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Date Posted:11/18/2010 4:14 PMCopy HTML
 Saturday April 17th, 2010 Commentary Team: Burt Busch, Bobby Fecca & Eddie Styles Venue: Columbus Ohio Theme Song: "Still Unbroken" Lynard Skynard Deadline: 11pm Central Time Saturday Night (Midnight Sunday Morning EST) 24 Hour Deadline 11pm Centeral Time Friday Night
Main Event PWT World Title Taylor Lynn VS Christian Michaels Referee Assigned: Jim Richards Writer: Johnathan ((After an epic arrival to PWT, Taylor Lynn makes her in ring debut in unprecedented fashion as she faces Christian Michaels for the PWT World's Heavyweight Title.))
Match Five PWT Femme Fatale Championship Hope Rivers VS Teresa Ramos Referee: Frank Mason Writer: Chrissy ((Hope's the contender, Teresa's the champion... Bam! We've got a match.))
Unadvertised Match Match Four David Van Dam VS Taylor McCallister Referee: Jim Richards Writer: David ((RP for it anyway, we'll just pretend they never happened lol.))
Advertised Segment The Wetdown: Hosted by Leaky Format Special Guest: PWT Backyard Champion Matt Matlock Writer: Taylor ((The Wetdown is LIVE on Shockwave and this week Leaky Interviews the PWT Backyard Champion Matt Matlock... This should prove controversial as always.))
Match Three Singles Drew Stevenson VS Shattered Soul Referee: Mitch Roberts Writer: Taylor
((Drew Stevenson issued the challenge, Shattered Soul eventually (and abruptly) accepted... Will Jessica Jones be in the house?))Match Two Singles Damian Collins VS Phoenix Winterborn Referee Assigned: William Sharpe Writer: Nate (DC) ((Anything Matlock can do Phoenix can do better? Damian Collins might have something to say about that.)) Opening Bout Singles Shadow VS Nevyrmorr Referee Assigned: Frank Mason Writer: Andrew ((Two awkward individuals go head to head to open the show.))
Opening Segment Jonathan Brooks Presents Kimberly Pain With The PWT Revolution Championship Writer: Taylor ((And she deserves it folks.))
-------------------Dark Matches------------------- ((Dark Matches are untelevised matches that take place solely for the fans in attendence before the TV Broadcast begins. There's a variety of reasons someone might be booked in a Dark Match... - Your character will be on TV Later in a non-competitive roll that wouldn't work as well if you wrestled before or after - Your new and we're making sure you'll rp - We Ran out of room on the other card and figured you'd rather rp for a dark match then no match - Other))
Match Three Singles Xavier Homicide VS Allen Creed Referee Assigned: Mitch Roberts Summerized by: Johnathan
((Allen Creed picked up a victory over the lesser known of the Van Dam clan two weeks ago in front of the Indianapolis fans, now can he do the same against the former number 1 contender Xavier Homicide or will Homicide remind Creed why messing with Homicide is... Suicide.))
Match Two Singles Non-Title Brandon Nymo VS Salman Van Dam Referee Assigned: Mitch Roberts Summerized By: Johnathan ((Brandon Nymo makes a debut of sorts as he faces Salman Van Dam... Van Dam looks to avenge his loss in Indy as Brandon looks to make his name..))Opening Match Singles Lori Anne Rossdale VS Mystique Referee Assigned: Willie Sharpe Summerized By: Johnathan ((The Short Bus Native Faces A Woman With a Short Bus in her trossers, should be "special".))
Also Appearing: NovaCaine, Kaydence Starr, Jessica Jones, Jimmy Stryker, WhIsper and More!!!
Card Subject To Change |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave April 17th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 4:16 PMCopy HTML

As the Fans piled into the Nationwide Arena in Columbus Ohio They got treated to three bouts that nobody in TV Land would ever see.
Opening Match Singles Lori Anne Rossdale VS O'Donna Referee Assigned: Willie Sharpe Winner: Lori Anne Rossdale
Lori Anne Rossdale made a return to the ring looking to start getting the rust off on the dark card. O'Donna was being watched very closely as this fifties Roller Chick gimmicked diva from Indianapolis's Wrestle Art Revolution was part of the contest in which Kaydence Starr recieved her shoulder injury a few weeks ago. However, Donna performed well tonight as too did Lori Anne. In the End it was Lori Anne with a a big Oklahoma Slam to secure the three. Good lil six minute match to kick things off.
Match Two Singles Non-Title Brandon Nymo VS Salman Van Dam Referee Assigned: Mitch Roberts Winner: The Guy who was stuck in line at the concession stand
((Good thing Xavier Homicide was scheduled to follow this or the crowd might have ended up sleeping through the opening of Shockwave. What a snoozefest. Thank God it wasn't on TV, It'd of been a disaster. I don't remember who won, I dozed off.))
Match Three Singles Xavier Homicide VS Allen Creed Referee Assigned: Mitch Roberts Winner: Xavier Homicide
((In contrast to the previous contest, this is one of the finest dark matches I can recall. Allen Creed came out in full force looking to catch someones eye as he wagged battle with the former number one contender Xavier Homicide. Xavier showed off his speed and technical prowess in the early goings staying one step ahead of Creed but, all good things have to come to an end and nobody knew that better then XAvier when he went for a bulldog and ended up being stopped in mid leap and having his momentum forced to make a three sixty, getting himself a devistating belly to back suplex. Creed would remain on top for a while using his raw strength and alot of chokes and strikes. Finally however, Xavier managed to get himself back on top with an assist from a fired up crowd and the final shot in the match was Xaiver's XXXecutioner, 1, 2, 3.)) |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave April 17th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 4:17 PMCopy HTML
Once again it's that time... The PWT Logo flashes over a black screen before an instrumental is heard in the background... We see Footage of Michaels and WallStreet as we hear Burt Busch...
Busch, "It does not get any bigger folks… The Corporate Icon Taylor McCallister one on one with the Southern Heartthrob Christian Michaels for the most coveted prize in all of professional wrestling… The PWT World’s heavyweight championship."
We see Van Dam call for the bell and watch clips of Michaels and McCallister waging war... We see Van Dam giving each of them the business when they'd attempt to push the rules, and we even see WallStreet lose his temper once. That's when everything goes quiet for just a moment...
"You Gotta Keep Em Seperated"
"Come Out And Play" by Offspring begins playing as we see Taylor Lynn come out onto the stage.
Fecca, " Hey… Isn’t that… She’s from Chicago… She’s…" Styles, "Hot as Hell…" Busch, "And twice as dangerous… That’s Taylor Lynn! Bah GOD What in the HELL Is Taylor Lynn doing here?!"
We show her getting into the ring with steel chair in hand... Van Dam attempting to prevent Lynn's entrance and WHAM! A steel chair shot sends Van Dam hitting the mat and rolling to the floor. We see WallStreet get wrapped once and the scene turns black and white as his head busts open from one side of his hairline all the way to the other... We see him get up and WHAM! A second chair shot sends him sailing over the top rope. We witness Faith Rivers come in and WHAM! She's history...
Busch, " Van Dam! Rivers! McCallister! Taylor Lynn is cleaning house on our main event but… but WHY?!"
Michaels is in the corner, his hands on either top rope, his forehead against the top tunrbuckle as his upper torso glistens with sweat... He lets go and staggers backwards with Taylor Lynn stalking behind... He turns and WHAM! He's down... TL Drops the chair...
Busch, " Oh thank Goodness, she’s relinquished the foreign object…"
CM pushes himself up, his back to Lynn as the camera catches his full on bloody face… He turns around and WHAM! A big kick to the gut doubles the champion over and makes him stumble forward… Lynn Facelocks him, gives a big grin and then snaps back DDTing him so hard on the chair that he flips up and over and his momentum rolls him out of the ring making him fall on his back on the floor.
Busch, " Taylor Lynn! Taylor Lynn has arrived to PWT and she has just taken out three PWT Walk Of Famers, the PWT World’s Champion and the former PWT Femme Fatale Champion! I don’t believe it! Our World title contest has come to an abrupt end and the only person left in the ring wasn’t even scheduled to be here!"
Taylor Lynn shows off the chair with WallStreet and Michaels blood all over it… She wipes her index and middle fingers through getting a big glob on her fingers before she wipes it down on either of her cheeks, creating two bloody streaks on both sides of her face…
Busch, " This woman’s crazed!"
The crowd boos as Taylor Lynn says, " Oh Chriiissss… Sweetie… I hear you’re this great "Fighting Champion"… I’m not used to that where I come from but I just think that’s swell… Really… I do…"
Styles, " Am I the only one getting completely creeped out that she came in here, destroyed everything in site and is now talking all soft and sweet like?" Fecca, "No sir, It is indeed very creepy."
Taylor Lynn continues, " But if you’re really such a "fighting" champion… You’ll fight me… Two weeks from Tonight in Columbus Ohio for the PWT World’s Heavyweight Championship!"
Busch, " WHAT?! There’s no way he’s gonna be a hundred percent for a title fight in two weeks!" Fecca, "Yeah, but do you think after all of this he’s gonna say no?!" Busch, "Ah Hell… We’re gonna have a world title match in two weeks! Taylor Lynn has just arrived and she has taken this entire company by storm! Two weeks from tonight Kimberly Pain becomes Revolution Champion… Shattered Soul goes one on one with Drew Stevenson and… Christian Michaels defends the World’s Heavyweight Championship against……… Taylor Lynn?! I just… I can’t believe it!"
Lynn drops the mic, a smirk on her face as the fans are all booing loudly and all of her victims are still motionless or damn near motionless at ringside. Taylor holds the blood covered chair in the sky as "Come Out And Play" continues blasting over the PA
With that we head into a highlight video to the sounds of "Still Unbroken" by Lynard Skynard. That rolls for a little less than a minute showing images of Jessica Jones looking sexy as Hell with her PWT Titanium championship, Javen looking crazed on the floor with Regret behind one shoulder and Plague behind the other, Drew Stevenson wrenching in the Texas Cloverleaf on an unconscious Shadow, Damian Collins doing his old school Orton style pose in the corner, Kimberly Pain doing a moonsault, NovaCaine and Nosferatu throwing shots in the back, Teresa Ramos looking all sexy on the stage, Xavier Homicide in a dark area throwing tapped up jabs at a punching bag... Hope Rivers looking all Sexy in the rain.... And Finally Christian Michaels wearing the PWT World title around the waist, giving the camera a serious look before we switch to a bunch of rapid shot footage of various people taking the Just Like That (Twist of Fate) and finally head into an arena sweep...
PWT SHOCKWAVE LIVE April 17, 2010 Nationwide Arena Columbus Ohio
Busch, "WELCOME to Pee Dubbya Tee SHOCKWAVE! Double B Burt Busch alongside of The "Icon of Style" Eddie Styles and Bobby Fecca for two hours of the most jam packed, action filled wrasslin on TV today..."
"Crying Like A Bitch" by Godsmack suddenly begins to blast over the PA drawing a huge (albeit mixed) reaction from the fans.
Busch, "And what a way to kick things off! The former Number one contender about to make his way to the ring and fellas, Ya gotta believe he's not gonna be in a joyous spirit after what transpired here two weeks ago."
The curtain flies to the side and sure enough, Out steps WallStreet in his suit.
Fecca, "You saw it right before we came on the air... The replay of that vile assault on everyone involved in our main event two weeks ago... Now you can see the effects as WallStreet wears that massive bandage on his head." Busch, "Absolutely... David Van Dam and Faith Rivers both victims of Taylor Lynn's assault but it seemed like she put the most mustard on the sandwiches of McCallister and Michaels... Obviously sending a very clear message to anyone and everyone in the PWT World title picture."
WallStreet walks down the isle with a little extra emphasis in his steps, his face cold as stone as his nostrils flare every now and again on his journey.
Sabrina, "Ladies and Gentlemen, Please welcome from Manhattan New York....... Taylor... WAAAAAAAALLLSTREEEEEEEEEEET...... MCCCCCCCCCALLLISTERRRRR!"
WallStreet rounds the corner and climbs the stairs, stepping up onto the canvas and entering between the ropes. WallStreet walks over and accepts the microphone from Sabrina as the music begins to fade and Sabrina begins to hit the bricks.
WallStreet, "Christian Michaels!"
Some members of the crowd cheer at the mention of Michaels name, others continue to boo much the same as they have been since WallStreet walked down the isle.
WallStreet, "Christian Michaels.... What occurred here two weeks ago was what I like to call a "Saving Grace". You may be the number one guy in our sport right now but, I can say with full certainty that had Taylor Lynn not done what she did two weeks ago, I'd be standing here right now as PWT World... Heavyweight... Champion."
Some of the crowd cheers, But more then half are booing as some of the Michaels supporters have joined the Smarks side of things now.
WallStreet, "Hey... You guys boo... I can respect that... You love your Christian Michaels... Hell, I love Christian Michaels too BUT... I love being Champion more and to see it ripped from my hands by some maniac broad with a chair just doesn't sit too damn well with me! So... Win, Lose, Or Draw... I'm calling it right here, right now... Two weeks from tonight I WILL Get the title rematch opportunity that I was suppose to get LAST Shockwave and whether it Christian Michaels or Taylor Lynn, I WILL Become... PWT's World's.... Heavyweight....... Cha.."
"DAVID... VAN... DAM! (HEY!) We The Best"
"All I Do Is Win (Van Dam Remix)" Begins blasting over the PA as Van Dam's highlight reel takes the Tron, making WallStreet look very impatient in the ring.
Busch, "WallStreet in the midst of declaring his intention to contest the PWT Champion in two weeks when we head to the Quickens Loan Arena in Cleveland Ohio and now... well... apparently now we're being joined by David Van Dam."
The curtain draws to the side and Busch's assumption is confirmed as Van Dam steps out in a pair of dress slacks and a collared shirt.
