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Date Posted:01/28/2009 5:22 PMCopy HTML
Dark Match 1 The Goon V.S. Rufus Winner: The Goon Summary: Every once in awhile ya need a match that has no other purpose than to be funny to watch. *This* was one of those matches. Goon and Rufus/Ralphus or whatever didn't stay in the ring long. And the match ended in a count-out victory for Goon after he thought he was back in hockey and checked his opponent in to the boards (actually the barricade bu don't tell Goon)
Dark Match 2 Jake Frost V.S. Austin Hughes CANCELLED Summary: Match didn't happen as Jake Frost was unable to compete and Austin Huges stood us up again. His contract could be in danger of termination
Dark Match 3 Fozzy Ozbourne V.S. Preston Scott Floyd Winner: Preston Summary: Preston was ready for the match, but Fozzy announced he didn't have the time. In his wake he left behind a local Florida indy worker as a sub. Match went a good five minutes before Preston picked up the win.
Dark Match 4 Dominic Angel V.S. Clide Winner: Clide Summary: This match was over in a hurry lasting only three minutes. Basically ole Clide came out and beat Dominic Angel til he though he was the guy off "Mindfreak". At this point, Clide hit his finisher and went backstage to collect his paycheck.
Dark Match Main Event Da Sweet Lunatic V.S. StromA BuLL Winner: DSL Summary: The "Queen of the Dark Match" comes to the ring this week even wearing a crown. She's ready to get things crackin. Seems like ole Stroma is as well. Both of them do the usual early stalking around, sizing one another up. Finally they get into the action and start trading moves. Fans are into it, cheering on their dark match queen. Finish comes when Stroma looks for a powerbomb to DSL. But she slips out and reverses it into a very impactful ddt.
*************************************************** (Dark Matches up early cause they all only had one person meet 24hr deadline) |
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- Register:12/01/2008 4:13 PM
Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory' (February 06)
Date Posted:01/28/2009 5:23 PMCopy HTML
It’s about time for a first ever here in PWT… The First ever PWT Free-P-V… Usually there’d be an episode of Shockwave to air prior to our PPVs, but this isn’t a typical Pay Per View, nor is it truly a typical night at all… Immortal Glory is our first network Live performance… All of our Shockwaves have been pre-recorded and all of our Pay Per Views have obviously been just that, Pay Per View. But live tonight at 9pm eastern standard time, PWT is gonna go out and put on the mother of all shows and it’s either gonna make us, or break us. So with it being such a special night, I want to take you some place…
It’s about 8:50 pm… StromA BuLL and Da Sweet Lunatic have just started facing off in the dark match main event, but backstage everyone is on edge… They all understand the importance of this night… They’re all gathered by the Gorilla position… Foes and friends alike… Georgia James, Oblivion, David Van Dam, Seifer, Matt Matlock, Synergy, The Masterminds, Lola Star… They’re all gathered about, but there are no cameras, there’s no broadcasts, it’s just real people getting prepared for arguably the biggest night in PWT new era… But one man is missing… Or at least he was… As we see WallStreet walk into the scene in front of all the performers.
WallStreet, "I’m sure you’re all wondering why it is that I gathered each of you here like this right before the show… I just wanted to take an opportunity to say a few words… See as I look out amongst you I see a lot of performers who are fresh to the business, and particularly fresh to PWT… But then I also see guys who have been around this place longer than I have… Guys like David Van Dam… Nic Dangerously… Christian Michaels… Power Trip… Now when I came here back in May it was originally my intention to just dabble around… I was going to work some stories with Becca, and I had something lined up involving Christian Michaels and Fyre that kind of fell through… But suddenly as a result of circumstances beyond her control Becca Whipwreck was no longer able to run this company and that left it the hands of a performer who on camera had no pull, but backstage was a primary member of the staff… That was of course the Jakal… And of course, my most trusted advisor, Jonathan Brooks. Jakal ended up bailing and as a personal favor to Becca I decided to take over… I’m not going to lie, it seemed hopeless at first. I was just handed the rubble of a crumbling empire… A once prominent promotion turned into a beaten and battered Independent promotion that couldn’t even sell out a busted up arena in Grand Rapids… But I put on my work gloves and started trying to make repairs… It seemed rough for a while… Some of you were skeptical of me… Wasn’t sure what kind of right I had to be the primary management around here… Matter of fact I believe it was you (Directs his hand toward DVD) who came right out and said that you weren’t going to sit around and be bossed around by some guy on a power trip cause he’s quote "Fucking the boss"…"
DVD goes to say something but WallStreet puts his hand up and says, "No worries, it’s water under the bridge… The point is this… It wasn’t all that long ago that we were drowning and drowning bad. We ended up with a champion who was consuming all of our talent for his own personal gain, we had guys who weren’t showing up to work on a regular bases despite being placed in major storylines… We had a lot of stuff going on and most of it was bad… But a select few of you were here through it all and trudged through the storm with Jonathan and I… Christian Michaels… All personal differences aside, you’ve been here from day one despite our personal dislike for each other, you’ve been the loyalist performer on this roster… David Van Dam… You had your issues and you quit… But when you realized PWT needed help, you couldn’t stay away… You came back and did what you could to try and put this company on your shoulders with Christian… Georgia James, Damien Collins… You’ve both been there from start to finish and while I will publicly admit that honestly… I don’t like you Damien… I do acknowledge your commitment and admit that you have been a huge asset in our steady rise. But it’s not just about the guys who were here in the beginning either… Seifer… You came in back around the same time Van Dam returned, and you carried guys on your back, guys who weren’t producing at all, guys like Daddy Mack… and you made things happen. Matt Matlock, you weren’t overly dependable most of the time, but when it came crunch time… You pulled it out. Jimmy Stryker, always willing to make a special appearance any time I requested despite not even being a contracted performer by PWT most of the time… Synergy… Just as we were rising toward the top you came in and put a huge push into our already big rejuvenation… MJ Storm, Tai Star, AJ storm, Avi, Flipside… Everybody… Each and every one of you has been incredible. You’ve gotten behind us and you’ve been hand in hand with me and my staff to push this company to the top and now… nearly half a year ahead of our projected schedule… PWT is this close (brings his index finger and thumb within a hair of each other)… THIS CLOSE, To achieving the goal I set for us just a few months ago of becoming a Mainstream wrestling promotion… Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight, we have drawn our biggest crowd to date as we have FILLED this arena… There is just shy of fifteen THOUSAND fans out there! (a few gasps are heard with a little whispering here and there)… We LITERALY turned people away at the door because we had reached capacity by 7:30…"
WallStreet isn’t anything like he normally is on camera, he seems very genuine and sincere… almost humble even.
WallStreet, "Folks… We are there. We have made it to the big time. Tonight we make our first LIVE network appearance on FX and uh… I’d been saving the surprise for tonight but I know it some how got leaked on the net… But I’m going to confirm that we have obtained a REGULAR TV deal with FX. We will be performing live, every single week, on Wednesday nights at 9pm eastern time, and they’re going to offer me full creative freedom over the product. We’re starting to collect sponsors like never before, and people are genuinely getting behind us. We’re making appointments in bigger venues… Ladies and Gentlemen… It’s my pleasure to announce that we HAVE essentially made it to the MAINSTREAM!"
The performers begin to applaud as a few hoot and holler…
WallStreet, "Yes… Enjoy that taste; it’s the taste of victory… But the challenge isn’t over… Much the contrary, it’s only now truly beginning… Getting to the big dance is the easy part, staying at the big dance is where the true challenge lye’s… But at the end of the night, there’s not a performer here who isn’t fully capable of performing at a marquee level… You guys are the very best that this business has to offer and anyone who tells you differently is either jealous or blatantly a damned liar! Yeah, there’s talented individuals that don’t belong to PWT contract… But I haven’t seen ANY that have the heart or the determination, or the straight love for this business that I see in all of you. So tonight you guys go out there and you perform with PRIDE! The whole world saw us at our very worst just months ago… They said we’d never get big… we’d never produce, we’d never be able to save the PWT… They thought we’d just be consumed by our opposition in San Antonio and Chicago… We were marked off for dead and they LOVED IT! And now?! Now every single DAMNED One of them get their mouths jam packed with the beautiful taste of crow… Every sorry SON OF A BITCH that counted us out… Every one of em who said that we didn’t have the "talent"… didn’t have the "performers"… Every one of em who discounted Bobby Johnson… discounted MJ Storm… discounted Raymond McFly, Matt Matlock, Tai Star, AJ Storm, Damien Collins, New Gen, and all the rest of you who haven’t been able to get to a point where you were looked at as "mainstream maineventers" or "recognized names"… They said DVD didn’t have what it took to carry a main event, yet all week do you know what I’ve seen? I’ve seen David Van Dam and Seifer Jacobs building the best DAMNED Main event we’ve had to date! I was told that Christian Michaels would get sick of this place without Rhya being on camera on a regular bases and he’d abandon me… But here he still stands… I heard how Nic Dangerously would come over here and drop the ball… How he’d take LOA after LOA and just draw a pay check and update us on what’s going on in the business outside of PWT… Was told he was smoke and mirrors… Yet he and Synergy – A cast of his followers who I heard the same load of crap about – Are some of our most productive performers… "
WallStreet is intense now, "PWT is a band of the performers that nobody else wanted, or nobody else thought could cut the mustard. It’s a group of guys and gals who have been under-appreciated and overlooked… And most importantly, it’s a group of performers who have PROVEN to Prove the critics, cynics, and jealous ASSWIPES of this business wrong EVERY_SINGLE_TIME!!!! And if we go on forever or we close our doors tomorrow, the legacy you’ve built here and now can NEVER be taken away… No matter who down plays your talent, who over looks you, who says that you’re not good enough… As far as I’m concerned every one of you are concrete legends… Every other promotion claims to harvest Gods… Well I don’t know any Gods, but I do know a promotion full of TITANS! The only beings that surpass even the GODS… So tonight… For every person who said we couldn’t, we wouldn’t… For every person who personally told any one of you that YOU, Personally couldn’t or wouldn’t… Go out there and You tear this MOTHER FUCKING ROOF OFFFFFFFFFF!!! Do it for me, Do it for Jon, Do it for PWT, Do it for your legacies, do it to prove the neigh Sayers wrong, do it for whatever reason you want, but at the end of the night, Do it for YOU! Now get your ass out there and show every single one of these fucks in our business what Pee Double-You Tee is all ABOUT!"
WallStreet slams his hand down on a near by table although we aren’t going to see the crowd reaction because ultimately, the crowd is each of you great PWT performers, and the way you react is up to you and shall be seen in the passing weeks.
It’s become that time… 9pm eastern standard time and all of you in TV land are ready to witness the hype, witness the promotion that’s been getting all the buzz… Ladies and gentlemen it’s time for PWT’s Free – Per – View… Immortal Glory.
The scene slowly fades in from black as we hear a male narration as a small video package begins…
"There are certain Feats, No man can accomplish"

"Certain dreams that simply can not be achieved"

"There comes a time when the Reaper comes to claim each mortal soul…."
"A Time when Champions suffer there last defeat…"

"When Legends are laid to rest"

"But for a select few… The Reaper never comes…"

"Champions never lose…"
"And Nothing is beyond grasp…"

"These select few are not mortal souls…"

"These select few have obtained…"

With that the screen switches to the sold out Stephen C. O'Connel Center as pyro begins to explode and Nelly’s "Heart of a Champion" can be heard over the PA.
The cameras begin sweeping the arena as we hear the voices of PWT making pay…
Fecca, "WELCOME TO PEE DUBBYA TEE IMMORTAL GLORRRRRRRYYYYYY!!! I’m Bobby Fecca alongside Eddie Styles for two hours of commercial free action LIVE Here on FX!" Styles, "FX, a great station! And it looks like we’re gonna get to enjoy a great relationship with the FX Network as we’ve just found out that we will be here full time as PWT Shockwave is moving from Sunday nights on the WB to Wednesday nights RIGHT HERE, on FX!" Fecca, "Absolutely… Shockwave moving to FX at 9pm eastern on Wednesday nights, but that’s ten days away and what it’s all about right NOW, is PWT Immortal Glory! Folks, you couldn’t ask for a bigger card than this!" Styles, "No doubt… A lot of huge matches tonight as…"
A promotional banner for Synergy V.S. The Criminal Masterminds hits the PWT-A-Tron drawing a pop…
Styles, "Nic Dangerously steps back in the ring to lead Synergy against The Criminal Masterminds in a classic Survivor Series style match up… IF Nic Dangerously’s team not only wins, but Nic Dangerously himself is a surviving member of his team than Mr. McCallister has agreed to CONSIDER re-instating Nic’s contract here in the PWT." Fecca, "That’s a huge match with huge implications, but another big one tonight folks…"
A promotional banner for WallStreet V.S. Matlock hits the PWT-A-Tron as the crowd erupts.
Fecca, "Matt Matlock goes toe to toe with the Corporate Icon… WallStreet… This one has been brewing for years and you can damn sure bet it’s personal." Styles, "And then in an innovative match thought of from the PWT Champion himself…"
A Promotional banner for the four person PWT Titanium championship title match hits the PWT-A-Tron, again making the crowd erupt
Styles, "The recently relinquished PWT Titanium championship is up for the first time ever in a "Riot Control" match. As we see the rookie performers Avi "The Killer" and AJ Storm stepping into the ring along with the ICWA Royal Rumble winner and Hardcore champion Bobby Johnson as well as the Legendary NRA Legends Champion Jimmy Stryker… This one’s gonna be hardcore, I’ll guarantee it…" Fecca, "And speaking of Seifer…"
A Promotional banner for the Main Event hits the PWT-A-Tron and the crowd goes nuts with their biggest pop of the night…
Fecca, "PWT Heavyweight Champion Seifer defends his championship against David Van Dam and folks… He’s gonna do it in a one hour Iron Man Match! This one is gonna be huge!" Styles, "No doubt Bobby, no doubt… It’s a huge night, the Stephen C. O'Connel Center is jam packed and tonight it’s all about the quickest growing promotion in history, the Pee Double-You Tee."
Sabrina: Ladies and gentlemen, the following is the opening contest for PWT Immortal Glory, and it is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from South Chicago, Illinois and weighing in at 237 lbs...he represents the Criminal Masterminds and is making his PWT in-ring debut...he is JOHNNIE SHADOWS!
[A soft sound plays over the PA for several seconds, as the crowd hears a voice distinctly saying "Go left, go left, go left right left". Someone starts rapping, and everyone realizes that it is "Til I Collapse" by Eminem. Just as the first bass hits, Johnnie Shadows comes out onto the walkway throwing up South Chicago gang signs. He walks down the entranceway and slides into the ring wearing his throwback Jordan #23 jersey. He yells out 'Chi-Town Baby' and the fans cheer as he enters the ring. ]
Sabrina: And his opponent, hailing from Princeton, Texas and weighing 215 lbs...he is RAYMOND MCFLY!
["Gotta Get Away" by The Offspring begins to play over the PA, along with a video clip of McFly wrestling. 10 seconds into the video Raymond McFly makes his way out from backstage. Upon making his way out he gets a bad reaction, but nothing to violent. Chants of " McFly sucks" begin to be heard. He continues to walk down the enterance ramp, as he points to the crowd, and gives him the "back hand" taunt as he continues to walk down the ramp, until he arrives at the ring. He then slides into the ring. Upon arrival in the ring he goes in the far right turnbuckle and clibs it. Once again pointing at the crowd. After hes done taunting, he climbs down, and sits down in the turnbuckle , and waits for the match to begin.]
[The bell sounds as McFly hops off the turnbuckle and runs at Johnnie, laying into him with lefts and rights. The fans boo, as McFly whips Johnnie to the ropes and looks for a clothesline. But the big man ducks underneath, bounces off the opposite ropes and catches McFly with a huge spear as the crowd cheers! McFly holds his ribs and rolls to the outside.]
Fecca: Well this match not starting so good for McFly. Then again, he did just try to go toe to toe with a man seven inches taller, twenty two pounds heavier and ten years older then him. And he payed for it.
Styles: Don't be ridiculous. So the new guy can do a spear! McFly will come back.
[Johnnie slides out of the ring after McFly now. He nails a few stiff right hands to his face, followed with a couple of knees to the already sore ribs. He bounces McFly's head off of the crowd barrier as the ref's count reaches seven. Johnnie rolls McFly into the ring, and then gets inside and makes the cover. One...two...kickout! Johnnie doesn't seem to mind though as he picks McFly up and nails a snap DDT. Johnnie bounces off the ropes, comes back and comes down with a big leg drop across McFly's chest. Shadows hooks the leg and goes for the cover again. One...two...McFly gets the shoulder up. He rolls out of the ring again, and heads over near the announce tables. He walks over to Sabrina and tells her to get out of the way, and he grabs the steel chair she was sitting on.]
Fecca: Well Raymond McFly, who's been dominated for the early part of this match now looks to get himself disqualified.
Styles: No he's not. He's got a plan. I'm sure of it!
[The ref comes out of the ring now, and gets in Raymond's face, telling him he can't use the chair. The two stand there and argue as Johnnie rolls out of the ring now. He makes a run for McFly, and connects with a clothesline to the back of the head. But McFly falls forward and falls ontop of the referee, taking him out as well. Johnnie isn't too pleased that he did that, so he leans over the ref, trying to wake him. Meanwhile McFly has decided to try and crawl under the ring. Johnnie notices this, and grabs McFly by the legs trying to get him out. He does, but McFly turns around and cracks Shadows in the head with the kendo stick he pulled from under the ring! Johnnie is reeling as McFly gets to his feet, and he nails Johnnie with the stick again. He then hooks him up and hits a russian leg sweep with the weapon, in a similar fashion to what the Sandman would do. McFly tosses the kendo stick back under the ring, and then rolls Shadows inside the ring. He then grabs the ref and rolls him inside as well. McFly makes the cover.]
