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Date Posted:02/15/2009 7:26 PMCopy HTML

The PWT logo fills the screen and then it begins to deteriorate, slowly at first but then picking up speed as the logo weathers quickly, until a strong gust of wind finally blows what pieces are left of it. As the gray ashes of the logo flutter about a bright glowing golden dot appears to be floating amidst them. The cameras spin around, following the floating ashes and tiny golden dot as the wind continues to blow them across the now drab, gray, barren landscape. The small dot begins to grow, in size as it continues to glow brighter causing the landscape to fade away from the gray and into a white. The golden dot nears us as it begins to fill the screen, we find it's a golden crystal as it's a little bigger now, the cameras swirl around giving us a panoramic view of its beauty.
The crystal begins to fill the screen and when it does we no longer see whiteness, but rather an unknown mystical cityscape, off in the distance we see the golden flash again of the crystal. The cameras speed up, in pursuit of the crystal that is soaring in between the buildings, lyrics of Immortal Glory II's theme song "Big Time" accompany the music as the chase continues.
Welcome to the future, Welcome to the future..
The camera is unable to keep the side view of the crystal at the breakneck speeds its hitting as it falls behind it, watching as the golden crystal wizzes on by buildings until up in the distance we see ominous storm clouds above. In the middle of the littered street is a figure shrouded in darkness, upon closer inspection we see it is Omen, standing with his palm held out, the crystal lands in his hand, bathing him in the golden light. Omen holds the crystal gently in his hand, inspecting it as he does so and admiring it. The camera makes the dive, right into the crystal as it explodes, encompassing the entire world as we've no choice but to pan out, upon doing so we find the entire world has become the eye of Sean Hunter. As we zoom out we see him standing in the same street Omen was standing, only this time the litter is blowing wildly around except for where Hunter is walking, as if a force shield is around him keeping it from getting in his space. Sean holds out his hands and from the distance we see the crystal again, entering into the palm of his hands as he holds it, he takes both hands and slowly begins to bring it to his face as it lights up with a golden flare even more until in one quick movement the crystal is gone as Sean has his hands on his face which is glowing with a golden light.
Get into the new speed, Get into the enemy... Mass communication (genemanipulation)
However that light quickly fades away as his facial features now begin to deteriorate much like the logo did earlier as the wind begins to blow it away, but a face is still there, as the rest of his features disappear we see the face of Cross. He's got an evil, hungry for blood look in his eyes as the crystal darts out from Cross and goes across the street to where he's looking, we see Damien Collins there, standing with his arms held out. Cross takes off running as does DC, the two of them end up impacting into each other, smothering the crystal in the process at the same time as the golden light fills the screen once more as they evaporate, leaving an empty street now and on the ground, the golden crystal.
So what’s the occupation? (what’s your dedication?) Welcome to the future, Straight into the future
Footsteps echo quickly as a hand reaches out and picks up the crystal, marveling at its beauty as Matt Matlock flashes a grin, tightly closing his hands as he goes to pocket the crystal but then, flying out of no where we see someone grabbing a hold of his head and jumping forward. It's Jacob Mitchell as he nails him with a Prodigal Drop, the crystal bouncing away from Matlock's hand who now is blown away as Mitchell picks up the crystal with a grin he places it on his shoulder and dusts it off, the crystal goes flying as he does so, away from the scene as the cameras once again attempt to follow it.
Bigtime (Bigtime), We’re all partners in crime Bigtime (Bigtime), We’re all standing in line
We don't have to for long as it ends up hovering above the face of Aubrey Baxter, her blonde hair now golden as it blows in the wind, her eyes light up as she goes to grasp it but it shoots off before she's able to and heads straight for the sky. Suddenly it stops in front of a very... angelic face as Angelique's eyes flare a devious one towards the crystal and quickly it begins to sink down. As it does the entire atmosphere changes as it begins one of many snowflakes falling, but the only golden one. It floats like a feather in the air and falls into the hands of an outstretched Isabell Winters. She holds the golden crystal, her eyes becoming tranced around it, fascinated by its pure beauty. Suddenly a strong wind picks up, the crystal begins to float away from her as she runs after it, but it's far too fast and she's left in the dust as it flies into the center of a crown surrounding other diamonds as the cameras scroll down, the crown sits atop the head of Georgia James who is sitting upon a throne. A vibrant flash in her eyes as she touches the crystal and stands tall, stretching her arms out as the light flashes once more over the screen.
Welcome to the future, Welcome to the future... Talking about the old times, Scared about the new times...
Now standing in the middle of a field we see Rot, with the same crown in his hand and the golden crystal still in the middle. He places it upon his head as he begins to walk, faster and faster as the crown flies off his head and the crystal falls out of it. It bounces to the ground as it begins to roll and roll, right to the foot of Whysper who lifts it up. He inspects it and as if he's about to discover its secret, it surges into his eye sending him sprawling backwards as he lands on the ground, the camera enters into the right eye which fills the screen, now becoming the field of view as the focus remains on the sky.
Does anybody know you? (will anybody need you?), Can anybody please you? (does anybody have to?), Welcome to the future, Straight into to the future
Suddenly the view of Becca is seen as the court adjourning over her people as we see both Christian Michaels and Sean Frost Mann, standing amidst the sky as they slowly fall, both of them on the edge just waiting to go at each other however it's as if an invisible wall is holding them back, in between them is the golden crystal again. It doesn't affect them at first but as they near ground level, it begins to, both of their eyes becoming transfixed on the crystal as they step into the city once again. The city slowly floats away from them, they both begin to go after it but suddenly turn and strike one another, both of them exploding and their ashes floating away as they do so as the cameras switch around, showing the crystal's destination now, towards the middle of the city where the golden PWT Championship belt is hanging, suspended freely in the air. It soars on through the city, nearing the belt and as it enters seamlessly into the plate we find a hand holding the championship.
Bigtime, We’re all partners in crime, Bigtime, We’re all standing in line, Bigtime, We’re all partners in crime, Bigtime, We’ve all been left behind...
The cameras pan around and it's Seifer, standing there smiling but in the blink of his eye he finds the championship gone. His eyes look up and he finds Bobby Johnson standing atop of a building holding up the World Championship to the sky. Seifer's eyes shift back to his hand that was holding the belt as he slowly opens it and we see the golden crystal, floating in his palm. He looks up and then with a morbid smile shuts his hand as he squeezes the crystal. Instantly light spills between his fingertips and become part of the championship. Seifer drifts away as Bobby stands tall, the belt continuing to shine. But it keeps getting brighter and brighter until the golden light fills the sky and once more the screen.
Bigtime, We’re all partners in crime, Bigtime, We’re all standing in line, Bigtime, We’re all partners in crime, Bigtime, We’ve all been left behind...
The golden screen begins to fade away, as it does we see the same city as before, only no debris, instead it's a magnificent blue with golden rays shining upon it. As it continues to shine we see parts of it fading into the background as other parts are fading in, the bluish words are now being brought forth and are clearly visible.
The world itself now explodes into golden crystal like fragments which shift to the Freedom Hall arena as a gigantic display of pyrotechnic fireworks are exploding, golden, silver, blue, all shoot off all around the arena as a display is shown at the bottom of the screen.
Immortal Glory II LIVE! from the Freedom Hall in Louisville, Kentucky |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory II' (February 2007)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 7:27 PMCopy HTML
The cameras begin to pan across the fevered crowd as "Big Time" by The Soundtrack of Our Lives is echoing around the arena. The arena so deafening we can barely hear Bob Fecca shouting.
Eddie Styles: Thanks for the introduction Bob, it's GREAT TO BE HERE! Can you believe this ovation?! THE FANS ARE READY FOR IMMORTAL GLORY II!
Bob Fecca: It's hard to hear myself think out here Eddie! But I feel them, I'm ready too. Tonight we're seeing the PWT PPV debuts of some of the biggest names in our industry, Jacob Mitchell, Cross, Omen, what a crazy week Shockwave was. And tonight... they're ALL in action!
Eddie Styles: It was out of control! Yes they are, Sean Hunter and Omen are HUGE names in the business and they'll be going balls to the wall tonight.
Bob Fecca: Not to forget Jacob Mitchell and Matlock continue their storied rivalry.
Eddie Styles: Maybe Matlock will finally win one... nah. Cross is also in action against former PWT Champion Damien Collins! Not to mention we've got the first ever in PWT history, a sword fight between new comer Ravyn and the nobleman himself Sir Owen Gyles! As well as a handicap match against Akmed?! Can he handle Jessica Jones and Tim Torn?!
Bob Fecca: We'll find out soon. Angelique and Aubrey will finally have a match that should put an end to their madness.
Eddie Styles: I don't trust Nova at ringside, you know he's dying to do something!
Bob Fecca: Trust is something CM and SFM don't have as they continue with their heated rivalry. We also have three championships being put on the line in the Femme Fatale, TITANium, and of course the HIGHLY anticipated Heavyweight title match.
Eddie Styles: Isabell looks hungry but Georgia is our reigning goddess! Rot versus Whysper has only just begun to heat up. And Bobby versus Seifer? MONEY BABY! MONEY!
Bob Fecca: They've been going at it for the past couple weeks, tonight we finally get to see the two PWT titans one on one, what a night it's going to be!
The cameras shift to the ring where Sabrina is underneath the scaffolding. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory II' (February 2007)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 7:27 PMCopy HTML
Sabrina: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to Immortal Glory! Our first contest of the evening is the Sword Fight! The rules are simple, the two fighters will ascend the scaffold right above us and will fight using kendo sticks until one of them plummets to the ground.
Loud thunderous drums sound out over the arena speakers, as "Warriors of Light" by Freedom Call begins to play.
Hands up high Our warriors of light And carry on a thousand times Our forever lasting ride
The song then picks up speed as the chorus finishes. The curtains are parted, as Sir Owen Gyles comes through the curtain riding a white horse. He is dressed in a white pants and shirt, and a white robe.. He raises an arm into the air, as the fans cheer. He smiles and rides the horse down the ramp as he is introduced by the ring announcer.
Sabrina: Making his way to the ring, from Herefordshire, England...weighing in at 220 pounds, he is the 'Warrior of Light'...Sir Owen Gyles!
Owen ties the horse up in the corner and then make his way up the scaffolding above the ring. When he finally reaches the top he walks to one side of the scaffold and bows, and then to the other side and bows again. He removes his robe and lays it in the corner as he stands ready to do battle with his opponent as the referee already up there hands him a kendo stick. Sir Owen looks down at Midnight who had come out after him and nods his head as she does her, wishing him good luck.
The lights flicker as Eternal Rest by A7X plays in the arena. Ravyn comes out pointing to the fans and to his opponents while trash talking as he has his barbed wire bat with him. He gets down to the ring and slides in and then points upward with his bat while looking up for a brief moment. He then tosses the bat aside and jumps around in one spot stretching before heading up to climb the scaffolding after some choice words to Midnight which are returned. He finally reaches the top as he's handed a kendo stick.
Sabrina: And up on the scaffold is his opponent from Romania... RAVYN CROOOOOOWWW!!!
The two of them start to circle each other as the referee explains the rules to them before telling them to get it on as the bell rings.
Ravyn sticks out his hand to Sir Owen as he hesitates but then smiles at Ravyn's nobility. But as Sir Owen goes to shake his hand Ravyn cracks his kendo stick around and nails him in the side before delivering a couple throat thrusts to Owen's neck, pushing him back a bit as he charges with his 'sword'. Owen is able to fend off the attacking Ravyn as he blocks his sword attempts with his kendo stick and the dueling begins.
Styles: First match of the night is certainly unique!
Fecca: That it is, Ravyn getting the advantage after getting the jump on Sir Owen Gyles.
He continues to impress with his sword skills, pushing Owen closer and closer to the edge but as he swings for the head Owen sacrifices his arm and blocks it as he spins around and gets Ravyn in the side with the stick as he puts his free arm over it to protect it and now it's Sir Owen who is on the offensive. He takes it to Ravyn as the two clash kendo sticks once more, going back and forth. Ravyn attempts to kick Sir Owen in the shin but he sidesteps it and nails him in the leg, then drives his kendo stick into the back of Ravyn and pushes him all the way to the edge.
Fecca: Ravyn's on the edge!!!
From down below Midnight is yelling things at her ex as he tries to ignore it, looking back at Sir Owen as he spits in his face, Sir Owen wipes it from his eyes as he stares at Ravyn who gives a cocky laugh before lunging towards Gyles. He tackles him to the ground as they begin to throw punches before they both rise to their feet. Ravyn is up first as he charges at Sir Owen but is side stepped and thrown into the corner as his face hits off the steel pipe that's part of the scaffold. Sir Owen is quick to react as he picks up his kendo stick sword and slams it into the neck of Ravyn, shattering the stick on impact as Ravyn stumbles and is helped off the scaffolding as Sir Owen Gyles shoves him.
Fecca: MY GOD!!!
Ravyn plummets to the mat below, his body crumpling under the thud as he lies motionless and the bell rings. Sir Owen takes a bow.
Sabrina: Your winner... SIR OWEN GYLES!!!
Styles: What a fight!
"Warriors of Light" blares across the arena as Sir Owen makes his way back down the scaffolding as paramedics come out to help Ravyn as we fade for a moment. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory II' (February 2007)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 7:28 PMCopy HTML
The arena goes black. Some black mist begins to seep through the arena as red and silver strobe lights flash, and "To Kill Tomorrow" by I Killed The Prom Queen blares out over the titantron. There's a flash. Upon the tron now stands The Destroyer herself. She's dressed in full black, with red accents and chains. The back is of course running images, and she raises up both hands, the devil's horns, and a chain is held between both hands. She releases one hand with a pyro going off behind her, and heads down the tron, swinging the chain at her side. She uses the chain to wrap around the top rope, and places one boot upon the apron and pulls herself up, then entering the ring. Taunting with the chain, and devil's horns, upon turnbuckles, the crowd is screaming in a deep hatred. A sadistic smirk crosses her face and she stands in the middle of the ring as "To Kill Tomorrow" dies down, swinging her chain side to side.
[Sabrina]: "In the ring, from Chicago Illinois, Mischa Abaddon!"
[Fecca]: "We are all set and ready to go for a hardcore match up, this is anything goes."
[Styles]: "Abaddon, that is certainly an interesting last name, kinda like your interesting first name, Fecca, I already had an F word for your nickname."
[Fecca]: "Well I hope it isn't "Friend".
The arean is bathed in a crimson light and filled with a black fog. A large pillar of flame erupts in the middle of the entrance ramp and a figure appears in the flames only visible as a shadow. puritania begins playing and the figure begins moving out of the fire.
[Sabrina]: "Now making his way to the ring, from the City of the Dead he is the Angel of Death... SLADE!"
At the mention of his name his head lowers and he runs full out down the ramp, just feet from the ring he leaps and slides in under the bottom rope and spins around crawling backwards until hes in the center of the ring where he rises into an undertaker kneel and shoots his arms out to the side palms up. He rises to his feet and brings his hands to his forhead and throws back his hood before removing the cloak which he tosses to the ring floorbefore kissing the black anec medalion he wears and lays that down under the bottom turnbuckle. Slade walks back to the middle of the ring and strech while waiting for his opponent.
*The bell rings and Mischa decided not to waste anytime as she steps out of the ring and goes for weapons under the ring area.
[Fecca]: "Mischa not wasting anytime here, this is anything goes."
*Slade decided to get the advantage in the beginning of the match. He was able to baseball slide Mischa near the ringpost as she hits the ground on the outside. Slade slides out of the ring and begins to stomp on her. Grabbing her by the hair, Mischa was able to counter it and shove his body into the ringpost! Grabbing a steel chair from under the ring, she tries to nail Slade with it but he moves out of the way before she nailed him with it. Slade kicks her in the mid section and grabs her legs as he slingshots her into the barricade! Mischa felt that painful impact. Slade began to go under the ropes and pull out some weapons of his own, grabbing a kendo stick and a empty steel trash can. Mischa was able to gain some composure as she spears Slade and takes him down with some punches.