Fecca, "David Van Dam a part of that main event chaos that ensued two weeks ago... Of course as you mentioned earlier Burt, Lynn saved the brunt of her punishment for WallStreet and Michaels, hence the lack of stitches or bandages on David's head." Styles, "Yeah, But let's not worry so much about all that right now... I'm much more interested in the constantly present "Why"... In this case, Why is David Van Dam even here? I mean, I get why he was at Shockwave two weeks ago... It was in his native of Indianapolis, He wanted to visit friends and what the Hell, why not ref while he's there. But now we're in Columbus and this is a Hell of a drive for somebody who's retired." Fecca, "Well how bout it Busch, You're buddies with Van Dam aren't ya? Why's he here?" Busch, "WallStreet's "buddies" with Van Dam too, but he sure doesn't seem any more in the loop here than anybody else." Fecca, "Are you trying to say I have to read your blog to find out?" Busch, "While I'm appreciative of every view my blog receives on PWT-dot-com, no, I wouldn't recommend that it'd be of any service in answering your "why" as pertains to Van Dam's presence tonight."
Whatever the "Why" is, We're sure to find out soon as Van Dam's climbing the stairs and has a hand out toward a ringside staff member as he steps onto the apron. Said member hands Van Dam a microphone as he bends down and enters between the middle and top ropes.
The music begins to fade as WallStreet says, "You're a little lost Dave... The SSI Office is down the road a few hundred miles back in Indianapolis."
David, "Well damn... I must be getting senial in my old age. Thanks Taylor, I'll go ahead and find my way back there then."
David offers a Thumbs up, turns to leave but instead just turns in a complete circle as he says, "WAIT A MINUTE! DUCK Season My ass! I'm not lost... No, Much the contrary Street, I'm as found as I've ever been! Ya see, Two weeks ago I came down to the Conseco Field House to mingle around, talk to some old friends, and catch the local wrestling show. Then, Somewhere around six or seven Jonathan Brooks pulled me aside and said "Davey Boy... I need ya ta help me out with something... I think Michaels and McCallister are gonna kill each other out there tonight and as good as Jimmy Richards is at his job, I just don't believe there's too many people out there that could force order between them two." So, I accepted a job as the referee for that main event encounter and then... Something happened Taylor."
WallStreet, "I'm not any crazier about Taylor Lynn then anybody else right now but I wouldn't call her a "something"."
David laughs slightly, "No, Not Taylor Lynn... As I stood there, watching you two do what you do better than anybody else in the game today, It began to inspire me. As I started inserting myself in the action, getting a little physical with my restraints, it reminded me... It reminded me of a time when I was the guy screaming for the referee to leave me the Hell alone. The more enraged you got at me, The more I chuckled inside thinking "Yeah... I'd be reacting about the same way". And then yeah, Taylor Lynn came out and pissed on the whole thing. BUT, Even then... Even after Lynn came out like a house on fire and set the main event ablaze, I pulled myself up and I said "WHOOOOOO! That felt good baby!"
WallStreet looks at Van Dam like he's crazy and points at his head bandage as he says, "You think THIS Felt good?!"
David, "Well, Not at the point of impact no. But getting back up, Feeling that rush through my veins... Feeling like I needed to get in that ring and suplex somebody... Chickenwing somebody... That felt good daddy. So good in fact that I've decided that right here in Columbus, I'm going to announce my official RETURN to professional wrestling!"
The crowd erupts, about half cheer, the other half booing.
Busch, "What?! That's HUGE!" Fecca, "Did you know he was gonna make that announcement?!" Busch, "Hell no I didn't know! But... What an announcement to make! The greatest technician alive today is returning to the ring to show the world yet again just what wrestlin's suppose to be!"
WallStreet, "Awesome. Well, I'll tell ya what Dave... I'm happy for ya, I'm happy you chose to return. If anybody was doing the sport an injustice by being absent, it was you. So, since I've said my piece, I'll go ahead and take my leave and let you soak up this moment with your fans. Congratulations David, It's good to have ya back."
WallStreet extends his hand to shake David's, and David accepts.
Busch, "Damn right! David Van Dam has returned, WallStreet offering him a sincere congratulations and we're kicking off in fantastic fashion here tonight..."
WallStreet goes to walk off but David never relinquishes the handshake. WallStreet snaps back around with a "WTF" Expression as David's expression is pretty serious himself.
David (still holding the handshake) brings the mic back to his lips, "But the thing about that is, You are my return Taylor... See, I talked to Jay Bee a few minutes ago and signed the dotted line for my return but, part of that agreement was that right here, live tonight I get a number one contendership match and Daddy... I specifically requested that match be with YOU!"
David releases the handshake as WallStreet's eyes get huge, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!"
David, "That's right Taylor... You... Me... Number One Contendership... TONIGHT! And brother, I've been training EIGHT Long Months for the day I'd meet you again!"
WalLStreet, "You want a piece of me Dave?! Is that what you want?! Eight months?! Well as I recall, Eight months ago I shipped your ass into the Sunny Days retirement center and if you wanta try and step between me and MY shot tonight, then I'll knock your ass out of the sport for another eight months!"
David steps right into WallStreet's face and says, "Try me big man, I'll turn your shoulder to Jello."
David and WallStreet both drop their microphones, Both men face to face, eye to eye...
Busch, "The tension is thicker than a Fast Food Milkshake and now we know these two will go one on one later tonight for number one contendership?! Bah GOD what an encounter that's gonna be! We'll be right back, If these two kill each other during the break we'll be sure to letcha know! Don't go away!"
*Commercial Break* |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave April 17th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 4:18 PMCopy HTML
"I Thought I Told Ya, I'mma Star Ya See the Ice, Ya See the Cars Flashing Lights, Everywhere We Are. Live The Night, Like There's No Tomorrow...
I Thought I Told Ya, I'mma Star Ya See the Ice, Ya See the Cars Flashing Lights, Everywhere We Are. Live The Night, Like There's No Tomorrow..."
The lights flash with a purple tint as the curtain moves and from behind it, The sultry red head herself, Kaydence Starr.
Busch, "Welcome back... We just found out that in addition to our HUGE World Title Main Event tonight, We're gonna see what could quite possibly be the biggest number one contendership match in PWT History as David Van Dam makes his return to challenge the Corporate Icon Taylor McCallister... The winner to take on the winner of our main event. And now... Now we're being joined by another returning star... Kaydence *Starr* to be specific."
Kaydence is slapping some hands as she comes down the ramp, the fans solidly behind her.
Busch, "Kaydence Starr coming back off of a shoulder injury received during a non televised event. I was talking to her earlier in the day and she said the shoulder feels great and she's looking to begin a whole new chapter in her relatively young career. I'm not entirely sure what she meant by that other than she's obviously prepared to put her injury behind her and keep things moving. Little side trivia, Kaydence made her debut on the mainstream circuit in August of 2009 at ICWA's Pay Per View event "Manifest Destiny" after a series of vignettes advertising her eventual arrival. She came in with a lot of hype and expectation and by my view, she's been living up to that expectation ever since."
Kaydence climbs the stairs and crouches down, entering between the bottom and second rope. Kaydence reaches out between the ropes and is handed up a microphone as "I'ma Star" by Jerimih concludes.
Kaydence, "Whew... It sure feels good to be back Columbus."
The crowd cheers... What? You say the city name, the city cheers, that's how it works people.
Kaydence, "A couple months ago I suffered a fairly minor shoulder injury. My career wasn't in jeopardy, but it was on pause for a little while and it provided me with some time to think. The Femme Fatale division has always been a highly competitive, star studded division. The Femme Fatale championship is one any woman should be incredibly proud to hold... However, The new craze around PWT... The New "Revolution" -If you will-... Is Intergender wrestling. You look at Jessica Jones... You Look at Kimberly Pain... You look at Whisper (crowd erupts)... And you see that they're simply in a league all of their own. So as I worked out and rehabbed, I thought... I thought... and then I thought some more. And finally I reached a decision. That decision is that as of right now, I'm officially announcing that I am entering the ranks of the Intergen..."
Kaydence keeps talking but her microphone seems to die. Kaydence taps it a time or two, shrugs, and turns to get a new mic when "Hero" by Skillet begins blasting over the PA.
Sabrina, "Ladies and Gentlemen, The Following Contest is our Opening Bout! It's scheduled for Onefall with a ten minute time limit."
Kaydence looks around confused as somebody at ringside in a white PWT Polo shirt and a head set is motioning for Kaydence to hop out. Our camera cuts from Kaydence to the stage as Shadow runs out from behind the curtain and starts bobbing up and down holding his face ala Jeff Hardy.
Busch, "Well uh... Not sure what just happened there... I rekon Kaydence was about to delcare her intentions to join the ranks of her intergender sisters here in PWT but uh... I guess now we're heading into our opening bout instead?" Styles, "Looks that way." Fecca, "And what an interesting bout it should be as both of these performers are very... unique in their styles." Styles, "Or they read way too many comic books." Busch, "Either way I reckon their fixin to tear it down as they set the pace for what's sure to be a highly explosive episode of PWT Shockwave tonight."
Shadow Claps his hands and points at the fans before he begins heading down the ramp and Sabrina continues making that bank...
Sabrina, "Introducing First... Making his way from Washington DC at a weight of 200 pounds... The Blue Haired Warrior... ShhhhhhhhhhhhADOWWWWW!"
Shadow jumps over the ropes and runs across the ring, leaping up onto the second rope with one foot and throwing his arms out as the crowd continues to cheer.
Busch, "Shadow looking to rebound from a oh in three series with the Emerald Drew Stevenson... Stevenson of course coming up later on in the show as he goes one on one against the debuting Shattered Soul in what I'm sure will be an excellent contest between two very different but equally talented competitors."
"Iowa" by Slipknot begins blasting over the PA as we refocus on the stage... The beat picks up and out from behind the curtain steps Nevyrmorr in his long black trenchcoat.
Busch, "And there's Nev.. Haven't seen much of Nevyrmorr in the last year or so, surely he'll be looking to put himself back on the map here tonight." Fecca, "Absolutely, however, to do that he'll have to go through Shadow and I think we all know that Shadow's not looking to turn his encounters with Drew Stevenson into a full fledged fed wide lossing streak. Shaodw's lookin to get him some tonight." Styles, "Am I the only one a little disturbed that we're about to call a match with two men wearing mascara?"
Busch and Fecca both chuckle as Nev begins down the ramp and Sabrina picks back up, "And the opponent... Hailing from Terre Haute Indiana at a weight of two hundred thirty pounds.... NEVER-MORRRRRRRRRE!"
Nev climbs the stairs and steps between the ropes.
Frank Mason calls for the bell as Shadow and Nev move towards the center of the ring offering something that is rarely seen in wrestling matches these days...A handshake before the war starts.
Busch" Nice show of sportmanship there by Shadow and Nevyrmorr as we open our first match of the evening"
Styles" Pffft, they probably just cursed each other with some of that weird voodoo they do. I bet they both turn into giant turtles that try to eat the world one slow inch at a time."
Fecca" You really need to quit watching late night movies on Chiller"
Nev and Shadow slowly circle each other looking for that opening to shoot in. Nev moves in for the collar and elbow tie up but Shadow goes low catching a single leg that takes the Dark Warrior off his feet...Shadow looks for a step over leg lock but Nev puts a well placed boot to Shadow's chest shoving him off and coming back to his feet with Shadow popping up and the two going face to face again...Nev shoves Shadow back into the ropes whipping him across the ring...Shadow rebounds with Nev dropping down and Shadow crossing over...Shadow puts on the brakes looking for the elbow drop to the back but misses when Nev rolls to the side...Shadow hits nothing but mat with Nev nipping up and hitting the ropes nailing a perfectly timed Basement dropkick right to Shadow's blue haired mug.
Busch" Some solid back and forth wrestling from these two young men. They are definitely looking to be noticed out here tonight"
Fecca" With the all of the recent backstage actions I'm not a bit surprised. The PWT isn't a place where you sign a contract and go sit at home waiting for your checks in the mail. If you don't show up and bring up your talent level you might find yourself without a job very quickly"
Styles" Yeah, Bobby...Don't forget that"
Fecca" Yeah Eddie"
Styles" Huh? What have you heard?"
In the ring Nev has the upper hand after that dropkick pulling Shadow back to his feet and taking him over with a textbook snap suplex. Nev hits a series of machine gun styles fast pace elbow drops over and over to Shadow's sternum before going for the cover.
Shadow kicks out at the three was on the way down. Nev looks a little frustrated but continues to mount the offense.
Busch" Near fall by Nevyrmoor...You gotta believe a victory here tonight has to propel him up the ladder towards an eventual title opportunity."
Fecca" First he has to get that victory and Shadow isn't going away so easily"
Nev pulls Shadow back to his feet firing him into the ropes with the Irish whip...He buries a knee to Shadows gut on the rebound doubling over the blue haired engima. Nev hits the far ropes looking for a boot to the side of Shadow's head, but misses when Shadow pulls back...Nev spins toward Shadow who goes to his talent with the kicks throwing a spinning style wheel kick that catches Nev right on the button dropping him to the delight of the Shadow fans and Leigha at ringside...
Busch" What a counter by Shadow...The lethal feet of Shadow once again coming into play"
Fecca" His kicks come out like his legs are being shot out of a cannon."
It is Shadow's turn to go on the offensive hitting Nev with a rapid fire leg drop and then running up the middle of the ropes with the Asai Moonsault back into the ring and onto Nev"
Busch" A variation on the Asai moonsault that is often times seen going from the ring apron to the floor. Made famous by it's creator the Ultimo Dragon, whose real name is used for the name of the move"
Styles" How do you guys know all of this stuff?"
