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Date Posted:07/28/2010 7:00 PMCopy HTML

Saturday July 31st, 2010 Commentary Team: Bobby Fecca & Eddie Styles Venue: University Arena aka The Pit, Albuquerque, New Mexico Theme Song: "Still Unbroken" by Lynyrd Skynard Deadline: 11PM CST Saturday July 31st 24 Hour Deadline 11pm CST Friday Night
 Referee Assigned: Jim Richards Writer: Scotty Addams (Last Saturday night Zarek and Scott came to get them some of Javen and Matlock for their actions two weeks ago. Unfortunately for them the PWT veterans managed to haul ass out of harm's way. Well it was announced by Scott and Zarek that this week they were going to get themselves a piece of retribution one way or the other...in a no holds barred tag team match! What's going to happen with these four combustible elements? And with no holds barred, will we see the old Scott Addams so many people believe is lurking under the surface of the new one? Dun dun DUNNN*
Match 7 Nina Angel vs Mikah Ref Assaigned: Mitch Roberts Writer: Heather (Nina took exception to Mikah acting like Nina was a none-factor in the PWT femme fatale battle royale in our season premiere. So what do you do about it? You challenge Mikah to put her money where her mouth is. So Nina did just thata nd Mikah amusingly has accepted this challenge. Is the #1 contender for the Femme Fatale title overlooking Nina? It certainly looks that way but Nina's one tough gal. Look for Nina to prove that this Saturday night) Match 6 Non-title Duke Andrews vs Kim Pain Guest Commentary: Terri LaMin Referee Assigned: Willie Sharpe Writer: Johnathan (Duke is so close to a title shot that he can literally taste it. This week he's squaring off with Kim Pain who he's had troubles with in the past. Both Kim and Duke picked up victories last week. However folks Kim was denied a pinfall victory when Nev walked out on the match. You just know that infuriates someone like Kim and leaves her in a foul mood. How's a Kim in a foul mood going to clash with a Duke Andrews riding high after pinning CM? What role will Terri play on commentary?) Match 5 TJ Bryce vs Christian Michaels Referee Assigned: Frank Mason Writer: Johnathan (This match is like a powder-keg waiting for the spark to set it off. We're 3 shows into the new season of PWT and thinsg are not going how either of these men expected them to. CM has been beaten down at every turn by the Masked Couple that stalks him. Last week they even helped take down his friend Phoenix Winterborn. Then for TJ he came in with high expectations that have thusfar not been met. he knows he's got the tools and the talent, he just needs that one win to get the ball rolling. Will this be it?) Match 4 Flashback Match Non-Title Xavier Homicide vs Ryan Starr Referee Assigned: Jim Richards Writer: Nate (We've got a treat here as the X-Man revisits his old stomping grounds in PWT....The Backyard division! Tonight he's going one on one with the reigning champion of the division Ryan Starr. This match is interesting as Ryan, quickly becoming a controversial figure by speaking his mind, is looking to prove a point. He's tired of being overlooked and wants to get some much-needed attention to his division. Ya can't get much more than by beating the reigning World Heavyweight champion!) Match 3 2 on 1 Handicap Match Tani Lyons vs Lori Anne + Elizabeth Rossdale Referee Assigned: Frank Mason Writer: Matt (Las week on Shockwave Mikah challenged the reigning Femme Fatale championess to do something she did the show before. It just so happens that means taking on a two on one handicap situation. But our championess is tough, fierce, and readyf or any challenge ya can throw at her! Yeah! And folks make no mistake its always alot more difficult to beat two opponents as opposed to one singular opponent. Can the championess do it?) Match 2 Georgia + Tank vs The Terror Twins Referee Assigned: Willie Sharpe Writer: Nate (After SW Gee told her apparent sugar-daddy Jonathan Brooks that she wanted to warm up for her an Tank's tag title defense at the ppv. She chose the newly signed twins Ezrynn and Illiya as her targets. However this is a HUGE chance for the twins to prove their mettle in PWT with an upset of epic proportions. Can they pull it off against a woman who's done it all in PWT plus has a behemoth as a partner and apparently the boss wrapped around her little finger?.) Match 1 Chance To Impress The Boss Eagle vs Jamie Static vs Martin Wright vs Matt Ward Referee Assigned: Mitch Roberts Writer: Justin (This match is a big chance for everyone involved. Jamie and Martin are newcomers to the world of PWT and could make quite a splash if either gets a victory. Eagle has been working his way up and a win like this would be huge. For Matt Ward? If he doesn't at least make a strong promo showing word is he'll be future endeavored) ===================================================== Dark Match Main Event Kaydence Starr vs Tony Rich (Kaydence will be involved in segments on the televised show buts he's competing this week for the live audience. Her opponent is Tony Rich who is looking to pick up more steam with another win) Dark Match 2 Lilian Hart vs Alessandra DeRossa (Lilian set up with a debut match in front of the live audience this week. A good showing is sure to get her onto the telvised program sooner rather than later.) Dark Match 1 Ginny Genocide vs Audrey Hardy (Ginny is being introduced to the PWT way of life in front of the live audience this week. of course like with Lilian a good showing here could really help her debut on television before long)
ALSO APPEARING: Phoenix Winterborn? , Natural Selection?, Draven?, Nevyrmorr, Whisper, and MORE!
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave: July 31st
Date Posted:08/01/2010 7:30 PMCopy HTML
Dark Match 1 Ginny Genocide vs Audrey Hardy Winner: Ginny Genocide Summary: Fans were still filing into teh arena as we started our first match. This one though was purely for the enjoyment of the early birds in the arena. Out first to the ring was Audrey Hardy. She was initially cheered by the fans. However she got on the mic and started putting over that the fans were lucky she was here and not in TNA or WWE with one of her "brothers".
The fans turned on Audreya n moments later Ginny's music hit. She made her way to the ring and told Audrey to worry about making her own name instead of living off that of her brothers'. That wasn't taken lightly by Audrey. She cheap-shotted Ginny and took control of the match.
Alot of Hardy-ish moves by Audrey had her in control for awhile. However Ginny eventually took control, grounding her opponent with technical knowhow. She basically used her technical skills to tie Audrey into a pretzel. Eventually though Ginny ended the match with the "Black Flag" (spinning unprettier)
Dark Match 2 Lilian Hart vs Alessandra DeRossa Winner: Lilian Hart Summary: The arena had filled almost completely up by time fo this match. Introduced first was Lilian Hart to a nice ovation in New Mexico. She made her way to the ring and got on the mic. Lilian told us that unlike ardy earlier she was here to earn her own name. This was over with the fans.
It wasn't really over with Alessandra DeRosa. She was out next and said she was going to wipe the mat with Lilian's face! Bada bing, bada boom! The bell rings and we're underway here. The two ladies circle each other at first. Finally they shoot in tie up. From that moment on its all lIlian. She takes control of the match and never looks back.
Hart went up top late in the match. DeRosa is able to come in and crotch her on the top turnbuckle. An attempted superplex is countered. Lilian showings ome "hart" and fights Alessandra off. The fans are on their feet as Lilian hits the shooting star press, calling it "Starlight" for the win.
Dark Match Main Event Kaydence Starr vs Tony Rich Winner: Kaydence Starr Summary: Out first was Kaydence Starr for our final match before the television taping began. Kaydence is very over with the fans, male an female a like here. She slaps hands with fans on the wya to the ringa nd then gets in. Out next was her opponent Tony Rich. Ole Tony is getting heavy boos form the male portion of our audience. However the female portion are whistling an making cat-calls.
Rich got on the mic and started point out some of the more attractive ladies in the crowd. He was inviting them to his hotel after the show. Kaydence tapped his shoulder but he told her: "Hold on a second toots". Not a wise choice of words. Starr whipped Tony around and clobbered him with a forearm shot. The match was underway as the bell rang.
Kaydence maintained the control of the match for the first few minutes. But eventually Tony fought back in with some underhanded tactics. He might've had the match won on a couple ocasions but he chose to pull Kaydence off the mat. Big mistake as the fans rallied behind her. Kaydence came firing back and the "Twinkling Star"(reverse twist of fate) put Tony down for the count. |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave: July 31st
Date Posted:08/01/2010 8:21 PMCopy HTML
The scene fades in from blackness to a scene backstage. Our camera bounces as we move along through the back of the arena. We come across a scene of Christian Michaels sitting on a case with his girlfriend Kaydence Starr. She's straddling over CM's left leg and they're sharing a very passionate kiss. Fans in the arena realize this must've been pre-taped earlier, but those at home have no idea.

All of a sudden a PWT crewmember rushes into the scene.
Crewmember: CM! CM! CM!
Michaels an Kaydence look at the crew member. There's obvious annoyance on their faces as they look at him.
CM: What?!
Crewmember: Its....Its Phoenix! I was sent to get help! Na....Natural Selection has him in the locker room!
The fans can be heard booing the mention of Natural Selection. CM's eyes go wide and Kaydence steps over from straddling his leg. She looks ready to go as CM is about to rush off. But he turns and holds up a hand.
CM: No! Baby I need ya to stay here. Those guys are too dangerous for ya ta be gettin involved with this.
