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Date Posted:11/18/2010 5:01 PMCopy HTML
 Saturday May 29th, 2010 Commentary Team: Burt Busch, Bobby Fecca & Eddie Styles Venue: HSBC Arena, Buffalo Ny Theme Song: "Full Circle" by Drowning Pool Deadline: 9pm Eastern Standard Time FRIDAY MAY 28TH (8pm Central) 24 Hour Deadline 9pm EST Thursday Night
Main Event Non-Title Clash Of Champions Femme Fatale Champion Hope Rivers VS World Heavyweight Champion Taylor Lynn Referee Assigned: Jim Richards Writer: Andrew ((As Taylor Lynn pummeled Xavier after his match with WallStreet two weeks ago, Hope Rivers came flying down to the resuce. Now, Taylor Lynn looks to seek vengence and simultaniously send a message to her adversaries apparent love interest as she goes one on one with the Femme Fatale champion. Of course World champion or not, beating Hope Rivers will be no easy task.))
Match Six Singles Drew Stevenson VS Scott Addams Referee: Frank Mason Writer: Nate ((Scott Addams makes his return to TV in what could prove to be an excellent wrestling contest as he goes head to head with the apparent number one contender to the PWT Titanium Championship Drew Stevenson. With all that's taken place as of late with Drew's involvement with Jessica Jones and Shattered Soul, Will they play a factor in this bout or will Addams and Stevenson have a good clean match to usher Addams return in? There's only one way to find out ...))
Match Five If Kaydence Wins, She Gets A "Shot" At Intergender Wrestling... If She Loses, She Stays In The Femme Fatale Division Kaydence Starr VS Christian Michaels Referee: Mitch Roberts Writer: Johnathan ((The Stipulation says it all... Kaydence found out WallStreet's been preventing her from setting her sights on the Intergender Division and now, in order to prove she can go she has to beat one of the all time greats... The Clique's very own Christian Michaels. If she doesn't, she can kiss her Intergender asperations good bye.))
Match Four Singles Morgan Venom VS Teresa Ramos Referee: Willie Sharpe Writer: Chrissy (( Morgan Venom sent a message loud and clear last week... "Femme Fatale Division, You're on notice." However, She sent that message at the expense of Teresa Ramos and our self proclaimed "Queen" didn't much appreciate that. Now she gets the opportunity to try and do something about it as Morgan simultaniously gets the opportunity to stake a claim for the Femme Fatale title by defeating a former Femme Fatale champion.))
Leaky Format Hosts: The Wetdown Featuring Guest Superstar: Whisper & Nevyrrmor Writer: Andrew ((Has Leaky gotten a coupe here or what?! One of the most anticipated confrontations in wrestling history is going down and Leaky Format gets to personally host it via the Wetdown.))
Match Three Singles Nosferatu VS David Van Dam Referee: Jim Richars Writer: Taylor ((Two weeks ago David Van Dam claimed himself number one contender to the Revolution Championship and Kimberly Pain rebuttled he his "credentials" were too "out dated". This week in what we can only assume was no accident, David's scheduled in one on one action against Kim's love interest Nosferatu. Somehow, The front office also didn't add Kimberly Pain to be ringside in t he match contract... Hmm... Convinent.))
Match Two Marie Dominique Vs Eris Referee: Mitch Roberts Writer: Nate ((Quite the little rivalry is transpiring between these two and now Brooks says enough's enough, let's settle it in the ring. These two will do just that live on Shockwave. ((OOC: Ladies... Or Well, Lady and Josh... You won't need to rp for the match here. I mean you're welcome t o if you want to, but you don't have to. Please see Andrew for more details.)) Opening Bout Scott Lunde VS John Shephard Referee Assigned: Frank Mason Writer: Johnathan ((Former ICWA competitor John Shephard comes to PWT to test his skills against a fellow former ICWA'r in The Canadian Dream Scott Lunde. Scotts on fire over this Duke Andrews situation, John had better watch his step.))
-------------------Dark Matches------------------- ((Dark Matches are untelevised matches that take place solely for the fans in attendence before the TV Broadcast begins. There's a variety of reasons someone might be booked in a Dark Match... - Your character will be on TV Later in a non-competitive roll that wouldn't work as well if you wrestled before or after - Your new and we're making sure you'll rp - We Ran out of room on the other card and figured you'd rather rp for a dark match then no match - Other))
Match Three Singles Duke Andrews VS Chris Burden Referee Assigned: Jim Richards Summerized by: Taylor
((We've got Duke Andrews involved in a segment on Shockwave so, since he can't be in action on TV as it'd interfer with the segment, he gets to test the new kid as he goes one on one with Chris Burden for all the Buffalo fans to enjoy.))
Match Two Singles Leaky Format VS Lori Anne Rossdale Referee Assigned: Frank Mason Summerized By: Taylor ((After her big win over Georgia James, Lori Anne has decided to test her mettle against men again... Leaky's hosting the Wetdown so we can't really give him a TV match, but we can let him do his thing for the fans in Buffalo. These two will give ya something special, I gaurantee it.))
Match One Singles Matt Matlock VS Georgia James Referee Assigned: Mitch Roberts Summerized By: Taylor ((At one time this match could have main evented anywhere... Now we just hope they both find their way to the arena. Matt is scheduled to make an appereance on Television.))
ALSO APPEARING: R.S. Kevin Kasey, The Heritage, Jessica Jones, Shattered Soul, Taylor McCallister, Faith Rivers, Damian Collins, Kimberly Pain, And More!!!
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave May 29th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 5:02 PMCopy HTML

-------------------Dark Matches-------------------
Match Three Singles Duke Andrews VS Chris Burden Referee Assigned: Jim Richards Winner: Chris Burden
Huge upset for the fairly unknown performer... Duke was about to hit the Andrews Effect when Scott Lunde's music and highlight video began... Forgetting about his opponent he began waiting for Lunde... Eventually realizing Lunde wasn't coming he turned back into a surprise small package roll up and was caught too far off guard to kick out before the three.
Match Two Singles Leaky Format VS Lori Anne Rossdale Referee Assigned: Frank Mason Winner: Lori Anne Claiming that as the hit star of his own show, he was far too good to be wrestling for the "Un-Leaktastic Ham and Eggers" of Buffalo, He brought out W.A.R Performer Rich Banks to face Lori Anne. Lori Anne showed him the business and hit her finish for the one, two, three, compiling what she thought was a win... However Leaky then back attacked Lori and said he wanted the match after all. Leaky gave her a beat down for a couple minutes, drawing some solid heat from the fans and never taking off his dress slacks as he performed in Loafers, Armani pants, a gold necklace and no shirt or coat. Just when it seemed like Leaky was on the cusp of victory, Lori made a shocking comeback drawing a surprisingly decent reaction from the still entering fans. A little back and forth ensued, which would conclude when Lori Anne countered a powerbomb attempt with a Hurrancanrana roll up for the three. She beat feat before an enraged Leaky Format could react... Someone send Satan a Snow Shovel and get a landing spot at JFK cleared for Porky the Pig because Lori Anne has just compiled two consecutive victories.
Match One Singles Matt Matlock VS Georgia James Referee Assigned: Mitch Roberts Winner: Georgia James With a moonsault off the top to the previously standing Matlock, Georgia James hooked the leg and got three with Matlock kicking around a lil but not having enough to kick out. The match went six minutes.
Card Subject To Change |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave May 29th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 5:03 PMCopy HTML
Open on an intense faceoff between the man beast we know as Regret and………… A Ten year old boy.
Boy, "Do You……… Have a two?"
Regret holds his glare…… His nostril occasionally flaring until… Finally… He hands over a card… The kid puts two cards on the table and says, "HA! I WIN AGAIN! I am SOOOOOOOOO The Go Fish champion!"
As our young friend seems quite pleased with himself, Regret suddenly grabs the side of the table between them and throws it over making the kid damn near wet himself. Before the kid can get his barings and think about running, Regret grabs him right by the throat and charges him back against the wall, his feet dangling in the air as he clutches at Regret’s hand, desperately trying to escape……… Regret isn’t saying anything but his eyes speak volumns……
"Whooooooooa big man… Whatcha doin?"
Regret doesn’t turn as David Van Dam enters the scene to a chorus of boos in his navy suit and white button up. David walks around so he’s at the wall, Able to be seen by Regret…
David, "Hey… What are you up to these days? I saw ya power bomb Tie Dye out of his boots… You lookin for work big man?"
Regret turns his head toward David, still holding the kid against the wall by his throat as he shrugs.
David, "Good, Good… Come with me, I’ve got a full time gig for ya."
David begins walking off as Regret (never turning back to the kid) simply releases the kid letting him fall to the floor, rolling into the fetal position as Regret turns and walks after David… We fade on the kid gasping and crying.
With that "Full Circle" by Drowning Pool begins to play as the Shockwave highlight reel begins playing. From there we pan back as the pyro begins to explode and we begin sweeping the sea of humanity and their signs……
And of course…
PWT Shockwave Live! May 29, 2010 HSBC Arena Buffalo New York
We find our way back to the stage as Busch exclaims, "Welcome, Pee Dubbya Tee fans, to SHOCKWAVE! We are live and on the air across the world and folks, we have got a jam packed night ahead!"
Full Circle fades and in it’s place begins a PWT Customized remix of the Canadian Anthem
as we show the Canadian flag on the PW-Television with various images of the human highlight reel that is Scott Lunde… The fans begin desperately booing what has quickly become one of the most hated heels in the PWT lockeroom as the curtain moves and from behind it, Canadian Flag well in tow is Scott Lunde.
As the crowd boos desperately, Sabrina begins to announce, "Ladies and Gentlemen, This is your Shockwave OPENING Bout! It’s scheduled for one fall with a ten minute TV Time Limit. Already in the ring……"
We switch to the ring briefly, showing John Sheppard shadow jabbing and kicking in the corner in his MMA Garb…
Sabrina, "From Indianapolis Indiana… John Sheppard!"
He quits his shadow fighting routine and throws a fist in the air to a smattering of applause based mostly on not being Scott Lunde. We shoot back to Lunde waving the Canadian flag on the stage. He begins down the ramp as Sabrina continues earning her pay day.
Sabrina, "On His way to the ring from Toronto Ontario Canada at a weight of 217 Pounds…… The Canadian Dream, SCOTT… LUNNNNNNNNNNNNDE!"
Fecca, "We’re wasting no time getting things under way here in Buffalo tonight as Scott Lunde gets ready to kick things off with former ICWA Competitor John Sheppard." Busch, "John Sheppard looking to continue to mature in his career as he makes his way to Professional Wrestling Today… Tonight he gets to try his luck with a most controversial performer in Toronto’s Scott Lunde." Styles, "Think there’s any Lunde fans in the house?" Busch, "It’d be a perfectly logical possibility, We’re only a few minutes away from the Ontario border… Toronto about two, two and a half hours north of here." Fecca, "Well if they’re here, they’re not being very loud because all I’m hearing is boos." Busch, "Certainly some well earned boos at that if you reflect back on the last two episodes of Shockwave where Lunde has relentlessly assaulted former tag partner Duke Andrews…" Fecca interjects, "From behind might I add." Busch, "Of course from behind, It’d take a back bone to attack Duke head on." Styles, "Hey now! Lunde’s got a backbone… But he’s got a brain too and to me, it seems much smarter to nail someone when they don’t see it coming then to give em a heads up." Fecca, "And that kind of thinking is exactly why you’re legally restrained to staying no less than a hundred feet away from the vast majority of women you’ve met on the road over the years." Styles, "Hey! I’m fairly certain most of those orders have to of expired by now."
Busch chuckles as we watch Scott Lunde enter the ring, waving his flag about as Sheppard rolls his eyes in the corner. Lunde walks over to the corner and forces the bottom of his flag pole into the second rope turnbuckle connecting the ropes to the corner posts. With the flag in place he turns around and takes off his ring jacket, draping it over the top turnbuckle. Lunde turns back and Mason confers to make sure he’s finally ready to go… A last check with an equally eager Sheppard and… Ring-a-ling-a-ding-dong, This contest is under way.
The two begin slowly circling as Sheppard begins clapping his hands, encouraging the crowd to start making some noise. The fans start to clap along with Sheppard as Lunde points out to a fan in the front row, "SHUT IT FAT BOY!" He continues circling and points to some people up higher in the stands, "You Can’t Even see him clapping from there you cheep bastards! Cut the crap! AND BUY A REAL TICKET NEXT TIME!" Finally the talking and clapping (at least in the ring) concludes as Lunde and Sheppard dart toward the center looking for simultaneous elbow and collar tie ups… They get their wish but Sheppard quickly reaches back with his right hand and grabs Lunde’s left wrist, Yanking Lunde’s hand away from his neck and then throwing his wrist down, grabbing said wrist with both hands before twisting into the wrist, getting under the wrist, and wringing it into a standard side wrist lock. Lunde lets out a little yelp as he’s forced to bend down a little to reduce the amount of strain on his arm. Finally Lunde reaches over with his right hand and gets a hold of Sheppard’s left wrist. He struggles but, eventually he manages to swing through and counter Sheppard’s side wrist lock with a side wristlock of his own drawing some boos from the crowd.
Busch, "Elbow-Collar lock up into a Wrist-Lock from Sheppard to a counter wrist lock by Scott Lunde as we open this inaugural contest of the night." Fecca, "Little known fact about John Sheppard… Even though we usually only hear about UFC or StrikeForce or some of the other big money fight organizations, Much the same as Professional Wrestling has Independent Wrestling promotions, MMA Has smaller fight organizations around the world as well. While Sheppard hasn’t gotten a big name in the Money promotions, he’s acquired quite the underground reputation going around to various fight groups and winning big championships, even a few outside of his weight class in the fight groups that allow fighting outside of your weight class. He’s quite the fighter." Busch, "Absolutely, John Sheppard more than capable in an MMA Environment however, There’s a big transition to be made from the world of MMA and Professional Wrestling. During his last stint he had a hard time making the adjustment which lead to a few disqualifications. If he can complete that transition though, and truly become a Professional Wrestler instead of an MMA Fighter in a Pro Wrestling ring, I believe John Sheppard has a well of potential to begin drinking from."
Back in the ring Sheppard had rolled forward, rolled back, kipped up, and made Lunde flip onto his back with a counter to the wristlock. Sheppard kept hold of the wrist and hit a leg drop on the arm before spinning around and making a one count. We catch back up here as Lunde begins rushing to his feet. He charges at Sheppard but Sheppard leaps up, turns in the air so his back is to Lunde and nails a modified calf kick of sorts making Lunde hit the mat again. Lunde grabs his head pulling himself up, staggers around and YOINK! Text book arm drag from Sheppard to Lunde, Sheppard keeping hold of the arm as he’s on a knee with a text book arm bar in place.
"COME ON BUFF-A-LO!" Sheppard yells out, drawing some cheers from the crowd as Busch says, "Sheppard seemingly attempting to connect with the crowd and perhaps draw that extra man on the field effect from their support should they offer it to him." Fecca, "I think they’d support just about anybody who’s got the opportunity to shut up Scott Lunde for a few minutes." Busch chuckles, "Yeah, I imagine you’re probably right."
Lunde begins pushing himself up but Sheppard continues holding in the arm bar… Lunde gets to his feet and turns into Sheppard, forcing him back slowly against the ropes. Once they get to the ropes Mason begins demanding the break…. Sheppard slowly begins releasing the arm bar as Lunde appears to slowly be breaking away from Sheppard… But then in a split second where Mason looks out to the time keeper for an update, Lunde reaches up and rakes the eyes drawing boos from the crowd. Lunde staggers toward the corner holding his eyes as Mason begins making hand gestures of a rake to his own eyes as he interrogates, "HEY?! DID YOU RAKE HIS EYES?! HUH?! YOU BETTER WATCH IT!"
Of course Lunde vehemently denies such an upstanding member of Canada would do such a thing as he follows Sheppard into the corner.
