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- Register:12/01/2008 4:13 PM
Date Posted:02/17/2009 3:10 AMCopy HTML

[ After the warnings of illegal reception of the pay per view, we fade to black again. But then we begin to hear what sounds like a rowdy crowd. Commentators can jus be heard saying something about someone throwing a ball of fire. The we hear something about a "son of a bitch" fakin. And then finally we fade into a match......The finalls of last year's King of PWT tournament between Georgia James and Christian Michaels.
[ CM walks over and yanks Georgia up by the hair but as he does she spins around with something in dark in her hands and wraps CM across the face with it making him land hard on the ground. She then drops the item which we realize was the ring bell. Georgia mounts her self on CM’s back and starts pummeling the side of his face with some hard right hands… She’s clearly pissed. Georgia finally gets off him and grabs him by the back of the hair and an arm, pulling him up. Once she gets him up he whips his neck back making his hair get out of his face and revealing that blood is gushing from his face. Georgia then grabs CM by the arm and pulls back with an Irish whip… CM Runs and BAM! Face first into the ring post that he’d slammed Heyman into. Georgia comes over with a Steve Austin BMF walk, grabs him, and rolls him into the ring.
Styles, "Holy Spacoli-driver, this bitch is pissed!"
Fecca, "Welcome back Eddie… Apparently CM must not have gotten all of her with that fireball but she’s damn sure on fire!"
[ Georgia rolls into the ring and again pulls CM up by the hair and arm till he gets to his feet. Georgia pushes his back against the corner and then with all of her strength, bends down and hoists CM up onto the top rope. Georgia climbs through the first and second ropes and begins climbing the ropes behind CM… She gets to the second rope and wraps CM’s head in the position for a reverse DDT. She then climbs up to the top rope, bent over…
Fecca, "This is high risk… Looks like maybe she wants a tornado DDT Reverse…"
[ Suddenly CM Stands up with his feet on the second ropes, wraps his arms up around Georgia and jumps out bringing her crashing down in what looks like a flying Diamond Cutter…
[ The crowd erupts albeit with a mixed reaction as CM Rolls over ontop of her and hooks the far leg, rolling her up a lil as Cain slides into the ring holding his neck with his left hand and with his right…
[ The bell sounds as Cain rolls back out of the ring and Buffer announces,
[ "Line in the Sand" by Motorhead blasts over the PA as CM leans back on his knees, looking up with a blood drenched face and smiling joyfully as he breaths heavily… Suddenly from the sky confetti begins pouring down as we see Rhya slide in the ring and hug her husband from behind.
Fecca, "Well whether ya like him or not, ya gotta hand it to Christian Michaels… He’s the NEW King of the Ring!"
[ Bobby and Image suddenly slide into the ring to celebrate as well. "Line in the Sand" suddenly changes to another Motorhead song as we hear…
"Behold The King… The King of Kings… On Your Knees Boy!"
[ As "King of Kings" begins to play Bobby pics up CM and gives him a huge hug.
Fecca, "What a night!"
[ We then fade live to The Covered Hall in Cairo, Egypt! "King of Kings" is blasting as these fans are going just as nuts as any other fans on this PWT Global Tour. And what place more befitting than Egypt to be holding this pay per view right? Pyrics go off as the fans go even wilder. The PWT cameras panning all around the signs. But eventually they focus on none other than Bob Fecca and Eddie Styles at ringside! Both are dressed in nice suits, though Eddie also seems to be wearing some Pharoh hat he probably got from a gift shop.
Fecca: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the two thousand and seven KING OF PWT pay per view! I'm Bob Fecca and I'm joined as always by Eddie Styles. Tonight is the night Eddie! On this night we find out who is the NEW King of PWT! Its either going to be Travis McNeil or Seifer. Any early predictions?
Styles: Yeah, I'm predicting that this match will blow the roof off this place! As far as a winner is concerned? I like Travis McNeil, I really do, cause he's a babe magnet like myself.......but I just don't think he has what it takes to knock off Seifmadness baby!
Fecca: Our current Heavyweight champion is indeed very focused on becoming the King this year. Being defeated in the semi-finals last year left quite the bad taste in his mouth. Tonight he's try and wash that out, but his opponent is no slouch. Travis McNeil is a long up an comer in this business that could pull off the upset. Especially when you consider that he's got nothing to lose and everything to gain in this match.
Styles: That's true Robbie. Travis could walk out of tonight as the King of PWT, our Heavyweight champion, and a for-sure shot to use anytime before next year's King of PWT pay per view. Even still though, I think Seif's determination to erase last year's failure will overcome Travis.
Fecca: We'll find out tonight Eddie. However that match isn't the only match on tonight's card. In fact we'll be kicking off this event in a few minutes with a match between Prabhas and Akmed. And this match will be contested under Hardcore Rules.
[ The fans cheer as a graphic for the match comes up on the tron.
Styles: This one should definately set the mood for the night Robbie. Akmed is sick and tired of being spit on and kicked around by the rest of PWT. Tonight? I think he does something about it and leaves Prabhas a broken bag of bones.
Fecca: Well then after that match we have Jay Styles versus Jason Caine. This is the return to pay per view for both men. Winner will be the number one contender for the Peoples championship.
Styles: Much as I hate to say it, Jason will probably take this one. And don't get me wrong, no bad feelings toward Jason, but Jay is a fellow Styles. However he's too busy wanting to play slap and tickle with Melinda to worry about winning a match.
[ The graphic for that match shows on screen.
Fecca: Well how do you feel about Georgia James versus Taylor Hamilton?
[ Now this match's graphic pops up. Fans pop for Gee.....the real one
Styles: I think this one is going to be too hard to call Robbie. I mean on one hand you have the really real Georgia James. Then on the other? Taylor Hamilton who actually showed me today his ID that says his name is Georgia James. But I'll be damned if I'm in love with a man!
Fecca: What?!
Styles: Uh, what?
Fecca: I think we need to hire a shrink for some of the people we have in this company.
[ Next graphic to pop up is Bobby Johnson versus Tim Torn for the Backyard championship.
Styles: Now this will be one hell of a match Robbie. The other Robbie, aka Bobby, is on a quest to complete his championship collection in PWT. If he does he'll be the first guy to do it. But he's got to get through that lovable Tim Torn.
Fecca: That is definately a match that will be highly anticapted tonight. Now Eddie, Bobby said he'd stick around to defend his titles, but its come down from Brooks' office that if Bobby wins tonight.......He'll be expected to hand over one of the titles next week at Shockwave. Which is unfortunate because I've heard rumors that the relinquished title will be promptly given to Isabell Winters or Marcus Johnson.
Styles: That Brooks, always lookin out for those two.
[ Jessica Jones versus Daniel Melkiah is the next match shown on the tron. Mucho cheering for Jessica. Looks like these fans believe that Melkiah is some sort of woman-beater. Shame on you!
Fecca: I'm looking forward to this match as well. The, unfortunately, vacant Peoples championship is on the line. Jessica Jones versus Daniel Melkiah.
Styles: Well what'd ya want? Brooks to leave the title on Drew Stevenson's rotting corpse? Sheesh! And hey, I'm looking forward to this match more than anybody. Finally a great male competitor is going to show this little girl that women belong in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant, and not in a wrestling ring.......Unless its a cat-fight, paddle on a pole, or strip your opponent naked match.
Fecca: Pig.
Styles: Oink oink Robbie!
[ Another popular match of tonight is shown on the tron next.
Styles: Now this is a match that I really want to see. The *rightful* Titanium champion, Marcus Johnson, taking on a couple of bozos.
Fecca: One of those bozos happens to be a former TITANium champion while the other is currently the recognized one.
Styles: Pfft! I recognize no so-called champion without the belt.
[ Moving along we see the graphic for the ladies match.
Fecca: This should also be a good match.
Styles: I say Izzy wins this one in six minutes flat.
Fecca: She got a hot date with a cardboard Seif later?
Styles: Shut it you!
[ The fans pop very loudly as the graphic for the KoPWT finals pops up.
Fecca: And there it is folks! The main event of the evening! The finals of the King of PWT tournament that began in late April this year.
Styles: Damn right! King Seifer baby!
Fecca: I wonder if Isabell will come out to celebrate if he wins?
Styles: I said shut it with that nonsense!
Fecca: You seem so confident Seifer will win...
Styles: He will. I'd even bet my next date with Georgia on that one.
Fecca: Yea right... wait a minute, maybe that is true! o0o0o0o, so that'd explain the recent adoration of Isabell for Seifer, huh. This is your doing!
[ Before we have Eddie choking Bob out live on pay per view, we fade into a video that chonicles Travis McNeil's journey through the King of PWT tournament to this night.

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- Register:12/01/2008 4:13 PM
Re:PWT Presents 'King Of PWT' (June/July 2007)
Date Posted:02/17/2009 3:11 AMCopy HTML