Fecca: McFly's gonna steal this one!
Styles: I told you he had a plan!
[One...two....Shadows gets the shoulder up! McFly gets wide eyes, not being very pleased with this. McFly runs off the opposite ropes, and then heads for Shadows with a Rolling Thunder, and connects with the splash. Another cover on Shadows. One...two..kickout! McFly gets back up and waits for Johnnie to get up to a knee. He bounces off the ropes again, and connects with a shining wizard to the head of Shadows. McFly heads for the turnbuckle, hops up, and leaps off with a flying moonsault. But Johnnie moves out of the way! But then McFly manages to land on his feet. Shadows is on his feet with his front facing the turnbuckle now, as McFly comes up behind him. He hooks Johnnie by the head, runs up the turnbuckle and flips Shadows over, connecting with the Sliced Bread #2! He hooks the leg. One...two...Johnnie kicks out!]
Fecca: Well that was an amazing flurry of offense from McFly but it wasn't enough to keep the big man down.
Styles: I'll admit...these two are putting on a pretty good show to get us started off here.
[McFly gets up, turns around and looks for a standing moonsault onto his fallen opponent. But Johnnie gets his knees up and they get driven into McFly's gut as he comes down. McFly tries to get to his feet as he's had the wind knocked out of him. He settles in the corner, but Johnnie comes from behind with a big clothesline. Johnnie turns McFly around, and nails a series of stiff lefts & rights to his stomach and chest. Johnnie lifts him up onto the top turnbuckle, and then looks for a big time superplex. But McFly blocks it. Shadows tries it again, McFly blocks it again. McFly then thumbs Shadows in the eye, and then comes off the top hitting a beautiful Tornado DDT! McFly reaches over and hooks the leg as the ref counts. One...two...Johnnie gets the shoulder up again and McFly can't believe it!]
Fecca: McFly thought he had the match won there but Shadows kicks out again! This new guy is certainly impressive in his debut tonight.
Styles: It doesn't matter. He can't keep going forever and when he stops McFly will take him down!
[McFly is on his feet now, and arguing with the referee, thinking he had the three count. He shoves the ref as they keep arguing. But he doesn't see Shadows who's behind him and on his feet. The fans start to cheer, which causes McFly to turn around. But he gets caught square in the face with a superkick! McFly drops and Shadows floats into the cover. One...two....kickout! Shadows looks around at the crowd and grins, as he grabs McFly's legs and hooks him in the Sharpshooter. McFly starts to shout in pain as the fans cheer for Johnnie! But McFly crawls for the ropes and he's moving, little by little. Eventually he gets to the ropes, and the ref makes Johnnie break the count. Johnnie pulls McFly to his feet, and looks for a powerbomb. He lifts McFly up, but McFly slides down Johnnie's back. Johnnie turns around, but McFly leaps up...]
[McFly connects with his RKO-style finisher, and then rolls over on Johnnie, hooking the leg. One...two....THREE! "Gotta Get Away" plays once again, as the fans start to boo.]
Sabrina: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of this match by pinfall...RAYMOND MCFLY!
[The fans continue to boo, as Raymond simply stands and poses. He steps through the ropes and heads up the ramp toward the back.]
Fecca: Well I may not be a fan of McFly, but I'll be damned if that wasn't a great effort by both men. I was especially impressed with Shadows.
Styles: Johnnie did well, but I was behind McFly the whole way. I told you he had a plan. I told you he'd win, and I was right.
Fecca: Well regardless, in a few minutes we'll be ready for our second match which will see PowerTrip taking on Tai Starr. |
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- Register:12/01/2008 4:13 PM
Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory' (February 06)
Date Posted:01/28/2009 5:24 PMCopy HTML
[ Scene fades in backstage to Jonathan Brooks' office who is sitting at a desk doing some paper work when a knock is heard on the door.
Brooks: Enter.
[ The door opens and a loud ovation is heard from the crowd in Gainesville as The World and Titanium Champion steps into the office. He's still in street clothes and has the World title slung over one shoulder, and the Titanium slung over the other shoulder.
Brooks: Mr. Jacobs, welcome.
[ Seifer nods his head and shakes Brooks' hand.
Seifer: Its been a fun week, hell its been a hell of a run. Gotta say I enjoyed being the Titanium Champion¦ almost one hundred and thirty days as Champion, gotta love it.
[ Seifer takes the title off of his shoulder and looks at it once more before before setting it down on Brooks desk.
Seifer: Its officially vacated and I'm sure whomever holds it next will have earned it and hopefully wears it with pride and maintains its level of prestige.
[ Brooks nods his head.
Brooks: Thank ya Seifer. As customary we'll send you the belt through the mail, or if Mr. McCallister wishes to give it to you personally that's fine too once we create a new one for the next Champ.
Seifer: No worries. I'm in no hurry to add it in my trophy room.
[ He looks at his World Championship.
Seifer: This is what its all about right here.
[ The scene fades out to ringside. The main lights slowly fade out as blue spotlights shine on the stage moving around everywhere. "Loyalty" By American Head Charge hits the speakers as smoke starts coming out of the entrance. Trip comes out with his arms in the air. He stops at the ramp and looks to his left...to his righ. He raises his arms in X formation over his head as the fans boo. Trip makes his way to the ring as he goes to every corner raising his arms in X formation.
Sabrina: Now in the ring, he is a former PWT Heavyweight champion and winner of PWT's first "King of PWT" tournament...This is POWERTRIPPPPPP!!!!!!!
Styles: Boy this match should be over quick.. Trip'll be backstage downing a bottle of Canadian spring water before ya know it.
Fecca: I wouldn't write this Tair Star off so fast. He an partner AJ Storm had a strong showing at Final Verdict in the TLC match for the tag straps.
Styles: And just like he DID NOT win that night, the outcome will be the same here.
Fecca: We'll see...
Sabrina: And his opponent, Taiiiiiii.....STARRRRRRRRR!!!!!!
[ "The words "One who makes a beast out of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man" appears on the titantron, and is read by a haunting voice, "No Control" by Bullet For My Valentine hits the P.A and out walks Tai Star. He stands at the top of the runway, eyes looking at the ground, raises his head and raises his arms up, outstreching his index fingers. He runs a ways down the rampway and jumps high in the air, and plants his feat firmly on the runway (fans cheer) then he runs the rest of the way down the ramp and slides in the ring and taunts the crowd holding his arms up, and crossing them in the form of an X....
Fecca: Both men deciding to rep the "X" tonight.
Styles: That sucka stole it after seeing Trip use it.
Fecca: Sure he did Eddie...
[ Without warning Trip flies across the ring, clotheslining Tai up and over the top rope! The much smaller man hitting the apron on the way to the floor. Of course the bell sounds and Trip steps outside too. He picks up Tai and whips him hard into the barricade at ringside. Star turns and takes it to the back. He's barely had a chance to absorb the impact when Trip powers him over the barricade, into the front row, with a clothesline!
Styles: Wow! Trip just put Tai outta the park!
Fecca: That son of a bitch! he attacked Tai from behind to gain an unfair advantage in this match.
Styles: Yeah, but its all about the "dubbya" there Bobby-boy. Gotta do what it takes to secure it.
[ Ref's count is at seven. Trip rolls under the bottom rope into the ring. He then rolls right back out, only caring to break the count. Now back outside. He catches Tai, who was hanging bout half way back over, with a big running knee lift! Star is knocked back onto his rear. He's checkin his nose for blood when Trip grabs a handful of hair. The former "King of PWT" lifting his opponent for a vertical suplex seemingly. However it isn't. Trip instead drops Tai sternum first across the barricade. The wiley vet admires his work. At least until he hears our ref say "eight". Quickly he breaks the count and comes back out. Trip takes Tai, leading him to the ring, and rolls the young man back in. The vet follows ina nd makes a pin. One.......Two...Kickout! The fans roar as Tai shoots his left shoulder up. Trip raises up to his knees and argues with the ref.
Styles: What the hell?
Fecca: All that cheating and still Trip can not crush this young man's spirit.
Styles: No, thats not it. That slow ref needs to "realize", see what I did there, how to count!
[ Middle finger from Fecca to Styles. But now back to the wrestling action, Trip shakes his head. He stands up and reaches down for Tai. But look out! Star with rights and then lefts to Trip's gut. He leaps up with a European uppercut that sends the opponent reeling into the corner. Star swings round and charges in with a quick clothesline to Trip in the corner. The bigger Power Trip stumbles out of the corner as tair ascends to the top. He gets all perched, waitin on his opponent to turn around. Finally Trip does and he's met with a missle dropkick! The move connects perfectly and sends Trip onto his back. Tai rushes over for a cover, but Trip powers out at two. They race up and Trip introduces Tai to a right fist. The hsot dropping Star down to the mat. Trip shakes his hand, looking at his knuckles. He picks Tair up, by the hair, and backs him to the ropes. Trip with some chops before whipping Tai to the far side ropes. The underdog, Star, rebounds off and attempts a spear on Trip!
Fecca: Spear by Tai Star!!!
Styles: Look again genious. Heh heh.
[ Fecca looks and much to his, and everyone else', surprise Trip managed to withstand the blow. He wraps Tai upa nd slings him up into a position that looks like the set-up for a dominator. But instead Trip holds on tightly and jumps up and down.
Styles: Look at that Bobby. A perfectly executed Canadian backbreaker by a proud Canadian.
Fecca: Too bad you're not Canadian....
Styles: I'm thinking of applying for citizenship there actually.
Fecca: Good. I hope you get ita nd Wall$treet has your green card revoked.
Styles: Silly goose, Wally wouldn't do that to me.
[ Tai Star is refusing to submit to Trip's backbreaker. So finally he just slams Tai to the mat with a dominator. he stands back up, calling for the end of the match. Leans down to grab Tai up, but this time he's rolled up in a small package! One......Two.....Thr-KICKOUT! They race up and Trip mows through Tai with a big boot. The youngster turned a complete flip from impact! But it doesn't stop there. Trip starts putting the boots to Tai's back and side. Fianlly Trip rips Tai up and flings him to the ropes. On the rebound, Trip goes to throw Tai in the air for a pancake slam but its reversed! Tai catches Trip on the way down into a BIG ddt! Both men are staring up at the lights as the ref starts a double count. Tai rolls over and drops an arm across Trip. One.......Two......No! Trip shoots the shoulder up. Both men rolls up to their feet, but Tai jumps onto Trip's back with a sleeper hold.
Fecca: Tai Star has the sleeper on Trip!
[ Ole Trip starts flailing his arms around. He reaches up, grabs Tai around the neck and tries to throw him off. No good! Power Trip continues to fight the sleeper, but at the same time expends more and more energy. he falls to a knee.....and then to his backside. The ref checks the arm. It drops once.......drops twice......The third time he keeps it up! The fans are booing now as they hoped Trip was out.
Styles: Heart of a champion there Fecca. A normal man would have been out, but not our Trip. He's about to get out of this move and squash Star like a lil bug.
[ Indeed, Trip does reach his vertical base again. He tries to old method of ramming back into a corner to loosen Tai's grip. Its not working though. Finally Trip turns to the corner, climbs to the middle rope with Tai on his back, and he just falls back into the ring! This breaks the hold finally! Trip rolls to his stomach and then gets to his knees. But Tai kips up and takes it to Trip's with lefts and rights.
Fecca: Tai Star is opening up shop on Trip's forehead!
Styles: Come on ref! Closed fists!
[ He goes to whip Trip across the ring but its not happening. Trip has hold of the top rope. Star decides to lay in some more shots and then charges across teh ring. Tai off the ropes coming back at Trip....BAM! Power Trip throws Tai up and nails the 3/4 Samoan Neckbreaker he calls "One Way"! Pin made by Trip. One............Two..............Three!!!!
Fecca: Well Trip wins this match, but Tai Star gave it a great shot
Styles: But he still managed to lose in the end Bobby. That is what counts around here.
[ Trip's arm is raised as Sabrina announces his win
Sabrina: Here is your winner, and number one contender to the Titanium championship......POWER TRIPPPPPP!!!!!!
[ Power Trip celebrates his win and movement into being the numberone contender for the Titanium championship. The fans booing as Trip makes his way up the ramp to the back. Its then that the scene switches to Lola, Paris and Kimmy all waiting in the lobby. The three of them are dressed in their casual clothes as they are here to watch the fatal femme match. They've been waiting her since the begining of the match and still.. no sign of the stalker.
Lola : Where the f*ck is he!
[ She yells impatiently.
Lola: He promised me something.. he promised me this would all end after Final Verdict and then he goes ahead and breaks his promise. He f*cks me over! And now.. now he promises to reveal himself.. well lets see what he does this time. How he 'covers' up.. ohh Lola! I forgot I promised you something.. let me harrass you some more because it's a sick and twisted pleasure.. I am a..
Paris: Stop it, Lola! We don't want to scare him again.
Lola: No stop it! Don't talk when I'm talking! I'm pissed..
Paris: Being pissed off it's going to help you!
Lola: Yes it is!
[ Suddenly the girls hear a clapping sound coming from a man wearing a Vince McMahon mask. Lola turns around and looks like 'wtf?'
Masked man: Ladies! Ladies! That is enough.. the two of you have been arguing with each other so much this week.. I think you might just end up having a cat fight.
[ Lola sneers while Paris just stands back.
Masked man: And we don't want to have another Paris Hilton vs Nicole Richie do we? How may enemies have you made, slut?
[ He looks over at Paris who dares not say a word.
Masked man: That's right.. Now shut the hell up and listen. Tonight.. I'm going to reveal myself to you.. and make a special annoucement. But first.. I shall make my announcement.. something I've been meaning to tell you for a very long time..
[ He pauses for a moment and looks at the girls who then stare at each other and back at him.
Masked man: What I've wanted to say was... GOTCHA!
[ As soon as he says that someone pounces Lola and starts beating her with a steel pipe. Paris and Kimberly run as fast as their feet can carry them. But the masked man grabs hold of Paris. He drags her away as Lola is getting the crap beaten out of her with a steel pipe and a blonde woman. We cannot tell who this woman is because her face is being hidden by her long, thick, blonde hair. She slams that pipe atleast twenty times over Lola's head and then leaves the former femme fatale champ for the dead. She flips her hair to the side and you could see her head nod at the masked man. He begins to drive the truck Paris has been thrown into and she makes a run and jumps into the back where Paris is. The truck takes off as Lola's out cold and Kimmy's no where to be found. An ambulance rushes around the corner just as the truck dissappears into the darkness. A few men with a stretcher come towards Lola
Styles: What the hell was that?
Fecca: It looked like a damned set-up genious!
Styles: I know that doofus. But did you see who made the set-up? That was Vince McMahon! We're supposed to be on good terms with them......Man oh man is Taylor gonna be ticked off
Fecca: You idgit! That wasn't really Vince. It was some slimeball dressed up as Vince Mcmahon
Styles: Oh.....Well maybe I should go back there and check on Lola then...
Fecca: Park it bucko. Its time for the Fatal Female title match. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory' (February 06)
Date Posted:01/28/2009 5:26 PMCopy HTML
Sabrina: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the Fatal Female Championship!
[ Her theme song begins to play with the white lights flickering on and off. She begins to make her way on stage after coming from behind the curtain as she gives the crowd a warm smile with a flirtatious grin. She begins to walk down the entrance way while waving to the crowd and blowing kisses to the audience. She walks towards the ring post and turns around to pose for the crowd with her back leaning up against the ring post. She takes her hands and lifts herself up on the ring post as she steps inside and waves to the crowd. She goes to each side of the ring and gives each side a wave of her hands and a smile. She moves over to the ropes and leans her back against them with her arms stretched on each side as she faces the stage area.*
Sabrina: First the challengers, weighing in at one hundred and forty pounds, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Aubrey Baxter!!!!!
[ The psycho circus style chime begins to chill the fans just under their skin. Slowly the music picks up sliding itself into the intro. With the sound of the lyrics she shoves both sides of the black curtain aside and stomps out onto the stage one boot in front of the other arms swinging lightly at her side. Stopping half way onto the stage she slides her head to one side with a smug smile and then to the other before looking out at the tens of thousands of fans that have packed the arena tonight. She gives a fan to her right hand side the 'gun and wink' before launching both hands out and moving them in symmetrical increments slowly towards the ring with the beat of the movement. Finally her hands meet palms together pointing towards the ring and she moves towards it placing her hands loosely at her sides. She swaggers down the ramp tossing her chin left at right a few times as she goes giving the fans a radiant closed-lip smile. Stopping just a few inches shy of the ring she looks left and right once more before jumping up onto the ring mat. She slowly takes the atmosphere all in before climbing between the ropes.*
Sabrina: And the other challenger, weighing in at one hundred and thirty-three pounds, from Long Beach, California, Reine!!!!!
[ The arena goes pitch black as "THEE Goddess" Appears on the titantron. They words start to flash just before "Gossip Folks" by Missy plays over the system. Blood and silver lights alternately flood the area as four random people carrying a throne walks from behind the curtains. Charisma sits in the chair carried by four men in togas that had "peon" across the waist. Two extras were on the side with large feathers fanning her as she was carried on her throne towards the ring. When the men stopped just at the foot of the ring, Charisma stood and stepped onto the apron. The ones that were holding the feathers quickly hopped up on the ring to hold the ropes open for her and she gets into the ring.*
Sabrina: Now, the champion, weighing in at one hundred and thirty pounds, from St. Louis, Missouri. The current Fatal Female Champion, "Thee Goddess" Charisma Johnson!!!!!
[ Charisma hands the belt to the referee and then the referee holds it high in the air, then showing it to the challengers and then handing it off to Sabrina, who gets out of the ring, and the contest gets underway.*
Styles: For the first time in my life I'm not interested ina match filled with beautiful ladies. I'm too worried about Lola.
