues on for a moment before finally, pyros explode out of no where and the full tune to 'Its All Over' by Three Days Grace begins to blare over the speaker system. Just as the words to the song begin to seep out, the black curtain is pushed aside and James McKnight steps out onto the stage a sea of fans already on their feet booing their hearts out.
Sabrina: "Introducing, from Orlando Florida, weighing in at 250lbs. He is the MOMENTUM KILLER.......JAMES MCKNIGHT!"
[ James ignores the fans, moving down the ramp slowly, looking at the crowd through his black sunglasses, his trenchcoat moving slightly from his motion. He reaches the cell, and walks inside of it. He climbs up onto the apron quickly and ducking under the top rope, entering the ring quickly. He still doesn’t pose, but does take off his sunglasses and coat. He walks to the back of the ring, handing them off, then leans back on the ropes, turning his attention to the stage as he awaits his opponent.
Fecca: This feud has been going on for the past month or so, and now it is all going to come to a head right now. The Hardcore Hell in a Cell, is a Hell in a Cell wrapped in barbed wire. Inside the cell is a variety of assorted weapons. I wouldn’t want to be in this match. Not by a longshot.
Styles: This match is going to be brutal. I my eyes there will be no winners because they both are going to get hurt regardless of whoever wins or loses.
[ The G.O.A.T., by LL Cool J, starts to play over the P.A. system. Single words start to flash up on the big screen….
[ Various scene from past matches involving Bobby starts to play. Bobby giving Ricky Carter a 450 Splash off the top of a ladder, while Ricky’s laying on a table. Bobby giving Matt Matlock a Bourbon Street Blues™ in The Elimination Chamber. Bobby with a tight Bourbon Street Blues™ on Chris Styles. Bobby giving Demented three straight Killa Kicks™, with the last one knocking the big man over the top ropes. Bobby jumping off the top of the turnbuckle, and giving MJ Storm a Body Splash, while he is laying on the announce table. Bobby giving Luther Aldridge The Greatest Trademark Move Of All Time™. Bobby standing up on the turnbuckle with his arms raised in the air after winning the ICWA’s Royal Rumble 2. Bobby in the middle of the Hell in a Cell over a fallen MJ Storm, as he is holding the PWT Titanium, People’s, and Tag Team Championship’s simultaneously.
Sabrina: And the PWT TITANium champion.....BOBBY JOHNSON!
[ Bobby makes his way out from behind the curtains, and stops on the top of the ramp. He’s wearing a black wrestling singlet with the wide green stripes down the sides of it and the Grim Reaper symbol on the front of it, a black and green The G.O.A.T. pullover jersey, black and green wrestling boots, a black and green fitted The G.O.A.T. baseball cap, and his PWT Titanium Championship fastened around his waist. He gets down in a Shawn Michaels type pose, then stands back up and starts to jump from side to side a lot like Brock Lesnar used to, and the crowd boos him loudly. He stops jumping, and starts to make his way down the ramp. He stops in front of the cell, and looks it up and down before going inside of it. He walks up to the ring, and leaps up onto the rings edge, and then grabs the ropes, and leap frogs over them, and lands inside the ring. He walks over to the far corner, and climbs up the turnbuckle, and flexes his biceps for the crowd, and gets back down, and walks over to the opposite turnbuckle, and repeats his flexing routine. He finally jumps down, and takes the pullover and hat off, and sets them down in the corner. He gives his Title to the referee.
Fecca: The look that Bobby is giving tells me that he is here to take care of business.
Styles: The look that he is giving tells me that he is here to kill James.
Fecca: Well I am sure that the feeling is mutual.
[ The door to the cell is closed, as the ref signals for the start of the match. Bobby, and James circle each other, then lock up. James is able to grab Bobby by the arm, and Irish Whip him into the ropes. He tries to give him a Clothesline when Bobby bounces off of them, but he ducks under the move, bounces off the far ropes, and gives James a Shoulder Block, that sends him to the mat. Bobby runs, and bounces off the ropes again, and as James pops up to his feet, he drops him with another Shoulder Block. Bobby grabs James legs, and lifts them in the air. He spreads them apart, delivers a kick to the groin, and lets his legs go, as James grabs at his crotch, and rolls over on his side. Bobby guides him to his feet, and gives him an Irish Whip into the ropes, and follows it up Stalling Vertical Suplex. He gets back up to his feet, walks over to the ropes, and rolls under them. He looks under the ring apron, and pulls out a couple Steel Chairs, a Ladder, a Lead Pipe, and a Bike Chain. He throws the two Steel chairs into the ring, and wraps the Bike Chain around his right hand, then gets back into the ring, and makes his way over to James. He goes down to pick him back up to his feet, but gets an Eye Poke for his troubles. He drops the Bike Chain, and stumbles backwards, as James slowly makes it back up to his feet, charges forward, and drops Bobby with a Clothesline. He immediately begins to lays boots to Bobby’s body, then looks around, and spots one of the Steel Chairs. He goes over and picks it up, and comes back over, and stalks Bobby. Bobby finally starts to stagger to his feet, only to catch a Steel Chair shot to the back. He stumbles forward, and James lays another chair shot to his back. Bobby stumbles over to the corner, and leans on it. James walks over, raises the chair high above his head, and comes down with all of his might. Bobby is able to avoid the shot, as he slides down to the ground, and the chair hits nothing but ring post. Bobby reaches out, and yanks James’s ankle into the air, which makes him falls backwards, and land on his backside. Bobby rolls out of the ring to regroup. Bobby spots the Lead Pipe, as James gets to his feet, and rolls out of the ring. The two men face each other, and stare each other down, waiting to see who make the first move. James gets sick of standing there first, and takes a swing at Bobby with the Steel Chair. Bobby ducks out of the way, then hits James in the gut with the Lead Pipe, which makes him lean forward. Bobby lays a Lead Pipe shot into James’s back, which sends him to the floor. Bobby proceeds to stomp on James’s body repeatedly. He drops the Lead Pipe, and looks under the ring apron, and pulls out a table. He lifts it up, and props it up to where the barbed wire is helping lean it up against the cell. He walks back over , and lays the boots to James a little more, then guides him to his feet. He goes to give James an Irish Whip into the table, but James reverses it, and knocks Bobby into it as well. The table fails to break, and as Bobby leans back on the table, James delivers a Spear to Bobby’s midsection, which drives them both through it. That move really gets the crowd into it.
