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Date Posted:07/21/2010 7:31 AMCopy HTML

Saturday July 24th, 2010 Commentary Team: Bobby Fecca & Eddie Styles Venue: AT&T Center, San Antonio, Texas Theme Song: "Still Unbroken" by Lynyrd Skynard Deadline: 11PM CST Saturday July 24th 24 Hour Deadline 11pm CST Friday Night
 Referee Assigned: Jim Richards Writer: Johnathan (The Southern Heartthrob returns to action for the first time since mid-June. Duke Andrews isn't a walk in the park for your first match in about a month folks. Especially when you get involved in Duke's affairs after he lost a match that could've sent him to a title match with the X-Man. For Andrews this match here could be a god-send. How much bigger of a statement can you make for a title shot if you beat teh longest reigning PWT World champion in history?)
Match 7 Terri LaMin w/Nevyrmorr vs Lori Anne Rossdale w/Elizabeth Rossdale Ref Assaigned: Mitch Roberts Writer: Heather (When you're putting on a show in San Antonio and ya have Terri LaMin on the roster? You better make sure she's on tv! Terri is one of, if not the most, famous female professional wrestlers in San Antonio. This week in her debut match for PWT she's taking on the game Lori Anne. This match stemming from an incident that included a....sandwich?!) Match 6 Non-title Xavier Homicide vs TJ Bryce Referee Assigned: Willie Sharpe Writer: Johnathan (TJ Bryce is an arrogant young man that believes he is the future of professional Wrestling Today...And this company! That's a bold statement that could be backed up with a victory over the reigning Heavyweight champion. However beating Xavier Homicide is WAY easier said than done. But how hard will it to be to beat an X-Man who was cost a match last week by Duke Andrews?) Match 5 Javen + Matlock vs Ryan Starr + Tony Rich Referee Assigned: Frank Mason Writer: Scotty Addams (Everybody was shocked last week to see Matt Matlock joined by Javen in interuppting not just one match but TWO matches! We'd find out later on that Matlock and Javen weren't too thrilled to see a buncha "newbs" to PWT getting so much handed to them. Ryan Starr and Tony Rich were victims in the two attacks and didn't like it one bit. They went to Brooks seeking some justice. In wrestling you get your justice taking it by force!) Match 4 Non-Title Kim Pain w/Whisper vs Nevrymorr w/Terri LaMin Referee Assigned: Jim Richards Writer: Nate (Bad blood has been brewing between Whisper and Nev ever since he blinded her with a fireball. In the course of this heated feud Kim Pain has been pulled into it. Our reigning Revolution champion of course a student and friend of Whisper's. This week she's looking to get a lil retribution for her mentor. However Nev is a master tactician always working with a plan. He's as dangerous as they come. He's even more dangerous on home turf....like San Antonio.) Match 3 Zarek Lyle vs Eagle Referee Assigned: Frank Mason Writer: Matt (This is a new season in PWT and a new season brings about matches never before seen....ANYWHERE! Matches such as this one pitting Zarek Lyle against Eagle. Two weeks into his career here and Zarek is on a tear winning over fans galore of the PWT product. Will he continue that tear this week or will a "free-spirit" bring it all crashing down? Eagle certainly hopes so as he makes his television debut here in PWT. Best of luck to these two young warriors!) Match 2 Phoenix Winterborn vs Damien Collins Referee Assigned: Willie Sharpe Writer: Nate (Last week both of these young men picked up what some might consider upsets in PWT. Phoenix beat Duke Andrews in a match that could've sent Duke to a title shot. In the main event DC picked up a win, albeit tainted, over Xavier Homicide. So hey lets throw these two together and see what happens. Victory here could mean a future title shot for either man. How will it turn out when we roll into San Antonio this Saturday? The fans can be quite an x-factor and Damien spent years in San Antonio building his name early on in his career.) Match 1 Scott Addams vs Shadow Referee Assigned: Mitch Roberts Writer: Scotty Addams (PWT rolls into San Antonio this weekend and we're kicking the hsow off with a man familair to San Antonio fans in action! This match is a product of the brand new season of PWT. Its a season where you'll see matches for the first and perhaps only times! Scott Addams, known to the fans in San Antonio, takes on Shadow to start things off! Its been a bit since we've seen Shadow perform on Shockwave. Will he have any rust against the red hot Scott Addams? Tune in and see for yourselves!) ===================================================== Dark Match Main Event Non-Title Tani Lyons vs Audrey Hardy (Tani's booked for a segment later on tv instead of a match. However the San Antonio fans will get the treat of seeing her wrestle anyways beforehand. This is an oppurtunity for Audrey to impress her superiors against the Femme Fatale championess) Dark Match 2 Mikah vs Ruby Cooper (Like Tani the next challenger for the Femme Fatale title, Mikah, is booked for a segment later on. So she's going to wrestle Ruby for the enjoyment of our fans live in attendance. Hell of a chance for Ruby to make a statement here) Dark Match 1 Bullet Brothers vs The Masked Avenger + Whysper w/Mariah Santana (Veteran tag team the Bullet Brothers taking on Whysper and Masked Avenger before the televised show tonight. Should this new team be successful tonight we could see another team in line for a tag title shot down the line)
ALSO APPEARING: Georgia james & Tank, Jacob Mitchell...and friend(s)?!, Kaydence Starr, and MORE!
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave July 24th
Date Posted:07/26/2010 9:07 PMCopy HTML
Dark Match 1 Bullet Brothers vs The Masked Avenger + Whysper w/Mariah Santana Winner: Whysper & Masked Avenger Summary: Whysper and Masked Avenger worked well in this one as a team. A bit of a surprise being their first time. Still though the veteran team of the Bullets were tough in this match. They maintained control for awhile with quick tags and cheap tactics. The finish came when Greg Bullet went after Whysper's sis-in-law Mariah. He was cut off by Masked Avenger leaving Kurt to get soem Poetic Justice from Whysper for the 3
Dark Match 2 Mikah vs Ruby Cooper Winner: Mikah Summary: The match started off in favor Ruby Cooper, as she attempts a back body drop trying to put Mikah to the mat, it wasn’t the right time. Mikah lands on her feet as Ruby begins to blow kisses towards the crowd. Mikah flashes a smirk, a grin if you will. Mikah turns and runs towards Ruby, connecting with a forearm to the back sending her into the ropes. Big punches to the back of the neck and head. Ruby stumbles as she falls to the ground. Mikah reaches back and grabs Ruby by the hair, hitting a boot to the chest sending Ruby back to the mat. Mikah turns and steps back a couple of steps allowing Ruby to get back to her feet. This match has the fans standing on their feet not wanting this match to end. Mikah hooks one leg under the chin of Ruby, the other leg over her head as she locks in Cupid’s Chokehold. Ruby fights for a few moments before she has to give up.
Dark Match Main Event Tani Lyons vs Audrey Hardy Winner: Tani Lyons Summary: Tani Lyons, the current Femme Fatale Championess is starting against the so called sister of the Hardy Boys. Tani was all business tonight as she took the fight to Audrey. Tani continuously took Hardy to the corners, stepping up into the corner and hitting Ric Flair-esque chops to the chest. Each time Audrey would fall to the ground as the crowd let’s out a "WoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO" call. Tani keeps building momentum throughout the match. The Femme Fatale Championess picks up Audrey before connecting with "Perfection". As Audrey hits the mat the referee counts 1..2..3.
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave July 24th
Date Posted:07/26/2010 9:28 PMCopy HTML
Its that time again folks! The latest offering from the Aimoo Sports network has just faded off the air. Suddenly the opening video for the NEW season of PWT Saturday Night Shockwave kicks in. We're back to "Still Unbroken" by Lynyrd Skynyrd as our theme.
As the video ends we go inside the AT&T Center in San Antonio, Texas. The crowd is rowdy and loud as the pyros go off.

The cameras pan the crowd after the pyros are done. All these rowdy San Antonio fans are trying to get seen waving their signs. But soon the shot comes down to Bobby Fecca and Eddie Styles sitting at ringside.
Fecca: Welcome everybody to another exciting episode of PWT's flagship show: Saturday Night Shockwave! As always I'm Bobby Fecca joined at ringside by Eddie Styles. We're here tonight in the AT&T Center in beautiful San Antonio, Texas ladies and gentlemen. Boy what a crowd we have on hand tonight Eddie!
Styles: Yeah a crowd full of drunk, blood-thritsy, idiots! I got the creeps just driving through the city today.
Fecca: These fans are just passionate about their wrestling here in San Antonio. And they've got alot to be excited for tonight folks. In our main event of the evening Christian Michaels returns to in-ring competition for the first time since June 12th. It'll be no easy task as Duke Andrews waits across the ring.
Styles; Michaels has nobody but himself to blame for this Bobbsie. He made a mistake last week by sticking his nose where it didn't belong.
Fecca: Duke was going too far attacking Phoenix after the match. Thank goodness Christian showed up when he did.
Styles: We'll see just how thankful Michaels is after tonight's match. Tell you someone else who wasn't done any favors by the booking of this card is Lori Anne. She's booked against a woman known as a homicidal hardcore queen. And that is not in my favorite way Bobbsie!
Fecca: Terri LaMin is indeed a very dangerous opponent. She was an original in Wrestling Two Thousand and dominated many of the men in their ring. In fact she was the first woman to have held their major equivalent to the World title. Things indeed do not bode well for Lori Anne.
Styles Can I borrow your laptop? I want to get on 1-800-Flowers and order a nice arrangement for her memorial service.
Bobby justs hakes his head.
Fecca: How about we talk about Xavier Homicide versus TJ Bryce instead? This match is a big one for both participants. TJ has been competing recently for the fans live in attendence only but tonight he's back on tv against the reigning World's heavyweight champion. I talked to Xavier earlier todaya nd he said that tonight is not a good night to be TJ Bryce. The champion's anger stemming from last week where Duke Andrews cost Xavier a match against Damien Collins.
Styles: Yeah but don't count out someone like TJ there Bobbsie. This match is HUGE for him. He's back on television and facing the World champion! A win tonight and he could be instantly propelled into contention for a title match.
Fecca: It'd be a huge victory for sure. But folks a victory for anybody on tonight's card could be huge for their careers here in PWT. Javen and Matlock have felt insulted by the way newcomers like Zarek Lyle and Scott Addams have been elevated over them. So they jumped both Zarek and Scott last week along with Ryan Starr and Tony Rich.