Fecca: Thats very commenda...
Styles: OoOoOo! Look at those guns jiggle!
Fecca: Nevermind...
[ The two challengers, Aubrey and Reine look at the cocky champion and then at each other and nod as they charge at Charisma, taking her down and then slowly performing some double team maneuvers such as a double snap suplex and then throwing Charisma to the ropes for a double flapjack. They then throw Charisma out of the ring and begin to move around the ring, making this match between the two challenging divas. They locked up in the center of the ring and Reine performs a Japanese arm drag and turns it into an armbar, trying to keep Aubrey grounded and maybe even gain a submission victory.*
Fecca: Armbar nicely applied by Reine
Styles: Her name makes me think of that song by Train, "Drops of Jupiter"
Fecca: Call the match...PLEASE!
[ Aubrey is definitely feeling the pain of the basic armbar submission and she finally gets enough momentum to turn the move into a hip toss which she quickly followed up with a kick to the midsection and Powerful DDT. She goes for the cover, 1.…2.kickout! Reine kicked out, and Aubrey looked surprise, she heard the thud of Reine’s head hitting the canvas, she assumed she had gotten the win. Aubrey got back to her feet and attempted to hit a Neckbreaker, but Reine followed it through, connecting with a Neckbreaker of her own. She then began to work on the back of Aubrey when Charisma got back into the ring, and it seemed she had recovered or was biding her time, and she knocked Reine out of the ring and began to work on Aubrey. Charisma picked up Aubrey and hit her with a Piledriver and went for a cover, 1.…2..kick out!*
Fecca: The defending championess dumping Reine out of the ring to work on Aubrey. Sound strategy in a match like this. And it almost got her the win.
[ Aubrey had been taking the brunt of the punishment and Charisma checked to see if Reine was still out of it, or what and she looked to be out and so Charisma picked up Aubrey and hit her with Charismatic and she would have gone for the pin when "(I Hate) Everything About You" hit the pa system and out walked Oblivion onto the stage and Charisma looked livid, this so-called peon was getting involved in her match. She yelled at him from inside the ring which gave Reine, who was feinting her condition to slip into the ring and get Aubrey out of it, and stalk Charisma from behind and Oblivion pointed behind Charisma and she turned around.*
Fecca: No! Don't turn around Charisma...
Styles: Cause you're gonna see my heart breaking....
Fecca: Shut it!
[ Charisma turned around right into Suicide Symphony by Reine and Oblivion gave her the thumbs up as he walked to the back and the referee who had been watching all of this go down, looked down to the mat as Reine made the cover and he counted, 1.…2.…3! Aubrey had just gotten into the ring, but just one second too short as the referee called for the bell and Sabrina spoke.*
Sabrina: The winner of this match and new Fatal Female Champion, Reine!!!!!!!!
[ The referee handed Reine the belt and she taunted the crowd with it as Baby’s Got a Temper by Prodigy blared over the pa system and Reine got out of the ring, and headed to the back as a dejected Aubrey sits in the corner knowing that she gave a good effort, just came up a little short as things go to commercial.*
Fecca: For the second time in as many weeks we have a new Fatal Female champion!
Styles: Wow. We get the belt off of Georgia James and all of a sudden the women's division is playing hot potatoe with it. georgia needs to come back an save the division if its this sucky with her not championess.
Fecca: I disagree Eddie. I think t hat these frequent title changes are showing that we have a very competitive women's division here.
[ Styles shakes his head as we fade in at the Stephen C. O'Connel Center, in Gainseville Florida at the entrance to the center. Different small booths are set up, selling merchanidise of different PWT wreslters, Mastermind T-Shirts, High Society Base Ball Caps, Lola Star sunglass' ect... One booth stands out from the others, mostly becuase it is all run down, and looks like it was just built a few minutes earlier, the sign, in bright red paint says"Dave Malone T-Shirts", a non other than Dave "The Jackass" Malone sits behind the wooden booth, with a sly grin on his smug face, hes wearing a black jacket with a white undershirt and black pants...*
[A Chinese couple walks up and Dvae stands up and shakes both thier hands, and bows in a "Chinese Way" the couple smiles and looks down at the merchandise layed out, rather sloppily on the table*
Dave "The jackass" Malone
[The couple look at him strangly*
Dave Malone
Would...You...Like...To... Buy... An... Authentic... Jacket?...
[ The man sighs at Dave's stupidity and obvious lack of cultural diversity*
We Speak English Buddy
[ Dave wapes his forehead an appologizes to the couple as the y pick up a normal and a large jacket off the table, they place 30 bucks down on the table infront of Dave and slip the jackets on, Dave starts to pile the change in his pockets as the lady lets out a scream, hert jacket had just ripped in two. Dave starts to furiously pile the other clothing into boxes and onto a cart. As the man yells furiously as his jacket breaks two*
What the **** is this?
[ Dave puts a finger in his ear and starts to softly hum to himself as he pushes the cart away from the stand*
Hey we want our money back you con!
[ Dave starts to run off with the money and the clothing as the man kicks the stand and it crumbles down into a pile of wood...*
[ The scene fades to a commercial hyping Shockwave coming to FX next week.....On a new night!
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Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory' (February 06)
Date Posted:01/28/2009 5:27 PMCopy HTML
[ The hype commercial ends and we're ready for the first hour's main event...
Styles: Here we go Fecca, The stable war between Synergy and The Masterminds continues here tonight!!
Fecca: Yeah and what a match it will be!!
Sabrina: The following contest is a Survivor Series elimination Match!!!! Making their way to the ring representing The Masterminds at a total combined weight of 459 pounds they are Jamal Atkins and Flipside!!!!
[The lights go dark, and the crowd quiets down. In blue text, the words "It's Going Down" appear on the Tron as "It's Going Down" by The X-Ecutioners plays over the PA system. The words fade into clips of Jamal Atkins and Flipside taking out various opponents. Smoke fills the entranceway as Jamal Atkins and Flipside walk down the catwalk along with Miss Smith. The two slide into the ring and climb the turnbuckles in opposite corners and get mixed cheers and boos from the crowd. They look to each other and cross their arms awaiting their opponent.]
Styles: There are the #1 contenders for the PWT Tag Team Championship!
Fecca: Yeah they look ready to go here tonight!!!
Sabrina: And their tag team partner.....
[ "Where will you be when at half past nine when the cat says meow?" echoes through the arena. A split-second later and the arena is plunged into darkness....Multi-colored lights begin to slowly flash as "Loser" by 3 Doors Down begins to play....Suddenly the song moves forward and skips into high gear, the flashing lights picking up in their intensity as well......Finally, much like Jeff Hardy, Javen appears on the stage drenched in neon body paint.....He dances like there's a thousand volts going through him before heading down to the ring....Javen rolls in, moves to his feet, and perches atop a corner for a pose before getting down...
Sabrina: From Jackson, Tennessee weighing 220 Pounds.....JAVEN!!!!
Styles: What a pickup for The Masterminds!!
Fecca: Yeah I bet Christian Michaels wont like that any!!
Styles: Of course not Fecca!! Jimmy was smart aquiring him!!
Sabrina: Their tag team partner, for one night only representing The Masterminds.......
[ "Pull Harder on the Strings of Your Martyr" begins to blare over the venue sound system as Multi-colored lights strobe in unison with the opening drum solo of the song. Seven seconds into the song right as the guitar riffs begin a loud boom signals Corey's arrival. He stands atop the stage for a minute with his fists pumped into the air. After lowering his arms, Corey slowly makes his way down to the ring. He briefly stops in front of the ring only to reach up to the top rope to pull himself up to the ring apron before vaulting himself over the top rope into the ring. Once inside the ring he climbs each turnbuckle in no particular order and pumps his into the air while perched atop each one of them. Once he has ascended all four corners he strips off the t-shirt he is wearing and throws it into the crowd.
Sabrina: Weighing in at 260 pounds....COREY HENDRIX!!!!
Styles: Corey who?
Fecca: Stryker must know what the hell he is doing Styles!!
Styles: I sure as hell hope so Fecca!!!
[ The lights go out as Red, Blue, White and Yellow spotlights flash around, as " Beautiful People" by Marilyn Manson hits, as Synergy appears from behind the curtain.
Sabrina: And their opponents......Christian Michaels, Xander Allen Walker, Damien Destruction and Nic E Dangerously they are known as SYNERGY!!!!!!!
Styles: Wait a minute!!! There is only Nic Dangerously at the top of the rampway!! Where the hell is his team mates?
Fecca: Look over there Styles, there is Christian Michaels coming from the south side, Xander coming from the east, and there is Damien Destruction from the North.
Styles: The Masterminds won't know what hit them. Oh no!!
[ Synergy is seen in all 4 different directions as they slide into the ring as they start to sneak up from behind attack on The Masterminds. A little in shock, The Masterminds all begin to fight back a bit until once again Synergy takes control. Finally then fight is seen going to the outside with 6 of the men, CM, Xander and NED on the outside fighting with Flipside, Jamal and Javen. Inside the ring Corey Hendrix and Damien Destruction start it off as the referee rings the bell. The two immediatly lock up as Damien sets up Corey in a headlock. The headlock is continued on Hendrix as finally the 6 men have been broken apart and taken to their corners. Corey then starts to lay the lbows to the ribs of Damien as the hold is released. Corey then whips himself into the ropes, only to be delivered a knee to the sternim and sent flying through the air to the mat.
Styles: Ouch! That had to hurt!!
Fecca: No doubt Styles!!
[ Damien then goes and picks up Corey as he is heard yelling at Corey that he never should have offered his services in this match, but as he does, Corey swings connecting to the jaw of Damien knocking him back a bit, but Damien once again on the offense with a handful of hair and a knee to the midsection. Damien then whips Corey into the corner of Synergy, as he then tags in Christian Michaels. The two men go to work on Corey, trading blow after blow to his skull. Damien then exits the ring as Christian then begins laying hard boots to the abdomen and ribs of Corey. As this is going down, Javen is seen entering the ring and attacks Christian from behind wailing on him with punches. Christian then lays back against the ropes as Javen then turns swinging out of control at Synergy connecting with all of them except for Nic Dangerously, as the others fall to the floor, landing on their feet, and Nic who is seen wisely dropping to the mat outside not to be taken advantage of. Javen then turns around and heads back to his corner as the referee is guiding him there. While Javen is helped out of the ring, Nic grabs Corey pulling him halfway out of the ring and nailing the side of his head against the metal ring post sending Corey to the outside of the ring, where now all members of Synergy except for Damien are laying on the attack pretty good.
Styles: My God!! They are going to kill him!!
Fecca: No doubt!!
[ As this is happening, Jamal, Javen and Flipside rush to the side of the ring and start to fight off Synergy to back up their team mate who is lying helplessly on the floor. The fight just continues on the outside as neither man on either team seems to care about the referee's count.
[ Flipside is seen sliding in under the bottom rope breaking the count and rolling back out after he sent Xander hard to the guardrail on the outside.
Styles: Smart move!!
Fecca: Yeah just break the count and everything will be fine to you right Styles?
[ The Masterminds fight off all of Synergy and help up Corey as they take him to their side of the ring. Corey is then helped back into the ring, but as Damien is sliding in, he stands up about to take control as Flipside makes a blind tag.
Fecca: Flipside is now legal!!
[ Flipside climbs into the ring as Damien starts to shoot his mouth. Flipside with a quick clothesline for a takedown. Flipside sets up Damien and nails him with a beautiful executed backbreaker. Damien lying on the mat as Flipside continues to go to work. While Damien is on the ground, Flipside then moves over to the turnbuckle in the corner of the ring and climbs up to the second rung. Flipside then launches himself off as he connects with a huge legdrop nailing Damien across the throat. Flipside tries for the cover and first elimination...
1....2...kickout by Damien!!
Fecca: Not over yet Styles!!
Styles: No but after that I would think anyone would quit cause their throat would be crushed!!
[ Flipside not happy with the count, argues with the ref a bit, as Damien rolls to his corner and makes a tag out to Nic Dangerously. Nic then enters the ring as he looks over at Flipside who just shakes his head as the two lock up, Nic then takes full control, as he whips Flipside into the ropes, as Flipside comes back Nic nails him with with a kick to the midsection and then a huge neckbreaker. As Flipside hits the mat, Nic flies up off the mat, while Flipside holds the back of his head and neck. Nic then picks up Flipside not giving him one second to catch his breath as he stands Flipside up against the ropes and tries for a big savat kick but Flipside moves as Nic's leg is caught over the top rope. Flipside grabs Nic, and sets him up into a dragon sleeper. Nic trying to get out of it, but Flipside nails him with a leg drop in succession sending Nic to the mat. Flipside climbs the ropes and signals for his finisher. As he gets to the top he takes off and slams right down on top of Nic, as Flipside makes the cover.
Styles: No Nic's foot is on the rope. Ref catch that!!!
Fecca: What the hell?I cant believe that!! That is just strange for a Mastermind to even pull that off!! Nic Dangerously has been Eliminated first? By Flipside to say the least!!
Styles: Holy hell, that was quick and that just *beeps* his contract Fecca, or his chance to come back!! The ref never saw it!! I mean that must be a big boost for Flipside to say the least!! That is a big elimination. One member of Synergy gone and all of the Masterminds!!
[ Flipside is seen moving Nic's foot off the rope before the ref saw it there. Nic is then pushed to the outside of the ring by Flipside as now the other 3 members of Synergy now come in for a 3 on 1 attack beating the hell out of Flipside. The masterminds once again intervene as there is a 4 on 3 brawl on the inside of the ring, as Nic Dangerously is seen being shown to the back, as he is seen instructing his team to destroy The Masterminds!! Nic is then taken through the back curtain as finally the three of Synergy take control as Xander steps into the ring to take Nic's spot.
Fecca: Here comes a true idiot!!
Styles: That's Legendary Idiot to you!!
[ Xander and Flipside lock up as Flipside takes complete control of the matchup. By grabbing Xander not wasting a moment and connecting with a huge pump handle slam. Xander crashes hard to the mat, as Flipside then picks him up and takes him over to the corner of the masterminds where he tags in Corey Hendrix who is now back on his feet after the beating he took earlier from Synergy. Corey then starts with a kick to the midsection after Flipside is seen holding up the arm exposing the rib area. Corey then starts with his hard shots once again to the ribs. Corey thenb whips Xander into the ropes, as Xander comes back Corey nails him with a beautiful Belly to Belly suplex. Xander then holds him back while Corey turns Xander over and hooks him into the STF. Into the ring a few moments later comes CM to break up the hold, as Javen makes his way into the ring and fights off his brother throwing him to the outside of the ring. Javen exits the ring as Corey then moves over to his side of the ring and tags in Javen.
Styles: He leaves and comes back in, gee what a concept!!
Fecca: Yeah he just wanted to get into the match.
[ Javen then grabs Xander as CM is seen getting back to the apron. Javen takes Xander over to Synergy's corner and tags in Christian Michaels. Christian with a little anger in his eyes steps toe to toe with his brother as Christian slaps the taste out of Javen's mouth as he looks on with a piercing glare. Javen then walks up to Christian and then slap him back across the face. Christian then punches Javen as the two go back and forth with right and left hands. Javen backing CM into the corner takes control over CM with knee shots to the gut. Javen whips CM across the ring and into the turnbuckle. As Javen is on his way for the attack. CM moves out of the way as Javen's head hits hard on the top turnbuckle. Javen stumbles back as CM slides in from behind him scooting close to the ropes, as CM rolls him up in a school boy pin and grabs a handful of tights as the ref is down counting the count but CM's feet have now reached the ropes for leverage.
Javen has been eliminated!!
Fecca: What the hell was that? I mean come on, I know Christian is a cheap and sore loser, but not this way!!
Styles: Remember Fecca!! Anything to win!!
[ As Javen is being rolled out of the ring, here comes none other than Rhya Michaels down to the ring. She helps up Javen and as they're backing up the ramp, she has some unkind words for her loving husband. In the ring comes Corey Hendrix. Corey then runs at CM who moves out of the way and tags in Damien Destruction exiting the ring.
Styles: CM just blew off Corey Hendrix!!
Fecca: That was quite funny to be honest with you.
[ Damien then walks over and immediatly sticks a thumb in the eye of Corey Hendrix. Damien backs up a bit, as Corey seems to be turning around. Damien then slams into Corey with a huge spear folding Corey in half. Damien then walks over and high fives his team mates, as he grabs Corey and whips him into the ropes. As Corey rebounds he is connectd hard with a clothesline by Damien Destruction.
Fecca: Hence the name Destruction!!
[ While the two men are inside the ring, you see Xander and CM sneaking around the ring as the referee is watching to see what they are doing. As The Masterminds watch CM and Xander, Damien Destruction nails Corey with a low blow. The Masterminds try to get Damien but are pulled off the apron as their heads bounce off the side of the apron and Jamal and Flipside are down. CM slides in the ring as the referee is paying attention to him as Xander goes over to help Damien as the two push Corey back into the corner. Corey then starts to fight back as he swings back and forth with elbows to back the two men away and then charges the both of them taking them both down with a double clothesline. Xander and Damo falls to the mat, as Corey then tosses Xander to the outside of the ring. Corey then grabs Damien and whips him into the rope and nails him with a beautiful standing dropkick. Damo is flattened to the mat as the shot clocked him good!!
Fecca: Did you see that Styles?
Styles: Holy hell!! The guy gets beat down, and then comes back and does amazing stuff like that?
Fecca: Maybe there will be a momentum shift in this match, since Synergy has their heads up their butts!!
Styles: Yeah but their leader is GONE!!! Jimmy's team is that damn good!!
[ Corey wanting to try and end it here goes for the cover.
1.....2....Kickout by Damo!!
[ Damien then still trying to catch his breath as Corey attempts another pin.