Fecca" We read something besides Jugs"
Styles" I'm not reading Bobby boy. "
In the ring Shadow goes for the pinfall with the far leg hooked...
Nev kicks out.
Busch" You don't get much closer than that...Mason's hand was almost touching the mat for that three"
Fecca" These two young men are giving it their all tonight"
Styles" Shadow isn't all that young...I think he was holding the nails when they tacked up Jesus or something"
Fecca" I prefer to deal in reality, not imagination"
Busch" Well however old he is, he is putting up a helluva fight tonight"
Shadow pulls up Nev signaling to the crowd, who give him a loud favorable response that he is putting this one away. Shadow grabs Nev for the Fatality(Reverse twist of fate) ,but before he can hit it, Nev reaches up thumbing Shadow to the eye...With Shadow blinded temporarily, Nev sees his opening going for the Hexxer(Arm trapped neckbreaker), but once again the reversal comes with Shadow pulling away from Nev's grip as he leaps to pull Shadow down to the mat.
Busch" What a series of near misses and reversals"
Fecca" Neither man is giving an inch"
Nev comes back to his feet with Shadow waiting for him and leaping with the karate kick to the side of the neck that he calls the Tiger Claw...Shadow goes for the pinfall.
Busch" What a victory for Shadow here tonight, just when it looked like this one was going to go in the other way. Shadow pulled victory from the jaws of defeat"
Fecca" This could be a major reversal of fortune for Shadow after the heavy let down that came at Immortal Glory"
Sabrina" Here is your winner Shadowwwwwwwwww!!"
Shadow plays it up to the fans as he heads towards the back with Leigha hand in hand to Hero by Skillet...They make it to the top of the stage when the music suddenly changes to Angels Holocaust by Iced Earth.
Busch" It can't be...That's Whisper's theme song"
Fecca" It would appear we are going to be joined by the Diva of Destruction.
With Shadow and Leigha stepping to the side to give way...Out onto the stage steps the legendary diva Whisper to a huge pop from the Ohio crowd.
Busch" There she is and it looks like we are going to hear from her next"
*Commercial Break* |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave April 17th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 4:18 PMCopy HTML
When the show comes back from break Whisper's music is just fading as the raven hair beauty stands in the middle of the ring holding a microphone with a soft smile on her face giving a slight wave here and there to the fans.
Busch" Whisper is in the ring and it appears she has something to say"
Styles" Even if she doesn't, what a view"
Whisper brings the mic to her lips " Thank you all for that tremendous welcome. I know we all haven't always seen eye to eye out here, but I hope you all also know that I love everyone of you and that is the reason I have stepped in the ring for so long"
Crowd chants" We love you too...We love you too"
Whisper" For years now I have come out to rings just like this one and I have put everything I have into being the best women's wrestler to ever lace a pair of boots. Now I'm not one to brag, but I think I have done just that as well as becoming perhaps one of the overall best wrestlers too. Lately though I have been away from the ring trying to heal up a career's worth of lingering injuries,and while I was away from the ring I had a lot of time to think about things. When I was a little girl I dreamed of becoming a professional wrestler and I did just that, but what I have achieved since then is beyond my wildest dreams. I have won more titles then I can remember and been in the ring with some of the greats. Now as I come to the cusp of a very difficult decision I asked myself what was I coming back for?"
The fans start to boo seemingly knowing where this is heading
" Now hear me out...I love this sport just as much as I did when I first started, but sometimes you gotta know when to walk away from something. I did that recently in my personal life as well and so tonight I'm here in this PWT ring before all of you wonderful fans to officially announce my retirement"
Crowd" Don't go...Don't go"
A few tears stream down Whisper's cheeks during this obviously emotional moment. " I'm not going anywhere, because as long as my girls Kimberly and Jazzy are in a wrestling, I'm right there with them in spirit. I'm going back home to Tampa and I'm going to spend some time with my family and friends....Thank you all for what you have given me and most of all thank you for giving me a life that I will never forget. "
Crowd "Thank you...Thank you...Thank you"
Whisper hands the microphone back out of the ring to Sabrina out on the floor and walks towards the far end of the ring on the ramp side.
Busch" Wow, I'm just speechless...We have just witnessed a historic moment. Whisper has retired from wrestling"
Fecca" I have had the pleasure of calling some of Whisper's matches over the years and I must say she is one class act inside and out of the ring."
Whisper starts to step through the ropes when a maniacal laughter fills the air..." AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA"
Whisper turns around to see Nevyrmorr, who was still lingering around the ringside area has taken the microphone from Sabrina and is now laying on the ring apron flat on his back looking up at the arena ceiling.
" You are kidding me right?"
Nev rolls to his side looking at Whisper.
"You are out here wasting our time to tell everyone that the old gray mare just can't cut it anymore"
Whisper turns back towards the center of the ring with Nev rolling in under the bottom ropes coming up to his feet with a sinister little smirk on his face.
" Ohhhh sureeee you can butt your nose into other people's business....Like mine. But you just can't cut it in the ring anymore, well Whisper,let me be the first to let you in on a little secret. "
Nev steps in face to face with Whisper now. " You never could cut it...You were nothing but someone else's arm candy. If you weren't with the boss in so many companies, you would have been forgot years ago. "
Nev slowly steps around Whisper sizing her up as the fans have kicked in the boos big time for Nev.
Busch" What the hell is it this man's business anyway? He is interrupting a beautiful moment with his own false opinions"
Styles" Well back before Immortal Glory, Whisper did have some pretty harsh words for Nevyrmorr when he made mention of Kimberly Pain"
Nev stops back facing Whisper " Well Whisper you are right about one thing...You have done a lot of things in your career, but the one thing you have never done is beat me. Hmmm I wonder if you never would take a match with me because you know you can't beat me? "
Nev smiles, flashing his ghostly white teeth . "Since you just don't got the guts to wrestle anymore, perhaps you should just come back to my hotel room and show me the only thing you have ever been good at...I'm sure Terri wouldn't mind....Then again maybe you are to old for that too"
Whisper smiles holding out her hand as if offering to take Nev's hand.
Styles" Oh my god she is going with him....No fair, I was going to say that exact same thing to her....I knew she liked it rough, that should be me in there"
Nev smiles reaching for Whisper's hand only to get drilled with a right hook that would make Tyson retire all over again and Ali have another stroke....Whisper drills Nev several more times knocking him to the mat and sending him scrambling for an escape.
Busch" Well Eddie, you go head and get in line because I'm sure Whisper will gladly kick your ass like she is doing to Nevyrmorr right now"
Styles"Ummm nevermind"
With the crowd going nuts and Nev crawling towards the corner...Whisper taunts to her fans and points to Nev.
Fecca" I don't think this one is over yet"
Busch" Whisper is fixin' to take Nev behind the woodshed"
Whisper grabs a hold of Nev pulling him to his feet and spinning him towards her....WHOOSHHHHHHHH....Is the sound that comes from the ring with a huge fireball explodes from Nev's hand hitting Whisper squarely in the eyes.
Busch" Oh my god"
Fecca" Where the hell did that come from?"
Styles" It was in his fingers...It came from his fingers"
Whisper immediately hits the mat writhing around in pain as Nev looks down at her with this shocked look on his face like perhaps he didn't mean to do it....He quickly rolls out of the ring as Referees and PWT staff rush to the ring trying to attend to Whisper.
Busch" My god, I have never seen anything like that...Nev had some kind of fireball concealed on his body and used it on Whisper"
Fecca" I'm being told from the truck that we are going to go to commercial and try to get Whisper to the back for medical attention"
Styles" It came from his fingers....I just can't believe it...It was in his fingers"
Busch" We will be right back folks"
Show goes to commercial with a shot of the ring filling up with people all out there trying to help the obviously injured Diva of Destruction.
Commercial |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave April 17th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 4:19 PMCopy HTML
When the show comes back from commercial we are greeted with a scene of mass chaos in the parking garage of the Nationwide arena. Whisper is on a gurney with her face covered as several paramedics surround her trying to keep her calm as she writhes around in pain. Agents Holden Riser and Randy Undomesticated are seen as well as Whisper's students Kimberly Pain and rarely seen Jazzy.
Riser" Where the hell is the ambulance?"
Random Paramedic " It's on its way, its on its way"
Kim Pain is seen leaning in over Whisper " Can you hear me Becca? Everything's going to be ok girl...I'm right here"
The sound of the sirens is heard in the distance quickly making its way to the arena as Burt Busch's voice cuts in over the scene outside.
Busch" Folks, if you are just joining us, well you're lucky to have not witnessed what this stunned crowd did"
Fecca" Nevyrmoor is totally out of line with what he did here tonight and I wouldn't be surprised if a suspension is in his future"
Styles" It came out of his fingers...The fire came out of his fingers"
Busch" Well, where ever the hell it came from...It hit Rebecca Curci also known as Whisper right in the eyes...My god she could be blind because of that weasely bastard"
Fecca" We don't know that for sure though, so lets all just calm down"
Busch" Calm down? Did you not just see what I did Bobby? That woman back there in agony is a damn legend in this sport and she comes out here to announce her official retirement from wrestling, only to have Nevyrmoor burn her....I'm disgusted with this all"
Fecca" I understand we have the footage cued up, lets look at this heinous action one more time"
The scene of Whisper getting caught directly in the eyes in what appeared to be a fireball coming straight from the self-proclaimed mutant's fingers. When we come back to the live shot it is out in the parking lot where the ambulance has arrived and the Emts are quickly loading Whisper up.
Kim" I'm riding with her"
Jazzy" No Kim, you take care of what you need to here...Let me do it"
Kim seems reluctant but eventually steps out of the way allowing Jazzy to hop into the back of the ambulance with Whisper...Seconds later the doors are closed and the Ambulance speeds off into the Ohio night. The view changes back to Busch, Fecca and Styles at ringside.
Busch" We are being told by our own medical staff here at the arena, that Whisper wasn't able to see and was in tremendous pain. She is now being transported to the nearest hospital for medical treatment and as soon as we know something folks we will tell you"
Fecca" If we don't get news before leaving the air tonight, you all can keep up to date on what is happening in the world of PWT, at PWT.com. "
Busch" Our next match of evening is ready to go folks. Please keep Whisper, her friends and family in your prayers tonight but as PT Barnum said...The show must go on"
Fecca" Damien Collins is looking to get his name in the win column this week after two horrible losses is coming up next against a man, who has his eyes set on Matlock's Backyard title...Phoenix Winterborn"
Busch" You gotta believe both of these men will be giving it their all as they are in a huge match with each other for different reasons....If Winterborn wins you gotta figure that puts him closer to a match with Matlock,but ya know Collins is looking to get back to that Heavyweight championship form tonight...If he wins, he is one step closer to getting another shot at the Titanium title"
Styles" Both men have a lot to win, but both men also have a lot to lose...With the Donald Trump firing complex around here...Either one of these men could find themselves out of work, if they don't step it up
Busch' Lets go up to Sabrina for our next match of the evening.
"NJ Legion Iced Tea" by A Day to Remember starts to play over the PA System and the fans start going crazy, as Damien Collins appears at the top of the PWT stage. Damien pauses at the top of the stage and looks out at the crowd. DC starts walking down the ramp. He slaps a few of the fans hands but nothing excessive.
Sabrina: "Ladies and gentlemen the next match is scheduled for one fall, intruducing first from Salt Lake City, Utah. He is Damien Collins!"
Damien continues down the ramp, finally reaching the ring, he slides under the bottom rope into the ring. The fans continue to cheer. DC waves to a few fan and nods but that is the extent of it. Just then The familiar voice of Dire Straits's lead singer echoes throughout the arena as the song "Money for Nothing" starts playing. A single red spotlight is shining on the entrance ramp with a hole in the ground. As the guitar and drums build, a figure slowly emerges, seated in a chair. When the solo hits, the figure seated in the chair looks up and out towards the ring. A smirk comes across his face as the man is revealed to be none other than Phoenix Winterborn.
Sabrina: Introducing next, From Oceanside California, he is 'The American Tradition' Phoenix Winterborn!
Standing up, he grabs the chair and clasps it shut as he begins his trek towards the ring. Sliding the chair in first, Phoenix rolls in behind it, and carries the chair over to one of the corners, wedging it in between the top two turnbuckles. Leaning back, Phoenix waits for his music to die down before the match starts
Busch: Well folks, this one is going to be interesting. Both Phoenix Winterborn, and Damien Collins have been struggling as of late. Fecca: Thats right, both lost title matches at Immortal Glory. Phoenix lost to Matlock for the Backyard Championship, and Damien lost to Jessica Jones in a match for the Titanium Championship. Busch: It could be argued that both of these men need this win bad tonight, I think it's going to be an old fashioned slug fest out there. Styles: I think it's going to be a good old fashioned snooze fest. Why are these men even on Shockwave. Neither one of them has done anything in PWT since it reopened.
Speaking of the match, the bell sounds outside of the ring, inside the ring referee William Sharpe who was in the ring, back up to one side of the ring. DC and Phoenix are in opposite corners staring each other down. Both Phoenix and DC start talking a little trash as they move towards the center of the ring. DC said something Phoenix didn't like, and he gets right up close to DC with a finger in his face. Damien smirks at Phoenix and he didn't like that much either. Phoenix unleashes a fury of fists that catch DC off guard. Damien staggers back as Phoenix lets the first fly. Finally Damien is able to block one of the punches and lets Phoenix have it with a shot of his own. Phoenix is being forced back into the corner turnbuckle. Just inches away from being trapped in the corner, Phoenix ducks under a wild punch from DC, and swings behind him forcing DC into the corner.
Busch: Told ya, old fashioned slugfest. These two do not appear to like each other.
