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Date Posted:11/18/2010 4:51 PMCopy HTML
 Saturday May 15th, 2010 Commentary Team: Burt Busch, Bobby Fecca & Eddie Styles Venue: Mellon Arena, Pittsburgh Theme Song: "Still Unbroken" Lynard Skynard Deadline: 9pm Eastern Standard Time FRIDAY MAY 14TH (8pm Central) 24 Hour Deadline 9pm EST Thursday Night
Main Event Singles WallStreet (W/Faith Rivers) VS Xavier Homicide Referee Assigned: Jim Richards Writer: Taylor ((You heard it two weeks ago... Xavier Homicide has not been released but, you have to wonder if perhaps he won't end up wishing he was when "The Clique" gets done... WallStreet announced that he was going to be the first member of the Clique to get him some of the X Man and there's no doubt that both men are looking forward to an opportunity to rip each apart... The difference, however, is that one of these men doesn't have to watch out for five other individuals while the other has not only the benefit of numerical support but, -as it would seem- the run of the company. Well then... Here's your slingshot David Homicide, Good luck.))
Match Four Singles Leigha Homicide VS Teresa Ramos Referee: Frank Mason Writer: Chrissy ((First Teresa Loses the Femme Fatale title to Hope Rivers... THEN, She loses the rematch. If that's not enough, she has to bare witness to some new chick coming out and staking claim to a shot at a belt that Teresa is still convinced should be her's? Well, As you can imagine Miss Ramos wasn't about to stand for that... Which is exactly why she came right back out and put the boots to Leigha Homicide. Now Leigha Homicide makes her PWT Television debut as she goes one on one with the very angry Teresa Ramos. If Leigha wants a shot, beating a former champion would be a Hell of a way to get it but, that'll be far easier said then done as Teresa attempts to restake claim to the "Queen" Femme Fatale role herself.))
Leaky Format Hosts: The Wetdown Featuring Guest Superstar: R.S. Kevin Kasey Writer: Andrew ((Two weeks ago The Rockstar came back from a forced hiatus by Jimmy Stryker to save the Rock N' Roll Express from possibly suffering a similar fate at the hands of the Heritage. Now the Host with the Most Leaky Format looks to get the deep scoop with one of Professional Wrestling's biggest Legends on the Wetdown.
Match Three Singles Allen Creed VS Kimberly Pain Referee: Mitch Roberts Writer: Andrew ((The Revolution Champion is in non title action against the massive body guard of Taylor Lynn Allen Creed. Two weeks ago when the "Clique" announced their formation, David Van Dam had some choice words for the Revolution champion... Now as she does battle with the burley secuirity represenitive of David's very own "Clique", He may have to watch and eat his words... Or... kim may have to eat Creed's fist... Either way it should be a Hell of a thing to see.))
Match Two Duke Andrews Vs Phoenix Winterborn Referee: Frank Mason Writer: Nate ((Two individuals we haven't seen in action on TV in a while make their return in action against one another... Phoenix may not be in too bad a mood after getting to smack Matlock around a little last show but you can bet Duke Andrews isn't after the returning Scott Lunde beat the crap out of him from behind with the Canadian Flag. Will Duke have some words for Lunde after the match? Will Lunde be back to make his presence felt again? And what -if any- interaction can we expect to see between Phoenix Winterborn and Matt Matlock?)) Opening Bout David Van Dam In Action! Referee Assigned: Frank Mason Writer: Taylor ((What a way to kick off the show! David Van Dam will be live and in action right out of the gate!))
-------------------Dark Matches------------------- ((Dark Matches are untelevised matches that take place solely for the fans in attendence before the TV Broadcast begins. There's a variety of reasons someone might be booked in a Dark Match... - Your character will be on TV Later in a non-competitive roll that wouldn't work as well if you wrestled before or after - Your new and we're making sure you'll rp - We Ran out of room on the other card and figured you'd rather rp for a dark match then no match - Other))
Match Four Singles Scott Addams VS Damian Collins Referee Assigned: Jim Richards Summerized by: Taylor
((Scott Addams makes his return as he goes one on one with the Real Deal Damien Collins for the live crowd in Pittsburgh.))
Match Three Singles Georgia James VS Lori Anne Rossdale Referee Assigned: Frank Mason Summerized By: Taylor ((Georgia James returns and goes head to head with Lori Anne Rossdale.))
Match Two Singles Morgan Venom VS Marie Dominique Referee Assigned: Mitch Roberts Summerized By: Taylor ((Marie Dominique made her debut two weeks ago in front of the Cleveland crowd and was successful... Now she gets the chance to try and do it again in Pittsburgh but, the returning Morgan Venom will be looking to start her rise to the top of the Femme Fatale ranks and that means that one of these ladies will be very disappointed. Which one? If you're in the Pittsburgh area come find out.))Opening Match Singles Matt Matlock VS Scott Lunde Referee Assigned: Willie Sharpe Summerized By: Taylor ((Both guys will be featured on the Show in various capacities but as far as wrestling, the Pittsburgh crowd gets a real treat as they see former ICWA Tag Team champion Scott Lunde return to action against current Backyard champion Matt Matlock in this non title contest.))
ALSO APPEARING: PWT World Champion Taylor Lynn, Drew Stevenson, Shattered Soul, Jessica Jones, Christian Michaels, Hope Rivers, Kaydence Starr, AND MORE!!!
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave May 15th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 4:52 PMCopy HTML

Match Four Singles Scott Addams VS Damian Collins Referee Assigned: Jim Richards Winner: Draw Summery: Hell of a match, Really got the crowd pumped up for Shockwave. They went to a ten minute time limit draw and the crowd was on t heir feet for the vast majority of that time. Way to go guys.
Match Three Singles Georgia James VS Lori Anne Rossdale Referee Assigned: Frank Mason Winner: Lori Anne Rossdale Summery: In Typical Georgia James fashion, she showed up to get a paycheck... Unfortuantly for her, Lori Anne showed up to get a win and for the first time in a long time she actually got said win. There ya go chickity.
Match Two Singles Morgan Venom VS Marie Dominique Referee Assigned: Mitch Roberts This Match was Bumped Up To Television, Look For it In the Latter part of results
Opening Match Singles Matt Matlock VS Scott Lunde Referee Assigned: Willie Sharpe Winner: Scott Lunde Summery: The two canadians did battle in what was a solid match, although it didn't get quite the reception it deserved on account of featuring two heels. Never the less it was a solid six minutes of quality action. Everything you'd want out of the first match while the people are piling in.
ALSO APPEARING: PWT World Champion Taylor Lynn, Drew Stevenson, Shattered Soul, Jessica Jones, Christian Michaels, Hope Rivers, Kaydence Starr, AND MORE!!!
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave May 15th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 4:53 PMCopy HTML
It is 9pm on Saturday Night… The Dark Matches have taken place at the Arena and the "Best Damn Sports Show… Kinda" on Aimoo Sports Network has just concluded as well… Now… Now it’s that time folks…
"Full Circle" by Drowning Pool begins playing as we begin seeing a brand new video package for PWT… We See clips of Kimberly Pain hitting a shooting star press, into Jessica Jones hitting her scissors kick… We show Hope Rivers standing with the Femme Fatale championship over her shoulder and a grin on her face… We show Teresa Ramos in her gear with a glare in her eye… We Show WallStreet deliver a HUGE clothesline to Shadow… We show Nova and Stryker hitting their tag finish on the Rock N’ Roll Express… We Show Xavier Homicide standing in a wife beater and jeans with a look of determination in his eye… We show Christian Michaels Superkicking X… More clips of Van Dam, Stevenson, Soul, and others go by till finally we see Taylor Lynn hitting her big DDT on Christian Michaels and switch to an image of Taylor Lynn in her street clothes with the PWT Title over her shoulder and a sadistic grin on her face before we draw back to a huge Pyrotechnics show on the stage…

The Camera begins sweeping the fans who are on their feet, signs in the air…
PWT SHOCKWAVE! Pittsburgh Pennsylvania May 15, 2010
The music fades as we head up to the newly designed stage and tron…
"David Van Dam (HEY)… We The Best!"
"All I Do Is Win" Produced by DJ Khaled begins blasting over the PA as Van Dam’s highlight reel begins showing, drawing boos from the crowd. Finally the curtain moves and there he is…

"Ladies and Gentlemen… The Following contest is scheduled for Onefall! Already in the ring from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania… Weighing 210 Pounds… Aaron Jacobs!"

We switch back to Van Dam heading down the ramp…
Sabrina, "And, On his way to the ring from Indianapolis Indiana at a weight of 238 Pounds… Representing "The Clique"… DAVID! VAN! DAM!"
Van Dam throws up the Clique hand gesture upon Sabrina’s decloration that he’s representing the Clique, then stretches on the straps of his singlet as he rounds the corner toward the stairs.
Busch, "Welcome to a brand new edition of PWT Shockwave! Alongside of The Icon of Style Eddie Styles and Mister PWT Bobby Fecca, I’m "Double B" Burt Busch and we are kick starting two hours of the very best in the professional wrestling world as David Van Dam is on his way to the ring to do battle with the Pittsburgh local "Aaron Jacobs"." Fecca, "What a huge opportunity for Jacobs, getting a shot to show his stuff in front of the world against -Like him or not- one of the best technicians in the history of our sport, David Van Dam." Styles, "Like him or not? Who wouldn’t like David Van Dam?! He’s a beast baby!" Fecca, "How about Kim Pain for starters?" Busch, "David Van Dam having some choice words for PWT Revolution Champion Kim Pain two weeks ago in Cleveland… Let’s go ahead and take ya back…"
They show a replay of David bashing Kim Pain during the Clique Promo last Shockwave.
When we come back Van Dam is in the ring and the lights are beginning to readjust as the music starts to fade.
Frank Mason calls for the opening bell as the two begin to circle…
Busch, "Here we go… Folks, You may have noticed a brand new look for Shockwave as we’ve t traded in the reds and whites and purples for Greens and Blacks… It’s a whole new look for what’s sure to be a whole knew era in the PWT History books." Fecca sighs, "PWT Becomes a little less recognizable every day." Styles, "I don’t know, I kinda dig it… Feels like we’ve been revitalized." Fecca, "More like Cannibalized."
Finally the lesser known Pittsburgh performer shoots in looking for an elbow and collar lock up but Van Dam quickly ducks under, snatches the arm in a modified hammerlock with one arm and cradles the chin in his elbow with the other before locking his hands and dropping back, putting the leg scissors around Jacobs’ body…
Busch, "Oh Boy… Faded Glory out of the gate and I gotta believe…"
Almost instantly upon being dropped in Van Dam’s Crossface Chickenwing, Jacobs begins tapping making Mason dart to the side of the ring and call for the bell.
Busch, "Yep… That’s all she wrote for Aaron Jacobs."
Sabrina, "Here is your winner, Via Submission… David… Van… DAM!"
Mason starts throwing his arms around yelling at Van Dam but Van dam continues to hold the Chickenwing, making the bell sound again and again.
Busch, "Ah come on now David… Let the kid go… He tapped out, it’s over… Let him go."
Van Dam must have heard Busch as he finally relinquishes the hold.
Busch, "Well thank Goodness for that."
Van Dam gets up as Jacobs rolls so his forehead’s on the mat as he holds his shoulder. David yanks down his singlet straps, the crowd booing loudly as he looks down at Jacobs in disgust…
Busch, "Come on now… Let’s not do anything…"
Van Dam shoots down and yanks Jacobs up by the head, forcing Jacobs up to his feet…
Busch, "No… Don’t do it… Whatever’s in your mind David, Don’t do it. The Match is over and…"
David places the kid’s head between his legs, Hoists him up… And then BAM! A big piledriver makes the kid shoot up out of Van Dam’s legs and bounce under the ropes, where he ends up laying sprawled out on the outside canvas.
Busch, "Damn it David… That’s a dangerous move and to just use it for the sake of using it… I don’t even like seeing the Piledriver when it’s all on the line… It’s just so dangerous… But after the bell has sounded? That’s simply appalling."
Van Dam reaches out for a microphone as the crowd continues to boo aside from a small selection of smart ass fans chanting "One More Time".
Van Dam, "Now THAT… Kim Pain… Is Revolutionary!"
The crowd boos as Busch says, " We’re back on this again?"
Van Dam, "Matter of fact, That -in conjunction with everything else I do- is *So* Revolutionary that I’ve determined that I am going to officially name myself the number one contender to the PWT Revolution Championship."
The crowd boos some more as Busch says, "Well obviously David Van Dam doesn’t have the authority to name himself or anybody else the number one contender to anything…" Fecca, "Pfft… Right. Let’s not delude ourselves, The Clique runs PWT… If he says he’s the number one contender I’m sure it’ll be official by the end of the show." Busch, "I don’t think…" Fecca, "I’m sure ya don’t. It must be nice to be a hard working member of the PWT Roster, busting your ass to get noticed and get your shots and then just when you think you’re on the cusp, the Clique comes in and David decides to jump the entire line and just name himself number one contender for a belt."
David, "So… Kim, Make sure ya shine it up real nice, Because none of the trophies in my trophy room have blemishes… It’s simply not acceptable. I’ll be around to pick up my title very… Very soon."
With that Van Dam tosses the mic out as "All I Do Is Win" hit’s the PA again.
Busch, "Well, whether David does or doesn’t find his way to a championship match, I think we can all agree that what we just witness was down right wrong. Folks… I assure you this will be dealt with… I have to believe there’s gonna be a fine in Van Dam’s future…" Fecca scoffs, "Yeah… Right." Busch, "Well, In the event we don’t fine Van Dam I suppose we’d better make alternative plans for paying the bills… Those alternative plans will kick in now… We’ll be right back."
*Commercial Break* |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave May 15th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 4:54 PMCopy HTML
The Following is the Wal Mart Rollback Of The Night…
We see the replay of Scott Lunde viciously attacking Duke Andrews backstage last show.
Wal Mart… Always Rolling back the prices so you can get the lowest price on your every day needs… Save Money. Live Better. Wal Mart.

Fecca: Folks up next we have Duke Andrews vs Phoenix Winterborn, two men making their returns to Shockwave after a few weeks away, this should be a good one.
Busch: I am interested to see if Duke's time spent in David Van Dam's wrestling school paid off.
Styles: Van Dam is one of the best in the business, of course it's going to pay off. Duke is going to come out here and smoke Winterborn.
Fecca: We will see, I think Phoenix has a little bit of frustration built up, I definitely don't think Duke is going to smoke him.
