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Date Posted:02/19/2009 7:26 PMCopy HTML
[ As people around the world have their TVs tuned to their local pay per view channel, the PWT Free For All recap draws to a conclusion as the copyrights come across the bottom of the screen...
[ Finally a PWT Custom made insturmental begins to play as the opening video starts over the screen...
Narrator, "Immortality is Defined as Unending Existance... Lasting Fame...
In A World where Skepticism

And a Desperate desire to believe in the unbelievable constantly clash

One must ask if Immortality is truly possible
And if it is, to what extent must you capture Glory to find your name immortalized?

Is it enough to be a Heroic Icon?
Or, in a world of cynicism, would it perhaps take a Hero Slaying Deviant with a deep seeded blood lust?

In A World where Desire and Hope

Are Often Discarded for Heartbreak and Despair

One Thing is for Certain… The Challenges Will Never End for those who seek to ascend the never ending stairway to…
[ With that we zoom back from the Immortal Glory banner to see it incased by the PWT -A- Vision as a small set of fireworks begins (don't call the fire marshal, we'll definitly get shut down in another crappy tiny building)...
[ The cameras begin sweeping the arena as "How Far We've Come" By Matchbox 20 blasts over the PA.
Fecca, "WELCOME TO PEE DUBBYA TEE'S THIRD ANNUAL IMMORTAL GLORY! I'm Bobby Fecca along side The Icon of Style Eddie Styles and folks, as we follow two outstanding Immortal Glory's in a row, this years shows no sign of disappointment!"
Styles, "None at all because tonight, Sindee makes her long awaited in ring return as she goes one on one with Xaiver Homicide for the Backyard championship! Fluke or Real Deal? We find out tonight."
Fecca, "All Titles but the Femme Fatale are on the line, which means, Angel defends her People's championship against a prime and ready Matt Matlock , The newly formed team of Seifer and Izabell Winters challange newly crowned tag team champions Lucky Heat, and finally, the new PWT Heavyweight Dante Cross defends his championship against a very unlikely contender in the new resident Rocky Bolboa, That One Guy."
Styles, "No Doubt, No Doubt... I better watch out before I get some Canuk heat for sounding like Tazz. Speaking of heat, things are hot as ever in the Becca McCallister-WallStreet story!"
Fecca, "No question, tonight Becca Wipwreck has one last oppertunity at getting WallStreet to sign the divorce papers, IF she can defeat WallStreet's Hit Woman Eris."
Styles, "And WHEN Eris lays waist to Becca MCCALLISTER WallStreet get's full control over making all of his own matches. Can you say WallStreet V.S. Dante Cross, PWT World Heavyweight Championship?"
Fecca, "Well let's hope that doesn't happen. Dante's bad enough, we certainly don't need WallStreet as champion."
Styles, "It may not matter depending on the out come of tonight's main event, as whoever wins that will be contending for the title at Criminal Intent one month down the road anyway."
Fecca, "Absolutly correct. Tonight, It's Christian Michaels one on one with Nova Caine for the final time with Christian Michaels guaranteed rematch for the PWT World Title on the line in one of the most grueling and depraving bouts in all of professional wrestling... An I Quit Match. Nova will go to any and all lengths to put the Southern Heartthrob away for good, but in all my years here in PWT I've never once known Christian Michaels to say "I Quit". It's Never Say Die Verses By Any Means Neccessary and folks, something's gonna have to give."
Styles, "Let's go Nova!"
Fecca, "Well, that's much later on tonight, however, we don't have to wait any longer to see the Backyard Championship defended in a Bar Room Brawl... Folks, this one being brought to you by Sattelite, let's take ya to PWT's bar of choice for this first fall to a finish contest." |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory III' (February 2008)
Date Posted:02/19/2009 7:28 PMCopy HTML
[ We head to the ring where Sabrina is standing a video montage of the build up of SinDee and Xavier plays for the fans.
Sabrina: "The following match is for the PWT Backyard title. It’s a bar room brawl, introducing first, SinDee!"
[ The titontron comes to life showing the bar she picked, it’s packed with people and yet there seems to be no SinDee that is until the camera outside comes to life showing her standing out there having a smoke.
Fecca: "This is an important match and it seems as though she doesn’t care"
Styles: "That’s bull and you know it, she’s had a rough week she even told me so. She is ready for this she’s just calming her nerves."
Sabrina: "And her opponent, he is the current PWT Backyard champion, Xavier Homicide"
[ We go back to the bar and see Xavier sitting on a stool ordering a beer
Styles: "This is outrageous here he is having a beer when he’s meant to be defending his title."
Fecca: "He’s calming his nerves"
Styles: "He’s getting drunk on the job, what a so called champion he is"
Fecca: "Now wait a minute, you should be blaming your precious SinDee she is the one who picked this match"
Styles: "Not for him to drink they are meant to be fighting"
Fecca: "She isn’t even in there yet."
[ The crowd watches on the tron as SinDee enters the bar and instantly looks over at Xavier who is calmly enjoying his drink
SinDee: "I see you got the drink I ordered specially for you"
[ With a wink she watched as Xavier spat out his beer not knowing what had been slipped into it
Xavier: "Bitch!"
Fecca: "What did she do to him?!"
Styles: "By the coy look I am guessing she’s getting into his head"
[ Xavier throws the beer bottle at SinDee but she ducks and that’s enough for the bell to ring back at ringside to signal the match starting.
SinDee: "So do you feel dizzy yet? A little weaker maybe?"
[ Xavier looks around before slowly getting to his feet he quickly sits back down however
Xavier: "I’m feeling fine"
SinDee: "Sure that’s why you are currently acting the way you are. Look around Xavier; look at how many people now think you are a pussy. Oh and by the way there was nothing slipped into your drink. I just wanted to see the reaction I’d get from you"
Styles: "SEE!"
[ Fecca rolls his eyes a little and muttered something unintelligible.
[ The action starts off with SinDee stalking towards Xavier who quickly jumps out of the way and grabs the stool he was on before swinging it wildly and manages to smash it across her back causing SinDee to stumble forwards. She turns around with a drink tin in hand and smashes it into his face before quickly bringing her foot up connecting with the grapefruits. Xavier is instantly down but not for long as he grabs SinDee’s leg and drags her down laying into her with punches. SinDee fights back after the initial shock but can’t keep him off so instead she flips him over and takes control with a wink. Xavier reaches up and grabs her hair before punching her hard in the lip, busting it a little. SinDee licks the blood and instantly fires back with a smart right hook only for Xavier to block it. He throws her off him. Xavier quickly bounces to his feet as SinDee charges at him, he catches her and spins driving her through a table which explodes on impact, everyone in the bar scatters from the area half cheering half booing what is happening. SinDee lays there gasping for air, her heart and head pounding. She quickly rolls away on instinct as Xavier goes to smash a beer pitcher over her head, allowing it to smash over the floor. She quickly grabs a busted table leg and slams it over the back of his head causing Xavier to get a few birdies flying around his head. SinDee slowly gets to her feet looking around she searches for something to hit him with but really comes up with nothing so instead she pulls up a stool and sits, resting her head.
Fecca: "Look at how cocky she is"
Styles: "She is resting her head do you blame her?"
Fecca: "It’s being lazy and cocky"
Styles: "Well maybe she wants Xavier to pay?"
Fecca: "Or she has something up her sleeve"
[ SinDee reaches into her bra grabbing out a small package of something. She digs her nails in and as Xavier gets up she all but blows it in his face blinding him
Styles: "Wow, more like in her bra!"
Fecca: "Dirty rotten cheater"
Styles: "There are no rules"
[ SinDee grins and taps Xavier on the shoulder taking great delight as he swings at a drunk instead of her which ends up somewhat chaotic now with people getting involved. A small fight starts in the background and SinDee pushes him in that direction only for the ref to pull him out of harms way and washes the powder from his eyes.
Styles: "Well that sucks, I was enjoying the show"
Fecca: "At least the damn referee has some sense here"
Styles: "No, he hasn’t that would have been funny"
[ Fecca just sighs and shakes his head
Fecca: "You are a sick sex deprived man"
[ The action is back and forth many of the bar patrons have stuck around to watch as SinDee and Xavier trade blow after blow neither wishing to back down. She’s whipped into the juke box in the corner, instantly the music stops much to the disappointment of most people there even when she screams in pain they don’t seem to care one bit. SinDee drops to her knees, her hands clutching her back not noticing Xavier coming at her with a stool which he gladly breaks over her back. With Sin down he rolls her over quickly going for the pin wanting to end this and keep his title. The ref drops into position but before he can count SinDee has broken then pinning predicament.
[ Xavier is back to his feet first and has no problem pulling SinDee up by her hair he grins and scoops her up before slamming her down onto the nearest pool table, she reaches behind her grabbing on of the cues and brings it down over his head as she lays there a little winded, trying to get her bearings straight without noticing she brings her foot up in a low blow move and rolls off the table before grabbing his head and slamming him face first into the table. SinDee starts battling back that is until Xavier lands a clothesline and begins kicking her. He turns and heads to the bar grabbing a drink of beer before getting back to the job at hand, however SinDee is no longer laying down, this time she is to her feet and smirking with a long chain in her hands, the one from her jeans. Licking her lips she whips it towards Xavier who just shakes his head and dodges the impending blow. However he wasn’t quick enough to dodge the second to his knee, which makes him buckle slightly. SinDee grabs a pitcher of beer and throws it at him watching as it only just misses him and smashes onto the floor beside him. That’s his cue to attack and he does. Xavier launches at SinDee managing to take her down he wasn’t prepared for her to wrap the chain around his neck and start choking the hell out of him. SinDee manoeuvres herself so her body is under Xavier’s; her legs wrapped around him her arms and hands reefing the chain backwards as much as possible to choke him out.
[ The patrons however don’t like the lack of action even with Xavier currently going an odd blue colour they begin to riot and throw shit, chicken wings, beer bottles, soda, nuts and pretzels all seem to be hitting well Xavier more so then SinDee until she it hit in the head with a beer bottle making her lose concentration and her hold on Xavier. He quickly rolls over gagging and gasping for air as SinDee tries finding out just who the hell hit her in the head. With the two of them staggering to their feet they soon collide in a mass array of punches the occasional bitch slap and curse words. The patrons once again cheering for the action.
[ Xavier grabs SinDee and does what seems to have been on his mind all damn night, he literally throws her through the glass window taking her to the streets in a mass shower of shards of glass. A "Holy shit" chant starts as the ref rushes to check on SinDee who is motionless on the street outside. The people rush around her and soon Xavier finds himself looking at her, her face and arms cut open a little, he moves closer and that’s when she strikes with a kick to the stomach she slowly gets to her feet cussing him out and screaming at him. She knees him in the stomach and quickly sets him up for a hard DDT into the glass and onto the concrete street. She quickly rolls him over draping her arm over his body.
[ SinDee looks in amazement at the damn fan that just risked their life saving Xavier. Slowly getting to her feet she chases after them almost getting hit by three cars in the process she finds them heading into a movie cinema. SinDee looks back at Xavier and shrugs, the people and ref telling him and pointing out the direction SinDee had gone in. He slowly follows he too almost getting hit by a few cars. The people from the bar follow as well not wanting to miss out on any action.
[ He finds her easy and grabs her, however what Xavier wasn’t expecting was for the woman he had grabbed thinking it was SinDee to turn around and slap him hard across the face cussing him out for being so up front and touchy. SinDee has the same problem; she grabbed a black person thinking it was Xavier only to get the shit punched out of her by some black chick who thought SinDee was after her man. Shaking her head she moves towards the food bar grabbing a drink only to get a mouthful of it as Xavier comes out of no where, her chain in hand whipping her in the back with it. SinDee screams out in pain but Xavier doesn’t stop. He whips it into her knee watching as she buckles a little allowing Xavier to wrap it around her neck. SinDee struggles at first, the people surrounding them start cheering him on only to have SinDee grab Xavier and drop with a modified jaw breaker that allows him to break the hold. She lays there for a few minutes gasping for air, trying to fight the tears away. Xavier is the first back to his feet he comes rushing over to where SinDee is and drops a knee into her which kind of sends her a little on the fuzzy side. He quickly goes for the cover but before the ref can get down a spectator pulls him off and decks him in the face screaming about women’s rights and abuse. Xavier stumbles backwards kind of caught off guard about the whole thing not noticing SinDee getting back to her feet, she creeps up and BOOM! Second low blow of the night Xavier goes down faster then well a two dollar hooker and SinDee attacks grabbing him by the head she rushes towards the candy area, slamming his head into the glass. She continues doing it screaming abuse at him as she does. Xavier fights back slamming his fist into her face causing her nose to possibly break and start bleeding. SinDee looks down at the blood and something inside of her snaps. She starts attacking him as much as possible using everything in sight, his head eventually going through the popcorn machine. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory III' (February 2008)
Date Posted:02/19/2009 7:28 PMCopy HTML
Styles: "SinDee has gone feral! I love it when they go feral!"
Fecca: "She’s calling him Daniel again, things don’t go well when she uses that name. Get Xavier out of this environment"
Styles: "Oh shut up you big pussy, Xavier has been dominating SinDee all through this match"
[ SinDee has him down in the middle of the theatre foyer laying into him with left and rights screaming hatred at him with each blow when suddenly she is thrown off him.
Styles: "That cheating witch! Summer has helped Xavier!"
Fecca: "YES!"
Styles: "The whole point of this match was so no one could get involved"
Fecca: "Please shut up"
[ Summer is really taking it to SinDee but not for long, Xavier poulls her away kinda giving her a what the fuck are you doing here look. Before anything can happen the pair of them are down.
Fecca: "That cheating witch! Travis is helping her!"
Styles: "Summer and Xavier started it!"
Fecca: "Oh you have an excuse for everything don’t you?"
Styles: "No I’m just stating the truth, Summer attacked first"
Fecca: "Maybe she doesn’t want him hurt; they do have another match tonight"
Styles: "It was supposed to be a one on one match you idiot"
[ Back in the theatre foyer we see all hell is breaking loose between the four of them, no one wanting to back down. The ref tries to separate Summer and Travis and get them back outside but neither of them makes the move to well move. Finally the ref restores order only to see SinDee going for a high flying move off the candy bar, bar however someone knocks into her causing SinDee to go flying backwards onto a cashier. Her eyes rolling back in her head from the impact. Xavier is the first to his feet jumping over the counter he goes for the pin, the ref already in position.
1…2…Thr…KICK OUT!
[ SinDee manages to lift her shoulder out of instinct. Xavier shakes his head slamming hers down onto the floor before once again going for a cover, again she kicks out. He gets to his feet dragging SinDee up with him who is having troubles standing on her own. She sways a little as Xavier lands a left and right punch combination and soon falls down as soon as he lands a kick to the leg. She clutches her knee as the ref kneels down checking to see if she can go on.
Styles: "No! It cant end like this!"
Fecca: "She really seems hurt, I hope all works…"
[ Before he can even finish hi sentence Xavier is quickly rolled up by SinDee however he quickly kicks out.
Fecca: "That cheating bitch!"
Styles: "Oh, you know you’re a closet Sin fan!"
[ SinDee has a smirk a mile long on her face that is until Xavier slams her into the wall and quickly tosses her back to the ground laying into her a heap with punches and forearms. Out the corner of her eye she can see Summer moving to do something and is knocked silly when Xavier lands a punch right to her temple. However what she doesn’t see is Travis knocking Xavier out just as Summer flies off the counter top with a modified Heat Advisory. As she’s coming down Travis quickly pulls Xavier on top of SinDee allowing him to take the brunt of the move. Summer looks down in shock seeing who she hit. Before she can do anything Travis is attacking her again. The ref however looks down seeing Xavier in a pinning way and jumps down to count.
One… two… thre… KICK OUT!
[ Once again SinDee manages to get her shoulder up. This time she pushes Xavier off her and slowly gets to her feet testing her knee out. She looks at the out of it Xavier and as he gets to his feet she kicks him in the stomach, with him bent over she grabs him pulling Xavier up.
SinDee: "Ready for hell?"
[ With a grin she hooks her leg over Xavier’s throat and drops landing Damage Control before staying there for a pin.
One…Two…Three! RING THE BELL!
[ SinDee falls off to the side, completely spent of all her energy. The tears falling from her eyes.
Styles: "I love it Summer cost Xavier the match!"
Fecca: "That’s not true"
Styles: "It is, if she hadn’t of landed on him chances are he would of pinned SinDee!"
Sabrina: "Ladies and gentlemen your winner and NEW PWT Backyard championess….SINDEE!"
[ The crowd half roar and half boo the fact SinDee has won the match. The ref however is on his little walkie talkie telling the emt’s to come in and check on both Xavier and SinDee. As they come in Travis is helping SinDee to her feet the ref holding her arm up in victory. She shoots a look at Xavier, a wicked grin on her face as she makes a belt motion around her waist
SinDee: "Thank your tag team partner Xavier, I guess her title was more important to yours"
[ She turns and hobbles out to the street waiting for medical attention.
Fecca: "Up next is Becca against Eris… Let’s also hope Xavier makes it back to the arena on time and in shape"
Styles: "Let’s hope not." |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory III' (February 2008)
Date Posted:02/19/2009 7:29 PMCopy HTML
Sabrina, "Ladies and Gentlemen the Following contest is scheduled for ONEFALL… The divorce of Becca Wipwreck-McCallister to Taylor "WallStreet" McCallister is on the line verses an executive control clause for WallStreet to control all of his own match bookings in PWT…"
[ The camera draws up off of Sabrina and takes a sky shot of the crowd, ring, and that whole area before slowly switching into a shot of the stage as the lights dim and the PWT-A-Vision kicks on with various clips of WallStreet and Eris…
"Clickity Clank, Clickity Clank, The Money Goes Into My Piggy Bank Clickity Clank, Clickity Clank, The Money Goes Into My Piggy Bank I’ll Get Atcha…"
[ The crowd is booing loudly, but not nearly as loudly as when the curtain draws back and from behind it steps Eris with WallStreet standing close behind.
Sabrina, "Introducing first… Making her way from San Juan Puerto Rico… Accompanied to ringside this evening by the Corporate Icon Taylor "WallStreet" McCallister… The Goddess of Discord… EEEEEEEEERISSSS!"
[ The crowd is booing loudly as Eris and WallStreet progress down the ramp, Eris shooting the occasional look of disdain to various fans as WallStreet just struts arrogantly, encouraging Eris as they go.
Fecca, "Finally, two months after WallStreet made his return to Professional Wrestling Today to ruin Becca’s wedding day by revealing she’d invertedly wed herself to him during a moment of deep intoxication."
Styles, "So what? You think she didn’t know what she was doing?"
Fecca, "Well frankly… No. No I don’t."
Styles, "PFFT! Look Bobby, Becca’s a woman. Women wet themselves over Ben Franklin. WallStreet’s got a whole freaking Military of Ben Franklins. Women have a sixth sense for finding the easiest way to be set for life and being married to WallStreet isn’t just the easiest way, but it’s also the best way because there’s very few who’s bank account hosts as many zeros as WallStreet’s… Well, at least with a real number in front of those zeros anyway."
Fecca, "First of all, Becca is perfectly fine off, she certainly doesn’t need WallStreet’s money or anybody elses for that matter. Secondly, even if she wasn’t as well off as she is, I refuse to believe she’s that kinda woman. Just because your ex wife was a rotten scoundrel doesn’t mean every woman is."
Styles, "…………… Gee Bobby, way to keep things professional."
Fecca, "Aww… Look man I didn’t mean to drudge up hurtful memories I just…"
Styles, "GAH-HA! I think you were about to cry! Sucker."
Fecca, "Well… Isn’t that nice."