Fecca: Wow, these two men will stop at nothing to defeat the other one. Did you see that move Eddie, that could have quite possibly taken both men out.
Styles: These two wasted no time in bringing the weapons into the match, and this will only get worse before it gets better for one of them. That is for sure.
Fecca: I am afraid that you just may be right Eddie.
[ The two men lay inside the mass of broken rubble, and are not moving. The crowd continues to cheer the two men on.
[ Thankfully for Bobby, a piece of the broken table is keeping the barbed wire away from his back. James starts to stir first. He rolls himself off of Bobby, who has blood coming from the back of his head, and staggers to his feet. He grabs Bobby, and tries to guide him to his, but can’t because a piece of Bobby’s Singlet is caught on the barbed wire. He gives it one good tug, and the Singlet breaks away from the barbed wire. The barbed wire caused the strap on the left side of his Singlet to snap in two, and it hangs down on his body, as James guides him up to his , and leads him over to the ring. He rolls him in, then bends down, and looks up under the ring. He pulls out a table, then looks back under, and pulls out another one. He takes the ladder that Bobby had pulled out from under the ring apron earlier, and slides it into the ring. He then lifts the first table into the ring, then lifts the second one into the ring as well. He slides in, walks over to Bobby, and stomps him in the mid section a few times. He goes over, and sets up both tables. He goes back over to Bobby, guides him up to his feet, then Irish Whips him into the ropes. He goes for another Clothesline, but Bobby ducks up under it, grabs James by the neck, and gives him a Neck Breaker. They lay there motionless, as the crowd starts to get into the match again.
[ Bobby feeds off of the crowd reaction, and starts to slowly get to his feet. James comes to, and begins to get to his feet as well. When they finally stand back up, Bobby gives James a kick to the gut, which makes James bend forward. He then runs back, bounces off the ropes, and gives James a Running Axe Kick to the back of the head. James hit’s the mat stomach first. Bobby bounces off the ropes again, and delivers a Leg Drop to James’s back, which makes him roll over to his side. Bobby gets to his feet, and looks around the ring. He spots the Bike Chain that he had earlier, and walks over and picks it up. H wraps it around his hand, as he walks back over to James, and gets on top of him, as he starts to punch him in the face with the Bike Chain that was wrapped around his fist.
Fecca: Bobby is beating him with that Bike Chain, and is showing him no mercy.
Styles: What would you expect Bob. If someone put your wife through a table, wouldn’t you want to do the same thing?
Fecca: Point taken Eddie.
[ Bobby whaps James in the head with the Bike Chain a few times, and draws blood in the process. He gets up, and helps James to his feet. He guides him over to the tables that are set up, and lays him across them. He goes and gets the other Steel Chair that was laying in the ring, and places it on top of James. He walks over, and picks up the ladder that James had brought into the ring, and sets it up. He notices that James is starting to stir, and makes his way over to him. He takes the Bike Chain, and whaps James across the head a few more times to send him back to dream street. Bobby lets the Bike Chain fall to the floor, as he turns around, and makes his way up the ladder. He gets to the top of it, and stands up, and tries to get his balance. The crowd is going wild, as he finally gets his bearings about him.
[ He leaps off the ladder, and executes a Crescent City Connection (450 Splash), and sends him and James crashing through the tables. The roof damn near comes off the Angel arena, as the crowd explodes.
Fecca: That was just insane, there is just no other way to put it.
Styles: I heard of going on all for the Pay Per View, but give me a break. He could have just seriously injured the both of them.
[ They both lay there motionless, but seeing as how bobby has landed on top of James, and has not rolled off, the ref goes down for the count. One….Two….Thr…kick out by James.