The cymbals start playing slowly. Soon the guitar kicks in, followed by the bass. Building, building. Suddenly, the Dreaming in Reality by Senses Fail kicks in as white pyros explode in several short bursts across the stage. As the beat starts to speed up, Phoenix Winterborn throws the curtain aside, steppnig out to the adultation of the crowd. He holds his hands out to make the cheering become damn near deafening.
Sabrina: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following is a singles match, scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Oceanside, California he is PHOENIX WINTERBORN!!!!
Phoenix looks out over the crowd for signs concerning him as he starts making his way down towards the ring. Rolling in, he makes his way over to the opposite turnbuckle, clmbing up to the second rope and looking out over the crowd, motioning to them and, in turn, garnering more cheers from them for a moment before he hops off, and awaits Duke.
Fecca: Well folks, here he comes. Duke Andrews lets see if David Van Dam can help salvage the career of Mr. Andrews.
"Down From The Sky" by Trivium starts playing over the PA System, Duke appears on the top of the stage, getting booed by the crowd. It doesn't seem to bother Duke, he's got his eyes focused in the ring on Phoenix in the ring. Duke marches down the ramp towards the ring.
Sabrina: "Introducing next, from Grand Rapids Michigan, he is the Epitome of Perfection Duke Andrews."
Fecca: Alright guys, here we go. Andrews vs. Winterborn. Buckle up. This will be a good one.
Styles: Buckle Up?
Busch: Thats right, it is going to be a barn burner. They fans are already pumped up, listen to them boo Duke.
Duke and Phoenix are in the middle of the ring waiting for the bell to sound. Neither man, is talking trash or taunting the other. They both appear to be extremely focused. The bell sounds. Duke and Phoenix cirlce each other for a few seconds. Finally they both reach the middle of the ring. They go chest to chest, nose to nose. Now they are talking some trash. Phoenix throws the first punch right at Duke, who ducks out of the way. Duke with a quick shot to Phoenix's ribs. Phoenix doubles over, as Duke hits another quick shot. Duke then drops to one knee and connects with a vicious European Uppercut. Phoenix flies backwards and stumbles into the ropes. He grabs on to the top rope, using it to hold himself up. Duke is right at him, he grabs Phoenix's arm, and irish whips him to the other side of the ring, Duke runs at him, and then drop down and connects with an effective drop toe hold. Phoenix's face/chin slam into the mat hard. Duke quickly turns him over and pins him. 1................2...KICKOUT.
Styles: See what I mean, he is taking Phoenix to school.
Busch: Duke Andrews is looking good out of the gate. If he keeps up this level of intensity it is going to be extremely difficult for Phoenix to beat him. Duke and Phoenix are both climbing to their feet at about the same pace. Duke continues to assert himself, as he kicks Phoenix in the gut, Phoenix doubles over. Duke takes a few steps backwards, and then runs at Phoenix attempting to connect with a running DDT. But Phoenix scouted it, and as Duke latches onto Phoenix going for the DDT. Phoenix shoots up in the air and connects with a huge spinebuster. Duke slams hard against the mat, and Phoenix desperately needed to slow Duke down. Duke rolls almost out of the ring holding his back. Phoenix stays down for a few seconds. Phoenix finally pushes himself up to his feet, as the fans cheer him on.
Fecca: Phoenix needed a break. Duke really was taking it to him. Phoenix is up to his feet, but Duke isn't far behind.
Duke is climbing to his feet fast, Phoenix is up first, but Duke is up to about a second behind. Duke charges at Phoenix with a clothesline, Phoenix ducks it, and spins around and catches Duke with a few shots to the kidneys. Duke stumbles forward into the ropes. Phoenix leaps in the air and connects with a dropkick to Dukes back. He slams forward into the ropes, and they send him stumbles backwards. Phoenix is on the ground and sees him coming. Phoenix rolls him up with a school boy pin. 1..........2........KICKOUT!
Styles: Winterborn was grabbing his tights! What a no good cheater!
Fecca: I didn't see him grab Duke's tights.
Phoenix, looks a little upset he couldn't steal one. But he doesn't have time to think to much about it, because Duke shoots up to his feet. Duke quickly throws a few punches at Phoenix who definitely wasn't ready for them. The three or four punches he threw all connected with Phoenix's jaw. Phoenix stumbles back to the corner. Duke approaches him. Phoenix throws a wild punch that misses Duke. Duke hits him across the jaw again. Duke then pulls his knee up and drives it straight into Phoenix's midsection. You can almost see the air explode out of Phoenix's lungs. Phoenix falls forward, but Duke catches him, stands him back up and then drives another knee into his gut. Phoenix stumbles forward out of the corner. Duke sneaks up behind Phoenix, wraps his arms around his waist, locking him in position for a german suplex. Duke holds Phoenix in position for a minute, and then goes for the German Suplex throwing Phoenix high into the air.
Styles: DUKE!!! NO! Turn around!
In the ring, Duke thinks that he hit Phoenix with a big german suplex, but instead, Phoenix did a complete back flip, and landed on his feet. His momentum carried him towards the turnbuckle which is where he is now. Duke has his back to Phoenix, and takes this time to taunt the fans a little who are booing like crazy. Phoenix sees a big opportunity here, and he lifts himself up onto the middle rope in the turnbuckle and waits. Finally Duke has had enough of taunting the fans, he slowly turns around. Phoenix leaps off of the middle rope and connects with a huge flying clothesline. Definitely a big spot right there, and the fans ate it up. Duke is down. Phoenix covers. 1............2........THKICKOUT!!!!
Fecca: That was almost it! Duke got his shoulder up at the last possible second.
Styles: Don't you count him out yet. He's just taking it easy on Phoenix.
The momentum has completely shifted. The fans are cheering on Phoenix, and he is feeling pretty good. He bends down and pulls Duke up to his feet. Once he gets him to his feet, he puts Duke in position for a regular suplex. Phoenix springs backwards connecting with a snap suplex. Duke his the mat hard. And Phoenix covers again. 1...........2.....KICKOUT.
Busch: And yet again, Duke gets his shoulder up. Phoenix it's going to take more than that kid.
Phoenix seems to hear Burt Busch. He nods at the crowd and then gets behind Duke. Duke slowly starts getting to his feet. When he finally makes it to his feet. Phoenix, runs at the ropes infront of Duke. He jumps up on the middle rope, and springs off of it, turning in mid air. It looks like he was going for a flying cross body block, Duke saw it coming and catches Phoenix in mid air. Duke lifts Phoenix up and tosses him over his head, sending him crashing down to the mat. Duke drops to a knee, trying to regain his composure, Phoenix was too phased, by the move Duke just pulled. Phoenix, and Duke both climb back to their feet at about the same time, they have their backs to each other, but apparently both have the same idea. They take off in opposite directions, hitting the opposite ropes at the same time, they turn and run at each other, and then they both go for a clothesline and they both connect.
Fecca: Phoenix and Duke nearly just took each other's heads off with that double clotheline. Both men are down, and folks this one just might end in a double KO. That was hellacious.
Busch, "Both men down on the mat as Frank Mason begins the ten count… This has been a solid contest to this point, however, ya’d just hate to see it end in a draw." Styles, "Of course it’s been a solid match, It’s PWT baby." Fecca, "You sure?" Busch, "Heh-hmm… Mason broaching five as Andrews and Winterborn are slowly beginning to make the journey to their feet…"
The two pull themselves up and Winterborn darts toward Andrews, however, Andrews side steps and WHAM! A big clothesline drops Winterborn so hard he bounces back up off the mat… WHAM! A second clothesline making Winterborn bounce back up again… Winterborn goes for a big right hand but Duke ducks down and hoists Winterborn up onto his shoulders as the crowd is going wild… Duke lets out a yell, Then front flips, landing what’s essentially a front flipping Samoan Drop as the crowd cheers. Duke keeps hold of the leg and rolls to his side so most of his weight and Winterborn’s are on Winterborn’s shoulders as Mason slides down…
Busch, "This could be it…"
Busch, "What an impressive manuever by Duke Andrews…"
Busch, "Oh… And how impressive is Phoenix Winterborn as he JUST manages to get the shoulder up before the three."
Duke smacks the mat and pushes himself up… A focused look on his face as he’s down on his fists and knees ala Randy Orton, stalking the former Backyard title contender…… Phoenix starts to push himself up… Turns around and WHAM! Duke runs in, grabs him and snaps back driving Winterborn’s face into the mat with the modified Downward Spiral (AKA Mic Check).
Busch, "Oh! And there it is… The Andrews Effect!"
Duke rolls Winterborn’s lifeless body over and covers as Mason slides down and counts ……………One……………Two…………Three.
The bell sounds as "Down From The Sky" by Trivium begins to blast over the PA…
Sabrina, "Here is your winner…… DUKE… ANDREWS!"
Mason raises Duke’s arm but Duke immediately snatches it back… His face is not one of a winner, but one of a man with some serious unfinished business. He walks over to the ropes and calls for a mic as the music begins to fade.
Duke, "Damn it feels good to be back hittin the Andrews Effect in PWT… Back Hittin it in the STEEL CITY BEH-BEH!"
The crowd erupts as Andrews nods, slowly pacing the ring.
Duke, "Now let me ask you people something… What’s THIS mean to you."
As he says "This" he throws up the legendary Four Horsemen hand gesture, drawing a combination of cheers and "WHOOO"s from the crowd.
Duke, "Well let me tell you what it means to me… It means History… It means Legacy… It means Legend… And it also means an end. Not in the religious sense as the Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse mean an end, but in the sense of once I stopped throwing up that hand gesture, I assumed it meant the end of my having to deal with a sniveling, COWARD named Scott Lunde!"
The crowd boos as Busch begins to explain, "Duke Andrews and Scott Lunde were partners in an ICWA Reformation of the legendary Four Horsemen stable… That concluded when Lunde suffered major injury at the hands of then PWT Tag Team champions "The Brethren" Mason Caine and Shattered Soul."
Duke continues, "However, as all of you saw during the Wal Mart Rollback, Obviously I was wrong… But hey… That’s fine… Scott Lunde wants to play? Let’s play… SCOTT… bring your maple leaf huggin, Moose lovin ass out here and let’s go!?"
The crowd erupts as Duke paces like a lion ready to pounce on the first gazelle in site……
Duke, "COME ON! Bring that Canadian flag too so I can shove it up your red and white ASS!"
Busch, "WA-HO! Duke Andrews all SORTS of fired up!"
Duke continues to pace with no response…
Duke, "You squirmy little son of a…"
Suddenly the snare roll begins as the tron switches to the Canadian flag drawing massive boos from the American crowd…
The crowd is booing hard as Duke’s standing in the center, crouched and ready for Lunde… Or he would have been ready had Lunde come through the curtain… But instead he comes sliding in from behind and WHAM! There’s the Canadian flag across the back of the neck making Duke drop to a knee as the Canadian National anthem fades.
Busch, "And here comes Lunde with another back attack to former stablemate Duke Andrews!" Fecca, "The second show in a row where Lunde’s struck Andrews across the neck with that Canadian Flag and the crowd is showing their displeasure with Lunde and his actions as they boo with great vigor."
Duke starts to push himself up and WHAM! Lunde jabs the flag right into Duke's gut making him double over. He steps beside Duke, Uses the Canadian flag in place of Sandman’s Kendo stick and does the White Russian Leg Sweep (Side Russian Leg Sweep with the Canadian flag across Duke’s throat). The crowd boos desperately as Duke grabs at his throat, kicking his legs about. Lunde quickly tosses the flag to the side, runs to the ropes, leaps over the ropes to the outside canvas, then leaps up onto the top rope before quickly getting up right… Throwing up the Four Horsemen hand gesture, looking at it in disgust, Spitting at his hand and then leaping into the air, flipping back and driving his body down onto Duke’s body with a big Shooting Star Press.
Busch, "Ugh! The Canadian Leg Sweep followed by the Dream Maker just moments after Duke got done wrestling a full length match with Phoenix Winterborn…" Styles, "Ah, It’s just Phoenix Winterborn… Duke should be fine." Busch, "Be that as it may, a match is a match!" Fecca, "And let’s not forget that Scott came in from behind to kick this whole thing off!" Busch, "Absolutely."
Lunde pushes himself up holding his ribs as he walks over, yanks his Canadian flag off the mat with his right hand, then grabs the mic with his left.
Lunde, "Who in the HELL do you think you are Duke?! HUH?!"
Lunde drives a boot into Duke’s chest as he yells, "WHO?!"
Another boot…
Lunde, "HUH?!"
Another boot
Now Lunde unloads a series of stomps before stopping, throwing the hair out of his face as his chest pumps aggressively and the blood begins turning his face red… The crowd booing even louder then when all of this started.
Busch, "Scott Lunde’s become like a man possessed… He’s crazed!"
Lunde, "What does "This" Mean to *ME*?!"
Lunde throws up the Four Horsemen hand gesture as he says "This"…
Lunde, "You have the AUDACITY to ask *ME* what *THIS* means to Me?! You son of a…"
Another big stomp drawing more boos.
Busch, "Ah come on… We need Security to think about concluding this situation…"
Lunde, "It meant a lot of things but YOU… You ruined it! You ruined the whole thing by being a selfish prick! By being a no good piece of moose feeses… By being… Well by being Duke Andrews!"
The venom pours from Lunde’s words as he speaks.
Lunde, "I built the Four Horsemen on MY BLOOD! MY SWEAT! MY BACK! Not YOU! Not that yankee douche Tee Oh Gee! MEEEEEEEEEE! JUST ME! I Made the Horsemen bigger than Flair EVER Did!"
Lunde ignores the crowd and slithers down next to Duke’s ear, "Well here’s the deal Duke… You destroyed my hard work… You destroyed something I loved… Now Duke… Now I’m gonna Destroy all of your hard work… And I’m going to destroy the one thing you love more than anything else in the world Duke… What? What does Duke Andrews love more than anything else in the world? Well now… If that’s not an easy question to answer, I don’t know what is… Survey says?…… Duke Andrews. You love yourself more than anything in the world and I… I Duke… Am going to destroy you… Now that you peroxide hair dyed piece of American filth……… Is a g*d damn Reality Check."
Lunde pops up off the mat and spikes the mic down as he stands over Duke, looking at him as if he’d like to kill him where he lays… He slowly raises his right hand, which is still holding the Canadian Flag, drawing more and more boos from the fans as Busch says, "The amount of hatred seething from Scott Lunde… It’s legitimately frightening. Folks…… We’ll…… We’ll be right back."
Fade on Lunde standing over the prone Duke Andrews with his Canadian flag in the air.