Styles, "You should have seen yourself, (mockingly) "I didn’t mean to drudge up hurtful memories, I just… Waaaaah" GAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh Bobby, you’re priceless… And ironically I still can’t get anyone to buy ya!"
[ Eris walks up the steps as WallStreet saunters behind her… Heh, How would ya like to have his view? Never the less, Eris enters the ring between the first and second ropes as WallStreet follows in between the second and third.
"Hey Yo… You Don’t Have to Love Me…"
[ The scene switches from the ring back to the stage as the crowd goes absolutely ballistic
"… You don’t even have to Like Me… But You Will Respect me…"
Fecca, "And the moment we’ve been waiting for is about to culminate..."
"You know Why? ………… Because I’m A BOSS!"
[ "Bossy" by Kelis begins blasting over the PA as from behind the curtain, ready for action, steps the one and only…

[ Becca Wipwreck-McCallister.
Sabrina, "AND THE CHALLANGER… Making her way from Grand Rapids Michigan, she is the CHAIRWOMAN of Professional Wrestling Today… She is BECCA……… WIPPPPPPPPWRECKKKKK!"
[ Can ya feel the glare Sabrina must be getting from WallStreet? Guess it’s better to have WallStreet glare at ya then to risk unemployment.
Styles, "GAH! Why can’t any of you chumps get it right! MCCALLISTER! Her last name is MCCALLISTER! And it’s not like this is me supporting WallStreet, it’s a legal freaking fact!"
Fecca, "Maybe so, but we have more respect for Ms. Wipwreck then to acknowledge it. Besides, with any luck it won’t be a legal fact after tonight."
Styles, "I Wouldn’t bet on it. Becca’s oh-in-one against Eris and after tonight I’m sure that’ll be oh-in-two."
Fecca, "Perhaps if WallStreet intervenes again, but hopefully knowing what happened last month the official will have a sharper eye."
Styles, "You and your conspiracy theories. What happened last month was Becca failed to kick out to the far superior Eris… Period. The End."
Fecca, "Yeah well, despite your selective memory I believe we have the footage of what happened last night on hand…"
Styles, "WHAT?! No! Don’t play that!"
Courtesy of PWT Final Verdict on Home Video |
Eris goes for an Irish whip but Becca reverses. Eris hits the ropes. When she comes back Becca hits her with a stiff kick to the gut and then nails her version of the Stunner.
WallStreet, "Ah Crap…"
Fecca, "You’ll be saying more then that once Becca divorces your ass!"
WallStreet, "Styles, handle my light work."
Styles, "Shut Up Fecca!"
WallStreet, "………… That’s it?"
Styles, "Well I can’t get physical… I hurt him I have to call the rest of the show on my own. I don’t get paid enough to do that."
WallStreet, "Fair enough."
[ Becca covers Eris as Mitch Roberts drops down and counts… ONE…………
[ We hear the headset drop.
Fecca, "Where the Hell’s he goin?!"
[ Just as Mitch is about to hit three WallStreet grabs him by the leg, pulls him out, and decks him with a stiff right hand dropping him hard on the ringside mats.
The crowd boos as Fecca says, "OH COME ON! NOT AGAIN!"
Styles, "YES! I HATE ZEBRAS!... Eh… That’s not a racial slur, I meant Ref’s. Crap. I hope the Johnsons don’t sue me."
[ WallStreet slides in the ring behind Becca as she get’s up, wondering what the deal is. Becca t urns around and BAM! Kick to the gut! The crowd is booing loudly as he hooks her arms… And then BLAMO! Stock Market Crash.
Fecca, "THIS IS APPALING! Where the Hell is Drew Stevenson! Restraining order or not, This ain’t right!"
Styles, "I Heard he left to record promos so coke addicts could still sleep."
[ WallStreet smirks down at Becca, laying motionless on her back. WallStreet heads out of the ring and lifts Roberts up, paint brushing his face to bring him back around as Eris gets to her knees, holding her neck as she crawls over and hooks Becca’s leg. WallStreet rolls Mitch back in and the fans boo as he holds his head with one hand nad uses the other to count One………………… Two…………………. Three.
The bell sounds as Sabrina announces, "Your Winner… ERISSS!"
[ WallStreet slides back in and Raises Eris’ arm as Eris holds her neck and glares down at Becca. |
Fecca, "And that folks is how Becca got unceremoniously screwed out of her last opportunity at divorcing that pompous ass WallStreet."
Styles, "That’s right… One Two Three in the middle of the ring just as I described it. Thanks for that video verification."
[ By the time that clip concludes Becca is entering the ring between the second and third ropes. Her eyes are hooked on WallStreet’s, glaring at him. WallStreet steps in front of Eris and takes a few steps into the center of the ring as Becca meets him and official Frank Mason tries to stay between and get WallStreet to get out of the ring. Becca and WallStreet exchange a few words, although very few of them get picked up by our cameras. Suddenly from behind Eris clips the legs of Becca making her crumble as Mason calls for the bell and now becomes twice as persistent that WallStreet leave the ring.
[ Eris starts putting the boots to Becca as WallStreet puts his hands up to reflect his innocence as he offers no resistance to the official’s instructions now and walks backwards to the ropes and then exits the ring between the second and third ropes.
Fecca, "And to no surprise WallStreet assists Eris in getting an underhanded advantage in the early goings of this contest."
Styles, "Hey, WallStreet can’t help the fact that Women find themselves completely distracted by his charm and oblivious to their surroundings."
Fecca, "Yeah… That’s what it was."
Styles, "Well why don’t you argue with WallStreet himself. It looks like he’s heading our way."
Fecca, "Oh goody."
[ Back in the ring we see Eris go for a quick cover after the series of stomps. Of course it only gets her a one count, but it’s the thought that counts.
WallStreet, "Hello Kiddies."
Styles, "WallStreet! Thanks for joining us."
WallStreet, "No Problemo."
Fecca, "So should we expect to see you screw Becca over again much the same as you did last month at Final Verdict or are you actually gonna let this thing go down as a one on one contest?"
WallStreet, "Well yeah, you can definitely expect me to screw Becca again… And Again and again and Again! She’s my wife after all. Don’t know about letting you "See" it parse though… Go watch Chyna and X Pac if you wanta see wrestler porn you sick freak."
Styles, "Yeah! …………… But uh, You’ll let your good buddy The Styles see it right?"
WallStreet, "Maybe if you hadn’t of called yourself "The Styles", but you just lost coolness points with me for sounding like The Crock."
[ Back in the ring Eris takes Becca to the corner. Eris delivers a stiff chop that makes the crowd "Ooooo" as Becca lets out a scream of pain. Eris draws back and SMACK! Another big chop reddening the rather large chest of Becca. Apparently, however, that second chop was enough for Becca because she grabs Eris, swings her around so she’s in the corner now and doesn’t hesitate as she now delivers a huge chop across Eris’ chest, drawing a huge cheer from the fans.
Styles, "Ya know, I don’t recall being nearly as turned on watching Terry Funk and Ric Flair chop each other back during the old NWA Days."
WallStreet, "Nearly as Turned on? But you were still turned on then? Ya know, I’m starting to think I may have prematurely assumed you to be alright…"
Styles, "No! No! I’m a cool cat, I swear! Ken Mitchell’s the fruit, not me!"
WallStreet, "Mitchell definitely reeks of Apples and Oranges, no doubt about that."
[ Becca nails a second and a third chop before pulling Eris out of the corner and taking her over with a big hip toss. The fans are getting loud in support of the self proclaimed Corporate Iconess as Eris rolls closer to the far ropes, holding her back in pain. Becca hits the ropes and comes darting toward Eris, perhaps considering a running knee or a stomp or any one of dozens of possible running moves, but Eris slides back and delivers a drop Toe Hold making Becca’s upper torso land hard on the second rope.
WallStreet, "Be right back fellas."
[ We hear the headset get put down as Eris get’s up and draws the referee into an argument back closer to the other side of the ring.
Fecca, "Where the Hell’s he going?!"
Styles, "Wherever he damn well pleases! Now no your roll Jabroni."
Fecca, "Getting ready to sell the business up the river to go make a movie?"
Styles, "Not yet, but if Hollywood made the right offer I might consider it."
[ As Eris continues to argue with Mason, WallStreet reaches up and puts his hands around the back of Becca’s head, pulling down and thus choking her on that second rope.
Fecca, "Oh come on!"
Styles, "Oh like this is the first time WallStreet’s made her choke."
[ Apparently Mason’s more alert then most officials because it doesn’t take him long to realize Eris is arguing over nothing. He turns around and his eyes get wide with aggravation as WallStreet quickly releases Becca and throws his hands up in innocence as his facial expression is probably comparable to if Josiah got caught with an elementary school year book, a box of tissues, and a bottle of KY Lube. Mason points to WallStreet and then charismatically points to the back while yelling, "YOU’RE OUTTA HERE!"
The fans erupt as Fecca exclaims, "YES! GREAT OFFICIATING!"
Styles, "NO! Of all the times for one of these lackadaisical referees to become alert he picks NOW?! COME ON!"
[ WallStreet starts screaming at the ref in protest but Mason’s not having it and WallStreet certainly can’t afford to get Eris Disqualified… No, literally, he can’t afford it, that bitch is likely to get half if she wins her divorce! So with that in mind, he reluctantly starts heading to the back.
Styles, "HEY! STOP THAT!"
Fecca, "YES! WallStreet’s been ejected from ringside and now… Now MAYBE we can see this done the right way… One on One, Woman to woman."
Styles, "This is a travesty! WallStreet was just trying to caress his wife’s head to show her sympathy for the beating Eris is unloading on her!"
Fecca, "That’s crap and you know it."
[ Back in the ring Eris is just as upset about WallStreet’s exile as Styles and that’s evident by the onslaught of choice words she has for official Frank Mason. Suddenly her eyes fill with shock as she drops back and we see Becca underneath rolling her up with a Schoolboy… Erm… Schoolgirl pin, thus making the crowd erupt. Mason drops down and begins counting …………………1……………………2 Just two as Eris kicks out.
Fecca, "Eris caught off guard and nearly paid the price on that exchange."
[ Eris and Becca both pop up and Becca rushes in for a clothesline but Eris ducks under, reaches back, grabs two fist fulls of Becca’s golden locks and drops down with a neckbreaker of sorts. The crowd starts booing and an equally unpleased Frank Mason admonishes Eris (who is still on her ass from delivering the neck breaker) for pulling the hair. Eris rolls over and laterally press covers Becca as Mason drops down and counts again ………………………1………………………2…… Only two as Becca powers the shoulder up. Eris gets up and mocks what she felt was a slow count as Becca holds her and sculpt in pain. Eris looks down at Becca in disgust and begins drawing back and delivering well calculated stomps to the upper torso of Becca. Becca rolls over to her chest, still holding her neck. Eris hovers over the back of Becca, squats down, locks her fingers under Becca’s chin, and pulls back in a modified chinlock/camel clutch type deal. Becca kicks and screams in pain as Mason drops down to see if she wants to give. Eris spots a fan screaming in support of Becca so she screams, "SHUT UP!" This of course draws a bunch of Becca supporters out of the wood work as a chant begins…
Fecca, "This capacity crowd is getting behind Becca Wipwreck."
Styles, "Bet this isn’t the first time she’s had a whole building full of people "behind" her."
Fecca, "You really must not be overly keen on staying employed."
Styles, "Well there’s pros and cons to losing my job. Con, I can’t pay my bills and risk becoming homeless, pro, I don’t have to sit next to you two hours a week. Pretty even sided, so I just go with the flow and whatever happens happens."
[ As the crowd chants Becca’s name we see her hand waving for them to grow even louder. The crowd follows her direction and she gets to her knees as Eris swings her right leg back around so she’s no longer hovering over Becca’s back, but is to her side with the chinlock still well in place. The crowd is going wild as Becca comes up to a knee now.
[ The crowd’s boost in cheers brings Becca up to her feet, although she’s still bent over and locked in the chin lock. BAM! Big elbow to the gut of Eris, backing her up. BAM! A second. Bada-BAM! A third and final elbow as Eris finally relinquishes the hold. Becca grabs Eris wrist, pushes her against the ropes and goes to shoot her off with an Irish Whip but Eris swings around and reverses sending Becca across the ring. Becca hits the ropes and Eris goes for the back elbow but Becca stops on a dime like an 08 Jag, swings around so Becca and Eris are back to back, hooks Eris’ arms, drops to her knees and slides Eris shoulders to the mat as the crowd is going wild and Mason drops down ……………1……………2…… Only two, drawing a disappointed gasp from the fans.
Fecca, "Text book back slide and Becca gets two, two and a half."
[ Becca and Eris both get right back to there feet but Eris is quick to cut her off with a Kevin Nash like hip check to the boss lady’s gut. Eris places her neck under Becca’s arm and vice versa, her arm over Becca’s neck. Eris grabs a fist full of Becca’s pants, hoists her up… Stalls… And then drives her down with a hard brainbuster. Eris looks to the crowd, "HOW DO YA LIKE THAT?!" The crowd boos in disapproval as Eris floats over and hooks the near leg. Mason drops down and counts ………………1…………………2………………… Only two as Becca kicks out, making the crowd erupt as she rolls to her stomach and holds her neck. Eris gets up, glaring hard at Mason as she contests what she feels is another slow count.
Fecca, "Becca less than a hiccup away from defeat on that exchange."
Styles, "If this ref wasn’t slowing up his counts to keep his job this thing would be over by now."
Fecca, "That’s ludicrous! The official’s done a great job all night!"
Styles, "Great if you’re bipartisan to Mrs. McCallister, but for an unbiased professional such as myself, it’s plain to see Eris is getting screwed harder then Becca on her wedding night."
Fecca, "Oh please."
Styles, "Please preach on? No worries, a man of truth and justice like me always keeps people remembering great injustices like this politically influenced official."
Fecca, "Thank God I have great eye care coverage because at the rate you’re going my eyes may roll right out of my head."
[ Back in the ring Becca is crawling toward the ropes as Eris finally stops arguing with Mason. Becca gets to the ropes but Eris grabs her hair, forcing her throat over the second rope as she reaches out, grabs the bottom rope and pulls up while using her body to push down on Becca, thus choking the Corporate Iconess on the ropes. Mason rushes over and tries to pull her off briefly before applying his count ………………1……………2…………3…………4…… Eris breaks at four and Mason get’s in front of her and demands she back off. Eris darts to the other side of the ring as Mason turns his back and walks to Becca’s side to check on her. Eris comes back and extends the leg, kind of leg dropping Becca’s back while she’s still on the second rope ala Steve Austin and/or the Big Bossman. Mason backs her off and Becca finally falls off the ropes, holding her neck.
Fecca, "Well most of the impact from that maneuver by Eris was distributed across the shoulders and up through the neck of Miss Wipwreck. Eris attack thus far has steadily focused on the neck, which, could be a huge difference maker as that’s a very fragile and instrumental part of the anatomy."
[ Eris drops down and delivers another later press cover. Mason drops down and counts ………………1………………2………… Becca grabs the bottom rope breaking the count. Eris gets up, clearly sick of playing around as she yells "SCREW THIS! IT’S OVER!"
[ Eris stalks behind Becca as Becca uses one arm to help her pull herself up on the ropes, the other nursing he neck. Becca gets up and staggers away from the ropes as Eris continues to stalk. Becca finally turns around and Eris shoots her leg out looking to nail a stiff side kick but Becca front rolls under Eris leg and out of the way… Referee Frank Mason, however, wasn’t nearly as lucky as he was behind Becca before she moved. Mason falls back and rolls under the bottom corner ropes. Eris sees the official down and out and shrugs nonchalantly.
Fecca, "Eris looking for a superkick of sorts and ended up taking out the referee."
[ Eris turns around and BAM! Right hand. BAM! A second. KA-BAM! The crowd goes wild as the third right drops Eris hard.
Fecca, "Look at her go!"
[ Eris rolls up and comes back to attempt to cut Becca back off but to no avail as Becca takes her back down with a clothesline.
[ The Crowd is going wild as Eris staggers back up. She turns around and Becca jumps up, wraps her legs around Eris neck and takes her over with a big hurrincarana as the crowd continues marking out. Becca jumps up and starts firing up (playing t o the crowd).
Fecca, "The hurrincarana puts Eris on the mat an down Becca could be looking to put her away and FINALLY secure her divorce!"
Styles, "Come on Eris! Get up!"
[ We see Eris crawling to the ropes on the time keeper’s side of the ring as Becca crouches down behind her, waving for her to get up in a fashion similar to The Rock. Surprising though, a lot of fans are booing… But why?

[ Aww crap! Here comes WallStreet and he’s got a steel chair in hand!
Fecca, "What the Hell is he doing here?!"
Styles, "Forget the whys, just thank God he is!"
[ WallStreet slides in at the same time as Eris gets up. Eris stumbles back a couple of steps before turning around right into a kick to the gut by Becca. Becca turns around grabing Eris’ head, obviously planning on hitting her stunner based finisher but as she turns her eyes get wide as WallStreet draws the steel chair back. He swings for the fences and CRRRRRRRRRRRACK!
Styles, "NO!" Fecca, "Becca got out of the way and BAH GOD Eris just ate a face full of steel!"
[ WallStreet drops the chair to his side as his eyes get wide in disbelief. He grabs two fist fulls of his own hair as he screams, "NO! NO! SON OF A BITCH NO!"
[ WallStreet feels a tapping at his shoulder. He turns around and SMACK! The crowd goes ballistic as Becca delivers a bitch slap with such force that WallStreet’s spit literally flies into the crowd. He spins around and stumbles to the ropes as Becca runs back and bounces off the opposite set of ropes. WallStreet turns around and when he does Becca launches herself up, plants her feet on WallStreet’s chest, and drop kicks him so hard he falls back through the ropes and falls to the floor. Becca, however, used WallStreet’s chest as a launching pad and flipped back off the impact of the drop kick and ended up landing an inverted moonsault off Wally’s chest onto Eris, drawing a huge reaction as Mason, holding his jaw, crawls over.
Mason & Crowd: ………………………………………ONE!
Mason & Crowd: ……………………………………………TWO!
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Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory III' (February 2008)
Date Posted:02/19/2009 7:32 PMCopy HTML
Mason & Crowd: ………………………………………THREE!
[ The bell sounds as the capacity crowd goes outside their mind, nearly jumping out of their skin as they scream in support of Becca Wipwreck’s victory
Styles, "How can you celebrate!? A Beautiful marriage was just DESTROYED!"
Fecca, "Beautiful marriage my Michigan ass!"
Styles, "Watch out, you’re gonna get further criticism for sounding like JR."
Fecca, "You see how much I care! BAH GAWD!"
[ "Bossy" By Kelis is blasting over the PA as Becca rushes to the turnbuckles to celebrate with her erupting fans as on the floor WallStreet is practically weeping as he allows Eris to use him as a human crutch and the two make their way around the ring toward the ramp. And Becca hops down, still celebrating.

Fecca, "THAT’S RIGHT WALLSTREET! THE GAMES ARE OVER! BECCA’S A FREE WOMAN! Good for her! I couldn’t be more excited for her!"
Styles, "This can’t end like this! WallStreet won’t go silently into the night! You wait and see Fecca!"
Fecca, "There’s nothing to wait and see! The agreement was, Becca defeats Eris, WallStreet signs the divorce papers! I’m sure this is one of the most blissful occasions in Miss Wipwreck’s recent memory and you can rest assured WallStreet’s ran out of ways to ruin those."
Styles, "We’ll see."
Fecca, "Well folks, as Becca celebrates freeing herself from her soon to be EX Husband, let’s go backstage where Ken Mitchell has some breaking news. Ken?
[ The PWT-a-vision tron, and the screens of everyone watchin at home, are filled with a shot of Ken Mitchell. The often butt of many star's jokes is standing by outside a door.