Fecca: Oh my God……James just kicked out. That is just unbelievable. There is no way that he should have survived that move…no freaking way.
Styles: There’s a title on the line Bob, and James wants it just as bad as Bobby wants to keep it.
Fecca: Neither of these men are going to give up until one of them can’t get up anymore.
Styles: By the looks of it, neither one of them will be able to get up now.
[ The crowd is going crazy, as the two men lay in the broken piles of wood. Bobby starts to stir, and rolls off of James. James pushes the Steel Chair off of himself, and rolls over on his back. Bobby gets up to one knee, and James does the same. They both look at each other, as Bobby gets up to his feet, and advances towards James. Without warning, James thrusts the Steel Chair that was next to him in an upwards motion, and hits Bobby in the chest with it, which makes Bobby stumble backwards. He gets to his feet, and brings the chair over, then comes down with all of his might. The chair shot gets Bobby right on the top of the head, and he stands there motionless for a few seconds, before going down to his knees. James raises the chair above his head once again, and comes down across Bobby head once more. Bobby drops to the mat like a rock, and winds up on his stomach. James turns him over, lays the Steel Chair on his chest, and goes over to the corner. He climbs the turnbuckle, leaps off, and executes The Eliminator (Shooting Star Leg Press). By this time, the crowd is cheering both men’s every move because they have been putting their bodies on the line, and the crowd is showing their appreciation. James knocks the chair off of Bobby, then goes for the pin. The ref gets down to make the count. One….Two….Thr…kick out by Bobby.
Fecca: Can you believe it, Bobby just kicked out of James pin attempt. I was sure that this match was over.
Styles: James may be a tough son of a gun, but Bobby has just proven without a shadow of a doubt that he is one of the toughest son of a guns out there bar none.
Fecca: After what we have witnessed today Eddie, I am a firm believer in the talents, as well as the intestinal fortitude of both of these guys.
[ James looks at the ref with a look of utter disbelief on his face. He stands back up, and slaps his hands three times in an effort to tell the ref that he think that he counted to slow. The ref tells him to be quiet, and get back to the match. James hurls a few obscenities at him, and does just that. He bends down, and guides Bobby to his feet, and gives him an Irish Whip into the ropes, and follows it up with a Power Slam. James gets back up to his feet, and heads out of the ring. He looks up under the ring, and pulls out a pair of handcuffs.
Fecca: Uh oh. This doesn’t look good for Bobby. If James puts those cuffs on him, he will have Bobby at his mercy. There won’t be a thing that Bobby could do to stop James.
Styles: I have to admit that this looks like the end of the TITANium title reign of the greatest TITANium Champion in PWT. It’s been a long ride, and he has broken a lot of records along the way. A definite future PWT Walk of Famer without question.
[ James gets back into the ring, and goes over to Bobby, and kneels down in front of him. He puts one of the handcuffs on his left wrist, then goes to put the other cuff on the right one. Before he can do it, Bobby comes to life, and delivers a shot to the throat of James, who grabs it, as he gags. Bobby gets up to one knee, takes the open cuff, and puts it on James right wrist. He takes his left arm, puts it over James head, and uses James own arm, to put him in a modified Bourbon Street Blues. Bobby knocks James over, and wraps his legs around his body, as he takes his arm, and yanks on his own arm, to put more pressure on the move. The ref asks James if he wants to give up, and James refuses. Bobby takes the arm that is cuffed to James’s arm, and wraps it around James’s neck to where both his arm, and James’s arm is choking him out. He uses his free arm to push on James’s elbow, to add even more pressure to the move. The crowd sees what is going on, and starts to chant.
Fecca: James is in a precarious situation, and things are looking pretty grim for him.
Styles: He is still not giving up, and win or lose, he has proved that he is no quitter.
[ James face has turned to a dark shade of red by now, and his eyes look like they are bulged out. He seems to have stopped struggling, and the ref lifts up his arm, releases it, and lets it fall back to the mat. He picks it up again, lets it go, only to get the same result. He does it a third time, and when it falls back to the mat, he jumps up, and signals for the bell.
Sabrina: And your winner by submission, and still PWT TITANium Champion….BOBBY JOHNSON!!!
[ Bobby lets go of the move. The ref checks James, and finds the handcuff key in his wrestling boot. He unlocks the cuffs, as Bobby rolls away from them, and stagger to his feet. The ref hands him his PWT TITANium Championship, and he holds it in the air, then drops back down to a knee because he is so weak.
Fecca: This is a match that will be talked about for a very long time to come. These guys went balls out from the first bell, until the last one.
Styles: In the end, the better man won.
Fecca: The better man survived is more like it.
Styles: They will be feeling this match for weeks, and that’s a Eddie Styles guarantee.
[ Bobby has made his way out of the ring, and is limping back up the ramp, Bobby Johnson is at the top of the ramp, he holds the title high in the air celebrating his latest victory over James McKnight, but from behide comes David Baumann. Elbow to the back of the head of Bobby by David. Bobby's head goes forward and into his own title and knocks Bobby even more then the elbow could have. Bobby falls backwards into the arms of David, but not to hold back David hits Bobby with a knee to the back of the head. Bobby falls forward and hits his head on the steel. David picks Bobby up and a kick to the midsection, double underhooks the arm and "Welcome to Naptown". Baumann stands over Bobby, as Bobby rolls holding his back, and David can be heard...