*Commercial Break* |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave May 15th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 4:55 PMCopy HTML
When we come back we see a still shot of Phoenix Winterborn on a knee in the ring……
Busch, "Folks… Just mere moments ago you saw the vicious assault on Duke Andrews from Scott Lunde… We went to break thinking that perhaps some order was about to restored however, Nothing could have been further from the truth. After a highly competitive contest with Duke Andrews, Phoenix Winterborn had finally began to find his way back up off the ringside floor and rolled back into the ring… Beginning to pull himself up, he was presumably about to make his exit however, Following suit of his fellow Canadian Scott Lunde… Matt Matlock had other plans.
::During The Commercial::
The Still shot begins to play with Phoenix pulling himself up off the mat holding his face from where he’d been hit earlier with the modified Downward spiral from Andrews… Phoenix shakes his head in disappointment when we see a hand grab his shoulder from behind… Phoenix spins around and WHAM! Matlock drives the monkey wrench right across his head making Phoenix snap back, blood immediately starting to gush from his forehead as Matlock stands there with the Backyard belt around his waist and a cold glare on his face… Matlock picks up the mic left behind by Scott Lunde…

Matt Matlock, "You want a Backyard title match Phoenix? Well I have a better idea… You know all of those "We Wish you the best on your future endeavors" messages that have been on the website since WallStreet showed up? Well… I went to the Clique… I made a case… I owe em a favor but now the whole WORLD owes me a favor because I got your ass added to the list! Phoenix Winterdouche… I’m sure PWT Wishes you the best in all of your future endeavors but, I Personally hope you choke on a fat… Dick Tracy was the greatest detective of all time; is our random Trivia fact of the day."
Matlock offers a wink as "Born With Nothing, Die With Everything" is heard before we finish showing the footage and cut to Burt Busch, Eddie Styles and Bobby Fecca at ringside.
Busch, "Well folks… Welcome back… We’ve confirmed it and sure enough, Phoenix Winterborn is no longer a part of PWT… Unbelievable that we’re at a point where peoples jobs… People’s LIVES are being used as bargaining chips for favors." Fecca, "Well believe it Burt… I knew the minute we started hearing WallStreet’s name thrown around in the creative meetings… "Well WallStreet suggested…" "Well, Taylor thinks…" I knew then that this was the road we’d be heading down, I just hoped like Hell that it’d take longer for us to reach." Styles, "So uh… Since I like my job I’m gonna change the subject… Anyone got any idea why there’s a hot chick sitting in the middle of the ring?"
The camera switches it’s angle so the commentary team is still in the shot but, we now see Kaydence sitting in a steel chair in a pair of hip hugger jeans and a black "Shinning Star shirt with no belly and quite a bit of shoulder showing. She has her legs crossed, the mic in hand and a sour look on her face.
Busch, "No clue, but I reckon we’re fixin to find out."
Our camera shot switches to the camera man on the canvas shooting Kaydence head on.
Kaydence, "Ya know… a Month ago I made my return and started to declare new career intentions… Before I could, Suddenly the music hits and Sabrina looks at me, mouths the words "I’m sorry" and begins announcing the next match as she was clearly told to do by SOMEBODY of relevance around here. Then two weeks ago I try again and I get cut off by a commercial for Drew Stevenson’s "Battles of the Warforged Warrior" DVD… A good DVD to be sure but, an inappropriate time to plug it. Now… One time something like that happens? Maybe there’s a timing issue with the show or something… I’m an understanding gal, I can get past it. But twice? Twice and I smell a conspiracy. So, Since I can’t seem to make my announcement without being cut off, I’ve come set up my chair right here and I’m not moving till I find out who’s responsible for cutting me off and, get the opportunity to make my announcement… Because, to be quite frank, I think it’s a lot of…"
"No Chance……. No Chance…"
"No Chance" by Dope begins blasting over the PA as WallStreet’s highlight reel begins playing to a trembling response of boos.
Busch, "What in the World……"
Finally with a double strike of the symbol the beat takes over and out from behind the curtain in a black sports coat and sunglasses steps the one and only…

WallStreet. Following close behind through the curtain is Faith Rivers. Kaydence stands up, walking toward the ropes as the music begins to fade…
Kaydence, "You… You’ve been stopping me from making my announcement?"
WallStreet chomps on some gum as he stands there, a "I wish I was anywhere but here" expression on his face…
Kaydence, "Ya know, If you and trollop have something against me, Just say what’s on your mind… you’ve never been real shy before… Why do you keep interrupting my announcement?"
WallStreet continues chomping his gum, moving it around in his mouth making the occasional look of disdain…
Kaydence, "I’m sorry, I know you’re not used to a woman talking to you unless she’s speaking with a full mouth and you’re negotiating for her to have a women’s title run…"
Faith immediately goes from a smirk to a glare as the crowd goes :oOOOOooooOO……FAITH’S A SLUT! FAITH’S A SLUT! FAITH’S A SLUT! FAITH’S A SLUT!
Styles, "HEY! Faith Rivers is no... No... Well, You Know!!"
Faith is looking at the crowd with disgust as WallStreet quickly snatches the glasses from his face, glaring a hole through the arena himself… WallStreet slowly pulls the mic to his lips as his glare finds its way to Kaydence, "Make Your announcement you’re so damn worried about making."
Kaydence, "Well… My announcement is simple… I’m gonna follow in the footsteps of the Georgia James… The Jessica Jones… the Kimberly Pains… I’m joining the ranks of the Intergender division."
She draws a solid set of cheers as WallStreet scoffs and says something to Faith, making her scoff as well. He turns back, placing the sunglasses he’d removed on his shirt as he smirks and says, "Right… Well, I think it’s pretty obvious I’ve been the one cutting off your little "Announcement"…"
Kaydence interrupts, "Yeah, But why?"
WallStreet, "Well if you’d shut your mouth for five seconds I’d be delighted to tell you and your little falling starrs or whatever you call these idiots."
Kaydence scoffs now, "Idiots? I don’t know… I think these "idiots" might have a few terms of endearment for you too…"
WallStreet rolls his eyes and shakes his head in disgust, "Real classy… Guess it’s true about birds of a feather… You can certainly tell this is the Kaydence Starr flock."
Faith nods and smirks in agreement.
WallStreet waves a hand to dismiss the situation with the crowd, "Regardless Kaydence… You and the monster tard nation want to know why I keep cutting ya off? I’ll tell ya why… Because I like you."
Kaydence gets a "WTF" expression as Biusch says, "Uh… What?"
WallStreet continues, "I like you… Or more accurately, I like that puberty stricken boys enjoy hanging your posters on their ceiling and twenty something year old men enjoy yanking your Femme Fatales swim suit magazine from under the mattress while they’re humping their fat sows so they can pretend that they’re humping you. I dig that there’s a bunch of fugly little girls out there running around in their lil Kaydence Star T shirts saying "Gee Golly, Kaydence turned out to be pretty and confident, Maybe I will too one day." I like that you give that that false hope because if the weight loss and male enhancement industries have taught us nothing else, they’ve taught us that the quickest route to making a buck is through providing a false hope. Ultimately Kaydence, I like using you and your body to make money. Plain and Simple. However… That’s what you are Kaydence… You’re my eye candy money. Kim Pain… Jessica James… Taylor Lynn… Sure, they’re hot but, they’re more then t hat… They’re legitimate athletes who are legitimate threats between the ropes. They may be sexy but, they’re just as deadly. You don’t have what it takes to be in the Intergender league… You’d get destroyed by the first man put in your path and I just don’t want that money makin face or ass of yours getting tore up because you’re too dumb to know your spot, sit back, play in the Bikini Brawls, do some photo shoots and cash your paycheck."
The crowd is booing as Kaydence seems to be a lil steeming…
Kaydence, "That’s what you *think*… You *think* I can’t handle real competition? That my sole use to this company is to be paraded around in a bikini, used on photo shoots and sent a paycheck?"
WallStreet nods, "Correct."
Kaydence, "Well big man, Why don’t you come down here and we’ll see what I can or can’t handle."
The crowd erupts as Busch says, "Wah-ho Kaydence… You’re an excellent athlete but, Let’s not try and ride an expert bull when you’re in the process of transitioning from being a Novice ridder to an Average ridder… Work your way to expert… Don’t try and grab them horns your first go round." Fecca, "Screw that… She’s right… He thinks she can’t handle intergender competition? Put your money where your mouth is WallStreet… Prove it." Styles, "You have some kind of personal issue with Kaydence that’s wanting you to see her die right in front of ya Bobby?" Fecca, "You guys keep underestimating her… I think she can do it."
WallStreet shakes his head and motions with a hand for the people to simmer down, "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa chickity… I said you couldn’t handle the Intergender division… Me on the other hand… You couldn’t get as far as touching me, let alone handling me. I’d knock your ass off the wall so hard that even Humpty Dumpty would cringe and say "Ain’t that about a bitch."
Kaydence, "Prove it you Pusssss……. In Boots is a Hell of a Shrek character."
The crowd erupts: YOU’RE A PUSSY (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), YOU’RE A PUSSY (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), YOU’RE A PUSSY (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap)…
Busch, "She may have pulled a Matt Matlock and not quite said what we may have thought she was going to but, Certainly the crowd has taken the ball and ran with it on her behalf."
WallStreet snickers, "Please… You’ve never even had an intergender match. You wanta just start off with me? You’re dreaming. Jesus Christ is holding a double digit number in the line of people waiting for the opportunity to be made famous by the Corporate Icon… You think you get to just jump to the head of the pack with out any kind of track record? Without one Intergender match to your name? You’re dreamin…"
Kaydence, "Then give me a match! Throw someone in front of me… And If… NO… WHEN I beat them, You give me my shot!"
WallStreet, "Look Kaydence… I’m gonna tell you one more time. I’m doing you a favor… I’m…"
Kaydence, "A Wussy with a capital P?"
Styles, "What? Wussy doesn’t have a…"
Crowd: YOU’RE A PUSSY (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), YOU’RE A PUSSY (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap=clap), YOU’RE A PUSSY (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap)
Crowd: YOU’RE A PUSSY (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), YOU’RE A PUSSY (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap)…
Kaydence is waving for the crowd to get louder and evidently WallStreet doesn’t appreciate that as he explodes, "FINE! YOU’VE GOT IT! YOU’VE GOT YOUR MATCH!"
The crowd erupts as Kaydence smirks, "Good… Who ya sendin me?"
WallStreet gets a devilish grin as he says in a deep, raspy growl, "……… CHHHHHHHHHHHRISTIAN MICHAELS!"
The crowd gasps as "No Chance" by Dope blasts over the PA leaving Kaydence in the ring taking a deep breath… She nods… She clearly knows she just drew a Hell of a challenge but, She’s not about to back down…
Busch, "Christian Michaels?! She’d of had just as good a odds against WallStreet!" Fecca, "That’s the point I’m sure… Picking a four time PWT World champion… The longest reigning PWT Champion in history… And a champion who’s sole defeats this season have been PWT Champion Taylor Lynn and a run in from Chaz Fury delivered win for the now defunct Phoenix Winterborn. As if that’s enough, she has to worry about the rest of the "Clique"? I hate to say it but, I don’t like her odds." Busch, "Speaking of the Clique…"
A match graphic shows for Creed/Pain…
Busch, "When we return PWT Revolution champion Kimberly Pain goes one on one in a non title contest against the Clique’s enforcer Allen Creed. We’ll be right back."
*Commercial Break* |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave May 15th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 4:55 PMCopy HTML
When we come back we hear water dripping in the background of a very dark scene.
"You got the camera?"
"You plan on taking the lens cover off or are you trying out the Superman Vision feature on the damn thing?"
"Huh… Oh… Whoops."
And with that we open on a dreary looking room… It’s a scene that might be slightly familiar to old ICWA Fans as it appears to be an abandoned Church… The same abandoned Church the Brethren brought Josh Ryan to when they converted him to Cynikal. There’s graffiti on the pews, The floor’s cracked and broken, there’s a hole in one of the alter steps… And then, behind the graffiti covered wooden podium is a wooden chair to which the lovely Jessica Jones is tied and gagged, still wearing the same outfit she had on two weeks ago when she was abducted from the Quickens Loan Arena. Her hair is a mess, she’s uncharacteristically dirty and homely looking… And further more in the Uncharacteristic column of the board, she doesn’t seem like she’s bothering to fight much anymore.
Busch, "Oh my……"
Before Busch can conclude his thought, Shattered Soul walks into the scene in a pair of acid wash blue jeans, a black Marilyn Manson T shirt and a black leather jacket.
Soul, "A Couple weeks ago, Our favorite little dish here Jessica Jones pissed in Drew Stevenson’s cornflakes when for a second straight show, she wrapped him from behind with a foreign object during one of his matches. Now, according to Jessica’s voicemails that I’ve been listening to, It seems that Drew wants a Titanium title shot and Porky the President Brooks is in agreement that with his "outstanding" record in PWT, he’s earned it. However, He’s decided to give Jessica the opportunity to accept or decline…"
Jessica perks up and starts shaking her head in the background.
Soul, "Well Drew… Jessica’s a little uh…… (looks back and smirks)…… Tied up right now… But allow me to answer on her behalf…… She Accepts."
Jessica’s eyes get wide as she attempts to yell but her gag muffles her… Meanwhile the crowd is going wild as Busch says, "Wha? Drew Stevenson Verses Jessica Jones for the Titanium title? Where? When?"
Shattered Soul, "Don’t worry, I’ll bring lil Miss JJ back soon and we’ll make everything official… Oh yeah, and speaking of her voicemails… I don’t know who Jimmy, Johnny, or Joey are but I wouldn’t be waiting for Jessica to catch that movie…… Just Sayin."
Soul offers a wink as we cut to static.
From the static we switch to the ring as Busch says, "I can’t believe he’s still got Jessica Jones…" Fecca, "I can’t believe we’re gonna see a Titanium title match down t he road between Stevenson and Jones…" Styles, "I can’t believe she gave Jimmy, Johnny, and Joey her number and gave me the number to Big Al’s Pizza and Sub shop!"
We come back from commerical to hear the opening notes of "Against the world" by Nocturnal Rites
Busch" It is time for the PWT's Revolution Champion to face off with the Loose Cannon of the Clique Allen Creed"
Fecca" Creed is definitely a loose cannon, but I don't know how strong his ties to the Clique are. He made it pretty clear that he didn't like any of them except for World Champion Taylor Lynn"
Styles" The man is impressive no doubt, but you got to wonder about his proverbial biting of the hand that feeds him so to speak"
The monstrous Allen Creed slowly made his entrance onto the stage, Creed taunted the fans for a moment, and began his descent down the ramp, towards the ring. Creed looked over his sunglasses, at the fans for a moment as the announcer spoke..
