With that the music and the video fades as we come to Sean Greene standing in the middle of the ring in a tuxedo.
Greene, "Ladies and Gentlemen…. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeelcome to PWT Immortal Glory Four!"
The crowd is going wild as we take a moment to slowly sweep over them, watching as their fans wave, as their hands wave and as their lungs scream like only PWT Fans can.
Greene, "At this time, please welcome to YOUR PWT Announce booth… The voice of the former wrestling giant ICWA… Creator of PWT’s most popular internet column "Straight’ Bloggin" and on this night one third of your All Star commentary team… Please welcome, "Double B" BURT… BUSCH!"
We hear the beat of some drums as "The Night Chicago Died" by Paper Lace begins over the PA.
Fecca, "Interesting choice in music by our colleague… I’ve always known Burt to be a more Country - slash- southern rock type."
Styles, "Yeah… "Interesting"."
The curtain moves and out comes Burt Busch (picture comedian Ron White) in a very nice tan suit with a light blue button up shirt and a blue and white tie. His hair gelled and combed back as he has a roll of papers in his hand (along with a sizable College ring). Busch smiles and offers some waves as he walks down the ramp at a brisk pace. He rounds the corner and shakes the occasional hand as he continues around the ring. Upon his arrival at the commentary booth Fecca and Styles both stand up, Fecca motioning to a third swivle chair that must have been added during the hype video for the main event. Busch arrives, turns, shakes some hands behind the commentary table, offers another wave and then turns back placing his papers on the table, shaking hands with Fecca and Styles and placing on his head set before sitting down.
Fecca, "Welcome back to the booth Burt."
Busch, "Thank you… I’m excited to be back… Excited to be back in front of a great group of fans… Excited to be back on Pay Per View, Excited about my first opportunity to work alongside the best commentary team in the business today and, more so than anything else… I am overflowing with excitement about this -as I heard Sabrina so accurately describe it-… Epic Encounter."
Fecca, "Incredibly "accurate" description indeed. Let’s head back to Sean Greene in the ring to continue on toward this "Epic Encounter"."
The camera refocuses on Greene as he says, "Tonight is an Epic night… PWT reclaiming it’s crown as the number one presentation on Pay Per View… The amount of dedication and immeasurable passion, work ethic and ingenuity that it has taken to return to this Majestic and Magnificent plateau of excellence could only come from an area that has trademarked all of those tremendous qualities over the years… It could only come from right here in Grand Rapids."
The crowd goes wild as our announcer offers them a moment.
Greene, "Now, Without Further ado… It is NOW Time for YOUR PEE DOUBLE-YOU TEE……. MmmmmmmmmmmAAAAAIN E-VEEEEEEEEEEEENT!"
Busch, "This Grand Rapids crowd clearly at split between the two incredible athletes who’ll wage war momentarily…"
Greene, "This Main Event has been scheduled for Onefall with a Sixty Minute Time Limit. It has been sanctioned by the PWT Board of Directors in conjunction with the Michigan State Athletic Commission. On hand from the commission, President Shane McKenzie. It will be officiated by Michigan state licensed referee and PWT Senior official James R. Richards and keeping the time for this contest to make sure that it is in fact contained within the sixty minute time limit is PWT Time Keeper Mark Yoats. This contest is officially and undisputedly for… The PWT… HhhhhhhhhhhEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP………… Of The World."
Green brings his index cards and microphone down to his lap as we slowly fade up to the stage.
"What‘s up X… It’s Your Trainer, Money Mayweather
Tell All Them Wrestlers to put they mu-f**kin mics down
Because You the Truth… It’s Round One
Dedication. Hard Work. Prayers and Belief. And A good D."
As "Undisputed" by Ludacris continues the curtain flies to the side with Xaiver darting out onto the stage. We immediately notice he’s not in his typical jeans and wife beater but he’s donning a pair of black MMA Style trunks (picture what Goldberg wore in the WWE) with a graphite (pencil led) colored trim. There’s a series of white X’s around the graphite waist line in a xxxxxxxx design and there’s two X’s on the pant leg’s with one on top of the other making a graphite outlined Diamond in the center. He’s donning black and graphite kick pads and black knee pads and elbow pads. He does still have his fists and wrists wrapped in white athletic tape and he’s still rocking his black sleeveless Homicide T Shirt. X Shoots the "X" Arm taunt up into the air as the fans cheer. He throws a couple of jabs and then starts heading down the ramp slapping hands along the way…
Greene, "Making his way via Miami Florida… On this night represented by black and graphite, he weighed in this afternoon at two hundred forty three and three quarter pounds… In the 2009-2010 Season of Professional Wrestling Today he is undefeated however, ahead of him lye’s his most daunting task to date… A Two Time PWT Backyard champion, Former PWT Tag Team Champion and Titanium champion, he competes on this night for the crown jewel of his entire sport… A Florida State Golden Gloves Boxing Champion his right hook is deadlier than any foreign object… Master of the "Executioner" Piledriver… Virtuoso of the Suicide Suplex and on this night the Nuuuuuuuumber One Ranked Contender in the Worrrrrrrrrld…… ExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxAVIOR…………. HOOOOOOOOM-I-CIIIIIIIIDE!"
X climbs the stairs and walks the outside ring canvas heading to the far corner. Xaiver pulls off his shirt and tosses it into the crowd drawing a big time response from the fans in that area before he jumps over the ropes and almost in the same motion jumps up onto the second rope in the corner throwing up the X again.
Busch, "Xavier Homicide has been on a life long journey to be the World’s Champion… At one time that journey was aimed toward the Professional Boxing championship but now… Now he has truly found his calling as over the past few years we’ve watched him mature into one of the finest professional wrestlers of the modern era… Arguably even of all time. Make no mistake about it, this is his Destiny… This is what Xavier Homicide was put on this earth to do. But now that he is completely and soley focused on doing it, he has all the potential in the world to become the very best. A title I do not offer easily but, a title he very well may earn himself here tonight."
