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Date Posted:11/17/2010 3:51 PMCopy HTML
 Saturday April 3rd, 2010 Commentary Team: Burt Busch, Bobby Fecca & Eddie Styles Venue: Consaco Field House in Indianapolis Indiana Theme Song: "Still Unbroken" Lynard Skynard Deadline: 11pm Central Time Saturday Night (Midnight Sunday Morning EST) 24 Hour Deadline 11pm Centeral Time Friday Night
Main Event PWT World Title Taylor McCallister VS Christian Michaels Referee Assigned: Jim Richards Writer: David ((On the heels of one of the greatest Pay Per Views in recent history, Christian Michaels is STILL World's Heavyweight Champion. Millions world wide witnessed one of the finest singles matches in memory as Michaels and Homicide went toe to toe. However, What they witnessed after that incredible match is what sent us heading into thise HUGE Shockwave Main Event. Taylor "WallStreet" McCallister made a shocking return claiming that he'd never been given a rematch from his championship defeat at the hands of Christian Michaels. Now, just two weeks removed from one of Michaels most grueling bouts he heads right into his second straight title defense against a man who has never been beaten twice by the same person EVER in his career... Can Michaels make history at the Corporate Icon's expense or will WallStreet return be one of ultimate triumph as he takes over the throne as PWT's World Heavyweight Champion?)) Match Four PWT People's Championship Javen (W/ Plague & Regret) VS Kimberly Pain Referee: Jim Richards Writer: Andrew ((You could argue that since Javen was the guy pinned in the fatal fourway he deserves this shot the least... That being said, Kim Pain promised before the match that "when" she won she'd give him the first shot. She may have just been talking smack (which flew right over his head) but, we're tired of hearing him whine about how that should be treated like a verbal contract. So, more so to shut him up than anything else, here it is... Javen one on one with Kim Pain for a belt we're still waiting on Duke to give her.))
Advertised Segment The Wetdown: Hosted by Leaky Format Special Guest: PWT President Jonathan Brooks Writer: Taylor ((The Wetdown is LIVE on Shockwave and this week Jonathan Brooks has been invited to the show to make a big time announcement regarding the future of a major championship and the return of a former PWT Star.))
Match Three Non-Title Return Match Damien Collins VS Matt Matlock Referee: Mitch Roberts Writer: Johnathan
((Two weeks prior to Immortal Glory Damian Collins sent Jessica Jones quite the message when he beat Matt Matlock in thirty seconds. Going into Immortal Glory it was Damien Collins night to shine and nobody gave Matt Matlock a second thought... Yet when it was all said and done Matt Matlock became a Six Time PWT Backyard champion (the most reigns any one wrestler has had with any one belt in PWT history) while Damien Collins walked away with an L on the board to Jessica Jones. Has the tide turned? Will Matlock show the world their last encounter was a fluke or will Damien Collins once again make Matt Matlock his outlet for frustration?))Match Two Singles Drew Stevenson VS Duke Andrews Referee Assigned: William Sharpe Writer: Nate (DC) ((Drew Stevenson is on a roll lately! Shut out Shadow 3-0 with a big submission finale, he beat Chris Walker right out of the company... He's heading for big things for sure. In contrast Duke Andrews lost his title and arguably his mind at Immortal Glory. Watching Duke rob Kim Pain of the opportunity to enjoy the spoils she so richly deserved when he refused to relenquish the PWT People's title when Kim won, Drew was furious. We all know Drew's old school and he's all about respect and honor. Duke's move was neither respectful nor honorable. Now Drew Stevenson looks to take Duke Andrews to the woodshed and treat him with a little less "Respect" and "Honor" then he might appreciate. Of course that's an easier task said then done when you're talking about Duke Andrews.... Maybe... Depending on the week .)) Opening Bout #1 Contendership Femme Fatale Championship Mika Tanaka VS Hope Rivers Referee Assigned: Frank Mason Writer: Chrissy ((The final two remaining in the Evening Gown Melee before Teresa Walker won it all... Now they do battle one on one for number one contendership to the title neither were quite able to grab at Immortal Glory. Surely the champion will not be very far from the TV Screen during this one.))
-------------------Dark Matches------------------- ((Dark Matches are untelevised matches that take place solely for the fans in attendence before the TV Broadcast begins. There's a variety of reasons someone might be booked in a Dark Match... - Your character will be on TV Later in a non-competitive roll that wouldn't work as well if you wrestled before or after - Your new and we're making sure you'll rp - We Ran out of room on the other card and figured you'd rather rp for a dark match then no match - Other))
Match Three Singles Apollo Arroyo VS Phoenix Winterborn Referee Assigned: Mitch Roberts Summerized by: Johnathan
((Apollo has an opportunity to really turn some heads as he faces established PWT performer Phoenix Winterborn for his debut match.))
Match Two Singles Non-Title Jessika Orton VS Theresa Walker Referee Assigned: Mitch Roberts Summerized By: Johnathan ((Jessika Orton looks to make a name as she faces the Femme Fatale Champion in Pre-TV Non Title action..))Opening Match Singles Allen Creed VS Salman Van Dam Referee Assigned: Willie Sharpe Summerized By: Johnathan ((Both of these men make their PWT Debuts in front of the great Indianapolis crowd.))
Also Appearing: NovaCaine, Xavier Homicide, Jessica Jones, Jimmy Stryker, Shattered Soul, Shadow and More!!!
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave April 3rd, 2010
Date Posted:11/17/2010 3:52 PMCopy HTML
-------------------Dark Matches-------------------
((Dark Matches are untelevised matches that take place solely for the fans in attendence before the TV Broadcast begins. There's a variety of reasons someone might be booked in a Dark Match... - Your character will be on TV Later in a non-competitive roll that wouldn't work as well if you wrestled before or after - Your new and we're making sure you'll rp - We Ran out of room on the other card and figured you'd rather rp for a dark match then no match - Other))
Match Three Singles Apollo Arroyo VS Phoenix Winterborn Referee Assigned: Mitch Roberts Winner: Apollo Arroyo Apparently the fans in Indy have been checking out the website this week. They were anticipating this match. Many fans rushed back to their seats from buying merchandise for it. As the match started we saw Pheonix Winterborn utilize his lighter frame to keep Apollo off-balance. The hit quick an move away tactics seemed to work for a bit. Soon enough though Apollo took control of the match and bullied Pheonix around with his size.
This one soon broke down into an all-out brawl. Seems to be some deep-seeded issues between Winterborn and Arroyo. The end came for Phoenix when he came off the top rope for a double axehandle and instead ate a boot to the face. This stunned the American Tradition longe nough for Apollo to hit his "Apollo's Arrow" wrist-clutch exploder suplex.
Match Two Singles Non-Title Jessika Orton VS Teresa Ramos Referee Assigned: Mitch Roberts Winner: Teresa Ramos Jessika Orton was out to the ring first with virtually no reaction from the fans. That was not the case as new Femme Fatale championess Teresa Ramos made her way to the ring. She recieved a chorus of boos from our great fans.
The match, if you could call it that, wasn't very pretty for Jessika. From the moment the bell rang Teresa was in control of things. Orton's sole offense was a couple of chops. Teresa hit her "The Trouble With Love" reverse twist of fate signiture at the three minute mark to set Jessika up for "The Hotshot" diving moonsault. A three count later and Ramos' hand was raised as the winner.
Teresa wasn't done though folks. She drug Jessika to a corner and gave the defeated Orton a stinkface and kicked her out of the ring.
Opening Match Singles Allen Creed VS Salman Van Dam Referee Assigned: Willie Sharpe Winner: Allen Creed This match was a good seven minute bout. In the early goings Creed used some unsavory tactics to gain the upper hand. He held onto that control for the first several minutes of the match. SVD mounted a comeback late. He went up top for a diving spear and it spelt the end. Creed managed to crotch SVD on the top turnbuckle. He then hit the "Dead from the Neck Up" rope hung stunner for the three. |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave April 3rd, 2010
Date Posted:11/17/2010 3:52 PMCopy HTML
Open with a strong PWT Instrumental as we begin showing clips of Immortal Glory… These clips conclude with WallStreet‘s challenge to Christian Michaels for Shockwave tonight… Upon the conclusion of said clips, "Still Unbroken" by Lynard Skynard begins playing with various clips of PWT superstars. As it concludes the pyro begins exploding as we pan the crowd…
PWT Shockwave! Live in Indianapolis Indiana
Suddenly "Crying Like A Bitch" By Godsmack begins as green lights begin pulsating. Finally the curtain moves and out from behind it to a tremendous rumble steps…
The Corporate Icon.
Sabrina, "Ladies and Gentlemen, Please welcome from Manhattan New York…… Former PWT Champion…… The Corporate Icon… Taylor "WAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLSTREEEEEEEEEET"……. McCalllllllllllister!"
As WallStreet begins down the ramp Busch says, "Don’t adjust your screens, you’re really seeing the Corporate Icon on his way to the ring here at the Conseco Field House in Indianapolis." Fecca, "On the Heels of what some would argue was the greatest Pay Per View event in PWT History, what a way to kick off Shockwave!" Styles, "No Doubt, No Doubt. The Corporate Icon in the hizzy fo’ shizzy and ya gotta believe he is prime and ready for his huge world title match here tonight." Busch, "It does not get any bigger folks… The Corporate Icon Taylor McCallister one on one with the Southern Heartthrob Christian Michaels for the most coveted prize in all of professional wrestling… The PWT World’s heavyweight championship."
WallStreet rounds the corner and heads up the stairs. He enters between the ropes and shakes hands with Sabrina before taking her microphone. Sabrina heads out as the music begins to fade.
Fecca, "And now it looks like WallStreet’s gonna speak to this massive Indianapolis crowd."
WallStreet, "Thank You…"
Crowd: GO THE HELL HOME (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap) GO THE HELL HOME (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), GO THE HELL HOME (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap)
WallStreet raises an eyebrow, "Well then… I guess we know where the computer geeks in the audience are located… Tell your moms I said Hi on the way to the basement when ya get home."
Some boo, some not so much, either way…
WallStreet, "Now… Thirteen days ago I came back and I told Christian Michaels that it was go time… It was time to stop playing in the sandbox with these kids and step to bat against a grown man… Against the fiercest competitor in the history of this sport… Against ME…"
Again, some cheer, some boo…
WallStreet, "Now Shockwave has come and we’re less than two hours away from crowning a new World’s champion… Because make no mistake about it, as much as you may all love Christian Michaels…"
WallStreet continues, "The fact of the matter is, It’s time for a new king to reign and that king is none other than……"
"Champion In Me" by Three Doors Down suddenly blasts over the PA as the crowd erupts again.
Fecca, "Whut-Oh." Busch, "Business… Business, Is Fixin To Pick Up."
CM Comes through the curtain throwing his PWT Championship into the air drawing a heavy array of boos and cheers.
Busch, "The World’s champion in the house, coming off of one of the finest bouts that I can recall in my nearly thirty years of experience. Xavier Homicide brought it on all cylinders at Immortal Glory and deserves a lot of credit but in the end, Christian Michaels prevailed." Fecca, "I couldn’t help but route for X to get his first run at the belt but, it simply wasn’t his night. Michaels and Homicide tore the house down but Michaels came out just a bit ahead of his former challenger." Styles, "Yeah, that’s all well and good… But now we’re talking about WallStreet and when WallStreet’s the challenger there’s a good chance we’re on the cusp of a new champion." Busch, "For as excellent a competitor as WallStreet is, he only has one major world title to his credit… A Fifteen day PWT Title reign obtained last spring. Prior to that WallStreet has only been in three other world title contests… A Five person elimination for the ICWA Championship that saw he and Nic E. Dangerously come to a draw as the last two members of the match, a triple Threat against Matlock and Van Dam where Van Dam would begin his impressive 22 month reign as ICWA World’s Champion and of course, the one on one with Drew Stevenson where he obtained the PWT World’s championship. This will make WallStreet’s fifth world title match in eight years… An astonishing statistic when you consider the height of McCallister’s star power and the ultra impressive win loss record he’s maintained over the course of that eight years."
CM has finally gotten to the ring and is entering between the ropes with a mic in hand as his music begins to fade.
CM, "I’m gonna cut right to the chase Taylor…"
CM shrugs, "Everybody’s a critic…… Anyway, Right to the chase… You will NEVER Replace me as King of *This* Kingdom… When you step into a PWT Ring, you step into Christian Michaels country and in Christian Michaels country, you come after the king you lose your head."
WallStreet smiles, "Christian, Christian, Christian… (shakes head)… All that hostility in your voice… (get’s more serious)… Good… Because you’re gonna need to be "hostile"… You’re gonna need to be a lot of things… Not to win tonight, that’s not an option for you… No… Simply to SURVIVE."
Busch, "Big words from the challenger to the champion…"
WallStreet, "Make no mistake Christian Michaels… I’m no goody goody… Tonight, I will do whatever it is I have to do to become World’s champion. I will sneak a punch into my headlock, I will pull your hair, bite your forehead, gouge your eyes and knee your nads if I think it’ll bring me success… Hell, I’ll even punt your damn cat if that’ll be the difference maker. Rules are made to be broken and I will break every single one if the end result is that firey little enchilada at ringside declaring "Your winner and NEW… Worlds… Heavyweight… Champion… Taylor McCallister."
CM scoffs, "Good for you Taylor… Except that I’m a firm believer in turn about’s fair play and what that means is, if there’s no rules for you… well brother, you can toss out my edition of the rules book as well. You wanta go like that, then we’ll go… We’ll go and Jim Richards can lose what he has left of his hair trying to stop us. I’m fine with that… But at the end of the night, all you’re gonna hear is "STILL PWT World’s Champion…..."
The crowd begins to erupt as "All I Do Is Win (Van Dam Remix)" by DJ Kahled begins blasting over the PA with images of the former world’s champion taking over the Big Screen.
Busch, "Michaels and WallStreet face to face… And now… OH! BAH GOD, IT’S INDY’S OWN DAVID! VAN! DAM!"
Sure enough the curtain moves and out from behind it in a blue dress shirt and black dress slacks is David Van Dam.
The crowd is going wild for their native Walk of Famer as David stands on the stage putting his arms out toward the crowd as if to say "Come on, that’s as loud as ya get?" Of course they respond accordingly by raising the decimal. Van Dam nods, claps his hands and throws the fans a thumbs up.
As David begins down the ramp Busch says, "Five minutes into the broadcast and we’re already pulling out all the big guns. The World’s Champion Christian Michaels has been the face of PWT For five years… WallStreet making an advertised return after being away from the sport for months… And now, to the surprise of everyone, David Van Dam! Three Walk of Famers kicking off Shockwave as ONLY they can."
David shakes some hands on his way before he rounds the corner and begins heading up the stairs. David steps in between the ropes and spins around with his arms out ala Angle… The crowd continues to erupt as WallStreet and Michaels have inhabited separate corners, just keeping an eye on everything. Finally the music begins to fade as David reaches out of the ring for a microphone.
WallStreet, "Well, Well, Well… Look who it is… David Van Dam!"
The crowd cheers although now we can hear a small portion of boos as well.
WallStreet, "What brings you off of your Hawaiian island to our humble neck of the woods?"
David cocks an eyebrow, "*Your* Humble neck of the woods? Is that what I just heard you say… *Your* Neck of the woods?"
