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Date Posted:02/15/2009 3:04 AMCopy HTML
[ After the warning about illegally getting pay per views we fade into a computer generated video of New Orleans. Everything's all quiet on the streets......Suddenly a glass shatters and the stars of PWT spill out of a busted store-front window into the streets! People begin to pair off the same as their matches tonight. We see Chris Demented, Akmed, Brian Juneau, David Baumann, Georgia James, and Drew Stevenson slugging it out on top of a building. Each one is trying to throw one of the others over the edge.....The scene pans back down to the main streets where Javen an SFM are fighting it out, Becca Wipwreck nearby in a ref's shirt......The camera zooms through to a home, going around the side to the backyard where Morganna Black an The Goon are beating each other senseless. A swarm of owls flying down and surrounding Goon......We come to a gutted building with chain-link caging around around the windows and doors intended ta keep peoples out. However the fencing over the door has been torn and we see MJ Storm an Seifer attacking each other inside......On top of this building Whysper and Matlock are at the top of a ladder, both reaching up for the TITANium championship which is being held up by a crane in place of a wrecking ball.......Jay Styles, Jason Caine, an Jason Briscoe are shown fighting it out in front of a store-front......CM an Nev shake hands before fighting it.......The camera then panning down the street to an arena.....Bursting trhough the doors we see Bobby Johnson an DVD gettin ready to lock up......They shoot forward an as they meet in a lock-up, the scene explodes and we're left with the "Holiday Havok" promotional banner.......The scene then fading into the arena where thousands of fans have packed in to see this end of the year pay per view spectacular, brought to you by Professional Wrestling Today! Pyros shooting off all across the stage.....The cameras pan the crowd to see their signs, most of them supporting either Bobby or the Saints. But we finally come down to the shot of Eddie Styles an Bob Fecca dressed up in suits tonight.
Fecca: Welcome everyone to "Holiday Havok" presented by Professional Wrestling Today! We're coming to you live on pay per view on this New Year's Eve. Thank you for taking time away from your busy plans for later tonight to join us this evening. And believe me when I say that tonight we're going to make it worth your while!
Styles: Oh you're damned right we are Bob! We've got one of the most solid cards we've had lately. Just about everyone booked went out and promoted thier matches this week. And even if they didn't, you just know that they're going to pull out all the stops to build some momentum to start the new year off right.
Fecca: You're right there Eddie. You've got to believe that everyone booked on tonight's card is going to bust their ass like there's no tommorrow.
Styles: Hey why don't we quit beatinga round the bush and tell people what matches they have to look forward to?
Fecca: Well one of the first things you'll see in a few minutes is MJ Storm hosting his interview segement called "Sitdown With Storm". Currently we have no idea who his guest will be, but it should still be interesting none the less. And after that we have the Backyard Championship of The Goon being defended against Morganna Black. She, like Bobby Johnson, is a native of New Orleans and will certainly have the crowd on her side.
Styles: Yeah. I hate to say it, because I happen ta like the Goon, but I think Morganna has his number tonight. She's one of those chicks that I'd not want ta get on the bad side of.......Though I wouldn't mind gettin on her backside
[ Eddie winks and nudges Bob.
Fecca: I don't think Nevrymorr would approve of you speaking that way of his lady friend. And speaking of Nev, the young man from Indiana has a tall challenge tonight as he faces off against Christian Michaels. This should be a heck of a match between the two. And unlike alot of tonight's card, these two are having a match just for the sake of having one. They want to see who's better. Thats something that its ok to have every once in awhile.
Styles: Eff that Bob! When I'm at home during the week and checking up on the rest of the industry, I'd like to see something that catches my attention. I want to see some good ole feuds with excellent storylines that make me care about the guys or gals involved.
Fecca: Some would call you a Soap Opera King for that view.
Styles: See thats something I don't get Bob. Why can't I like what I like without being call names?
Fecca: I'm not really sure Eddie, but beyond CM versus Nev we also have a six person, over the top rope, battle royale to determine the challenger for the Peoples title at next month's pay per view. In this match Chris Demented, Georgia James, David Bauman, Brian Juneau, Almed, and Drew Stevenson fight it out for that honor. Anybody you see as a favorite in that one?
Styles: Believe it or not I'm backing Akmed in this one. Its one of those situations where his weight is going to really help him. He has nearly a hundred pounds on alot of the people in this match. Should be tough to get him out.....Unless they all join together as one and toss him out.
Fecca: Who would you think may be eliminated first?
Styles: I'd guess that'd be Brian Juneau. I mean first off there's nothing wrong with being gay. If that's what you wanna do, then its your thing. However what is wrong is when you act like I'm supposed to pity you or give you free rides for your homosexuality. You know he talks about being cheated and stuff cause we hate gay people. Well I don't hate gay people, just idiots like him.
Fecca: Well aight then. We've also got Jay Styles defending his Peoples championship against Jason Caine and Jason Briscoe in a triple threat.
Styles: Caine is leaving as a two-time Peoples champion tonight. He's been too driven this past month to get it back. Jay just isn't going to be able to stop him. Jason Briscoe will be too busy havin his thumb up his ass ta do anything about it.
Fecca: Whysper meets Matlock in a rematch of their ladder match, only this time the TITANium championship is on the line. This is one that I'm personally looking forward to. Whysper's been one of my favorites since his debut.
Styles: He's no doubt an excellent competitor, but tonight he's stuck with a motivated and focused Matlock. My prediction is that tonight Matlock realizes some of that great potential he has and becomes the TITANium champion.
Fecca: Seifer and MJ Storm face off in Ironman match that also allows weapons to be used.
Styles: Seifer said its called a Steelman match I think bob. And personally I think that he's going to walk out of here with another win over MJ. My best advice to MJ is to after this match is over, go outa nd lose again to Seifer as quickly as you can. Cause when CM was down three ta Seif thats when he found the ability to overcome Seifer.
Fecca: Javen versus Sean Frost Mann...
Styles: Is going to be a cake-walk for Sean. It doesn't matter that Javen has the deck stacked against Mann. This match will win with Sean's hand in the air I tell ya.
Fecca: And then we have the main event of this evening's show. Bobby Johnson, New Orleans' own, challenges David Van Dam for the Heavyweight championship. This match has been built as one of respect all week between these two. It should be an awesome match and I for one can't wait to see it.
Styles: Yeah it'll be a great match no doubt. I just wish though that these two would've ripped into each other this week. I felt like I was watchin the Mutual Admiration Society instead of promos for a Heavyweight title match.
Fecca: I don't see it that way, but your opinion is what you want it to be. Anyways I think its time that we get to the ring for tonight's "Sitdown With The Storm"
[ Things are getting settled for Holiday Havoc and it's time for the highest rated segement in PWT history, Sitdown with the Storm and 'Metalingus' blares over the pa system and M.J. Storm comes down to the ring as the fans boo him. He sits down in his seat and raises up the mic he has to speak.
Well, tonight is a big night, 2006 comes to an end, and what better way to kick off the PWT End of the Year Pay Per View with my show? And let me introduce my guest, he is the Vice President of PWT Operations, Johnathan Brooks!
[ "Rocky Top" by the University of Tennesse Marching Band hits the pa system and out comes Johnathan Brooks who waddles down to the ring and gets inside of it and sits down with a microphone and M.J. speaks up again.
Johnathan Brooks, welcome to my show, the higest rated segement in PWT history. I guess the first question I should ask you is what do you think of how this Pay Per View has shaped up?
Thank you for having me. As for the way that Holiday Havok shaped up? I have to say that I'm pretty proud of the card we have. Alot of these matches have been building for a month or longer. Tonight we're going to see alot of those matches settle some very personal issues between the competitors involved.
What do you think the match of the night will be, excluding the Main Even because well, it is the main event for a reason.
Well there's a couple matches that have the chance to steal the show. Your match is definately one of those. Then you also have Whysper and Matlock in a ladder match for the TITANium championship.....Javen and SFM in a Street Fight with Becca as the ref.....The battle royale to determine who gets the Final Verdict shot at the Peoples title....I tell ya, just about any of these matches could be show stealers.
Now, we've been hearing discussion around the back on who the real breakout star and who works hardest in and out of the ring, a lot of names have gotten dropped, so what does Johnathan Brooks think?
I personally think that all the members of our roster work pretty hard. Obviously you'll always have some that work just a little bit harder than the rest, just the way it is. When it comes to the real "breakout star"......Those are rarely obvious. I mean you can usually pick out the top five or so contenders, but in the end thats more of a perception deal. Cause everyone has different views on what really makes a breakout star of a certain year.
You're getting quite good at avoiding giving me a straight answer, I asked your opinion, so let's hear it, no one's going to kill you over it, just an honest opinion.
To be honest, I really haven't sat down and thought about it. And if I'm going to voice an opinion on these things, I'd like to be able to sit down and look back over two-thousand six. If my opinions really matter that much, feel free ta ask me again sometime in January and I can have you my opinions. Though in the end they would just be guesses as PWT's awards aren't til the summer since that was when we really kicked back into gear in two-thousand five.
Alright, I'll let you off the hook for now. Now, this was the year of the Rookie, with tons of new talent coming to PWT, what is your assesment of the new talent that has arrived in PWT for the year?
The vast majority of this year's "rookie" crop made the best of the oppurtunities they were given. And thats really good for business, because you can only rely on the stars of yesterday for so long. Eventually this business becomes too much for them, whether it be physically or mentally.
Now, this year we also had some shocking moments and some upsets, what are your top moments in each catergory?
Some of the more shocking ones that come to mind are Christian Michaels joining Synergy, Synergy branding Wall$treet in the center of this ring, and not to mention Taylor ending up leaving to be BUD exclusive after a falling out. Upsets include Justina Rage upsetting Georgia for the Heavyweight championship, yourself upsetting Georgia, and most recently Akmed getting a victory over David Van Dam.
Now, another big question is depending on who wins between David and Bobby here tonight, who the next one in line for a title shot will be, can you give us a little information on who it could be?
This is something that we'll really be looking at on Monday morning or Monday afternoon. But I'd say that there's alot of viable options to choose from. Alot of people have built some pretty big momentum heading into the end of the year. Tonight itself could help determine who that person will be. Or perhaps someone will challenge the winner of the match tonight, and maybe the champ will accept.
Interesting, Interesting indeed, now, as one of the prime management faces in the back, where do you see the future of PWT going?
I think we're only going to continue to improve. The last half of this past year and the first couple months of this one were the pinnacle of success. But like any successful promotion there's times when the road isn't so smooth. And we definately had bumpy moments in two-thousand six. But when others thought we would surely fall down an die, we kept moving on. Now we're attracting stars like Nova to check out our product and even sign a contract, even if that is mainly to face off with Sean Hunter. There's currently talks of a world tour during the summer, and that should be really exciting if it comes to fruition.
A World Tour, that would be enjoyable, and it would shut DVD up, acting like he's the only one capable of wrestling in other nations. But, that wasn't really a question, so I guess I'll throw another one out there, do you think there will ever be another 6 pack challenge for the PWT Heavyweight Championship, or will the way the last one went down prevent such a thing?
The wrestling business is famous for having the mentality that you never say never. So I wouldn't say that there will never be another attempt at one. However at current I can't forsee one in the near future.
How about some predictions for this evening, who's gonna pick up the wins here tonight?
I don't like to make predictions. Mine hardly ever come true and its no surprise with the talent we have booked tonight. Any of these guys are capable of beating anyone else on the card. Though there are a few matches that I'll be watching and personally pulling for one guy as a wrestling fan.
Oh, and what'll those be?
Well I'm really interested in this battle royale to see who challenges for the Peoples championship at Final Verdict. And as a fan I'm pulling for PWT's own Rocky Balboa, Drew Stevenson. Nothing against the others in the match, but I just love the underdog aspect. I'm also pulling for Whysper to surprise Matlock again in their ladder match. I'd like Javen to knock that a-hole Sean Frost Mann down a few pegs. I'm also a sucker for a hometown hero pulling off the big win, so nothing against DVD, but I'll probably be pulling for Bobby. And those are the main ones that I have favorites in. The others I'll be watching as a fan to be entertained, but I have no clear favorite.
So, you're one of the people who aren't hating on M.J. Storm and actually giving me a chance at winning the match itself?
I think it'd be unwise for anyone to automatically write you out of the match just because of the name of your opponent. But unfortunately thats what happens when you face Seifer. Most of the time people just automatically want to acredit you a loss. But as Georgia James and Christian Michaels showed us this year, its not always the wisest thing to do.
At least you see sense, and thank you for lending yourself to the show here tonight, it's apprciated.
Always a pleasure. Best of luck to you and everyone else in their matches tonight.
[ The esteemed Vice President of Operatiosn for PWT getting up and waving to everyone as he heads up the ramp. In the meantime we fade to a video recapping the strange occurances in recent weeks that've led to the Backyard Title match. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Holiday Havok' (December 2006)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 3:04 AMCopy HTML
[ "Hit Somebody" hits the arena speakers, and The Goon makes his way out on stage, in a jersey, a pair of pants and with a hockey stick in hand. He raises the arm holding the hockey stick up in the air, and then heads to the ring. He lays the stick down in the corner, and then gets inside to face his opponent.
Sabrina: Now in the ring, defending his Backyard Championship......THEEEEEEEEE GOOOOOOOOON!!!!
[ The arena is plunged into darkness, the sounds of bells tolling three times echo throughout the arena followed by the sounds of The Forest Whispers My Name by Cradle of Filth. Purple lights as they fly through the air. A purple misty fog slowly begins to rise from the ground, as a shadowy figure appears on the stage, wearing a black hooded robe, the hood of the robe covering the face.
This is my will...
The forest whispers my name...again and again
I walk the path to the land of the Dark Immortals Where the hungry ones will carry my soul as the wild hunt careers through the boughs
[ The figure begins a slow walk toward the ring area, climbing the stairs and slipping through the ropes. The figure moves to the middle of the ring and the glowing mist now covers the bottom of the ring and continues to grow upward as the arms rise to the sky before suddenly dropping to the sides as the lights come back on. The figure stands there, head lowered forward. A few seconds pass and the head lurches upward quickly and the hood falls back and the face of Morganna is revealed, her eyes pure black as she drops the robe and a sinister smirk on her face.
Sabrina: And his challenger.....MORGANNA BLAAAAAACK!!!!
[ The bell sounds as this Backyard title match is underway. Goon rushes in going for a hard right hand but Morganna ducks under it and gets in behind Goon, he turns around as she launches a right hand right into the jaw of Goon sending him backwards. She rushes forward but Goon out of nowhere connects with a huge chlothesline leveling her hard as she strikes the canvas hard holding the back of her head.
Fecca- What a chlothesline taking Morganna down.
Styles- Sure was...
[ Goon gets up, he bends down grabbing Morganna up and hits a huge headbutt dropping her back down to the canvas. Goon slides out of the ring, he reaches under the ring grabbing out a white bag filled with something. He slides it into the ring then slides back in but there's Morganna hitting a huge axehandle onto the back of his head, she then clubs him in the back grabbing that white bag inwhich he brought into the ring.
Fecca- What could possibly be in there?
Styles- I'm pretty sure we're going to find out.
Fecca- I agree.
[ Morganna slings the white bag up then hits Goon with it right in the back, she strikes him again then gets this very sexy yet devilish smirk on her face. Morganna turns the bag upside down dumping out a bag full of hockey pucks as the crowd cheers actually getting into this. Morganna heads over to grab Goon's hocky stick but he charges at her spearing her down, he begins slamming her head into the canvas repeatedly then quickly crawling over grabbing his hocky stick and walking back over to the black pucks which litter the ring.
Styles- This has gotten interesting Fecca.
Fecca- To say the least.
[ Goon sees Morganna stirring up, he quickly lines up a puck and rears back slapshotting it at her but she ducks and quickly rolls out of the ring as Goon begins slapshooting these pucks everywhere, this causes the fans to begin laughing but definitely getting into this match.
Fecca- Wow uh...
Styles- ......
[ Morganna reaches under the ring pulling out a steel chair, she begins using it as a shield while slowly getting back into the ring. Several pucks strike the chair as she begins trying to deflect the pucks as if playing baseball.
Fecca- What in the...
Styles- Hell?
[ Goon runs out of pucks, they then rush in at eachother and strike weapons against eachother as if having a sword fight. Morganna strikes the stick down then spits a purple mist into Goon's eyes, he holds his eyes as Morganna drives the chair into the gut of Goon then raises it into the air driving the chair hard into the back of Goon's head dropping him. She drops the chair turning him over then hooking the leg.
Ding... Ding... Ding...
Fecca- Morganna just beat Goon?
Styles- She sure did!
Sabrina: ''The winner of the match and the NNEWW PWT BACKYARD CHAMPION... MMORGANNNAA.''
[ The ref hands Morganna the Backyard title and raises her arm in victory. As Nev comes down to celebrate his lady's success, we fade into a video highlighting the people in the next match. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Holiday Havok' (December 2006)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 3:05 AMCopy HTML
[ We come into focus backstage as Holiday Havoc rages on with the usual PWT dramatics we know and love. We're seen with Thee Reigning Goddess who is seem sporting a very special Holiday Helena top outfit which is green with a red statuette off Helena on her midrift top and red leather pants that are tied together with black string on the legs right down the thighs. She has green and red boots and a black belt with a platinum Goddess Buckle studded with what looks like Rubbies encrusting the lettering. In her hand is the PWT Femme Fatal Championship and she grins as she stands next to PWT interviewer Ken Mitchell who begins to ask her the questions.
Ken Mitchell: It has been a helluva year for you and tonight you have a chance to cap it off in just moments in a People's Championship contenders Battle Royale. Would this be the best way to cap off 2006 for you?
[ Georgia turns to Ken Mitchell and raises up her championship belt and about chest level speaking up as she smiles at Ken before speaking up.
Georgia James: Absolutely, positively not Kenny the best way for me to cap 2006 would be yours truly defending her Femme Fatal Championship. I'm a Bah Gawd fighting champion, one of the Champion of Champions in PWT, and the winningest star whose graced the ring herre. I don't need the People's Championship, I don't want the people's champion, I am with or without it Thee People's Chosen One.
[ The crowd roars their approval and then we have a few Seifer chants smattered in between the cheers of approval. She looks at Ken.
Georgia James: Ken did you head that? The people, here tonight in Nawlins are chanting HIS NAME again.
Ken Mitchell: SEIFER!
[ She jumps back.
Georgia James: Don't say his name he might magically appear and try to steal MY thunda. People's Championship or no People's Championship Final Verdict will be huge. Winning the match tonight would be nice but I ain't stressin' it.
Ken Mitchell: SEIFER!
Georgia James: Don't say his name... I told you...
[ She's too late as she accosts Ken Mitchell behind her is The Immortal and newly crowned King of the South Seifer. He has a smug grin across his face as the crowd massively pops for him as her eyes get big. He speaks as she slowly turns around to look at him.
Seifer: I think... I heard someone say my name...