Sabrina"Making his way to the ring, hailing from Washington, DC, he weighs in at two hundred seventy five pounds, and stands at six foot two inches.. He is.. ALLEN CREED!"
Creed finally made it to ringside where he paused and yelled a few obscenities at the people in the crowd, before making his way up the steps, and upon the apron. He then took a step over the middle rope, and into the ring. Creed steps to the corner leaning back with a look of arrogance glossed across his face...Creed's music faded out replaced by some epic Motorhead..."Born to raise hell" to be exact.
Kimberly Pain appears walking out of the curtain.. She stands motionless on the stage looking over the crowd who is giving her a mixed reaction,but really seems to be leaning towards more cheers then boos these days.
Sabrina: Making her way to the ring from the City of Lost Angels...She is the current and reigning Revolution Champion....KIMBERY PAIN"
She raises the belt into the air to taunt the crowd before slowly and methodically making her way down the ramp and towards the ring ignoring the crowd with her eyes locked on the monster standing in the ring waiting for her.. She slides into the ring looking at all sides before standing up...She hands the title over to the referee, keeping her eyes locked on Creed, who seems very un-interested.
Busch" Last Shockwave was a very rough time for Kim Pain as she looked to be on the verge of tapping out to Drew Stevenson, and it seems like she has went from the frying pan, right into the fire. Creed is a massive individual"
Fecca"Not only is he massive, but he seems to have a rather bad attitude towards just about anyone around him. The combination of those two things make this man very dangerous for Kim tonight"
Styles" I sure hope Kim has her slingshot because this is a David versus Goliath match if I have ever seen it."
The bell rings and the two slowly start to circle each other, sizing each other up. Creed just wreaks of arrogance as Kim and him move together for the collar and elbow tie up. Creed immediately overpowers Kim shoving her hard to the mat and striking a double bicep pose and smirking " It doesn't get any better than this baby"
Busch" Well there is no lack of confidence in Creed,but I can't help but notice the World Champion missing from his corner"
Fecca" One has to wonder if this absence is more than just Taylor being busy backstage or a message being sent by the Clique to Creed. Though he definitely doesn't lack confidence but he lacks alot in the humility department"
Styles" When you are as physically gifted as Creed, you dont have be humble"
Kim quickly bounces back to her feet seeming un-effected by Creed's taunting. Kim is no slouch in the ring and considering her past trainers, she is definitely use to mind games. Kim moves into Creed looking for a lock up again but Creed it quick to over power Kim and push her back towards the ropes. He whips her across the ring looking for a huge 'take your head off' clothesline, luckily Kim was quick enough to duck under the clothesline and hit the far ropes she rebounds going for a crossbody...Creed snatches Kim out of the air holding her there like she is a ragdoll. He callously smacks Kim on the ass and then takes her over with a fall away slam to the disdain of the fans that are really beginning to dislike Creed.
Fecca" Vicious fall away slam as Creed continues to use that size and strength advantage on the Revolution Champion"
Busch" Kim Pain needs to use that speed in this match or she's gonna be squashed like a bug on my windshield going sixty"
Styles" That old beater you drive around looks like it couldn't do sixty if it was being towed by a Race Car"
Creed pulls Kim up to her feet and picks her up into the air with a Gorilla press slam...Creed presses Kim over his head several times before stepping out from under her in a Ultimate Warrior-esque press slam drop flat on her face. Creed flexes again getting in real close to the camera" Damn, it just shouldn't be this easy"
Creed turns his attention back to Kim, pumping up the bicep and then dropping the elbow directly onto Kim's spine. He rolls her over going for the pinfall with a nonchalant lean back over her pin attempt wiping the sweat from his brow and flicking it in the direction of the crowd.
Kim kicks out much to the surprise of Allen Creed , who immediately is jawing at the ref about that being three. Mitch Roberts shakes his head side to side holding up two fingers to Creed , who returns to his assault on Kim.
Busch" Near fall by Creed, you gotta figure this would be a huge boost in Creed's claim as being the best wrestler this company has to offer if he could knock off the Revolution Champion here tonight."
Styles" Kim still looks like she is a little off. I gotta believe the turmoil with her trainers and then with Whisper's burning that her head still isn't on straight and it is leaking over into her matches"
Creed jerks Kim back to her feet sending her flying into the turnbuckle, he charges in behind her going for another of those decapitating clotheslines. Kim shows off that speed as she is able to duck through the top and middle ropes out onto the ring apron allowing Creed to slam chest first into the turnbuckle. Creed stumbles back to the delight of the Pittsburgh fans allowing Kim to springboard up onto the top rope and leap off with a spinning leg kick that catches Creed right across the throat taking the big man off his feet.
Fecca" Leg Lariat off the springboard, Kim is going into the Lucha Libre training book here now"
Busch" She needs to use that speed and with Creed her legs are the size of his arms"
Creed is quick to stumble up to his feet but Kim is right there with a textbook dropkick putting it right on Creed's chin and dropping him again. Kim hits the ropes leaping over Creed and coming down on him with a running Senton bomb. She quickly goes for the pinfall with Roberts right there.
Creed body presses Kim off like she is weightless sending her flying through the air and crashing to the mat on her hands and knees.
Busch" What power this big man has. He is like a walking reason for working out"
Styles" Haha something you wouldn't know anything about huh Burt?"
Busch" I do my remote control curls nightly Eddie"
Creed slowly gets to his feet with Kim hitting the ropes getting some momentum behind her shot...She delivers a forearm shot that rocks Creed backwards but doesn't take him down. Kim hits the ropes again hitting Creed again with a big forearm thrust that rocks Creed backwards even further.
Busch" He weebles and wobbles but he won't fall down"
Styles" With legs like Redwoods, I'm not surprised"
Kim goes to the ropes for the third time but Creed leaps forward coming off his feet with a huge clothesline that turns Kim head over heels.
Fecca" What a vicious clothesline"
Styles" He could break Kim's neck with a shot like that "
Creed and Pain remain prone on the mat bringing on the ten count from Roberts.
Busch" After a shot like that I'm not sure Kim can feel her legs, let alone get up on them"
Roberts reaches five with Creed slowly climbing up onto his feet breaking the count. He shakes his head trying to clear the cobwebs and moves in putting the boots to Kim. Creed looks like that smirk has been wiped off his face by Kim Pain and now just wants to hurt someone. He pulls Kim to her feet showing that she is barely conscious at the moment after that clothesline. Creed gestures to the crowd " Time to get paid"
Creed shoves Kim's head between his legs and pulls her up into the air like he is going for the powerbomb, but then pulls her up further into the Razor's Edge/Celtic Cross position. Creed slowly walks around the center of the ring holding Kim up in the air like she is a trophy for all to see.
Busch" Creed continues to taunt not only the fans but Kim herself"
Fecca" I believe he calls this move the Vicious Circle"
Styles" Whatever he calls it, I call it a victory in waiting"
Creed steps to the corner and moves forward to drop Kim, but somehow the shifty champion manages to hook her boots under the top rope in the corner so that when Creed moves forward, Kim is able to jerk herself right off of Creed's shoulders and pull herself onto the middle rope.
Busch" I have never seen a counter like that"
Fecca" Kim Pain is definitely becoming quite the wiley champion"
Creed looks surprised as Kim pulls away and turns towards the corner only to have Kim leaping off hooking Creed's head and taking him down hard into the mat with a variation of a flying Painkiller(Wave of the future)
Fecca" Kim Pain just pulled a move out of former trainer NovaCaine's handbook with her own spin on things"
Busch" Creed looks like he was caught completely off guard."
Styles" All of Kim's weight was behind the force of Creed's head getting planted into the mat"
Kim rolls over going for the pinfall making sure to hook the far leg.
Creed's shoulder seems to come up but it's a hair second to late.
Busch" What a victory by Kim Pain. She has just sent a huge message to The Clique"
Fecca" One has to still wonder if the absense of the World Champion Taylor Lynn in Creed's corner tonight was a message to Allen Creed about his remarks towards the Clique and threw him off his game"
Styles" All I know is Creed is huge man with a lot of talent and he pushed Kim Pain to her limits here tonight,and I think he makes a valid point that he should be treated as something more then a glorified monkey for the Clique.
Sabrina" Here is your winner....Kimberly Pain!!"
The crowd seems to be solidly behind Kim Pain now, but she still seems to be oblivious to them as she reaches out taking the mic from Sabrina.
Busch" Looks like Kim has something to say"
Pain, "David…… Your goon here couldn’t get the job done and don’t think you can either… However, I’ll be damned if I’m gonna sit here and be another person who bows to the whims of the Clique. You wanta Revolution title shot? Tough stuff. There’s a whole line of people who deserve that shot before you… You may have all these accolades and championships but when it comes to being number one contender for my belt, Your credentials aren’t fresh enough. You wanta shot, Go earn one… Now THAT… Van Dam… Would be Revolutionary."
With that Kim drops the mic as her music restrikes and Fecca says, "Damn straight!"
With that we go backstage and shoe Leaky in his suit and sun glasses getting his make up done in a wooden director style chair like any talk show host does before his show…
Busch, "Well folks, When we return The Rockstar Kevin Kasey joins Leaky Format as his official guest on… The Wetdown!"
*Commercial Break* |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave May 15th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 4:56 PMCopy HTML
When Shockwave returns from commercial break we hear Crown Royal by Run DMC playing in the background with a mixed reaction coming from the fans.
Busch" We are back folks and as I'm sure you can hear it is time for The Wetdown"
Fecca" The incomparable Leaky Format is already in the ring.
Styles" I just love this guy"
The camera cuts to the ring with Leaky Format standing there in a cream colored suit and sunglasses cutting some dance moves that would make James Brown jealous.

"Cut that epic music"
Leaky starts to pace back and forth across the center of the ring.
" Welcome, welcome to the leaktacy....It is once again time for everyone's favorite show. The highlight of the night, out of sight, can't be wrong because it feels so right....The Wetdown"
The boos pick up with a few cheers still mixed in from the sold out Igloo audience.
" Tonight as you can see I dressed for success because the Epitomy will soon get another Backyard title shot that clearly I deserve after carrying five hundred pounds of Canadian deadweight around"
Busch" Leaky definitely wants another shot at Backyard Champion Matlock, but I don't know if he will be seeing another title shot anytime soon with Phoenix Winterborn throwing his proverbial hat in the ring"
Styles" Its coming...Its coming...If Leaky wants, it Leaky makes it happen"
"On tonight's Wetdown my special guest is the man that made his surprise return at the last Shockwave. Give a hollar for the Rockstar Kevin Kasey"
Sweet child of mine by Guns and Roses erupts from the sound system with the Pittsburgh fans coming to their feet in a huge ovation for the Rockstar. The curtain flies back and out onto the stage steps Kevin Kasey with the lights flashing and the strobes rolling over the stage. Kasey starts down the ramp with the fans leaning out over the security railings desperately trying to touch the legendary fan favorite. Kasey reaches out slapping hands with fans on each side on of the ramp clearly making a few select fan's night. Kasey pops up onto the ring apron onto one knee staring out over the jacked up fans smiling ear to ear. He climbs into the ring doing an HBK-esque pose only to have the fans getting even louder.
Busch" They may not have to spend money on destruction costs for this arena as Kevin Kasey is bringing down the house"
Fecca" An amazing reaction for the Rockstar, clearly showing his legendary status"
Styles" I'm going to file a claim for worker's compensation over my hearing loss, if this keeps up"
Kasey jumps up onto the ring ropes giving all of the fans a chance to see him and gives them another Bionic Elbow style taunt before jumping down and turning towards Leaky , who is standing there looking less than impressed. With Axel Rose's voice cutting off we are just left to the still standing ovation of the fans....Kasey continues to wave to the fans as he steps over next to Leaky.
" Mister Kevin Kasey, The Rockstar himself...It's your pleasure to be on The Wetdown here tonight"
Kasey reaches out smacking Leaky on the shoulder " Thanks for having me Daddy, and thanks to all of you Rock-a-holics for that amazing welcome"
The fans pop again for their Idol.
Leaky looks at his shoulder and adjusts his suit" Don't touch the suit, it cost more then you"
Kasey smirks as Leaky continues his speel.
" Last week Rockstar you made a surprise return to interfere in the Rock n' Roll Express/Heritage tag team title match"
Kasey pulls the mic over to his lips " You got that all wrong, I don't stick my nose where it doesn't belong. However Ricky and Robert are personal friends of mine and I'm not about to stand around while Big Jim and his new life mate are trying to take them out. "
"Some would say that isn't very wise to mess with the likes of Jimmy Stryker and the cancerous one Novacaine"
" Jimmy Stryker is one big nasty fellow, and I heard him claiming that he killed Rock n' Roll for good, but that was all blowing smoke because I stand here tonight as proof that Rock n' Roll never dies!!"
The fans once again kick up the cheers with a chant of "Rockstar...Rockstar...Rockstar"
" But Kasey, need I remind you that you are dealing with two of the most vicious human beings the wrestling business has ever saw come down the pike, and they made it pretty clear that if you showed up here tonight you were going to regret it. You can't expect to do this alone?"
Kasey's smile broadens " Can't isn't in my vocabulary Daddy and I don't need a tag team partner to deal with those two boys. If I bleed, well hell I bled buckets in Panama City! If they break my bones?! Then add them to the bones I have broken in Memphis, Los Angeles, New York and right here in Pittsburgh!!"
The fans are going nuts again now and pardon the pun Rocking the house.
" If they take me to my limits, and finally kill the Rockstar...Then consider it a bad dream because Daddy, I will never die and neither will Rock n' Roll!!"
The fans thunderous reaction continues to shake the Mellon Arena as the legendary Rockstar has the fans eating out of his hand. A loud clapping sound interupts the ovation. The big screen lights up with The Heritage standing there backstage slowly clapping. Nova smirks looking right at Kevin Kasey.
" I swear I tell ya Rockstar, I admire that bravado. You have those fans out there soiling themselves with excitement over seeing you bouncing around in that ring looking quite foolish. Now you very well might be right Kasey, we just might not be able to kill Rock n' Roll and you very well might just be around here forever. However Mister Kasey, let me remind you that there are things far worse than death and Kasey....Most of them have been found at our hands. I warned you Kasey, don't show up in Pittsburgh.....Just remember that"
The Heritage steps out of the view with the screen going dark. The boos had picked up with the appearance of Nova and Stryker on the big screen, but Kasey is right there to pull them back.