Backed into the corner Damien blocks a punch or two from Phoenix but eventually Phoenix catches him in the side of the head. Phoenix then slams his knee into Damien's gut, receiving a mixed reaction from the crowd. DC doubles over, Phoenix stands him up. Phoenix knees DC in the gut again. Phoenix taunts DC a little, and then hits him with a huge knife edge chop. DC reels back into the corner. Phoenix decides to add a little insult to injury and goes for another one, DC has other things in mind, as he quickly jabs Phoenix in the ribs. Phoenix doesn't connect with the chop. DC grabs Phoenix by the shoulders and spins him into the corner. DC goes for the knife edge chop and connects.
Fecca: So tell me Styles. You don't like either of these guys, but who do you think is going to win. Styles: I have to pick a winner? I guess I will go with Phoenix. I cant stand Phoenix, but I hate Collins.
After exchanging chops, DC and Phoenix exchange some punches. William Sharpe the referee finally moves to the corner, and pulls DC and Phoenix apart. The men move to the middle of the ring, Damien goes for the lock up, Phoenix side steps him, and goes for a hip toss. DC blocks it, and then goes for a hip toss himself, he gets Phoenix in the air and flipped over, but instead of falling to the mat on his back, Phoenix somehow lands on his feet. He catches DC off guard as he leaps into the air and connects with a quick dropkick. DC falls backwards and out of the ring through the middle rope.
Busch: Good back and forth action here so far, and these fans are loving it. Fecca: They sure are. Neither of these men can seem to get the upper hand so far.
Damien is outside the ring, he is standing there looking at Phoenix who smirks as he looks down at Damien. DC cautiously climbs back up on the ring apron and through the middle rope into the ring. Phoenix lets him get into the ring, but as soon as he does, Phoenix charges, he grabs DC's arm and whips him across the ring to the ropes. DC bounces off. Phoenix drops down to the mat and DC has to skip over him, DC hits the opposite rope and bounces off or at least Phoenix thought he did. Phoenix drops his shoulder down trying to connect with a back body drop. DC scouted it out, and was able to grab hold of the top rope stopping his momentum. DC quickly clubs Phoenix in the back of the neck, Phoenix falls to the mat, but quickly starts to climb back up, he is about halfway up, when DC connects with an uppercut. Phoenix flies backwards and falls on his butt. DC approaches him. Phoenix quickly climbs back to his feet, and DC kicks him in the gut. Phoenix hunches over and falls into position for a DDT. Damien goes for it and connects.
Fecca: Big DDT from Collins, he pins but barely gets a one count. Busch: It's going to take more than that big fella.
Damien is up, Phoenix is a little slower to get to his feet, DC is behind him, as soon as Phoenix reaches his feet, DC slides in with his arms wrapped around his waist going for a german suplex, DC has him up on the air but somehow Phoenix slides out of it, and instead of going backwards he just goes up in the air and then lands on his feet, DC finishes out the move and lands on his back. DC realizing what happens quickly jumpes up his feet. DC quickly jumps to his feet, but is caught by a back spinning heel kick from Phoenix. Phoenix's foot his DC right on the side of his head. DC stumbles back but somehow doesn't go down. He stumbles forward and runs into another back spinning heel kick from Phoenix. This time DC falls down to a knee.
Fecca: Reign of Fire from Phoenix! The end could be near for Damien. Styles: Gawd I hope so!
Indeed it is Phoenix's Reign of Fire, he goes for the third and final back spinning heel kick. DC is dazed, but somehow ducks out of the way of Phoenix's foot just a split second before it nearly took off DC's head. Phoenix is frustrated and turns around. DC is still on a knee, Phoenix pulls him to his feet, Phoenix whips him to the ropes, DC bounces off, and when he comes back Phoenix kicks him in the gut, DC doubles over, Phoenix puts DC's head under his arm and then lifts him up in the air, DC is completely vertical, Phoenix has him in position for a brain buster. Phoenix holds him in the air for several seconds.
Busch: Stalling brainbuster from Phoenix Winterborn. Fecca: Phoenix showing a lot of strength right now, holding a bigger Damien Collins in the air like that. Busch: Very true. Phoenix even has a smile on his face doing it. Very impressive.
Phoenix suddenly drops down connecting with a huge brain buster, some of the fans cheer, and the other ones look on as DC is down and Phoenix is pinning. Phoenix hooks the leg 1.....................2................TH.
Fecca: Collins kicks out! Collins kicks out! I wasn't sure he was going to. Busch: I wasn't to sure if he was going to myself. The match goes on. Styles: Why did he have to kick out? Does anyone have a gun?
Phoenix doesn't look surprised, instead he nods his head while reassuring the crowd that it's okay. He's got it. DC is in the middle of the ring, Phoenix quickly moves to his feet, and grabs Damien's feet, he gets him in position for a walls of Jericho or a boston crab, but instead drops backwards catapulting Damien into the turnbuckle, Damien hits the top turnbuckle hard. He immediately drops to a knee. Phoenix, runs at Damien connecting with a spear to DC's back.
Fecca: Folks it is all Phoenix Winterborn right now. It's going to take one hell of a comeback from Damien. Busch: Don't count anyone out! But things certainly don't look to good for the Real Deal.
Damien is slumped down in the corner, Phoenix pulls Damien him, clubbing him in the back of the head for good measure. The fans start to chant Damien's name, trying to get something going for Damien. Phoenix pulls DC towards the middle of the ring. Phoenix kicks DC in the gut, and then runs over to the turnbuckle, Phoenix climbs up the turnbuckle to the top rope, he quickly turns around and leaps off the turnbuckle. What he was going for we will never know, after he leaps off the turnbuckle, DC somehow finds the strength to leap up in the air and connect with a huge dropkick to connects with Phoenix as he is still in the air.
Fecca: That's just what Collins needed. Busch: I think it's safe to say it, thats the best damn dropkick in the business, or at least that is what DC calls it. Fecca: Both men are down, and neither are showing any sign of life.
Inside the ring, neither Phoenix or Damien is moving. The fans are cheering loudly, torn somewhat down the middle, trying to help their guy to his feet. Collins shows the first sign of life, he slowly climbs over to the side of the ring, and uses the ropes to help pull himself to his feet. Phoenix isn't far behind as he does the same thing. Both men reach their feet at about the same time. They both meet in the middle of the ring, DC throws a wild punch that Phoenix easily ducks. Phoenix wraps DC up in a side head lock. Phoenix twists the move tighter, but DC suddenly shoots up lifting Phoenix in the air and connect with a slighly modified German Suplex.
Fecca: Big move right there from Collins. Busch: He likes to hit three of these in a row, let's see if thats what he is going for.
Sure enough, DC stalks Phoenix. Waiting behind him until Phoenix gets up. Afrer a few seconds Damien quickky slides behind Phoenix, locks his hands around his waist and slams himself backwards connecting with a huge German Suplex. Phoenix slams to the mat as the fans cheer on Collins. DC stalks him once again. This time Phoenix is down for longer, finally he climbs to his feet, he's a bit wobbly. DC rushes in, wraps his arms around Phoenix and goes for the third and final suplex, Phoenix has other plans as he slams his elbow into the side of Damien's head. Phoenix turns around and quickly hits DC with a modified jawbreaker. DC shoots up holding his jaw, and falls to a knee. Phoenix seeing a big opportunity right here, jumps to his feet, runs towards the rope, jumps up on the bottom rope, and springs back turning around in midair, it looked as if he was going to go for a springboard clothesline but
Fecca: DC DROP!!!! DC DROP!!!!! Folks this one might be over. Styles: .damnit. Now we have to listen to him talk about how good he is for another week, I was hoping if he lost he would retire. Busch: I hate to disappoint you Styles but Phoenix is done!
Thats right Damien caught Phoenix mid air with his finisher the DC Drop or an RKO. Phoenix is out, DC quickly turns him over. 1.....................................2.....................................3
Sabrina: Ladies and Gentlemen here is your winner via pinfall. DAMIEN COLLINS!
Fecca: What a match folks. What a match. Busch: Thats right and the best part is that we are just getting started.... Well folks, as Collins celebrates a much needed -and deserved- victory, Let's take ya back to a PWT press conference Friday afternoon right here in Columbus."
::Friday Afternoon::
We draw open on Johnathan Brooks in his black suit and hat standing at a podium.
Brooks, "Professional Wrestling Today has always prided itself on being the trend setters and innovators of our industry. For the last five years if the doors have been opened, someone somewhere has been peeking through em lookin to try and replicate the keys to our wild success. However, what they don't understand is that our success is un-replicable. It's not just about a certain style we utilize or a certain this or that... It's about the people. The Men and Women that are the very fibers that both build and maintain this huge organization. Amongst those, some of our most unique and dedicated are our Intergender competing ladies. We've highlighted the immense amount of work and dedication an Intergender athlete must provide to be successful in this male dominated sport in one of our newest DVDs "Intergender Warriors: The War Wages On". That DVD's expected to be released near the end of May and really shows just what a bumpy road these ladies have to travel to break through the barriers and start elevating themselves beyond the Femme Fatale division. With that having been said... It's this amount of work... this amount of dedication... And Pure passion for the sport that makes me just so proud to award PWT's newest championship... A Championship called the "Revolution" Championship... To somebody who has been more Revolutionary then anybody I know in her few years in this sport... It's my pleasure right now in front of this congregation of mainstream and wrestling media to officially declare one Kimberly Pain as PWT's very first... Revolution Champion."
The people in the room clap as Kim Pain gets up in a woman's business suit and walks up to the podium, nodding toward Brooks and shaking his hand. The two step to the side of the Podium, Brooks grabbing the championship belt and the two holding it with one hand on either side as their other hands are in the form of a hand shake and their looking forward for all the pictures. They stay in that pose for a few minutes, turning a little one way, then the other for photographers who couldn't make their way straight to the center before finally they break the pose, share a genuine hand shake, and Brooks nods and heads off the stage as Pain heads to the podium with her new championship over her shoulder.
Pain, "Firstly, Thank you all for coming out today. I wasn't sure this was a big enough deal to draw out any members of the press but Jonathan Brooks insisted it was and I guess that's why he's the president of the company and I'm just the chick who leaves angry messages on his machine anytime my pay check's deposited after 12:01 am."
Kim and the press share a laugh,
Pain, "In all seriousness, being awarded this championship's a true honor. I've always believed that I was doing Revolutionary things in PWT but to have it acknowledged in such a way is really heart warming. It shows me that what I've brought to the table hasn't been over looked and is appreciated and I personally appreciate being appreciated. That in mind, Make no mistake about it, This is no where near enough to make me fall into the death trap of becoming "content". My hunger reaches far beyond being acknowledged as Revolutionary. I will hold this championship with great pride and I will go through any and all challengers who feel they Revolutionize on the same level as I have and will continue to do... BUT, This is ultimately just a step in the right direction... A Very large step, But a step never the less. My road travels much further then my current pit stop... My road travels to world championship glory and whether it be Taylor Lynn or Christian Michaels that becomes champion this Saturday, both should heed my warning... It's only a matter of time before the World championship endures some serious... Pain."
Kim holds a piercing stare into the PWT Hard cam ahead before she finally says, "Thank You." And steps away from the podium as we begin to fade.
*Commercial Break* |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave April 17th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 4:22 PMCopy HTML
When the cameras return Leaky Format is sitting on a couch in the middle of his Wetdown ring set.

Leaky reaches out and grabs a microphone off the table...
Leaky, "Yes Yes Ya'll... The Host with the most from coast to coast... Leaky Format back in the house and you may notice I'm mad chillin right now... No suit, just rockin my Roc-a-wears and my White T, little bling and just chillin out maxin, relaxin all cool... Why? Because I'm giving myself a little lesiure time before I get my world title match in two weeks and flood the world with the sweet, sweet Awesomeness that is... Leaky Format."
Format gives a big ol' smirk as the crowd boos.
Leaky get's a look before he says, "Haters."
Leaky shakes his head and stands up on his feet, "Anyway, It's not all vacation time... I still have to bring you the number one show in all of Television... It's Not Dave, It's not Leno, Oh No... It's the Wetdown and tonight our guest is none other than that Canadian turkey... Captain Choke in the Bigtime more than he chokes his own chicken -And brother spends a LOTTTTTT Of time chokin the chicken-... It's Matt Matlock!"
"Born With Nothing, Die With Everything" by Papa Roach begins blasting over the PA as clips of Matlock in action begin showing. Finally the curtain goes to the side and out steps your backyard champion.

Busch, "As Matt Matlock makes his way to the ring for this interview we'd like to take a moment to remind you that PWT is on the road and coming to a venue near you. May first we head to the Quickens Loan Arena in Cleveland Ohio for Shockwave... Then it's off to the Melon Arena in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania for Shockwave on May Fifteenth... We hit the HSBC Arena in Buffalo New York on May twenty ninth for Shockwave and then our final Shockwave before we head back to Grand Rapids will take place at the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit Michigan on June twelfth. Of we'll have a slew of non televised events between those shows in the surrounding areas and encourage you to check our complete tour schedule at dubbya dubbya dubbya dot pee dubbya tee dot com slash live events." Fecca, "Absolutely, and for our fans in Grand Rapids, we'll be back for PWT Pay Per View at the Angel Arena on June twenty sixth."
Matlock enters the ring between the ropes as his music begins to fade.
Leaky, "Ah Yes, the always so mediocre and bland Matt Matlock. You may be wondering exactly why I chose to have you as a guest on the Wetdown... There's a simple answer for that Matt.."
An unamused Matt Matlock reaches down and grabs a mic off a table in the ring as Leaky continues, "See, since the inception of this fantastic program -The Wetdown-, I have had superstar after superstar... I had Jimmy Stryker and we saw the Kevin Kasey/Jimmy Stryker feud kick off right before our eyes... I had Christian Michaels and he... (Leaky rubs his Jaw and winces as he recollects that event)... Well the point is, we had Christian Michaels. Last program we had the President of the company, Who -by the way if ya missed the show- gave ME Contendership to the world title and I thought... DAYUM Leakster... Your show's been so hot it's gonna put somebody on fire here soon! So I contemplated just how I could cool it down a little. Now, when you're as spec-freakin-tacular as the Leaky one, it's hard to cool down anything you're involved in but, I think you very well may suck bad enough to make it happen. What do ya say Matty?"