[Styles]: "An all out fight has happened right here outside of the ring! The ref can't do anything about it, this is hardcore rules!"
*Mischa tried to continue her streak but Slade hits her in the gut and moves her back into the ring. Once back inside the ring, Slade was setting Mischa up for a maneuever as he grabs her and tosses her up and takes her down with a running powerslam! Slade could have gone for the pin but he decided to slide back out into the ring and grab the kendo stick and steel trash can. Entering the ring, Mischa drop kicks Slade as both weapons hit the mat.
[Fecca]: "Mischa trying to gain some momentum, the crowd starting to get into this match, it seems as if No mercy has been made on either of these opponents.
*Mischa grabs the Kendo stick and tries to swing at Slade but he was able to counter it with a kick to the mid section and a Bicycle kick as Mischa hits the mat! Slade went to work on Mischa as he places the trash can lid over Mischa's body and began to take shots in her mid section with the kendo stick. Mischa hits the mat as Slade grabs Mischa and begins to mount some punches on her. Mischa reverses as she climbs over on top of Slade and hits him with some punches of her own.
[Fecca]: "Mischa fighting back, never underestimate her scorn, this match may turn around."
*Gaining more momentum in the match, she takes Slade out with a neckbreaker! Grabbing the Kendo stick, she begins to take Slade down with the kendo stick as she struck blows to the mid-section and the leg area. Before Slade could pull himself back up, she hits a leg drop! The leg drop had a much heavier impact because of the kendo stick remaining on Slade's neck, she goes for the pin.
Ref: 1.....2...Kickout by Slade! Mischa rolls over. She was setting him up for one final attempt to finish him off. Mischa goes from behind and attempts to hit him with her "China White" but Slade pulls his body over towards the ropes to gain enough leverage to counter the move as he grabs her by the neck and sets her up for the Awakening of Nightmares, running across the ring he slams her down hard with the finisher! He pins.
Ref: 1...2.....3! DING DING DING!
[Sabrina]: "Here is your winner! Sladddde!"
*The ref raises Slade's hand as the winner with Mischa laying on the mat in pain.
Mischa is laying in the ring as Slade stands staring down at her when Justyce and Shadow both slide into the ring, now the three of them surround the fallen girl. As they're about to pounce, suddenly the lights go out. We hear the sound of a struck guitar chord hit loudly with a clap of thunder behind it.
Fecca: What the Hell?
Styles: Do we have a leak in the roof?
We can hear the sounds of rain pouring down inside the arena.
Fecca: I'm getting soakin wet!
Suddenly the loud sound of thunder erupting through the arena, leading into the opening riffs of Raining Blood by Slayer starts pounding through the arena. A dark red light beams down in the center of the ring from the rafters above, and we now see an object repelling down from the middle of the arena top, as we zoom in closer it appears to be the man known as Skylar kneeling down on top of a coffin lowering down into the ring. Slade, Shadow, and Justyce back away from Mischa and drop down to the canvas sliding backwards out of the ring as the coffin sets down in the center of the ring. Dim white lights illuminate the ring area somewhat as Skylar stands up, looking down at the three on the floor. He brings his thumb up to his throat sliding it across, before bringing both arms out giving a double thumbs down sign with a sadistic grin, as out of nowhere red liquid splashes down from the ceiling on the three standing on the floor. They all fall, slipping around in the liquid. Skylar jumps off the coffin lid landing in front of Mischa. Suddenly the coffin lid is thrown off as smoke barrels out.
Fecca: This is pretty freaking creepy!
Styles: You're telling me!
Inside of the rising smoke we can see the figure of someone standing up from inside the coffin.
Fecca: Look behind them!
On the floor, coming from out of nowhere it seems is a man with long black hair, a long black goatee and dressed all in black. He makes his way up the steps and climbs into the ring.
Styles: That guy looks familiar.
The man walks around the casket and kneels down next to Mischa as he and Skylar lift the girl up, and hand her off to the man standing in the coffin. The smoke has now all cleared away leaving a hazey fog in the arena. They lay the woman down in this mans arms, and then they both step into the casket with them.
Fecca: Who is that?!
The coffin with the 4 people standing inside suddenly rises back to the rafters, as it gets out of sight the lights come back on and we're now left with a wet arena.
The three on the floor are still sliding around everywhere crawling away from what looks to be several gallons of blood. We fade out to a promo for next month's PPV. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory II' (February 2007)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 7:31 PMCopy HTML
As 'My Way' by Limp Bizkit plays throughout the arena, J.J. steps out onto the entrance ramp.
Sabrina: "Heading to the ring from Miami, Florida weighing in at 125 lbs give it up for J.J."
Fans give a mixed reaction as she taunts them for a moment before running down the ramp and sliding in the ring. She gets to her feet and runs into the corner getting up on the second turnbuckle. She raises her arms up over her head. After hopping down her music cuts and J.J. waits on the arrivial of her opponent.
Suddenly, darkness. A green biohazard spins around in the middle of the ring as "Perfect Cell Theme (Techno Remix)" hits the PA, starting at the eighteen second mark. The fans pop into either boos or cheers. The creepy music starts to get a beat at twenty nine seconds, getting the fans even more rild up as Tim Torn walks out onto the stage, a green spotlight overhead. Tim lowers his head for his Perfection taunt, then performs his Ultra Mega taunt when the song really starts to kick in at the thirty-eight second mark, and the lights return fade into a shade of green.
Sabrina: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, from Newark, Delaware, weighing in at two hundred and seventy-five pounds, he is The Evolution of Perfection, The Biohazard, Ultra Mega, TIM TORN!!
He looks around at the fans with a feirce look before running to the ring, and slides inside. He steps in the center of the ring to perform his Perfection Taunt, and the lights dim, with a spotlight of green on Tim Torn. Tim performs his Ultra Mega Taunt, and the lights pop back on to normal. He removes his black vest with a green biohazard symbol on the back and tosses it over the top rope to the outside. He sqwuats in the lower left corner of the ring, his hands on his knees, ready.
Fecca: Folks we are awaiting Akmed, who has to take on both Jessica James and Tim Torn in this handicap match.
Styles: In other words, Akmed about to get his A#$ handed to him.
Fecca: We have talked about this a million times, you can't say words like that on the air.
Styles: It's a PPV I can say whatever I want.
Fecca: No you can't...What the hell?
All attention has turned back to the ring, JJ and Torn are looking towards the ramp for Akmed, but he slides in the ring behind them. He hits JJ in the back of the head with a huge forearm club, and then as Torn turns, Akmed catches him with a huge clothesline. JJ is back up and Akmed grabs her by the back of the head and tosses her over the ropes down to ringside. Akmed turns, quickly ducks a clothesline from Torn and then wraps his arms around him and tries for a version of the German Suplex. Torn fights back and is able to keep Akmed from connecting. Akmed lets go of Torn who quickly turns and throws a few punches at Akmed, Akmed fires right back, and forces Torn into the corner. Torn tries to fight out of it, but Akmed is a lot stronger and able to keep punishing Torn with rights and lefts. Torn eventually stops fighting and takes a little bit of a beating.
Fortunately for Torn, JJ is there to rescue him. She quickly slides into the ring and sneaks behind Akmed and drops to one knee and hits him with a mean low blow that drops Akmed instantly. Finally now that all three competitors are in the ring the ref calls for the bell and the match is officially underway. JJ stops briefly to check on Torn, he signals to her that he is okay. Jessica then gets in a few kicks, and then grabs Akmed by his hair and pulls him to his feet. She tries to irish whip him. He however outweighs her by close to 200 lbs and Jessica is unable to whip him. She gives him a few knife edge chops and tries again. He is still able to keep her from doing it. Tim Torn now comes to JJ's side and grabs Akmed by the wrist and together they manage to whip Akmed to the ropes, the 325pounder hits the ropes with authority and bounces off. He comes flying at JJ and Torn, and takes them both down with clotheslines.
Fecca: Well I didn't expect this, Akmed may be outnumbered but he is holding his own in there.
Torn manages to roll out of the ring to recover, Jessica tries as well but is stopped by Akmed. He easily lifts her to her feet and whips her to the turnbuckle. He looks across the ring at her as if he is going to hit her with a splash or something of that nature and smiles. He tries to run for her but Tim Torn has a tight grip on his foot/lower leg. Akmed turns quickly and tries to pull his leg from Torn. Torn has a deathgrip locked in. Akmed fights with him, trying to shake his foot loose, he tries to pry Torn off of him nothing is working. Suddely Torn lets go. Akmed looks a little confused, but turns to find JJ standing there. She leaps in the air and hits a solid dropkick. Akmed stumbles backwards a little bit but doesn't go down. JJ quickly leaps in the air for another one, Akmed stumbles back a little more. One more dropkick from JJ and Akmed hits the mat. Torn slides back in the ring and he and JJ unleash a few kicks to Akmed, and would have continued but the ref forces them away from Akmed. JJ distracts the ref and Torn gets in a few kicks, the ref sees him and while he was dealing with Torn, JJ gets in some kicks and punches. Much to the disgust of the fans this happens a few more times.
Fecca: Now thats just cheating!
Styles: No, that is called great team work!
Finally JJ and Torn back off enough for Akmed to climb to his knees, that is as far as he gets before Torn and JJ are back on the attack. Akmed takes several punches, but summons the strength to push them both away. Akmed is back to his feet. JJ runs at him with a shoulder block, Akmed doesn't even budge as JJ bounces off of him, he quickly takes her down with a clothesline. Torn comes at him with punches, Akmed kicks him the groin and then quickly sets him up for, and connects with a huge belly to belly suplex. Akmed looks down at Torn, JJ sneaks up behind him and gets in a few massive shots the back Akmed's head. This has a lot of effect, JJ is able to get him bent over she runs and connects with a huge bulldog.
Fecca: Jessica Jones is taken it to Akmed
Styles: And looking good while doing it if do say so myself.
JJ smirks smuggly as she looks down at Akmed. Akmed starts to climb to his feet. Jessica grabs him and pulls him the rest of the way up, she gives him a chop and then manages this time to whip him to the ropes. Akmed bounces off and Jessica catches him with an effective drop toe hold. Akmed hits the mat hard and then quickly rolls out of the ring. Unfortunately, Tim Torn who had climbed out of the ring is waiting for him. Torn punches him a few times and then rolls him back into the ring. He slides into the ring, and lets JJ know he wants a piece of Akmed. Akmed climbs to his feet and Torn is there waiting for him. Torn kicks him in the gut an sets him up for DDT, he connects and covers. 1...........2...KICKOUT!
Fecca: Tim Torn and Jessica Jones are working great together, things are not looking good for Akmed.
Torn pulls Akmed to his feet, he and Jessica whip Akmed once again to the ropes. She drops down infront of the rope, Akmed has to leap over her and as he lands on his feet, he is hit with a huge dropkick from Torn. Akmed drops instantly, JJ covers. 1...........2.....KICKOUT He flings the lightweight JJ off of him, and rolls quickly to his feet. Obviously overcome with momentum or a boost of of 'hulk' or something of that nature. Torn tries to stop him with clubs to the back as Akmed is rising up to his feet. Akmed powers though and catches Torn in the Jaw with an elbow. Torn is forced back holding his mouth, Akmed starts after Torn but then turns to JJ. He starts after her, she starts to back up, but then stands her ground. Akmed smiles. She might act tough, but he knows he is a lot stronger. Jessica shoves him hard and then points for him to turn around. Akmed quickly does and...
Fecca: SUPERKICK!!!!
STYLES: NOOOOOOOOO HE HIT JESSICA. Do you think she needs CPR, I will do it if she does!
Thats right Torn tried for the superkick on Akmed, he managed to duck out of the way at the last possible moment, and Torn drilled JJ. Torn looks down at JJ, shocked by what happened. He turns to find Akmed waiting for him. Akmed kicks him in the gut and hits a huge sitout powerbomb. he covers 1...............2................3
Fecca: Thats it folks, Akmed did it! He overcame the odds and won the handicap match.
Styles: Poor Jessica
Sabrina: "Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner, via pinfall. Akmed!" |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory II' (February 2007)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 7:32 PMCopy HTML
Fecca: I'm going to warn everyone right now, this.. This won't be a match, but rather, a brawl. Don't look for technical wrestling, because this is gonna be an all-out fight!
Styles: Good. Wrestling gets boring at times, which is why I fell asleep during DVD's matches.
Fecca: HEY! Don't bad mouth Duck.. I mean Dave Van Dam, he's a PWT Walk of Famer!
Styles: He ain't walking no more is he? More like PWT Wheel of Famer.
[Guitar chords start to play over the speakers. Eight seconds in, pyro explodes on the stage as Papa Roach's ‘Born With Nothing, Die With Everything’ starts to blare through the arena. Matlock steps through the curtain onto the stage to a chorus of boos from the crowd.
Sabrina: "Ladies and gentlemen...from Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada...weighing 235 pounds, ‘The Cornered Animal’, Matt Matlock!"
Matlock walks down the ramp and extends his arms to the side and spins in a circle slowly, as we see sparkler like pyros go off along both sides of the ramp. He reaches the ring and rolls inside, heading for a turnbuckle. He raises his arms up to his side as Shawn Micheals-style pyro shoots off like gunfire inside the ring. He lowers his arms and it stops, as he hops down to the mat. He leans over the ropes and starts mouthing off to the fans, and then he turns around to wait for his opponent.
Styles: That was boring too.
Before Fecca could chime in with his two-sense, 'Pride' by Damageplan slammed over the P.A. System. The opening played over the P.A. System, showing a few simple shots of Honololu from a copter at night, but when the tempo picked up, the face of Jacob flashed on the tron. The crowd popped as making his way from behind the curtain, we see The Prodigal Son. Smirking as he made his way out to the top of the ramp, he stood still in one place and looked around the arena, while wording a few things to himself and slapping his chest.
Sabrina: "And from Honolulu, Hawaii.. Weighing in at two hundred and sixty six pounds.. The Prodigal Son.. Jacccccobbb MIIIIIIIIITCHELLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!"
Bouncing around on the top of the stage, looseing up if you will.. He chuckled as he looked down at Matlock and made a few faces his way, the typical Jake Mitchell thing. Continuing down the ramp, he stopped mid-way and turned towards a fan who held a sign reading "I PAID TO SEE THE INFAMOUS!" written in huge black letters.
Styles: I paid to see Jacob too, I don't know if you knew that or not, Fecca.
Fecca: I'm sure you did..
Pointing towards the sign, Jake smirked and made his way towards the fan, and looked towards him. Quickly raising his right hand, acting as if he was gonna smack the fan, the fan jumped back and dropped the sign down onto the floor, as Jake mocked him and chuckled, gaining a small round of boo's from people that didn't like him, haters. Finally getting serious, he looked towards the ring and headed towards it, scaling the steel stairs. Jumping onto the ring apron, he quickly climbed the turnbuckle and had one foot perched on the second, and one on the top as he looked towards Matlock, smirking his way. The camera panned back towards Matt as he sighed, tired of The Prodigal Son's anthics. Jumping into the ring now, he stood in his corner and backed up, before laying down on the top turnbuckle.
Fecca: What an ego this man has.. Unbelieviable.
Styles: When you're talented like he is, you can do things like that.
Jake's theme faded off of the P.A. System, as the ref had gotten the strap and attached both Jacob and Matt to it. Matt tugged at the strap, trying to play games with Jake, but Jake stopped dead in his tracks and hit The Prodigal Eyebrow which caused the women in th crowd to melt. Now, Jake and Matlock was bound together by the long leather strap circle each other, waiting on the bell to be rung. Sure enough, a few seconds later, the three strikes against the bell signals the match start, as Jake tried to keep his distance from Matlock. The last time they were in the ring against each other, Jake nearly threw up from Matlock's B.O. Anyway, finally taking the first step forward, Jake jumped back and quickly wrapped the slack of the leather strap over his right hand and yanked Matlock towards him, which then brought forth a strong clothesline, nearly taking Matlock's head clean off his shoulders.