Styles: And now the Rich-Starr team wants to face Javen and Matlock? Look I understand if Ryan Starr wants to be an idiot and take on these two but I thought Tony had more common sense in his head. Maybe too much sex really IS a bad thing cause his judgement has to be very clouded.
Fecca: Never thought I'd hear those words form you Eddie. I don't think we'll ever hear Kim Pain and Nevyrmorr exchanging seasons greetings either. These two, along with Whisper and now Terri, have been involved in a bitter feud over Nev's actions several weeks back. The night when he threw a fireball at Whisper and nearly blinded her for life.
Styles: I get why Whisper and Kim would be angry about that, but I don't think its smart to keep on antagonizing Nev. I've watched tape of that night several time and that man literally seemed to throw fire from his hand.
Fecca: I would definately advise as well that Whisper leave well enough alone, but I doubt that's going to happen anytime soon. So lets continue talking about the great action we have on tap tonight. Action like Zarek Lyle taking on Eagle. This is a first-time meeting between these two thanks to this brand new season of PWT.
Styles: I'm not exactly big on either of these guys. They're both loved by these idiot fans and pander to them. Especially Zarek with his crusade to earn their love and respect. Please! He needs to tell the fans where they can stick it.
Fecca: That's not very becoming of you Eddie. But then again the first amendment gives you the right to that opinion and to make it known. I can only imagine what you think of Damien Collins versus Phoenix Winterborn. That's a match that I personally am looking very forward to. A first-time meeting between them as far as I recall. This one should be a treat to the fans here.
Styles: This is a match with two more guys who pander for the love and affection of people way below them. With the right attitudes these two coule be HUGE! But with the attitudes they have now? They'll be "good" at best.
Fecca: Both men have storied careers that disagree with that statement Eddie. But folks enough of us running our mouthes. lets get things underway with Scott Addams taking on Shadow in yet another first ever meeting!
After the huge opening to kick off Shockwave, the lights go out, and "Forever Dead" by Sevendust hits the speakers, and smoke fills up at the stage as the main riff hits and the spotlight focuses down on Scott as he comes jogging out of the smoke, Tani behind him with her Femme Fatal championship over her shoulder. The cheers that are normal for Scott aren't there tonight as the crowd turns to instantanious boos seeing Scott sporting the butterfly with a smirk on his face.
Fecca: Im not a big fan of what Scott's got going on here, but it's definitely the mind game effect he's been talking about.
Styles: You're definitely right on that one, Bob-o. Scott said that these fans in San Antonio already dislike him for spending his last few months in W2K before Scott Blaze took over, working for the MSN team, which is why he's wearing the butterfly here tonight!
Fecca: And one can only wonder how Shadow is going to handle it because he's never been in San Antonio before and S.A. is just like Philly in the sense they are a cult-like fanbase, and you have to prove yourselves to them.
Scott made his way down the ramp and is in the ring now with a huge smirk on his face and a microphone in hand. Tani outside the ring clapping him on and his music fading out.
Scott Addams: "Alright, alright.. I get it, I already know everybody here isnt' the fondest of me, and I can't say I blame you... and this shirt is definitely a big part of it all. Everybody knows in this city, I worked for the MSN side in the W2K war my past few months in the company but I didn't do it to 'better' W2K, because W2K has ten damn years behind it!
The crowd pops.
Scott Addams: "But this isn't W2K, this is PWT. I joined the side I did to better myself, to excell myself to the next level. I took opportunity by the horns and I jumped right to the main event, I even got called "The future of W2K" but what I'm about to do, is something that I've wanted to do for a LONG time..."
Scott hands the microphone off to Referee Mitch Roberts and grabs hold of his shirt, and Hulkster style, rips it right down the middle, ripping it off, and throws it out to the outside of the ring and flexes shouting "F*CK MSN!" and he gets a rise from the crowd with "Hero" by Skillet hitting the system and a mixed reaction comes to Shadow.
Fecca: I think Scott just won the San Antonio crowd over with that desicration of the MSN Butterfly! It's clear to see what side he's on!
Styles: And listen to the reaction that they're giving veteran and PWT favorite Shadow, it isn't very warm if you ask me!
Shadow makes his way into the ring and he stares down Scott who's got a smirk on his face as he and Shadow circle around the ring. Scott goes right for the legs but Shadow jumps right over it and throws a kick to Scott's back. He holds his back, the crowd booing as he gets on the ropes and Shadow comes charging at him. Scott grabs the top rope, and drops to his back, and Shadow's momentum sends him to the outside, hitting the mat hard. Scott points to the outside, and the crowd cheers, as Scott hits the ropes and on the rebound picks up his momentum charging at the ropes and with a heat seaker suicide dive through the ropes driving Shadow into the guard rail and Scott holds his neck leaning against the side of the ring with the ten count.
Fecca: A beautiful suicide dive between the ropes for Scott! And the fan are really behind him here tonight!
Styles: If Shadow plans to get into this game he needs to stop trying to over-care about the fans and focus on winning. That's what makes Scott so great!
Scott regains himself and grabs Shadow, who starts to come back at him with punches and kicks to the mid section, starting to come back. The count reaches 8, and Shadow slides in the ring and gets to his feet, taunting to the crowd to who his surprise, boo him. Scott is on his back, and Shadow drags him out further into the ring, and runs to the ropes, bouncing off the middle going for the asai moonsault, but Scott rolls out of the way, and out of the ring leaning against the guard rail with the fans that are eating him up.
Fecca: That MSN shirt ripping really sold Scott to these fans here in San Antonio! And what a great defense by Scott, just the same.
Styles: I've gotta agree with ya there Bob-o. Scott slowing the pace, and scouting that moonsault. OH SHIT!
Before Scott could even realize it, a flipping suicide plancha over the top rope caught Scott by surprise and took him down as Scott holds his ribs, on his stomache, sorta, kicking his feet and Shdow holds his back. Both men are able to get back into the ring by 9, and use the ropes to get to their feet. Shadow turns around to be met by a knife edge chop with a huge WHOO by the crowd, and he does it again. Shadow turns the tide with some of his own, both men's chests being bright red but out of no where, Scott connects the 7th Seal (Lethal Combination) and goes for a cover.
One... Two... Kick out!
Fecca: Scott almost had it with the 7th Seal but Shadow still has enough left in him!
Styles: Im surprised Shadow was able to kick out of that one. Scott hit it solidly but the match goes on!
Fecca: And on top of this match here tonight folks, we've still got the rumors that Jacob Mitchell and company are in the building!
Shadow got the shoulder up, and Scott is on his knee's and cannot believe it. He's arguing with the ref, but gets to his feet. A few moments pass by and both men are on their feet. Shadow has Scott in the corner in control with kick after kick to the mid section. he steps back and goes for the Tiger Claw and nails it! Scott drops like a ton of bricks and Shadow goes for the cover.
Fecca: This could be it!
one... Two... Thr-KICK OUT!
Scott managed to get his shoulder up and the crowd eats it up and Shadow just cannot believe it. He signals that it's over and heads up to the top rope, signaling for a 450, but Scott gets a quick burst of Angle-like energy and rushes up the top rope and hooks for a suplex. Shadow trying to fight it off, but Scott takes him off the top with a SUPERPLEX and the crowd loves it, but it's not over. Scott keeps it locked, and pounds his feet as the crowd starts to clap "Let's go Scotty! *clap clap, clap-clap-clap* over and over again, as Scott rolls him and Shadow over to their bellys and out of no where, Scott pulls out the bridge, flipping so his feet are by Shadows with a Muta Lock/Horns of Aries variation he calls Perseverance!
Fecca: Tony Rich about lost to this last week and Shadow has no where to go in the middle of the ring!
Shadow has no option but to tap out, and the crowd eats it up as "Forever Dead" hits, Scott rolls out of the ring and Tani comes to him, holding his hand high in the air as Scott holds his ribs. Shockwave heads to its first commercial as Shadow gets to a knee, Tani and Scott making their way up the ramp.
***Commercial Break**** |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave July 24th
Date Posted:07/27/2010 4:51 AMCopy HTML
The shot comes back from commercial and we're in the office of Jonathan Brooks. He sits behind his desk looking over some papers when there's a knock at the door. Jonathan pust the papers down and leans back in his chair. A quick spritz of Ralph Lauren cologne and he's ready.
Brooks: Come in my turtledove
The door opesna nd into the scene walks Georgia James wearing a low-cut tops that was showing major cleavage thanks to her great push-up bra she was wearing. Jonathan's eyes taking a road trip down from the twin peaks to her mini-skirt showing plenty of leg. But then his eyes fixate on the Subway bag in Gee's hand. She's got a forced smile on her face as she waves with her free hand.
Gee: Hey there.....sugar-dumplin.
Gee turns her head to hide the gag-face she made. But to make sure Brooks didn't get too curious she faked a cough.
Brooks: Still fighting that nasty cold my dear? I'll have to get you some better cough medicine I guess.
Again there was a forced smile from Gee as she walked around Brooks desk. She took a seat on the desk laying the Subway in front of him. It took a moment before he could stop looking at her smooth, tanned legs right beside him. But Brooks did indeed tear into his meatball marinara footlong sub. Gee rolled her eyes and looked at Tank who no one even noticed was there. What?! Look at Gee and tell me you noticed the big guy instead. Uh huh, thought so.
Gee: So I hear that there's a bit of an uproar over me and Tank being named the Tag Team champions.
Brooks swallows a bit of his sub.
Brooks: Uh-huh. They claim you're getting some kind of preferential treatment. People have suggested that I strip you, but not in the way I'd like to heh heh heh..
He winks at Gee and she shudders. Of course to Brooks he just thinks the idea gives her a tingling sensation.
Brooks: Then still there's teams like Ryan Starra nd Tony Rich thinking I should just give them a shot at the pay per view. Still yet there's a petition on one website to get Zarek to cash in his contract for him and Scott Addams to face yawl for the titles. Phoenix Winterborn though was telling me today that he and Christian Michaels need a chance to prove themselves as a team too.
As the list of teams kept coming the eyes were nearly popping out of Georgia's pretty lil head. Good thing Brooks was back to nom nom'n on his sub or he woulda seen. Instead Gee shoots a look towards Tank. His grip on the arms of the chair he sat in have tightened. But of course Georgia has a plan.