WallStreet, "That’s what I said…"
David, "You think this is *Your* Neck of the woods? Well to coin a phrase… I DON’T THINK SO! You look into that crowd and you tell me what you see Taylor! No! I’ll tell *YOU* What you see! You see a building full of Hoosiers! Now you look right in front of ya and you tell me what you see! No! I’ll tell *YOU* What you see! You See the Born and Bread Hoosier State Wrestling MACHINE!"
Michaels, "Heh… Guess he told you…"
David gets wide eyed and points at Michaels, "ANNNNNNNNND YOU!"
Michaels looks perplexed…
David, "This guy here (points at WallStreet) is an Assh*le."
The crowd erupts as WallStreet’s face starts bubbling up with anger but, suddenly relaxes, contemplates, and draws a shrug from his shoulders as he begins nodding and his lips read "Yeah… I really am."
David, "So when he comes out here and says he’ll break the rules and he’ll do this that and the other to become champion, I expect that from him. That’s the kind of guy he is. But Yoooooou! You’re the standard setter around here! You’re the guy everyone else in that lockeroom is suppose to look up too… suppose to aspire to be like! You’re the guy who goes around kissing babies, talking football and barbecuing with the man folk and flirt innocently with the woman folk… You’re supposed to be the bigger man, not the guy who says ‘Ah, you wanta say screw the rules then I’m gonna say screw the rules too! Grrrr!"
CM raises an eyebrow as he says, "I’m sorry, I must have missed your squeaky clean reign as champion of a company…. Was that when you were trying to gouge my eyes out in the Carolinas for the ICWA Belt? Or was it when you were playing Hackensack with Damian Collins sack of planters here? Maybe when you were back raking Seifer or when you were using the bridge of Georgia James nose as a mid-match snack?"
David, "Hey! Let’s not make this about me, this is about you two! Besides, who can blame me for taking a nibble or two on Georgia James? (Crowd cheers)… Regardless though, you’re right… I know -and have perfected- every dirty trick in the book… I’d make a Hell of a referee if I was looking for a career change. I know all the tricks, so I’d know exactly how to identify said tricks and stop em… Hmmm… Ya know, It has been a long time since I’ve been a part of a big main event and it doesn’t get much bigger then Taylor McCallister and Christian Michaels for the PWT World title… Clearly Jim Richards doesn’t have a prayer of keeping you two in check……… Dah, what the Hell…"
David untuckes his shirt, unbuttons his cuffs and then begins unbuttoning the center of his shirt while still kinda keeping it closed…
WallStreet, "As much as the sixty year old women in the "I Heart David Van Dam" fan club appreciate your strip tease, I’m pretty sure we were in the middle of something here so if you’d kindly take your leave…"
Van Dam leans into WallStreet’s mic and says, "Leave?!"
David yanks his collared shirt off revealing a zebra skin! Most of the crowd erupts as David leans back in and yells, "I’M JUST GETTING STARTED!"
Wally and Micheales both get wide eyed looking at each other yelling back and forth, "DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS?! NO! DID YOU?! SON OF A BITCH!"
David tosses the mic back to Wally and slides down on the mat, slapping it as if to make a count as "All I Do Is Win (Van Dam Remix)" begins blasting over the PA again.
Busch, "Bah God, did you hear that guys? What a huge main event…"
The screen switches to a match graphic for Wally VS CM with DVD As special guest referee.
Busch, "Christian Michaels defends against The Corporate Icon Taylor McCallister and now we know that David Van Dam will preside as the official referee for that contest… Three PWT Walk of Famers, Two former PWT World Champions and a current PWT World Champion… Does it get any bigger? I don’t think it does… Folks. We’re barely in progress… Don’t go anywhere, we’re just getting started!"
*Commercial Break* |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave April 3rd, 2010
Date Posted:11/17/2010 3:53 PMCopy HTML
When we return we recap the final four or so of the Evening Gown Melee. We show the triple team on the drag queen to eliminate it, we see Teresa/Hope/Mika go through their triple finishers exchange, we see Hope eliminate Mika and then Teresa eliminate Hope to become Femme Fatale champion.
As cameras go to the ring for the first match of the night, "Big Things Poppin" by T.I. blares over the PA. Mika walks through the curtain wearing a hooded robe with the front open. She walks to the edge of the stage and starts blowing kisses at the fans. She walks down the ramp, slapping the hands that are stretched out to her.
Sabrina, "The openning contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the #1 Contendership to the Femme Fatale Championship. On her way to the ring, from Toyko Japan weighing in at 120 lbs., Mika Tanaka."
Fecca, "This young woman had an impressive start to her career at Immortal Glory."
Styles, "Impressive? She lost!"
Fecca, "Maybe so. But it was her first match and she was one of the final three fatales in the ring. Really that's not bad."
Styles, "Pffttt..."
She stands at the bottom of the ramp and stretches her arms out. As she does, pink smoke floats over her and the floor by the ring. She climbs up the stairs and gets in the ring above the bottom rope. She steps up on the turnbuckle and blows more kisses the fans. After that, she dances some in the middle of the ring before her music is cut and replaced with "Hope" by Sevendust.
Styles, "Well here comes the one that eliminated her..."
Sabrina, "And her opponent, on her way to the ring from Miami Florida weighing in at 127 lbs, Hope Rivers!"
Hope walks out onto the entrance ramp and points out onto the cheering crowd as she starts heading down the aisle with a smile.
Styles, "What?!..No Destiny..."
Fecca, "Guess not. Looks like Hope's going solo for the night."
Styles, "Damn."
Hope makes her way up the steel steps and onto the ring apron before stepping through the ropes. She then walks to the center of the ring and raises her arms up above her head, which has one blast of fireworks coming out of the four corners. As Hope lowers her arms and turns her attention toward her opponent, Mika comes running at her with a clothesline.
Fecca, "Mika trying to get an early start..."
Mason signals for the bell just as Hope ducks underneath it. As Hope turns back around, Mika is swinging at her with a hard right hand, but Hope blocks it and nails her with one of her own. As Mika staggers back a step, Hope kicks her in the gut before planting her to the mat with a spiked DDT.
Styles, "...But it didn't work out the way she planned."
Hope then rolls over Mika onto her back and makes the cover. But Mason only gets a two before Mika kicks out.
Styles, "A near fall by Hope."
Hope is up on her feet first and bends down to help Mika up, but Mika rolls her up in a small package. But this time Hope kicks out just after the two.
Fecca, "Mika returning the favor with one of her own."
As both females get to their feet, Hope gets Mika in a headlock. She is applying more pressure Mika pushes her off into the ropes. As Hope comes off of them, Mika put her head down and Hope goes over for a backbody drop. As Hope starts to get up, she is up to one knee, when Mika runs into the ropes and comes off with a running enziguiri. Hope falls face first into the mat as Mika drops a legdrop down onto the back of her neck. Mika then kicks Hope over onto her back before running into the ropes and jumping on the second rope to flip over onto Hope with a lionsault.
Fecca, "The Fatal Attraction."
But before Mika can connect, Hope gets her knees up which has Mika rolling around on the mat while holding her midsection. Mika is still bent over as she is trying to get up. That's when Hope comes over and takes her down with a swinging neckbreaker. Once Mika is laid out on the mat, Hope goes to the outside and starts climbing her way to the top turnbuckle.
Once Hope perches herself up there, Styles can be heard saying, "Looks like we're about to see the 'Giver of Hope'..."
"Not quite.", Fecca responds as Mika gets up and dropkicks Hope, which causes her to lose balance and straddle the top turnbuckle. Mika then takes her from the top with a hurricarana. As Hope is getting back on her feet, Mika grabs her arm and irish whips her in the corner. Hope hits the turnbuckles with authority just before Mika follows her in with a handspring back elbow. As Hope stumbles forward out of the corner, Mika plants her to the mat with a bulldog. Mika then taunts the crowd a bit before setting herself up in waiting,
Busch: "Mika sensing victory is near."
A few moments later, when Hope is staggering to her feet and goes to turn around, Mika runs toward Hope with a spear, but Hope manages to stumble out of the way. Mika's shoulder connects with the ring post and she screams out in pain. This gives Hope some recover time so that when Mika makes it out of the corner, Hope nails her with a devastating chick kick.
Styles, "I can guarentee Mika is 'Seeing Stars' right now."
Just as Mika falls to the mat, Hope makes a cover and fans cheer as Mason slaps the mat three times and signals for the bell.
Sabrina, "Here is your winner...Hope Rivers!"
Fecca, "Another nice try by Mika..but it's still not enough to get the job done."
"Hope" by Sevendust plays as Hope gets her hand raised in victory.
Busch" Well now we know who will be the number one contender for Teresa Ramos' newly won Femme Fatale title" Fecca" A nice way to start the show to be sure Burt, but what a show we still got in store for everyone tonight" Styles " I didn't care who won, both ladies are beautiful and now one of them obviously needs a little tender loving from Uncle Eddie" Fecca"Oh Brother" Busch" I thought you still had that restraining order against you Ed from the entire Femme Fatale division?" Styles" Hey, that's just a misunderstanding" Fecca" Folks, I'm being told we got an alteraction going on backstage" The camera cuts from the ring side area to the backstage hallway where there is tons of screams, one being much louder than the others. "ITS MINE!!!! GIVEEEE IT BACK DAMN YOU!!!" We see Referee Mitch Roberts come running right by the camera location with the People's title in hand. " Get the hell out of the way!!" The camera zooms wide to show several referees and road Agents Holden Riser and Randy Undomesticated trying to hold back a very unstable looking Duke Andrews, who looks to be visibly shaking and screaming at the top of his lungs sounding like he is literally in pain without the title like some wounded animal. "SHE DIDNT BEAT ME....BRING IT BACK!!!!" Fecca" It looks like the People's title won by Kimberly Pain at Immortal Glory has been retrieved from the former champion Duke Andrews" Styles" Duke looks less than happy about it too" Busch" You mean he looks crazier than an Outhouse Rat" Fecca" Plus not only has he just lost that title, Duke will be out here next against Drew Stevenson" Busch" I don't know who I feel more sorry for folks...Drew or that poor referee if Duke gets a hold of him" Styles" I feel sorry for us...Well me, I don't know if it is safe to be out here with Duke having slipped a gasket" Fecca" We will find out next I guess....Stay tuned folks, this could get interesting"
*Commercial Break* |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave April 3rd, 2010
Date Posted:11/17/2010 3:54 PMCopy HTML
As we return we begin seeing clips of Damian Collins VS Jessica Jones from the Immortal Glory show. We see some of their back and forth action mixed with the occasional "OooOO" and "Ahhh" of the crowd… Finally we see the sequence that lead to both of them down on the mat. Suddenly "Sound of Madness" takes the pa as we see a Still shot of Shattered Soul coming down the ramp. We see a shot of Soul in the ring as both competitors are pushing themselves up… We see Soul in mid DDT on DC. We see a shot of Soul heading back toward the back… We see a shot of JJ stalking for the scissors kick… A pic of the Scissors kick in mid air… And finally a pic of JJ holding the Titanium title in the air.
As we return to the ring Busch says, "Folks, it was a Hell of an event… We appreciate everyone who joined us live in Michigan and around the world on Pay Per View for PWT Immortal Glory four." Fecca, "And how about that Titanium title match… Shattered Soul making his debut and revealing himself as the puppet master behind all of the bizarre occurrences that have surrounded Jessica Jones as of late…" Busch, "We’ve been promised that Shattered Soul will provide some answers here tonight but, I can’t imagine they’ll be anything we wanta hear. I’ve seen first hand the despicable and disgusting actions and reasoning’s for said actions that Soul’s made his calling card over the past couple of years…"
The arena lights suddenly just shut off consuming the arena into complete darkness. The sudden engulfing of a massive bright spotlight shines down onto the entry area, the fans try looking through it but it is far too bright to see through it with the naked eye. Suddenly, the public address sound system comes on playing ''The Ectasy of Gold'' by Metallica just as the stage is still engulfed in the massive light. After a few seconds, the spotlight begins fading away and the arena lights return to life as there stands Drew Stevenson with his hands on his hips just looking out nodding as these fans cheer him, he just begins walking down the aisle sporting his usual attire which consists of dark green Chute Boxer style shorts, dark green kneepads, boots and his hands taped up in dark green tape as well.
Sabrina: Ladies and Gentlemen the next match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Seymour Missouri, weighing in at two hundred and fifty pounds he is The Emerald, Drew Stevenson!
He begins walking down the aisle until he gets down to the ring, he quickly rolls into the ring from under the bottom rope immediately getting back to his feet just pacing the ring waiting for Duke Andrews to make his entrance.
Fecca: Folks this one should be an interesting one. This one is going to pit Drew Stevenson, against the former People's Champion Duke Andrews. Stevenson's has been on a tear lately, while Stevenson faltered a little at Immortal Glory.
Busch: Thats right, this one has all the makings a good old fashioned barn burner!
Styles: Please, this one is going to be a good old fashioned beat down. Duke is going to tear apart Stevenson. Plain and simple.
Fecca: I don't know about that, I guess we will find out soon enough.
"Epitome of Perfection"
The words are heard as a small video package featuring Duke Andrews' greatest moments begins to play.
"A chasm grows In the cavity of serpentine teeth Hunger pains strike For the sweet feast of innocent blood Of innocent bloodshed Now here we go"
At this point Duke has made his way from the back, standing for a moment on the stage before slowly walking towards the ring.
"The vampires feed on the wars of mankind Growing fat on the throne of an empire Tyrant rules with the threat of a great fire"
Duke is now hopping up on the apron and stepping into the ring.
Sabrina: And our next competitor, coming from Grand Rapids. Standing Six Feet Four Inches...The Epitome of Perfection....Duke...ANNNNDREEWWSS!
"I've opened up my eyes Seen the world for what it's worth Tears rain down from the sky They'll blow it all to bits To prove whose god wields all the power Fire rains down from the sky"
Duke is standing on the turnbuckle opposite of the ramp looking out into the crowd. Duke looks pissed off as he looks out at the crowd. His music stops playing and he hops off of the turnbuckle and turns around to see Drew standing across the ring from him. Duke starts talking some trash, but Drew just stands there looking at Duke. Duke darts across the ring at Stevenson as the bell sounds. Duke and Drew immediately go nose to nose, chest to chest, Duke is still running his mouth
Busch: We are underway as referee William Sharpe calls for the bell.
Fecca: And Duke isn't wasting any time with the trash talking. Stevenson hasn't said anything back. It seems that Duke keeps talking about respect.
Styles: Stevenson should respect Duke. This man should still be the People's Champ.
Duke draws back his fist and starts to throw it at Stevenson's face but Drew quickly jabs Duke in the gut. Duke bends over and Drew stands him up. Drew hits him with a huge chops that brings WOOOOO's from the fans. Duke stumbles backwards holding his chest. Drew follows and grabs him by the back of his head. Drew punches Duke in the face. Duke stumbles back some more into the turnbuckle. Drew continues after him punching him again. Duke is still in the turnbuckle and Drew attempts to kick him in the gut, Duke catches his leg. Drew is hoping on one foot, Duke spins him around, and when he is all the way around Duke tackles him football style to the mat. Duke is on top of Drew and is letting the fists fly.
Busch: Andrews is tearing into Stevenson right now.
Fecca: Duke appears to be taking out a little frustration left over from Immortal Glory out on Drew.