Matt looks at Leaky with a tongue in cheek expression before he says, "Ya know... I get a lot of criticism from a lot of people about a lack of ambition and a video game addiction they feel I have that prevents me from being overly successful... However... I'll be damned if I'm gonna be criticized and told I "suck" by quite possibly the biggest suck ass of all time."
Leaky, "Hey, I got brought in to host a feature show, You had to jump someone from behind to get into a Backyard title match... I'm just sayin..."
Matt, "Well it's gonna be hard to "just say" anything when you don't have any TEETH!"
Leaky snickers, "Pimp please... I'll pimp slap your ass back to Mooseland."
Matt, "Try it.."
Matt shoves Leaky back... Leaky yanks off his sun glasses and tosses em on the couch as Matlock tosses his Backyard title to the side and the two come face to face...
Busch, "Whut Oh... Matt Matlock and Leaky Format fixin to get it on..."
"Easy Gentlemen..."
Leaky and Matt look up at the stage where Jonathan Brooks is standing.
Brooks, "Easy does it fellas... You two have a lot of aggression ya wanta get out... You're a couple of excellent athletes who have gotten a bad rap over the years and have a bit of a bruised pride thing goin on and I understand that... Leaky... I think you and I had some sort of a miscommunication a couple weeks ago in Indianapolis... I never said anything about you getting a world championship match on May first."
Leaky's eyes get wide as he starts protesting, "Nah! Nah Playa! You clearly said that if I left ya'll alone to do your tag deal..."
Brooks, "I said that I'd give you a title match... And I Will give you a title match. A Backyard title match two weeks from tonight with your new found buddy Matt Matlock."
Busch, "Oh Boy... I reckon we're gonna see two combustible elements explode when we head to Cleveland in two weeks."
Brooks heads back behind the curtain as Matlock and Leaky hold down a stair down...
We fade from Leaky and Matlock to the back.. The door at the back of the Nationwide Arena flies open and in steps the Cancerous One NovaCaine followed by the near seven foot tall Legendary Icon Jimmy Stryker. The two legends of the squared circle stroll through the hallway chatting out of microphone range with both men sharing a laugh.
Busch"Folks I never thought I would see the day these two men would be walking the same hallway side by side"
Styles" The hatred of each other has clearly been over powered by the hatred of everyone else around them"
Fecca" I understand this new duo wants to be referred to as The Heritage...As in the heritage of modern day professional wrestling"
Busch" Haha, glad to see they are so modest. "
Fecca" Modest they might not be, but everyone back there with eyes for the tag team titles has to be getting a few more sleepless nights knowing these two men are stalking the arena."
Styles" No doubt about it...One or the other is bad enough, but both together...Well damn that could be a Death Sentence for whoever they are placed in the ring with"
Busch, "Well, They're not on my run sheet anywhere but I'm sure we'll figure out what they want at some point tonight. However, When we return... David Van Dam makes his HUGE return to challenge Taylor McCallister for number one contendership to the World's Heavyweight Title! Don't go away, You're not gonna wanta miss it!"
*Commercial Break* |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave April 17th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 4:23 PMCopy HTML
When we return we see Jonathan Brooks walking through the back, evidently making his way back from the Wetdown segment. He walks in through an open door, not bothering to close it.
The camera keeps filming that doorway when we see The Heritage Approach...
The two step through the doorway on the right side of the hallway without even an attempt at a knock. Nova's voice can be heard as the door slams shut " JB, just the man we wanna see"
The camera zooms in on the door showing the placard reading " Jonathan Brooks"
Busch" The Heritage having a meeting with JB, this can't be good"
Fecca" We will try to find out what that is all about folks"
With that "All I Do Is Win" By DJ Kahled begins blasting over the PA. The crowd erupts, some with cheers and some with boos as David pops through the curtain in his ring gear for the first time in eight months.
Sabrina, "The following contest is scheduled for onefall with a fifteen minute time limit and it is for number one contendership to the PWT World Heavyweight Title"
Van Dam begins down the ramp as Sabrina continues, "On his way to the ring fron Indianapolis Indiana... DAVID... VAN... DAM!"
David heads down the ramp, climbs the stairs and enters between the ropes. As he does we head back to the stage as "Crying Like A Bitch" by Godsmack strikes the PA. The curtain moves again and out steps WallStreet with Faith Rivers.
Sabrina, "And the opponent..."
Wally begins down the ramp...
Sabrina, "Making his way frm Manhattan New York being accompanied by former Femme Fatale champion Faith Rivers... Taylor WALLLLLLLLLLLSTREEET MCCCCCCCCCCCALLLISTER!"
WallStreet climbes the stairs and steps between the ropes as Faith takes her place at ringside.
The bell rings, officially starting the contest. It takes a moment for either David Van Dam or Taylor McCallister to move, but finally both men exit their corners. Their eyes are glued to each other as they meet center ring for a collar elbow tie up. Van Dam is quick though, as he pulls McCallister's head down into a side head-lock. The head lock does not last though, as McCallister backs up to where they're both against the ropes and shoves him off. Van Dam dashes across the ring, hitting the ropes and comes charging back, where he gets acquainted with Taylor McCallister's left shoulder. Van Dam rolls away before McCallister can follow up and pushes himself back to his feet.
Busch, "This match should be like a good game of chess. These two are two of the smartest men in professional wrestling today. They know each other about as well as two individuals can know each other. I expect to see a lot of holds and counter holds."
Another collar elbow tie up, this time McCallister gets the side head-lock. Van Dam immediately waist-locks McCallister and lifts him up, bending backwards, he drives McCallister's shoulders and head into the mat. Van Dam immediately darts over for the cover, but barely gets a one count.
Busch, "Notice that as soon as Van Dam had McCallister on the mat, he went for a cover? That's years of exerpience being shown. He did not waste time taunting, he did not pick McCallister up to go for another move. He went for the victory. He tried to win. That's where a lot of the young up and comming wrestlers go wrong. They don't understand that wrestling is about winning, and they often give their opponents more opportunities than they should."
With the kick out, Van Dam rolls off of McCallister and pulls him to his feet. A hard knee to the gut of McCallister doubles him over, where Van Dam wraps one of McCallister's arms over his neck, Van Dam's arm trapping McCallister's head against his side, his other hand holding McCallister by the trunks. Snapping his hips, he brings McCallister over for a snap suplex, floating over him, he again goes for the cover, but again only gets a one count. It does not faze Van Dam though, as he wraps his arms around McCallister's head, locking him in a seated front face lock. He presses up on his toes to give himself more leverage, squeezing on the head of McCallister.
Fecca, "Bert, you've been around David Van Dam for about as long as I have, and you've known McCallister far longer than I have, what can you tell us about these two in terms of each other?"
Busch, "These two have the up-most respect for each other as competitors, but they also have one of those brotherly rivalries. They're like two siblings who grew up playing the same sport through all the same schools. Van Dam has one a lot more titles, he has a lot more measurable accomplishments, but Taylor McCallister, through his sheer determination and ability, has managed to stay just as important and influential in the sport."
McCallister pushes his hands into the mat, grunting as he forces his way back to his feet, with Van Dam still holding onto the front face lock. Pushing forward, McCallister rams Van Dam back first into the turnbuckles, causing Van Dam to release the front face lock. McCallister shakes his head a few times to clear to the cobwebs from the quick flury of offensive from Van Dam. McCallister lifts a knee and drives it into Van Dam's abdomen. He does it a second, and a third time before backing out of the corner. He backs up, while Van Dam is still there, and charges forward. It looks like he's going for a body avalanche, but at the last moment, Van Dam moves and McCallister crashes chest first into the turnbuckles. As McCallister stumbles backwards, Van Dam wraps his arms around his waist, arches his hips backwards and sends McCallister through the air for a release German Suplex. McCallister crashes into the mat shoulders and neck first, before flipping onto his stomach, his body spasming ligthly.
Fecca, "What a release German Suplex! Van Dam has not wasted any time in getting started thus far. It's clear he's hungry for the opportunity to go on to face either Christian Michaels or Taylor Lynn for the PWT Championship."
Bush, "Of course he wants to challenge for the Heavyweight Championship of the World, but beyond that, the last match up he wrestled was a loss against Taylor McCallister. Van Dam has been off for eight months. He's had eight-months to study his match with Taylor McCallister, eight months to plan for this re-match. He wants to prove that he can win."
Van Dam goes for the cover, and barely gets a two count as McCallister kicks out. Faith Rivers, on the outside, is slamming her hands against the mat, trying to encourage the Corporate Icon to get off the mat. Van Dam stays aggressive though, capturing McCallister's arm, he lifts it up as he wraps his legs around McCallister's head and neck, trapping his arm there as well for a modified triangle choke. McCallister's right arm moves up to Van Dam's legs, trying to pry apart the vice grip as his leg slams into the mat, trying to fight off the building pain. Faith can be heard screaming from ringside.
Rivers, "Come on Taylor! Get out of it! Come on!"
McCallister digs his heels into the mat as he drags his six-foot-five inch frame to an angle where he can drape his ankle across the bottom rope. Jim Richards begins to count for the break, and on three, he gets it. Van Dam rolls away and stands up as McCallister pulls himself out of the ring, gasping for breath.
Busch, "It's been all Van Dam for the first five minutes or so of this contest. He's been the aggressive one thus far. Taylor McCallister, thus far, seems like he's been caught off guard."
Fecca, "I'd have to agree with you there, Bert. I don't know when the last time I saw Van Dam come out of the gate this aggressive. Usually he plays the more methodical, slow style, but thus far it seems like he's wanted to end this quick."
McCallister shakes his head a few times as he takes several deep breaths. He hops back onto the apron and steps back into the ring.
Taylor and David look at one another, they embrace in a collar and elbow tie-up as Taylor starts backing David into the nearest turnbuckle, David being so smart leans to the side positioning his body through the ring ropes as the referee asks for Taylor to back up, he holds his arms up slowly stepping back as David returns to the standing position. Taylor smirks, he then blasts David right in the mouth with a huge right hand as David holds his mouth stumbling out of the corner.
Busch- Taylor with some intensity in that punch.
Fecca- David most certainly got rocked there.
As David turns around shaking off that shot, Taylor strikes him in the face again as he drops down to the canvas. David is pretty quick to get to his feet as Taylor throws another huge punch rocking David back, he then grabs him looking for a belly to belly suplex but David knowing all too well about suplexes counters it and reverses it into a spinning belly to belly suplex immediately combining it with an armbar.
Busch- What a great counter by David.
David applied the armbar perfectly as Taylor fought to get out, finally; he started clawing and dragging his way over to the ropes where he reached out, he almost grabbed the bottom rope but his fingers slipped as he was just too far away. Taylor grunted, he scooched himself closer to the ropes by about an inch as he then reached out and grabbed the bottom rope with a death grip. The referee started the standard five count as David has not released the hold just yet.
David finally released the hold as he quickly got to his feet smirking. Taylor shook his arm trying to work out the kink in it as he got up to his feet looking at David, almost as if he was studying him, observing him. As the two embrace in another basic collar and elbow tie-up, David slaps Taylor in a headlock, Taylor tries pushing him away but David drops to one knee stopping the momentum. Taylor uses his strength to get back to his feet, he then grabs David and lifts him up into the air as he falls backwards in a back drop as he bridges it into a pin as David still has the headlock applied tight.
David releases the headlock and kicks out.
Busch- What a great match-up here between these two.
Fecca- You’re looking at an instant classic here.
As both men quickly got up, Taylor went to throw a punch. David blocked it and returned the punch as he then tossed Taylor into the ropes, he went for a clothesline but Taylor ducked under it and hit the ropes again and on his way back, he leaped into the air and struck David with a flying knee which dropped David down to the canvas. Taylor then screamed out getting fired up.
Busch- Taylor fired up folks, this could get ugly.
Fecca- Most certainly could.
David got up holding his face as Taylor stalked, waited, he grabbed David and hoisted him up hitting a HUGE Spinebuster as he combined it with a pin fall by hooking the leg.
Taylor got up looking extremely sadistic, as David got up stumbling, Taylor kicked him in the gut then stuffed his head in-between his legs looking for the Stock Market Crash, however; David managed to slip out as he was so fast that he went for the Last Chance but Taylor somehow managed to slip out as both men were looking for the same move, which was a clothesline as both men fell to the canvas lying there extremely tired.
Busch- Both men so smart, both men knowing each other too well went for the same move after countering each other’s finishing maneuvers.
Ding… Ding… Ding…
Sabrina- Due to time restraints, this match has been declared a DRAW.
The fans boo as Busch says, "What? A Draw? What's that mean? Do we have duel contenders now?!" Fecca, "I don't know..." Busch, "We're gonna try and figure this out... We'll be back."
*Commercial Break* |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave April 17th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 4:24 PMCopy HTML
Alcohaulin Ass by Hell Yeah starts it melodic opening over the sound system with the big screen lighting up with images of two of the most notoriously violent men to ever lace a pair of boots in PWT. The crowd lets out their distast for these two men as the curtain at the top of the stage parts and out steps NovaCaine and Jimmy Stryker.
Busch" To borrow a phrase it looks like business is about to pick up"
Fecca" We seen Nova and Stryker earlier in the show entering the office of Jonathan Brooks, perhaps we are about to find out what that was about"
Styles" The Heritage, they want to be called The Heritage of wrestling...Get it right"
Busch" After what I seen them do last week to Scott Addams and newcomer Apollo Arroyo, I will call them whatever they want...From a distance"
Nova and Jimmy move slowly towards the ring with this methodical gait to their steps. Their faces showing a don't give a damn sly smile, with an overall demeanor of you should feel honored to be in our presence. Nova and Jimmy split off at the bottom of the rampway going in opposite directions around the ring as Sabrina's voice cuts in over the music.