Gee: Look, doodlebug,
Tank shoots Gee a quizzical look and she shrugs
Gee: I think they have a point.
Brooks swallows a bite of sub and looks up at Gee. She leans down and turns his chair towards her and puts a foot between Brooks' legs. He looks down at her foot an all the way back up her leg til he sees her other crossed over.
Brooks: You do?
Gee: Well sure I do!
She says with a small laugh.
Gee: Nobody just like sto see someone handed a championship without earning it. Oh I mean sure I've earned every title here a hundred times over, but my partner over there is an unproven commodity in PWT. So what I'm thinking is at the pay per view on the fourteenth that Tank and I defend our titles.
The sole owner of PWT strokes his chins thinking about that. He starts nodding getting behind the idea more an more.
Brooks: You know that's a great idea my lil butterfly. Yeah! I can see it now. The hsow will already be great and the buyrates will be crazy. But if we add in a Tag Team title defense? Why they'll just go straight through the roof!
Now its Gee who's nodding with a big grin
Brooks: And next week, to blow the ratings out of the stratosphere we'll have a four-team mini-tournament!
Gee: Wh-wh-What?!
Brooks: Yeah! Just imagine Zarek Lyle and Scott Addams against Christian Michaels and Phoenix Winterborn! Then we'll also have Ryan Starr and Tony Rich take on Nevrymorr and Shadow. Then the winners of those matches will face each other in the main event! Ohh I love it. Great idea sweethart.
Again the eyes have nearly popped outta Gee's head. She didn't expect anything like that. She has a bit of an easier challenge in mind.
Gee: Well you know we *could* do all that. Really we could. But why? Sure all of those teams are great and potential future challengers but there's one team in PWT that is always left out and neglected. And its not right with a sloyal as this team has been to PWT after all these years. I think that without a shadow of a doubt that The Bullet Brothers should get a pay per view match!
Brooks: The Bullets?
He looks pretty unsure of that idea. Georgia has this puppy dog eyes look going on.
Brooks: Really? Those two?
Gee: Why not?
She leaned forward and Jonathan had an eyeful of cleavage. He thought only a moment more before answering.
Brooks: How can I tell you no my darlin? You've got the match!
Georgia squealed with delight and jumped of fthe desk giving Brooks a big ole hug. He naturally hugged her back and then it was over. Gee broke away and waved at him. She turned and walked back around in fornt of the desk and headed for the door. Seemed like Gee was thowing some extra sway to her walk as she went. The camera also got a shot of her look of disgust before we cut back to ringside.
"I want my P Dub Tee..."
The new voice over Dire Straits's "Money for Nothing" starts to build in the arena as the fans come to their feet. They know that Phoenix Winterborn is in the building as the cheers get louder alongside the music until the guitar solo kicks in, and Phoenix is shown sitting in a chair with the EE Heavyweight Championship in his lap. His head snaps forward as the solo finishes, and he stands up draping the championship belt over his shoulder before starting to make his way down towards the arena, shaking hands and taking quick pictures with the fans before reaching the ring. He takes the belt off of his shoulder, clipping it onto the bottom of the ringpost before rolling himself into the ring to a loud positive pop from the fans in the arena.
Sabrina: Ladies and Gentlmen the next match is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Chicago, Illinois, he is Phoenix Winterborn.
Fecca: Folks up next we are in for a treat as two of the brighest stars in PWT are set to square off as we see Phoenix Winterborn taking on Damien Collins.
Styles: A treat? I don't know about that.
"NJ Legion Iced Tea" by A Day to Remember hits the PA System and the crowd erupts as the video package for Damien Collins begins to play, and then the crowd gets even louder when Damien finally appears through the curtain and is on the stage.
Sabrina: Introducing next, from Salt Lake City, Utah he is Damien Collins!
Fecca: Styles these fans are going crazy, listen to them. Damien spent a good amount of time wrestling in San Antonio to start his career and apparently he won over these fans.
Styles: I just wish he would stop slapping their hands, and get in the ring so we can get this over with.
Damien does make an extended entrance slapping the fans hands as well. The arena is buzzing with excitement as we get ready for this one. Obviously they are behind Damien, but Phoenix can hold his own in the fan department, and the fans are ready for what should be a hell of a match. Finally Damien makes it into the ring, Referee Willie Sharpe calls for the bell and with the entire arena up on their feet, this match is under way. Damien and Phoenix make their way to the middle of the ring, where they shake hands much to the fan's delight. After shaking hands, they each back up to their separate cornerns. After several seconds the men charge at each other. Meeting again in the middle of the ring, this time they lock up, and remained locked up for several seconds. Both men try to push the other to the ropes, but both men stand their ground. After several seconds they break apart and take a few steps backwards, and then after a few more seconds, they lock it up again. This time, Phoenix gets the upperhand and slides Damien into a side headlock. Damien struggles for a bit, and then shoves Phoenix away from him and in to the ropes. Phoenix hits the rope and bounces off, Damien leans down to hit Phoenix with a back body drop, but Phoenix scouts it, and drops to a knee infront of Damien and drills Damien with a huge uppercut.
Fecca: Phoenix caught Damien by surprise with this one.
Damien stumbles backwards into the ropes holding his chin. Damien is up against the ropes and Phoenix charges at him. It appeared that Phoenix was going to try to clothesline Damien over the top rope, but Damien saw it coming, and this time he drops his shoulder down and connects with a back body drop that sends Phoenix flying over the top rope, or at least that is what Damien thought. Phoenix was able to grab hold of the top rope as he was toppling over the rope, and was able to land on the ring apron. Damien senses it and quickly turns around Phoenix is up on the apron, Damien tries to grab him by the back of the head, but Phoenix ducks below the top and middle rope and shoots his shoulder right into Damien's gut. Damien stumbles backwards as Phoenix slips through the ropes and back into the ring.Damien turns around to find Phoenix leaping up into the air going for a dropkick. The dropkick finds it's mark and knocks Damien backwards and to the ground. Phoenix quickly covers. One......................TWKICKOUT
Fecca: A dropkick won't be enough to beat Collins, but it was a veteran move by Winterborn.
Styles: I really wish it would have been enough? Is that too much to ask?
Fecca: I don't get what you have against these two.
Phoenix and DC are both up on their feet. Phoenix kicks Damien in the gut, and then goes for a DDT. Phoenix drops backwards, but Damien stays on his feet and pushes away from Phoenix. Phoenix hits the mat, but quickly bounces to his feet. Damien is waiting for him, and hits Phoenix with a quick hip toss. Phoenix hits the mat hard, but climbs right back up to his feet, Damien is waiting for him, and he grabs Phoenix and irish whips him to the ropes, Phoenix hits the rope, and bounces off. Damien is waiting for him, and goes for a clothesline, Phoenix ducks under it and runs through to the opposite ropes. Phoenix hits the ropes and bounces off, but Damien is closer than he expected and DC hits him with a drop toe hold. This time DC quickly covers Phoenix but barely gets a two count. Damien starts climbing to his feet and as he does he pulls Phoenix up to his feet as well, once they are both up to their feet, Damien tries to whip Phoenix to the ropes, but Phoenix counters it and instead whips DC to the ropes. DC hits the ropes and bounces off and runs right into a huge sidewalk slam from Phoenix.
Fecca: Big move from Phoenix. Phoenix is looking good so far. Can he be 2 and 0 after returning to PWT?
Damien is on the mat, but instead of pinning DC, Phoenix waits for him to get back to his feet. After a few seconds Damien climbs to a knee, and then eventually pushes himself up to his feet. Phoenix is waiting behind him. Phoenix, is right behind him and locks his wrists around DC's waists, and connects with a huge German Suplex. The fans die down as Damien hits the mat hard, Phoenix hooks the leg 1............2...........KICKOUT. The fans erupt as Damien's shoulder flies off the mat.
Fecca: That was a close one for Collins.
Styles: If it weren't for the slow count of Willie Sharpe this match would be over.
Fecca: I didn't observe a slow count at all. Mr. Sharpe is doing a find job.
Apparently Phoenix thought the count was a little slow too as he looks up and glares at Wille Sharpe. Sharpe shrugs his shoulders and shakes his head as he holds up two fingers. Phoenix, finally climbs to his feet, he mouths to the crowd that the match is over
Fecca: Phoenix could be looking for one of his signature moves the Firestorm. This could be the end of Damien.
Damien is slowly climbing to his feet, Phoenix waits behind him, and Damien has no idea that he is there. Slowly Damien makes his way all the way to his feet. Slightly dazed, Damien turns around. Phoenix runs at him, and goes for the Firestorm, or the Spinning reverse STO, The arena goes silent as Phoenix goes for the move. Damien is able to get out of the hold, by wrapping his arms around the back of Phoenix head, and dropping down to the mat like a sack of potatoes, bringing Phoenix's chin down on the top of Damien's head. Phoenix flies backwards and to the ropes holding his jaw. The fans offer up a mixed reaction, but most cheer, as Damien spared him self.
Fecca: Huge counter from Damien Collins, completely stopping Phoenix's momentum.
Phoenix is on the ropes, as Damien quickly scurries up to his feet. Once up on his feet, Phoenix stumbles away from the ropes, and runs right into Damien who wraps his arms around Phoenix's stomach and goes for a belly to belly suplex. Damien connects with the move and Phoenix flips over the top of Damien and slams to the mat behind him. Damien quickly lunges forward and covers Phoenix. 1.........2.KICKOUT. Damien doesn't argue with the count, as he knew he probably wasn't going to get the win based on a belly to belly. Damien quickly climbs to his feet and waits for Phoenix to climb to his. After several seconds Phoenix climbs up to his feet, he turns and runs right into a perfectly executed dropkick from Damien Collins.
Fecca: I tell you what Styles, there aint a dropkick like that in the business, it is beautiful.
Styles: It's a dropkick. What is so special about that.
Either way the fans erupt as Damien nails Phoenix with a perfect dropkick. Phoenix hits the mat hard. Damien smirks and plays to the fans a little as Phoenix climbs to his feet. Once Phoenix climbs to his feet, he turns around and runs right into a DC DROP from Damien Collins. Damien quickly covers as the fans go crazy. 1...............2..................3
Sabrina: Here is your winner....Damien Col-IEK!
Sabrina shireked and made haste out of the ring.