Busch, "Well leave it to Lunde to acquire the advantage with such a lowbrow tactic." Styles, "Hey, I don’t care how much you condition the rest of your body, The eyes are always vulnerable. Lunde knows that and he made the crafty decision." Fecca, "He made the cheep decision. How about a little bit of this "Canadian Integrity" he’s suppose to have?" Styles, "Silly Fecca, we all know Canadian’s don’t have any integrity. I mean, for god sakes, they have Mounties and use a leaf as their national symbol, How much integrity do you think they have? Which hey, Is totally cool by me. I think Integrity’s way overrated." Busch, "That somehow doesn’t surprise me in the least." Fecca, "Yeah, It shouldn’t."
Lunde starts unloading some quick punches around the jaw/neck to Sheppard in the corner making him slouch down more and more. Finally he jumps up placing his hands behind Sheppard’s neck, places the bottoms of his boots into Sheppard’s abs and drops back monkey flipping Sheppard up and over to the center of the mat as the fans boo.
Busch, "Lunde getting the upper hand with that rake to the eyes and now staying on him and maintaining his new found control over this contest."
Lunde gets up after the monkey flip… Darts to the ropes. Leaps over the top rope, grabs the top rope simultaneously, His feet barely tap the outside canvas and he catapults himself back over the top rope, diving toward Sheppard head first like a missile till at the last second he flips through hitting a high impact, modified inverted swanton of sorts. The crowd OOooOs a little but before they can think about giving the devil his due he yells, "THAT MOVE COULD ONLY COME FROM CANADA BEH-BEH!" The crowd of course instantly begins booing again as Lunde turns and hooks Sheppard’s leg. Mason drops down ………………One………Tw… Barely two as Sheppard kicks out.
Busch, "An impressive athletic maneuver by Scott Lunde and a quick two to follow."
Lunde jumps up, clearly un happy as he begins yelling at Mason, "DON’T THEY TEACH YOU HOW TO COUNT IN THIS DAMN COUNTRY! THREE! IT WAS A THREE!"
Mason shakes his head and insists it was only two. Lunde goes to further his argument when "Down From The Sky" by Trivium blasts over the PA, making the crowd erupt and Scott Lunde get wide eyed and a new shade of pale.
Busch, "Whut-Oh…"
Lunde spins around as Duke Andrews comes through the curtain in a pair of Blue Jeans, A gray self promoting Shirt and his hair wet. Lunde puts his hands up, "WHOA BIG GUY! I’ve Got a match here! You can’t disrupt a scheduled match! There’s certain rules and regulations and…"
Duke begins darting down the ramp as Lunde’s eyes somehow find a way to get even wider before he turns, darts to the commentary side of the ring and leaps over the top rope, landing in a squating postion on the floor like a cat. Mason turns and demands he get back here but No dice as Duke slides into the ring, runs across and baseball sides back out. Lunde darts around and Duke is now in pursuit.
Busch, "Duke Andrews is Hell bent on revenge and Scott Lunde’s runnin like a scalded dog!" Styles, "Hey! Come on! We’ve got a match going on here!" Busch, "Evidently not anymore."
Lunde darts through the curtain and Duke keeps on the pursuit as we head back to the ring where Sheppard’s back on his feet with his arms out as if to say "What the crap man…"
Mason, "……………Nine………… Ten!"
Mason turns around and does the hammering motion with his hand as he says, "Ring the bell! It’s a count out! Ring the bell!"
On command the bell sounds as Sabrina declares, "Here is your winner… Via Countout… John SHEPPARD!"
With that "How Soon Is Now" By the Smiths (AKA The Charmed Theme) begins blasting over the PA as Mason raises Sheppard’s arm.
Busch, "Well, regardless the method, John Sheppard’s begun his run here in PWT with a win and if you’re John Sheppard, there ain’t nothing wrong with that. Folks, Like we said earlier… We have got a jam packed two hours ahead… Including Kaydence Starr Verses Christian Michaels with Kaydence opportunity at becoming an Intergender competitor hanging in the balance… Hope Rivers one on one against Taylor Lynn in a clash of Champions Main Event, and… Right here in his home town of buffalo…

As the graphic takes the PW-Television, The Crowd goes absolutely nuts…
Busch, "Rockstar Kevin Kasey has a huge announcement to make and, the rumors spiraling around the internet and the lockeroom say that… well… per… He may be announcing his retirement." Fecca, "Damn the Heritage!" Busch, "You’re not gonna wanta miss a single moment of what we’ve got in store tonight… All that and so much more when we return." |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave May 29th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 5:03 PMCopy HTML
When we return Duke Andrews is standing backstage, Holding a microphone with a cord attached to it as he looks into the camera, his chest pumping like he just recently stopped pursuing Scott Lunde.
Duke, "LUNDE! You Sniveling little PUKE! You think you’re a bigman? Is that what ya think son? Huh? Well is it? Well Duke Andrews don’t think you’re a big man… I’m pretty sure Buffalo doesn’t think you’re a big man (cheap pop)… And I don’t think anybody this side of the great white north thinks you’re a big man. Now, you wanta run around attacking me from behind with your DAMN Canadian Flag?! Well son, I ain’t got a problem with Canada BUT, You wanta REAL Flag?!"
Duke reaches out of the camera’s sight, then draws back in with perhaps the most beautiful star to ever grace TV… Sweet, Sweet lady Glory… The Star Spangled Banner… the American Flag.
Duke, "Now THIS is a flag! This is the emblem of all that’s good and right… Of Freedom… Of Glory… Of Rights and Justice… This my friend, Is a proud flag… A Flag that thousands of proud men and women fight for every day… A Flag that I wave with PRIDE… Now If you…"
WHAM! I could tell ya, But I’m sure ya already guessed… The Canadian flag finds it’s way right across the back of Andrew’s neck dropping him down to his knees again. WHAM! Across the back and the HSBC Arena is shaking with boos as Lunde stands there with his Canadian Flag in hand. He looks down and sees the American flag resting in Duke’s hand… He reaches down and snags Old Glory drawing even more boos.
Scott, "Thanks Duke."
Scott offers a wink and a nod to his fallen former comrade before he heads off with both flags as Duke lays there holding his neck as we fade back to the ring.
Burt Busch, "And yet ANOTHER Back attack by Scott Lunde… Surprise Surprise."
Fecca" Duke truly needs eyes in the back of his head. Lunde is obviously hell bent on revenge ,but continues to refuse a match with Andrews unless it is under his terms"
Styles" People often write off Lunde as a joke, especially after he use to have a Moose with him on the way to the ring. However Lunde is a veteran in this sport and seems to be teaching Andrews quite a lesson in what that means"
Busch" Well I don't think Duke is going to continue to take this from Lunde, and I suspect very soon that time will run out on Lunde and his dreams could become nightmares. We still got a great show ahead of us headlined by the return of PWT World Champion Taylor Lynn to action against the Femme Fatale Champion Hope Rivers."
Fecca" It is a champion versus champion match that goes much deeper. Taylor Lynn is a member of the quickly becoming notorious Clique and at the last show we seen Hope Rivers coming to the aide of the number one most hated in the eyes of the Clique Xavier Homicide"
Styles" My sources backstage tell me that Xavier and Hope are indeed more then just friends"
Busch" You got sources?"
Fecca" He listens at doors"
Busch laughing" Nevertheless not only do we got that exciting main event ahead, we have a show packed top to bottom. Lets shift gears from the continuing war of Lunde and Andrews to two of the beautiful PWT fatales that also aren't to fond of each other."
Fecca" Eris and Marie Dominque have been at each others throats for weeks now since the surprise return of Eris nearly a month ago, where she laid out Marie for no apparent reason"
Busch" At the last show Marie picked up an impressive victory over Morgan Venom only to have Eris once again taunt her. Eris seems to be of the opinion that the current PWT women's roster isn't worthy of being called wrestlers."
Styles" Well she might have a point, but Marie is still one hot tamale"
Busch" Tonight Marie gets to prove she's more then just eye candy and perhaps finally get a little revenge on Eris. Let's go up to Sabrina for the opening introductions to this grudge match"
Sabrina stands center ring looking radiant as always in a light blue dress that's v-cut at the top to show off just a hint of the goods.
Sabrina" Ladies and Gentlemen our next match of the evening is scheduled for one fall with a twenty minute time limit."
"Blood on the dance floor" by Michael Jackson plays over the sound system with the fans coming to their feet in an overly positive reaction for the Haitian Hot-stuff.
Sabrina" Coming to the ring first from the island nation of Haiti...She is the Superstarlet...Marieeeeeee Dominqueeee!!"
The fans continue to cheer but there is no sign of Marie coming out onto the stage. Sabrina looks towards the referee, who shrugs not knowing what's going on either.
Styles" Someone go tell Marie its match time"
Busch" I'm getting word from the back about something going down, lets go there now"
The big screen lights up with a scene right behind the entrance ramp. Marie is seen laying on the floor with a bent up steel chair laying nearby her head. Eris steps into view smiling down at Marie.
" Awwww it looks like someone done broke the Cookie Cutter."
Eris kneels down next to Marie, brushing the hair back from her face and running her fingertips along her cheek.
"It's better this way sweetness...I would have destroyed you in that ring tonight. I don't need a Zebra's hand hitting that mat three times to tell me I'm the new Alpha-Female around here. "
Eris leans in getting a gasp from the audience mixed with some cheers from the male fans as she plants a soft kiss on Marie's lips.
"Sweet dreams my little pet"
Eris stands up and walks out of view with Emts and PWT crew coming into the view to check on Marie.
Busch" Uhhh...Folks I think we need to take a quick commercial break and sort this all out. "
Fecca" Eris has attacked Marie backstage and I don't see anyway possible how she could have a match now"
Styles" We don't know that, Eris just showed up. She might have just been walking by to come to the ring"
Fecca" I highly doubt that, and what was with that kiss?"
Styles" Apparently Eris has other ideas besides just fighting Marie. Did she call Marie her pet?"
Busch" Folks we will be right back"
*Commercial Break* |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave May 29th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 5:04 PMCopy HTML
As we return we see a still shot of Kim Pain (Revolution Championship around her waist) and Nosferatu backstage.
Busch, "Well folks, This little conversation was caught by the PWT Cameras during the commercial break…"
During The Break
The footage of Nos and Kim backstage begins playing. A concerned Kim says, "Look, This is my fight… David dragged you into it apparently by getting this match booked but at least let me come out there and watch your back. You know full well he’ll have the Clique watching his and…"
Nos puts a finger to Kim’s lips, "Shhh… Listen, I’m glad you wanta be there for me… It’s part of why I love you so much… But I think you’re right. I think there is a reason David had this booked and I’m inclined to believe it was because he thought you might be a sitting duck at ringside. Besides that, I wanta prove I can go it alone… Just please… Stay back here."
Kim sighs, "Alright, If you insist, But let it be known that I think this is damn dumb."
Nos laughs, "Yeah… Your honesty is another thing that makes me love you so."
He chuckles, offers her a kiss and turns and heads’s off as that cuts out and we find ourselves back at the ring.
Busch, "I don’t know if that was wise of Nosferatu or not but, I reckon we’re fixin to find out right now…"
"I Made It" by Dead By April suddenly begins blasting over the PA as Nosferatu’s video begins playing, drawing some cheers from the crowd.
Sabrina, "The following is scheduled for ONEFALL with a Ten Minute TV Time Limit. Introducing First…"
The curtain suddenly moves with Nosferatu walking out in his trench coat with his sheathed sword.
Sabrina, "Hailing from London England at a weight of 210 Pounds… Nosferatu!"
Styles, "Alright… I’ll be the guy who says it… How frickin dumb do ya have to be to carry a sword around at a wrestling event! I mean seriously!? And he’s from LONDON! How the Hell’s he get that thing through Customs anyway?!" Fecca, "You’d think with the way things nearly worked out in his match against Nova he’d stop carrying that thing around." Busch, "You’d think somewhere around the same time he hit puberty he’d stop carrying that thing around."
The commentary team shares a chuckle as a picture of a Butterfinger hit’s the screen…
Styles, "Straying away from Robin Hood for a minute, Tonights show is brought to you in part by Butterfingers! Crispity, Crunchity, Peanutbuttery Butterfinger… Nobody better lay a finger on my Butterfinger." Busch, "And… Wal Mart… Always rolling back the prices so you save on your every day needs… Save Money. Live Better. Wal Mart." Fecca, "And finally, Mountain Dew… There’s three new flavors, Distortion, Typhoon, and White Out… Try em all and go vote on your favorite at dewmocracy.com. What’s your favorite Burt?" Busch, "Well I’m a Typhoon guy myself… Love that fruit punch. You?" Fecca, "I enjoy the Citrusy flavor of the White Out." Styles, "Heh, One of ya likes "Fruit" punch, and the other likes "White Out"… I think that pretty much confirms what I’ve figured for a while. I on the other hand, Like Distortion." Busch, "Which makes perfect sense since you’re constantly distorting the facts."
Nosferatu’s in the ring now… "All I Do Is Win" as produced by DJ Khaled begins blasting over the PA as Van Dam’s video starts playing to a chorus of boos. As the music plays the curtain begins to move and from behind it steps…… Erm… I don’t know… Some guys in black jeans and black T shirts… Which read… "Clique Security". As a multitude of fairly decent shaped guys in "Clique Security" shirts flood the stage, the curtain moves again but this time emerges the seven foot man beast Regret in black jeans and a black Polo that has "Clique" on the left pec area.
Busch, "What in the Hell is all of this?"
Regret stands there next to the curtain with his arms crossed in front of his chest… Finally the curtain moves and out steps Van Dam in his singlet, a focused look on his face.
Fecca, "Looks like having Four globally recognized main event wrestlers banded together isn’t enough… They’ve gone and got security. Isn’t that just brave of them." Busch, "David Van Dam’s one of the deadliest competitors in the game… He’s a throw back to the days of old as he’s a trained hooker… Or, in non-wrestling lingo, He’s a guy who’s trained in how to hit or squeeze on just the right spot to break bones or tear ligaments or, even in some cases, cripple somebody. And to be fair, no one else in the Clique is exactly incapable when it’s time to throw down… I don’t understand for the life of me why any of them, but David most especially, would require a fleet of security as lead by a seven foot tall, three hundred pound goliath."
Styles, "What?! These guys are the biggest deals in Professional Wrestling Today! The fans can’t stand that they know what’s best for this company and the direction of this Industry… Ya got Xavier Homicide coming out, walking through the agents in the back and shooting his mouth off… Wrestlers like Hope Rivers just popping out of no where to insert themselves in Clique business… If ANYBODY needs security, It’s the Clique! I mean it’s the same reason prize fighters get security… They’re good enough to beat down these idiots but, they can’t be watching from all sides and sooner or later a numbers game would get to em. If we could trust guys like Xavier and the type of people who support Xavier to be on the up and up maybe this security wouldn’t be necessary." Fecca, "Are you kidding me right now? Xavier and the type of people who support Xavier?! I support Xavier and let me tell ya, I’m not the type of guy anyone has to worry about coming from the side or behind! It’s guys like your precious "Clique" who do that crap! They’re a bunch of cowards and politicians and every day they’re in this company… The Company I have given too for FIVE years and have LOVED for FIVE years… They kill a little more of that very thing I love.. They kill a little more of PWT."
By now David is climbing the stairs as the rest of the security team begins surrounding the ring. Evidently Busch and Styles are big fans of this whole being employed gimmick they’ve got because they’ve opted to leave Fecca and his comments alone. Van Dam walks the canvas slowly, with a methodical look in his eyes… He slowly bends down holding the middle rope before he enters between the ropes. Every step… Every movement so deliberate and thought out. Suddenly Nosferatu feels a shot come across the back… he stumbles forward and then turns as a member of the Clique security drops down to the floor. Richards begins to admonish the security team when David runs in from behind, grabs a fist full of Nos’s waist band and his neck and WHAM! He drives him shoulder first into the steel post… Richards now spins around and starts yelling at Van Dam, who in exchange yells back, "Shut Up and Start the match Jim!" Richards reluctantly does indeed start the match as Van Dam grabs Nosferatu by the waistline and neck again, Yanks him out from between the ropes, runs him around in a circle getting a bunch of momentum and WHAM! He drives him shoulder first right back into the corner post as the crowd is booing emphatically.
