[ Becca’s music draws to a fade as she stands in the middle of the ring, microphone in hand.
Becca, "Welcome, everybody, to PWT’S HOLIDAY HAVOK!"
[ The crowd cheers as Becca smiles and nods.
Becca, "It’s great to be here in North Carolina. Being from Grand Rapids Michigan, temperatures in the sixties are not something I’m accustomed to during the Holiday season, so that’s certainly been a delightful change."
Fecca, "No question, a well welcomed change from the northern winter."
Styles, "Yeah, but without snow and ice there’s far less people to laugh at in the roadside ditches."
Becca, "But as delighted as I am to be here in Charlotte, I’m not nearly as delighted about the reason I’m standing in this ring right now."
Becca’s face grows un-amused as Fecca says, "Uh-oh. Sounds like the boss lady’s got some business to tend to."
Styles, "So close to Christmas; Shouldn’t she be baking her man some Christmas cookies or something?"
Becca, "See, it’s come to my attention that in recent weeks there’s been an individual o n my pay roll who’s had some choice words for the ladies of our business."
Styles, "Someone in the lockeroom’s been preachin’ the gospel on Women’s wrestling?! That’s great! I thought I was the only one who realized having women in the ring is like wearing a torn condom, it makes no sense and just wastes time and money."
Fecca, "Oh come on. Some of PWT’s female workers are better then any other workers in the business today, male or female! I mean, I may not be fond of some of her personal choices, but Angel’s the PWT People’s champion! Georgia James is undoubtedly one of the greatest heavyweight champions in this fine company’s rich history…"
Styles, "PFFFFFFFFFFFT! I Have three words for you and your "one of the greatest heavyweight champions" claim… David_Van_Dam! Period."
Back in the ring Becca continues, "So, since they want to talk down on our Femme Fatalies, I’m gonna give this individual an opportunity to put their money where their mouth is… You may notice I’m wearing my wrestling gear… Well, that’s because I’m issuing a challenge to this skid smark to step in the ring and go one on one with one of those "inferior women"."
Styles, "GAH-HA! I can’t wait to see this! Who is it?! Who’s back there tellin’ it how it is?! Van Dam?! Whysper?! DANTE?! Do we get TWO DANTE MATCHES?!"
Becca, "So… EDDIE STYLES… Don’t sing it; Bring it!"
[ The crowd cheers as the cameras go to the commentary table where Eddie’s face instantly goes pale.
Fecca, "Well Bah God Eddie, I reckon you’ve just been issued an official, certified Punk Card."
Styles, "WHAT?! Is this broad crazy?! Didn’t she see the way I beat Jerry Lawler’s ass when he challenged me?!"
Fecca, "Jerry Lawler nearly concluded your existence."
Styles, "What?! I think you need to replace the battery on your memory, it’s clearly out of juice. I don’t wrestle! It’s not that I can’t, I’m just uh… um… Well I don’t wanta hurt somebody! Yeah! How’s it gonna look if I take our Chairwoman out of business!"
Fecca, "Somehow I think she’s willing to take that risk."
Becca, "Come on Eddie! You talk about how horrible we are when you sit there every Sunday night, well let’s see it! Come in here and show me how inferior to you I am Eddie!"
[ Eddie stands up and takes off his head set as a crew member hands him a microphone.
Styles, "No way Becca!"
[ The crowd starts booing.
Eddie, "HEY! You people should thank me. I get in there with her and she’s getting hurt. I’m doing this for the best of PWT! What would happen if we didn’t have anybody to run the show!"
Crowd: YOUR_A_PUSSY! (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), YOUR_A_PUSSY! (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), YOUR_A_PUSSY! (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), YOUR_A_PUSSY! (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), YOUR_A_PUSSY! (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), YOUR_A_PUSSY! (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), YOUR_A_PUSSY! (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), YOUR_A_PUSSY! (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap)…
Eddie’s jaw about drops as he starts screaming, "I AM NOT! YOU PEOPLE SHUT YOUR MOUTHS! SHUT UP!"
Becca, "I could be mistaken but I think fifteen thousand people are calling you a P***y Eddie."
[ The crowd pops only to go right back into their chant. Eddie’s clearly getting heated as his head darts about, hearing all of these people reference him with the female anatomy.
[ Eddie drops the microphone and starts taking off his jacket. At the same time Becca tosses the microphone out of the ring, drawing a good reaction from the sold out Bobcat arena.
Fecca, "Oh boy… This is gonna be good."
[ The crowd goes ballistic as out of no where we hear "Nature Boy" Ric Flair’s theme song blast over the PA.
Fecca, "What the… IS THAT…"
[ The curtain moves and out from behind it steps the one and only SIXTEEN TIMES World Heavyweight Champion.