"Don't worry about their hollow words....I didn't come here to listen to some idle threats, I'm good to go. Now kick up my music because I want to rock with my Rock-a-holics!!"
Sweet Child of Mine begins to play again with Kasey breaking into a posing routine.
Busch" I love the Rockstar, but I got to wonder if even he has bit off a little to much this time"
Fecca" Kevin Kasey, is definitely one of a kind and they broke the mold when he was made"
Styles" Bitten off to much? He is going to get his teeth knocked down his throat when the Heritage get their hands on him"
Just then Nova leaps over the security railing out of the crowd coming face to face with Kevin Kasey. Nova leaps up onto the ring apron looking Kasey face to face....Kasey charges forward taking a swing at Nova, but of course Caine is quick to drop back to the floor to avoid the big haymaker. Kasey waves him off and turns around eating a big ole boot from Jimmy Stryker, who had come through the crowd from the other side.
Busch" Damn it"
Fecca" A sneak attack from behind"
Styles" I smell a set up in the air"
Jimmy begins to pummel Kasey with a series of heavy fists as Nova rolls into the ring smirking. Nova stares at Leaky,who holds up his hands in a gesture of this is none of my business and steps out of the ring. Nova joins in on the beating of Kasey. Jimmy pulls Kasey up to his feet and sends Kasey into the ropes picking Kasey up into a spinebuster position with Nova hitting the far ropes and hitting Kasey with a leg lariat version of a Hart Attack.
Busch" We need some help out here for Kevin Kasey"
Styles" Remember Busch, he said he doesn't need any help,but I think he is going to need some time in an E.R. after these two men are through"
Fecca" There is no call for this,and someone has to put a stop these two men's tactics"
Nova stomps on Kasey's head several times clearly showing what their intentions are. Strkyer pulls up a nearly lifeless Kevin Kasey into the Alabama Slam position setting him up. He whips Kasey forward violently with Nova hooking his head from behind and driving his knees into Kasey's back with the Backstabber variation for the G.H.B. Kasey lays there on the mat flopping around like a fish out of water with muscle spasms.
Busch" These two damn men are just brutal thugs, and I'm disgusted right now to be apart of this company that allows them to do this."
Fecca" I have been saying it for years about Nova and Burt, the addition of Jimmy Stryker just makes both men twelve times worse"
Several referees , Holden Riser, and few nameless crew members come towards the ring trying to break it up but Nova is right there delivering a flurry of bombs for anyone that tries to get into the ring. In the meantime Jimmy goes out to the floor sending Sabrina scurrying for cover as he grabs her chair and re-enters the ring.
Busch" Get in there damn it!! "
Fecca" Jimmy has a blood lust like very few I have ever seen and I don't think he is through"
Styles" I guess Rockstar is regretting his actions last show right about now. He should have kept his nose out of Heritage business"
Stryker drops the chair in the middle of the ring and pulls up Kasey, who looks to be dead weight now. He has some bad intentions in mind, picking up Kasey with a Piledriver position ready to drop his skull on the chair.
Busch" Good lord, if he does this he could literally kill Kevin Kasey"
Nova turns and grabs Stryker's arms looking him in the eyes and saying something as he shakes his head side to side.
Fecca" I can't believe what I'm seeing here, is Nova really stopping Jimmy from inflicting anymore punishment?"
Styles" See I told you all that Nova is an upstanding man"
Busch" I'm more confused then a hungry baby in a topless bar right now"
Jimmy lets Kasey fall to the mat taking up the task of keeping people out of the ring as Nova drops onto his belly looking Kasey in the face as he lays their motionless.
" I told you Rockstar...There is things far worse than death and we're going to be your tour guide through them all. "
Nova reaches out shoving the side of Kasey's head roughly ..." Enjoy your nap...You're gonna need it"
Nova pops back up his feet exiting the ring with Jimmy following and finally allowing help to get into the ring to check on Kevin Kasey.
Busch" Nova is about as upstanding as my Grandpappy's pecker. They are going torture this man"
Fecca" Kevin Kasey seriously needs to consider his next decision because these two men are like buzzards on roadkill. They are always circling around looking for their opportunity to feed"
Busch" We will be right back folks with more PWT action, stay tuned"
The show goes to commercial with an image of PWT crew checking on Kevin Kasey, who has yet to move. |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave May 15th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 4:57 PMCopy HTML
The show comes back with a recap of Rockstar Kevin Kasey getting blindsided on The Wetdown by The Heritage.
Busch" In what can only be considered a message sent, The Heritage brutally attacked Kevin Kasey as he came out here to be with his fans tonight."
Fecca" Nova has always been a bit of a loose cannon, but I really believe with the partnership of Jimmy Stryker...He now has that match to put to the fuse and Kasey was the subject of that explosion tonight"
Styles" Clearly you two need to get your eyes tested. I seen Nova stop Jimmy from doing further damage to Kasey and wasn't it Nova, who warned Kasey to stay out of Pittsburgh?"
Fecca" He only stopped Stryker because he wants to further torture Kasey and you know it. "
Busch" Well if I know Kevin Kasey and I do. This is far from over, you can bet Kasey has been knocked down several times, but as Chumbawamba said. He always gets up again"
Fecca" Wow, this is a historic night. Not only are we the last wrestling event ever in the Mellon Arena, but Burt Busch is breaking out Chumbawamba references. "
Busch" I'm a man of many talents. Lets go up to the ring for our next match of the evening"
Sabrina takes center stage in the middle of the ring
Sabrina" Our next match of the evening is scheduled for one fall with a twenty minute time limit"
The tune of "Blood on the Dancefloor" by Michael Jackson begins to play over the sound system as the fans give a dominantly positive reaction. Marie Dominique struts out onto the stage, clad in her usual ring attire. She blows a series of kisses to the crowd as she stands in the center of the stage, soaking up the cheers and camera flashes. She then starts down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans
Sabrina "Making her way to the ring from the island nation of Haiti. . .Marie Dominique!"
Busch" This will be our first chance to see Marie in the ring, but at the last show she was the victim of a violent and unprovoked attack by Eris"
Fecca" I wasn't here, but I have seen the footage since then and I must say it was very odd. Marie was out giving t-shirts to the fans as she does at a lot of our shows and showing off that bubbly personality that we have all come to love when out of nowhere she was attacked by the goddess of Discord Eris"
Styles" I don't know why she did it but I'm glad to see Marie back out here tonight. I think she just blew me a kiss"
Busch" Oh brother"
Marie then walks up the steel steps and along the ring apron, blowing another flashy kiss to the audience before entering the ring under the middle rope. She then approaches the ropes facing the camera, climbing upon them, and taunting to the crowd on the ropes. She blows a kiss to the audience there before dismounting and walks to her respective corner of the ring, awaiting the beginning of the match.
Jacko comes to a halt being replaced with "Scream" by Avenged Sevenfold
Sabrina"And her opponent hails from Mesa, Arizona...She is the Slaughterhouse of France....Morgan Venom!!"
Venom struts through the curtain to a chorus of boos from the Pittsburgh fans. She smirks with a look of total disdain on her face as she walks towards the ring making sure to stay towards the center of the ramp so none of the fans could possibly touch her and giving the air around her squirts from a tiny spray bottle labeled 'Venom'. Morgan climbs up onto the ring apron slowly slipping between the ropes allowing the camera man to get a great angle on her fine behind only to have her grab the camera lens and look into it. "You'll only dream of being that close" She then squirts the lens with her spray bottle
Busch" Well it has also been a long time since we have last seen Morgan Venom in PWT. I like to see all of these new, very talented young women coming into the company personally. PWT is where you will find the best wrestling around, both men and women."
Fecca" Hope Rivers definitely has to feel the hairs on the back of her neck standing up with all of the new competitors arriving that will be looking for their opportunity to unseat the championess"
Styles"I just wish I was that ring rope right now"
Morgan steps fully into the ring strutting by Marie like she isn't even there to taunt the fans on the other side of the ring spraying the air around her as if Marie's odor offends her.
Busch" I don't know what she has in that bottle but she seems to be using it pretty liberally"
Styles" Well I don't blame her, this place does wreak of Pitts"
The referee calls for the bell as Marie and Morgan start to circle each other...Marie is quick to shoot grabbing a single leg and taking Morgan off her feet, who was perhaps a little surprised by Marie's seeming understanding of mat wrestling. Marie looks for a single leg crap but Morgan is quick to kick her away and pop back to her feet. Marie charges in shoving Morgan into the ropes and whipping her across the ring...She leap frogs over Morgan catching the venomous vixen on the rebound with a high angle dropkick. The crowd is nuts as Morgan is quick to scurry out to the floor to slow down the pace.
Fecca" Marie has come out here like a bunny on Speed. She has completely overwhelmed Morgan with this high speed onslaught"
Styles" Morgan is showing her veteran nature as she goes outside to take a walk and slow down things"
Referee Mitch Roberts starts the ten count with Morgan pacing back and forth looking pissed that Marie would have the audacity to touch her. Roberts reaches six before Morgan climbs up on the apron, Marie moves in but Morgan is quick to drop back to the floor " Get her back Ref"
Roberts pushes Marie back and returns to his count again with Morgan going back into her pacing routine.
Busch" Look at how Morgan has completely slowed this match down with her stalling."
Fecca" People often miss out on the subtle little things like this that often win you matches. It is annoying and she just needs to get in there, but clearly it is doing the trick with Marie"
Morgan climbs up onto the ring apron with Marie this time shoving past Roberts intent on the sling-shot back into the ring for Morgan, but her last name isn't Venom for nothing. She is quick to lash out poking Marie in the eyes sending her stumbling backwards temporarily blinded. Morgan moves quickly back into the ring and goes on the attack.
Busch" Marie got a bit overzealous and it cost her."
Styles" Rushing in has cost more then just a few stars in their matches"
Morgan whips Marie into the ropes catching her in the gut with a boot that doubles over Marie, then Morgan hits the side ropes to Marie and comes in with a running knee lift that takes Marie hard to the mat. Morgan taunts the crowd running her hands up and down her sides very seductively and smirking.
Styles" Morgan Venom is hotter than a Tijuana Firecracker"
Fecca" Beauty and Brutal isn't always a good combination"
Styles" Clearly you have never been to Club Whip"
Busch" Well ok, a little more then we needed to know about you Eddie"
Morgan points to the top ropes walking right over Marie's stomach as she makes her way to the corner dragging Marie into position.
Fecca" Morgan is going high risk, she is known for an impressive Four-Fifty splash that not many girls wouldn't attempt to pull off. "
Busch" I believe she calls that move the Fame Junkie, but with Morgan you can never be to sure what she is going to pull out of her moves"
Morgan comes off the top ropes with the 450, but hits nothing but mat as Marie rolls out of the way at the last split second. The crowd cheers loudly as their favorite was able to avoid certain doom. Marie is quick to roll over Morgan and go for the pinfall.
Morgan's shoulder comes up off the mat as Robert's hand was on the way down. Marie doesn't squabble over the count she pulls Morgan up snapping her over with a mare and planting a stiff kick to Morgan's spine. She hits the ropes coming back with a basement dropkick that flattens Morgan. Marie positions herself to the side of Morgan and goes for a huge move of agility with a standing shooting star press, but Morgan brings up the knees planting them in Marie's sternum. Marie crumbles to the side with Morgan slowly getting back to her feet.
Busch" What a move by Marie, but it was all for nothing as Morgan got the knees up"
Fecca" I love the use of high flying skills in wrestling. I mean Lucha Libre is based solely upon it, but sometimes those impressive moves lead to shattering defeats"
Styles" With where Morgan's knees hit, Marie might have something else shattered. I sure hope those puppies are under warranty"
Morgan pulls Marie slowly to her feet hooking her head in a front face lock and grabbing a hold of Marie's wrestling shorts taking her into the air with an inverted/implant DDT. Morgan moves in for the pinfall after planting Marie's head hard onto the mat.
Marie somehow manages to kick out bringing out the worst in Morgan, who starts slapping the mat screaming that it was three. With Roberts signaling it was just a two Morgan gets to her feet looking disgusted at Roberts as she pulls Marie back up by her hair doing a little slow cut motion to the crowd getting some cheap heat as she goes for 'The Delivery'(contra code/variation on the sliced bread)...She hooks Marie's head in a stunner position and runs towards the corner looking to climb the ropes and spin it off, but Marie shoves Morgan off at the last minute causing Morgan to hit the turnbuckle. She stumbles out of the corner turning right into the Silver Bullet(Discus Clothesline)...
Fecca" What a shot..Shades of the discus punch made famous by the late Kerry Von Erich"
Styles" She nearly decapitated her with that shot. Good thing all of the best parts are below the neckline"
Busch" Again folks, you learn why Eddie Styles is single"
Marie goes for the pinfall hooking the far leg and putting a grapevine on the near leg.
Busch" She got her. What a huge victory for Marie that should be putting notice to all the PWT Femme Fatales that there is more then just Hope Rivers and Teresa Ramos in the division now"
Fecca" Morgan Venom is no slouch either, and I think has some great things ahead of her. "
Sabrina " Here is your winner...."
Sabrina is cut off by a voice coming through the sound system. The big screen comes to life with Eris standing backstage glaring at the ring. Marie steps over to the ropes looking up at the screen as Eris glares at her.
"Awww did little Marie get herself a big victory. I'm sick and tired of this and I'm not going to take it anymore. You aren't a wrestler Marie, you are just glorified tits and ass that gives the little boys in the audience a chubby. That's all any of you so called Femme Fatales are. None of you could wrestle your way out of a paper sack and I'm tired of being over looked by management while they put girls like you on television to shake your ass and pull off a few fancy moves. If I'm not going to be allowed to show what a real women's wrestler looks like in that ring...Then I'm going to take it upon myself to destroy all of you little cookie cutter bitches. "
Eris turns to the left pushing the camera man back some to get a full view of her muscular physique. " Look at me...I'm everything that a true wrestler should be and if I'm not going to be showcased properly...I'm going to start cutting the dead weight out of the women's division one bitch at a time, until I get my hands on that little tramp Hope Rivers and the championship....Marie,"
Eris turns her attention back to the ring to see that it is now empty.
"Where did she go?"
"Mwen pral rale j'ou yo deyò, Amazon!!!"
Marie comes running into view backstage with Eris looking for a big right hook, but Marie blocks it and starts wailing on Eris...The much bigger girl stumbles backwards with the fans going nuts as Eris is getting what she deserves. She pokes Marie to the eyes and starts hammering back on Marie. " You don't touch me Bitch!!"