Fecca: Aw what the hell now? These two again? Dammit...
Styles; How do they keep getting in here? I've heard rumors that there's a hundred man security detail to keep Jacob out but yet these two get in?
Bobby an Eddie are of course speaking of the masked man and woman who has been a thorn in CM's side lately. They slid into the irng and immiedately blasted DC. Collins was knocked through the ropes to the outside. The Masked Man them jumped on Phoenix as he was trying to get to his feet. He's just waylaying Phoenix across the shoulders an neck. Meanwhile his female accomplice slips out of the ring and she shoves the time keeper out of his chair.
Fecca: Come on now you damned jezebel! Just take the mask off and have teh guts to face someone Rhya!
The woman, who many do infact assume is Rhya, looks at Fecca. We can't see her face except her eyes and they're shooting daggers. But she folds up the chair and gives a shot to Damien Collins who was getting to his hands an knees. With the crowd favorite DC back down she's into the ring.
Styles: Phoenix better hope that the calvary arrives soon.
Fecca: Why are they after him?
Styles: My guess is for sticking up with Michaels.
Masked Man stands up and holds out his hand for the chair. His lady accomplice seems to gleefully hand it over. She then leans down and struggles to bring Phoenix Winterborn to his feet. He's standing, all kinda of wobbly, when the woman steps back. WHAM! The Masked Man slams teh chair over top of Phoenix's head.
Fecca: Winterborn crumples from that chair shot. Good lord it sounded like a shotgum blast!
Winterborn's face is becoming a crimson mask as Masked Man wants him back up. The woman starts working to get him up when suddenly the crowd goes wild. Down the ramp charges CM and Kaydence Starr! Masked Man and Masked Woman get side by side.
Fecca: YES! Here comes that calvalry now!
CM and Kaydence slide into the ring. They pop up and both at the same-time get double-leg takedowns on Masked Man and Woman respectively! The right hands are flying from Michaels an Starr to their tormentors of the past several weeks. Kaydence drags the woman to her feet and connects with the "Twinkling Star" aka reverse twist of fate. Fans are going nuts as the woman rolls out the ring with Kaydence hot on the trail. CM gets up the Masked Man and hooks him for the "Just Like That" which we all know is a twist of fate.
Fecca: Michaels about to hit the....What the hell?! DUKE ANDREWS?!
Duke had entered the ring and he grabbed CM and spun him around. BAM! Andrews hits his "Andrews Effect" aka Kennedy's "Mic Check". The fans were booing as Duke helped the Masked Man back up. They saw Kaydence pounding away on the womana nd trying to get the mask off. But she notices Duke and Masked Man coming from opposite sides.
Fecca: You two leave her alone!
Styles: Yeah, come on guys!
Kaydence takes a defensive stance and gets ready. But the fans are suddenly cheering again! Damien Collins is up! He yanks Duke around and hits a DC Drop! Andrews drops and Masked Man suddenly only wants to collect his accomplice. They start making their way up the ramp when "Rocky Top" hits over the speakers. Out walks Jonathan Brooks sending some officials to check on Winterborn. He's also got a mic.
Brooks: I've had enough of this! I don't know who you two are under those goofy masks...
He starts.
Brooks; But you want to keep getting involved in PWT affairs? Well tonight you're going to be smack-dab in the center of them! I'm changing tonight's main event to a six person tag!
The crowd roars.
Brooks: Its going to be Duke Andrews, you two goofs in the masks taking on Christian Michaels, Kaydence Starr, and their partner.....Damien Collins!
The fans love it! Andrews and the Masked People are beside themselves with anger. CM, Kaydence, and Dc look ready to go! And we head to comemrcial with Fecca and Styles talking about a little justice for once.
***Commercial Break*** |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave July 24th
Date Posted:07/27/2010 6:13 AMCopy HTML
We're back and both competitors are ready in the ring. Referee Frank Mason called for the bell to get this contest underway. Both men came to the center of the ring before locking it up. They struggled for control and Zarek got Eagle backed into the corner. Frank came over and broke the two up as Zarek stepped back. Eagle blinked before coming in for a Clothesline but Zarek ducked around it. Zarek quickly grabbed him around the waist and snapped off a German Suplex. Eagle’s head hit the mat as Zarek got up to his feet and lifted Eagle off the mat before lifting him up and dropping across his knee with a Backbreaker. He made a pin attempt but only got a 2.
Styles: Am I the only one that thinks Kurt Eagle is irritating? I look at his face and I want to slam my head into a glass telephone booth. Something about him just irks me.
Fecca: Everyone irks you, you’re easily.. Irked!
Styles: Yeah Booby, you irk me too.
Fecca: Two count! Zarek Lyle got a two count, close call!
Styles: IRKING!
Zarek got up and went over to a turnbuckle as he waited for Eagle to get back up. Eagle did after a few moments and turned around and just ducked out of the way of Zarek’s spear attempt. Zarek stopped himself from going into the corner, by putting his hands out. He turned around and Eagle grabbed his jaw and hit him with a Jawbreaker. Zarek was staggered back and Eagle began to chop him across the chest, which started to make Zarek’s chest red. Eagle then whipped him into the ropes and when Zarek came back, he grabbed him and hit a Belly to Belly Suplex. Eagle attempted a pin and got a two and half count before Zarek kicked out.
Fecca: Eagle with the near pin attempt there! I like this guy, I know he irritates you, but its usually those people that are full of heart and work well.
Styles: It’s his face, he looks like he’s gonna deliever cub-scout cookies or something. This is professional wrestling where a certain percentage of how successful you are is your ‘look,’ Eagle looks like an idiot!
Eagle got up and picked Zarek up, giving him a Scoop Slam by one of the corners. He then climbs up on the turnbuckle and comes off for Eyes of an Eagle, but Zarek rolls out of the way, causing him to crash and burn. He was still down as Zarek got up gingerly and saw him still down. So he ran to the ropes, and jumped onto the ropes and came back, landing on Eagle with a Springboard Moonsault. He stayed on for the pin but got only a 2. Zarek stomped on him before going over to the corner and went for Death of a Hero but just like he did, Eagle rolled out of the way. Zarek smacked the canvas hard and Eagle crawled over and rolled him over and pinned as Frank Mason dropped down and got the 3 count.
Styles: Yeah, another reason why I don’t like him- underdogs get on my nerves.
Fecca: Well.. Love ir or hate it—Eagle is the winner!
The scene cut backstage where Tani Lyons was talking with Nina Angel over a couple cups of coffee. Seems that even though its hot as hell outside wrestlers still need a hot pick-me-up sometimes. We come in though only half-way through the conversation. Nina is laughing at something that Tani had just said. The championess looks down at her cup, stirring with the mini-straw. Nina was laughing but then she stopped. Tani looked up to see why and there stood Mikah.
Tani: Is there something I can do for you?
Tani adjusted the title over her shoulder.
Mikah: Actually there is. You can save yourself alot of pain and embarrassment and just give me that championship.
The championess makes that "Heh" kinda sound that people make. She took a drink of her coffee and it seems to annoy Mikah that she's being ignored. But finally Tani responds.
Tani: You know that's something that I *could* do Mikah. I mean I could just lift this title off my shoulder and place it into your hands. Yeah, I could even plead for you to accept my humble offering and not beat me up....
At this point Mikah is getting a rather confident look on her face. She's standing straight up with her shoulders back and chest sticking out. Mikah just knows that the Femme Fatale championship will be in her hands within moments. Or maybe not..
Mikah: Then go ahea-
Tani: I said that I *could* do that. Now I never said that I actually *would* do it.
Mikah: Hmm. Well I guess this is what happens when you assume that somebody could have a few braincells in their head.
A matter of fact statement and smirk from the challenger. Tani smiles back though and doesn't miss a beat.
Tani: No its what happens when a bleach-blonde bimbo starting running off ta the mouth! Mikah let me make something crystal clear to you. Ok? I worked my butt off to win this championship. And I'm not about to let you or anybody else bully me out of it. Come pay per view time you and I will meet for the title. And I'm going to beat you like I did Marie to win the championship.
Now a scowl comes over Mikah's face.
Mikah: You think you're better than me skank? When was the last time *you* beat two opponent in the same match? I practically eliminated everyone in the battle royale a few weeks ago. Then just last week I beat both those Rossdale ditzs.
All of a sudden Nina interjects.
Nina: Excuse me? I had my fair share of eliminations too.
Mikah: Shut up, you don't matter. So now when have you Tani?
Tani: You don't think I can win a handicap match? Fine! Next week then *I* will take on both Lori Anne and Elizabeth Rossdale.
A smirk on Mikah's face....til Nina interjects again.
Nina: And if you think you're all that Miss Thang, lets you an I have a match. It'd be nice to have a shot at you without having to worry about losing by going over the top rope.
Mikah: Honey I don't need to throw you over a top rope to beat you. And just because I'm feeling generous I'll demonstrate that next week.
Looks like this thing is over...No wait! Mikah suddenly slaps Nina's coffee out of her hand and all over Tani. Instinctively Tani turns away from it. This small window is all Mikah needs to catch Nina with a surprise forearm shot to the face dropping her to a nee. Tani whips back around and Mikah backs away. She has the ole cat that ate the canary grin on her face. Meanwhile Shockwave heads to commercial with Tani checkin on Nina.
***Commercial Break*** |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave July 24th
Date Posted:07/27/2010 7:27 AMCopy HTML
We are going to get right back into the wrestling action with Nevyrmorr taking on Kim Pain in action. Both wrestlers have made their way to the ring, Kim is being accompanied to the ring by Whisper and Nev has been accompanied by Terri LaMin. Kim and Nev are in the ring waiting for the bell to start, but not before Nev and Whisper share a few words.
Fecca: Folks next up we have Kim Pain vs. Nevrymorr, but the real issues in this match are between Nev and Whisper. I can't say I blame Whisper for being a little upset, she did get blinded with a fireball by Nev a few months back.
Styles: He was just doing his job.
Fecca: His job is to shoot fireballs at people's faces?
Styles: Well not when you say it like that. His job is to be his competition by any means necessary.