Flair, "IT IS! IT’S RIC FLAIR! We knew he was here tonight to support Dante Cross in the main event but I had no idea we were going to get an early appearance from the Carolinian Icon!"
[ Flair struts down the ramp as Eddie slowly makes his way toward the ring.
Fecca, "Later tonight The Hardcore Canuck Dante Cross goes one on one with PWT Heavyweight Wrestling champion Christian Michael with the coveted championship on the line. Ric Flair will be in the number one contender’s corner during that contest verses the Southern Heartthrob, but it looks like we’re being given a special treat as the sixteen time champion is here right now and it looks like he could be heading my way."

[ Eddie finds his way up the stairs and enters the ring between the second and third ropes. As he does Flair gets to the bottom of the ramp and rounds the corner of the ring, shaking the occasional hand at ringside as he does indeed seem to be heading toward Fecca and the commentary table.
Fecca, "Let me stand up here and greet the Legendary Nature Boy…"
[ Ric heads to the commentary table as we see Fecca get up and make sure there’s a seat available.
Fecca extends his hand and Flair shakes it as Fecca says, "Welcome to PWT Mr. Flair, it’s a true honor and a privilege."
Flair puts on a headset as he says, "WHOO! BOB-OH! The Pleasure’s all mine! The Nature Boy’s excited… EXCITED! About walkin the Isle and Stylin and Profilin like only the Nature Boy can, and getting to do it on one of the grandest stages of em all, Professional Wrestling Today. I’ve been here before, and as per always Bob-oh, It’s a true pleasure."
[ Back in the ring we see that referee Frank Mason has darted into the ring. Mason officially calls for the bell, making this contest both official, and underway.
Fecca, "As we head into this impromptu contest between my broadcast colleague Eddie Styles and PWT’s Chairwoman Becca Wipwreck, I have to ask, what are your thoughts on our main event here tonight?"
Flair, "Bobby… Let me tell ya somethin’ Bob-oh… The Nature Boy’s ridin in the company of many-a-prestigious figures. I’ve wrestled with the very best in the business, and a lot of those matches took place in this very city during the days of the NWA and Jim Crocket’s Mid Atlantic Wrestlin’. But tonight’s main event’s gonna be HUGE! In a city that’s seen all of that greats… Wahoo, The Funks, Jack and Gerry Brisco, Dusty! Harley! Barry Windam! Tully Blanchard! Sting! WHOO! Tonight they’re gonna see two more names that go right there on that list with the Steamboats and the Flairs and the Valentines and Pipers… And that’s Michaels and Cross, and Daddy… WHOOO! There’s no question to the Natcha-boy that they’re gonna Style and Profile and tear the roof off here in Charlotte. WHOOOO!"
[ Back in the ring Eddie and Becca have gone into the center and locked up in an elbow and collar grapple. Impressive for a commentator and a member of the board. Becca suddenly snaps on a side headlock drawing a solid reaction from the fans. Holding the side headlock in only briefly she draws up her left arm, then spins around to the opposite side of Eddie’s head, again applying a side headlock. Again however she shows limited interest in maintaining the hold as she then spins around to Eddie’s back, applies a rear waist lock and displays a somewhat impressive display of strength and a grasp on using leverage to her advantage as she takes Styles down to the mat with a rear waistlock take down. Choosing not to try and keep the rear waistlock, she quickly releases and sprawls around to the head of our color commentator, applying a front face lock. The crowd is behind Becca as she’s effectively schooling the chauvinist before her. However, there’s no denying Eddie’s weight advantage, and as a result he begins to get to his knees, forcing Becca to elevate off the mat as well. As he continues getting up, eventually they both find themselves to their feet, Becca still maintaining the front facelock (the set up to a DDT basically). Eddie charges forward, driving Becca’s back against the ropes with enough force to make her relinquish the front face lock, and then turns and shoots her off the ropes. Becca darts across to the otherside of the ring as Eddie finds his way into the center of the ring. Becca bounces back off the ropes as Eddie bends down, apparently contemplating a back body drop, but to no avail as Becca leaps over, grabs Eddie’s thighs and surprises him by taking him down into a pinning situation with a sunset flip. Mason drops down and counts …………One…………Two… Just two as Eddie kicks out and then rolls to the floor, drawing a chant for Becca from the crowd as she stands and puts her arms out as if to ask Eddie "What? What’s wrong?"
Fecca, "What an impressive display by Becca Wipwreck in the early goings of this contest."
Flair, "I don’t know what Eddie’s thinkin’. Women now a days can go man. And let me tell ya, if there’s one thing the Nature Boy knows about, it’s Women that can go. Whooo!"