"You remember me. You remember back in UWA. You remember when you tried to kill me. Well Bobby, I am done being your friend, I am done standing next to you, Bobby I want my rematch. Bobby, I want YOU! Bobby, watch your back because until you answer me, until I get what I want, I am going to be coming!"
[ Baumann stands straight up and cockly smiles, has he posses over the fallen body of Bobby Johnson. Video for the main event. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Hardcore Hell II' (October 2006)
Date Posted:02/13/2009 8:44 PMCopy HTML
[ A video recapping the madness of this week ends with the following...

[ Suddenly though there's a commotion at ringside, in the front row. The cameras pan over that way as the man behind FWA (Fans Wrestling Alliance) Caiden Reeves is seen with two people making his way to the three seats that have been empty all night. The first person following behind him is 2005 God(dess) of Wrestling and FWA's current Heavyweight Champion(ess). Behind her is David Johnson, the FWA champion prior to Izzy. The three then take their seats. All have popcorn and drinks in their hands. They each put one of the items down to wave at the camera.
Styles: I'm telling ya Bob, I have a really bad feeling about tonight. I just sense that something not quite right is gonna happen.
Fecca: You think that Caiden and his people are going to be involved in this match somehow?
Styles: I don't know Bob.....I just know whatever happens is gonna be bad....
[ And with that its time to get this main event started. The fans are buzzing about after getting back to their seats with their drinks and food items.They're waiting for one of the combatants in the upcoming contest when 'Firefly' by Breaking Benjamin begins to blare over the pa system and the words to the opening verse is seen on the titantron:
You my friend You're a lot like them But I cut your line And you know I did Now I'm lost in you Like I always do And I'd die to win 'Cause I'm born to lose
[ The lights begin to flicker red and orange as we see some red smoke appear on the stage as it lingers there. The black curtain flicks open as the words And I'd die to win are heard, and appearing on the stage is M.J. Storm, followed closely by his girlfriend and manager, Cassie. The titantron then shows M.J. being betrayed by his tag team partner and manager at King of PWT. It also shows him putting down various opponents with the Storm Chaser Slam. Finishing off with his victory over Matt Matlock and Georgia James for the PWT Heavyweight Championship. He begins to walk down the entrance ramp with Cassie, and we then hear Sabrina speak.
Sabrina: Making his way to the ring, accompanied by Cassie, from Madison, Wisconsin, weighing in at two hundred and fifty-six pounds, he is the PWT Heavyweight Champion and One-half of the PWT Tag Team Champions, "The Psychotic Superstar" M.J. Storm!!!!!!!!
[ M.J. finishes walking down the ramp, and slides into the ring. While Cassie climbs up the steel steps and gets into the ring. He hops up his feet and walks over to a set of ropes, and jumps on them, bouncing, while Cassie poses next to him. He then hops down and turns to Cassie, and hands her his leather trenchcoat along with his championship belts and she exits the ring as M.J. gets ready for his match.
Fecca: This is one of the few times that you'll see the champion made to come out first ladies and gentlemen.
Styles: And thats because he's just not as big a name as Nic E Dangerously.
Fecca: Maybe in San Antonio Eddie, but I believe here MJ is the bigger name.
Styles: Where's his years long reign as the *true* PWT champion?
[ Fecca has no answer for that one. But who needs an answer as "King Nothing" rumbles across the speakers? A woman's voice repeats "Danger... danger... danger..." over and over.... Red and white strobes flare across the rampway, and the song kicks in just after the woman says "You have just entered... the dangerzone!", at the chorus, and Nic E Dangerously walks out on stage, with arms extended parallel to the floor, and he spins as he walks down to the ramp..... Once he hits the ring, he walks up the steps, holding the top rope with his left hand, as his right arm extends up, with a fist..... He turns to the ring and enters.
Sabrina: And his opponent, from San Antonio Texas......He stands six foot two inches tall, and weighs two hundred an sixty pounds.....He is recognized as the longest reigning PWT Heavyweight champion of all-time!......The last and longest reigning *ACTIVE* ICWA Heavyweight champion!......NIC.....E.....DANGEROUSLY!!!
[ The crowd boos loudly as NED holds his arms up. But he could really give a crap less what these people say as he walks over to Sabrina. PWT's ring announcer cowering somewhat in fear. MJ goes to make a move, but NED just wanted the mic. When he takes it, Sabrina quickly scurries out of the ring. NED taps the mic to make sure its on.
NED: Hey, you, the bimbo that MJ's porking.....Yeah you! Give that pathetic piece of crap his title back....
[ Cassie looks unsure of what she should do...
[ She jumps and scrambles up the steps and hands the title back to MJ. Storm raising his eyebrow, wondering what Dangerously's game is.