X hops down off the ropes and t urns around, shuffling a bit on his feet as he keeps controlled by deep breaths while focusing on the stage. "Undisputed" fades as Richards motions with a hand for Xavier to make sure he’s staying in his corner… An order Xavier shows no desire to break as his focus is locked on that stage as we begin fading to the stage ourselves.
Fecca, "Twenty two thousand nine hundred and seventy six fans have filled this arena to capacity as millions upon millions have ordered us on Pay Per View around the world. They are all here… They are all watching on Pay Per View for one reason…"
With that "Champion in Me" begins blasting over the PA drawing a HUGE reaction from the capacity crowd as Michaels highlight video begins. Finally the curtain flies to the side and out from behind it with the world title firmly around his waste comes the man himself…

As Michaels throws up the M (Upside down Rock-on hand gesture) and gets ready to head down the ramp, Sean Greene does his job.
Greene, "Wrestling out of Memphis Tennessee… Donning the Camouflage cargo pants and weighing in this afternoon at two hundred forty three and One quarter pounds… He is the corner stone of this company… Recognized amongst his peers as the most resilient competitor in the world today, he has been against some of the most diabolical and sinister competitors in the world, competing in some of the most violent and dangerous contests in the world, earning himself a reputation as the Never Say Quit/Never Say Die poster athlete… Arguably the most popular superstar of the last half Decade, he is a leader of a fan nation that is second to none… Every time he steps in the ring he informs his opponets that it could all come crashing to an end "Just Like That"… Appropriately the name of his devastating twisting cutter manuver… Some of the biggest and toughest names in all of the sport have been a victim of the "Just Like That" offering them three seconds and the sounding bell of defeat… Just as many have found defeat by way of his sensational super kick to which the delivery of often times brings forth the proclamation that his adversary "Just Got Whapped" The former ICWA Champion, Two Time People’s Champion, Two Time Titanium Champion, 2006 King of PWT… Walk of Famer… And, On Four separate occasions he has been and is still today……… The REEEEEEEEEEIGNING and DEFFFFFFFENDING… PWT HHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhEEEEEEEEAVY WEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WOOOOOOOOOOOOORLDDDDDDDDDD………… CHAMPION BY DESIGN…… CHHHHHHHHHHHHRISTIAAAAAAAAAAAN MIiiiiiiiiiiCCCCCCCHAELS!"
Having stayed down on the floor through the end of his introduction, as soon as he starts proclaiming Michaels the "Reigning and Defending" champion CM slides in… He leaps up onto the ropes, throws his shirt down to the floor, unstraps his belt and raises it high in the air as Greene concludes the introduction. CM finally jumps down, spinning so he’s facing his adversary on the opposite side. The music fades as Richards looks to receive the championship from Michaels. Michaels raises it one more time, looking directly at his adversary across the ring as he does…
Fecca, "A clear message being sent there by Michaels… I Am the Champion, If you want to become the champion, Come and get it."
Busch, "A message that Christian Michaels has sent to many over the years and a message that thus far, only three men in history have ever been able to oblige."
CM hands over the belt and Richards heads to the center of the ring. Greene holds the microphone in front Richards as he says, "Please come to the center of the ring."
X and CM both walk to the middle, their eyes locked on each other, only drifting on occasion to look down at the title in Richards hands.
Richards, "You guys have been around long enough to know the rules. We’ve got a full house and nobody came here to see this match end in disqualification or count out so let’s keep it clean, let’s keep it in the ring. I will show a level of consideration to the people however, as soon as I feel that I’m losing control or that either of you are unmanageable I will conclude this contest. In the event of extensive blood loss, unconsciousness, or major injury I reserve the right to end this contest and award the match on technicality. You have till five to break at the ropes -Including manuevers attempted FROM the ropes-, you have till ten to get in the ring should you find yourself out of it for any reason. In the event of a Draw whether it be as a result of Count out, double knock out, or reaching the sixty minute time limit the champion will retain his belt. In the event of a disqualification for any reason -Including count out-, the champion will retain his belt. The World’s championship can only change hands via Pinfall, Submission, Knock out or Decision. It’s rare to have two class act individuals such as yourselves competing, I expect you to both live up to those reputations and have a good, competitive, but CLEAN match… Do I make myself clear?"
Both Nova and Michaels nod…
Richards nods, "Bump fists and return to your corners."
Michaels and Xavier’s eyes stay locked but they do bump fists… They hold their stare before slowly walking backwards to their corners as Greene exit’s the ring. Richards raises the belt in the air reminding the world once again what this one is all about before turning, handing the belt down to Greene, looking at either competitor and finally… Calling for the bell.
Busch, "There’s the Bell and finally, after all talk… All the hype… We have now arrived at this heavily anticipated moment in time where contender and champion collide to determine just who is the very best in the wrestling world."
Fecca, "It’s the moment we have all been waiting for and finally, it’s here."
The crowd is still on their feet, beginning to chant as Michaels and Xavier slowly circle around…
Other Portion of the Crowd: HOM-I-CIDE! HOM-I-CIDE! HOM-I-CIDE
Michaels and X actually stop and look out at the battle torn crowd, making them all erupt.
Busch, "This capacity crowd torn in a way that I have personally never witnessed during a Christian Michaels contest."
Fecca, "Christian Michaels is their hero, he always has been and probably always will be BUT… How can you NOT route for Xavier Homicide as well? He has worked so hard and to see him win this grand prize on this grand night… It would be an awe-inspiring moment."