[ Damien then pushes Corey back as he then slides himself into his corner. CM trying to calm him down as Xander finally gets to his feet. Xander then climbs back up onto the apron as Damo then whips Corey into the ropes, as Corey rebounds Xander nails him with a shot to the head as Corey stumbles right into Damien and is nailed with The Obliterator!! Damien makes the cover....
Corey Hendrix has been eliminated!!
Styles: Another Mastermind gone!! Nooo this can't be happening!!!
Fecca: Now were down to three on two Styles. The #1 contenders for the tag team titles Jamal and Flipside against Damien, Xander and CM. Man this is going to be a major fight on their hands.
Styles: They can handle it. I know they can.
[ Jamal is seen entering the ring for his first major action. Jamal then goes to work on Damien as he completly starts handing it to Damien. Jamal whips Damien into the corner and connects with a huge clotheslines. Jamal then steps back a bit as he looks on at the crowd and lies a good few chest chops against Damien's chest. Damien a little short of breath pushes Atkins away from him enough to get out of the corner. Damien then watches Atkins walk over to get him as he pushes Atkins away again. Atkins the whips Damien off the ropes again. Damien rebounds as a foot of Atkins connects with Damiens face as Damien crashes to the mat holding his face.
Fecca: My GAWD!! Damien was just crushed by that boot from Jamal Atkins!!
[ Jamal picks up Damien without hesitating as he thrown him into the corner of Synergy. Damien is then seen tagging in CM. CM gets into the ring as he then goes after Jamal. Jamal then moves out of the way, as CM passes by him on his sprint being delivered a short armed clothesline sending CM crashing down hard to the mat. Jamal then tags in Flipside, as the two men grab a hold of CM and nail him with a double vertical suplex. CM's body crashing hard to the mat as Flipside picks up CM, while he and Jamal irish whip CM into the ropes. CM not expecting what is coming is nailed with a huge double clothesline that nearly takes his head off.
Styles: Holy hell!! Double team at it's best.
[ Jamal seems to be exiting the ring as Flipside whips CM into the corner. As he does Jamal is seen moving out of the way enough where CM crashes into the corner hard. Jamal then starts slapping CM across the face two or three times as the referee comes over trying to get Jamal out of the ring. Jamal then throws CM to the mat as Flipside is already on the top rope. Xander and Damien come to his aid, as Flipside takes off and connects with The Flipside on CM, Jamal takes the two men down with a clothesline. Flipside makes the cover.
1....2...Kickout by CM
[ Flipside not happy with the count sets up CM on the top rope. Flipside climbs the rope once again, as he catapults CM from the top nailing him with a suplex off the top rope and makes the cover once again.
[ Damien and Xander go on the attack of Flipside after the match, but here comes someone to the ring!!
Styles: It's Johnny Shadows!! Whats he doing here.
[ Johnny then slides into the ring as he wails on Xander and Damien. Both he and Flipside lay out Xander and Damien as Johnny then leaves the ring and stands on the outside awaiting the ending of this match.
Christian Michaels is eliminated!!
Styles: Now were down to two on two. Flipside with his second pin fall victory in this match tonight!! What the hell is going to happen now?
Fecca: I dont know, this will be interesting no doubt Styles!!
[ Flipside then is seen going back to the corner as CM is helped out of the ring and sent to the locker room. Flipside watches as Damien enters the ring. Damien exhausted from the matchup so far locks up with flipside. Damien then takes advantage as he knees Flipside in the gut and nails him with with a perfectly executed snap suplex. Damien then steps towards, Flipside who is on the ground, and picks him up. Damien then whips Flipside over to Xander who is now in the ring as he connects with The Blind Spot sending Flipside hard to the mat. Damien then covers Flipside.
1......2.....Saved by Jamal
[ Xander then goes to work on Jamal as a right hand come swinging but Jamal ducks as Jamal connects with a neckbreaker sending Xander down hard to the mat. Jamal then exits the ring as Flipside pulls himself over tagging Jamal in the match. Jamal then goes to work on Damien and Xander. Jamal then moves as he bounces off the ropes connecting with a huge double clothesline. Jamal then waits for them to stand up but from out of the audience comes DSL. She then grabs a pie from the outside ring area, and slides in the ring as the referee then turns around while Flipside is seen trying to enter the ring, as the ref stops him. Jamal then gets a pie in his face by DSL and then she slides outside of the ring as she dissapears through the crowd before the ref turned around, as Xander rolls up Jamal for the pin grabbing the tights.
Jamal Atkins is Eliminated!!!
[ Jamal is seen being helped outside the ring, as Xander and Damien go onto the attack. Then both double team Flipside enough to cause him to crash to the mat due to a double suplex. Damien the picks up Flipside as they set him up for a verison of the snapshot and connect. Damien makes the cover.
Sabrina: The winner of the match SYNERGY!!!!
Styles: Quick last two eliminations right there Fecca!!
Fecca: Yeah well the match is over now. Synergy pulls it out again for some unknown reason.
Styles: Well someone has to win it!!
[ Fecca shakes his head in disappointment. The masterminds are slowly making there way up the ramp one at a time "You can Run" Billy kidmans old theme. Hits the arena as the fans are surprised. Jamal Atkins looks up wondering who now was coming down to try and make their lives miserable. The arena goes black for just a second... when the lights come back on everyone sees that DSL is standing right in front of Jamal Atkins.**
Styles: Why is she out her again?
Fecca: I think she is facinated by Jamal Atkins.
[ DSL pulls a microphone out of her pocket and looks at Jamal.**
DSL: I know you poor baby haven't you had enough yet. Well I guess not see what you all don't understand is that Syngery may be taking them out all at once but I will be doing it slowly and painfully one at a time. Each one of you will drop like a fly.
[ Jamal looks at DSL with a pissed off look.**
DSL: Yes Jamal and you are first... you are the weakest link goodbye.
[ DSL hits Jamal in the face with the microphone over and over as he falls down on the ramp hard. She then continues kicking him in the gut as Flipside tries to go after her as CM turns him around and super kicks Flipside. DSL looks up for a quick second to see what CM as done as she smirks. As She goes back to Jamal he smacks her in the face and puts his hands around her throat lifting her up to go for a choke slam. Dsl nails him in the balls as he lets go. She then pokes him in the eyes as he backs off for a moment. DSL then Grabs Jamal and nails him with the lunatic virus as he lands hard on the ramp. She runs down to ringside and grabs a chair from underneath the ring. DSL runs back up to where Jamal is lying knocked out.**
Fecca: Holy cow
Styles: Has she gone mad?
[ DSL Sticks the chair on his ankle and begins stomping on it as the officals run out and grab her. She continues to try and get away from them as the scene fades to where Seifer is seen backstage near his locker room, already in his wrestling gear, no World Championship or anything as he is walking away from a concession stand as Tina comes up to come.
Tina: Seifer, may I get a quick word? Not too much time left before your Iron Man match with David Van Dam, any last thoughts?
[ Seifer stops and looks towards the camera and rolls his neck over his shoulder.
Seifer: Tick Tock David, Tick Tock. One Hour, its all about clockwork my friend. I'm going to show you what Seifer's all about. Notice I don't have the World title with me right now? Its because I'll be taking it home tonight. Tick Tock, its time to see what you've got.
[ Now he shifts his focus on Tina.
Seifer: Nothing left to say Tina. Now all I've got to do is wait¦ and then its on.
[ Fade back to ringside.... |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory' (February 06)
Date Posted:01/28/2009 5:28 PMCopy HTML
[ The fans are cheering as they know that it is time for the steel cage match and then they erupt in cheers as (I Hate) Everything About You by Three Days Grace hits the pa system and then walking through the black curtain is the Tortured Soul, Oblivion! Smoke begins to come out onto the stage and the entrance ramp and Oblivion marches down the entrance ramp as Sabrina announces him.*
Sabrina: Making his way to the ring, from Parts Unknown, weighing in at two hundred and fifty-six pounds, The Tortured Soul, Oblivion!
[ Oblivion climbs up the steel steps and goes through the ropes as the cage lowers around him and he then does his cross arm taunt and then he turns to the stage and awaits the arrival of Georgia James.*
Fecca: Who is this guy Oblivion anyway?
Styles: Your guest is as good as mine Fecca. I’m stumped.
[ Georgia the whole day through!", is heard throughout the arena as the name Georgia James rolls across the screen. T-H-E-E R-E-I-N-G-I-N-G G-O-D-D-E-S-S! Rolls across the screen immediately after that letter by letter in red. As out comes this notorious woman with a self-satisfied smirk borderlining on cocky, as she looks to the left and the right shrugging her shoulders as she is jeered. Georgia walks the aisle taking her sweet time soaking up the energy as everyone is on the feet now. She gets to the bottom of the aisle and then dusts off her left and then her right shoulders cracking her trademark toothy grin. Seeing a kid at ringside she would normally hug now she gives the throat slash as she walks up the ringsteps and climbs into the ring. The ref closes the door behind her and locks it. She hears it from the masses now more then ever as the spotlight goes up and she again brushes her left shoulder off looking to the left and raises her hands in the air arrogantly. The spotlight goes up and Georgia walks to the far corner of the ring casually leaning on the turnbuckle with her arms spread out over the top rope.
Fecca: Well Georgia James looks pretty confident tonight.
Styles: She’s a Goddess Fecca, so why shouldn’t she.
[ The bell sounds, and Georgia wastes no time, as she charges Oblivion, but is taken down, by a stiff boot to the face. Oblivion bends down and picks Georgia up and looks her in the face and slaps her.
Fecca: Now that’s just not right.
Styles: Yeah I bet he feels like a big man now, slapping a goddess.
[ Oblivion looks at GJ and says something, and reaches back to slap her again, but GJ pokes him in the eye, which makes him stagger backwards.
Styles: Serves him right, that’s not the way to treat a lady.
Fecca: Well at least me and you agree on something.
[ GJ takes a step back and hits Oblivion with a Spinning Heel Kick, which sends Oblivion crashing into the ropes. His head hit’s the steel cage, which makes him stumble forward, and GJ takes a few steps back and runs forward and leaps up, grabbing his neck. Her momentum caused Oblivion to stumble backwards again. GJ uses the steel cage to her advantage, by uses it as a kind of ladder, walking up the steel cage with her feet, while still holding his head, and does a flip, which makes Oblivion fall face first to the mat.
Fecca: What an innovative move by GJ.
Styles: Yes it was, this match should be over pretty quick.
[ GJ gets back up to her feet and looks down at Oblivion, and gives him a few kicks to the body, she then walks over to the walls of the cage and starts to climb to the top. Oblivion snaps out of his daze, and looks up and see GJ almost to the top. Mustering all of his strength, he gets up and makes a desperate leap up, and grabs her leg, and yanks her down, and she hit’s the mat hard.
Fecca: Desperation save by Oblivion.
Styles: Meh…….he’s just delaying the inevitable.
[ Oblivion goes on the attack, and starts to give her a barrage of kicks to the body. He bends down and picks her up, and grabs her by the head and guides her over to the walls of the steel cage, and throws her face first into it. When she bounces back off of it, he catches her again, and slams her face back into the steel cage once more. GJ slumps on the ropes, and Oblivion grabs her, and wraps his arms around her and picks her up, and takes about five steps backwards, and runs forward and rams his and her body into the steel cage.
Fecca: Now that’s just not right. No one deserves punishment like this.
Styles: Especially The Goddess which is Georgia James.
[ Oblivion let GJ go and lets her fall to the ring floor. He walks over to the steel cage and starts to climb up. He makes it to the top, and reaches a leg over the side, and straddles the top of the cage.
Fecca: Well it look like Oblivion is going to win this thing.
Styles: I hope that he breaks his leg when he jumps over the side.
Fecca: That was kind of harsh there Eddie.
Styles: Shut up Bobby, I’m not in the mood for you right now.
[ Instead of going over the side, Oblivion stands up on top of the cage and looks down at GJ, who is laying motionless on the ring floor below.
Fecca: Why is he standing up, why doesn’t he just end this match.
Styles: I think that he has something more sinister in mind. This is not going to be pretty.
[ Oblivion leaps back into the ring and attempts to do a Black Out (High Impact Moonsault), but at the last minute, GJ rolls out of the way, and Oblivion hits nothing but the mat below.
Fecca: Wow Georgia, moved out of the way, just in time!!!
Styles: Whew!!! Now it’s time for her to finish this clown.
[ Both competitors, are still laying on the ring floor motionless, but finally GJ starts to stir, and soon after, so does Oblivion. Oblivion crawls over to the ropes and tries to pull himself up, as GJ staggers to her feet, and goes over to the steel cage, and starts to climb up. Oblivion makes his way to his feet and staggers over and starts to climb up the steel cage as well. GJ has her body up at the top of the steel cage, but can’t go any further because Oblivion has her by the leg. GJ wraps her arm around the top of the cage and hangs on for dear life as Oblivion tries to pull her down.
Fecca: Wow Eddie, you’re really into this match aren’t you.
Styles: This guy was out here to hurt Georgia, he wasn’t out here to wrestle, and you just don’t do that to a Goddess.
[ Oblivion finally makes it up to the top of the cage with her, and begins to with overhand rights. Oblivion is hitting GJ with all of his might, and she seems to be losing her grip.
Fecca: If she loses her grip and falls, Oblivion would be a fool not to escape the cage.
Styles: Well, he didn’t do it the first time, so maybe he won’t this time.
[ As Oblivion pummles GJ with overhand rights, GJ looks to be on her way to the mat below, but with every bit of strength that she had, she leaps over at Oblivion and grabs him by the neck, which makes him let go of the cage and go falling backwards with GJ, and she maneuvers her body and puts him into a move that resembles a Neckbreaker.
Styles: Just like I said before, he didn’t stand a chance in this match.
[ GJ gets to her feet, and heads over to the steel cage and starts to make her way up the cage. She finally makes her way to the top and looks back down at Oblivion, who hasn’t moved thus far, and without hesitation, she does a Reverse Moonsault, and lands on top of Oblivion.
Styles: She gave him a taste of his own medicine, and he deserved it without question.
Fecca: I didn’t expect her to do that, but you have to expect the unexpected in this match.
Styles: Fecca…………………..you’re a genius……….not!!!
Fecca: Screw you Styles.
[ GJ makes it to her feet, and makes her way to the walls of the steel cage, and makes her way to the top, and then climbs over, and drops to the mat, as the bell sounds.
Fecca: This was a hard fought win for Ms. James, she earned this one.
Styles: What do you expect from a Goddess.
[ As the ref holds GJ’s hand up in victory. The camera switches to highlights of Wallstreet and Matt Matlock's recent run-ins with one another |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory' (February 06)
Date Posted:01/28/2009 5:29 PMCopy HTML
With that the cameras go to the back where a new interviewer is seen standing…
"Good evening PWT… I’m Mike O’Conner and I’m standing by with…"
The camera pans out as we see…
The crowd erupts as Mike says, "The PWT CEO, Taylor "WallStreet" McCallister… WallStreet, there’s a lot of hype around you and Matlock here tonight… How do you feel going into this contest? Are there any butterflies?"
WallStreet gets a look as to say "What the fuck?!" as he says, "Butterflies? You think this is my first match or something? Are you trying to implicate that Matt Matlock’s a bigger star than I am? That I should be intimidated by being in the ring with a guy the caliber of Matt Matlock, The skill of a Matt Matlock?!"
Mike, "Well no, I just uh…"
WallStreet yanks the mic out of Mike’s hand’s, "Hit the bricks lackey!"
Mike rushes out of the scene as WallStreet turns to the camera and says, "Butterflies?! BUTTERFLIES?! You’re damned straight the Corporate Icon has butterflies… He’s got full fledged Motheras down in his gut and ya know why?! There’s one reason and ONE REASON ONLY! It’s not because of any "hype", it’s not because of Matt Matlock… It’s because tonight, For the first time since 2004… LIVE… The Corporate Icon gets to walk down his ramp, into his ring, and handle business like only the Corporate Icon can… See tonight, it’s about having my first LIVE Televised singles match in 2 years… All of our Shockwaves have been taped, my only Pay Per View appearance had me in tag team action… But tonight the Corporate Icon takes it too a BRAND NEW Level… The kind of level that simply CAN’T Be done on a taped program… Because tonight there’s no editing, no re-takes, no chance of getting the tape and making the match look better… Tonight it’s sink or swim as I step into that ring on the opposite side of one half of the PWT Tag Team Champions and beat his ass like only I Can! But more importantly than all of that, I get to knock Matt Matlock around in front of the people that made PWT Famous… And that’s not Seifer… Nope, sorry champ… It’s not David Van Dam… It’s not Matt Matlock… Hell, It’s not even me… It’s YOU!"
WallStreet points into the camera as the fans go nuts.
WallStreet, "It’s Each and Every one of you, and now tonight as my way of saying Thank you, I’m gonna throw Matt Matlock around in the most entertaining fashion possible and THEN… When I pin him one, two, three… We’re gonna celebrate a Victory… Not my Victory, DAMNED SURE not Matlock’s victory… But OUR Victory… (crowd erupts) Now THAT’S… The Simplistic facts."
WallStreet tosses the mic out of the camera’s view as we fade to the ring where Sabrina is standing
Sabrina, "Ladies and Gentlemen… The following contest has been scheduled for onefall and has been given a One Hour Time Limit…"
The lights suddenly dim. They turn black & red when a hard guitar line suddenly comes over the speakers. The fans are on their feet as Papa Roach's "Getting Away With Murder" starts to play. Thirty seconds in, they start to boo when they see Matt Matlock step out onto the stage in blue jeans, a black colored "Adidas" muscle shirt, sneakers & a pair of shades. He stands there and grins. As the chorus begins he jerks both arms up in the air as pyro blasts down the ramp.
I feel irrational So confrontational To tell the truth I am Getting away with murder
A huge blast goes off on the stage now. As the smoke subsides, he has a huge grin on his face as he makes his way down the ramp.