Sabrina" Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome at this time...The Heritage"
Nova and Jimmy climb into the ring on opposite sides meeting in the middle with those smirkish grins turning into full blown arrogant smiles. Nova looks at Sabrina holding out his hand for the microphone which she is quick to hand over before turning to retreat to the floor...She gets a little sexual harrassment waiting to happen pat on the ass for her trouble from Nova as Jimmy lets out a laugh. Sabrina looks back with evil in her eyes but still keeps moving to the floor.
Busch" That's just disgusting"
Styles" Tell that to the girl in catering the next time you are following her around like a puppy on a leash"
Busch" Hey, I wasn't after her goodies...I was after some more butter for my biscuit"
Styles" I'm sure you were...I'm sure you were"
Nova brings the mic up to his lips that notorious Caine smirk cutting a path across his mouth " Cut our music"
Alcohaulin Ass fades out leaving only the thunderous rumble of boos behind.
"On the last Shockwave, my near seven foot tall walking wrecking ball of a partner, the legendary Icon Jimmy Stryker came out to this ring to throw his proverbial hat in the ring for a tag team title opportunity. At that time Jon Brooks was out here in this ring getting a hard spot near his zipper for the new team of Scott Addams and that big rage-aholic Apollo something foreign....Brooksie was about to dub A-A as his new golden boys, you could just see the twinkle in his eye at the thought of it...Kinda like when he sees a sign for a half off sale at the short and chubby store....That was until Jimmy here and myself laid out Addams and Apollo here in this very ring and made it known to you all and the world...That there is only one dominant tag team in PWT today and you all are lucky enough to be staring at them"
The crowd kicks it up a notch in their voicing of disapproval for The Heritage, but that only seems to feed into the egos of Nova and Jimmy even more.
" Well folks let me just let you in on a little tidbit of news you might have not heard yet. See Jimmy and I didn't come out here just to give you women something to think about when you go knuckle deep later,wishing you weren't married to that fat, hairy creature that vaguely reseambles a man in the next room back at your trailer...We are here to provide a service for you all as well...A little breaking news service if you will. See last week after the ass kicking we bestowed upon A-A, they packed their bags so fast that they left half of their crap behind in the locker room and they hauled ass outta here faster than a Democrat at a Tea Party convention....Because like Jimmy here always says"
Nova holds the mic out to Stryker, who chuckles... " A.A's for quitters"
The Heritage share a laugh while the fans share in some more hatred, times two.
" Indeed it is Jimmy, and being that Addams and Apollo showed their Big Bird colors through and through...It would seem that there just isn't anyone left around here stupid enough or perhaps the word should be suicidal enough to get into the ring with us...So we brought this to the attention of our good friend Jon Brooks and after some excellent persuasion skills from my friend Jimmy"
Strkyer smacks his softball size fist against the palm of his other hand laughing which gets a little chuckle out of Nova as well
"I would like to make the huge announcement that at the next Shockwave, we are going to have ourselves another big title presentation...Only this time it won't be Kimmy Pain out here wiggling her ass for a belt, it'll be the soon to be greatest tag team combination to ever step foot in PWT getting what we rightfully deserve...As The Heritage receive the tag team titles and the respect we have earned...We are loved by few, hated by many"
Nova tosses the mic to Jimmy " But feared by alll!!"
Jimmy throws down the mic as Alcohaulin Ass kicks back up drowing out some of the boos with The Heritage exiting the ring.
Busch" Folks, we have just hea rd two major announcements...Addams and Apollo have left PWT and at our next show the PWT tag titles are going to be presented to these two...well for lack of a better term Thugs. "
Fecca" What is JB thinking? Anytime you let either of these men near gold or even a ring something bad happens,and to GIVE them the tag titles is like saying you condone their actions...I just can't believe this on a night full of surprises so far"
Styles" I tell ya exactly what Brooks was thinking...He was thinking these two men will tear my Kidneys out through my nostrils if I don't give them what they want...Plus I for one think these two men do deserve some respect around here"
Busch" Perhaps they should trying giving it to get it....We will be right back folks with the Femme Fatal title on the line...Champion Teresa Ramos going head to head with Hope Rivers" |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave April 17th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 4:25 PMCopy HTML
The camera draws to the back where Christian Michaels is seen for the first time tonight. The crowd is going wild as Michaels stands there in his "Champion By Design" T Shirt.
"Look, All I'm saying is that the bitch is bat spit crazy."
The scene pans out and there's...... JAVEN?! Indeed, But no Plague, No Regret, and no crazed look. He's standing there in a pair of baggy jeans a Memphis basketball jersey and a match bandana in his hair.
Javen, "I saw what she did to You guys a couple weeks ago... I've had my battles with you and Taylor and for her to just come in and wipe both of ya out, Not to mention David even though she thought he was retired at the time... I don't know bro, I just kinda think you should think this through. You always get in the most trouble when ya jump the gun and let your balls and your heart think for ya instead of your brain."
CM, "With all do respect Simon, I'm not sure why you'd be lecturing me about thinking with my fortitude instead of my head..."
Javen shrugs, "I don't know... Maybe tweaking my neck on an Untelevised event and realizing my entire career could have been over if I'd of hit the mat an eighth of an inch differently made me wake up a little bit. We're getting older bro, We're not teenagers looking to make our marks and build a name anymore. We've made our marks, we have names... Hell, You might have the biggest name in the sport right now. I'm not saying we shouldn't still bust our asses everytime we hit the ring, I'm just saying we should think stuff like this through."
CM, "I appreciate your concern but I've thought this through... Now if you'll excuse me, I have to finish getting ready. There's a psychotic bitch out there who won't take her Prozac, so I'm gonna go ahead and kindly Whap it down her throat."
CM turns around and dips down into his gear bag as Javen shakes his head...
Javen, "Alright brother... Just be careful. I've got a bad feeling about this whole thing. I just don't think this is gonna be another Christian Michaels "You say you're gonna beat me, Everyone says that, now I'm gonna prove ya wrong" special."
CM replies without turning around, "Then you're getting just as crazy as every other jabroni that comes through and says they're gonna end me and my title reign."
Javen sighs, "I hope you're right Chris... Really... I do."
Javen walks out of the lockeroom as CM stands up and turns back around... His arrogant demeanor fades as he too sighs now. He begins feeling at the bandage on his forehead as he walks over toward a mirror in the lockeroom. He stops feeling at the bandage and just looks at it... Looks at himself............. Finally he reaches out, yanks the mirror off the wall and chucks it against another wall making it shatter. His chest pumping up and down as we head to the ring.
Fecca, "You don't think that Michaels is having second thoughts do you?" Busch, "Christian Michaels is the best fighting champion I've ever known. If he's having a second thought it's about his ring wardrobe or trying out a new theme song, I guarantee ya it ain't about whether or not he wants to get in the ring and defend his championship."
As cameras went to ringside for the next match, Sabrina was standing in the middle of the ring as she lifted the microphone to speak.
Sabrina, "The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the PWT Femme Fatale Championship!"
The fans give a huge pop just before "Hope" by Sevendust blares over the PA System as Hope comes out to stand on the top of the entrance ramp.
Sabrina, "Making her way to the ring first, from Miami Florida, the #1 Contender...Hope Rivers!"
Fecca, "On our last show, Hope defeated Mika Tanaka in the contendership match. So now here she is ready to go against the champion."
Styles, "For as good as Hope looks..I don't think she is going to be able to topple Teresa Ramos."
Busch, "Well Eddie, this isn't about looks, and if Hope is anything like Faith was over in ICWA, I think Teresa is going to have her hands full tonight."
Hope has a smile on her face as she makes her way down the aisle and up onto the ring apron. She then steps between the ropes and walks to the center of the ring. As Hope raises her arms up above her head, a single blast of fireworks comes from each of the corners. Hope begins to taunt the crowd, which continues cheering, as she waits on the Championess.
Fecca, "Hope really getting the crowd worked up!"
Just as Hope's music fades and is replaced with "Smooth" by Rob Thomas, Styles adds in, "Well I'm about to get worked up over our Championess. Goddamn...she's HOT!"
The arena fills with boos as Teresa comes out onto the entrance ramp in her wrestling attire with the Femme Fatale Championess around her waist, as she struts about. A triumphant smile appears on her face as she walks down the middle of the rampway.
Sabrina, "And her opponent, on her way to the ring from El Paso Texas, she is the Femme Fatale Championess...Teresa Ramos."
Fecca, "Teresa looking as confident as ever as she makes her way to ring."
Styles, "And why shouldn't she be? When she already has a victory over Miss Rivers."
Busch, "As much as I hate to agree with him...he has a point."
Fecca, "I guess."
Teresa walked across the ring apron, scraping her feet on it in an arrogant way before slipping one of her long legs through into the ring below the top rope, blowing a mocking kiss into the camera before entering the ring completely. Teresa walks into the center of the ring, posing again as camera flashes go off before she unfastens her title from her waist and hands it to the referee for this contest, Frank Mason. As Frank raised it up into the air, Busch can be heard saying, "That's what it's all about right there."
Hope points up to the title and then motions to her waist while looking over at Teresa, who simply shakes her head and mouths the word "Mine.".
Once Mason gave the title to the time keeper and signals for the bell, Hope and Teresa begin to circle each other. Once they step in toward each other, they both lock up in a collar and elbow tie up.
Busch, "And so the battle for control begins."
The two women struggle back and forth a bit before Hope gets Teresa in a headlock. Hope applies more pressure which has Teresa going down to a knee, but as she pushes her way back up, Teresa pushes her off into the ropes. As Hope comes off of them, Teresa puts her head down for a backbody drop, but as Hope went over her back she reversed it into a sunset flip. As Teresa's shoulders hit the mat, there is a cheer from the crowd, while Mason gets down to make the count.
Fecca, "Near fall by Hope."
Styles, "That Teresa kicks right out of."
Mason doesn't even get a one count before both women are scrambling back up to their feet. Hope comes right at Teresa with a clothesline, but Teresa ducks underneath. Once Hope turns back around, Teresa is coming off the ropes with a front dropkick to her face, which sends Hope down to the mat. Hope is up on one knee and holding her face as Teresa comes over and yanks her the rest of the way up by the hair. She then steered Hope into a corner and bashed her head off the top turnbuckle a few times before finally releasing her grip on Hope. As Hope turns and stumbles back towards the middle of the ring, Teresa picks her up into a fireman's carry before tossing her off only to kick her in the head. There is a sickening thud that echoes throughout the arena as foot met skull.
Crowd, "OOOOOOO."
Busch, "Ouch!! That kick was brutal. The Championess almost took the contender's head off."
Styles, "I know. How great, huh?"
Fecca, "I dont know about that...but Teresa seems pretty pleased with herself."
There is a smirk upon Teresa's face and the crowd boos her as she smugly drops down to make a cover. She doesn't bother to hook the leg and has a bit of a surprised look on her face when Hope kicked out just after the two.
Busch, "Teresa could have picked up the win right there...that could come back to haunt her."
Teresa shhok it off quickly as she got to her feet. She ran into the ropes and flipped over with a lionsault, but before she could connect Hope brought her knees up. As Teresa landed on them, she held her midsection as she rolled around the ring some.
Fecca, "Hope just bought herself a bit of time."
The ref was up to a five count before either woman started to move. As the two of them got back up to a vertical base, Teresa came charging at Hope, who drops down and trips Teresa up in a drop toe hold. As Teresa's face smashes of the mat, cheers come from the crowd.
Busch, "Hope getting a little payback from before."
As Teresa staggers to her feet a moment later, Hope grabs her by the arm and irish whips her into the corner. As Teresa hit the turnbuckles with authority, Hope followed her in with a handspring elbow. As Hope connected and Teresa came stumbling forward out of the corner, Hope plants her to the mat with a running handed bulldog. Hope then kicks Teresa onto her back. A smile comes over Hope's face as she looks down at the seemingly lifeless Teresa.
Fecca, "It looks like the challenger is thinking the end is near."
Hope quickly goes into the corner and gets up on the second turnbuckle.
Busch, "It looks like we're about to see the 'Giver Of Hope'."
Styles, "C'mon Teresa...MOVE..."
As she goes to deliver the split legged moonsault, Teresa rolls out of the way to safety.
Styles, "YEESSSSS!"
Teresa is up first so that when Hope gets to her feet, Teresa runs into the ropes and comes off them but Hope puts her head down. Whatever Teresa originally planned we do not know, but she now goes over Hope's back for a sunset flip. However before Hope can fall back, she drops straight down onto Teresa's shoulders. Hope hooks Teresa's legs and leans all of her weight forward as Mason gets down and makes a the count. 1...2...3.
Just as Mason slapped the mat for a third time, Styles was heard saying, "NOOOOOOO!"
Fans are on their feet cheering loudly as Hope rolls to the outside. "Hope" by Sevendust blares out as Mason comes over and hands the Femme Fatale Championship to Hope.
Busch, "Teresa went for the same pinning attempt Hope did at the start of the match and it didn't pay off!"
Sabrina, "The winner of the match..and NEW PWT Femme Fatale Championess..HOOOPE RIIIIIVVVVERRSSSS!!!"
Fecca, "Well it's official. A new Championess is crowned here tonight in Ohio! But I'm sure this is far from over between these two."
Styles, "You can count on that."
Teresa scrambles to her feet and kicks the bottom rope in frustration as Mason raises Hope's arm in victory as she holds the title high in the air. Teresa is yelling up the ramp at Hope, but she is too wrapped up in her celebrating with the fans to notice.