CM pushes his ear with the tips of his fingers toward the crowd, as if to say he can’t hear them…
CM looks at X and puts his arms out in a somewhat cocky shrug as if to say "What can I say, they love me." X scoffs slightly, leans over the rope on his side and cups his ear kinda like Hogan…
Fecca, "If this is a battle in volume I’m not sure I can tell the difference."
Busch, "I’d be inclined to lean toward Camp Michaels but only by a small decimal."
Fecca, "Maybe… I’m not so sure though."
Styles, "You’re arguing over who’s realer, Santa or the Easter Bunny. They’re equally as fictitious and Christian Michaels and Xavier Homicide are obviously equally beloved by this PWT Audience."
CM offers X a nod as if to say "Yeah, You’ve got some people, I won’t hate"… Michaels takes a couple steps around, but instead of continuing the circling he stops at the commentary side ropes and pushes his ear out to the fans again…
Busch, "Plenty of Christian Michaels fans sitting behind us…"
X nods as he’s now at the Entrance ramp side of the ropes. He leans out and cups his ear…
Fecca, "Only at a PWT Event folks… You can be a part of great moments like this if you go online to PWT-dot-com and check out our "Live Events" page to see when PWT will be in a city near you."
Styles, "It’s true, if you’ve never been you have no idea what you’re missing."
X and Michaels both evidently content with their fans begin to circle again, but this time almost immediately find themselves in the center for the grapple.
Fecca, "After months of waiting, here it is! Michaels and Homicide locked up in the center of the ring and HERE… WE… GO!"
The contender and the challenger like two bulls with horns locked… The two fight but Xavier has a touch more luck as a result of the moderate but still slightly noticeable height difference as he forces Michaels down so his knee is just hovering over the mat.
Busch, "You couldn’t ask for two guys much more evenly matched in the size department… There’s a half a pound difference between their weights tonight… There’s a little less than two inches of difference in their height. Both men are fast, both are technically sound and neither is afraid to hit the high rent district and do whatever they feel necessary to accomplish their separate yet similar goals… Some have even said that Xavier Homicide is the NEXT Christian Michaels… A higher complement I could not fathom. Never the less, the current Christian Michaels isn’t looking to pass any torches here tonight. He is looking to do what he has done ever since May of 2009... Remain World’s Heavyweight Champion. THEE World’s Heavyweight Champion."
By now the performers have switched spots with Michaels holding Xavier down where his knee is hovering over the mat. Xavier pushes back up and begins driving forward… Eventually he pushes Michaels back against the corner pads. Before Richards can try and separate it Michaels rolls keeping the grapple and pressing Xavier’s backs to the ropes… The two roll their backs along the ropes constantly exchanging the dominate position in the grapple till they find the next corner where Michaels is now on top. Before they can continue their rolling around Richards rushes over demanding the break. He could count but he knows these two are too intense right now to even notice so he pushes himself inbetween the two forcing the break… Once they notice Richards burrowing between their abs they’re fairly willing to break… Michaels backing off toward the Center and adjusting the waist band of his pants as Xavier begins walking out of the corner near the ropes adjusting his own waist band.
Fecca, "Not only are they evenly matched in size as you mentioned earlier but, they’re not very far off in skill or that resiliency and never say die attitude of Michaels."
Busch, "I’m not sure I’d concede that anybody is in the same area code as Christian Michaels when it comes to resiliency and a "Never say die" attitude but, Xavier’s certainly not lacking the heart and tenacity department for sure."
Fecca, "I’m telling ya, Xavier’s just as resilient as the champion…"
Busch, "If that’s true, you can prove it by exclaiming that Xavier Homicide has won the PWT Championship here tonight. But unless that happens, you simply will not convince me. You may not convince me even there. I’m not knocking Xavier, I think he’s incredible… I just don’t think you quite understand just how unwavering Christian Michaels truly is."
Fecca, "Don’t understand? You watched him for a year, I’ve been calling his matches since he started in this business damn near ten years ago!"
Styles, "Whoa kiddies, let’s leave the fight to the guys in the ring eh?"
Busch, "Who’s fighting?"
Fecca, "I’m not… I’m just saying Xavier’s all about perseverance."
Busch, "No doubt he absolutely is…"
Fecca, "And NOT any less than…"
Styles quickly interrupts, "AND There’s the elbow and collar tie up once again."
CM forces X near a knee again but this time takes the side headlock. Xavier tries to grab at the wrists but Michaels switches sides placing the headlock on the opposite side of Xavier this time……… He turns around again, this time relinquishing the headlock all together as he gets behind Xavier and grabs the Hammerlock.
Busch, "Michaels transferring from headlock to headlock to hammerlock as he now has control of his challenger with that arm forced behind the challenger’s back."
Styles, "A position I’m sure he’s MORE Than used to."
Busch, "What a classless and disgusting remark."
Fecca, "Get used to it. Class isn’t his strong suit but he’s full of disgust."
Styles, "What? What’d I say?"
Xavier struggles but it only takes so long before he ducks down and turns into Michaels, effectively countering the champion’s hammerlock with one of his own as the fans grow loud, plenty with cheers and some with boos.
Fecca, "And there’s the contender with the reversal, showing that great technical technique he’s adopted."
Busch, "Xavier Homicide a student of the legendary David Van Dam… Absolutely no doubt that Xavier’s become extremely well polished in this area of wrestling over the last year some change since allowing the Hooiser State wrestling machine to take him under his well versed wing."
CM winces a little, but it isn’t too long before he turns right back into X and counters in the same method as Xavier did previously (once again drawing a mix of cheers and boos. This time around though X drives a hard elbow back into Michaels face. Michaels staggers back but keeps hold of his challenger as X tries to shoot forward to no avail… X draws back and WHAM! A second elbow and this time Michaels does release. X shoots to the ropes, comes back and KA-BOOM! Michaels leaps up with a big drop kick taking the challenger off his feet to another round of half cheers-half boos.