Busch, "A Controversial start and now Van Dam just using his adversaries shoulder as a…a… a battering ram against that steel post. There’s no telling what kind of damage is being had by Nosferatu right now."
Nosferatu pushes himself out of the ropes, wrapping up his shoulder as he cringes from the pain… David Suddenly comes in and snatches a modified hammer lock with his left arm while cradling the chin in his elbow… He then leaps up giving the leg scissors and making Nosferatu fall forward on his forehead and legs as David’s on his back, legs wrapped around the body, arm and neck interlocked in the crossface chickenwing.
Busch, "Faded Glory and after two intense shots into the pole and Nosferatu’s almost got no choice, there’s just no telling what kind of damage his shoulder and rotator cuff have suffered and now to… Well wait… He’s got the rope."
Despite screams of pain Nosferatu just wasn’t giving it up as he reached out with his free arm and wrapped up the rope. Richards gets down and demands the break… Quickly realizing Van Dam has no intention of offering a clean break he begins the count …………One………Two………Three…….Four… Come On David! Break the hold! Damn it David………………… Five!
Richards jumps up calling for the bell as Van Dam is intensely rocking back and forth, offering more and more tork on the Chicken wing.
Sabrina, "Here is your winner, Via Disqualification… Nosferatu."
Busch, "Van Dam just blatantly ignored the five count… He’s got Nosferatu in that chickenwing and he’s… He could be causing serious and possibly permanent damage! Come on David… Let the kid go!" Fecca, "Well ya see, that’d require some class and while these Clique jerks may have all the money and cars and women -Or men, respectively to our Louie Vuitton lain champion- but the one thing that not a single one of them has… Could probably never even aspire to have… Is Class."
Nosferatu’s right arm (the free one) begins to lose grip of the rope and as he does, Van Dam rolls till he’s in the middle of the ring with his adversary, both guys on their side, the Crossface Chickenwing still well in place. Suddenly the curtain flies to the side and out from behind it darts Kim Pain with a steel chair in hand.
The crowd is going wild as Busch Says, "There’s Kim Pain with the steel chair but… I… I don’t know. As good as she is, even armed with a steel chair the numbers game is seriously stacked against her…"
She darts down the ramp as members of security are in their "Go time" stances…Kim goes to take a wild swing at the first member of security she comes across when WHAAAAAAAAM…
Crowd: Gassssssssp
As Kim goes to wrap a guy with a chair, Regret comes out of no where and upper cuts the chair so hard that it goes flying about ten feet behind her with a massive fist indentation. Even Kim seems slightly taken back.
David, "Kimmmmmmmmmmy… Oh Kimmmmmmmmmmmy."
We switch from the ringside roam cam to the hard cam that has a good shot of Pain on the bottom of the ramp, Regret in front of her and the rest of the security surrounding the ring behind him… And of course David in the ring with Nos in the Chickenwing as a member of the security team is down on a knee, holding a mic to David’s face for him.
David, "Two weeks ago you proclaimed that I didn’t "Merit" a title shot… That my "credentials" were "out dated"… Well Kimmy, how are my "Credentials" lookin right now? I think your Ann Rice inspired boy toy here would recommend my "Credentials" are pretty damn up to date. So, Here’s the deal… I’ve got something you want and you’ve got something I want. I believe that constitutes a bartering situation. So, as an ’ business man, allow me to propose a little bit of a trade. You give me my Revolution title match… On my terms… I want the match and I want it in the house that Van Dam built… The House the Clique built… The Angel Arena - Which for the record, Backyard Angel croaking doesn’t amount to squat next to some of the blood, sweat and tears I’ve dropped in that place… It should damn well be renamed The David Van Dam Coliseum, But that’s neither here nor there… You give me the Revolution title match when we head back to Grand Rapids for Pay Per View on June Twenty Seventh. You do that and I in turn will give you what you want… Blade The Pale Edition in a fairly physically capable -although certainly quite sore- fashion. Or there’s option B where I decide to change the way I’m position right now by about a quarter inch and permanently disable his arm.. Then, I’m moving to the neck. Your call Kim… Think it over… But uh, I’d do it quickly… I keep this move on much longer and the ligaments I currently have straining desperately to stay in one piece are bound to surrender defeat and start tearing like and shredding, So think quickly…"
Kim evidently didn’t have to weight the decision very long as she yells, "ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! I’LL GIVE YOU THE MATCH! JUST LET HIM GO!"
The crowd is booing emphatically as Busch says somewhat disgustedly, "Well David just… He just strong armed his way into a Revolution title match."
David releases Nosferatu who instantly rolls over to his chest, cradling his arm and burying his forehead in the mat. David pushes himself up to his feet, fixes his singlet straps and says, "See… If you’d of just said that to begin with this whole thing could have been avoided."
David heads for the ropes as his security guy sends the mic he was holding for David back to the ringside floor. David exit’s the ring and he and his mountain of security begin exiting as Pain slides into the ring and starts checking on Nosferatu. She’s yelling to the back for the trainer as David walks in the middle of his security cloud, never looking back.
Busch, "Sickening… Absolutely sickening display by David Van Dam." Fecca, "Everything about the Clique is sickening." Busch, "Well folks, As the trainer comes down to check on Nosferatu from one sickening assault, There’s two more that are gonna have the aftermath play out here tonight as…"

The crowd goes wild when the Rockstar graphic hits as Busch continues, "Rockstar Kevin Kasey will be with us later tonight with a huge announcement coming after the massive assault he suffered at the hands of the Heritage Jimmy Stryker and NovaCaine two weeks ago… That’ll be a little later on in the program but, When we return……"

The crowd cheers again as Busch says, "For the first time since the Fireball incident that took Whisper’s site, We’re gonna see the confrontation between Nevyrmorr and the Diva of Destruction Whisper, LIVE On The Wetdown with Leaky Format……. And Folks, That’s Next."
*Commercial Break* |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave May 29th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 5:05 PMCopy HTML
The show returns with Run DMC already playing in the background...The Leakster is seen strutting to the ring getting that rain of boos. As Leaky climbs up onto the ring apron he produces a microphone from his suit coat pocket.
"Welcome, Welcome...It tis I, your host with the most, the man so cool Buffalo issued a freeze warning when I came to town....The one...The only...The Wet....Leaky Formattttttttttt!!!"
As Leaky goes through his speel the Buffalo crowd only gets louder.
"and this the most entertaining show in PWT's history....The Wetdown"
Leaky's music fades as the Wet One struts around the ring.
" Let me start of my show tonight by saying, that Matlock I haven't forgotten about you. Now for all of my adoring Leaksters big and small at home, you will not be seeing the Backyard Champion on television tonight. See Matlock is such a disgrace to this company that they are hoping by not showing that toothless wonder on television, you all will forget about him, but leave it to your Ruler of rulers to get you some footage of Matlock's appearance tonight in a dark match before the show came on the air...Roll that footage"
Footage on the big screen rolls of Matlock losing to the returning Georgia James earlier in the night courtesy of the moonsault, as the footage ends Leaky is leaning against the turnbuckle laughing.
"Can you believe that? Is that man any kind of champion? The answer to both of those questions is no, for you slow witted buffoons. All I got to say is when the one and only Leaky Format is your new Backyard Champion, I won't be losing to any woman, especially an Ellie May looking redneck one"
The crowds boos pick up for Leaky, who is oblivious to them as he cares only about one person's opinion of himself...His own.
Busch" Leaky Format is quite a piece of work, each time you think you know what this guy is going to do he takes it one step higher"
Fecca" Someday that mouth is going to get him what he deserves"
Styles" Yeah it will...A title shot"
"Now with that shameful display out of the way, it is time for some serious Wetdown magic. It was just a month or so ago that my first guest did what was apparently unthinkable when he set the legendary diva Whisper's face on fire like a Roman Candle on the fourth of July. Please welcome to the Wetdown, the pasty purveyor of pain...Nevyrmorr!!"
"Iowa" by Slipknot begins to play with the fans coming to their feet to blast this man with their hatred. If the boos Leaky were getting were like a thunderstorm, the reaction for Nev is an F-5 Tornado. All eyes are locked on the stage entrance, with only a few noticing the man in black moving through the crowd and coming over the security railing just a few feet from the announce table. He slithers into the ring like a snake through the grass and comes up to his feet behind Leaky. The majority of the crowd now sees Nev only bringing their disdain up a level. Nev stands directly behind Leaky now tilting his head to one side, then the other sizing up the Wet One. Slowly the music fades with Leaky shaking his head.
" I guess the playa just doesn't want his moment next to greatness"
Leaky turns nearly jumping out of his white patent leather loafers at Nev right behind him.
"Hold up Pimp....Don't be sneaking up on a brother, I almost had to go all Jackie Chan on you"
Nev smiles showing off that mouth full of pearly whites. Leaky takes a step away from Nev to adjust his suit coat.
" Well I think you have made it pretty clear Nevrymorr that you aren't all that sorry for what happened to Whisper at your hands. Now she has made it pretty clear she has something she wants to say to you face to face, so since this isn't Halloween and I don't got any candy to give you. Without further adieu lets bring the Diva of Destruction on out here"
It isn't Whisper's music that hits though as "Born with nothing, Die with everything" by Papa Roach blasts over the sound system in the arena. That speckling of Matlock fans in the audience or those fans that have had one to many drinks cheer as out onto the stage comes Matlock carrying his trusty Monkey Wrench. Leaky looks in his direction looking slightly concerned now.
"What are you doing out here? The broken toilet is in the back"
Matlock storms towards the ring with a blood lust in his eyes. It doesn't take Leaky long to figure out he might be in a wee bit of trouble here. As Matlock comes into the ring Leaky goes out the other side. Matlock follows right behind him and the chase is on. Leaky runs around the ring as fast as his feet will carry him and darts up the ramp. Matlock is in hot pursuit as Leaky runs through the curtain...Matlock makes it to the curtain parting it when WHAM!!! A two by four comes through the curtain hitting Matlock right across the chest. Matlock crumbles to the stage grabbing his chest as the chairman or rather chairwoman of said board steps out onto the stage to a solid fan reaction. Georgia James looks down at Matlock smiling. Slowly the Lone Wolf Canuck crawls through the curtain with Georgia right behind him.
Busch" What the hell, Georgia James just laid out Matlock with a board and Leaky is probably still running"
Fecca" It would seem that there is more then just one person with their eyes set on that Backyard Championship"
Styles" Damn it, just when the Wetdown was about to get good we have so many uninvited guests"
Nev, who is still standing in the ring and has been taking in all of the antics around with him a half hearted smirk, chuckles and reaches down picking up the microphone from where Leaky dropped it when he was running for his life.
"Well without a host it would appear that the show is over. Its been great folks, ya know for you all since you got to see me, but for me, Ehhh not so much....But I'm getting paid either way. "
Nev turns to leave the ring when his exit is interrupted with a little "Angels Holocaust" by Iced Earth. Nev stops dead in his tracks as the fans give up a standing ovation. Whisper steps through the curtain looking much different then the last time the fans had gotten to see her live. She is dressed in her street clothes with her raven hair pulled back from her face in a loose tieback. She is sporting a pair of dark sunglasses and is holding the customary white cane to help her with guidance. Referee Frank Mason is with her and seems to be playing the role of seeing eye dog as Whisper starts towards the ring.
Busch" I guess Nevyrmorr spoke a little to soon. Here comes Whisper to the ring with a mission in mind I'm sure"
Fecca" I just hope it doesn't turn out to be a suicide mission"
Frank says something to Whisper, that clearly seems to be about the standing ovation as Whisper pauses in the middle of the ramp to wave to the crowd which only seems to stir them on to cheer louder. Frank helps Whisper up onto the ring apron and through the ropes with Nev taking a step back seemingly very amused by Whisper's entrance. The music fades with Nevyrmorr and Whisper now standing just a few feet apart for the first time since Nev burned her.
Nev smirks bringing the mic up to his lips. " So nice of you to make it Whisper. I thought perhaps you might be lost, since the street signs aren't in braile around here"
Whisper smiles reaching into the back pocket of her jeans and bringing out a microphone of her own. She brings it up to her lips very slowly and speaks.
" You are a real funny man Nevrywas,but the time for jokes is over"
Nev chuckles " Oh just one last one....Nice glasses, I didn't know Stevie Wonder sold them"
The fans hatred for Nev and his cocky attitude just spills over with the boos. Whisper continues to smile, her expression un-flinching.
" You know what Nev, you're scum. You can come out here and crack all of the jokes that you want, but what you did to me wasn't the act of a wrestler. It was the act of a coward, a man and I use the term loosely that has never amounted to anything in this sport. When I was winning titles and earning my spot in a sport dominated by men, you were at home trying to decide which shade of Mommy's eye shadow to put on"
Nev's smile fades " You shut the hell up"
Whisper laughes " Did I hit a nerve Nev? Good, because if I could see you right now, I would be doing more then hitting nerves. Come a little closer Nev, surely a man with all your so called powers isn't scared of a blind girl, is he?"
Nev's smile returns " Oh no Whispy, I'm afraid we aren't playing by your rules. Thee who can see makes the rules and that is all me"
Nev slowly circles Whisper sizing her up. He steps behind her reaching out and grabbing her ass momentairly..." Ohhh much firmer then I expected for a lady of your age"
Whisper spins quickly taking a swing but Nev has already moved out of the way. Coming in behind her from the other side, he gets right up next to her ear. " This is my world bitch...I can take you out anytime I want"
Whisper again spins swinging wildly, but Nev skirts out of the way.
Busch" God this is just almost painful to watch. She can't see him and Nev is just sadistically toying with her"
Fecca" I had a feeling this was going to be a bad idea on Whisper's part. We need some security out here to stop this."
"Did you really think you could come out here and just tell me what's what? You are a blind old hasbeen and I did the wrestling world a favor by taking you out of it permanently"
Nev steps over behind Frank Mason suddenly shoving him towards Whisper... Whisper almost nails Mason, but he is screaming bloody murder to keep from getting hit. Whisper moves Mason behind her backing up into the corner and gesturing for Nev to come get her.
"Come get me you bastard!!! Or maybe you are just to afraid of coming head on with a woman...Did Mommy beat you Nev when she caught you wearing her make up and dreaming of being a real girl?"
Nev charges at Whisper, allowing his anger to get the better of him " SHUT UP YOU BITCH!!"
Nev played right into Whisper's trap as he swings for Whisper, she is able to get her hands on him going low and driving a stiff left hook right to the meat of his mid-section. Nev doubles over in pain with Whisper grabbing a hold of his head into a DDT position sending the crowd off the chain with cheers.
Busch" Like a wiley veteran, Whisper baited him right in"
Styles" Poor Nevyrmorr, he is never going to be able to live down getting beat up by a blind girl to the other freaks"
Before Whisper can plant him with the DDT, Nev shoves away getting the separation between himself and Whisper causing her to lose her bearings for him. Nev crouchs like a lion in the tall grass waiting to pounce on the unsuspecting Gazelle. Whisper swings several times hoping to catch Nev with a last ditched effort haymaker, but instead she walks right into the Raven's Claw(Sambo Suplex) driving Whisper hard into the mat with huge thud.
Busch" Damn him!! This Nevyrmorr has turned into such a low life."
Styles"Even I can't codone these actions"
Nev slips up onto his feet laughing . "I guess our little game of Hide and No See is over with"
The boos pick in intensity as Nev stares down at a prone Whisper.
"Victims; Aren't we all"
Frank Mason steps in trying to get Nev to stop only to find himself tossed uncerimoniously to the floor. Nev appears as if he is about to put the boots to Whisper with many fans about to jump the railing and take matters into their own hands when suddenly a pop from the audience comes as Whisper's youngest student Jazzy appears from the back with steel chair in hand. She slides into the ring with Nev sliding out still flashing that cocky grin. Jazzy throws the chair at Nev as he starts up the ramp but just narrowly misses him.
Busch" That is Whisper's trainee Jazzy, she has been staying very close to Whisper during her time of need and thank god she came out here before Nevyrmorr would do anymore damage"
Fecca" I get a feeling that this is far from over between Whisper and Nevyrmorr though"
Styles" It better be over if Whisper knows what's good for her. Look I feel sorry for what happened to Whisper and it should never have happened, but you can't keep trying to grab the viper by the tail and not expect to eventually get bitten. Whisper needs to just go home and concentrate on getting better"
Busch" Folks we will be right back with former Femme Fatale Champion Teresa Ramos in action against Morgan Venom"
Fecca" Plus still to come is Kevin Kasey's big announcement...Is this truly the last time we will see the Rockstar?"