[ The video of Travis ends and we're finally ready for the first official match of this pay per view.
Fecca: Its time for the first match of the night ladies and gentlemen!
[ That's what I just narrated foo!
Styles: You hear something?
Fecca: No.
Styles: Oh. Ok then.
[ " Let the world hear my ... Pain" hits the PA system and the crowd goes wild by hearing the music and the camera's shows off the cam towards the entrance ramp and after a few seconds " Prabhas enters the entrance, dressed in full arab garb, and the camera zooms over him as he makes his way, the crowd cheers for him a lot by chanting " Destruction...Destruction...Destruction". Slowy Cameras zooms out and Prabhas walks through ramp straight towards the ring. Wearing his Wrestling Attrie.
Sabrina: " From West Side, Chicago, weighing 245 pounds, Prabhas"
[ Crowds cheers more and chants more. Prabhas then comes to the ring bending the middle rope and goes to the trunbuckles and poses for the fans as they cheers for him and the Music stops playing when he in the middle of the ring after going all the four turnbuckles.
Styles: Two forty-five? Last time I looked on the PWT website he was listed at two ten.
Fecca: I guess Sabrina made a mistake then. But hey, lets not crucify her for it. She's only human afterall.
Styles: I guess she can be forgiven.
[ As the intro to "Bodies" by Drowning Pool starts a lone man is standing at the top of the ramp with a spotlight on him. His head is bowed down and his hands crossed in front of him. At the end of the intro the man throws his arms out wide and his head back and then sprints to the ring and slides in under the bottom rope and kips up when he is clear of the bottom rope.
Sabrina: Ladies and gentlemen, standing six foot tall and weighing in at three hundred and twenty-five pounds......AKMED!
[ Akmed throws his arms up, but the people boo him. In response Akmed tells them all to eff off. Then we get the bell and this match is officially underway. Even though this is hardcore rules an Prabhas has experience as a former Backyard champ he seems to want to lock-up. or does he? I ts a fake out! Akmed goes to lock-up but Prabhas ducks behind. He takes a waist-lock and then tries to pop his hips back to German suplex Akmed. Its not gonna happen though. Akmed manages to use his weight to maintain his vertical base. He tries to pry Prabhas' hands apart but has trouble. No worries though. Akmed thrusts his hips back and knocks Prabhas away with an ole fashioned butt-bump.
Styles: There's a move we don't see enough of this daya n age Robbie. Personally I think it and the "stinkface" should be required moves in matches between chicks.
Fecca: Surprisingly......I wouldn't mind that.
Styles: So you do have a heterosexual bone in your body! Oh thank God!
[ In the ring Prabhas is pulling himself up in a corner. He just manages to get out of there as Akmed comes in like a run away train. Akmed stumbles out a bit but he's dropkicked by Prabhas and sent back into the corner. This time as he stumbles back, Prabhas rolls Akmed up in a school-boy pin. ONE............TWO.............Kickout!
Fecca: First nearfall of this match. I must say that I'm a bit surprised that it was by Prabhas.
Styles: Meh, even a blind arab finds the switch to the suicide bomb every once in awhile.
Fecca: Not only is that racist, but there's no logic to it.
Styles: So?
[ Both men are quickly up after that failed pin attempt. Akmed is quite angry and swings wildly at Prabhas. But the swing is ducked and Prabhas again goes behind Akmed. He starts pounding his arms across Akmed's back. The clubbing shots cause Akmed to stagger to the ropes. he turns to the side and manages to shove Prabhas away. But that isn't gonna keep PWT's good guy arab down. He hops right up and charges at Akmed. Not a smart move though. Akmed dips a shoulder and then flips Prabhas over the top rope to the floor below. The former Backyard champ hitting the thin padding with a thud. Akmed then slips out of the ring and pulls Prabhas to his feet. With mucho force, Akmed whips his opponent into the steps. The sound of flesh connecting with steel echoing through the arena.
Fecca: My god what a collision!
Styles: We might have to start calling this guy Prabwas.....as in Prab, was alive until he got in a hardcore match with Akmed.
[ Akmed pushes Prabhas aside and unhinges the top steps from the bottom. He tosses them aside and then grabs Prabhas. There's some signs of life as Prabhas unloads a few rights an lefts to the stomach of Akmed. A clubbing blow from a treetrunk-like arm of Akmed ends that though. He then positions Prabhas and pildedrives him into the bottom step! Fans at ringside groan and turn away. Akmed just shoves Prabhas from between his legs and gets up off the steps. He goes over to the ring skirt and flips it up. No sign of any midgets in green, so Akmed kneels down and looks under teh ring for a weapon.
Styles: Ouch. That Prabhas is going to have one hell of a headache later.
Fecca: And it looks like some stitches too.
[ Its plain to see what Bob means as Prabhas gets up. His hair is tinted red from a gash in the top of his head. The blood is pouring down Prabhas' face and he wipes his eyes clean. When he looks up for Akmed, he's met by a kendo stick between the eyes! Prabhas stumbles back before falling right on his ass. he tries to shake out the cobwebs and looks up. Unfortunately he again see's a kendo stick between his eyes! Prabhas ends up on his back holding his face. Akmed not keen with just smacking his opponent in the face, smacks Prabhas in the groin with the kendo stick. With that shot all the men in the audience groan. Poor ole Prabhas curls into a fetal position, holding his face with one hand and his junk in the other.
Fecca: Oh man.....Every guy in the arena felt that one.
Styles: Jeez! I think Akmed is serious tonight.
[ The kendo is finallyd ropped by Akmed. But its not necessarily good news for Prabhas. He's yanked up by the hair and sent careening into the ring apron. Akmed then rolling him into the ring. The big man comes into the ring after Prabhas but gets a desperate shoulder ram to the gut! The surprise move leaves Akmed doubled over and gasping for air. Prabhas gets to his feet and grabs the discarded kendo off the apron. Then he's suddenly Barry Bonds swingin that kendo across Akmed's back! The big man from the Great Northwest decides to roll out of the ring for a breather. Unwisely though he leaves his back towards the ring. Prabhas takes the oppurtunity and baseball slides into Akmed's back. The impact sending Akmed forward and crashing into the ringside barricade. Hell he nearly tumbles over into the laps of our front row fans. But he doesn't and pulls himself back to his feet. Akmed looks toward the ring and see's Prabhas coming through the air. TWHACK! The kendo stick catches Akmed like a super duper double axe-handle smash. Needless to say Akmed is dropped like a bad habit.
Fecca: Prabhas showing that he still has some fire.
Styles: Its only a matter of time before Akmed puts him down for the count.
[ Prabhas mounts Akmed and starts raining down lefts and rights. This being a hardcore rules match teh ref is powerless to do anything. But eventually Prabhas gets off of Akmed himself. He then grabs the barricade and starts just kicking the hell out of Akmed.
Fecca: Prabhas seems to have snapped Eddie.
Styles: Its like Jerry Lawler is fond of saying, the sight of your own blood does something to you.
Fecca: Right now I'd be very inclined to believe it.
[ With Akmed counting teh birdies flying around his head, Prabhas stops his kicking. He looks over by the announce table and see's the time keeper's table. Prabhas heads over and he grabs the ring bell away from the time keeper. Akmed begins to pull himself up when he's suddenly feeling a bell slammed into his back! The big man is sent to the padding face down. Prabhas then leaning the ring bell against the side of Akmed's head. He goes back and gets the hammer now. Things look bleek for Akmed as Prabhas kneels down beside him. Prabhas says something to Akmed and then just starts to beat the hell out of that ring bell!
Styles: Hey! Come on and do something ref!
Fecca: He can't Eddie, this is hardcore rules.
Styles: This managerial prejudice against Akmed!
[ Fecca rolls his eyes. Meanwhile Prabhas tosses the bell hammer down. He moves the bell itself and then pulls Akmed to his feet. Just looking at Akmed's eyes tell you he has no clue where he is at the moment. Prabhas backs upa nd tries a quick charging clothesline. It sends Akmed teetering, but fails to get the big man off his feet. A second and third prove just as futile. So Prabhas grabs the bell and socks Akmed in the stomach.....Then as Akmed doubles over he's upper cutted with the bell! Now naturally, this did take Akmed off his feet. And with him down again, Prabhas goes about taking up some of that thin padding outside teh ring. Oh yeah, he's exposing the concrete floor!
Fecca: This can not be good for Akmed here Eddie.
Styles: Well gee, what was your first clue Sherlock?
[ Finally Prabhas gets the concrete floor exposed just right. He then brings Akmed over and hits a sickening ddt on that cold concrete floor! Quickly a pool of blood begins to form. And then when Prabhas rolls Akmed over for a pin, we can see that his head has been busted. ONE............TWO............KICKOUT! Many fans believe that was a three and boo the ref. Prabhas though doesn't let the nearfall affect him. he simply gets up and looks under teh ring for a new weapon.
Fecca: Am I the only one who doesn't get why we keep so many weapons under the ring?
Styles: Well where else are we going to put them? Its not like every arena we go to has a room that says: Store Weapons Here.
[ After a few moments it seems that Prabhas found a suitable weapon. He pulls his hands from the ring and has.....An arm encased in red and black attire? WTF? Prabhas seems to have that expression on his face. But curiousity gets the best of him and Prabhas pulls more. Then he yelps and jumps back! Why? Because bah gawd there's frikkin Kane Thrice!
Fecca: What the hell is he doing under the ring?!
Styles: Can't we just have midgets like everyone else?!
[ Kane Thrice makes his way from under the ring and points at Prabhas. Then Prabhas points at himself in confusion. Kane Thrice nods and then plants his foot in Prabhas' face! The kick leaves Prabhas momentarily laying before he's picked up by Kane Thrice. Prabhas tries his best to break the grip of Thrice's hand around his neck. Its not gonna happen though. Kane Thrice lifts Prabhas up and chokeslams him down!
Fecca: Someone get that big bastard out of here!
Styles: Shhhh! He'll hear you man.
[ The big Kane clone decides that his work is done and starts up the ramp. In the meantime, Akmed has begun to get himself up. He's good and bloody just like Prabhas. Akmed notices his opponent down and decides not to go for the pin. Instead Akmed reaches under the ring and pulls out....A ladder!
Fecca: Uh oh....
Styles: Oh boy....
[ The fans naturally pop, but not for Akmed. They popped for the ladder. That same ladder that Akmed has made into a bridge between the ring and ringside barricade. Akmed then grabs the steps and sets them back up beside that ladder bridge. He checks everything out and decides that all is in order. Then Prabhas is set-up for what seems like a powerbomb onto or through that ladder. But when he gets Prabhas up, the Prabster starts firing rights to Akmed's face. This causes Akmed to lower Prabhas back down. An uppercut to the nads lets Prabhas position Akmed on the ladder. Then another ladder is pulled out. The top of the steps knocked off and the new ladder set up on the bottom. Prabhas climbs up top, says some prayers to his deity and then jumps with the old fashioned senton bomb. The ladder holding Akmed gives way to the five hundred and thirty-five pounds. And as the proverbial dust clears, Prabhas is on top of Akmed still. ONE..............TWO.................THREE!!!!
Sabrina: Here is your winner.....PRABHAS!
[ The bell would ring, but its laying at ringside.
Fecca: Prabhas picks up the win! He's the number one contender to either Bobby Johnson or Tim Torn!
Styles: Well that sucks. I think I'll see if I can catch Egypt's version of Desperate Housewives.
Fecca: Well as Prabhas celebrates folks, we have some footage of past encounters of our next two competitors.....Jason Caine and Jay Styles.
[ The video starts showing the past matches of Jason Caine vs Jay Styles. ]

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- Register:12/01/2008 4:13 PM
Re:PWT Presents 'King Of PWT' (June/July 2007)
Date Posted:02/17/2009 3:12 AMCopy HTML

[ The footage of past encounters between Jason Caine an Jay Styles comes to an end.
Fecca: Folks next up we’ve got the number one contenders match for the People’s Championship. Both competitors have held the Peoples Championship before, Jay Styles once, and Jason Caine has been People’s Champ twice in his career here in PWT.
Styles: But don’t get your hopes up folks, this match isn’t going to be anything special.
Fecca: Come on Styles, you got to be pumped up. Jay Styles is wresting. You guys have the same last name!
[ Speaking of Jay Styles, Enter Sandman, by Metalica starts to play. The arena goes pitch black dark, as a red light takes over the darkness, Smoke fills the ramp area.. And a video of Styles starts to play.. As the smoke continues to consume the entire ramp.. Jay emerges through the smoke and on the ramp.. On his way down to the ring, Jay ignores the fans and gets a determined look in his eye as he awaits the arrival of his opponent
Fecca: So what do you think Styles, can Jay Styles beat Jason Caine tonight, and go on to be People’s Champion again?
Styles: No comment!
Fecca: You can’t just say. ‘no comment!’ You don’t get paid to say no comment!
[ Whatever his answer may have been, we’ll never find out because here comes two time People’s Champions Jason Caine! His theme song begins to play. "California Love" By Tupac Featuring Dr. Dre hits the PA System. All of the stage lights remain the same while some of them starts to flicker on and off. His theme song begins to play louder and he comes from behind the curtain with a very cocky and arrogant attitude. He has a eric bischoff type grin upon his face as he walks down the entrance way. Jason jumps over the ropes to get inside the ring. He steps on top of the middle rope and raises his left hand in the air while trash talkin some of the fans that may boo him He finally steps inside the ring with a smirk upon his face as he raises his hands up and looks at the fans as if to say "How can you not enjoy looking at this?"
Fecca: Well folks, buckle up. I have a feeling this one is going to be a lot better then some, cough Styles couch, seems to think!
[ There’s the bell, neither Styles nor Caine jump at one another, instead Styles uses the time to get in a few extra stretches, Caine uses the time to taunt the crowd. Finally they both seem ready. They lock eyes, they talk a little trash across the ring. Finally they start towards each other! Meeting in the middle, they lock up, Caine quickly slides Styles into a side headlock, Styles quickly slips out of it, and clubs Caine in the back of the head. Caine drops to a knee. Styles gets in a few more clubs to the back of the head, finally he runs back to the ropes bounces off, Caine still has his back to Styles as he starts to stand, before he reaches his feet, Styles hits him with a huge bulldog!
Styles: That’s it, it’s over.
[ Styles covers, he barely gets a one count before Jason kicks out. Styles might have gotten frustrated but he really didn’t expect to win. In fact he thought about not pinning, but for the sake of playing mind games with his opponent, he pinned anyway. What kind of mind games you ask? Well Styles isn’t sure, he doesn’t understand the concept, he just does it. Back to the wrestling… Styles and Caine both climb to their feet. Styles gets in a few punches to the head, Caine is defenseless at the minute. Styles hits him with a nasty sounding chop across the chest. Caine stumbles back to the ropes, Caine follows him, he grabs his wrist and Irish whips him across the ring to the ropes. Caine bounces off, as he does Styles blasts forward heading straight towards him. Styles goes for a huge clothesline. You know the kind, the ones that could rip a guys head off.
[ Fortunately for Jason Caine he is able to duck the clothesline. Caine sees his window of opportunity to get a little offense going. He quickly stops running and turns around. Styles is headed right for him. This is what he had anticipated, he hadn’t anticipated however Styles being so close. Caine wanted to hit a huge spine buster or a back body drop, but instead gets his head nearly taken off by a huge clothesline from Styles.
Fecca: Jay Styles is looking good, Styles. I will be the first to admit, I didn’t picture him kicking things off like this. Especially against a ring veteran like Jason Caine.
[ Whether you had expected or now, Jay Styles is owning Jason Caine up to this point, and Styles would like to continue going this route. Caine has finally recovered from the clothesline, he climbs to his feet. Styles is there and pulls him the rest of the way up. After a few punches to the side of Caine’s face, Styles kicks him in the gut, and then sets up for a DDT.
Fecca: Things keep getting worse and worse for Jason Caine.
Fecca: HE REVERSED IT! Caine reversed the DDT and instead hit a huge Northern Lights Suplex.
[ Fecca called it, Styles took a little too much time to hit the DDT, Caine took full of advantage and caught Styles off guard and connected with the suplex. Caine has stopped Styles, but is still feeling the effects from the beat down he has been taking and can’t capitalize like he wants to. Instead he rolls over on top of Styles, covering him. 1…………..2…KICKOUT!
Fecca: Jason Caine unable to steal one.!
[ Caine rolls off of him and slowly climbs to his feet. Styles is recovering now, Caine reaches his feet, Styles starts climbing to his. Caine doesn’t want him to reach his feet, he runs full speed ahead and absolutely levels Styles with a huge shoulder block/ half tackle. It wasn’t the prettiest move in the world, but it was more then effective. It sent Styles flying backwards landing hard on the mat. Caine crawls over and pins him once again 1……..2……..KICKOUT!
Styles: What the hell do you call that last move?
Fecca: I don’t know, it definitely wasn’t pretty, all I know is that I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of that move. Styles has got to be hurting.
[ Styles has in fact yet been able to climb to his feet. He is clutching his chest and chin, which took all of the impact of Caine’s shoulder block. Finally he is able to shake it off, he starts to climb to his feet! Caine lets him reach his feet, Styles finally makes it, Caine starts to walk towards him. Styles wants the momentum back. He explodes towards Caine, he tries once again for a clothesline. This time, just like the other times, he isn’t successful! Once again Caine ducks out the way, Styles stops himself, they both turn. Styles throws a punch but Caine throws a kick. Caine connects first and doubles Styles over. Now it’s Caine’s turn for the ddt, he sets up Styles, but then rolls he and Styles so their backs are against each other, Caine reaches up, grabs Styles around the neck and connects with a reverse neck breaker!
[ Styles is down, Caine should pin, but decides against it. Instead he walks to Styles’ feet. His finisher is the texas clover leaf and all indicators lead us to believe that is what he is going to do. He is stand over Styles legs. He takes a minute to pose for the crowd who show how much they love Jason Caine by booing the hell out of him. Caine smirks, he loves being hated! He starts to bend down to grab Styles’ legs but stops once again to do a little more taunting. This will definitely cost Caine, and definitely in a big way. Styles kicks his leg up, hitting Caine right in the cash and prizes, right in the package area. Caine’s eyes go wide, his jaw drops. His hands clutch his man parts, and finally he tips over. Holding himself and still unable to breath in. The fans cheer on as Caine rolls around on the ground.
Fecca: Big mistake made by Caine. Can he recover? Did that mistake just cost him a shot at the People’s Championship? We’ll see folks.
Styles: Right after this commercial!
Fecca: We don’t have commercials, this is a PPV!
Styles: Damnit! I get so used to doing Shockwave.
Styles corrects himself.
Styles: Well folks there won’t be a commercial, but you will have to listen to us babble for a few seconds.
[ Babbling done. Styles has climbed to his feet. Caine is still on the ground, holding himself. Styles can’t help but smile as he looks on. He’s got him, right where he wants him. Styles waits patiently, ‘this is going to be prefect’ is what he is probably thinking right now. We would know for sure if there were a camera that would show us what is going on in the wrestlers head. Styles stalks Caine, waiting behind him. Caine crawls to his hands and knees, obviously still feeling the effects of having his ‘boys’ kicked in. That smile/smirk is still on Styles lips as he watches Caine. Caine slowly pushes himself up to a knee, and then starts to stand. He reaches his feet but is still bent over holding himself. This is exactly what Styles was waiting for him. Styles lunges forward hitting the fame-asser!
Fecca: That’s the Styles Flop ladies and gents. That’s his finisher, this one could very well be over… wait… why isn’t he pinning.
[ Fecca looks to his partner Styles for answers but he has none. Back in the ring Jay Styles stands above Jason Caine. He has just hit his finisher, he should pin, he knows that. He’s don’t done yet though. He wants to leave his mark on this night. He wants to be part of the highlights video, he wants to truly steal the show. He looks over to the corner, slowly he makes his way over. He looks out into the crowd and then starts climbing the turnbuckle!
Fecca: What is he doing?
Styles: He’s obviously climbing the turnbuckle!
[ Styles reaches the top rope, he looks out at the crowd and then at Caine lying a few feet infront of him. Styles nods his head and then leaps forward, doing a front flip and then some going for the huge 450 Splash!
[ Caine did indeed save this match, at the last possible second he pulls his knees up to his chest. Styles landed right on them. He screams out in pain as he rolls around the ring clutching his chest. The referee, is completely knocked out.
Fecca: Folks, Jay Styles had the match one, but he tried to do to much, and now if you ask me, he’s in real trouble. But they are both out of it Eddie…and the ref...
Styles: I think its time for some bad stuff to happen Bob.
[ Jason sees the ref down and slides out of the ring, bringing in a steel chair with him.
Styles: I knew it!
[ Back in the ring Jason stalks Jay with the weapon, waiting for him to get up. The crowd erupts as the camera shifts swiftly to the ramp.
Fecca: Holy Shit!!!! IT’S FREAK!
[ FREAK sprints to the ring as the fans are going absolutely crazy. As soon as FREAK slides into the ring, Jason swings the chair. Without hesitation FREAK ducks, kicks Jason to the gut as the chair is dropped. FREAK then scoops Caine up and delivers his patented version of the Michinoku Driver…
Fecca: He just planted Jason Caine!
Styles: I can’t believe what I’m seeing!
[ Just as quickly FREAK exit’s the ring and sprints back up the ramp and to the back. The fans continue to cheer wildly as he disappears through the curtain…
Fecca: That was…
Styles: Yep. He is back
[ It’s a few seconds before there is movement from either man, finally it is indeed Styles to make the first move as he wasn't just laid out. He rolls over and slowly climbs to his feet. He braces himself against the ropes resting a little bit. It seems like a while before Caine does anything, but finally he starts climbing to his feet, you can tell he's PISSED OFF. He gets to one knee, before Styles does anything Caine is behind him, he quickly sneaks up wraps his arms around Style’s waist and then slams backwards connecting with a huge german suplex!
Fecca: Caine's feeding off anger now, is the end near for Jay Styles?
[ Caine once again goes to Styles’ feet. This time there is no taunting, he bends down, grabs them both and then locks in the Texas cloverleaf!
Fecca: He calls it the Silent Knight! How long can Jay Styles hold on, or can he possible escape.
[ Styles is obviously in pain, he yells out, and tries to fight his way out of the hold. No luck, Caine has it locked in pretty good. Styles fights for thirty or forty seconds, but eventually succumbs to the pain, and taps out!
Fecca: That’s it folks! It was safe to say that that match was indeed better then was anticipated! And Jason Caine is the new number one contender for the People’s Championship.
Sabrina: Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner, via submission, and the new Number One Contender for the Peoples Championships…. JASON CAINE!!!!!!!!!
Styles: But at what price? He's feeling the affects of FREAK's return to PWT. Man, things are going to be heating up now!!
[ Caine slowly lifts his arms and makes his way back as we fade backstage. ]