Fecca, "A couple of hard elbows… Not as technically sound as the previous escape method but certainly just as effective…"
Busch, "And a Big drop kick by the champion "Effective" and sending the challenger to the mat."
Michaels pops up as Xavier begins to head up himself. Michaels grabs X, draws him up the rest of the way and re-applies the side headlock. This time however he drops down with a headlock takeover. Almost instantly though X wraps his legs around the champions head forcing Michaels to relinquish the headlock almost as soon as they hit the mat. Michaels is now on his feet with his head between Homicide’s knees as Homicide’s on his back… Michaels flips over popping his head out of X’s legs in the process and landing his back on X’s chest with his feet hitting the mat as X wraps his arms up around the champion’s torso. Richards slides down ……………One……………Two… Not quite two before Xavier begins bridging up underneath Michaels…X gets up to about the same level he might be bent backwards for if he was taking a reverse DDT or an Eye of the Hurricane before he gradually turns with the champion still in his arms, putting them in a similar position for a power bomb… Xavier continues rotating till they’re back to back, Xavier hooking Michaels arms like backpack straps before he slowly heads to his knees and forces Michaels shoulders to the mat with a classic backslide.
Busch, "A Vintage Jack Brisco backslide from Homicide to Michaels …………One………Two…… Only two as the champion kicks himself up and over to his knees."
Both men head to their feet, Xavier a little faster then Michaels… As Michaels comes for X, X drives a hard left into Michaels bread basket… Followed by a left… A right upper cut style jab… a Right hook… A left hook… He’s lighting Michaels abs and ribs up like Rocky in a meat packing factory before throwing a jab to the face making Michaels briefly stunned near the ropes. X quickly grabs the wrist and goes for the whip but Michaels shakes it off and reverses… X hit’s the ropes as Michaels goes about a quarter of the way down (verses half way for a standard Back Body Drop) looking to scoop X for a Powerslam or Body slam but X posts up off of Michaels shoulder and ends up going landing behind the champion’s back. Michaels turns around and WHAM! A massive right hand drops Michaels to his back and draws a big reaction from the fans.
Busch, "Some questionable -albethey effective- punches from Homicide to Michaels."
Fecca, "Questionable?"
Busch, "A closed fist is illegal Bobby."
Fecca, "What century are you in? Closed fists have been basically acceptable for years."
Busch, "Ya don’t see too many people getting a ticket for spitting on the sidewalk these days either but it’s still illegal in a lot of places."
Fecca, "Oh give me a break. Richards didn’t even mention closed fists in his lengthy opening rules speech."
Busch, "He didn’t mention not hitting your opponent over the head with a steel chair either. Would you like to recommend that’s legal as well?"
Fecca, "Seriously? You’re comparing some punches to a steel chair?"
Busch, "When ya punch like Xaiver Homicide I’m not so sure there’s much of a difference in the impact."
Fecca, "…… That’s a valid point but you’re crying over something ridicules."
Busch, "I’m not "crying" at all. I’m just calling it for what it is, "questionable". I’m not condemning the guy… I’m just observing that when all the goods are on the line he’s willing to do whatever it takes to become World’s Champion. Within reason I find that a very commendable quality. Why don’t ya sacrifice the Xavier Homicide T Shirt you’re wearing under your dress shirt and see if Eddie’ll be so kind to dip it in some ice water and cool you down there buddy?"
Styles, "Whoa, I’m not getting involved in all of this. You two go ahead and do your thing. Apparently it’s true, opposites do attract cus you two are so much a like you’re about to kill each other."
Eddie might be right but let’s keep our focus on the two guys who are SUPPOSE To be trying to kill each other in the ring. CM rolls to a knee holding his jaw and pushes himself up, staggering toward the ropes as he continues to hold his jaw. He turns around with one hand on the ropes and as he does Xaiver runs through and WHAM! A big clothesline sends the champion up and over the top rope to the floor.
Busch, "A…"
Fecca, "I know, I know! Oh My God, The Champion was on the ropes and Xavier struck him anyway… Let’s disqualify the guy immediately."
Busch, "Well actually…"
Fecca, "Ya know, if Michaels had done the same thing you’d commend his gusto! You’d praise him for taking control!"
Busch, "You’re right, I would."
Fecca, "So what makes Xavier so different?!"
Busch, "Nothin. Well placed Clothesline by the challenger. Xaiver showing some gusto and taking control here in the early goings of this bout."
Fecca, "…………Oh……Well uh…"
Styles, "Heh… Nice. You wanta come back next Shockwave Burty?"
Busch matter of factly states, "I Believe that’s the plan."
On the floor Michaels is pushing himself up to his feet. X glances over, darts back toward the commentary ropes, runs across and leaps over the top rope but as he does Michaels leaps toward the stares…
Busch, "Homicide looking to take flight… Michaels has it scouted out of X’s big-match playbook…"
X however, must have noticed Michaels darting away because he keeps hold of the top rope and lands on the outside canvas on his feet instead of lunging to the floor.
Busch, "And an impressive last second switch in momentum by the challenger… Showing exactly why it is that Xavier Homicide has risen to the top of the field as number one contender."
CM staggers back, his back to the ring as he’s massaging his jaw and trying to shake the cobwebs. He turns and as he does Xavier leaps up onto the middle rope, leaps out turning in the air and diving down like a Kamikaze air fighter… Just as Michaels get’s turned around Xavier shoots out the arm and drives the champion to the ringside crash pad with a big modified springboard clothesline making the crowd go nuts.
Busch, "BAH GOD!"
Fecca, "GOOD LORD!"
Styles, "I don’t have a catch phrase putting over God to spaz out with but damn, what shot."