Ken: Thank you Bob! I'm standing outside the locker room where none other than Rhya Michaels has just arrived!
[ There's quite a pop from the fans out in the arena area.
Ken: I tried to get an interview with Rhya, but she wasn't interested in talking. However she does look to be doing fine after last week's incident on Shockwave. Rhya also had her young daughter Gabby with her. One can guess that both are here to see tonight's main event. What we don't know is where Rhya's loyalties lay. Last weekend she was accidentily superkicked by her husband before she could give us an indication. But you can resta ssured that I will...Wait a minute!
[ There's a commotion off-screen. Sounds like several men shouting and then finally some security guys back into the scene. Within another second or two we see our Southern Heartthrob trying to push through them. Ken Mitchell just sorta gets out of the way and holds the mic towards the action.
CM: Get out of my damn way! I just wanna talk to my wife!
Security Guy: Sorry, but we've got word from Ms Rhya that she doesn't wanna see anyone.
CM: I'm her husband! I need to talk to her and explain about last week!
Security Guy: Hey man, its nothin personal. We're just doin what we were told.
[ Christian tries to push by but the security guys hold their ground. Then suddenly the locker room door opens up and Rhya steps out.
CM: I...Rhya!
Rhya: Look Chris, I came here tonight to watch the show. So.....please......just let me enjoy the show tonight.
CM: But baby I just wanted to explain last...
Rhya: Chris! Just let me watch this show in peace ok?
[ With that said, Rhya turns and walks back into the room. She shuts the door and again CM tries to push through security. And that's when we hear the voice of that sinister bastard Nova.
Nova: Well it seems Rhya got my invitation to watch tonight's festivities eh Chrissy?
[ CM spins and goes after Nova, just to be held back by security.
Nova: Whoa there Hero. You'll get to experience the beating of your life later tonight. For now why don't you just enjoy the rest of the show? Because after tonight no one in PWT is gonna see you for a very long time. Either A: "Because you've been beaten into your own coma.", or B: "Because you're too ashamed to show your face.".
[ Nova smiles a wicked lil smile and walks off. Then, as Ken begins to send things back to Fecca an Styles, we switch to another area backstage. Georgia is pacing back and forth cracking her knuckles fuming after the actions of Seifer and Isabella Winters last week on Shockwave in the contenders match up. She is ready for a fight her hands taped up and her eyes full of fire she walks back and forth and spots a blonde haired taller woman of similar build of Izzy Winters and she charges up to her and clobbers her attacking her from behind. She just lays into her with cross face forearm shots from behind then she pulls her up by the hair.
Georgia: You going to screw with me Izzy? You going to screw with me now?
Blonde Lady: I'm not Izzy.
[ Georgia stops.
Georgia: You're not?
Blonde Lady: No I'm just the make up artist.. Sally.
[ Georgia shrugs her shoulders and speaks up again.
Georgia: Sorry about your damn luck because tonight Sally's close enough.
[ With that Georgia pulls her up by the hair and lays in a series of stinging right hands to the face and then throws Sally shoulder first into the wall with all of her might. The poor woman slumps over to the side and lays out cold as Georgia just looks over her shaking her head walking off down the hallway on the prowling looking for blood most importantly Izzy's blood. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory III' (February 2008)
Date Posted:02/19/2009 7:33 PMCopy HTML
[ The stage is set for the PWT People’s Championship to be defended. The cameras pan backstage where we see Angelique leaving the Caine Clan locker room with the title strapped around her waist. She gets around the corner and makes her way to the gorilla position when there in the shadows… is her challenge. Matlock springs up and out, catching by surprise.
Matlock: Surprised to see me Angel? I decided I was tired of waiting.
[ He surges forward and plants a fist right on her kisser, sending her staggering back and then attacks again with a knee to the mid section as he grabs Angelique and throws her up the steps, she’s trying to get her bearings as Matlock continues to throw left and right at Angel’s head and then we see our People’s Champion appear at the top of the ramp as Matlock follows through the curtains.
Fecca: Matlock starting this match off early!
Styles: He wants to send a message.
[ The two of them continue to brawl until they find their way into the ring. Angel is in first and then Matlock follows as he slides in, giving Angel the chance to take advantage with kicks to the back as she removes her title. A referee is already there and the bell rings as the two of them continue to go at it. Right now Angel has the advantage but that soon switches over to Matlock as the struggle continues.
Fecca: Exciting match here that began even before they hit the ring.
[ As the two of them trade turns in taking over, the crowd explodes in cheers when a very familiar face makes his way down to the ring.
Styles: It’s Seifer!
Fecca: He’s got a tag title match later, what’s he doing out here?
[ Matlock throws Angel to the outside and sees Seifer walking down, he throws him the bird and then heads outside to work on Angel some more, trying to weaken her lower back for his finisher. Seifer has now made his way to the timekeepers table, grabs the People’s title and brings it over to the announce table where he takes a seat.
Styles: Well hello your majesty! To what do we owe this great pleasure?
Fecca: Such an ass kisser.
Styles: Stand up and show some respect to the King!
Seifer: Hey boys. Eddie’s right Bob, show some respect. That’s what I’m doing right now, just came out to get a closer look at these two fine competitors.
Fecca: You know both of them very well, somehow I doubt that’s all you’re going to do.
Styles: Don’t listen to him Seif. Robbie are you insinuating our King would try and attack one of them?!
Fecca: Yea… Angel now taking advantage as she throws Matlock into the ring post! This match has been intense from the get go, why don’t you commentate on it!
Styles: I’m being a civil host.
[ Back in the ring now Angel is puttin’ dem boots to Matlock as she really starts to take it to him, showing him just why she’s the People’s Champion. Matlock is reeling as well all the while the three person commentating team for now go from match mentions to idle chit chat, mainly that consist of Fecca thinking Seifer’s got something up his sleeve. In the ring Matlock regains control and slams Angel down with a Matlock Go Round, getting a near fall.
Fecca: The one from 2003!
Seifer: That one was close, but Lique’s not gonna go down that easily.
Styles: Hey Seif, now that you’re with Izzy, you know, mind if I have a shot at Georgia?
Fecca: Eddie!
Styles: WHAT?! I’ve been patient for a long time!
Seifer: Haha, whatever floats your boat Eddie, though Matlock might get jealous.
[ Matlock continues to pound on Angel, really getting her reeling but every now and then she surges back into it and taking Matlock down scoring a couple near falls after hitting the Soul Fusion and later Chaos.
Fecca: Angel could have it here!
[ However Matlock isn’t about to give up and finally ends up knocking Angel down with a super kick. Matlock keeps telling everyone that he isn’t done yet, he isn’t done yet. After hitting a Matlock Drop he still doesn’t look like he’s ready for this to be over as a sick smile crosses his face. He has now taken full control the last couple minutes but doesn’t look like he’s satisfied yet. He then slides to the outside, pointing to Seifer as he does so.
Fecca: Well Matlock looks like he’s coming over here.
Seifer: Whatchu want chump?
Fecca: I think he’s telling you you better stay out of his way.
Styles: Or he just wants the title.
[ Matlock walks by and takes the People’s Championship as he throws it into the ring, underneath the refs legs and then gets in again. The ref tells him off but he just flicks him off as he waits for the referee to get the title belt. Meanwhile we can see Matlock lifting up his shirt and in his back sticking out he’s grabbing for…
Fecca: Matlock’s got that damned Monkey Wrench!
Styles: You mean his TRUSTY Monkey Wrench!
[ The ref walks over and hands the belt to the time keeper as Matlock goes to connect with Angelique’s head BUT SHE DUCKS IT! Angel kicks Matlock in the gut, grabbing his monkey wrench and cracking him over the head with it… right as the ref turns around. He begins swinging his arms around wildly as her eyes go wide, shaking her head no. The bell rings.
Styles: But the ref caught her, I think she’s being DQ’d!
Sabrina: Your winner due to disqualification… MATT MATLOCK!!
[ Angel looks pissed, not wanting to end the match that way as the referee hands her the title.
Seifer: See Bob, I didn’t even do anything but get a closer look, just like I said.
Styles: At two potential opponents?
Seifer: Tonight marked the closest I’ve ever gotten to that title… it’s about time I change that.
[ Seifer winks and takes off his head set as he walks around the ring, clapping for the two superstars. He gives Angel a pat on the back as he heads off to the side and she lifts the title up. Matlock meanwhile glares at her through the ropes.
Fecca: Well, Matlock wins but Angelique remains champion; I got a feeling this isn’t over.
[ The two of them stare down as we fade tothe backstage area again. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory III' (February 2008)
Date Posted:02/19/2009 7:34 PMCopy HTML
[ Shadow is in the backstage area just getting ready. He is early for his match so he is near the curtain just pacing back and forth and stretching. He is psyching himself up when a stage hand approaches.
PWT Staff: You’re on in a couple minutes Shadow.
Shadow: Thank you.
[ The staff member walks away and Shadow is left there waiting for his match. Kyle hasn’t arrived yet so Shadow is waiting for his partner as well. Shadow begins to walk toward the curtain to take a peek and see what the crowd looks like. As he starts to walk…BAM! He is hit in the back of the head with what looks to be the sheathe to a sword. Shadow drops to the floor like a bad habit and rolls out of the way of another shot. He looks up to see the face of his attack, it is none other than Nosferatu.
Shadow: Damian, why?
[ Shadow stands up and Nosferatu takes another swing. Shadow catches it but Nosferatu twists it and uses it to flip him over onto his back. Nosferatu then quickly dives onto Shadow and holds him down by putting his sheathed rapier to his throat.
Nosferatu: Why? You want to know why, Dorian? Why your once best friend is now your enemy? I shall tell you why…
[ Shadow starts to force his way up and Nosferatu lets up a punches him, then returns the sheathe to his throat.
Nosferatu: I am doing this because you were right. I recall you saying to me once, "The evil of this place is taking over. It is becoming too much to handle alone." You were correct. Only the dark side truly rules in this place. You know how the old saying goes, if you cannot beat them…join them. Face it Shadow, our time is over. The time of knights and protectors such as us has come to an end. I abandoned you once for the sake of survival. I am now forced to do so yet again…
[ Nosferatu raises the sheathe into the air. It looks as if he is about to come down on Shadow hard. Shadow, however, reaches up and grabs Nosferatu’s arm. He rolls backward and uses his knee to throw Nosferatu. Shadow jumps up to his feet and Nosferatu does the same. The two men exchange a few punches. Shadow then turns and runs the other way. Little does he know, Nosferatu follows right behind him. Shadow kicks off of the wall as if he is about to fly and kick Nosferatu. Nosferatu pushes him into the wall hard and Shadow falls onto his back, holding his head. Nosferatu chuckles and walks over to the wooden table near the wall on the other side. He knocks the cups and bottles of water off of it and places the cooler on the floor. Then he walks back over to Shadow and picks him up by the hair. He drags him, literally, over to the now bare table. Then he puts him in a front facelock.
Nosferatu: I am sure that you will hold on to your instincts as a protector. The price you pay for this is…blood.
[ Nosferatu then lifts Shadow up high into the air. Then he falls back and smashes Shadow right through the table by the head with The Graverobber. He stands up, visibly in some pain but obviously not as much as the lifeless Shadow. Nosferatu looks down at his victim. Shadow is barely conscious. Nosferatu sees this as a good opportunity to make his exit. He goes over and picks up his rapier and reattaches the sheathe to his belt. He walks back over and kneels down in front of Shadow so that his face is in Shadow’s.
Nosferatu: If you’re wondering why you were my first target, ask your opponent. He should know something about it.
[ Nosferatu then sarcastically winks and stands back up. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out one of those black roses from his lab. He throws it on top of the now unconscious Shadow and walks away laughing devilishly.
Fecca: What the hell is going on around here lately? Just when the tag team division starts to get some footing...teams are breaking up left and right!
Styles: You heard that Nosfer-something guy. The time of do-gooders and knights are over. In this day an age its all about the power, and unfortunately for you goody goodies, the darkside has the power.
Fecca: I hate to say it, but you might just be right! And if that's not enough, Georgia's on the warpath and she's already assaulted our make up artist. Who's next on Georgia's quest for Izzy's blood.
Styles: Hide until your match Izzy. Hide, hide, hide..
Fecca: She can't hide forever and I have a feeling we might not have a tag title match if Georgia has her way.
Styles: Where is Georgia?
Fecca: In the garage.... Can we get camera's back there?
[ Georgia is just pacing back and forth and awaiting Izzy to make her way to the arena hoping that she's not here so that she can ambush her when she's getting out of her car or limo. She's pacing back and forth when a white limo rolls up and Georgia smirks to herself and the backdoor is opened by gawd it's Bill Clinton that gets out of the limo Georgia smirks to herself as she backs up with a smile.
Georgia James: Mr. President!
Bill Clinton: I have to say you're much better looking in person young lady. Mind spending a little time with a former President of the best country in the free world and enjoy a night of fast and furious action?
Georgia James: I'm a little busy Mr. President otherwise I'd love to.
Bill Clinton: Busy with what?
Georgia James: Kicking ass and taking names!
Bill Clinton: Now who's ass are you kicking and who's name are you going to take?
[ Georgia shrugs her shoulders with a gigantic smile as she nods her head up and down.
Fecca: No Georgia not Bill Clinton. Don't Dream Sequence a former President of the United States.
Georgia James: What the hell?! Ya only live once.
[ With that Georgia kicks him in the President jewels and Bill grabs them and bends over and Georgia smirks to herself and then nails him with a well Placed Dream Sequence. She tells the limo Driver to come over as she kneels down and speaks up.
Georgia James: Eventually Isabella Winters but for right now I just kicked the ass and took the name of one former President named William Jefferson Clinton. Now Billy boy that's for sexing up the biggest pieces of white trash while in office when you could have done the South way, way, way prouder then that and had much, much better ya jackass. Now driver get this piece of garbage out of her and make it snappy.
[ With that Georgia walks off and mutters to herself she'll just have to wait until the Tag Match to exact her revenge on the night as the crowd is going wild in a great deal of shock that Georgia just nut shooted President Clinton who seemed to want to take in a night of wrestling while on the campaign trail for his wife Hillary. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory III' (February 2008)
Date Posted:02/19/2009 7:35 PMCopy HTML
[ And with all that craziness going on folks, we've got a tag team match scheduled up next. Things fading back to ringside now where "God's Gonna Cut Ya Down" by Johnny Cash strikes up over the sound system. Knowing their cue the fans begin to boo like crazy. Second later and onto the stage steps Javen and Plague.
Sabrina: The next match is scheduled for ONE FALL and is a Tag Team contest......Introducing first, on their way to the ring, representing the Caine Clan.........JAVEN annnnd PLAAAAAAGUE!!!
[ The newest duo of the Caine Clan stopping at the top of the ramp. Javen wraps an arm around Plague's waist and pulls her in. She places a hand on his chest and looks up into his face. Javen looks at the crowd with a smirk before engaging his gal in a sloppy an tongue-filled kiss. And that kiss does its job to aggravate the fans even further.
Fecca: Do they have to continue to rub it in our faces that they're screw-buddies now?
Styles: Hey! How do you know they're "just" screw-buddies? They might have something real between them.
Fecca: I really don't care one way or the other, I just wish they'd save all that stuff for their off-time.
[ Javen and Plague make their way down the ramp, his left arm around her waista nd her right around his waist. At the bottom of the ramp Javen hops onto the ring apron. He takes a seat on the middle rope and pushes up on the top. Plague meanwhile makes her way up the steps. She walks across the apron to Javena nd turns her back to him. She then seductively bends over and puts her right leg in teh ring. Plague then sort of sits back against Javen's crotch before getting completely into the ring.
Fecca: Ugh. We're gonna have to put the show on hold cause Javen's gonna get a boner.
Styles: Hahahaha! Yous aid "boner"
Fecca: Grow up, would ya?
[ Finally the Caine theme faded from the speakers. Now it was time for the opponents to make their entrance.
Sabrina: And their opponents....
Fecca: Opponents? I seriously doubt that after what his own friend did to him that Shadow will make it out here.
Styles: On come on now Bobster, have a lil faith in your guys with their hero-complexes.
Fecca: I'd love to, but sometimes you just have to be realistic.
[ During that lil conversation, Sabrina introduced Shadow. Much to no one's surprise, the brave warrior DOESN'T make his way to the ring. Apparently the attacks from Nosferatu being too much for him. In the ring Javen and Plague are relaxin in their corner, all smiles. sabrina announces Shadow again, but still no sign of him.
Fecca: Hopefully this thing is just called of...
[ Just then the fans start to cheer as Kyle Storm steps through that big ole black curtain. Oh and folks he looks pissed off! Klye is pointing towards Javen and Plague as he comes stomping down the ramp. Storm sliding under the bottom rope and into the wolves den. Javen and Plague pounce on Klye, putting the boots to him as he slid in. He keeps trying to get up but they keep booting him back down. And if ya hadn't guessed, Sabrina hightailed it outta the ring. So Javen rips Kyle to his feet, shoving him back against the ropes, and then rips him across teh ring. Storm hits the farside ropes and rebounds off them. Javen sets early for the ole fashioned backdrop. Kyle see's it and reverses into a running ddt a la The Undertaker. Javen eats the mat an pops back up a bit. He ends up face down as Plague, who's a lil taller than Kyle, clothesline Storm from behind!
Fecca: Come on kid! Fight for your life!
[ Kyle is only down momentarily before Plague yanks him into position to deliver a piledriver. But realizing he is indeed fightingf or his life, Kyle reverses. He grabs Plagues ankles and yanks her legs from under her. She grabs at the back of her head as Kyle still has hold of her legs. He holds her legs and drops both his feet across Plague's lower abdomen much like Jeff Hardy tends to do opponents. Storm rolls to his feet, waiting for Plague to get up. And folks that means he's unwisely forgotten about Javen. Suddenly the heroic young Kyle is yanked back by his hair into a reverse ddt set-up by Javen.
Fecca: Oh no....
Styles: Ohhh yes baby!
[ An attempt to escape by Storm is unsuccessful. Javen spins and hits the reverse twist of fate, commonly referred to as "The Javen Effect". He gets to a knee beside Storm, scowling at the younger brother of former champion MJ Storm. Plague is to her feet and punts Kyle in the ribs. He coughs and rolls to his side, holding the kicked ribs. The ref finally convinces the Caine representatives to gets it down to one on one. Plague decides to step outside and let Javen have the first crack here. He just puts a foot on Storm's chest arrogantly. ONE.........TWO........NO! Kickout by Kyle! This is infuriating to Javen. he grabs a handful of hair and pulls Kyle to his feet. Then in a show of disrespect slaps the young star across the face. A second time!
Fecca: Oh come on now Javen! That is totally uneeded here.
Styles: Hey, Kyle's the idiot that came out here on his own. He's getting what he desevres. Especally after Javen tried to mercifully end things.
Fecca: A foot on the chest is being an arrogant ass, not merciful!
[ Kyle Storm shows signs of life and takes a swing at Javen. But it doesn't find its mark. Javen catches the arm and then knees Kyle in the gut. He then quickly follows up with a snap suplex. Storm sitting up with a look of agony as he grabs at his lower back. Not a good idea there. Javen zeroes in and just kicks the crap outta that lower back. Kyle yelps in pain as moves to his hands and knees. Javen promptly drops an elbow down across that lower back. Again and again the point of Javen's elbow finds it mark to Kyle's lower back. Eventually he takes young Storm and whips him into a corner across the ring. Javen taunts a few fans before he charges across teh ring looking for a Stinger Splash on Kyle. But holy smokes! Kyle Storm moves outta the way! Javen eats some turnbuckle and stagger backwards. But before the rainbow-haired warrior of the clan gets too far he's nabbed by Kyle. Storm with the Sliced Bread Numba 2!