Fecca: OUCH! What a clothesline by The Prodigal Son!
Matlock grabbed his neck as the crowd cheered Jake on.. Cause really.. Matlock or Jake? Who would you like? Who's more handsome? Matlock looks like a munchkin. Jake let the slack of the strap go and looked around at the crowd while looking back down at Matlock. Sneering, he brought down piece of the strap against Matlock's clothed back, but even then leaving a >PACK!< like sound to rip through the arena. Matlock grabbed at his back, as Jake smirked and looked around the arena to chants of "ONE MORE TIME!" Grabbing an even bigger portion of the slack, he slapped it against his hand, before once more smacking Matlock over the back with it.
Styles: Jake is a beast tonight! A cocky beast at that, and that's what the PWT needs, Bob. We've got the same kinda stuff going on.. Franchise Players, Doggs and even Power Rangers. Jake is a fresh breath of air for the PWT!
Fecca: Him and his friends wrecked havoc at Shockwave, what makes you think they're gonna stop now?!
Styles: I like it, it brings a sense of unpredictability back to the industry. Things got so boring, something like calling a match with you!
Fecca: Oh would you stop..
Jake already begun his way around the ring, slowly and arroganty touching each top of the turnbuckle. He hit the first two, and was about to touch the third, when Matlock sprung up to his feet, and yanked the strap towards him. Jake's body jerked and hit towards Matlock, as Matlock's right knee shot up and caught Jake in the gut, taking him over back onto the mat. After hitting the Kitchen-Sink on Jake, he looked around at the crowd, mocking Jake's smirk and pointed down towards him, to which the crowd didn't like at all. He dropped down to a knee and picked Jake's head up off the mat, while wrapping the strap around his neck and begun to strangle him. Jake begun to cough up a storm as Matlock looked like a rabid beast -- Literally.
Styles: This is why I hate Canadians, they're low down.. Dirty, most of the time ugly cheaters.
Fecca: Everything's legal in this match, Eddie! From choking with the leather strap to hitting your opponent in the face with a 747!
Styles: .. Atleast be realistic, geez.
Matlock had finally released Jake from his death-grip and now looked around the arena before starting his path around the ring. Touching one turnbuckle, he was met by a loud series of boo's. Slowly making his way to the next, he slapped that one to meet and even HOTTER round of boos.
Fecca: That's two for Matlock! But remember, if you get knocked down or pulled away during the process of touching each turnbuckle, then you have to start all over again.
Styles: Cross is a genius. PWT should pay him more.
When he was about to hit the third one, he begun to bring his hand down slowly, as Jake looked up and arched The Prodigal Brow while pushing himself up and sprinting towards Matlock. Matt turned around just at the wrong time to see Jake coming towards him, in the air. Hitting a Stinger.. Seifer.. FREAKIN' SPLASH! Smashing Matlock in the corner, Jake landed and backed up, while yanking Matlock towards him. As Matlock flew his way [not in the air, fool] Jake quickly grabbed Matlock and ducked beneath Matlock's left arm.
The crowd jumped to their feet, thinking that Jake was about to land The Icon Driver, but instead was elbowed in the head by a still very conscious Matlock. Letting his grip go, Jake stumbled to the side as Matlock came darting towards him, and nailed him in the face with a elbow, that drove The Prodigal Son into the ropes. Now grabbing Jake, he irish-whipped him into the ropes, and the leather strap that bounded them together could barely reach, but Jake beamed off of the ropes and Matlock came at him with a back elbow, but Jake side-stepped it and came off the opposite side ropes. Hitting Matlock with a jumping lariat, Matlock dropped down to his back as Jake fell onto his stomach. Slowly turning over, he kipped back up to his feet and held his head in the air with his eyes closed. The fans went insane.
Styles: See that Fecca? That's greatness! That's The Infamous!
Fecca: No doubt about it, Eddie.. I've never had one bad thing to say about Jake's ring-ability but I'll tell you now that I'm not a fan of his massive ego. That's his biggest downfall, and someday it's gonna get him in a lot of trouble.
Styles: With who?! Right now is the perfect time to hit everyone's with Jake's signature phrase.. "Not Who's Next, more like Who's Left!"
Fecca: Give me a break..
Dropping his attention back to Matlock who slowly got back up to a knee. Stalking Matlock now, Jake smirked and when Matlock pushed himself up to his feet, Jake rushed forward, but Matlock side-stepped him and shoved him into the corner. Jake's own momentum was used against him as he hit sternum first and knocked out the air, as he turned around only to be nailed with a stiff shoulder-block, knocking Jake back into the corner. Quickly lifting him up onto the second turnbuckle, Matlock put Jake's head on his shoulder and lifted him up and off of the turnbuckle, cradling his legs with his arms.
Fecca: The Matlock-Go-Round '06!
Styles: NO!
Because he had long legs, Jake managed to kick free and cause the weight to fall backwards. Now, as Jake fell onto his feet, he quickly turned Matlock around and out of no where, he leaped into the air and snatched Matlock's head, and jammed it down onto the mat.
Jake reached up for the bottom rope and grabbed hold of it, while shaking his head still trying to catch his breath. Pulling himself up, he looked towards Matlock who was slowly moving towards the ropes and finally begun his quest around the ring. Before he touched the first one though, he turned towards Matlock and wiped a trace of sweat away from his brow and stepped towards him. Matlock had his back towards Jake, which gave Jake the advantage to quickly wrap the slack around Matlock's throat, and pick him up onto his back. Now, making his way around the ring, he slapped the first turnbuckle, but little to his knowledge, so did Matlock. Slapping the second one, Matlck did the same, as they crossed the third one. Slapping it, the crowd popped for Jake and boo'd as Matlock hit it. Finally reaching the last one, Jake hit it and saw what Matlock was doing the whole time, and purposely stepped back, but instead of letting Matlock slap it with his hand, Jake drove Matlock face-first down onto the turnbuckle, as he fell hard and sprung into the air.
Fecca: That was an.. Innovative Way to finish up the turnbuckle touching! Now, it's all on who's gonna tapout first.
Styles: That's stupid Fecca. Do you honestly believe Jake is gonna tap!? Lay off the juice!
Fecca: Matlock doesn't want to lose here tonight, so I believe that he's gonna give it his all.
As Matlock turned around, Jake decked him in the jaw with a hard right hand that knocked him backwards. Once more throwing another huge right hand, he knocked Matlock once more. He threw yet another right hand, looking to complete the trifecta, but Matlock ducked beneath it and sprung forward to Jake, as he turned around and nailed him in the mid-section with a hard and swift toe-kick. Jake doubled over and Matlock scooped Jake's arms up behind his back, while tucking Jake's head beneath his left arm. Hoisting Jake up into the air in a double-arm DDT motion, he pulled all his weight backwards and dropped Jake on his face with The Animal Instincts.
Standing up to a chorus of boo's Matlock looked around the arena and flipped the people off, as he stepped towards Jake's legs and started to lock in The Matt-Lock. Crossing one of Jake's legs over the other he stood on the crossed leg. Now laying on his back he raised Jake's legs into the air, as Jake's facial expression changed from timid and cocky to in pain. Matlock smiled as he held the lock on, hoping that he would gather his first win against Jake, as he kept the pressure coming. The ref got in Jake's face and asked him if he wanted to submit, but Jake of course said no. The crowd begun to get behind him, as out of no-where, Jake shoved his weight forward which somehow unlocked him from Matlock's lock. Quickly gathering Matlock's legs, he twisted it around his and turned around, locking Matlock in a submission of his own.. The Prodigal Lock! Nearly sitting on Matlock's lower-back with both of his legs crossed over Jake's, Jake pulled back relentlessly, as he was looking to break Matlock's back.
Jake turned his body, all he could and used the slack of the leather strap to wrap around Matlock's neck from the back. When used all he could, which was a lot in reality, and with on tug, he begun to yank at Matlock's neck too now, causing Matlock's head to be pulled back, as Jake yanked on Matlock's legs and lower-back, leaving Matlock in massive amounts of pain.
With one last tug, Jake used all his power to stretch Matlock's head back again and legs, which brought Matlock's right hand down onto the mat, slapping it three times, tapping out. The fans went insane as "Pride" by Damageplan blared through the arena. Jake didn't let go though, he continued to yank at Matlock for an additionl few seconds before he spiked Matlock's legs down onto the ground and let go of the grip he had on the leather-strap.
Fecca: You have to give Matlock credit though, he took the fight to Jake and indeed showed to be a step up than he was before!
Styles: PSCHT! Credit - Smedit, he lost. He had a golden oppurtunity, but blew it.
Jake was seen looking down at the fallen Matlock and smirked before he headed towards the ropes, causing the scene to cut out. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory II' (February 2007)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 7:32 PMCopy HTML
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Sean Hunter vs Omen (These two men are friends and were teammates back in W2K and IRX, now, they find themselves across the ring from each other. Both are considered legends on the circuit and this is going to be one of those matches you just don't want to miss. With egos their size, words that sting and the fight to back it up, you know it's going to be one for the record books. The "Jesus Christ of Wrestling" versus "The Plague"... who's walking away with the 'W'?!)
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Jillian Strat Here
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Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory II' (February 2007)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 7:33 PMCopy HTML
Backstage we see Johnathan Brooks.
Brooks: Lately fans Professional Wrestling Today has been dealing with several superstars who fail to follow our rules. From Sean Hunter to this new threat of Jake Mitchell, Omen, and Cross coming in and damn near crippling David Van Dam. They put one of our star performers on the shelf, and who knows for how long. You can see why I'm forced to do something about this situation. When our top guys start getting hurt, that hurts PWT. Now I may not be able to handle these guys all by myself... but that doesn't mean I can still get the job done. I've hired a man that I know is very capable of dealing with the likes of them, a man who will join PWT management in a Commissioner type role. His proper term will be revealed when his name is revealed. Just know that he is in the building, and next week on Shockwave. You'll all find out exactly who he is.
*-*-* *-*-* *-*-*
The screen plays a video recap of the events leading to the Angel versus Aubrey match showing all the sexual tension in between them from Angel's little mind games to Aubrey running away in fear, considering the beauties we have about to enter the ring its a wonder this match isn't slated as HLA,but Brooks is an idiot so oh well. As the video ends we are cut back to Eddie Styles and Bob Fecca ringside.
Bob" What a match this should be, but can the young lioness defeat the cagey veteran?"
Eddie" Who cares, I hope they grope each other. They both make my teeth sweat."
Bob" Pervert...Lets go up to Sabrina for the introductions"
Sabrina raises the mic to speak but is cut off by " I fucking hate you" by godsmack blasting through the sound system followed by a chorus of boos from the fans.
Bob" Looks like we are about to be joined by everyone's favorite hater ...Novacaine"
Eddie"Of course he wants to see his woman own the competition"
Nova steps through the curtain and strolls across the stage..He is dressed in dark pants and a white shirt, looking very casual for the match to come..Nova trots down the stage avoiding the flying beer cups and trash raining in from the fans on him. Once he makes it to ringside he blows Sabrina a kiss and walks around towards the announce table..
Sabrina" Please welcome to ringside...Novaccccccccaineeeee"
His name being said only makes the fans jeer louder at him which brings a bigger smile to his face. Nova walks up to the announce table and glares at Fecca.
" You got this match off Bobsie..Take a hike"
Bob" I am here to do a job Nova, why don't you get into that ring and do something besides harrass people"
Nova" Either take a match off or take a few months off to tend to your injuries...Your call Bobsie"
Bob is a man of honor but he isn't stupid and knows Nova would wipe the floor with him..He tosses down his headset and storms to the back. Nova takes his seat and slips on his headset..

Eddie" About time we got some real talent out here, welcome aboard Nova"
Nova" Great to be here Eduardo...ummm lets go back up to broad in the ring, whats her name?"
Eddie" Sabrina"
Nova" Okay..Lets go up to Sabu for the intros"
Back to Sabrina in the ring..
Sabrina" Ladies and Gentlemen our next match is scheduled for one fall with a twenty five minute time limit.."
"Dirrty" By Christina Aguilera begins to play with the white lights flickering on and off.
Sabrina" Hailing from Toronto, Canada this is every man's dream and every woman's nightmare...Aubreyyyyyyy Baxterrrrrrr"
Aubrey begins to make her way on stage after coming from behind the curtain as she gives the crowd a warm smile with a flirtatious grin. She begins to walk down the entrance way while waving to the crowd and blowing kisses to the audience. She walks towards the ring post and turns around to pose for the crowd with her back leaning up against the ring post. She takes her hands and lifts herself up on the ring post as she steps inside and waves to the crowd. She goes to each side of the ring and gives each side a wave of her hands and a smile. She moves over to the ropes and leans her back against them with her arms stretched on each side as she faces the stage area.
Eddie" What an entrance by Aubrey"
Nova" Snoreeeeee...She better watch herself in this match, those fun bags only come with a five year warranty I hear"
Sabrina' An her opponent"
The arena is pitched into total darkness, leaving the swarm of inhabitants to wonder what’s to come without warning ‘Descending Angel’ begins to blast in a deafening volume from the PA System, suddenly a spotlight shines above the ring, showing deep into the rafters, pointing directly at Angel who sits perched atop a cloud that hangs from wires on the ceiling.
Sabrina" From Grand Rapids, Michigan this the Heavenly Hottie Angeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllll"
.Angel’s slender legs daggling over the cloud as her hand holds onto the invisible wire. She is slowly lowered into the ring. Looking out into the crowd with that familiar smirk on her face as the crowd erupts in a deafening sound. As the cloud reaches ring level Angel steps from it and begins a slow walk around the ring as the cloud is raised back into the rafters, a form of glittery confetti begins to fall from the ceiling above the ring. Angel stands in the middle of the ring, hands on hips as glitter falls around her.
Nova" Now thats an entrance"
Eddie" Indeed"
Referee Mitch Roberts calls for the bell as Sabrina scampers to the floor...Aubrey and Angel circle each other slowly before Angel moves in getting a collar and elbow tie up. Angel appears to the stronger of the two as she forces Aubrey back into the corner delivering a couple knife edge chops to Aubrey's chesticles before she irish whips her out of the corner sending her across to the far turnbuckle. Aubrey crashes hard into the turnbuckle arching her back in pain, Angel charges in for the elbow smash but Aubrey moves letting Angel hit nothing but turnbuckle...Angel grimaces from the pain before taking two hard kicks to her midsection from Aubrey who snapmares her over onto the mat.
Eddie" Looks like your girl is in a little trouble Nova"
Nova" You are going to be in a lot of trouble if you don't zip your lips...CMON ANGEL!!"
Aubrey drives in several stomps and hits the ropes hitting a knee drop into Angel's stomach causing the heavenly one to grab her gut and gasp for air. Aubrey drags Angel to her feet and hits a snapping DDT going for the quick pin..
One ..Two...T...Angel kicks out..
Nova" Thats it baby get back in this"
Eddie" Umm we are suppose to be biased"
Nova " Fuck biased and fuck you chubby"
Aubrey leans in real close to Angel's face smirking before she picks her up again going for a piledriver.. Aubrey tries to lift her up but Angel kicks her legs throwing Aubrey off balance as she teeters forward Angel backdrops her over to the ovation of the fans..Angel goes on the onslaught with a serious of stiff kicks followed by scoop slam and a nicely planted leg drop to Aubrey's sternum.
Eddie" The tide has turned"
Nova" Haha told ya so"
The match goes back and forth for several more minutes but Angel seems to be in control for most of this back and forth. She shows why she is a former world champion with her determination to win even with a young spitfire giving her all she can handle. Angel goes for the clothesline but Aubrey ducks as Angel turns Aubrey hooks her arm and plows it into the mat via a shoulder breaker..Aubrey grapevines Angel's head and starts torqueing on her upper arm and shoulder. Angel screams in pain but manages to roll onto her side and deliver several stiff bombs to Aubrey's ribcage causing her to break the hold.