Busch"We will be right back"
The show goes to commercial with a final shot of crew members in the ring checking on Whisper and Nev retreating through the curtain still laughing like a Hyena.
Commercial break |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave May 29th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 5:06 PMCopy HTML
As cameras went to ringside for the next match, Sabrina was standing in the middle of the ring prepared to make the next introductions.
Sabrina, "The following contest is scheduled for one fall ...."
Just then "Smooth" by Rob Thomas hits and boos instantly fill the arena as Teresa came out onto the entrance ramp in her wrestling attire, strutting about.
Sabrina, "On her way to the ring first, from El Paso Texas, Teresa Ramos!"
She stopped at the top of the ramp and posed with a broad, triumphant smile on her face before making her way dead center down the middle of the aisle. Teresa walked across the ring apron, scraping her feet on it in an arrogant way before slipping one of her long legs through into the ring below the top rope, blowing a mocking kiss into the camera before entering the ring completely. Teresa walks into the center of the ring, posing again as camera flashes go off before she walks to her respective side of the ring, waiting with her hands on her hips as she looks towards the entrance ramp waiting for her opponent with a slight smirk.
Busch, "Well Teresa seems to be in better spirits than the last time we saw here."
Styles, "That's because she disposed of Leigha like she was nothing, and she's about to do the same to another commoner in just a few moments."
Fecca, "I wouldn't go that far just yet. Morgan Vemon is no pushover."
Styles, "She will be tonight."
Busch, "At least let her get in the ring before you make any predictions like that."
There was a mixed reaction from the crowd was "Scream" by Avenged Sevenfold came over the PA and out walked Morgan Venom.
Fecca, "Well folks, let's take ya back and show ya how this match came to be...."
As Morgan headed down the aisle towards the ring, Sabrina was heard once again, "And her opponent, on her way to the ring from Mesa Arizona, Morgan Venom!"
As Morgan heads down We show the footage of Teresa Ramos celebrating her victory over Leigha Homicide two weeks ago when Morgan Venom comes out of no where with the assault.
Busch, "Isn’t that… that’s Morgan Venom…. She just had a match out here a lil while ago but…"
Morgan grabs two fist fulls of Teresa’s hair yanking her out to the middle of the ring as she clutches at Morgan’s hands, trying to pull them away…
Morgan Twists, grabs Teresa’s head like she wants the stunner… Runs forward, darts up the turnbuckles and then flips backward and drops the back of Teresa’s head against the mat with Jimmy Jacob’s Contra Code.
Busch, "Oh! What a maneuver!"
Morgan leaps up, darts to the ropes and leaps up onto the bottom rope, holding the top rope with her left hand as she does the championship taunt toward the back with her right…
The reply concludes and when it does Morgan is entering only to be instantly attacked by Teresa Ramos
Busch, "Teresa not wasting any time here."
Teresa then bent down and yanked Morgan to her feet. Teresa then grabbed a hold of her arm and whipped Venom across the ring. As Morgan came off the ropes on the other side, Teresa nailed her with a front dropkick to the face, sending Morgan falling to mat on her back. Teresa quickly made her way up to her feet and ran into the ropes. She jumped up on the second rope and flipped over with a lionsault. After she connected on top of Morgan, Teresa hooked her leg but Sharpe only got a two before Venom kicked out.
Fecca, "Teresa looking for a quick win right there but didn't get it."
Styles, "Morgan would have been wiser to stay down."
Teresa was up on her feet first and grabbed a handful of Morgan's hair to pull her up by. As Teresa had Morgan upright, she still had a hold of Morgan's hair when Venom gouged her in the eye with her thumb. This caused Teresa to release her grip on Morgan's hair to hold her own face as she staggered back a step. That's when Morgan grabbed Teresa arm and irish whipped her into the corner with authority. As she connected with the turnbuckles, Morgan followed her in with a Stinger's Splash. A moment later, as Teresa stepped out of the corner, Morgan planted her to the mat with a facebuster before making a cover. Sharpe was only able to about 2 1/2 before Teresa kicked out. But since Teresa was still looking a little dazed Morgan went to the outside.
Busch, "A high risk manuever coming up..."
However once Morgan was perched up on the top turnbuckle, Teresa got right up and moved into the corner, only to kick Morgan in the ribs.
Fecca, "Teresa playing a little possum to stop Morgan in her tracks."
Styles, "Great huh?"
Morgan lost her balance and ended up straddling the top turnbuckle before Teresa took her from the top with a hurricaranna. As both women scrambled up to their feet, Morgan came at Teresa with a clothesline. Teresa ducked underneath however and ran into the ropes. As Morgan turned around, she was taken down by a Lou Thesz Press. Teresa then delivered several right hands to Morgan before being pulled off and reprimanded by Sharpe. But Teresa didn't seem to care as she pushed her way right passed him.
Busch, "Teresa better be careful before she finds herself Disqualified."
Styles, "She's too smart for that."
As Teresa went to pick Morgan off the mat again, Morgan reached up and grabbed Teresa's head. She then flipped her over and Teresa went falling to the ropes to the outside. She landed hard on the floor. This gave Morgan some time to regroup. Sharpe was up to a five count before Teresa started to move. As she slowly got up to her feet, Morgan came flying through the ropes with a suicide drive.
Fecca, "OH MY! WHAT A MOVE!"
Morgan lands on top of Teresa and both women hit the floor, Teresa's head catches the barricade.
Busch, "Morgan pulling out all the stops to pick up the victory here."
Sharpe begins another count but before he can make the ten, Morgan gets up and tosses Teresa back into the ring. Teresa is staggering up to her feet as Morgan gets in the ring too. Morgan then grabs ahold of Teresa and sets her up for a Reverse STO.
Fecca, "It looks like we're about to see 'Broken Aces'..."
But before Morgan can plant Teresa face first in the mat, Teresa delivers an elbow to the side of Morgan's head.
Styles, "...NO WE'RE NOT! Teresa not allowing it to happen!"
This sends Morgan reeling a bit and Teresa gives her another shot to break the hold completely. As Morgan staggers on her feet, Teresa kicks her in the midsection, making her double forward. Teresa then picks Morgan up into a fireman's carry on her shoulders. Teresa then throws Morgan off and kicks her in the head. As Morgan is laid out on the mat more or less completely out of it, Teresa goes over into the corner and starts climbing the turnbuckles. Once she is perched on the top, she comes off with her diving moonsault. Once she connects, Teresa hooks Morgan's leg as the ref counts to three.
Busch, "Teresa uses 'The Hot Shot' to pick up another win here on Shockwave."
Styles, "Told you she'd win!"
Fecca, "Teresa definitely working her way back towards another shot at the Femme Fatale Championship. It seems like it's only a matter of time now."
"Smooth" by Rob Thomas begins to play as Teresa gets to her feet. Teresa has a smirk on her face as Sharpe raises her hand in victory. Fans can be heard booing as Sabrina says, "And the winner of the match..TERRESSSSSSAAAAAA RAAAAAMOSSSSS!"
Teresa reaches out demanding a microphone as her music begins to fade.
Teresa, "Now That's it! Who's left for me to beat? NOBODY! I've beaten everyone there is to beat and now I've worked back to the head of the line... Now, I DEMAND My shot at MY Belt!"
That slow dark beginning of "Beautiful Disgrace" by Orgy suddenly begins... Suddenly the guitar breaks in and the curtain moves with Tani Lyons stepping out to a big ovation.
Busch, "Well bah Golly Eddie, look who's back... It's former ICWA Women's Champion Tani Lyons!"
Teresa has a "WTF" look on her face as Tani stands up there on the stage with a microphone in hand. The music begins to slowly cut out.
Tani takes a deep breath, "Wow... It feels good to be back."
The crowd cheers as Tani kinda chuckles, probably thinking it's funny to be cheered after so many years of being the chick everybody wanted to tar and feather. Tani continues, "Now you claim you've beat everybody Teresa but, the fact is, You haven't beaten anybody till you've beat me. I'm one of the best there's ever been and I intend on proving it by recapturing my crown atop the Femme Fatale division right here in PWT."
The crowd cheers as Teresa seems annoyed.
Tani, "However, I'm as much about fighting it out and proving your superiority in the ring as anybody so... You want a shot? I want a shot? Brooks wants a contender... LIVE in two weeks right down there in that very ring It's you... It's me... And by the time it's said and done somebody's gonna be heading for Hope Rivers and the Femme Fatale title!"
The crowd cheers as "Beautiful Disgrace" restrikes.
Busch, "How about that... Tani Lyons is back and in action two weeks from tonight and we're gonna get a contender for the Femme Fatale Title!" Styles, "Two spicey latinas going at it at the same time?! I can't wait!" Busch, "Well folks, We’ve told ya all night it was coming and now… When we return…"

The crowd goes ballistic as Busch says, "Kevin Kasey addresses his home town and makes his huge announcement… NEXT!"
*Commercial Break*
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave May 29th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 5:07 PMCopy HTML
As the show returns from commercial "Sweet child O' mine" by Guns and Roses plays over the sound system bringing that Buffalo crowd off their seats in an instaneous cheer.
Busch" Here he comes folks just two weeks removed from that violent attack by The Heritage, The Rockstar is keeping true to his promise. No one can kill The Rockstar"
Kasey steps through the curtain, with the cheers picking up at his appearance. Kasey's head his heavily bandaged as well as his ribcage.
Fecca" Some would say that Kevin Kasey has a death wish to be here in Buffalo this week. The Rockstar is a man that doesn't back down from anyone to be sure, but The Heritage doesn't care if he backs down or not. Those two thugs think of only hurting someone and Kasey seems to be their prime target right now, but still there is a huge mystery around Kasey's big announcement. Is the rumors true? Is the Rockstar coming here tonight to announce his retirement?"
Kasey heads towards the ring clearly moving a little more gingerly then he normally would as it is pretty obvious his injuries from the Pittsburgh show were a little more serious then originally thought. Kasey still takes the time to lean out and slap hands with a few of his adoring fans. He even pauses long enough to hug a young girl that has tears running down her face either from the excitement of seeing Kasey in person or seeing the condition he is in. Kasey exchanges a few words with the girl that can't be heard above the loud and proud Rock-a-holics before continuing on to the ring.
Styles" Hey I will agree Kevin Kasey is a legend in sport,but the reason you are a legend is because you are old. I think Rockstar's old age is starting to effect his rational thinking. It isn't a deathwish to mess with The Heritage, it is a fatality waiting to happen. If the man has any brain cells left that aren't bordering on a coma, he should do the right thing and quit right now"
Sabrina's voice cuts through Axel Rose's voice and the ovation
Sabrina" Coming to the ring at this time....The Rockstar....Kevinnnnnnnnn Kaseyyyyyy!!!"
The fans standing ovation for Kevin Kasey amazingly seems to get even louder bordering on deafening with the mere mention of his name. Kasey slowly climbs the ring steps and very easily moves between the ropes into the ring, his face showing some signs of some extreme pain.
Busch" In all of my years watching Kevin Kasey, I don't remember seeing him look this bad. "
Fecca" To be fair though, Kasey never got the kind of beating he received from The Heritage before either. "
Kasey smiles taking the mic from Sabrina. she reaches out rubbing Kasey's shoulder in a friendly little gesture. Sabrina shakes her had slowly side to side with her face lowering to her feet as she retreats out to the floor showing that there is more then just the fans worried about Kasey.
"Cut the music please"
Kasey's tone seems to have lowered far below that jacked up rocker the fans has come to love. Kasey turns slowly looking up at the fans that are still on their feet cheering him, he smiles nodding his head.
"Thank you....Thank you very much. "
The cheers start to fade with people getting curious to what Kasey has to say.
" Tonight I'm coming out here as Kevin Kasey the man, and not The Rockstar"
"WE LOVE YOU ROCKSTAR!!" Someone screams from the audience.
Kasey smiles " I love you you to darlin'. I love you all and to have to come out here to say this , is perhaps the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life. I'm sure everyone saw by now what happened to me two weeks ago at the hands of The Heritage"
The boos kick up from the fans.
" Yeah, I feel the same way folks. However after that attack, my doctor told me that it simply was no longer safe for me to be in the ring anymore"
Those boos get louder as the fans realize where this speech is going.
" I know folks and I don't want it to be that way either. But the old doctor has made it pretty clear to me that my brain just can't take to many more shake,rattle and rolls and still leave me with the ability to walk, talk and even breath on my own. Coming to PWT has been like my second childhood and I have never been so honored to compete in front of all of you great fans and fans just like you. The music will never die people and as long as you are Rock-a-holics at heart...Neither will I. But now the ole Rockstar has to say goodb...."
Kasey is cut off mid-sentence by "Alcohaulin' Ass" signaling to the fans it was time to share some hate as The Heritage were on their way to the ring. Through the curtain NovaCaine and Stryker step with the fans continuing to share their dislike.
Busch" Folks I'm speechless...It would appear that the rumors were true and that Kevin Kasey was about to announce his retirement when these two thugs showed up. They have no reason out here,let this great man leave with some respect"
Fecca" Like buzzards circling Burt and I'm afraid they might smell blood in the air"
Styles" Oh you two are so over-dramatic. Maybe they are just coming out here to wish Kevin Kasey a fond farewell and good luck with getting that social security check"
Stryker pulls the Tag Team title from his waist holding it up to the fans for a little gloating taunt...Nova smirks tapping the title around his waist and nodding. The Heritage methodically stalk to the ring with Stryker pausing to jaw at some of the more vocal fans while Nova's eyes stay locked on Kasey in a very unsettling stare. The Heritage enter the ring from opposite sides coming together with that stare down at Kasey as the music slowly fades leaving just the boos behind. Kasey looks at Nova and then at Stryker before dropping the microphone to the mat and limping back towards the ropes to leave the ring.
Nova smirks reaching down and picking up the mic. "So the Rockstar is just to broken up to continue on. "
Kasey gingerly steps through the ropes out onto the ring apron and towards the steps. He looks back towards The Heritage momentarily,but continues his slow exit.
" Well that's all nice in theory Rockstar, but as good as it is to watch the pride in you just get ripped to shreds by you running away...I'm afraid retreat no longer became an option the minute you stuck your nose in our business"
Kasey climbs down off the steps with the fans getting damn near riotous at Nova's goading demeanor towards their beloved Rockstar.
Busch" There is just no call for this. I'm sick to see these two men allowed to just belittle such a great man and legend as The Rockstar."
Styles" He brought this all upon himself, he should have stayed out of The Heritage's business"
Busch" That is a matter of opinion and in my book Kevin Kasey was just helping out his friends from getting the same treatment he did"
Kasey limps up the ramp with Nova walking over to the ropes laying his forearms across them and staring after Kasey.
"But you see Kasey, I suspected after that beating you took two weeks ago that you would get yellow and run....or well...limp away instead of taking your lesson like a man. "
Kasey pauses on the middle of the rampway turning to look at Nova, his eyes staring a hole right through the cancerous one as it appears he finally hit a nerve with that yellow comment.
" So since I thought you might just get the idea to run away, I brought an old friend of mine and yours to watch the door."
Kasey turns to see Javen stepping out onto the stage with a steel chair in hand. Javen smiles like the cat, who just found a very slow mouse. Kasey starts backing down the ramp away from Javen, who is now stalking towards Kasey.
Busch" Son of a bitch...What the hell is it the business of Javen out here?"
Fecca" Well Kasey's return to PWT was really at the expense of Javen, and lets not forget Javen was at one time a member of the notorious Caine Clan and some would consider the right hand man of NovaCaine during that run."
Styles" I bet Kasey is starting to really regret saying he didn't need any help right about now"
Kasey backs away from Javen but unfortunately gets within the reach of JImmy Stryker, who reaches down over the ropes grabbing a handful of Kasey's hair and yanking him up onto the ring apron. Stryker drags Kasey through the ropes with one hand and slaps his big meathook around his throat setting him up for a huge chokeslam. Nova stands there smiling at the plight of Kasey with Javen rolling into the ring. Javen walks to Nova hugging his former mentor and then turning to Kasey and Stryker.