Sabrina: "Ladies and gentlemen...from Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada...weighing 240 pounds, "The Cornered Animal", Matt Matlock!"
He reaches the ring and slides in, heading for the nearest turnbuckle as the chorus starts again. As it does, he sticks both arms out to his side as pyro shoots off rapidly in the ring behind him. He lowers his arms and it stops. He then hops down, and then awaits his opponent.
Fecca, "This is fixin’ to be one heck of a contest, I’ll guarantee it."
The lights fade away as green lasers shoot from the ramp making the crowd erupt; The PWT-A-Tron begins to play…
as we hear the famous lyric…
"Clickity Clank, Clickity Clank, The Money Goes Into My Piggy Bank Clickity Clickity Clank, The Money Goes Into My Piggy Bank I’ll Get Ya… My Knife Cut Your Skin I’ll get atchu, Blow Shots at your man I’ll get atchu, Tupac Don’t Pretend I’ll get atchu, I’ll put that to an end
That Shit is old, don’t be screaming get at me dawg…"
Finally the curtain moves as from behind it steps none other than the Corporate Icon himself…
The crowd goes absolutely beserk as Fecca says, "LISTEN TO THIS CROWD! They are going absolutely nuts for the Corporate Icon!" Styles, "No doubt, The Brawla gettin’ over big in the sun-shine state it seems."
WallStreet stands on the stage, glaring down the ramp as it’s evident that he’s in a very serious mode.
Sabrina, "AND FINALLY… Making his way from Hartford Connecticut and weighing in at 290 pounds… He is the CEO of PWT, Ladies and Gentlemen…… WALLSTREEEEEEETTTTT!!!"
The crowd is going wild as WallStreet slowly but methodically heads down the ramp, never taking his eyes off of Matt Matlock.
Fecca, "This rivalry goes back to early 2005 when Matt Matlock made his debut in Bytches Ultimate Domain, attacking WallStreet and one of his associates at a big Pay Per View event… Since that time we haven’t seen a whole lot of interaction between Matlock and WallStreet other than a brief encounter in the ICWA… But the hostility has clearly been there all the while, and tonight it brings itself to the surface for our viewing pleasure." Styles, "Absolutely… It’s a big time match up… I mean you have all that stored up distain, but also, the evident implications that the end result of this match will bring about… If Matt Matlock can pull the hail Marry and defeat WallStreet here tonight, ya have to believe that’d be an instant shove to the top of the ladder. WallStreet’s a very legitimate competitor and there’s no question that a win over him here tonight would basically make Matlock’s career… But on the otherside of the coin a lot of people have started to doubt WallStreet’s abilities… Starting to think that he’s getting washed up, losing a step or two in the ring… So tonight he walks in here with something pretty major to prove himself…" Fecca, "No question… No matter how ya slice it, this one’s gonna be a huge difference maker in the course of events coming up."
WallStreet has now made it to ringside… He looks directly into the ring, ignoring the crazed fans around him as he slowly walks over to the steal stairs and climbs up step by step. He gets onto the ring and walks over to center of the ring… He glances back to make sure Matlock’s secure in his corner (which he is), then glares out over the sea of humanity before him… The crowd is going wild as WallStreet turns around and enters the ring between the second and third ropes. Matlock glares from the otherside of the ring as WallStreet just keeps his eyes locked showing no intimidation. Finally the lights re-adjust as the music fades and WallStreet and Matt Matlock are both drawn to center ring by Billy Jo.
Billy Jo, "Alright guys… I expect a clean contest… This match is a standard singles match and you’re both ring veterans so you’d damn well outta know the rules by now… Keep it clean, don’t give me any crap, and we’ll find out who’s the better wrestler…"
Both men seem to be ignoring Billy as they just glare through each others eyes… Finally the official backs off and calls for the bell, making this one officially under way. Fecca, "Those stairs tell the story folks… There’s no love loss between these two athletes." Matlock starts talking a little trash and WallStreet seems to have no problem coming back although we can’t really hear what’s being said till finally they both lunge forward and tie up in a neck and elbow grapple. WallStreet uses his obvious size and power advantage as he charges forward and ends up pressing Matlock’s back hard against the turnbuckles as they remain locked up. The official gets in there and orders the break… Reluctantly WallStreet slowly breaks the hold but Matlock’s quick to jab a thumb into Street’s eye and spin around reversing rolls as he tosses Street back first into the corner. Matlock grabs the top rope with his left hand then begins delivering hard knife edge chops to the chest of WallStreet with his right, each chop drawing a "WHOO" from the fans… He delivers one, tow, three chops, then a right to the jaw before he grabs the arm of WallStreet, presses him back only to pull him out and send him charging across the ring via the Irish Whip. WallStreet darts across and flies back landing his back hard against the turnbuckles on the other side of the ring. Matlock isn’t far behind as he charges in with a hard clothesline to the Corporate Icon… WallStreet stumbles out a couple of feet only to fall back on his ass in the corner. Matlock quickly begins delivering an onslaught of rights and lefts before he switches to a series of stiff boots… Fecca, "He’s stompin’ a mudhole in him!" After his strong series of boots Matlock reaches down, grabbing a fist full of hair as he draws WallStreet up to his feet and drags the big man out of the corner. Street seems a little out of it as Matlock delivers a stiff kick into the gut of WallStreet… WallStreet doubles over and Matlock wraps him up in the grapple for a vertical suplex… He gets a fist full of the Corporate trunks and then hoists him up into the air and actually holds him in the air… Fecca, "Shades of the British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith with this move… Ya know Matt Matlock definitely doesn’t have the most impressive physique in our business, but ya can’t help but be impressed by the obvious strength of the man when he executes a stalling vertical like this… He’s just holding close to 300 pounds… Letting it hover in the air and letting WallStreet think about what’s coming." That said Matlock finally falls back, dropping the CEO on his back. Matlock floats over and gets over WallStreet with a very typical lateral press cover as Jo drops down and counts ……………1…………… Not quite two as WallStreet powers out. Matlock smirks as he grabs a fist full of the Corporate hair and guides Street up to his feet as he himself gets up. Matlock draws WallStreet up only to drop down and flip him back to his back via the Fireman's carry. Matlock gets up, goes back, bounces off the ropes, jumps, and delivers a spiral leg drop before hovering over top of WallStreet with a somewhat arrogant, nonschalont cover. .........1..........2 Just two as the Corporate Icon powers out. Fecca, "So far this one has been all Matlock... I can't remember the last time I saw WallStreet on the downside of things so blatantly." Matlock rises up to a knee as WallStreet start's trying to get up only to find his head wrapped up in a rear chin lock. WallStreet seems to be struggling for life as the fans are chanting his name heavily... trying to get him back into this contest... WallStreet begins to slowly drift off as Billy Jo grabs his arm, lifts it up, and watches it drop. "1" he declares... He again lifts WallStreet's limp arm, and again it drops. "2" he declares. He raises Street's arm for a third time, and releases but this time WallStreet's hand flies to Matlock's face as Street manages to jab his thumb in Matt's eye. Matlock instantly breaks the hold as the crowd erupts. WallStreet rolls over to the ropes and pulls himself up, trying to collect himself as Matlock gets up holding his eye. He turns around as WallStreet bounces off the ropes and BAM! Nails a big clothesline. Matlock rushes up and BAM! A second clothesline. Matlock staggers to his feet again and turns around as WallStreet scoops him up and slams him down with a basic body slam. WallStreet runs to the side ropes, bounces back, jumps up and drives his knee right into the skull of Matlock ala Ric Flair. Matt grabs his forehead and rolls up to his feet as WallStreet stands behind him, stalking him... Matlock turns around and WallStreet picks him up and drops to a knee nailing the Manhattan drop. Matlock grabs his groin as WallStreet scoops Matlock up again, but this time spins around and drives him down with a huge Arn Anderson/Triple H style spinebuster. WallStreet snaps his head back, letting his hair fly back out of his face as the crowd erupts. Crowd: WALL-STREET, WALL-STREET, WALL-STREET, WALL-STREET, WALL-STREET... Fecca, "WallStreet has finally gained control!" Styles, "Ya had to know it was only a matter of a time." WallStreet mounts Matlock and begins driving devistating right hands right into the face of the tag champ as Billy Jo admonishes the Corporate Icon... ...........1...........2.............3.............4.......... COME ON! Finally WallStreet gets up off of Matlock as he turns and flexes his back in a fashion similar to Triple H, making the crowd erupt again. WallStreet turns back to Matlock and grabs him by the head, lifting him up to his feet. WallStreet grabs Matt's arm and irish whips him across the ring. Matlock bounces off the ropes and WallStreet scoops him up, spins as if he's looking for a second straight spinebuster, but Matlock quickly wraps Street's head in a front facelock while in the air and flies down in an inverted Tornado DDT. The crowd erupts with boos as Matlock pulls himself up, smirking. He goes over to WallStreet who's rolls to his back, and begins sinking hard right stomps to the chest... until finally WallStreet catches Matlock's foot. Matlock's eye's wide as WallStreet keeps a hold of Matlock's leg and rolls himself backwards, onto his own shoulders and then while rolling manages to drive Matlock to his face as WallStreet rolls through to his feet while still holding Matlock's leg and ending up with Matlock in an inverted Half boston crab... WallStreet locks the leg and gets an evil grin as he looks at the loose leg of Matlock's as the crowd erupts... Fecca, "Uh-oh... he could be thinkin' about that inverted Boston crab he calls the "Dollar Sign" ...." Good call Fecca. WallStreet reaches down and grabs the left leg, hooking on the Dollar Sign (Walls of Jericho). Matlock screams in pain as the crowd is going wilde and referee Billy Jo is right in the Champ's face, asking him if he wants to give it up. Matlock refuses, but the pain is clearly etched in his face. He slowly tries to inch his way to the ropes by use of his forearms but an inch is a mile when you have a man wrenching you back in an attempt to snap your spine in half. But he slowly goes mile by mile, or inch by inch if you will... Till finally, he reaches out... his arm shaking and quivering... but he grabs that bottom rope as the fans boo. The ref jumps up demanding the rope break as WallStreet wrenches back even further, making Matlock get in one more scream of pain as the ref slaps Street's arm trying to get a break. WallStreet releases the hold and gets right in the officials face.
WallStreet, "DON'T F**KING TOUCH ME ASSHOLE!" Despite the fact that WallStreet's channeling his anger at a poor official, the crowd still erupts. Fecca, "That's just dumb on Billy Jo's account... You never touch the superstars, and especially a guy like WallStreet." WallStreet finally turns around as he sees Matlock pulling himself up on the ropes. WallStreet darts down and drives his forearm into the back of the knee of Matlock with an inverted chop block. Matlock hits his back as WallStreet slides out of the ring. WallStreet reaches in and grabs Matlock's head, pulling his upper body under the top rope as his head hangs slightly off the ring. WallStreet raises his arm up, slaps his elbow and then drives his elbow down into the tag champ's face. He then backs up a step, raises the elbow again, and a second time he drives it down into Matlock's face. WallStreet can be heard barking, "NO PASSION?! I'M ALL PASSION MOTHERF**KER!" Fecca, "That was colorful... no need for play by play on that one." WallStreet wraps Matlock's head as if he was getting ready for a reverse DDT, then leans in, grabbing a hand full of Matlock's pants with his right hand, and yanks back, bringing Matlock out of the ring as WallStreet lands an inverted reverse DDT on the floor. The crowd is going wild as WallStreet gets up, chest pumping as the fans reach over, just praying to catch even the slightest drip of sweat from his body. WallStreet bends down and brings what appears to be a lifeless Matlock up to his feet. He looks over at the steel stairs and smirks before grabbing Matlock by the arm and yanking back for an Irish whip, but Matlock suddenly swings around in the reverse and WallStreet is drivin hard into the steal stairs. The crowd gasps as Matlock walks over and begins stompping away at the Corporate Icon. Matlock bends down grabbing to fist fulls of WallStreet's har and brings him up to his feet before placing Street's head inbetween Matlock's legs. Fecca, "This isn't gonna be good..." Matlock pulls him up, looks like he's thinkin bout a Piledriver, but he holds him there momentarly, making him think about it before he finally drops down, spiking The Corporate skull into the not so corporate floor. The crowd isn't thrilled as Matlock gets up, a little warn out, but all around in good shape... He notices the official in the ring is counting so he rolls into the ring and stands up as we look at WallStreet on the floor.
Fecca, "WallStreet is down and potentially out folks..." The referee is counting... he's at about six when WallStreet starts rolling over, grabbing for the security barricade. ................7 WallStreet's to his knees. ..............8...............9 WallStreet just gets to his feet and turns around when Matlock runs back, bounces off the ropes, flies back across the ring, leaps up onto the top rope, extends his arms wide as the flashes begin and he leaps off fliping in the air in what appears to be something similar to a shooting star press as he collides chest to chest with WallStreet and the drop hard on the floor as the crowd erupts. Fecca, "MAH GAWD! WHAT A MOVE!" Styles, "WHAT STUPID MOVE! He was LITERALY less than a SECOND... a MERE SECOND, Away from Victory and he gave it up!" Fecca, "That's certainly an arguable point..." Styles, "There's nothing arguable about it, it's a fact." The crowd is going wild after that high flying spectacular. Matlock's rolled off of Matlock holding his chest and WallStreet's yet to move, although his chest and stomach are going up and down heavily so we know he's still breathing. Matlock gets a hold of the fan barricade and slowly pulls himself up... Once he does get to his feet he still leans on the barricade to get himself back together. WallStreet's yet to really move but Matlock grabs him by the hair and pulls him to his feet before grabing a fist full of his trunks (and still holding his hair), walking him over to the ring and rolling him in under the bottom rope. Matlock covers Street with a lateral press as Billy Jo counts ..............1...........2.............. Just as he's about to count three he stops and points at WallStreet's foot, which has found it's way to the bottom rope. The crowd erupts as Matlock slaps the mat in frustration and says "AWE COME ON!" Matlock gets up, grabbing the top rope as he begins seriously stomping away at WallStreet like nobody's business... Fecca, "He's stompin a mudhole in him and walkin it..." Styles, "SWEAR TO GOD! You finish that sentence and I'm gonna stomp my own mudhole!" Fecca, "What?" Matlock hears the crowd booing so he stops, offers them a one finger salute, and then gives one more hard stomp to WallStreet. WallStreet rolls over holding his recently stomped in chest. Matlock has a crazed look in his eye like he's in the zone as he grabs WallStreet's legs... dragging him out a little as then wraps em in what almost looks like a sharpshooter, but falls back to the mat and locks in the "Matt-lock" (Hass of Pain).
WallStreet cries out, clearly in agony as He tries deperatly to reach for the reopes but he's just too far away... Fecca, "Bah gawd... He's got that Matt-lock applied tightly in the center of the ring.... WallStreet may have no choice but to call it quit and come back to fight another day." Styles, "I happen to know for a fact that WallStreet has never ONCE submitted in his length career... I somehow don't forsee him calling it quits here either." Styles is accurate, but then again, WallStreet can't even try and get toward the ropes cause the Matt-lock is a move that pretty much keeps ya stuck in one place, so essentially he's risking perminent damage to his keens, hamstrings, foot, and back with a .05 chance of escaping this hold... Never the less his pride is keeping him from tapping out although the pain is very clearly etched on his face and it's evident that submitting is seeming more and more like a legitimate option...WallStreet has his hand out, quivering... he slams it on the mat, but not repeatedly, only once.... he then negotiates his other arm and gets his hand on the mat and suddenly, using his great arm strength, he actually pushes his entire upperbody up off the mat, allowing him to add to his leg strength which breaks Matlock's hold on his leg, allowing WallStreet to fall to his chest, free of the Matt-lock as the crowd goes wild. WallStreet rolls to his back, the pain clear on his face as Matlock gets to his feet, agitated that both his pin attempt and his submission attempt were failed. Matlock grabs WallStreet by the arm and hair and lifts him to his feet. Matlock keeps a hold of WallStreet's arm as he walks backward toward the turnbuckle... He climbs up to the top, and begins walking on the top rope. The crowd boos as Matlock gets to about center rope, raises his free arm in the air and seems like he's just about to jump when WallStreet pushes himself forward, knocking Matlock off the rope as he flies outside and drops down hard, chest first on the barricade before falling over at the feet of the fans in the front rope... The crowd is going absolutly nuts as WallStreet leans on the top rope, collecting himself. Fecca, "OH MAH GAWD! HE MAY BE BROKEN IN HALF!" Styles, "I can't believe that..." In the higher left side of the screen a smaller screen appears and shows a slow motion replay of Matlock being sent off the top and crashing hard on the metal guard rail. The official has begin to apply a count but WallStreet doesn't seem interested in a count out victory as he looks at the referee with an evil eye and says something which we fail to hear, but makes Billy Jo go wide eyed in fear. WallStreet then exits the ring through the second and third ropes and hopes down to the floor as the ref just watches on. WallStreet goes to the barricade as the fans are being held back a bit by security. WallStreet leans down over the barricade, grabbing Matlock's head with both arms, and pulls him up to his feet. WallStreet hooks Matlock's head and arm, and lifts him up in the air, turns to the side and drops him down with a vertical suplex. The crowd pops as Matlock sits up, nursing his back. WallStreet walks over and grabs Matlock by the head and arm, pulling him up to his feet. He grabs tag champ by the arm and guides him around the ring steps before Irish whipping him back first against the commentary table. Fecca, "Uh-oh... This is gettin' a lil close for comfort Eddie." WallStreet charges forward and nails a big clothesline, sending Matlock up onto the table. WallStreet then takes a deep breath before he runs back, climbs up onto the ring, and then climbs up to the top rope. Fecca and Styles have moved away.... Fecca, "He can't.... He can't possibly... WallStreet damned near never goes up top... what's he... OH MY GOD... DON'T!!!" Too late. WallStreet leaps off the top rope but Matlock rolls off the commentary table and WallStreet drives himself through the table in what was meant to be a flying Elbow drop through Matlock. Crowd: HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY.... Matlock stumbles forward and falls forward but he catches himself on the ring. Matlock turns around as we see WallStreet lying in the rubble |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory' (February 06)
Date Posted:01/28/2009 5:29 PMCopy HTML
Fecca, "WallStreet is lifeless in front of us! I can't believe what we've witnessed here tonight!" Matlock walks over and grabs WallStreet by the head and arm, pulling him up to his feet slowly. He again brings him over to the ring and rolls him in. Matlock covers WallStreet and the official drops down and counts ...................1.............2.................... damned near three but WallStreet just barely pops his shoulder up. Matlock refuses to accept this as he shoves WallStreet's arm back down, holding it down as the ref counts again .................1................2............. This time WallStreet musters enough to kick out. Matlock slams his hands on the mat, clearly frustrated as he's not sure what he has to do to keep Street down. Matlock gets up and brings a thumb to his throat Ala Chris Benoit, doing the cut throat motion as to implicate that it's over. Matlock yanks WallStreet up by the hair and brings him out to Center ring before putting him in a front face lock with his right arm... With his left he puts his thumb in the air and yells "BFA!" The crowd boos as Fecca says, "He's calling for his Brainbuster Falcon Arrow!" Matlock bends to grab WallStreet's arm but WallStreet swings it around Matlock's head, locking in a front facelock of his own and making the crowd erupt. But Matlock doesn't release WallStreet's head, much the contrary he applies twice as much pressure in his front facelock. So let's pain the picture... Center ring, both men are hooked by the other in a front facelock which ultimatly cuts off your oxygen, and they've been running a length bout...The two slowly drop down to a knee.... Fecca, "My God... I've never seen this... Which one is going to release first?" They then drop to both knees............ A few moments pass, the crowd is on their feet chanting WallStreet's name but both men drop to their chests, front face locks still applied. The official gets down there as neither man is moving now... He grabs the far arms of both men and lifts them in the air... they drop for one. He lifts them both up again.... They drop for two..... Fecca, "Mah God... One more and they're... well I'd assume they're both out..." Billy Jo lifts both hands, the fans going wild for WallStreet... He releases and both arms stay up, but only momentarly as they both then drop to the mat and the ref calls for the bell.