Fecca, "Speaking of Women that can go, do you think Georgia James is gonna be a factor in the main event tonight?"
Flair, "I’d hope not. When you’ve got a main event the caliber of the one you’ve got here tonight, with two legends in the making like Christian Michaels and Dante Cross, there should be no outside factors. You just want to see em go and do their jobs like only guys on that marquee level can. So when that canvas is soaked and stained with the blood and sweat of our magnificent main eventers tonight, it’d be a true injustice to the sport to see the match decided on a referee’s decision or self serving motives. Tonight you’re gonna see two prime athletes go like nobody else in the world today can and I’m greatful to be able to stand at ringside and watch it all first hand."
[ Back in the ring the referee has started to implement a count on Eddie Styles. Styles slowly starts climbing up the steps to the outside canvas. He puts a leg through the ropes as Becca starts heading his way. He immediately leans back as far as he can and starts yelling for the referee to back her up. Frank Mason turns around and adhears to Style’s request, demanding that Becca give her opponent plenty of room to re-enter the ring. The crowd boos but Becca does as she’s asked, backing off so Eddie can infact enter the ring. Eddie comes in and the two begin to circle the ring again, sizing each other up. Eddie finally raises his hand in the air, signaling that he wants a test of strength with Becca. Becca raises an eyebrow, she knows this might not be a great idea… But she’s crafty, she’ll do it. She steps forward and raises her hand to meet his. Their fingers lock and Eddie raises his other hand, waiting for her’s to meet his. She starts to raise her hand when Eddie Goes for a kick to her gut. But Becca being wise to the tactics of guys like Eddie Styles, expected the kick and at the same time she spun around Eddie on the side where the two had locked hands and swung her own leg back sweeping the single leg of Eddie’s that was still on the ground as he was trying execute his kick, thus making Eddie release the hand of Becca and fall hard on his back. Eddie instantly rolls to his knees and starts slamming his hands on the mat in frustration of the way Becca’s toying with him.
Fecca, "Now when you say you’re gonna be at ringside to watch it first hand, knowing the history you have in this sport, and remembering the way the Four Horsemen ran under your leadership, I have to wonder if your only influence on this contest truly will be as a spectator."
Flair laughs, "You’re smart to question just how involved I’ll be. I believe this is gonna be the main event to end all main events for 2007. I think Dante and Christian are gonna not only steal the show, but steal the Year! And I have a lot of respect for the champion, Christian Michaels. I think Christian Michaels is one of the all time greats in our sport. But make no mistake about it Bobby Fecca, I’m here to support Dante Cross. Dante Cross is the guy to throw the ball too in Oh-Eight, and tonight, in what I’m predicting to be the match of oh-seven, There’s no doubt in my mind that Dante Cross is gonna be… The Man!"
[ Back in the ring Styles had gotten to his feet. He ran at Becca only to take an arm drag. He fed right back up and darted at her again, this time for a Hip toss. Now he was up a third a time and feeding right back to her, so this time she ducked down and hoisted the color commentator up and over with a big Back Body Drop. The Crowd goes off again as Eddie grabs his back and rolls back out of the ring, the look of pain and frustration clearly etched on his face.
Flair, "Things aren't lookin so hot for you buddy Bob-oh."
Fecca, "We may be teamed up out here on commentary, but Eddie Styles is no "buddy" of mine."
Flair, "See that’s the difference between being a Horsemen and being a part of any other team. Being a Horsemen is a sacred honor that few ever earn the right to experience. It means your name is up in lights with the elite of the sport. Barry Windam, Arn and Ole Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Sting, Curt Hennig, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Seifer, Dante Cross, and WHOO! Ric Flair! That’s why Horsemen stick together."
Fecca, "Is that an insight on what to expect tonight as Dante contends with Christian Michaels?"
Flair, "In the sport of professional wrestling two things are certain; If a Horsemen’s on the marquee the world’s gonna see somethin’ special, and two, Nothing in Pro Wrestling is certain."
Fecca, "What’s that supposed to mean?"
Flair, "I guess it means watch and find out Bob-oh… Watch and find out."
[ Back at the ring Eddie’s again rolled into the ring and gotten to his feet. Becca starts headin his way but he puts up a hand and shakes his head. He then calls down for a microphone.
Fecca, "What’s he doing here?"
Eddie, "Whoa! Alright Becca, Alright… I Concede. Women can wrestle. Women CAN Wrestle. Let’s just call this thing off. You got what you wanted. I have a higher respect for female athletes. There’s no need to keep doing this."
[ Becca’s hesitant, but Eddie’s got a valid point. No sense in beatin the poor guy up anymore if he get’s the point. Eddie extends his hand in a piece offering, and after minimal hesitation, Becca excepts. Eddie suddenly drops the mic and uses his left hand (which had the mic) to jab a thumb into Becca’s eye. The crowd boos as Becca spins around holding her face.