Stryker looks to Nova, who gives him a nod.
Busch" Folks, I would suggest you take your small children out of the room. This isn't going to be pretty"
Styles" Leave the room? No you make them watch this and realize that there is always consequences for your actions. You shouldn't start it, if you can't finish it. That's what I would do if I had kids"
Fecca" Thank goodness you aren't allowed to reproduce"
In the ring Stryker holds Kasey, who is shaking his head trying to plead with Javen to stop. Javen hits the end of the chair against the mat like a homerun hitter getting ready to swing for the fences. Javen winds up with nearly the entire Buffalo crowd pleading for him to stop....Then CRACCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!.
Busch" OH MY GOD!!!"
Javen whirls around and lays that chair right off the top of Nova's skull with a sickening thud that sends the Cancer down like he was shot. Stryker is stunned at Javen's action allowing Kasey to stomp down on his foot to get free with Stryker hopping on one foot. Kasey lays in a series of chops and punches rocking and reeling Jimmy leaving him open for a little taste of the chair too.... CRACCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. Javen lays the chair off the side of Stryker's head wobbling the big man.....Kasey hits the ropes seemingly moving a lot better suddenly and hits a big ole running forearm that sends Stryker down like a Redwood. He plays it up to the crowd ripping the bandages from his head and tearing away some of the bandages around his ribs.
Busch" I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but to me appears that Kevin Kasey just pulled a major ruse on The Heritage and by god Javen is out here helping The Rockstar"
Fecca" If I wasn't seeing it, I wouldn't believe it. Kasey and Javen are laying out The Heritage like I have never seen happen to either of these men"
Styles" Damn that Javen, that rotten back biting turn coat"
Busch" Well he learned from the best"
In the ring Kasey calls for the Rock n' Roll elbow drop. Kasey climbs to the top rope and poses with the already erupting crowd breaking into a fever frenzy of cheers. Before Kasey can jump though Nova manages to get back to his feet outside the ring and pull Jimmy from the ring by his foot. Nova has blood streaming down his face helping Stryker to stand as The Heritage move towards the back screaming threats at Kasey and Javen. Kasey drops down to the mat smiling with Javen winding up his chair again and gesturing for the champions to come back for some more. Kasey grabs the mic and one of the tag titles the champions left behind in their hasty exit from the ring. Nova and Stryker scream at the flood of Referees coming out to keep this situation under control to get their belts back.
Kasey puts the title over his shoulder admiring it . "Ohhhh Daddy, does this look good or what?"
The fans go nuts screaming in unision "YES"
" I think it is about time these championships play to the tune of a different band....We are about to Rock and Roll, Strut and Stroll our ways right to some gold, and the June pay per view seems like a great place for the Rockstar, The Rainbow haired warrior and all of you Rock-a-holics here and around the world...To turn the station back to some good ole...ROCK AND ROLL!!"
Kasey throws down the mic with "Sweet child O' mine" kicking back up. Javen and Kasey shake hands hugging with the fans reacting like it is the first meeting of the super powers.
Busch" Kasey and Javen have just thrown down the gauntlet.....The Heritage look like they are in some serious trouble in my eyes"
Styles" Well open those eyes a little wider Magoo, because all I see is two very pissed off world champions, who are going to coming for some payback"
Fecca" Folks we will be right back with Kaydence Starr's biggest challenge to date. She goes head to head with Christian Michaels next with her future in inter-gender wrestling hanging in the balance..Stay tuned"
The show goes to commercial with Kasey and Javen celebrating in the ring while Strkyer and a bloody face Nova scream at them from the stage.
Commercial break. |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave May 29th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 5:08 PMCopy HTML
When we return we see the lil Wal Mart smiley bouncing around rollin back prices as we see a moving graphic up top that says "The Wal Mart Roll Back"
We show clips of the promo between Kaydence and WallStreet that set up CM Vs WallStreet.
"Wal Mart… Always Rolling back the prices so you can save on your every day needs… Save Money. Live Better. Wal Mart."

We're back at ringside here in Buffalo, New York where Shockwave keeps on rolling. The fans are gettin a bit restless for some more of the best wrestling in teh world today. Not gonna be a long wiat as Sabrina has the mic in the ring.
Sabrina: Our next match is scheduled for ONE FALL!.....And is an Inter-gender affair! The stipulations are that if Kaydence Starr can defeat Christian Michaels then she earns a "shot" at the inter-gender division...
The fans cheer for the thought of kaydence getting to follow in the footsteps of Georgia James and Kim Pain.
Sabrina: However if Michaels wins then Kaydence will return to the Femme Fatale division...
Loud boos are heard from the crowd now. Sabrina prolly agrees with the fans but she's a professional here and shows no favor either way.
Sabrina: Introducing first.....He weighs in tonight at two-hundred and forty pounds! Hailing from Memphis, Tennessee....He is the Southern Heartthrob, CHRISTIAN MIIIIICHAELS!!!
The crowd boos loudly as "What Chu Lookin At" by Uncle Kracker hits over the speakers. CM's video playing over the tron as the music plays. There's an explosion of pyros on teh stage and when the smoke begins to clear there he stands, The Southern Heartthrob! CM with his arms outstretched as the fans boo even more seeing their former hero.
Double B: Its still strange to hear that kind of reaction for that man. However be that as it may folks, Christian Michaels returns to action tonight after having last Shockwave off thanks to his buddy. He's got quite a firecracker on his hands tonight though. Michaels better have came prepared to go.
Styles: Aw come on now Busch, surely you don't think Kaydence stands a chance against a former four-time PWT World's Heavyweight champion do ya?
Fecca: I don't know about Burt but I sure as hell do. Kaydence Starr is as talented as they come in the ring. No doubt its going to be a hard fought match. However I think Kaydence can pull off the victory.
Styles: That's fine an good Bobbsie. The questions become sthough: Do you think she *will*?
Fecca: Yes. I do.
Finally CM turns around and looks out into the sea of fans. He hears their boos, sees them waving signs that are less than flattering. The Heartthrob walking in the direct center of the rampway now to avoid contact with hands stretched out to touch a real live wrestler.
Double B: I tell ya guys a major factor is going to be how seriously Christian believes Kaydence can beat him. If he overlooks her then the former champion is going to be in trouble early. But if he's focused on this match then its not going to look good for the young Ms Starr.
Michaels dares a couple of fans at ringside to come get a piece before heading up the steps. He steps in between the top an middle ropes. CM feigns that he's going to ascend the corner but instead waves it off. He leans in the corner instead waiting for his opponent.
Sabrina: And his opponent!...
Immediately the boos die and cheers replace them. "I'ma Star" by Jeremiah hits up over the speakers now. The fans are cheering as Kaydence walks out on the stage. She looks out at the fans cheering her on and then at the ring at CM. Kaydence shakes her head and starts down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans.
Sabrina: Making her way to the ring, hailing from Chicago!...KAYDENCE....STARRRR!
After reaching the bottom of the ramp, Kaydence put’s a foot on the outside of the ring and jumps up doing the Melina split entrance on the outside ring canvas and slidding herself under the ropes as the crowd goes wild.
Styles: We so need a better shot of her entrance!
Kaydence pulls herself up and jumps up on the second rope. She finally hops down as the music fades. Now she looks across the ring at CM. Kaydence looks ready ta get things underway as sabrina exits the ring. Mitch Roberts calls for the bell and here we go. CM comes out of his corner as does Kaydence. They meet in the center of the ring. Michaels laughs an shakes his head. Kaydence with a warning to take her seriously. He repsonds by pie-facing Kaydence backwards. She keeps her footing and doesn't look happy. Kaydence steps back up and she puts her hand son CM's chest, shoving him with all her strength.
Double B: Whoa-boy! That's not a wise decision young lady.
Fecca: Its not too wise of CM to take her lightly either.
Michaels stumbles back a few steps, a look of surrpise on his face. CM steps back up and he raises his right hand for a test of strength. However its too high up for Kaydence to hope to lock up with. The fans boo an she just hauls off an slaps the taste right outta CM's mouth!
Styles: Oh no! How can someone so beautiful be so stupid?
CM pushes his tongue around inside his mouth where Kaydence had slapped him. All the teeth seem to be there. A wipe of teh back of his hand over his lips reveals no blood. But still the Heartthrob is pissed and he swings wildly with a clothesline. Kaydence ducks under and behind. CM spins around and SMACK!
Kaydence fired CM up witha chop. Then SMACK!
Another lights him up more! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Several more stinging chops back Christian to the ropes. Kaydence grabs his left wrist and attempts an Irish whip. CM plants his foot, spins, an reverses Kaydence to the ropes. She hits an ocmes off to CM set-up for a backdrop. Kaydnece leaps over and hits the ropes behind CM. He spins around and Kaydence seems to go for a spear. However as her left shoulder hits CM's stomach she shoots off behind him, falling to the mata nd bringing her right arm up between CM's legs and pulling him backwards into a rollup pin.
Double B: Kaydence Starr with a spear-No! She's got Michaels rolle dup for a pin!
Styles: What?!
Fecca: Count it ref!
Mitch Roberts gets down into position as quick as he can to check the shoulders. They're down and he slaps the mat for ONE!..........TW-NO! CM pushes off his shoulders an out of the pin. He scrambles up..
Styles: Its on now.
The Heartthrob swings at Kaydence but she again slips behind him. Starr leaping up and wrappin her legs around CM's left arm an her arms around his right. She shifts her weight back bringing CM into a crucifix pin! ONE!.........TWO-NO! Yet again CM escapes the pinning combination. They both race up and Michaels with a hard kick to the mid-section!
Double B: Good gracious what a kick!
Styles: I think fun-time just ended guys.
CM grabs Kaydence an pulls her head between his legs. He looks down at her with a sneer before wrapping his arms underneath her and lifts.
Fecca: Is a powerbomb really necessary?
It is in the mind of CM. He looks to slam Kaydence back down buts he reveses and brings him down with a BIG ddt!
Fecca: Big reversal by Kaydence! Come on girl! Pin him!
Styles: Boy its a good thing you're not biased Bobbsie.
The lovely Kaydence Starr moves to her knees and attempts to roll Michaels over for a pin. She gets him onto his back and the fans are on their feet as Kaydence makes a pin. Roberts down for the count. ONE!...........TWO!.............THRE-NO! It was so so clsoe but CM shoots the left shoulder off the mat. Kaydence is on her knees looking at Roberts, asking if he's sure it wasn't three. He assures her that it was only two an about three-fourths. In the meantime CM has rolled out of the ring under the bottom rope. He threatens to backhand some fans at ringside while he gathers himself.
Double B: Kaydence with an impressive counter to the powerbomb almost picks up the victory. Our official confirms only a near-fall there. Now Michaels to the outside to think. You have to believe that this isn't how he envisioned things going.
Fecca: I'm sure he expected to walk into this match and pick up an easy victory. Its the kind of attitude he has now from being McCallister's stooge.
Styles: You're on that now? Geesh!
Michaels hears the fans start to cheer all of a sudden. he whips around and Kaydence leaps off the apron onto him, putting herself almost into powerbomb position, before following through with a head-scissors takeover. CM flips onto his back an sits up holding his lowerback. He gets up and turns back around. Kaydence waiting rocks the Southern Heartthrob with several foreamr shots. She backs CM up and before she can go for her next move he reaches out and rakes her eyes!
Fecca: Come on! Really?!
Mitch Roberts is yelling at CM to watch the cheap tactics. He pretty much ignores the ref as Kaydence, with one hand on the ring apron, wipes her eyes with the other hand. CM takes Kaydence by the wrist and whips her hard into the ringsteps! The sound of Kaydence colliding shoulder first into them is like a car wreck. The fans booing Michaels as he walks over and pulls Kaydence to her feet. He takes her by the back of the neck an shorts and sends her into the ring. CM following in after her as she rolls. stomping on the injured left shoulder. She rolls away from him to a corner. But the Southern Heartthrob is relentless now. He pulls Kaydence up in the corner and then whips her across the ring. She turns into teh corner to take the brunt of the impact to her back. It jars the hell outta Kaydence's shoulder as well hurting it more. She drops to her knees and reachs to hold the injured shoulder. CM stalks over an pulls Kaydence to her feet. he takes her arm and bends it at the elbow and then yanks the arm straight! Kaydence screams out in agony. CM repeats the process a few more times. Then he spins with the arm seemingly twisting Kaydence's arm. She screams out again and CM pulls her into a hammerlock.
Double B: Michaels has really focused on the shoulder here. He's picking it apart, applying alot of pressure now with this hammerlock.
Styles: Kaydence should just give it up now and save herself a little embarrassment.
Fecca: She'll never do that. Kaydence Starr is a fighter! She's ready to endure whatever it take sto have the right to follow in the footsteps of our other intergender stars.
The Heartthrob has the hammerlock in good on Kaydence. He's keeping enough distant behind her that she can't catch him with her other elbow. Suddenly though Kaydence bends over and reaches between her legs ta grab CM's left ankle. She pulls with all her might an Michaels hits the mat. Kaydence is thinking spinning toe hold but CM uses his right foot an kicks Kaydence in her injured shoulder. She stumbles away to the ropes. CM up quickly and spins her around. He takes the left arm of Kaydence an delivers a single-arm ddt.
Double B: You know I'd love to see Kaydence achieve her goal of wrestling in the intergender division, but she or the ref need to consider stopping this match.
Fecca: That'll never happen! This match means...
Double B: More than the rest of her career? Hell I want her to get what she wants, but Kaydence needs to think baout the rest of her career here. Christian Michaels is as deadly as they come in the ring. And that's for a healthy opponent. You show him an injury and he's a gawd-damned executioner!
Back in the ring and Kaydence is to her feet, her left arm hanging limply. She turns and CM catches her with an arm-drag. Kaydence gets right up holding her shoulder. She turns right into another arm-drag. then a third when she gets up from that one. However on the third CM holds Kaydence on her right side, putting his knee to her ribs as he puts an armbar on her left arm. Kaydence slaps the mat once as Roberts slides down into position. He's askin if she wants to give it up but she's emphatically saying no. CM applies more pressure but Kaydence will not give up. She actually forces things back to a standing position. Kaydence then reversing, spinning CM's arm and then putting him in a hammerlock.
Fecca: There you go girl! Nice reversal!
The fans are cheering but its short-lived. Kaydence's arm an shoulder are killing her an CM manages to slip around and put the hammerlock back on her with a standing switch.
Styles: Aw too bad.
Fecca glares at Eddie but we don't see it. The cameras are focused on the ring as CM runs Kaydence into a top turnbuckle with her upper-arm/shoulder area. She screams out and turns from the corner into a BIG European uppercut! Kaydence is sent flying back into the corner and hangs there.
Styles: Hey look who's come out to get a better view of things!
Up on the stage it appears that Wall$treet himself has joined us to witness the match. He's standing an applauding CM's work as a techie brings out a stool. $treet sits down to watch the match now.
Fecca: Oh like we needed *him* out here.
Michaels nods to Wally and gets into the corner directly opposite Kaydence. CM charges across the ring and looks to slam into Kaydence like an avalanch. However she raises a boot up catching CM in the kisser. He spins away holding his mouth. W$ looks a lil surprised by kaydence getting the foot up. CM had steppe dto teh center of teh ring checking his mouth. Now he turns an charges in again. This time Kaydence gets both feet up! CM stumbles away yet again. And now he's pissed. He whips back around charging in. Kaydence gets her legs up an wraps around CM's neck. She spins outta the corner and takes CM down with a head-scissors again.
Fecca: WallStreet not looking too impressed now.
Styles: This is just a momentary set-back. Christian'll take control back again any second now.
Both of them are up and kaydence with a jumping clothesline using teh right arm. She hits the mat and rolls to her feet as CM scrambles up as well. he turns an Kaydence with another jumping clothes. Again they're quickly up and she hits a third clothesline! CM comes up wobbly and Kaydence has set up for a Trish Stratus trademark "Chick Kick". When CM turns back towards her she goes for it but CM catches the leg. he's shaking his head no as on the stage Wall$treet is clapping in approval.