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Re:PWT Presents 'King Of PWT' (June/July 2007)
Date Posted:02/17/2009 3:13 AMCopy HTML

[ Jason Caine may have just gotten attacked and still won his match, but Akmed is NOT having the best week. Earlier tonight on PWT's *IT* pay per view of the year, Akmed was defeated by Prabhas. So he's backstage walkin a circle and in a bad mood. And that is when your favorite Southern Heartthrob enters the picture. He's come to grab some refreshment. However CM notices Akmed and walks over.
CM: Yo Akmed, tough loss out there tonight man. But hey man keep your head up and keep reaching for the stars. Sooner or late..
[ WHAM! Akmed absolutely decks CM with a hard right!
Akmed: Shut the hell up you son of a bitch! I'm sick and tired of assholes like you always sticking your nose in my business! Its time you all quit spitting on me and treating me like a second class citizen!
[ And with that Akmed storms off. CM is left on the floor! ]

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Re:PWT Presents 'King Of PWT' (June/July 2007)
Date Posted:02/17/2009 3:13 AMCopy HTML

Georgia stands face to face with Taylor Hamilton and he looks on with shifty eyes as she shakes her head. This moment was a longtime coming and there was no way that she was going to pass up on beating this man as she stood there and steps to him but he backed up alittle bit but everytime he stepped away she stepped forward and she finally took a swing at him and slapped him silly. He drew back holding his cheek as she screamed at him "you want to be me. You could never be me." As he turns back to her she continues to slap him viciously across the face with fire in her eyes. He holds his face turning to look back at her but finally takes a swing at her nailing her with a stiff punch to the face sending her down to the canvas in a seated position as she looks on perplexed as he stands over her and then runs at her but she rolls out of the way and he dropkicks air.
Fecca: Ha! He tried to dropkick Georgia and he met air.
Styles: He just kicked air's ass.
Georgia stands up as Taylor looks up shaking his head and curling up into the fetal position rocking back and forth as everyone including Georgia begin to laugh at him as he curls up like alittle baby. Georgia shakes her head and then rubs her chin like she is thinking as everyone anticipates what The Glorified Goddess will do next as she nods backing up against the ropes running at him full steam she drills him with a baseball slide dropkick connecting and sending him to the stadium floor and she pops up with a smirk across her face. As she looks down at Taylor on the outside she begins to rock her hands back and forth like she is carrying a baby and begins to break out singing rock-a-bye baby.
Fecca: Rock-a-bye baby. HAHAHA!
Styles: Hey I think I just saw Taylor sucking his hand.
Fecca: I bet he regrets trying to steal Gee's Indentity.
Styles: I think he needs a diaper change about now.
Georgia runs at him as he climbs back into the ring then stops and holds her hand out so that he will stop and then begins to dance a jig in the center of the ring to laughter as he looks on shaking his head as he climbs in and then she goes to take a swing at him after completing her dance number but he dodges the punch falling out of the way. He then pops up as she swings around and he hits a clothesline to some jeers forcing him to look around and begin to stomp Georgia in the midsection repeatedly and pull her up by her brown locks and the begins to slap her on the face. Taunting her as he reels her in and drops her with a ddt and then stands over her and begins to dance a jig of his own and then places his boot on her chest making the referee count.
Georgia kicks out forcing his foot off her chest as she looks on alittle dazed and confused as she gets to her hands and knees and he runs at her as she takes a knee and crashes into her with a shining wizard forcing her back down to the canvas and the crowd continues to jeer the guy as he grabs Georgia's arms and steps on her hair pulling them up as the crowd boos. This is illegal but Taylor Hamilton lives to do things which are illegal as he gets the five count.
He lets go before Frank Mason counts to five and he tells him to back off allowing Georgia to recover from the onslaught and sudden rush from Taylor as she gets up and charges her quickly scoots behind the referee grabbing his shoulders cowering in fear all of a sudden after dominating the former world champ. He grabs Frank's shoulders and ducks behind him using him as a shield and Georgia knows if she blasts the referee she could get disqaulified so she gets the bright idea and she ducks out of the ring as Taylor looks to his right and his left but not behind him as Georgia sneaks from behind and immediately rolls him into a school boy pin.
Taylor kicks out and immediately rolls out of the ring shaking his head no as Georgia shrugs her shoulders and backs up and charges as she leaps into the air and comes crashing down ontop of him with a awe inspiring somersault planca from the inside of the ring to the outside sending everyone into a frenzy. Everyone is stomping and into it after this as Georgia slowly pulls herself up and then grabs Taylor and slams him into the steel guardrail and then drags him to the ring and smashes his head into the ring apron repeatedly and cuts her throat saying it is over. He is dazes and confuses as she rolls him in and then follows behind stomping away at him and then she backs up and runs to the ropes and then springboards herself off with a Goddess Gift 2.0 as she comes crashing down a top her fallen foe he gets his knees up and she bounces off as he had just enough to absorb the blow but not much else as both of the stars are down as Mason starts the ten count.
Both to a knee...
Punch, Punch, punch..
Chop exchange, chop exchange, chop exchange.....
Taylor with a knee lift.....
Georgia doubles over Taylor charges hitting a clothesline Georgia is back up and he hits another clothesline and she is up again and backs up into the corner and he runs at her but she gets a boot up and kicks him off before he can connect with another clothesline. She pulls herself up as he stumbles forward back turned to her and leaps off the middle rope and grabs his head driving him down with a bulldog and immediately she goes and locks the Sleeper with body sccissors and wrenches back on the hold hoping to choke out Taylor for the win. He fights the hold reaching for the ropes and she refuses to let him gain any ground as she pulls back but he rolls over and stacks her up bridging backwards into a pinning combo as Mason counts Georgia down.
She shoots her shoulder off the canvas and lets go of the hold and looks on infuriated at what had just happened and backs up sizing up Taylor but as she steps forward for what looks to be a Dream Sequence she is dodged as he steps under the kick and then doubles her over kneeing her in the stomach yet again and then picks her up for a powerbomb but he did not see her pull out one of her trusty bottle of Bitch Be Gone when she was being hoisted up and she sprays him in the eyes. Immediately sending him crashing to the canvas in a seated Senton as Georgia then hooks his legs and hopes that is enough to put him away.
Taylor kicks out...... Georgia looks on and tells the referee to look off the left demanding that he pay attention to the entrance way that someone is coming to ringside and as Mason turns his back on Georgia she unloads and sprays the crap out of Taylor Hamilton as he stand up barely able to see. He turns around stumbles around a bit and Georgia sizes him up as the referee turns around as she discards the spray tossing it into the crowd and she gives him the picture perfect hang gesture and drills him in the throat with a Dream Sequence sending him crashing down to the canvas. She immediately pins him rather nonchanlantly stretched out counting along with the ref.
DIng, Ding, Ding...
"Downfall" as Georgia dusts off her shoulders with a smirk as she looks on having stole one and stands up collecting her Tag Team Championship from the referee and she puts the belt on her shoulder. She says "I am Georgia James!" and she looks down and says "You're a Zero." with that she climbs through the ropes and then leaves the scene and then two steps all the way to the back high fiving the fans as she goes. You can't steal from Gee she's steal one from you.
Fecca: Hahaha... The theif got stole on. Classic. Georgia's got her identity back.
Styles: That's our girl Gee. That's our girl. She stole it from the guy who was trying to steal from her. OH the irony.
Fecca: It's thicker then Dela Reese...
Styles: Say what?
Fecca: It's thick as a block of gov'ment cheese.
Styles: Leave the smart ass comments to me foo.
[ We fade to a KoPWT advert. ]
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Re:PWT Presents 'King Of PWT' (June/July 2007)
Date Posted:02/17/2009 3:14 AMCopy HTML