Xavier starts pushing himself up on the floor as Michaels holds his neck from his abrupt landing on the floor. CM starts rolling to a knee as Xavier gets to his feet. Homicide grabs Michaels by the head pulling him up and hoists him up like he’s going for a power-body slam… He walks over toward the stairs though and his intentions become more evident. With a snake-eyes in mind X is just about to launch the Heartthrob when CM pushes himself back and slides down Xavier’s back. X spins around, takes a kick to the gut and WHAM! He bounces Xavier’s face off the outside canvas.
Busch, "Questionable -albeit effective- tactics from the champion."
Fecca, "Michaels is using that ring like a foreign object."
Busch, "I’m not sure he used the ring anymore like a foreign object then you would with a text book drop toe hold."
Fecca, "So punching a guy’s comparable to a foreign object shot but slamming a guy’s face into the ring isn’t?"
Busch, "Look, I said it was questionable much the same way I suggested Xavier’s series of right hands were questionable… That Bobby, is called consistency. Say what you want about my opinions but, they stay consistent. That -Mister Fecca- is the sign of a professional. But, *you* certainly seem far more offended by one performer’s questionable tactics then the other."
Styles, "Heh… Mild burn but Burn never the less. Kinda like a light sunburn… OW! What the Hell Fecca?!"
Back on the floor Xavier’s stumbled his way around the stairs holding his face. Michaels drives his hip into Xavier’s gut making him double over slightly as he maintains control of his challenger. CM hoists Xaiver up, takes him to the padded barricade and drops him chest first over it, leaving him hanging half way in the cheering (and booing) stands. Michaels jumps up onto the ring, get’s to his feet and throws his arms out with the Guns hand gesture as he screams, "AHHHHHHHHHH"
With that Michaels leaps out over the barricade, leg dropping Xavier across the back of the neck making him flip the rest of the way into the crowd as Michaels lands on his side into some chairs, tipping over a bunch of them that are all zip tied at the legs.
Busch, "Christian Michaels just went flying into this capacity crowd!"
Fecca, "The Champion delivering his Southern Climate Leg Drop right into the fans!"
Styles, "Man, When Richards said he’d show the fans some "Consideration" with the rules, I didn’t think he meant that he’d let the guys end up in their laps!"
Michaels arm reaches up toward some chairs to start pulling himself up as the capacity crowd is all sorts of riled up…
We can see in the corner of our screen that senior official Jim Richards is climbing over the barricade to stay with the action instead of counting from the ring. Michaels gets to his feet as security earns their pay trying to keep the fans at bay. Xavier pushes himself to a knee holding his neck as CM begins heading his way. Xavier pushes himself the rest of the way as CM gets to him and… SMAAAAAAACK! A big chop across X’s chest make’s the crowd "Whoo" and makes X cover his chest as he turns his back to the champ and begins stumbling away. Michaels stays in pursuit with Richards close behind… The challenger gets to the last seat in the row when the champion spins him back around and SMAAAAAAAACK!
He light’s the X-Man’s chest up again making him cover up again and stumble the rest of the way into the crowd. CM Crouches down behind X (a few feet) and starts slowly moving his right arm, letting everyone know he’s fixin to clothesline the champion out of his boots…
Busch, "Michaels lighting his challengers chest up like a Christmas Tree and now I reckon he’s fixin to knock the star off the top."
X starts turning as CM starts running… X’s eyes get wide and he suddenly ducks down and grab’s Michaels legs, throwing him up making *Michaels* eyes g row REALLY Effin big as he flies into the air, flips and lands hard on his back on the concrete via the back body drop.
Busch, "BAH GOD ALL MIGHTY! Did you hear that SICKENING THUD?! I think the Champion might be BROKEN in HALF!"
Michaels bridges up on his head and toes, spinning around in a circle with the pain so deeply etched on his face that even Stevie Wonder could probably see it.
Fecca, "Christian Michaels has a history of back problems. Last year during his time with the ICWA he even took some time off to try and reduce the amount of pain those issues were giving him… That… That maneuver could have had implications that’ll go beyond this contest."
Busch, "The Champion’s back difficulties well documented but, I promise ya if he’s got anything left to give he will give it, broken back, heat of Lucifer’s breath on his neck and fatigued to the E Mark on his tank, he will always dig deep into reserves that few men could ever understand the ability to maintain and give you just THAT much more! Why? Because to put it quite simply, that’s what Christian Michaels does. He is Mister Perseverance, Captain Resilience and as a result he is as of this moment, World’s Heavyweight Champion."
Fecca, "He better enjoy "this moment" because Xavier Homicide’s got the title in his sites and he’s racing toward the finish line."
Busch, "Race as he might, it ain’t over till it’s over and Bobby, this thing is FAR from Over."
CM’s on his chest nursing his back as Richards is down on a knee trying to discuss the possibility of calling the thing with Michaels as Xavier finds his way to the Champion. X reaches down with both hands, grabs his opponent by the neck and begins pulling him up off the concrete. He get’s Michaels up, grabs his wrist and with great strength he whips him toward the barricade making him catch it with an arm and fly up and over, landing back first on the ringside floor. Michaels grabs his back, wincing in pain as he pushes himself up to a knee… Xavier grabs a chair and place the back of the chair against the barricade on his (and the fans) side of the barricade. X heads back a few Feet as Michaels begins pushing himself…
Fecca, "I don’t know what he’s got in mind here but it can’t be good…"
As Michaels is pushing himself up Xavier runs forward, runs up the chair, leaps over the Barricade and just as CM gets to his feet and turns WHAM! The Challenger Collides with the Champion making them both go flying back damn near past the far side of the ramp before they hit the floor with another big thud.
The crowd erupts as Fecca exclaims, "Good Lord! These two are leaving it ALL out there tonight!"