Styles: See? Its just like I told you...
Double B: Enziguri by Kaydence! Michaels to the ropes and he's seeing birdies.
The Heartthrob moves to a corner to try and collect his thoughts. However Kaydence not about to allow that to happen. She come sin looking for the monkey-flip. CM though has his wits enough to not be taken over. He wraps his arms around the back of Kaydence's legs and turns, sitting her on the top rope. However she breaks CM's hold with a few hard right hands.
Fecca: Shooting Star!
Kaydence indeed goes for her split-legged sunset flip from the corner. When she flips over CM though, Kaydence's right leg hits Roberts over the top of teh head! He was coming in to break things up in the corner.
Double B: The ref down as Kaydence inadvertantly kicked him when she went for that sun-set flip. What an unfortunate accident there.
She only briefly holds the pin on CM before rolling backwards out of the pin. Kaydence goe sover and starts checking on Roberts to see if he's ok. The fans wanting her to focus on CM instead though.
Fecca: These fans want Kaydence to finish off Michaels. Guess the health of an official doesn't matter much to them with so much on the line for Kaydence. And I have to agree.
Styles: Even I'll admit that bothering to check on the ref is stupid. Let him count birdies while you get a weapon to put your opponent down for a surefire three when the ref is up. Its only cheating if you get caught.
The crowd boos as CM is back up now. He grabs a handful of kaydence's firery red hair and pulls her around. He's pointin at her and saying something the cameras can't pick up. Kaydence goes for another slap to Michaels' jaw. This time though CM catches her hand and shakes his head no. He gives her a quick kick to the mid-section.
Double B: Looks like the Southern Heartthrob about to finish this match.
Fecca: Dammit!
Christian grabs Kaydence in a front facelock and moves to the center of the ring. He looks at the fans and smirks before hitting the "Just Like That" twist of fate.
Fecca: Well that'll be all she wrote once Roberts has the cob-webs cleared out.
Michaels gets up and points up to Wall$treet on the stage.
Fecca: Just look at Michaels now. The big thumbs up to his "pal" Taylor McCallister! I guess this one's for him huh? makes me sick!
Wall$treet up on the stage smirks and points back. He nods with a smile on his face. But all of a sudden the smile fades and Wally begins to point more empahticaly. CM laughs and waves him off, apparently thinking $treet is just overdoing it here.
Styles: Hey is that...
Finally CM turns around, ready to pin Kaydence. However once he turns his eyes grow wide in shock. And that's all CM has time for. Damien Collins quickly delivers a BIG "DC Drop" aka RKO/Diamond Cutter. Michaels is out!
Double B: Damien Collins! He....he just hit the DC Drop on his apparent former best friend Christian Michaels!
Styles; Roberts get up and do your job! DQ on Kaydence!
Fecca: Wait! Collins is checkin on the ref...
Indeed DC is checking on Roberts....after dragging Kaydence on top of the unconscious CM. He points to the pin and Roberts flops over that way. He starts the count. the crowd is going wild! ONE...........TWO........Wally is halfway down teh ramp but Damien is standing guard at the ropes.....THREE!
"I'ma Star" hits over the speakers as DC helps Kaydence to her feet and celebrate her win. Sabrina making the announcement as Wall$treet reaches into the ring and rolls CM out to the floor.
DC raises Kaydence’s arm as CM’s on the floor holding his neck and WallStreet’s yelling to the back, "Get the guys out here! Get our security out here! And get these jerks out of here! I’ve got business to hash out in that ring!"
David and Taylor Lynn head out from the back with Regret following behind and leading the army of Clique Security out with him,
Busch, "I don’t know where all of this is goin… We’ve gotta take a break… Folks, We’ll be right back…" Fecca, "Where’s it goin?! Well if "It" is "PWT", Then thanks to the Clique "It’s" going to Hell in a hand basket!"
*Commercial Break* |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave May 29th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 5:09 PMCopy HTML
When we return there’s a still shot that has the heading "During The Commercial". All we see however is Security surrounding the ring and Collins and Kaydence kinda half laughing, half rolling their eyes as they cautiously make their exit, getting dirty looks and murmors from the Clique but being left to leave.
Once that quits playing we’re focused on WallStreet, Faith, Lynn, and Michaels in the ring… Evidently Van Dam’s feelin like stayin with his new found buddy Regret near the commentary table.
WallStreet, "Ya know, I could go into how Kaydence Starr clearly didn’t beat Christian Michaels… I could go into how…"

WallStreet offers a few glares but opts not to respond as he continues, "I could go into how Damian Collins stuck his nose where it didn’t belong… But I won’t. Kaydence Starr, You wanted a shot, well fine, I’ll give you your damn shot. You said you wanted me in the ring? You wanted to prove your Intergender worth against me? Well fire crotch, You Got it!"
The crowd cheers as WallStreet snarls, looking almost disgusted that the fans are happy about this turn of events.
WallStreet continues, "You people get excited but I want everyone to realize something… And those of you in the back, listen and listen very closely… A War is on the cusp… There’s a clear Line in the Sand and as sure as I’m standing here, the armies on either side of that line are beginning to fortify and contemplate their plan of attack. You’ve seen it happening… You’ve seen the formation of the most powerful group in Professional Wrestling history… Of The Clique (Crowd boos)… And on the other side you’ve seen the group of poor and destitute village people coming together to oppose the Royalty of the Kingdom… The Damian Collins (Crowd cheers)… The (Snickers)…. Kaydence Starrs (Crowd cheers)… And the… (Snarls)… Xavier Homicides…"
At the mention of Xavier Homicide the crowd erupts so loud WallStreet has to stop talking. Taylor Lynn and Christian Michaels look thoroughly disgusted as WallStreet just shakes his head in disappopintment.
Busch, "Listen to the reaction for Xavier Homicide!" Fecca, "Yeah, Because X Is Truth! X said what needed to be said! X called a spade a spade and forced these LEACHES on this company, "The Clique" to come to the surface! X… HEY! GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!"
Our camera shot switches to the commentary table where Regret’s yanking Fecca out of his chair by his collar. Fecca throws his head set off and as he does David points to the ring and Regret picks Fecca up over his shoulder, walks over, and tosses him over the bottom rope into the ring.
The crowd is booing as Busch says, "What in the Hell is this?" Styles, "I think David heard what he said..."
Fecca holds his back and looks up, seeing the three members of the Clique making a half circle trapping him between them and the ropes. He’s on a knee and while he looks a lil angry, He’s also clearly aware he’s in dangerous territory and is very hesitant.
WallStreet, "Well, look what the cat dragged in… Or Well, the very large, nothing like a cat monster Regret… Stand up."
Fecca looks around, still hesitant.
WallStreet, "Did I stutter Fecca?! STAND UP!"
Fecca pushes himself up to his feet.
WallStreet, "Come here."
Again Fecca hesitates…
WallStreet looks at CM, "Get his ass over here will ya…"
CM power stomps over, clearly not in a good mood anyway, grabs Fecca by his collar and yanks him over in front of WallStreet as the fans are incensed.
WallStreet, "Ya know, You’ve been a real Clique critic. I mean Hell, Even before the Clique’s official inception, I remember ya back at Immortal Glory giving Chris the business and cheerleading for your buddy Xavier Homicide. Then, since then all I’ve heard is how bad the Clique is. I mean, I get it… Somehow it seems like there’s always at least one guy at the commentary table that has some 1950s, clear cut black and white perspective of right and wrong and they get all preachy whenever something doesn’t fit their Leave it to Beaver perspective of what’s "Right" or "Good"… I get it. Hell, Burt Busch is a lot like that… But EVEN HE Does not ride our ass like you do. I mean seriously, For as much as you ride the Clique I’d think you’d at least have the common courtesy to buy us a saddle or something. Now… before I continue, What do ya have to say for yourself?"
WallStreet extends the mic to Fecca’s face… Fecca, who’s red with rage from being man handled says, "You and your lackeys are KILLING this company! I hope you all rot right square in HELLLLLL!"
The crowd erupts as Styles says, "Well Burt… Ya think after we go make our appearances at Bobby’s funneral you and I can go negotiate some more money? I mean Bobby’s pending death here is bound to free up some funds."
WallStreet laughs as he shakes his head, "Ya know, That’s too bad… I kinda liked you… You’re passionate… That could have been useful but, it seems you crossed to the wrong side of that Line in the Sand…"
WallStreet shrugs, "Alright Chris… Go ahead… Do it."
Busch, "Do what?"
CM suddenly shoves Fecca back and then WHAAAAAP! A big super kick drops him hard on the mat as the fans boo emphatically.
Busch, "OH COME ON! THAT’S HORSE CRAP! YOU DON’T PUT YOUR HANDS ON A COMMENTATOR!" Styles, "You gonna go do something about it?" Busch, "Like what? Get my teeth kicked in too?! I don’t have a snow balls chance in hell! But Somebody damn well outta!"
WallStreet, "When you wake up, pack your crap… PWT wishes you the best in All of your Future Endeavors."
The fans are booing even louder, At this point we even see a couple of pieces of garbage flying toward the ring.
Busch, "The Clique has seriously crossed the line… This just ain’t right!"
WallStreet, "Now, Kaydence… You want me, You got me. June twenty seventh we will in deed draw that Line in the Sand live on Pay Per View and if you beat me at Line in the Sand then happy birthday, You’re the newest member of the elite group of Intergender division females BUT… If you lose… Well ya see.. At Line in the Sand Taylor Lynn is taking the night off because twenty nine ninety nine just isn’t a high enough price for people to pay to see some one of such a superior amount of class and grace as our world champion Taylor Lynn…"
The crowd boos as Lynn smirks, nodding in agreement.
WallStreet continues, "David Van Dam is going to win the Revolution title… And then it’ll begin. The Clique’s eventual aquasition of all the PWT Gold will Begin. Now, Faith Rivers is the greatest female division competitor in the history of our sport, bar none…"
The crowd begins booing as Faith starts snapping her neck around as she says, "Oh yeah, It’s true…"
WallStreet, "But, She’s retired and, further more, She faced a superior level of female… The ICWA Divas. I wouldn’t ask her to sully her beautiful, smooth, always just manicured hands on this Femme Fatale trash. So, We need a represenative to bring the Femme Fatale title to the clique. Kaydence Starr… If you lose to me at Line in the Sand, YOU will join the Clique, YOU Will remain in the Femme Fatale division and YOU Will take the championship from the inferior Rivers sister and bring the belt to it’s rightful home… To the Clique. Where you will then hand it to the greatest female competitor of all time, Faith Rivers, and she will be the last Femme Fatale champion in PWT History as we retire the belt once that’s been accomplished."
The crowd is still super pissed, booing like mad… Somebody’s cup skips across the mat like a rock on water, leaving wet marks in the ring…
WallStreet, "Those are the stakes… You want me? You want a shot at the Intergender division? Then you take it, but you know that when you fail… When you fall at my feet as every other victim to walk in my path has, Your sole mission in this company will be to get that Femme Fatale title and bring it back to my Faith."
Busch, "… Did you just hear that? You… Do you think she’ll do it?" Styles, "What choice does she have? It’s either that or she never gets a chance to advance to the next level as she clearly so desperately wants…"
WallStreet, "Now… Mitch Roberts…"
Mitch Roberts… The Referee from CM/Kaydence who has been at ringside with the Clique security fairly unnoticed this entire time.
WallStreet, "You wanta keep your job after that botch on CM’s match with Kaydence or you wanta be like Bobby, starring at the stars until you can scrape yourself up and hobble toward the unemployment line."
Mitch shakes his head indicating he doesn’t wanta be like Fecca…
WallStreet, "Then you make up your screw up to us by entertaining us… When that Clique theme hits, You better be on all fours, barking like a dog and crawling up that stage to lead us out of here. Am I clear?"
Mitch hangs his head, nodding.
WallStreet, "Good! Hit the Music. I hate Buffalo, Let’s get the Hell out of this Hell hole."
"Die MF’r Die" by Dope begins blasting over the PA as Mitch turns around, slowly getting down on his hands and knees, clearly hesitant to do it… But…
"Woof…. Woof…"
WallStreet, "HEY! Put Some Passion into it! Fecca’s beggin for an unemployment buddy…"
The Clique and members of security are laughing like crazy as Busch sounds almost naushious as he says, "Unbelievable… We’ll be back… Ugh. This is appaling."
We fade on the Clique laughing obnoxiously, Wally pointing at referee Mitch Roberts half way up the ramp lifting his leg like he’s peeing on a fire hydrant.
*Commercial Break* |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave May 29th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 5:10 PMCopy HTML
When the cameras return see a door open in the back. As the camera man approaches we can see the name plate says "Jonathan Brooks". The camera turns in and Xavier and Hope are in front of Brooks.
The crowd erupts as Xavier says, "You can’t be serious."
Brooks, "About what?"
Xavier, "You’re just letting the Clique run around, kickin people, firing people, making people crawl around like damn dogs?! AND THEN to top that, You’re letting Taylor Lynn take the Pay Per View off?!"
Brooks, "Whoa… Now I never said I was going to do that. I have no idea where WallStreet got that idea from…"
Xavier, "Good… Because after what happened two weeks ago, plus everything else… I Want her."
Brooks, "Whoa… What makes you think you warrant a title match?"
Xavier, "Who the Hell deserves one more than me?"
Brooks, "I’ll tell ya what I’ll do… Two weeks from tonight at the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit we’re going to go ahead and see the teams on either side of that Line in the Sand that WallStreet was talking about… We’re gonna see a six person tag pitting Christian Michaels, Taylor McCallister and Taylor Lynn of the Clique against Damian Collins, Kaydence Starr, and yes, You… Xavier Homicide."
The crowd erupts as Xavier says, "Good, Three for the price of one… But I still want Taylor at the pay per view…"
Brooks nods, "Let’s see how you do in the six man and we’ll go from there. For now, I’d just prepare your friend here for her main event tonight… Taylor’s ready, You’re gonna wanta make sure she is too."
Hope, "Oh, Don’t you worry Mr. Brooks… I’m Ready… I’m DAMN sure Ready."
Hope nods as Xavier nods with her and we fade to the ring.
Busch, "An unbelievable turn of events… Bobby Fecca has been fired, Mitch Roberts was humiliated… We’ve got a six person tag for Shockwave that’s gonna be huge… Javen and Rockstar are apparently aligned and the Heritage is enraged… Whisper being assaulted again by Nevyrmorr… And we’re not even done yet!"
Styles, "No were not because now it’s time for Scott Addams to make his return against Drew Stevenson, who, by the way, is Undefeated since PWT’s return in January."
"Pride, Honor, Glory, - it all defines me.."
The arena goes black and the opening guitar plays setting a mood as red and white lights surround the entrance and rotate in quick circles shining on the fan and the entrance as "fade away" by Diecast hits with the lights in a strobe to go with the double bass in the beginning, and the verse cuts in. As soon as the verse hits the curtain is pushed aside and Scott comes walking out from behind, receiving a mixed reaction from the crowd. The lights quickly flash with a red and white combination as the arena is black as the lights pulsate to the beat of the song, and with a big flash the lights are instantly back on and smoke is filling up at the entrance as Scott emerges from the smoke. His arms are in the air as he turns around in a circle taunting as streaming sparks explode to his sides from the two bases set up just for his entrance, and he's showered in the sparks.
Sabrina: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall. introducing first from Peroria, Illonios he is SCOTT ADAMS!!!!
Scott makes his way walking down to the ring throwing his hands out to the fans giving high fives to them going back and forth on both sides as he reaches the edge of the ring and the solo of the song hits. Scott raises his arms up into the air to form the "A" taunt with the arms in the air with his wrists, and his music continues to play. Scott lowers his arms, and walks over to the corner standing on the middle turnbuckle, looking around at the fans. Scott jumps down, out of the corner and leans against the ropes waiting for Drew to make his way to the ring.
Busch: These two have some history. Scott Adams was trained by Drew Stevenson, at Drew's wrestling academy. Plus they have been in their fair share of matches in the past. And tonight their paths meet again.