Fecca: YES!
Styles: NO!
Fecca: This is it! This is your chance Kyle!
[ Storm slowly cralws into the cover. The fans are on their feet as the ref drops down to the mat. ONE.............TW-NO! Plague into the ring and breaks the pin with a stomp to Storm's head. The ref hops up and starts backing her towards her corner. Plague steps out of the ring and back into her corner. Kyle STorm gets up and starts her way. But Javen is quickly up. He whips Storm around and delivers a European uppercut that sends Kyle into the Clan corner. Javen with a tag to Plague. The both of them whip Kyle STorm into the corner across the ring. Javen rushes over and drops to his hands an knees in front of Storm. Plague then charges across the ring, leaping off Javen's back, and pulling off "Poetry In Motion" perfectly!
Fecca: I hate to admit it but that was an excellently done "Poetry In Motion". Loks like these two ripped that page right of the Hardyz playbook.
Styles: Ya know, I swear Javen looks kinda like that Jeff Hardy kid.
Fecca: He kind of does...
[ The ref ushers Javen out of the ring now. He goes pretty quietly and now its Plague's turn to work on Storm. She picks him up from slumpingd own, and lights Storm's chest up with knife-edge chops. The fans refusing the "WOOO" that should follow each one. Haters. Suddenly a flash of life as Kyle gives Plague a chop! She's not too appreciative of that lil gift. Plague responds with one merry hell of a bitch slap! Kyle attempts a clothesline in response. Its ducked under by Plague who springs to the middle turnbuckle and then off to catch Storm in a bulldog. The fans booing as Plague sits beside Storm and waves to Javen.
Fecca: Dammit. Kyle Storm is trying his best here, but the odds are just too overwhelming.
Styles: Yeah. The kid should just take the loss and live to fight another day.
Fecca: That might be the wise or hell the BEST decision, but Kyle has too much heart. He's a fighter dammit!
Styles: If he doesn't realize its time to pack it in, he won't be a fighter much longer.
[ Plague finally gets up and then bends over to pull Kyle up. She grabs her limp opponenta nd hits him with a "Side-Effect" sitout side-slam. Storm's limbs jumping as he impacts the mat. Plague makes a nonchalant cover, but pulls up Storm's left arm at two. The ref is not amused. Boy ole Javen sure is though. Plague again to her feet and brings Kyle along. The poor guy can barely stand now. Plague helps him out, in her own way, by delivering the ole inverted atomic drop. Kyle weakly grabs his groina nd falls to the mat. Javen meanwhile applauds all of Plague's efforts thus far.
Styles: Isn't it great how Javen supports Plague? Bob, I really think those kids are gonna make it.
Fecca: I don't give a damn.
Styles: Who poured sand in your...
Fecca: I don't wanna hear it!
[ Eddie shuts his mouth for the next several minutes. During this time Plague continues to dismantle Kyle Storm to Javen's approval. But all of a sudden there's a commotion on the ramp. Javen an Plague look that way as here comes Shadow limping out. They immediately start to laugh at the weakened state of Shadow.
Fecca: Yes! Here comes Shadow!
Styles: Or what's left of him.
[ Shadow continue sto limp his way down the ramp. All the hwile Plague is betaing on Klye Storm. But boy do her eyes get big in a hurry. Shadow bypasses his corner and heads toward the time keeper's table. He shoves the time keeper outta the way and grabs his chair. Javen has hopped off the apron and charges at Shadow. Not a wise move as Shadow swings for the fences. Luckily for Javen he ducks the swing. Shadow doesn't even stay after Javen, he slides in the ring with his chair. Plague starts backing up as Shadow stalks her.
Styles: Oh no! Get outta there Plague!
[ Suddenly, just before Shadow is ready to swing, Plague has her feet jerked form under her again. She lands chest-first so she's not hurt. But she is pulled from the ring by Javen.
Styles: Whe-AH!
[ Pissed right the hell off by this night, Shadow chunks the chair outside the ring. Javen and Plague duck to the side to advoid it. The chair can be heard hitting the front of the announce table. The ref waves this match off, leaning out towards Sabrina. She then raises her mic.
Sabrina: Ladies and gentlemen, the referee has ruled this match a NO CONTEST!
[ The fans aren't too happy about that one. They start booing until Javen grabs the mic.
Javen: Hey! Shadow! You stupid lil jerkoff! Ya know earlier when ya buddy beat the hell outta ya?
[ Shadow yells for Javen to get back in the ring.
Javen: Shut up and listen dumbass! The reason your lil buddy turned on ya is because of ME! I let him in on the way things are around here these days. The Caines are running the show. Almost all the titles belong to us. And its only a matter of time before the rest fall into our hands. So I told ya buddy Nosferatu that if he scratched our backs, we'd return the favor.
[ Javen smiles big.
Javen: And this is all a warning Shadow. A warning to you! Stay out of the clan's business from now on. Otherwise you might end up like ya buddy Kyle there....Thinka bout it hero-boy.
[ Javen throws the mic down and starts to head for the ramp. Plague is at her man's side while the fans boo them like crazy. Meanwhile Shadow is checking on Kyle in the ring. And we go to an ad for Shockwave!, Sunday's on MSN!

Sundays......MSN.......Be There! |
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- Register:12/01/2008 4:13 PM
Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory III' (February 2008)
Date Posted:02/19/2009 7:35 PMCopy HTML
[ The lights in the arena flicker on and off for a few seconds and then "Grew Up a Screw Up" plays throughout the P.A. system. 10 seconds into the song Xavier walks out onto the stage with a serious look on his face. He stans still for a moment and looks around the arena. After he scans the arena he holds his fist in the air then walks down the ramp. He jumps on the ring apron and steps in the ring between the top and middle rope. He takes off his necklace and watch and hands it to thetimekeeper. He then takes off his shirt and throws it to the fans as he warms up for the match and awaits the bell to ring.
Sabrina: Now in the ring, wrestling in place of Lucky Falcon.......XAVIER HOMMMMICIDE!!!!!!
[ As I stand in the gorrilla position, I can hear the crowd as they wait for something to happen when my theme blares throughout the arena. As "Hot in Here" by Nelly plays, I step out from behind the curtain and stand on top of the entrance ramp with my hands on my hips.
SABRINA: "Making her way to the ring from Toronto, Ontario, Canada please welcome....SUMMER STRRRRRRATUS!!!!"
[ I walk down the ramp with a smile on my face as I hear the cheers from the crowd. As I reach the bottom of the ramp, I slide in the ring under the bottom rope. As I get to my feet, I walk over to the ropes and point out into the crowd as cameras flash. I do this on the opposite side of the ring as well before my music cuts and I pace the ring waiting on my opponent.
Sabrina: And now, the challengers.....Introducing first, the Jingle-Belle Championess!.....ISABELL WINNNNNTERS!!!!
[ All of a sudden the lights go out in the areana, and "Head for the Barricade" by Limp Bizkit starts to blare on the P.A. system. The crowd turns their attention to the ramp, as Isabell Winters steps out from behind the black curtains. She is met to a loud chorus of boos. . Isabell raises her arms in a taunting fashion at the top of the ramp, and gives a cocky grin. After this she begins to elegantly walk down the aisle to the ring with a look of confidence on her face. As she gets farther down the ramp, a few fans reach out their hands to get slapped, in which she goes out of her way to ignore them. She walks up the steal steps, before stepping through the bottom rope into the ring. She goes to the center of the ring and poses for a bit. Finally she goes to a corner, and stretches delicately, as her music fades to silence.*
And the prophecy read that One day like the phoenix rose from the ashes That a boy will be born unto a family in the slums This boy will go on and use the knowledge that he gains While fighting for survival in the streets To become a ring leader And in time that boy will grow to become
[ Trumpet players and dancers alike dressed in all white with gold trim rush out onto the stage and begin to play the beginning of "King Back" by T.I. as the tron sparks to life, showing a stormy night across a vast land of hills with dark thunder clouds rolling in all the while two torches rise on both sides of the entrance ramp, the flames rising up every couple seconds engulfing the stage in an orange redish light as a fog rolls in. The crowd rises up and roars with excitement as the dancers continue to dance in celebration of our Great King. The video pans throughout the hills as the rain begins to come down. As the storm rages on, fire, explosives, and soldiers can be seen between the many hills as it becomes a battle ground for war. The music picks up as the fire increases, the camera on the video begins to shift upwards, showing the top of the hills labeled with various well known name federations throughout the years. The cameras zoom out even further, making all the fighting going on between the hills representing different companies seem smaller as a mountain in the center of it all stands out. The camera zooms around quickly side to side, quickly ascending the mountain where still, we see more warriors battling each other as they trek up the mountain. As we continue to ascend the fighters are begginning to become scarce until it's nothing but dirt until we reach the summit. The cameras pan up on The Sempiternal Warrior Seifer with his hands out to both sides, standing atop the mountain over looking all the battle grounds as the storm continues to rage on. We pan to the side of Seifer who flashes a little smirk when the camera zooms quickly forward forward, right towards his eyes as he seems to welcome the challenge. It enters and a large bolt of lightning fills the sky as the screen goes white.
[ When it does we see teal and silver pryo's explode out across the arena, covering the stage in light and through the smoke we see Seifer rising up from the ground on a throne. The crowd erupts into an insane standing ovation as Seifer looks out into the arena before slowly stepping off his throne and putting his arms out to the side. He lowers his arms and removes his crown and King of PWT belt, placing them on the throne again before making his way down the ring.
[ The video now is zooming across the Miami skyline at night. A storm enters into the city skyline here as well and with it comes another flash of white lightning, upon doing so we're treated to various clips of Seifer hitting his signature moves on different opponents throughout his career all the while being intertwined with the lights of the city.
"From Miami, Florida... he is the King of PWT... SEIFER!"
[ Seifer arrives at the ring and goes to the left, jumping up onto the apron as he enters between the top and middle ropes. Seifer makes his way to the back right turnbuckle and stands on the second rope, throwing his arms out to the side as the flashes go off like this were a disco club. The crowd begins a "SEIFER" chant as he jumps off and walks to the other side, once more throwing his arms out to the side surveying the frenzied crowd before focusing in on the task at hand as his music slowly fades out.
Fecca: The sight of those two together it’s just sickening.
Styles: Okay and the sight of Georgia licking whip cream off Seifer’s face last year wasn’t in the least bit stomach turning?
Fecca: It was enduring!
Styles: Keep telling yourself that.
Fecca: I will. Here tonight a travesty if you ask me Seifer and Izz together. This is just sickening.
Styles: Repeating yourself is lame! We get it you’re not liking the fact that Seifmadness turned on Gee but she had it coming to her if you ask me.
Fecca: Gawd! She had it coming?
Styles: Yes riding Seif’s coat tails cause she couldn’t cut it on her own anymore.
Fecca: This is just propaganda.
Styles: If you call truth propaganda.
[ Frank Mason was assigned to referee this match up and he grabbed a hold of the tag team belts raising them high into the air. Izzy and Seif look on gazing at the belts as Xavier and Summer talk shop and then tell SeifIzz that they’re not winning the titles tonight but the ever so over confident pair smirk and begin to laugh hysterically at Summer and she gives them an evil stare turning her back but as she does Izzy rushes her and clips her from behind right in the knee and before Xavier can react Seifer intercepts him cutting him off at the pass with clothesline followed up with a rake to the eyes as Xavier comes back to his feet which allows Seif to grab him by the seat of his pants and dump him to the outside where he follows him shortly there after.
Fecca: I see how they’re going to fight dirty and unfair.
Styles: This is wrestling not a patty cake contest give it a rest will ya.
Fecca: It’s about respect dammit and not trying to cheat to get an advantage.
Styles: Call a Whambulance. SeifIzz is here to reign forever and ever get used to it.
Fecca: I’d rather not!
[ Grimacing from the repeated shots to the knee from Izzy Summer was struggling to stand on one leg because every kick connected with deadly accuracy. With every shot Izzy would strut around the ring and even do mocking dances similar to what you might see from Georgia as the crowd just booed her mercilessly but she acted as if they were behind her one hundred percent. Hobbling on her bad wheel Summer limped to her corner but there was no Xavier to tag in because he was a little preoccupied brawling with Seifer on the outside of the ring right now. Izzy smirked and pointed to Xavier getting his face smashed into the ring post telling her "tag him in now Summer" as she just laughed hysterically after clipping her knee once again and then driving her knee right down into the back of it and popping up raising her hands in the air to boos. This was just a travesty…. Pure and simple watching this display from the "King" and his so-called "Queen"…. Seifer picked up Xavier and dropped him chest first across the announce table and then ran him into the ring post one more time as he immediately slid into the ring shoved Mason out of the way as he tried to cut him off and then walked up to Izzy who was Stomping on the knee repeatedly and he smirked as he pulled her up by the hair and drug her across the ring and hung her into the tree of woe. Immediately Izzy and Seifer began to choke her with their boots pulling on the top rope for leverage with all their might. Mason had no other choice but to start the mandatory five count.
[ They let go backed up and then did it one more time for good measure.
[ They backed off again and then Seifer kicked her right in the face to massive boo’s and Izzy ran at her and knee’d her right in the mid-section forcing the fans to just cascade down boo’s and jeers. This was a gang assault not a wrestling match and Mason was about to get involved in it.
Styles: What the hell does Frank Mason think he’s doing?
Fecca: Maintaining order in this match up. This is just a glorified gang assault not a wrestling match.
Styles: It’s smart strategy that’s what it is. You’re suppose to beat your opponent until they can’t stand anymore and I think Seifer and Izzy are doing just that. Look at the crippled Summer Stratus now. Hung out to dry!
Fecca: Come on Mason get her out of that tree of woe and make Seifer go to his corner damn it.
Styles: Looks like Mason is going to eat canvas. Deserves him right meddling referee!
[ Mason got kicked in the nuts and then received a Good Night Kiss from Izzy for trying to interject himself in what they were doing to Summer at the moment and they just continued to kick away at her right in the mid-section and then Seifer told Izzy to left her up and she did and they both climbed to the top rope hooked both her arms over their shoulders and then came crashing down to the canvas with a double back superplex that shook the ring on impact. Summer was completely out of it as Xavier was finally stirring on the outside after being blind sided after a brutal Backyard Title match earlier on in the night had taken a lot out of him. His recovery time was just a little bit slower then others because of it and it showed as slowly stumbled around spotting Seifer grab a steel chair and climb into the ring he gets an idea. He climbs up on the apron and then springboards himself towards Seifer and hits his patent clothesline from behind saving Summer from a brutal assault from the chair. He then turns around and pimp slaps Izzy as she comes charging at him sending the crowd into a frenzy of cheers at seeing her get "the pimp hand" Xavier smirks to himself as he turns to see the steel chair and picks it up as Seifer turns around and he cracks him across the skull with it. Summer’s starting to show some signs of life and as she rolls over on top of Seifer Xavier wakes up Frank Mason at least enough for him to count down Seif for what is the first pinfall of the night.
[ Seif kicks out and the crowd boos at this as he shoots his shoulder up off the canvas holding it high in the air like he’s reaching for something but he just can’t seem to grab it. The crowd just rains down "Seifer Sucks" chants as Izzy back up now after getting over the shock of the pimp slap she climbs the top rope and then leaps attempting a missile drop kick and as Xavier turns around he’s nailed with the move taking him down.
Fecca: Nice to Izzy can fly! I guess the pimp hand doesn’t destroy your flying abilities.
Styles: The pimp hand of Xavier is not strong enough.
Fecca: I’ll show you my pimp hand if you don’t shut your trap ho!
Styles: Who you callin’ a ho jive turkey!
Fecca: Did you just call me jive turkey?!
Fecca: Did you just slap me?!
Styles: That’s what I do to jive turkey’s askin’ too many questions bout what pimps do their hoes!
Fecca: Damn it!
[ Summer and Izzy were the legal women in this match up but Mason was still a bit groggy from the Good Night Kiss to know who was legal and who wasn’t as he laid face down on the canvas holding his neck. Now Izzy was back up as Summer pulled herself to her feet finally and she ran at her and dropkicked her right in the knees. It was a cheap shot and then Seif pulled Summer up and delivered a knee breaker driving her knee right down to the canvas then Izzy immediately locked in the figure four leg lock as the fans went nuts booing and jeering Izzy grabbed the ropes for added leverage as Summer howled in a great deal of agony and pain. Mason does see this as his back is turned after pulling himself up by the ropes and just as he turns around Izzy lets go of the ropes to keep the hold locked in tight. She cranks and tears at her legs knowing that this could be the end of it all for her and that she was so close to getting the gold for Seifer and herself. Xavier seeing Summer close to tapping out at the hands of the figure four rushed over but Frank Mason wanting to keep everything fair cut him off and told him to go to his corner. The crowd booed as Summer screamed in pain as Izzy grabbed the ropes again for added leverage with the referee’s back turned as Seifer scampered into the ring and began to stomp away at her face a couple times to add insult to injury demanding that she tap out. Then as soon as Xavier who was livid by now having to deal with SeifIzz’s shenanigans was pointing out their blatant disregard for the rules to Summer’s detriment as she was just getting destroyed by Seifer who was kneeing her repeatedly in the ribs as Izzy held onto the Figure Four leg lock. Finally after putting up a struggle he decided it was best if he went back into his corner where he cheered on Summer to fight out of it but it just seemed like it was too damn late.
Styles: It’s only a matter of time before she gives in and taps to the figure four.
Fecca: Show some toughness Summer and turn the hold.
Styles: Nope she’s going to give in and tap out.
Fecca: No she won’t…
[ Izzy grabbed the ropes and Mason didn’t see it when she did and Summer began to tap out to the excruciating pain shooting through her leg just as Xavier climbed back into the ring but Frank Mason looked up as she was tapping and saw that Izzy had two handfuls of rope gripping it tight pulling back. He refused to end the match signaling for the bell to be rung but instead started the five count as Summer continued to tap out.
Fecca: BLOODSPILLER TO FRANK MASON! A God damn Blood Spiller because Izzy won’t let go of the ropes!
Styles: No a Blood Spiller because Frank Mason decided not to count out Summer Stratus who’s tapping like a drunken Irish Man on St. Patrick’s Day.
Fecca: This is just getting way too out of control someone needs to come in her and maintain order damn it.
[ With that David Van Dam runs out having seen enough as the crowd pops for him coming out and he slides into the ring and just lays in rights and lefts to Seifer who is stunned as he then whips him off the ropes and hits a huge overhead belly to belly suplex. Xavier on the other hand had just broken the figure four with a swift kick to Izzy’s head and she crumbled over and he grabbed the steel chair and then planted Izzy with a DDT as she tried to bring herself to a standing position and on impact he rolled out of the ring as Summer rolled over on top of her and DVD decided to make the count himself after tossing the chair outside of the ring as Mason was out cold on the outside of the ring face down.
[ Izzy was able to kick out at the very last instance saving herself from being counted out and thus ending her chances at being a champion alongside her king Seifer. Summer rolled off her opponent and immediately began to crawl to her corner knowing that the only chance her team had of winning at this point was tagging in Xavier who was reaching his hand out ready to be tagged in. Seifer back up saw this and tried to climb in to prevent it but DVD cut him off with a hard right hand knocking him off the apron he turned around just then to see Summer make the tag to Xavier who rushed in the legal man.
Styles: Did you see that blatant abuse of power by David Van Dam? He just hit Seifer and prevented him from stopping Summer from making the tag.
Fecca: He’s making sure this is an even bout and I’m damn sure he was sick of watching these two just make a mockery of the rule book here tonight so he’s evening the odds.
Styles: No more like screwing SeifIzz out of championship gold. That’s what he’s doing.