[ The crowd goes nuts again as Georgia glares at Ken who quickly walks around her, getting in the middle of them.
Ken Mitchell: Seifer, I've gotta as-
Georgia James: We're not done yet!
[ Seifer holds up his hands to quiet the two.
Seifer: Shhhhh, can you hear it? Can you?
[ Gee sighs as Ken listens intently.
Ken Mitchell: Hear what?
Seifer: My name Ken, they're chanting it!
[ Right on cue the crowd begins to chant "Seifer" as he grins and Ken Mitchell is all smiles filled with glee to have this big scoop fall in his lap.
Seifer: Oh, hey Georgia.
Ken Mitchell: This is great!
Georgia James: You don't shut it Kenny boy you'll be singing Georgia's song reeeal soon.
[ Ken wisely takes a couple steps back.
Georgia James: Ahem, hello Seif, glad you could just drop on by.
[ She says with a hint of sarcasm in her voice as Seifer reaches up and pats Georgia on the shoulder, causing her to look on a bit confused.
Seifer: Anytime Gee. Thought I'd come and wish you luck out there tonight.
Styles: Am I dreaming? Pinch me Fecca.
[ She studies him for a moment before smiling and nodding her head.
Georgia James: Right back atcha Seifmadness.
Styles: I am dreaming, pinch me now Bob! OWW!
Fecca: I don't think you're dreamin' partner.
Seifer: Well, you've got your match coming up so I'll see you around.
[ Seifer says as he turns and begins to walk away, Georgia grins as she says something under her breath only audible enough for the camera to hear.
Georgia James: Oh I'll see you out there!
[ Seif thinks he hears something so he turns around.
Seifer: What's that?
Georgia James: Knock 'em dead champ!
[ She says with a twinkle in her eye as Seifer pauses momentairly before nodding his head and walking off the scene as we switch back to the announce tables.
Styles: Just as I thought, I wasn't dreaming.
Fecca: Why am I getting a bad feeling about that?
Styles: Because you know our beloved Reigning Goddess.
Fecca: Nevertheless, up next is the People's Contendership Over The Top Battle Royale!
[ The cameras fade to the promo for the match. |
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- Register:12/01/2008 4:13 PM
Re:PWT Presents 'Holiday Havok' (December 2006)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 3:05 AMCopy HTML
[ Chris demented is already in the ring, when the Arena goes pitch black. David's voice comes over the PA System:
"Since the Beginning I knew it was going to be something serious"
[ This ends and Red and Blue lights start flashing throughout the whole arena. Remember The Name comes loud throughout the PA System. And David coming roaring out. He hopes around a bit before walking down the ramp to the ring. Once he reaches the ring he walks up the steps, across the outside part of the ring, and when he reaches the opposite ring post, he climbs to the second rope (still on the outside of the ring) and throws his hand in the air, while looking out to the crowd. He hopes down, right into the ring, after about seven seconds, and he just hopes back and forth inside the ring waiting for his match to start.
[ As the intro to Let the Bodies Hit the Floor starts, Akmed makes his way from behind the curtains, and is standing at the top of the ramp with a spotlight on him and his bowed down and his hands crossed in front of him. The crowd reigns down boo’s on him, and start throwing things his way. At the end of the intro he throws his arms out wide and his head back and then sprints to the ring and slides in under the bottom rope and kips up when he is clear of the bottom rope. The boo’s and chants of "Akmed Sucks" continue.
Fecca: They are booing Akmed out of the building. I know that not too many people care for him in the PWT, but I didn’t think that the fans hated him this much as well.
Styles: C’mon Bob, Akmed attacked Bobby Johnson’s pregnant wife. Do you not think that these people are not going to hate him for that? Especially since we are in Bobby and Images hometown?
Fecca: You have a point there Eddie.
Styles: Of course I do.
[ The arena lights suddenly just shut off consuming the arena into complete darkness. The sudden engulfing of a massive bright spotlight shines down onto the entry area, the fans try looking through it but it is far too bright to see through it with the naked eye. Suddenly, the public address sound system comes on playing ''Burning Bright'' by Shinedown just as the stage is still engulfed in the massive light. After a few seconds, the spotlight begins fading away and the arena lights return to life as there stands Drew Stevenson with his hands on his hips just looking out nodding as these fans cheer him, he just begins walking down the aisle sporting his usual attire which consists of dark green Chute Boxer style shorts, dark green kneepads, boots and his hands taped up in dark green tape as well. He begins walking down the aisle until he gets down to the ring, he quickly rolls into the ring from under the bottom rope immediately getting back to his feet just pacing the ring simply awaiting for the bell to ring thus getting this match underway.
[ "Bow down before me." This voice is heard throughout The arena as "T-H-E-E R-E-I-G-N-I-N-G G-O-D-D-E-S-S scrolls across the screen in red letters as images of Georgia flashes. "Georgia" rips through the airwaves now as out walks Thee Reigning Goddess herself in a cloud of smoke that slowly rises from the stage. Through the smoke is the ever confident championess with a self satisfied smirk across her face that seems irreplacable as she makes her way to the ring. Slowly yet surely she struts her stuff down the aisle with her agent Paul Heyman by her side. She gets a very positive reaction from the masses and brushes her left shoulder off shaking her head one at ringside. Walking up the steps after talking shop with Heyman Georgia climbs through the ropes and walks across the ring casually leaning on the ropes. She stretches out and yawns seemingly uninterested in all the pre-match festivities as she tells the crowd it's all about Gee. With this she waits for her other opponent and pretends that they don't even exist as she lounges.
[ As things get ready for the next match, "Queer Anthem" by DJ Matt hits the pa system and the following words appear on the titantron:
This is an anthem for all my brothers and sisters in the streets Put out there because they weren't like your average Joe This is a Queer Anthem We're Taking Over!
[ The black curtain gets flicked aside as Brian Juneau begins to walk out onto the stage. The crowd gives him a huge pop, as he slowly comes down the ramp, with Ryan Martin behind him. He slides into the ring as Ryan stands outside of the ring, watching his client who climbs up the turnbuckle to be introduced. Brian hops off the turnbuckle, and stands in the corner, as the crowd continues to cheer.
Fecca: The fans are welcoming Brian Juneau back home in grand fashion. He’s getting a pretty big reception.
Styles: I’m pretty sure that it’s the Southern Decadence crowd that’s welcoming him home.
Fecca: Southern Decadence crowd Styles?
Styles: It’s the name the annual Gay Pride Festival goes by Bob.
Fecca: I didn’t know that. You learn something new every day.
Styles: Glad that I could be of service.
[ All the wrestler wait anxiously in the ring, as the ref signals for the start of the match. They all begin to attack Akmed, and back him up into the corner.
Fecca: It looks like the wrestlers want Akmed out of this match early.
Styles: He’s the biggest person in the match, so it was natural that everyone would try to get him out of the ring first, so they could have a better chance of winning.
[ Akmed falls up against the turnbuckle, as they continue to hit him with everything they got. Georgia James gives him a series of hard slaps across the chest, as Drew Stevenson takes a few steps back, and hits him with a Body Splash which makes Akmed stumble out of the corner. He is grabbed by David Baumann and Chris Demented, and given a Double Armed DDT. Brian Juneau makes his way up the turnbuckle, as the crowd gives him a huge pop. He leaps off, and gives Akmed the Juneau Avalanche (Swanton Bomb), and rolls away from him. Baumann and Chris guide Akmed up to his feet, and give him an Irish Whip. They go to take him down again, but he is able to extend his arms, and drop them with a Clothesline. Over on the other side of the ring, Juneau has Baumann in the corer, and is trying to push him over, but he is hanging on for dear life. Over where Akmed is, he is stomping on the bodies of Baumann and Demented. Georgia James decides to interrupt Juneau, yank him around, and give him a hard shot to the face. He swings at her, but she ducks down, and gives him a Russian Leg Sweep. He goes down, and GJ gets out the way in time, as Baumann comes down on Juneau with a Leg Drop. Back over where Akmed is, he has started to climb up the turnbuckle. The crowd pops, as Image Johnson makes her way down to the ring. Akmed doesn’t notice her coming out, and tries to steady himself. She sneaks up the ring steps, and as Akmed stands up, she grabs him by the foot, and yanks hard, which makes him on top of the rope that connects the ring ropes to the turnbuckle, and gets a low blow from the ropes. You can hear the groans of the men in the arena because you know that had to hurt. He leans forwards, as he howls out in pain.
Fecca: Image Johnson has just come down to the ring, and extracted a little revenge on Akmed.
Styles: I guess she thinks that the world would be a better place if he doesn’t procreate.
[ Akmed holds himself, as he looks over and sees Image standing there. He doesn’t notice Georgia James run over, jump up on the top rope, and give him a Springboard Shining Wizard to the head. He falls off the turnbuckle, and hit’s the floor below.
Sabrina: Akmed has been eliminated!!!
[ Akmed gets back up to his feet, and can’t believe that he has been eliminated. He looks up the ramp, and sees Image backing up it, as she points at Akmed and laughs. He is outraged, and starts up the ramp after her, as she disappears behind the curtains.
Fecca: Image better get as far away from Akmed as she can, or this time, he could seriously hurt her and the baby.
Styles: I’m in agreement here. She better go find her husband quick, or she’s in big trouble.
[ Back in the ring, Baumann has Demented hanging over the ropes, as he hangs onto them, and Drew and GJ double team Juneau in another corner. Baumann pushes demented over the ropes, but he is able to grab hold of them, and roll back in the ring. Baumann gives him a few stomps to the back, but he is hit from behind by a forearm shot from Drew. On the other side of the ring, Juneau has turned the tables on GJ, and is pummeling her in the corner. He climbs up the turnbuckle, and hits her, as the crowd counts to ten. He pulls her out of the corner, and takes a few steps back. He runs with her to the ropes, and launches her over. She is able to grab a hold of him with one arm, the ropes with the other, and as she flips over the ropes, she is able to bring him over as well. He hit’s the floor, as she is able to stay on the apron, and roll herself back in the ring.
Sabrina: Brian Juneau has been eliminated.
[ The crowd doesn’t like it, and boos loudly.
Fecca: Well the hometown favorite is out.
Styles: The crowd would have liked for him to win this match. They would have went wild if he did.
[ Over on the other side of the ring Baumann and Demented have started double teaming Drew. They try to launch him over the ropes, but Drew is able to hang onto the ropes, and roll back in. Baumann turns around, and gets greeted by a Dream Sequence (Savat Kick) from GJ, and hits the mat in a hurry. GJ doesn’t have time to celebrate, as she is taken down by a Clothesline from Demented. He gives GJ a few stomps to the body, but out of nowhere, Drew grabs him, and gives him a running launch over the tope ropes.
Sabrina: Chris Demented has been eliminated.
Fecca: We’re down to the final three now. Do you have a favorite here Styles?
Styles: I think that Thee Reigning Goddess has got this in the bag.
[ Drew has guided Baumann back up to his feet, and slung him over to the corner, and followed it up with a hard Shoulder Block, that makes Baumann slide down to a sitting position. Drew immediately starts to stomp a mud hole in him, and walk it dry. GJ stands back, and tries to get a little rest while the other two men duke it out. She looks over, and sees that her manager Paul Heyman, is being surrounded by Brian Juneau, and his manager, Ryan Martin. She goes over to the ropes to check it out, and begins to argue with Juneau. As she argues with Brian, she gets hit from the back by Drew with a Clothesline, and goes flying over the ropes, to the floor below.
Sabrina: Georgia James has been eliminated.
Fecca: Well, there goes your pick Eddie. We’re down to Drew Stevenson and David Baumann now.
Styles: If it wasn’t for the interference by Juneau, she would have had this match. Any other place, and they would have booed him to high heaven, but the crowd is going nuts over it.
[ GJ and Juneau start to brawl on the outside, and they are pulled apart by some refs that have come from the backstage area. Back in the ring, Drew and Baumann circle each other. They go to lock up, but Baumann kicks Drew in the gut, and gives him a DDT. He gives him a few stomps to the body, before guiding him up to his feet, Irish Whipping him into the ropes, and follows it up with a Welcome to Naptown. He stalks Drew, and watches as he slides over to the ropes, and tries to use them to get to his feet.
Fecca: This doesn’t look good for Drew.
Styles: Baumann said that he was here to kick some ass and win some titles, and it looks like he is being true to his word..
[ Drew finally makes it up to his feet, with the help of the ropes. As he turns around, he sees Baumann charging towards him. He is able to drop down to a knee, and use Baumann’s momentum to launch him over the ropes, with a Modified Fireman’s Throw. When Baumann hit’s the floor, the ref signals for the bell.
Sabrina: Your winner, and new number one contender for the People’s Championship, Drew Stevensonnnnnnnnnn!!!
Fecca: Drew has obviously overcame that setback that he had a few weeks ago, when he lost to Travis O’Neal. The year 2007 should be a good year for him.
Styles: He had the awareness to drop down, and use Baumann’s momentum against him. He’s well on his way to becoming the next PWT People’s Champion.
[ As Drew celebrates this victory we fade to backstage and we see Akmed walking through the halls, knocking things over, as he looks for Image. He sees her standing at the end of the hallway. He takes off after her, as she turns and darts around the corner. He turns the corner, only to get hit in the face hard with a football. Akmed stumbles backwards and grabs his face. He takes his hand, to reveal a swollen lip. As he looks up to see who hit him, the camera pans over, and sees Image standing behind her husband, Bobby Johnson, and the man who threw the ball, New Orleans saints QB, Drew Brees. The crowd lets out a huge pop when they see them. Akmed glares at Bobby and points his way….
Akmed: You mean to tell me that you can’t fight your own battles Monkey Boy?
Bobby: Well seeing as how I have a Heavyweight Title match tonight, I figured that I would find someone else to kick your ass for me tonight.
[ Akmed laughs….
Akmed: Out of all the people in the world, all you could find is the QB of this town’s sucky football team?
[ The crowd boo’s loudy. Bobby looks over Akmed’s shoulder, and points….
Bobby: Drew just happened to be in the building, and volunteered to bash you in the face with one of his rocket passes, it’s those guys that I got to do the job.
[ Akmed turns around just in time to catch get a Spear from Travis O’Neal. He gets up, and starts to stomp the body of Akmed, just as Bobby’s brother, and former professional wrestler, Ahmed Johnson, comes into the view of the camera, and starts to stomp on him as well. The two men guide Akmed up to his feet, and slam him into the wall. The two men pick him, put him up on Ahmed’s shoulders, as Ahmed gives Akmed The Pearl River Plunge. Ahmed gets up to his feet, and starts to wipe himself off….
Ahmed: Son of a bitch…I got dirt on my suit!!!
[ He gives Akmed another stomp for making him get his suit dirty. Bobby walks into the view of the camera, and kneels over Akmed….
Bobby: I told you that you would get it when you least expected it. You want to put your hands on my pregnant wife, and for that, you have to pay. Now I said that I wasn’t going to do anything to you tonight because of my Heavyweight Title match, but I didn’t say anything about next week. So make sure that your schedule is clear because me and you are going to have ourselves a match on Shockwave Eighty. You are going to get exactly what you deserve…I’m going to make you tap the fuck out. See ya next week twinkle toes.
[ They all walk out of the scene, as the camera focuses on Akmed laid out in the hallway. |
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- Register:12/01/2008 4:13 PM
Re:PWT Presents 'Holiday Havok' (December 2006)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 3:06 AMCopy HTML
[ The live crowd was waiting patiently for the match to take place. The referee was already inside the squared circle. Suddenly, theme music began to play among the stage.
"Enter Sandman", by Metallica, starts to play over the PA system:
[ The arena goes pitch black dark, as a red light takes over the darkness, Smoke fills the ramp area.. And a video of Styles starts to play.. As the smoke continues to consume the entire ramp.. Jay emerges through the smoke and on the ramp.. On his way down to the ring, Jay ignores the fans and gets a determined look in his eye as he awaits the arrival of his opponent. Jay Styles had the people's championship title belt around his waist.
Sabrina: In the ring now, he is the current reigning Peoples champion of PWT........JAAAAAAAAAY STYLES!!!!
[Fecca]: "Jay Styles, the people's champion. This should be a very exciting match up tonight. Everyone knows the history that has been developed between Jay Styles and Jason Caine. This is not the first time that these men have faced off against each other. We all remember the hatred that has been builded between these two men and both of these men are coming into this match hungry for that championship title belt."
[Styles]: "Hey, don't forget about Jason Brooskie, or whatever his name is. Jason Caine was right, that young rookie doesn't even deserve to be in this match."
[Fecca]: "Anything is possible in this company, that young rookie could quite possibly leave here as the new people's champion."
[Styles]: "Not with that hungry Jason Caine lying around. This Briscoe guy is in way over his head."
[ ALL the lights go out! The fans stand in slience has the arena is pitch black...A low, faraway stomping sound plays through the speakers...after five seconds and loud BOOM!! blows through the speakers and "Dead Man Walking" comes on loud. red flashing laser lights fly throughout the arena. Jason Briscoe steps out on to the ramp with a hood over his head.

[ He walks down the ramp slapping hands with each fans reaching out trying to slap hands with him. He walks around the ring untill he makes a full circle, has he climbs the stairs into the ring. He walks around the ring slapping his chest, getting himself pumped for his match. Has the music slows, and his laser lights come to an end, a spotlight shines on the middle of the ring, with David standing there, and with a BOOM! of pyro from the turnbuckles he throws his head off and throws his arms out.

Sabrina: And now in the ring, the challenger, JAAAAAASON BRISCOE!!!
[Styles]: "I hope this kid knows what he's doing, but everyone knows that Jason CAINE is taking the title home tonight."
[Fecca]: "Don't be so sure Styles, this is every man for himself and Jay Styles looks determined to keep his belt."
[Styles]: "Correction. That's Caine's belt."
[ His theme song begins to play. "California Love" By Tupac Featuring Dr. Dre hits the PA System. All of the stage lights remain the same while some of them starts to flicker on and off. His theme song begins to play louder and he comes from behind the curtain with a very cocky and arrogant attitude. He has a eric bischoff type grin upon his face as he walks down the entrance way and jumps over the ropes to get inside the ring. He steps on top of the middle rope and raises his left hand in the air while trash talkin some of the fans that may boo him. He finally steps inside the ring with a smirk upon his face as he raises his hands up and looks at the fans as if to say "How can you not enjoy looking at this?"
Sabrina: And the other challenger, JAAAAAAAASON CAAAAINE!!!
[Fecca]: "The very cocky and very arrogant Jason Caine. I respect his talent and skills in the ring, but this man needs work on his ego."
[Styles]: "Wouldn't you have an ego if you was Jason Caine? I mean c'mon, he has the body, the ring skills and everything else in between. Not to mention that he's currently dating Summer Stratus. Who wouldn't want to be Jason Caine?"
[Fecca]: "You can invite me over his house to play X-box later, but right now we have a match to call with all three men inside the ring."