The arena lights suddenly just shut off consuming the arena into complete darkness. The sudden engulfing of a massive bright spotlight shines down onto the entry area, the fans try looking through it but it is far too bright to see through it with the naked eye. Suddenly, the public address sound system comes on playing ''The Ectasy of Gold'' by Metallica just as the stage is still engulfed in the massive light. After a few seconds, the spotlight begins fading away and the arena lights return to life as there stands Drew Stevenson with his hands on his hips just looking out nodding as these fans cheer him, he just begins walking down the aisle sporting his usual attire which consists of dark green Chute Boxer style shorts, dark green kneepads, boots and his hands taped up in dark green tape as well.
Sabrina: Introducing next, from Seymour, MO he is THE EMERALD DREW STEVENSON!
He begins walking down the aisle until he gets down to the ring, he quickly rolls into the ring from under the bottom rope immediately getting back to his feet Drew quickly glances across the ring at Scott who nods his head slightly. Drew and Scott stand there looking at each as they wait for Frank Mason to start the match. The arena is buzzing, as every fan is up on their feet waiting for this one to start.
Busch: This match on the cusp of beginning and it should be a doozy for sure.
The bell sounds, Frank Mason moves out of the way, neither Drew nor Scott charge, instead they slowly start to circle one another. As they circle each other they get closer and closer. Finally they are close enough and they embark in a good old fashioned lock up. Both men try to make something out of the lock up, but neither can follow through. Instead they break apart after several seconds. More circling, followed by another lock up. Another struggle to make anything happen, but eventually Scott slides Drew into a side head lock. Scott only had the headlock locked in for a second or two before Drew wraps his arms around Scott and flings him up in the air. It wasn't clear what Scott was going to do, as he slides over Drew's shoulder landing behind him. Just as Scott's feet hit the mat, he leaps back in the air going for a dropkick. Drew turns around just in time to see Scott's dropkick headed right for him. Somehow Drew uses both arms to knock Scott's legs away. Scott falls to the mat, but quickly tries to get up to his feet. Drew has other plans and runs up on Scott from behind he wraps his arms around Scott trying to go for what appeared to be a German Suplex, but Scott has other ideas as he throws his elbow back into the side of Drew's head. He lets go of Scott, and stumbles back. Scott and Drew steady themselves and stand there looking at one another.
Busch: What a start to the match! That ladies and gents is how a match should start.
Styles: Seriously that girl looks like Kristen Dunst. You know from the Spiderman Movies. It's uncanny really.
Back to square one it seems, Drew and Scott circle some more, the fans are cheering, but neither man seems to notice as they are focused on the other. Scott stops circling, and darts across the ring at Drew. Drew is waiting for him, and greets him with a shot to the jaw. Scott didn't like that one at all, and throws back a nasty shot, that hit's Drew right below his left ear. Drew stumbles back a little bit, Scott pushes up against him into the ropes, and then grabs Drew's wrist and whips him across the ring to the ropes. Drew hits them and bounces off. Scott was running him, and Scott hit's him with a shoulder right to Drew's chest. Drew drops the mat, Scott stands there for a second and then quickly drops to the mat trying to connect with an quick elbow drop, Drew rolls out of the way. Scott pounds on the mat in frustration, but then climbs back to his feet as Drew is doing the same a few feet away. Now they are up again, Scott charges again with a clotheline, which Drew ducks out of the way of. Scott runs through, and to the ropes, he bounces off them and runs right into a standing dropkick from Stevenson, which sends Adams backwards and through the middle rope, tumbling out of the ring.
Busch: It's all about pride. It's a battle of teacher vs. student. Drew doesn't want to lose to his apprentice, and Scott wants to prove that he is well out of Drew's proverbial shadow.
Scott was able to grab the middle rope as he was falling out of the ring, which slowed his fall down a little, and he lands on his feet outside of the ring. Scott stands there hands on his hips for a few seconds looking up in the ring at Drew. He stands there for a few seconds before finally climbing up on the ring apron, keeping his eyes locked on Drew. He climbs through the middle rope, eyes locked on Stevenson the whole time. Drew and Scott are in the ring, they make their way towards each other slowly. Drew throws a punch that lands on Scott's jaw, but Scott throws two quick shots back at Drew which find their mark. Scott lets go of a third punch, then a fourth. Drew stumbles backwards into the turnbuckle. Scott let's him recover, Drew takes only a few seconds before he walks away from the corner turnbuckle. Drew tries to catch Scott off guard and charges at him, Scott reacts quickly and drops down to the ground and hits Drew with a quick drop toe hold. Drew hits the mat, Scott quickly climbs to his feet. Drew starts to push himself up, but Scott lunges at him, hitting Drew with a forearm to the back of the head. Drew drops to the mat, and Scott quickly tries to lock in a variation of the crippler cross face, but Drew fights his way out of it, and wiggles away from Scott.
Busch: A lot of great back and forth action between Stevenson and Addams...
Drew and Scott rush to their feet, Scott is up first, and throws a fist at Drew, who ducks out of the way at the last minute. Scott decides to skip throwing a punch, and instead throws an elbow right at Drew's face. Once again Drew ducks it, and this time he lunges forward wrapping his arms around Scott's waist, he drives him backwards a few steps and slams him back first into the corner turnbuckle. Scott slumbs down in the corner a little bit, but Drew lifts him up by the chin and hits him with a nasty knife edged chop. Scott writhes back in pain. Drew lets him sit for a minute, but when he goes for another one, Scott quickly jabs him with a shot to the chin. It stops Drew dead in his tracks. Scott drops down and connects with a mean European Uppercut that sends Drew stumbling backwards.
Busch: Drew's got his back turned, he is going to be in for a surprise when he turns around.
Drew slowly turns, Scott was indeed standing up on the middle rope, he leaps off towards Drew. Scott has his arms raised in the air and starts to bring them down aimed at the top of Drew head, but Drew slips underneath them, and catches Scott around the waist. Scott's feet hit the mat, and Drew lifts him up in the air and lunges backwards, connecting with a huge Belly-to-Belly suplex. Scott flips through the air and crashes down to the mat hard!
Styles: Alright, now I'm interested.
Busch: What a move from Stevenson! You can't ever think you've got the upper hand on The Emerald. He's been doing this for a long time, and has seen it all.
Drew makes no attempt to pin, he makes his way over to Scott, he bends down and pulls him to his feet by his hair. Drew locks him in a side headlock. Drew wrentches on his head, a little, and then quickly slips into position and connects with a quick perfectly executed DDT. Scott is down, but Drew continues being the aggresor. He pulls Scott back to his feet, Drew whips him to the ropes. Scott bounces off and Drew is ready for him, Drew locks him in a tight sleeper hold. Scott tries to fight his way out of it, but Drew locks it in tighter. Scott drops down to a knee and the fans are up on their feet cheering.
Busch: Adams needs to find some offense, and fast. It's tough to regain momentum once Drew has it.
Styles: Don't worry Burt. Scott isn't going to let the old guy take him to the woodshed like that. He's probably just going easy on him.
You can see the life getting sucked out of Scott as Drew keeps the sleeper hold locked in tight. Scott is just mere seconds away from being incapacitated, and Scott makes a last ditch effort. He fights to his feet, Drew tries to keep him down on a knee, but Scott forces his way up. Once he is up to his feet, Scott throws his elbow back into Drew's rib. Drew loosens his grip just enough, Scott runs forward using everything he has got. He pulls Drew with him. Scott runs at the ropes, he has enough momentum that he steps up on the middle rope, and then on the top, and uses his momentum to do a back flip. Drew loses his hold of Scott, but Scott grabs hold of Drew, he's got his arms around his neck. Scott completes the flip, and still has a hold of Drew who is bent over backwards. Scott quickly lifts Drew up, and has him in position for a suplex. Scott holds him up in the air for a few seconds and then drops him down connecting with a huge brain buster. Drew is down, and Scott isn't exactly quick to his feet.
Busch: That is exactly what Scott Adams needed. He's got some heart, thats for sure.
Styles: Now he just has to capitalize! Come on Scotty!
Busch: Folks, I think it's important to point out that earlier in the week on PWT.com, Stevenson through out a challenge to his protigee.... Adams' challenge is to either get Drew to submit, or lock in a submission and keep it locked in until Drew passes out from the pain.
Styles: What is he? Stupid?
Busch: it is certainly not going to be an easy task.
Back in the ring, Drew is getting to his feet, Scott is up to his. Drew turns around and finds Scott Adams waiting for him. Scott leaps up in the air, and goes for the standind Hurricanrana. He gets some air, and lands on Drew's shoulders. But Drew has some other ideas. Scott tries to slam his weight backwards to connect with the hurricanranna, but Drew uses his strength to keep Scott from flipping him over. Scott is hanging there upside down. Scott immediately starts struggling, Drew almost loses his balances, but has a steady base and remains standing, and then out of no where, Scott showing off some impressive muscles, pulls himself back up so he is once again sitting ontop of Drew's shoulder. Drew takes a few step backwards. Scott throws a few fists down ontop of Drew's head, Drew however is still strong, he starts running forward going for a running powerbomb, he dives forward but..
Busch:ADAMS COUNTERS!!! Adams counters! At the last possible second, Adams flipped back connecting with the hurricanrana, and it sent Drew right through the middle rope. What a move by Adams.
Styles: I knew he wasn't done for, like you thought!
Drew is lying on the ground outside the ring, at the moment Scott is in the ring, but he looks like he is headed for ringside, and sure enough here he comes. Drew is still down. Scott makes his way over to Drew. Scott pulls Drew up by the hair, Scott shoves him backwards into the guardrail. Scott throws a few punches that connect with a groggy Drew Stevenson. Frank Mason is in the ring counting, but is only up to three at this point. Scott pulls Drew away from the guardrail. Scotts grabs Drew's wrist and whips him right towards the corner turbuckle. His intentions are clear when Drew runs knees first into the steel steps attached to the corner of the ring. Drew's knees take the brunt of the hit, but his momentum is enough to send him flipping over the stairs. Frank Mason is up to six at this point, and Scott decides to slide in the ring to stop his count, only to roll right back out starting Mason's count over again.
Busch: Drew's knees colliding with the steel steps can not be good for The Emerald.
Styles: Yeah I am sure the doc didn't prescribe running into steel stairs when he put in Drew's knee replacements.
Back outside the ring, Scott kicks the back of Drew's right knee a few times, and then bends down and grabs him by his head and pulls him up, Scott rolls Drew into the ring. Scott follows right behind him. Back in the ring now, Scott continues to work on Drew's knees. Quicking them, and at one point he even elbow drops his right knee one. Drew is trying to get away from Scott, but he keeps pulling Drew back towards the middle of the ring, working on his knees. Finally Scott decides to go for it. Scott grabs Drew's legs, and gets him in position for the Texas Cloverleaf.
Busch: What an insult to his former mentor. You can't beat Drew with his own finisher.
Styles: I am pretty sure, he's not the only one to ever use the Cloverleaf Double B.
Scott is trying to get Drew turned over and locked into the cloverleaf, but Drew is fighting with everything he has got. Drew kicks his legs, and finally breaks a leg free of Scott's grip. Scott bends down to pick it up again, and Drew quickly quicks him in the side of head. It caught Scott by surprise, he lets go of Drew's other leg. Drew quickly flips over on his stomach and begins to push himself up to his feet, but Scott stops him dead in his tracks when he dive tackles Drew's left knee. Drew falls over grabbing his knee. Scott once again grabs his legs and tries to once again lock in the Texas Cloverleaf, this time, he gets it locked in, but can only keep it locked in for a few seconds before Drew reaches out a few feet, and grabs hold of the bottom rope which was only feet away from him. Scott is furious when Frank Mason makes him break the hold. He had Drew and he knows it. Scott gives Frank a piece of his mind.
Busch:A bit of misguided frustration from Scott Adams. He had a chance to put away Stevenson, but he was too close to the ropes. Big mistake from Adams.
Another big mistake by Adams is arguing with Frank Mason. It gives Drew some time to recover. When Scott finally turns around, Drew is starting to climb to his feet, Scott quickly moves over him, and pulls him up to his feet. Scott grabs Drew's wrist and tries to whip him to the other side of the ring, but Drew keeps hold of Scott's wrist and uses the momentum to pull himself back towards Scott. Scott quickly throws a punch at Drew, which Drew ducks. Drew catches Scott in position for and connects with his finisher which is a sit out Rock Bottom.
Busch: THE FINAL CONFLICT from Stevenson. Folks you've got to believe this one is close to over.
Drew is down, but he rolls himself over, hooks Scott's leg and pins him. 1.......................2......................3 Scott kicks out but it's just after Frank's hand hits the mat for the three count. The fans erupt in cheers, Drew starts to climb to his feet, and Scott lies there with a surprised look on his face.
Sabrina: Ladies and Gentlemen here is your winner... DREW STEVENSON!
Busch: What a match folks. I hope that somewhere down the line we see more matches from these two.
A sweat coated Addams gets up holding his back and wincing in pain as the crowd is on their feet…
Crowd: THAT WAS WRESTLING (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), THAT WAS WRESTLING (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), THAT WAS WRESTLING (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap)
Drew (equally sweat covered) extends his hand… Addams nods and shakes Drew’s hands, the two sharing a little hug before Scott raises Drew’s arm and points his way.
Busch, "A great show of sportsmanship between former teacher and student turned in ring equals… These two tore the roof off tonight and, We still have a main event that has to try and follow!"
Suddenly the Tron comes on, "Well, Braaaaa-vo."
Drew and Addams both look to the tron, Drew looking annoyed as Addams just perks an eyebrow. Shattered Soul is standing there, Jessica Jones still tied up in the background.
Soul, "Great match guys, But if you’re done making out and engaging in your post match foreplay, I just thought I’d let you know Drew… Two weeks from tonight In Detroit… Jessie and I will be there LIVE."
Drew can be heard by the camera saying, "Good. It’s about time…"
Soul, "And when we get there we’ll make this lil Titanium title deal official but uh … In the mean time, I sent Richie to Buffalo with a lump of cash I took out of Jessica’s purse and he’s paid somebody to say Hello on my behalf… Oh and uh… Sorry Scott… Wrong place, wrong time, You know how it goes."
Addams and Drew seem perplexed, but that wouldn’t last long… WHAM-WHAM! Two guys flying in from behind with clubbing shots on Addams and Stevenson making em drop… One guy is…

Richie Stevens! Haha… And the other guy…

Styles, "It’s Richie Stevens! Shattered Soul’s Camera Lackey has an aggressive streak! Who knew? Who’s the other guy though…" Busch, "Well that’s Chris Burden… He’s a big Independent star… He was here tonight for a tryout before the show but… Evidently Shattered Soul’s financed him as a temporary hitman on Drew Stevenson and Scott Addams!"
Richie is down on his hands and knees, choking the life out of Drew as Burden is pummeling Addams in the corner. Burden suddenly yanks him out, hooks the head and the leg almost like he might want a Fishman suplex, but then lifts and jumps nailing a Small Package driver on Addams drawing big boos.
Busch, "Good God! He calls that Over Easy, I imagine because once he hits it, things are over… easy."
Richie Finally stops choking Drew popping up as refs and a couple members of security flood the ring. Burden suddenly holds his open hand out to Richie… Richie gets excited and gives him a five, which makes Burden’s brow narrow… He shakes his head and starts rubbing the tips if his fingers together in the universal hand gesture for money.
Richie, "Oh Right! Sorry!"
Richie reaches into his jeans and pulls out a small bank roll which he hands over to Burden to a chorus of boos. Burden looks through it, nods in approval and heads off as Busch says, "It looks like there’s about a thousand dollars there!" Styles, "A thousand dollars and Drew Stevenson and S cott Addams are both down and out? That’s money well spent if ya ask me." Busch, "I reckon Jessica Jones might not think so if she ever gets out of whatever infernal Hell Shattered Soul’s got her residing in."
With that we fade to the back with a split screen of Taylor Lynn and Hope Rivers walking, both with their respective championship around their waists as "Full Circle" is playing in the background.
Busch, "The Femme Fatale and World’s Champions on their way to the ring… When we return it’s a Clash of Champions… NEXT!"