Marie goes down to one knee but headbutts Eris right to the gut doubling her over and the fight continues...A couple Referees come into view trying to pull them apart but these two little hell cats want a piece of each other in the worse way now. Brooks steps into view trying to help break it up.
Busch" Look at Jonathan Brooks getting in there trying to help get this fight under control"
Styles" He hasn't broke a sweat since the invention of the Elevator"
Brooks screams at the girls " Break it up!!!"
Neither seems to be listening
"Fineeee...If you two want each other so bad...Do it in the ring. Next Shockwave, Marie versus Eris"
Busch" Wow, what a match."
Styles" Eris' debut match on PWT will be against Marie. Now that's what I call a catfight"
Fecca" There is a lot of bad blood between these two and I can't wait to see them lock up in the ring"
Brooks looks at the Refs" Get them outta here"
Busch" Folks we will right back with the former Femme Fatale champion in action. Teresa Ramos goes one on on with Leigha Homicide next"
Styles" I just love back to back women's matches...Four times the hooters"
Commercial break. |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave May 15th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 4:57 PMCopy HTML
As we come back we find ourselves in the PWT Studio. Much like the rest of PWT, It’s been decorated green and black. In two black chairs we see Burt Busch in tan suit with a white button up and Damian Collins in a pair of black dress slacks and a blue button up with the top button undone.
Busch, "Undoubtedly if you’re an avid PWT Fan, the man to my left needs no introduction… However, If you’re not… You’re looking at the Former PWT World Heavyweight Champion… One of the most beloved performers in Professional Wrestling Today history… Damian "The Real Deal" Collins. Damian, Thank you for joining me."
Damian and DC reach across a small table between the chairs that hosts two black mugs and shake hands.
DC, "Thanks for having me Burt… And on a personal note, it’s good to have ya on the team… I really enjoy your work."
Busch, "Thanks, I appreciate that. Now Damian… I’m gonna break right to the gut of why I asked you to take this interview… Over the years it’s been well documented how close you and fellow World Champion Alumni Christian Michaels have been."
Collin nods as he grabs his mug and takes a sip.
Busch, "Your career’s been one of a bit of controversy, most of which has centered around that friendship. Certain individuals felt that perhaps you had some opportunities sent your way that may not have come without the influence of Michaels behind you… Now… Michaels comes out and pulls a complete 360 to what we as a PWT Nation have grown accustomed too and simultaneously we’ve noticed a complete absence of Damian Collins from Shockwave. You came in hot… Went to the Titanium title match at Immortal Glory, and then fell off the face of t he earth… All the while your close friend is in the middle of major controversy… I guess my first question is, Where have you been?"
Collins sets his mug down and scoots closer to the edge of his chair…
Collins, "Wow… You just threw a lot at me bro…… I’ll answer your question but let be go back to that thing you said… That thing about "some people" feeling that I had opportunities awarded to me based on my friendship with Christian Michaels…… Look… I’ll be honest with ya, Christian was always a big supporter of mine and yeah, I’m pretty sure he waved my flag to people who he had far more influence with then I ever did or ever would have… But let’s look at the period of time you’re referring… 2005... Who else was there? It was David Van Dam… It was Damian Collins… And that was it. Legacy hit the bricks, Georgia hadn’t made the transition to the intergender division yet, Seifer wasn’t around yet…I know everyone likes to remember that huge boom period we went through at the very end of 05 into 06 but, I think they forget just how far on our backside we were prior to that. I was given opportunities, but if I hadn’t of been I’m not too sure who would have been. DaddyMack? Yeah… Right. Or how about Sean Hunter? Oh yeah, that’d of sold tickets (rolls eyes)… So yeah, Chris did some cheerleading for me but at the end of the night I was really the only option anyway… That’s not being cocky, that’s just being realistic to the situation."
Busch nods, "Certainly an accurate point."
Collins, "As far as your actual question… Where have I been… I’ve been around. I’m at the arena every other Saturday night, standing there, just waiting for someone to say "Hey Collins… We’re gonna put ya on TV tonight." It just hasn’t happened. It’s as if I’ve been thrown to the wayside."
Busch nods, "An interest perspective… Do you think that the current attitude change in Christian Michaels has influenced that in any way?"
Damian Collins, "Actually, yeah, I do. I don’t know what his deal is lately… The CM I’ve always known has always been a real cool dude… Humble… Or well, as humble as you can be in our line of work anyway… Always lookin to help ya out, to help push younger talent, get guy into the spotlight. But ya know… I’ve noticed it more and more ever since two thousand five… Ever since Taylor came in and…"
Busch interrupts, "Just to be clear for everyone at home, You’re referring to Taylor "WallStreet" McCallister, Not our current champion Taylor Lynn… Correct?"
DC nods, "Yeah… Ever since he came in and he and Chris become friends, he’s… I don’t know, I guess he’s just kinda gradually gotten to be more and more like Taylor and less and less like the Christian Michaels I grew up in the business around."
Busch, "Can you explain more what you mean when you say he’s become "more like Taylor" and "less like the Christian Michaels" you knew prior?"
DC, "Yeah… I just mean… Well look at WallStreet… He’s an Assh*le… I mean flat out. The guy’s self centered, Self serving, Doesn’t give a crap about anybody but himself… When he walks by ya in the hallway it’s like the temperature drops fifteen degrees. You know that when you’re talking to him it’s like a cartoon when some Cat and Mouse strike up a conversation and the cat sees the mouse’s head turning into a steak as he’s talking… Only in a conversation with WallStreet, your head’s turning into a dollar sign and whether or not he pays ya any mind is based on how large a dollar sign he sees. And if ya ever wonder who he sees dollar signs on, just look at the shows… Phoenix Winterborn and I put on a four star match in an untelevised event, got ranted and raved about on all the sheets… I still haven’t been seen on TV and he’s being thrown to Duke Andrews for his return. Why? Obviously Taylor doesn’t see dollar signs on Phoenix or I. But you can bet they’ll get Christian Michaels on TV somewhere this week because WallStreet sees big money in CM and as a result, CM’s convinced they’re best friends. And hey, Obviously CM buys his own hype because he hasn’t bothered returnin lil ol’ Damian Collins phone calls in over a month so… Whatever. I just think CM’s becoming a guy who doesn’t see people anymore, but just sees dollar signs and threat levels. "How much money can you help me make" and "How big a threat are ya to my "spot"."
Busch, "A Controversial subject… So much to the point that I’m almost hesitant to bring it up but… The Xavier Homicide situation… Your thoughts?"
DC hesitates momentarily……"Look man, I’m not gonna say X was right… But he wasn’t wrong either. And what I mean is, His actions… What he did… Going out there on live TV like that and doing things the way he did em… That wasn’t right. He meant well but in a lot of ways he screwed every guy in that lockeroom when he did that. I’m not hatin him for it, I’m just callin it how I see it. But, the message… The things he said, regardless of how inappropriate the timing or method he used was… They were very accurate points and things a lot of us had started thinking… X was just the guy who put his neck on the guillotine. You say what ya want about my "opportunities", But Taylor Lynn hadn’t lifted finger one in this company when she got her title opportunity. Now, with one match to her credit, she’s PWT’s World champion. WallStreet… We all know WallStreet’s got the power now and he was wrong to make that happen. But most of all, Chris was wrong to let it happen. Had CM put his foot down and said no, WallStreet would have caved. CM’s on a very, VERY short list of guys that WallStreet considers undependable and he knows that, So for him to lay down and let it all happen… It was a crap move. It was a move the CM I knew five years ago would have stood up against. And that really just further proves my point Burt… The CM today just isn’t the CM of five years ago and that Mister Busch… Is A True shame."
Busch nods, "Well Damian… As always it’s a pleasure… Final question… Do you think you’ll be on Shockwave in two weeks from the airing of this interview when we invade the HSBC Arena in Buffalo New York?"
Damian, "Well… If you’d of asked me if I’ll be booked at that Shockwave, I’d guess probably not… But this whole sitting in the corner waiting for the popular kids to finally pick me to come onto one of the dodge ball teams is over. If I’m not booked, I’ll find my way on the show one way… or another. Now That’s the Real Deal."
Collins looks in the camera and we begin panning back… Panning Back… Still panning back… Oh hey, Collins is looking glassy… Oh, That’s because he’s being viewed on the monitor… But by who? Well come on camera guy… Let me se… Oh… The crowd begins booing as there stands Christian Michaels.

Busch, "That was the interview I conducted with Damian Collins a couple of days ago from the studio in Grand Rapids… I thought it was really good but evidently Christian Michaels doesn’t share my sentiment."
Evidently word travels fast when a star is standing, steaming in front of the monitor because it isn’t long at all before Glenn Matthews is jogging into the scene…
CM yanks Glenn’s mic out of his hand, palms Glenn’s face like a basketball and mushes him back out of the camera view.
He looks directly into the camera as he says, "Who the HELL are you? Huh? Answer me that will ya Damian… Who the HELL are you? I’ll tell ya who… NOBODY. That’s exactly who you were before I found your ass wallowing in a damn stink pit down in San Antonio selling your soul to try and get a few hundred people to boo ya in broken down convention centers! I made you who y ou are today! I brought you out of that desert and brought you up to Michigan! Got you on Global TV! I Got Taylor to book you in the main events! I MADE YOU! I Made the Damian Collins name! If it wasn’t for me you’d of been as relevant to the wrestling world as the Red Rooster or the Gobbly Gooker! And while we’re on the subject… that monster push back to stardom this season? Shooting straight to the Titanium title? Yeah, *THAT* Was me too! They STILL haven’t stopped given me crap for that! So before you decide to go around talking about who’s changed, why don’t you take a long look in the mirror… Because your whole world changed… You went from a Nova to a Bently! A Shack to a Penthouse! And ya know how? Good ol fashion politician… You made me laugh a few times so I made you more wealth and fame then you’d of ever even DREAMED of on your own… So before ya start throwing stones my way, ya best to put some plywood up over your own glass walls. Otherwise I’ll bring your lil "Courtesy Of Christian Michaels" dream live crashing down…… Just… Like……(Snaps fingers)… That."
CM snarls before turning and heading off to the ring…
Busch, "Wow… That whole Collins/Michaels situation just got real heavy, real quick…" Styles, "Yeah… Yeah it did… Which is why it’s time we lighten the mood with four of my favorite things…" Busch, "What’s that?" Styles, "Leigh Homicide and Teresa Ramos!"
As cameras went to ringside for the next match, Sabrina was standing in the middle of the ring with the microphone raised to speak.
Sabrina, "The following contest is scheduled for one fall ...."
Just then "Smooth" by Rob Thomas hits and boos instantly fill the arena as Teresa came out onto the entrance ramp in her wrestling attire.
Sabrina, "On her way to the ring first, from El Paso Texas, Teresa Ramos!"
Her normal smile absent as she walked right down the middle of the aisle. Teresa walked across the ring apron, scraping her feet on it in an arrogant way before slipping one of her long legs through into the ring below the top rope, glaring into the camera before entering the ring completely. Teresa walks into the center of the ring, posing again as camera flashes go off before she walks to her respective side of the ring, waiting with her hands on her hips as she looks towards the entrance ramp with a menacing look on her face.
Busch, "Teresa not looking happy at all."
Styles, "Can you blame her? She was ROBBED of the Femme Fatale Championship."
Fecca, "Oh get over it. Hope pinned her fair and square."
The crowd's booing continues as "Get Psycho" by Disturbed plays and Leigha Homicide walks out onto the entrance ramp. She stops at the top of the ramp for a moment, locking eyes with Teresa.
Sabrina, "And her opponent, from Sin City, Leigha Homicide!"
Leigha then begins to walk down the aisle.
Busch, "Leigha let herself be known last week as she staked her claim into the Femme Fatale Championship. A win over the former Championess could go a long way in the rankings to who gets the next title shot!"
Fecca, "It's definitely an opportunity of a lifetime for this young lady in her television debut."
Styles, "Yeah. An opportunity she doesn't deserve."
As Leigha slid into the ring, she barely had time to get to her feet, because Teresa came charging at her with a clothesline. A second later, as Leigha falls back on the mat, Mason signalled for the bell and the start of the match.
Busch, "Teresa not wasting anytime here."
Before Leigha could even make it back up, Teresa began putting the boots to her. After maybe a half dozen, Teresa bent down and yanked her up by the hair. Leigha was a little wobbly on her feet as Teresa grabbed her arm and whips her into the corner. Leigha hits the turnbuckles with authority.
Upon the impact, Fecca can be heard saying, "Whoa..Teresa really taking her aggression out on Leigha..."
As Leigha comes stumbling forward out of the corner, Teresa picks her up into a fireman's carry. As Teresa goes to throw her off, she kicks her in the head, which sends Leigha right back down to the mat. Teresa has a smirk on her face as she gets right down to make a cover.
Styles, "This contest might be over before it ever really begins!"
But just before Mason can slap the mat a third time, Leigha gets a shoulder up. Leigha still looks out of it, however, so Teresa runs into the ropes and hops up onto the second, flipping over with a lionsault. But as she is in mid air, Leigha brings up her knees and Teresa lands on them. Teresa is then rolling around the mat while holding her midsection.
Busch, "Leigha just bought herself a little bit of time. She really needs to get herself together and capitalize on the situation. There might not be another chance."
Styles, "I say why bother? It'll just be delaying the inevitable."
Fecca, "You're just saying that because you like Teresa. Anything can happen."
Styles, "Anything BUT Leigha winning this match!"
Fecca, "We'll see."
Teresa was back up on her feet just a second before her opponent. Teresa came running at Leigha for another clothesline, but this time Leigha ducked underneath it and run into the ropes on the opposite side. When Teresa turned around, Leigha was coming off the ropes and nailed her with a spinning heel kick. There was a mixed reaction from the as Teresa hits the mat.
Busch, "The crowd doesn't know if they want to cheer on Leigha or not."
Fecca, "I think they are just pleased to see Teresa on the mat for once."
Styles, "These fans need to find some taste!"
Leigha then drops a legdrop down over Teresa's chest before making a cover, but Teresa kicks out at two. Leigha is up on her feet first and then helps Teresa up to hers. She then whips Teresa into the corner and then follows her in with a running elbow smash.
Fecca, "OOOOOOOO What a shot!"
Busch, "Leigha starting to mount some offense."
As Teresa comes stumbling out of the corner, Leigha plants her face first into the mat with a bulldog, before rolling over Teresa's limp body for a cover. This time Mason just about gets a three before Teresa kicks out.
Fecca, "Leigha inching herself closer to the victory."
Styles, "Puh-lease. Did you ever hear of false hope? Teresa giving that to her!"