NED: MJ, I'm going to give you this one chance to save yourself the ability to walk, and chew solid foods tommorrow morning. And all you have to achieve this, is kneel before me and hand me back what is rightfully mine anyways.
[ Right away the fans are booing this idea like crazy.
NED: Don't listen to these people MJ. Just like they're not gonna care about that scrub Chris took care of earlier, these people won't care about you tommorrow morning. They won't care if your career is over in an instant....
[ Now a chant rings out of "Just Say NO!"
NED: Save yourself the pain and suffering......Become the Superchyle of Two Thousand Six.
{ MJ appears to be thinking it over, looking to the fans for their thoughts.
Styles: As much as I hate to say it Bob, thats not such a bad idea.
Fecca: How could you suggest such a thing!?
Styles: Well hey, Chyle did it five years ago and it allowed his career to continue up until last year when he faded away.
Fecca: Thats just not good enough for me! MJ Storm has worked his ass off for the chance to be the PWT heavyweight champion. He deserves to get a chance to defend that title with some dignity!
[ Styles snickers. As for MJ, he seems to have come to his decision. And its obviously not the fan favorite as he walks up to NED, center of the ring, and kneels down. Fans are nearly having a *TRUE* riot as MJ lowers his head and raises the belt up towards NED.
Styles: Holy crap! MJ does have a brain!
[ Dangerously graciously accepts the title....
Fecca: Someone get out here and stop this horse-shit!
[ .....turns toward the fans and holds the title up high.....
Styles: I'm....I'm speechless...
[ Suddenly MJ makes a move, perhaps for a spear as Dangerously turns back around, but its met with the title smashing right into MJ's face!!! The fans are at a fever-pitch as MJ is laid flat out on his back. NED, still holding the title, drops down into a non-chalant pin. He even lays the title over his shoulder as the bells rings for this match to officially get underway. Referee Jim Richards reluctantly drops down to the mat with no choice.....ONE................TWO..................THR-NO! MJ shoots his right arm and shoulder off the mat! He hooks his arm under NED's and rolls him over into what looks like the finish of a crucifix pin! ONE.......TWO.......THR-NO! NED just manages to slip out of the pin!
Fecca: Dammit! MJ nearly upset that cocky son of a bitch!
Styles: Look, I'm not exactly thrilled that W2K could get control of our title.....but shouldn't our ref at least try an be fair?
[ NED gets to his feet quicker than MJ, thrusting his foot into the side of the champion's face! The force of the kick knocks MJ onto his back. NED capitalizes quickly by putting a foot on MJ's throat and choking him, pulling on the top rope for leverage. Richards gets to four on his five count. NED then goes right back to the same choke, again breaking on four. Richards gives NED a warning about the chokes. Dangerously mouthes off "Whatever", and lifts MJ to his feet. NED backs him to the ropes and gives a couple knife-edge chops. The fans though are pissed and refuse to "WOOOO" like they're supposed. NED then takes an arm and whips MJ across the ring. Storm hits the farside ropes and comes back on the rebound. Dangerously has stayed by the ropes and as MJ comes closer, falls to his back and pulls down the top rope. Storm tumbles right over to the outside. Cassie comes over to check on her man, but quickly moves away as NED hops out. He takes a handful of MJ's long hair, leading him to th steel steps, and slams the champion's face into the steps! MJ pops up, staggering......until Neddy just drop toe holds him back down for another face-plant on the steps. The ref at eight on his ten count before NED rolls in and back out to break it up.
Styles: Dangerously is really dominating the champion here in the early goings Bob.
Fecca: What the hell do you expect? He started the match by blasting MJ in the face with his own damned title!
[ NED takes another handful of MJ's hair and leads him to the announcer's table. MJ eats wood a couple times before NED finally just shoves him up onto the table. Fecca an Styles scatter away, as does Sabrina. NED using Sabrina's empty chair to step up onto the table. MJ gets up to his knees, but NED is right there to pound his fist into Storm's forehead a couple times. MJ is kinda limp as NED bring him to his feet.....and then he gets MJ on his shoulders and its a Samoan Drop through the table! The table explodes into hundreds of splinters as the fans chant "Holy Shit! Holy Shit!". Richards stops his ten count and comes out to check on both men
Fecca: MY GAWD! Nic E Dangerously just drove himself and MJ Storm through our announce table with a Samoan Drop!
Styles: And its not even ten minutes into the match yet!
[ And the ref is still checkin on both men. It takes a couple minutes, but the both begin to stir. Neither man wants any medical attention so the match continues. NED is the first up and he pulls MJ into position for a ddt. The fans booing him as he taunts them about it. NED then looks to hit his ddt, but he's instead lifted into the air and then brung face down in a one-man flapjack! NED collides hard with the thin padding. He immediately pops up and holds his chest an stomach.
Fecca: Yes! Fight for this match MJ.......Fight for your respect......Most of all fight for PWT!!!