Eddie" Thats the shoulder Angel hurt last week against Cassie, this could be a problem for Angel"
Nova" Don't worry my girl has this under control."
Angel and Aubrey go at each other in a good old fashion slugfest with Angel getting the upperhand with several quick snap jabs. She comes around with a forearm which Aubrey again ducks under driving her elbow into Angel's kidney region she scoops her up onto her shoulders..
Eddie" She calls this 'The behind Closed Doors'(electric chair drop)"
Nova" Remember your defenses baby...Rip her damn eyes out"
Eddie" You have no morals at all huh?"
Nova" Not one damn bit"
Eddie" I admire that"
Angel flips forward and does something that has the fans go wild...Laying a big wet kiss right on Aubrey's lips she catches her by suprise and allows Angel to roll through with the cradle..
One..Two...Aubrey kicks out
Eddie" Wow thats hot"
Nova" Watch it Styles"
Eddie" Your woman kissing another has to be a huge fantasy , I know its mine"
Nova " You should see what my woman will do...Nevermind"
Aubrey comes to her feet clearly stunned by the kiss and Angel is waiting for her with a stiff kick to the gut..Angel bends Aubrey over and applies a standing head scissors and grabs Aubrey around the waist. She then lifts Aubrey up so she is over her shoulder. From there, she places both of her arms under her own and extends their arms out as far as they can. Angel pulls down on their arms/upper body, flipping their body over so they are falling face first towards the mat. On the way down, she hooks Aubrey's head in a front face lock and falls to the mat, driving her face first into the mat. The fans gasp as the sheer brutality of such a move perform by a girl on another girl.
Eddie" What a shot"
Nova snickers" Cradle of Death ...Sleep tight Aubrey"
Angel rolls her over and goes for the pin...
One..Two..Three..Angel wins.
Nova stands up applauding as over half of the fans do aswell..Angel rises to her feet after another hard fought match and looks to Nova blowing him a kiss before turning back to Aubrey with a devilish smile..She steps over Aubrey so that she is standing over top of her near unconcious opponent and looks down at her with a pouty little pucker...Angel then shocks everyone when she hooks her thumbs inside the waistband of her wrestling pants and pulls them down to reveal a glittery gold thong..The males in the audience go nuts at seeing Angel's perfect ASSets.
Eddie" Good god what an ass"
There is a loud thump sound..
Nova" Sorry folks Eddie seems to have fallen out of his chair..ohhh look now he is kicking himself with my foot.."
In the ring Angel squats down until her sweetness is just over Aubrey's face and looks down at her .." This is the closest you will ever get to tasting this tang bitch"
Angel laughs as she stands straight and to the boos of the males pulls her pants back up..
Nova" What a win by my dove..Take notice people , Angel is coming for gold, now folks I return you to your normally boring broadcast"
Nova throws down his headset and walks around the ring meeting Angel as she steps through the ropes and down to the floor..They walk hand in hand towards the back basking in the mixture of cheer for her and boos for him.
Eddie crawls back up to the table " What a dastardly duo those two have turned out to be....Mediiiiiic....Announcer down, Announcer down"
The show cuts away with one last look at the lovebirds before it goes to the next video package..Titanium title on the line folks.. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory II' (February 2007)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 7:34 PMCopy HTML
A video package of Damien Collins wrestling different opponents starts up on the big sceen accompained by "One Night Only" by Saliva. The Lights go almost all the way out. After a few seconds a spotlight appears on the middle of the stage. Standing in that spotlight is Damien FREAKIN Collins. Behind him is his new valet Melinda. The crowd goes crazy as Damien poses, with his arms stretched out in the sky. The flashes from the fans' cameras adds to the moment. After several seconds DC lowers his arms and heads down the ramps with Melinda at his side. He slaps the fans hands as he passes by and finally makes it to the bottom of the ramp. He climbs up onto the ring apron where he strikes the DC pose agin. Slowly he climbs into the ring. Melinda makes her way around ringside to Damien's corner.
Sabrina: The following contest is a First Blood match! Introducing first, he is from Salt Lake City, Utah. He is weighing in tonight at 265 pounds! He is DAMIEN "THE REAL DEAL" COLLLLIINNNS!
Damien smirks, and throws a fist into the air. But that smirk is soon faded as...
"Due to the graphic nature of this program....Listener discretion...is advised." The infamous words of the opening to Edgecrusher by Fear Factory rips through the speakers followed by the opening chords of the song. The crowd comes to their feet with a huge ovation as Cross steps out through the curtains and onto the stage. He stands there momentarily looking out at the crowd before making his way down the steps and into the aisle heading for the ring. The fans at ringside all holding their hands out trying to touch him, some hold out cups of beer, which Cross takes one and downs it from a fan or a few fans. Cross walks to the ring apron and rolls in under the bottom rope standing to his feet in the ring.
Sabrina: And his opponent. From San Antoinio, Texas. Weighing in at 315 pounds. He is...CROSS!
Cross just stands there, staring down Damien Collins. Damien doesn't look too thrilled to be in the ring with the big man, but doesn't show any fear. Sabrina evacuates the ring, and soon the ref calls for the bell.
Fecca: Well here we go. Cross vs. Damien Collins. Who will draw blood first?
Styles: Cross is going to bury DC.
Damien walks up to Cross, and gets right in his face. Cross just shakes his head, cocks his head back, and then spits right in Damien's eyes. Damien stumbles back, trying to wipe the spit out of his eyes. This gives Cross an opportunity to....WHAM....Cross nails Damien Collins in the side of the head as he bends down with a huge boot. Damien falls over, and the fans already start to boo. Cross walks casually over to Damien, grabs him with both hands around the neck, and lifts him back up to his feet. Something in Damien snaps, however, and starts laying into Cross with rights and lefts. Not effected, and Damien knows this. Damien slips behind Cross, bounces off of the ropes, and drop kicks the back of his right knee. Cross kneels, and barely sees Damien Collins hitting the ropes, and nailing his face with a huge front dropkick. Melinda is cheering him on at ringside.
Styles: He can't battle with Cross, so he relies on his speed, it's going to drain him.
Damien stands up, finding pride in his work, but not for long. Cross starts to get to his feet, and Damien doesn't like this one bit. Damien hits the ropes again, and nails Cross with a huge foream smash right as he gets to his feet. Cross stumbles back, Damien jumps up, and dropkicks Cross once again. But Cross doesn't fall! Cross realizes he's close enough to the ropes, and stumbles back onto them. Damien stands up, hits the other ropes, and goes to shoulder block Cross out of the ring, but Cross grabs him with both hands, stopping him! In one fluent motion, Cross lifts DC up into a scoop-slam set up, and runs across the ring. As he approaches the other ropes, Cross goes to throw Damien out of the ring with it, but Damien slips away. Damien rolls under the bottom rope, and takes a breather. Melinda rushes over to check on DC, but quickly runs away as sghe sees Cross coming.
Fecca: Looks like he avoided a potentially hazardous situation.
Styles: Not for long.
Not for long is right as Cross hits the mat, and rolls under the bottom rope after Damien. Damien turns around at the wrong second, and eats a faceful of boot. Before Damien can crumble to the ground, Cross picks him up in a Oklahoma slam set-up, runs up the steps, and halts in the middle of the apron. He turns towards the barricade, while lifting Damien up above his head. Cross then leaps off of the apron, and Military press slams Damien down onto the barricade!
Fecca: !!!
Styles: Told you so.
Melinda holds her hands over her face as Damien bounces off of the barricade, and back into the ring area. He holds his chest, and screams in agony. Cross laughs, and picks the tattered Damien Collins up. He lifts him up, and throws him through the second rope, back into the ring. Cross rolls under the bottom rope, and immediately goes after the poor guy. Cross lifts him to his feet, and goes to set up for some crazy powerful move, but Damien slips out! Damien sends a knee into Cross' midsection, then uppercuts him hard. Cross stumbles back, and Damien hits the ropes again. He flies at Cross with a flying Cross body....
Just as the two men's bodies collide it looks like Damien is about to get Cross with the move, but alas, Cross plants his feet, not moving. This is a hazardous situation, as Cross tilt-a-whirls Damien into a HUGE double underhook tombstone piledriver!
Fecca: Wow...just...wow.
Styles: Yeah, I don't think I've seen this much power come out of someone in a very long time...or ever! I thought Damien Destruction was a beast, but Cross easily outdoes him.
Cross stands up, and wipes a bead of sweat from his brow. He takes a second breather, and starts laying into Damien's face with stomps. Cross stops all of a sudden, and walks away from Damien. But not for no reason, he rolls out of the ring, and digs under the apron covering. He finds his weapon of choice, the 8-ball in the sock. Cross decides this isn't enough, and brings a chair out from under the ring aswell. He slides back into the ring with his weapons of choice. Cross stands up, and sees Damien getting to his feet aswell. Cross throws the chair to the side, and starts swinging the 8 ball/sock combination around. Just as Damien turns, Cross swings the ball right at his head, but DAMIEN DODGES! Damien slips under the attack, and behind Cross. He sweeps Cross' feet from under him, and as he hits the mat, Damien comes crashing down with a fury of punches to Cross' head. The fans are really getting behind him. Melinda is on the floor slapping the mat and getting the people to cheer DC on.
Styles: Cross can handle more than ten punches, it's going to take a lot for him to bleed.
Cross rolls out of the way, and covers his head. Damien rolls with him, and keeps throwing mean punches just at his general direction. Cross lets down his guard, and starts getting to his feet as Damien keeps laying into him with rights and lefts. Both men are standing now, and Cross is taking the punches like they're nothing. Damien starts getting tired, and decides punching him isn't working any longer. Damien hits the ropes, but...BAM...EQUALIZER OUT OF NO WHERE!
Styles: You see....Cross can take those sissy's punches anyday!
Fecca: Yeah, but you gotta think that he's feeling the effects of 20 plus punches.
Styles: Doubt it.
Cross isn't even bleeding, and there's just a hint of irritation on his cheek. Cross looks down at Damien who is holding his neck and head in torment. Cross picks up his 8-ball, and swings it around over his head. Damien gets to a knee....Melinda is screaming for DC to watch out.
Fecca: Don't get up, Damien! DON'T GET UP!
The fans are out of their seats praying that DC doesn't get destroyed here.... DC is now standing.....Cross swings the 8-ball in a sock at him....DC doesn't move this time....and gets whapped upside the head. Damien crumples to the mat, and doesn't move.
Fecca: WHAT A SHOT!?
The ref scurries over to Damien, and signals that he...ISN'T bleeding! Cross looks pissed off...not good. Cross drops the 8-ball sock combo, and tears over to DC. The ref looks up, and gets shoved out of the way by Cross. Of course the fans boo, but this doesn't help Damien out. Cross lifts Damien up, and slams his elbow right into his mouth. That might've knocked a couple of his teeth loose, but Cross isn't done. Cross double-underhooks Damien, turns around, and starts running. Cross jumps up, and lands a HUGE Cat Smasher (running double-underhook piledriver)!!!!
Fecca: !!! x 2!
Cross stands up, and lets the ref check for blood. You can imagine Cross' face as the ref signals no, and the fans go NUTS. Cross shakes his head, and picks up the chair that was off to the side. He walks over to Damien....who miraculously springs up out of no where, and hits the DC Drop onto the chair that Cross was carrying!!
Styles: No no! It isn't going down like this, Fecca!
The ref checks for blood as both men are down, and signals no! The fans boo, as Damien grabs a hold of the ropes in order to pull himself to his feet. Damien picks Cross up, and signals to the turnbuckle, signifying something big. He drags Cross over to the corner, and lifts him up onto the top rope. He follows him up, and here's where the true high-risk battle comes! Cross nails Damien with a huge right to his gut. Damien doubles over, but doesn't give up. Cross slams his elbow into Damien's neck, but Damien doesn't let go. Cross gets a brilliant idea now, and slams his fist into Damien's face... incapacitating him. Cross stands up on the top ropes, and lifts Damien into what looks like a Reverse powerbomb! Damien is facing in towards the ring, and not out towards the fans. Cross leaps off of the top rope...and Fecca in that second yells something somewhat incoherent.
Cross' feet hit he mat, and he powerfully brings Damien face first onto the chair that was planted there. There is so much velocity that it would easily smash someone's face in, and the fans are chanting "Holy Shit" rightfully.
Styles: HOLY SHIT!!
Cross lets go of Damien's legs, and stumbles over to the ropes, leaning up against them. The ref quickly slides in, and turns Damien over. What we see is very very bloody. DC's face is bleeding everywhere, from his nose, to his mouth, and even his forehead has been busted open. The ref calls for the bell.
Sabrina: Here is your winner.....CROSS!
Cross raises up his hands as the fans aren't too happy that their hero lost. "Edgecrusher" isn't enough to bury the boos out. Cross looks at Damien, and smiles at his work.
Fecca: What...the Hell kind of move...was that?
Styles: I don't know, Fecca. But it got the job done.
As Cross admires his handy work Melinda slides into the ring. She kneels over DC, concern and fear on her face as she tries to aid him.
The scene fades out to a different segment. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory II' (February 2007)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 7:34 PMCopy HTML
The cameras cut to the ring, which is currently empty. When all of a sudden the lights go out in the arena, and "Head for the Barricade" by Limp Bizkit starts to blare on the P.A. system. The crowd turns their attention to the ramp, as Isabell Winters steps out from behind the black curtains. She is met to a loud mixed reaction some fans boo and show their disapproval while others give a nice little pop. Isabell raises her arms in a taunting fashion at the top of the ramp, and gives a cocky. After this she begins to elegantly walk down the aisle to the ring, with a look of confidence on her face. As she gets farther down the ramp, a few fans reach out their hands to get slapped, in which she goes out of her way to ignore them. She walks up the steal steps, before stepping through the bottom rope into the ring. She goes to the center of the ring and poses for a bit. Finally she goes to a corner, and stretches delicately, as her music fades to silence.
Fecca: The Challenger to the champion and I’ve got to say I don’t like her chances I think she’s at a decided disadvantage in that Georgia’s the overwhelming fan favorite anywhere in the South especially Kentucky and she’s seemingly peeked the interest of a deadly wrestler.
Styles: You know where I stand I think she deserved getting her brains scrambled with the chair shot, I think she deserves a beating, I think that she is without a doubt going down tonight.
Fecca: Yeah the only chance I can say that Izzy has is if Georgia isn’t 100 percent after the brutal match she had for her FWA Championship.
Styles: Shush, we’re not supposed to say that we’re like giving them free publicity.
Fecca: My bad!
A voice is heard, "Bow down before The Glorified Goddess" immediately afterwards smoke begins to rise from the stage as "Downfall" by Trust Company blasts throughout Freedom Hall as every fan is whipped into a frenzy. There is a several second delay as finally Georgia steps through the smoke in a solid gold jumpsuit and solid gold boots like Michael Johnson during the 1996 Olympics in her hometown of Atlanta, Georgia she steps out decked in gold like he wore the now infamous gold shoes as he shattered world records bringing home the gold. The Femme Fatal and FWA Championships in her hand she struts to the ring as Heyman flanks her following closely behind as we get a look at the Silver crown Logo on the back of her jumpsuit that reads Glorified Goddess. She takes her time sweet time as Isabell stands in the ring awaiting her getting very irritated by Georgia as she stops halfway down the ramp and raises the Femme Fatal and FWA Championships high in the air telling the world how great she is as Heyman points to her with a sinister smirk on his face. Isabell does the title belt taunt signaling that the Femme Fatal will be around her waist after this bout but Georgia shakes her head no as she continues to strut her stuff down to the ring a little banged up with a white bandage on her left arm covered up by a golden elbow pad and a large band aide on her forehead covering over what could be a large gash. With every step of the way the champ keeps a great big smile on her face as she stops at the ring steps and looks on handing Heyman the FWA Championship over to Paul as she tells him to keep her baby warm with a smirk on her face as she kisses it before walking up the steps tight roping the apron and climbing the far right turnbuckle raising the Femme Fatal Championship him in the air. She gets into the ring hopping over the top turnbuckle and as she goes to walk across the ring she’s stopped by Isabella Winters who stands in her way blocking her knowing she’s going to showboat some shaking her head no and Georgia grins holding the Femme Fatal Championship up chest high telling her it is all hers. Who could argue with that as Izzy tells her not for long as they stare each other down.