Fecca, "So what... What happens?"
The crowd is booing loudly as Billy Jo rushes to the ropes and gives Sabrina his decision.
Sabrina, "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN... As a result of a DOUBLE KNOCK OUT... This Bout has been called a DRAWWWWWW!"
The crowd is erupting with boos as WallStreet and Matlock have both gone limp in the ring, their arms just dangling over each other...
Fecca, "A DRAW?! MATT MATLOCK JUST WRESTLED TO A DRAW WITH WALLSTREET! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!" Styles, "YOU CAN'T BELIEVE IT?! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! WHAT A MATCH!" Fecca, "You HAVE TO BELIEVE that THIS is NOT THE END!" Styles, "Absolutly not!" Fecca, "What a match... Speaking of huge matches... Up next..."
The cameras fade from the ring where the trainers had rushed in to the PWT-A-Tron where we see the promotional banner for Riot Control.
Fecca, "Riot control is next! Let's show ya how this one came to be.
*Promotional Video for Riot Control*
[ Lets start this thing off in the ring; just as the rampway to get into the Riot Control'led sqaured circle is taken away; the only *safe* way to leave the ring. Angelique then appears on the stage. Everyone in the ring seems to be a bit confused by her appearance out here. But Jimmy stryker seems ta be more unhappy than confused. he mouths off to her for a moment before Sabrina takes over ]
Styles: "Now the rules are simple. Two men must be eliminated by ging over the top rope and the barbed cage, and both feet hitting the floor, adn the final two ue it out to the first pinfall or submission."
Fecca: "Simple rules for such a brutal match."
[ Avi, Aj, Jimmy, and Bobby are all in a seperate corner, Bobby going from face to face, setting up for who he wnats to throw out first, and Jimmy's smiling, as alot of people think this is his last dance. He'll prove them wrong, one way or another. AJ is hungry and Avi... Avi's ready to give his moniker "killer" some offcialness feel. ]
Styles: "For the TITANium Championship, folks! They're going to have to sweat and bleed for it."
Fecca: "Whether they're ready for it or not!"
[ DING! DING! The bell rings and all four men try to fake each other out. I hate these types of matches; they're confusing but hopefully as I report this you can keep it up. The first thing we notice A a step-up game as they inch closer, and Jimmy actually raises his arms for a test of strength. Bobby grins and takes one hand and extends another towards Aj- whot akes it and extends his other to Avi- who completes the circle back to Jimmy. All arms tense up and some try to curl, and some even start shifting weight to their knee. ]
Styles: "How do you even win a test like that?"
Fecca: "I don't know, but I'm hoping someone is kicked square in the nuts."
[ Jimmy goes to his toes for leverage, as one of the biggest men in the match, he has alot of it. It's all in vain, though, as Bobby kicks this match off with his own style, releasing AJ's hand and then smacking him with a bicep Haymaker, sending AJ staggering to Avi the Killer.... but Bobbys not through yet, as he swings his arm around and towards Jimmy, layering hi wtih a short arm clothesline- then goes for a high kick on Avi- who's scooped slammed AJ... Avi looks up and almost catches it in the face, but gets his hands in front of him and deflects. Bobby spins from the momentum, and Avi clasps on a waist-lock... He goes for a belly-to-back, but Bobby lands on his feet, and then spears Avi in the back- Avi flies forward, into a recovering Jimmy, and is lifted up in a scoop, and Jimmy goes to throw him to the outside- ]
Styles: "Could Avi be out already?!"
[ His hands flail and try to catch a top rope, and he does, hugging it as to not to fall into the wires. Jimmy pounds him with stiff hits, and AJ comes off the ropes and into Bobby with a cross-body block, which connects and the two roll away. Bobby scampers to his feet, goes for a roundhouse kick on AJ who ducks it, AJ grabs for a German Suplex, but Bobby elbows back and hugs AJ's head for a mean dropping JawBreaker! AJ bounces up and into Jimmy's flailing arm, and then staggers back to Bobby who's taking him up for an inverted atomic drop- AJ gives Bobby a Knee when he's in the air, and brings him down himself with a DDT... Bobby bounces up and rolls away, as Jimmy comes at AJ with a high boot that smacks his face.. AJ shudders and falls into the corner, as Jimmy graps either rope and sends shoulder after shoulder into the young star. ]
Styles: "Jimmy's the problem in this match, he has the size and weight advantage, and so he has to be a target for all three."
[ Jimmy backs off, and goes for a body splash, but AJ gets a foot up and nails Jimmy the the face, sneding him back into Avi, who takes him up in a snap-Northern Lights... Bobby then goes after AJ- jumping up high and going for a cannon-ball type move- but AJ moves and Bobby catches himself with a Tree of Woe... and AJ jumps down for a stunted-baseball slide that kicks Bobby in the face- hard, and Bobby slumps down in half from the Tree. Avi comes after AJ, who gets him in a monkey toss, grabbing the arm and swinging a kick to the face- Avi tries to get up but AJ has control, enough to whip him up in a circle and get caught by Jimmy- who picks him up and puts him on the top rope, sitting. AJ fires back to the forehead of Jimmy, backing him off, and Avi comes at him- but too late as AJ finds where he is and grabs Avi in a gutwrench and gives Avi a middle-rope Piledriver for his toruble, totally dousing his fire for now! ]
Styles: "Avi's neck may have folded like an accordian, Bob!"
[ The bounce was so much that Aj flew away from Avi, and Avi's holding his head in pain. AJ gets up, but is kicked by Bobby, who then goes to the ropes for an Axe Kick- but Jimmy catches him in a cradle, lifting him HIGH into the air and tosses him over the top rope- BUT WAIT! Barely, Bobby fits in between the caging and the ropes, just on the apron and slides under the bottom rope and twists Jimmy's ankle in a Angle Lock... Jimmy falls forward, arms swinging, and he grabs AJ's legs and pulls him in- as AJ fights back with furious kicks, he nails Bobby in the face and secures Jimmy's release. All race up- and Jimmy catches AJin a gutwrench, all the way up to his shoulder, and spins down and drops him in a hard bomb that bounce shim out like a soccer ball. Bobby steps over AJ's crummpling body and uses it as a step stool to give Jimmy a high knee high up on his chest, knock the bigger man in a state of confusion. Bobby then swings around and gives a spinning hell kick- but this was a mistake, and Jimmy catches it, and SWINGS Bobby in a circle and into Avi- both collide, and AJ hops to his feet and scoops Jimmy onto his back liek a somaoan drop- a spin and drops him into a diamond-cutter like move that brings Jimmy a notch or two down!! ]
Fecca: "All four men trying to beat the crap out of the other three!"
[ AJ now pulls himself up, and then hopes to the top rope- he coems down with a top-rope leg drop, with impact so bad his own back hurt, and cuts of Jimmy's air! Jimmy rolls to his stomach, and AJ can't recover him in time, so Avi steps over Jimmy, and applies a boston crab... Jimmy comes to life, fast, and Bobby puts on the "Broubon Street Blues" to Avi, although, with no grapevine... Jimmy grabs Bobby's foot this time,a nd twists the ankle, as AJ's up top again and collides with all three! ]
Styles: "It's just a pile of bodies in the ring!"
[ The first one up is AJ, who raises his arms and makes the "belt" motion, and pulls up Bobby- who clamps on a T-Bone Suplex... it connects, and AJ's down. Avi goes to the ropes, and reaches over across the apron and pulls at the barbed wire. Some of it is coming loose... ]
Fecca: "And now, the violence begins."
[ Avi's pulling at it alot, and then fakes them out acting hurt. When Bobby comes at him, out of no where Avi wraps soem around his head, and pound shim with fists. Realizing the trouble, Bobby flails to get away, but it only makes the throngs dig deeper into his forehead!! Avi doesn't let up, and sends kick after kick into Bobby's legs to get him to his knees, and Bobby finally succombs! Jimmy sizes it up, and sees Avi, so close to the ropes, and runs at him and croadles him to toss him out- he almost does... but Avi has a handful of wire and sends his fist into Jimmy's face... Jimmy staggers away, holding his face, as sprinkles of blood form. Avi sends a head kick and then a DDT, and as Jimmy rolls, Avi mounts and sends it over and over into Jimmy's head... Bobby wants revenge, as his forehead is lacerated, and runs from behind and hits a modified Whippersnapper that snaps Avi off of Jimmy and into a roll. AJ connects a neckbreaker to Bobby; then pulls him up and sets him on the top rope. He follows, giving a ten punch and really opening up those cuts, but Bobby fights back and soon both are standing on the corner... Jimmy stands up and sees his chance- and he runs to the ropes and hits the top, straddling both AJ and Bobby- collective OOO from the guys- Then grabs both their heads, CLANGS them, and then wraps them up for a double-suplex!! It works as both men go up and both men come down! ]
Styles: "Its power like that which will save Styker in this match up!"
[ Bobby and AJ are out, but Jimmy picks up AJ anyway. He runs him hard into the corner, and AJ oversells it and almsot goes over the top- but then Jimmy's collision crushes him, and Jimmy takes his arm and whips him hard again- and Aj runs- jumps at the corner anc comes back with a back-elbow, but Jimmy catches him in mid air, from behind, and runs him to the side of the ring and tosses AJ over and onto the floor. The crowd pops. ]
Fecca: "AJ Storm is eliminated!"
[ Avi's sitting in a corner, and Bobby's getting up, as Jimmy turns from the elimination and at the other two. He books for Bobby, who baseball slides uner him and nails a low-type blow to Avi, getting him out of the corner with a world of pain! Bobby ecovers to his feet, and catches Jimmy in an inverrted atomic drop; Jimmy falls back into the ropes and comes back at him... Bobby grasps for a belly-to-belly, but Jimmy sends his hard head (trust me, i know) in for a headbutt, and Bobby's neck is a spring for a moment. Another, and Bobby releases. Jimmy kicks him hard, and goes for the "Final Countdown" as Bobby goes to his knees, but when he turns, he gets a scoop into a headdriver by Avi!! Avi levels Jimmy, And turns his attention to Bobby... ]
Styles: "How did he get that wire??!"
Fecca: "The ring crew sucks, they didn't secure it!"
[ Avi's wrapping it around his book, the sole and ankle, and then rushes back to the ropes and at Bobby and goes for a boot-to-the-face... if he connects Bobby's in a world of hurt, but Bobby pops up at the last second, and goes for the "Killa Kick"... it connects, and Avi is knocked in a sway... His head is locked by Bobby, who leads him over to a coner and hops on the ropes sitting- then pulls him up in a suplex... the weight at this tiie is too much an Avi's able to block and reverse, sending Bobby straight up- and drops him forward so he lands on the corner!! ]
Fecca: "Oh, a miscalculation by Bobby Johnson!!"
[ Avi falls back from sheer momentum, but regains his feet... he comes at Bobby with a viscious kick again, and nails him in the top of the head! Bobby slumps over farther, and Avi returns to his punching. Jimmy makes it up, and spins Avi around and delivers a doubleclaw and a headbutt, sending Avi reeling. He's scoope dup for a sidewalk slam, one that Jimmy places in the center of the ring- then motions for Bobby to "do his thing"... so bobby fight sup to his fet for the "Cresent City Connection"... and as he's in mid air, about to level Avi for good, Jimmy runs up and catches him upside down and smashes him with a tombstone!!!!! ]
Fecca: "Eh, Jimmy's a heel. You might have forgotten that as he was regularly owned by Synergy, but it's still true."
[ Jimmy gets up to a chorus of boos, and smiles while shaking his head. He points to his noodle, cuz he's the man. Bobby is in shattered pieces right now. Avi's up and tries to scoop him, but Jimmy brings down heacy hits that knocks him off balance. Avi fights away though, using his forearms as a shield, but then Jimmy clocks him with a lariat... he hits backfirst, but Jimmy's falling elbow is disected by Avi's knees in the air, catching him with no cover on his ribs! Jimmy rolls away, coughing, as Avi gets up and grabs him by the hair, leading him to the ropes. Jimmy fights him off, and whips him... to the ropes and back as Jimmy prepares- but Avi hits a Spear!!! Jimmy is lain out!! Bobby stirs, like roadkill, but goes back to his slumber. Avi grabs Jimmy, pulling him up and goes to throw him out over the top... and he DOES!!! ]
Styles: "OH MY GOD! Jimmy Styker is hung up in that loose barbed wire, Bob!"
Fecca: "That is one place on earth you don't want to be!!"
[ Jimmy flails in pain, as he's caught, and tied up by his waist and back and legs- his hands can touch the floor. He reache sup to pull himself back, but to no avail... ]
Fecca: "How horrible! That's a human meat grinding machine, Fecca!"
Styles: "Which reminds me, I have McD's waiting for me in the lobby."
[ Avi claps hishands as peaple boo, and so much so that he gets upset and argues with a fan. He steps up on the ropes, yelling back, assuring everyone that he is, indeed, the next TITANium Champion... Bobby pushes up and sees Jimmy's not eliminated... yet... and Avi's about to be. He springs to his feet and does a wild dropkick that sends Avi soaring over the top and onto the floor, as Bobby is halfway on the ropes and outside of them with his leg hanging over the caging... ]
Styles: "What speed and power!"
Fecca: "We're down to the last two..."
Styles: "Pinfall or submission!"
[ Bobby crawls away from the corner, and stands up. Jimmy's pulled himself up to the cage, and grabs the ropes, still caught. Bobby grabs him by the back, and pulls him close, freeing him from the wire, but stunts him down in a DDT...!! ONE! TWO! NO!!! He just gets a two, but so close. He gets up and waits for Jimmy to stand- he comes at him but Jimmy side steps, grabbing him by his head and sends him into the corner, and Bobby's head hits the ringpost from the speed... Bobby sails back and staggers so violently, and as Jimmy grabs him for the "Supreme Killing", he's only barely able to slip through his arms and into safety- But Jimmy latches it on again, and Bobby cranks his body around, so he's face up and Jimmy is face down, and jumps up, bringing Jimmy's head down flat!!! ]
Styles: "Was that even a real move?!"
Fecca: "Impressive counter, that's for sure!"
[ Bobby covers, with a weak hook- ONE! TWO! NO!!! Jimmy kicks out, still with authoriy, as he's not about to give this match to Bobby. Once they race up, Bobby goes for a double-underhook... Jimmy's fighting out of it... so Bobby brings his chest down on his knees, and stands back up to deleiver, but Jimmy pulls him up into a Vertibreaker like move, and again, Bobby crumbles. Jimmy's sitting up and raises his arm as he leans back for the cover- ONE! TWO! NOOO!!! ]
Styles: " I never understand how people can kick out of something like that!"
[ Jimmy rolls over and covers again, hooking the leg- ONE! TWO! NO!!"
Fecca: "Stryker should have went on the offensive, instead of thinking Bobby's kick out was just reflex."
[ Jimmy pulls him up, and postions him for a powerbomb. From a guy bigger than you, that's bad news. He pulls him up and at the apex, Bobby comes down, but wrong- and it turns out he reversed it into a Saumrai Driver..!!! Jimmy is lain out again, but Bobby can't take advantage of it yet- he rolls him over, ever so painfully... and ONE!!! TWO!!! TH! NOOOO! Jimmy barely gets the shoulder up! Bobby slaps the mat, and gets his second wind- and gets to his feet, and as Jimmy coems up he punts, but Jimmy hgs the leg, and stands up- Bobby goes for an Enziguree, but Jimmy ducks it, and still has his other leg- Bobby's face down, and Jimmy brings the leg way up-- and then WAAY back down, hard, on the knee!! Bobby holds it and Jimmy covers him, hooking the other- ONE! TWO!! THR!!! NOOOO! Bobby puts his leg up on the ropes!" ]
Styles: "OH! SO close!"