With that we head to the back where we once again find Glenn Matthews standing by with the microphone, This time in a much darker part of the arena. There's one light bulb flickering from the ceiling and it appears to be very cold, Maybe like a Boiler room or something.
Matthews (with intimidation in his voice), "We... Well folks... I'm standing by right now with the challenger for the World Heavyweight title... One Miss Taylor Lynn."
The camera pans out a little and we see Taylor standing there in her tight leather pants, her little black T Shirt showing off her flat stomach and her firm but still feminine biceps as her hair flows over her shoulders and her lips coil into a little smirk.
Taylor, "What's the matter Glenn... You act a little... skittish."
Glenn, "Uh... I'm fine. Anyway... You're moments away from the biggest match in your career as you make your Professional Wrestling Today debut against Christian Michaels for the World's Heavyweight Championship..."
Taylor grins, "Yeah... Pretty sweet huh?"
Glenn, "Well I'd certainly imagine so..."
Taylor nods, "Yeah, It is. Two weeks ago I came to PWT and sent a message that even Stevie Wonder wouldn't need in brail to read. Obviously it worked as I'm standing here "moments away" from becoming World heavyweight champion. Tonight I'm gonna send another message, but this message won't just shake lil Chrissy poo... It'll shake the very foundation of our sport as I become PWT's World's Heavyweight Champion."
Glenn, "Wi... With all due respect, Those are some big words that a lot of people have said, but none -thus far- have backed up."
Taylor pouts a little as she says, "Glenn... Do I really strike you as being like "a lot of people..."
Glenn, ".........."
Taylor grabs him by the throat and presses him against the wall, making the two barely visible since they're not directly under the one functioning light. Taylor gets real close to his ear and hisses, "Well... Do I?"
Glenn squeezes out the words, "No... No you don't."
She smiles, "Very good... I don't think Mister Michaels will believe I am either."
She squeezes Glenn's cheeks and then gives him a lite pat on the cheek before she walks off, leaving Glenn to determine how fast he can get in his car and get to Wally World to buy a new pair of pants without anyone noticing.
Busch, "Good lord... This a totally different opponent than I think Christian Michaels has ever had... I hope he's ready. When we come back, Michaels... Lynn.. World Title!"
*Commercial Break* |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave April 17th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 4:26 PMCopy HTML
Its come to be that time of the night again. Shockwave comes back form comemrcial to a shot on the PWT-a-tron of Taylor Lynn walking toward sthe Gorilla position on one side of teh screen. On the opposite side of the screen we see Christian Michaels, World's Hevayweight championship around his waist, headed towards the Gorilla position as well. The cameras pan the crowd showing the fans cheering.
Fecca: Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to PWT Saturday Night Shockwave! As you can see we're just moments away from tonight's main event. For an unprecedented THIRD consecutive show we have the Heavyweight championship being defended.
Double B: And you won't see a fighting champion like Christian Michaels anywhere else folks. This man doesn't know how to back down. The word "quit" is like a swear word to him.
We hear a "Pffft" from Eddie Styles.
Styles: Look I won't deny that Christian Michaels is a great competitor in the ring. No doubt about it. However you two need to stop. Just stop. What you two see as this "brave" act is more like stupid. They say there's a thin line between the two and Christian Michaels is teetering dangerously toward "stupid"
The tron has gone black and we're just about ready for the match. Sabrina stands in the center of the ring.
Sabrina: It is now time for YOUR main event of the evening!
The crowd cheers.
The cheers grow louder.
Sabrina: Introducing first, the challenger, hailing from Miami, Florida...
The arena blacks out and the fans are already booing the challenger. Suddenly the PWT-a-tron shoots back to life with a shot Taylor Lynn with a smile on her face that turns into a sultry pout. Then a bloody black rose appears by her side, and bloody writing above her picture reading "The Devil". "Come out and play" [Remix] oozes through the arena, causing the fans to boo louder for Taylor Lynn. A lean, taut, shapely silhouette begins to dance behind the curtain, giving the illusion of soap suds trailing down her body and succumbing to the pressure of the shower squirting water over her. After 7 seconds, La Lynn struts out from behind the curtain, pouting saucily as she does so, and arousing more shouts of jeers from the crowd.
Sabrina: TAYLOR LYNNNN!!!!
She blows the fans a taunting kiss before heading down the ramp.
Double B: There ya see the challenger ladies and gentlemen and if there's ever been anybody a few fries short of a Happy Meal it'd be this young lady.
Fecca: I still can't get the image of her wearing Michaels' an McCallister's blood two weeks ago.
Styles: She's kinky.
Double B: And then some.
Styles: I like it.
Fecca: You would.
Taylor Lynn makes her way to the ring avoiding the hands of any fans reaching out for her. Afterall she might be a lil knky but none of these people deserved to touch her. Right? She certainly thinks so as she climbs into the ring. The challenger heading to a corner and awaiting the champion.
Sabrina: And her opponent!
Now the crowd begins cheering again.
Sabrina: From the Bluff city, Memphis, Tennessee...
And louder...
Double B: Listen to this crowd in Columbus!
The crowd nearly blows the roof off the arena as "Champion In Me" by 3 Doors Down hits over the speakers. Upon the PWT-a-tron is CM's entrance video featuring scenes from some of his biggest moments in PWT. The lights dim and we get a spotlight on the stage. There's an explosion of pyros and the smoke quickly clears to reveal Christian Michaels standing with his back towards the ring.
Fecca: There he is! There is the reigning PWT World's Heavyweight champion!
Michaels' arms are outstretched before he spins around to the cheers of the crowd. When CM heads toward the ring he makes every effort to slap as many hands as possible. Finally at the bottom of the ring the champ runs and slides under the bottom rope. He pops up and ascends the nearest corner.
Styles: Can we get this started some time this week?
Finally CM does hop down and he recahes back to unsnap the championship. The champ kisses the plate and hands the title over to senior official Jim Richards. The ref shows the belt to both champion and challenger alike. He then holds it up for teh fans to see what is on the line.
Double B: The richest prize in this business TODAY is right there in JIm Richards hands. And in just a matter of seconds it'll be contested for by perhaps the greatest champion the title has known and an upstart challenger who made a hell of a debut two weeks ago.
Sabrina had long since vacated the ring. So Richards hands the belt out to times keeper Yoats. A moment later and the bell rings to officially start this match. Champion an challenger circle around each other. Lynn fakes a couple shoots but CM doesn't go for it. Finally they meet in a classic lockup in the center of the ring. Taylor shakes like a dog shaking a bone ta try an gain an advantage. CM however easily half-way hip-tosses Lynn to her butt. She quickly shoots back up an into another lockup. Once again CM chunks her to her butt. back up and back down again. Taylor slaps the mat in frustration as she slowly spins to a knee.
Fecca: The challenger not looking too good in the early going.
Double B: And the champion is looking great.
CM waits as Taylor Lynn finally gets to her feet. She walks to the center of the ring and calls for the classic test of strength. CM arches an eyebrow and looks to the crowd. of course the fans are yellingf or him not to. Still he's about to, but NO! CM shakes his head no. Lyn fumes and puts her arm up again. She demands CM take the test of strength with her. He's think about it and when he goes to lock up, Lynn this time turns and power walks to the ropes. She starts yelling at fans in the first row.
Fecca: Well it seems Taylor Lynn wants a test of strength, but our fans are strongly suggesting Christian Michaels not take it.
Styles: These people need to shut their mouthes. I want to see this test of strength.
Ms Lynn is leaning out of teh ring between the top an middle ropes. She's having quite teh arguement with a group of fans. CM tired of waiting walks up behind her and SMACK! His right hand slaps Taylor Lynn right across the right cheek of her ass!
Double B: Oh my!
Styles: Hey! That's sexual harrassment! I should know, Marie Dominque threatened to sue me for it if i ever did it to her again.
The challenger wheels back around into the ring. her face is red with anger, and maybe a hint of embarrassment, as she glares at the champion.CM is meanwhile chuckling about the whole thing. Well he was til Taylor stormed up to him and SLAPPED the taste right outta his mouth! The slap so hard that it turns CM's face to look up the ramp. And he stays like that too.
Crowd: OoOoOo!!!
The rage begins to build up and the champ's whole body begins to shake. Suddenly he snaps his head back to glare at Taylor Lynn. She visibly gulps before looking to land another slap. This time CM catches her hand. He looks at the hand and then back to Lynn. Michaels shakes his head "Nuh uh". He drops to a knee and pulls Taylor right across his knee.
Styles: What the...?!
Our fans roar with approval.
Double B: I reckon Christian Michaels is about to deliver that whuppin he promised taylor Lynn earlier in the week.
He was going to but Taylor Lynn scrambles out of CM's grasp. She rolls under the bottom rope to the outside. Looks like its time for a lil rethinking of things. After a few moments she looks into the ring an gives CM the "Up your's!" gesture. The champ promptly rolls under the bottom rope and gives chase around the ring. Taylor Lynn suddenly rolls into teh ring back under the bottom rope. Quicklys he's on her feet and clasps her hands together. The instant CM slides under the rope an pushes to his hands an knees, Taylor drops to her knees delivering an axe-handle-like smash between Michaels' shoulders. Again and again she repeats the process each time CM tries to push up. She eventually grabs a handful of CM's long hair and drags him to teh middle rope. Richards is right there admonishing Taylor as she pushes CM's throat across the rope. Richards realizes he'll have to employ the five count here.
Lynn just looks at Richards with a sadistic smile on her face.
She's not letting up.
Still not!
Not yet...
Finally the challenger steps back holding her hands up. Richards though is right in her face warning that he will disqualify her if she doesn't obey the rules. Lynn apparently cares very little for the warning. She bypasses the ref and shoves CM's throat back across the rope. And again Lynn holds the count as long as possible without getting DQed. Yet again Richards is delivering a stern warning.
Fecca: Taylor Lynn being warned about choking the champion across that middle rope.
Styles: What's his problem? The rules clearly says she has a count of five to utilize.
Fecca: How about having some ethics and morals in a match?
Styles: Who needs those when you can be evil personified?
As the ref was fussing at Lynn, CM has walke don his knees to the corner. He pulls himself up and leans back, rubbing his throat. Taylor sees this oppurtunity and charges into the corner with a right-armed clothesline. She then turns, wrapping her left arm around CM's neck. taylor Lynn charges out of teh corner bringing CM towards the center of the ring. She leaps up and drives the champion into the mat with a bulldog. CM hits the mat an immediately flips to his back, holding his forehead and kicking his feet on the mat. Lynn pounces on this chance for a pin. Richards down for the count and its ONE..NO! Michaels kicks out right after the one count. He rolls out of the ring still holding his forehead.
Double B: Christian Michaels rolling out of the ring here. Not sure exactly what is...Oh there it is.
Christian moves his hands and the bandage on his forehead has a growing red spot.
Fecca: Looks like that bulldog from Taylor Lynn has opened that wound she gave him from two weeks ago back up.
Lynn slides out of the ring behind Michaels. She moves up and viciously rakes her fingernails down the champion's back! CM yells out in agony an arches his back. He reaches back with his left hand to hold his back. CM turns to face Lynn and eats a couple forearm shots. Taylor then takes his left wrist and sends the champ careening into the turnpost. CM just barely gets his right hand up to soften the blow a lil. Still he goes down hard. Taylor Lynn rolls into the ring and back out to break Richards count. CM gets to his knees and Lynn comes over wrapping her left arm around his neck. She holds the champ in place as she begins beating her right fist into the bloody bandage on his forehead. Michaels finally shoves her away. taylor turns and charges back at him. CM dips his shoulder and delivers a variation of the backbody drop! Taylor Lynn hitting the thinly padded floor and rolling onto her side. She's holding her back as the champ rolls back into the ring. CM to a knee checking his forehead. His bloodsoaked bandage seems to be just hanging on at the edges. Michaels pushes up to his feet and turns around. When he does Taylor Lynn is on the apron. She grabs the top rope and springs onto it. taylor leaps towards the champ for maybe a flying clothesline of some sorts. however its not to be as CM snatches her from the air with a sit-out side slam aka Matt Hardy's "Side Effect".
Double B: Good gracious! The champion catches his challenger out of teh air with a sit-out side slam!
Fecca: Michaels into a pin.
ONE.........TWO..NO! Lynn rolls her left shoulders off the mat. Both champion and challenger up to their feet right after. CM takes a quick headlock on Taylor Lynn. She tries ta force his arm from around her head but CM has too tight a grip. Lynn falls back to teh ropes and uses that momentum to try an shove CM off. He grabs her wrist though and reverses sending Lynn to the ropes. Taylor comes back and CM gives her an arm-drag takedown. Taylor Lynn pops right back up, hits the ropes, and comes back to a second arm-drag. Once agains he pops up and hits the ropes. On this third arm-drag CM holds onto Taylor's wrist. He's got a knee right under her arm as he bars it. Ms Lynn slaps the mat once in frustration.
Fecca: Michaels is taking control of this match now. That's something he's going to have to keep up to minimize the effects of that reopened cut on his forehead.
Double B: No doubt about it. Having control like this will let Michaels control his breathing, slow down the flow of adrenaline through his body pumping that blood right out that cut.
The Heartthrob is holding onto the armbar but Taylor Lynn gets her knees under her. She pushes up to one forcing CM to his feet. He's hunched over keeping a hold on the arm bar. However this lends itself to Taylor Lynn. She reaches up with her free hand and rakes her nails across CM's forehead. She pushes that bandage off and also digs into the cut a lil. Michaels spins away holding his cut.
Styles: That's using your opponent's head. Haha!