[ MJ slowly rolls to his hands an knees, finally pushing to his feet and heading for the ring. With one man back inside, Richards heads in and starts the ten count. NED rolling in at six. Both men to their feet and meet in the center of the ring. They're throwing haymakers, both wanting to knock the other flat out. NED throws a punch, staggers MJ........MJ throws a punch, staggers NED........MJ catches the next one and whips NED into a corner. Storms lines up in the corner diagonally across from NED. He then pumps himself up and charges across, leaping into the air like he's Stinger of something.....NED spins out of the corner and MJ meets the turnbuckle face to pad! He pops back out of the corner, directly into a waist-lock by NED that leads into a belly to back suplex! MJ lets out an "oof" as he hits the mat. NED moves into a cover. ONE..........TWO........WTF!? NED grabs MJ's left arm and pulls his shoulder off the mat. Jim Richards asking NED what the big idea is. NED waves for Sabrina to bring him a mic. She hands one in and he looks down at MJ before calling for the belt to be brung in as well. Richards voices his disapporval but he's told ta get lost.
NED: Now, MJ! You're going to hand me this title and tell me that you quit!
[ NED thrusts the title into MJ's chest hard. Storm opens his hands and catches the PWT Heavyweight title as it falls. He stares at it for a moment, hearing the fans booing at the thought that he'll hand it over for real. But he suddenly drops it, and with incredible speed, rises to his feet and grabs NED! MJ then spins and obliterates NED's back with a spinebuster that would make ole Double A proud! The fans exploding from their seats in cheers! Richards is busy handing the title and mic back out to Sabrina as MJ moves into pinning position. The ref turns and finally see's the pin.....ONE.......TWO......Kickout by Dangerously! The crowd "Aww"s and then boos the ref for the time he wasted.
Fecca: Damn, had Richards been in position right there this match could be over!
Styles: Hey, he had to do his job Bob. No need to get hostile with him.
[ MJ tells Richards that it shoulda been a three. The ref apologizes, saying he had to do his job. Storms shakes his head in frustration and gets to his feet. He takes NED up and then drops him with a scoop-slam. This normally pretty ineffective move sneds Dangerously sitting up and grabbing his lower back. As many know its not been in great shape for years now. Just because he's pretty pissed that NED is his opponent, MJ kicks him right in the lower back! NED growls in pain before moving to his hands an knees. He begins to push himself up to his feet in a doubled over position. MJ comes over and clubs his big ole arm across NED's lower back! NED drops right back down to his hands an knees, trying to push the searing pain in his back outta his mind. He knows he has to get up before MJ...Too late! MJ pulls Nic back to his feet by the back of his pants and slams his forearm into NED's lower back! Dangerously cringes as again and again MJ slams that forearm into his lower back. MJ nails the forearm to the back one more time and then whips NED around. Storm shoves NED down with his head between MJ's legs, and then lifts him up for a powerbomb...
Fecca: If MJ hits this powerbomb, its as good as over for Dangerously and his bad back!
[ Then its a good thing that NED managed to get off MJ's shoulders and hook him for a BIG ddt! Of course NED still came down hard on his own back, and MJ has an arm over his abdomen. ONE.........TWO.........THR-KICKOUT! NED throws his right shoulder off the mat. He rolls from under MJ's arm and to his feet. As MJ begins to get up, NED really starts to target MJ's back now. He starts putting the boots to the smal of MJ's back! Storm being driven back down to his face each time. On the outside of the ring, Cassie is trying to will MJ on. But its having little effect as NED reverses roles from earlier an he pulls MJ up by the back of his tights. NED then putting his shoulder into MJ's back and pushing him across the ring sternum first into the corner! Storm slumping over the top turnbuckle NED then backs up and just starts ramming his shoulder into the small of MJ's back! Over.....and over.......and over.....
Styles: Geez. I think NED's trying to break his back.
Fecca: That sick, perverted son of a bitch would! Come on ref! He's in the damned corner
[ NED shows no remorse and lifts MJ up with all his strength and puts him in the tree of woe. He gives MJ a few kicks to the chest and then raising MJ up til he's almost horitzontal. NED then twists around and delivers a nasty version of a neckbreaker. Storm convulsing, upside down, holding his neck. Dangerously then puts his foot on MJ's throat and chokes him til a count of four, holding the top rope for leverage the whole time. NED holds up his hands and decides to slide outside. He then reaches in, grabbing MJ under the china nd pulling back, bowing him and making a "D" using the turnbuckles. Count of four and Nic breaks again. He rolls back in and unhooks MJ's feet. NED wants to lift him into position for the 151 DDT, but MJ has a bit of fight left! He starts swinging and landing punches to NED's gut. The fans come alive as MJ starts to stand straight up....NED with a rake of the eyes! He shoves MJ into the corner and avalanches into him. And just like that hope seems gone again.
Fecca: You have to keep fighting MJ, PWT is counting on ya...
Styles: I think its about time to back the other horse Bob....
Fecca: Never! You can play Benedict Arnold if you want, but I won't turn on PWT!
[ Back in the ring though, NED is once again looking to negotiate MJ onto that top turnbuckle for the 151 DDT. He gets MJ's feet set and...No! MJ pulls himself into a sitting position on the top turnbuckle. NED doesn't like this and steps on the bottom one and starts slamming his fist into MJ's face. Storm manages to shove NED off though. However NED rolls with it back to his feet. But it took just long enough for MJ to set up and leap off for the Lightning Bolt (top rope spear)!!!