This time as Leigha helps Teresa up to her feet, Leigha sets her up for a suplex. But as she hoists Leigha up, Teresa manages to escape and land on her feet behind Leigha. Teresa then grabs Leigha by the arm and spins her around. Once Leigha is facing her, Teresa kicks her in the midsection just before planting her to the mat with a tornado DDT.
Styles, "See what I mean? False hope."
Busch, "Still doesn't mean she's going to win."
Styles, "Sure it does. Just watch. Here comes 'The Hot Shot'...."
Sure enough just after kicking Leigha onto her back with her foot, Teresa went over into the corner and started scaling the ropes. After perching herself on the top turnbuckle, Teresa jumps off with her diving moonsault. After connecting on the move, Teresa hooks Leigha's leg as Mason begins his count.
Styles, "See..what did I tell you?"
Just as Teresa gets up on her feet, "Smooth" by Rob Thomas plays as Mason raises her hand in victory. Just then Sabrina is heard, "Here is your winner...TERRRRESSSSSAAA RAAAAAMOSSSS!"
Busch, "A great effort by the newcomer, Leigha Homicide, but unfortunately it just wasn't enough to topple the so-called 'Queen'."
Fecca, "Teresa definitely proving she isn't going to sit in the backseat for long. Hope Rivers better be on the lookout!"
Teresa goes into the corner and climbs onto the second turnbuckle before motioning to her waist for the title.
Suddenly we see a Blonde chick slide in from behind, dart over and blast Teresa across the back with an axe handle. The bell begins sounding as Teresa drops down and turns into some forearms…
Busch, "Isn’t that… that’s Morgan Venom…. She just had a match out here a lil while ago but…"
Morgan grabs two fist fulls of Teresa’s hair yanking her out to the middle of the ring as she clutches at Morgan’s hands, trying to pull them away…
Morgan Twists, grabs Teresa’s head like she wants the stunner… Runs forward, darts up the turnbuckles and then flips backward and drops the back of Teresa’s head against the mat with Jimmy Jacob’s Contra Code.
Busch, "Oh! What a maneuver!"
Morgan leaps up, darts to the ropes and leaps up onto the bottom rope, holding the top rope with her left hand as she does the championship taunt toward the back with her right…
Busch, "Evidently a second hat… Or bobby pin as it were, has been thrown into the Femme Fatale title picture… This program has been chaotic to say the least and folks… It’s not even over yet… We’ll be right back!"
*Commercial Break* |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave May 15th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 4:58 PMCopy HTML
When we come back the fans instantly start booing as we see the Clique collected backstage. By now David’s changed into a suit and tie, WallStreet in contrast has ditched the suit and is in his gear and a Black and Gold "Clique - We Run This" T Shirt.
CM, "I can’t believe the audacity of Damian Collins…"
David, "Damian Collins? That broad Kim Pain says my credentials are outdated… MY Credentials?! Does she know who I am?!"
WallStreet, "Look guys… Relax… Why don’t you both head back to the Hotel, Get the Champaign on ice… Go through and hand out room number to the Finest women in the Plaza… *Looks at Lynn…* Maybe even a couple of young, Clique lookin guys for our Champ… And just wait… Because after I stomp out that lil thorn in our side Xavier Homicide, We’re gonna Party like Rockstars… You know… Rockstars from this century, not the wrestler."
The crowd boos as the Clique smirk and snicker.
CM, "You sure man? You know we’ve got your back…"
WallStreet shakes his head, "No sweat brother… Taylor’s got my back… Faith’s valetin for me… I’ve got the finest women’s wrestler in history on one side and the World’s champion on the other… I’ve got this. You two just worry about getting the party started baby."
Michaels and David nod…
David, "Hey… Whatever happened to that Creed guy?"
WallStreet, "I told him to go grab our bags, He told me to go reproduce with myself, Then he walked off. My guess is without a drawn out map or GPS, he got lost somewhere around the third section of straight hallway heading toward the parking lot."
Michaels and David both Chuckle…
David, "Fair enough."
David and CM offer hand slaps/shakes to their fellow Clique members before turning and heading off… WallStreet watches em go before he turns, bending his elbows out…
WallStreet, "Ladies… Shall we?"
Taylor grabs one arm, Faith grabs the other…
Taylor winks, "We shall."
The three begin down the hallway as we head back to the ring.
Busch " Well it would appear Wallstreet is pretty confident of the outcome tonight as he has sent the troops away. We are live from the sold out Mellon Arena in the steel city of Pittsburgh. PWT has the honor of being the last wrestling show here in the Mellon Arena as soon it will be torn down"
Styles" Wow, I knew these people sucked but I didn't think they sucked so bad that they were losing their arena. Serves them right for cheering for the Pirates every year"
Busch" They are tearing down the Igloo here to make room for the new Consol Energy Center slated to be open next year, and folks you can bet PWT will be back in town then to help you celebrate your building"
Styles" I might be busy, these people annoy me"
Busch" Well Eddie, I guess that depends on whether you are still employed with PWT by then"
Styles"Huh? Why? What have you heard? "
Busch chuckling " Well folks while Eddie tries not to blow a gasket. Lets take a look back at the heinous actions of one Nevyrmorr"
Styles" Seriously dude, is this about the case of corndogs from catering? Because I was just borrowing those...Hmmm I wonder if I'm invited to the Clique party, I could bring the corndogs"
The footage rolls of what was to be Whisper's heartfelt farwell speech that was interrupted when Nev appeared and started to berate Whisper over a grudge that had obviously been boiling since the moment Nev had made it known his intentions to challenge Kimberly Pain, only to have Whisper totally bury him as Nevyrwas. Nev's verbal berating bought him a physical beating to the delight of the fans, who had heard enough of Nev's words for one night. It was then that everything went very badly as Whisper was blinded by a ball of fire coming directly from Nev's hand and blinding the legendary Diva of Destruction. From there we are taken through the scary moments as Whisper is quickly rushed out of the arena by ambulance with her long time student Jazzy at her side through it all. The footage of Bob Fecca's exclusive interview with Whisper plays from the last Shockwave show where Whisper's words hit home. She may or may not ever see again, we watch the meltdown on a once cold as ice star and can only feel for her tremendous pain during this horrible time in her life. Slowly the footage fades back to a shot of Bobby Fecca standing in the ring looking very stoic.
Bob" At this time ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the ring Nevyrmorr"
Iowa by Slipknot plays over the sound system, but all that is mostly heard is the thunderous boos of the Pittsburgh fans as Nev steps out onto the stage. No fire rings or birds on his shoulder this week, just the mime from hell standing there in all of his glory looking over the fans with an air of utter disdain. Nev flashes his pearly whites with a sadistic laugh as he trudges towards ringside.
Busch" Here he comes to the ring, a man that has been in hiding for the most part since the Whisper incident."
Styles" I was talking to Nevyrmorr earlier today and he told me that he intends to make his actions perfectly clear here tonight"
Nev leaps up on the ring apron perching there for several seconds like a bird of prey staring out over the sea of humanity looking for his next victim. Nev methodically moves through the ropes stepping towards Bob Fecca as his music slowly fades away leaving behind just the boos.
Bob" Nevyrmorr, thank you for joining us here tonight. I'm not going to pull any punches with you Sir, and cut right to the chase. What in the hell were you thinking when you burned Whisper?"
Nev had been staring out over the crowd snaps his head towards Fecca, who just got a solid pop from the crowd for his 'cut to the chase' approach. Nev holds out his hand right near Fecca's face and appears to snap his fingers with a flash of flame appearing from them causing Fecca to jump. Nev reaches out taking the microphone as he laughs at Fecca's reaction.
" Careful Bobby, when you get to close to the flame you might just get burned. "
Nev turns away from Fecca like he isn't even there anymore and perhaps to Nev that is truly the case since Fecca no longer matters to him.
"Since April Seventeeth, all I have heard it why Nev, why? I can't walk through an airport anymore without being accosted by you sheep wanting to baaaaa at me about poor little Whisper."
Nev nods his head smirking as the fans continue to rain down the hatred upon him.
" I actually considered apologizing to Whisper for what happened, but then I got to thinking.....It wasn't my fault, so why should I apologize? If anything Whisper should be apologizing to me for putting her hands on me"
A few pieces of trash hits the ring as fans are now seething over this heinous man. The cups and trash hitting the ring is clue for Bob Fecca to retreat out to the floor.
" She is out in there in the Nationwide Arena droning on and on about how she has done it all and no longer needs to compete. So being the good person that I am, I try to offer Whisper a few final words of encouragement as she carried her old wrinkled behind towards obscurity. Then just as I was about to offer her a pat on the back and a hearty farewell, that loony old broad attacks me like some stark raving lunatic. "
If not for the security railing you get the impression these Pittsburgh fans might just think about lynching Nevyrmorr right here and now. The fans distaste is deafening as Nev nods his head smiling like the Cheshire cat.
" I know, she should be booed. So when that senile old croon attacked me, I had but only one recourse. I defended myself like any man would do and so it's not my fault and I will not apologize for anything I done. "
The fans start throwing even more trash at the ring with Nev raising up his index finger.
" Now wait just a minute before you start showing your low I.Q.'s by littering my ring with your filth. I'm not completely cold hearted, and I will send Whisper a little gift to get her started on the next part of her life. I think a tin cup and pencils will be quite handy down there on the street corner. " Nev laughs loudly" I might even include a few braile books on fire safety"
As the fans are about to reach riot stage "Rocky Top" hits the sound system and out onto the stage walks Jonathan Brooks to a spattering of cheers.
"I think I have heard just about enough of this. Nev, what you have been shoveling out here smells worse then the wrong end of a Bull"
The cheers pick up as Brooks paces across the top of the ramp.
" I just got off the phone with someone that might interest you Nevyrmorr. A little lady by the name of Whisper"
The crowd pops
"Apparently she is at home listening to your stink,and it isn't setting to well with her."
Nev smirks " Well I'm glad she was able to find the phone, but what does this have to do with me?"
" It has everything to do with you Nev, because Whisper just informed me that she wants to see you face to face"
Nev snickers " I wasn't aware she is able to see anything at all"
JB shakes his head " Keep making your jokes son, but Whisper is going to stand face to face with you....Next week"
The crowd erupts with cheers.
Brooks grins as Nev looks slightly concerned " Lets see whose joking at the new Shockwave"
Brooks turns with Rocky Top kicking back up and heads off the stage leaving Nev standing there in the ring.
Busch" Did you hear that Eddie? Whisper is going to be back in the building when Shockwave returns to the airwaves to stand face to face with Nevyrmorr for the first time since her injury"
Styles" I haven't heard about Whisper's condition, but if she isn't at a hundred percent she shouldn't be anywhere near this viper. We have already witnessed what he is capable of and I don't want to think about what he might do next time"
Busch" Nevertheless it is going to happen and Nev there looks paler than his face paint." |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave May 15th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 5:00 PMCopy HTML
We're back out at ringside as the fans are about to witness a hell of a main event. They're clamoring for it as Sabrina takes her place in the center of the ring. Referee Jim Richards is in a corner waiting.
Sabrina: This next match is scheduled for ONE FALL!
The buzz starts to rise more.
Sabrina: And it is your MAIN EVENT of the evening!
"Die MFer Die" by Dope hits over the speakers. The fans immediately boo their lungs out as through the curtain steps Wall$treet flanked by Taylor Lynn to his left and Faith Rivers to his right. The lovely Ms Lynn has the PWT World's Heavyweight championship over her shoulder.
Double B: This match should be a definate barn-burner tonight folks. Taylor McCallister is a man that I've gotten to know very well the past few years. There's not alot that man takes personally anymore, but what Xavier Homicide did....Well that is something that Taylor has taken extremely personal.
Styles: Can't blame the guy either really. It was extremely unprofessional the way Xavier acted several weeks ago.
Fecca: Unprofessional? You want to talk about unprofessional Eddie?! Well if that's the case then you want to talk about Mr McCallister and his "Clique". Since he's taken the helm around here he and his pals have stepped on everybody in the back to line their pockets and make themselves look good.
Both our pal Eddie Styles an Burt Busch are a bit stunned by Fecca's outburst. So erm back to Sabrina eh?
Sabrina: Introducing first, accompanied by the reigning PWT World's Heavyweight champion; Taylor Lynn, and Faith Rivers....From Manhatten, New York.....He is The Corporate Icon...TAYLOR..."The WallStreet Brawler"....McCALLISTER!!!!
The fans boo Wally when he passes by them. He makes it to the end of the ramp, telling a few fans to shut their mouthes on the way. Both the reigning World's champion and Faith advoid hands like the plague. As the Corporate Icon heads up the steps nearest the entrance ramp, followed by Faith, Taylor Lynn heads around the ring.
Double B: Wall$treet making his way into the ring, but it looks like we're about to be joined here at commentary by the World's champion.
Wall$treet enters the ring and waits in the corner directly opposite from the side of the ring he entered. He an Faith are having a lil discussion it seems. In the meantime Busch an Styles get to their feet to welcome the champion to ringside.
Styles: Ms Lynn! Such a pleasure to have you join us tonight.
Double B: Welcome to the broadcast booth Ms Lynn.
Taylor Lynn nods an shakes both their hands.
Styles: Don't be rude Bobbsie, get up and show the champion your respects.
Fecca: Whatever.
Eddie attempts to apologize for Fecca but Lynn just gives Bobby the "Talk to the hand" gesture. There's some fans behind the booth heckling teh champion but they forget all about her as Sabrina speaks up again.
Sabrina: And his opponent!
Then "Undisputed" by Ludacris starts playing and "The X-Man" Xavier Homicide steps from behind the curtain and scans over the crowd. He makes his way to the ring. He shakes the fans' hands on the way.
Fecca: Now here comes the man that should be the World's Heavyweight champion!
Taylor Lynn: Excuse me? He didn't get the job done against Michaels, *I* did.
Fecca: The fans have started a chant in recent weeks that rings more true each an every episode of Shockwave: X is truth! Severeal weeks ago Xavier Homicide stood out here and said the things that many of us have wanted to say for awhile now.
Styles; Speak for yourself Bobbsie.
He finally reaches the ring and then he jumps up on the ring apron, grabs the top rope and hops over it. X-Man starts shadow boxing in the ring getting pumped up.
Sabrina: In the ring now from Miam-aaaie!
Wall$treet charges across the ring, clobbering X with a double axe-handle deal between the shoulders! Homicide collapses into the corner as the fans boo. $treet turns X around in the corner and rocks him with some vicious rights.
Taylor Lynn: That's the way! Show this chump for what he is!