*Commercial Break* |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave May 29th, 2010
Date Posted:11/18/2010 5:11 PMCopy HTML
Shockwave returns from break with Burt Busch's voice carrying over the air waves, seemingly unaware he is back on live.
Busch" What are you doing?"
Styles" Changing chairs...Not like Bobby is going to need it now"
Busch" I can't believe you man, that guy has been with PWT forever, and has spent years next to you at this table. How can you be so callous?"
Styles" Hey better him than me I say"
Busch" Eddie you are real Dic....Oh welcome back folks, it is time for the main event of the evening. Champion versus Champion has so much more underlying drama. With Hope Rivers solidly behind Xavier Homicide and Taylor Lynn a member of the Clique"
Styles" Normally I'm all for two hot babes beating each other up, but I just don't think this is going to be pretty."
Busch" Lets go up the ring for the final time of the evening and the lovely Sabrina."
Sabrina" Our next match is the main event of the evening and scheduled for one fall with a forty five minute time limit"
Sounds of a piano is heard as the beginning of "Hope" by Sevendust comes over the PA. Fans are cheering as a familiar blonde appears from behind the curtian to stand at the top of the entrance ramp holding the Femme Fatale title proudly in the air. The beautiful blonde looks around with Sabrina's voice cutting in over the song.
Sabrina"Making her way to the ring from Miami, Florida..She is the reigning and defending Femme Fatale champion....Hopeeeeeeeee Riverrrrrrrsss!!"
Hope starts down the ramp, nodding her head a little and pointing out to the crowd. She tags a few fans hands on the way down, stepping up onto the ring apron and slipping between the ring ropes giving the male fans a little treat of seeing her bent over the ropes before climbing on through. Once in the ring, her arms go up, a single blast of fireworks come from the four corners. As Hope lowers her arms she steps back into the corner with her eyes locked on the stage.
Busch" We have already seen Kaydence come up big here tonight with an assist from Damian Collins, and Hope is now in her own huge match. She is the women's champion, but of course if she would be able to knock off the World champion here tonight you gotta figure the booking committee has to take notice of that and it just might mean a title shot in Hope's future"
Styles" Hope is great and she comes from a family of wrestlers with all of the success her sister Faith has found, but I just don't think she is ready for the kind of violence Taylor Lynn is going to bring to the table here tonight."
Busch" I guess we will have to see, but one has to wonder how Faith feels about this? She of course loves her sister I'm sure, but being at the side of Wallstreet has to put her at odds with Hope as well"
Hope's music fades away replaced by "Come out to play" by Offspring. The whole arena blacks out, and the fans are on their feet, sounding off a mixture of cheers and boos at the top of their lungs with the anticipation of the most beautiful woman in the world coming out to grace them with her presence. Suddenly, the big screen shows a beautiful picture of Taylor Lynn, smiling seductively, then having her soft, pillowed lips curved into a sulty pout, then a bloody black rose appears by her side, and bloody writing above her picture reading "The Devil"
As the music rolls into its chorus causing the fans to scream louder for Taylor Lynn whether it be positive or negative. A lean, taut, shapely silhouette begins to dance behind the curtain, giving the illusion of soap suds trailing down her body and succumbing to the pressure of the shower squirting water over her. Needless to say, this is a very sexy, sensual scene. After 7 seconds, La Lynn struts out from behind the curtain, pouting saucily as she does so, and arousing more shouts from the crowd. She rubs the World title around her shapely waist and blows the fans a quick kiss before clicking her spiky Christian Louboutin boots down the ramp, winking at the ardent fans who are deparate to touch her smooth, porcelain skin.
Sabrina" Also hailing from Miami Florida, she is the current reigning and defending World Heavyweight champion....The Queen of Sinners...Taylorrrr Lynnnn!!"
This awe-inspiring introduction does not deceive anybody when it comes to Lynn's status; she was everything the fans despised. Anti black, anti-fairness, anti-morality, anti-cling-ons.....but she was so entertaining, so charming, witty, not to mention gorgeous-that people couldn't help but be mesmerised by her. As the fans continue to voice their mixed reaction for this young, feisty, self-obsessed knockout. Lynn sleeks up onto the ring apron staring at Hope with utter repulsive disdain in her eyes. She slowly slips between the ropes pausing straddled over the middle rope to touch her index and middle fingers to her lips and then to her incredible backside probably causing more then a few male and select female fans to become quite uncomfortable in their nether regions. Lynn slips on into the ring with the referee stepping in to take the title from her. Taylor reluctantly hands over the title not wanting the Referee to touch her or her precious belt.
Busch" Well to say that isn't a rather memorable entrance would be an understatement."
Styles" The first world champion we have had in PWT, that makes my teeth sweat"
Busch" She is quite a looker that's for sure, but don't under-estimate her. This is one violent woman who spews hate."
The music fades with Hope and Lynn staring each other down. Sabrina doesn't stick around as she quickly gets out of the battle ground and the Referee calls for the bell. Hope and Lynn move towards the center of the ring for that feeling out moment of the match. However Rivers doesn't realize just how devious the champion is, as soon as Hope moves in for the traditional collar and elbow tie-up Taylor jams a thumb right in Hope's eye. The Femme Fatale champion stumbles backwards temporarily blinded and that allows Lynn to take control. She shoves Hope back into the ropes and Irish Whips her from the ropes only she short arms Hope burying the knee to Hope's gut and dropping the champion to her knees with that sudden rush of air out of her lungs. With Hope down on her knees Lynn hits the far ropes driving her boot into the side of Hope's face with her version of a face wash.
Busch" Oh geez, right to the side of the head with that kick,and Lynn has on those custom made high heeled boots"
Styles" To many more kicks like that and Hope is going to need the number of a good plastic surgeon"
Lynn stalks around Hope smirking like a Cat would look at the open Canary cage. She pulls Hope to her feet by her hair and whips her over with a snap mare that just got turned into a Hair mare. With Hope in a seated position Lynn drives several rapid fire kicks to her spine causing the Femme Fatale to scream out in pain. Lynn hits the ropes coming in with a basement dropkick right on the button. She rolls ontop of Hope rather casually and motions for Jim Richards to make the count.
Hope kicks out with Lynn looking annoyed that anyone would dare not allow her to pin them.
Busch" I wouldn't expect such a nonchalant pin from the World Champion. You aren't going to beat Hope Rivers that way"
Styles" Maybe she isn't trying to beat her, and is instead just trying to toy with Hope."
Lynn again drags Hope to her feet by her hair and sends her hard into the turnbuckle, she follows in with a hard back elbow that has to have Hope's molars rattling. Lynn struts seductively from the corner allowing Hope to fall face forward onto the mat. She hits the ropes dropping the leg right across the back of Hope's neck...Lynn rolls Hope over going for the pinfall again, but this time making sure to have a little added balance shift by putting her feet up onto the bottom rope.
Busch" Oh c'mon, there is no need for that."
Styles" There is always a need for cheating"
Richards sees Lynn's feet on the ropes and stops the count. He tries to warn Lynn about her cheating but Lynn just walks right past him contining her onslaught, but with the level of boos being sent up by the Buffalo crowd she very well might not have even heard him. Lynn picks up Hope and slams her right back down into the mat with a strong body slam. She steps on Hope's chest as she walks right over her and heads up the ropes.
Busch" Not something you see Lynn doing a lot of"
Styles" She is a hybrid, she can do it all"
Lynn comes off the top rope with an impressive Shooting Star Press, but finds herself eating nothing but mat as Hope somehow managed to dig deep and get herself out of the way.
Busch"If she can do it all Eddie, I hope that includes setting her nose back in place after that crash and burn"
Styles" It just breaks my heart to see two hot girls busting each other up. Women should stick to bra and panty matches, things that don't hurt their goods"
Busch" Don't let Kaydence Starr hear you say that"
The crowd pops with a solid cheer at Hope avoiding what could have been the kill shot to end this match. Lynn staggers up to her feet but Hope is right there with a textbook standing dropkick to put her back down. Hope takes Lynn over with a snap suplex and follows it up it up with a running knee drop right to the sternum.
Busch" The World champion is in serious trouble. Hope has her reeling and is pressing the attack"
Styles" She is playing it smart honestly, you don't want to give Lynn time to catch her breath or think of a counter...Just keep on pounding her and pounding her and "
Busch" We get the idea Eddie, Son I think you need a perpetual cold shower"
Hope drags Lynn around towards the ropes and points to the corner with the fans screaming in approval. Hope grabs the top rope and springboards up onto the ropes splitting her legs for the momentum and coming off with the split leg moonsault.
Busch" She calls that move the Giver of Hope...This would be a huge upset if Hope was able to pin the Heavyweight Champion"
Lynn gets her shoulder up off the mat as the three was on the way down.
Styles" It is a lot easier to say you can beat the Heavyweight Champion then to actually do it. Taylor Lynn is a gamer and isn't going down without a fight."
Busch" She is definitely a warrior, and even though her mouth is a F.C.C. nightmare, she is quite the talented performer"
Hope looks at Richards, as if to question the count but doesn't say a word. She goes back on the attack sending Lynn into the ropes and taking her down with a drop toe-hold. Lynn grabs at her pretty face coming up to one knee...Hope hits the ropes going for a little Shining Wizard action only to have Lynn spring right off the mat with a brutal clothesline that nearly turns Hope head over heels.
Busch" She damn near decapitated with her with that shot"
Styles" There is that vicious vixen side to Taylor Lynn"
Lynn isn't strutting around toying anymore though. She is clearly getting tired, hurting and just wanting to get out of this match with her undefeated streak still intact. Lynn puts the boots to Hope rolling her over onto her stomach and grabbing her arms pulling them back into and almost standing surf board position with her boot right in the center of Hope's spine. She then stomps down on the back of Hope's head with her own variation of the curb stomp that she calls the Vermin Killer.
Busch" Jesus, now that kind of move could end Hope's days of eating Corn on the cob"
Styles" What?"
Busch" Without teeth, you can't eat Corn on the cob"
Styles" Thanks for the info, Captain Obvious"
Lynn blows a kiss to the audience as they blow a wave of hate back at her. She steps back into the corner sizing up Hope for the ending.
Busch" Lynn is stalking Hope, these two have been going back and forth since the opening bell and this match could be hanging in the balance very quickly"
Styles" Once again the cream rises to the top and Lynn is ready to finish off Rivers to send a little message to Xavier Homicide and what he could be in for, if he does come looking for that World title"
Hope staggers slowly to her feet with Lynn sizing her up...Hope turns with Lynn coming in with the super kick, Hope ducks out of the way with Lynn spinning around and Hope trying for her chick kick finisher Seeing Stars. Lynn ducks under as well hooking a handful of Hope's tights spinning her around and almost giving everyone a view of Hope's underwear in the process...Lynn is able to spin Hope with the tights and buries a forearm into the small of her back shoving her into the ropes...Richards is right there to admonish Lynn again for her underhanded tactics.
Busch" Two near misses that could have put this match away....WHAT THE HELL"
As Hope stumbled into the ropes with the Ref's back to her out of nowhere Teresa Ramos is right there. Leaping up onto the ring apron and grabbing the back of Hope's head jerking her throat down over the top rope with a guillotine. Hope's head snaps back off of the ropes with Resa dropping to the floor in the process smirking. Hope grabs at her throat turning right into Lynn, who shoves Jim Richards out of the way and plants a stiff kick to Hope's gut doubling her over...She hooks her arms in a reverse chicken wing position rolling through and taking her up for Cold hard plastic(Cop Killah)..
Busch" CHP by Lynn, but why is Teresa Ramos out here...This is none of her concern"
Styles" No, but that Femme Fatale title is and I think she just sent a message to Hope Rivers. She put down Morgan Venom earlier tonight and is now gunning for another rematch no doubt"
With Hope's head and neck snapping off the mat violent Lynn goes right for the pinfall as the fans boo.
Busch" Damn it not like this, not after Hope fought so hard"
Hope kicks out with Richard's hand just a sliver of an inch off the mat.
Busch" She kicked out!!"
Styles" I can't believe it...I don't think I have ever seen anyone kick out of the CHP"
Busch" By the look on Lynn's face I don't think she has either"
Lynn is arguing with Richards that it was a three and him vehmently shaking his head side to side in the negative. Teresa Ramos jumps back up onto the ring apron to join in on the protest obviously just caring about seeing Hope lose, but she quickly finds herself eating ring apron when Tani Lyons sprints down to the ring and pulls Ramos' leg off the ring apron jerking her down to the floor and sending her jaw bouncing off the ring apron in the process.
Busch" All hell is breaking loose out here. Ramos is out here trying to cost Hope her victory and now Tani Lyons is out here after the confrontation she had with Teresa earlier. "
Styles" Four chicks all fighting...I had this very dream once, but only they were all fighting over me "
Busch" Keep on dreaming Eddie"
Tani and Resa are now fighting back and forth at the foot of the ramp with Richards now seeing them and going out to the floor trying to break up the brawl. Lynn stands at the ropes momentarily watching the fight and laughing, at how foolish the girls look to her. She then turns around and sees some stars....Literally as Hope pulls herself up to her feet just as Lynn turned and Hope swung for the fences with her chick kick. Lynn goes down like a ton of bricks with Hope falling on top of her for the pinfall.
Busch" Seeing Stars!! Seeing Stars!! Hope Rivers has the World Heavyweight Champion pinned."
Styles" There is no referee though...Richards is out on the floor fondling Lyons and Ramos"
Busch" He is trying to break up a fight, but he needs to get his ass back in the ring"
Hope hits the mat three times with the crowd counting along, but of course there is no Zebra stripes in the crowd with the official power to declare her the winner. Hope gets up frustrated with having the pin and no ref, she goes out to the floor grabbing Richards and pulling him around pointing at the ring...Richards starts for the ring but Hope is blindsided by Ramos and knocked down....Lyons leaps on Ramos with both of them going tumbling into the security railing along the ringside area.
Busch" Teresa Ramos has no place out here and this is the second time she has put her hands on Hope Rivers since coming out here. Where is the DQ ref?"
Styles" The first time he didn't see and the second one is out on the floor with his back to the action again."
Busch" We need a second ref out here for such high caliber matches then"
With Lyons and Ramos trying to tear each other apart Hope is able to get back to her feet,but Taylor Lynn is right there now that she is back up and the fight continues on the floor...Lynn tries to whip Hope into the steel post but Hope reverses sending the champion careening off it. Hope moves in with Lynn poking her in the eyes and kicking her to the gut from a prone position on the floor. Lynn stumbles back up grabbing at her shoulder and runs at Hope only to have Hope duck low and back body drop Lynn over.
Busch" What a main event, these two beautiful women are pulling out all of the stops to come out the victor here tonight. "
Styles" There is a lot at stake. Lynn can't afford to lose her winning streak and have the Clique perhaps second guessing her, while Hope has so much to prove to the world that she is more then just a women's wrestler and can hang in the ring with the very best there is."
Hope yells for Lynn to get up with the fans now going nuts for Hope Rivers much like they use to do for her sister Faith. Richards is waving his hands in the air and going towards Sabrina. Sabrina nods and comes over the house microphone.
Sabrina" Ladies and Gentlemen, the referee has just informed me that due to the refusal of both competitors to listen to his instructions, he has ordered this match to be declared a no contest!!"
The crowd voices their disapproval at that decision but neither Rivers or Lynn seem to notice as they continue to fight.
Busch" Jimmy Richards apparently has had enough and folks I can't blame him."
Styles" Well I can, and these fans can...I wanted to see a winner"
Busch" You wanted to see them rip each other's clothes off"
Styles" Well yeah that too"
Suddenly the big screen lights up showing the parking garage of the HSBC Arena. There laying on the concrete face down in a pool of blood is Xavier Homicide. There is the sound of car doors slamming and as the camera pans up a long black stretch limo leaves a streak of rubber behind as it shoots out of the parking garage with the camera getting a single close up of the license plate reading " Clique" before it tears off into the Buffalo night. Hope screams and sprints towards the back losing any interest in Taylor now over concern for her man. Taylor is sitting on the floor covered in sweat but manages a sadistic little smirk and a little wave good bye to Hope.
Busch" My god what have they done? "
Styles" Did you see all of that blood?"
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