Styles: This is great! See I could watch stuff like this. And the best part is that the fans love it.
The fans shower Duke with boos as he gets in a few last shots before the ref pulls him off of Drew. The ref pushes Duke to the corner warning him, as Drew slowly climbs to his feet. Drew checks his lip for blood, there isn't any. He looks across the ring at Duke who has his eyes locked on Drew. Referee Sharpe steps out of the way and Duke and Drew charge at each other meeting in an lock up in the middle of the ring. Drew tries to out power Duke and shove him to the ropes but Duke has a slight size advantage and is able to push Drew back to the middle of the ring. Duke tries to push Drew backwards towards the ropes, but Drew stops him with a jab to Duke's gut. Drew quickly slips Duke into position for a suplex, he lifts Duke up in the air but Duke shifts his weight and wiggles his legs enough that Drew can't get him up. Duke hits the mat. Drew still has him locked in position but Duke does whatever he can to get out of it. He reaches up towards Drew's face, and feels around until he can feel where his eyes are and then jabs his thumb into Drew's eye. Drew stumbles back holding his eye and Duke slides behind him and connects with a big russian leg sweep.
Fecca: C'mon! He can't do that! Disqaulify him!
Busch: It appeared that the ref was standing behind Drew and didn't see it.
Styles: Duke's doing what he has to do to win this one. You have to commend him for that!
Fecca: I don't commend cheating no matter what.
Stevenson is down, Duke kicks him in the gut as the fans boo. Duke briefly taunts the fans, and then Duke bends down and picks up Stevenson. Duke irish whips him to the ropes, Drew comes off the rope and Duke catches him in position for a sidewalk slam. Duke connects and the fans continue to boo. Duke pins but barely gets a two count. Duke climbs to his feet and then pulls Drew up by the hair. Duke is feeling good at this point and showboats a little before he attempts his next move. Duke made a huge mistake doing this, as Drew has recovered. Duke goes to grab Drew but Drew hits him with a huge uppercut as the fans boos turn to cheers. Drew stays agressive and grabs Duke by the head, he locks it under his head and drops down hitting a DDT.
Fecca: Stevenson with a quick DDT.
Drew is quickly back to his feet, Duke is a little dazed but is pretty quick to his feet as well. Drew is behind Duke and quickly wraps his arms around Duke's waist and slams himself backwards going for a german suplex. Duke flys over Drews shoulder, but Duke pulls off a pretty athletic move and uses the momentum to roll over in mid air and he lands on his feet behind Drew.
Styles: What a move from Andrews.
Busch: Like him or hate him that was pretty damn impressive from Duke.
Drew is quick to his feet, he whips around just as Duke runs at him going for a huge clothesline that would have taken Drew's head off, but Drew is able to duck out of the way at the last second. Duke turns around and runs at Drew again. Drew is ready for it, and hits a quick hip toss. Duke hits the mat hard but bounces right back up, he runs at Drew again, but Drew once again hits him with another hip toss. Once again Duke hits the mat, and climbs to his knee. Drew is right there and grabs him by the back of the head. Drew lifts Duke up on his shoulder and connects with a Somoan Drop. And connects Drew quickly covers 1..........2...KICKOUT.
Fecca: Close one there! Drew almost had the pin.
Styles: Pfft It wasn't even close!
The fans cheer as Drew climbs to his feet. Duke slowly climbs to his feet, and Drew is waiting behind him. Duke reaches his feet, and slowly turns around. Drew is waiting for him. He wraps his arms around Duke's waist.
Fecca: Stevenson's got him in position for a belly to belly suplex. He goes for it...
Busch: NO!!! Duke hits him with a headbutt.
Styles: Once again, Duke has got to do what he has to do to win. I appreciate it.
Drew is holding his forehead/nose as the ref is in Duke's face warning him about the head butt. Duke pushes his way past the ref and over to Drew who is bending over holding his face. Duke clubs him in the back of the neck with his forearm and Drew falls to a knee. Duke grabs him under the chin and pushes him into the turnbucke. Duke slams his knee into Drew's gut as the fans boo. Duke slams another knee into Stevenson's gut. Then Duke grabs Drew's wrist and starts to irish whip Drew towards the opposite corner, but Duke stops Drew a few feet away and strongly pulls him back towards him. Duke is still close to the ropes, and when Drew reaches him. Duke drops his shoulder and hits Drew with a huge back body drop. Drew goes flying in the hair and over the top rope. Drew falls the the floor ringside.
Fecca: Huge back body drop from Andrews.
Busch: Thats right. Stevenson is going to be lucky if he isn't seriously injured after taking that fall.
Styles: Did you hear it? I heard his body hit the floor. It's just a matter of time until Duke finishes this off.
The arena is fairly quiet as Drew lays on the floor writing in pain. Duke sees a big opportunity right here and he quickly jumps out of the ring. The fans boos Duke as he slowly walks over to Drew and pulls Drew to his feet. Duke has a hold of Drews head. He points at the guard rail and then slams Drews head into the rail, Drew falls to the floor. Duke holds out his arms posing as the fans continue to boo. The ref starts to count both men out. ONE..............TWO.........THREE......FOUR...
Fecca: Both men are going to get counted out if they aren't careful.
Styles: Don't worry Duke knows what he is doing.
FIVE........ Duke continues to taunt the fans sitting ringside. SIX........ Duke kicks Drew in the back. SEVEN........ EIGHT...... Duke hears the ref counting and quickly makes his way over to the ring, he rolls inside the ring.
Busch: This one cant end like this!
Styles: It's about to...
Just like that as the ref gets to NINE Duke rolls right back out of the ring.
Styles: Wait... What? What is Duke doing?
Duke apparently isn't done with Drew. The ref yells at Duke and then starts to count again. 1................2..............3...............4. Duke is all smiles as he looks at Drew lying on the floor. Duke strolls over to Drew. He points at the guard rail again, and then picks Drew up. Duke has got him by the back of the head. Duke slams Drew's head towards the rail, but Drew puts his arms down infront of him, stopping himself from slamming his face into the rail. Drew slams an elbow into Duke's face and the fans cheer. Duke stumbles backwards and then runs at Drew. Drew drops to the mat and connects with a quick Drop Toe Hold. Dukes face slams into the floor. As the ref's count is up to SEVEN. Drew quickly slides in the ring as the ref continues to count. EIGHT....
Styles: It can't end like this!
Fecca: You were fine with it when Duke was going to benefit.
Styles: That was different...
Duke is up to his feet as the ref counts NINE Duke starts to slide in the ring, but Drew is waiting for him and goes for the baseball slide.
Styles: NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
Instead of keeping Duke from getting in the ring, Duke sidesteps the baseball slide and pulls Drew out of the ring, stopping the count again. Duke and Drew are both on their feet. Duke strikes Drew first, but Drew strikes right back. They exchance a few punches, and then Duke slides into the ring, Drew is right behind him. Now back in the ring, Duke and Drew continue to exchange punches. Duke hits Drew with a huge right. Duke hits Drew with another one. Drew is reeling. Duke throws one more but Drew blocks it. Drew with a kick to the gut, Drew clubs Duke in the back of the neck. Drew quickly grabs Duke in position for, and then connects with a quick but very effective fisherman's suplex. Drew reaches up and hooks Duke's leg. 1.........2.....ThNOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Busch: That was almost it right there folks. Stevenson with a fisherman suplex and that was almost it.
Fecca: Thats right Andrews just barely kicked out.
Styles: But he kicked out, and thats all that matters.
The fans cheer as Drew climbs to his feet. Duke rolls towards the ropes. He reaches up and uses the ropes to pull himself up to his feet. Drew is waiting for him, Duke throws a careless punch which Drew easily ducks out of the way of. Drew reaches up and locks his arms around Duke's next, hooking him with a sleeper hold. The cheers from the fans get louder as Duke tries to fight out of it with no luck.
Fecca: This can't be good for Andrews. He has to get out of this or it could be the end.
Styles: The match can't end like this. It's kind of anti climatic if you ask me.
Duke is still fighting but his movements are slowing, after a few seconds Duke's arms drop to his side and his eyes start to close. The cheering gets louder yet, and this doesn't look good for Duke. The fans cheer as Duke appears to fall to the mat. But suddenly Duke's arms fly up wrapping around Drew's head. He drops down on his but pulls Drew's chin down onto of Duke's head. Duke falls over and Drew falls backwards and hold himself up by grabbing hold of the middle rope.
Styles: See that! Duke isn't done yet!
Busch: Thats right. Duke connects with a big jawbreaker finding every ounce of energy that he has left.
Fecca: Duke is down, Drew is barely up. You've got to believe that whoever recovers first is going to have a big advantage.
Duke is the first to show signs of life. Duke climbs up to his knees. He takes a few seconds but finally reaches his feet. Drew isn't done yet either. Drew grabs hold of the top rope, and pulls himself up. Drew turns around, Duke kicks him in the gut, and grabs his head and puts it between his legs. Duke wraps his arms around his waist and hoists him into the air. Duke has him up on his shoulders. Duke gets him in position for his version of the Razor's Edge
Styles: The Perfection Plant is coming. This is it!
Busch: Don't count your chickens before they hatch Styles
Fecca: Thats right! Drew is fighting.
Drew is trying to wiggle free, Duke struggles to hold him in position. Drew puts in one last effort but it's not enough. Duke drives him forward into the mat. Connecting with the Perfection Plant. Drew crashes into the mat. Duke walks over to Drew looks at him with a huge smile on his face. Instead of dropping to the mat Duke covers Drew with his boot on his chest. The ref starts to count the pin fall and Duke extends a finger along with the ref. 1.................2................THR...
Fecca: NO! Stevenson isn't done yet. He kicks out!
Busch: Duke looks surprised. If he would have pinned him with a normal pin, he would be a winner right now.
Styles: Duke is just playing with Stevenson right now. He has got this thing in the bag.
Duke has a huge smile on his face as he looks out at the crowd booing at him. Duke bends down and picks him up to his feet. Duke drapes Drew's arm over his shoulder in position for a rock bottom or the Mic Check wrestling move. Duke wraps his leg around Drew's attempting to hit his finisher.
Styles: The ANDREWS Effect. This is it it has to be!
Duke tries to go for it. But had other thoughts, he slams him elbow into the side of Duke's head, stopping Duke dead in his tracks. Drew with another elbox to the side of Duke's head. Drew grabs Duke by the wrist and irish whips him into the ropes. Duke hits the ropes, and bounces off. He comes back at Drew. Drew bends down slightly lifting duke up in the air, and then slamming him down to the mat hitting him with a huge spinebuster. Duke hits the mat hard, but Drew keeps hold of his legs. Drew getting a sudden shot of momentum, gets Duke in position for a texas clover leaf. Duke fights Drew who is trying to turn Duke over to his stomach.
Fecca: What a change of momentum here. Duke should have pinned Drew with a real pin and this thing might have been over.
Busch: But it's not. If Drew can get this locked in, this could be over for Duke.
Styles: He won't be able to get it locked in.
But unforunately for Duke, Styles was wrong. Drew is able to turn Duke over onto his stomach locking in the texas clover leaf. Or the Missouri Cloverleaf as he calls it. Duke is feeling the pain already but is still trying to fight it. He is clawing at the mat trying to pull himself to the ropes. He is about five feet away. He continues to fight. Stevenson locks in the move even more. Duke continues to fight. Somehow he finds enough stength to life himself up, and pull himself a foot or two closer to the ropes. Drew sinks the move in deeper.
Busch: Andrews is not giving up I will give him that. He is almost there.
Duke pushes himself up again. He is able to move himself a foot closer. He reaches out for the rope, his fingers just inches away from the bottom rope. He lunges at the rope his fingers touch it, but as they do. Drew is able to stand up himself and pull Andrew back towards the middle of the ring. The ref drops to the mat. Andrews fights for a few seconds longer but then he gives in. The bell sounds.
Fecca: Stevenson WINS!!!!
Styles: NO!!! Andrews had it.
Busch: Andrews cost himself the match.
Drew releases the hold as the bell rings. The ref quickly raises Drew's arm in victory.
Sabrina. "Ladies and Gentlemen, you're winner via Submission. DREW STEVENSON!!!!!!!!!"
Drew’s theme blasts over the PA as Busch proclaims, "And rack another victim to the Missouri Cloverleaf! Week after week, foe after foe, they have all began to fall to the Missouri Cloverleaf. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen Drew Stevenson as on his game as he is now…" Fecca, "He’s just so focused… He’s made it his mission to show the world that there’s a lot left in that tank and in my view he’s as deadly as ever before, especially now that he’s utilizing that Missouri Cloverleaf in a way we haven’t seen anybody utilize a major submission maneuver in years."
Suddenly the lights and the music cuts out… "Sound of Madness" by Shinedown begins blasting over the PA as crimson red lights begin sweeping the crowd like prison tower lights in search of an escaped inmate.
Busch, "Oh Boy… We were talking about him a little earlier…"
The lights all return to the stage and there stands Shattered Soul in his torn jean shorts, black Misfits T shirt and black leather jacket… His long curly hair down over his shoulders.
He begins down the ramp as Fecca says, "Shattered Soul a two time tag team champion and a two time Cyber TV Champion in your alma mater -Burt- of the ICWA… Statistically speaking he’d be quite the acquisition for any wrestling organization but…" Busch, "Yeah, "But", and there’s a lot of buts, all of ample size." Styles, "I know! I keep telling Bobby we need to stop going to buffets when we’re on the road but he just insists… So then I’m stuck sitting there looking at all of these massive butts and it’s just like "Ugh, really?" Busch, "……… Anyway…… Soul’s a cold, uncaring, immoral derelict." Styles, "Immortal?! Not another one!" Busch, "ImMORal… He has no morals." Styles, "Oh…… Fair enough then." Busch, "I shouldn’t be surprised that you’re not in anyway opposed to another immoral." Styles, "Eh, Morals are over rated… And they generally lead to a bunch of people moochin money they’ll never pay ya back." Fecca, "Oh for God sakes, I’ll pay ya Friday." Styles, "Hey, I was just sayin…"
Soul climbs the stairs, walks the apron to the middle and stretches his arms out in a crucifix pose as he tips his neck back to a great deal of boos. Finally he turns and steps between the ropes as the lights begin to readjust and the music begins to fade. Soul reaches out and receives a microphone.
Shattered Soul, "So this is PWT?"
Shattered Soul snickers, "Whatever, they’re all the same anyway. For thirteen days all I’ve heard is people whining about answers… Answers about my actions at Immortal Glory… Actions about my actions over the last few months leading to Immortal Glory…… Well… Ugh, Hold on."
By the entrance side ropes Duke’s pulling himself up from a knee… Soul charges forward and SMAAAAACK! He pops his knee right up in Duke’s grill making the former People’s champion leap up, spin around and flop over the ropes, bouncing off the outside apron and hitting the ringside mats.
Soul, "Now, Like I was saying…"
Soul backs up a couple of steps and turns around and BLAM! He’s face to face with a less than thrilled Drew Stevenson in the middle of the ring.
Soul, "Hey Old Man Snoozefest, Hit the bricks before (makes a fist) the bricks hit you."
Drew, "Anytime you think you’re man enough… boy."
Shattered Soul gets a real "Yeah, whatever douche" look on his face as Drew yanks the mic out of the unsuspecting Shattered Soul’s hand to a big reaction from the fans.