Double B: Wall$treet opening up with those hard right hand shots.
Fecca: Pretty easy to do when you jump someone from behind like that.
$treet takes X by the right wrist and puts his left shoulder to X's right. He goes to whip Xavier across the ring but gets reversed midway. X sends W$ hard into the corner. He staggers out holding his back only to be knocked to his back by a shoulder charge from Xavier! There's a stunned expression on Wally's face before he scrambles up. Homicide waves him on and $treet takes a wild swing. X ducks an invites him for another. Wally takes it and another miss. He comes up and Xavier begins to pepper Wall$treet with a combination of jabs, lefts and rights mixing together. Faith is yelling at Richards that X is using a closed fist. Richards ignores her though and lets things continue. $treet a bit wobbly on his legs now. Xavier grabs him with his left hand by the scruff of the neck. He looks to the fans for approval of a big knock-out right.
Double B: Xavier looking to end this early with abig right hand.
Fecca: It'd easily do it. That right hand has dropped many men in this business.
If he hit it then it might even drop $treet folks. However X takes a lil too long looking to the fans. By the time he looks back Wally has regained his wits just enough. W$ reaching out and raking the X-Man's eyes! Homicide spins away holding his eyes. Wally takes X by the back of the head and leads him to the ropes. He forces X's eyes to the top rope an drags X's face back an forth. Richards is right there demanding he knock it off. Of course McCallister ignores Jim until he makes a count of four.briefly $treet lets go and then grabs X and throws him in the nearest corner. He comes in and just blatantly starts choking Xavier. Once again Richards gets to a count of four before Taylor breaks the hold.
Fecca: Come on now!
Taylor Lynn: Look at that domination by WallStreet.
Styles: You know he's always been my second favorite wrestler behind you, of course
Double B: Might have a lil brown something on your nose there Eddie.
After being warned by Richards on the cheap tactics Wally steps ina n delivers a back elbow that rocks X in the corner. Its not just once either folks. Wall$treet delivers several more. He puts a han don the back of X's head and pushes him outta the corner. Xavier takes a face dive and rolls to his back. $treet falls back to the ropes and comes forward and delivers a rolling knee-drop to the forehead of Homicide. He comes back up to a knee and watches Xavier writhe on the mat holding his head. The X-Man moves to his hands an knees to push himself up. However in swoops $treet with a punt to teh ribs. Fans in the front row may have felt the air leave Xavier's lungs as he was kicked onto his back. W$ grabs the top rope and starts stomping away at Xavier's chest. Richards wants him to let go of the top rope but instead $treet puts his right boot across X's windpipe and leans back form teh ropes to apply extra pressure to a choke.
Double B: The ref has got to get in there an force a break here. WallStreet is going to choke the life out of Xavier otherwise.
Taylor Lynn: I don't reallys ee a downside to that.
Styles: Me either. If he can't talk he can't cause anymore problems.
Fecca: It'd take mor ethan losing his voice to put an end to the troubles Xavier can bring to this so-called "clique"
Finally the ref does get in and he forces a break. No count that time. Richards is shoving Wally back and pointing to his ref shirt. The Corporate Icon holds his hands up as X rolls out to the floor. Seeing the X-man roll out Wally bypasses the ref now. He climbs out between the top an middle ropes to the apron an then the floor. W$ pulls X to his feet and goes to ram him face first into the guardrail. That isn't anything X wants a part of though. He blocks by planting his hands on the top of the rail. $treet tries again but X is still blocking. Suddenly the X-man sends an elbow to Wally's stomach doubling him over. Then just as quick X grabs the back of Wally's head an bounces $treet's face off the guardrail!
Fecca: Yes! Give him some of his own medicine Xavier!
Once isn't enough for the X-Man. He bounces Wally's face off the guardrail several more times. $treet stumbles away and then gets his face rammed into the steps! He spins from that and walks over towards the announce table. X follows in and bounces $treet's face off the commentary table. However as the Corporate Icon bounces away to the apron to take a knee, Xavier glares at Taylor Lynn. She stands up and throws her hands out.
Double B: Come on now folks. Lets not get physical here at our table....
Styles: Yeah mind your own business Xavier!
Taylor Lynn: You want to take your shot? I dare you!
By this point here comes Richards out to make sure X doesn't take Taylor Lynn up on her dare. He slips in between them trying to keep some order. Bout that time Wall$treet grabs X an whips him around. He attempts ta throw a right that Xavier manages ta block. X then lights Wall$treet up with several rights of his own. He sends W$ back into the ring under the bottom rope. X turns ta glare at Taylor Lynn after sliding in himself. Finally he turns back towards $treet an charges at him. The Corporate Icon explodes from a kneeling position ta catch X and turn delivering a spinebuster that'd make Arn Anderson damn proud!
Double B: Good gracious! Double A would be proud to see that spinebuster. Cover by McCallister.
Richards slides into the ring as finally Taylor Lynn is taking her seat again. he gets to position and slaps the mat for the ONE!.........TWO!....NO! Xavier is able to shoot a shoulder off the mat an instant after the count of two. $treet looks on in disbelief at Richards. He thinks it should've been a three. The ref though holds firm that it was only two.
Styles: Come on Richards! That was a three.
Fecca: Hey if the ref said it was a two then that is what it was.
Taylor Lynn: Well maybe if Richards would concentrate on the match instead of me, he'd make a fair count. Though when you look as good as I do it is hard not to be a distraction.
Styles: Especially with our World's heavyweight title.
Taylor Lynn: Exactly!
W$ to his feet and he bends down ta pull Xavier up. Suddenly X shoots up and delivers a HUGE European uppercut!
Fecca: YES!
The Wall$treet Brawler is spun around and sent stumbling to the ropes. He starts backing up holding his jaw, checking to see its still in place. All of a sudden he feels X lock in a waistlock. $treet's eyes go wide as X pops his hips and delivers a beautiful release German suplex! The crowd comes back to life with cheers. Wally is up to his feet and takes a dropkick right to the chest! He's coming back up as X runs to the ropes. Homicide hits them but as he does Faith reaches an grabs his ankle. That stops X and he looks down with a glare. Faith of course holds her hands up innocently.
Fans: BOOOOOO!!!
Fecca: Well there's a surprise! Imagine that, Faith cheating for WallStreet. You know I once thought she was a pretty classy lady. Looks like I was mistaken.
Double B: Well I don't know if trying to help her fiance win a match makes her classless, but regardless I don't agree with her action.
Styles: How do we even know that she meant to do that? Maybe Faith was moving her hands so as not to have her fingers stepped on by Xavier? And then they jus accidentily tangled up with his ank...
Fecca glares at his longtime broadcast partner.
Styles: Nevermind.
Over beside the ring Faith has her hands up proclaiming she is innocent of any wrong doing. The fans, and more importantly, referee Jim Richards isn't buying her act. He warns Faith she can be sent to the back. Xavier to the ropes an he points down with some more words for Faith. However she's done her job an backs off. Xavier is then clobbered from behind by Wall$treet! He tumbles over the top rope onto the apron. $treet pulls him up and tries ta hook X for a suplex back into the ring. X-Man is blocking. Now he tries to suplex W$ out of the ring! Not happening though. Wally with a shot to the ribs. He then grabs X by the back of the head and runs him towards the turnpost. X blocks with his boota nd instead slams W$'s face into the turnbuckle! $treet stumbles back as Xavier climbs up top.
Double B: Xavier Homicide not really known as a high flyer. But folks in these big match situations men like Xavier tend to pull out all the stops.
Taylor Lynn: Maybe he'll fall off.
Fecca: And maybe you'll earn a shot at your next title.
Styles: Bobby!
Taylor Lynn: You wanna go little man?
Fecca: I won't hit a lady, which makes me wonder why I won't accept your invitation.
Double B: Come on now yawl, lets focus on the action in the ring.
Sensing that there's trouble coming, Wally "accidentily" stumble sinto Richards. The ref was offguard and fell to the ropes. That's enough to make an already uncomfortable Xavier ta slip an fall crotch-first on the turnbuckle.
Taylor Lynn: Hehe! I always get what I want Fecca. Remember that.
The brawler climbs up with X and hooks him up. He falls back nailing a superplex on Homicide! They hit and $treet reaches under himself to hold his back in pain. Xavier rolls onto his stomach and reaches back holding his back. With both men down Richards checks before starting a double count.
Double B: That superplex taking as much out of WallStreet as it did Xavier. The first man to his feet could take control an win this thing.
Richards has his count at six before there's any real movement. Wally is reaching over and grabs the ropes to pull himself up. Xavier is getting to a knee in the center of the ring. At the count of eight both men are up. They charges at one another with Xavier ducking a huge clothesline attempt. $treet whips around an as X comes back off the ropes $treet delivers a Triple H/Harely race high knee to the face! X hits the mat and rolls to his hands an knees. Wally reaches down and pulls him up to his feet. Looks like its time for the Stock Market Crash (pedigree) but Xavier spins out after having his left arm hooked. He swings with a big right that just grazes a leaning back Wall$treet.
Fecca: What a right hand! I don't think Xavier got all of it but it might just be enough.
Taylor Lynn: Pfft! Not likely
We'll find out right now as Xavier pins the Corporate Icon and hooks the far leg. Richards slides down for the count. ONE!.............TWO!.....
The fans boo as Faith has climbed up on the apron. Richards stops the count and goes to order Faith down. She's arguing with him though an Xavier gets frustrated. He gets off $treet and walks to Faith again. They start having a shouting match with Richards trying to back X away. Wally gets up and X senses it. He turns but still gets a boot to the gut.
Fecca: Dammit...
Wally begins hooking the arms for the SMC again. He gets them both hooked.
Fecca: Wait a minute!
Xavier breaks Wally's lock of the arms. He pulls $treet's legs from under him but rolls him to his stomach. The X-Man grab both legs and starts settin up for his wheel-barrow suplex. We hear a headset thud onto teh table an a moment later see Taylor Lynn sliding into teh ring. She has a chair and loads up. She swings for teh fences nailing Xavier! Its like a gunshot has gone off as the chair connects......And Richards turned away from Faith just in time ta see it all happen. He calls for the bell and it rings..
Sabrina, "Here is your winner… Via Disqualification……. XAVIER HOMICIDE!"
The crowd boos as Xavier is on his knees holding his back. Lynn tosses the chair to the side and begins sticking the boots to Xavier as WallStreet comes over and joins her with the boots, Faith sliding into the ring to offer the verbal bashing to match the physical one Taylor and… uh… Taylor are distributing.
Busch, "Come on… Xavier was on the cusp of hitting that Wheel barrow finisher of his when Taylor Lynn fled the announce table to aid her stablemate out of what would have surely been the end of the contest and now… Now they’re just decimating Xavuer…"
"I Thought I Told Ya I’ma Starr Ya See The Ice? Ya See The Cars… Flashin Lights, Everywhere We Are… Here Tonight, Like There’s No Ta-mar…"
The crowd erupts as "I’mma Star" by Jeremiah hits over the PA… The curtain suddenly flies and out darts Kaydence Starr to a huge ovation…
Busch, "Here comes Kaydence! We saw the confrontation between She and WallStreet earlier tonight…"
She slides in and when she does WallStreet just happens to be starting to turn… SMACCCCCCK! A big chop to Wally’s chest… He staggers back… SMAAAAAAACK! A second big chop backs him up again… SMAAAAAAAACK! A third one has him hear the ropes when she suddenly leaps up and plants a big drop kick straight into the pecs making him stumble back and fall out between the ropes to his feet on the floor as he holds his chest… Faith suddenly darts in nails Kaydence with a forearm across the back making her stumble forward… Kaydence turns and Faith goes for a big clothesline but Kaydence drops down, grabbing a fist full of Faith’s waist band and using her momentum to send her through the ropes to the floor. The crowd is going wild… Taylor Lynn’s disdain for Xavier has taken her over and given her tunnel vision so her back’s to the melee behind her as she’s stomping at Xavier who’s crawling toward the corner… Back on the ramp side of the ring WallStreet’s just rounded the corner holding his chest with his back to the ring. Kaydence is in the center… She darts forward and WallStreet just happens to turn as Kaydence leaps through the ropes and nails WallStreet head on with a suicide dive taking him down hard on the outside to a huge ovation.
Busch, "Bah God what a move! Kaydence is making a Hell of an impression for her intergender ambitions." Styles, "Gah! Taylor! Turn around! CM! DAVID! Get back here!"
WallStreet rolls over holding his chest beside the ramp as Kaydence begins delivering stomps… WallStreet starts pushing himself up heading for the back walking on the floor beside the ramp instead of up the actual ramp its self as Kaydence remains in pursuit delivering forearms and the such. Back in the ring Taylor Lynn has evidently slid out and grabbed a chair… She has that chair on Xavier’s neck in the ring…
Busch, "Oh God… Think about this Taylor… For god sakes, you could end the man’s career… Or Worse."
Taylor Lynn has a blood lust in her eyes that’s flat out frightening as she steps out between the ropes and begins climbing up… She gets to the second rope when the crowd starts erupting again… Why? Because Hope Rivers is darting down with the Femme Fatale title in hand.
Busch, "Here comes PWT Femme Fatale champion Hope Rivers!"
She slides into the ring and starts charging the corner, But knowing she’s at a disadvantage standing on the ropes Taylor Lynn drops down off the ropes to the ringside floor as Hope’s just a second too late on an attempted swing.
Taylor breathes on her perfectly manicured nails and then brushes then on her shoulder as if polishing them as she smirks in exchange of Hope’s glare… Finally "Undisputed" by Ludacris begins blasting over the PA as Taylor begins heading around the ring and Hope drops to a knee checking on X but keeping a glancing eye on the World’s champion.
Busch, "Hope has chased Taylor Lynn away and thank God she did… That had no where pleasant to go." Styles, "So the rumors are true? About Xavier and Hope?" Fecca, "Or Hope had enough class not to stand idly by as Taylor Lynn ruined a great performer’s career." Busch, "Regardless of the whys, let’s just be thankful she came." Styles, "Speak for yourself… X had it coming, Hope should of left her nose out of it."
Speaking of Taylor, She’s up on the Stage holding her world title high as behind her on the PW-Television we can see Hope glaring at Taylor as she’s knelt over Xavier…
Busch, "What a night… Folks… the action will not slow down as we head to Buffalo two weeks from tonight… You will not wanta miss Shockwave, Live Saturday May twenty nineth right here on ASN… For Bobby Fecca and Eddie Styles… What a fight, what a night… We’ll catch ya in two weeks PWT."
Fade on Taylor Lynn holding the belt in front of the desperately booing crowd. |
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