[ The bell rings and this match was getting under way. Jason Caine and Jay Styles began to stare down at each other. You can see the anger and hatred that has been build up between these two men. They looked at each other and you can tell that hell was about to break loose. Jason Briscoe decided to use this to his advantage, having both men stare down at each other, he just immediately drop kicks Jason Caine and he hits the mat. Jason was on the ground and that was when Jay Styles and Jason Briscoe decided to go at each other's throats! Jason Briscoe kicked Jay Styles in the gut, he tossed him against the ropes and he was going for a clothesline but Jay Styles ducked under and gave him a clothesline of his own. Briscoe was on the ground as Jay began to stomp a mudhole into Briscoe as he pulled him into a corner. Caine watched the back and forth fighting between Briscoe and Styles. Caine moves over and grabs Styles and pulls him away from Briscoe as he shoves Styles on the ground. Caine left Styles on the ground as he decided to move over towards the corner and stomp a mudhole into Briscoe himself. Caine laughs evily as he grabs Briscoe and tosses him into Jay Styles with both men hitting the mat. Styles gets himself up off the ground and that was when he began to glare at Caine. Both Styles and Caine began to get in each other's faces and you can just imagine the heated hatred pouring from within their spirits.
[Fecca]: "These guys could explode any minute now!"
[ Styles and Caine would have gone after each other but they both watched Briscoe moved towards them and they took him down with a double clothesline! Caine picked Briscoe up and takes him down with a backbreaker! Styles didn't want Caine to get all the momentum and so he snatches Briscoe up and takes him out with a reverse neckbreaker! Briscoe got back up by Styles immediately took him out with a dropkick! Styles went for the cover.
Ref: 1...2...
[ Briscoe kicks out.
[Fecca]: "Doesn't hurt to go for a quick pin."
[Styles]: "Not when Jason Caine is close by, I mean c'mon, think he was gonna let him go that easily?"
[ Briscoe did his best to fight back as he hit Styles with a jab to the jaw! He moves over and hits Caine in the jaw aswell! Briscoe was fighting for survival as he went back and forth! Punching and jabbing both Styles and Caine left and right! He drop kicked Styles and then he clotheslined Caine.
[Fecca]: "That's right Briscoe, gain some momentum."
[ His momentum fell short when Styles came back with a kick to the gut and a spinebuster! Caine grabs Briscoe by the hair and immediately tosses him out of the ring! Briscoe hits the mat hard and he appeared to be out cold for a little while. Caine and Styles went back to staring down at each other with hatred in their eyes. The tension was building up like crazy and these guys wanted to rip each other's heads off. Caine and Styles just didn't care anymore, they ran at each other as they both began to hit each other back and forth with punches and jabs! They were going back and forth like wild bulls! The live crowd was going nuts!
[Styles]: "All hell has broke loose! Jason and Jay Styles!"
[ Caine and Styles continued to go back and forth but Styles gave him a kick to the gut and then he followed it up with a bulldog! Styles shoves Caine hard into the corner turnbuckle and you can imagine the pain that Caine felt when he back hit the turnbuckle! Caine moaned in pain with Caine's back hitting the turnbuckle so painfully. Styles decided to use this to his advantage as he grabs Caine and takes him out with a samoan drop!
[Fecca]: "That back has gotta be hurting by now."
[ Styles goes for the pin.
Ref: 1...2...Kickout!
[Styles]: "Can't take Caine out so soon, he is a veteran after all."
[Fecca]: "It was still a very impressive samoan drop by Jay Styles."
[ Styles grabs Caine and begins to take him out with punches. Styles grabs Caine and takes him down with a hard scoop slam! He wanted to hurt that back in the worst way possible. Briscoe comes back into the ring and tries to go after Styles but Styles kicks him in the gut and immediately takes him out with a Styles Flop!!!!
[Fecca]: "Styles Flop! That's it!"
[ Styles goes for the pin.
Ref: 1...2.....
[ Caine immediately breaks the three count as he begins to stomp on both Briscoe and Styles!
[Styles]: "Nice save!"
[ Caine grabbed Briscoe and tossed him into the ropes. Caine runs straight towards Briscoe and spears him hard to the mat! Styles went behind Caine and hit him in the back with his elbow! Styles grabs Caine and puts him in the corner. Styles walks over to the other turnbuckle and he was getting ready to charge at Caine while remaining in the corner. Styles charges towards Caine in the corner but Caine immediately moves out of the way and Styles bashes his face hard into the turnbuckle!
[Fecca]: "That's gotta hurt."
[ Caine hits Styles with a punch to the jaw! Caine was filled with anger and fury!!! He grabs Jay Styles by the ears and he begins to yell and trash talk right in his face. He continues to yell. Jason grabbed Styles by the hair and he his body was filled with rage. Jason Caine drags Styles over towards the bottom rope and he begins to choke Styles among the bottom rope. Caine continues to choke Styles while trash talking out of his mouth. "You wanna disrespect me?! Huh?!" Caine continued to choke him until the ref told him to break it up. Caine finally decided to let go. Styles was crawling and he pulls himself up off the mat. Caine swings his fist and knocks Styles into next week as Styles hits the mat hard! "That's what ya get! Do you understand?"
[Fecca]: "Jason Caine, continues to trash talk at Jay Styles. Nice punch in the face by Jason Caine."
[ Caine pulls Styles up off the mat and hits him with a european uppercut. Briscoe grabs Caine and tries to hit him with a bulldog but Caine was able to counter the move and he shoved Briscoe into Styles with both men hitting the mat hard! Caine kicks Briscoe out of the ring and then he goes back to work on Styles. He punches him and throws jabs at him but Styles was able to block one of his punches and he follows it up with a kick to the gut and he hits Caine with a scissors kick! Caine hits the mat and Styles tries to gain control of the match. Briscoe grabs Styles by the foot and he drags him out of the ring and pulls him towards the ringside area. Briscoe and Styles were both out of the ring as Briscoe begins to stomp a mudhole into Styles. Briscoe was able to shove Styles into the steel ring steps with Styles laying on the ground. Briscoe slides back into the ring and he begins to face off against Caine. Briscoe tried to gain some control but Caine kicks him in the mid section and takes him out with a reverse DDT! Caine grabs Briscoe and sets him up for a spike piledriver! Caine had Briscoe in position and then he takes him down with the piledriver! Briscoe was out cold. Styles comes from behind and hits Caine with a dropkick! Styles grabs Caine and takes him down with another samoan drop!
[Fecca]: "Another samoan drop by Styles, he should go for the cover, Caine's back has gotta be terrible by now."
[ Caine was hurt on the mat. Styles knew that it was time to finish the job. Styles pulled Caine off the mat and he could feel his victory coming right around the corner. Caine was out cold. Styles began to set Caine up for the Stylish Impact BUT! Caine immediately counters the move!
[Styles]: "Nice counter! Caine was prepared for this match, he knew Jay was gonna go for that signature move."
[Fecca]: "It's not over yet Styles."
[ Caine had countered the move but Styles didn't waste anytime with trying to gain more momentum. He immediately began to take Caine out with punches. Caine hit the mat once again. This time, Styles went for the Styles Flop but Jason immediately counters from that move as he quickly moves out of the way and Styles hits the mat!
[Styles]: "Nice counter."
[ Caine was not going to give up. He wanted that title for the second time in a row. Styles was furious as he goes after Caine but Caine was ready for Styles as he quickly grabs Styles and hits him with a belly to belly suplex! Styles ran after Caine once again but Caine countered him by taking him out with another belly to belly suplex! Caine grabs Styles and it looked like Styles was trying to go for another Stylish Impact attempt but Caine was able to grab Styles's leg just in time and he trips him down on the mat! Styles was on the ground. Briscoe got back up off the mat but Jason gave him a quick shuffle side kick as he hits the mat. Caine goes back over to Styles and immediately begins to put him in the "Silent Knight" submission!!!!! The crowd goes crazy.
[Styles]: "Silent Knight submission on Jay Styles!!! C'mon Jase!"
[Fecca]: "Jay Styles is trying his best not to tap out! Jay Styles is remaining strong!"
[ Jason continues to apply the pressure on Styles while holding him in the submission. The ref was asking Styles if he wanted to quit but Styles was telling him NO! Styles was slowly moving towards the ropes. He was getting closer and closer towards the ropes. It looked like Styles was getting closer towards the ropes but Caine decided to pull him further away from the ropes and he began to apply more pressure to the submission hold! Styles kept trying to reach the ropes but Jason's hold was too strong and he was holding him tightly. Styles continued to move towards the ropes but Caine's pressure was way too heavy. Caine continued to move around the ring because he didn't want Styles to reach the ropes. He continued to apply more pressure! Styles couldn't take it anymore.....He began to tap!!!
[Styles]: "That's all she wrote!"
[ The ref calls for the bell!!!! DING! DING! DING!
[Sabrina]: "Here is your winner and the NEW PWT People's Champion! JASON CAINE!!!"
[ The crowd cheers. Caine finally decides to let go of the submission hold. He glares evily at the fallen Jay Styles.
[Fecca]: "Styles tried to hold on for as long as he could but Jason Caine just kept applying the pressure."
[ The ref gives the belt over to Jason and Jason just snatches the belt out of the referee's hand and he tells him to move out of the way. Jason Caine raises the belt up in the air and he grins evily as he begins to laugh. Jason walks over and climbs up the turnbuckle as he raises the title belt in the air once more. Jason looks over at the fallen Jay Styles and he begins to yell at him. "This is MINE! I am THEE People's Champion. THEE Champion!" he says. Jason walked over and stomped on Briscoe one last time as he tosses him out of the ring.
[Fecca]: "What a cocky and arrogant man he is."
[Styles]: "He's the champ! He can do whatever he wants."
[ Jason grins as he begins to leave the ring area with his precious title hanging over his shoulder. He gives it a little kiss as he laughs evily and puts the belt back over his shoulder and he walks backstage. |
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- Register:12/01/2008 4:13 PM
Re:PWT Presents 'Holiday Havok' (December 2006)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 3:07 AMCopy HTML
[ The lights go out and a raven's caw echoes throught the arena and Nevyrmorr's symbol appears on screen, annoucing his arrival. "vermilion" starts playing with funeral bells ringing in the background. With each ring, a shot of Nev's face appears on the screen and quickly disappears. Tall torches lining the entrance ramp instantly light up through the power of Nev's pyrokinetic powers. A white spotlight is focused on the rafters of the arena. Nevyrmorr is seen standing there quietly. He then descends onto the stage from the rafters using his power of flight. He has Manadh, his pet raven, on his shoulder. Nev lands on the stage and walks to the ring through the tunnel of druids. He still wears the long, black trenchcoat and the bo staff sheathed on his back. His long, black hair hangs in front of his painted face, obstructing it.Still, you can see his intense eyes peering out from behind. He stops just before the ring steps, takes Manadh off his shoulder and lets him rest on his forearm. He lifts him up and lets him fly to the rafters. Nev slowly climbs the ring steps and climbs into the ring. Morganna Black was with him as she was going to be at ringside. She moves over towards the ringside area. He walks to the middle of the ring, lifts his hands and throws them down. On each ringpost, a flame shoots up as well as four flames on each side of the stage. After that, he takes off his trenchcoat, his bo, and it's sheath and then the match starts and Nev awaits his opponent.
[Fecca]: "Nev Vs Christian Micheals is coming up shortly, we have Nev waiting in the ring and Morganna Black is waiting at ringside in support of Nev for this one on one contest."
[Styles]: "Did I ever tell you how much Nev creeps me out? Black is my least favorite color because of him."
[Fecca]: "I'm sure that Nev would have alot to say about you if he was given the chance."
[Styles]: "Very funny."
[ A video starts on the tron as we hear "King of Kings" by Motorhead start to play. This video comprised of images depicting Christian Michaels in PWT action, shots of his beytrayal of Javen and embrace with NED spliced in....Fans are booing like hell, the lights coming back on to reveal their former hero with his back to them....His arms are outstretched in Jericho-fashion...CM spins round and makes his way down the aisle with a cocky walk. His wife, Rhya Micheals appears by his side as she begins to follow him down the aisle...Many fans shouting obscenities as he moves up the steps.....Michaels steps into the ring and calls for those jeers....The music fading away as CM waits for the match to start...Rhya was in his corner at ringside. The bell rings as the match was getting ready to be underway.
[Styles]: "If were lucky, maybe we can see some action going on between Morganna and Rhya at ringside."
[Fecca]: "Your talking about them fighting, right?"
[Styles]: "Fighting? Oh yeah, they can do that too I guess."
[Fecca]: "Your pathetic."
[ CM and Nev begin to lock up in the middle of the ring. Both men try to dominate each other as they both continue to hold on. CM moves over and brings Nev into the corner turnbuckle as he begins to work on him with punches and kicks to the mid section. CM did a few back hand chops with Nev feeling the impact. CM yanks Nev out of the turnbuckle and tosses him over into the other turnbuckle. CM charges forward and hits him with a clothesline, he follows it up with a bulldog. CM pins.
Ref: 1....2...kickout by Nev.
[Fecca]: "Nev is a very tough competitor, he's not gonna back down so easily."
[Styles]: "He's also a freakazoid, what's your point?"
[Fecca]: "Freakazoid? So I guess that means your out of a job."
[ Nev began to turn the tables as he begins to jab CM in the mid section. He pulls himself back up and gives him a quick kick to the gut and takes him down with a neckbreaker. CM gets himself back up and Nev follows it up with a dropkick. He grabs CM and tosses him against the ropes and Nev takes him down with a nice arm drag and follows it up with a running knee lift. CM falls back and hits the mat. Morganna claps with approval. Rhya taps her hands on the ringpost as he tries to get CM to turn things around. CM gets himself back up and takes Nev down with a clothesline. Nev gets himself back up and CM tries to go for another one but Nev ducks under and does a clothesline of his own with CM hitting the mat. Nev decides to grab CM and he tosses him out of the ring!
[Styles]: "That's right Nev, take the action outside!"
[Fecca]: "Nev better be careful here, he could get disqualified. The referee started to count."
[ Nev stomps a mudhole into CM as they remain outside. Nev grabs CM and scoop slams him on the ground! Nev grabs CM by the hair and pulls him up off the ground but CM gains enough momentum to shoves Nev's body into the ringpost! Nev hurts his back and he stumbles on the ground. CM stomps on Nev and begins to pull him back into the ring because the ref continued to count. Both men were back in the ring. CM spears Nev and begins to mount him with punches. Nev shoved CM off of him. He tried to grab CM but CM gave him a rake in the eyes.
[Styles]: "That's right CM, do whatever it takes."
[Fecca]: "Nev could be in trouble here."
[ CM hits him in the gut and gives him a dragon screw leg whip! Nev hits the mat. CM grabs Nev and puts him in a boston crap. Morganna looks concerned at ringside as CM locks him in the submission. The ref checks on Nev as he continues to fight it out.
[Styles]: "Go ahead and tap Nev, you know ya want to."
[Fecca]: "He's not gonna give up so easily."
[ Nev was able to reverse the submission hold as he flips CM over and CM stumbles on the mat hard! The crowd cheers over Nev's momentum. CM gets himself up off the mat and he charges after Nev but Nev takes him down with a spinebuster! Both men were down now. But they don't stay down long. Nev starts to get to his feet as CM rolls to teh ropes and uses them to get up. Here comes Nev in after him, but CM with a boot to the gut of Nev. He hooks Nev up almost like a double underhook ddt. CM then jumps up off the mat and wraps his legs around Nev's waist!
Fecca: Michaels is finally using his submission finisher!
Styles: Oh this thing is definately over now!
[ Well Nev is trying to keep that from being true as he staggers around the ring with Michaels locked on with the submission finisher. And he fights it for a couple minutes, but finally its too much. Nev drops to a knee and slowly CM ends up on his back.
Styles: This is it!
Fecca: Look! CM's shoulders are on the mat!
[ The ref jumps into position and slaps the mat for the ONE..............TWO..................Nev weakly taps the mat three consecutive times directly in front of the ref...THREE! The bell rings but neither man's music plays. Christian unlocks his hands and legs, spawling out on the mat, sucking down oxygen. Nevyrmorr himself falls back onto his ass in a seated position. He too is drawing in deep breaths.
Styles: What the hell? CM made him tap, give Michaels his win so we can move on with the show!
Fecca: But Nev also had CM's shoulders to the mat for a three....
Styles: But the tap came before the three!
Fecca: From where I saw it was at the same time.
[ Rhya has gotten into the ring and helped CM up and to a corner by now. Morganna has done the same for Nev as the ref leans out the ring to tell Sabrina his decision. She nods and then raises her mic up.
Sabrina: Ladies and gentlemen the referee has informed me that as he was making the three count, Nevyrmorr tapped to Christian's submission........Thus the ref has decided that this match is a DRAW!
[ There's a mixed reaction from the crowd at this announcement. However Nev an CM look at each other across the ringa nd both shrug. They head toward the center of the ring and meet in a hug. Both men the shaking hands with each other before CM, Rhya, Nev, an Morganna all hold their arms up high.
Fecca: Now there's something ya don't see all the time but ya should! Some good old fashioned sportmanship
Styles: Someone get these guys outta here before I get a cavity.
[ As the four begin to leave, we fade to footage of what happened when Bobby Johnson looked to give the TITANium title to Whysper last week.
Fecca: Bobby stated that he was coming down to the ring tonight, to give the PWT TITANium Championship to the number one contender, who would be Whysper. Being true to his word, here he is.
Styles: Bobby has his eyes set on the PWT Heavyweight Championship, and in his eyes, he doesn’t need the distraction of the TITANium championship. Besides, I don’t think that he would want to have to wrestle two matches at the Pay Per View.
Fecca: I guess that you are right about that Eddie.
Styels: Of course I am Bob, and it’s about time that you realized my greatness.
Fecca: I’m sorry that I ever paid you a compliment.
[ Bobby gets into the ring, and holds the ropes apart, and lets Crystal in behind him. He walks over to the corner, and gets a microphone from one of the stagehands, then walks back the center of the ring, and holds it up to his mouth….
Bobby: Everyone knows why I am out here, but before we get to that, I have something to say. As most of you know, my pregnant wife Image was attacked by some lowly curtain jerker that goes by the name of Akmed.
[ The fans boo loudly, at the mere mention of Akmed’s name….
Bobby: I agree with those sentiments as well. I mean, what kind of low life scum would lower himself in such a fashion? All so he could get himself a little attention, and quite possibly, get himself some good heel heat going…that is just flat out pathetic. Well, he is definitely going to get the attention that he asked for, that much I can guarantee you. See, Akmed, you have pissed off the right people, and now you are going to pay for what you did.
[ Bobby’s manager/sister Crystal shakes her head in agreement, in the background….
Bobby: You won’t know when it will happen, or you won’t know where it will happen, but you can rest assure that you will get yours, and it will be by my hands.
[ A rousing chorus of "Akmed’s a Douche" echoes throughout the building….
Bobby: Yeah he is a douche, but that is besides the point. I have hired a couple of body guards just to make sure that some second rate enhancement talent lifer doesn’t decide to make himself famous, and try to do something stupid like that again. The next time, the dumbass in question, just may find a piece of lead in his ass.