Fecca, "Wha-ho! Drew Stevenson putting Shattered Soul in check!" Busch, "Yeah, but as good as Drew may be, he’d better be careful here. He’s playing with fire and even the best fireman get’s burned if he’s not using the utmost caution in dealing with the blaze."
Drew, "Let me say a few things to you kiddo… First of all, Duke and I just had a match… I was still out here having my hand raised when you decided to come out here and start your little "explanation"… I know you’re convinced that the earth rotates around you but, here in Professional Wrestling Today the earth rotates around wrestling… And there for, when two guys get done doing just that, You show a little respect and let them get out of the ring before you come down here to mope around and give your half cocked explanation for unexplainable actions."
Soul’s tongue is in his cheek, showing that he is in no way pleased with his current lecture. But the fans seem to be digging it so the Hell with Shattered Soul.
Drew pokes Soul in the chest making Soul take a lingering look down at the area he was poked in as Drew continues, "Secondly… Damian Collins is a friend of mine and I don’t appreciate that Bullcrap call you made to interject yourself in his Titanium title match at Immortal Glory. Besides that, Drew and Jessica were having a fantastic match and call me a little overly old school but, It really ticks me off when guys like you decide to screw up a great wrestling match with your own selfish agenda. Now, all these "Look at me" fits you’ve been throwing… Stalking Jessica and making crap blow up in her face, interjecting yourself in great wrestling matches, coming out and showing no respect as you just decide to cut off my aftermatch moment… That ends……… (Another poke in Soul’s chest) Now. Do I make myself clear?"
Fecca, "Dayuuuuuuuuum! Talk about telling somebody how it is! He just put Shattered Soul right smack dab in his place!"
Soul looks back down at his chest where Drew’s now poked him twice… His tongue going around his gums before he sucks his teeth and begins slowly tilting his head so that he’s looking at Drew…
Soul, "Yeah… You’re plenty transparent."
Stevenson, "Now… Since you do in fact feel the need to keep coming down to this ring and putting yourself in situations that are none of your business… How about we give you a reason to be in this ring? How about, right here, in this very ring, you and I go one on one two weeks from tonight… How about that?"
Soul, "I’ll pass."
Drew, "What’s the matter Soul? You a COWARD?!"
Drew pokes Soul in the chest…
Busch, "I don’t know if I’d keep poking him in the chest like that…"
Drew, "A Chicken?!"
Drew pokes Soul in the chest again as he begins making chicken sounds, "BAH-BOWK! BOWK-BOWK! BAAAAAAH-BOWK! Huh? Is that it Soul? Are You…"
He goes to poke Soul again but this time Soul’s knee flies up right between Drew’s legs. Drew doubles over as the fans boo but before he can fall over on his own Shattered Soul hooks the front facelock, grabs a fist full of Drew’s waist band, hoists him up and spikes him on his head.
The crowd boos as Busch says, "Ugh… Well… Drew Stevenson might have been a little over zealous in trying to goat Shattered Soul into a confrontation…"
Soul slithers next to Drew’s ear, microphone in hand as he whispers, "You’re on…… Two Weeks from tonight, The Emerald……………… shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……shatters."
Soul drops his microphone the inch to the mat before "Sound of Madness" begins blasting over the PA as the red lights begin sweeping around…
Busch, "Two weeks from tonight Shattered Soul makes his in ring debut to PWT as he goes one on one with the Emerald Drew Stevenson… Talk about two very different styles clashing head on… But folks, when we get back…"
A match graphic for Matlock VS Collins hit’s the screen drawing a solid reaction from the masses…
Busch, "Thirty Three point four seconds is the time that it took Damian Collins to put Matlock to rest last Shockwave… This week however Matlock has vowed that not only will he last but, he’ll capture victory much the same way he captured the PWT Backyard Championship at Immortal Glory. Can Matlock back that up or will Damian Collins beat his already record holding win time? We’ll find out as soon as we come back."
*Commercial Break* |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave April 3rd, 2010
Date Posted:11/17/2010 3:55 PMCopy HTML
When we return, We see WallStreet in the back getting ready for the main event. The crowd erupts although it’s pretty evenly split with cheers and boos.
WallStreet is tugging his knee pad into place as he says, "Yeah… Come on in."
We hear a door open and close as WallStreet appears to get his pad in place. WallStreet begins bending his knee, testing the pad as Faith Rivers walks into the camera shot to a mixed reaction.
WallStreet looks at the camera, perks up an eyebrow, and says loudly, "Why it’s Faith Rivers… A Woman who I Barely Know and Only recognize from her loads of Women’s title success… Hello Miss Rivers, How Goes It?"
WallStreet turns back to Faith as she rolls her eyes, "Oh stop it. Everybody knows you’re main eventing my show between the sheets."
WallStreet feigns shock, "WHA-WHA-WHAT?! Why Miss Rivers… (Looks at Camera) While you are gorgeous and would certainly make for an excellent night of… erm… Wrestling… I’ve never…"
Faith, "Come on Taylor, Everyone I’ve ever wrestled has talked about it for two weeks straight till I finally dropped em on their face. I’m pretty sure it’s common knowledge we’re together."
WallStreet sighs, "Damn it."
Faith, "What? You’re not ashamed of me are you?"
WallStreet, "No, I’m just not looking forward to explaining this to my other girlfriends."
Faith narrows her brow…
WallStreet, "Kidding… Kidding… So what’s up? Here to give me a pre match work out (winks)?"
Faith laughs, "Ha… Maybe… But I’m actually here because I was thinking maybe you could use some company during the main event tonight."
WallStreet, "I’m sorry?"
Faith, "Why don’t you let me valet for you tonight."
WallStreet, "I don’t need a valet. I can beat Chris on my own…"
Faith, "I know you can baby but, I kinda miss the sound of the crowd and while it’s not quite the same as wrestling, it’d still be cool to be out there for a while… Besides, you always said I’d main event one day…"
WallStreet, "I’m pretty sure I was trying to bag you at the time…"
Faith, "Well it worked, now deliver on the main event mister."
WallStreet, "Ha… You make this all sound so dirty."
Faith winks as WallStreet half laughs and shakes his head, "Alright… You can come to the ring with me for the main event. Just be careful, Chris and I may end up getting pretty vicious… And if David gets in our way, friend or not, he may find himself on his ass too."
Faith, "Don’t worry, I can handle myself…"
WallStreet, "I’m sure you can but uh… Since I’m here and we’ve got a little while before the main event… Why not let me handle ya instead?"
Faith, "Heh… Hold on…"
Faith turns to the camera, "Shoo! Shoo! Come on! Off with ya!"
The camera man retreats behind the door and his last shot is on said door as we hear it click before we head back to the ring.
Busch, "Haha… Young kids in love… How romantic." Fecca, "How sweet." Styles, "How Voma-tocious! What the Hell’s up with Faith all being a prude and not letting the camera man stay in there? That’s crap! I officially don’t like the Rivers sisters." Busch, "What about WallStreet?" Styles, "Pfft, Wally’s a pimp… He’d of let the camera stay." Busch, "I’m sure the fact that he’s three times your size and might be watching right now has nothing to do with your feelings on WallStreet." Styles, "None at all."
The opening chords of Papa Roach's "Born With Nothing, Die With Everything" begin to play over the speakers of the arena. Eight seconds in, when the song kicks into full gear, pyros erupt on the stage
Fecca: This next match folks is a rematch from the final Shockwave before Immortal Glory. On that night Damien Collins beat Matlock in a mere thirty-three seconds.
. Matt Matlock steps out onto the stage, dressed to fight as always.
Styles: That was a simple fluke Bobbsie. There's no way he wins that fast, or even at all this time.
He takes a minute to look over the crowd before walking down the ramp towards the ring. Partway down he stops, head down and arms out to the sides as pyro shoots off down the sides of the ramp.
Double B: I have to agree with Eddie.
Styles: You do?! I mean of course you do! You know Burt I take back some of the things I might've said about you
Double B: I appreciate it Eddie, but I only agree because Matlock is a very proud competitor. He's very brash, and doesn't always have the best work ethic in the business. However he's got the same pride that everyone of these men an women have. Being beaten in just over half a minute is a serious hit to that pride. Tonight he's going to be looking to get a little payback.
He looks up with a cocky grin towards the crowd, as he finally enters the ring.
Sabrina: Now entering the ring, from Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada......The SIX-TIME Backyard Champion......MATTTT MATLOCK!
Heading for one of the far turnbuckles he raises his arms in the air as HBK-styled pyrotechnics go off, and immediately stop as he lowers his arms. He then gets down and prepares for the upcoming match.
Fecca: Matlock's certainly a very capable competitor, but Damien Collins is no slouch either. I personally think that had it not been for the interference of Shattered Soul two weeks ago that Damien could be Titanium champion here tonight.
"NJ Legion Iced Tea" by A Day to Remember starts playing over the PA System. The arean is immediately overcome with deafening cheers from the fans. After a few seconds Damien "The Real Deal" Collins appears through the curtains and thousands of flashes from cameras go off. Damien starts his descent to the ring.
Sabrina: And his opponent! Hailing from Salt Lake City, Utah!....DAMIEN COLLLINS!!!!
As he walks down the ramp DC slaps as many fans' hands as he can. The Damien Collins of a few weeks ago would've taken some pictures. But not this time folks. DC marches up the steps and ducks into the ring. He ascends a turnbuckle and strikes a pose, keeping a watchful eye on Matlock. Finally he hops down and gets ready for the match to begin.
Fecca: Right there folks is a change that you can see in Collins. Before he would've showed off more for the fans. However now Damien is more focused.
Sabrina exits the ring and Mitch Roberts, ref for this match, calls for the bell. It rings and we're underway here. Matlock and Collins step out to the center of the ring. There they meet and begin talking a lil trash to one naother. Matlock chuckles and then slaps DC right across the jaw!
Fecca: What a show of disrespect by Matlock...
Double B: Maybe, but it takes a man with a big set to slap someone in the mouth like that.
Styles: Well if there's anyone in this business that has a bigger set than Matlock, I don't know who it could be.
Collins rubs his jaw as Matlock kind of laughs. DC nods and in a flash goes for the DC Drop. This time though Matlock falls back to his ass and rolls under the bottom rope. He's standing outside the ring with a wide-eyed look.
Fecca: COLLINS! Damien Collins almost ended this match in under a minute again.
Damien walks over and sits on the middle rope inviting Matlock back into the ring. Ole Matlock though isn't interested in taking that invitation. He walks around to the ring steps and slowly makes his way up onto the apron. Matlock is about to duck back into the ring but here comes DC. He quickly hops downa nd points at Collins, demanding that Roberts back him up.
Styles: Yeah! Get him back so Matlock can get in the ring will ya! That's pretty cheap on Collins part eh Busch?
Double B: Well to be fair I gotta imagine if someone slapped me like Matlock did, I wouldn't just "let" them step back into that ring either.
A valid point that most would certainly agree with. However though Roberts does his joba nd he forces Collins back. Matlock grabs the middle rope and pulls himself onto the apron on his knees. Suddenly DC blows past Roberts, reaching over the top rope for Matlock. However once again Matlock has jumped off the apron. This time though he grabs DC's ankles and jerks his feet from under him. Collins is then pulled to the outside. Matlock swings with a big right hand. Blocked! Damien threw up his left arm to block it. He fires off with a right of his own staggering Matlock back. Then another and another folks! Matlock is backed up to the ringside barricade. DC looks for a clothesline but Matt ducks under and behind. Collins own momentum forces him to spin all the way around. Matlock with a boot to the mid-section doubles DC over. He takes DC by the back of the head and sends him face first into the ring apron! Matlock then rolls Collins into the ring.
Fecca: You wanna talk about cheap tactics Eddie? Well there ya go right there!
Styles: Oh please Matlock was just doing what he had to do.
Double B: I don't care for tactics like those myself, but its hard to argue against the effectiveness of them.
DC rolls to his hands and knees as Matlock slides into the ring. The 6x time Backyard champion gets to his feet and falls back against the ropes. He uses the extra momentum springing forwards to kick Collins in the ribs. DC flips over to his back and rolls onto his left side. He reaches under himself clutching his ribs. Matlock come sover and grabs DC's right arm, pulling away from his ribs. He hold's DC's wrist and drops down to his left knee jamming his right into DC's right side! Again and again Matlock drops the knee to DC's ribs.
Fecca: You usually don't see Matlock using a strategy like this, but he certainly has the knowledge to do.
Double B: Yes he does, and its avery sound strategy. When you're facing a larger opponent than yourself, weaking the ribs is a good idea. Bigger bodies need to draw in more oxygen to power them. You take away someone's ribs like this and its going to make it harder for them to catch a big breath as the match wears on.
Matlock keeps his hold on Collins' right wrist and pulls him to his feet. The Backyard champ wraps his left arm around DC's necks putting him in a ddt position. However instead of a ddt he starts delivering some devastating knees to the chest and sternum. Finally Matlock hooks DC's right arm aorund his neck(Matlock's) and delivers a vertical suplex. Collins hits the mat and right away clutches both his sides, rolling to his knees. He kicks his feet against the mat. Matlock pulls DC up and delivers a fireman's carry. Again DC hits the mat back first and it rattles his ribs. He clutches and tries ta get back up. Matlock is there to shove DC back into a corner. His back an ribs jarred as he hits the corner. In comes Matlock with a big splash just making it worse.
Styles: I told you that was a fluke before Bobbsie! Looks at Matlock dominating Collins now. He's turning him into mince-meat!
No response from Bobby Fecca as Matlock is now ramming his hip into DC's mid-section. Damien is trying to suck down some air when Matlock grabs him by the back of the head and delivers a big forearm shot. DC's head snaps back and then Matlock continues the work on the ribs. He's thrusting his hsoulder into Collins' stomach.
Double B: Matlock in firm control right now folks. I tell ya I expected him to come out looking to prove last time was a fluke, but I hardly expected domination like this.
Fecca: Damien Collins is certainly in a world of trouble right now. If he doesn't do something soon to turn things around this one'll be over.
With the much loved Collins weezing and gasping for breath Matlock is feeling pretty confident.He slaps DC across the jaw and heads across the ring into the opposite corner. Matt yells out at the fans that he's about to end Collins. Of course that's an unpopular statement to these fans. He's booed but wave sthem off. Matlock charges across the ring and leaps into the air. Looks like a Stinger splash is in the cards for DC. NO! As Matlock soars DC grabs the top rope to his right and pulls himself out of the corner just in time! Matt eats turnbuckle and staggers back out of the corner. His eyes shoot open wide as he sees DC jump into the air.
Hitting the mat jars DC's hurt ribs and he's slow getting up. Matlock on the other hand flies back up. He looks to put DC down for good with a gut-wrench powerbomb. Collins not having it though! He hooks a leg around one of Matlock's blocking the lift. This buys DC enough time to where he's able to slip around behind Matlock and takes a waistlock. The Backyard champ tries ta pry DC's hands apart to no avail. Damien pops his hips and delivers a big German suplex!
Styles: No! Come on Matlock!
The crowd is coming alive now as DC holds onto teh waistlock. He slowly gets back to his feet bringing along Matlock. Collins takes a deep breath before delivering a second german suplex. Our fans get louder as DC gets back to his feet again. And again Matlock is coming along for the ride.
Styles: Where is he finding the ability to do this after all the work Matlock has done on the ribs?
Double B: A place that not alot of men in our business can reach into.