Fecca: Georgia is decked out in solid gold holding all the gold and Izzy is taking exception to this grandstanding by out champion.
Styles: Who doesn’t? She’s just one of the many who have been rubbed the wrong way by Georgia’s style but that’s not going to stop the solid golden goddess from sealing the deal tonight. I know it.
Fecca: Can Georgia go? Can she get it done obviously beat up? That’s the question and it begs to be answered and tonight will we find out just who the greatest pure wrestling talent in the Femme Fatal division is.
Styles: Ha, good as golden. Good as golden.
Fecca: Well, well we’ll find out because they’re about to get it on cause they don’t get along.
Frank Mason takes the Femme Fatal Championship off Georgia and raises it up into the air as immediately these two ladies glance at the belt then exchange fisticuffs. Giving no ground they just trade off rights and lefts one after another rapid fire neither one graining any ground until Izzy goes for a big haymaker that Georgia ducks under and then shoots a Roundhouse kick to the side of her foes temple staggering her and with that Georgia backs up and charges blasting her with a stiff clothesline knocking her down Georgia calls for her to get up and hits a second clothesline and then another Roundhouse kick that finds its mark with deadly accuracy forcing Izzy to fall down to the canvas and roll out of the ring. Georgia paces back and forth looking on as there are no count outs, no pinfalls, disqualifications, and only submission. Isabell is on her hands and knees on the outside as Georgia follows her growing seemingly impatient as she grabs her by her blonde hair and pulls her up trash talking her telling her that she’s not going to be the champion after she’s done with her. Georgia then proceeds to repeatedly smash Isabell’s face into the ring apron time and time again while the crowd counts alone in unison.
Georgia pauses and then slams her head down once more for good measure.
The crowd roars as Georgia pulls Izzy up as she hangs on by a thread onto the apron barely there and she then drops her down chest first with a front suplex across the guardrail at ringside. She then traps her legs and arms into the holes in the railing and begins to perform a modified Mexican surfboard through the railing agonizing Izzy ripping and tearing at her back. The crowd looks on in awe as Georgia musters up all the strength she’s got in her five foot five inch frame to try to snap Isabell Winters in half with the surfboard as she screams in agony.
Fecca: My god she’s going to break her back. She’s really going to break her back. I have never seen this vicious a side in Georgia. That’s the damnedest submission hold I’ve ever seen in all my years of calling wrestling.
Styles: A think of beauty read ‘em and weep Thee Goddess in control.
Fecca: I can’t argue that one bit and she’s looking like she’ll end it before it can even get started.
Georgia refuses to let go of the hold as the referee implores her to relinquish the hold and he can not tell her anything as Georgia demands that he ask Isabell if she is going to give in. Frank Mason is forced to oblige her requests and Isabell refuses to give in as she is ripping and tearing at her back with every single moment that this hold is locked in the weaker the back of Isabell Winters is. There is a sudden halt to the brutalization as Georgia legs go of the hold and then hooks up Izzy into a front face lock and hits a vertical suplex on her sending her crashing into the thinly padded floors at ringside. The crowd roars their approval as Georgia pops up and raises her hands into the air as she soaks in the adoration from the packed house as Isabell grimaces in a great deal of pain holding her back as Georgia pulls her up by the hair and then puts her into a waist lock and runs her into the ring apron back first before rolling her back into the ring.
Fecca: Finally she takes her back into the ring and the assault doesn’t stop here with a series of knee to the rib cage and lower back you have to believe that Georgia’s going to end this soon with one of the many submission holds she’s got locked away in her arsenal.
Styles: She’s got many tricks up her sleeve and is already pulling them out throwing at Isabella Winters one after another and what do you know she’s at it again.
Fecca: The Bow and Arrow lock focusing solely on the lower back and neck even.
Georgia pulls back as she leans back with her shoulders on the mat as there is no pin fall so she doesn’t worry about being counted out as she wrenches and tears. She rolls little bit to the side almost on instinct keeping her shoulders off the canvas as Izzy struggles to get free and as Georgia rocks to her side Izzy shifts her weight with it rolling through freeing herself from the hold. Georgia falls back and rolls to her feet to meet Izzy who holds her back and as she attacks Izzy stops her and grabs her injured arm and drops down with a Chris Jericho like Arm breaker. Miss James howls in agony as she holds it rolling around the canvas as Izzy stalks her and then nails her with a swift kick to the back forcing Georgia to grimace in a great deal of pain as she howls in agony even more. The tide seems to have turned as Georgia is showing signs of being less then one hundred percent for this bout as she is pulled up and Izzy nails her with a pendulum backbreaker forcing Georgia to wince in pain as Izzy herself holds her back feeling the assault by The Glorified Goddess just moments before. She knows that she’s got to take this opportunity and seize the day as she locks in a boston crab submission as Georgia is center ring in a great deal of agony after the assault.
Fecca: Exploiting those injuries and pinpointing her weaknesses Georgia’s going to be down and out the rest of this fight because once a shark smells blood it is all over.
Styles: She’ll make it through. She’s tough, she’s golden, she’s thee goddess.
Georgia scratches, claws, and scrapes at the canvas pulling herself towards the ropes as she fights the simple yet effect submission hold pulling herself forward with every fiber in her being left as she refuses to give in. Izzy pulls her back a little bit as she fights for the hold to be broken as Izzy leans forward about to pull her away from the ropes but it gives Georgia just enough leeway to bear crawl to the ropes and grab them for the break. Izzy lets go after getting a warning from the referee to keep it clean and she does letting go and continuously stomping away at her back viciously as Georgia hangs on for dear life.
Fecca: Even when Georgia gets a break she’s being beaten down.
Styles: She’s going to get it don’t you worry about it.
Fecca: This relentless assault on the champion could just be the beginning of the end Eddie and it would be a big feather in her cap defeating Georgia James in this match, which is one of her patent matches.
Styles: Stranger things have happened.
Georgia is pulled from the ropes as she holds her back and it picked up and sure enough she’s wrenched in two with a inverted backbreaker which is immediately turned into the camel clutch. Georgia struggles and struggles fighting and fighting as Georgia looks on refusing to give in and refusing to be defeated by submission. There is no doubt that this is one of the most vulnerable we’ve seen the championess in for sometime and she refuses to lose as Isabell demands that she give up telling Frank Mason to do his job and ask her if she gives up. There is a defiant "Hell no" that comes out of her mouth as she reaches for the ropes again and Izzy gets frustrated and begins to deliver cross face forearm shots that rock Georgia as she lets go of the hold and stands over her. She then taunts the crowd which book her and she goes to pick up Georgia but as she pulls her up by the hair he eyes are raked at as last resort to get herself free now she is on a knee and punches her in the throat and then a a spinning back hit followed by a couple punches to the gut two slaps to the face a spinning back fist, a roundhouse kick to the temple and then she backs up charges and drills with the knee kick right to the face floor Izzy and gaining her much needed time to recoop after the constant assault on her back.
Fecca: What was that combination? I have never seen Georgia pull that off before.
Styles: I don’t know for sure but I’d put money on that being The Goddess Special.
Fecca: The Goddess Special that has a nice ring too it.
Styles: I know it does.
Georgia shakes her head and arm alittle she sees that Izzy is to a knee and charges nailing her with another muay thai move in the Bakatara sliding kick right to the face wiping out the challenger as she immediately locks in a version of the million dollar dream which is dubbed the Cobra Hold wrapping her legs around Izzy Winters as she locks the hold in tight. Miss James demands that she give up and begins to choke and choke away at her cutting off her air supply as the Cobra Hold is locked in tight and she is more tenacious then a pitbull as she attempts to choke her out.
Fecca; A Japanese type sleeper hold by Georgia James that’s a varation of the Million Dollar Dream and Georgia could possibly choke out her opponent and really add insult to injury worse then making her tap out.
Styles: Go Georgia go. Choke her out, choke her out, choke her out, choke her out.
Fecca: You’re not suppose to be a fan you’re suppose to you know try to stay professional.
Styles: When have I ever done that?
Fecca: Touche’…
Styles: No I will not touch your tussie
Georgia has had this hold in for several seconds and with every moment Izzy fights it less and less she’s almost passing out it would seem as Georgia holds it tighter rearing back and rearing back until Izzy goes completely limp and Georgia tells the referee to check her so Frank Mason grabs her hand once and raises it up as it drops back down to her side, he raises it up a second time to the same effect, he drops it down a third but mid-way down it stops and begins to girate as Georgia looks on in shock as Izzy comes back to life some. Georgia is forced to let go of the hold as it now seems to have no effect on Izzy and she begins to stomp away at her but she fights through it. Everyone is roaring their disapproval as Izzy comes back with a reverse elbow to Georgia’s gut and she then snapmares down the champion who is stunned with a dropkick to the back of the head and then as Georgia pulls herself up she is dropped with a snap suplex and then placed into a grounded version of the Octopus Stretch as Georgia is entangled up she struggles and Izzy begins to jerk and tear at her as it seems to be all but over for the fabulous goddess as she struggles but is able to escape the hold getting to the ropes as the positioning for the hold was all off. Georgia escapes pulls herself up but walks right into another Arm Breaker and it is Izzy Winters who locks in Georgia’s Song on Miss James now dead center in the ring on her very bad arm that was worked on earlier in the match up. Georgia pats her arm and shoulder as she shakes her head no as the crowd begins to stomp in support of her as she wiggles and wiggles.
Fecca; I can’t believe this Izzy Winters is going to try to defeat Georgia with her own signature submission hold.
Styles: Just like a peon to try to upstage Thee Goddess like that with her own devatistaing maneuver.
Fecca: There is no doubt about it that Georgia is staying strong and fighting the hold that she’s made famous but will she be able to get out of it. Is it too great for her to resist?
As Fecca poses the question Georgia has proved to be tougher then expected as she reaches for the ropes raising her hand up to grab the rope and Izzy sees this and tries to kick it away but Georgia as she moves her foot to the ropes Georgia grabs it and she is forced to give a rope break. Georgia holds her arm as Izzy begins to stomp away at her with the thought that she can not use that arm to lock in the same hold she’s been the the clutches off figuring Georgia’s going to go for her bread and butter but Georgia fights and fights with her off hand hitting rights to the face as she favors her left and strong arm. She applies a Cravate or ¾ Chanary hold but she can not get enough pressure as Izzy powers out with a back suplex breaking the hold and immediately goes for the Lovely Lock but Georgia senses it as her leg and ankle is grabbed but before Izzy can cinch in the hold Georgia rolls through and into the ropes and Izzy lets go and goes for the hold again using the persistence pays method but Georgia kicks her off with a reserve mule kick and then as she comes up it is Georgia who catches her with a whiplash like Spinebuster Slam and then she looks on shaking her head no, no, and then doing a throat slash as she locks in the Immortal Deathlock.
Styles: Tap out. No one can escape The Immortal Deathlock absolutely no one.
Fecca: Wow I can’t believe it. She’s got the Immortal Deathlock in and Isabell Winters is so close to grabbing the ropes she could get out of this and continue this match up.
Styles: No so fast my friend not so fast. Georgia’s on it tonight and she will refuse to lose.
Fecca; Georgia’s got Seifer’s hold in tight and this could be it but I thought they were on the rocks?
Styles: Cause of that Jezebel Sister of hers but right now she’s got the hold and she’s got this. Give in Izzy, just give in.
Georgia has the hold as Izzy still fighting with alittle life in her reaches for the ropes one last time pulling herself closer as Georgia has the hold in tight ignoring the pain shooting through her left arm. She seems to have it but at the last instance Georgia looks back with a evil smirk as she tells her uh uh as she pulls her forward away from the ropes 2/3rds of the way from the center of the ring and leans back on the hold sitting down and pulling back with all her might. Frank Mason asks Izzy if she’s going to give up and she refuses as Georgia’s got the hold in and she fights it and fights it as Georgia stays with it and Mason asks if she gives in but again she refuses forcing Georgia to lean back some more damn near snapping her in half as she completely sits down on the hold leaning back and finally after being locked in the hold for over a minute Izzy has no other choice but to tap out as she slaps her hand on the canvas repeatedly. She slams it down as Frank Mason calls for the bell and it rings.
The crowd roars their approval cheering her on as she relinquishes the hold finally and has her hand raised into the air in triumph by Mason who grabs her left arm messing up as she gives him a death stare after that while she demands he grab the right arm which he does handing her the championship she puts on her shoulder cradling her left arm. She rips her hand away from him as she winks at the crowd and blows them a kiss before patting the championship belt and tossing it outside of the ring to Heyman who catches it. She immediately rolls out of the ring without celebrating or showing off and heads to the back. One would wonder why Georgia’s going so hastily but what’s important is that on this night she’s still got her gold and still the Femme Fatal Championess. As we cut away Georgia smiles giving Izzy the bird flipping her off cockily as she looks back from the ramp way with the biggest cocky grin ever as her fallen foe looks on in disgust being put out by The Immortal Deathlock.
As Georgia James stands in the middle of the ring holding her Femme Fatal title, looking down at a fallen Isabell Winters. Georgia has that confident cocky smirk on her face as she turns in a circle, waving to the crowd. Suddenly Georgia’s music stops and the tron dances to life. Georgia and the fans watch curiously as the blurred picture clears, showing Angel sitting on Novas lap. Nova wears his familiar smirk and Angel smiles impishly at the camera.
Congratulations Gee… I knew you would retain, actually let’s say I was counting on it and in all honesty I am glad you did. I admit there were a few moments through the week when I had my doubts, but then again, underestimating our peers is something we all make the mistake of doing, especially when they aren’t our concern of the moment.
While Angel continues on the screen Izzy rolls to the outside of the ring, the ref helping her to stand as he aids her in her walk to the backstage area. Angel smiles.
Sorry to you Izzy, maybe next time, but probably not.
Izzy gives Angel a heated look; Angel winks at her before she looks back over Izzy and the ref to Gee who remains in the center of the ring with a confused look on her face.
I bet your wondering what this is all about huh Gee? Well don’t let me keep you wondering. This is a warning to you my dear. Keep that title nice and pretty Gee, I want it in the best shape it can be in when I yank it from your grasp and hook it around my waist.
Angel smirks.
In case you’re still confused, let me clarify… Georgia you have been marked for De'vine Intervention. I ‘m coming to dethrone Thee [self proclaimed] Goddess and knock her off that proverbial pedestal. Enjoy your reign while you can, it will end quicker than Aubrey’s career.
The picture on the tron fades out, leaving Georgia in the ring with the crowd going wild around her. The camera pans in tightly on Georgia’s face, a look of irritation covering her face as the scene fades to the next match. |
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- Register:12/01/2008 4:13 PM
Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory II' (February 2007)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 7:35 PMCopy HTML
The lights in the arena go dim. "Battle" By Gang Starr begins to sound over the public address system. Rot appears from behind the curtain, and the fans begin to heavily boo him. He smirks, and walks to the middle of the entrance stage. He throws his arms up in the air, and two yellow then white pyros go off on his right and left side. He lowers his arms, and begins to walk down the ramp slowly. Goldberg style pyros go off on each side of the ramp, and he walks through them down the ramp. Once he makes it to the black mat, he looks at the ring, then into the crowd. He then slides into the ring, and stands up. His music begins to fade as he stands there, awaiting for his opponent.
Fecca: Well here’s the challenger for the Titanium title, Rot.
Styles: Rot’s looking more determined than ever right now. He’s really got his eye on the prize for this one.