Kaydence: But...
CM: Please!
Reluctantly he gets a nod from Kaydence. The heartthrob leans in an kisses he ron teh cheek. He then rushes off towards the locker room. The camera watching as CM disappears out of sight. And the moment he's gone we see the Masked Man an Woman appear in the darkened area behind Kaydence. She senses something is wrong and turns, swinging her right fist into the left side of Masked Woman's face!
Fecca: What the hell?! Those masked hoodlums taking advantage of Christian Michaels being called away to help out Phoenix Winterborn....Can we get a camera back there too? Somebody help Kaydence!
With the way Kaydence is beating on the Masked Woman against the walls he might not need it. No. Wait. The Masked Man now grabs Starr from behind. She kicks and struggles but he's got a rag over her face. Slowly the fight drains out of Kaydence til she's limp in his arms.
Styles: What the hell....?
Fecca; That rag must've been doused in something....Somebody needs to tell Michaels!
Speaking of.....The scene cuts to the PWT locker room.Inside we see Phoenix Winterborn chattin with some of the other boys like Whysper, Masked Avenger, and Shadow. Suddenly the door is kicked in and everybody turns to look. Through the door bursts CM with a chair.
CM: GET OFF HIM YOU...sons of...bitches....?!
Phoenix: Erm....What the heck dude?
Michaels is huffin an puffin as he hauled ass an was ready for a fight.
CM: I was told that natural Selection had you cornered here...
Phoenix: No man I'm...
CM: Kaydence!
The Southern Heartthrob turns and sprints back out the door. Phoenix looks at everybody for a momenta nd then he's right out the door behind CM. We then cut into the opening video for Shockwave.
As the video ends we go inside University Arena aka The Pit in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The crowd is rowdy and loud as the pyros go off.

The cameras pan the crowd after the pyros are done. All these rowdy Albuquerque fans are trying to get seen waving their signs. But soon the shot comes down to Bobby Fecca and Eddie Styles sitting at ringside.
Fecca: Ladies an gentlemen welcome to another edition of Saturday Night Shockwave! This is Bob Fecca joined as always by Eddie Styles. Folks now this is where we normally do a run down of tonight's card for you. However tonight I want to see if we can get a camera backstage.
The PWT-a-tron comes to life in the arena and we can tell that whoever has the camera is running. Those folks watching at home on their tv get a full-screen shot. We can hear the voice of CM screaming out for Kaydence. A second later an Phoenix Winterborn's voice is heard as well.
Fecca: If you're just joining us moments ago, before we were officially on-air, Christian Michaels was enjoying a private moment with his girlfriend. A member of the PWT stage crew approached Michaels to tell him Phoenix Winterborn was being attacked by Natural Selection. Well as he left...
On the tron in the arena, an our tv screens at home, CM an Winterborn arrive at the location where we firsts aw CM an Kaydence. A frantic search begins with CM an Phoenix lookin behind every crate and kickin in every door they see.
Fecca: As soon as Michaels was out of sight those damned masked hoodlums appeared! Kaydence fought off the owman but the man had a cloth doused in something. They knocked her out and who knows where they have her now.
Backstage CM walsk out into the center of the area. His hands are on his head grabbing tight hold son his hair. He's a man obviously torn between anger and grief right now. There's probably even grief in there for making kaydence stay beside. Winterborn walks up putting a hand on his shoulder.
Winterborn: We'll find her man....We'll find her.
Phoenix says trying to reassure his friend.
Fecca; I'm being told we have to take a commercial break folks. When we return we'll have our first match of the night. We'll also keep you up to date on any developments in this disappearance of Kaydence Starr..
As the show begins to fade into comemrcial Fecca can be heard uttering: "God I hate that son of a bitch in the mask..."
***Commercial Break*** |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave: July 31st
Date Posted:08/02/2010 2:47 AMCopy HTML
As the cameras in the arena flicker back to life after the short commerical break the action had already gotten under way. Eagle obviously was the aggressor as he went after everyone, not showing any signs of slowing down. First, he hit Matt Ward with a hard german suplex that knocked the wind out of him and exploded up to his feet. Jamie Static tried to throw a clothesline Eagle's way- but Eagle ducked beneath it and dropped him on the back of his head with a German Suplex as well. Martin Wright, the 'new kid' on the block- Or Mister Anxiety as Styles has come to call'em had kept his distance and shot in, looking to make an impression but he was kicked in his gut- put in a waist-lock and too dropped with a German Suplex.
Styles: That's pretty impressive, I'll give him that.
Fecca: In the early going, Eagle is the man to beat!
Jamie Static and Matt Ward were on the outside throwing shots at each other as Martin Wright had gotten back into the ring. Wright was new, he didn't know what he was in for, but he had heart and showed up anyway. Eagle and Wright circled as they locked up. Eagle used his quickness to change into a headlock- backing up into the ropes. From there Wright shoved Eagle forward as Eagle hit the ropes. Ducking beneath an oncoming back elbow shot- Eagle managed to get into the air and hop onto the second-rope, connecting with a springboard 180 crossbody, making the first pin of the evening.
Styles: Nope, not yet.
Being the speed-based competitor that he was, Eagle kept the pace of the match up, not wanting to give the rookie any sense of a second-wind. Picking Wright up, Eagle whipped him into the turnbuckle- Wright hit it, but as Eagle came back at him, Wright got out of the way. Eagle once more showed his amazing agility and hopped up onto the second turnbuckle- then the third and did a small turn to face Wright. The fans jumped to their feet as Wright smiled- being schooled by the veteran and attempted to launch forward but Eagle quickly changed his attention outside of the ring and pulled off a Shooting Star Press to the outside- breaking up the fight between Matt Ward and Jamie Static- bringing the fans to a united roar in approval.
Chants of "EA-GLE!" broke out through the arena as the three men slowly regathered their senses. Eagle was the first up- followed by Static who seemed to have caught the least of it. Ward had smacked his head pretty hard on the mat though, he was slow to get back to his knee- but that's when things took a sudden shift. In the ring, Wright looked on and the downed three men, knowing he had to make an impact, and this was the time. Backing into the far side corner- Wright exploded forward and hopped onto the ropes. Eagle and Static seen what was going down but wasn't quick enough to avoid it. Wright bounced off the top rop and put himself into the air too- but pulled off a standing moonsault that took down ALL three of his opponents on the outside!
Fecca: WHOA!
Styles: This kid may be new, but that.. Is gonna be a YouTube moment for sure!
Fecca: .. You're in a terribly good mood tonight, are you running a fever?
Styles: No, but I'll give you a whack across the face, you bee-sucker!
Fecca: Thats more like it.
Standing up, Wright rolled into the ring and pulled himself up as Static was the next to do so. As he stood up, Wright took him down with a quick hip-toss followed by a standing moonsault and quickly hooked the leg..
Styles: These four guys are in this match to impress Brooks, but it seems like only two showed up! Static and Ward are falling behind and they're getting a beatdown.. Morons.
Fecca: Everyone has an off-night Eddie, maybe it's theres!
Styles: BAH!
Eagle had rolled both Ward and himself into the ring now- All four men were going at it. Ward managed to get in a shot or two but Eagle's speed once again was the biggest factor. A quick kick to the gut and a DDT put Ward down as Wright hopped up after avoiding a right hand from Static. Popping up behind Jamie- Wright put his knees on the surface of Jamie's back and pulled backwards catching him with a deadly Backstabber!
Styles: I'll call that.. The Fresh Gash!
Fecca: Wright's going for the cover!
Eagle broke the pin attempt up as Wright rolled over, holding his lower back in pain after being stomped on. Ward tried to be like a ninja and sneaked up on Eagle- attempting to roll him up in a pin- but Eagle's mat sense paid off and somehow changed it up to lock Ward in a Triangle Choke!
Styles: He's pulling on Ward like there's no tomorrow!
Just as it seemed Ward was about to tap out- Wright broke the submission up with a stomp onto Eagle's head. Following that one up with another.. and another.. and another.. and another- Wright looked down at Eagle all intense like and shook his head while wording "YOU ROBBED ME! YOU ROBBED MY WIN!" Static had recovered from the Backstabber or as Styles had called it 'The Fresh Gash' and caught Wright with a club to the back. Wright stumbled forward as Static attempted somekind of suplex- a belly to back- but Wright hooked his leg and blocked it. Instead- Wright showed some promise and reversed that- Into the a jumping Russian Leg-Sweep- The Wright One!
Ward broke the pin attempt this time- causing Wright to change his attention onto him. Eagle had recovered from the stomps and was shaking off the cob-webs as Wright took Ward down with an Inverted DDT. Just as Wright stood up- his lack of experience came through as he forgot about Eagle who popped up and hit Wright with a few right hands. as Wright was broken down- Eagle grabbed Wright's arm and leg and then snapped- Hitting The Eagle Claw,
Jumping to his feet- Eagle quickly hopped onto the top rope and stood there- he looked around the arena and soaked up the reaction he got before he leaped off- camera flashes broke like crazy as he did a front-flip and landed on Ward- Swanton Style.
Eagle managed to hook the leg and make the cover now..