Fecca: That's exactly right! Damien Collins is reaching down deep into the pit of his soul and finding the will to continue. Most men would've packed it in and be getting their ribs taped up by now. Hell a couple years ago and Collins hismelf would! But not now. No. Now Damien Collins is showing us what he's made of!
DC tries ta nail the third German suplex. Not gonna happen though. Matlock came up too close to the ropes and he wraps his arms under and around the top rope. DC tries ta pull him off but Matlock has adeath grip on the rope. Damien stays focused though and starts clubbing Matlock between the shoulders. He finally forces Matlock ta give up the deathgrip on the rope. However Matlock turned right around to catch DC by surprise. Collins ready though, wraps his arms around Matlock and delivers a belly to belly suplex! Both men down briefly before matlock gets up slowly. DC is even slower and Matlock is there to push him against the ropes. Matt with a couple stinging chops before whipping DC across the ring.
Fecca: Matlock turning the tide here. No! He sets too early for the backdrop....No! The attack on teh ribs earlier still affecting Collins.
Indeed the fan favorite Collins leapfrogged over Matlock. But the jarring of landing on his feet hurt those injured ribs. Matlock wastes no time in jumping on DC's back, taking a sleeper hold on him. Damien wobbles a moment before dropping down to a knee. Matlock stands over him applying more pressure and forcing DC to support his weight too. Finally he wraps his legs around DC's waist applying a body-scissors to the sleeper.
Double B: Matlock applies a sleeper hold with a body-scissors. This is a very wise move to work in now that he's spent so much time weakening Collin's ribs.
Fecca: No doubt there.
Styles: "No doubt there"? That's the best you can add to that?
Fecca: What do you want me to do? Argue with Busch when he's made a very accurate call? I'm sorry but he's right on. Matlock is wrestling this match smart to be applying teh sleeper with body-scissors.
Styles: I bet that feels weird to say.
Fecca :....Yes....It does.
You can see teh fight fade out of Collins as his arms flail less and less now. When he finally stops completely Matlock demands that Roberts check DC. Mitch comes over and kneels down. He grabs Damien's right wrist and raises his arm up. It falls down and Mitch calls out: ONE! A second time Mitch raises DC's arm and it falls limply to the mat. The call is: TWO! The fans begin stomping their feet on the floor getting a rumbling through teh arena as Roberts raises Damien's arm a third time. He lets go and the arm falls halfway and then suddenly stops! The crowd erupts with cheers.
Fecca: This one's ov-NO! Collins is still in it! He's still in it!
Styles: What?! Are you sure his arm didn't hit the mat?
Double B: From my vantage point Damien's arm clearly did NOT hit the mat. Great call by Roberts!
Matlock begins to agressively apply pressure to the sleeper as DC begins to shake his arm to draw in more support.
Collins manages to roll over onto his hands and knees somehow. Matlock's eyes are getting wider as Damien slowly starts pushing up to his feet. Even the fans are amazed as DC stands up with about two hundred and eighty pounds on his back. Then he throws himself back flattening Matlock! Both holds, sleeper and body-scissors, are broken.
Fecca: Collins! Damien is finally free of that energy-sapping sleeper with the body-scissors. Now if he can just get up. No wait! Roberts is making a count!
DC stayed atop Matlock after throwing himself back. Matlock's shoulders are down and Collins are covering him. Mitch slides down and slaps the mat for the ONE..........TW-NO! Not quite a full two as Matlock shoots a shoulder off the mat. DC and Matlock rolls to different directions. Damien is using the ropes to get to his feet as Matlock gets up in the center of the ring.
Styles: Come on Matlock! get over there and finish the bum off!
Matlock storms over and grabs DC by the hsoulder. He spins him around from teh ropes and its a bad decision. When Matlock spins DC around Collins jumps up and hooks his arm around Matlock's neck. Damien drops down bringing Matta long for the "DC Drop"(RKO).
Double B: It very well may be, but Damien has got to make a cover first.
Doesn't look too likely though folks. Matlock is face down and twitching a bit as DC is on his side holding his ribs. Seeing that neither is close to getting up Roberts has no choice. he starts the double countout which is none-too-popular here.
Finally there's movement in the ring. DC and Matlock are getting to their feet.
They're both up and DC meets Matlock with a stinging chop. A seocnd chop to Matlock's chest makes him turn all the way around 360 degrees. When he comes back he rakes DC's eyes. He pushes DC to the ropes and then whips him across the ring. DC comes back ducking a clothesline and hits the ropes. Matlock whips around and takes a clothesline from DC. Matt pops up and takes a second clothesline. He pops up againd and charges DC. This time Matlock is nailed with a spinebuster!
Fecca: Damien Collins has really taken control of the match now. He's got Matlock reeling now after that big spinebuster.
Damien now is stalking as Matlock gets to his feet slowly. Finally he's up and DC D-NO! Matlock shoves Collins off and he collides with referee Mitch Roberts.
Double B: Good gracious what a collision!
Mitch goes down in a heap as DC holds his side. He knows he can'tw orry much about Roberts and turns back to Matlock. Unfortunately for DC an his legions of fans this was all the time Matlock needed. He plants his foot right into Damien'c crotchal region. Every other male in the arena gasps an groans as DC is doubled right over. Matlock hooks DC in a double underhook and leaps up to nail a leaping double underhook ddt!
Styles: HA! Matlock drop!
Fecca: Dammit! This was a good match and now Matlock resorts to this...
Double B: Its a crying shame I tell ya.
The fans boo as matlock rolls DC over and hooks a leg. Roberts comes to just enough ta crawl over and make the count. ONE!.............TWO!.................THREE!!! DC shoots the hsoulder off the mat a hair too late! Matlock's theme hits on the speakers as Sabrina makes teh announcement.
Sabrina: He is your winner! The PWT Backyard champion, MATT MATTTTLOCK!
The title is handed into Matlock who holds it high over his head. DC has rolled out of the ring to a knee. Mitch Roberts is over checking on him. Suddenly the fans start buzzing and Matlock whips around. Pheonix Winterborn has slid into teh ring and charges Matlock. The champ swings with his title belt but Phoenix ducks down and hits the ropes. Matlock spins around and gets hit with a jumping clothesline. He pops back up and Pheonix hits another! Then a third jumping clothesline!
Double B: Phoenix Winterborn taking it to the Backyard champion here!
Styles: Why? Matlock already took care of this guy at Immortal Glory.
Fecca: I guess that Phoenix doesn't feel he got his money's worth on that evening.
Winterborn rolls Matlock over to position near a corner. He jumps up to the top turnbuckle muchlike RVD. The backyard champ senses a moonsault coming and rolls out of the ring. Phoenix backflips into teh ring and notices something left behind. He picks up Matlock's champion and checks himself out in it.
Matlock: Gimme my title dammit!
Phoenix lays it down and invites Matlock to come get it. But once he sees that isn't going to happen he kick sthe title over towards the ropes. Matlock grabs it and backs up the ramp staring Winterborn down.
*Commercial Break* |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave April 3rd, 2010
Date Posted:11/17/2010 3:56 PMCopy HTML
When we return from commercial we can hear "Crown Royal" Playing as Leaky Format’s in the middle of the ring… A Ring that’s been altered into the set of The Wetdown.
Leaky, "A Yes Yes Ya’ll… Once Again, Live and in Color… It’s the Wetdown with the One and Only Leaktastic King of Leaktacy… The Greatest TV Personality in history… Leaky Format! Thank you, Thank you…"
Leaky waves like he’s being cheered wildly, of course the people are actually booing but that’s neither here nor there I suppose.
Leaky, "Now… Tonight’s a very special night for the Wetdown so I’m gonna jump right into things… Ladies and Gentlemen… Welcome the man who’s greatest accomplishment in life is having the business savy to hire your’s truly… Oh yes-yes, A brilliant man indeed… PWT President… Lil Jon… BROOKS!"
"Just A Swingin’" By John Anderson begins blasting over the PA as the curtain moves to the side and Jonathan Brooks steps out in a black suit and a white dress shirt.
Busch, "Lil Jon… Brooks?" Styles, "JEAAAAAAA! WOOOOOOOKAY! WHHHHHHHHAT?!" Fecca, "………" Busch, "What the Hell’s his malfunction?" Styles, "What? It’s Lil John…" Busch, "Lil who?" Styles, "Lil John… The Rapper…" Busch, "The only wrapper I’m familiar with is the one I tear off my Butterfinger." Fecca laughs, "I’m familiar with Lil John but it doesn’t make Styles breaking into his routine any less absurd."
Brooks rounds the corner, shaking the occasional hand before he heads up the steps and enters the ring. The music begins to fade as a ringside crew member hands Brooks up a microphone.
Leaky, "Welcome to the Wetdown President Brooks…"
Brooks, "Thank you Leaky, It’s a pleasure to be here."
Leaky, "Yeah, Yeah, great… Now, the wrestling world has been full of anticipation about your announcement here tonight… But your insider source the Leakster… I already know why you’re here."
Brooks, "You do?"
Leaky, "Oh yeah baby… See, the word is you need to make an announcement about a championship…"
Brooks nods, "That is true."
Leaky continues, "So, obviously you’re here to do what you should have done the minute I walked through the stinkin’ door…"
Brooks, "I’m sorry Mister Format, You’ll have to enlighten me on exactly what it is you’re referring to…"
Leaky, "Crowd me as PWT’s… World… Heavyweight… Champion!"
The crowd boos as Brooks stands there, almost as if to contemplate that recommendation.
Brooks, "I’m gonna not do that but, I’ll tell ya what… You let me make this announcement without disruption and I’ll give you a title match right here on Shockwave May first… How’s that sound?"
Leaky looks taken back…
Leaky, "Well Hell yeah… Take the floor Lil Jon, it’s all yours."
Brooks nods as Leaky actually hops out of the ring and takes his leave to emphisis just how little of a disruption he’s planning to be to Brooks.
Fecca, "How about that guys? Leaky Format to compete for the championship live on Shockwave may first!" Busch, "That’s a Hell of an opportunity given to Leaky Format by PWT’s President Jonathan Brooks."
Brooks, "Now… I do in fact have a big announcement to make… Now, we saw at Immortal Glory that the PWT Backyard championship made an unexpected return… However… David Van Dam… (Crowd cheers)… Taylor McCallister (Mixed reaction)… Georgia James (Crowd cheers)… And Christian Michaels (Mixed Reaction)… What do they all have in common? They were all great world champions but, even beyond that… they were all at one point or another, PWT Tag Team Champions."
Fecca, "That’s true… Another interesting fact, Both Michaels and Van Dam shared the tag team titles with WallStreet in 2005... Kind of an interesting fact when you think about our main event tonight."
Brooks, "So, it brings me great pleasure to announce that the PWT Tag Team championships WILL be reinstated effective immediately!"
The crowd cheers as Brooks continues, "Now, I haven’t exactly determined how we’ll be bringing those belts back… PWT isn’t overwhelmed with tag teams at the moment but, I’m thinking…"
Suddenly Forever Dead by Sevendust begins blasting over the PA as the lights begin flashing…
Busch, "Not too sure what’s going on here but PWT President Jonathan Brooks has just made a huge announcement… The PWT Tag Team titles resurfacing and…"
The curtain suddenly flies toward the middle from either side and out from behind it steps a large body builder lookin dude on the right and on the left…
Fecca, "Wait… Not to interupt you Burt but that’s… That’s Scott Addams!" Busch, "Scott Addams? I haven’t seen him around in months." Fecca, "That’s because he hasn’t been around in months. Last I’d heard his contract ran out… He must have negotiated a new one." Busch, "That’d explain Scott Addams but what about the Terminator standing beside him?"
Addams and "The Terminator" begin heading down the ramp, both guys in blue jeans, Addams in a new "Greatness Comes From Within" T Shirt that has a cool design on it and the body builder’s rockin a tightly fitting black "Gold’s Gym" tank top and a black fitted "Gold’s Gym" ball cap turned backwards.
Busch, "Scott Addams a former ICWA Cyber Television Champion and simply an excellent competitor… He’s had some fantastic bouts with the likes of Zarek Lyle, The Sweet Lunatic, King Slender, Jessica Jones, Xavier Homicide and Phoenix Winterborn in addition to others of course." Fecca, "No doubt… And this other guy doesn’t look like any slouch." Busch, "That he doesn’t Bobby… That he doesn’t."
Addams and "The Terminator" step up onto the ring on opposite sides of the corner post. The big man steps between the ropes as Addams jumps over the ropes. The music begins to fade as a crew member hands Addams up a microphone.
Brooks, "Scott Addams… It’s a pleasure to see ya back around."
Addams, "It’s a pleasure to be back… Ya know Jon… Sometimes a guy has to sink as low a she can go to find his way back up to the top for a fresh perspective. Now I don’t know if you remember or not but before I left PWT a few months ago, my success ratio was a little something to be desired. I got eliminated early in the Fatal Fourway that led to that incredible match at Immortal Glory between Xavier Homicide and Christian Michaels… I got defeated by Jessica Jones, who is obviously an excellent performer if she’s still PWT’s Titanium Champion but, still, it was less than ceremonious… It was right around then that I looked myself in the mirror and I said "Scotty boy… All this talk of being "Greatness Incarnate"… Maybe you need to slow your roll, take some time, and see if you can’t go figure out exactly what that means." So I did… I left to go soul searching and frankly Jon… I wasn’t sure if I was ever gonna come back."
The crowd boos as Addams looks around and nods, suggesting that he really wasn’t too sure about coming back.
Brooks, "Well it would certainly appear that you’ve managed o steer away from the exit path…"
Addams nods, "Yeah… Because somewhere in all that searching I finally found myself… And I realized that Greatness Incarnate is more than a catchy slogan to put on a T Shirt… It’s a way of life. Greatness… Jonathan Brooks… Comes from Within and the fact of the matter is, I wasn’t feeling to great inside and therefore the whole "Greatness Incarnate" deal really became a hollowed out shell that I wore very loosely in an effort to keep anyone else from seeing my own issues and, admittedly, to go ahead and sell a few T Shirts."
Brooks nods, a serious look on his face as he hears the young wrestler out…
Addams, "But now… Now I’m ready… I’ve been ready. I let myself go for a little while but once I found myself I knew I needed to get back on the ball. I hit the gym with the kind of fury that I’d never hit it before. I didn’t know how I’d return or when I’d return but I knew it had to happen… I knew I had to come back. I was at the gym so much that I probably should have put in a change of address form and started getting my mail sent straight to the Gold’s Gym… And as I was working my ass off to come back, I noticed there was one other guy there… One other guy who rain or shine, showed up and pushed himself in a way that -quite honestly- inspired me… As I watched him pump iron for hours only to turn around and work on his cardio for an hour after that… He made me want to work harder to try and keep up. I saw the heart and the dedication this man had and I simply couldn’t help but think ‘Man, what a contribution he could make to the sport of kings… The sport of Professional Wrestling.’ (Crowd cheers)… And that… That’s how I came across Apollo Arroyo over here."
Addams pats Arroyo on the chest a couple of times as Arroyo nods.
Addams, "So, Arroyo got himself trained, got himself mentored by one of the best guys I’ve ever worked with out of the N-Y-C and now… Now he and I have just been waiting for the right time to make our move… That time appears to be now because Brooks, There’s nobody… And I mean nobody who’ll work harder or perform better in this ring night after night to represent PWT’s Tag Team division like Apollo and I… I know that tag team wrestling’s gotten a bad stigma over the years but Apollo and I… A-A… We’re here to support and rehabilitate the reputation of professional Tag Team wrestling."