Busch, "Two gladiators wagging war for the most coveted prize in all of professional wrestling… It simply does NOT get any better than this. These two men have wagged a war that makes all other battles being contested right now seem like child’s play. What you are watching is two of the very best in the Industry today doing what they do better than anybody, any where else in the world. What you are watching is Professional Wrestling Today… What you are watching IS WRESTLING!"
Xavier pushes himself up, wincing a little himself. He turns, his head right down next to Michaels as he starts pulling the champion up. Richards has hopped back over the barricade and is motioning for the guys to take it in the ring but, as promised, he’s showing some serious leniency and still refraining from offering a count. Xavier grabs Michaels by the back of the head, takes him forward and WHAM! He slams his face on the padded barricade making CM snap back, spin around and start stumbling away. Xavier follows… The Champion gets to the steel stares and turns around… SMAAAAAAACK!
Xavier gives a big knife edge chop making Michaels spin back around and clutch his chest as he heads out around the corner toward the commentary tables.
Styles, "Ruh Ro Rhaggy, they’re heading our way."
Busch, "Folks, We are currently on Television in more than thirty different countries. For all of you on the other side of the ocean in parts of Europe, Africa and Asia we thank you for staying up late with us. To everyone from California to Tokyo, thank you for letting us come into your homes tonight and do what only we can do and give you the very best in the professional wrestling world. What you are watching right now is the reason that a thirteen or fourteen year old starts hitting the weight room and makes goals of one day lacing a pair of boots… What you’re watching is what inspires people and I’m… I’m just so appreciative that I’m getting to be a part of it and that I’m getting to do it with all of you people at home. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you."
Michaels gets to the commentary table and places a hand on it before turning around… SMAAAAAAAACK!
Busch, "The Challenger offering the Champion a recipet for the chops he received a few moments ago and let me tell ya, if the Champion’s bright red chest isn’t indication enough surely the sound of flesh on flesh echoing through this sold out coliseum is… Those chops are double painful and ya gotta be double tough to eat em the way Michaels and Homicide have here tonight. Ain’t no amount of barbecue sauce gonna make those bad boys tasty, I tell ya what."
This time CM clutches his chest and leans back on the commentary table. Xavier grabs Christian by the wrist and whips him, hoping to Irish whip his back into the ring… However, CM darts, leaps up onto the ring grabbing the top rope before his feet even fully hit the outside apron… Leaps up onto the top rope and flips back… Camera flashes start going wild… Commentators dart for cover like cockroaches when the lights come on… Xavier darts out of way and KABOOOOOOOOOM!
Styles, "That crazy bastard just Moon-saulted our commentary table!"
Fecca, "Am -Crackle…crackle- On?"
Styles, "I don’t think you’re on Bobby."
Christian Michaels came flying back with an insane Moonsault and sure enough, he went chest first through the commentary table. The fans are on their feet going crazy, Richards is down next to Michaels calling for the trainers, Xavier leaning against the ring with a look of awe on his own face…
Busch, "Here comes the trainers! We’re gonna need the medics, there’s no way he’s alright after that. This thing… This thing’s gotta be over. Bah God, What a main event Xavier Homicide and Christian Michaels just put on. I hate that it didn’t end in a pinfall situation but, there’s no way you can expect a human being to go on after something like that."
Two trainers in white PWT Polo shirts and black dress slacks are down with latex gloves on checking on Michaels. Holden "TOG" Riser is jogging down in a gray suit with a white collared shirt and a blue tie. He’s rounding the ring to check on Michaels as well.
Busch, "The Technicians are trying to get Bobby Fecca back with us… Michaels hit our commentary table so hard he apparently broke Fecca’s connection… I just… I can’t believe what we’ve witnessed here tonight. The show these two young men have given us at the risk of their own bodies… Their own careers… I hate using words that are so over used and one of those words I hate is "Awesome"… But the match that Xavier Homicide and Christian Michaels has given us tonight as redefined the word Awesome. It has been Amazing… Awe Inspiring… I am SOOOOO Impressed with these two amazing athletes."
The trainers slowly help Michaels roll to his back, holding his neck so it doesn’t move much as they turn him. TOG’s down on a knee on the left of Michaels checking on him… His eyes are starting to flutter a little and he appears to be talking through winces of pain to the trainers. Rhya Michaels suddenly whips around the corner and drops down by TOG putting a hand on her husband’s chest as she’s crying and going hysterical.
Busch, "Christian’s wife out here now concerned for her husband’s welfare…"
CM says something to TOG and TOG looks at him like he’s high. This time he says it louder and we hear him, "HELP ME UP!"
TOG, "You should wait for the EMTs brother. They’re grabbing a gurney…"
TOG doesn’t offer any further resistance as he grabs Michaels hand and starts pulling him up to a huge cheer from the fans.
Busch, "No……… There’s no way……… Are you KIDDING ME?!"
Christian gets to his feet but holds TOG’s arm for dear life as he wobbles about…
Busch, "UGH!"
Out of no where Xavier nails a right on Michaels making him snap right back to the floor. Xavier shakes his head as he bends down and starts grabbing Michaels…
Fecca, "Am I back on?"
Styles, "We gotcha bob-oh."
Fecca, "I don’t believe it! Michaels body just destroyed our commentary table… I got knocked off the air… And now Michaels is staying in this thing."
Busch, "But for how long? For How long Bobby?!"
Fecca, "Probably not very if he eats another right hand like that."
Xavier pulls Michaels up to his feet, grabs a hand full of his pants and his neck and tosses the champion back into the ring. Richards, not sure what else to do, slides into the ring as Xavier climbs up on the apron. Michaels is in the ring on a knee as Xavier ducks down and enters between the ropes. Michaels pushes himself up holding his back with one hand and clutching his chest with the other… He turns around and… WHAM! Another hard right drops Michaels dead in the center.