Fecca: Did Bobby just threaten to shoot someone, while the camera’s were on?
Styles: I think that he meant that the body guards would shoot someone if they tried to attack his wife again…at least that is what I hope he meant.
Bobby: It’s time to get to the real reason that I am here….the PWT TITANium Championship. I said last week that I would be handing it off to the number one contender. In my eyes, Whysper has earned this strap, and I hope that he holds it with as much respect for the title as I did. Come on down here, and get your prize Whysper, you’ve earned it.
[ "The Truth" by Limp Bizkit, starts to play over the PA System, and Whysper comes from behind the curtain, and makes his way to the ring. He climbs inside the ring, and shakes hands with Bobby and his manager/sister Crystal. He looks over at Bobby, who raises the microphone again…
Bobby: Like I said before Whysper, you earned this title, so I am not going to waste any time in handing it over to you.
[ He goes to hand the title over to Whysper, but they are interrupted when, "Born With Nothing, Die With Everything" by Papa Roach blares over the PA System.
Fecca: That’s Matt Matlock’s music.
Styles: What in the hell does he want out here?
Fecca: I guess that we are about to find out.
[ Matlock doesn’t waste any time in getting into the ring, and walks past them all, and goes over, and gets a Microphone form a stagehand, before coming back, and coming back over towards them.
Matlock: Sweet Cream on an Ice Cream Sandwich. What in the f*** are you doing?
Bobby: What in the hell does it actually look like Matlock? I am handing my title over to someone who actually deserves it. This doesn’t concern you in the least, so get lost before I use you as an example for Akmed.
Fecca: Bobby’s not pleased by the interruption.
[ Whysper pushes Bobby aside, and gets in Matlocks face. Bobby grabs him, and holds him back…..
Styles: Whysper obviously isn’t pleased either.
Matlock: You’re HANDING it over to him, Whysper my man, look at me. Bobby here says that you earned the title. You earned it? How? By coming out here, shaking his hand, and taking the title? Every time you have been put in a big match Whysper, you fucked up. Every time you’re put in a title match, you’ve fucked up.
[ Whysper grabs Bobby’s mic now….
Whysper: Look who’s talking.
Fecca: That’s the pot calling the kettle black there.
Styles: What in the hell are you talking about? I don’t see any pots or kettles.
Fecca: Never mind Eddie….never mind.
Matlock: Fact is Whysper, you haven’t done shit to prove that you are capable of holding that title.
Whysper: I beat you didn’t I?
Matlock: Yeah, but you know what? Just like that little "victory" that you got over me last year, it was a damn fluke. I came back the following week, and laid your punk ass out. You got lucky again last month, so now it seems that history will repeat its self, and I will have to put you in your place.
Styles: I like where this is going.
Matlock: You want the strap kid? You want to shed the blood, the sweat, and the tears, just like the past holders of the title have done? Then bring it Whysper. Bring your ass to the Pay Per View against me, beat me one more damn time, and take what you think is yours.
[ The crowd pops….
Fecca: Matlock is laying down the challenge to Whysper. Seems that he won’t just stand for the title being handed over.
Styles: I wouldn’t if I were him either. Good show for Matlock. He has a chance for redemption.
Fecca: If Whysper accepts that is.
[ By this time, Bobby’s manager/sister Crystal, has went over and gotten him a mic….
Bobby: You know what Matlock, even though this doesn’t even concern you, and to be honest, I could give a rat’s ass what you think about anything, but I must say that you do have a point. I mean, it is a slap in the face to everyone on the roster who would like to get their hands on this title someday. I know that I would be pissed off if I were in you guys shoes. So I think that it is only fitting that Whysper have to have a match to get the title, and since you had the balls enough to come out here, and call him out like that, then you should be the one to face him. It’s all up to you Whysper. What do you say bud?
[ Everyone is looking at Whysper at this point. He thinks about it for a few seconds, before answering…
Whysper: You got it Matlock. I’ll see you at the Pay Per View!!!
[ The crowd pops again….
Fecca: Well there it is Eddie, Whysper and Matlock will get it on for the PWT TITANium Championship.
Styles: I can’t wait for this match Bob. The way Matlock took it upon himself to come out here, and make the challenge, I think that he is focused, and will win this match.
Fecca: Don’t forget that Whysper beat Matlock recently, so he does have the momentum in his favor.
Styles: You heard what Matlock said Bob, it was a fluke.
Fecca: I guess that will be decided next week then Eddie.
Styles: Without question it will Fecca.
[ The three men are still standing in the ring. Matlock turns to leave, but without warning, turns around, and cracks Whysper in the head with the mic that he was holding. Whysper drops to the mat, and grabs his head, as Bobby jumps into a defensive stance. Matlock looks at him and smirks, as he rolls out of the ring. | |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Holiday Havok' (December 2006)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 3:09 AMCopy HTML
[ The scene cuts to a poorly lit ring, inside of an abandoned warehouse. There we see a figure maneuvering around ring slowly. Mozart's Requim starts to play over the scene, as a low voice-over begins to speak.
Voice-Over: Man has climbed Mount Everest, gone to the bottom of the ocean. He's fired rockets at the Moon, split the atom, achieved miracles in every field of human endeavor. But to this day, man has yet to see true wrestling perfection.... ..... Until now. ..... As another year comes to an end, a new era begins. An era of perfection; both in and out of the ring. Beauty, Brains, and Brawn. PWT will finally see the light, and it will be good. Perfection has a name... ....... ....... ....... ISABELL WINTERS?!?!
[ The music comes to a screeching halt, as the camera zooms-in on the figure in the ring. The lights go bright, and we see Isabell Winters stands tall in the center, with a big grin on her face.
Isabell: I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccckkk.
[ Isabell flashes her pearly whites, and gives the camera a thumbs up. A few seconds of awkward silence pass, and Isabell stands frozen in her Thumbs up pose.
Voice Over: *Ahem*
[ Isabell's look of confidence quickly turns to confusion. She cocks her right eyebrow up, looks off camera, and back again.
Isabell: What? Were you expecting someone else???
Voice-Over: Let's just call her, a late Christmas Present....
[ Isabell still looks confused, as she turns her attention off camera
Isabell: Too much??? Was it too much?
Voice-Over: PWT's New Years Baby returns next week....and she's not coming alone...
[ Things open up backstage inside of the locker room of Brian Juneau who didn't win the People's Championship Contenders battle royal, but it seemed he won something as his lover, Jamie Matthews was comforting him as he spoke to Brian.
Jamie Matthews: It's alright, Bri', you'll get another opportunity, it was just a stupid battle royal. And why that chick thinks she has any rights attacking you is beyond me.
Brian Juneau: It matters not anymore Jamie, because lets face it, there are too many people who want me to be held back. It happened before and it will continue to happen until I make it change and I have just the idea to make a change.
Jamie Matthews: Oh, and what's that?
Brian Juneau: You'll see, and it's time that someone started giving me a little respect around this place, and there's a certain someone who is going to wish he had never put my name in his mouth. And oddly enough, the time is now it seems.
[ Brian smirks as he heads out of the locker room, leaving Jamie with his manager, Ryan Martin. We then come to ringside where Guitar chords start to play over the speakers. Eight seconds in, pyro explodes on the stage as Papa Roach's ‘Born With Nothing, Die With Everything’ starts to blare through the arena. Matlock steps through the curtain onto the stage to a chorus of boos from the crowd.
Sabrina: "Ladies and gentlemen...from Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada...weighing 235 pounds, ‘The Cornered Animal’, Matt Matlock!"
Matlock walks down the ramp and extends his arms to the side and spins in a circle slowly, as we see sparkler like pyros go off along both sides of the ramp. He reaches the ring and rolls inside, heading for a turnbuckle. He raises his arms up to his side as Shawn Micheals-style pyro shoots off like gunfire inside the ring. He lowers his arms and it stops, as he hops down to the mat. He leans over the ropes and starts mouthing off to the fans, and then he turns around to wait for his opponent.
"Making his way to the ring, weighing two hundred ten pounds. From Plainville, Indiana, being escorted by Angelina Santana....Whyyysssperrrr!!!"
"The Truth" by Limp Bizkit blasts through the P.A. and plays awhile, awaiting the arrival of the Silent Warrior. After a few seconds, Whysper emerges, along with Angelina, from the back and flips his hair back and pounds his chest with his fist and gives the rock/heavy metal hand sign. Then, he looks up towrds Heaven and points towards that direction. He then looks at Angelina and she turns to him dramtatically, pressing herself against him as he grabs her around the waist. She puts her arms around Whysper's shoulders and wraps her right leg around his waist as he holds it around the thigh area. Angelina caresses the Silent One's face as he does hers. They then engage in a short kiss. After releasing each other, Whysper walks to the ring with Angelina sauntering behind him. Once he gets a few feet from it, he sprints and slides in. Once he stands back up, he then looks at Angelina and points at her. She gives the crowd a playful smile and puts her hands on the apron. Then, Angelina proceeds to twist and gyrate her hips in a seductive motion. She then puts up one of her long, athletic legs on the apron, caresses it, then puts the other one on the apron and pulls herself up onto the apron. She ducks under the ropes and into the ring. Whysper then helps her up. Then, as Angelina greets the crowd, Whysper climbs a turnbuckle and does the same rock taunt he did on stage, but both hands and with his mouth wide open like he's yelling. Then, he closes his mouth and hold his index finger to his lips as if saying 'shh.' He runs to another turnbuckle and does the same taunts again. He then hops down, kneels at the turnbuckle, and prays as Angelina climbs out of the ring. Once he gets done doing that, he stands up and walks to the center of the ring.
Bob Fecca: It's time for exciting ladder match.
Eddie Styles: Yeah, and it's for the Titanium Title.
The bell rings and Matt Matlock is quickly off, nailing the man Bobby Johnson piccked as his hand picked successor. Matlock delivers forearm after forearm to the former David Van Dam pupil before irish whipping him into the ropes. Whysper comes bouncing back and gets a side-walk slam. Whysper grabs at his back as Matlock hits the ropes and comes bouncing back and drops a big knee right to the face of The Hooiser Revolutionary. The Cornered Animal lifts Whysper up and hoists him onto his shoulder and runs out before dropping him with a big powerslam. Matt Matlock slides out of the ring to grab the ladder and shuts it and slides it into the ring. Whysper is back up and he baseball slides the ladder into Matlock's face. The crowd cheers as Whysper hits the ropes and comes running back as he leaps onto the top rope and out of the ring. Whysper catches his head and swings around with a big tornado ddt.
Bob Fecca: What a big spring board DDT!
Eddie Styles: Whysper is a big high risk-taker.
Whysper gets up and pumps is arms, getting the New Orleans fans into it as he slides back into the ring and sets the ladder up. Whysper goes to climb the ladder, Matlock slides into the ring and charges the ladder. He shoulder tackles the ladder and Whysper goes throat first on the rope. Matlock grabs the dread-lock-havin-Whysper, by the hair and lifts him straight into the air. Big Brainbuster Falcon Arrow. Matlock sets the ladder back up and begins to climb it. Whysper is back up and climbs the other side of the ladder. Whysper nails Matlock with a right hand, Matlock nails him with a left, Whysper nails a left, and Matlock nails a right. Whysper slams Matlock's face into the steel ladder and Whysper flips over Matlock and brings him down with a big sunset flip powerbomb. The crowd explodes- it's one of their favorite ladder spots. Whysper is back up, he runs to the ropes and leaps off of it with a twisted lionsault.
Bob Fecca: This match is fast-paced, and isn't waiting to play out.
Whysper has Matlock up, but Matlock charges Whysper into the corner and slams him back first into it a couple times. Matlock leaves Whysper there and goes back to try and climb the ladder. He's got his hand on the belt as Whysper leaps to the top rope and springs forward, dropkicking the ladder as Matlock lands chest first on the ropes and bouncing out of the ring. The crowd roars as Whysper as he sets the ladder back up and climbs up it, grabbing the Titanium Title
Sabrina: Your winner, and the NEEEEEWWWWWWW Titanium Champion, Whysper!
[ As Whysper celebrates his win of the PWT TITANium Championship and Matlock looks dejected in a corner, seeing that he's come up short. But then, Brian Juneau comes down the ramp with a steel chair in hand, and slides into the ring, and first gives Matlock a shot with it as he attempted to cut Brian off at the pass. He then turns around and smashes Whysper with the chair as well who attempts to aid Matlock oddly enough. Brian rolls Matlock out of the ring before throwing the chair down, and pulling Whysper up by his hair. He brings him over, and up into the air, in a brainbuster position and then hits the BrianBuster on the steel chair, probably cleaning his clock. He then walks over to the other side of the ring to get a microphone, and gets it as he moves to the body of Whysper and speaks to him.
Brian Juneau: You honestly think you were going to get away with speaking the name of the greatest superstar this company has ever seen? You see, there have been people trying to hold me back, and they've been good at it, when the deck is stacked in their favor, but when things are in my favor, guess what happens Whysper? I win. And you know what, you like to be the underdog, and overcome the odds, so how about facing me next week on Shockwave for your TITANium Championship in a match that favors me as I won my first ever contendership in it, and I figure I can replicate the success in my first ever PWT Championship match, as I'm challenging you to a Leather Strap match! You'll probably have to watch this on video since you're probably out cold, but consider the message sent.
[ Brian smirks as he taunts the crowd, and drops the mic. He rolls out of the ring, and heads up the entrance ramp as PWT medical staff comes down to check on Whysper. And we fade to a hype video for MJ vs Seifmadness brother! |
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- Register:12/01/2008 4:13 PM
Re:PWT Presents 'Holiday Havok' (December 2006)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 3:12 AMCopy HTML
[ After the craziness that was our last match between Seifmandess & MJ and then the video recapping our upcoming match....We fade back into the rocking arena to find Becca Wipwreck getting into the ring. She's looking stunning as always, even in a ref shirt and black pants.
Fecca: There you Becca Wipwreck folks. The owner of PWT scheduled to ref this next match between Sean Frost Mann an Javen. I tell ya Eddie, this has been a heated rivalry between these two.
Styles: It really has. And we've never fully gotten an explanation as to why Sean wanted to get involved with Javen and Becca.
Fecca: I think he just wanted to annoy Becca and cause her grief, but thank goodness that Javen has stood up for her.
Styles: Only because he thinks it'll get him in her panties quicker.
[ "Remedy" by Seether begins to play and the fans start to boo like crazy. SFM appears on the stage and he welcomes the boos. In fact he's calling for everything that this rowdy crowd has to give him. And they do just that. But suddenly a spotlight zooms up the ramp, past SFM, and to the corner of the TITANtron.
Fecca: What the hell?! Its Javen?!
Styles: Is he nuts?
[ Mann turns ta look and he see's Javen's back towards him. SFM starts yelling obscenities at Javen, callin him every name under the son. Then suddenly with no warning Javen moonsaults off the tron! Right onto SFM even! The crowd starting one of their "Holy Shit" taunts as Becca calls for the bell. It rings and Becca slides out of the ring and heads up the ramp. When she gets there Javen is rolling off SFM. He gets to his feet and stumbles toward the curtain and disappears behind it.
Styles: Where's that idiot going?
Fecca: I have no clue.
[ SFM rolls to his hands an knees before pushing up to his feet. He looks around for Javen and see's the curtain moving. He draws the conclusion that Javen musta gone that way. So the fans watch as SFM goes toward the curtain. He goes through it and then just as quickly comes flying back out. Landing on his back holding his forehead, SFM kicks his feet on the steel staging. The camera then looks up and here comes Javen with a ladder on his shoulder. He lifts it above his head as SFM starts to get to his feet. Sean turning around and having the ladder tossed to him by Javen. SFM manages to catch it though and he's thinking he's gonna run through Javen. Not happening though. Javen waits til SFM charges at him and then dropkicks the ladder into SFM's chest! The force knocks SFM onto his back, holding the ladder over his chest. With the quickness Javen is up and just throws himself into a splash! The splash making a double decker sandwich as SFM an the ladder serve as the meat between Javen an the stage.
Fecca: Anyone care for a sandwich?
Styles: Come on Sean!
[ Once again Javen rolls off of SFM. This time though he's a lil slower and holding his lower back an his chest. He stops and soaks up the pain a bit. Then Javen heads back ta SFM an pulls the ladder off him. Javen setting it up and turns back around again. This time though he's met with a kick straight to the nads by SFM! All the men in the audience groan an even Becca winches a bit. SFM follows up with a big time DDT on the unforgiving steel staging. SFM gives Javey a few stomps to the back and the back of the head to keep him down. Mann then headin to the ladder an knocks the hinges up. He gets the ladder folded an moves it so that he can lean it up against the TITANtron. SFM then pulls Javen up by a handful of hair. He points to the ladder and then tosses Javen face-first into it! Poor ole Javey havin his chin slapped against every rung as he slides down.
Fecca: Jesus Christ! Javen's chin has got to be split open now.
Styles: Well thats what he gets for not just walking away once Sean came back from his uber long suspension.
[ Javen covers his face as he lays bellyfirst on the stage. A small pool of blood can be seen on the stage and blood seeping through his fingers. SFM smiles with sadistic passion at the pain of Javen. He reaches down and grabs a fist full of hair. He jerks upward and brings Javen violently to his feet. He sends a sharp European Uppercut to Javen's jaw. Blood goes flying in the air as Javen reels back.
Fecca: My GOD! I've never seen all that much blood.
Styles: Pfft, that's nothin'.
[ SFM grabs Javen's hair again and sends a couple sharp punches to his face a couple times. He slings Javen towards the ladder again, but Javen reverses it and slings SFM into the ladder. SFM hits the ladder backfirst stiffly. Javen makes a running start and slams a missile dropkick to SFM's midsection. SFM grabs his ribs and slumps to the ground.
Fecca: Javen's still in this, Eddie!
Styles: It's gonna take more than that to put SFM away.
[ Javen puts the boots to SFM and does so viciously on his damaged midsection. He reaches down and jerks up SFM carelessly by his hair. SFM retaliates with a couple of punches to Javen's midsection. Javen responds with a knee to SFM's midsection. As SFM doubles over, Javen runs towards SFM, grabs his head, twists around his body and drives SFM's head into the steel ladder steps. SFM's head violently bounces off the ladder.
Fecca: Javen with the Javenation! He's really picking up steam here!
Styles: Dammit, SFM! Don't lose to this jobber!!
[ SFM is trying to shake off the effects of that move onto the ladder. Meanwhile Javen has headed down to ringside. He throws the ringskirt up and digs underneath. He finds a tool box and shrugs. By now SFM is stumbling down the ramp as well. Javen spins ready ta hit Sean in the face, but SFM pulls Becca in the way! Javen manages to pull back and SFM says ta put it down. He does and then Mann shoves the struggling Becca to Javen. He catches her and moves Becca off ta the side. And while Javen was distracted catchin Becca, SFM has grabbed that tool box. Javen turns back around and he's plastered in the face! Tools are sent flying all over the place!