[ Xavier came in a house of fire hitting everything that stood in his way Seifer, Izzy, and Izzy, and Seify soon they were seeing double of each other as he hit them with clotheslines, rights, and lefts, combinations of punches, and then a big t-bone suplex onto Seifer and then after a Snake Eyes he hit Izzy with a stiff right hand to the jaw that just flattened her. He immediately dropped down and stacked her up making the cover after the haymaker found its mark as DVD counted her out.
TH----- |
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- Register:12/01/2008 4:13 PM
Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory III' (February 2008)
Date Posted:02/19/2009 7:36 PMCopy HTML
[ Seifer was able to barely break the count and keep the match up going but as soon as he got the idea of attacking Xavier to get the odds back in Izzy’s favor it was David Van Dam who stood up to him and Seif backed off and climbed out of the ring to the apron. DVD turned is back right to the action as Xavier grabbed Izzy and just took her head off with a short Arm clothesline and again went for a cover.
[ The crowd is going wild at this point and booing like no other at the sight of Izzy Winters being able to kick out of that vicious clothesline. Now Xavier saw that Summer wanted back into the ring and he reluctantly allowed himself to tag her in and he climbed out of the ring and Summer snaring with malicious intent in her eyes began to kick away at Izzy right in the gut with all her might. She then backed up and ran at her and hit a baseball slide dropkick right to the head as Izzy tried to attempt to crawl to her corner to tag in Seifer. Immediately it was Summer who then scooped Izzy back up and immediately spiked her with a piledriver making Izzy nothing more then a lawn dart for but a brief moment in time forcing every fan to cheer. She made the cover quickly..
[ Seifer was able to pull her off Izzy and then immediately he exited the ring as DVD got in his face backing off. Backing off for now as he had a toothy grin across his face as he dropped down from the apron and looked on seemingly abandoning Izzy in her greatest moment of need!
Styles: Seif! Don’t tell me you’re going to just leave now. After all the brilliance of turning on that hanger on called Georgia James!
Fecca: I think he’s up to no good that’s what I think.
Styles: Seifmadness is good all around no matter how you slice it. All hail Seifmadness. All Hail the king!
[ Izzy tried to reach her corner and Summer pointed to it showing Seifer down on the floor pacing back and forth and then she pulled her up and slammed her down to the canvas with the side Russian legsweep and then she began to work over her arm and kneeing it and dropping an elbow right across the arm and immediately she locks in an arm bar. Everyone thinks that it is all over as Izzy struggles to find the ropes or roll through and fight through the pain and the suffering. The crowd wanted her to tap out everyone was going insane and David was asking Izzy if she was going to give up after attempting to roll through but only to have the moved locked in from the reverse position in a very compromising situation now it was pure desperation as Izzy’s arm was being bent back in a very uncomfortable position with the arm bent at a near 45 degree angle and Seif entered the ring and immediately he slammed the steel chair he’d brought into the ring earlier into the back of David Van Dam not once, not twice, but three times in a row. He then picked up DVD and tossed him out of the ring declaring that he’s not even a referee and he damn sure isn’t getting involved in his business or putting his hands on the King. This display just sends everyone into a frenzy full of a great deal of boos and jeers. Xavier hit the ring as Seifer swung the chair up about to blast Summer as Izzy was about to tap out Xavier was a step too late as Seif crowned her with the chair that sent a sickening jolt through her as the impact echoed throughout the sold out arena. The fans gasped as she slumped over and Seifer smirked to himself lowering the chair and for a brief second letting his guard down allowing Xavier to come in and drill him with a forearm shiver right to the kidney’s and then he would lift him up and drive him down with a Tazzplex dumping King Seif on his head. This would send the crowd into a frenzy as he rolled to the outside of the ring on impact as Xavier stood tall. He was just waiting for Izzy to make her way back to her feet as she favored her arm he grabbed her by the hair and threw her into the corner and ran at her full steam ahead and connected with a big clothesline. She slumped over and he then pulled her up and hoisted her into the hair nailing a over head belly to belly suplex as Summer groggy was able to come to and Xavier told her to go up top. She went up to the high rent district as the fans whipped into a frenzy cheer her on and she leapt through the air with a Heat Advisory the shooting star press would not find its mark as Izzy was pulled out of the ring by Seifer and Summer would crash to the canvas in a heap. The crowd jeer as Seifer and Izzy they collected themselves on the outside and with no referee who was going to count them out for the ten count.
Fecca: They’re going to just hang out on the outside and not fight. Not so dominate are they?
Styles: They’re smart. Just taking their time is all.
Fecca: Smart nah they’re just scared they might lose the titles.
[ Now Summer is being helped to her feet by Xavier when Seifer and Izzy get a bright idea as he tends to his partner. They sneak around the ring ducking down and try to be ninjas. Xavier looks all around and can’t find them and immediately he’s blind sided right when he looks down at Summer trying to get her to shake off the blown shooting star press just moments ago…. From behind Izzy uppercuts Xavier in the nuts after a elbow to the back of the head from Seifer and then Xavier drops down to a knee and Seifer backs up and nails him right in the face with a running Yakuza Kick that would completely rearrange any man’s face. Xavier is down as Summer finally putting the pieces back together so she thinks is able to stand on her own two feet but she gets a series of elbows to the spine and then she’s driven down to the canvas with a reverse DDT from Izzy. Now Seif and Izz are standing tall to boo’s as they look over the two and the crowd is going wild chanting for them to lose the match but they’re in full control and Seifer picks up Xavier and then hoists him up and drives him down to the canvas with a Dangan Bomb that shakes the ring while Izzy full of herself blatantly chokes the life out of Summer Stratus while Seifer just knee’s the crap out of Xavier with knee strikes to the side of the head. The crowd is just booing them as this has once again broken down to a blatant assault and sorry excuse of a wrestling match but they just don’t care. Someone does as the crowd begins to cheer as the two beat down Xavier and Summer..
Fecca: It’s Georgia, it’s Georgia…
Styles: What’s that country bumpkin doin’ out here?
Fecca: You mean goddess!
Styles: I’m over my Georgia love. I’ve sen the light and she’s all hype.
Fecca: Is this bazarro world?
[ Georgia she’s got a lead pipe in hand which is her trusty favorite weapon of choice besides Bitch Be Gone and she ducks down a bit not wanting to call attention to herself as the two just pound Summer and Xavier into submission and then stand tall to taunt the crowd. As they believe their preening and posturing is finally sinking in garnering them aloud ovation of cheers and well wishes but what they don’t realize is behind them wielding a lead pipe is The Glorified Goddess Miss James ready to pounce on anyone who moves an inch. Georgia swings the lead pipe with deadly accuracy drilling Izzy right in the mid-section and then right across the head knocking her down. She then turns around and drills Seif right in Seifmadness family jewels. He feels it as she hits him there with the pipe again for good measure and smirks to herself as he falls over rolling around now Izzy had rolled out of the ring and she grabbed the ring bell and crawled back in and she sized Georgia up some an went in for the kill but Georgia turned and swung the pipe with reckless abandon as Izzy swung the bell and the pipe collided with the ring bell and sent the bell right back into Izzy’s face. The crowd was going wild as Georgia called for Senior Referee Jim Richards to come down and he did running down the aisle he slide into the ring as Summer rolled over top of Izzy.
[ Nope Seifer pulled Jim out of the ring and he was immediately decked with a vicious right hand to the jaw. Now Xavier was back up to his feet and he saw Seifer and he had fire in his eyes. Yet another referee…. Yet another chance at retaining the gold slipping through their fingertips through the corrupt actions of the challengers who’ve blatantly broken the rules throughout the night this was the straw that broke the camels back. Xavier snapped and he ran out of the ring holding shaking off the cobwebs as Georgia looked on from the outside as Izzy and Summer equally beaten up where finally pulling themselves back up to go at it. Seifer and Xavier on the outside began to exchange rights and lefts Xavier hit a right jab and then a left jab and backed up some and ran at him hitting a clothesline taking him over the guardrail to the people where they just fought with each other amongst the humanity of all the people. Inside the ring this left Izzy and Summer to do battle for the gold as Miss James was patrolling ringside making sure nothing else out of the ordinary went down. As she for the first time ever was actually rooting on Summer Stratus to win a match. She yelled and cheered her on and even slide her lead pipe into the ring but as it rolled in Izzy stopped it by with her foot and shook her head no as Summer bent down to pick it up. Izzy just kicked it out of the way and declared that she didn’t need it to get the job done and then demanded that Summer lock up with her and as soon as she went in for the collard elbow tie up Izzy stomped away at Summer’s foot and then a wicked kick right to the injured knee of Summer’s that was worked over early in the bout forcing Summer to drop down to a knee in a great deal of agony but she gutted it out holding onto what little hope she had left she could win this match. She fired back with a hard right and Izzy went for another kick but it was side stepped by Summer who again backed her into the corner with rights and she backed up some and charged by Izzy swung her elbow and hit Summer in the jaw right on the button. She then kicked her in the knee once again and then turned the tables putting her in the corner where she began to stomp a mud hole in Summer Stratus and walk it dry. The fans just booed the crap out of Izzy with every stomp but she ate it up putting her hand to her ear ala Hogan and telling the fans she can’t hear them just stomping away at Summer relentlessly. Getting tired of it after awhile Izzy backed away and began to strut around and even do the Macarena to mock Georgia who would dance in the ring. Everyone was on her now as she did the Macarena but the problem was that Summer Stratus was right behind pulling herself up and out of the corner and Izzy turned around and was nailed with a roundhouse like kick to the side of the head and immediately she went up top and hit a moonsault after leaping through the air completing her combo of moves she likes to call the "Crash N’ Burn"……
Styles: There is no referee Summer how can you get the pin you idgit?
Fecca: Georgia’s about to do something.
Styles: That damn meddlesome Goddess is going to pay if she puts that ref into the ring after waking him.
Fecca: Georgia do the right thing and wake up a damn ref there’s three of ‘em knocked out if ya count DVD.
Styles: No, no, no she’s climbing into the ring herself.
[ Georgia stood in the ring as Summer realized there was no referee and pulled herself up to look Georgia dead in the eye. She looked on pleased as Seifer had just received a swinging neckbreaker on the concrete floor on the outside amongst the fans battling with Xavier. The fans were going nuts as Xavier climbed over the barricade and back to the ringside area as she saw the carnage and Georgia standing in the ring. He was confused as she pulled off her Glorified to Perfection t-shirt to reveal a referee t-shirt and the fans went nuts as she told Summer to pin Izzy right after giving her a Dream Sequence as Izzy climbed back to her feet after the pausing.
Styles: Georgia just screwed Izzy. Georgia just screwed the wrong power couple. You don’t screw with SeifIzz. You just don’t do it.
Fecca: Deserves them right. Deserves them right.
[ Georgia’s had was about to hit the canvas for three but it stopped and she stood up shaking her head no with her arms crossed popping up to her feet. Summer Stratus had a wide eyed look of disbelief and she got right into Georgia’s face and pushed her now Xavier was in shock and awe at all this from ringside as she circled around seeing that Summer had this covered he didn’t want to get involved himself. Georgia told her not to touch her or there would be issues but Summer didn’t give a damn she hit her right in the face and it was on. Georgia and Summer Stratus going at it once again like many times before it seemed trading blows and Georgia pulled a bottle out of her pants pocket as it seemed that Summer would get the upper hand and she immediately sprayed her in the eyes with Bitch Be Gone.
Fecca: BITCH BE GONE!!!! Good gawd I can’t believe Georgia’s attacked Summer Stratus what’s going through her head?
Styles: I think we might have all been played…. This gets weirder and weirder.
[ Georgia wasn’t done as Summer backed up against the corner covered her face and Georgia climbed to the outside and up the turnbuckle and grabbed her by the throat and leapt through the air and twisted her down and nailed her new finisher Glorified to Perfection. The crowd gasped at the impact of the move Xavier couldn’t believe it as Georgia cracked Izzy upside the head with a swift kick that jerked her head back as she slumped over as then Georgia quickly rolled her on top the prone Summer Stratus in perfect position for the pinfall attempt. Now Xavier was making a beeline to the ring now as he slide in but Seifer grabbed his leg and pulled him out of the ring as Georgia made the count.
[ Georgia stood up and rang the bell.
[ The crowd boos this announcement as Seifer whips Xavier shoulder first into the steel ring steps after low blowing him not wanting to fight it out anymore as he grabs one half of the tag belts. Izzy is down and out as Georgia grabs the other half as Seifer enters the ring and she spits on the strap and throws it down on the chest of Izzy and gives Seif the double middle finger salute…
Georgia James: Who’s riding who’s coat tails now Seif ?
[ With a smirk she backed out of the ring as Seifer fumed at this very chaotic scene comes to an end with Georgia smirking with her middle finger raised high aimed at Seifer and Izzy who gripped her tag title fight as she finally came too barely realizing she was now champion with Seifer.
Fecca: I don’t get it? Why would Georgia gift wrap a title win for them? What the hell is going on?
Styles: I don’t know but the SeifIzz Era has begun like they’d told us and that means it’s the era of awesome thanks to Georgia.
Fecca: Who’s riding who’s coat tails now? Georgia’s out of her mind….
Styles: Or she’s crazy like a fox and she’s in on it and she’s all for a the era of SeifIzz. Long live SeifIzz.
Fecca: We have new champs… This is pure insanity… It’s a mobscene out here.
[ Georgia mockingly blew Seifer a kiss as she took her final exit out through the curtain and into the back as Seifer and Izzy exited there after holding their heads high with gold in their camp just one week after swerving everyone with their union. |
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- Register:12/01/2008 4:13 PM
Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory III' (February 2008)
Date Posted:02/19/2009 7:37 PMCopy HTML
Fecca"What a tag team title match we have just seen. Seifer and Izzy have just been crowned new champs under dubious cicumstances I might add. "
Styles" What are you talking about? SeIzz are clearly the greatest tag team we have ever seen since The Conquistadors "
Fecca".......ermmm ok. Anyway next up a triple threat match with a People's Title shot to the winner"
Styles" Matlock might have something to say about that. He got screwed out of the the title here tonight"
Fecca" Are you kidding me? He was going to hit Angel in the face with a damn monkey wrench"
Styles" Pfft..not the first time she has been hit in the face with a man's tool"
Fecca" You better watch saying that around Nova"
Styles"Seems to me that tool isn't allowed there anymore"
Fecca" Before you say something that gets you killed lets go up to Sabrina for the intros to our next match"
Sabrina" Ladies and Gentlemen our next match of the evening is a triple threat match with the winner recieving a shot at the People's championship"
Styles" Maybe King Seifer should come out here and get in on this, I think he wants that title aswell"
Fecca" Do you ever shut up?"
Styles" If I did you would bore our viewers into a coma and we would get sued for their medical bills"
Sabrina" Coming first to the ring"
[ "Just lose it" hits on the P.A system and Brandon Marks burst through the curtain with his signature lollie pop in his mouth. The lights dim and the spot light is put on Brandon Marks and when the song hits the chorus Brandon Marks starts to do the "whiteboy" as the crowd chants "go go go". Marks realizes he is on camera and stops dancing and looks toward the camera takes the lollie out of his mouth and shrugs. Tossing the lolle over his shoulder he continues dow the ramp taking pictures and signing autographs.
Sabrina" He hails from Candy Land ,weighing two hundred and ten pounds of sugary goodness this is the Candyyyyyyyyyyyy Mannnn...Brandon Marks"
[ At the end of the ramp Brandon Maks slides in the ring and hops on the turnbuckle and sits down looking toward the ramp. As he waits he takes a lollie out of his back pocket and starts to pick off the pocket lint,so he can get to the chewy center.
Fecca" Sugary Goodness? What the hell? I think Sabrina has a thing for the Candy man"
Style" Maybe she wants to suck on his lollie"
Fecca" Pervert"
Styles" What? What did I say?"
Sabrina" An his opponent"
[ If You SaMELLLLLL... Take A Shower..." is heard then "T.N.T." by ACDC hits the p.a system. The crowd boos loudly as the self proclaimed "Wrestling Perfection", the Marcus of Johnson comes out from the back wearing his in-ring attire. He pauses at the top of the ramp to soak in his surroundings and the noise from the crowd. He then shakes his arms a bit while he looks around at the crowd doing his own little version of the People's Eyebrow.
Sabrina" He hails from Miami,Florida weighing in at two hundred and sixty five pounds this is PWT's head of security....Marcussss Johnson"
[ He makes his way down the ramp energetically, giving a few lucky fans in the front row a brush of his hand. He slides under the ropes and walks to the far corner. He takes his time to get on the middle turnbuckle. and starts talking, but what he says can't be heard over the music and the crowd. After talking a short while, he slowly raises both arms in the air. When they're directly above him, he flexes them, then brings them down to his side and flexes the rest of his body. Marcus turns towards Brandon with a sly little smirk and the two men exchange pleasantries.
Fecca" Two sixty five? There is no way he weighs two sixty five"
Styles" Maybes its from all the tissues in his pocket drenched in tears over Izzy"
Fecca" Watch it Styles..That is the head of security in there"
Styles" Nothing but respect...Nothing but. Psst I hear he watches the Rodney King video for pointers"
Sabrina" Finally coming to the ring hailing from the Isle of Samoa. He weighs three hundred and twenty five pounds"
[ As the intro to Let the Bodies Hit the Floor starts a lone man is standing at the top of the ramp with a spotlight on him and his bowed down and his hands crossed in front of him. At the end of the intro the man throws his arms out wide and his head back.
Sabrina " This is Akmeddddddddddd"
[ There had been a mixture of cheers and boos for the Candy Man....When Marcus came out the fans didn't know how to react to Bobby's second cousin's half brother on his mother's side...However when the Insane Islander made his appearance everyone was booing him like he was in front of them in line at an all you can eat buffet...No Food for you..Ha Ha
Fecca" Akmed isn't making any friends these days with his attack on the owner Becca Wipwreck and his incessant claims of being held down"
Styles"Its still McCallister for now Bobsie and of course they gotta hold him down. Look at the size of him, would you want to be holding him up?"
Fecca" At the risk of trouble I gotta say it folks...Business is about to pick up"
[ Sound of a cell phone dialing is heard.
Styles" Hello Oklahoma...Are you missing Jim Ross?"
Fecca" Shut up before some Canadian tells on me "
Styles" Not only cheaters but tattlers now...Seee I told ya so"
[ Akmed is about to roll into the ring when Marcus steps forward taking the mic from Sabrina as she retreated to the floor.
Marcus" Hold up a minute there Donut Hole..."
[ Akmed glares up at him with Marcus grinning ear to ear like he just found out it was ok to talk about black girl's big asses now because he is well half something or another.
Marcus" I'm afraid you can't compete here tonight Tubby Toodles. "
[ Akmed gives him that WTF expression and goes to slide into the ring when out comes Marcus' security goons racing down to the ring and grabbing a hold of Akmed's ankles dragging him out of the ring...
Fecca" What in the world is going on here?"
Styles" Shhhh Marcus is working "
Marcus" I'm really sorry to inform you Akmed and don't get me wrong I would love to have you in the ring with us right now sweating like a hooker in church,but my boss and yours Becca Whatchamadigger told me to have you escorted from the building. You were a very naughty boy Akmed and now you gotta pay for it"
[ The guards struggle to keep ahold of the three hundred pounder with an insatiable bloodlust...Slowly they start to drag him up the ramp with Akmed fighting all the way.
Fecca" I guess Becca is still more then a little pissed off about Akmed's actions towards her."
Styles" Ahhh c'mon thats not the first time she has gotten a spanking. In fact my good buddy Wallstreet told me she really enjoys it"
Fecca" Didn't he call you fruity earlier?"