Nev and Whisper are still jawing back and forth, Jim Richards is trying to get Nev to leave Whisper alone so the match can start. Jim is finally starting to get Nev to focus on the match, but all hell appears to break loose as outside the ring, Terri LaMin and Whisper are now just a few feet away from each other and screaming back and forth. Jim Richards immediately jumps out of the ring, and down to separate the ladies. Kim looks on making sure Whisper is fine, and by doing so turns her back on Nev who capitalizes by sneaking up behind Kim and then connecting with a huge Randy Orton style backbreaker. Kim is down on the mat and Nev tries to pin her, but Jim is still in the ring. Nev starts yelling for Jim to get in the ring as about half of the fans boo Nev. Having spent a good time in San Antonio not all the fans are booing him.
Fecca: Nev is desperately trying to get Jim Richards in the ring, I don't think he deserves it. You can't attack your opponent from behind.
Styles: He is just doing his job.
Back in the ring, Nev has finally gotten LaMin to leave Whisper alone, and referee Jim Richards slides in the ring as Nev pins Kim. Richards looks around confused but eventually, after some proding by Nev, drops down to the mat and counts the pin 1...................2...............3NOKICKOUT!!!!
Fecca: Kim Pain kicks out at the last possible second.
Nev slams his fist down on the mat in frustration, and then climbs to his feet to give Richards a piece of his mind. Nev yells at Jim for a minute and after he feels like Richards has heard his message Nev turns around, but only to find Kim Pain up on her feet and waiting for him. Nev throws a punch, Kim ducks it. Nev throws another punch, and this time Kim throws her arm up blocking the punch. Nev isn't giving up yet, he throws another wild punch that gets blocked by Kim. This time before he can throw another punch, Kim gives him a swift kick to the gut, that doubles over Nev. With Nev doubled over, Kim runs to the ropes behind Nev, and when she bounces off the ropes she connects with big running bull dog. After hitting the move, she immediately covers Nev 1.......................2..KICKOUT.
Fecca: Close one there for Kim Pain. Styles: What a lazy pin, she didn't even bother hooking the leg. I swear these wrestlers done have any clue how to win a match.
Fecca: And you do? I have a better Idea than these monkeys.
Kim and Nev are back to their feet, Kim was to hers before Nev reached his. Kim was behind him and just as he stands all the way up, Kim swiftly kicks him in the back of the knee, dropping Nev to his knee. Kim gives him no time to recoop though, she immediately grabs him by the back of his head, and throws him towards the ropes. Nev bounces off the ropes, and Kim drops down for a back body drop, but Nev scouts it, and stops a foot infront of Kim, and slams his forearm down on the back of Kim's neck, dropping her instantly to the mat. Nev now is the one to not let Kim recoop as he delivers a few powerful stomps to the small of Kim's back before the ref finally pushes him away. Nev in frustration pushes the ref aside and Referee Jim Richards ain't having any of that, he gets up in Nev's face and threats to end the match. Nev calms down and assures Richards that it won't happen again.
Fecca: Nevrymorr has got some nasty mean streak in him right now. Kim Pain better be real careful. I don't think he is going to show her any mercy.
Styles: And he shouldn't. He can prove what he has got by picking up a win over the one of PWT's Champs.
Nev's little tift with the ref might not have resulted in the end of the match, but it did give Kim enough time to make her way back to her feet. Now Kim and Nev are in opposite corners of the ring, as if they are just starting the match, and just like at the start of a match both opponents dart towards the center of the ring right at each other, when they reach the center of the ring, Nev goes for the lockup, but Kim slips to the side and instead slams her knee right into Nev's midsection. With Nev bent over, Kim quickly goes for and connects with a quick DDT. Nev's head hits the mat, and before the rest of his body can even land, Kim is flipping him over for the pin. 1..............2...KICKOUT.
Fecca: Now it's Kim on the attack. The champ isn't going down without a fight.
Styles: And that be a fir...
Fecca: Styles this is a family show.
Kim isn't about to let Nev recoop, instead she grabs him by the air and pulls him to his feet. She delivers a few punches to Nev's lower back, and then whips him towards the rope, what she had in mind for when he bounced off we will never know, because instead of running into the ropes, Nev leaps up in the air, landing on the middle rope and springs off of it, turning in mid air and connecting with a huge springboard clothesline that nearly takes Kim's head clean off. Instead of pinning Kim however, Nev grabs hold of her hair and pulls her to her feet,
Fecca: Kim might be in a world of trouble again. What a match. Total back and forth action so far. This one is going to come down to the end.
Styles: Don't all matches come down to the end.
Nev whips Kim towards the corner turnbuckle, Kim hits the turnbuckle pads hard, Nev lets her sit in the corner for a minute and then charges at her, maybe going for a splash or a turbuckle clothesline. Whatever he had in mind, right before he got to her, Kim forward and dodged a late clothesline attempt. Nev whips around, but Kim beat him to it, Kim leaps up in the air, landing on Nev's shoulder and connects with a big hurricanrana. Nev flips over and comes down hard on the mat. Kim climbs to her feet, and then blows a kiss at LaMin, who is trying to will her man to his feet.
Fecca: Kim is in completely control after that one. Things do not look for for Nev.
Nev is very slow to his feet, Kim is waiting behind him. Nev reaches his knees, and then his feet, LaMin is yelling at him, that Kim is behind him, but he doesn't appear to notice, slowly he turns, Kim darts forwards and goes for and connects with a her finisher which is a superkick.
Fecca: The Silencer from Kim Pain, this one is over.
Or at least it should have been, Kim drops to the mat to pin Nev, but LaMin wisely climbs up on the ring apron. Jim Richards neglects to count the pin, and instead tries to get LaMin off the apron. Kim has Nev pinned for a lot more than three seconds, but Richards is having a tough time getting LaMin off the apron. Kim breaks the pin, and then heads toward LaMin. Kim gives LaMin a piece of her mind, and is ready for LaMin to yell right back, when LaMin nods at Kim, and then peacefully hops off the ring apron. Kim knows something is up so she spins around ready for a sneak attack from Nev, instead she finds an empty ring.
Fecca: Wait, where did Nev go?
Styles: He is probably out conjuring up another fireball, that is what I would do.
Finally we spot Nev, he is headed up the entrance ramp with his back to Kim and the ring. LaMin quickly catches up to him. Kim looks around stunned as Jim starts to count out Nev. 1....................2......................3........................4............................5. Nev briefly turns around to look at Kim and Whisper who is standing infront of the ring, he throws his hands in the air, and then turns and disappears through the curtains. 6.................................7...............................8...............................9................................10. Kim is announced the winner as the arena boos Nev, and we fade away from the ring to outside. |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave July 24th
Date Posted:07/27/2010 7:30 AMCopy HTML
Once again we're at a familiar sight- as the camera opens back up from the break, the same black SRT Challenger was sitting in the back parking lot- a little differently structured, but the same for the most part is how the camera rendered the angle. The lights was on- it beamed into the distance, the fans knew who was sitting behind the steering wheel, and they knew something was about to happen. The engine cut off- the door opened, but this time security didn't flock to the car. Instead, a pretty mellow evening seemed to be popping off.
Styles: Look! It's Jake and he's not being harrassed! Maybe we've got a chance to survive afterall!
Fecca: We'll see about that.. After what I've heard this past week, I'm not totally sold on Jake being this innocent, saint-like messiah here to save the PWT. I think he has an alterior motive..
Styles: Who are you all of a sudden, Shelock Holmes?! Jake is here to save the PWT!
Fecca: .. From what, himself?!
Surely enough, stepping out of the car standing with a cold stare- we see The Prodigal Son and it seemed as if he was still holding onto that grudge that was formed last week when he was turned away from the building. The fans popped for Jake- well, popped in a bad-guy, booooooooooooo, we hate you kind of way, but it was a definite pop. About to step forward, he held himself back and cut a smirk as he shook his head and rubbed the back of his head- the camera panned out enough to show a gang of security guards, obviously Brooks wanted to keep Jake out of the arena again. Counting the yellow shirt wearing fellows- he saw eleven guards, but only one mattered- they'd all fold if hit hard enough.
Styles: .. I guess Brooks wants to collect an umemployment check!?
Jacob: Bad choice.
Before anyone could blink- let alone flinch, Jake sprung forward and hit the security guard in the center with a huge elbow that dropped him. Firing off hard shots with his elbow, hands and feet- Jake was eventually overcame with the mass amount of guards that had joined the fold, almost as if they were on stand-by, knowing what Jake's intent was.
Continuing to fight- Jake didn't let up, they tried to restrain him but The Infamous wouldn't let it happen. Finally, after three or four more men joined the ruckus, about twenty deep was there- no lie, trying to hold Jake back. They forced him to his car and as a whole mess of them was shouting over each other trying to control the situation- Jake smirked.. A scary smirk.
Fecca: Uh.. Oh..
The camera suddenly cut off and we were in the back of the arena. The halls were littered with equipment and tables- plastic crates and other transportating items. Ken Mitchell was seen strolling through the halls with a clipboard in his hand as the camera followed from the front. All of a sudden though- he came to a stop as he slowly looked up- his eyes nearly popped out of his skull. Pulling back- standing before Ken was a monster of a man- tattooed and wearing a Jason Voorhes hockey mask..
Ken tried to back step- but he stepped into another figure- a lesser known star, but someone's who's name was definitely familiar in San Antonio..
Fecca: And that! Th-
Styles: That's Jake's protege.. CHRISTIAN OTHNIEL!
Looking intimidated- Ken tried to find a center as the camera moved to split screen now- showing Jake being restrained on the outside. All of a sudden, Christian launched forward and struck Ken in the face with a hard right hand- taking him down. Firing off boot after boot, Con stared down and probably laughed from behind his mask as Othniel rained down on Ken with solid boots, pin-point accuracy called for Ken to quickly cover up.
Sprinting from across the scene was PWT talent- Prahbas but he was folded in half as Con launched forward and nearly broken with what Con called "OWNED!" which was a devastating spear. Con stood up and changed his attention towards Ken Mitchell who Othniel had laid off- Othniel had managed to terrorize a t-shirt stand owner and knocked his items off of the stand, nearly breaking the wooden structure down.
Staring down at Ken, Con reached down and put both his hands around Ken's throat- before yanking him up and throwing him into the air. Catching him on his shoulders- Con turned his body slightly to the side and put Ken through a snack table sitting there- breaking it upon impact, which got the fans pretty riled up.
Just then- the security forces who was restraining Jake halfed- some of the force sprinted towards the entrance/exit door sitting by the arena- but there was no luck. It seemed to be either jammed or locked from the inside, which brought another smirk to Jake's face.