"Making his way to the ring, weighing two hundred ten pounds. From Plainville, Indiana, being escorted by Angelina Santana....Whyyysssperrrr!!!"
Fecca: But this man stands in his way.
"The Truth" by Limp Bizkit blasts through the P.A. and plays awhile, awaiting the arrival of the Silent Warrior. After a few seconds, Whysper emerges, along with Angelina, from the back and flips his hair back and pounds his chest with his fist and gives the rock/heavy metal taunt. Then, he looks up towrds Heaven and points towards that direction. He then looks at Angelina and she turns to him dramtatically, pressing herself against him as he grabs her around the waist. She puts her arms around Whysper's shoulders and wraps her right leg around his waist as he holds it around the thigh area. Angelina caresses the Silent One's face as he does hers.
Styles: You gotta be curious what kind, if any at all. What role will Angelina play in this title defense after all the claims, and well, video footage Rot was giving us all week.
Fecca: I think it’s a pretty outrageous claim. But you know everything rot said had to have gotten inside of Whysper’s head.
They then engage in a short kiss. After releasing each other, Whysper walks to the ring with Angelina sauntering behind him. Once he gets a few feet from it, he sprints and slides in. Once he stands back up, he then looks at Angelina and points at her. She gives the crowd a playful smile and puts her hands on the apron. Then, Angelina proceeds to twist and gyrate her hips in a seductive motion. She then puts up one of her long, athletic legs on the apron, caresses it, then puts the other one on the apron and pulls herself up onto the apron.
Styles: I gotta believe she’s going to try something. But I’m curious. Will she be helping Whysper…or helping Rot!
Fecca: That’s ridiculous!
Behind the two getting in the ring there stands Rot with both hands clenched together loosening up his wrists and arms biding his time and waiting for the match to start.
Styles: Rot looks incredibly intense right now.
Fecca: He certainly does.
She ducks under the ropes and into the ring. Whysper then helps her up. Then, as Angelina greets the crowd, Whysper climbs a turnbuckle and does the same rock taunt he did on stage, but does the it with both hands in the air and with his mouth open like he's yelling. Then he crosses his arms in front of him in the form of an 'X.' After that, Whysper runs to another turnbuckle and does the same taunts again. He then hops down, kneels at the turnbuckle, and prays as Angelina climbs out of the ring. Once he gets done doing that, he stands up and walks to the center of the ring. Rot meets him there and slaps the spit right out of Whysper’s mouth. Angelina is pointing at rot and yelling after that cheap hit. Rot blows a kiss at her and Whysper fires off a series of right hands as the bell sounds off.
Fecca: This match is starting off just as we expected it would!
Styles: These two, especially Whysper have been dying to get in the ring all week. After what was booked as a normal title defense. Rot has taken it upon himself to make this more personal than ever. He got to Whysper last week on Shockwave during that huge melee after the main event. Just pouring salt in the open wounds. Rot first verbally challenged Whysper, then he made his next attack physical. After that we’ve heard the claims of Rot sleeping with Angelina!
Fecca: That’s still not proven to be true yet.
Styles: *Yet*!
Whysper has Rot backed up in the corner as he climbs up on the second rope and starts pounding into Rot’s face as the crowd counts along.
1!! 2!! 3!! 4!! 5!! 6!! 7-
Rot picks Whysper up and walks out, then throws himself back landing Whysper throat first across the top rope with a hot shot like move. Rot stands back up to his feet as Whypser lies across the second rope holding his throat. Rot jams a knee into his back and pulls up on the top rope choking the Hell out of the champion. Angelina gets up on the apron yelling at the ref who was making the normal five count telling Rot to break it, and she distracts him as Rot lifts Whysper’s legs, and delivers a heavy kick between the legs behind the ref’s back.
Styles: You see that!? She just distracted the ref so Rot could land a low blow!
Fecca: That’s absurd! She was trying to help Whysper!
Styles: Well if that’s the case she’s a terrible manager. Because she just allowed Rot to change the tides of this match with one single kick!
Angelina hops down to the floor as Rot nods and winks at her.
Styles: SEE!!
Fecca: Rot’s just playing mind games as usual!
Styles: How do you know there isn’t something going on?!
Fecca: Well…I can’t say for sure.
Rot drags Whysper out to the center of the ring and makes a cover. 1...2...Whysper shoots an arm up just in time. Rot gets up on his knees and starts raining down punches to the face of Whysper. The ref pulls Rot away as Rot just stands back up to his feet acting as innocent as ever with his arms up and a smile on his face. Rot looks down at Whysper, then makes his way across the ring and climbs out through the ropes down to the floor next to Angelina. Rot’s saying something to her, but before she has time to react Whysper is through the ropes with a sliding dropkick that puts Rot up and over the guard rail. As rot plows into the front row fans’ lap Whysper is standing against the ropes trying to get out, being held off by the ref. Whypser finally pulls away and runs off to the far side ropes after seeing Rot standing back to his feet. Whysper comes back, the ref in front decides to lose the game of chicken and dives down onto the mat. Whysper dives over the referee and the top rope and soars through the air smashing into Rot in the front row of the crowd.
Angelina is standing there looking over the guard rail at the two men.
Styles: Look at her! She’s checking to see if her man ROT is okay!
Fecca: How do you know she isn’t checking on Whysper!?
Styles: …How do you know she is?
Both guys slowly get up, with Whysper up first, he grabs Rot by the hair and flings him back over the guard rail, then follows over after him. Rot crawls towards the ring and pulls himself up on the apron as Whysper pushes him into the ring. He turns around saying something to Angelina, looking to be a little heated.
Styles: See that! He’s letting rot get Into his head here!
Fecca: You may be right, looks like there’s trouble in paradise.
Whysper allows rot the time to somewhat recover as Whysper climbs up onto the apron with his head turned arguing with Angelina as Rot comes out of nowhere and grabs Whysper in a dragon sleeper and pulls him halfway over the top rope. Rot then spins around underneath Whypser and drills him down on the back of his neck with a spinning neck breaker off the top rope. Rot gets on top of the back of Whysper’s legs rolling him up for the pin. 1...2...Whysper kicks out and rolls backwards onto his face with Rot staying on top of him locking in an STF. Whysper is reaching out for the ropes with Angelina slapping the mat at ringside getting the fans behind Whysper. Whysper claws forward getting closer and closer to the ropes. He reaches out just a hair away from grabbing the bottom rope, and Rot pulls back on Whysper’s hair then starts driving his forearm into the side of Whysper’s head. Whysper has a hold of the bottom rope but Rot is relentlessly pounding away at Whysper.
Fecca: Rot better be careful to not get himself disqualified here.
Styles: How can he do that with his new girlfriend distracting the ref at every turn!?
Angelina is back up on the ring apron as the ref gets up to argue with her. Rot lets go of Whysper and nods at Angelina who continues yelling at the ref and now yelling at Rot. Styles: ANOTHER SIGNAL!
Whysper gets up to his hands and knees and gets a football punt to the ribs. He rolls over and gets back on his hands and knees as Rot runs to the ropes, comes back jumping off of Whysper’s back, he lands on the top rope and leaps back, turning in mid air and lands a huge leg drop across the back of Whysper’s neck.
Fecca: A huge leg drop from Rot! This could be the end of it for Whysper!
Rot rolls Whysper over as Angelina is off the apron again and the ref gets into position as rot makes the pin. 1.…..2.…..KICKOUT!!
Styles: A close call for the champion Whysper!
Rot drags Whysper back to his feet by the hair and takes him over to the corner, as Whysper suddenly switches positions and muscles Rot into the corner. Whysper throws several rights and lefts before quickly picking Rot up and setting him on the top turnbuckle. Whysper gets under Rot’s legs and picks him up off the top, twisting around and landing a sit down power bomb close to the corner.
The ref slides in for the count. 1.…2.…KICKOUT!!
Styles: Close call there now for Rot!
Whysper gets back up to his feet as Rot slowly stumbles up as well looking a little dazed from his head bouncing off the mat like a basketball. Rot rolls outside of the ring as Whysper is stopped from chasing him by the ref. Rot on the outside grabs a folded up chair dragging it out from under the ring as the ref has his back turned arguing with Whysper. Rot stands up showing the chair off as Angelina jumps back up on the apron and the ref instantly runs to her. Rot drops the chair as Whysper runs at him, Rot grabs Whypser by the head and drops down snapping his throat across the top rope. Whysper falls backwards holding his throat as Rot slides into the ring and walks across where Angelina and the ref is. Rot pushes the ref aside leaving Angelina stunned as he steps in front of her and…
Styles: I TOLD YOU SO!!
Fecca: Whysper is NOT going to like THAT!!
Angelina is swinging wildly at Rot slapping mostly his back. Whysper sees rot’s tongue down his girlfriends throat and runs in from behind to slam Rot, but Rot moves out of the way with Angelina still swinging away and she ends up hitting Whysper as Rot’s run off to the ropes, he leaps up to the middle rope and springboards off spinning around catching Whysper in a head scissors, and spinning it around into a sudden piledriver. Whysper crumbles on his back and Rot climbs on top for the cover.
Fecca: KICK OUT!!
The bell rings as Rot gets off of Whysper and stands up to his feet stumbling backwards as the ref hands him the Titanium title and raises his hand. Angelina gets In the ring as Rot shoves the referee away, she’s checking on the fallen Whysper as Rot walks over to her and drags her up to her feet by the hair, pulling her away from Whysper. Whysper starts to slowly get up behind them as rot is yelling something at her. Rot drops the title belt while getting in Angelina’s face, pulling her towards him about to lay another one on her when all of a sudden Whysper spins Rot around and cracks him over the head with the belt. Whysper drops the belt and kneels down laying in punch after punch into Rot.
From behind slides into the ring…
Fecca: Jake and Whysper were trading words earlier in the week over some claims Whysper used on one of Jake’s former teams.
Jake gets in the ring as Angelina yells at Whysper and backs away from Jake. Whysper gets up to his feet now and turns around RIGHT INTO AN ICON BUSTER!!Jake springs back to his feet as Rot slowly gets back up picking his title belt up with him, he spits down on Whysper as he and Jake both leave the ring together.
Styles: Are they aligned now?!
Fecca: I seems the claims of Rot being a tag along must’ve struck a nerve with Jake. Maybe, Whysper should’ve left well enough alone, because now everything seems to be getting a lot worse.
Rot and Jake both walk out together going backstage.
Georgia has retained her champions by forcing Izzy to submit and she is in the trainers’ room getting her left arm checked on as he cuts away the athletic tape Bobby Johnson walks in and greets her.
Bobby Johnson: One helluva match out there Lady Gee I can’t believe Snowflake tried to put you away with your own finishing submission that just shows you how desperate she is to show she’s better then you she thought she’d use your own hold. Georgia grins as the doc asks her a question as he squeezes her elbow.
Doc: Does this hurt Georgia? Georgia jams winches.
Georgia: Ya think! You saw what that heifer tried to do to me. The doc shuts up knowing he doesn’t want to irritate her anymore as she smirks addressing Bobby whose come to check on her and congratulate her big win.
Georgia James: Ain’t no thing Bobby, ain’t go thing I did what I just want you to go out there and do the damn thing and keep that gold man champion to champion, friend to friend whoop that ass for me, for the people, for Pee Wubya Tee. Bobby is taken back by this statement as he points to her and in the air as he speaks up rubbing his chin.
Bobby Johnson: Ok I’ll do just that beating Seifer’s ass but I have to ask you this what was with you using his Immortal Deathlock and you’ve been getting close with him wassup wit dat? Georgia laughs a bit as he does the old Hurricane Wassup wit dat pose to go with the question.
Georgia James: Ain’t no thang man, ain’t no thing but know I got you if you ever need me baby boy. I got you now go whoop that ass. Bobby Johnson: I will, I will. Congrats on the big win Lady Gee I never doubted you for a second and take care of that arm I’d hate to see Snowflake braggin’ about taking you out. Georgia James: I’ll be good, I’ll be good now go get ‘em killah. With that Bobby smirks as he gives her a pound first going for her left hand but knowing it’s hurt she wags her finger and extends her right as they share a laugh with each other as he walks up with him saying "HOLLA".
*-*-* |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory II' (February 2007)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 7:36 PMCopy HTML
[The previous match booked on this awesome card has just come to an end. The victor has celebrated victory while the loser has left with a sour taste in their mouth. And as the fans begin to calm down from voicing their opinion on the outcome, we fade to the scene backstage. There we see Christian Michaels, PWT's Southern Heartthrob, standing outside a locker room. With his left arm he holds his two-year-old daughter Gabby. The toddler gives her daddy a kiss on the cheek.
Gabby: You gon win daddy?
CM: Plan on it sweetheart.
Gabby: YaY!
[He smiles at Gabby's gleefulness.
Gabby: We get icream after you win?
CM: I dunno about that one. It depends on how badly daddy gets beaten up in this match.
[ Young Gabby looks at her father in confuzzlement.
Gabby: Bu daddy.......You shupaman!
CM: Then lets just hope that Sean hasn't found any kryptonite.
[At this point the door behind CM opens. From behind the door steps Michaels' wife Rhya. Instantly upon seeing her mother Gabby is ready to go to her. Of course CM passes her off to Rhya. He adjusts his elbow pads and then leans in, kissing Rhya.
CM: Well babe, I gotta go ta work on kicking Sean's ass. Wish me luck tonight.
Rhya: Good luck Chris... and please be careful.
[ He chuckles.
CM: Didn't ya hear Gabby? I'm supaman!
[Rhya shoots him a bit of a look. Christian though smirks and walks toward the gorilla position. The scene focusing back out at ringside after we see Rhya go back in the locker room.
Fecca: That just goes to show you folks, that despite what some others might think, you don't always have to be away from your family in this industry.
Styles: Well maybe those same people just don't want to spend time with their families.
Fecca: I guess to each their own, but still its nice to see someone prove them wrong that it *has* to be that way.
Styles: Blah blah blah! Someone get me CM an SFM out here before Bob here puts me in a diabetic coma with all this crap.
[Right on cue the lights in the arena fade away. The fans instantly come to their feet knowing that its time for the arrival of Christian Michaels. The tron flickering to life as we hear the opening chords to "Kryptonite" by Three Doors Down. Suddenly as the song an video kick into high-gear, there's an explosion of pyros on the stage! And as these sparks die down the fans can just make out the Southern Heartthrob standing in the midst of smoke an sparks. His stance like that of Y2J. Finally Michaels spins around to face his fa-WHAM! CM's dropped from behind thanks to a chair shot from Sean Frost Mann!!!
Fecca: What the hell is this?!
Styles: It’s called a strategic strike Bob.
[Mann continues to slam the chair down again and again across CM's back. The music and tron video fade away as the lights come back up. As they do, SFM tosses the chair down and yells for Michaels to get up. And ever so slowly CM does begin to push himself to his hands an knees. SFM taking position for the "Lets Roll" superkick. He waits and waits as CM struggles to his feet. Then the moment that CM is standing straight, SFM nails that "Lets Roll" superkick! CM of course hits the stage again. His eyes rolled into the back of his head.
Fecca: He nearly took Michaels head off with that superkick... Wow that feels odd to say.
Styles: Well as soon as Sean gets CM on the stretcher and rolls him back to that ambulance you can say: SFM wins! SFM wins!
Fecca: Christian may be down at the moment Eddie, but I wouldn't count him out yet.
[SFM, with a handful of hair, yanks CM to his feet again. He puts a front facelock on CM and backs up toward the edge of the stage. Mann being very careful to make sure that he doesn't step back too far. He gets into a position that he likes and hooks Michaels for a vertical suplex. But amazingly CM blocks it, hooking his leg behind SFM's. Again an again Sean tries to complete the move. However each time its blocked. Finally CM reverses and he suplexes Sean Frost Mann on the stage! The impact taking its toll on both men. CM rolling onto his side, reaching back and holding his lower back. Meanwhile SFM hit the stage and immediately sat up, reaching and holding his lower back as well. Still though, SFM gets to his feet again before Michaels. He grabs that steel chair again and lines up for a homerun shot on CM. But it seems that CM musta sensed it coming. He breaks out with a dropkick outta nowhere that sends the chair into SFM's face!