Styles"Damn you"
[ In the ring Marcus leans against the ropes smirking at Akmed doing his best Judge Dredd impersonation" I AM THE LAW!!!...and don't you forget it"
Akmed screams back" You're a dead man blondie"
[ Just as Akmed is cleared from the rampway ,Brandon slips down for the turnbuckle and hands referee Frank Mason his lollie to hold for safe keeping...Marcus is so occupied with his power mongering that he has forgotten about Marks.
Fecca" The Law giver better pay attention here"
Styles" Loook out Marcus"
[ Marks gets some momentum from a push off the ropes and runs right at Marcus'. Marks don't need Marcus to be wedged in the corner for this move to work , he leaps driving all of his body with his knees up right into Marcus' spine. The Sultan of Safety slams into the ropes and then flies back landing in the middle of the ring. Marks heads for the ropes quicker then Matlock heads for the bathroom after four bean burritos and a nacho bell grande.
Fecca" He just hit the sweet tooth and is going skyward"
Styles" This guy is quicker then a hiccup. Must be all the sugar"
[ Marks leaps to the top ropes ala RVD and is instantly airborne giving Marcus a big old case of Sugar Rush. Marks quickly hooks the leg before Marcus can recover..
[ Marcus kicks out but its just a split second to late.
Fecca" This one is over already."
Styles"First Izzy and now this. Marcus is not going to be a happy camper"
Sabrina" Here is your winner the perfect reason for a cavity.....Brandonnnnnnnnnnnn Marks"
Fecca" Sabrina is ready to jump this young man's bones"
Styles" I bet she has a few cavities she wants Marks to fill"
Fecca" Per---What the hell"
[ Akmed had somehow gotten free from the guards and comes charging back through the curtain. Marks grabs his lollie from the ref and heads to the floor as the wild samoan comes shooting into the ring.
Fecca" Marcus' troubles just got alot heavier.."
Styles" Gigantic even"
[ Akmed stalks around Marcus waiting for him to get up. Marcus slowly staggers to his feet with Akmed blasting the ref upside the head and grabbing at his pants.
Fecca" God lord I think he is going to rape the ref"
Styles" Maybe Mason has a fig newton in his pocket...Akmed loves the newtons"
Fecca" You really make up everything you say huh?"
Styles" Just ninety nine percent of it"
[ Akmed isn't going for some sodomy or Fig Newtons though..He pulls Frank Mason's belt out of his belt loops and is about to give Marcus a little taste of the Becca treatment when the crowd erupts with cheers.
Fecca" I can't believe this"
Styles" What? That people voted for Hillary..I mean really a bitch in the white house"
Fecca" Why not a bitch, we had plenty of bush there already...Though they aren't as important as who is shooting through the crowd like a man possessed"
[ Of course the fans aren't going nuts for Hillary showing up to kick Gee's ass over Wild Billy...They are going nuts because Bobby Johnson has just came through the audience leaping over the security railing he shoots into the ring.
Fecca" It just keeps getting worse for Marcus"
Styles" Securityyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...Drug addicts and Fat people in the wire...Helpppppp"
[ Bobby don't blast Marcus though instead he sends a barrage of fists to Akmed's jowls and then a textbook Killa Kick that sends Akmed tumbling to the floor...
Fecca" He just saved Marcus"
Styles"Its all about family love"
[ Marcus turns around and Bobby stares him down.
Fecca" Or maybe he just wants to kick his ass himself"
[ Bobby and Marcus lock eyes for several seconds before Bobby rolls to the floor without a word and goes back through the audience.
Fecca" That man right there is wrestling with some tough issues right now"
Styles" Yeah...Like should they have Easter dinner at his house or Marcus' "
Fecca" Shutup"
[ We get a spot for Homicide brand condoms. This is just a spot ta buy us time for the next segment backstage....Open to the Marcus of Johnson who's losing streak has increased to three in two weeks. Wee. He's still in his gear, save his kneepads are in his right hand, although he does chuck those into the wall out of frustration...
Stagehand: Tough match, Marcus.
[ The stagehand chuckles at his own wittiness. Marcus mocks his laugh before scowling and rolling his eyes. Marcus notices a replay airing of SeIzz's tag team finish. Marcus looks on bitterly as the ref hands them the titles. Bobby walks up behind him, also looking at the screen...
Bobby: How much more time are you going to waste feeling sorry for yourself?
[ Not exactly the voice of comfort Marcus was hoping for. Marcus prepares himself for some good old fashioned sarcasm, but doesn't turn to look at Bobby. Therefore, Bobby forcefully helps Marcus turn around so Marcus can see he's being serious...
Bobby: Look, man... sh*t like this happens. The worst sh*t happens to the best people, myself being in that category.
[ Bobby's looking for eye contact, but Marcus avoids it...
Bobby: You probably don't want to hear this, especially from me, but you had it coming to you. You played with so many people's careers, it was only a matter of time before what went around came around. And you know what? It's not impossible to move on. Everyone's experienced hurt similar to yours... maybe not as harsh, but...
[ Marcus doesn't look pissed anymore, and instead is thinking about what Bobby's saying; still doesn't make eye contact. Bobby shrugs...
Bobby: Marcus, I have every reason to hate you... and I never, ever, thought I'd be saying this... but I feel sorry for you.
[ This gets Marcus's attention. He looks up at him with a "for real??" look...
Bobby: It's true! The guy who got the worst of your wrath and wanted nothing more than to beat your face so bad nobody would be able to recognize you- feels sorry for you... imagine what the fans think! You have a chance to really turn things around; go in a whole new direction!
[ Does anybody else think this whole scene is just... not natural?
Mark: I've been trying to use it for my advantage, but...
[ Marcus shrugs, sighs, shakes his head. Bobby smacks the sorry right off of his face. Marcus is all wtf?! Bobby points at him...
Bobby: The REAL Marcus of Johnson would've tried to kill me for doing that.
[ "Tried to"...
Bobby: I could sit here and continue to waste my breath, but the only person who can really do anything for you IS you. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it... so quit being a pansy and do it.
[ Bobby walks off. Marcus has "impact" written all over his face and the show goes on! |
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- Register:12/01/2008 4:13 PM
Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory III' (February 2008)
Date Posted:02/19/2009 7:38 PMCopy HTML
The Bell sounds three times as we come to focus on Sabrina standing in the center of the ring.
Sabrina, "Ladies and Gentlemen… The following contest is scheduled for ONEFALL with a One Hour Time Limit… It IS FOR the Pee Double-You Tee Hhhhhhheavyweight Championship… Of The World."
The lights go dark as the cameras switch to an elevated shot of the stage.
"You Ready? Let’s Go!"
The crowd is getting loud as "Remember the Name" By Fort Minor begins and various clips from TOG’s last two matches and candid tape shots play in a video package.
"Yeah… For Those of you Who Wanta know what we’re all about… It’s Like This Ya’ll…"
The Curtain moves to the Side as TOG Steps out and extends his arms ala Raven, drawing a huge reaction…
"This is 10 Percent Luck 20 Percent Skill 15 Percent Concentrated Power of Will 5 Percent Pleasure 50 Percent Pain And 100 Percent Reason to remember the name"
With that TOG Power steps out from under the PWT-A-Vision and starts making his way down the ramp as the fans eat him up.
Fecca, "The most unlikely contender in PWT History… This will be his third bout here in PWT and already, here he is with an opportunity to capture the Heavyweight championship of the world… It sounds like these people are hoping he’ll do just that." Styles, "These people are hoping this will be short and sweet so we can watch the Main Event." Fecca, "Well, no question a lot of anticipation for that big I Quit match between Christian Michaels and Novacaine, but this modern day Rocky Balboa story with That One Guy’s certainly drawn a lot of attention in it’s own right. A lot of people looking to see if he can capture the championship here tonight." Styles, "Perhaps." Fecca, "Perhaps? No words of disdain toward That one Guy or the fans, or any hype for Dante?" Styles, "Meh." Fecca, "Huh… Never thought I’d see the day."
That One Guy slides in the ring and heads across to the other side.
[The arena lights cut as "Jimmy Crack Corn/Canuck Remix" by Eminem & 50 Cent starts
[Eminem] "Call 'em and tell 'em it time to hate us again, we're back!" [Pyro’s explode on either side of the entrance and a white spotlight shines down and shows Dante walking out through the curtain. The boos are thunderous from the PWT fans and Dante looks out over the arena smirking because there’s also a fair amount of cheering.. He starts slowly walking down the ramp way, smacking the outreached hands of his fans as he passes and jaw-jacking with a few mouthy fans
[Eminem] "Jimmy can crack corn, but I don't care My enemies crack corn, but I don't care You can be black, white or a albino yeah You can have corn rows inside your hair I give a fuck if I don't like your stare This bottle of wine goes upside your head A little bit psycho, but I know that Think you just don't say it, then I won't say it See if you don't brag, then I don't brag I know I'm bad, as long as I know I'm bad I don't need y'all to co-sign no shit You can just keep making them tired old threats A little bit like the boy you cried wolf yeah See me, but don't dare to try no shit Cause you know that somewhere inside those layers A rattlesnake's right there to bite your ass And I can be so quiet and strike so fast Like lightning bolts right out the sky go *blah From outta nowhere, you might find your career Come to an *err and I'm just like (Oh Yeah)"
[The ‘Tron shows Dante beating various wrestlers and clips of his feuds with Seifer, The Caines and Asshole Inc.
"Jealous little fucks beg for my attention but I done told you once, I'm not the kind of attention you want If I tell you twice, then I won't be so nice If you keep coming back, that only means you know you lost the fight They wanna talk shit, let em talk shit, cause they talk shit Knowing deep down, they really just wanna squash it Cause no one wants to walk around, stepping in dog shit And get doo-doo on the shoe again, soon as they washed it But the pride won't let em, inside's like 'go get em' And I'm just like 'Why your tryna fight momentum' We just keep winning, by landslides oh and umm .. Meanwhile your minds on us, like mine's on Maria And y'all is just like her, you're all fucking liars But I just keep fucking you, like I fucked her Right in the ass with KY, yes sir!" [This cuts to clips of Dante locking up wrestlers with the DOA from various positions. Back in the arena, Dante is walking up the metal steps and stepping through the ropes. On the ‘Tron, it continues from there into shots of Dante holding up a World Title after different matches for his 4 World Title reigns. Back in the arena, Dante is standing on the 2nd turnbuckle as the PWT fans cheer and boo him.
[50 Cent] "Ya homie got clapped on, man I don't care The cops in my Nana crib, but I'm not there It is what it is dogg, man life's not fair Ya friend should've know not to front round here Listen kid, where I'm from, the wolves smell fear They'll strip yo ass of your jewels, right here Man I'ma say this one time, now get this clear Man you can catch a hot one like outta no where A beautiful day, without drama is rare Ya girl's a freak, man sometime we share Yeah, I wear a condom and you go bare You prolly heard about me, I'm a shown up player In the hood politicking, like I'm running for mayor riding, winding, dining and shining, know what I'm saying I ain't got time for fucking around, and horse playing I'm making hits, my homies taking hits, who's staying .."
[The song fades out as Dante hops down and leans in the corner with a look of confidence
Sabrina is standing in the ring.
Sabrina, "Now for the official introduction of the competitors. First, The Contender… Making his way from Grand Island New York… He weighed in this evening at two hundred forty five pounds… Thhhhhhat One GUYYYYYYYYYYY!"
The crowd erupts as TOG Turns and hops up on the second rope, throwing his arms in the air.
Sabrina, "And his opp…"
Dante darts across the ring and drives a hard forearm into the back of That One Guy. Sabrina get’s out of dodge as the presiding official Frank Mason calls for the bell. TOG Drops down off the turnbuckles and turns his back into the corner.
Fecca, "Dante choosing to forgo the introductions and this contest is officially underway. This one’s gonna end up being Heart and Desire verses Experience."
Dante quickly grabs the top rope with his left hand and delivers a stiff chop with his right. The crowd lets out a deep "ohh". Dante pulls back and delivers a second. That One Guy grabs his chest and kicks about. Dante climbs up onto the second rope as he balls up his fist, letting the crowd see it. He uses his left hand to hold a fist full of TOG’s hair and begins driving stiff rights into That One Guy’s skull. The crowd boos and continues booing as Dante drives about three rights into the head of That One Guy, but, after that third right hand TOG reaches up, scoops Dante, walks out a few steps to the center, and delivers a big body slam as the fans boos turn to cheers and Dante grabs his back and begs off.
Fecca, "Tee Oh Gee with a big body slam out of the corner on Dante Cross and now Dante maybe second thinking this whole thing."
Dante pulls himself up as That One Guy stands, ready for anything. Suddenly Dante darts toward TOG, but TOG hooks the left arm, takes Dante over with an arm drag and keeps the arm in a modified version of an arm bar.
The crowd cheers as Fecca says, "Very sound arm drag take over into the arm bar. Tee Oh Gee may be looking to soften Dante’s arm to lesson the effectiveness of his DOA Submission, or perhaps even looking for the early submission in this World title contest." Styles, "Eh, whatever. Whoever wins is just lamb for slaughter by Novacaine next month." Fecca, "We don’t even know if Nova’s gonna be here next month." Styles, "Maybe *YOU* Don’t, but I have plenty of faith in Nova to decimate Hillbilly and then easily pick off whichever poor sap wins this match."
Dante continues to struggle in TOG’s armbar but he slowly starts fighting up to a knee. Dante gradually comes off the knee and to his feet but That One Guy keeps the arm as Dante uses his left shoulder and right arm to push TOG back to the ropes. Dante shoots him off the ropes, forcing him to finally relinquish the armbar. That One Guy shoots across, bounces off the opposite ropes… Dante comes to the center and goes for a clothesline but TOG ducks under to the crowds adulation. TOG Stops behind Dante, and twists his upper torso back. Dante turns around and WHAM! The crowd erupts as TOG takes Dante back over with ANOTHER arm drag right back to t he arm bar on that left arm.
Fecca, "And That One Guy goes right back to the assault on Dante’s left arm."
The crowd is solidly behind That One Guy as he puts the tork on that left arm. Each time he pulls on that arm we see Dante yell as he winces in pain. Dante slowly fights through the pain as he rolls up to his knee. Dante fights up from his knee to his feet and again forces That one Guy back to the ropes as he keeps the arm. Dante leans on That One Guy who leans back on the ropes. Dante brings up his right hand, puts his fingers in TOG’s eyes, stalls, and then finally delivers the eye rake drawing a chorus of boos as TOG releases the arm bar to favor his eyes.
Fecca, "Dante taking a short cut, I’m shocked."
Dante delivers a couple of stiff rights before he grabs the left arm and shoots TOG across the ring with an Irish Whip. That One Guy bounces off the far ropes as Dante comes to the middle. That One Guy comes back and Dante takes him over with a Hip Toss. TOG immediately shoots up to his ass while holding his back which leads to a low drop kick to the back from Dante. That One Guy lets out a yell as he grabs his back and rolls to his chest. Dante starts putting the boots to That One Guy’s back as the fans boo. That One Guy comes up to his knees. Dante reaches down and draws TOG up to his feet. Dante get’s beside TOG, and then snaps back nailing a Side Russian Leg Sweep. Dante floats over with a lateral press cover ………………One…… That One Guy powers out. The crowd cheers TOG for kicking out strong. Dante gets up frustrated at such a quick kick out and begins putting the boots to TOG again. Dante looks at Mason and yells, "Ask him if he gives! I wanta go home!" Mason drops to a knee beside That One Guy but as soon as Mason’s back is turned Dante goes to the corner and starts untying the top turnbuckle pad. Mason asks TOG if he’s alright to continue and of course, Guy infatically aggress that he is. Mason gets up and turns to tell Dante just as Dante’s dropping the turnbuckle pad on the floor. Dante turns around and walks back toward TOG as Mason starts screaming at Dante, threatening a DQ. Dante shrugs, "I retain on a DQ, go for it."
Fecca, "Oh that’s nice, the official letting Dante know his tactics are leading him to a potential Disqualification and he could give a damn less because he can retain the strap on a DQ. How about a little concern for the people who paid their hard earned dollar to see a good world title match, not a DQ in the first five minutes?" Styles, "Number one, People paid to see Nova and CM in an "I Quit", period. Number two, when have you known Dante to care about the fans? He’s one of the most selfish, self absorbed guys in the business… Two character trains yours truly can admire."
Dante grabs TOG by the hair and pulls him up from his knees to his feet. Dante pushes That One Guy into the corner and then draws him out looking to Irish Whip him into the exposed corner but TOG reverses the Irish whip and sends Dante toward the buckle as the fans cheer. Dante gets to the corner but he grabs the top rope on either side and throws himself up to stop his momentum before dropping back to his feet, thus avoiding contact with the exposed turnbuckle. That One Guy starts walking toward Dante as Dante turns around. TOG Draws back like he might be contemplating a big right hand but Dante cuts him off by jabbing a thumb in the eye of That One Guy. TOG turns his back to Dante and stumbles to the center of the ring holding his eye. Dante scoops him up from the side and drops That One Guy back first across the Canadian knee. TOG rolls off Dante’s knee holding his back in pain. Dante rolls That One Guy over to his back and hooks the near leg as Mason drops down ……………………One…………………Two… Only two as TOG forces himself to kick out, drawing another cheer from the fans. Dante gets up and begins arguing with the Official, but Mason stands his ground and insists it was only two. Dante turns around and drives a big stomp into the back of TOG. Dante squats down, crossing TOG’s legs and holding them with his left hand as he burries his knees in TOG’s back and uses his right hand to cup TOG’s chin before he rolls back, putting TOG up in a bow and arrow submission. TOG Starts screaming in pain as Dante’s demanding he give up.
Fecca, "Dante Cross has that bow and arrow just synched in, really stretching the back of That One Guy."
TOG screams in pain as Dante keeps inching a little further back each time he torks it, looking to achieve maximum pain distributing capacity. However, on the last application of additional pressure, he seems to have gone too far back because his shoulders are on the canvas. Mason drops down and begins counting …………………One…………………Two…… Dante realizes what’s going on and immediately relinquishes the hold and rolls up off the mat. Dante gets into Mason’s face, questioning his decision to count as TOG rolls around holding his back.
Styles, "The Referee can’t do that can he?!" Fecca, "Dante’s shoulders were on the mat and That One Guy was on top, seems like a legitimate pinning predicament to me."
Dante is infuriated but Mason once again stands by his decision.
Dante’s eyes get narrow with discontent as he looks at the erupting T-O-G fans spread through out the bargain basement building. However, as much displeasure as it may bring Dante, these fans and their rally behind That One Guy seems to be helping as he slowly crawls toward the ropes.
Fecca, "This capacity crowd frantically getting behind That One Guy."
That One Guy pulls himself up one rope at a time as Dante stalks behind him. TOG Turns around and as he does, Dante comes charging in looking for a clothesline. TOG bends over and throws Dante up and back, sending him over the top rope. As TOG’s back body dropping Dante, "Chilly Willy" as he’s referenced by Nova, catches the top rope and uses it to guide him so he lands on his feet on the outside ring canvas behind TOG. That One Guy turns around and Dante goes for a right hand but TOG throws up his left arm to block and then nails Dante with a stiff right himself, knocking Dante down and off the ring as the crowd goes into a mini frenzy. TOG grabs his back, wincing in pain before dropping down and rolling out of the ring.
Fecca, "The actions spilled onto the floor and this one has no where but bad to go."
Dante is pulling himself up but That One Guy wastes no time in assisting him to his feet. That One Guy grabs Dante by the wrist and goes for the whip but Cross reverses and TOG ends up going back first into the steel steps. The crowds cheers turn to boos as Dante gets an arrogant smirk on his face. Mason starts screaming at the competitors from the ring and doesn’t take long to start administering his count. However, Dante doesn’t seem real interested in progressing his ringside assault as he rolls in.