Styles: What a genius..
Fecca: More like a sociopath! Look at him smirking, this is the work of the devil! Jake is pure evil and he's showing that right now! What.. I wanna know is how is that door jammed- where Con and Othniel are- there's no way they'd be able to do that..
Styles: Strategy, that's how!
Taking off to find another way into the arena- some of the security force tried to get answers out of Jake- but it wasn't working. Leaving four men to guard him wasn't going to work and that was shown as with one movement, Jake took out two of them. Dropping one each with a huge forearm shot- Jake swiftly turned and kicked one in the gut and threw him onto the road. The last one standing- he tried to reach for his heavy flashlight, not before he got taken out by a huge lariat from The Prodigal Son.
Fecca: ...!
Styles: This is trouble.. TROUBLE!
Back in the arena- Othniel had dropped a few more staff members and nearly drowned one in the bowl of punch sitting there. Picking a guy up- Othniel threw him into the water cooler, causing it to hit the ground and basically blow upon contact. Con on the other hand- he wasn't done yet. Looking down at Ken Mitchell- he moved back towards him and reached with his right hand- grabbing hold of his collar. Yanking him up with ease- Con looked towards the closed door that lead to some sort of closet probably.
Fecca: Oh no.. Tell me..
With a few steps- Con used his almost supernatural strength launched Ken- head first into the dead-bolt locked door- and when Ken hit it- he hit it hard and broke through the door. Not a simple 'knock the door down' but instead- a piece, almost the whole top portion was ripped off of it's 'torso' as Ken hit a metal shelf in there. Con stood- staring at his work as Othniel joined his comrade in the mayhem.
Othniel: Think our point was taken?
Esco: If not- I won't have a problem doing this again.
Both chuckled and moved off of the scene- the camera in the parking lot showed Jake glancing at the exit/entrance door and once his hand was on the knob- he sighed and shook his head.
Jacob:The lesson isn't done yet.. Two weeks they turned me away- so two weeks in a row, we're going to rip apart everything they're about. This is the beginning.. The beginning of.. Natural Selection.
Turning his body back towards his car, Jake stepped over the body of one of the guys he put down and got back into his car. Starting the engine, he hit the gas pedal a few times before peeling out of the area- leaving a cloud of exhaust and tire soot in his path. Security finally found it's way to the inside of the arena where the brawl had happened, but they were too late. Some darted off into the direction of where Con and Othniel moved but it was doubtful they'd catch the two men- they was long gone by now.
Fecca: Natural Selection?! What the hell does he mean by Natural Selection?!
Styles: I think it's an acronym- an acronym for the end.. Times are changing Fecca- Now you need to decide if you're going to stare in the mirror and be happy with what you see or if you're going to comform to the new way.. if you can survive it seems- Natural Selection.
Fecca: .. God.
And on that note- the scene faded off- there was trouble on the horizon, alright.
***Commercial Break*** |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave July 24th
Date Posted:07/27/2010 7:35 AMCopy HTML
All men are in the ring, and are staring one another down. Tony and Matlock start it off. Right off Matlock stars throwing some right hands into Tony backing him up towards the ropes. Irish whipping Tony, as he bounces back he's caught and met with a huge powerslam and Matlock goes for a cover.
One... Two... no!
Ryan able to get in and break up the count as the ref makes him get back to the apron.
Fecca: Matlock going in for an early cover, but Ryan is able to be there for Tony to break up the count.
Styles: Definitely showing some team work early on, looking out for his partner but remember that Matlock is the cornered animal and I really wonder how Tony is going to handle Matlock.
Fecca: I believe these two men have only met in a few instances in W2K. Infact I believe Matlock was in the battle royal that Scott Addams and Tony Rich became the tag team champions of W2K.
Styles: Would explain why they're both geting a warm welcome tonight. And don't forget that Javen's been along side of CM for a good portion of that time in W2K too. Starr is pretty much the lone wolf tonight.
Matlock has Tony up in a seated position with a big smirk on his face, and knocks Tony right back down with a huge knife edge chop with the smack echoing loudly and the pain is on Tony's face. Matlock to his feet looks over at Starr and talks some smack, causing Starr to try and get in the ring. While the ref is distracted, Javen comes into the ring and he and Matlock start stomping away at Tony with Starr trying to get the ref to look back in the ring. Javen goes back to the apron, and Matlock makes the tag while dragging Tony to his corner. Javen leaps in over the top rope and lands a leg drop on Tony, and goes for the cover.
One.. Two.. Kick out!
Fecca: The tag is made to Javen but onl a two count after the leg drop.
Styles: Tony was barely able to get that shoulder up Bob-o. Another move like that and this match is gonna be over!
Tony able to kick out and Javen is seen arguing with the ref and goes for another quick cover but again only two. Throws Tony into the corner and makes another tag bringing Matlock in and they start to work over Tony in the mid section. Matlock backs up, and charges to the corner but Tony throws an elbow up and the fans erupt and Tony elbows Javen in the head knocking him off the apron. Matlock holding his jaw turns around to see Tony charge at him and leaping into the air and connects a beautiful spinning head scissor takedown fipping Matlock in place. Ryan on the apron clapping his hands and stomping his feet, getting the crowd behind him and Tony makes the leap to tag Starr in.
Fecca: Tony making a big comeback here and the hot tag is made! Ryan Starr is in the match!
Styles: With Starr not being a former W2Ker Im surprised he's getting over as well as he does tonight; seeing as how Texas hates queers.
Fecca: Thats just being ignorant, Ed.
Styles: Ignorant, or truthfull speaking? Sounds like you should do your homework on Texas.
Fecca: Sounds like you should be a little more tollerant.
Styles: Hey, don't try and pin this on me. They're the haters. HATERS I TELL YA.
Fecca: What the hell is a "hater?"
Styles: You need to get with the times man! Hating queers is NOT cool!
Fecca: My brother is gay, thank you very much.
Styles: Now you're insulting your brother on National televison? Man I don't get you....
Fecca: Call the damn match.
Styles: I would if you'd stop hating on people that are different than you!
Fecca: For cryin out loud...
Jumping over the top he charges in. Javen slides in the ring, and Ryan clotheslines Matlock down, then Javen, then Matlock, then Javen, back and forth, clotheslines and punches, but the number game starts to get on Starr and the beating begins. After a few moments of the beat down, and "Grey" by Anew Revolution his the speakers and the video is showing Scott and Zarek with a huge pop.
Fecca: Thats the theme music of The New Revolution! Scott Addams and Zarek Lyle; our Titanium contenders!
Styles: Theres a match going on right now! What the hell is going on!
Then the crowd is erupting still with Scott and Zarek at the entrance, as Tony is on the top rope and he leaps off with a double dropkick knocking back both Javen and Matlock while they're distracted. The fight turns to their favor real quick with the music fading off. Matlock rolls out of the ring; Javen gets hit with the superkick turning around. The ladies are nutting their pants as Tony taunts, and a dazed Javen is met with PREMATURE EXCITEMENT! Everybody goes crazy as Tony goes for the cover.
One...Two... Three!
Fecca: And it's over! Tony Rich and Ryan Starr take the win here tonight!
Styles: No thanks to Scott and Zarek, though.
Tony and Ryan exit the ring, and Scott and Zarek start walking down. Matlock sees it, and quickly pulls Javen out of the ring, and Scott and Zarek slide in. Matlock and Javen stare in at them, and Zarek gets the microphone.
Zarek: Matlock, Javen! You boys felt the need to try and attack Scott and I, not once, but twice! You ran like the little girls that you are but Scott and I are out here to say just one thing to both of you. Next week this whole charade ends! Next week right here in this squared circle, we settle the score!
Zarek hands the mic off to Scott
Scott: Zarek and I just came from Brooks office, and we got it inked in that next week, you two - Javen and Matlock are going to take on Zarek and I in a good old fashioned no holds barred, anything goes tag team match!
The crowd erupts as Scott drops the mic with "Grey" by Anew Revolution playing as we cut to backstage. There we see the young lady we've come to know as Angelina Santana's sister Mariah. She's walking through the halls just checking things out. Suddenly from behind her a guy runs up and grabs the purse right off her shoulder!
Mariah: Hey!....HELP! He stole my purse!
A bunch of the techies look around but they don't do anything. The camera watches as the guy rounds a corner. All of a sudden there's all sorts of loud crashing noises from where the thief had just ran. Moments later and all is quiet. Slowly Mariah creeps downa nd she looks around the corner. In the remnants of a table lies the thief. Her purse hangs on a doorknob.
Mariah: What...?
She looks at the end of the hall, as do we, and sees our own resident superhero. The Masked Avenger looks at Mariaha nd nods. He then disappears around a dark corner. Mariah yells for him to wait but its too late. She's soon joined by Angelina and Whysper asking what happened.
***Commercial Break*** |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave July 24th
Date Posted:07/27/2010 7:59 AMCopy HTML
With TJ Bryce already standing in the ring- "Undisputed" by Luda ripped over the PA System, as usual bringing the fans up to their feet in an uproar. TJ bounced around in the ring, psyching himself up for possibly one of the biggest matches in his career.
Fecca: This young man has an amazing oppurtunity right here to showcase what he has in a contest with the "XMan" Xavier Homicide!
Styles: Bryce has been going around all week saying how he's gonna take Xavier down a peg or two, so lets see how he does when the bell actually rings.
Fecca: Something tells me that after Andrews cost him the title next week- Xavier isn't the happiest camper on the camping grounds..
Styles: Yeah well for constantly being underestimated- imagine how TJ Bryce feels!
Fecca: Remember though Eddie- TJ's 'insurance policies' are outside the ring and at anytime, those Taylor Brothers can get involved and act as a gang to make sure TJ gets the win!
Xavier held the PWT Championship in the air for a second as he moved down the ramp, the people were pretty much behind him- of course you had your small amount of boo's here and there, it was human nature for haters to exist. Homicide slapped hands with the fans for a little before getting into the ring and hoisting the PWT Championship into the air, camera flashes went off as XMan played to the crowd a few more seconds. When he dropped down to the mat- the bell didn't even ring when TJ sprinted across the ring and decked Xavier with a double-arm sledgehammer across the back.