As the champ hold shis cut Taylor Lynn looks at the blood on her fingers. She gets a sadistic gleam in her eyes. Lynn grabs CM by the hair and forces him over to the top rope. She begins to rub his forehead back an forth over the cut with Michaels trying to get a hand between the rope an his flesh. Finally on a count of four from Richards Taylor lets go. CM spins around and blood is starting to flow down his forehead. The challenger gives out a Xena-ish battle cry and leaps onto CM, wrapping her legs around his waist.
Fecca: What the hell is she...Oh my god!
Taylor Lynn grabs CM's face with both hands ta keep him from moving as she leans in an starts biting at his cut!
Double B: Dammit ref she's biting him! Get in there!
To his credit Richards is really fussing at Taylor Lynn to stop the biting. Then again she's not about to listen folks. CM takes matters into his own hands and delivers a sit-out powerbomb. Holds for a count of one and maybe a half before Taylor rolls out of it. They're both to their feet quickly but blood has ran down into CM's eyes. he's blinded and taking a defensive stance. Taylor Lynn grins and comes to teh side with a kick to the back of CM's left leg. He immediately throws a wild right to his left, missing big time. Lynn comes back and kicks the right leg. CM with a wild left again missing big.
Double B: Bobbie this is not good for teh chalelnger. He's been blinded by his own blood.
Fecca: And we see that Taylor Lynn is willing to take full advantage of that.
Styles: Why shouldn't she?
With teh champ blinded Taylor Lynn circles behind him. She jumps on his back and locks in a sleeper hold. Lynn tries ta synch it in but CM snapmares her off his back. He tries to deliver a kick to her back but she scrambles away. CM could've seen it if he wasn't blinded. Instead the kick causes him to spin on around. Taylor Lynn witha dropkick to the back. CM is sent to the ropes chest first and stumbles back into a schoolboy pin.
Lyn hooks the tights an pulls.
Fecca: She's got the tights!
THRE-NO! Christian just manages to get off his shoulders. He rolls to the apron and gets up on it outside the ropes. Taylor Lynn delivers a shoulder to his mid-section sending Michaels flying off teh apron. As he comes down his forehead smacks the apron!
Styles: Oh that's gott sting.
Double B: And then some! It won't do any favors for that cut.
Taylor Lynn exits the ringa nd she brinsg CM to the announce table. This time Richards comes out begging her to take it back to the ring. Ms Lynn ignores him and slams CM's face into the table several times.
Taylor Lynn: The title is mine!
Styles: Yeah! Right here girlfriend!
Eddie Styles looking for a high five from Taylor Lynn. She's about to give it to him but suddenly CM with an elbow to her stomach. He then takes Lynn by the back of teh head and slams her face HARD to the table!
Styles: Hey!
CM starts reaching towards Eddie as Taylor Lynn falls to her ass holding her forehead.
Styles: Ok, my bad, nice shot...
But CM wasn't actually reaching for Eddie. Instead he grabs Styles' bottle of water and uncaps it. he steps back a bit form the table, one hand still on it to steady himself, and pours the water down his face. The blood washes away and it looks like a crime scene around CM's feet.
Double B: Michaels just used that bottle of water to clean the blood off his face and....Uh oh it looks like he can see perfectly now.
Styles: No! Come on Taylor do something!
Lynn is trying ta shake loose the cobwebs from having her head smashed into the table. She gets to her feet only to be sent back down from a hard chop by CM. Back up and then back down from another chop. When Taylor Lynn gets back up this time CM takes her by the back of her neck and the waist of her pants and sends her into the ring under the bottom rope. Lynn gets up and comes for CM as he's getting to his feet. The champion though meets her with a European uppercut. That knocks Taylor back but she charges back in. A drop toe-hold takes her down to teh mat. Lynn scoots to the ropes so that CM can't follow up.
Double B: Michaels seems to have found him one of those bah gawd second winds. He's got his challenger, Taylor Lynn, reeling.
Fecca: Christian Michaels has been known his whole career for taking a beating but coming back late to win the match.
With the opponent pulling herslef up in the corner, CM in with several stinging chops. He goe sto whip Lynn across the ring but she rever-No! CM reverses taylor's reversal sending her to the opposite corner afterall. She stumbles out and CM dips the shoulder and gives her that backdrop variation again.
Styles: Where does he find it though?
Fecca: Its a determination to win that is matched by few, if any, other's in this business.
Double B: I second that motion whole-heartedly.
CM pulls taylor Lynn up but she kick shim in the stomach. The champ though isn't stunned much. Lynn swings a wild clothesline attempt that gets ducked under. She spins around and CM lifts her upa nd brings her down onto his knee for an atomic drop. Taylor bounces off CM's knee to the ropes. She comes back and CM picks her up and gives her the inverted version of the atomic drop. Taylor Lynn hops in place holding her nether regions. CM follows up witha dropkick that puts her on the mat. He looks ta make a pin but Lynn rolls to a corner.
Double B: Taylor Lynn making a wise decision to get out of the champion's reach. I'm not sure she'd be able to kick out after this flurry of offense from Michaels.
Styles: How could he give her an inverted atomic drop? You can't do that to a girl!
Fecca: I'm sure the champion would love to hear your complaint Eddie. Feel free to go file it with him.
Styles: I'll wait til he's a lil less busy....and less angry.
Michaels come stowards the corner to retrieve Taylor buts he maybe played a lil possum here. As CM approaches, Lynn reaches out and grabs teh front of his tights yanking the champion face-first into the top turnbuckle.
Fecca: Come on now!
Styles: What a brilliant move.
Christian staggers back holding his head as the cut begins to bleed again. Meanwhile Taylor Lynn slips out onto the apron. CM finally gets his bearings and looks towards teh corner. As he does taylor Lynn springs to the top rope and then off to nail the 720 DDT.
Double B: Hateful Intent! Good gracious Taylor Lynn just caught Michaels with that seven-twenty ddt known as Hateful Intent!
Styles: Holy crap!
Fecca: What the....I was sure Michaels would...
Taylor Lynn rolls the champ to his back and hooks a leg as she pins.
Crowd: BOOOO!!!!
Fecca: It can't be...
THREE!!! CM rolls his shoulder off the mat a split-second too late. The bell rings and the fans are pissed. They boo like hell as Sabrina makes the shocking announcement.
In a corner the title is being handed over to Taylor as she too is even in shock. CM looks towards Richards with a look of shock etched upon his bloody face.
He holds up two fingers suggesting the count was only a two. But the ref assures the now former champion that it was indeed a three.
Busch, "I... I can't believe it... Christian Michaels... Christian Michaels has LOST The World Title! Right here on SHOCKWAVE Christian Michaels has ended a nearly year long reign as PWT World's Champion... Taylor Lynn has come in like a Hurricane and rocked the world in ONE bout... I can't believe it! History... BAH God All Mighty, HISTORY has been MADE! As the dark clouds begin to float over PWT with a rumble in their stomach and rain drops beginning to fall like the tears of lost and tortured Souls, PWT is now under a whole new rule and Taylor Lynn... Taylor Bah GOD Lynn is the Ruler! My stomach has dropped and it may never rise back up again..."
"Ya know, This some serious bullshit."
That line came out of no where, So much in fact that even the censors weren't alert enough to bleep shit. Our camera heads up the ramp where we see Xavier Homicide with a microphone. TOG, Mason Caine (with no mask and black slacks and a big ass white polo shirt so maybe the fans don't know who he is) and Randy Undomesticated are all there trying desperately to talk to Xavier down like he's on a building edge about to jump or something.
Xavier, "Ya know, When we went to Immortal Glory I was told (Mock Brooks southern accent) "It's gonna be your day kid... You're gonna be the man... You're goin over at Glory... You're gonna be the champion." I was glad. I'm not an egotistical man but I know when I've done well and I know when I've busted my ass and I've been busting my ass since I got here and I've done damn well!"
Xavier, "Now, When You and Taylor and Burt all teamed up against me and politiced your way to keeping the belt I was like whatever. I wasn't happy but despite the fact that you've turned into a real piece of sh*t backstage, I can live with you being champion because I know you have the skills and the time vested in PWT to be champion. Even though I think you need to recognize it might be someone elses time, I was cool if you weren't quite ready to do that. This is your yard, I understand that. But then when you grab some chick out of the Chicago discard pile and come out here and gleefully give her the spot you just refused to give me when I've been here busting my ass for YEARS! That's bullsh*t and you know it."
Busch, "I think we need to take a break... Let's go ahead and cut it to a commercial...."
At this point Lynn and Michaels are standing side by side in the ring, almost in awe of what's going on. You couldn't tell they were just killing each other because they're both leaning the rope looking at Xavier on the stage like he's lost his mind. The fans started out cheering Xavier but the more this goes on, the more they realize they're taking part in something very... Different, from what they've ever been a part of before ata wrestling event. They've now quieted down toa buzz wanting to pay complete attention. The Agents are still kinda trying to talk X down but it's obvious they're well aware that he just jumped and there's not much they can do to stop the splat now. Who expected the quietest most respectful guy in the lockeroom to be the guy to stand up and put his balls out there like this?
Xavier continues, "Now I know my job's probably gone... And hey, Whatever. You're firing everyone else that breathes wrong in this company, Why not me too? But if I'm going down, I'm going down taking a stand. You, Christian Michaels... and your buddy Taylor, and as much as it hurts me to say, even my trainer David... You're all a bunch of assh*les and you have done nothing but hold down every young guy back there ready to advance. Collins, Winterborn.... They had an awesome match tonight but what are they gonna be doing in two weeks? Probably not a G*d damn thing. Jessica... Jessica leaves a show early and now she gets thrown off TV last week and is on TV long enough this week to get put on her ass by Drew. That's garbage... Complete garbage. This whole place is going to Hell in a handbasket and I'm tired of silently enduring the flames. Oh, and hey people, just in case you're confused, Becca and Brooks are just TV Characters. Taylor and Chris run this company! Don't think so? Look at the nose dive the Femme Fatale division has taken. We may have two quality women feuding over the belt but the division gets zero coverage and zero planning and it shows. A WallStreet trademark no? And now Taylor Lynn must be the newest member of the clique. Awesome. I'm gonna go back and wait to see your insincere bullsh*t best wishes on my "future endeavors" to be put next to my name on the website but recognize, I'm not the only guy fed up and sooner or later I won't be the only guy out here telling you how it is. PWT's in trouble... You wanta save it? Get the f**k over yourselves and get back to doing what's best for business instead of what's best for your egos. Sound good there Hogan, Hall, and Nash?"
Xavier drops the mic and turns around heading up the stage. The commentators have nothing to say... The Road Agents follow X shaking their heads and talking amongst themselves. Lynn and Michaels both have looks of disgust as they're talking amongst themselves. The fans however... The previously quiet fans... They have something to say... They all stand up and the loudest chant I've ever heard hits...
*Commercial Break* |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave April 17th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 4:27 PMCopy HTML
When the cameras come back the commentators are quiet... They may even be gone. We're backstage and the feed's bumpy as the camera man appears to be walking. He rounds a corner and there's Christian Michaels, Taylor Lynn, David Van Dam, WallStreet and Faith Rivers... Oh yeah, and Becca and Jon Brooks. WallStreet and David are freshly showered and in their business suits, David's black and Wally's gray. Michaels and Taylor still in their ring gear and Faith in some form fitting blue jeans and a baby T.
McCallister, "That was f**king bullshit Becca! Did you see him out there?! He just completely pissed on this entire company! He went into business for himself and Christ only knows how much f**king damage he just did. Ya know, I'm practically running your f**king company. I might as well put a g*d damn bed in the office in Grand Rapids because as Faith can testify, I basically live there. How bout you? You don't do jack and the one thing I expect from you... To keep your performers in check on show days so I can focus on performing... You can't even do that!"
Becca, "How was I suppose to know he was gonna..."
David, "And here come the excuses. In the last near-Decade I've been here it's been nothing but excuses. I didn't come back for this sh*t. If I wanted to have my name drug through the mud on television I could have just reminded the people in San Antonio that I'm still around. I -Along with Chris- have been the backbone of this company for YEARS and to let some young kid go out there and completely bury us was bullsh*t. I'm embarrassed to have any strings connected to Xavier as his trainer but, I'm even MORE embarrassed right now to have the biggest chunk of my life's history written in this place. Now I know Street and I were suppose to go out and promo after Chris and Lynn rematch for the dark match closer but f**k that. I'm going home. And I'm not sure I'll be back when PWT goes to Cleveland either."
David turns and heads off...
WallStreet shakes his head, "I'm leaving as well but I *Will* be back... I'll be in the office Monday, But only because even though Xavier's on his high horse talking about how much I helped hold him down or whatever, I'm aware that this place would fuckin crumble if I left it in your hands and I'd like to see the business not keel over when the only credible aimoo circuit promotion kicks the bucket. Not for nothin but if this, come around once ina blue moon and then not do anything deal is your idea of good business, ya really outta just sell out to me and I'll just take full responsibility of the place on paper instead of just in every other regard."
WallStreet and Faith head off as Becca sighs, "Alright... We can go on without their promo. You guys just need too..."
CM snickers, "Really? I go out there, bust my ass, Juice all over the place to put Taylor over and you think we're gonna go back out there and kill ourselves again after that? One, the crowd'll piss all over it and two, It's bullsh*t to even ask us to go back out there now. I'm going to go try and smooth things over with Taylor and Dave since I asked them to come back and assuured them it'd be a good idea... Right now they think I was full of crap and I'm not so sure I wasn't."
CM heads off and Taylor Lynn shakes her head and sneers at Becca, "And here I thought I'd left the places where the Inmates run the Asylum."
Lynn turns on her heels and heads off as well, the PWT Championship in tow. It's about this time Brooks whispers in Becca's ear and points toward the camera. Becca turns around and glares, "Seriously? That was the main event... Why are we still on the air? Why would you possibly think it was a good idea to tape that? Turn that f**king thing off... Now..."
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