As the night continues, the scene cuts to the parking lot where a white stretch limousine has just pulled into the parking lot. The camera gets closer as the diver comes out and opens up the back door. After a few moments the single occupant of the limo steps out, that being none other than PWT’s first real celebrity, Gabrielle. Gabe is talking on his cell phone and ignores the driver completely as he takes a few steps away from the limo, turning away from the camera, not wanting the contents of his conversation being aired up but failing miserably.
Gabrielle: Alright Shaun when did you say the rental place needed the limo back? … Alright did you cover the initial fee? … What do you mean you didn’t?! … You know I spent the last of my money on that bouquet and singing telegram to Spielberg … Dammit Shaun; we’ll talk when I get back.
Closing his phone, Gabe steps into the covered hall and takes off his shades; he scowls as he looks around, not impressed with the venue. Before he can take another step however he is stopped by PWT security.
Security: Sorry sir, can you tell me what you’re doing back here?
Gabe raised an eyebrow.
Gabrielle: What do you mean "what am I doing back here", obviously I’m here for my match.
The guard took out a clipboard with the card for tonight on it and ran his finger down the list.
Security: Name?
Gabrielle: Gabrielle.
Security: Gabrielle what?
Gabrielle: That’s it, one name, just like Cher.
The guard looked over the list for a few seconds.
Security: Nope, you’re not here.
Gabe did a double take.
Gabrielle: What do you mean I’m not there?
Gabe snatched the clipboard out of the guards hands, the guard opened his mouth to protest but Gabe put his finger over the guard’s mouth without looking up from the clipboard.
Gabrielle: Look at this, Prabhas vs. Akmed, you’ve got room on the card for a couple of Indians to hurl curry at each other but you can’t find room for a movie star like myself?
Security: I don’t book the cards, and Akmed isn’t India—
Gabrielle: Oh shut it.
Once again Gabe put his finger over the guards, mouth clearly irritating him.
Gabrielle: Well, clearly there’s been some sort of mistake, a typo perhaps. I’m pretty sure my name should be where this Travis McNeil’s guys name is, you know, in the main event.
Security: Definitely not.
Gabe gave the guard the dirtiest look he could muster. He took the clipboard and shoved it roughly against the guard’s chest. That was the last straw for the guard as he took out a walkie talkie and gave some sort of order into it.
Security: Sir, I’m going to have to eject you from the premises if you continue to misbehave.
Gabe frowned, pulling out his cell phone and dialing a number.
Gabrielle: You’ll be hearing from my lawyer.
With that Gabe turned around and went to leave the arena when he suddenly felt somebody brush past him, he turned around and saw former PWT Femme Fatal champion, Isabell Winters. The curvaceous beauty didn’t give Gabe a second glace as she casually gave the security guard a single word and watched him step back and let her pass. Gabe scoffed as he saw this.
Gabrielle: Humph, they’ll give anybody a match these days.
Isabell stopped in her tracks; the quip was said quietly but loud enough for Isabell to hear it. She turned around to face the verbal assailant who was still headed back towards his limo, she cleared her throat to get Gabe attention and he too stopped in his tracks and turned to face her.
Isabell Winters: Did you say something?
Isabell asked as she made her way towards him, looking very displeased.
Gabrielle: I was merely remarking that PWT will give any bimbo with a not-so-pretty face a match it seems.
Isabell gave out a short laugh.
Isabell Winters: Listen little boy, you’re obviously new here, so if you know what’s good for you you’ll tuck your tail between your legs, get back in that rinky dink limo of yours and make your way back to the D-list that you came from.
Gabrielle: D-list?! I’ll have you know that I’ve got directors knocking down my door to get a piece of me. You know young lady, you ought to give showbiz a try, because you’ve got a perfect face for radio.
Isabell Winters: You should really learn when to shut your mouth you fruity Hollywood reject.
Gabrielle: Hollywood reject?! Don’t make me re-arrange that face of yours ho, I’m an actor extraordinaire.
Isabell Winters: You know what? You’re right, I’m sorry, my mistake. You are an actor.
Gabrielle: Damn straight.
Isabell Winters: A television actor.
Gabe mouth hit the floor.
Gabrielle: You bitch!
Gabe went to take a swing at Isabell but security descended upon him like ants on a picnic, Gabe flailed his arms and legs around as Isabell just stood there with a grin on her face.
Gabrielle: You’re dead woman! DEAD!!
Gabe screamed as the guards roughly threw him back into his limo, getting a bit of revenge for the attitude he showed them earlier. Isabell stuck out her tongue as the limo took off with Gabe still slamming the limo window and hurling obscenities at Winters.
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Re:PWT Presents 'King Of PWT' (June/July 2007)
Date Posted:02/17/2009 3:17 AMCopy HTML

Suddenly, darkness. The power is off. The crowd is on their feet, cheering. They know who's coming. The fans are going crazy. "10's" by Pantera blasts through the arena, and on the titian tron, an entrance video plays, showing highlights of the Evolution of Perfection, while the lights start flashing green. Tim Torn walks out onto the stage at the 17 second mark with his arms raised, Biohazard sign shown, receiving a nice pop from the fans.
Sabrina: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, from Wilmington, Delaware, weighing in at two hundred and twenty pounds, The Evolution of Perfection, The Biohazard, Ultra Mega.....Tim TORN!!
Tim walks down the ramp, shaking and slapping hands. He walks around the ring and signs a few autographs for the fans before sliding into the ring. Tim gets in the center of the squared circle, and performs his Perfection stance as the lights once again fade out. Tim then hits his Ultra Mega Taunt and the lights flash back to normal with loud BOOM! Tim walks over and sits on the top turnbuckle, ready for action.
Fecca: Tim Torn beat Akmed and Cassie for the PWT Backyard Championship just a few short weeks ago, then lost it the following week to seifer. He would love nothing more than to regain the Backyard Championship at Bobby’s expense.
Style: It would undoubtedly do wonders for his wrestling career Bob. I’m sure that he is as ready for this match as he has ever been ready for one.
"The G.O.A.T.", by LL Cool J start to play over the PA system.
Uhh, Yeah, Hell yeah, Word up Yeah, Hell yeah, hell yeah
Various scene from past matches involving Bobby starts to play. Bobby giving Ricky Carter a 450 Splash off the top of a ladder, while Ricky’s laying on a table. Bobby giving Matt Matlock a Bourbon Sreet Blues™ in The Elimination Chamber. Bobby with a tight Bourbon Street Blues™ on Chris Stlyes. Bobby jumping off the top of the turnbuckle, and giving MJ Storm a Body Splash, while he is laying on the announce table. Bobby giving Luther Aldridge The Greatest Trademark Move Of All Time™. Bobby standing up on the turnbuckle with his arms raised in the air after winning the ICWA’s Royal Rumble 2. Bobby in the middle of the Hell in a Cell over a fallen MJ Storm, as he is holding the PWT Titanium, People’s, and Tag Team Championship’s simultaneously. Bobby executing a perfect Crescent City Connection on David Van Dam, and covering him for the three count to win the PWT Heavyweight Championship.
I'm the G.O.A.T. The Greatest of All Time The Greatest of All Time The Greatest of All Time The Greatest of All Time
I'm the G.O.A.T. The Greatest of All Time The Greatest of All Time The Greatest of All Time I'm The Greatest of All Time
Bobby makes his way out from behind the curtains, as his manager/sister Crystal follows close behind, and they both stop on the top of the ramp. Crystal has his PWT Hemme (Him) Fatale Championship draped over her shoulder. He gets down in a Shawn Michaels type pose, as she stands behind him and holds his Hemme (Him) Fatale Championship high into the air. He finally stands back up and starts to jump from side to side a lot like Brock Lesnar used to, as Crystal lowers the Hemme (Him) Fatale Title, and stands next to him.
Sabrina: Making his way from New Orleans, Louisiana, and weighing in at 255 pounds, he is a 2007 PWT Walk of Fame Inductee, Bobby Johnson.
I was on the movie set, then he hit me on the cell Niggas out here talk bout Mr. Main Event fell. Fell where? Don't these niggas know Bob‘s the Alpha male? Lemme run it through out this album, tell Speilberg "Chill" My jet hit LaGuardia six in the morn They be waitin’ in the Bentley when the plane takes on Straight to the wrestling ring dirty - no shower Threw out 5 jobbers in the first half hour Niggas know, who about to get all the dough (Bobby) Who about to beat all you hoes (Johnson) Who about to spit all the flows That's all I can say, and I can't stands no more (We know) Aiight then, what the fuck the deal I's raised on some ill shit, let's be real Uptown - the Quarter, St. Charles and Magazine New Orleans, my spot, ya know the routine
He stops jumping, and starts to make his way down the ramp, as Crystal follows close behind. He stops in front of the ring, leaps up onto the rings edge, grabs the ropes, leap frogs over them, and lands inside the ring. Crystal walks over to the ring steps, and makes her way up them. She goes through the ropes, as Bobby sits on the middle rope, to let her pass through them. He gets his title from her, walks over to the far corner, climbs up the turnbuckle, and hold his arms high into the air for the crowd. The fans in turn give him a huge pop.
I'm the G.O.A.T. The Greatest of All Time The Greatest of All Time The Greatest of All Time The Greatest of All Time
I'm the G.O.A.T. The Greatest of All Time The Greatest of All Time The Greatest of All Time I'm The Greatest of All Time
He gets back down, walks over to the opposite turnbuckle, and does the same routine. His sister stands in the middle of the ring smiling, as she watches him. He finally jumps down, gives Crystal his Hemme (Him) Fatale Title, and she exits the ring.
Fecca: Bobby is trying to make history here tonight, as he tries to become the first person to win every title that the PWT has to offer inside of a calendar year.
Styles: Well he will have his hands full with Tim Torn tonight because I just don’t see Tim just laying down for him and letting him walk all over him.
Senior Referee Jim Richards looks at Tim, then over at Bobby. He finally signals for the start of the match and both Tim and Bobby walk slowly to the center of the ring. The two men stand there locked onto each other with an intense stare. The crowd is cheering both men on loudly. Half are cheering for the underdog Tim, and half are cheering for the Walk of Famer Bobby. As if on cue, both men start to lay into each other with rights and lefts. Tim starts to stumble backwards a bit, which allows Bobby the chance to grab his arm and Irish Whip him into the ropes. He tries to follow it up with a Clothesline, but Tim is resourceful enough to duck under it. He bounces off of the far ropes, then bounds back into Bobby with a leaping Shoulder Block that sends Bobby down momentarily. Tim continues to the ropes on the other side of the ring and bounds off of them as Bobby is making it back up to his feet. He goes for another Shoulder Block, but Bobby is able to take him down to the mat with an Arm Drag Takedown. Both men pop back up to their feet and begin to circle one another as the crowd continues to be divided on who they are rooting for. They begin to circle one another, then they come at each other and lock up. Tim is able to get Bobby off balance with a series of European Uppercuts. He uses Bobby’s period of being off balance to his advantage by grabbing him by the back of the neck and driving his face into his knee. He gives him a couple more knee strikes and releases Bobby, then gives him a Riot Kick (While opponent is bent over, Tim runs from their right and kicks them in the face with his shin). Bobby pops up and stumbles backwards a bit. Tim stays on the attack and drops Bobby with a Roundhouse Kick. Tim makes his way over to the turn buckle. He climbs up the turnbuckle and steadies himself. He yells out “welcome to oblivion” and executes a perfect Hell Storm (630 Senton). The Tim Torn supporters are going nuts as he makes the cover. Jim Richards goes down to make the count.
One….Two….Bobby gets a shoulder up.
Fecca: Wow….Tim Torn has been on fire in the early going. He almost had the match won right there.
Styles: Make no mistake about it Bob…Tim Torn is the future of this business. Even Bobby has went on record saying that he was. What we are seeing is the emergence of the man that could conceivably be the one that carries this company for years to come.
Fecca: I couldn’t agree more Eddie.
By this time, Tim has guided Bobby back up to his feet. He slings him into the corner and tries to follow it up with a Body Splash, but Bobby is able to get a forearm up at the last minute and hit Tim square in the chest with it. Tim stumbles back, which gives Bobby a chance to mount an attack. He charges forward and hits Tim with a Clothesline. He circles Tim and stalks him. As Tim finally makes it up to one knee, Bobby leaps forward and gives Tim a Shining Wizard that puts him on dream street. Bobby gives Tim a few stomps to the body to soften him up, then guides him back up to his feet. He slings him into the far corner, and follows that up with a Bobby Splash™ (Body Splash while opponent is in corner). He bounces off of Tim, and when Tim comes stumbling out of the corner, he is met with a Fisherman’s Suplex courtesy of Bobby J.. Bobby rolls Tim over onto his back and grabs his legs. He lifts them up into the air and spreads them apart. He jumps into the air and comes down between Tim’s legs with a Double Leg Drop to the crotch region. Tim yells out in pain and rolls over on his side as he grabs at his gonads. Bobby wastes no time in guiding Tim back up to his feet. He gives him another Irish Whip into the ropes and follows it up with The Greatest Trademark Move Of All Time™ (Irish Whip off the ropes into a T-Bone Suplex). Bobby gets back up to his feet, and makes his way over to the turnbuckle. He climbs up the turn buckle and steadies himself. The Bobby Johnson supporters in the building are going absolutely wild right about now. They are urging him to take Tim Torn out in high flying fashion. He leaps high into the air and executes a perfect Imploding Senton Bomb. He quickly covers Tim and hooks in the leg, as Jim Richards gets down to make the count.
One….Two….Thr…Tim barely gets his shoulder up in time.
Fecca: Bobby has definitely turned the tide of this match in his favor. We have seen this time and time again from him, so I shouldn’t even be surprised.
Styles: Bobby isn’t a PWT Walk Of Famer for nothing Bob. This guy has been through the wars more times than any one of us can count. His experience in these types of situations is what is going to win him this match if he indeed wins it. Tim hasn’t had near the experience in a match of this magnitude as Bobby has. Hopefully, he won’t be overwhelmed by the pressure.
Fecca: I don’t think that he will Eddie, but stranger things have happened before. By this time Bobby has slipped out of the ring and is looking under the apron. He pulls out a trash can full of weapons and throws it over the ropes and into the ring. He looks back under the apron and pulls out a table and manages to get it up into the ring as well. He gets a couple of steel chairs and throw them into the ring just for shits and giggles. He gets back into the ring and sets it up to where it is leaning up in one of the far corners from where Tim is laying. The fans are tearing the roof off of the place because they are ready to see some blood.
Fecca: With all of the actual wrestling that has been going on, I almost forgot that this match was a Back yard Rules match Eddie.
Styles: I guess that Bobby figured that he and Tim should give the fans what they really want. He’s such a caring guy.
Fecca: A caring guy indeed.
Bobby walks over towards Tim, who was trying to get up to his feet. Bobby helps him up and Irish Whips him into the far ropes. He goes for a Back Body Drop, but Tim leap frogs over him. Tim keeps running and leaps up on the far ropes. Bobby turns around just in time to receive a Welcome To The Mad World Kick (Springboard Spinning Heel Kick to the back of the head). Bobby drops to his knees and Tim picks up a trash can lid. He raises it high above his head and comes down with great force on top of Bobby’s cranium. Bobby falls forward and lands on all fours. Tim sends the trash can lid crashing down on Bobby’s back, and he goes down hard to the mat. Tim lays the trash can lid on top of the back of Bobby’s head. He runs back, bounces off the ropes, runs forward and leaps high into the air. He lands a Leg Drop on top of the trash can lid, which in turn smashes Bobby’s face into the mat. Tim removes the trash can lid from off of Bobby and we can see blood everywhere. The sight gets a lot of oohs and ahs from the crowd. He guides Bobby back up to his feet, but Bobby comes to life and goes on the offensive. He lays lefts and rights on Tim, then goes to sling him into the corner that the table was leaning up in. Tim is able to reverse the move and send Bobby into the table instead. He didn’t sling bobby into the hard with enough force to break the table. Bobby turns his body around just in time to take the full brunt of a Tim Torn Spear through the table. The fans are losing they’re minds at the sight of that devastating move.
Fecca: Tim just put his own health at risk with that move. Unbelievable!!!
Styles: I haven’t seen someone do that to Bobby in like……for never.
Fecca: For never???
Styles: It’s my new word. How do you like it?
Fecca: Clever Eddie…real frickin’ clever.
Jim Richards is making his ten count, and is to the number six when Tim finally staggers to his feet. He looks down at Bobby in the wreckage and admires his handiwork. He gets out of the ring and looks under the apron. He pulls a table from out under it and sets it up on the outside. He looks back under the apron again and pulls out a bag full of something and holds it high into the air. He bulls a lighter and a small bottle of liquid. He then dumps the other contents onto the table and it is revealed to be thumb tacks. He opens the bottle of liquid and pours it on top of the table as well. He takes a match and lights it up. The crowd goes nuts when he drops it on top of the table, and the table catches fire.
Fecca: Oh boy….this isn’t going to end well.
Styles: They better have the EMT’s on standby because someone just may wind up hurt.
Tim slides back into the ring and guides a seemingly unconscious Bobby out of the broken pieces of table. He walks him over to the corner nearest the burning table and hoists him up the turn buckle. Tim sets on the outside, then climbs up the turnbuckle and guides Bobby up to his feet. Tim grabs him and goes for a Super Plex, but Bobby stops him from doing it. He tries it again, but once again Bobby stops it from happening. Tim starts to lay in a couple of hard shots on Bobby, then tries again to Super Plex him. Bobby stops him from doing it one more time, then starts to lay in some hard shots of his own. Tim starts to wobble a little and Bobby grabs a hold of him. He leaps over him and gives Tim a Sunset Flip Powerbomb into the burning table.
Fecca: Bobby was able to use Tim own punishment against him. I’m glad that I am sitting here, and not the one out there with a back full of burning thumb tacks.
Styles: This is one of the many horrible things that can happen in a match such as this Bob. This is what the fans want, and it’s obvious that Bobby and Tim aim to give it to them. Bobby’s legs landed in the thumb tacks and fire so he didn’t get off scott free either.
The fire has seemed to lit a fire under Tim and Bobby so to speak. They both get out of the burning rubble as quick as they can. Thumb tacks are falling off of them. Tim charges Bobby, but Bobby moves to the side. He uses the back of Tim’s head to guide him into the ring post. He slams Tim’s face into the ring post a couple more times. Blood is pouring from a gash on Tim’s forehead. Bobby rolls him into the ring, and slides in after him. The stagehands promptly extinguish the fire before it gets too out of hand. He gets up to his feet and takes the garbage can that he had thrown into the ring earlier, empties out all of its contents, and sticks it between the ropes in one of the far corners. He picks up a bike chain that was laying there and makes his way back over towards Tim. He guides him back up to his feet and wraps the chain around his neck and starts to choke him out. Jim Richards is trying to make Bobby release the hold and starts to make the five count. Bobby releases the hold at about four, then wraps it around Tim‘s neck again as Tim tries to break free of the choke hold. Jim Richards makes his count again, and at the count of three Bobby turns around to where his back is towards Tim‘s back. He uses the bike in place of his of own hands and gives him a Modified Neck Breaker, then lets go of the bike chain before Jim Richards can get to the count of ten. Richards admonishes Bobby as he is getting back up to his feet, but Bobby just smirks and shrugs him off. He walks back around Richards and kneels down to guide Tim back up to his feet, but grabs at his face and stumbles backwards courtesy of an eye poke by Tim. He gets up to his feet and circles around Bobby. He steps up behind him and grabs onto him. He then gives him The Chain Reaction (German Suplex, Dragon Suplex, then a Tiger Suplex) which makes the Tim Torn fans start to chant for their hero.
UL-TRA-ME-GA…clap, clap, clap clap clap…UL-TRA-ME-GA…clap, clap, clap clap clap!!! Which in turn gets the Bobby Johnson supporter’s to start chanting for their man. BOBBY JOHNSON…clap, clap, clap clap clap…BOBBY JOHNSON…clap, clap, clap clap clap!!!
Fecca: I have never seen a Backyard Rules Match at this high a level. Neither men are about to give up, and someone just may not ever be the same when all is said and done.
Styles: Well you have to look at the two competitors in this match. I mean no offense when I say this, but this is not Akmed and Prahbas out there in the ring. That’s Bobby Johnson and the greatest up and comer since Bobby Johnson out there.
As we get back to the action, Tim is wailing on Bobby’s face with that bike chain wrapped around his hand. After a series of hard shots, he wraps the chain around Bobby’s neck and gets a little payback. Jim Richards starts to make the count, and Tim releases the hold at four. He tosses the bike chain to the side, and guides Bobby back up to his feet. He goes to sling Bobby into the corner where the trash can is posted, but Bobby reverses the move and slings Tim into it instead. Tim is able to stop himself from hitting the trash can by posting his arms on the ropes. Bobby had been running behind him, and Tim uses his arms to lift himself in the air at the last minute. Bobby goes crashing into the trash can face first. Tim slams his head into the trash can a few more times for good measure. He releases Bobby and he falls to the ground. Tim takes the trash can from where it was and places it on top of Bobby. He climbs up the turn buckle and steadies himself. He looks down at Bobby, then uses his Ultra Mega Taunt (Crosses his forearms to form an X, like CM Punk, then quickly holds arms at his sides, then raises his arm. It's all done fast). He yells out at the top of his lungs, “This is it”, before leaping off of the ropes and hitting the Hell Storm (630 Senton) again, but this time he connects. He bounces off of Bobby and the trash can and holds onto his ribs. The move seems to have taken something out of him as well as Bobby.
Fecca: If Tim can make the cover, this could be one of the biggest upsets of all time in tne PWT.
Styles: This could be the start of a new era in the PWT….The Ultra Mega Era.
Tim finally composes himself and is able to make his way over towards Bobby as his fans are rooting him on all the way. They can feel an upset brewing. He pushes the trash can out of the way and makes the cover. Jim Richards gets down to make the count.
One…Two…Thre…NO!!! Bobby is able to get a shoulder up.
Time slams his hand on the mat because he knew that he was so close to the win. He gets back up to his feet. He grabs one of the steel chairs that Bobby had threw into the ring earlier and stalks him. The crowd noise is almost deafening as Bobby struggles to get up to feet. He falls back into one of the corners and appears to be out of it. Tim raises the steel chair high above his head and charges the corner. Bobby is able to step out of the way, and when Tim brings the steel chair down, it bounces up off of the ropes and hits him in the head. He comes stumbling out of the corner. Bobby has taken a few steps backwards, and when Tim turns towards him, he lunges forward and gives a Killa Kick™ (Super Kick) to the steel chair, which bounces back and cracks Tim in the face. Tim lets go of the steel chair and falls to the mat, as Bobby wastes no time in making the cover. Jim Richards gets down and makes the count.
One….Two….Three…Pin fall.
Jim Richards bends down and gives Bobby The Backyard title. He raises his arm as well.
Sabrina: And here is your winner by pin fall, and the new PWT Backyard Champion, Bobbyyyyy Johnsonnnn!!!
Fecca: In my opinion we have just witness the best backyard championship match in this companies history. Neither man has anything to be ashamed of.
Styles: I agree Bob. Both men left it all out in the ring, but in the end, Bobby’s experience in these types of matches came through. A match like this will only help Tim down the road. He now knows what it is like to be in such a high level match, and now he will know that he can’t stop to do a series of taunts on man of Bobby’s caliber. If he would have just hit his finisher without all of the unnecessary stuff, who knows how this match could have ended.
Fecca: To be honest, I’m amazed that either of these men can get up to their feet.
Back inside the ring, both men had indeed made it back up to their feet. Bobby’s sister/manager, Crystal has his Hemme (Him) Fatale and Backyard Championships. Bobby and Tim are standing face to face, staring at each other. Bobby extends his hand, and Tim looks down at it. He looks back up at Bobby, then back at his hand, then back up at him again. The people in the stands are urging him to shake his Bobby’s hand….and he finally does.
Fecca: That show of sportsmanship is what makes matches like this so great. Both men gave it their all, and in the end they were able to show their respect for one another.
Styles: I expect nothing less in the PWT Bob. That’s just the way we work here.
Tim is making his way up the ring, as Bobby is up on a turnbuckle holding his titles high into the air for the crowd to see.
*A video package showcasing the People's Championship is shown*
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Re:PWT Presents 'King Of PWT' (June/July 2007)
Date Posted:02/17/2009 3:17 AMCopy HTML