Wright had noticed the pin being made and tried to get up to his feet, but he wasn't quick enough to beat Mitch Roberts' right hand slapping down onto the mat.
The bell sounded as Wright crumbled to the mat- he tried, but Eagle was just that much quicker, that much better and that much more experienced. Sabrina's lovely voice graced the soundwaves as the fans roared once more- they loved Eagle.
Fecca: If I may say.. I think Eagle's credibility shot through the roof after this match and Martin Wright? If he keeps chugging along, I think he'll be alright.
Styles: Matt Ward failed to impress anybody, let alone Brooks with that performance and Jamie Static? Eh.. I'll hold my opinions to myself regarding him.
As Eagle stood and had his arm lifted by Mitch Roberts- the crowd started to pop as on each side of the ring- over the barricade hopped people.
Fecca: Oh- Oh my God..
Styles: WHAT?!
On one side- Escobar stood. He had his Jason mask on- hiding his expressions. On the other? Christian Othniel. The other?
Styles: You've gotta be kidding me.. Is- IS THAT MARCUS BAIN?! FORMALLY KNOWN AS OMEN!?
Yep, it was Bain. Shaved head- tattooed- as mean as ever. Bain was about 6'6".. Close to two ninety five- muscle and across from them? Another guy- ripped in terms of muscle definition and looked like a trouble maker. Each man hopped up onto the ring apron and eyed Eagle as Eagle's theme cut off of the PA System. The unknown guy and Othniel hopped into the ring over the top rope as Bain and Esco got in regularly.
Fecca: This.. Does NOT look good..
Eagle noticed them- But there was nothing he could do before they went in. Bain grabbed Eagle by his throat and tossed him over the top rope as Esco military pressed Static outside. Othniel flew Martin Wright over the top- and now? Only Matt Ward remained.
Styles: I think- Matt Ward is in for the worse day of his life..
Ward looked up and around him- overshadowed by two titans and two raptors- thats when they started the assault. Bain and Esco put heavy boots to Ward's back and head as Othniel and the new guy struck with vicious elbows and fists- knees, they were going in on him. Motioning for them to send Ward his way- Bain took a step back and when Esco whipped Ward at him- Bain picked Ward off of his feet and drilled him into the mat with probably- the hardest spinebuster seen in PWT's history.
Fecca: ...!
Bain flexed and roared while looking down at Ward- the mean while, Con- The unlikely man had scaled the top rope. Standing on there and looking down at Ward- He fixed his body into position and out of completely no-where.. Came crashing down on Ward with a corkscrew 450 splash which he called.. There. Are. No. Limits- T.A.N.L!
The fans were in a state of shock and awe- that was devastating. A man that was two hundred and sixty five pounds just did something some guys who weight half of him couldn't do- That's why he was called The Effin' Beast. Othniel and the new guy- they waited patiently- like a bunch of hungry wolves as Bain threw Ward towards the new guy. Rocking Ward with hard right hands that did it's job- Othniel quickly sprinted to the ropes and fired off of it- coming back with a Springboard Superkick that nearly or probably broke Ward's jaw from the impact.
As Ward was about to fall- the new guy caught Ward and locked him in a Gullotine Choke- pulling backwards, cutting off all circulation to his brain. Othniel on the other end- had picked up Ward's legs and locked in an elevated crab that had Ward's spine bent at an akward angle.
Styles: .. The Foretelling.. My God.. LOOK AT HOW WARD'S BODY IS BENT! THIS IS OVER!
The fans were quiet- as Raven called it "White Heat." Or Japanese heat, they were too shocked to give a suitable reponse, that was until clapping was heard over the PA System. Hopping the barricade as well with a microphone in his hands and rolling into the ring- The PWT got it's first glance of the leader of Natural Selection- "The Infamous" Jacob Mitchell. Pushing himself up and looking down at Ward after the new guy had broke the choke and Othniel spiked his legs to the mat, Jake smirked.
Jacob: I told you.. Didn't I?
Bain drug Ward over to the bottom turnbuckle and placed him first first into it.
Jacob: I told you all that we were done playing- The joke is over. Brooks wants to be blinded by his pride? He wants to play games? I told him that we were going to destroy everything he built- he brought this on himself and the PWT. I gave him- I gave the PWT a chance to right its wrongs, but Brooks didn't want that to happen. Instead- Natural Selection took it's course in PWT and look what it's done. We've wrecked everyone imaginable- but there's still more we need to do. This- Matt Ward, he'll be an example of what happens when you think you're above Natural Selection. People like Scott Addams and Zarek Lyle who get things handed to them- People like Ryan Starr who's heart is too big for his body. People like Duke Andrews and Phoenix Winterborn- People like your hero- Christian Michaels..
The fans threw the first pop of the night- Outside of Eagle and Wright's high-risk moments in the match, which caused Jake to grimace.
Jacob: Yeah- Cheer for Michaels. Cheer for the adultry committing Christian Michaels, a man who's personal life is so shady- but you boo me? You boo a man who's built off of honesty? You boo a bunch of men that want to make PWT better? You people- You're in the same class as PWT- You're weak. You're not worthy to witness The Chosen Few- And much like the rest of this sad roster- This is what the PWT is going to have to do because of how they've taken to us..
Sprinting in a few steps towards Ward- Jake put the heel of his foot directly behind Ward's head- Snapping his head forward and into the turnbuckle.
Jacob: Now.. PWT is going to have to "bite The bullet" and accept whats coming to you. Scott Addams may pretend like there's nothing to be worried about as he plays Wii to pass his time- But when you've got Marcus Bain.. Escobar.. Christian Othniel.. Jacob Mitchell and introducing- Natural Selection's loose cannon..
The new guy stepped up- he had a million dollar smile, but a cheap and cocky attitude,
Jacob: .. Bedlam- Five men- One mission; seek and destroy, wipe out the weak.. Don't be mad- You weren't chosen for a reason.
Dropping the mic- Jake looked on as a flock of security guards sprinted from the back. They attempted to get into the ring, but it wasn't working as Natural Selection of course held the high ground. Before any of them could slide into the ring and get there- they were picked off and kicked in the back of the head. After a bunch of them were left stopped-
Fecca: I don't think they're gonna get into the ring- There's no way.
Styles: This is why you always battle for the high-ground, you get an advantage! Natural Selection couldn't have planned this any better!
The Bullet Brothers, The Masked Avenger, came out from the back looking to try and get into the ring. Even Martin Wright, Eagle and Jamie Static got up an tried to help. They tried to get in from different ways, but it failed. Bain and Esco stomped on The Bullet Brother's attempt- Othniel muffled Wright's attempt- Bedlam stopped Eagle's. The Masked Avenger managed to get into the ring not long though as he was quickly taken out by Bain with a mean lariat that almost knocked his head clean off of his shoulders. Jamie Static tried to get in, but Jake hit him with a running forearm- they had successfully fended off two different attacks.
A few relentless securtity guards got in, but Othniel and Bedlam stopped it quickly.
One Bullet Brother slid beneath the bottom rope and that was a bad idea as Esco's foot met his face and knocked him out clear.
Fecca: Brooks.. Jonathan needs to do something..
A camera man that stood on the apron was taken out by Bain with a running clothesline. Othniel grabbed the camera and spiked it onto the ground outside of the ring, breaking it.
Styles: Who's gonna stop them.. Who..?
Finally- out from the back APD; Albuquerque Police Department made their way from the back. Jake smirked at that sight and shrugged before Natural Selection bolted out of the ring. Hopping over the barricade and disappearing out of sight- Bedlam was the first one gone, he was experienced at ditching cops it seemed. Jake and Othniel had vanished as well- Bain and Esco disbursed too. The crowd cheered like crazy as Natural Selection disappeared- they were probably gone for the evening.. but they'd be back- oh they'd be back alright.
***Commercial Break*** |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave: July 31st
Date Posted:08/02/2010 2:50 AMCopy HTML
We're backstage now after the commercial break and Jonathan Brooks is furious. He's kicks over boxes and shoving over more with his hands. Georgia and Tank, dressed for their tag team match in just a few moments, are trying to calm him down.
Gee: Come on now my sweet lil butterball......You know its not good for your blood pressure fo ryou to get so angry.....Please now..
The owner of PWT kicks a crate of bottled water tipping it over. Bottles of water go rolling down the hall. he snaps a look at Gee.
Brooks: I don't wanna clam down! I wanna wring Jacob Mitchell's neck!
Tank started to step up and perhap volunteer to go fetch Mister Mitchell. However Gee held up a hand and shook her head no. She wanted no part of NS....naturally. Georgia was too busy makings ure her sugar-daddy gave her a free ride.
Gee: Well my little studmuffin, we got to be getting to the ring. You know, our match an all...
Brooks nodded and turned towards Georgia. She knew he wanted a hug and leaned in. She squealed and jumped as the chubby right hand of Brooks squeezed her butt. He gave her a sly smile and she walked away in disgust, of ocurse not seen by Jonathan.
Styles; Did our boss just sexually harrass Gee?
Fecca: It would appear to me that the two of them are in some sort of consentual relationship. So I'd say that was just some normal heavy petting...