Fecca, "That weasel!"
Flair, "That’s how ya do it kid! Take it from the dirtiest player in the game!"
[ Eddie wastes no time as he clubs Becca across the back with a hard forearm, dropping her to her chest. He begins driving the hard stomps across the back and then hops off and starts taunting the fans.
[ The crowd boos as Becca holds her back and slowly starts getting up. Seeing Becca getting up by the ropes Eddie heads back over for the Chairwoman. He nails her again with a forearm to the back, making her lean on the ropes as she tries to get away from the color commentator. He follows her and gives her another hard Forearm, making her stumble and fall into the corner. With her in the corner he grabs the top rope with his left hand and hits a big chop across the chest with his right. Becca staggers out of the corner holding her chest in pain, but Eddie runs forward and hits a hard elbow into the spine of the fiancé’ to Drew Stevenson. She drops to her knees holding her back and screaming in pain, only for Eddie to deliver another hard stomp to the back. Eddie drops down, rolls her over onto her back and lays across as Frank Mason drops down to count …………One……………Two…… Only two as Becca kicks out.
Fecca, "Eddie Styles with a near fall over Becca Wipwreck."
Flair, "It just goes to show that when ya let your guard down, anybody can best ya. I hope the champ’s watchin this, because if he makes a mistake tonight like Becca just did, Dante Cross is gonna be a three count or a DOA away from the PWT Heavyweight title."
[ Eddie gets up and starts screaming at Frank Mason for a slow count as Becca holds her back and slowly starts trying to get herself back up. Styles turns his attention back to the chair woman as she starts to get up. Eddie gets behind her as she finds her feet, with his left hand he grabs a fist full of the back of her pants, and then he pulls her back as with his right arm, he drives a big forearm into her lower back, again dropping her to a knee as she nurses her back.
Eddie looks out to the crowd, "WHO’S A P***Y NOW?!"
Crowd: YOU’RE A PUSSY! (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), YOU’RE A PUSSY! (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), YOU’RE A PUSSY! (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), YOU’RE A PUSSY! (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), YOU’RE A PUSSY! (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap)…
Eddie, "OH YEAH?!"
[ He turns around, runs at Becca and sinks a huge right foot into her back, making her drop back to her chest. Eddie looks back out to the crowd and says, "THAT’S IT! I’M GONNA FINISH HER!"
[ Eddie grabs to fist fulls of her Becca’s hair and starts to pull her up off of the mat. She holds her back as she comes up. He hoists her up and get’s ready to slam her down with the Body slam but she holds on and ends up tying him up in a small package cradle. Mason drops down and counts ……………One…………Two………… Nearly three but he just get’s out. They both pop up, Style’s eyes wide.
Fecca, "She was a mere heartbeat away from the win!"
[ Styles darts toward Becca but Becca gets him with a clothesline. He pops right back up and runs back at him, but again she gets him, this time with a back elbow. He finds his way up yet again. This time Becca runs toward him and leaps, delivering a crossbody. She stays on top for the cover as Mason drops down ……………One…………Two………… Again he kicks out just before the three. Becca gets up and seems intense as she holds her back with one hand, and rallies for the support of her fans with the other. The crowd starts to grow loud, clapping and trying to support Becca. Eddie starts pull himself up as Becca stalks behind him.
Fecca, "The fans getting behind the boss lady…"
[ Eddie gets up, turns around and BAM! Stiff kick into the gut! Then BAM! STUNNER!
Fecca, "That could be all!"
[ Becca hooks the far leg and rolls him up as Mason drops down and both he and the fans count… ONE......... TWO………… THREE!
[ The Bell sounds as "Bossy" By Kellis blasts over the PA.
Flair, "The crowd helped Becca out, but Eddie Styles is no Dante Cross, so I hope Christian Michaels isn’t counting on the same "12th man" effect in his title defense later tonight."
Fecca, "I imagine he’s all to well aware that he’ll need more then just the support of these great people to put Dante Cross away tonight."
Flair, "For his sake, I hope so. He’s always just a heartbeat away from being dethroned tonight. And let me tell ya something, while I may respect Christian Michaels, I’m lookin’ all too forward to drinkin Champaign and putting the line for Space Mountain right in front of the NEW Champ’s pent house door tonight! WHOOO!"
[ Flair takes off his head set and shakes hands with Fecca one last time before he heads off.
Fecca, "What a night folks. I can’t wait for that big time title match later on tonight. In meantime however, while they scrape my partner off the mat....Lets take a look backstage and see what we can find."
[ The scene shifts from ringside to the backstage area. |