As cameras return to the ring, both Daniel Melkiah and Jessica Jones are already in the ring. They are exchanging heated words when 'Hot In Here' by Nelly blared across the PA.
Fecca:"And here comes the guest referee for this match up!"
Sabrina:"Making her way to the ring from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, she is the guest referee for the People's Championship match, please welcome.....Summer Stratus!
Styles:"I can't believe Summer is the guest referee. It is so unfair to Daniel. Summer is going to screw Daniel out of the People's Championship."
Fecca:"You don't know that. I'm sure Summer is going to be a great referee."
Summer walked out from behind the curtain and made her way down the aisle with a slight limp. She had on a pair of black pants and a referee shirt. The crowd was cheering for her as she reached the bottom of the ramp and slid in the ring under the bottom rope. As she got to her feet, Summer taunted the crowd for a moment before her music faded. Her and J.J. exchanged a few words and a laugh as Daniel looked on in anger. Summer smirked at him as she signaled for the bell.
Fecca:"And here we go by the end of the match we will have a new People's Champion!"
The two of them immediately started circling eachother as they locked up in a collar and elbow tie up. J.J. put up a good attempt but it was Daniel who of course had the advantage and backed J.J. in the corner. Daniel drove a knee into her midsection before backing away from the hold. He took J.J. by the arm and irish whipped her into the opposite corner. As J.J. hit the turnbuckles with authority, Daniel followed her in with a huge clothesline. When J.J. stumbled out of the corner, Daniel grabbed a hold of her and planted J.J. to the mat with a DDT before making the cover.
Styles:"Daniel's making short work of Jessica here tonight at the KoPWT."
Fecca:"This could be it......"
Summer got down and counted 1..2..J.J. kicks out barely getting a shoulder up.
Styles:"That was a slow count by Summer Stratus!"
Fecca:"Oh it was not! So far she's calling it fairly."
With J.J. still in a dazed, Daniel pulls her to her feet by the hair. As J.J. staggered a bit, Daniel kicked her in the gut and went for the Monarchy when J.J. pushed him off into the ropes. As he came off the ropes, J.J. delivered a spinning heel kick. As Daniel scrambled to his feet, J.J. whipped him into the into a corner and followed him in with the In Your Face. As Daniel stumbled out of the corner, J.J. delivered the Take That. Once Daniel fell to the mat, J.J. made the cover and Summer got down to count the 1..2..3.
Styles:"That count was much faster."
Fecca:"Whatever you say Eddie. But right now we have a new People's Champion."
Just then Sabrina speaks to make it official.
Sabrina:"Here is your winner and NEW PWT People's Champion Jessica Jones!"
Just then "My Way" by Limp Bizkit hits as Summer hands J.J. the championship and raises her hand in victory. Before the celebration can continue, Jamal Atkins hits the ring. As he embraces his girlfriend and the two begin to kiss in the middle of the ring, Summer takes her leave. As Summer reaches the top of the ramp, she turns around and claps along with the crowd as Jamal now has J.J. on his shoulder and she holds the championship high. As Jamal puts her down, a figure suddenly rushes into the ring as the crowd goes wild.
Rhya has her pattented slugger with her as she nails Jamal in the stomach as he doubles over. She drops it and ducks under a JJ clothesline and nails her with Absolute Desecration as the crowd gives a mixed reaction now. Summer rushes the ring but Rhya has already slid out, she had done her job.
Fecca: She just took out the new People's Champion and her boyfriend Jamal Atkins!
Styles: Looks like Rhya's back and making her mark.
Fecca: First FREAK, now Rhya? What else can happen?!
Summer checks on her friends, helping them up to her feet as Rhya leaves and we fade.
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Re:PWT Presents 'King Of PWT' (June/July 2007)
Date Posted:02/17/2009 3:20 AMCopy HTML