Fecca: That bastard! He used Becca ta set Javen up for an attack!
Styles: Hey, it was Javen's idea for her to ref this match. If she wasn't the ref, he wouldn't have cared about the ref's wellfare and thuse wouldn't be lain out on the floor
[ He's rolled Javen into the ring and makes a pin. Becca slowly gets down and counts, ONE...............................TWO..........................Kickout by Javen! SFM gets up and tells Becca she'd better count fairly next time. She reminds him that she's the boss around here. Mann says to prove it. He goes outside the ring and gets a chair. Getting back in the ring, he hands it over to Becca. SFM then daring her ta knock his lights out. It doesn't take too many of those invites before Becca swings with all her might! And she does SFM ducks out of the way and lets a woozy Javen take the blast in the face!
Fecca: Oh no!
Styles: Yes!
[ Javen is sprawled on his back as SFM cockily gets down and makes a pin. if you can even call it a pin. He's leaning back against Javen's side, one arm hooked under Javen's left leg and the other arm over Javen's left arm. Becca curses as she gets down and makes the count. ONE..............TWO..........JAVEN REVERSES THE PIN! He hooked his left arm under SFM's arm and rolled him over into a pin! ONE.............TWO............Kickout by SFM!
Styles: Whew!
Fecca: Sean with that nonchalant pin almost got caught napping.
[ The first man to his feet is Sean. He grabs Javen and tries to bring him up as well. However Javen fires back with a European uppercut! Mann sent flailing backwards into a corner. The ropes catching under his arms and holding him up. Javen grabs the chair that Becca accidentily plastered him with. He points it at the crowd and they cheer for him ta nail SFM with it. He raises it over his head and he's stalking toward SFM. But suddenly Becca snatches the chair away!!!
Fecca: What's this? Surely Becca's not worried about the use of weapons after that usage of the ladder earlier....
[ Javen turns around and asks Becca what the problem is. She shrugs and then plasters him in the face! The shot isn't quite hard enough to send him down, but Javen spins around into a "Lets Roll" superkick by SFM! Mann goes down into the cover and its ONETWOTHREE! The bell rings and "Remedy" by Seether starts to play.
Styles: .....
Fecca: Will someone tell me what the hell we just witnessed?
Styles: Erm.....I.....Uh.....I haven't a clue Bob. You're on your own dawg
Sabrina: Here is your winner......Sean Frost MANN!
[ Becca then demands the mic as a grinning SFM stands over the prone Javen.
Becca: Did you honestly think I would stoop so low as to let *you* get that close to me Javen. The best man won here tonight and it's time you realized *you* are not worth *my* time.
Fecca: Oh come on now Becca. The guy just wanted to love you...
[ Becca then tells Sean to finish the loser in the ring. He mouthes something at her, doesn't look too friendly, but still picks the chair up off the mat. SFM smirking before he just starts slamming the chair down into Javen's shoulder again and again and again. He's just not stopping!
Fecca: Somebody needs to get down here and stop this!
Styles: You're more than welcome ta try.
[ He's just continuing the assault on Javen as Becca watches on. But suddenly the crowd rises to its feet cheering. Becca catches this and looks up the ramp. She see's who's coming and leaves the ring with some quickness. SFM catches Becca leaving in teh corner of his eye. He turns ta look and gets speared outta his boots by...
[ The chair went flying, hitting the mat and falling out of the ring. CM moves to a side mount on SFM and starts pummeling Mann with right hands. SFM finally creates some seperationa nd rolls to his feet. He's immeidately met with lefts and rights now by CM. SFM covers up in the corner. He finally shoves Michaels away and dives between the middle an top ropes to the outside. Christian, outraged at the retreat, chunks the chair toward SFM as he scurries up the ramp. Becca's already long gone and SFM has his smirk back now. Meanwhile Javen turns away and kneels beside his brother. And we fade into the final hype video of the night. This one for the main event for all the marbles. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Holiday Havok' (December 2006)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 3:13 AMCopy HTML
A graphic flashes on the screen, hyping that it’s now time for the main event. The New Orleans crowd immediately begins to chant Bobby Johnson's name.
Bob Fecca: Well you can see the crowd has already started the Bobby chants Eddie. They know that he is about to come out to the ring momentarily.
Eddie Styles: When he finally comes from behind those curtains, they are going to blow the roof off of this joint.
Bob Fecca: It’s definitely going to get pretty loud.
As the crowd continues to chant Bobby’s name, the sounds of drums can be heard. From behind the curtain, the St. Augustine High School Band marches out, and starts to play, “When the Saints Go Marching In.” As they march their way down to the ring, from behind them comes a group of young children, dressed in Mardi Gras colors. They each hold baskets, that are filled with Mardi Gras beads, which they throw out into the crowd, as the make their way down to the ring. The Marching Band surrounds the ring, and continues to play, as the children continue to throw the beads into the crowd.
Bob Fecca: Bobby has went all out to give us here in the PWT a taste of the city.
Eddie Styles: I hear ya Bob. Now all we need are some young college girl exposing their chests for everyone.
He points to one of the kids walking by…
Eddie Styles: Hey kid, give me a pair of those beads.
The kid throws him and Fecca a pair….
Eddie Styles: Man I love this city.
Bob Fecca: You and me both Eddie.
The Marching band finishes playing the song, when The G.O.A.T., by LL Cool J, starts to play over the P.A. system. Single words start to flash up on the big screen, and the crowd goes wild…
Bob Fecca: The noise in here is deafening. Wow…I have never heard a building get this loud before.
Eddie Styles: It’s not too often that we get that a whole city gets to see one of its own go for the biggest prize in the business, in his hometown. This is a once in a life time thing here.
Bob Fecca: I’m just glad that I am here to see it.
Eddie Styles: As am I.
Various scene from past matches involving Bobby starts to play. Bobby giving Ricky Carter a 450 Splash off the top of a ladder, while Ricky’s laying on a table. Bobby giving Matt Matlock a Bourbon Street Blues™ in The Elimination Chamber. Bobby with a tight Bourbon Street Blues™ on Chris Stlyes. Bobby giving Demented three straight Killa Kicks™, with the last one knocking the big man over the top ropes. Bobby jumping off the top of the turnbuckle, and giving MJ Storm a Body Splash, while he is laying on the announce table. Bobby giving Luther Aldridge The Greatest Trademark Move Of All Time™. Bobby standing up on the turnbuckle with his arms raised in the air after winning the ICWA’s Royal Rumble 2. Bobby in the middle of the Hell in a Cell over a fallen MJ Storm, as he is holding the PWT Titanium, People’s, and Tag Team Championship’s simultaneously.
Bob Fecca: When Bobby finally makes his appearance, I think that our ears may pop from the high decibel levels.
Eddie Styles: Well I don’t know about you, but I was smart enough to buy ear plugs.
Bobby makes his way out from behind the curtains, as his manager/sister Crystal follows close behind, and they both stop on the top of the ramp. The crowd gives him one of the biggest pops in MSN history.
Bob Fecca: It’s a mad house in here.
Eddie Styles: I can’t hear anything…ha ha, I got ear plugs.
He gets down in a Shawn Michaels type pose, as she stands behind him. He finally stands back up and starts to jump from side to side a lot like Brock Lesnar used to, as Crystal comes from behind him, and stands next to him. He stops jumping, and starts to make his way down the ramp, as she follows close behind. He stops in front of the ring, and leaps up onto the rings edge, and then grabs the ropes, and leap frogs over them, and lands inside the ring. Crystal walks over to the ring steps, and makes her way up them, and she goes through the ropes, as Bobby sits on the middle rope, to let her pass through them. He walks over to the far corner, and climbs up the turnbuckle, and flexes his biceps for the crowd. They start chanting his name, as he takes it all in, and points at the people in the crowd. He gets down, and walks over to the opposite turnbuckle, and repeats his flexing routine, as his sister stands in the middle of the ring . He finally jumps down, and walks towards the center of the ring, and gives Crystal a hug, before she exit’s the ring.
Bob Fecca: Bobby Johnson is home folks.
Eddie Styles: And he is going to stop at nothing to become the next PWT Heavyweight Champion, and end the year 2006 with a bang.
Bob Fecca: But for him to do that, he has to get through the only wrestler besides Georgia James to beat him, the reigning World Champion David Van Dam.
Eddie Styles: And defeating David Van Dam in a match like this is going to be incredibly difficult.
Bobby’s music finally ends as the crowd is still chanting for him. He’s resting against a corner now. The lights go completely black as the Titan Tron lights up. The screen begins to flash the following words.
The public address system comes alive with the sounds of “Cult of Personality” by Living Color as the Titan Tron begins to flash several clips. The first clip is from Immortal Glory, with Seifer tapping out as time expires in their Sixty Minute Iron Man Match. The next clip shows David Van Dam pinning Georgia James, winning his second Professional Wrestling Today World Title. The next clip is of his return to Professional Wrestling Today, the fourth clip is of him defeating Jamal Atkins to win the PWT People’s Title, the fifth clip is him defeating Kutter Flash to win the W2K Title, the next clip is of him defeating Nic E Dangerously to win the PWT Title for the third time, and the seventh clip is him defeating MJ Storm to retain the PWT Title, and the final clip is of him making Nic E Dangerously tap out to win the ICWA Title.
The clips speed up now, with random match clips, a lot of pictures of him bleeding, of him taking punishment, then it settles on one image, just one image, and that’s David Van Dam standing on the middle ropes, both arms raised, and the Professional Wrestling Today World Title dangling from his hands as blood smears his face- taken from right after he won the title from the first time against Christian Michaels. A pyro explosion rocks the stage, as from underneath the stage, David Van Dam rises on a platform. His arms are extended, he’s holding part of his robe out, which is done up to resemble an American flag, the Professional Wrestling Today World Title is wrapped around his waist.
Bob Fecca: “There he is, the World Champion, and man does he look like he’s in great shape.”
Eddie Styles: “Of course he is in great shape, he’s facing Bobby Johnson.”
David Van Dam’s girlfriend and manager Monica Swhear moves out from the entry way, standing next to her man. The duo stare at the ring, where Bobby Johnson already is, waiting on David Van Dam, waiting on the World Champion. The crowd begins to boo loudly at the sight of the man who holds what Bobby so badly wants. David Van Dam looks around surprised, but then he shakes his head as he and Monica begin the long walk to the ring.
Bob Fecca: “This is the first time since August David Van Dam has been booed in a PWT ring… This is new for him.
David Van Dam and Monica Swhear stop at the base of the ramp and David Van Dam raises his arms to the sky. Pyros shoot off behind him as David Van Dam takes his robe off there, handing it to a ring hand, David kisses Monica on the cheek before climbing up the steel steps and down the ring apron. He wipes his boots off before entering the ring, and staring across the ring at his opponent. The lights return to normal settings for a match as “Cult of Personality” fades out.
Bob Fecca: “Both wrestlers are in the ring, so let’s go to Sabrina for the introductions.”
[The cameras cut to the ring where Sabrina is standing in the center of it, holding a microphone.
Sabrina: “It is time for your pay per view Main Event. This contest is a special two out of three falls match for the Professional Wrestling Today World Championship, this match has no time limit, and will be officiated by senior PWT official, Jim Richards.”
[She pauses as Richards raises his hand in a slight wave.
Sabrina: “Introducing first, the challenger in the corner to my left wearing the black singlet with green trim. He’s The Future of the Franchise, with an official weight of two hundred and fifty-five pounds. Fighting out of New Orleans, Louisiana, he is No Gimmicks Needed BOBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY JOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHNNNNNNNSSSSSOOOOOOON!!!!!”
[The very pro-Bobby Johnson crowd in the sold out New Orleans Arena in New Orleans, Louisiana erupts with massive cheers as Bobby steps out of his corner and raises his arm to his legions of fans in his home town. The fans begin to quite so Sabrina can finish the introductions.
Sabrina: “And his opponent, in the corner to my right, wearing the red singlet with gold trim, he is The Original Icon with an official weight of two hundred and forty-five pounds, he’s fighting out of Indianapolis, Indiana. He is the reigning International Championship Wrestling Alliance World Champion, and the reigning Professional Wrestling Today World Champion, he is The Ironman, DAVID…VAAAAAAAAAAAAN…DAAAAAAAAAAM…!”
[The crowd erupts with boos as Van Dam raises his arm. Normally a fan favorite, Van Dam has been placed in an interesting situation as he‘s in Bobby Johnson‘s home town, defending the richest prize in professional wrestling.. Around his waist is the Professional Wrestling Today World Title. Referee Jim Richards is next to Bobby Johnson, checking his wrist tape, his elbow pads the sides of his singlet, his knee pads, and then the tops of his boots. He moves over to Van Dam, who unstraps the World Title and holds it up while Richards checks his sides, knee pads and boots.
Bob Fecca: “You can feel the anticipation in the sold out New Orleans Arena. No one is in their seats right now, all eighteen thousand and five hundred people are on their feet, awaiting the sound of the bell. I haven’t felt an atmosphere like this in a long time, Eddie.”
Eddie Styles: “It’s a very powerful atmosphere that is sure to have a major affect on both wrestlers tonight. David Van Dam isn’t used to getting booed, he’s been a heavy fan favorite sense returning to Professional Wrestling Today from his sabbatical in August, but here in New Orleans, he’s Enemy Number One.”
Bob Fecca: “David Van Dam is a consummate professional, he’s not going to let the boos stop him, he’s going to work even harder to show the fans that they should still be cheering him..”
[Both wrestlers stand center ring as Official Jim Richards holds the Professional Wrestling Today World Heavyweight Championship in both hands. He looks from wrestler to wrestler, Sabrina is holding her microphone to Richards lips so the fans can hear everything he says.
Referee Jim Richards: “Gentlemen, we went over the rules in the back. This is a two out of three falls contest, I’m going to be watching for low blows, for illegal chokes, for any foreign objects, so let’s keep the match clean and fair. May the best man win.”
[Both Van Dam and Bobby Johnson nod their head before extending their hands to each other, shaking hands, the two wrestlers move back to their corner as Jim Richards raises the Professional Wrestling Today World Heavyweight Championship high above his head, letting all eighteen thousand and five hundred fans who have poured into the New Orleans Arena on New Years Eve get a good look at the polished gold plates and smooth leather straps of the richest prize in wrestling, the belt Bobby Johnson and David Van Dam are going to pour their hearts out four.
Bob Fecca: “It’s time, Eddie… I’ve been looking forward to this match since I first heard it was going to take place, now here it is. I’m on the edge of my seat.”
Eddie Styles: “This match is going to amaze everyone, just watch. Fans at home, this is what you ordered the pay per view to see, this is why you’re at home on New Year’s Eve watching wrestling, or at a friends house watching it. Don’t switch over to watch anything else, you don’t want to miss a moment of this match.”
[Finally Jim Richards asked both wrestlers if they are ready to wrestle. They nod their heads, they’ve been waiting for this match. They’ve been training for this match. The bell rings, and instantly the chants start from the crowd.
[Johnson waves his arms to get the crowd into it more, he’s ready to go, but he’s not going to rush into anything.
Bob Fecca: “Wait, what’s this? We’re being joined at the commentary position by none other than former Chief Executive Officer of Professional Wrestling Today, mentor of Bobby Johnson, and close friend of David Van Dam’s, The Wallstreet Brawler himself, Taylor McCallister. Mister McCallister, welcome.”
Taylor McCallister: “Thank you, Bob, but let’s not make a big deal about this. I’m not out here to steal any of the spotlight, I’m out here to call the finest wrestling match of the year. I’m here to support my two friends as they put on a wrestling classic.”
Bob Fecca: “Fair enough. You’re a man who’s been in some high profile matches, if you were in Bobby Johnson’s position, what would be your strategy?”
Taylor McCallister: “I’d be using my natural speed and athleticism to set a quick pace to try and wear David Van Dam out quickly. The longer the match goes, the more it favors Van Dam, and the slower the match is, the more if favors Van Dam, so if I were Bobby, I’d try and keep the match quick, force Van Dam to have to work to keep up with me, so he tires out quicker. People are more apt to make mistakes if they’re tired.”
Bob Fecca: “And if you were in David Van Dam’s position?”
Taylor McCallister: “I would use my knowledge of wrestling holds to keep the match slow and steady, keep it down on the mat. David knows that he can’t keep up with Bobby in terms of speed and quickness. Not only is David just naturally slower moving than Bobby is, but David also has bad knees, so he has to move slower because of that. So, David has to control the pace here. He’s got to force Bobby to wrestle his slower style, which will take away from Bobby’s explosiveness.”
Eddie Styles: “I hate to break up the conversation, but it looks like we’re about to have a lock up.”
[Eddie Styles is right as the two modern gladiators lock up center ring. It’s a classic collar-elbow tie up that draws a loud cheer from the crowd. They came to see this match. They came to see their hometown hero fight for his dream, and it’s starting now as Johnson showcases his quick speed as he shoots behind Van Dam and locks him in a rear waist lock. Bobby, who has the height and weight advantage, lifts David off the mat and turns him, dropping him chest first into the mat. The challenger spins his body around on the champion, giving David a few slaps to the back of his head before standing up. The crowd laughs and cheers as Bobby smirks at his opponent. David stands up and shakes his head, tugging on the top rope.
Taylor McCallister: “Smart idea by Bobby Johnson. He’s trying to get in Van Dam’s head. Van Dam is already having to deal with the fact he’s defending the title in Bobby’s hometown, which makes him the instant bad guy, but now Bobby is getting in his head with a quick take down and some slaps to the back of the head.”
Bob Fecca: “It could have an adverse affect though, because it could just make David more focused.”
Taylor McCallister: “Normally, that’d be true, but in a situation like his, it just throws him off of his game.”
[Both wrestlers are near each other when Johnson shoots in, grabbing Van Dam’s left leg, he tugs on it while simultaneously using his right leg to sweep DVD’s right leg out from under him, bring him down to the mat, BJ keeps a hold of DVD’s left leg, he begins to turn it some, working on DVD’s left knee. DVD grits his teeth in discomfort. The crowd is cheering as DVD uses his right leg to hook BJ’s right ankle. DVD pulls his leg forward, causing his opponent to stumble and loosen his grip. Van Dam quickly rolls towards Johnson, grabbing his legs and pulling them out from under him, pouncing as he locks Bobby in reverse seated front face-lock. He doesn’t get to hold it in for long as Bobby uses his impressive upper body strength to push David’s chest and head back far enough for him to wrap his powerful thighs around DVD’s head. DVD rolls around until he can get a footing. He plants his head and shows impressive balance as he does a headstand. Placing his hands on either side of Bobby’s legs, he pushes himself up while turning his body so he lands on his feet. Bobby quickly spins and gets to his feet. Both wrestlers nod as the crowd applauds.
Eddie Styles: “Nice exchange of wrestling holds right there. Neither of them are hurrying right now, they’re trying to get a feel for each other.”