Hitting the turnbuckle sternum first- TJ intelligently kicked away at the back of XMan's legs, trying to take away atleast one leg from him so things would be easier as the match went along. Spinning Xavier around now- TJ tried to fire off a few hard right hands, each of them was blocked to the fans delight by the PWT Champion. Kicking the title out of the way as he decked TJ with a right of his own- Xavier knocked TJ back a step and then fired off another big shot. Rocking TJ into the next dimension- Xavier topped it off with a kick to the gut and quick DDT that spiked TJ's head into the mat.
Making the cover- Xavier hooked the leg.
Styles: Not yet.. Not yet!
Bryce's shoulder popped off of the mat as Xavier picked himself up and once more took the fight to TJ. Knocking him into the turnbuckle, Xavier whipped TJ to the other side pretty hard and as TJ hit the turnbuckle- Xavier was there to cut him off before he could hit the ropes with a clothesline that nearly turned him inside out. Homicide looked like a man possessed- losing last week due to Duke Andrews' interference set a fire under Xavier and TJ Bryce was on the blunt end of the beating sick. Standing TJ up- not bothering with the cover despite the solid shot- he sent TJ into the ropes- on the comeback, Xavier ducked an oncoming TJ. Hopping over X, TJ hit the ropes and leaped into the air- bouncing off of it. Catching Xavier by surprise- he pulled off a pretty nice looking springboard Torando DDT that rild the fans up and got them into an uproar with boo's and jeer's. TJ made the cover looking for an upset over Xavier as the fans jumped to their feet..
Styles: SO CLOSE!
With a few milliseconds to spare- X managed to get his shoulder off of the mat and into the air, breaking up the pin and major upset for TJ Bryce. TJ argued with the ref, telling him to count faster and mover quicker- the ref simply nodded and shrugged. TJ attempted to take a controlling lead in the match but it failed after Homicide managed to stop his momentum with a quick shot to the side of the head that put some cob-webs in TJ's head. Xavier pushed forward, looking to do whatever he could to totally strip TJ of any and all momentum- and was successful after managing to get out of TJ's "Bryce of Fame," but Xavier wasn't gonna let that happen and instead manuevered out of it and turned it into a devastating Hanging Fishermen's Brainbuster. Once more dropping TJ on the dome of his head, one wondered how much more damage he could take before it'd be the end- but from the way Xavier looked, he definitely came across like he was out for the kill- a way to show anyone who doubted him or had thoughts of pulling something against him- that they better think twice. Rolling TJ over and picking him up- it took longer than expected, but one Taylor brother went to go distract the ref- the other hopped onto the ring-apron. Xavier saw him in the corner of his eye and took a step back just enough to swing and connect with a solid right hand that dropped him
TJ knew this would be one of the only oppurtunities to get a chance to take Xavier down without the ref's attention so he quickly scooped up the PWT Championship that had been kicked near the ring-post. Standing up- he measured Xavier and as Xavier turned around..
Styles: AGAIN?!
NO! Xavier managed to duck the shot with the title this time. TJ used almost everything he had and his momentum sent him crashing into the ropes- chest first. Bouncing off of it and staggering towards Xavier- dropping the championship on the ground which caught the ref's attention- he quickly picked the title up and handed it out to the time-keeper- keeping his eyes on the match. Before the OTHER Taylor brother could get involved- Xavier took him out with a nice baseball slide that sent the man down to the ground, quick. Pushing himself up as quick as he could, he waited for TJ to turn and when he did- that was the second this match took a spin to the end for TJ. Whipping himself off of the ropes, XMan ricocheted off and connected with a huge knee to the gut. Quickly locking TJ's arms behind his back and pulling him up into the air- this caused the fans to jump to their feet and look on..
Surely enough- Like a bat out of hell, X snapped downwards and put TJ into the mat, dropping him on his neck- calling it a day.
Styles: OUCH! The impact!
X made the cover- still looking to be stuck in beast mode..
The bell rung as the ref handed Xavier the PWT Championship. Holding it into the air as he looked around the arena before scanning the beaten TJ Bryce, Sabrina sounded off.
Fecca: Wow.. Wow. Xavier was a house on fire tonight!
Styles: I think Andrews opened a can of worms that he didn't expect to be filled with dynamite. Homicide was like rabid dog tonight- I liked it.
Fecca: Speaking of Andrews- Look at the top of the ramp!
It didn't take Xavier and the fans long to notice Duke Andrews standing on the ramp, staring down at Xavier. XMan changed his attention and looked down at Andrews. Glancing at the PWT Championship- he fixed his attention back onto Andrews and did a cut-throat taunt while glaring a hole through him.
Fecca: I think- That right there, speaks for itself.
Back from break and Shauna Lane is caught up with a frustrated TJ Bryce.
Shauna: Tough break TJ, what is this now 0-3, how you feeling?
TJ Bryce: How do you think I am feeling Shauna. I dont know whats worse the match after pains I am feeling or feeling like a complete joke to the wor...myself.
Shauna: I am sure that there is..
Bryce cuts her off.
TJ Bryce: A light at the end of the tunnell, a slimmer of hope on the horizon. Cut the crap, I lost out there in what probably was my biggest match since returning. A chance to prove myself to these sheep and what happened. I will tell you what happened TJ Bryce blow it. (laughs) Its like I cant win.
Shauna: Nothing wrong with being in the undercard and remaining below the radar.
Saying nothing TJ pauses and Shauna looks at TJ waiting for him to say something. Deciding to speak with his actions however. TJ slams Shauna into the wall behind them and pushes her up against it.
Shauna trys to wiggle free but TJ has her bend tightly.
The camera spans around and Brandon Marks walks up and TJ lets go of Shauna.
TJ Bryce: I am getting real fed up with you getting in my buisness Brandon.
Brandon Marks: Then do something about it.
"The Candy Man" sticks his cheek out.
Brandon Marks: Go ahead first shot goes to you buddy.
TJ puts his hand into a fist and pulls back but instead relaxes and shakes his head and mouths "not worth it" and walks away. Kneeling down Brandon checks on Shauna who is catching her breatth on the ground.
Shauna: BRANDON (catches her breathe) WATCH OUT
Right when Brandon turns around he is met with Insufficient Funds! (Randy Orton Punt) to the head. TJ looks down at Brandon who is spazzing out due to the impact to his skull. Giving a cocky smirk, TJ walks off. Meanwhile we head out to ringside for the next match. |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave July 24th
Date Posted:07/27/2010 8:18 AMCopy HTML
"Black Cat" by Janet Jackson begins to play over the PA system and the crowd begins to cheer as Lori Anne and Elizabeth Rossdale step out onto the stage. Elizabeth standing a little further behind Lori.
Sabrina: Ladies and gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall, introducing first being accompanied by Elizabeth Rossdale from Portsmouths, New Hampshire, LORI-ANNE ROSSDALE!!
Fecca: Terri LaMin made her return last week when she took out three of the new girls, Audrey Hardy, Alessandra DeRosa, and Ruby Cooper...
Styles: But more importantly her and The Revolution Champion, Kim Pain shared some words.
By now the girls have reached the bottom of the ramp and are slapping the hands of their fans. Elizabeth heads up the steel steps as Lori slides into the ring. They both meet in the middle of the ring and pose for the fans. Their music cuts as "Divine" by Korn begins to play. The fans begin to go crazy as Terri LaMin and Nevyrmorr make their way out onto the stage.
Fecca: You can hear these fans just going crazy for the hometown girl, Terri LaMin.
Styles: Well, that and she is about to show Lori-Anne what being the hardcore queen means.
The couple poses at the top of the ramp Terri placing her hand on Nev's chest as a cocky smirk spreads across her face.
Sabrina: And her opponent, being accompanied by Nevymorr, from SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS....TERRI LAMIN!!!
The crowd pops loudly once again as the couple makes their way down the ramp. They reach the bottom and Nev makes his way to ringside. Terri makes her way up the steel steps ducking under the middle rope as she steps into the ring. She looks out to the crowd standing tall in the middle of the ring. Her music then fades. The ref calls for the bell and the women begin to circle each other. As they go to lock up Terri sends a hard kick to Lori's gut.
Fecca: Terri not wasting anytime with getting this match started.
Styles: And why would she!? She's got a message to send to Kim Pain.
Lori goes down to one knee after the kick and Terri grabs onto Lori's hair picking her back up to her feet. She then steps back and sends some kicks to the sides of Lori's legs. Lori stumbles a bit, Terri then steps back into the ropes giving herself some momentum to fling herself forward hitting Lori with a huge boot to her shoulder finally taking her down to the match all the while keeping a cocky grin on her face. She then looks out to the crowd with a laugh pointing down to Lori. She then drops to her knees and makes a cover. ONE...Lori kicks out quickly.
Fecca: A little early for a cover...
Styles: Did you see those kicks, I'm surprised Lori could kick out.
Fecca: Terri certainly showing her arrogance there.
Terri looks down at Lori pushing her face into the mat out of anger. She then gets to her feet and grabs Lori by the hair once again beginning to drag her to her feet. Lori then starts to fight back hitting a few elbow strikes to Terri's midsection. Elizabeth cheers Lori on slamming on the apron hard. Terri tries to keep hold of Lori but Lori's hits become to much. She steps back for a second only to send a knee into Lori's gut. Terri is then quick to bring Lori down with a bulldog. Terri sits there for a second looking around to the crowd. She then looks back to Lori going for yet another cover. ONE...TWO..Lori kicks out once again. This doesn't make Terri very happy. She hits the mat with one hand before getting to her feet. She turns Lori over onto her back and runs at the ropes jumping off the middle going for the "queensault" Lori thinks fast putting her knees up. Terri rolls back grabbing her stomach.
Fecca: A very smart move their by Lori to get herself back in the game.
Lori takes a second to get to her feet but she does so at the same time as Terri. Lori bounces off the ropes hitting Terri with a spinning heel kick and taking her down. Lori then mounts Terri and begins throwing a few punches. Terri tries her best to cover her face and avoid having too much damage. Terri finally fights back hitting a modified monkey flip to send Lori off of her. The girls get back to their feet at the same time once again. They lock up this time and Lori gets the upper-hand pushing Terri back into the corner. The ref yells for her to back off and Lori does but only for a second before sending a swift kick to Terri's midsection. She then grabbed Terri by the hair pulling her out of the corner and throwing her across the ring. Terri scrambles to her feet not really believing what is going on.