[ But the crowd's jubilation quickly fades. They hadn't noticed at first, but the top rope spear sent NED an MJ both into referee Jim Richards pretty hard. He hit the mat and bounced/slide out of the ring into a pile on the floor.
Styles: Ouch.....Thats gonna leave a mark on that poor ref.
Fecca: I normally don't condone this sort fo thing, but I think right now MJ needs to get a weapon and beat Dangerously within an inch of his life!
[ Slowly, MJ an NED begin to stir. They get to their feet and Dangerously comes at MJ in an uncharactistic way. This allows Storm to catch NED and nail him with the Storm Chaser Slam! That'd be Abyss' "black hole slam" for those not up ta date on MJ moves. MJ then rolls into a sloppy pin.....The fans count....
Crowd: ONE..........TWO............THREE.........BOOOOOO!!!!
Fecca: We need a ref!
[ Suddenly the crowd pops wildly as a ref charges from beside the ramp and into the ring. He nearly slides out of the ring, but gets in position. ONE.............TWO........................BOOOOO!!! The ref refuses to count the three |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Hardcore Hell II' (October 2006)
Date Posted:02/13/2009 8:45 PMCopy HTML
Styles: What's the ref's problem?
Fecca: Wait a.....Dammit thats head W2K referee Rufus!
[ MJ gets up and he's all kinds of pissed off. He grabs Rufus by the shirt and starts telling him how he'd better count the next pin that's made. But suddenly MJ"s face is nearly kicked off his head! He crumples to the mat and there stands...
Fecca: Thats former W2K champion Cross! What the hell is he doing here?
Styles: Looks like kicking MJ's face off.
[ Cross grabs MJ up, as Rufus looks off to the upper levels, and hits the "Edgecrusher" on Storm. Dunno what move that is?Cross starts it off with a slingshot suplex, after he slingshots their legs off the top rope, while flipping the opponent back over Cross turns with them and hooks their elft leg with his right arm and drives them down hard with a Juvi Driver style of slam. Cross then drags NED across MJ as the FWA guests get to their feet. Rufus drops down as Cross steps out of the ring, gettin in the face of the FWA folks and yelling at them. ONE.......TWO.........
[ Brooks snatches Rufus out of the ring. Rufus starts telling Brooks that he's a frickin ref dammit! Apparently Jonathan doesn't think it counts in PWT because he decks Rufus!
[ Cross realizes its been longer than necessary to fast count MJ and put the title on NED. He turns and see's Brooks in the ring and pulling Nic off of MJ. Cross is fuming and he slides his 6 foot 8 tall ass in the ring. He's coming at Brooks and the plump Vice President decides to exit the ring. He slides out and turns around to head up the ramp......right into the "You Just Got Whapped" superkick from Christian Michaels!
Fecca: That son of a bitch.....DAMN YOU CHRISTIAN MICHAELS!
[ The arena has come to their feet as NED is up himself. MJ has gotten to a corner and pulling himself up. He see's Cross and NED ready to pounce and gets ready to go down swinging. But suddenly he hears a scream as CM has Cassie by the hair. CM holds her with one hand and the title an mic in the other. NED comes over and takes the mic and title. NED throws the title over to MJ and sends Cross outside the ring. Cross then takes Cassie and raises her up for a chokeslam. MJ goes to do something about things, but NED speaks...
NED: MJ, this is your last chance to hand me this title......You hand it to me and say that you quit, or else Cross is going to chokeslam your little whore and break her back.....
[ Cross still has her up, one hand around her throat and the other on her ass holdin her up.
Fecca: Those bastards!
Styles: While.....what a choice to make.....
[ MJ has no choice. He walks over towards Nic and hands him the title, and leans in to the mic...
MJ: I......I qui...quit!
[ CM had woken up the ref so he could witness MJ giving up.
Sabrina: Ladies and gentlemen.....your NEW Heavyweight champion of PWT.......Nic E Dangerously!!!!
[ The fans are booing and start to toss trash into the ring.
Fecca: You bastards got your way! Now put her down!
[ As if he heard Fecca, NED gives the motion for Cross to chokeslam Cassie on the thin padding! MJ goes to make move, but he hit in the temple with the mic! NED kicks him out of the ring as the fans are throwing more and more trash at the ring. Cross an CM get in the ring, standing beside NED and taunting the FWA guys.....
[ Sure enough here comes Lazerus, Bobby Johnson, DVD, Travis O' Neal, Javen, Georgia James, Whysper, Image, and Green Ranger! They charge the ring and swarm on NED, Cross, and CM. MJ Storm even manages to get up and slide back in the ring. The crowd is going nuts as PWT handles its business with this W2K riff-raff!
Styles: Holy crap! Its ten on three Bob!
Fecca: And they desevre no better!