[ Jimmy's getting mad now, and sizes him up for another try... Bobby gets up, and Jimmy goes for the "Supreme Killing"... but Bobby ducks it, Jimmy spins, Bobby kicks, and then hits the ropes and back for an Axe Kick- Jimmy side steps and as Bobby lands on his ass, he gets a kick to the head... He flies back and bounces to a sit up, and Jimmy grabshim and pulls him into the corner- Bobby gives an upper cut, and then hops up and goes for a "Blockbuster"... but Jimmy turns it into a suplex in a hurry... cover- ONE! TWO! NO!!!! Just barely, Bobby kicks... Jimmy grabs him by the arms, and swings him, so hard he flings him across the canvas, under the ropes, and crashing into the cage... Bobby rolls back, holding his arm, and Jimmy brings him up, WAY up and drops him neck first on the ropes... Bobby snaps back, and Jimmy covers again- ONE! TWO! NO!! ! His arm shoots up... and Jimmy brings him up again- Bobby rolls him up in a small package- ONE! TWO! NO! Jimmy rolls it to the side- ONE! TWO! NO! Bobby breaks it, and both race to their feet- Jimmy whips bobby and goes for a back body drop... Bobby FINALLY hits the Axe Kick... and Jimmy goes down. Bobby hops to the top for the "Cresent City Connection", and flies. it connects, and he bounces off, but crawls over in a hurry for the cover- ONE! TWO! THREE!!! DING DING! Angelique turns an walks back through the curtain as Bobby Johnson's music plays. The look on her face is unreadable. ]
Fecca: "And Bobby Johnson wins the Titanium Title!!"
Styles: "What a travesty, I tell you. They're lucky I'm not an active competitor, or I'd... be better."
[ Shot fades from Bobby celebrating with the title before eventually hoppon over the riot control cage to the outside. Johnson slappin hands with the fans as he goes up the aisle.
Fecca: Next up, the main event | |
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- Register:12/01/2008 4:13 PM
Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory' (February 06)
Date Posted:01/28/2009 5:30 PMCopy HTML
[The crowd is hyped as it’s time for the main event of Professional Wrestling Today’s first ever Free Per View, Immortal Glory. But before the main event can get rolling, the PWT A Tron flickers to life, and the camera focuses on it as the Public Address system begins to blare. It starts out with part of Marilyn Manson’s "The Reflecting God"
"It's the nature of the leeches, The virgin's feeling cheated, You've only spent a second of your life, My world is unaffected, There is an exit here, I say it is and it's true, There is a dream inside a dream, I'm wide-awake the more I sleep, You'll understand when I'm dead."
[As the words blare out, clips of David Van Dam are shown. He’s standing in the middle of the Professional Wrestling Today ring staring out over the crowd. Then he’s hitting the Last Chance. Then he’s locking in the Faded Glory. It shows him standing over Akmed holding the People’s Title. Then standing next to Wallstreet, holding the Tag Team Title up. He and Matlock are holding the Tag Team Titles up, then it shows him wiping the blood of his face and standing in the middle of the ring with the Professional Wrestling Today World Heavyweight Championship above his head. Then the song changes, and so do the clips. Now it’s from Chamillionaire’s song "The Southern Takeover"
"This ain't about a image, this ain't about a gimmick Cause you stand to the side and the game gotta diminish, I'm damn sure that this city don't think that he the realist, He whooping on his ass before he finishing his sentence, I've only got a minute to tell you about a digit, You looking at a nigga like I ain't about to get it I'm looking at the money like I ain't about to finish, So you need to mind your business, if you worried bout your business, Uh, I'm a H-Town Soldier, I'ma come With the trunk up, and don't remind cha If you say your getting it, should of told you bout a Nigga named Chamillionaire that's fo sho a problem You don't want no problem, probably gonna need the fo-fo remind 'em Yeah you tip on and ride em, We ride 4-4s when the dough beside 'em 6'6 taller looking like he a sinner, 10 tattoos looking like he a killer Skinny ass niggas don't fight with a nigga, Pull out a billfold, put a price on a nigga It's kinfolk, put a knife in a nigga from his car to his pocket then right in his liver It was a big boy to put a slice in the middle, ? Killer Mike with the killer Don't mess with the south, homie that's a dream, hallucinating or imagining We so XXL with the gats I mean, something ready to blow in the magazine You know that them southern cash is mean, front dents smile for me when I stash my cream Pull up with the candy paint that'll match my green, Killer Pastor, they just ain't imagining"
[The Seifer clips start by showing Seifer’s debut in Professional Wrestling Today against Christian Michaels. Then it shows him defeating Daddymack to win the Titanium Title. Then he’s locking in The Immortal Deathlock. Then he’s hitting his Knights of the Round. Then he’s covering Damien Collins. One, two, three. Seifer’s holding the PWT Championship above his head. That image stays on the screen until the words trail off, and are replaced with words from Creed’s "Higher".
"So let's go there Let's make our escape, Come on, let's go there, Let's ask can we stay... Can you take me higher? To a place where blind men see? Can you take me higher? To a place with golden streets?"
[As the words play, clips of DVD and Seifer play. First there’s David Van Dam slamming a chair into Seifer’s head when Seifer battled Georgia James. Then, it shows a clip from the Eddie Guerrero Tribute Show when Seifer slammed a chair into David Van Dam’s head. Then from Danger Zone, with Seifer covering David Van Dam. It shows clips from the tag team match of Pure Perfection versus Divine Intervention, before ending showing both wrestlers standing there. The hype video ends as the cameras turn ringside to join Bob Fecca and Eddie Styles.
Bob Fecca: "Ladies and gentlemen it’s time. For the first time ever, you are going to see a sixty minute Iron Man match on cable television, with no commercial breaks, so you will not miss any of the action."
Eddie Styles: "Ladies and gentlemen, you are about to witness a match of epic proportions. Two wrestlers the skill level of David Van Dam and Seifer battling it out for the richest price in the business."
Bob Fecca: "For one hour, they will battle to see who can gain the most falls. The man with the most falls at the end of the sixty minute time limit wins the match, and the Professional Wrestling Today World Heavyweight Title."
[Both commentators fall silent as the lights in the arena shut off completely, casting it in complete blackness. The crowd falls silent as the PA system comes to life again.
"Men spend their entire lives trying to become something special. They wage wars to go down in history. They sell their souls to the devil for fame. Fame turns a man into a legend, a legend into a myth, and a myth into an Icon. Professional Wrestling Today has only one Icon. And he did it on his own."
[The words fade out as a slow drum beat begins to heard. Not the normal entrance beat for the man about to make his way to the ring. Another voice picks up.
" Yo I'm nice like B.I.G is, I’m the greatest of all time, so I’m going to say it like Ali did... The Champ is here [drums] The Champ is here [drums] The Champ is here [drums]. And like LL Cool J said, don’t call this a comeback, because I’ve been here for years. ‘Cause the Champ is here [drums]"
[The PWT A-Tron flickers to life displaying the word 'The Takeover'. This word quickly begins to morph, and cycles through a list of words, starting with: Titanium, United States, Cruiserweight, Backyard, Television, People's Tag Team, World, Most Improved, Syckness. Then the titan tron boldly displays the words 'He's held them all. And he's not done yet.' Gold and red lights begin to flash as the PWT PA system begins to blare the song "Violence Fetish" by Disturbed. A golden spotlight shines underneath the titan tron where David Van Dam stands poised, Angelina Santana standing next to him. Angelina walks out of the view of the camera, as it focuses on David Van Dam standing there.

[The crowd is coating him with boo's, coating him with their hate. He revels in it. Red smoke begins to pour out to surround the duo. David stops at the base of the ramp and raises his eyes to the heavens, raising his arms, his index fingers extended towards the sky. The crowd is in awe of this awesome figure, this walking legend. Their boos have ceased. He allows Angelina to walk up the steel steps before him, being a gentlemen. He holds the ropes open for her, letting her enter the ring before following her. The duo stands in the ring. Angelina says something in David's ear before rolling out of the ring and taking her place in his corner
[The lights dim as the tron sparks to life and "Hate In Ya Eyes" by Chamillionaire blares throughout the arena. Up on the screen is a shot of a turquoise colored ocean as it begins to move faster and faster to the city of Miami. The stage begins to become covered in a white fog.
[As the music begins to pick up Seifer is seen up on the PWT-A-Tron, the background is now a mixture of Miami and Seifer as he is seen hitting his Trademark moves on various opponents spread throughout his illustrious career. The view continues showing him in a wide range of his past matches all the while flashing shots of the city, almost intertwined with each other.
[As the music continues to echo throughout the arena Seifer makes his way out to the entrance stage completely engulfed in a thick fog as the lights are still dimmed. Behind him shines a fascinating array of greenish laser lights focused on him and down towards the ring.
[As he treads down the ramp silver and turquoise strobe lights begin to flash rapidly around the arena while behind him the greenish looking laser lights continue to shine towards the ring, making it seem as if Seifer was walking in the light as he nears the ring. Seifer stands on the outside, looking into the ring, he then lowers his head and jumps up onto the apron, grabbing the top rope and arching his back backwards as a set of explosions from the top blast down.
[He slowly moves his body between the top two ropes before spinning around with his hands in the air as he looks out at the masses, the lights finally lighten as the music comes to an end. The crowd is on their feet, watching, cheering for the World Heavyweight Champion. Sabrina stands in the center of the ring. She lifts her microphone with her right hand, while pointing towards David Van Dam with her left him.
Sabrina: "The following contest is the Sixty Minute Iron Man Match for the Professional Wrestling Today World Heavyweight Championship. Introducing first in the corner to my left. He’s the challenger in tonight’s contest. He comes to us from Indianapolis, Indiana and weighs in tonight at two hundred and thirty pounds. He is accompanied to the ring this evening by Angelina Santana, and he is one half of the Professional Wrestling Today World Tag Team Championship Titles. He is the first Grand Slam winner in Professional Wrestling Today history. He considers himself to be the only undisputed Professional Wrestling Today Champion. He is Mister Wrestling. He is The Midwest Messiah. He is "The Icon" DAVID VAN DAM!"
[The crowd boo’s Van Dam as he steps out of the corner and raises his arms to the sky. He steps back into the corner and unsnaps his Tag Team Title from around his waist. He hands it to Angelina Santana, who sets it at the time keeper’s table. Sabrina switches the microphone to her left hand as she points towards Seifer with her right hand.
Sabrina: "In the corner to my right is the opponent. He hails from Miami, Florida and weighs in tonight at two hundred and forty-two pounds. He reigned undefeated as the Professional Wrestling Today Titanium Champion. He is a former holder of the Bytches’ Ultimate Domain Heavyweight Championship. He is the reigning Professional Wrestling Today World Heavyweight Champion. He is The Transcendent. He is "The Immortal" SEIFER!"
[The crowd explodes as the World Heavyweight Champion comes out of his corner with both arms raised to the sky. He pounds his chest before stepping back into the corner. Professional Wrestling Today senior referee, Tim White, moves towards David Van Dam as Sabrina steps out of the ring. Tim White checks David Van Dam for hidden objects before moving to Seifer to do the same. Seifer takes the World Title and hands it to Tim White. Tim White takes the championship and shows it to David Van Dam. David touches it and nods his head as Tim White moves to the center of the ring and holds the belt up. While he’s holding the belt up, the screen shows a title graphic.
[Back to the ring where Tim White is handing the belt to a ring hand who takes it to the time keeper. David Van Dam and Seifer move to the center of the ring, staring at each other. Eye to eye. They stare at each other as Tim White signals for the bell, and the clock starts counting up from 0:00.
Bob Fecca: "That bell has rung, but neither wrestler has moved. Look at the intensity of their stare. David’s blue eyes staring directly into Seifer’s brown eyes."
Eddie Styles: "The intensity is definitely palpable. Wait, what is this? What are they doing?"
[David and Seifer step back from each other, and each extends their right hand. They lock hands and pump once before letting go, officially shaking hands. They begin to circle each other, sizing each other up in this one on one contest. They lock up in the traditional collar-elbow tie up, with Seifer quickly taking DVD’s left arm and locking in a standing arm wringer. He twists on DVD’s arm, who flips himself forward, breaking Seifer’s grip, and takes Seifer’s arm and locks it in a standing arm wringer. DVD moves the arm into a hammerlock, before releasing the arm but grabbing Seifer’s head. He keeps his legs wide, and works his arms over Seifer’s temple. Seifer locks one arm under DVD’s leg and the other around his waist. He lifts DVD into the air, but DVD manages to send his momentum the other way, taking Seifer down with a headlock takeover. He keeps the headlock on, trying to cut the blood flow in Seifer’s brain to momentarily knock him out and allow him to get the quick pin fall. Seifer leans back and lifts his legs while pushing with his arms. He manages to catch Van Dam’s head between his legs and pull him back to break the hold. He tightens his legs as DVD rolls his body. Seifer has DVD’s head against the mat as DVD uses his legs to push himself into a handstand, he places his hands on either side of Seifer’s legs and pushes while swinging, so that he lands on his feet with Seifer sitting. Seifer’s quickly to his feet, and the crowd claps, showing their approval for the action thus far.
Bob Fecca: "We’re about two and a half minutes into the match, and we’ve already seen some great chain wrestling."
Eddie Styles: "Neither man has been able to get an early advantage, we’ve got another lock up."
[Eddie’s actually wrong, it’s not a lock up, instead it’s a Greco-Roman Knuckle Lock. They struggle to gain positioning and the advantage, but neither man is able to. Seifer falls backwards and raises his legs, flipping David Van Dam over. They don’t break the knuckle lock. Seifer bridges up, keeping the knuckle lock locked in as he uses his leg strength to flip himself over, the knuckle lock still in, as he tries to land on DVD’s chest with his legs. Van Dam manages to raise his knees, so Seifer’s feet land just below DVD’s knees. DVD rocks his body towards his head, sending Seifer’s unbalanced body back to the mat, the Greco-Roman Knuckle Lock still locked in.
Bob Fecca: "Correction Eddie, this is not a tie up, it’s a Greco Roman Knuckle Lock, and neither man is letting it go."
Eddie Styles: "I’m sorry for calling it wrong, I misinterpreted what they were doing. But anyway, moving on, it looks like DVD is about to try the same thing Seifer just tried."
[This time Eddie gets it right, as DVD bridges and flips himself. Seifer gets his feet up, and DVD’s thighs land on Seifer’s boots. DVD’s body keeps going until his feet hit the mat, and he keeps pulling so Seifer’s pulled up off the mat. Seifer lands with a foot on the mat and propels his body into the air as his other boot catches Van Dam with an enzurgari. Van Dam hits the mat, the knuckle lock broken as Seifer quickly goes for a cover. Tim White drops to the mat to start the count.
[Van Dam gets his shoulder up off the mat, only having been momentarily dazed by the foot to the back of the head. Seifer doesn’t sweat the kick out, he didn’t expect a three anyway. Seifer gets to his feet and pulls Van Dam up, and brings him over with a snap mare take over. Seifer backs up and goes for a kick to the back of DVD’s head, but DVD flattens his body so Seifer’s leg sails over him. Then DVD sends his feet snapping upwards, driving them into the chest of Seifer, knocking him offer.
Bob Fecca: "Nice back and forth action. Both wrestlers are trying to get the advantage, so they can score the early lead."
[Seifer is sitting up when DVD pounces, and quickly locks in a front sleeper hold. Seifer wasn’t expecting this, and tries to struggle as DVD applies a body scissors, locking in the Guillotine Choke. DVD really tightens the hold, and Seifer clenches his fists. Seifer brings his feet closer to him, bending his knees. He pushes up, and gets to his feet. He sprints towards the corner and slams DVD back first into the turnbuckle. He holds onto DVD and backs out of it, hitting a Northern Lights Suplex. He keeps the bridge.
[DVD gets his shoulder up off the mat, and slams it into Seifer’s exposed and vulnerable rib cage area. This causes Seifer to break the bridge. Seifer rolls onto his side and gets to his knees as David stands as well. They lock up, and DVD quickly whips Seifer into the ropes. Seifer comes back looking to clothesline Van Dam, but Van Dam ducks Seifer’s arm and wraps around Seifer’s head and throat, locking in a sleeper hold.
Eddie Styles: "Brilliant move by David Van Dam! In a match that’s going to go an hour, you want to wear out your opponent. Seifer looked like he was getting in some offense after that Northern Lights suplex, and DVD has gone right into slowing Seifer down."
[Seifer manages to push DVD off and into the ropes. Seifer goes for another clothesline but David Van Dam ducks, and traps Seifer’s extended arm in a half nelson. His other arm comes across Seifer’s throat. This move is more commonly known as the Judo choke Katahajime, or the move Taz dubbed the Tazzmission. Seifer struggles, not letting DVD bring him to the mat and lock him in the body vice. Seifer runs backwards, slamming DVD’s back into the turnbuckle. DVD breaks the hold and stumbles out of the corner. Seifer runs and hits the ropes. He comes roaring back and hits a big clothesline that send both wrestlers over the ropes, out of the ring, and crashing onto the cold arena floor.
Bob Fecca: "Both wrestlers are down, though Seifer looks like he might be the worse for wear. I think he landed wrong on his arm."
Eddie Styles: "If so, this could be the opening Van Dam needs."