After Jessica and Jamal have recovered from the attack, they look around pissed, but realizing Rhya is gone. Ken Mitchell happens to be waiting backstage for the two couple to come on out from the ringside area. Finally Jamal Atkins and Jessica Jones and Summer Stratus comes walking behind the curtain and up the enterance hallway. Ken Mitchell walks right up to them as they cheer very loudly, He begins to speak and Jamal Atkins gives Jessica another kiss. Ken Mitchell just has this to say.
Mitchell: " Congratulations on your win tonight, whats the next step for you?"
Atkins: " I'll tell you the next step, its keeping that title where it belongs around my baby's waste thats where it belongs. You see for those superstars that thought Jessica was gonna lose to Daniel well you can all eat your own words cause incase you forgotten, your looking a greatness. I've held the People title TWICE, and shes holding it right now. Like I said in the beginning I RUN THE PEOPLES DIVISION!"
Jessica clears her throat.
Atkins: " Let me rephrase I RAN the peoples Division.. now Jessica RUNS the peoples division. I said it from the beginning that shed win and nobody believed me, so you have to ask yourself the question do you believe me now? Rhya wants to get involved too huh? Well I say bring her on, bring 'em all on. They wanna fuck with us? You're gonna find out that it's the LAST thing you'll EVER do! Excuse us Ken, we ain't gonna let a jealous nobody ruin tonight's festivites. We have a celebration to get too."
Jamal shoves Ken out of the way as Summer, J.J get into the limo. Jamal Atkins smiles at the camera and winks then gets into the limo as it pulls off.
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Re:PWT Presents 'King Of PWT' (June/July 2007)
Date Posted:02/17/2009 3:22 AMCopy HTML

The lights in the arena go dim. "Put 'em In Their Place" By Mobb Deep begins to sound over the public address system. Rot appears from behind the curtain, and the fans begin to heavily boo him. He smirks, and walks to the middle of the entrance stage. He throws his arms up in the air, and two yellow then white pyros go off on his right and left side. He lowers his arms, and begins to walk down the ramp slowly. Goldberg style pyros go off on each side of the ramp, and he walks through them down the ramp. Once he makes it to the black mat, he looks at the ring, then into the crowd. He then slides into the ring, and stands up. His music begins to fade as he stands there, awaiting for his opponent or the bell to ring.
Fecca: Well there is the former Titanium Champion.
Styles: The man who never lost!
Fecca: Should be interesting to see if he can become a two time champ.
"Eye Of The Storm" By Killswitch Engage hits over the PA and out comes the Titanium Champion Shayne Sinclair! He makes his way to the ring, eyes set on Rot as he slides in and before you know it, the two are going at it!
Fecca: The Titanium Champion and the former champ are going at it!
Styles: The match hasn’t even begun! Marcus isn’t out here!!
Fecca: I got word that he refused to come out next, even though the champion generally comes out last, he was starting since he had the title, he should get that honor.
Styles: Well he was smart cause now these two are going to beat the hell out of each other before he even makes his way out!
The men are trading blows, hitting suplexes and various style kicks as they perform take down after take down, the momentum is even but it’s solid back and forth action. "If You SaMELLLLLL... Take A Shower..." is heard then "T.N.T." by ACDC hits the p.a system. The crowd cheers as "Wrestling Perfection", Marcus Johnson comes out from the back wearing his in-ring attire. He pauses at the top of the ramp to soak in his surroundings and the noise from the crowd. He then shakes his arms a bit while he looks around at the crowd doing his own little version of the People's Eyebrow. He makes his way down the ramp energetically, giving a few lucky fans in the front row a brush of his hand.
Fecca: If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he was taking his own sweet time!
Styles: Sure looks that way. What’s he got to hurry for? Let the dogs fight for the title he’s holding already.
Fecca: That he didn’t really win!
Styles: He made the pinfall and got the three!!
Fecca: He was the ref! Not in the match itself!
Styles: You’re in denial.
Fecca: YOU ARE!
Styles: I accept your apology.
Fecca just got COLBERT'D! Back in the ring Marcus Rot takes Shayne down with a face crusher and goes for the pinfall but only gets a two count. He follows up with sunset flip pin once Shayne gets up but yet again, Sinclair manages to kick out. Rot is working on Shayne, trying to wear him down as he sends kicks to the back of Shayne’s head, no doubt trying to weaken his neck for his finisher. Meanwhile Marcus has now taken a seat at the announce tables.
Styles: Stand up Robbie, it’s the champ! Hey champ!
Marcus: How you doin’ Styles?
Styles: Great, excuse my partners lack of respect in front of a former Heavyweight and current Titanium Champion.
Fecca: You’re ridiculous Eddie.
Marcus: What’s your problem Robbie?
Fecca: It’s Bob.
Marcus: Yeah whatever Robbie.
Fecca: Shouldn’t you be, I dunno, fighting your match? Trying to win the Titanium Championship?
Marcus: Why? I’ve got it right here, let the dogs fight it out, I’ll go win it when I’m ready.
Styles: Yeah Robbie! Oh I've nothing important to add here, there was just too much blue.
Fecca: Well Rot’s looking really good right now, he may walk out of this a two time champ.
Marcus: He only wishes, he’s a one time chump and that’s all he’ll ever be.
In the ring Rot has Sinclair down by the ropes, he takes off from the opposite sides and rolls, looking for his Cardinal but as he drops the leg Sinclair rolls outside of the ring. Before Rot can get up he grabs his leg and pulls him towards the front corner, slamming his knee right into the steel. He does it again as the referee yells at him so he puts his hands up… and then does it again!
Marcus: I may hate the guy but that’s how you gotta do it.
Fecca: If you want to go with underhand tactics.
Marcus: It’s smart ring work.
Shayne slides back into the ring and now begins to go for Rot’s knee, kicking it a few times before he drags him into the middle of the ring and drops an elbow on it. He picks him up and performs a modified suplex but puts the pressure on the knee as he holds it close to his body. As Rot comes down hard Shayne wraps his knee up and locks in a figure four!
Fecca: He’s got a figure four on Rot! Oh this has got to be painful!
Styles: He might tap!
On that note Marcus is done.
Marcus: Looks like its time to go to work.
Marcus sets the headset down and sprints into the ring, kicking at Shayne’s head a couple of times which causes him to break the hold. He picks him up and yells at him, asking what he’s doing and then Shayne turns and cold clocks Marcus. Marcus falls back into the ropes and Shayne approaches him but he sprints out and clotheslines Sinclair. With Sinclair down Mark goes over to Rot and helps him up and into the corner, berating him for almost losing his title. Rot’s out of it as Marcus begins to slap away at his face. Finally Rot’s had enough as he ducks under a forceful Rock like slap and begins to send chops to Marcus’ chest and throat. Causing Marcus to reel but Wrestling’s Perfection stops the momentum by a knee to the gut followed by kicking out Rot’s leg. On one knee now Rot receives a shining wizard that drops him and Marcus makes the cover.
Rot kicks out as Shayne drops on top of Marcus. So now the men are piled up as they all make their way to their feet vying for position. Rot’s the slowest one to get there so Marcus and Shayne trade blows first. Shayne whips around Marcus and nails him with a German but as he turns around receives a belly to belly from Rot!
Fecca: It’s carnage out there!
Rot covers Shayne first. ONE… TWO… KICKOUT!
He sighs and goes over to Marcus but receives a kickout immediately since his was the earliest move. Rot picks Marcus up but receives a kick to the gut and a jawbreaker that sends him down. Shayne comes over and grabs Marcus, going for a the Deadly Effect but Marcus gets out of it and instead hits the Rock Slide!
Styles: It’s over!! Marcus is gonna retain!
Fecca: He might just win the title!
Rot breaks up the pin and the two get up, Marcus is pissed and swings at Rot who ducks underneath and stuns him, jumping up and nailing him with the Inept!
Fecca: INEPT!
He makes the cover. ONE… TWO… THREE!!!
Shayne had jumped to break it up but the three had already gone down as Rot rolls away, his music blaring out around the arena.
Sabrina: Your winner and NEW TITANium Champion… RRRRROOOOOOOTTT!
Shayne and Marcus both leave the ring, none too pleased as Rot celebrates with his title. The lights shut off just after Rot has won the Titanium Championship. This strange music begins playing, no lyrics, no anything, it's like Rot has a stalker. The arena is silenced, everybody lost in the void when suddenly the lights return and there stands a masked man, he is behind Rot and has a steel chair in hand. Rot turns around only to be met across the skull by the chair, he hits the ground hard dropping the Titanium strap as the masked man drops the steel chair and walks over to the belt picking it up, he glares at it before walking over to Rot and placing his foot on Rot's chest. The masked individual rests the Titanium strap onto his left shoulder before reaching into his back pocket and pulling out a microphone in which he uses to be heard.
''Who am I?''
Everybody looks on dumbfounded, the masked man quickly removes the mask revealing himself, it is Drew Stevenson! The shock factor keeps everybody quiet, this puts a huge smile on Drew's face as he starts speaking once again.
''Everybody really thought that I died? Come on now, think you fucking idiots.''
A chorus of boo's are heard, this is different, Drew being booed instead of cheered. Anyway, Drew decides to continue.
''Robert Turner, remember IRX? I ended you upon it's return but now here you are trying to take away MY championship. Hell, that fat ass Brooks already had a match for MY People's Championship but now he gave away my contendership too?''
Drew shakes his head...
''Oh hell no, you see Robert, I am your next opponent because as of earlier today... I talked to the very sexy Becca Wipwreck and she was thrilled to have me back and well, sucks to be you because she granted me my shot at you so be prepared and watch as I add another title onto my PWT legacy, bank on that.''
Drew drops the title onto Rot's chest, he then lifts his arms up into the air getting booed. He seemingly ignores it and spits down on Rot's face before exiting the ring and walking down the ramp, his return has been made.

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Re:PWT Presents 'King Of PWT' (June/July 2007)
Date Posted:02/17/2009 3:23 AMCopy HTML

[ We go backstage to where Ken Mitchell is standing by with Christian Michaels.
Mitchell: Well, CM, you asked for this time.....
CM: You're damned I did Ken!
[ The Heartthrob seems to be still pissed off.
CM: Ya know I saw Akmed down on his luck backstage and decided I'd be a good guy......Hell I saw how everyone treats the guy like crap whether or not he deserves it......But I try to offer the bastard some advice and he decks me? Son of a bitchin Akmed decks ME?!
[ He glares at the camera.
CM: Well lemme tell ya something bucko! There ain't nobody, and bah gawd I mean nooooooobody that decks Christian Michaels and gets away with it. It just don't happen! So what that means is that next week, on Sunday Night Shockwave, your ass is stepping into the ring with me. The Southern Heartthrob versus Akmed. And you'd better be damned ready to catch an ass whippin!
[ CM shoves Mitchell out of his way and storms off.
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Re:PWT Presents 'King Of PWT' (June/July 2007)
Date Posted:02/17/2009 3:25 AMCopy HTML