Mason: …………………………One………………………Two
Fecca, "The champion apparently thinks he’s done enough damage to obtain t he w in by count out." Styles, "Well, he has been working TOG’s back pretty hard."
At this point TOG rolls his back off the stairs and gets to his knees.
TOG Starts using the apron to pull himself up.
That One Guy gets to his feet, still hunched over
TOG slides in the ring stopping the officials count at eight, which doesn’t please Dante. Dante stomps over, grabs the top rope, and begins viciously stomping the back of That One Guy. TOG starts pulling himself up on the ropes so stomps and kicks turn into forearms and axehandles. TOG turns around leaning back on the ropes. Dante grabs TOG’s left arm, pushes him back against the ropes as far as he can, and then launches him out looking for a big Irish whip but That One Guy shoots around and reverses. Dante darts across the ring as TOG bends down telegraphing the Back body drop. Dante grabs him and nails a Triple H knee to the face. That One Guy’s face bounces off Dante’s knee and he turns, staggering about. Dante jumps up, locks his fingers under TOG’s chin, draws his knees up into TOG’s back and falls back delivering Carlito’s back stabber. That One Guy rolls off Dante’s knees kicking his feet and holding his back. Dante rolls That One Guy over to his back and covers as Frank Mason drops down and counts ………………………One……………………Two…………………… TOG Shoots his arm up drawing a great reaction from everybody but Dante.
Fecca, "The heart of this kid is unbelievable!"
Dante shoots up and starts throwing a tantrum with Mason. That One Guy holds his back, one knee on the canvas one leg shot way back, his face up so the camera can clearly see his desperate pleading facial expressions. TOG Desperately tries to crawl toward the ropes as Dante continues arguing with the official. That One Guy gets to the ropes and slowly starts pulling himself up as Dante finally gives up on the referee. Dante stalks behind TOG as the resident Rock Balboa finally gets to his feet and turns so his back is on the ropes again. Dante attempts another Irish whip, but, That One Guy reverses and delivers a kick to the gut of the Canadian native. Dante doubles over and TOG hoists him up by the waist and then…BAM! Big Piledriver making the crowd erupt. Dante and TOG both end up on their faces in the middle of the ring.
Fecca, "That One Guy scores big with that Piledriver but does he have enough to follow it up?!"
That One Guy and Dante both seem down and out. Mason starts the count ………………………One……………………Two………………………Three
The crowd is starting to rally behind TOG
They both slowly start crawling for the ropes.
The guys start pulling themselves up on the ropes
At eight both men are on their feet. They both turn and head to the middle. Dante rushes in and BAM! Back elbow. Dante rolls back ip to his feet and rushes toward TOG again, this time taking a Japanesse arm drag flying back. Dante shoots right back up again and comes rushing in but this time, That One Guy hoists him up… Dante’s shaking his head furiously, but TOG grabs the back of his neck and Bodly Slams Dante so hard that he stumbles back and catches the ropes to stay on his feet. That One Guy holds his back with his left hand as he turns to the fans, getting a deep look of intensity on his face as he grabs the top rope with his right hand…
The already loud crowd erupts in support of That One Guy as Dante’s crawling to the ropes. Dante pulls himself up and staggers toward TOG. That One Guy hoists him up and BAM! Drops him down with a big spine buster, TOG hooks the leg as Mason drops down and counts ……………………One…………………Two…………………. Dante JUST BARELY kicks out.
Fecca, "YES! WE’VE GOT A NEW… Ah No! That One Guy was less than a heartbeat away from becoming PWT World Heavyweight Champion!"
That One Guy shoots back up and gets behind Dante, throwing his a rms out into his pose making the fans erupt as Cross slowly starts pulling himself up, his back to TOG.
Fecca, "That One Guy’s setting up for that big Nameless DDT and Bah Gawd, Just for Dante let me say, Business is Fixin to pick up!" Styles, "No doubt Cole, No Doubt." Fecca, "Looking to catch some of your own heat up north?" Styles, "Nah, smarks love Tazz, I’m hoping to cash in."
Dante pulls himself up and turns right into a kick to the gut. That One Guy hooks the front face lock with his left arm and throws up his right arm with a loud yell, however, when your as experienced as Dante you can sense when you’re in danger so his instincts kick in and he starts driving TOG back till his back collides with… The Exposed Turnbuckle.
Fecca, "Oh No! TOG’s already hurt back was just driven into that exposed turnbuckle!"
TOG’s arms shoot out as he staggers forward, one hand finding his back. Bounce TOG gets far enough forward, Dante rolls him up with a school boy ggrabbing a huge fist full of TOG’s pants, so much he exposes his ass, but Mason doesn’t see it and drops down.
TOG’s trying to kick out so Dante throws his feet up on the second rope for additional leverage.
Dante releases the pin and rolls out of the ring as TOG’s force that was held back when he was trying to kick out shoots him to his feet as his eyes get wide and the capacity crowd boos loudly.
Sabrina, "Your winner and Still PWT World Champion… Dante Cross."
Mason raises Dante’s arm on the floor as "Jimmy Crack Corn" blasts over the PA
Fecca, "What a travesty this is! Dante exposed that turnbuckle and THEN on top of it had the pants AND the ropes! Tee Oh Gee was just cheated!" Styles, "It’s only cheating if ya get caught." Fecca, "Well if nothing else That One Guy’s proven to be a real player here in PWT… You can expect to see him regularly from here on in, that much I guarantee." Styles, "Yeah, yeah, whatever! I sat through this to see Nova make the great Redneck hope QUIT! Is it time yet or what?!" Fecca, "Indeed it is… Let’s go ahead and show ya how this one would come to be."
From there we head into afive minute video recap of everything that made the Nova/CM Feud what it is today. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory III' (February 2008)
Date Posted:02/19/2009 7:38 PMCopy HTML
The big screen lights up with montage of everything leading to this match...Cm attacking Chris Mendryk because of Nova...Cm being forced to profess his love for Lori Anne....The debacle title match between Chris and Lori that looked like some kind of poorly made chick fight porn. Then the bombshell is dropped that Nova has possession of Rhya and Gabby Micheals. The wrestling world listened in shocked silence as Nova detailed his sick little game and how he had been the puppet master behind all of Cm's actions...Then comes the triumphant fight back of PWT's resident hero. Fighting back against the overwhelming odds of the Caine Clan ,with only the help of the high flying luchadore Whysper. The shock that Cm's brother was under the mask of the protege...Then comes the ladder match for the title with Rhya and Gabby's freedom hanging in the balance.
[CM spins Nova around and irish whips him towards the guard rail , Nova reverses trying to send Cm into the barricade, but CM counters right back and spins Nova firing him hard into the ladder folding it up and sending Nova crashing down ontop of it. The fans chant Holy Shit as Cm climbs up on the ring apron and runs down it ala Mick Foley but instead of the diving elbow he delivers an insane shooting star press right off the apron and down onto Nova's back.
[Cm walks towards that side of the ring looking at the structure as the men pull away the curtain revealing Rhya and Gabby Micheals standing inside. Rhya looks around still pretty groggy from Nova's coma cocktail with Gabby clutching her leg clearly scared to death.
Nova props the ladder up in the corner and drags Cm up by his hair..He whips CM into the corner sending the champ crashing into the ladder and following him in dropkicking him to the sternum with Cm having no place to go and being sandwiched against the ladder
Cm yells FORE and swings the chair with all he has left in him at the bottom of the ladder driving it into Nova's crotch...
[Nova climbs to the top of the ladder and reaches up for the title..His hands are on the belt,but he don't pull it down, instead he perches himself on top of the ladder and yells at Javen to wake up Cm. Javen smacks Cm in the face bringing the champ around so that Cm can see Nova perched up there ready to win the match...The champ struggles to get away but Javen has a death grip on him holding him back...Nova looks from Cm to behind Cm out on the floor where the cage sits..He blows a kiss to Rhya and licks his bloody lips.
Cm reaches the top of the ladder with Nova finally grabbing the middle rope and jerking his leg free, he falls onto the ring apron just in time to see Cm grab the box and jerk it free...

The music for the montage reaches a crescendo and then the drums kick in for the feeling of impending doom.
Cm turns the key in the lock and steps back opening the door...He looks nervous as the moment has finally arrived after all this time...Rhya awake and well will be back in his arms..He reaches his hand out to her offering to help her from the cage and Rhya suddenly bolts by Cm and runs around the cage racing up the ramp towards the back.
The video rolls with footage of just last week when Rhya made her suprise return to Shockwave only to get kicked in the face by her own husband as he went for the superkick on Nova...

The montage comes to an end with the clashing of Nova's and Cm's pictures together and the explosion of pyro.
Back live the crowd that was already going insane are now even more jacked up as special guest ring announcer Micheal Buffer walks to the center of the ring.
BF" The crowd in this building tonight is electric..I got goosebumps just thinking about this match.
ES" Gayyy"
Buffer" Ladies and Gentlemen it is now time for the main event of the evening and it is presented in conjuction with PWT presents, AVON productions and Hero Worship Media and will be contested under I quit rules. The first man to utter the words I quit into the microphone held by our official will be the loser...Please welcome at this time the official for this match Senior referee of PWT entertainment...Jim Richards"
Richards takes a step forward from his corner giving a slight wave and getting almost no response from the jacked up crowd.
Buffer"Fayetteville are you ready?"
Buffer" I said are you ready?"
Buffer" Are you ready?"
BF" Wow listen this crowd. I can barely hear myself think"
ES" Thats a quiet conversation anyway"
The lights dim and the spotlights start to circle the crowd as the dulcit tones of Devil's Rejects begin to play through the sound system. The crowd instantly goes from cheering to booing for the man that has become one of the top three most hated men in PWT....As the song chorus kicks in Nova appears through the curtain at the top of the stage. The boos only get louder as he makes his way towards the ring but Nova cracks a smile, his eyes are intense and unwaivering from the ring.

BF" There is no show boating in the Cancerous one here tonight. He knows how important his match is not only to Christian but to himself. "
ES" Of course he does, if he loses here tonight he is gone from PWT...This is his career in this sport and he knows it, there is no other federation out there going to pick Nova up. He has burned his bridges in Chicago and Texas is full of Nova's enemies. PWT is now his home and if he loses here tonight will be homeless"
BF" Buy him a shopping cart and send him on his way, Christian Micheals is fighting for his family, his fans and all of those little kids out there watching tonight that still believe in heroes."
ES" There is no Santa Claus either..Go to bed rugrats"
Nova leaps up onto the ring apron, he wipes his feet on the edge of the ring and then springs in over the top rope walking along side the ropes to his corner, not once acknowledging the thousands in attendance booing him.
A video starts on the tron as we hear "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor start to play. This video comprised of images depicting Christian Michaels in PWT & ICWA action,.....Fans are cheering like hell, the lights coming back on to reveal their hero with his back to them....His arms are outstretched in Jericho-fashion...CM spins round and makes his way down the aisle slapping as many hands as he can on the way

Many fans shouting well wishes as he moves up the steps.....Michaels steps into the ring and calls for those cheers.
BF" Listen to this reaction...My god its deafening in here"
ES"Huh?..I can hear you"
BF" Christian Micheals may have gotten screwed out of the Heavyweight Championship,but he is still the champion of these people"
ES" I thought that was Angel"
BF" Don't make me slap you tonight"
Cm stands across the ring his eyes locked on Nova with a fire burning in them that could singe your eyebrows off if he stared at ya.. There is so much more meaning to this match then just a title shot or a new contract. These men genuinely hate each other and want blood.
Buffer" In the corner to my right he hails from Ward Seven at Sulpur Springs Sanitarium and is a former PWT Titanium Champion. Please welcome the self proclaimed cancer of wrestling...NovaCaineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!"
[ The boos start in again.
BF" There is no suprise in these fans reaction to Nova,but I am a little suprised that none of the Caine Clan are out here with him tonight"
ES" Well this hasn't exactly been a great night for the Caine Clan,but I can bet they are watching from somewhere close and ready to pounce if needed"
BF" Thats what I am afraid of"
Buffer" An his opponent..."
Buffer" He is a multi-time champion in PWT and the 2006 King of PWT. This man is often known as the father of the modern era in PWT and the backbone of the company. He hails from Memphis Tennesee...This is the Southern Hearthrob....Christiannnnn Michealsssss!!"
Buffer has to run for cover as CM shoots from the corner right at Nova...Cm lays in a flurry of punches throttling Nova back into the corner to the sheer delight of the fans.
BF" I hate to steal a phrase but I think Cm just uttered...He is mad as hell and he isn't going to take it anymore"
ES" Is that from Popeye?"
BF" Twit"
ES" Twit? Never heard of it"
Cm whips Nova out of the corner and sends him flying across the ring crashing into the turnbuckle...Cm follows Nova in going airborne with a nasty looking leg lariat that catches Nova in his sternum. Nova stumbles out of the corner struggling to get some air as Cm uses his momentum to carry himself on over the ropes and land on the ring apron. He leaps up to the top rope and comes off catching Nova with the bulldog driving his head face first into the mat.
BF" Cm is a ball of fire out here and Nova is getting burned"
ES" Nova needs to get to the floor and slow this pace down or Cm is going to beat him to death"
Cm goes for the pinfall and the ref waves it off so Cm uses this chance to lay in a serious of rabbit punches to Nova's face trying early to bust the cancer open.
BF" Ya seen Cm go for the cover there out of habit, but this match can't be won by pinfalls, you gotta make your opponent quit"
ES" Cm is just a dumb hillbilly that don't know the rules."
Cm drags Nova back to his feet kneeing him in the gut and whipping him into the ropes...Cm telegraphs the back body drop and Nova stops short looking for the knee driver ala HHH,but Cm was waiting for that...As Nova tries to grab Cm's head and drive it down into his knee , Cm jerks back and lays him out with a vicious clothesline..
The fans are going insane over the asskicking Cm is laying upon Nova right now.
BF" That is what comes from scouting your opponent. In the first match between these two Cm probably ate that knee, but this time he was waiting for it. "
ES" Whoopity dooo...CM can learn, well so can dogs so thats not saying much"
Cm pops back to his feet looking for the elbow,but Nova quickly scurries out of the way and heads to the floor to the boos of the crowd.
BF" Look at him run"
ES" He isn't running he is just smart enough to know its time to slow this pace down"
Cm rolls out to the floor right behind Nova and spins him around laying in the punches again to Nova's suprise..Nova hits the floor and Cm goes instantly for a chair sending the time keeper and Buffer running for cover. He grabs the chair going back after Nova ,but Nova crawls back to his feet and takes off around the ring...Cm throws down the chair and chases after Nova...We get a little foot race around the outside of the ring before Cm catches up to Nova , who quickly turns looking for a left hook,Cm blocks the shot jabbing Nova to the face and then buries another knee to his gut. Nova drops over and Cm hooks him by the head slamming his face into the floor with a thunderous DDT.
BF" Jesus!! Nova is going to need some plastic surgery after this match"
ES"They should disqualify Cm right now..He is attacking poor Nova on the floor"
BF" There is no rules..First to say I quit loses...Thats it"
Cm rolls Nova over and we are greeted with the trickle of blood now running from Nova's nose thats crushed to one side with a possible break in it..Cm drops down ontop of Nova and hammers him in the face more directly right in that broken nose...Nova lets out a loud scream in pain and a pretty clear expletive that rymns with Duck...Cm waves to the ref who had been standing on the steps watching this all unfold without thinking about trying to stop it. Richards moves in taking the microphone from his back pocket.
BF" I'm suprised Cm is looking to end this match this soon..I thought he would wanna torture this maggot a little more"
ES" Maggot? Who are you, Sgt. Slaughter now?"
Richards moves in next to Nova even with Cm still hammering him in the face and really opening up a gusher from his nose..." Nova, what ya say? Do you wanna quit?"
Nova gurgles and spits a glob of blood from his mouth.." Fuck you"
BF" I will take that was a no and let me say that we will try to catch as many of these things in the truck as we can,but this is live television folks"
ES" Yeah..So go fuck yourselves"
Cm grabs the mic from Richards and hits Nova in the head with it several times giving not only Nova but the audience a headache with the reverb...He pulls Nova back up to his feet by his hair with the Cancerous One seeming a bit wobbly now from the beating he is getting...Cm kicks Nova in the gut yet again and grabs his head perhaps looking for the Just Like That or maybe another DDT ,but we will never really know as Nova makes what could be a last ditch effort to turn this match around and hooks Cm around the waist and lifts him into the air taking him over his head with a sort of modified belly to belly release suplex which is bad enough on the floor, but it only gets worse for our hero as he comes crashing down back first on the steel ring steps and tumbles over them gashing open his ribcage on the corner of the steps.
BF" Good God"
ES" Now lets hear all your praise for Christian"
The energy seems to get sucked right out of the audience as Cm lays there on the floor writhing in pain with blood starting to pour from his side..However Nova is no position to capitalize as he also is laying on the floor panting like a dog in a hot car since he is unable to breathe through his nose now.
BF" Both of these men are down and I am not sure if either one can continue"
ES" They will get up...Fights like this aren't bred upon paychecks ,titles or getting to be the guy in the main event oppose to the guy before the main event. This match is all about pride, revenge and maybe a little bit of honor...That kind of stuff drives a man to get up even when noone else thinks he can"
Nova finally rolls to his belly and pushes himself up onto his knees. At the same time amazingly Cm starts to move around, there is a disturbing pool of blood around him sort of like when Bret Hart ate the steps against The British Bulldog and got sliced open the hard way...The blood gushes down from maybe a six inch gash on his left side just below his ribcage...Cm pulls himself to his feet and struggles to stand up straight as the pain sears through his back like a hot knife through butter. Nova pops to his feet and digs down for a little extra as he runs at Cm and leaps up onto the steps before diving off and driving his knee right into Cm's spine sending the fan's hero crashing into the security railing and then into the front row of fans.
BF" Jesus how do these two keep going? Cm is suffering bad with the back and is bleeding like a stuck hog. While Nova can barely breath now."
Nova tries to pull Cm back over the railing but this redneck country and those people out there in the audience are Cm's people...Hell some of them probably are related seeing as Incest is a foreign word to these cow tippers...Several of the fans in the front row take a swing at Nova who quickly falls back away from the railing and starts screaming at the ref to get them back. The security in the crowd move in trying to keep the fans back and Nova cautiously moves in trying to drag Cm over the railing...This added time was all the hero needed though and comes up swinging when Nova pulls him to his feet...Cm drops Nova with a flurry of fists ,but struggles noticeably to get over the railing.
BF" He is really favoring his back now Eddie"
ES" Well its common knowledge that Cm has had back issues in the past and thats definitely not helping him now"
Cm gets over the railing and bends down dragging Nova to his feet. He attempts to irish whip the cancerous one back into the ring,but Nova reverses at the last instant and sends Cm back first into the ring apron...Cm's body spasms with him letting out a pain filled yell and falling to the floor..
BF" Right back on that lower back.."
ES" Nova said he would use the Anderson mentality in this match. If you hurt a body part then you work that part until it breaks.
Nova walks slowly around ringside stopping several times to spit blood out of his mouth as it trickles into back of his throat....He picks up the chair Cm had originally and slowly heads back in that direction with the fans getting damn near to the verge of rioting to save their hero.
BF" Damn him...Always looking for the cheap shot"
ES" You shut that shit up right now. You didn't say a damn thing when Cm had the chair so don't start now"
Cm has managed to get back to his hands and knees as Nova walks around the ring. He straddles Cm's back like he is about to take a fuckin pony ride and then viciously drives the edge of the chair down into Cm's back...Cm falls flat against the floor again with Nova driving the chair down into his back over and over....He looks to Richards and yells at him" ASK HIM!!"