Taylor McCallister: “In a match like this, that’s an absolute necessity. You have to spend the early parts of the match trying to feel out your opponents weaknesses, where he’s not comfortable.”
Bob Fecca: “I think Bobby Johnson saw his opening in David Van Dam when he grabbed the left leg and started to twist the knee. DVD’s face instantly contorted into a very painful expression.”
Taylor McCallister: “I’ve seen the MRI’s and the X-Ray’s of David Van Dam’s knees, and it’s not a pretty site, especially his left knee. He has very little cartlidge left in both of his knees, but his right knee has a little more than the left one, Bobby probably knows this from traveling and talking so much with David Van Dam, so look for him to single out that knee, and try to take away DVD’s vertical base.”
Eddie Styles: “David Van Dam isn’t a very tall wrestler, nor is h a very fast wrestler, so what’s the advantage of Bobby Johnson taking away his vertical base?”
Taylor McCallister: “While Van Dam isn’t the tallest or the fastest wrestler alive, he uses a lot of heavy, high impact moves that require him to be able to not only stand up and support his own weight, but often times he has to support his opponent’s weight to be able to properly get them up and them over- since in most cases it’s a suplex, and if it’s not a suplex it’s a backbreaker or a slam, which require him to hold them up even longer than a suplex. If Bobby Johnson is successful in taking away David Van Dam’s ability to stand, he’s essentially taking away David Van Dam’s ability to hit any moves, forcing David to rely on submissions, which is good for Bobby, because he’s quick, and can keep out of Van Dam’s reach if Van Dam is forced to fight the match from the mat because he can’t support his own weight.”
[Bobby has Van Dam up and brings him down with a standard vertical suplex. Van Dam grabs his back as Bobby quickly moves to Van Dam’s left leg, grabbing it, Bobby delivers several hard kicks to DVD’s left knee, which gains many cheers from the pro-Bobby Johnson crowd. Bobby quickly turns Van Dam over and locks in a single leg Boston crab, but this version is modified, He’s got one knee pressed into Van Dam’s lower back while he has Van Dam’s ankle trapped, pulling back on the leg while he pulls down Van Dam’s knee pad and delivers several hard forearms right to Van Dam’s knees, which are met with yelps of pain from Van Dam.
Taylor McCallister: “Notice the way Bobby has locked this in. This isn’t your normal single leg Boston crab. He’s delivering more punishment to Van Dam by not only putting added pressure onto Van Dam’s lower back, but also forearming Van Dam’s knee. Brilliant idea from the number one contender.”
[The savvy veteran, David Van Dam, reaches back and grabs one of Bobby’s legs, pulling it out from under him, he causes Bobby to land chest first on the mat. This gives David the opportunity to grab both of Bobby’s legs and lock in a regular Boston crab, well, it’s not really regular, because David is sitting lower on Bobby’s back, and pulling Bobby’s legs back with a little more force. The crowd boo’s as BJ uses his upper body strength to pull himself to the ropes. He grabs the bottom rope, forcing Van Dam to release the submission hold. DVD does as he moves away from Bobby, pulling up his knee pad, fixing it as he looks over at Bobby, who’s standing again.
Bob Fecca: “Neither man has been able to gain a clear advantage in the early part of this contest.”
Eddie Styles: “I don’t expect any man to gain a clear advantage, I really think the person who scores the first decision in this match is going to win the whole thing.”
[Another collar-elbow tie up, and this time, DVD takes the advantage with a standing arm wrench, that he takes right into a hammer lock, and then a side head lock, but his side head lock isn’t like the normal side head lock. He’s really wrenching it in, really working it in. He has his legs spread far enough apart to give him a good, low center of gravity, putting the pressure of his weight on Bobby’s body, specifically his head and neck.
Taylor McCallister: “Look at the way Van Dam has this head lock wrenched in. Most wrestlers use the head lock as a transition hold, something to do while they try and think of where they want to go to next, or to catch their breath, but not Van Dam. He’s got it locked in tight, he’s really trying to force Bobby Johnson to submit to the head lock.”
[The New Orleans’ crowd is booing Van Dam, they’re booing every move he gets in much like the New York crowd did to John Cena at ECW’s One Night Stand. Bobby Johnson, the hometown hero raises Van Dam high up into the air despite the pressure being put on his neck. Bobby falls backwards, driving Van Dam’s neck and shoulders into the mat. Van Dam stays folded up, the impact of that heavy back suplex might’ve actually knocked him out.
Eddie Styles: “What impact! I’ve never seen a back suplex given with so much force!”
[Bobby rubs his neck in discomfort as he moves to make the cover, leaning up to push down on Van Dam. Bobby’s shoulders are against Van Dam’s legs, his head leaning forward as he uses his legs to add to his leverage, hoping to gain the first decision here as PWT’s senior official, Jim Richards, slides into position. He checks Van Dam’s shoulders before beginning to count.
[Van Dam pushes with his legs, knocking Bobby off of him as he simultaneously rolls his torso, getting his shoulder off the mat. Bobby Johnson doesn’t waste time complaining or arguing, he merely pulls Van Dam up and pushes him back against the ropes before whipping him across the ring. Van Dam hit’s the ropes opposite of where he was thrown from and comes charging back as Johnson charges towards him. Johnson leaps up and drives his arm into Van Dam’s throat and torso with a powerful clothesline. Johnson keeps his momentum going as he hits another set of ropes and comes charging back He leap into the air and sits out, driving his elbow into the sternum of Van Dam. Van Dam sits up some, grabbing at his chest as the air is pushed from his lugs. The crowd roars with approval as Bobby makes the cover again.
[Van Dam kicks out again, still gasping for breath as Bobby is back up, hitting the ropes again as he comes back, leaping into the air, he drives his knee right into Van Dam’s chest, knocking any wind that was left in him out of him. This time, Bobby doesn’t go for the cover as he runs to the set of ropes parallel with Van Dam’s body. Bobby leaps onto the top rope- not the second rope, and springs backwards, doing a perfect reverse five hundred and forty degree senton, his back landing on Van Dam’s chest. Johnson hooks the leg as Richards again counts.
[Van Dam manages to kick out again, he’s clutching his chest in pain as the crowd boo’s Richards, really thinking that should’ve been a three count for Bobby Johnson. Bobby Johnson is in front of DVD. DVD is starting to get to his feet when Bobby pushes off of one set of ropes, charging across to the other set, he hits it, and comes back to the original set. By now, Van Dam is staggering near center ring as Bobby bounces off the set of ropes he started with, charging at Van Dam. Bobby extends his arm, nailing Van Dam with one of the most powerful clotheslines in the history of the business. The clothesline forces Van Dam’s body to back flip and land on his chest. Bobby’s momentum carries him to the other set of ropes here he manages to stop. The crowd is roaring as Bobby leaps into the air and stomps down on the mat, pumping his fists, yelling at the crowd to get louder.
Bob Fecca: “WHAT A CLOTHESLINE! I’m surprised he didn’t take Van Dam’s head off with that clothesline.”
Taylor McCallister: “Eat your heart out JBL, that’s a REAL clothesline from hell. Bobby needs to make the cover here, I can’t imagine Van Dam being able to kick out after a blow like that.”
[Bobby doesn’t go for the cover though. Instead he starts to slam his leg into the mat, signaling to the crowd that he’s looking for the Killa Kick. It takes Van Dam quite awhile to get to his feet. He has to use the ropes to get up. He turns his head and sees Bobby lunging for the Killa Kick. Knowing where he is in the ring, Van Dam drops to the mat and rolls out of the ring. The crowd boos as Bobby stops himself, leaning against the ropes, calling Van Dam back into the ring. Van Dam leans against the ring barricade, asking for a time out as the crowd taunts him. Referee Jim Richards demands that Van Dam gets back in the ring, but again Van Dam asks for the time out as he tries to catch his breath.
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Re:PWT Presents 'Holiday Havok' (December 2006)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 3:14 AMCopy HTML
Bob Fecca: “Oh come on Van Dam, get back in the ring!”
Taylor McCallister: “Actually Bob, that’s great strategy on his part. Bobby Johnson has been stringing together a big offensive attack, he’s got the momentum, so why not get out of the ring and slow it down. It’s like icing the kicker in football. By taking his time out of the ring, he’s forcing Bobby to wait, he’s slowing Bobby down and trying to get the match back to the slow pace that Van Dam excels in. It might piss the New Orleans’ people off, but it’s great strategy for the Champion.”
[Van Dam is taking deep breaths, trying to get his wind back when the challenger comes roaring towards the ropes with a full head of steam. Johnson dives through the top and middle rope, ramming his shoulder into Van Dam. Van Dam slams back into the barricade as Johnson’s momentum carries him over the barricade and right into the crowd. The people catch Bobby, as all eighteen thousand five hundred people stand to their feet and roar in unison. The people who caught Bobby put him back on his feet. Bobby stands in the midst of the fans and leans his head back, opening his arms as they cheer him, many of them pat his back or his chest. Bobby moves through them back to the barricade that Van Dam is slumped over. Bobby climbs back to ringside and nails Van Dam with a hard forearm to the face- the first strike of the whole match. A second one, and then a third has Van Dam rocking as Richards demands Bobby take it back to the ring. Johnson ignores him as he lifts Van Dam up and drives him into the barricade again. Bobby keeps a hold of Van Dam as he backs up and charges forward again, driving Van Dam back into the barricade once more. Johnson release Van Dam and nails him with three more forearms, and then sets him up and completes a snap suplex right onto the floor. With Van Dam flat on the outside, Bobby climbs onto the apron and looks down at Van Dam, judging the distance. Holding onto the top rope, Bobby leaps onto the middle rope. He releases the top rope and moonsault backwards, looking for an Asai Moonsault onto Van Dam. Van Dam gets his knees up just in time, and Bobby lands chest first right on them- but this actually hurts Van Dam quite a bit as he grabs his left knee in pain. Van Dam rolls away from Bobby, moving to the steel stairs, which he uses to pull himself to his feet. Van Dam leans against them as Bobby Johnson gets to his feet, holding his ribs. Johnson sees Van Dam leaning against the stairs, looking out of it. The risk taker Bobby Johnson backs up and runs towards the barricade, leaping onto it- showing surprising balance and athleticism as he runs down the barricade and leaps off, towards Van Dam and the steel stairs. Van Dam moves, and raises his arms, using them to force Bobby to carry his momentum onto the stairs. Bobby Johnson crashes chest first right onto the steel steps.
Bob Fecca: “Crash and burn! That could be the big difference maker right there.”
Taylor McCallister: “Any missed move like that definitely swings the momentum towards your opponent, which is never a good thing, especially when your opponent is as capable of David Van Dam.”
PWT Senior Official Jim Richards demands that the action get back in the ring and Van Dam looks up at him as he pulls Bobby’s slumped body off of the steel steps. He rolls Bobby Johnson into the ring and follows him in. Van Dam makes the cover and Richards drops down to count it.
Bobby Johnson gets his shoulder up off he mat, and the New Orleans crowd breaths a sigh of relief and cheers on their hometown hero, their icon. Van Dam slowly stands up, still in some pain from Bobby’s near ten minute long offensive onslaught. Van Dam pulls his opponent up and nails him with several forearms to the face, and then a European Uppercut. Wrapping his arms around Bobby Johnson’s mid-section, Van Dam locks in a bear hug, squeezing the possibly broken ribs of Bobby Johnson.
Taylor McCallister: “Brilliant idea by David Van Dam. Bobby missed a big move that punished his ribs, right after having landed on Van Dam’s knees when he attempted that Asai Moonsault. Bobby could very well have a cracked rib, and this puts pressure on them, really working them.”
Bobby Johnson groans in agony as he tries to fight the pain in his ribs. The sold out New Orleans Arena roar, trying to give Bobby Johnson the strength to fight off the bear hug. Bobby tries, but Van Dam crouches some to give himself a better ability to squeeze his arms, driving to literally squeeze the life out of Bobby Johnson. Bobby starts to waver and his arms fall limp. Referee Jim Richards is there, raising Bobby’s arm. He lets it go and it falls. The crowd roars, trying to bring Bobby back to life as Richards raises the arm a second time, releases it, and watches it fall limp. He holds up two fingers as he raises it again and releases it. It starts to fall, and is almost completely down when Bobby manages to stop it. The crowd roars with approval as Van Dam tries to cinch it in more, causing Bobby to yelp in agony as he raises both arms above his head. He puts his right hand on Van Dam’s head, and brings his left fist down once… then twice… then a third time, stunning Van Dam enough to break the grip. Van Dam staggers back as Bobby hit’s the ropes and comes roaring back. Van Dam dodges an attempted clothesline and moves behind Bobby, wrapping his arms around Bobby’s waist, he pops his hips and sends Bobby flying over head with enough force that Bobby doesn’t land on his neck, but actually does enough of a rotation to crash chest first onto the mat.
Eddie Styles: “What a powerful release german suplex delivered by David Van Dam.”
Taylor McCallister: “The great thing about that suplex was that he delivered it with enough force that he flipped Bobby over, causing him to land right on his ribs. Van Dam is like a shark who smells blood, he’s going to go after Bobby’s ribs until Bobby can’t compete.”
Van Dam pulls Bobby Johnson off of the mat and lifts him onto his shoulders, before dropping him rib first onto one of his knees. Van Dam momentarily shows the pain that he just put himself in as well as all of Bobby’s two hundred and fifty-five pounds came crashing down onto his left knee. He gains control of himself though as he makes a quick cover.
Bobby gets his shoulder up, sitting up he grabs at his ribs. The crowd cheers him on as Van Dam pulls him up. Van Dam backs Bobby Johnson up into one corner and then powerfully whips him across the ring. Bobby Johnson crashes rib first into the turnbuckles, and as he stumbles backwards, Van Dam comes charging forward, nailing Johnson with his whole body, causing Bobby to slam back into the turnbuckles. Bobby stumbles out, still holding his chest, and Van Dam grabs him around the waist again, lifting him into the air, Van Dam squeezes him tightly with another bear hug. Johnson groans in pain as Van Dam has a vice like grip on Bobby’s mid-section. Bobby tries to fight the second bear hug of the night, but his arms fall limp again, quicker than last time. Referee Jim Richards is right there to check.
Bob Fecca: “Bobby Johnson might be out this time.”
Richards raises Bobby’s arm once, and it falls limp. A second time, and again it falls limp. The crowd is at a fevered pitch, trying to get Bobby to fight out of this bear hug, they don’t want their hero to pass out, not now, not when the title is on the line like this. For a third time, Richards raises Bobby’s arm and releases it. This time, it does fall limp, ending the first fall of the mat. Richards demands a break of the hold.
Sabrina: “The winner of your first fall after twenty five minutes of action… DAVID…VAN…DAM… We will now have a sixty-second rest period.
Van Dam releases the hold and moves to his corner, breathing heavy, trying to control his breathing as referee Jim Richards checks on Bobby Johnson, who is coming too.
Eddie Styles: “What a first fall! Twenty-five minutes of non stop action, if that’s a tell-tale sign of what’s to come, we are in for the next match of the year.”
Bob Fecca: “Honestly Eddie, I really think they two are just getting started. That was only the first layer of their cake, but this does put Bobby in a very serious predicament. He has to win two straight falls against Van Dam, and he has to do it with ribs that are on fire. I’m a huge Bobby Johnson supporter, but I don’t know if it’s humanly possible for him to pull this off.”
Taylor McCallister: “Yes, Bobby’s ribs have to be killing him after the beating he took, but Van Dam’s knee is also hurting him, so if Bobby can get himself together enough to go after Van Dam’s knee, we could very well se this match be evened out.”
Bobby is standing now as time ticks away on the rest period. It’s obvious his ribs are killing him, but he’s not out of it yet, he knows he has to come out firing and can’t stop firing. The crowd gets loud, chanting for Bobby.
The sixty second rest period expires, and the second fall officially starts.
Bobby Johnson and David Van Dam stare across the ring at each other. They just spent twenty-five minutes battling for the first fall, and now they have to keep going. They move towards each other, not wanting to waste anytime as they lock up again. They push against each other, each one vying for leverage, they’re slowing down the pace as Van Dam pushes Bobby back into the ropes. Jim Richards demands a break, and gets a clean one. Both wrestlers move back to the center of the ring to lock up again.
Bob Fecca: “Taylor, we’ve already seen them go one fall at a good pace, why slow it down now and go back to a feeling-out style lock up process?”
Taylor McCallister: “To re-establish an advantage. The advantage and momentum stop after the fall, because you have to go into a rest break, two men of this caliber aren’t going to try to rush back into something, they know they have all night, so they’re going to try to re-establish an advantage, and build the pace around who ever takes control.”
This time, Bobby manages to push Van Dam back into the ropes, Richards demands another break, and gets another clean break. Both grapplers nod towards each other as they begin to circle, each one in considerable discomfort, Van Dam with his knee, Bobby with his ribs. The quick pace of the first fall, added in with the extensive punishment he took to his knee early on, Van Dam is limping slightly. Bobby has one arm near his ribs, trying to ignore the burning sensation that may be a result of a cracked rib, he can still breathe okay though, so he’s not too worried- yet. They move back to the center of the ring and lock up a third time, struggling against each other. This time, Van Dam gets the side-head lock in right away, he goes to work it in, but Bobby has a handful of singlet as he backs up to the ropes and pushes off, Van Dam holds on though, locking the head-lock in tighter, really working it in as he tries to cut the blood flow off to the brain- a very dangerous technique but could cause Bobby Johnson to tap out of he becomes too light headed.
Taylor McCallister: This is exactly what David Van Dam should be doing right now, keeping a hold on for an extended period of time, force Bobby Johnson to use energy to get out of the hold, wear Bobby Johnson down. He’s already worked on Bobby’s ribs, so while Bobby might be able to breathe still, it’s going to be harder for him to keep his wind, and with out his wind, his energy will go quicker, and make it harder for him to string together some offense.
Again Bobby tries to push Van Dam off and again Van Dam holds on. He’s really got it locked in as he grinds one forearm against Bobby’s head in the head lock, really attempting to put the hurting on his challenger. Bobby Johnson drops to one knee, grits his teeth, and drives his forearm right into the back of Van Dam’s left knee. This causes Van Dam to release the hold and hobble away. Van Dam rubs his knee, looking at Bobby who is standing up right, glaring across the ring at Van Dam. They move back towards each other, Van Dam goes for a quick strike with his left leg, but it’s caught by the quick-reacting Bobby Johnson, who holds Van Dam’s leg just a few moments before hitting a beautifully executed dragon whip. Van Dam grabs at his left knee as Johnson grins, moving to stomp on it. He does so, delivering several vicious blows right to Van Dam’s vulnerable knee. Van Dam grabs at his knee as he rolls in pain, trying to roll away from Bobby Johnson.
Bob Fecca: “It looks like Bobby Johnson is starting to hone in on David Van Dam’s knee.”