PWT Femme Fatale #1 Contendership Isabell Winters vs Ciara Cage vs Justyce Jenkins Isabell and Justyce both fell a bit short last week in the semi finals but are being rewarded for their drive to finish. The undefeated Ciara Cage also joins them as they all look to claim some gold in the near future. Who will be able to rise above and come out on top with a contendership?
[ We open up at ringside.
Fecca: Now it’s time for the Femme Fatale Championship #1 Contendership!
Styles: I still can’t get over that Bobby has the title.
Fecca: Well maybe tonight one of these ladies will be stepping up to take him down and restore it to the Women’s division.
The lights dim, as "I Don't Need A Man" by Pussycat Dolls hits the PA, and out walks Justyce. She glances around, in a somewhat paranoid manor, then makes her way down the ramp. She slides into the ring under the bottom rope and then walks to the middle of the ring and stands there for a moment, then moves to the side, glancing around waiting to see where her opponent is coming from.
Fecca: There’s Justyce, she’s been on quite the roll lately, making it all the way to the Semi Finals of the King of PWT tournament!
The lights in the arena go dim and colored stage lights begin to flash around the arena. The sound of "Last Night" By Diddy begins to play over the speakers and the titratron flickers to life as a video of Ciara Cage plays over the screen. The gorilla curtain is seen being pulled aside and Ciara steps out from behind it as she appears on the stage. The crowd begins to cheer and whistle with a few boos mixed in along with them. Ciara takes a moment to pose on the stage as she is being announced to the ring. Ciara then begins to walk down the rampway slowly as she lets her arms flow at her sides. After she comes to the end of the rampway Ciara then turns to her left where she then walks to the steel steps and climbs them gracefully. She then hops onto the ring apron as she holds onto the ropes. Ciara then bends over and slowly climbs inside through the ropes to the ring. Once she is in the ring Ciara then goes to corner turnbuckle climbing to the top rope where she looks into the crowd of wrestling fans and lifts her arms in the air. After doing this at all four corners Ciara then jumps down from the final corner and walks to the middle of the ring. Her music then fades out as she looks to the stage awaiting her opponent.
Fecca: And of course the undefeated Ciara Cage. Recently named Member of the Month, she has a bright future ahead of her, maybe it’ll continue tonight?
*As we come back from a commercial break, the cameras cut to the ring which is currently empty. When all of a sudden the lights go out in the areana, and "Head for the Barricade" by Limp Bizkit starts to blare on the P.A. system. The crowd turns their attention to the ramp, as Isabell Winters steps out from behind the black curtains. She is met to a loud mixed reaction.Some fans boo and show their disapproval while others give a nice little pop . Isabell raises her arms in a taunting fashion at the top of the ramp, and gives a cocky. After this she begins to elegantly walk down the aisle to the ring, with a look of confidence on her face. As she gets farther down the ramp, a few fans reach out their hands to get slapped, in which she goes out of her way to ignore them. She walks up the steal steps, before stepping through the bottom rope into the ring. She goes to the center of the ring and poses for a bit. Finally she goes to a corner, and stretches delicately, as her music fades to silence.*
Fecca: Then the ever so sly Isabell Winters. She too has gone far in the King of PWT tournament, reaching the Semi Finals.
Styles: She may have even won if she wasn’t so head over heels in love with Seifer.
Fecca: Well… I dunno about that.
In the ring we don’t have to wait long as the three ladies are at it already. However it’s not a three way slug fest as both Ciara and Justyce turn their attention towards Isabell and begin unloading on her with a double team. They get her backed into a corner and taking turns beating her before bringing her out and throwing her against the ropes, on the rebound Izzy suffers a double suplex sending her down.
Fecca: Oh and the double team! I guess they don’t appreciate her attitude!
Styles: Their teamwork won’t last long.
With Izzy down Justyce clocks Ciara who fires back and the ladies begin brawling themselves with Ciara gaining the upper hand, pushing Justyce back into a corner as she kicks her and brings her out with an X factor. She sees Isabell up and coming for her so she jumps to the ropes and nails Izzy with a handspring back elbow. Isabell is caught in the face so Ciara goes for the cover.
Ciara is about to lift Isabell when Justyce comes over and rolls Ciara up.
Ciara throws her legs to the side as Justyce is about to pick her up but now its Isabell who rolls her up!
All three women begins to get back to their feet but Ciara drives forward and knees Isabell in the gut. It looks like once again the double team is on as they throw Izzy into the ropes but this time on the rebound she bounces up and double clotheslines them. Picking Justyce first she grabs her by her hair and chucks her out of the ring. Isabell then takes Ciara and nails her with a piledriver. She goes for a cover.
And off she’s pulled from the pin as Justyce slides back in the ring and begins to stomp on Ms. Winters. She double stomps her and then waits back as Izzy starts to get up JJ rushes her with a running knee lift, smashing her face in. Jenkins then takes Izzy to the turnbuckle and mouts her with punches. As she’s reeling and unloading Cage comes over and gets underneath her grabbing her away as Isabell quickly climbs to the top and jumps off with a clothesline onto the elevated Justyce!
Fecca: Oh what impact!
Styles: Inadvertent teamwork there, Isabell taking advantage of a great opportunity!
When Ciara gets up since she had fallen down with Justyce on her shoulders, she’s met by a stiff right from Isabell who then grabs her reeling and hits a running bulldog. With both women down Izzy grabs Ciara’s legs and begins to apply a figure four but Justyce will have none of it as she drop kicks Isabell in the face, causing her to fall to the side. Justyce continues her assault, lifting Isabell up and nails her with an exploder suplex. She turns and charges Ciara who picks her up and uses her own momentum against her for a sidewalk slam. Ciara hooks the leg.
Fecca: These women are going at it tonight!
Ciara isn’t annoyed as she gets up and walks over to the turnbuckle and begins to scale it.
Fecca: Could be looking for the Dream State!
Before Ciara and get too far though Isabell rushes the ropes and hits the top one, causing Ciara to come crashing down on the turnbuckle. She climbs the turnbuckle and grabs the back of Ciara, lifting her up as she does so.
Fecca: A reverse superplex?!
Styles: That’s going to huuuuuuuurt!
As she’s getting her in position Justyce is up and comes over, stepping under Isabell’s legs she grabs on hard and in a moment’s notice the women all move, Isabell bringing Ciara down and Justyce slamming Isabell down as they crash to the mat as the ring shakes!
Styles: It looks like a train wreck!
All three women are near motionless in the ring. We see a couple replays as the crowd is digging every moment of it “THIS IS AWESOME! THIS IS AWESOME! THIS IS AWESOME!” quotes spread throughout.
Fecca: These women giving it all they have here tonight.
Justyce is up first, having been the only one not had a move done to her in that last one. She wastes no time in making the pinfall on Ciara, knowing she was worse for wear.
Barely, just barely she gets a shoulder up. Justyce now switches over towards Isabell.
She too barely gets one up as Justyce sits in the ring frustrated. She gets up and goes for Isabell, putting her left leg in a sidelock. This causes Isabell to come to life quickly as she feels the pain and begins the fight. She’s inching towards the ropes and banging on the mat as Justyce tries to increase the pressure. Ciara has made it to her feet via the ropes and sees what’s happening. She quickly steps forward and stomps in Justyce’s head breaking up the submission.
Fecca: She knows if Izzy would have tapped it would have been over.
As she falls Ciara grabs her and lays her next to Isabell. She begins to climb the ropes and then once on top she leaps off backwards in a moonsault.
WHAM! She nails it on Justyce but Isabell rolls out of the way! On the way down Ciara’s foot catches the ref trying to get out of the way, effectively knocking him out!
Fecca: What impact!
Styles: But the ref’s down!
Isabell rolls out of the ring as Ciara slowly but surely makes the cover and the crowd begins to count. “ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR! FIVE! BOOOOO!!!”
Fecca: With no ref, there can be no pinfall.
Styles: Wow, you’re smart.
Isabell is reaching underneath the ring for something but finds herself getting a baseball slide dropkick from Ciara as she goes flying into the barricade.
Fecca: I don’t think she is appreciating the fact that Izzy was trying to cheat!
Styles: What are you talking about? I see a mirror on the ground, she was checking her features out, not cheating!
Ciara comes over and begins to unload onto Izzy with a couple rights but when she goes for the third one Isabell quickly ducks it and grabs her head and drops her to the mat.
Styles: Good night Ciara.
Ciara’s out from the finisher as in the ring both the ref and Justyce are coming to. Isabell quickly grabs her mirror and slides into the ring. Justyce doesn’t see what she’s got in her hand as she turns around and SHATTER! Isabell drives the mirror right into the face of Justyce as she drops to the mat.
Fecca: She cheated! Look ref, look!
Styles: Lier. She was checking out her beauty and Justyce ran into her mirror.
Fecca: You're ghey.
"Not Joey" Styles: K.
Isabell makes the cover as the ref has now come to.
Styles: It’s over!
Sabrina: Here is your winner and the #1 Contender to the Femme Fatale Championship… ISABELL WINTERS!
He calls for the bell as "Head for The Barricade" By Limp Bizkit hits and she celebrates. We fade into our final King of PWT advert. ]
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Re:PWT Presents 'King Of PWT' (June/July 2007)
Date Posted:02/17/2009 3:26 AMCopy HTML

[ After the promo package of the King of Professional Wrestling Today tournament airs, we finally zoom into how both Travis and Seifer got to this spot before we switch to ringside where Sabrina stands in the ring.
Sabrina: Ladies and Gentlemen it is now time for the MAIN EVENT of the evening! Two men entered this tournament with a dream of becoming the KING of Professional Wrestling Today! A company that sets the TRUE STANDARD amongst ALL other companies. These two men have fought through four rounds to get to this point and now, they face off for not only a guaranteed Money in the Bank title shot, not only THEE MOST PRESTIGIOUS Heavyweight Championship on the MSN Circuit today, but for the right to be called King of PWT, the true pinnacle of yearly wrestling tournaments.
A lot of cheers are heard from the crowd because everything she said was true. Chants of “PWT! PWT! PWT” spread quickly. The lights in the arena dim before the techno pop sound of Justin Timberlake’s "Sexy Back" begin playing over the pa system. The house lights, as well as those around the Titan Tron begin strobing in a multitude of colors in beat with the music. The fans give a decidedly negative reaction, as they know exactly who is coming out. A few seconds later and out from the back struts Travis McNeil. He pauses atop the ramp, looking out at the fans, a smirk on his face. He throws out his arms as he begins walking down the ramp, spinning around in a fashion similar to the legendary Ric Flair.
Sabrina: "Introducing first, making his way to the ring…he hails from Las Vegas, Nevada …and weighs in tonight at 225 pounds…he is " The Rrrrrrrrrrreal Deal" Travis McNeeeeeeil!"
As Travis nears the bottom of the ramp he breaks into a sprint, sliding into the ring under the bottom rope sideways. He slows to a stop damn near in the center of the ring, already striking a pose. He quickly kips to his feet as he walks over and ascends the nearest turnbuckle. He throws out his arms again, before running his hands through his hair. He gestures up and down his body as he flexes a bit, a huge grin on his face. He hops down and stretches a bit as his music is cut and the lights return to normal, awaiting his opponent.
Fecca: The man who has gone through Phoenix, Georgia James, and Justyce to get to this point now awaits his greatest challenge yet in his young career.
Styles: He has taken the PWT world by storm, coming just for this tournament but has quickly scaled through the rankings and now has the opportunity of a lifetime.
Everything in the arena blackens again it lingers for a couple of anticipating moments before finally a match is lit on the PWTron. It lightens up the entire area in a red orange light and then begins to dim out. As soon as it blackens again red and orange pryo’s go off as the beginning of “Lookin’ At You” by The Game echoes around the arena. Up on the tron a video of the streets of Miami is shown various shots, various roads, all leading to the American Airlines Arena, panning across the water quite a few times as well.
Walkin down the street, in my All Stars In my, khaki suit, doin what (I) do Walkin down the street, smokin, chronic In my black locs, lookin, (AT) you
Guess who's back on the West coast tracks It's the motherfuckin messiah of gangsta rap Still dip in the six-fo', still puffin on the same chronic Haters mad cause I still got it
As soon as Game’s lyrics come… they sound all too real. Sure enough in the center of the stage rising up from below is… THE GAME! He’s rapping his track and gets a HUGE ovation.
Seif never fall off, even without the S You niggaz sellin your soul tryin to stay on top Bitch nigga check your Kotex, you niggaz ain't movin shit like the hand on a fake-ass Rolex I'm five million sold, the cover of my last album the only time you see me sittin on gold Seif's the most anticipated, most celebrated Most loved and the motherfuckin most hated Keep rollin like gold Daytons Niggaz got Seif fucked up like Hennessy with a Coke chaser You gotta deal with him, he's the Professional Wrestling saviour Niggaz think of him everytime they six-tre scraper
As the next part kicks in we see the man who resurrected professional wrestling, the only REAL World Champion of MSN and Wrestling… Seifer. He’s dressed in his wrestling gear but has a black with teal and silver lining robe on with a hood. He cracks his neck to the side and makes his way through, slapping The Game’s hand as he walks on by him and has his eyes fixed on the ring.
What do you call a nigga who's overbearin Belligerent, foul, defiant and very disrespectful You call that nigga the Doctor's Advocate He's a reflection of Dr. Dre in his heyday in the worst way The five star surgeon general Took Jayceon to the Aftermath research department And gave him a blood test It came back G-A-M-E positive The nigga's infected with the Game virus His oratorical skills are so impeccable That niggaz in the streets call him Cyrus The young don who is down with violence cause in his heart he's a tyrant It's not a game, it's just called The Game There'll be no referees, no halftime reports When the game is over, The Game is over You can't put a quarter in the machine and get three mo' men THAT'S, the end
Up on the tron we have reached the AAA arena where atop of it sits a throne. Lightning strikes said throne and we’re thrown into a frenzied battle field with various hills and mountains across the valley. Of course it’s a war zone and each of these hills are names of federations. The camera pans around and finally comes to the largest mountain, towering over all the other as the rain pours down. On the top is Seifer, sitting in his throne watching all the peasants from other wrestling companies battle it out for petty prizes while Seifer rules the Wrestling Kingdom. The video then goes into clips of Seifer’s past matches while still showing glimpses of this scene. Game finishes out his song.
I done been to hell and back Left for dead, you know who to thank for that Finished my second LP without a Dr. Dre track You can take my soul but can't take my plaques I'm the motherfuckin snare when it touch the beat I'm the 808 drum that got you movin your feet I'm the heir to the throne after the D-R-E Product of my environment, you old-ass niggaz get ready for your early retirement Before I let hip-hop burn down I run in the building like a fireman Who can outspit me when I'm high off sticky Throwin back Patron shots in some creased up dickies I'm D.O.C. certified, Ice Cube (Lynch'd) me Snoop stamped me and the good Doc handpicked me You still with me? Me and my mic can't be seperated like Interscope and - hahaha Ohhh shit
Sabrina: Making his way to the ring… hailing from Miami, Florida, the Professional Wrestling Today Heavyweight Champion of the World! THIS… IS… SEIFER!!!
Seifer has now made his way to the bottom of the ramp and circles the ring, his eyes avoiding Travis as he looks on edgy and waiting. Finally Seifer enters the ring and sheds his robe, taunting with both championships held up in the air at the back right turnbuckle. Seifer gets off and hands his titles to the referee. The beats finally begin to fade a little as Game finishes up and gets a huge standing ovation before heading to the back as we return ringside.
The Game: This gon' be an instant classic! Miami's own tearin' it up! This is the aftermath for the Aftermath West coast, Dirry South! YEA SEIF! KILL 'EM ALL!!
Styles: What a performance by The Game!
Fecca: Yes indeed. Then you’ve got Seifer. The man who is quite the opposite from Travis as he’s done it all, one of the odds on favorite to win the tournament. He fell short last year in the Semi’s to King CM, now is the chance he’s been waiting for. He’s gone through Jason Caine, Sean Hunter, Tim Torn, and Isabell Winters to get to this point.
The bell rings as the two men begin to circle one another. Each flashing that same determined look in their eyes. Finally the two of them lock up, center ring. We begin with a battle of strength as the two men size each other up. Nearly the same height, with Seif holding a one inch and near thirty pound advantage over Travis, he begins to show it as he starts pushing Travis back towards the left front turnbuckle. He gets him down and then lets go, backing up a bit. Travis shakes it off and goes up to Seifer yet again. They go to hook up again but we hear a ring... Seifer holds up his hand to stop Travis as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a cell phone.
Fecca: A CELL PHONE?! He's about to wrestle for the King of PWT crown!
Styles: He's a very important person, it's ok. Must be important.
Judging by Seifer's reaction when he answers, it's not, we can't hear him but we do catch him mouthing something that has to do with 'Stop calling me Izzy' he then drops the phone and starts to stomp on it breaking it before kicking it aside and looking back to Travis.
Fecca: Interesting...
Styles: She's so obsessed with him!
Fecca: But why did he bring his cellphone with him?
Styles: Good point... probably to do that segment.
In the ring Seifer's finally ready as Travis walks forward shaking off the annoyance and offers up a hand to link and Seifer does but Travis does the heelish thing and kicks Seifer in the gut instead, causing him to double over before landing a couple of punches to Seifer's face and pushing him into the ropes where he gives Seifer an Irish whip. On the rebound Seifer ducks a clothesline attempt but Travis and hits off the ropes again, this time spinning around and nailing Travis with a heel kick. Travis goes down as Seifer goes to pick him up, shoving him once again into the turnbuckle as he applies a front face lock and brings some knees up to Travis' midsection. Seifer does this a couple times before finally falling back some and hitting Travis with a snap suplex. Seifer rises to his feet and brings Travis with him, looking for another suplex he lifts him up but Travis falls on the other side, grabbing Seifer by the shoulders and slamming him back first into the mat. Seifer is back up quickly but Travis is quicker as he gets a STO takedown on Seifer. Travis follows this up by some knees of his own to the side of Seifer before picking him up and dropping him with a Death Valley Driver.
Fecca: Some intense interaction thus far from the two potential Kings. The seasoned vet took the advantage from the beginning but it looks like Travis is showing he can hang.
Seifer is getting up as Travis just stalks up, and as soon as he can he nails him with an Osaka Street Cutter, just dropping him to the mat. This time Travis goes to scale the turnbuckle, climbing up top and as the fans get on their feet and flash their cameras, Travis leaps off dropping a thunderous legdrop onto Seifer. Travis rolls him over and makes the cover.
Seifer throws his body out to the side, making sure to kickout as Travis gets to his feet and helps Seifer to his. He drags Seifer over to the turnbuckle he just leaped off from and slams his head into the padded corner a couple of times. Seifer absorbs the blows and then elbows Travis to the gut and then the face, grabbing his head and slamming it into the turnbuckle himself. He grabs a hold of Travis and heaves him up into a backwards slide-slam. It almost looks as if Seifer was going to go for the cover but with Travis' leg lifted he instead gets up and turns it, letting out a little "WHOOOOOO" for his boy Flair and then begins to apply the figure four. But lucky for Travis he's right there at the ropes and grabs a hold of them, giving Seifer no real time to do any damage. Seifer isn't too pleased by this so after releasing the hold he begins to kick at the midsection of Travis - not allowing him to get up just yet. Travis wisely slides out of the ring to avoid the onslaught of kicks as he comes to his feet only to have his hair being pulled by Seifer from up top. Feeling the pain he climbs the apron but now the momentum shifts again as Travis grabs Seifer's head and brings him down, dropping his throat right on the top rope as Seifer stumbles around in the ring while Travis rubs his head for a moment before sliding back into the ring as well. As Seifer finishes stumbling and turns around he's met with a springboard flying forearm that takes Seifer down. Seifer begins to get up but Travis quickly stays on the attack with a bulldog. Feeling the tides shifting he jumps on top of Seifer and applies an STF submission.
Fecca: THE STF!
Styles: Seifer will get out of it.
Fecca: How can you be so sure?
Styles: The move really lost it's legitimacy when Cena used it.
Fecca: Good point.
Well it's a lot harder to get out of it then they think as Seifer reaches but finds him way a bit aways from the ropes. Travis is pulling back hard too, trying everything in his power to get Seifer to tap it. For a couple moments, the fans hold their breath; it looks like Seifer may indeed have to tap.
Fecca: I think it's starting to get serious here!
The crowd feels it too as Seifer makes an effort to get closer and closer but Travis rolls him and we find ourselves in another section of the ring, Seifer still a few feet away. The crowd begins to get into it, cheering on their champion. "SEIFER! SEIFER! SEIFER!"
Seifer feeds off the energy and begins to pulls his body closer and closer, inching his way until he finally grabs the bottom rope as the referee steps in and tells Travis to break the hold. He does, grudgingly as he gets up and drags Seifer back into the center of the ring and begins to tie up his legs looking for a Texas cloverleaf. However Seifer isn't having any of it as he kicks Travis in the face and then backs up a little as Travis comes forward. Seifer, adapt at the ground game spins his body around and trips Travis up with his legs. Travis begins to fall as Seifer spins around again and mounts him as soon as he falls to the mat. Like a lightning flash flurry Seifer begins to throw elbows to the back of Travis' head, one after the other after the other. Travis tries to cover the blows with his arms but Seifer is relentless. He grabs one of Travis' arms and begins to interlock his arms around it as Travis rolls over, feeling a submission coming on. Seifer however is staying true to it and is nearing getting that arm neck lock in but Travis kicks with his legs, giving his body some elevation from the mat as he rolls head over heels and away from Seifer, coming towards the ropes he pulls himself towards them, his body ending up outside of the ropes as he sees Seifer standing up. Travis rolls onto his stomach and in the ring but as he gets up Seifer's got his arms wrapped around him and hits him with a German suplex! Seifer doesn't stop there though as he drops him with a second German. Travis is out of it now as Seifer goes for the trifecta.
Fecca: Three Germans!
And now, he does the unthinkable to many, many, many wrestling fans. He takes his thumb across his throat and begins to make his way to the top rope.
Fecca: Tell me he didn't just pull a Benoit.
Styles: He doesn't have a wife or kids.
Fecca: I meant by using his moves.
Up on the top rope now Seifer throws his arms out to the side and leaps off landing a perfectly executed Benoit head dive as he does the patented feel the head throbbing roll before finally making the cover.
Styles: I guess he did.
Fecca: That's sickening, the man is a murderer and Seifer's doing his patented moves in honor of him at PWT's biggest PPV?
Styles: Hey Robbie, ask if he gives a fuck. People like you who cry about it annoy me, HEY SEIF, PUT HIM IN THE CROSSFACE!
Seifer must have heard that as he looks over at Styles and gives him a thumbs up, with Travis down he jumps right on his arm and yanks it between his legs as he grabs a hold of his head and neck and arches it back, putting tremendous pressure on the neck and upper back.
Styles: YES!
Fecca: Sometimes Seifer really pisses me off.
Styles: So?
Travis is crawling towards the rope, fighting the pain and the pressure not to give in or tap out. He's having a hard time though but sure enough he's got a lot of fight in him as he makes it to the ropes. Seifer keeps the hold on up until the four count before finally letting go. He motions for Travis to get up, who does just that but takes his time in doing so. As he comes to his feet Seifer Irish whips him into the corner and follows with a running clothesline. Travis is feeling it and Seifer goes to clock him but Travis' eyes get wide as he points behind Seifer and yells. "ISABELL!!!"
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Re:PWT Presents 'King Of PWT' (June/July 2007)
Date Posted:02/17/2009 3:27 AMCopy HTML