With his lady, who apparently is repulsed by him, had left Brooks pulled out his phone. he flipped it open and dialed a number. After a moment he apparently had some on the other end. Unfortunately without speaker all we hear is Brooks' side.
Brooks: Where the hell are you?!.......That's what you said half an hour ago!........Well dammit I told ya they'd show up early....YES! Yes those sons of bitches have already interfered in my program tonight.......No. That's why I need your man here-PRONTO!....Just get here!
Jonathan slammed his phoen shuta nd stuffed it in his pocket. He walked off towrads his office still in an extremely foul mood. And with that we faded to the catering area. Christian Michaels was another man in a very bad mood. He grabbed a crew member by the shirt and demanded to know where the new guy was.
???: I...I...I think he's down there!
Michaels shoved the guy back onto the catering table. Poor guy ended up landing on the finger sandwiches. Not good for him as many of the Femme Fatales walk up lookin for some nom noms.
Phoenix: Dude! Promise me you're not going to kill this guy when you find him...
CM just gave Winterborn a look an kept on storming down the hall.
Phoenix: That's what I was afraid of.
Michaels steps out into the parkinga rea and he sees the guy from earlier. The man, who sent CM to save Phoenix who needed no saving, gulps.
Styles; That guy better get the hell outta dodge!
Oddly enough the guy doesn't. CM strides over and grabs the guy by the shirt and throws him against a nearby blue sedan. The guy starts gasping as a snarling Michaels has him by the throat. Phoenix tries to pull CM off and Christian snaps a glare at him. When he turns back around the guy shoves a cassette tape into CM's chest.
Guy: I just did what I was told....I just did what I wa-OOMPH!
The poor guy had backed away just out of the reach of CM's fists. But as Michaels clutches that tape he pops back an plants his foot. WHAP! CM's other foot flew out and superkicked the guy.
Fecca: My word!
Styles; That guy just got whapped!
Fecca: That'll surely be a fine for Michaels but....But you can't blame him folks.
We hear the soudn of the ring bell.
Fecca: Its time for our next match folks. Goergia James and Tank taking on the Terror Twins, Ezrynn an Illiyana. This should be a good one...
The shot switches back to irngside for the next match.... |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave: July 31st
Date Posted:08/02/2010 4:08 AMCopy HTML
"No one on the corner has swagger like us, swagger, swagger like us." With that Georgia and Tank make their way out. Full of themselves. They strut to the ring taking their sweet time. They get to Ringside and they talk shop briefly and Georgia Walks up the ringsteps and climbs the nearest turnbuckle and pops her collar.
Sabrina: The following is a tag team match, and is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, at a combined weight of 456 Lbs they are Power & Glory.
Tank follows closely behind and nods his head and climbs over the top rope. Georgia jumps off the top rope giving Tank a jumping high five. She then lands and does a little strut. Tank cracks his knuckles and snarls while Georgia points to him.
Fecca: Well folks, next up we have a tag team match, between the current PWT Tag Team Champions, Power and Glory, and the Terror Twins. The Terror Twins are two of PWT's latest signings. I am usually not the negative type, but Styles I don't see how the Terror Twins can stand much of a chance against Power and Glory.
Styles: Of course they don't. Look at Tank. There isn't anybody in PWT that stands a chance against him.
"Warp"hits, the sound of a clock ticking in the arena, while the lights flicker on and off in rhythm with the ticking and random pictures of female anatomy on the screen. As the ticking continues and the music starts to pick up, both girls step onto the stage. Both are smiling, excited to be there. As if timed perfectly, the song goes "1, 2, Woop! Woop!", just as Ezrynn points to herself for 1, to Illiya for 2, and the two jump and throw their hands up at the "woop, woop"'s.
Sabrina: And introducing their opponents, at a combined weight of 247Lbs, they are the Terror Twins.
They walk down to the ring together, messing with fans along the way, and get into the ring. Both do the jumps again when the song does the 'Woop's' again, trying to get the crowed pump. The two then talk amongst themselves as they wait for the match to start.
Fecca: Regardless of the chances we think they have, the Terror Twins looked pumped and ready to go. Maybe we will see an upset of the Tag Team Champs here tonight.
Styles: Yeah I wouldn't hold your breath Fecca. There is no way in hell. Look at Tank! Look at him!
Back in the ring, referee is trying to get the teams to their corners. It looks like it's going to be Ezrynn and Georgia to start off the match. Tank and Illiya climb out of the ring, Willie Sharpe signals for the bell, and it rings. Ez is all set to go, but Georgia shakes her head, and turns are and tags in Tank.
Fecca: What a strategy by Georgia, Tank is going to start off the match against the Terror Twins. Styles it is interesting to note, that Tank weighs more by himself than both the Terror Twins do together.
Ez at first doesn't look very excited to be taking on Tank, but she shakes her head and after a few encouraging words from her sister, Ez seems to get pumped up and ready to go again. After a few more seconds, Ez charges towards Tank, she stops just short of him, and throws a punch that connects with a right hand, that barely hits Tank's shoulder. The punch doesn't even seem to phase Tank, who stands there looking down his nose at Ez. Ez cocks her arm back, and throws another punch, followed by another, and finally one more.
Fecca: Ezrynn's punches have no effect on the monster, Tank.
Styles: This one is going to be an ugly one sided match isn't it?
Fecca: Let's not rule out the Terror Twins yet, I think these girls have some fight in them still.
After the last punch from Ezrynn, Tank lifts up his leg and kicks Ez in the gut. Ez is doubled over, and flown backwards after the huge kick from Tank. Ez falls down on her knees holding her gut. Tank slowly makes his way over to Ez and grabs a handful of Ez's hair, and pulls her to her feet. Tank whips Ez to the ropes, and when she bounces off the ropes she runs right into a Big Boot from Tank, that drops her flat on her back. Tank slowly drops to his knees and lazily covers Ez. 1................2........THRNOKICKOUT! Illiya makes it into the ring at the last possible second, and is able to kick Tank in the face, which knocks him off of Ez.
Fecca: Big mistake from Illiya.
Tank shoots up to his feet, Eyes wide, and breathing deep, Tank walks towards Illiya backing her into the corner. Illiya is just a second away from experiencing all of Tank's fury, when Ez slides behind Tank, and tries to roll him up from behind with a pin. But Tank is to big and strong, he doesn't go down. Ez is giving it her all, but Tank isn't budging. But then Illiya leaps up in the air, and hits a dropkick on Tank that sends him stumbling backwards just enough for Ez to roll him up with a pin. 1............2.KICKOUT!!!
Fecca: And just like that, the Terror Twins almost stole the match.
Styles: It wasn't close at all. It would take both Twins to pin this monster, and even then, I don't think they weight enough to keep the big man's shoulders down to the mat.
Tank shoots back up to his feet, Ez and Ill are both still in the ring, Tank runs at them and goes for a double clothesline, but the girls duck out of the way. After ducking under the clothesline, the Terror Twins run to the opposite ropes, when they hit the ropes, Illiya bounces off the ropes, but Ez was to close to Georgia, and Georgia grabbed Ez's hair slamming her backwards down to the mat. And Illiya runs full blast ahead but Tank is ready for her, and Tank catches Ill with a huge sidewalk slam.
Fecca: I've got to say Styles, every time Tank hits a move on these girls, every bone in my body starts hurting.
Ez is down on the mat, Tank just hit Illiya with the sidewalk slam. Tank gets up to his feet, and then walks over and tags in Georgia James. Georgia flies in the ring and immediately pins Ez. 1..............2.........KICKOUT. Georgia glares at Willie Sharpe, thinking the count was a little slow. But instead of arguing, Gee pulls Ez up to her feet, Georgia whips Ez towards the ropes, but instead of letting Ez go, Georgia keeps ahold of her arm and hits her with a quick short arm clothesline. Georgia should have gone for a pin but instead she starts talking some trash to a fan at ringside, who was yelling obscenities her way. When she turns around after taunting the fan for a minute, Ez is slowly crawling towards her corner, where Illiyana is just barely pulling herself up to her feet. Ez is almost there, but moving slowly. Georiga smirks and then moves forward and grabs Ez's foot. Georgia starts to pull back Ez, but after a minute, Ez flips over and kicks Georiga in the face. Ez then scoots backwards on her butt. She reaches up, and tags in Illiya.
Fecca: That was just was Ez needed. She was in a world of trouble, and now with Illiya in the ring maybe they have a shot.
Styles: I still highly doubt it.
Illiya is in, Georiga has her back to her, Illiya runs towards her, but Georgia spins around. But Illiya was ready for her, Illyia hits Georiga with a quick arm drag takedown. Georgia slams into the mat, but is quick to her feet, Georgia spins around and Illiya takes her right back down, but this time with a drop toe hold. Once again Georgia hits the mat hard, but gets back to her feet, this time a little slower. But once she gets to her feet, Georgia turns around to find Illiya, and when she does Illiya remains aggressive, and goes for a belly to belly suplex. When she goes for the move though Georgia jabs her finger into Illiya's right eye. Illiya lets go of Georgia and turns around clutching her eye as the fans shower Georgia in boo's. Georgia smiles big, and then runs behind Illiya and rolls her up with a pin. Georiga even grabs a handful of tights. Willie Sharpe drops down to make the pin count, as the fans continue to boo. 1....................2.......................3
Fecca: Damnit, Georgia just jabbed Illiya in the eye, and cheated her out of a win.