Van Dam grabs the bottom rope and tries to pull himself to his feet, Bobby lets him, before kicking the back of Van Dam’s left knee, bringing him right back to the ground. Van Dam groans in pain as the crowd cheers, glad to see Bobby Johnson delivering a world of pain to David Van Dam. Van Dam pulls himself back up as Bobby pulls him away from the ropes. Bobby smiles at his New Orleans’ fans, kicking Van Dam hard in the gut before lifting him up. The smile on Bobby’s face turns to pain as he tries to support all of Van Dam’s weight with his injured mid-section. Bobby stumbles, but manages to stay standing before falling forward, driving David into the mat. David takes most of the blow with his knees- which were the first to hit. He squeals in agony as he grabs his knee. The knee cap could have been shattered, but Bobby also fell forward, but Bobby took his fall onto his mid-section. While Bobby didn’t hit the mat with the force that Van Dam did, he did hit it with a bit of power- as he hit it with all the power he had used on Van Dam. Bobby holds onto his ribs and rolls on the mat in pain, this could be bad for the challenger. The crowd is cheering, trying to get Bobby back up, trying to get Bobby to ignore the throbbing, shooting pain in his ribs and defeat David Van Dam in this second fall so he can get another minute to rest, and then win in the third fall.
Eddie Fecca: “A crucial moment right now, the first man to get fully standing and back on the offensive is going to take this fall, I can feel it.”
Van Dam leans against the ropes, trying to get his footing as Bobby gets up slowly. Van Dam limps towards Bobby, grabbing him in a lock up, he whips Bobby into the ropes. Bobby hit’s the ropes and comes bouncing back towards Van Dam. Van Dam hits the ropes and comes bouncing back, driving his shoulder into Van Dam. Van Dam hit’s the ropes, and bounces back, into Bobby Johnson, who manages to hit a snap T-Bone suplex, a modified version of The Greatest Trademark Move Of All Time. The crowd explodes with cheers as Bobby crawls over and drapes an arm over Van Dam.
Van Dam gets his shoulder up, off the mat, breaking the count before Bobby can win the fall. The crowd boo’s both David Van Dam and Jim Richards for not letting Bobby have this fall. Bobby grits his teeth as he backs up, crouching some, it’s clear he’s going for the Killa Kick, Bobby’s going to try and kick Van Dam’s head off right here, right now. Van Dam gets to his feet, Bobby lunges, and Van Dam ducks. Bobby’s foot collides with Jim Richards jaw, knocking the senior PWT official out. Bobby’s hands hit his head as he looks at the downed referee, and Van Dam sneaks up behind him, locking both of Bobby’s arms in a full nelson before popping his hips, hitting a big Full Nelson Suplex. Van Dam doesn’t bridge though, because he knows the referee is down. The crowd is livid as Van Dam moves around to lock in a seated front face lock on Bobby Johnson. He leans forward, really putting the pressure on Bobby.
Taylor McCallister: Smart move by David Van Dam. There was an accident in the ring, but instead of worrying about it, Van Dam was right on the attack, and now he’s putting all of his two hundred and forty-five pounds on Bobby Johnson, forcing him to carry all that weight. Bobby’s already been put through some incredibly amounts of pain directed at his ribs, and now Van Dam is forcing him to carry even more weight, this is really going to wear down Bobby Johnson.
Bob Fecca: Not to mention that Bobby has been competing for about twenty-five minutes with those injured ribs, add in another fifteen from the first part of the match where he didn’t have the hurt ribs, and you have forty minutes of action that Bobby Johnson has been through, and over half of that has been spent with hurt ribs, he’s really got to be getting deprived of proper oxygen.
Van Dam keeps the face lock on, using his feet to add to the leverage, Bobby uses an arm to push up between Van Dam’s arms and his head. He grabs one of Van Dam’s wrists, and then he rolls out from underneath him. Bobby gets onto his knees and up quickly. Van Dam stands up as well. Van Dam comes charging at Bobby, though it’s a little slower because of the pain shooting through his left knee. Bobby ducks the attempted clothesline, grabs Van Dam, tilt-a-whirl into a tombstone! Bobby successfully hit’s the G.A.B.J. Bobby makes the cover, but there’s no referee there to count it. The crowd begins to count the pin for Bobby as he slams his hand into the mat several times, he knows he had Van Dam there.. Bobby sighs as he moves towards the downed Jim Richards, shaking him back to life as David Van Dam stands up, shakily. He creeps behind Bobby Johnson and waits. The crowd tries to warn Bobby as he turns around, Van Dam lifts him up onto his shoulders. His knee almost buckles as he holds Bobby and spins him out. Last Chance! The crowd boo’s, almost no body kicks out of this move. Referee Jim Richards crawls over to make the count. The crowd is booing.
Eddie Styles : This could be it.
Eddie Styles: David Van Dam is going to retain.
Bob Fecca: NO! Bobby Johnson kicks out! Bobby Johnson kicks out! Bobby Johnson kicks out! Hope is still alive!
Van Dam looks up to the sky, he can’t believe that Bobby managed to kick out. He climbs to his feet and begins to pull Bobby up, it’s clear that Van Dam’s knee is in terrible condition right now, he’s barely able to support his own weight after that. DVD is hobbling as he nails Bobby with a hard right hand, then a second one, and then a third. Each blow is uncustomary for the World Champion, but he delivers each painful shots with exact precision, rocking the number one contender. Bobby Johnson staggers as Van Dam grabs him in another bear hug. He can’t lift Bobby Johnson up, his knee can’t take it. He knows his knee can’t take trying to hold Bobby up for that extended period of time. Bobby growls in pain, his ribs are being squeezed tightly as Van Dam tries to keep his footing, his knee is slowly giving in, he knows he doesn’t have much longer, so he really cinches in the hold. Bobby starts to waver.
Taylor McCallister: This is how Van Dam won the first fall, if he can hold it in now, he can win the second fall and the match, I don’t think Bobby can take the pain much longer.
Bobby begins to waver, refusing to tap out, but his arms go limp for the third time in the match. Referee Jim Richards is there. He raises Bobby’s arm once, and it falls. He raises it a second time, and it falls. He raises it a third time, and it starts to fall, but some how, Bobby Johnson manages to hold on, and keep himself going. One hard shot to Van Dam’s head, a second hard shot, and a third hard shot. Van Dam’s grip is broken. Bobby hit’s the ropes behind Van Dam and comes back, dropping to the mat, he nails Van Dam with a high impact chop block, that takes Van Dam down to the mat quickly. Van Dam holds onto his leg, growling in agony as Bobby holds his ribs with one arm, his other hand moving to Van Dam’s left leg. Bobby locks in a figure four leg lock, causing Van Dam to shoot up right in pain. He’s screaming in pain, a stream of profanities flying through his mouth as he falls back and snaps back up, trying to turn Bobby Johnson over, but he can’t. Bobby puts his hands on the mat and pushes his body into the air some, adding the pressure onto Van Dam’s legs, specifically his left knee. Van Dam falls flat on the mat, and Jim Richards begins to count.
Van Dam snaps up, shaking his head as Richards asks him if he wants to give it up, Van Dam holds Jim Richards by the front of the shirt, telling him to not ring the bell, begging him to not give it up. The crowd is chanting for Van Dam to tap out, but Van Dam won’t. He falls flat on the mat again.
Again Van Dam shoots back up, screaming in pain as he tries to fight it off, trying to fight the pain off, again trying to turn Bobby Johnson over, but again Bobby Johnson fights it off, making sure David Van Dam has to deal with the full brunt of the force. Van Dam uses one arm to grab at his knee, but again Bobby pushes himself up with his hands again, falling Van Dam to fall back to the mat. Again Jim Richards begins to make the count.
Sabrina: The winner of the second fall, after fifty minutes of total action, Bobby Johnson!
Bob Fecca: Bobby Johnson is still in this one, he only has to win one more fall to win the PWT Championship and realize his dream.
Eddie Styles: We now enter another sixty second rest period, and what a fall that was. These two have been going at it for fifty minutes, how much longer can they go at it? How much more do they have left?
Taylor McCallister: Well, we know David Van Dam can go the distance, we’ve seen him do it on numerous occasions, but one has to wonder how much he has in his tank. His knee has to be killing him, his knee has to be almost shot, add in the fact that he went fifty-five minutes with MJ Storm, went an hour with Christian Michaels and JT Kash, went another twenty with Nic E Dangerously inside a steel cage, his body has to be running near empty, and he’s got to go another fall with Bobby. If David Van Dam can pull this one out, he might be the greatest wrestler MSN has ever seen.
Bob Fecca: But Bobby has never been tested like this, he’s never had to go almost an hour, he’s never been in this much pain, at least not that I’ve seen. So, the question is can Bobby finish the job now that he’s gotten this far?
Eddie Styles: It’s time for the third and final fall! Who will walk out of New Orleans as PWT World Champion?
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Re:PWT Presents 'Holiday Havok' (December 2006)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 3:15 AMCopy HTML
Both wrestlers are standing, Van Dam is barely standing, his knee can barely support his own weight. Bobby Johnson is doubled over with pain in his ribs. They move from the corner, both men are barely able to move right now as they hobble towards each other. They lock up again, barely able to move, but some how they find the strength for the lock up. Bobby knees Van Dam in the gut and hit’s a gut-wrench suplex. Bobby knows that to win this fall, and this match that he has to attack quick and fast. He follows the gut-wrench suplex up with a running leg drop. Bobby’s working through the pain in his ribs, working through the gut-wrenching agony that he’s in. He pulls Van Dam up and lifts him into the air, managing to hold him up, holding him straight up before dropping down with a brain buster. Van Dam grabs his head as Bobby moves to the ropes, climbing up them slowly. He stands there, looking around at the crowd. They cheer him on, begging him to take the big risk and get the big pay off. Bobby leaps from the top rope, flipping through the air, he hits Van Dam with a big 630 Senton. The crowd roars with approval as Bobby stays on for the cover.
Van Dam is still able to kick out as he digs down deep inside of himself to get his shoulder off the mat and keep himself going. Bobby sighs as the crowd boos. Bobby pulls Van Dam up, but falls to the mat, holding his ribs. Van Dam is up, he hit’s the ropes and comes charging back, raising his right leg, he kicks Bobby right in the head before falling to the mat, holding his knee tightly. That might’ve taken everything he had left in him, but it did the damage on Bobby, who doesn’t look conscious. Van Dam crawls over to him, pushing Bobby onto his back, Van Dam makes the cover.
The crowd boos, thinking Bobby has lost the match, but referee Jim Richards waves his arms, pointing to Bobby’s foot on the bottom rope, saying that the pin fall didn’t count, the match will have to continue.
Bob Fecca: Great officiating by Jim Richards, he saw the foot on the rope, and ruled the match must continue.
Eddie Styles: It’s great officiating, but it has to suck for David Van Dam, who thought he had the match won there, who thought he’d be able to walk away with his title, now he has to keep going.
Van Dam and Bobby Johnson are both up, and Van Dam whips Bobby Johnson into the turnbuckles. He raises Bobby up onto the top rope, and Van Dam climbs onto the top rope as well. The crowd is watching, they hope he isn’t going for what they think he’s going for. He pushes Bobby’s head between his legs as he underhooks both of Bobby’s arms.
Taylor McCallister: If he hits this, the match is over.
Van Dam leaps off the ropes, pulling Bobby Johnson with him, he drives Bobby into the mat with The Tipping Point. The crowd boos as Van Dam rolls away from Bobby, holding his leg in agony, he might’ve just shattered his own knee cap with the move.
Bob Fecca: All Van Dam has to do is make the cover and he has this one. All he has to do is make the cover, and he retains the World Title.
Van Dam crawls towards Bobby Johnson, who’s just laying on the mat. Van Dam makes sure Bobby is flat on his back and drapes an arm over him. Jim Richards slides into position to make the count.
Bob Fecca: Bobby Johnson kicks out! Bobby Johnson kicks out! My God in Heaven, Bobby Johnson kicks out!
Eddie Styles: Bobby Johnson is the first man to ever kick out of The Tipping Point.
Taylor McCallister: Bobby Johnson still has hope, there’s still a chance he can win.
Van Dam looks at Jim Richards, holding up three fingers. Richards shakes his head and raises two fingers, explaining that it was only a two count. Van Dam pulls Bobby Johnson up, but Bobby surprises him with a big forearm, a second forearm, and then a third forearm. Bobby Johnson whips Van Dam into the ropes and Van Dam comes bouncing back as Bobby Johnson crouches, raising his leg up, Bobby connects with The Killa Kick for the first time this match. Van Dam drops like a sack of rocks. Bobby Johnson does too. The crowd explodes, trying to egg Bobby Johnson on. They want him to make the cover. They need him to make the cover. He begins to crawl towards Van Dam. With every inch Bobby moves across the mat, the louder the crowd gets. With every inch he slides, the crowd’s noise level rises. He’s almost there. He rolls Van Dam over and makes the cover.
NO! NO! NO! The crowd boos loudly as referee Jim Richards explains that Van Dam got his shoulder up before his hand reached the mat for the three count.
Bob Fecca: That’s guts right there, because here’s Jim Richards, in the center of a New Orleans crowd, and he’s telling them that Bobby Johnson didn’t get the three count.
Bobby pulls Van Dam up and nails him with a hard forearm before lifting him up and hitting him with a snap suplex. Bobby is on the top rope as quick as he can. Corkscrew 450 Splash, successfully hitting The Crescent City connection. The crowd cheers as Bobby is back up, he’s feeling it as he slams his foot on the mat, he’s ready, he’s poised. Van Dam holds his ribs before beginning to stagger to his feet. Van Dam is slow to his feet, but when he turns around, he gets a face full of Bobby’s foot, hitting a big Killa Kick on David Van Dam. The second one of the night. Van Dam hit’s the mat again, and the crowd explodes as Bobby falls on top of Van Dam.
Bob Fecca: This could be it
Bob Fecca: Could we have a new World Champion?
The New Orleans crowd explodes with cheers as the bell rings, ending the match.
The crowd goes wild as Bobby Johnson’s arm is raised, his other hand holding up the PWT World Title. He’s exhausted, but he’s holding the title up. Van Dam staggers to his feet. Bobby extends his hand at the former Champion, but David Van Dam grabs the belt away from him. The crowd boos loudly as David Van Dam backs away from Bobby Johnson . Van Dam holds his hand out as he’s given a microphone. He raises it to his lips, his voice comes out broken by his need to take breaths.
David Van Dam: It was over five years ago that I began a journey, a journey that would take me through numerous title reigns with every title PWT has had to offer me. That journey has taken me through numerous PCA’s, including a match of the year, it’s brought be into the Walk of Fame, and the Lifetime Achievement Award. That journey has made me what I am today… The former Professional Wrestling Today World Champion. Bobby, I’ve claimed to be the greatest professional wrestler alive… But after tonight, you, Bobby Johnson, are the best wrestler alive. You’re the man, the guy to beat. Let me say it was a pleasure wrestling you. You’re the greatest opponent I’ve ever had. Congratulations Bobby… You’ve done it.
The crowd explodes with cheers as Van Dam lays the World Title over Bobby Johnson, giving him a hug as The G.O.A.T. by LL Cool J begins to blare over the speakers. The crowd is alive with cheers, chanting.
Crowd: Thank You Bobby!!!!! Thank You Bobby!!!!!! Thank You Bobby!!!!! Thank You Bobby!!!!!
Bob Fecca: What a class act from David Van Dam, and what a reaction for Bobby Johnson! Listen to this crowd, it sounds like the roof is about to blow off!
Eddie Styles: We’ve witnessed wrestling history, Bob. Bobby Johnson is the New World Champion, and boy is this crowd behind him.
Taylor McCallister: If you excuse me, I’ve got a celebration to attend.
Wallstreet takes his head set off and comes towards the ring clapping. From the stage, here comes Image Johnson, Ahmed Johnson, and Bobby’s mother, Maryanne Johnson. Crystal Johnson rand Monica Swhear roll into the ring. There are tears in Bobby Johnson’s eyes as he looks down at the World Title. He’s done it. The fans are still on their feet clapping as confetti and balloons begin to fall from the roof, Bobby’s family pats him on the back, hugging him as Image gives him a small kiss. Wallstreet takes the microphone from David Van Dam. He holds it up to his lips.
WallStreet goes to speak but to no avail as over 20,000 voices combine to make simply one…
WallStreet nods , "Bobby Johnson… That’s exactly what it’s all about. In a city that hasn’t had much to be happy about over the last year and a half or so, There is ONE thing that stands above and beyond it all… ONE man who’s brought together an entire city and allowed them to forget all the hysteria, all the pain, all the grief… A Bitch by the name of Katrina (Crowd boos) came through this City and kicked it, pummeled it, and slapped it up while it was done. That’s a memory you don’t ever forget. But on THIS NIGHT… On This Night New Orleans has a New Memory… It has something to be proud of, someone to tip it’s hat toward… From now until forever, The City of New Orleans and the Business that is Professional Wrestling Today have One Thing In Common… They can look back on January 31st, 2006, and say that it genuinely is end of old and dawning of aneu… They can look back and say that That’s the day.. that’s the day Bobby Johnson did was he was destined to do… On This Very Day Bobby Johnson, You’ve brought back joy to New Orleans and Bobby… You’ve made *Me* *Personaly*, One Proud Son-Of-A-Bitch… So, As One voice, New Orleans, And I, Say simply… Thank You."
Crowd: THANK YOU BOBBY *Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap*, THANK YOU BOBBY *Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap*, THANK YOU BOBBY *Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap*, THANK YOU BOBBY *Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap*, THANK YOU BOBBY *Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap*, THANK YOU BOBBY *Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap*, THANK YOU BOBBY *Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap*, THANK YOU BOBBY *Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap*, THANK YOU BOBBY *Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap*, THANK YOU BOBBY *Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap*…
As the chant continues WallStreet slaps hands with Bobby and gives him a big hug… While they hug he whispers into his ear a little something that nobody else hears… "You did this son… You made this happen… Don’t ever let anyone try and take it from you, and give em Hell every step of the way…." Bobby is choked up as he takes the microphone, holding it up to his lips. He holds it there for a few moments before actually speaking.
Bobby Johnson: Thank you. To all my family, friends, and fans that believed in me, thank you. To Wallstreet for teaching me the craft of wrestling, thank you to David Van Dam for this match. It’d been a long road for me, but I’m here now. I used to say I was The Future of the Franchise… but the future is now, and I am the Franchise. Let the year of Bobby Johnson begin.
The crowd explodes chanting: Bobby! Bobby! Bobby! Bobby! Bobby! He raises the title high above his head as Wallstreet and Ahmed raise him onto their shoulders, holding him up as he holds up the title.
Bob Fecca: Thank you for joining us here at Holiday Havok, for Eddie Styles and PWT I’m Bob Fecca saying thank you and Happy New Years! Tune in next week for Shockwave!
PWT Holiday Havok goes off the air showing Bobby Johnson with confetti on his sweaty body, being held up by Taylor McCallister and Ahmed Johnson, tears in his eyes, the World Title being held high above his head.