Richards moves in and slips the mic down to Cm's lips" What ya say Micheals?"
" AHHHHHHHHHH....Never...."
Nova slams the chair down again trying to split Cm in half with the damn thing..
" AAAAAAAAAAHHHH...I won't quit ...I won't quit Nova...Go to hell"
Nova throws the chair down and shoves Richards out of the way, he drags Cm up to his feet and rolls him back into the ring making sure to bury a couple swift forearms to his spine on the way in.
BF" Cm isn't going to quit no matter what Nova does...Thats just a fact"
ES" The mind might say no,but that body will eventually give in to the pain and he will either quit or pass out from the pain" |
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- Register:12/01/2008 4:13 PM
Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory III' (February 2008)
Date Posted:02/19/2009 7:40 PMCopy HTML
Nova follows Cm into the ring but doesn't go after the hillbilly hero..He turns his attention to the turnbuckle and working on getting the pad off...Richards tries to step in and stop him,but his hands are pretty much hog tied by the no rules stipulations. Nova gets the pad off the turnbuckle and looks at the crowd with a sadistic grin, the blood seeping out of his nose into his mouth has stained his teeth and gums red.
BF" Nova looks like he just devoured an elk...Geesh thats only a face a mother could love"
ES" Or Angel"
BF" That might be up for debate these days"
Nova turns his attention back to Cm who is again displaying the heart of a fighter and trying to get to his feet. Nova pulls back his leg like a place kicker and sends a kick right into the gash on Cm's ribs...Cm rolls to his back grabbing at the wound and Nova takes the chance to drop an elbow right into his chest.
BF" Cm needs to get to his feet or this could turn into a damn disection quickly"
ES" I think he would get up if his back would let him"
Nova helps Cm with the task of getting up by dragging him to his feet and pointing towards the exposed steel of the turnbuckle. He whips Cm into the corner with such force that it knocks him down...Cm crashes into the exposed bolting for the turnbuckle and his back jerks forward as he lets out another ear piercing yell...Nova stumbles to his feet laughing and runs at the corner looking for the high knee shot again , Cm drops out of the way and Nova crashes into the steel knee first with his leg getting ackwardly caught in between the top and middle ropes as he fell back to the mat , leaving his knee hung in a horrific way between the ropes and him screaming.
BF" JESUS!! Thats the way to hyper-extend the knee"
ES" These two are going to be easy pickings for anyone if either of these men survive."
Nova hangs there struggling to get free as once again Cm shows some super human strength ,maybe this fucker is a super hero afterall and gets up to his feet..He can't stand straight up anymore and with the amount of blood pouring from his side he should have done passed out and yet he is still going..Cm smiles at Nova stuck like a rat in a trap and moves in for the kill.....He pounds Nova in the knee with all he can muster behind his punches and then drops down grabbing Nova's leg and pushing his own legs against the ropes in effect using the ropes in a modified indian deathlock...Nova writhes around swinging wildly at Cm,but is really unable to connect with anything....Cm calls for the ref and Richards moves in with the mic.
" What do ya say Nova?"
"Motherrrrrrrrrrrrrfuckerrr....AHHHHHHHHH....YOU SORRY SUMBITCH"
Cm jerks back even further on the leg and Nova screams even louder..
" I'll break it you bitch"
Nova reaches out unable to hit Cm with a fist and does something only his sick mind would think of...He buries his fingers in Cm's wound and digs into the flesh sending the blood splattering all over him and Cm rolling across the mat in agony...
BF" Fans I know this goes without saying, but if you have small children in the room with you at home...Please take them out ,this match is getting beyond brutal"
ES" I know...Isn't it GREAT"
With both men in agony its Nova who somehow manages to pull himself up with the ropes long enough to free his leg...He sinks to the mat and struggles with the use of the ropes to get up...Cm's torso looks like he has been buthering livestock and his back in one massive bruise thats growing by the minute, but yet neither man looks on the verge of quitting....Cm and Nova both stagger to their feet and back towards the center of the ring exchanging a flurry of back and forth punches with Cm seemingly getting the upper hand yet again, he rocks Nova with right hook to the cheers of the fans..The chant gets louder with each punch he lands.
CM!! CM!!! CM!!..CM!!
BF" I don't know where this man is getting his strength from, he continues to fight back."
ES" He is retard strong...Nova says so"
BF" I apologize for my colleague's comment about the mentally handicapped. Please don't protest"
ES" Why you doing that? Not like they know what the hell I am saying anyway"
Just as it looks like Cm is gaining his momentum back Nova shoots a left into the wound doubling Cm forward and hooks him by the head jerking his face into the mat with the Painkiller before Cm even knew what was happening...Both men lay lifeless in the middle of the ring with Richards looking down on them and shrugging...He moves in next to Cm .." What ya say Cm?"
" Drop dead "
Richards moves to Nova " How about you Caine?"
"Fuck you cock knocker"
BF" Well that was pretty clear by both men"
ES"Ahahaha think so?"
Nova is the first up this time and goes right to stomping on that back, he pulls Cm up and pushes him back against the ropes shoving his arms back tying him up in the ropes....He kicks CM in the ribcage and stumbles back across the ring getting some speed off the ropes he runs or rather hobbles at Cm and drives his shoulder into Cm's gut...Nova falls down ,but is quickly struggling back to his feet while Richards does his best to free Cm.
BF" I just don't know how much longer these two men can take this kind of punishment and still keep going"
ES" As long as it takes...There will be a winner"
The crowd has remained standing throughout this violent affair cheering for Cm, booing Nova...But the gasps from the audience start when Nova goes into his boot and brings out the razor...
BF" That bastard...Not this again"
ES" Cm knew this was going to be a war, he should have came prepared."
Richards tries to stop Nova,but gets pie faced out of the way and Nova continues to hobble back towards CM...He flips open the razor seemingly intent on carving Cm up..
BF" This is going to be bad"
ES" I know...I wish I had brought my camera"
Nova reaches down smearing his hand through Cm's blood that had splattered on him earlier and rubs it down his face flinching when he hits his broken nose...He smirks at Cm and then spits a glob of blood and snot in Cm's face...Leaning in with the razor ready to do some cutting when Cm pulls out his own little defense from his bag of tricks..His arms might be tied up ,but legs are free and even with the severe back pain his able to raise that boot hard and fast right into Nova's jewels...Nova lets out a gasping yell and falls to one side grabbing at his crotch...Cm struggles to get free, but without help its just no use...Nova tumbles out to the floor still grabbing his crotch and gives Cm the perfect opportunity to get free,but Cm is just to weak to pry his way out of the ropes and Richards is still down.
BF"Damnit..If CM could just get free he could go on the offensive and beat this sick bastard into a coma if he has to."
ES" Please welcome Biased the Wonder Dog...For his next trick he will cheer the redneck some more"
The fans are of course popping big time for Cm ,but suddenly those cheers raise a few octaves within one section...Like a wave at a damn baseball game the fans cheers pick up row by row leading from the top downward.
BF" We might have a fight in the crowd"
ES" Fifty bucks on the one name Bubba"
BF" How do you know there is someone named Bubba even fighting?"
ES" This is Arkansas, everyone here is named Bubba or Cletus"
The spotlight hits the crowd and we see that they aren't cheering for a fight they are cheering for The Southern Sweetheart Rhya Micheals whose making tracks towards the ring with her favorite Aluminum baseball bat in hand and sporting a black eye that would have Ron Simmons working over time with the Damn.....
ES" She looks like a racoon with that shiner"
BF" She is gorgeous"
ES" Hell yeah, but still part coon there"
BF" She is heading to the ring and she is armed, but who is that bat for.?"
Rhya climbs over the security railing and slides into the ring bringing the bat up to a swinging stance..Cm is getting pretty glossy eyed from the blood loss and barely raises his head looking at her with those sad eyes of a man just about out of gas...She takes a step towards him with the bat and raises it like she is going to deliver the knock out blow
BF" NOOOOOO...Don't do it Rhya ,it was all NovaCaine not Christian"
ES" Dooooooo it...Crack his head like a damn pinata."
The fans are going insane screaming aswell until a majority of them have loss their voices..
Rhya flinches with the bat and looks towards Nova who is still laying lifeless on the floor...Then she makes that decision that everyone had been waiting for and drops the bat before leaning in and planting a lip lock on CM that has the building erupting with cheers.
BF" YESSSSSSSS!!! The Micheals are back"
ES" Dumb bitch "
Rhya pulls away from the kiss having revived Cm with those sweet lips and tackles the task of getting him free...Of course Nova is like that snake just waiting for the rabbit to turn its back on him long enough to strike and strike he did...Nova rolled in from the floor using the ropes to pull himself up he scooped something up from the mat and lunged at Rhya jerking her away from Cm before she could get his other arm free..Nova grabs Rhya around the neck putting her arm into a hammerlock and dragging her back further from Christian...Rhya struggles to get free but Nova has a damn death grip on her arm and torques that bitch up until its touching her shoulderblades and she is screaming bloody murder...Richards tries to intervene and Nova screams at him to get the mic...Richards pulls free the mic and holds it to Nova's lips...
" Quit you bastard or I break her arm"
Rhya screams through the tears" DONT DO IT CHRIS"
Nova torques the arm more with Cm yelling " STOPPPPPPPPP!!"
Nova lets go of Rhya neck momentarily and produces the straight razor he had scooped up off the mat ... " QUIT OR I CUT THE BITCH!!"
BF" This low life son of a bitch...He can't beat Christian so he is using his wife to get at him"
ES" What that is right there is brilliance...Either Chrissy quits and shows his love for Rhya or he lets Nova carve her up for his own selfish reasons"
Nova draws the razor along Rhya's cheek cutting open a small wound and then darts his tongue across it licking away the blood "Mmmmm I can taste the fear...QUIT HILLBILLY OR I BREAK HER!!"
Cm kicks at Nova and struggles but in his weaken state he is just unable to get free.
CM looks away and then nods...He looks at Richards and he moves in towards him with Nova smiling like a damn cat chewing up the canary .... " Fuck you NOVA....I QUIT!!!"
BF" Nooooooooo"
ES" Ahahahaha yes...NOVA STAYS!!!"
Nova throws Rhya out of the way with Richards going towards Nova as he calls for the bell aswell..Nova punches Richards square up in the mouth and continues to stalk towards Cm....Cm kicks at him and Nova slashes at him with the Razor...Cm's back only allowed for a couple good kicks and when the last weak one came off Nova dipped in and dug the end of the razor right into CM's wound...Cm screams in agony ,but its only for a second when Nova is spun around and Rhya starts slamming fists into his face..
BF" Finally..Kick his ass Rhya, this bastard deserves it for what he did to you and your family"
ES" This isn't fair...Nova has just been through a damn war"
Rhya is giving it all she has, but Nova outweighs her by over a hundred pounds and is able to absorb most of the shots, he grabs Rhya by her hair jerking her head back and licking his lips ready to lay a big kiss on her like she gave Cm....He leans in for the kiss and starts to scream like a banshee as Rhya reached up and grabbed his broken nose...she brings her knee up into his jewels really giving him a case of black and blue balls then as a final redemption for what Nova has done she manages to hook him and though she isn't big enough to lift him she is just the right size to slam his jaw into the top of her shoulder with the Declaration of Hatred...Nova falls though the ropes crashing to the floor with the fans ovation deafening..
BF" Payback is a bitch"
ES" No..Rhya is a bitch"
Rhya goes to her man he wraps his free arm around her and holds her close..Wrapping both arms around her when she gets his other hand free...They share an embrace that moistens up more then a few eyes in the crowd...
BF" He might have lost here tonight and we might have to deal with that sick bastard NovaCaine until someone finally cripples him, but tonight Christian Micheals won the biggest prize of them all in my book"
ES" I hate happy endings"
Buffer" Here is your winner....NOVAAAAAA------"
Buffer is cut off with a thud that draws the camera to him and shows Nova standing over him holding Rhya's bat...He slams the bat down into Buffer's sternum for good measures and then looks to the ring....He points the bat at Rhya and Cm with a glare that even the best horror writers couldn't describe..
BF" That bastard just attacked Micheal Buffer...Why him?"
ES" Who cares..I hate rumble boy anyway"
Cm , Rhya and Nova have a staredown for several more seconds before Nova throws the bat into the ring and shakes his head turning his back to the ring and heading for the back.
BF" What a pay per view Immortal Glory has been...I know this pay per view was born on one fight between Seifer and DVD, but it has become so much more now. The reason this show is appropiately titled Immortal Glory is because what we seen here tonight will live on forever..."
ES" Geesh what a load of crap"
Nova is seen hobbling up the ramp sucking air like he needed an oxygen tank , back in the ring we see the Micheals finally reunited with Rhya helping Cm to stand and holding his arm high in victory...Someone in the crew escorts Gabby to the ring and she quickly scurries in running into her Daddy's arms...
BF" How can that not get you right there in the heart Eddie?"
ES" Because I am not a homo like you"
BF" For my colleague Eddie Styles, I'm Bob Fecca and we will see you Sunday Night at Shockwave for the fallout of yet another epic PWT pay per view...Remember folks if its not Pro Wrestling Today then its just a waste"
The show fades to a montage of the sites and sounds of Immortal Glory with "How far we've come" playing in the background. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory III' (February 2008)
Date Posted:02/19/2009 7:41 PMCopy HTML
[ Footsteps are heard backstage as the cameras zoom up a man walking with boots, jeans and finally we see wearing a gray t-shirt. We get to his face and its revealed to be none other than Kiefer Sutherland who gets a HUGE pop from the crowd.
Styles: Its stars like him that really sell the fact that Immortal Glory is one of our elite PPV's.
Kiefer: Immortal Glory. Two years ago the phenomenon was started as a Free Per View event. It would not only go on to host the Match of the Year, an Iron Man match between then Heavyweight Champion Seifer and challenger David Van Dam but would also capture PPV of the Year at the PWT Choice Awards. Immortal Glory II soon followed in its footsteps as it captured PPV of the Year a second time. Immortal Glory. Where the stars of Professional Wrestling Today fight for their names to be forever immortalized in the annuls of PWT history. Where true glory is attained through blood, sweat, tears, and broken bodies. This is Immortal Glory.
[ Kiefer grins, it was time.
Kiefer: Don't mind the broken kayfabe, as you've seen on my show, 24, sometimes you have to break the rules to get results.
[ The cameras begin to black out, however we can still hear Kiefer's voice.
The following takes place between the Heavyweight Title match and the "I Quit" match.
[ His words appear on the black screen and then digitalize out as the scene opens backstage.
[ Echoes through the halls where we see two sweaty, sexy wrestlers walking down the hallway arms latched onto each other with the Tag Team Championships around their waists and bottles of champagne in their free hands. They’re spraying it all over the damn place, pouring and drinking it on themselves as well. Truly a beautiful site to be hold.
Isabell: HELL YEAH! Summer thought she could stop us, EH EH! X-Man thought he could stop up us NOOOOOOO!!
[ They continue the party and showing everyone want two celebrating champs more or less right after their match when they come across Marcus after his conversation with Bobby. He doesn’t see them and Seifer takes the champagne bottle, places his finger over the top of it and shakes it before spraying it right in his face as he turns around.
Isabell: Sorry Markypoo, but I'm with a real champ now.
[ He begins to get it out of his eyes as they already have made away like bandits in the night “WHOOOing” as they do so, he turns around and just glares in their direction, looking none to pleased.
Fecca: UGH! Those two sicken me!
Styles: Why?
Fecca: Spraying champagne in Marcus’ face? I may not like the guy but that’s just damned cruel!
Styles: He should be celebrating with them. If he really loved Izzy he’d be happy she got what he could never give her!
Fecca: You’re just as messed up as them.
Styles: No I just recognize talent.
[ Now the power couple tag champs come across Georgia’s locker room. Seifer looks over at Izz.
Seifer: I think we should go pay her a visit. A little ‘thanks’ for helping out.
Isabell: Mm, good idea. You thinking what I’m thinking?
Seifer: Yes, but that’d be waaaaay too mean.
[ She punches him in the arm.
Isabell: NOT THAT!
Seifer: Oh… *blushes* then I guess not.
[ She whispers into his ear and in they waltz in where we see Georgia packing up her things, she’d probably stay like all stars do till the end of the show and then leave right after. She stops and looks at the two, kind of wondering what the hell they want.
Seifer: Relax, we just wanted to extend our gratitude. Nothing like having someone being the cause of our great victory and trying to steal our glory as the single greatest faction to ever grace this company.
Isabell: Yeah Gee, and I know we got off on the wrong foot, so let me welcome you to our party.
[ She grabs that champagne bottle and before Georgia can say anything she shakes and sprays as Georgia yells at her but again like Marcus it’s all in her eyes and by the time she can see again, they’re off their merry little way!
Fecca: This is ridiculous.
Styles: She had it coming.
Isabell: ALL HAIL THE GODDESS QUEEN AND HER KING! The downright greatest, most unstoppable force in ALLLLLLLL OF WRESTLING!
[ Right then they come across Kenneth Mitch who has a microphone in hand and looks excited to get word with the new champs.
Ken: Seifer, Isabell! You just won the tag team titles, how does it feel?
Isabell: Yet another title The Izz has acquired, once again proving that *I* am the top female around here!
Ken: Strong words considering three champs are women, not including the Femme Fatale herself.
Seifer: We’ll get to everyone in a second Kenny boy, don’t you worry. Four times and I gotta say this time, feels the best. We beat two people who shouldn’t have even been in that ring in the first place and now we stand as the top in the business.
Ken: Well no one can deny that you guys are good, good together too. But you cheated quite a lot in that match. How can you say you’re at the top?
Isabell: So?!
[ Seifer grins.
Seifer: That’s my girl. The late, great Eddie Guerrero said ‘if you’re not cheating, you’re not trying.’ Ever since my Horsemen days I always said I do what I want, when I want, how I want, Seifer style. We had fun out there tonight, if people don’t like it? Tough. We’re on top because let’s face it; I don’t need a singles title to prove I’m the best in this company. I’m the gat damn King and like it or not, Seifer is the standard bearer, period.
Ken: So why do you have your eyes set on the People’s title.
Seifer: Don’t ask stupid questions Ken.
Isabell: You’re going to be like everyone else, questioning why we’re so good. But honestly the list of champions makes you wonder how you ever got on without us as champs. The new Backyard Champ?
Seifer: She’s good alright, for a month that is until she gets bored of the title and flees again for two months.
Isabell: The People’s Champ?
Seifer: She’s the one solid champion, after seeing the way she promoted her match this week it’s no doubt she’s golden…
[ /Sarcasm.
Seifer: Hopefully she beats her challengers because soon it’ll be just me and her. The Titanium Champ?
Isabell: She didn’t defend tonight? Figures. Similar to SinDee, hold a title, get bored, dump it for other things, no wonder the FF title is trash.
Seifer: Nice headway, the Femme Fatale Champ.
Isabell: Who?! Goes to show you any girl can walk in, shake their ass for those who matter and next thing you know they’re champ. It’s why the PWT Jingle Belle > Femme Fatale.
Seifer: As ridiculous sounding as that title is, you’re right.
Isabell: The Heavyweight Champ?
Seifer: Being forced to fight nobodies until he loses the title to the Klu Kaine Klan. I smell setup… and luckily I dun care. I don’t like the guy, but at least he’s the one credible champ behind us.
Ken: You guys are so full of yourselves.
Isabell: With good reason, now run along little boy, you bore me and I want to celebrate some more.
[ Ken Mitch scurries along as Seifer shoves him and the tag champs continue their celebrating ways, heading back to their suite style locker room where there’s even more champagne and even a hot tub. The door is locked and we fade to Borat.
Borat: SEXY TIME! Very nice!!
[ Faaaaaaaade! |
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