Styles: Thats how an experienced wrestlers gets it done.
Off to commercial
***Commercial Break*** |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave: July 31st
Date Posted:08/02/2010 4:10 AMCopy HTML
When we come back from commercial Shauna Lane is standing in fornt of the PWT backdrop. Joining her to the right is Backyard champion, and center of controversy, Ryan Starr. His championship is proudly over his shoulder.
Shauna: Ladies and gentlemen joining me tonight is Ryan Starr, the reigning PWT Backyard champion. Tonight you'll be stepping in the ring against the reigning PWT World's Heavyweight champion: Xavier Homicide. How do you feel about this match tonight?
Ryan: Shauna I feel GREAT about tonight's match. Because you see not only is this my type of match, its *MY* time to shine in PWT. Yes, I know there's another so-called "starr" here but none shine brighter than I do.
Shauna: Do you believe that the rules for tonight's match take away any advantage Xavier had?
Ryan: Please! Xavier Homicide may be the world's champion, but he's never held an advantage over me. I'm easily the most talented individual on the PWT roster. The problem is that no one knows it because I'm held back. I'm held down because of my sexual orientation! What difference does its make if I like CO*BEEEEEP*?!
The fans in the arena heard it plain as daya nd gasp. Even ole Eddie Styles an Fecca kind of cough as they're caught offguard.
Ryan: Yeah I said it! So what of it?!
The brash Backyard champion asks.
Ryan: That's the kind of crap I'm talking about! But that's ok. Everybody go ahead and keep doubting me. Try to hold me back with your prejudice. Tonight when I beat Xavier Homicide tonight? Then you'll all be made to understand just why this Starr....Shines oh so bright!
And with that Ryan Starrw alks away from the interview set-up. The camera pans over and we see that nearby Christian Michaels and Phoenix Winterborn have found a monitor. Its apparently from the 90s or something as it happens to have a VCR. Michaels pops in the cassette and the screen is black for a moment.
Suddenly we have a scene on the monitor. The viewers at home of course see the full-screen shot while in the arena fans are watchin via the PWT-a-tron. And in this room, somewhere in the arena, we see Kaydence Starr sitting in a chair. The camera pulls back further and we see that her wrists are tied to the arms of the chair. Kaydence's legs are tied togetehr to keep her from runnin away in the chair.
Into this scene walks the Masked Man and Woman. The woman reaches over and strokes Kaydence's firery red hair. Of course she jerks her head away from the woman. Kaydence glared at her.
Kaydence: Let me go!
MM: Shhhh young Kaydence, I have business with your boy-toy.
Masked Man looked at the camera.
MM: Hillbilly....Hillbilly....Hillbilly! How stupid can you be?! You would leave this delicate little flower all alone? I mean in a time in PWT where its literally anarchy with Natural Selection running around?
He shook his head.
MM: I knew you were a sister-plugging hillbilly, hillbilly, but I thought you had more smarts than that. Now here we are once again with me, your significant other, and she's tied up with nowhere to go. Haha.
Kaydence: Go to hell asshole!
MM: Gag her please.
In the background we can see the Masked Woman struggling to get a gag over Kaydence's mouth. And we mean a struggle as Kaydence lands a couple headbutts before she's gagged.
MM: Now, as I was about to say hillbilly. As of late I've seen that you've been on a losing streak......And somehow, though I don't understand it, I feel somewhat responsible. So tonight I've decided to help you get back on the winning track.
We can hear a chuckle.
MM: All you need hillbilly is the proper motivation...
He motioned towards Kaydence.
MM: Win your match tonight hillbilly or I'll turn this pretty redhead against you too.
And with that the tape cut to black. Our camera pulled back from the close-up on the monitor. ya can almost see the anger building inside of Michaels. Its like a gyser about to erupt.
Fecca: Ugh! How can somebody....
There it went! CM jumped up form his seata nd screamed in anger. He reached over and tipped the monitor to the floor. The screen shattered and there were a few sparks. A group of PWT workers gathered, watching as Michaels grabbed the vcr and slammed it to the ground. He stomped on it several times.
Fecca: Michaels is having a fit folks and I don't think anyone would blame him.
Styles: I think I know who it is Bobby. Think about it, how many people have ever taken CM's girlfriend or wife like this? Who has ever turned them against him? And then who'd just as soon call Michaels "hillbilly" as opposed to his name?
Fecca: You don't mean....
Styles; I think Bobbsie. I....I think its Nova!
Cut to commercial
***Commercial Break*** |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave: July 31st
Date Posted:08/02/2010 6:45 AMCopy HTML
Referee Frank Mason calls for the bell as this handicap match gets underway. Tani stands in her corner, waiting for Elizabeth and Lori to decide who will start the match and Elizabeth decides it will be her as Lori goes out to the apron. Elizabeth comes to the center of the ring and so does Tani and Elizabeth talks some trash at Tani, saying she’ll be the Femme Fatale Champion soon. Tani just smiles and shakes her head and Elizabeth gets mad, and smacks Tani across the face. Tani’s head turned to the side and Elizabeth jumped on her with a Lou Thez press while Tani was slightly stunned. Elizabeth slammed Tani’s head into the mat before Frank Mason came in and pulled her off. Elizabeth pushed Frank away and came back at Tani who hit her with a wicked punch to the midsection, which stopped Elizabeth in her tracks. Tani got up and quickly grabbed Elizabeth and brought her over with a Snap Suplex. Tani followed that up by hitting a quick Standing Moonsault and staying on for the pin but Frank only got a 2 count before Elizabeth kicked out.
Fecca: Tani almost ending it right there.
Styles: I don't know Bob, I smell a Rossdale winning streak!
Elizabeth rolled out of the ring after Tani got up and Frank Mason held Tani back, which allowed Elizabeth to catch her breath. Elizabeth got back into the ring and tagged Lori in. Lori got into the ring and Tani came right at her, which caused Lori to duck back into the ropes. Frank backed Tani up as Lori came back into the ring and Tani came in and Lori gave her a drop toe hold into the ropes. Tani hung there as Lori began to distract Frank Mason and Elizabeth began to choke Tani against the middle rope. Frank turned around just as Elizabeth was getting onto the apron again and he gave her a look but she feigned innocence. Lori pulled Tani out of the ropes and gave her a Hair Toss before attempting a pin but Tani kicked out after 2.
Styles: See! They're getting closer!
Fecca: Lori nearly getting a pin on the Femme Fatal Champ right there!
Lori seemed frustrated that she didn’t get the win right there and she got in the referee’s face about it. Frank Mason didn’t back down but when Lori turned back to Tani, Tani was back to her feet. She then gave Lori a chop to the chest that made the crowd go ‘Woooooooo’, and she hit two more of them before whipping Lori into the ropes and letting Lori come back and Tani hit a beautiful Fixed! Elizabeth saw this and got into the right but Tani turned around and grabbed her and hit Elizabeth with a big belly to belly suplex which hit and caused Elizabeth to roll out to the floor. Tani got up and saw Lori was getting up and she waited for Lori to get to her feet before hoisting her onto her shoulders and hitting Vanity’s Curse! She then pinned Lori and got the 3 count.
The show heads to, instead of a commercial, the trailer for the upcoming movie "The Expendables"
After the movie trailer we're backstage where Mikah is standing with her boy-toy Brandon Marks. She's looking all kinds of hawt and he's holding his mic up for her to speak into.
Mikah: The so-called Femme Fatale championship calls that impressive? Puh-lease! I could've beaten those two losers much easier.
She pauses an gigles.
Mikah: Oh that's right! I did! And I did it with the style and class that a championship should. So congrats on your little win tonight Tani. But it doesn't change the fact that I'll soon be the Femme Fatale championess.
Mikah nods proudly.
Mikah: And I think the first thing I'll do as championess is ask Mister brooks a favor. Yes I think I'll ask him to just release the rest of the division. I refuse to be the championess of a division of losers. When I'm champion? I'll have real competition for my title.
The possible soon-to-be championess gave off a smik. It was one of those kind of smirks that made you hate someone. And she did it so well too. Mikah kissing Brandon on the cheek before she walked off. Both Brandon and the camera turned and watched as Mikah strolled off down the hall.
Our camera turned back to Brandon who turned to his left to leave. However folks nobody's going anywhere yet! Standing right there with Brandon, and apparently having enjoyed Mikah's stroll on the catwalk is Xavier Homicide.
Brandon: Xavier! Hey! How long....Uh how long you been there?
The reigning World's Heavyweight champion takes off a pair of shades he had on.
X: Not long Brandon, but it seems that the X-man got here just in time for the show! Wow!
Brandon: Yeah I know huh? I hit that ya know. Me. I hit that.
X: You, my friend, are one lucky mofo.
Brandon: Speaking of luck mofos, tonight Ryan Starr is hoping to be one. He was talking during the week and tonight that a win against you would put him in line for a shot at the title.