[DVD is the first up. He rubs his ribs gently, ignoring the left over pain from his Street Fight with MJ Storm on Shockwave Thirty-Nine. Tim White begins the ten count, as he was checking on the two wrestlers. Van Dam ignores the count and pulls Seifer up to his feet, and whips him into the steel steps. Seifer slams into the steps with the shoulder he was clutching, and lets out a groan of pain. The steps shift, but don't come completely dislodged. Tim White is at six when David rolls in, and then back out to break the count. He takes Seifer's arm and draps it over the steps, before climbing up them. He puts one boot on Seifer's forearm to hold it in place, as he takes his other foot, and slams his boot into Seifer's shoulder several times. Van Dam then lifts his weight all onto one foot, pushing down on Seifer's forearm. Seifer lets out a scream of pain as David turns and leaps into the air, and comes crashing down with his foot slamming into Seifer's shoulder.
Bob Fecca: "Come on Van Dam! We know you want to win the damn title, but you don't have to try to seriously injure another wrestler."
Eddie Styles: "Hey know, Van Dam is just trying to make sure Seifer can't hit the Knights of the Round or lock him in the Immortal Deathlock."
[Van Dam gets into the ring again to stop the count, and gets back out. He grabs Seifer and rolls him back into the ring. He climbs onto the mat, and takes a few moments to yell at the strictly pro-Seifer crowd before stepping beack into the ring. Seifer is up, but definately favoring his arm. Van Dam smiles as he kicks Seifer in the gut, and then grabs his arm. He holds his arms and spins underneath it, locking in a standing arm wringer. A move that normally hurts just slightly is intensified by the pain shooting through Seifer's arm.
Bob Fecca: "DVD is really starting to go to work now."
[Van Dam moves his hand to the back of Seifer's head and pushes him down to the mat. He holds Seifer's arm out, and then drives his knee into it several times. Then suddenly, he locks in the Fujiwara Arm Bar and leans back, pulling the arm back. Seifer lets out a scream of pain, but refuses to tap out, he doesn't want to go down to David Van Dam, not this early.
Eddie Styles: "Look at the way he's working the shoulder. Brilliant strategy by Van Dam. He's really taking it to the champion like no one has before in Professional Wrestling Today."
Bob Fecca: "It's obvious that Van Dam wants to win the World Heavyweight Title tonight. He's wrestling like a man possesed."
[The commentators continue to be in awe of how Van Dam has taken it to Seifer, and taken the Champion off his game plan. Seifer continues to groan, but refuses to tap as he makesi t to his knees, and then works his other arm under his body to wrap around the elevated Van Dam's leg, and then Seifer rolls, locking in a pin on Van Dam. Referee Tim White is quickly down to make the count.
[Right after his hand slaps for two, Van Dam gets his shoulder up. Seifer rolls away from Van Dam, clutching at his shoulder. He rubs it, and slams his palm into it, trying to knock the feeling back into his shoulder. He gets back to his knees, but Van Dam is back up, and pushing Seifer back against the ropes.
[DVD whips Seifer across the ring, and catches him with a knee to the gut when he comes back across the ring. Seifer doubles over, and Van Dam grabs his arm, his elbow placed on Seifer's shoulder. Van Dam sweeps Seifer off his feet, driving his elbow into Seifer's shoulder as the other end of Seifer's shoulder slams into the mat. Seifer reaches to grab his shoulder as Van Dam rolls him over, covering him.
[Seifer gets his non-sore shoulder up off the mat as Tim White's hand begins to lower for the three. The completely Pro-Seifer crowd explodes with cheers when their hero gets his shoulder off the mat.
Bob Fecca: "Listen to the reaction Seifer gets by kicking out."
Eddie Styles: "Duh! What else would you expect when you're just a few hours away from the man's home town."
[David looks at Tim White, and begins to argue that his count was too slow, that it should've been a three. The Gainseville, Flordia crowd is on their feet, yelling out in unision.
Crowd: "Sie-fer, Sie-fer, Sie-fer, Sie-fer!"
[The crowd continues their roaring cheers as Seifer climbs to his feet. David Van Dam grabs Seifer's head and brings it down as his forearm swings up. It collides with Seifer's upper chest with an incredible amount of force. The World Champion falls back against the ropes a hand on his chest. Van Dam goes for another one, but Seifer uses his good arm to block it, and then with his bad arm, he swings a closed fist that catches David Van Dam on the temple. The force and surprise of the punch knocks Van Dam to the ground.
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Re:PWT Presents 'Immortal Glory' (February 06)
Date Posted:01/28/2009 5:31 PMCopy HTML
[But all Tim White does is give a warning. Seifer doesn't waste time though with this opening. He quickly drives his knee into the side of Van Dam's head. Van Dam clutches at his skull at Seifer gets up and bounces off the ropes. He leaps in the air and drops his leg over the throat of Van Dam. Seifer's back up, and he slams his fist into his arm again. Van Dam rolls onto his stomach and side by the ropes, clutching at his throat while Seifer stands, the crowd on their feet behind him.
[Seifer reaches down with his good arm and wraps it underneath DVD's to pull him up to his feet. He hits a big knife-edged chop. Van Dam clutches his chest as Seifer hits a forearm with his good arm. Van Dam staggers as Seifer brings his boot up into Van Dam's gut. DDT from Seifer. Seifer moves back as Van Dam staggers to his feet, his eyes blurry. Seifer's foot comes out and slams into Van Dam's left knee. Van Dam bends to clutch it and Seifer hits a low drop kick, knocking Van Dam off his feet.
Bob Fecca: "And the Champion is battling back against David Van Dam. He's using one arm and he's gaining control."
Eddie Styles: "Well it's easy to gain control when you use an illegal closed fist right to the temple!"
[Van Dam begins to stand, hobbling, his already bad knee worsened by Seifer's kick and drop kick. Seifer backs up and drops to his knees, driving his good forearm right and Van Dam's leg with a chop block. Van Dam falls to his knees Seifer grabs Van Dam's leg and drags him over to the corner. After rolling out of the ring, Seifer grabs Van Dam's left leg and looks around at his adoring fans. He slams Van Dam's knee into the metal post.
Bob Fecca: "That's flesh on steel, and steel will win every time!"
Eddie Styles: "C'mon Tim White, restore some order! Look at this blatant favortism, Bob. If Van Dam were to do this, he'd be disqualified immediately, but Seifer's allowed to use a closed fist, and now the metal ring post."
[Tim White is on four when Seifer rolls in the ring to break the count on himself. He rolls back out of the ring and grabs Van Dam's other leg. He manages to ignore the throbbing in his shoulders as he locks in a modified Figure Four Leglock around the ring post. Van Dam groans in agony, grabbing at referee Tim White's pant leg. He brings his arm back slamming against the mat. The pain is evident on his face as Tim White scratches his head, trying to decide if he should do the five count for a disqualification or a ten count for count out. He decides for the five count.
[Seifer breaks the hold after four and holds is arms out to the crowd, who explode for their home-state boy. Seifer rolls into the ring and drags David Van Dam out of the corner, and goes for the quick cover.
[Kick out by Van Dam. Seifer seems to be dealing with the throbbing in his shoulder as he stands up. He drives a couple stiff boots into Van Dam's leg before grabbing both and rolling him over. He locks in an Elevated Boston Crab. He sets his knee against Van Dam's back, pulling back on his legs. Van Dam groans in pain, his eyes are able to see the PWT-A-Tron and see that they're past the half way point, they have about twenty-five minutes remaining.
Bob Fecca: "Look at the pain on Van Dam's face. Will he be able to withstand? He looks like he's ready to tap."
[Van Dam's hand rises to tap out, but Tim White is distracted from his post by Angelina Santana. She's standing on the ring apron, yelling at Tim White. He move over to her, telling her to get off the apron. She refuses as she keeps insisting on something. Seifer lets go of the Boston Crab and starts to head towards Angelina. Van Dam quickly grabs something that Angelina tossed into the ring. It looks like a pair of brass knuckles. He puts them over his fist as he stands up. Seifer turns around and Van Dam clocks him with the knuckles, dropping Seifer like a sack of bricks. DVD tosses the knuckles out of the ring as he drops to the mat, so Tim White won't suspect anything. Angelina hops off the apron like nothing happened as White turns around.
Eddie Styles: "Ha Ha! Brilliant strategy by Van Dam and Angelina Santana."
Bob Fecca: "You mean a cheating strategy?"
[Van Dam rolls his arm over Seifer's chest, like it's a desperation cover. Tim White slides into position.
[No! Seifer manages to get his shoulder off the mat just before the three count. Van Dam lets out a groan of frustration before moving to the ropes and climbing onto the top one, waiting on Seifer to stand up. Van Dam begins to jaw with the fans. He turns around and Seifer is up. Seifer bounces off the ropes to knock Van Dam crotch first onto the top turnbuckle. Seifer leaps up and catches Van Dam's head. Modified Diamond Cutter off the top rope! The crowd explodes with cheers as Seifer makes the cover.
[Wait! Van Dam's foot is on the ropes. Tim White motions that the pin doesn't count. Seifer looks at him, sweat dripping off his face. Seifer climbs to his feet and shakes his shoulder, the diamond cutter twerked the shoulder Van Dam was working on earlier. Seifer pulls Van Dam to his feet and sets him on the top rope. He motions that this is going to be the end for Van Dam as he climbs onto the middle rope. He grabs Van Dam's head, tucking his own head under neath Van Dam's arm, looking for a superplex. But Van Dam blocks it, wrapping his legs around the turnbuckles with is other arm holding the rope. Then Van Dam hits Seifer in the gut a few times to break Seifer's grip. Forearms to the back bend Seifer over. Van Dam underhooks both of Seifer's arms and repositions Seifer's head between his knees. The crowd is on their feet.
Bob Fecca: "What is Van Dam looking for here? A Super Tiger Driver? A Super Double Underhook Suplex?"
[Bob speculates as Van Dam leaps off the top rope, holding Seifer's head between his legs, he drives Seifer into the mat with a Top Rope Pedigree.
Bob Fecca: "My God! My God! Pedigree from the top rope!"
[Seifer hits the mat and and just lays there, he might be knocked unconcious. Van Dam clutches his left knee and rolls around in pain, holding it as he groans.
Eddie Styles: "Come on David, make the cover! You can do it!"
[Van Dam begins to crawl towards Seifer with one arm, one arm clutching his knee with the other as he crawls to Seifer, rolling him over and making a cover. Tim White drops to the mat as the crowd rises to their feet.
[NO! Seifer gets his foot on the bottom rope out of pure instinct. Van Dam rolls off of Seifer, his chest heaving and eyes blinking staring up at the lights.
Bob Fecca: "What action we've had thus far. We're over forty minutes into the match, there have been no decisions. Both wrestlers have laid their hearts and souls on the line thus far, and the crowd have been on their feet for the whole time."
[Van Dam gets to his feet slowly, hobbling. He crouches, holding onto the rope with one hand, rubbing his knee with the other. He walks around the edge of the ring, trying to ignore the pain shooting through his knee. Seifer finally gets to his feet, favoring his shoulder, the impact of the top rope pedigree was absorbed mostly by his face and shoulder. They stare at each other, sweating, the fatigue showing on both men's faces. They meet center ring for another tie up, this time, Seifer shoots Van Dam off with one arm to the corner. Van Dam manages to leap up onto the middle rope and flip backwards, but Seifer see's his flip and waits until his body is parallel to the ground when he leaps forward. Diamond Cutter! But this Diamond Cutter was done with his shoulder, so he clutches at his shoulder, unable to make the cover.
Eddie Styles: "These men are pulling out moves we've never seen them do. A Top Rope Pedigree. A diamond cutter from the top rope. DVD just did a backflip but was caught with a diamond cutter. They are not leaving anything left in the tank."
[Tim White begins the ten count.
[Seifer is to his feet, hunched over, trying to keep his shoulder away from Van Dam. Van Dam staggers to his feet, stumbling around. He stumbles into Seifer's arms, T-bone suplex, but it hurt Seifer's shoulder, which doesn't allow him to immediately capatalize. Seifer gets to his feet and pulls Van Dam up. He stands behind Van Dam and looks around. He goes for his verision of the Olympic Slam, Immortal Instinct, but as he gets him up, he drops him, his shoulder unable to support the weight of Van Dam. Van Dam delivers a kick to the gut and lifts Seifer into the air. His knee almost buckles, but he manages to stay standing. He stumbles to the ropes where he bounces Seifer off of them, looking for his Icon Effect, but his knee buckles when he gets Seifer back verticle. Seifer lands on Van Dam's chest and covers him.
[Van Dam gets his shoulder up, but barely. The clock rolls past fifty minutes expired, and the crowd is on their feet. They don't know if they'll see a winner or not. Seifer is up and he pulls Van Dam up. He looks out at the crowd as he shoves Van Dam's head between his legs and lifts The Icon into the air, holding him up there. The Florida crowd cheer, they know Seifer is looking for his Realm of Nightmares. Seifer begins to let Van Dam fall in the Alley-Oop style, but Van Dam manages to shift his legs, so where is body is in the Alabama Slam style. He then continues with the Seifer-propelled momentum and keeps his legs wrapped around Seifer's head. He reverses the move into a Flipping Piledriver, and the crowd explodes, they're not huge Van Dam fans, but the move caught them off guard. Seifer collides with the mat head first and his body rises, his eyes rolled back in his head as he falls forward on his chest, and Van Dam can't capatalize, he falls back onto his back, his chest heaving.
Bob Fecca: "Another brilliant move pulled out of no where! Eddie, the clock is ticking, we're moving closer and closer to fifty-five minutes expired, and we don't have a decision. What happens?"
Eddie Styles: "Then it's a draw and Seifer retains. Van Dam has to act fast!"
[Van Dam pulls himself to his feet, and pulls his singlet straps down. He lets out an intense yell as Seifer grabs onto the ropes and pulls himself to his feet. Seifer stumbles around and Van Dam goes to lift him up to hit the Last Chance. He lifts him slower because of his knee, and with the added lubrication of their sweat, Seifer manages to slide off Van Dam's back and land behind him. Van Dam turns around and Seifer lifts him onto his shoulders. He almost drops Van Dam but he manages to hold on. He holds Van Dam on his shoulders, looking around at the crowd. The intensity on his face says it all as he pushes Van Dam's body and completes his Knights of the Round. Van Dam's head collides with Seifer's shoulder with such impact that it sends him to a standing position momentarily, and then he falls back onto his back. The crowd is on their feet. Seifer is clutching his shoulder, and Van Dam isn't moving.
Bob Fecca: "All Seifer has to do is cover Van Dam."
[Seifer crawls over to David slowly, the pain visible on his face. He draps his upper body over Van Dam's, and Tim White drops to count.
Eddie Styles: "C'mon."
Eddie Styles: "Kick out David, kick out!"
[Tim White signals that it is one fall for Seifer, the clock reads 57:54. Sabrina picks up her microphone.
Sabrina: "Seifer goes up one to zero with a pinfall at fifty-seven minutes and fifty four seconds."
[Both wrestlers lay there for a moment, exhausted, but something kicks in to DVD's system, he knows it's despiration time. He needs two falls in under two minutes. He rolls from underneath Seifer and climbs to his feet. He rubs the sweat from his eyes as he pulls Seifer up. Seifer pushes against Van Dam, trying to get him away. Van Dam comes back, and again he's pushed away. This goes on until the clock his 58:59. Van Dam comes back in, and gets a shot from Seifer's forearm. He stumbles away clutching his cheek, and Seifer explodes looking for his Blood Spiller. Van Dam catches Seifer's foot and flips Seifer over, and quickly locks in the Faded Glory. He wraps his legs around Seifer's leg tugging on Seifer's ankle. He twists Seifer's ankle painfully, but Seifer won't tap. He crinches in pain, his eyes shut tightly, his fists clinches, his teeth clinched. The veins in his arms and neck stick out as he tries to fight the pain, but Van Dam has the hold locked in properly, so Seifer can't move, and can't break the hold, and they're in the middle of the ring, so he can't reach the ropes. Seifer looks at the clock, he see's it ticking away, it's under fifty-nine minutes and thirty-seconds now.
Eddie Styles: "Seifer's going to tap, we're going to get a draw!"
[The crowd is on their feet. they don't know what's going to happen. Is Seifer going to tap and the match end in a draw? Will he hold out until time runs out and win? The clock keeps ticking, and small tears form in Seifer's eyes. His ankle is stretched to where another turn would most likely snap it. The clock is within the finally five seconds.
[Seifer's left hand opens and he raises it up, his face pushed against the mat.
[His hand stays there, but it's wavering, he's trying to block it out.
[He clinches it into a fist while it's in air.
[His hand opens back up as he pushes his chest off the mat.
[His hand begins to swing down and the buzzer sounds as his hand slaps off the mat. The crowd is on their feet. They don't know what has happened. Did he tap, or did time run out? Tim White motions Sabrina to him as Van Dam releases the ankle lock and grape vine, laying flat on the mat. He already knows the title is staying with Seifer, but did he draw with him, or did Seifer get the win?
Sabrina: "Professional Wrestling Today Senior Referee has instructed me that Seifer's hand hit the mat at the same time the buzzer sounds, and because of the rules of the match, that rules out the tap out as the buzzer had already started to sound, officially ending the match up. There for, your winner and STILL Professional Wrestling Today World Heavyweight Champion, SEIFER!"
[Van Dam sits up and runs his hands over his sweaty head, slamming his fist off the mat.
Bob Fecca: "My God Eddie Styles, what a match we saw tonight. We saw two of the very best go at it tooth and nail for an hour straight, no breaks, no time outs. Just non stop action. In the end, Seifer won the match, but there was only one decision in the match. And who knows what would've happened if the match could've gone sixty-one minutes?
Eddie Styles: "I'm not sure, but I know that this is surely going to be a Match of the Year Candidate."
Bob Fecca: "Well ladies and gentlemen, for Eddie Styles and The FX network, I'm Bob Fecca and I would like to thank you for tuning in to Professional Wrestling Today's first Free Per View Immortal Glory. Have a nice night." |
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