[ But suddenly the crowd starts booing again as on the stage appears W2K owner Hamid Ismalli. He's jumping up an down, waving his right hand excitedly, and pointing toward the ring with his right. The curtain parts and here comes W2K back-up headed for the ring! Xander Allen Walker, James McKnight, Jason Caine, Rhya Michaels, Ace Hart, Ryan Cain, and Johnny Legend. Its ten on ten as those seven hit the ring. All of a sudden the curtain parts again
Fecca: Here comes Damien Collins and Summer Stratus!
Styles: But for which side?
[ They slide in and go for the W2K crew
[ And then its Johnny Fame, Jonathan Andrew Reed, and Terri LaMin shooting down to the ring! Its a one person advantage for W2K over PWT! At ringside Izzy Taylor and David Johnson are wanting to get involved, but Caiden is holding them back! Sean Hunter wants over the barricade as well, but security has his restrained!
Fecca: What a chaotic scene in the ring! Its a brawl between PWT and W2K!
"A Rockstar Huh?"
"Hell Yeah, Just Like You."
[ In a single instant 20,000 strong are on their feet erupting like they've never erupted as "Superstar II" Is blasting over the PA.
[ The curtain swings to the side abruptly making the crowd grow even louder as we see WallStreet booking down the ramp. WallStreet slides into the ring and he delivers a stiff kick into the gut of Damien Collins before grabing him by the back of the neck and sending him sailing over the top rope.
Fecca, "NO!"
[ Reed smirks, I guess he thinks that after that trip to the bar he and WallStreet are kinda like friends. Reed extends his hand to WallStreet. WallStreet stomps him in the gut and BAM! Stock Market Crash 2 (Rock Bottom). The once booing crowd erupts again. Fame rushes over, Stiff right hand knocks him down and sends him rolling outside. James McKnight and Jason Caine look for a Double Clothesline but WallStreet ducks, extends his arms catching one of them on each side, hoists em up and nails a double SMC 2.
Fecca, "YES!"
[ They both roll outside as Lazerus stumbles back off a shot from Xander and bumps into WallStreet. Lazerus turns around just in time for Street to hoist him up on his shoulders, spin him around and nail the Dow Jones Industrial (TKO/Test's samoan 3/4 Neck breaker). Lazerus rolls out.
Styles, "Same side he's always been on... HIS!"
[ WallStreet walks up behind Whysper who is pummeling Johnny Legend. WallStreet grabs his shoulders spinning them around and then clotheslines him up and over the top rope. Legend pulls himself up and WallStreet kicks him in the gut, hooks the arms, and nails the Stock Market Crash (Pedigree).
[ Legend rolls out of the ring when suddenly Green Ranger and David Van Dam nail a huge double forearm on WallStreet from behind. By Now the remaining W2K Guys have decided to high tail it as they're up on the stage now with Hamid Holding them back, and Nic Dangerously at front and center with the championship. Back in the ring Travis O'Neal suddenly side swipes David Van Dam out of his boots as Bobby Johnson quickly nails Green Ranger with the Killa Kick.
[ WallStreet gets up and sees Travis and Bobby both standing beside him. WallStreet glances across the ring where the remaining PWT Guys are standing together, debating on whether or not to shoot on WallStreet, Bobby, and Travis... And IMAGE!
[ So to set the scene... On the stage Hamid Ismali and Nic Dangerously are in front of team W2K, some of which are holding their necks and heads,and some of which who are just looking on curiously. Team PWT still has a few bodies scattered around ringside, but in the ring the remaining members... Summer Stratus, MJ Storm and Georgia James, and Damien Collins who has gotten back in the ring from the first attack by WallStreet.... Those four are in a collection looking across the ring to WallStreet, Bobby, Travis, and Image who are standing strong just waiting for someone to bring it. Back at ringside FWA is being held back by their leader and Sean Hunter restrained by security.
[ The scene slowly fades off the air.
The Following is not on film and was done live solely for the live audience.
[ Everyone is at stand still when the cameras click off the air. Upon realization that the cameras are off, Hamid leads his W2K Army backstage, probably to make a fast get away. Back in the ring team PWT is still at a stand still with... erm... Team WallStreet? WallStreet grabs a microphone from ringside as he walks toward center ring.
WallStreet, "Before this goes any further, there's one thing I've wanted to do all week, outside of wrestle Ric Flair, which unfortuantly didn't happen. Now I'm sure that most of you are curious as to what that one thing is and hones..."
[ Out of no where he lunges forward and cracks MJ Storm with the Microphone. MJ Staggers forward and his teamates are about to step forward when they notice that WallStreet's teamates are watching them, but not moving... An unspoken understanding has just been made to leave this one on one. WallStreet delivers a stiff kick between the legs of MJ and puts MJ's skull in the set up for a powerbomb or Piledriver.
WallStreet, "This is how Un-legitimate superstars perform."
[ With that WallStreet hooks the arms, hoist him up into the air... and BAM! Stock Market Crash in the center of the ring as "Superstar II" By Saliva blasts over the PA. WallStreet rolls out of the ring as Bobby, Image, and Travis follow, leaving team PWT To check on their fallen superstar. |
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