Busch, "Ugh! Another hard right and the challenger may very well have the champion right where he wants him!"
CM rolls to his hands and knees and starts crawling toward the corner as Xavier slowly follows. Michaels starts pulling himself up and turns, leaning against the pads. Xavier grabs him by the wrist and whips him across… Michaels darts across and flips in the air, hitting his back on the turnbuckle pads before he ends up over the top rope on his feet on the canvas. Michaels arches back holding his back, takes a step forward toward the middle of the apron before Xavier grabs the top rope with both hands, pushes it out making Michaels eyes grow wide and then yanks back making Michaels fly up and over the rope and hit back first on the mat.
Fecca, "Michaels up and over in the corner and then brought back in the hardway!"
Busch, "Xavier’s really getting on fire here… He can feel the championship within his grasp."
CM pushes himself up and WHAM! A clothesline sends him down. He pushes himself back up and WHAM! A back elbow sends him down. He pushes himself one more time, staggering about… Turns… And KA-BOOM! A big T Bone suplex sends the crowd into a frenzy.
Xavier jumps up and throws the X in the air making the crowd erupt.
Fecca, "Over twenty two thousand on their feet for, quite possibly, their next world’s champion."
Busch, "Don’t count Michaels out yet Bobby… I said it before and I’ll say it again, it ain’t over till it’s over if Christian Michaels is involved."
Michaels grabs at the ropes and uses them as a ladder to his feet as Xavier stalks behind… CM staggers backwards… Michaels gets to about center ring when X sweeps his legs out from under him and holds Michaels legs in either arm…
Fecca, "Oh… I think I know where this is going…"
Xavier hoists him up by the legs and snaps back nailing the Wheelbarrow Suplex.
Fecca, "SUICIDE! Xavier Homicide just hit the Suicide and we’re on the cusp of crowning a new champion!"
Xavier hooks the far leg and rolls back as Richards slides into place ……………One……………Two……………Three!
Styles, "Wait… Did he?"
Busch, "I… I don’t think he did…"
Back in the ring Richards is on his feet shaking his head emphatically and doing the "Safe" jesture. He slaps his hands twice, brings his index finger and thumb super close together to insinuate it was THAT close to three and then throws his shoulder forward while slapping it… All of that insinuating his hand was basically swipping the mat when Michaels JUST got the shoulder up.
The crowd gasps, some cheer, some boo, Busch… Busch exclaims, "WHAT’D I TELL YA?! IT AIN’T OVER TILL IT’S OVER AND I’LL BE DAMNED IF IT
Fecca, "I… I just can’t believe it. Where the Hell does he get it from?!"
In the ring Xavier is in complete disbelief. He’s clapping his hands in counts of three to Richards implicating that HAD to be a three but Richards keeps shaking his head and putting up his two fingers. Xavier’s mouth clearly reads "Fuck!" as he turns back where Michaels has rolled to his chest, a hand on his back nursing it. CM tries to start pushing himself up but Xavier’s not about to wait. X reaches down and pulls Michaels up by the neck again… As he’s pulling him up CM’s arms suddenly shoot up breaking the hold Xavier had on his head, he jumps back and SMAAAAAAACK!
Busch, "WHAPPED! WHAPPED! XAVIER HOMICIDE JUST GOT WHAPPED BUT…… How Much does Michaels have left?! The Challenger is down… The Champion is down… And the Crowd is on… their… feet!"
CM’s down on his chest, holding his back as his feet kick a little from all the pain he’s going through. Xavier’s down on his back, his chest going up and down as he half-consciously rubs at his chin… Richards, realizing his leniency may end up leading these two to kill each other decides now might be a good time to re-apply the rules as he begins his count. ………………ONE……………TWO
Fecca, "What a shame it would be if it ended here… After all these two have been through, you would just hate to see a draw."
Busch, "Almost just as much as you hated seeing Shattered Soul emerge during that hard fought Titanium title match to be the ultimate ending factor there… I absolutely agree with you here Bobby. After all these great athletes have endured and distributed, we need a winner… we NEED a pinfall or submission."
Xavier slowly rolls to his chest as Christian tries to his forearms underneath himself… Of course he only gets one underneath himself as his other arm immediately shoots back to his throbbing back.
Xavier pushes himself up to a knee, CM does the same…
The two wibble-wobble to their feet so Richards stops the count as the fans cheer… The two stagger and stumble toward the middle……… WHAM! A hard right from Homicide to Michaels makes Michaels stagger back… WHAM! A hard right from Michaels to Homicide sends Homicide staggering back… WHAM! Another hard right from Xavier sends Michaels staggering again…… WHAM! Another hard right from Michaels sends Xavier back again… Xavier draws back super far this time and goes for the big haymaker but Michaels ducks, spins around and WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! A series of small but effective jabs rock and reel Homicide to the ropes.
Busch, "Homicide looking for the Haymaker but Michaels saw it coming… the champion with his challenger on the ropes…"
Michaels whips X across the ring… X hit’s the ropes as Michaels runs forward, leaps up and WHAM! A big Shawn Michaels style flying punch. Both guys shoot back up and Michaels hit’s a big Drop kick making Xavier snap back to the mat again. Xavier rolls back up and Michaels goes for a kick to the gut but X catches it… X throws the leg away but when he does the Other leg pops up taking Xavier down.
Busch, "Dragon Whap!"
Michaels drops back on his knees holding his back as the crowd’s going wild. X slowly rolls to his forearms and knees holding his head as Michaels pushes himself up and stalks… X pushes himself up… turns… WHAM! This kick connects doubling the Challenger over. He wraps Xavier’s head with the facelock…
Busch, "OH! I THINK…"
Michaels spins around looking for the Diamond cutter portion of his "Just Like That" but Xavier shoves him off making him dart to the ropes. Michaels comes back and WHAM! A kick from Homicide.