Fecca: Sean looking for another chairshot, but this one backfires on him. Michaels is still in it!
Styles: Is he on steroids or something?
[The chair drops outta SFM's h ands as he falls back on the stage. Once again CM pushes himself up and this time *he* grabs the chair. Michaels now waiting for SFM to get to his feet. And when SFM does get up he has some blood across his forehead. He turns around to Michaels and gets jabbed in the gut with the chair. Christian then raising that chair over his head and then slamming it down across SFM's back! Again! Again! Again! Again! Finally CM tosses down the chair and starts making his way down the ramp.
Fecca: Michaels must be going to get the stretcher.
[ CM walks right past the stretcher.
Fecca: Then again....
Styles: What a stupid backwater redneck.
[ The God of Wrestling flips up the ring skirt and starts looking underneath for a weapon. Fans nearby at ringside go nuts as he pulls out a trash can an tosses it into the ring. Then he pulls out the lid and tosses it in too. CM ducks back under and then pulls out you normal ten foot tall ladder. He slides that in the ring and then looks underneath once more. This time though he pulls out a tried an true weapon of choice for his mentor an friend Nic E Dangerously. That weapon of course being the Crown of Thorns. The CoT being a kendo stick that is wrapped in barbedwire that still has pieces of flesh hanging on the barbs. The barbed wire almost rusted looking with all the dried blood on it. And now CM is wielding that bad mammajamma.
Styles: Somebody get that thing away from him!
Fecca: I usually would remind you that this type of match is anything goes, but this time I agree. That is a very dangerous weapon right there. Michaels, as well as his mentor Nic E Dangerously, have been known to employ that weapon when they want to make points.
[ Michaels stares at the CoT as if its giving him magical god-like powers. And then he glances back over his shoulder at SFM coming down the ramp.
Fecca: Uh oh.....
[ SFM reaches out toward CM.....and then TWHACK! CM turns and catches SFM across the abdomen with the CoT! This doubles SFM over and as CM pulls the CoT away you can see fresh bits of flesh stuck to the barbs. Michaels then going to town cracking SFM across his back multiple times repeatedly! Finally its too much and SFM drops down to his knees. When he does, CM stands behind him and then, holding the CoT at an angle, begins raking it across the cut on SFM's forehead. Blood beginning to pour out of the wound as those barbs tear piece after piece of flesh away.
Styles: Get in there and stop this ref! He's trying to kill him!
Fecca: Folks if you have young children watching this at home with you, I suggest you take them out of the room for the duration of this match.
[ It seems that CM has finally grown tired of grading Sean's face like a chunk of cheese. He tosses down the CoT and then rolls SFM into the ring. Christian then turns and plays to his fans, getting their approval to go and lay more of a beating on Mann. CM gives a thumbs up and slides into the ring himself. He walks over to SFM and reaches down to pick him up. However SFM has grabbed the trashcan lid and he plasters CM in the face! Michaels flying back and landing on his back. The bloody an battered SFM getting to his feet spaghetti-legged. CM rolls to his feet and charges SFM, only to be walloped again with that lid.
Styles: YEAH! Now what Bob? Lets hear ya call this match now.
Fecca: Well to his credit, the veteran Sean Frost Mann seems to still have fight left in him. I have a feeling that now we're going to see a lil retribution for the retribution that CM took out moments ago.
[Looks like Fecca is right. SFM takes a chair and lodges it, on its side, inbetween the top an middle turnbuckles. Then he goes to pick CM up. He does so without incident, but CM does manage to reverse the Irish whip. Instead Mann finds himself whipped into the corner. Just before impact he turns into it to let his back take it. And when he looks up, through eyes clicnhed in pain, SFM see's Michaels charging. Sean manages to use it to his advantage, lifting CM and one man flapjacking Michaels face-first into the turnpost!
Fecca: And Michaels eats a face full of that top turnpost.
Styles: Looks like he put some ketchup on it.
[CM falls out onto the ring apron and then to the floor. SFM goes out after Michaels and pulls him up. Sure enough there's a gash on his forehead and CM is wearing the proverbial crimson mask. CM trying to wipe the blood from his eyes before SFM rolls him back in the ring. After a couple kicks to the back, SFM leaves CM and heads toward the ladder. Sean lays it in a corner and then slides out of the ring. He looks underneath and brings out a table. CM has gotten to his feet and gets whipped into the ladder back first. This works well for SFM who then lays the table against Michaels.
Fecca: What is Mann doing?
[ SFM heads across the ring to the opposite corner. He charges full speed ahead and throws himself against the table, effectively sandwiching Michaels between the ladder and table!
Styles: Looks like that.
[ Mann drops to the mat holding his shoulder. Behind the table CM also drops to his knees. He begins fidgeting with something, but we can't quite tell what. Finally SFM gets up and heads over. He shoves the table aside and goes to reach down for CM. However CM goes back to his Memphis wrestling roots and throws a fireball a la Jerry Lawler!
Fecca: Michaels threw fire! Michaels threw fire!
Styles: Ahhhhh!!!!!
[That’s SFM's sentiments exactly. He's hollering in pain before he takes a kick to the gut. CM then hooks SFM up and drops him with a "Just Like That" twist of fate on the discarded table!
Fecca: Just Like That! Both men are down after the Just Like That on a table!
Styles: This can't be happening! He freaking burned a man and these people are cheering?
[After a moment, CM rolls out of the ring and positions the stretcher. He then gets back in the ring and rolls SFM over to the apron. Back outside the ring and CM pulls his opponent onto the stretcher. Michaels strapping SFM to it before slowly pushing him up the ramp. Our cameras follow as CM pushes SFM through the backstage area towards the parking lot.
Fecca: This match is moments away from being over.
[Soon enough the ambulance can be seen. And we're getting closer and closer to it. CM stopping at the back and reaches for the handle on the back door. He pulls on it but it doesn't open.
Fecca: What the hell?!
[And that's when Becca's face appears in the back window of the ambulance. She shakes her head no and flips CM off.
Styles: Yes!
[CM is snatching at the door handle, trying to pry the door open. Unfortunately this means he doesn't see SFM managing to get off the stretcher. Mann slipping off and finding a conveniently placed lead pipe on the ground. He takes it and swings a hard swing into the back of CM's left knee!
Fecca: Oh come on now.
[Michaels drops to the concrete holding his left knee. Sean Frost Mann meanwhile waltzes over to a limo, prolly Becca's, and opens the back door on the passenger's side. And by now Becca has stepped out of the ambulance. She sits on the stretcher watching CM writhe in agony as SFM comes back after him. Mann placing a few kicks to that left knee before he drags Michaels toward that door. He places CM's left leg in the car to the knee. SFM then stomps CM in the face to momentarily put him out of commission. This lets SFM push the door slightly against CM's knee. Then Mann jumps back, plants, and springs forward with a "Lets Roll" superkick! There's a sickening snap sound and CM comes back to life immediately!
[He pushes the door away from his knee, then clutches at it while screaming in pain. And even with the poor camera shot, due to CM's writhing, you can tell that knee isn't in a natural state. Even SFM and Becca look stunned at Sean's actions.
Styles: Whoa....
[CM continues to scream in agony as the ref rushes in. He doesn't need much of a look before he throws up his arms and calls out.
Ref: That's it! Its over!
[In the arena the bell rings and Sabrina announces the winner.
Sabrina: Ladies and gentlemen your winner, by way of CM not being able to continue, Sean... Frost... Mann
[The fans don't even bother to boo. Instead their attention is glued to the tron. EMTs and other officials have flooded the scene by now. Finally SFM and Becca slowly walk away from the scene. And they're almost bowled over by Rhya as she rushes onto the scene. Officials try and keep her back but its no use.
Fecca: I... I don't know what to say Eddie. You know that these types of matches can have outcomes like this, but you never really expect it to happen.
Styles: I know what you mean Bob. Sure, I give the goody two shoes like Michaels a hard time, but I don't wish serious injury on anyone.
Fecca: Folks as you can see on your screens, Rhya has made it to her husband's side. And you have to wonder what this is doing to her inside Eddie.
Styles: I don't want to even hazard a guess.
Fecca: Lets see if we can hear what's being said back there.
[The main shot is now up close as the EMTs are immobilizing CM's knee.
CM: AHhhhhhhh......... It’s blown! I felt it when something tore in there..... Ahhhhhh........ Oh fuck it hurts...!!!
[He slaps the pavement.
Fecca: That is not a good thing to hear. Folks it looks like they're going to be loading CM into that ambulance and taking him to a local medical facility. We meanwhile have to continue with the show. If we get any update on Michaels condition we'll be sure and pass that along.
Styles: I wonder how long he's gonna be out for...
Fecca: There's no telling Eddie....
[ The scene fades to a commercial for Shockwave, every Sunday night on MSN. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory II' (February 2007)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 7:36 PMCopy HTML
[The scene opens up in the PWT Heavyweight Champions dressing room. He is about to head out the door, when his sister/manger, Crystal Johnson, stops him.
Crystal: Hey Bobby, were you going? You leaving without me or what?
Bobby: Yes….I think that I am this time.
Crystal: But I’m your manager. You need me out there.
Bobby: No….what I need you to do is be safe back here because it is going to get nasty out there. I'm already banged up, and I don't need to see you get that way as well. I have to do this alone, and that is just the way that it is going to be.
Crystal: But Bobby I….
[Bobby cuts her off.
Bobby: This is not up to debate. I told you how it’s going to be, and that’s the end of it, so just stay here.
[Crystal just looks at him, as he leaves the room, and heads down the hallway. he looks back at the door, slings the Heavywiegt Title over his shoulder, and heads off to his match.
*video package is shown highlighting the Main Event* | *-*-* *-*-* *-*-*
[The lights in the arena cut off completely as Kid Rock's "Trucker Anthem" begins to fill the airwaves, smoke begins to fill in on the ramp and stage as it does so.
Oh-e-o ohhhh oh Oh-e-o ohhhh oh
As the electric guitar goes off the first time the PWTron sparks to life, flashes scenes of a battlefield and battles taking place intertwined with a series of highlights of Seifer's past matches.
Oh-e-o ohhhh oh Oh-e-o ohhhh oh
Who's in the house? Seiferrrrrrrr
Silver and Turquoise strobe lights begin to flash around the arena as the music continues.
Who's in the house? Seiferrrrrrrr Who's in the house? Seiferrrrrrrr Who's in the house? Seiferrrrrrrr Who's in the house? Seiferrrrrrrr Who's in the house?
The instruments finally pick up and as they do Seifer steps out onto the stage, nearly covered in smoke. As it begins to dissiptate he throws his arms out to the side in his taunt.
Oh-e-o ohhhh oh Oh-e-o ohhhh oh
Oh-e-o ohhhh oh Oh-e-o ohhhh oh
Making his way down the ramp he lifts his arms up again, pumping himself up and yelling out as the music kicks into full gear and Seifer begins to slap the hands of the fans. Seifer cracks his neck to the side as he begins to circle the ring, slapping hands with the fans as he does so and they completely eat it up. Seifer comes across the entire ring and makes his way up the steps and through the ropes and as he enters he makes a quick spin before lifting his arms up. Seifer walks over to the left back turnbuckle and throws his arms up and out to the side as the flashes go off. He drops down to the mat and waits for Bobby to make his entrance.
Fecca: Seifer has waited for this moment for almost a year, and now he gets a chance to reclaim the title that he once lost.
Styles: He lost it because someone lied on him, and got it stripped.
Fecca: Actually it doesn’t matter because he had a chance to win it again verses Georgia James, and lost the match..
Styles : That’s irrelevant Bob. He was screwed over, and now he gets a chance to get it back, and if he gets it back, he’s keeping it forever. Period.
Fecca: Well I think that the current Heavyweight Champion begs to differ.
The G.O.A.T., by LL Cool J, starts to play over the P.A. system. Single words start to flash up on the big screen….
Various scene from past matches involving Bobby starts to play. Bobby giving Ricky Carter a 450 Splash off the top of a ladder, while Ricky’s laying on a table. Bobby giving Matt Matlock a Bourbon Street Blues™ in The Elimination Chamber. Bobby with a tight Bourbon Street Blues™ on Chris Stlyes. Bobby jumping off the top of the turnbuckle, and giving MJ Storm a Body Splash, while he is laying on the announce table. Bobby giving Luther Aldridge The Greatest Trademark Move Of All Time™. Bobby standing up on the turnbuckle with his arms raised in the air after winning the ICWA’s Royal Rumble 2. Bobby in the middle of the Hell in a Cell over a fallen MJ Storm, as he is holding the PWT Titanium, People’s, and Tag Team Championship’s simultaneously. Bobby executing a perfect Crescent City Connection on David Van Dam, and covering him for the three count to win the PWT Heavyweight Championship.
Bobby makes his way out from behind the curtains, and he stops on the top of the ramp. He has his PWT Heavyweight Championship draped over his shoulder.
He starts to jump from side to side a lot like Brock Lesnar used to. He stops jumping, and starts to make his way down the ramp. He stops in front of the ring, and leaps up onto the rings edge, and then grabs the ropes, and leap frogs over them, and lands inside the ring. He walks over to the far corner, climbs up the turnbuckle, and hold his Heavyweight Championship in the air for the crowd to see.
The fans give him a huge pop. He gets back down, walks over to the opposite turnbuckle, and does the same routine He finally jumps down, and stares across the ring at Seifer.
Fecca: Bobby’s ribs are taped up because they are very bruised. This could leave him open for an attack, and frankly, this makes him quite vulnerable.
Styles: Seifer would be crazy not to go at Bobby’s ribs. I’m sure that he will be taking as many pop shots as he can at them. I don’t think that I would want to be Bobby out there tonight.
Fecca: Bobby has faced much adversity over the past couple of years, and has come out on top. This could very well be his greatest challenge to date.
Styles: It very well could be his last one as also.
[Bobby glares across the ring at Seifer, as Senior Referee, Jim Richards, signals for the bell to signify the start of the match.
The two men waste no time, and dart out of their respective corners and go on the attack. They start to throw an assortment of punches at one another. Bobby stumbles back a bit Seifer takes advantage of the situation, by grabbing his arm, and gives him an Irish Whip into the ropes. He follows it up with a Spinebuster, then leaps back up to his feet. Bobby starts to get up to his feet slowly, as Seifer runs back, bounces off the ropes, and uses the momentum to gain more force behind the knee to the side of Bobby’s head that he gave him. Bobby looks to be on dream street, as Seifer bends down and grabs him. He guides him back up to his feet, and whips him into the corner, and follows it up with a Running Elbow to the face. Bobby’s head snaps back, and then he slides down to the sitting position. Seifer takes his foot, and places it on Bobby’s neck. He grabs the ropes to use them as leverage, as he pushes down, and tries to choke Bobby out. Bobby struggles to get free, and can be seen gasping for air. He gives Seifer’s a few hard forearms to the side of the leg, and eventually, he makes Seifer lose his footing a little. Bobby grabs his foot, and gives it a twist, which makes Seifer release the hold completely. He yanks his foot away from Bobby, and takes a few steps back. This allows Bobby to roll himself out of the ring, and regroup. Seifer is not going to let him get a moments rest, and slides out of the ring, and goes on the attack once more. He grabs Bobby by the back of the head, and leads him over to the barricades. He takes his head, and smashes it down into the barricade hard. Bobby pops his head back up, and Seifer tries to do it again, but Bobby posts his arm on the barricade, and stops him. He gives Seifer a hard elbow to the side, and Seifer releases the hold on the back of Bobby’s head. Bobby grabs him by the back of the head, and slams it down on the barricade. Seifer pops his head back up, and stumbles backwards a bit. He stumbles into Bobby’s arms, and gets dropped with a Neck Breaker. Bobby mounts him, and Lays a few punches across his face, before standing up, and guiding him back to his feet. He grabs Seifer by the arm, and slings him into the ring post. Seifer stumbles back into Bobby’s arms again, and gets a release Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex for his troubles. Bobby guides him to his feet again, and this time he slings him into the ring steps. Seifers goes crashing into them. He’s laying on top of them, and is slowly trying to get up. Bobby walks over by the announcers table, and grabs a Steel Chair. He stalks Seifer, and when he finally gets up, he turns into a vicious chair shot, which makes him fall back over the steel steps. Seifer has that glassy look in his eye, and Jim Richards starts to make his count.