X: Yeah you mean if we weren't all hating on the kid for being a homosexual? Look I don't really care what side of the plate this dude swings from. Whatever! Its his preference. Me? I prefer to kick the butts of whiney litlle bit-OAF!
Out of nowhere Ryan Starr runs into the scene! He clobbers Xaveir from behidn iwth the Backyard championship belt. Of course even the X-Man goes down form a shot like that.
Fecca: What the hell is this?
Styles; I think Ryan Starr is tired of waiting on this match. He's ready to get things going right here an now!
Fecca; Are we really going to start this thing like this?
Styles; Hey its backyard rules, falls count anywhere in those
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave: July 31st
Date Posted:08/02/2010 8:04 AMCopy HTML
Having just been clobbered from behind by the Backyard Champion Ryan Starr, Xavier is down on the ground, the cameras cut to the ring, and we see Jim Richards the referee, watching Ryans attack on X on the jumbotron, Richards knowing it is a backyard rules match, immediately darts out of the ring, and towards the back. The cameras go back to the back where Ryan is standing over Xavier with the Backyard Championship in hand. He looks down at the title, and then down at X and smiles. Ryan then goes out of his way to neatly folds the straps of the title belt up, and hands it to one of camera men that were interviewing Xavier. Ryan then bends down and grabs Xavier by the back of the head, Ryan pulls X up to his feet, X looks almost completely out. Ryan gets him up straight and then slams a quick right handed punch, right into X's jaw. X stumbles backwards until he is up against one of the walls backstage.
Fecca: Folks if you are just joining us, Xavier was right in the middle of an interview when Ryan Starr attacked him from behind. This match is going to be a backyard rules match, so Jim Richards took off, and is on his way to the back, and it's my understanding that this match is under way. Can you believe Ryan Starr?
Styles: I think more people need to learn from him. You can't be affraid to go right after the champ.
Fecca: But hitting the champ in the back of the head with a championship belt, isn't exactly the bravest way to go about things.
In the back, Jim Richards has finally reached Xavier and Ryan in the back. Xavier is still backed against the wall. Ryan has been slamming Xavier with rights and left. Ryan lets up his attack when Jim Richards get's back there. He yells about him, not being back there sooner. Ryan turns back to face Xavier and throws a right hand, but Xavier throws up an arm blocking the punch. Ryan shakes his head as he throws another, once again another block from Xavier. More head shaking, and then Ryan takes a step backwards and throws a huge right hand, but Xavier blocks it again, and then grabs Ryan around the head with both hands, and spins him around, and slams Ryan back into the wall. Xavier then lets Ryan have his fair share of lefts and rights.
Fecca: Xavier isn't done yet. Still starting a match with a title shot to the head, is definitely not the way to start things off.
After several punches, Xavier grabs Ryan by the head and drags him off of the wall. Xavier pulls him a few feet, and then stops and hits Phoenix with a few more punches followed up by a kick to the gut. Ryan is doubled over, and then Xavier grabs Ryan by the back of the head, and runs forward, Xavier uses the momentum he built up to throw Ryan into the PWT backdrop where X was getting interviewed just moments ago. Ryan slams into the backdrop hard, and when he hits into the backdrop, the backdrop comes down, revealing a very solid brick wall. Ryan falls to the floor in a heap. Xavier pulls him out from the wall just enough to pin him, Jim Richards drops down to the floor, and counts the pin. 1..................2.KICKOUT by Ryan.
Fecca: That was a solid wall Ryan just got thrown into, that could not have felt good at all.
Styles: He will be fine though, he is the backyard champion. He takes hits like that for a living.
Xavier pulls Ryan up to his feet, Xavier starts pulling Ryan down one of the hallways, stopping every once in a while to get a few punches in to make sure he can control Ryan. After walking down a hallway for a few seconds, Xavier walks through a door into a dark room. We can hear the roar of the crowd on the TV as we get closer, there are a punch of workers in this area and they clear out as X and Ryan go through there. X continues to drag Ryan for a few more seconds, until Ryan abrubtly stops X, and spins X around to face him. Xavier tries to throw a punch to get control of Ryan again, but Ryan ducks it, and lunges forward wrapping his arms around Xavier's waist and driving him forward in almost a running spear. Ryan drives X backwards for several feet, until they hit a black sheet, they dive right through it, and end up on the stage out in the arena, below the jumotron, and then arena comes to life.
Fecca: Well Xavier and Ryan might not have started the match out here, but it looks like they are going to make it out here after all.
Ryan hit X with the spear, and X is slammed down hard on the steel stage. Half of the crowd cheer because Ryan and X are out in the arena infront of them, and the other half is booing the fact that Xavier just got slammed onto the steel stage. Ryan covers Xavier but doesn't even get a two. Ryan looks a little frustrated, he throws his hands in the air, and leaves Xavier lying on the stage as Ryan makes his way down the ramp towards the ring. Ryan stops to Jar with the fans a little bit, before finishing his journey to the ring. Back on the stage, Xavier climbs to his feet, holding his ribs and the fans go nuts. It seems to give the extra boost Xavier needs as he does a little stretching, and then charges down the stage towards Ryan as the fans continue to cheer.
Fecca: Ryan better look out, here comes the champ and he doesn't look happy.
Ryan had reached the ring, and was messing around under the ring, but when he heard the commotion, he turned to see X headed straight towards him. Ryan quickly rolls into the ring, Xavier reaches the ring, and then slides in the ring after Ryan. Ryan was waiting for him, and quickly stomps Xavier, but X powers through it and climbs to his feet. Ryan tries to club Xavier, but X keeps powering through the attack. Xavier blocks a wild punch from Ryan and then the two lock up in a grapple. Xavier quickly slides Ryan into a sideheadlock, and then flips Ryan over his hip, with a headlock take down. Ryan hits the mat hard, but X isn't about to let him get a minute of rest. Ryan lands so he is sitting up, and X drops down kneeing Ryan in the back. Ryan drops to the mat, and X wisely covers but he just gets a two again.
Fecca: Xavier showing why he is champ, he is looking good right now, even after getting blindsided by Ryan.
Styles: Don't count out, Ryan. He is a champion to.
Xavier climbs up to his feet. Ryan is slow to his feet, and it takes him several seconds. But finally he staggers to his feet, he stumbles around in the ring, before slowly turning around, X is waiting for him though. Xavier goes for and connects with a huge spinebuster. The fans erupt! Xavier pops up taking in the crowd and the atmosphere, but suddenly the cheers turn to boos. Confused Xavier looks around, he turns and sees Duke Andrews coming down the ramp headed right for Xavier.
Fecca: Not this again. Duke has injected himself into the Heavyweight Championship scene by waging war against Xavier. X can't have a single match without Duke getting involved. Two weeks ago, Duke ruined a classic match between Xavier and Damien Collins and now he is going to ruin this one too.
Styles: I don't know why more people don't follow Duke's lead. If you want a title shot, just keep attacking the champ until you get one. Eventually you will get your shot.
Duke is at the bottom of the ring, he and X are jawing back and forth, when the crowd suddenly erupts again. Both X and Duke look a little confused, but quickly find out what the crowd is cheering about when they both look at the ramp to see Damien Collins at the top of the ramp headed right for him. Damien points at Duke and then charges down the ramp. X remains in the ring, while Duke tries to take off, but Damien catches up to him.
Styles: You want to talk about ruining a perfectly good match, what is Damien Collins doing out here?
Fecca: I think he is out here to make sure that Duke, doesn't get involved in this match. You should be thanking him.
Damien and Duke are ringside, they exchange a few punches, Damien seems to be getting the upper hand and the fans are eating it up. But when Damien goes for a punch, Duke quickly kicks DC in the gut, and then turns and darts over to the guard rail, where he jumps over it, and takes off through the crowd. The fans explode as Damien darts forward and chases after Duke. Xavier looks on as Duke and Damien run off through the crowd.
Fecca: Thank God, Damien stopped Duke before he could cause any dama...
In the ring, with all the commotion, X forgot about Ryan, just long enough for Ryan to quietly slip out of the ring, and search under the ring until he found his famous pink guitar with the glitter inside. Ryan has it in hand, and is back in the ring waiting behind Xavier. X turns to find Ryan he assumes is down, and insteads gets a guitar smashed over his head by Ryan. Xavier drops like a rock to the mat, and Ryan falls onto him, covering Xavier as the fans boo loudly. 1......................2............................3
Fecca: Damnit, not like that. Not like that.
We take a quick commercial break and come back. The ring has been cleared of the broken bits of guitar and glitter. However what catches our attention is the University of Tennessee fights ong "Rocky Top" playing. At the top of the ramp stands Jonathan Brooks. Looks like he has a mic as well.
Brooks; You know folks I am just about sick and damned tired of all these matches having outside interference..
The fans cheer in agreement.
Brooks; Its getting to where you can't have a damn good match without seeing someone who doesn't belong getting involved
Our great fans are still in agreement with Brooks.