Seifer immediately darts his head around figuring she has something up her sleeve and finds nobody but before he can even think next Travis has grabbed Seifer's arms and spins him in a 360 and drops him to the ground.
Styles: He tricked him!
Fecca: That's what Seifer gets for having his mind on Isabell!
Styles: [mad]!
Travis rolls Seifer onto his back and makes the cover as the ref slides in to count.
Styles: Damn that was close!
Travis doesn't agree with it as he tells the ref it was a three count and then makes another cover.
Sighing as Seifer kicked out quicker this time he gets up and picks Seifer up as well, he calls for it and places Seifer in between his legs, looking for The Deal Breaker but Seifer is able to back body drop Travis before he can hit it as he falls to one knee and then finally stands back up. Travis is getting up as well as Seifer grabs him and whips him into the front turnbuckle before darting out across towards him and leaping into the air, nailing him with a Stinger Splash.
Fecca: AIR SEIF!
As Travis stumbles out of the turnbuckle Seifer's right there to kick him in the gut and in the power bomb position sends him over his head and drops him on his chest with the REALM OF NIGHTMARES! The crowd digs it as Seifer makes the cover.
Styles: SO CLOSE!
Fecca: Travis showing a lot of fight in him here tonight!
Seifer shakes his head and picks Travis up, lifting him onto his shoulders but before he can do anything Travis slips off and as Seif turns he grabs him and WHAM!!!
Styles: Hey that rhymed.
Seifer's dropped but Travis too falls down, unable to make the cover. With both men down the referee has no choice but to make the count. ONE... TWO... THREE... FOUR... the crowd gets into it, making a lot of noise as they stomp and clap, urging both men to get up as they want to see more of this exciting match. FIVE... SIX... Travis is stirring; in fact he's wobbling to his feet. SEVEN... EIGHT... Seifer too has made his way around, using the ropes on the left side to pull himself up. NINE... both men are fully up as the ref waves off his count and the match continues. The two beaten men find themselves slugging it out in the center of the ring, going to one knee after the first couple and finding the strength to come back with another one. Travis's punches have a little more zest to them as he gets Seifer reeling, pushing him back some. Seifer lashes out with a short clothesline but Travis ducks it and drops Seifer with a swinging neck breaker. With Seifer down and looking like he's out of it, Travis decides it's time to go for some high risk as he climbs up the turnbuckles. Seifer's on his back as he sees this and almost as soon as Travis reaches the top rope Seifer has kipped up much to the delight of the crowd.
Seifer runs up the turnbuckle and grabs Travis who has his back to the ring as he heaves him up in an Olympic slam as Travis' back comes crashing down to the mat below!!!
The crowd is absolutely going crazy now as Seifer rolls over, he too took some of the impact. After a few seconds Seifer's able to bring himself up to his feet as he looks down at his downed opponent. Walking over to Travis he grabs his legs.
Styles: YES!
Seifer has a gleam in his eye as he wraps Travis's legs up and turns him over, clamping down with the Immortal Deathlock. The crowd is all on their feet now cheering this on as Travis suddenly springs to life, feeling the pain rushing through his body, from his lower back all the way up to his brain. He begins swinging his arms around trying to reach out and grab something, anything. Seifer's got that determined look back in his eyes as he pulls back on the submission. Travis is trying to fight it, crawling his way to the ropes. Seifer ends up having to take a couple steps back and then finally shakes his head.
Fecca: The pain must be tremendous!
Seifer picks Travis up and walks back to the center of the ring, this time putting his foot near Travis's neck as he pulls back even harder, holding Travis's body in a near vertical position and as soon as he does that the pain becomes too much as Travis has no choice... TAP TAP TAP!!
Styles: HE DID IT!!
"Can't Be Touched" by Roy Jones Jr. blares throughout the arena as the crowd erupts into a deafening cheer as Seifer throws his arms out to the side and walks around the ring, feeling the adrenaline rush through his body. He jumps up to the top turnbuckle and pumps his arms in the air a few times as the confetti begins to fall. Seifer remains on the second rope and looks out at the masses on their feet chanting his name. "KING SEI-FER! KING SEI-FER! KING SEI-FER!" He throws his arms out to the side once more, soaking in his glory.
Fecca: What an awesome match that was! So intense by both men. Travis did an excellent job!
Styles: But once Seifer locked in the most dangerous submission today Travis was done for. He did what he'd said he'd do and made Travis submit to the NEW KING!
Sabrina: Ladies and Gentlemen here is your winner, STILL the World Heavyweight Champion and the TWO THOUSAND AND SEVEN, KING OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING TODAY.... SSSSSEEEEEEEIIIIIFFFEEEEERRRRRR!!!!!!
Seifer continues his celebration as Travis has now rolled out of the ring and heads to the back, not wanting any part of it. As the cameras are on the ramp we see the smiling face of Thee Glorified Goddess making her way down the ramp as Seifer pauses his celebration and notices her coming down, a smile on his face too.
Fecca: Well that young man could have a bright future ahead of him, he did one hell of a job in this tournament and surprised many people.
Styles: But in the end Robbie, there can be only one King. ALL HAIL KING SEIFER!
Fecca: Seifer has overcame the disappointment of last year and has risen above and beyond, claiming his spot as one of the greatest PWT superstars ever as he becomes King of PWT leaving him one title short of the ultimate grand slam.
Styles: Judging by this reaction, I'd say he's already a people's champion.
Fecca: Indeed he is. And as you can see Georgia is making her way out here to celebrate with her man.
Styles: They both accomplished what they set out to do tonight, though it must be a bit hard for our Gee coming out here knowing how close she came in the finals last year.
In the ring Seifer has lowered and now dropped his titles as the two have a full body embrace as their lips meet and the crowd erupts into a huge "SEIGEE! SEIGEE! SEIGEE!" chant. After finally breaking the liplock Georgia picks up the titles and hands 'em to Seifer as she has her arms wrapped around him while the confetti continues to fall all around.
Fecca: That right there shows it doesn't matter Eddie, love conquers all. What an amazing night it has been ladies and gentlemen. We have crowned a new King, Bobby Johnson has won the grand slam, Jessica Jones becomes the first woman to ever hold the People's Championship, and so much more has happened tonight folks, what a way to have our grand PPV! From Cairo, Egypt, I'm Bob Fecca with my partner Eddie Styles, GOODNIGHT!
Seifer and Georgia standing tall in the ring together as the last shots are of Seifer holding up his championships as we finally fade out. "King of Kings" hits as we see a complete recap of the PPV and all the matches and winners in celebration as well as the returns. The music finally dies down and the confetti is abound in the video before it fades to black and the King of PWT logo is shown before that to fades into nothingness. ]

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