Brooks nods, "Well then… I can’t lye to you boys, I’m genuinely impressed not only at the turn around I’m seeing in you Mister Addams but, in the presentation you’ve made here tonight on your tag team’s behalf. I do need a tag team to center the division around…Well, Hell, Why not… Why don’t we…"
Before he can say anymore "Right Now" by Korn begins blasting over the PA Drawing huge boos from the crowd.
Busch, "Oh… What the Hell does this guy want now?"
The curtain moves and to even more boos steps Jimmy Stryker in a pair of black Levi’s and a sleeveless blue denim looking cotton button up.
Fecca, "Jimmy Stryker seemingly beeming with pride after his Last Legends Standing match at Immortal Glory…" Busch, "Yeah, a match that very well may have ended Kevin Kasey’s career! And this guy’s proud? He oughta be damn ashamed of himself after his actions over the past couple of months… Of course I’m sure he’s not ashamed in the least because quite frankly, I don’t believe that Jimmy Stryker has any shame… Nor do I believe he has a damn ounce of the respect he preaches so much about." Styles, "Damn yo, tell us how ya really feel. Were you this pissed when they took Old Yeller out to get shot or is it just this particular old dog being put down that gets you all moody?" Busch, "Old Dog? You classless son of a bitch… How about a little respect for one of t he guys who’s damn BLOOD built the Industry that allows you to put food on your DAMN Table! Huh? How about that!" Styles, "Alright, damn… I dig Kasey as much as anybody else… All I’m saying is that nobody can go forever and sometimes when you’re as proud a guy as Kevin Kasey is, you need a little nudge when it comes time to hang em up." Busch, "Well when I think it’s time for you to "hang em up" at the broadcast table, I’ll make sure to "nudge" you the same way Stryker "nudged" Kasey. How’s that sound?" Styles, "Damn dude, You get fired up easier then Fecca does…" Fecca, "What’cha tryin to say Eddie?" Styles, "Ah Hell… Forget it… Pretend I’m not here. Who’s bright idea was it to stick both of you out here anyway? Whoever it is must have a serious hate on for me… I’m sorry if I took the last Dr. Pepper from catering, I didn’t know! Spare me and I’ll buy ya a whole damn case!"
By now Stryker’s reached the half way mark on the ramp… Evidently a point he’s satisfied with as the music fades and we see he’s got a microphone in hand.
Stryker, "Firstly, I’d like to say that Rock-N-Roll DOES die… I know… At Immortal Glory, *I* Killed it."
Stryker smirks, "Secondly, This is exactly the kinda crap I’ve been talking about. Apollo Creed here has been in the door thirty seconds and you people are about to hand him a belt… Scott Addams… He’s so Flakey he should be wearing a Tony the Tiger T Shirt instead of whatever Greatness bulls**t he’s preaching this week and yet here you are about to hand him a belt too. And we wonder why these young pricks have it in their mind that their s**t don’t stink. It’s because fat blowhards like you "Mister Brooks" are going around feeding their ego with free passes and given em every reason to buy their own hype. Well I got news for ya… I killed "The Rockstar" and the way I see it, Ending a thirty five year career rates a Hell of a lot higher then getting your ass whipped by Jessica Jones, getting fat, realizing you’re broke and hitting a gym so you can come back to work. So why don’t you do the right thing for once in your otherwise useless reign as president of this company and hand me the Tag Team championship I so rightfully deserve."
Brooks, "Not that you’ve exactly persuaded me to wanta do anything but perhaps orally excrete the cheeseburger I had for lunch, but, you don’t even have a tag partner Jimmy."
Stryker, "Don’t you worry about all of that, I’ve got that plenty taken care of."
Brooks can’t help but scoff a little as he says, "Really? I find it hard to believe after what you did to R.S. Kevin Kasey that there’s anybody in that lockeroom vile enough… disgusting enough… And immoral enough to be willing to associate themselves with you in anyway, let alone to become your tag team partner… I just don’t believe it…"
Stryker, "No?"
Brooks, "No."
Stryker shrugs, "Ask Addams, He’ll tell ya…"
Addams raises an eyebrow, "What the Hell do you mean by tha…"
CRAAAAAAAAAACK! A Steel chair wraps Addams across the back of the shoulders making him drop down to the mat holding his neck as the crowd’s booing loudly.
Busch, "What in the Hell?!" Fecca, "Oh God It’s…" Styles, "NOVA!"
That’s right folks, believe it or not…… Brooks quickly retreats as Apollo turns and darts over, catching Nova from the side with a big Steiner line. Nova hit’s the mat but before Apollo can go any further with things he finds a thick chain around his throat yanking him back… As strong as Apollo may be, no air’s no air and having a chain wrapped around your throat tends to back ya up regardless of size.
Busch, "I can’t believe this! NovaCaine and Jimmy Stryker are partners?!" Fecca, "What’s so hard to believe? Birds of a feather flock together… Regardless how slimey, dirty, and despicable those feathers are." Busch, "Well you’re certainly right about that but… Damn it all! Addams was on the cusp of a Hell of a return, he’d given us a great introduction to Apollo Arroyo and now it’s all being ruined by these… these… thugs!"
Apollo is desperately trying to grasp at the chain as Jimmy tugs on it… Finally he gets a firm grip and begins bending down… Stryker’s eyes start to get huge as Stryker’s feet are starting to leave the mat…
Busch, "Oh MY God! Look at the POWER! The RAW STRENGTH Of Apollo Arroyo! Jimmy Stryker’s three hundred pounds with the amount of power behind him that’d make an Ox jealous and Apollo Creed isn’t just lifting Stryker’s three hundred pounds BUT… He’s lifting AGAINST the insane power that Stryker’s using to pull that chain back on Apollo’s throat! I don’t believe it! This kid is scary strong!"
Suddenly Apollo snaps forward with enough force that Stryker flips up and over hitting his back. Apollo gasps for air as the crowd erupts… Of course that erupting is short lived… CRAAAAAAACK! Nova’s back up and blasts Apollo over the head with the chair… Apollo grabs his head and staggers about but he doesn’t fall…
Busch, "GOOD GOD ALL MIGHTY! Nova Just hit that kid like he was Alex Rodriguez stepping up t o bat and he’s… He’s still on his feet!"
Even Nova seems surprised… but not surprised enough to back off… CRAAAAAAAAAACK! A second big chair shot and Apollo’s eyes roll back in his head……… BAM! The ring shakes as Apollo drops to a knee… Apollo holds his head, swaying on a knee as Busch says, "This kid STILL AIN’T Down!"
Nova looks like he’s getting a little pissed as he yells, "WHAT THE HELL’S WRONG WITH YOU YA DUMB SON OF A BITCH! GO THE F__K DOWN!"
CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK! That shot was the kind of thing that makes a guy go from six-two to an even six foot tall… Apollo drops to his face and crumples up holding his neck as Addams is starting to push himself up from the side… Stryker darts forward and SMAAAAACK! A running big boot makes Addams fly between the ropes as Nova stands over Apollo raising his mangled and disfigured chair in the air.
"Right Now" reblasts over the PA as Stryker and Nova pace the ring like a couple of Lions making it clear that they’re ready to battle if anyone wants to step into their territory.
Busch, "Absolutely appalling…" Fecca, "Sickening…" Styles, "Do we have a replay?"
You can almost hear Busch and Fecca shaking their head before Busch says, "Well folks… Two weeks ago at Immortal Glory Kimberly Pain told Javen that when she won the People’s title she’d let Javen be her first contender… Little did anybody realize Pain wasn’t just blowing smoke, she was focused and determined and as a result she’s now PWT’s People’s Champion and Javen’s cashing in… When We Return."
*Commercial break* |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave April 3rd, 2010
Date Posted:11/17/2010 3:58 PMCopy HTML
When the show comes back from commercial we see a still very flustered John Brooks walking back into his office. He sits down behind his desk with a heavy sigh and starts going through the memos left laying on his desk...He picks up the phone and dials. "Hey Honey, this is J.B...I got a message you called." ..... "Yeah well things are pretty wild here tonight. Whatcha need?" ...... "Well sure Honey, I could give you some television time next week but what for?" ...... Brooks sits up in his chair his expression turning very stoic and serious. " I would really like for you to sit down with me before you do something like that" ..... J.B sighs "Well ok if you want the time and you are sure about this...I will see you get the time." ..... Ok, bye" JB sits back in his chair running his hand across his face and sighing heavily with a slow head shake in disgust..with the show going back to ringside. "Busch" I wonder what that was all about?" Fecca" Well whatever it is about, Brooks didn't look happy about it" Styles" I know exactly what it is all about" Busch and Fecca in unison " You do?" Styles" Oh yeah...Brooks' wife is going to be on the show next week to announce her departure from ole JB" Busch" That's news to me" Fecca" You can't be serious" Styles" Oh yeah, Brooks back there use to be Jesse James' wing man and his ole lady has found out about it" Busch"Once again I think you got the wrong end of the steer Eddie" Fecca" Speaking of being on the wrong end of something...Our next match might find Javen on the wrong end of an ass kicking" Busch" Nice Segway Bobby, and indeed you are right. It is time for the People's title match and as we seen here earlier tonight the champion got her title back" Styles" Lets just see how long she keeps it now" Fecca" We are going up to the ring now to find that out now. The People's title on the line as new champion Kimberly Pain promised to her brother in the hair dye Javen." Busch" Lets go up to the lovely Sabrina for the opening introductions of this match" Sabrina" Ladies and Gentlemen our next match of the evening is scheduled for one fall with a thirty minute time limit and is forrrrr the People's Championship!!" The fans pop big time for the mention of a title being on the line.
"Black Sheep" by Saliva hits over the speakers and the lights flicker. Javen steps out through the curtain with Plague at his side and Regret walking behind them. Javen stops at the top of the ramp and looks out at the booing fans. He smirks and then starts on his way down the ramp. And as he approaches the ring Sabrina makes his introduction
Sabrina: Making his way to the ring first, he is the challenger ....accompanied by Plague and Regret...., from Jackson, Tennessee....JAAAA-VEN!
Javen stops at the bottom of the ring-steps nearest the ramp and lets Plague walk up first. Then he follows as Plague stops half way across the apron. They both bend down, exchanging a kiss, before stepping into the ring. Once in the ring Javen ascends a turnbuckle and dares the fans to give him their worst jeers. All the while Plague applauds her man and Regret enters the ring to stand guard. Busch" As always the Multi-color enigma is being flanked by Plague and his muscle Regret" Fecca" Oh I don't know if I would call him muscle. Javen just doesn't make a lot of friends and when you are that way you better have someone to watch your back" Styles" Speaking of watching...Look at Plague tonight. I would love to watch her front, back and all sides in between" Busch" Again Eddie you never cease to amaze me with your truly valuable insight" Styles" Why thank you Bert and may I say it is a pleasure to finally have someone with intelligence out here at my table" Fecca" Oh good grief, are we going to pay attention to the match or are you two going to whisper sweet nothings to each other?" Busch" I'm all about the business Bobby...That's why I'm here buddy" Black Sheep fades away with the boos staying around as the newly crowned People's Champion gets ready to make her entrance...Lights flicker as the song Born to raise hell by Motorhead starts and Kimberly appears walking out of the curtain.. She stands emotionless on the stage looking over the booing crowd with the People's strap draped over her shoulder. Sabrina : Making her way to the ring from the City of Lost Angels, she is the current reigning and defending People's champion... Kimberly Painnnnnn!!!" She slowly and methodically making her way down the ramp and towards the ring. Kim seems indifferent to the cheers she's getting now.. She slides into the ring looking at all sides before standing up.. Inside the ring she locks eyes with Javen, who stands motionless in the far corner. Javen smiles motioning to the belt on her shoulder and to his waist...Kim holds up the title shaking her head "No" Busch" There really seems to be some bad blood brewing between these two former members of the Caine Clan, who treat each other like siblings now" Fecca" Sibling rivalry can be a violent struggle especially when money is involved or in this case gold. It is great to see Kimberly Pain back with her title after Duke Andrews stole it at Immortal Glory" Busch" That boy is crazy as a pet coon." Styles" I just hope Andrews stays clear of me, I would hate to have to take care of him" Fecca" If by take care of him, you mean rolling yourself into a ball and screaming like a girl...That I'll believe" Busch" Andrews is on the back burner now...Kim has the tall task of defending her title against Javen now,and this boy is no slouch. He has the genetics to be a star and the audacity to be a superstar." Fecca" Just because Kim Pain pinned Javen at Immortal Glory, she better not take him lightly here tonight...You get complacent and you lose" Sabrina heads out to the floor with Jim Richards holding up the title to show what it is all about tonight and calling for the bell to start this championship match. Javen and Kim begin to circle each other with both looking for an opening, it is Javen who takes the chance and shoots in...He catches Kim in a collar and elbow tie and uses his size advantage over Kim to push her back into the turnbuckle...Richards moves in for the clean break. Javen slowly backs away giving up the clean break and smirking. Busch" I think that is the first time I have ever seen Javen give a clean break in his wrestling career" Fecca" Perhaps he is finally taking his career a bit more serious" As Kim starts to step from the corner Javen reaches out and paint brushes her right across the face with a hard slap screaming at her " Women need to know their place!!!!" Styles" So much for that theory" Kim sees red and Javen sees his life passing before his eyes....Kim lunges at Javen, who quickly bails out to the floor with Kim in hot pursuit...Javen runs around the ring with Kim right behind him, he rolls back in under the bottom ropes with Kim following him and Javen waiting to drop the elbow. Kim puts on the brakes rolling back under the ropes onto the apron leaving Javen to drive his elbow in the mat. Busch" Javen just went for an old school sneaky move,but Kim was waiting" Fecca" I'm not surprised with the people she has had training her over the years" Styles" No doubt, Whisper has been known to break a few rules and Nova probably has his own chapter in the rule book on the things he does,but shouldn't" With Javen rubbing his elbow Kim comes back into the ring and goes on the offensive...She whips Javen into the ropes and hits him with a huge clothesline. Busch" She nearly took his damn head off with that move" Styles" Makes ya wonder just how much more dangerous Kim Pain could be , if she was bigger in size" Kim hits the far ropes looking to hit Javen with something while he is down in the center of the ring, but as she gets near the ropes the long mitts of Regret snake out and hook her leg tripping her up. Busch"Ohhhh c'mon Richards, how could you miss that" Fecca" Blatant cheating on the behalf of Javen via his near seven foot goon Regret" Styles" It pays to have back up" Kim turns kicking at Regret out on the floor...Richards goes to the ropes and starts yelling at Regret, with Plague getting up on the ring apron smiling all sweet and trying to distract Richards. Busch" Throw them outta here Ref" Fecca" I think Jim is thinking with the wrong head now" Styles "Wouldn't we all though" Busch/Fecca together" No" Styles" Damn ok....Sorry you two are sticks in the mud" Kim tries to get her hands on Plague but she is quick to drop back down to the floor out of Kim's reach...Kim turns back towards the center of the ring and *BAM!!!" eats a size twenty boot from Regret, who had used Plague's distraction to get involved. Busch" Damn it...We need two referees out here" Fecca" Javen and his crew up to their old tricks already" Styles" Yet they work it to perfection" With Regret back on the floor Javen moves in to take advantage of the situation going immediately to the top ropes... Busch" I can't believe this incompetent referee is allowing this to continue" Fecca" He didn't see it Burt, and it looks like Javen might be going for the Fallen Angel" Styles" If he hits this we could see a new PWT People's champion one show after Kimberly Pain won