Brooks: So its about time that somebody does something about it! And I am! Ladies and gentlemen it is my pleasure to announce.....Thanks to the actions of Natural Selection, those Masked Hoodlums, Duke Andrews, Nevrymorr, and others....on Sunday the fifteenth of August we return to pay per view with a PWT tradition...
Jonathan pauses and then concludes.
Brooks: August the fifteenth, live on pay per view, PWT presents the return of CAGED COMBAT!
The crowd goes crazy for the announcement of a fan favorite pay per view returning.
Brooks; Thank you everybody and enjoy the rest of the show.
"Rocky Top" blares again as Brooks walks backstage.
Fecca: My word what an announcement folks! Jonathan Brooks has just announced the return of one of PWT's most popular pay per view events: Caged Comat. If you've never seen one of these pay per views shame on you first off. Secondly you need to go to PWTshop-dot-com and pick yourself up the previous editiosn of the pay per view.
Styles; Trust me folks you won't regret it. Caged Combat is easyily one of my favorite shows of the year.
Fecca; Now as I was saying, the Caged Combat pay per view sounds like a rip-off of TNA's Lockdown pay per view. However where all their matches are cage matches, all of our matches will have some sort of enclosure rules.
Styles: Yeah on this card you could see anything from the PWT original "Backyard Brawl" to a "Caged-Ladder" match. You just never know!
Fecca: So be sure an tune in on August fifteenth ladies an gents!
Shockwave heads off to commercial.
***Commercial Break*** |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave: July 31st
Date Posted:08/02/2010 9:03 AMCopy HTML
TJ Bryce makes his way down to the ring in his usual fashion- CM on the other hand.. The usualy playful, fan friendly guy didn't. As "Move"by Thousand Foot Krutch cranked over the PA System, CM bee-lined down to the ring- didn't even wait on the bell to ring before he went right after Bryce. Spearing him to the ground and hitting him with rights and lefts, Christian clearly was a whole different man. Knowing Kaydence was hanging basically on the line- CM needed to be aggressive and take the fight to'em.
Fecca: You heard the Masked Man.. If Christian wants to see Kaydence again, he needs to win this match.. "Or else!"
Styles: I wouldn't call their bluff, especially since they HAVE possession of Kaydence.
Fecca: I'm with you on that one.
Frank Mason stood Christian up as Bryce touched at his forehead, thinking there was blood, but nothing. Mason got in CM's face and warned him about the closed fists, CM just waved him off, there was no time for the talk. Once Mason gave CM some space, CM sprinted back in and looked to hit TJ with a clothesline- Bryce stepped aside. CM being a veteran though- quickly rolled TJ up in a small package..
Bryce's shoulder popped off of the mat- Not yet. CM stood up quickly, Bryce got to his feet too and looked to slow CM's momentum down, but he was unsuccessful. Bouncing off of the ropes- CM came at Bryce quick, but Bryce leap-frogged CM's attempt. CM came back at Bryce and this time TJ was good in his attempt to catch CM with a sense of offense- a drop-top hold. CM landed hard on the mat as TJ came down across his head with a leg-drop. CM clutched at his head- trying to get up but Bryce stepped back- measuring CM for the 'Insufficient Funds.' CM got to a knee and Bryce sprinted forward looking for that Punt to the Head- But CM managed to jump to the side. Grabbing at the ropes and pulling himself up- CM snapped forward and this time took TJ down with a flying crossbody!
Fecca: CLOSE!
CM was beginning to grow frustrated, he wanted the match to be over with- he wanted Kaydence back in the safety of his arms, but TJ Bryce wasn't going to allow it. Bryce somehow worked up enough in him to catch CM- Who was beginning to get irritated with TJ's relentless of the situation in an exploding Northern Lights Suplex- But he didn't make the pin. Instead, as CM hit the match pretty hard- Bryce jumped up and hit CM with a double foot stomp that took the air right out of'em. Bryce smirked down at his work, he liked what he seen and he wasn't about to stop there. Taking a page out Bret Hart's legendary playbook- TJ picked CM up and snapped backwards, hitting him with a hard Russian Leg-Sweep. Standing up once more and backing into the ropes- TJ hopped onto the second turnbuckle and came off of it quickly with an elbow drop that found it's mark across CM's sternum.
Styles: Whoa, Bryce is taking the fight right back to Michaels, this is impressive! Usually I think this kid is annoying, but he's really putting up a fight!
Fecca: This is dangerous because both men have a lot to lose! CM obviously as Kaydence and TJ? A lost here could knock him back down the pole- A win here could catapault Bryce's PWT career!
Styles: Yeah but Michaels is going all out- I wanna see how far he goes.
Michaels wasn't gonna stay down- there was too much to lose. Pushing himself up, Christian found a way to muster up a comeback- he fired off lefts and rights- they connected and sent Bryce into the ropes. Christian looked for a hard hitting attack and went at Bryce hard and quick, but Bryce managed to catch CM with a back-body drop that seen CM fly over the top rope and land flat on his back outside the ring- definitely taking the air out of him.
Fecca: WHOA!
Grabbing at his lower-back, CM was in pain- But that was his own fault due to being over-aggressive. Bryce tapped at his forehead, cueing how smart he was as the crowd let him have it- they didn't like to see their Southern Hero fallen like that. Bryce distracted Mason from the inside- making all sorts of claims that he had hurt himself as Bryce's insurance policies- The Taylor Brothers came into effect. One stood CM up and whipped him to the other- but The Southern Heartthrob was fighting with all he had. Manging to duck beneath the lariat- CM turned his body and when one Taylor brother turned around- He ate CM's heel- BIG SUPERKICK!
The other Taylor's Brother attempted to get at CM, but CM rolled into the ring before anything. Standing up- like a Predator, he cued in on Bryce and hit with a flying shoulder-block and mounted him. Raining down with rights and lefts again- Mason got in CM's face as CM threw him backwards and away. Mason's eyes got wide as he pushed himself up.
Mason knowing CM was under huge pressure though, he was gonna give him the benefit of the doubt. Warning CM once more- telling him that one more time this went down- a DQ would be in place, CM had a look in his eyes that said he really didn't care about consequences. Standing up, CM once more nodded Mason off and this time was really measuring TJ Bryce- On a knee, Bryce pushed himself up but before CM could launch himself in and connect with 'Just Like That,' the 'tron lit up- Catching the attention of everybody.
Fecca: It's that damn Masked Man! What the hell?!
Michaels was shouting at the Masked Man as the camera panned out- just enough to show the Masked Man with a hand full of red hair- who's hair? CM looked it to be Kaydence's. As CM had his back turned- TJ took advantage of the situation and quickly rolled CM up with a school-boy, a hand full of tights helped hold The Southern Heartthrob down.
Fecca: ARE WE-
Styles: WILL IT-
TOO LATE! Mason's had slapped down on the mat before Michaels could kick out as the crowd.. Was shocked. Bryce couldn't believe it neither as he rolled out of the ring as the Masked Man shook his head.
MM: I warned you Christian..
Fecca: I don't know what's worse.. the fact that TJ just got a HUGE upset over CM or the fact that CM lost the match- despite the Masked Man's warnings!
Styles: CM isn't waiting around, look at him book it!
The Southern Heartthrob hauled ass up the ramp after rolling out of the ring. TJ Bryce was patting himself on the back as he walked around the ring. He was telling everyone how he single-handedly won that match. That is until Brandon Marks appeared at the top of the stage.
Fecca: The past several weeks folks we've seen TJ Bryce picking on various members o fthe PWT staff. Last week he attacked Brandon Marks. Folks Marks works with this company now as an interviewer.
Styles: He looks like alot more than that right now.
Brandon begins stalking down the ramp but TJ takes off beside teh ramp. marks is right on his trail though. We fade to commercial.
***Commercial Break***
Off that last commercial we ocme back to a door being kicked open. And if you listen close enough you would swear you hear the batan theme, form the 89 movie. In through the door comes the Southern Heartthrob. Our camera slips in somehow and we see the Masked Woman! She charges and with a spinning discus punch CM lays her OUT!
Fecca: Good lord!
Styles; Michaels just decked a chick....And these people love it?!
The Masked Man comes after CM but he has a right hand shot blocked. CM then starts unloading with his right hand into the gut of the Masked Man.
Styles; Get the mask! Get the mask!
Michaels probably could folks. Maybe he should! But instead he heads to the center of the room where Kaydence is tied to that chair. Christian working on untying Kaydence as the camera catches sight of the Masked Man and Woman escaping out the door.
Styles; He could've unmasked them!
Fecca; I think on this night there was something more important on the line Eddie.
The shot focuses on CM holding Kaydence in his arms... |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave: July 31st
Date Posted:08/02/2010 9:20 AMCopy HTML
As we return Terri LaMin's music is play as she makes her way down the ramp slowly to a mixed chorus of boos and cheers. She keeps her hands down by her side as she makes her way around the ring towards the announcers table.
Fecca: Terri LaMin making her way to ringside with us for this match-up.
Styles: Yeah, after Kim cost her that match last week I'm sure she has some things to say.
Terri takes a seat next to Bob as he hands her a headset. She puts it on.
Fecca: Welcome to the announcers table to Miss LaMin, glad to have you.