Fecca: That was a pretty nasty chair shot by Bobby. This match could be over just as soon as it started if Seifer doesn’t make it to his feet by the ten count.
Styles : Sorry to burst your bubble there Bob, but The Immortal One didn’t come this far just to be dropped by one chair shot. He will be up by the count of ten…and that’s a guarantee.
[Well Styles was right on the money because Seifer was back up by the count of six.
Styles : Told you so Fecca.
[Bobby rushes Seifer, and goes to take another swing with the chair, but Seifer ducks under the shot. Bobby goes to turn back around, but is assaulted with a barrage of Haymakers by the Immortal One. Bobby drops the chair, and starts to swing back, but Seifer is able to grab his arm, and sling him face first into the ring post. Bobby stumbles back a bit, but Seifer runs up behind him, and pushes him back into it again. Bobby drops down to a knee. Seifer turns back, and picks up the chair that Bobby dropped earlier. When Bobby gets back to his feet and turns around, Seifer takes the top of the steel chair and rams it into Bobby’s ribs. Bobby lets out a loud grunt, and bends. Seifers stands him back up, and gives him another shot into the ribs, which makes Bobby bend over again. Seifer raises the chair high over his head, and comes down with a vicious chair shot to Bobby’s back, which makes him fall down on all fours. Seifer grabs at the bandages, and starts to rip them off of Bobby. Bobby gets back up to his feet, and tries to prevent Seifer from doing it, but it is too late. He charges Seifer, only to get another chair shot into the ribs. Bobby stumbles back into the barricade. Seifer charges him and goes to Clothesline him over it, But Bobby bends forward, and sends Seifer flying over them with a Back Body Drop. He tries to gather his bearing, before leaping over the barricade, and going on the attack. Security holds the fans back, as Bobby stalks Seifer, who is getting back up to his feet. When he gets back to a knee, Bobby explodes forward, and gives him a Shining Wizard to the side of the head. Seifer goes down, Bobby gives him a few stomps to the body, before guiding him back up to his feet, lifts him up, and drops him a Jackhammer onto the arena steps. Bobby drops a knee into Seifer’s gut. Seifer rolls over on his back, and starts to crawl up the arena steps. Bobby comes up behind him, and gives him a kick to the side, which drops Seifer back down to the steps. Seifer gets back up to his knees again, and Bobby grabs him by the back of his costume, and hoists him up to his feet. The fans are desperately trying to touch their favorite PWT Superstar, and the PWT Security is doing all that it can to keep them at bay. The two competitors have finally made their way up to the top of the stairs, and are trading punches with each other. They lock up with each other, and Seifer is able to sneak in a knee shot to the ribs. Bobby lets go of Seifer, and stumbles backwards.. Seifer charges him, grabs hold of him, and runs him into the wall outside in the corridor that leads to the lobby area.
Fecca: It looks like Bobby and Seifer may be taking this match to the street’s.
Styles: Just what we need…a tour of this crappy town….great.
[Seifer gives Bobby a few more shots to his ribs because he knows that is a weak spot on our heavyweight champion. Bobby battles back with a few hard shots to Seifer’s jaw, who returns the favor, with a few haymakers of his own. They make their way over near one of the many concession stands though out the arena. Bobby reaches over and grabs a large bag of popcorn. He raises it above his head, and brings it down with great force on top of Seifer’s head, and it explodes everywhere. They stop an d stare at each other, and Seifer give him one of those “WTF” looks. Bobby looks at him and shrugs, and Seifer just shakes him head in confuzzlement. He reaches over and grabs a bag of cotton candy, and cracks Bobby across the head with it, which makes them both grab whatever snack is in reach, and pelt each other with it. It didn’t matter what it was….hot dogs, soft pretzels, bags of peanuts…anything and everything was fair game. Bobby grabs a Coke from an innocent bystander, and tosses it into Seifer’s face. Seifer grabs at his eyes and yells out, “OH CRAP I’M BLIND!!!”
Fecca: What a waste of food. They are cutting into the PWT profit margin with that display.
Styles: Image Johnson is spinning in her grave right about now I bet you.
Fecca: Uh …Eddie….Image Johnson is not dead yet.
Styles : It’s a figure of speech Bob, you know what I meant. Nothing pisses her off more than wasted food. That means that is less food that she can devour.
Fecca : I know that she is pregnant and all…but where does she put it all?
Styles: Your guess is as good as mine Fecca….your guess is as good as mine.
[Bobby goes to charge Seifer, but instead he stops in his tracks, then drops down to the mat. Summer Stratus comes into the picture, and starts to whack him over the back with a 2x4. Seifer finally wipes the soda out of his eyes, and that’s when he notices Summer going to work on Bobby with the 2x4. He walks over to her, and places a hand on her shoulder. She stops her attack, and looks up at him, and smirks, as he smirks back.
Fecca: Please don’t tell me that these two are in cahoots together.
Styles: If it is true, then I am just as surprised as you are Bob.
[Seifer and Summer to smirk at each other, but without warning, Seifer takes a step back, explodes forward, and connects with a Blood Spiller™ across Summers jaw, putting her on dream street. He looks over at Jim Richards, who starts to make his count.
Bobby starts to stir….
He starts to try and get up….
TE…no….Bobby is up.
Fecca: Wow that was close. Summer Stratus almost ruined Bobby’s night, and made him lose this match.
Styles: I guess that she was trying to pay him back for him beating her last week on Shockwave.
Fecca: I doubt that Bobby is going to let it go at this.
Styles: I think that Summer is playing a pretty dangerous game, but she is trying to make a name for herself in the PWT, so what other way to get attention brought on yourself, than to target one of the top guys in the federation.
Fecca: It could come back to bite her in the ass though.
Styles: Maybe so Bob, but she has to do what she has to do.
[Seifer charges Bobby, and goes for a Clothesline, but Bobby side steps him, and gives him a Drop Toe Hold. Seifers face slams into the concession stands table, and he slides off of it, and on to the floor. Bobby gets back up to his feet, and guides Seifer back up to his. He rolls him up on top of the table, then climbs up there with him. He places Seifer’s head between his legs, and goes to lift him up, but Seifer blocks the move. He tries to lift him again, but Seifer block it once more. Seifer tries to reverse the move, and send Bobby over him, but Bobby grabs Seifer by his waist, lifts him up, drops to his knees, and Piledrives him through the table. Bobby rolls out of the rubble, as Seifer continues to lay there, and Jim Richards starts to make his count.
Seifer starts to stagger up to his feet….
He finally makes it all the way up….
Fecca : I thought that Bobby had this match won for sure with that move Eddie.
Styles: Oh c’mon Bob, it’s going to take much more than that to keep the Immortal One down.
Fecca: It’s definitely beginning to look that way at least.
[Bobby shakes his head in amazement at the way Seifer got back up from that move. He decides to attack while Seifer is still dazed and confused. He grabs Seifer, and guides him outside the arena. Seifer hits him with an elbow to the face, and breaks free. He grabs Bobby, slings him around, and slams him right into the big glass doors in front of Freedom Hall. Glass goes flying inside the arena lobby, but Seifer doesn’t release his hold on Bobby. He backs him up a ways, then rams him into the unbroken glass door, and breaks it as well. Bobby is bleeding in a couple of places now, and Seifer’s hands appear to bleeding as well. He apparently got cut when he didn’t release Bobby as he went through the glass doors. It doesn’t seem to phase him, as he places Bobby down up against the broken glass doors, with his back to them. He looks over at one of the Maintenance Vans, and makes his way over to it. He opens the driver side door, and couple of the Maintenance men that were standing by tries to stop him. Bad move on their parts. One of the men go to grab him, but he gives him a high knee to the gut, which makes him double over. The second guy tries to come up behind Seifer and grab him, but Seifer spins around, and gives him a Blood Spiller™, which lays him out cold. He turns back around, and grabs the one that was doubled over, and lifts him up onto his shoulders, then finishes him off with a Knights Of The Round™. He digs in one of the guys and gets out their set of van keys. He finally gets inside of the van, as the referee, Jim Richards, stands in front of the van, and begs him not to do what he thinks that he was going to do. Seifer pays him no attention, and starts the van up. He puts it into drive, and peels out, giving Jim Richards barely enough time to dive out of the way. He is coming towards Bobby at a high rate of speed, and shows no signs of slowing down. Bobby had started to come to his senses at about this time, and looks up to see a big van barreling his way. He rolls out of the way at just the nick of time, and the van goes crashing into the front doors of Freedom Hall. The fans scatter out of the way, as the van comes to a screeching halt. Seifer steps out of the van, and he and Bobby lock eyes, as he stands in front of the broken doors. He is wide eyed because he can’t believe what Seifer just tried to do. The look in Seifer’s eyes shows no remorse whatsoever.
Feca: OH MY DEAR LORD!!! Seifer just tried to run Bobby over with that van. This is just insane.
Styles : I’m just as shocked as you are Bob. I knew that Seifer said that he whatever he had to do to reclaim the PWT Heavyweight Championship, even if he had to damn near kill bobby. Who knew that he was dead serious about it?
Fecca: Not me Eddie. I have heard of wanting something bad…but that bid….wow.
[Bobby and Seifer are laying punches into each other in front of the broken doors of Freedom Hall. Bobby delivers a kick to Seifer’s gut, then gives him a Overhand Chop to the back, which makes Seifer go down to one knee. He guides him back to his feet, and grab the back of his tights, and runs him towards the parking lot. He rams him into a car that was sitting there, and gives him a few shots to the back of the head, then grabs him, and backs him up some, before taking his head, and ramming it into the passenger side window, breaking it all to pieces. He pulls Seifer back out of the car, and lays him across the hood of the car. He gets on after him, and picks him up, and lays him up on the roof. He gets up on the roof after him, and picks him up, and places his head back between his legs, like he did at the concession stand. He goes to lift Seifer up in the air, but he blocks it. He goes to do it again, but Seifer blocks it once again. Bobby gives him a couple forearms to the back , and goes to lift him up again, but once again, Seifer blocks the move. Bobby goes to grab Seifer by the back of the tights again, so he can get him with another Piledriver, but Seifer is able to stand himself up first, and send Bobby flipping over his head, and onto the hood of the car. Bobby lets out a loud grunt, and rolls himself off the hood of the car, and leans up against the vehicle. Seifer jumps down off of the roof, and onto the hood of the car. When Bobby stands up, Seifer knocks him backwards with a Missile Drop Kick. He rolls off of the car, and runs Bobby, and goes to drop him with a Clothesline, but Bobby side steps him, and gives him a Drop Toe Hold. He takes a few steps back, as Seifer gets up to his feet, and when he charges Bobby again, he gets a Samoan Drop back onto the hood of the car. Bobby walks over to the drivers side door of the car, and tries to open it. He sees that it is locked. He takes a step back, then come forward, and kicks the drivers side glass out. He opens the door, moves away as much broken glass as he could, then sits down in the seat. He realizes that he doesn’t have the key to the ignition, so he gets down under the dashboard, and starts fiddling around with a few wires. The car finally starts, and he sits back up, and puts the car in drive. He peels of straight ahead, and heads for the building. As he gets close, he opens the door, and dives out of the vehicle. Seifer regains his bearings, and decides not to hang around either, and dives off of the car, a few feet before it goes crashing into the side of Freedom Hall.
Fecca: Bobby returned the favor to Seifer, and tried to ram him into a wall. This is totally insane. He hot wired the car to boot. I don’t think that it can get any worse than it already has.
Styles: Yes it can Fecca….that was my rental car that they just crashed.
Fecca: Whoa!!! |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory II' (February 2007)
Date Posted:02/15/2009 7:37 PMCopy HTML
[They are back slugging it out when the camera switches back over to the action. They are matching each other haymaker for haymaker, when they are approached by a group of men. Now apparently the two maintenance men that Seifer beat up, didn’t take to kindly to getting shown up like that. So they return to the scene with six of their maintenance crew workers, and push Bobby out of the way, as they surround Seifer. They begin to pummel poor Seifer from all sides. Bobby stands back and smiles at the eight on one beatdown for a second…until he realizes that they pushed him out of the way like he was a punk. He grabs one of the guys, yanks him around, and drops him with a Killa Kick™. Seifer uses the distraction to drop one of them with Blood Spiller™. Bobby drops another with a T-Bone Suplex. Seifer takes another down with a Immortal instinct™. Bobby gives another one a Swinging Neckbreaker. Seifer drops one with a German Suplex. Bobby drops one with another Killa Kick™. Seifer finishes the last guy off with another Knights of The Round™. They look around at the scene, and seem to be satisfied with their handiwork.
Fecca: Bobby and Seifer just cleaned house.
Styles: Whoever those idiots are, they need to be fired. You don’t interrupt matches like that because your pride got hurt. Now you got your ass whipped twice. Serves em right.
Fecca: I agree one hundred percent Eddie.
[Seifer finishes dusting himself off just in time to turn into a Spear courtesy of Bobby. Bobby pops back up to his feet, and stalks Seifer. As Seifer staggers back up to his feet, Bobby takes a few steps back, they explodes forward, and connects with a Killa Kick™ that landed cleanly across the Jaw of Seifer. Bobby stands back as Jim Richards makes the count.
Seifer starts to stir….
He starts to try and get up….
TE…no….Seifer is up.
Fecca: Oh that was close.
Styles: A little too close if you ask me.
[Bobby wastes no time, and hits him with another Killa Kick™. He stands back once again, as Jim Richards makes the count.
Seifer starts to try and get up….
Seifer gets all the way up to his feet.
Fecca: This is incredible. Seifer has gotten up from two Killa Kick™. I don’t think that I have ever seen such a display of sheer will and determination.
Styles: This is why I am such a Seifer mark. It takes almost superhuman effort to beat him, and if you can’t get it up to that next level, then you don’t have one chance in hell of ever beating him. He’s quite possibly the greatest in-ring performer of all time.
Fecca: Well I wouldn’t say that, but he is pretty close.
Styles: I will continue to stand by my last statement thank you.
[Bobby is in utter disbelief. Exactly what is it going to take to stop this man. He gives Seifer another Killa Kick™, but before the ref can start counting, he jumps on Seifer, and locks in The Bourbon Street Blues™. Seifer struggles to break free, but Bobby locks the hold in as tight as he can.
Fecca: If Bobby can incapacitate Seifer with this move, it will be all over for Seifer.
[Bobby keeps it lock on for what seems like hours, when in fact it was just a couple of minutes. Bobby can feel Seifer finally go limp, so he releases the hold, and stands up, as Jim Richards makes his count.
[Jim Richards waves his hands in the air, and signals for the end of the match. He grabs Bobby by the arm, and holds it high into the air. The camera switches back to Sabrina, who is standing in the ring.
Sabrina: And the winner of this match, and still PWT Heavyweight Champion….Bobby Johnsonnnnnnnn!!!
The camera switches back to where Bobby is. Jim Richards lowers Bobby’s arm, then Bobby drops down to one knee, and grabs his side.
Fecca: Well Bobby has done it. He has retained his PWT Heavyweight Championship against a man that many thought that he couldn’t beat. My hats off to him because he definitely earned this win.
Styles: I’m speechless…I don’t have anything else to say.
Fecca: Well there is a God afterall.
Styles: Oh shut up Fecca.
[The show comes to a close with both Bobby and Seifer laying down on the ground, as the EMT’s look them over. |
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