it" Javen comes off the top ropes with the Fallen Angel (Corkscrew moonsault), but as he is about to land Kim somehow digs deep even after that shot from Javen's goon Regret to bring up her knees. Javen's eats the knees right to the ribcage popping up to his feet with a scream before falling backwards onto the mat writhing in pain. Busch" She got the knees up!!! What a shot Javen just took" Fecca" If his ribs aren't broken they gotta be cracked" Styles" Well if he has broken or even cracked ribs this match is over. With injured ribs breathing becomes very hard to do" In the ring Jim Richards starts the standing ten count...Regret stands emotionless outside the ring but Plague is pounding her hand on the ring apron trying to encourage her man to get up. The count reaches six before Kim manages to get up onto her feet. Kim was trained by some ruthless people and goes right on the attack to Javen's ribs putting the boots to him to a mixed reaction from the fans. Busch" If Javen's ribs aren't injured Kim is going to try to injure them" Styles" Pain isn't just her last name, it's a motto on life" Kim pulls Javen up into the corner catching him with some hard knife edge chops before whipping him across the ring so hard into the opposite turnbuckle that it takes her off her feet. Javen slams into the corner and slumps down into the corner a scream of agony. Fecca" Javen just hit that corner so hard that I think the ring moved a foot" Busch" Sounded like a damn shot gun blast" Kim charges in burying a knee into a slumped Javen....She pulls him out of the corner and goes for the pinfall with Richards right there to make the count. One...Two...Th Javen kicks out Busch" He might look funny folks,and you might not agree with his actions but Javen is as tough as a two dollar steak" Fecca" The blood of warriors flows through his veins no doubt about it, but his ribs has to be killing him" Styles" That is what will slow Javen down...If you can't breath, you can't fly" Kim pulls Javen back to his feet taking him over with a textbook bodyslam and dropping a rapid fire leg drop across his throat. She picks Javen up from dead weight showing her wry strength as she fires him into the far corner yet again. Kim starts to run across the ring after Javen when Plague leaps up on the apron distracting her. Richards tries to get her down but she continues to argue about Kim. Busch" Get that shameless hussy down off that ring, this is the second time Javen's entourage has interjected themselves into the match" Fecca"Like you said Bert, for a match of this high priority we need two referees" Styles" Or one good one that can actually pay attention. " Kim moves in trying to get her hands on Plague obviously tired of her old friend interfering in her match. Plague is no fool though and again drops back to the floor with Richards going out after her and pointing towards the back screaming out "You're outta hereeee!!" Busch" How about that for some action...Richards in sending Plague packing" Styles' He can't do that...Javen needs his woman out there for moral support. " Fecca" She does nothing but try to distract others while Javen assaults his opponents" Kim looks towards Plague, who continues to protest being sent to the back and smirks. She blows Plague a kiss and then runs across the ring going for a hand-spring back elbow in the tradition of Great Muta.. Only Javen bails out of the way allowing Kim to catch her lower back on the turnbuckle...She comes stumbling out of the corner and walks right into Regret, whose back in the ring again and yanks Kim into the air taking her down with a huge chokeslam. Busch"Son of a bitch...Javen's monster sees the ring like I see a buffet and just won't stay away" Fecca" Kimberly Pain is battling a losing battle against the numbers game out here and she has Nova to thank for that" Styles" Nova? What the hell did he do?" Fecca" If he hadn't brutalized her man Nosferatu at Immortal Glory, the Vampire Warrior would be here to help his lady love" Busch" You make a great point Bobby, however I don't think Kim is the type to want the help anyway. She is a do it herself kinda young lady, but it still all boils down to the champion in a world of hurt" Javen moves slowly over to Kim still favoring his ribs and goes for the pinfall...However for once during this match Javen's little army is hurting him as Plague's distraction of Jim Richards has him way out of place...Javen starts screaming for Richards with Plague pointing towards the ring...Richards breaks into a sprint from the ramp and slides back into the ring. One...Two...Thre Kim gets a shoulder up. Fecca" She kicked out...I can't believe it she kicked out" Busch" What a barn burner we got here tonight" Styles" When the gold is on the line every star picks up their game." Javen slams his hand on the mat in frustration sure his little crew had just gotten him the title. He picks Kim up to her feet and signals to the crowd that this one is over getting a rush of boos in respond...He goes to hook Kim for the Javen Effect when Kim spins out of it going into a go behind rear waist lock...Javen fires and elbow back into Kim's jaw knocking her free...Kim staggers back with Javen spinning towards her ,but Kim lunges forward hitting Javen with almost a spear/shoulder block variation from a short distance that sends Javen flying backwards...His head makes contact with Jim Richards sending both of them collasping to the mat.. Busch" As my dear old granny use to say...They just cracked their taters together" Fecca" Everyone is down in this match but Kim and she looks wobbly" Regret comes back into the ring yet again coming to the aide of his boss...He grabs Kim by her hair spinning her towards him like she's a ragdoll in his arms. Busch" Damn it...Not again" Fecca" This entire match has been out of hand since the opening bell." Whatever dastardly deed Regret has in mind doesn't get to materialize as Kim brings up her boot south of the Mason/Dixon line. Busch" Ouch...That big boy's gonna be walkin' funny this week" Fecca" Kim Pain has just equalized the monster" Regret doubles over and falls to his knees catching another shot from Kim that sends him tumbling out to the floor. A larger spattering of cheers comes from the crowd for Kim Pain as she goes after Javen, who is just now starting to get to his knees... Busch" I smell a pain filled ending coming Javen's way" Fecca" What the hell!!!" The camera's quickly spin from the ring to catch Duke Andrews leaping over the security railing at ringside and grabbing the Peoples title, running around the ring towards the back.. Busch" The crazy Duke Andrews has the Peoples strap and he is running like a scalded dog out of here" Styles" I told you he was a few crayons shy of a box over that belt" Kim sees Duke trying to steal her title and slips out of the ring cutting him off right before he can get to the ramp...Duke swings the title at Kim, but she ducks out of the way drilling Duke with a hard right hook taking her title back...She climbs up onto the ring apron climbing through the ropes. Busch" So much for that great robbery attempt" Fecca" What a shot from the champion...Andrews will be spitting fillings like a popcorn popper" Duke isn't done yet, the title is like his "precious" and he is jonesing worse than Gollum for that belt...Duke leaps up onto the ring apron grabbing the title with Kim holding onto the other end. Busch" Andrews and Pain are having the tug o' war over that title now..." Fecca" Is Kim strong enough to hold onto that title though, she has been getting pummeled by both Javen and Regret since the opening bell" Javen stumbles up to his feet coming towards the tug of war just when Kim wins it and jerks the belt free unfortunately for the Rainbow hair warrior though the backlash sends the belt right into his face knocking him out and causing Duke to fall off the apron to the floor. Fecca" That belt just whiplashed Javen and I think he is unconcious" Busch" Well if he isn't Bobby, he is bordering on it" Styles" Look at that blatant cheating, she should be disqualified" Busch" Are you kidding? After all that Javen and his little army of two have been doing out here" Just then as if Styles started channeling Miss Cleo the bell starts ringing...Kim is standing there looking down at Javen with this shocked look of that was an accident expression. She gets even more shocked when the bell starts ringing and she looks up to see that Jim Richards had rolled onto his side seeing Kim standing there holding the title belt and Javen out... Busch" Oh I don't believe this" Styles" I was right...I was finally right....Thank you, Thank you" Fecca" Oh you know you aren't right, Kim Pain didn't do anything it was that damn Duke Andrews" Sabrina" Ladies and Gentlemen the referee ruled that Kimberly Pain is disqualified...Therefore...The winnner is....Javennnnnnnnnnnnn" Busch"First he is trying to steal a belt that isn't his and now he is costing her a match...Just wait until Kim Pain gets her hands on Andrews" Fecca" Javen isn't going to be happy either though Bert...The title doesn't change hands on a D.Q." Kim is standing there in disbelief of what just happened and forgot about that snake on the floor..Andrews comes in blindsiding Kim with the Andrews Effect(Mic Check...Everyone has an effect I guess..Lol) ....Andrews grabs the title and hauls ass out of the ring sprinting towards the back with this wild eyed look on his face screaming about the title being " I told you it is.... MINNNNNEEEEEE" As Duke slides out of the ring, Leaving Kim on a knee holding her face...
Brooks Walks out and says, "Ya know what Duke… My patience today is officially gone. You want that People’s championship belt so bad? Fine… Take it, it’s yours. But don’t try getting to the head of the catering line with it because at the end of the night it don’t mean a damn thing around here anymore… I am officially retiring the PWT People’s championship."
The crowd’s a bit of a buzz as Kim’s like "What the Hell".
Brooks, "Kimberly Pain… You ma’am, are an incredible athlete and you are doing innovative and revolutionary things in this company. Performers such as Yourself are showing the world that Gender barriers shouldn’t exist and that while the size of the dog may seem important, it’s really much more about the bite of the dog and girl, You’ve got more bite than a lil bit I tell ya what."
The crowd’s cheering as Pain looks around, apparently digging her reaction as she nods along with the crowd.
Busch, "More bite than a lil bit? That may be an understatement. Kimberly Pain’s the definition of Dynamite… An explosive substance in a small package."
Brooks continues, "As a result of all of your revolutionary contributions… Two weeks from tonight, we will award you the new, PWT… Revolution Championship!"
The crowd erupts as Duke gets wild eyed and yells, "WHAT?! I WANT A CHAMPIONSHIP! I NEVER LOSS THE FIRST ONE! WHERE’S MY NEW TITLE?!"
Brooks sighs, "And Duke… Don’t bother coming next Shockwave… Your actions have been unbecoming a champion and since you only lost the belt two weeks ago, That’s an issue. An issue that I believe you should take some time to think over and then decide if you’re mature enough to continue on with your business here or not. Cross Columbus off your travel planner, you’re taking a one month suspension."
Busch, "There ya go!"
Brooks, "Anyway Kim… Bring your Sunday best to Columbus in two weeks where we’ll officially award you the title you so richly deserve and usher in a new era here in PWT… An Era built on Revolution."
With that Pain’s theme blasts over the PA as Brooks nods and gives her a thumbs up.
Fecca, "Well good for Kimberly Pain. I can’t think of anyone who deserves it more."
With that we switch to a split screen backstage… On one side Christian Michaels is having his World title strapped around his waist by one of the ladies at the gear design area backstage… On the other a door draws open, Faith Rivers walks out and t hen close behind steps WallStreet in full gear with his hair down over his face… He snaps his neck back so the hair flies, water beads shooting all over the place as both guys begin heading down their respective hallways toward the gorilla position…
Busch, "Well folks… This is what we’ve been waiting for all night… Now, Just moments away… The PWT World’s Heavyweight Title On The Line… Michaels… McCallister… NEXT!"
*Commercial Break* |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave April 3rd, 2010
Date Posted:11/17/2010 3:59 PMCopy HTML
Busch, "Ladies and gentlemen... It is time for the match you have all been waiting for. It is time for perhaps the most important match to ever take place on an episode of Saturday Night Shockwave. It is time for Taylor McCallister to challenge Christian Michaels for the PWT World Heavyweight Championship. Let's go ringside to Sabrina for the introductions."
The cameras cut to the ring, where Sabrina is standing in the center of it.
Sabrina, "The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a thirty minute television time limit and is for the PWT World Heavyweight Championship! Introducing first, the special guest referee assigned to this contest."
"All I Do Is Win" hits the public address system inside the Conseco Fieldhouse, and the crowd begins to explode with noise. A spotlight spins towards the entrance ramp, where standing underneath the PWT Jumbo Tron is former four-times World Champion, David Van Dam. He raises his arms to the crowd as he begins to walk towards the ring.
Sabrina, "He hails from Indianapolis, Indiana and is a former four-times Professional Wrestling Today World Heavyweight Champion. He is a member of the illustrious PWT Walk of Fame, and is a recipient of the PWT Lifetime Achievement Award. Ladies and gentlemen, this is DAVID...VAN...DAM..."
Fecca, "What a home-town reception for David Van Dam, who early tonight interjeced himself ino the middle of a heated debate between Christian Michaels and Taylor McCallister, letting both of them know that he was going to be officiating this contest..."
Busch, "I can't think of a better individual to officiate this contest than the man who has wrestled all over the world, and won titles in every company he's gone to."
Van Dam clambers into the ring as his music fades out.
Sabrina, "Introducing the challenger..."
The lights dim down real low as "Crying Like A Bitch" by Godmack. Green lights begin to pulsate through the darkness as the crowd explodes again, half of them cheering, half of them booing. A lone green spotlight shines ono the entrance ramp where Taylor McCallister stands, framed in green, water dripping from his frame. Standing slightly behind him and to his right is Faith Rivers. Her hands rest on her hips as she stares out into the crowd. He bobs his head a few times before throwing his head back and letting out a mighty roar. He begins that long walk towards the ring, his eyes darting around the crowd.
Sabrina, "Hailing from Manhattan, New York, he weighed in this afternoon at 276 pounds. He is a former Professional Wrestling Today World Champion, and is making his return to the wrestling ring this evening. He is accompanied to the ring this evening by Miss FAith Rivers... He is The Corporate Icon.... He is... TAYLOR...MCCALLISTER."
McCallister climbs up the steel steps, walks halfway down the apron and turns to face the crowd. Leaning against the ropes, he extends his arms, letting out another mighty roar before climbing into the ring. He's greeted by Van Dam, who begins to search his boots, elbow pads, and knee pads for concealed weapons. Faith Rivers walks around the ring to settle outside Wallstreet's corner.
Sabrina, "Introducing next... The Champion."
McCallister's music fades out, and the arena is immediately filled with the sounds of "The Champion in Me" by 3 Doors Down. Again the crowd explodes with the same sort of half and half type explosion that greeted Taylor McCallister. The reigning Professional Wrestling Today World's Champion pushes he curtain aside and comes springing out onto the stage, his hand in the air.
Sabrina, "Hailing from Memphis, Tennessee, he weighed in this afternoon at 241 pounds. He is the reigning and defending Professional Wrestling Today World Heavyweight Champion. He is The Southern Heartthrob. He is... CHRISTIAN... MICHAELS...."
Christian Michaels rolls under the bottom rope and into the ring. Hopping to his feet he raises his arm, and is again greeted with the mixed reaction. He pulls his arm down as Van Dam motions him back into the corner to search him for concealed objects. He takes the World Title from around Christian's waist and moves to show he title towards McCallister.
Busch, "McCallister and Michaels know each other as well as two competitors can possibly know each other. They have held Tag Team Titles together, they have battle in singles competition against each other on numerous times. Their rivalry is one of the greatest active rivalries in all of sports. This is like Texas versus Oklahoma, the Yankees versus the Red Sox, the Lakers versus Celtics."
Fecca, "That is very true. Add in the extra element of a former World Champion as a guest referee, and you have the makings of a classic match."