Styles: Come on LaMin get it together!
Fecca: Lori is showing Terri what she's made of and I don't think that Terri expected it.
Lori runs after Terri only to be met by a huge clothesline. Lori falls hard onto the mat grabbing her chest. Terri then lands an elbow drop onto Lori's chest. She then sits up looking at the crowd as they cheer her on. Terri then gets to her feet and goes to grab Lori, Lori then grabs Terri and rolls her up in a small package. ONE..TWO..TH...Terri kicks out.
Fecca: Lori almost pulled a fast one on Terri.
Styles: You can't beat the Hardcore Queen with a small package!
Fecca: Well it damn near looked like she did.
Terri is in complete shock as she gets to her feet. Lori once again is back on hers as well. Terri runs at Lori looking for a clothesline, but Lori ducks under grabbing Terri's head and bringing her down with a neckbreaker. Terri grabs her head and Lori floats over for a cover. ONE..TWO..Terri kicks out once again. Lori looks a tad frustrated but gets to her feet setting up for a superkick as she waits for Terri to get to her feet. Terri wobbles a little bit getting there but finally gets to her feet. Lori then goes forward with a superkick, but Terri thinks fast getting out of the way. Lori seems a little baffled by this as she nearly falls as she stops herself. She then turns to where Terri has moved only to be met with a "Terri-Kick" or rather a superkick of her own. Lori falls to the mat, and Terri follows making the cover. ONE...........TWO......NO! Terri actually leave sthe pin.
Fecca: What? Why is Terri....Kim pain? What is she doing out here?
Styles; I think that's what Terri is asking.
Indeed Terri has gotten up and she's standing by the ropes. Slowly Kim Pain keeps on making her way to towards the ring. The Homicidal Hardcore Queen is yelling at her to be gone. Even Nev comes around towards the ramp. But suddenly Lori Anne grabs Terri and rolls her into a school-girl pin!
Styles; NO!
Fecca: YES!
Lori is holding onto this pin with all she's got as Terri squrims. ONE........TWO.......THREE!!!! The bell rings and Sabrina announces Lori Anne as the winner. Terri is beside herself as Kim smirks and backs up the ramp. Nev enters the ring with Terri trying to console her.
Fecca and Styles talk about whata monumental upset this is for Lori Anne. They sell that hard an dthen we switch to a spilt-screen backstage. One the left we see Duke Andrews and the Masked Man and Woman. The right sid eof our screen shows CM, Kaydence, and Damien Collins making their way towards the entrance.
***Commercial Break*** |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave July 24th
Date Posted:07/27/2010 8:04 PMCopy HTML
When the show returns from commercial "Down From The Sky" by Trivium is blaring over the speakers. In teh ring we can see Duke Andrews and his partners, the masked man and woman in one corner. They're discussing strategy.
Fecca: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen we're just moments away from our main event kicking off. Tonight's show started with this scheduled as Duke Andrews versus Christian Michaels in one on one action. However thos masked hoodlums attacked Phoenix Winterborn and Damien Collins tonight. That brought out Michaels and Kaydence. Then Duke Andrews got involved. Jonathan Brooks made an appearance and made this six-person tag for tonight.
Styles: You know I have to give Brooks credit on this one. If they want to keep getting in each other's business then lets throw 'em all together in the ring.
Fecca: I couldn't agree more!
Sabrina announced that it was time for tonight's main event. The crowd cheered until Duke and his team were announced. But then when it came time for their opponents? The fans went crazy as "Move" by Thousand Foot Krutch hit over the speakers. CM, Kaydence, and DC walked out onto the stage and the arena roof was damn near blown off!
Fecca: Listen to this ovation! Christian Michaels is back home in San Antonio and these people LOVE it!
Sabrina announces CM, and his partners. They stop mid-way down teh ramp after slapping hands with fans. The three of them exchange glances and then charge the ring! As they slide in Duke and the masked man and woman exit. They look up as CM, Kaydence, and DC stand by the ropes beggin them to come back. Finally Richards pushed the trio back to a corner.
Fecca: Michaels and company ready to go here. You really can't blame them either.
Styles: Richards needs to just ring the bell and get this thing started.
We finally get things settled and start off with DC and Masked Man in the ring. They circled around one another before shooting in for a lock-up. DC backs MM into a corner. Richards wants a break and he gets a clean one. But the MM isn't satisfied. He slaps DC across the mouth. Not a good call as DC unloaded on MM with rights until MM dropped to his ass in the corner. Richards tried to seperate them. However DC saw Duke coming down the apron towards him. He spuns nailed Andrews with a big right knocking him to the floor!
Fecca: Collins! Damien Collins just beat a mudhole into the Masked Man and knocked Duke Andrews on his ass!
Styles: Now why'd he have to hit Duke? He was just coming to check on his partner. Sheesh! Just when you feel a little bit of sympathy for him...
The Masked Woman's eyes almost bulge out of her masked when DC looks her way. She hops off the apron and rushes over to where Duke is. Masked Man slips out with them and we've gota huddle outside teh ring. DC waves for Kaydence and CM to come into the irng. He gets down on all fours an Kaydence runs across the ring. She leaps off DC's back, over the top rope, and takes out Duke and his masked partners! The fans love it!
Fecca: Poetry in motion...over the top rope by Kaydence! Wait a minute!
CM charges across the ring as everybody gets up outside. Kaydence and the Masked Woman dart to the left and right respectively. Michaels flies over the top rope off DC's back and he takes out Duke and MM again! The fans again love it!
Styles: Michaels too? What's next? Collins going to fly too?
Fecca; It looks like it!
When everybody gets up again Damien grabs the top rope and slingshots himself over! He takes out himself, Duke, CM, and MM. At this point the fans are on their feet going wild. Over near Duke's team's corner Kaydence and Masked Woman are going at each other with lefts and rights. Duke gets to his feet first and he starts waylaying CM. Meanwhile DC and Masked Man start fighting their way around to the side of the ring facing the ramp.After an eye-rake Masked Man sends DC into the steps.
Fecca: Imagine that! That damned Masked Man rakes the eyes of Collins to get an advantage here.
Styles: Hey you gotta do what you gotta do in these situations.
MM sent DC back into the ring. Soon enough we had everybody back in their corners. The next several minutes saw Masked Man controlling Collins. He brung DC over to his corner and tagged in Duke. Duke came in and he continued to work over DC. He sent DC to the ropes and on the rebound put a sleeper-hold on Collins. Damien turned into it and hit a side belly-to-back suplex. CM and Kaydence are stretching their hands out looking for a tag.
Fecca: Collins needs a tag in the worst way here. He's been worked over by Andrews and the Masked Man after already having a match earlier tonight.
Styles: If he's smart Duke will prevent that. Keep Collins isolated. Get this match over with and continue a march towards the World title.
Collins was crawling for the tag but his foot was grabbed. DC hopped up to one foot and turned giving an enziguri! He then leaped over and tagged in CM! The crowd goes wild as CM comes into the ring. He runs through Duke with a clothesline! Michaels kept going and took a swing for the Masked Woman. She jumped off the apron though just in time. Christian turned and grabbed the top rope. If we could see it Masked man mouth woulda been open in shock. CM yanks the top rope towards himself bringing Masked Man into the ring the hardway!
Fecca: Michaels is like a house of fire here!
The Heartthrob finally gets his masked nemesis in a fair situation. CM pulls him up by the left hand and holds up his right hand for approval. In this city CM damn sure gets that ok from the fans The ref though wishes he wouldn't, but still CM nails Masked Man with a HUGE right hand shot! MM goes down an pops back up. He eats another right that puts him back down. MM gets up and runs at CM. This time he's backdropped. Up againa nd CM with a kick to the mid-section. Michaels hooks the front-facelock and the fans go wild.
Fecca: Could it be?
Just before CM can finish the "Just Like That" he has a monkey on his back. Well actually its more like the Masked Woman but still. She wraps her arms around CM's head and legs around his waist as she jumped on his back. Kaydence was having none of that. She came in and pulled Masked Woman down.
Fecca: Kaydence Starr literally pulling the monkey of Rhya off CM's back!
Styles: Come on now Bobby we don't know for a fact that's Rhya!
Kaydence sent the Masked Woman out of the ring. Outside with her goes Kaydence now. They fight their way into the crowd, which naturally the people love. Still security is nearby to keep anyone from doin something stoopid. Back in the ring CM turns back to the Masked Man. The distraction though was enough for MM. He boots CM in the gut and then hits a pedigree.
Fecca: Good lord! That....That...
The fans boo as the Southern Heartthrob is down. Masked Man stands over him gloating about it. But all of sudden the Masked Man is whipped around. DC grabbed him and hits the RKO which we all know as the "DC Drop". Masked Man rolls out of the ring and DC is hardly to his feet when he's clobbered in the back and thrown out of teh ring. Duke then turns and sees CM.
Fecca: Duke Andrews is about to pick the bones here...
Styles: Ha! You know week after week I'm liking Andrews more an more.
Duke makes the pin on CM. The crowd boos as Richards slides into position. ONE...........TWO...........THR-NO! The crowd goes wild as Michaels rolled his left shoulder off the mat. Andrews is insensed. He gets up and gets CM up for the Razors Edge which he called "Perfection Plant". The Heartthrob slips out of Duke's grasp. Duke turns to a kick to the stomach.
Fecca: Just Like-NO!
CM's foot was grabbed by the Masked Man. The distraction let Duke break free and he hits the "The Andrews Effect". Duke made the pin for a three-count. Fecca cursed Duke's name as Andrews left the ring and gathered with the Masked Ones. They all celebrated as Kaydence and DC checked on CM.
Fecca: Folks we have our last commercial break and then I'm told we'll have a message from ....Jonathan Brooks?
***Commercial Break***
Coming back from a recap of last week with Jacob Mitchell trying to get into the building, and his threats plus this week's actions. We have "Rocky Top" fading out and Johnathan Brooks standing in the middle of the ring.
Brooks: Last week, Jacob Mitchell tried to cause a ruckus, this week he's gone TOO far. So Jake I hope that you're listening, because I had a feeling that something like this was going to happen. I had a feeling that in some fashion, resigning you would cause nothing but trouble... so I got PWT some backup! You wanna play with fire Jake?! You got it!
Shockwave fades off the air with Brooks looking rather proud. |
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