Fecca, "Blocked and Denied!"
Homicide double underhooks the arms like ya might for a Pedigree as the crowd (already on their feet) is going wild…
Michaels is fighting about and Xavier’s having a hard time trying to lock his fingers… Suddenly Michaels spins in toward X’s left arm, grabs the wrist like ya would for a Short arm clothesline, Brings X in and leaps up grabbing his neck and nailing the RKO.
Michaels hooks the far leg and rolls back as Richards slides down ………………One……………Two……………Three!
"Champion in Me" by Three Doors down begins blasting as Busch exclaims, "MICHAELS! MICHAELS! CHRISTIAN MICHAELS IS STILL WORLD’S CHAMPION! BAH GOD WHAT A MATCH!"
Richard’s raises Michaels arm in the air as Michaels holds his back… The crowd is going wild but, for the first time in memory there’s an audible amount of boos coming with a Christian Michaels victory. Certainly there’s plenty of cheers but, somewhere around half this crowd is booing and booing loud.
Fecca, "Christian Michaels retained and much credit to the champion, he went to Hell and back to do it. That having been said, clearly Xavier Homicide’s got quite the following here tonight and ya can’t help but feel for Homicide when he was within arms reach of getting to that next level."
Busch, "Let me tell ya, Xavier Homicide has absolutely nothing to be ashamed of here tonight… He gave Michaels one of the best fights I’ve seen… It’s right on par with the battles Michaels has had with some of the all time greats… Van Dam, Seifer, Caine, Wa…"
We suddenly hear the dial tone of a phone……
Kid, "Yeah…"
Guy, "Yeah?"
Kid, "I wanta be a rockstar when I grow up."
Guy, "Heh… A Rockstar huh?"
Kid, "Hell yeah, just like you."
But instead of breaking into Superstar II it cuts and "Crying Like A Bitch" by Godsmack begins blasting over the PA.
Busch, "I don’t believe it… Is this…"
The curtain flies to the side and out steps…

Fecca, "What in the World?! What’s he doing here?!"
Busch, "Well he and Michaels are best friends… Maybe he’s here to congratulate him on a match well done?"
Michaels is in the ring, wincing and looking confused as he leans on the rope with the arm that’s holding his belt in place and holding his back with the other hand. WallStreet slowly paces the match as the song begins to fade…

WallStreet, "Christian Michaels……… Well done Chris… Well done."
WallStreet nods and begins clapping in a fairly sincere manor as about half the crowd applauds as well and the other half’s still booing.
WallStreet, "I came here tonight for one reason… There were a lot of bonus perks to coming here… I got to watch a slew of hot chicks get half naked for the Femme Fatale title… I watched Matt Matlock clip the birds wings… I got to watch Javen get knocked out which, hey, who doesn’t like to see that? I saw Kevin Kasey (crowd cheers)… Yeah… Kevin Kasey, quite possibly the biggest star in history… I got to see him live and he was as good as I’ve ever seen. Drew Stevenson tearing down the House, Nova bleeding all over the place… There was a lot of Noteworthy stuff BUT, none of that… NONE of it is why I’m here tonight."
WallStreet shakes his head as Christian just continues waiting for his buddy to make his point.
WallStreet, "No, the reason I’m here is real simple. When I heard the marquee was gonna be Michaels verses Homicide for the PWT World Heavyweight Championship I knew that this would be the ultimate test… If I could come here tonight… If I could sit through this match and not get that feeling in my veins… Not get those goosebumps… those cliché but oh so true Butterflies… Then I made the right call going home a few months ago. If I could come here tonight, watch that match and be content to leave, get a burger with some of the boys and go back home like any other night then I could pat my self on the back for a decision well made. BUT… If I got but ONE goosebump… ONE hair on end… I needed to think long and hard about all those phone calls you’ve been making to my house asking me to lace em back up."
Michaels stands up right now, clearly very interested in where this is going as he nods his head and we read his lips saying "And?"
WallStreet stairs down the ramp for a minute…… He rubs his neck… Runs his fingers down the outline of his beard……
WallStreet, "Brother…… I’M BACK JACK!"
Half of that crowd spazes out but that other half’s just as loud with their disdain as they were when Michaels won.
WallStreet, "I’M BACK and I’m back as of Saturday April the Third! And Chris… I love ya brother… You’re like my g*d damn blood! They say you’re a McMillion?! I say you’re a McCallister! BUT… Call it cliché, call it whatever ya want… You should have heeded the ancient advice and been careful just what in the Hell it was you wished for! I NEVER Received a rematch for that PWT Championship you beat me for! Beat me once, Shame on me… Beat Me twice? You beat me twice and you’ve set a G*d damn record because NOBODY since my start in this business has EVER beat me twice… EVER! Two weeks from tonight… Christian Michaels… Taylor McCallister… World’s Heavyweight Championship… Bring whatever Xavier left of ya, pack a lunch, drink a Doctor Pepper and get ready cause your ass… And then your belt... belong to ME!"
WallStreet tosses the mic to the side and turns around heading back through the curtain as "Champion in Me" by Three Doors Down begins blasting again.
Busch, "TWO WEEKS FROM TONIGHT! WALLSTREET! MICHAELS! WORLD’S HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP! BAH GOD! Fans… Thank you so much once again for bringing us into your home! I’m Burt Busch along side of Bobby Fecca and Eddie Styles…"
Fecca, "Good Fight, Good Night!"
Busch, "BAH GOD!"
As the credits come up and we get ready to fade, ever so faintly over Michaels theme in the background we can hear a chant…
Crowd: THIS IS BULLSHIT (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), THIS IS BULLSHIT (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), THIS IS BULLSH…