David calls for the bell as Michaels and WallStreet stand there, face to face, staring each other down… Finally WallStreet goes for a big right hand but Michaels blocks and WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! A series of quick jabs has the Corporate Icon reeling, his back against the ropes. Michaels pushes WallStreet back then whips him across the ring. WallStreet bounces back and WHAM! A big drop kick from the champion sends the challenger snapping back to the mat. Michaels wastes no time making the cover but instead of counting David begins screaming about "Closed fists"… Perhaps David was gonna chastise then count but we don’t get a chance to find out as WallStreet powers out. CM jumps up and begins yelling at David who continues bitchin back at Michaels about using closed fists…
Styles, "Hey guys… You don’t think WallStreet’s got Van Dam on a payroll do ya? I mean it’s pretty well documented that Van Dam and Michaels are only friendly through a mutual friendship with WallStreet… I bet it wouldn’t take much to convince David to screw over one of his biggest career rivals." Busch, "I’m more inclined to believe that David’s looking to establish early that he won’t be lenient on the rules… Often times we talk about how much we appreciate a little leniency by officials in world title contests but, by that same token, ya can’t blame the traditionalist in Van Dam choosing to play it completely by the book either." Fecca, "I guess we’ll find out one way or another as soon as the shoe’s on the other foot."
While Michaels is arguing, WallStreet’s not opting to stay down and build a tan from the Conseco Field House’s bright lights… WallStreet gets to his feet and as CM turns… WHAAAAAAM! There’s that huge right Wally looked to start off with and Michaels snaps back to the mat holding his head as WallStreet shakes his hand.
Busch, "Good GOD what a shot! There’s a reason he’s recognized as having arguably the hardest right in the business and you just witnessed it."
WallStreet drops down and hooks the far leg… David drops down but instead of counting he begins chastising WallStreet much the same way he did Michaels. Michaels kicks out before a count and hits his chest as WallStreet gets to his feet in a rage…
David, "Yeah, Your job’s not so hard either… Open the fist or don’t throw a punch! You do your job, I’ll do mine."
WallStreet rolls his eyes, "Oh get the f__k over yourself."
WallStreet turns and SMAAAAAAAAACK! A big chop from Michaels to WallStreet echoes throughout the arena. CM looks directly at David who nods and says, "It’s Legal!" CM offers another chop, and another, all of which getting a mixture of boos and whoos. Once WallStreet ends up backed up against the ropes again Michaels jumps back, darts forward looking for a clothesline but as he does WallStreet grabs the top rope and drops to his ass with the rope still in hand making Michaels go flying over the rope and hitting the outside floor.
Busch, "A Low bridge effect given by the Corporate Icon, utilizing the Champion’s own momentum to send him to the floor." Styles, "And Van Dam is hopping mad!"
Indeed he is. WallStreet pulls himself up and Van Dam is spazing about WallStreet knowing better and what not. WallStreet puts his hands up innocently and says, "What? I Fell…"
David shakes his head and begins counting… WallStreet starts to head toward the ropes but Van Dam waist locks the Corporate Icon from the side and yanks him back.
David, "Keep in the ring!"
WallStreet, "Keep your hands off me!"
David, "Then keep it in the ring!"
WallStreet balls up his right hand but David pulls on his zebra skin and threatens to DQ Wally from his world title opportunity. WallStreet finally lets go of the right hand, taking some deep breaths before he turns…… KA-BOOM! There’s Michaels coming off with a cross body off the top. David slides down and counts ………………One…………Two… Barely two as WallStreet powers out. Michaels jumps to his feet as WallStreet shoots up and darts toward the champion… WHOOOOP! A deep Ricky Steamboat style arm drag takes the challenger over……… WHOOOOP! A Second takes the challenger over again…… WHOOOOOP! A third and WallStreet’s down on the mat as Michaels remains on a knee, holding the arm bar as his right foot plants right in front of Wally’s face.
Busch, "A Series of fantastically executed arm drags and now the champion has his challenger on the mat with the arm bar."
David’s right down in WallStreet’s face asking if he’d like to give it up but WallStreet’s pretty clear in his declining of that option. After spending a moment in the arm bar WallStreet slides his legs out forward and rotates so he ends up on his knees… Michaels maintains the armbar although it’s not as effectively applied as before due to WallStreet’s repositioning. WallStreet pushes himself up to his feet as Michaels still has the arm bar… WallStreet draws back his right hand and goes for a big shot but Michaels relinquishes the arm bar and ducks under shooting toward the ropes behind the Corporate Icon as McCallister catches nothing but air with the right hand… WallStreet turns around just in time to see Michaels flipping back through the air looking for a moonsault… WallStreet darts back and as Michaels is coming down WallStreet catches him by the hips from behind and drops to a knee, making CM land hard in a Manhattan drop. Michaels leaps up with his hand on his lower back before hitting the mat chest first and kicking wilding as he screams in pain.
Busch, "Bah God… Michaels went for that Moonsault and instead ended up with what effectively must have felt like the Manhattan drop from Hell… Michaels back was heavily worked on two weeks ago at Immortal Glory and I have to believe it hasn’t fully recovered… Now Michaels has to be a world of pain."
Half the crowd’s been cheering pretty consistently regardless of who was on top, the other half’s been booing everything from the get go. That has not changed yet. Evidently It’s wearing thin on WallStreet’s nerves as he turns and says, "WHAT?! YOU DON’T LIKE WHAT YA HEAR ABOUT ME?! TOO GOD DAMN BAD! I RUN THIS PLACE! GET USED TO IT!"
Busch attempts to explain away WallStreet’s remarks as he says, "Well, WallStreet and Michaels have been getting intense these past two weeks in a verbal battle on PWT.com… I think that’s all began to boil over in conjunction with Van Dam clearly getting under McCallister’s skin with his over-assertiveness and WallStreet’s just letting off some steam. Probably good for our Champion that he’s doing it with the small handful of non-McCallister fans in the crowd then going outside the realm of sportsmanship with our champion." Fecca, "Small handful? Sounds like a few more then that." Busch, "Meh, maybe… You’re never gonna be at a position in this sport where everybody loves ya no matter how good ya are or how sportsmanlike you may perform… Sometimes you’re just gonna come across people who take issue with ya no matter what ya do. It’s my understanding these people are commonly referred to as "Haters"… I don’t know about you but I have to imagine that WallStreet’s got way too much going on in his ultra successful life to waste any time worryin about "Haters". Are you a "Hater" Fecca?" Fecca, "No, I’m just a guy who doesn’t sugar coat the numbers… I’m a big WallStreet fan but the fact of the matter is there’s about half an arena full of people here tonight who seem pretty pissed off at WallStreet, Michaels, and maybe even a little bit at Van Dam. Why is anybody’s guess but is what it is. To suggest it isn’t happening is insulting to everybody watching this program." Busch, "I didn’t suggest a damn thing, although right now I might suggest you do your job and pay attention to what’s going on in the ring… Because as unobservant as you apparently think I am, I can clearly observe you ain’t "observing" crap in that ring right now." Fecca, "Whatever Burt… Don’t get your panties in a bunch with me because the fans are booing your ICWA Jesus Christ off the cross… I mean I understand t he loyalty, You wouldn’t be shoved down my throat right now without it but, you’re starting to hurt your own credibility… You know, from one professional to a supposed other "professional". Busch, "My credibility?! I had more credibility when you were in pampers then you’ll EVER have in this business…" Styles, "Hey guys, not for nothing but I’m pretty sure there’s still a world title match in progress in the ring."
Indeed there is. By now Michaels has pulled himself up in the corner… SMAAAAAACK! WallStreet darts forward and nails a big clothesline on the champion. Michaels staggers out holding his back and as he does WallStreet underhooks the left arm and flips him up and over, McCallister sitting out as he drives Michaels back down hard on the canvas with the sitout hip toss. WallStreet swings his legs over Micheals arms and presses down on the Champion’s chest with his hand as David slides down and counts ………………One……………Two………. Michaels uses everything he’s got and kicks out twisting over to his chest.
Busch, "Another big back based move and Michaels has gotta be feeling it now."
WallStreet pushes himself up to his feet as Michaels is on his knees and forehead holding at his back… WallStreet reaches down and grabs Michaels by the head as the fans are still ridding WallStreet pretty hard… WallStreet shakes his head and goes to hoists Michaels up from the side like ya would for a Side Slam or a Side Backbreaker but as he does Michaels puts some extra umph by jumping with it so he could utilize Wally’s power with his own jump, wraps his legs around Wally’s neck and head scissors him over… WallStreet hit’s the mat, spins up to his feet and turns… WHAAAAAAAAAAP! Half the crowd erupts as the other half kindly chants…
Busch, "Bah God! Michaels outta no where with that "Just Got Whapped" Superkick and both men are now down on the mat……"
David starts checkin em but Michaels is already rolling to his hands and knees so David opts against a count. Michaels begins crawling toward the ropes as WallStreet’s moving his tongue around his mouth desperately searching for his teeth as his hand grabs his jaw bone making him cringe with pain. CM gets to the ropes and puts a hand on the middle but takes a break to let his back recover a little more as WallStreet rolls from his back to his knees…
Suddenly the opening of "Come Out And Play" (Perhaps better known as "Keep Em Separated) by Offspring begins playing over the PA.
Busch, "Michaels and McCallister both beginning to make an effort to get to their feet and… Wait… What’s this now?"
"You Gotta Keep Em Separated"
With that the curtain flies to the side and from behind it with a steel chair in hand steps a ravishing brunette in a pair of fashionably faded hip hugger jeans and a black baby T.
Fecca, "Hey… Isn’t that… She’s from Chicago… She’s…" Styles, "Hot as Hell…" Busch, "And twice as dangerous… That’s Taylor Lynn! Bah GOD What in the HELL Is Taylor Lynn doing here?!"
David’s looking up the stage insisting that Taylor head back the way she came but she shows no signs of doing that as she continues down the ramp, "Come Out and Play" by the Offspring still playing and her chair still well in hand.
Fecca, "Is she a member or our roster now?!" Styles, "I don’t know… I mean I don’t think so… I… I don’t know!" Busch, "I don’t know either but I’ll tell ya what I do know… She’s got a steel chair in hand and she’s plenty dangerous without it so I ain’t too crazy about finding out what she plans on doing *with* it."
Taylor Lynn slides into the ring as Van Dam shakes his head and says, "No way sister… Take it back…"
WHAM! She stabs him right in the gut with the back of the chair making him double over about a quarter of the way as opposed to half way… She rears back and WHAMMMMM! Van Dam takes a big shot to the head making him drop down, grabbing his head and rolling out to the floor.
Busch, "Taylor Lynn has just disposed of David Van Dam!"
WallStreet pushes himself up, his back to Lynn as he holds his jaw… He starts heading toward Michaels but as he does he feels a hand on his shoulder… He shrugs it off, "Get off me Van Dam! I’m not gonna punch him! Christ!"
He feels the hand on his shoulder again and this time hears Faith scream from the outside, "TURN AROUND! SHE’S GOT A CHAIR!"
WallStreet, "Who’s got a chair?"
WallStreet turns and Taylor goes for the shot but thanks to the heads up WallStreet ducks under… Taylor’s momentum carries her across the ring to the ropes as WallStreet’s got a "WTF Was that" Expression… He turns as she leaps and CRAAAAAAAACK! A Flying chair shot makes WallStreet snap back to the mat. WallStreet’s hand instinctively grabs his head mid air and then flies away from his head and once he lands we see the blood starting to pour from a huge gash right across WallStreet’s hairline…
Busch, "BAH GOD! She just busted WallStreet wide open! What the Hell is this all about?!"
Faith suddenly slides into the ring and shoots toward Lynn… CRAAAAAAAACK! She turns just in time to see it and Lynn wraps her with the chair too making her fly back, hit the mat by the ropes and roll right back out to the floor where she came from… Taylor turns back and sees that WallStreet’s pulling himself up on the ropes, the blood flowing down his face… Taylor lunges forward and smacks him with the chair again, making him flip backwards over the ropes and crash on the floor.
Busch, "Van Dam! Rivers! McCallister! Taylor Lynn is cleaning house on our main event but… but WHY?!"
Christian Michaels is on his feet in the corner, his forehead on the top turnbuckle pad as he holds his back… Taylor Lynn crouches down, tapping the chair against the mat like a batter tapping his bat on Home plate as he’s contemplating a home run hit……… Michaels pushes himself off the ropes holding his back…… Turns…… CRAAAAAAAAAAAACK! Michaels snaps grabbing at his face only for a moment before he rolls over to his hands a knees, one hand coming back and grabbing his neck… As he stays in that position we can see blood dripping down on the mat and we know she got him wide open as well……
Busch, "The Challenger and now the Champion have both been busted wide open with that steel chair…"
Taylor Lynn finally drops the chair on the mat…
Busch, "Oh thank Goodness, she’s relinquished the foreign object…"
CM pushes himself up, his back to Lynn as the camera catches his full on bloody face… He turns around and WHAM! A big kick to the gut doubles the champion over and makes him stumble forward… Lynn Facelocks him, gives a big grin and then snaps back DDTing him so hard on the chair that he flips up and over and his momentum rolls him out of the ring making him fall on his back on the floor.
Busch, "Taylor Lynn! Taylor Lynn has arrived to PWT and she has just taken out three PWT Walk Of Famers, the PWT World’s Champion and the former PWT Femme Fatale Champion! I don’t believe it! Our World title contest has come to an abrupt end and the only person left in the ring wasn’t even scheduled to be here!"
Taylor Lynn shows off the chair with WallStreet and Michaels blood all over it… She wipes her index and middle fingers through getting a big glob on her fingers before she wipes it down on either of her cheeks, creating two bloody streaks on both sides of her face…
Busch, "This woman’s crazed!"
Taylor Lynn reaches out of the ropes and grabs a mic in her left hand, keeping the chair in her right……
The crowd boos as Taylor Lynn says, "Oh Chriiissss… Sweetie… I hear you’re this great "Fighting Champion"… I’m not used to that where I come from but I just think that’s swell… Really… I do…"
Styles, "Am I the only one getting completely creeped out that she came in here, destroyed everything in site and is now talking all soft and sweet like?" Fecca, "No sir, It is indeed very creepy."
Taylor Lynn continues, "But if you’re really such a "fighting" champion… You’ll fight me… Two weeks from Tonight in Columbus Ohio for the PWT World’s Heavyweight Championship!"
Busch, "WHAT?! There’s no way he’s gonna be a hundred percent for a title fight in two weeks!" Fecca, "Yeah, but do you think after all of this he’s gonna say no?!" Busch, "Ah Hell… We’re gonna have a world title match in two weeks! Taylor Lynn has just arrived and she has taken this entire company by storm! Two weeks from tonight Kimberly Pain becomes Revolution Champion… Shattered Soul goes one on one with Drew Stevenson and… Christian Michaels defends the World’s Heavyweight Championship against……… Taylor Lynn?! I just… I can’t believe it!"
Lynn drops the mic, a smirk on her face as the fans are all booing loudly and all of her victims are still motionless or damn near motionless at ringside. Taylor holds the blood covered chair in the sky as "Come Out And Play" continues blasting over the PA…
Busch, "What a show it’s been… Hell… What a show it’s gonna be in t wo weeks! For Bobby Fecca and Eddie Styles…" Fecca, "Good Fight, Good night!" Busch, "BAH GOD!"
We fade on Lynn as the copyright info comes up before heading to black. |
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