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Re:PWT Presents 'Holiday Havok' (December 2006)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 3:15 AMCopy HTML
[ The cameras pan over to the announcers.
Fecca: Well Eddie, now's time for the anticipated rematch between Seifer and MJ Storm. The last time these two faced was in the early spring, a match that bordered more along the lines of WCW booking than anything. But these two showed us something that night, MJ came at Seifer with a fire like no other and forced him to step up his game to pick up the victory. Tonight, MJ will be looking to top that incredible surprise performance.
Styles: He certainly has a new chip on his shoulder tonight. A former PWT Champion who has gotten a LOT of slack for the way he lost it.
Fecca: Indeed. Which is opposite from how Seifer lost it, many have called that a controversial yet convienent stripping but nonetheless it's still MJ who is coming into this with something to prove. He wants to regain the PWT Championship and a victory here over Seifer will certainly put him on his way. Especially in an Iron Man match.
Styles: I still can't believe MJ challenged Seifer to a hardcore iron man match, what was he thinking?
Fecca: He wants to show he can do it Eddie. That he can go toe to toe with Seifer for that long.
Styles: And upstage David Van Dam by winning.
Fecca: That too. Seifer on the other hand folks has been back for a month and is already making just as many waves as he did his first go 'round. He too is looking to make a statement that he's more than got it and ready to make this run even better than the first!
Styles: He's got a lot of work ahead of him in that case.
Fecca: Well we know he's looking to get back into the PWT title race soon so picking up a win over a recent former champion would be making the correct strides. Anyways, let's show you how this match all came about.
[ The PWTron flickers to life, showing us a couple weeks ago when MJ Storm laid down the challenge to Seifer. On Sitdown with the Storm we see him reiterating it and then Seifer coming out, getting right to the point and accepting the challenge as the stare down ensues. We then Shockwave 79 where Seifer comes out to ref the match between MJ and The Goon, messing with MJ's head a bit before eventually counting the pinfall. Switch over to Seifer's match against Jamal Atkins as now it's MJ's turn to play the mind games. We see the two of them brawling after Seifer wins and then we head to the face 2 face where that too ends up in a brawl.
Fecca: This has gotten heated fast, let's go.
[ The fans are buzzing about after getting back to their seats with their drinks and food items.They're waiting for one of the combatants in the upcoming contest when 'Back in Black' by AC/DC hits the pa system, and a chorus of boos reigns down as M.J. Storm walks through the black curtain, he's pushing a shopping cart full of weapons and Cassie is heading down behind him.
Styles: He's brought the hardware!
Fecca: MJ did mention he would be using a variety of weapons to inflict damage.
[ He has an arrogant smirk on his face as he struts down the entrance ramp, leaving the cart of weapons outside as he slides into the ring by going underneath the bottom rope. He gets up, and walks over to a far corner, and undoes his black trench coat. He throws it over the ropes to someone outside, and sits down in the corner as Sabrina speaks. Cassie heads over to the left side near where MJ is outside and watches on.
Sabrina: In the ring, from Madison, Wisconsin, weighing in at two hundred and fifty-six pounds, M.J. Storm!!!!!!!!!
[ M.J. stays sitting in the corner, just enjoying the crowd booing him as he awaits his opponent.
[ The lights begin to dim in the arena as a drumming can be heard echoing across the PA system.
Oh-e-o ohhhh oh
Oh-e-o ohhhh oh
[ The guitar riffs begin to pick up as does the tron video, showing a stormy night across a vast land of hills with dark thunder clouds rolling in all the while two torches rise on either side of the entrance ramp, the flames rising up every couple seconds or so.
Oh-e-o ohhhh oh
Oh-e-o ohhhh oh
Who's in the house? Seiferrrrrr
[ As Seifer's name is heard throughout the arena cheers begin to roar up as the video on the tron flashes 'Seifer' across it while the video remains throughout the hills. Only now as the storm rages on, fire, explosives, and soldiers can be seen between the many hills as it becomes a battle ground for war.
Who's in the house? Seiferrrrrr
Who's in the house? Seiferrrrrr
Who's in the house? Seiferrrrrr
Who's in the house? Seiferrrrrr
Who's in the house?
[ The music picks up now as the fire increases, the camera on the video begins to shift upwards, showing the top of the hills labeled with various well known name federations throughout the years.
Oh-e-o ohhhh oh
Oh-e-o ohhhh oh
Oh-e-o ohhhh oh
Oh-e-o ohhhh oh
[ When the shooting sounds of "Trucker Anthem" by Kid Rock blast through the airwaves red and silver pyro explosions go off as the cameras zoom out even further, making all the fighting going on between the hills representing different companies seem smaller as a mountain in the center of it all stands out. Right before the lyrics hit the camera zooms around quickly side to side, catching Seifer with his hands out to both sides, standing atop the mountain over looking all the battle grounds as the storm continues to rage on. We pan to the side of Seifer who flashes a little smirk when the camera zooms quickly forward. As Kid Rock's voice is heard, we're panning up towards the Miami skyline at night as lightning strikes and the video goes into various clips of Seifer hitting trademark moves on opponents intertwined with the city.
Singin, hey now people here we come Here we come motherfuckers Here we, kinny come come
[ As no one has appeared from the entrance it doesn't take long before the already on their seats crowd absolutely EXPLODES as more and more of them spot Seifer, off to the left {if you're looking at the ring} way up at the middle of the top level, making his way in through the crowd who all are trying to pat him on the back and grab at him.
You know what we do and where we're from Miami baby You got 15 seconds to get this seat now We're gonna start this show and blow your mind now Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh
(Who's your Uncle?)
[ As the music continues on, Seifer is making his way amongst the masses, quickly heading down to the balcony of the third section. He jumps up on it which causes even more cheers.
Uncle Seiferrrrrr
[ Seifer turns his back to the arena and lifts his arms up and then takes the leap, jumping backwards and down to the lower level where he's caught by the fans as they begin to surf him down towards the front of the middle section.
I'm double wide on the side, in the back of the bus I'm your Uncle Kracker sittin' platnum plus Double platinum (what?) Triple platinum (fuck) You'd be a calm motherfucker if you add that up. Can you back that up? Yeah, but what for? I got a big brick house with 2 gold doors. Was born in that, you need to shut my mouth I'm the same motherfucker you been hearin' about Kracker went pop? Naw, I did the pop bash Floatin' through the air waves, pickin' up cash I dropped bottom D, people thought i went soft, shit I'm still very difficult to fuck with
[ Seifer's now made his way to the bottom of the second level, starting to come across it all to the back of the arena, way behind the announce tables as the arena is deafening.
Straight outta the sticks of Romeo, Michigan The early morning stoned motherfucking pimp of the God damn nationnnnnnn
[ Seifer now stands atop the top step leading to the lower section, tens and tens of fans are all surrounding him trying to get into the picture.
Ye haw motherfuckers lets rock With the Kid, that's all, ya dig, ya dont stop Got rifs to rock, brought boones to slam Now who's the man?
[ At this moment the entire PA system goes off, as the fans scream out in perfect unison the next lyrics in their own way.
[ The second they spit it Seifer jumps up and throws his hand forward as everything kicks back again without losing a beat. Seifer makes his way down the steps and into the lower section, beginning to come to the other side of the arena now.
Back on the scene like a fiend for beats Aint slept in weeks Got too many freaks Seen too many geeks Try to rock the rap, so I'm back with heat To unseat the wack
I'ma unpack, and set up shop I'ma step back and watch you rock I'ma rock track, so stop the pop Then I'ma master blastin through the aftershock I got, dug ditches to burry you bitches Who roll the flow and wanna stop the show So I'ma roll and flow another encore seven From north of Detroit, way south of Heaven Heaven, heaven, heaven
Turn it up, turn it up turn it up
[ By now Seifer has made his way through the mobbing fans and onto the other side, hopping the barricade as he stands now to the right of the entrance stage, he takes his shirt off and throws it into the crowd as the music begins to kick up another notch. He stands there, jumping a little like a football player ready to run right out of that tunnel.
Ughh Come onnnnn
[ Right before the drums go insane Seifer takes off running, up the steps and out onto the stage as he almost gracefully glides across the stage pumping his arms as the drums go insane, nearly simultaneously as the flashes go berserk all across the arena. Seifer pumps his arms again and begins to make his way down the ramp, slapping fans hands on both sides before he stops with his back to the ring.
Kid Rock motherfucker with the TBT Rollin' through your city like the General Lee You wanna fuck with me? Don't test the odds
[ Seifer spins around now and throws up his arms to the side in his taunt at the same time as the next lyrics hit and a huge, and I mean, GIGANTIC hologram of Seifer's posing upper body is being displayed right in front of the tron from the stage all the way up near the roof, with Seifer standing in front of it identically mirroring it.
Cause your arms are too short to box with God.
[ Seifer holds the pose for a moment before throwing his arm in front of him as he continues to make his way down to the ring, slapping hands before climbing the stairs and entering between the top and middle ropes.
But if ya, send me your address, I'll swing by Call up your friends, I'll get your whole fuckin' crew high Say bye, bye, bye to the wack
And let it be known SEIFER IS BACK!
[ Seifer hits the back left turnbuckle first, and then the one opposite that. He hits the parallel one and then finishes with the back right turnbuckle, throwing his arms out to the side in his pose.
Yeahhh rollin' with the TBT Were gonna rock the house for my man Joe C. Yeahh, we wanna start this show, come on
[ Seifer hops down from the last turnbuckle and turns around as he survey's the audience chanting his name.
Come on, yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[ The crowd is going absolutely insane as the music fades away and he swings his arms around as MJ Storm rolls back into the ring.
Sabrina: From Miami, Florida... he is the newly crowned King of the South... SEIFER!!!
[ The referee walks over and aks both men if they're ready as Sabrina announces.
Sabrina: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your Hardcore Iron Man match! The rules are the same as a regular Iron Man in which the clock will start at 60:00 minutes and count down to 0. Once the clock reaches 0 the match will end. Whoever has the most falls after this time period will be declared the winner. In the event of a draw the match will go into sudden death rules where it's one fall to a finish. The only way to score a fall is to either pin or force your opponent to submit. There will be NO DQ's and NO count outs.
[ Sabrina exits the ring as the bell rings and the timer begins, both men look over at the clock on the PWTron before shifting focus to one another.
Styles: Here we go!
59:54 MJ Storm - 0 Seifer - 0
[ The two of them waste absolutely no time as they lock up in the center, MJ pushes Seifer back into the corner and begins to unload on him with right hands. Quickly however Seifer stops this and throws MJ into the corner, giving him some rights of his own. After a couple more Seifer throws MJ into the opposite turnbuckle, MJ crashes in back first as Seifer runs and jumps at him but all he does is eat turnbuckle as MJ moves out of the way. As Seifer turns and begins to stumble towards MJ he arm drags him over his side and latches onto the arm, pulling back on it trying to hyperextend the elbow. But Seifer manages to escape the attempted submission quickly by spinning around the backside of MJ and shifting pressure to his own arm. Eventually the two release as Seifer grabs MJ's back and lifts him up into a German suplex. He follows it up with a second but as he attempts to get the hat trick, MJ blocks this with his legs. He kicks up and grabs a hold of Seifer's head in a lock and uses the momentum to swing down, smashing Seifer's face into the mat. He gets up a delivers a couple kicks to the head of Seifer before rolling out of the ring and grabbing his shillelagh. MJ grins as he turns to get into the ring but Seifer's there already baseball sliding into his face and knocking him into the cart of weapons which causes the cart to tumble over.
Fecca: MJ tried to get a weapon to use first but Seifer's send him into his own set of weapons!
[ Now outside we see Seifer pushing aside the cart and kicking at some of the weapons as he grabs the leg of MJ, lifting it up once and bringing it back down, slamming it into the floor. The crowd 'ooohs' when he does this as he attempts to do it again. Only this time MJ is a little more prepared as when he lifts his leg up, MJ uses the other to forcefully kick away and slide underneath his body, coming out at the feet of Seifer as Seif is bent down and WHAM, punch to the nose which sends Seifer reeling backwards as he leans against the apron and Cassie cheers on her man.
Styles: Right in the nose! Seifer's checkin to see if it's broken!
Fecca: MJ slid on those brass knuckles like he said he would.
[ As Seifer's leaning against the ring post MJ gets up and comes over to him, aiming him up for another shot but as soon as he's about to connect, Seifer dodges out of the way, causing MJ to punch the steel post with the brass knucks. He grabs his hand and rips the knuckles off, temporarily nursing his hand as Seifer grabs him and throws him into the ring before following right after. As soon as Seifer gets up he stomps on the lower back of MJ a couple times, keeping him down for a moment and taking quick advantage, hitting the ropes and coming off with speed as he drops an elbow on the lower back. Seifer does this once more before he helps lift MJ up into a suplex but MJ's able to drop out of it midair and come behind Seifer. He grabs him and runs, hitting Seif with a bulldog as he rises up and lifts Seifer to his feet. Sending a right arm to the face as he grabs him, Irish whipping his towards the front right turnbuckle but Seifer stops it before it can happen and pulls MJ, sending him into the back left turnbuckle as he nearly topples out of it before coming back into the ring. Now Seifer jogs nearly to the other side before running at the corner, leaping into the air and hitting a Seifer Splash on MJ!
Fecca: He got it this time!
Seifer grabs MJ and throws him into the opposite turnbuckle, he readies up and WHOOSH! Flies through the air, nailing MJ with another Seifer Splash. Seifer grins now as he points to the third turnbuckle and grabs MJ by the head, bringing him over to it he smashes his head into the top a couple times before backing out and WHOOSH! A third Seifer Splash in the third turnbuckle as the crowd really gets into it. Seifer grabs MJ's hand in similar fashion as before and throws him into the final right back turnbuckle.
Styles: The Quadfecta?!
[ He readies him and takes off running... and nails it! The fourth Seifer Splash as MJ woozily stumbles out of the corner and right into a belly to belly suplex by Seifer. Seifer grabs him and makes the cover.
[ Without missing a beat Seifer helps MJ to his feet, pushing him up against the ropes and swinging him to the other side to which MJ reverses and as Seifer rebounds from the ropes he ducks under MJ's clothesline attempt. As he comes back again the two of them are thinking the same thing and take each other down with a clothesline.
51:12 MJ Storm - 0 Seifer - 0
Fecca: Remember folks, no count outs in this one.
[ Cassie is banging her hands on the edge of the mat, willing MJ to rise. Both men stir around the same time, but it's MJ who is a step ahead as he kicks Seifer in the gut on his way up. Lifting him into a snap suplex and then wasting no time in picking him up again and dropping him with an Impaler DDT. Seifer's now down as MJ looks to the outside where his knocked over cart of weapons are as a smirk spreads on his face. MJ rolls out of the right side of the ring and walks around the ring post, coming to the shillelagh he was going to use earlier. He looks and sees Seifer still down as he slides back into the ring, measuring him up he takes the weapon and swings it down onto the lower leg of Seifer, right in the shin area. Seifer grabs his leg as MJ does so but MJ just kicks him in the face and nails him there again as he begins to stomp on the left leg.
Fecca: He's trying to take out Seifer's wheels.
Styles: Or weakening that part of his body for the Tornado Stretch.
[ MJ tosses the shillelagh a little behind him as he rolls Seifer over, lifting up that same left leg and interlocking it in his leg as he falls back, adding even more pressure to the leg as Seifer shoots his head up, feeling the pain rush through his leg. Shaking his head he begins to move his body around, trying for the ropes but continually turning as MJ turns with him. As they keep moving Seifer finds the shillelagh just a couple feet in front of him as he goes to grasp it but MJ notices this quickly and instead lets go of the hold. As soon as he does Seifer lunges forward and grabs a hold of the weapon but receives a knee drop to the lower back, the impact causes him to let go of the weapon as MJ casually picks it up and smiles as he looks on the downed Seifer. Seifer rolls onto his back now as MJ is lifting up the weapon again, prepared to smash it into Seif's sternum, as he comes down Seifer uses his right leg to kick MJ in the gut, pausing his momentum momentarily as he sends a chop to the chest of MJ followed by a second and then a thunderous third that brings Storm to the mat.
[ Chants the crowd as he does so. Seifer stands up, putting a lot of weight on his right leg as he limps over to the shillelagh and goes to pick it up. But as he's bending over to get it MJ lunges forward and brings his right arm up in between the legs of Seifer and nailing him with a low blow. Seifer goes down to his side as MJ grabs the weapon and makes his way back up to his feet.
Fecca: And no DQ's either!
[ MJ feels over the weapon in his hand a little sick smirk spreads on his face now as he walks over to the downed Seifer and takes the shillelagh and swings it down onto the side of Seifer, nailing him a couple times in the ribs as Seifer turns over, trying to get away from the attack but MJ just continues, hitting Seifer in the chest a couple times and then the back until Seifer can finally roll out of the ring on the right side and stumble over to the barricade as he grabs a hold of it. MJ tosses the weapon to the side and looks at Seifer who's glaring back at MJ. MJ flashes a cocky grin and gestures the 'Bring it' taunt as the crowd begins to boo. Seifer tenderly walks around the backside of the ring, regaining his composure before he finally slides into the ring where MJ is there to meet him with kicks to the face. But Seifer's able to fight through it and make his way to his feet, only for MJ to kick him in the gut. As he's doubled over Storm grabs his head and lifts him up for a powerbomb but Seifer nails a couple strong shots to the face of MJ and as he falls backwards with Seifer's weight and Seifer lands right on top of him as the ref instinctively counts the inadvertent pinfall.
[ MJ throws a shoulder up as Seifer gets off of his chest and walks over to the bottom right turnbuckle. He watches as MJ stands up and begins to turn around, Seifer chances it and throws out a super kick but it's caught by MJ who spins Seifer around and catches him, lifting him up into a back slam. He hooks the leg and makes the cover.
[ Seifer maneuvers his body to the side as MJ gets up, not showing any signs of frustration as he calmly looks for his next move. He takes Seifer and Irish whips him into the turnbuckles but as Seifer comes off and MJ nears the center of the ring he nails him with a spinning heel kick. Landing on the ground Seifer kips up much to the crowd's delight as they begin to cheer wildly now that Seifer's shown more life. MJ is quickly up as he runs at Seifer who lifts him up and over into a back body drop. MJ gets up immediately however and charges at Seifer again, this time Seifer turns and throws him into the middle rope as MJ lands chest first, hanging on it. Seifer quickly hits off the back ropes and jumps onto Storm's back with both legs to the side ala Austin and Jericho as he comes off the ropes, grabbing his throat as he goes to roll out of the ring but Seifer is already there pulling him back in, refusing to give MJ time to recover. Seifer grabs MJ by the neck and as he's getting him up he apples a sleeper hold on MJ. Or the beginnings of one but before he can get it locked in MJ senses this and runs backwards, pushing Seifer up against the ropes and then throwing him out across the front of the ropes. As Seifer comes back MJ grabs him and swings his body around slamming him HARD onto the mat!
[ MJ quickly makes the cover, hooking the leg of Seifer.
TWO... |
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