Terri: Glad to be here and seeing the failure that Kimberly Pain has become.
Styles: Alright, someone is a bit bitter.
Terri: About what!?
Terri snapped off at Styles who got quiet. Before he could say anything else the lights dimmed down, and the opening to "Down From The Sky" by Trivium begins to blare throughout the building.
"Epitome of Perfection"
The words are heard as a small video package featuring Dukes greatest moments begins to play.
"A chasm grows In the cavity of serpentine teeth Hunger pains strike For the sweet feast of innocent blood Of innocent bloodshed Now here we go"
At this point Duke has made his way from the back, standing for a moment on the stage before slowly walking towards the ring.
Sabrina: Ladies and Gentlemen this match is scheduled for one-fall...introducing first on his way to the ring from Grand Rapids, Michigan....DUKE ANDREWS!!
"The vampires feed on the wars of mankind Growing fat on the throne of an empire Tyrant rules with the threat of a great fire"
Duke is now hopping up on the apron and stepping into the ring.
"I've opened up my eyes Seen the world for what it's worth Tears rain down from the sky They'll blow it all to bits To prove whose god wields all the power Fire rains down from the sky"
Duke is standing on the turnbuckle opposite of the ramp looking out into the crowd.
Fecca: Duke Andrews definitely looking to get a double-you over the current Revolution Champion, Kim Pain.
Terri: If she would EVER put that title on the line. She can't handle the heat.
As if that was her cue the lights flicker as the song "Born to raise hell" by Motorhead starts and Kimberly appears walking out of the curtain.. She stands motionless on the stage looking over the booing crowd..
Sabrina: And his opponent, making her way to the ring from the City of Lost Angels... KIMBERLY PAIN!!
She taunts the crowd before slowly and methodically making her way down the ramp and towards the ring ignoring the boos from the crowd.. She slides into the ring looking at all sides before standing up. She doesn't waste time paying much attention to Duke instead she makes eye contact with Terri saying a few things to her that can barely be heard. Willie Sharpe calls for the bell as Kim finally turns back around. Duke and Kim then circle each other for a few seconds before locking up. Naturally Duke gets the upper-hand showing his strength as he pushes Kim straight into the corner. Sharpe yells for him to get back and he does after letting Sharpe count to three. Duke then sends a swift boot to Kim's midsection. He then sends another and yet another. Kim has now been pushed further down into the corner and basically is sitting on the middle turnbuckle. Duke then grabs her by the hair and pulls her to the middle of the ring. He sets her up for a DDT but Kim counters rolling out of it and quickly sending a spinning heel kick straight to Duke's head.
Fecca: My God! What a great kick by Kim Pain!
Terri: Eh...it was sub-par.
Wasting no time Kim goes for a pin. ONE..TW...Duke kicks out rather quickly despite holding onto his head in pain. Kim seems a bit annoyed by this but she doesn't let it eat her up to much. She is quick to get back to her feet. She grabs Duke's legs wrapping them up before turning over and locking in the texas cloverleaf. Duke looks like he's in pain as he reaches for the ropes. Just as he seems ready to throw in the towel Kim Pain lets go, why you ask?! Well because Terri LaMin has gotten up onto the apron.
Fecca: Terri is distracting Kim and the ref!
Terri yells at Kim who has gotten close enough to yell back, the ref tries to moderate but cannot seem to do so effectively. Kim finally backs off remembering she has a match to win. But Terri continues her yelling spree keeping Sharpe's hands full. He yells for her to get down as Kim goes to grab Duke. She begins to pick him up by the hair. All of the sudden the crowd bursts into a mix of boos and cheers as we see Nevyrmorr hope over the barricade and slide into the ring. Kim sees this and runs at him with a clothesline, he ducks under and they both turn back to each other. Nev grabs and her picks her up spinning her around and then sending her straight into the mat.
Fecca: NEVYRMORR WITH THE RAVEN'S CLAW!! He just hit it on Kim Pain!
Nev then quickly gets out of the ring and Terri finally backs off much to the delight of Sharpe. Duke gets to his feet slowly and sees that Kim is down. He seems a bit confused, but he picks her up anyways only to slam her back down face first into the mat.
Fecca: And now an Andrews Effect!?
Duke makes the pin. ONE...TWO...THREE!! Duke's music begins to play.
Styles: Well looks like two can play at the game of costing each other matches, Nev and Terri proved that tonight.
Fecca: That was a sham! These two just need to step in the ring together and get things settled
Duke leaves, satisfied iwth his victory tonight. Nev an Terri are looking like they're going to go back in the irng. Here comes Whisper though. She slides ina n the grins on the faces of Nev an Terri get wider. All of a sudden the ring ropes are engulfed in flames!
Nev: Whisper, your mouth has taken you too far. If you thought you'd been through Hell, you will have after Caged Combat! Inferno match, be there, and Kim, remember, don't be a hero...or you'll find yourself cremated like your friend over there.
There's evil laughter in the air as Nev and Terri back up the ramp, staring at Kim an Whisper. |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave: July 31st
Date Posted:08/02/2010 9:28 AMCopy HTML
As we return "The Howling" begins to play and Nina comes out onto the stage headbanging and dancing to her own music. Pink strobe lights dance across the stage under her feet. As she approaches the ramp, pink and black sparks shoot across it and Nina skips through them on her way to the ring
Sabrina: Ladies and Gentlemen this match is scheduled for one-fall! Introducing first from The Bronx, New York....NINA!
Fecca; This match was announced last week when Nina challenged the number one contender Mikah to a match.<br><br>Styles: Mikah is gonna prove her dominance tonight by doing just what she did in the number one contender battle royal, beating Nina.
Fecca: I wouldn't count Nina out after her great match with the Women's Champ herself, Tani Lyons.
By now, Nina has slid into the ring and is standing on the turn buckle blowing kisses to the crowd as they cheer her on. She then turns and jumps off of the turnbuckle as her music fades. The arena then fades to black before "Shakin' Hands" by Nickelback begins to play and the arena then flashes with hot pink, neon green, and purple lights. Mikah soon makes her way out onto the stage, one hand on her hip the other by her side. She stops in the middle of the stage before rolling her hips to the left before continuing her way down the ramp.
Sabrina: And her opponent from New York City, New York....MIKAH!!
Boos circulate through the crowd as Mikah jogs up the stairs before strutting two steps onto the apron then slowly getting into the ring between the bottom and middle rope. She then jogs over to the far right turnbuckle and hops up onto the second one before shimmying her chest a little before holding her arms up in the air. She then jumps down turning to look at Nina who seems extremely focused.
Fecca: The look in Nina's eyes says just how much she wants this win tonight.
Style: Well, you can't always get what you want.
Fecca: Don't count her out just yet, she's got a lot of skill.
Style: So does Mikah, that's why SHE is the number one contender.
Referee Mitch Roberts calls for the bell. Mikah and Nina have a bit of a stare down and exchange some words that can't be heard by anyone else. Mikah then simply laughs in Nina's face motioning for her to shoo as she looks out to the crowd seeming uninterested in Nina. Nina will have none of that, she runs straight up to Mikah and hooks her with a hard right hand. Mikah falls back a little bit landing on one knee not even expecting this. She stares up at Nina who looks down at her letting her know that she means business.
Fecca: See, Nina is all business tonight she is gonna prove that one way or another.
Mikah looks around for a second as if to wonder if anyone saw what just happened. She let lets off a cocky smile before getting to her feet and sending a huge hook towards Nina. Nina however blocks this putting her own hand up she then sends another punch to Mikah and another and another. Mikah finally falls down to the mat straight into the corner in pure shock. Mikah grabs onto the ropes and begins to pull herself to her feet, Nina then helps the rest of the way lifting Mikah by her arms. She then puts both of her arms behind the ropes saying a few words to her. She then looks out to the crowd before laying a huge chop to Mikah's chest, Mikah caves in from the pain but Nina pushes her back hitting another chop. Mikah stumbles out of the turnbuckle falling to her knees once again and keeping hold of the middle rope.
Fecca: Mikah trying to get away from the powerful looking Nina.
Nina grabs onto Mikah's hair and throws her back into the corner sending a hard kick to her midsection and sending a few more punches her way before Roberts yells at her to back away. Nina does so without fighting him. As she does this Mikah quickly gets out of the ring and goes to the outside to catch her breath. She stumbles back towards the announcers table resting on it for a second. Nina steps onto the outside apron as Mikah tries to catch her breath. Mikah turns to see Nina and Nina jumps off the apron with a cross body. Mikah gaining strength quickly catches Nina in mid-air.
Styles: See, look at that strength.
Fecca: Well...that was unexpected.
Mikah stumbles back a tad trying to catch her balance lucky for her there is a sturdy table to help her. She then quickly slams Nina down onto the mat on the outside getting a pop from the crowd. She then gets to her feet once again shaking off the punches still. Nina grabs her back on the floor. Mikah doesn't allow her much time to recover because she lifts her off of the floor only to send her head crashing onto the announcers table. Mikah yells something out to the crowd before doing the same thing again. She then takes Nina and throws her into the ring getting in right after her and making a cover. ONE...TWO...Nina kicks out. Mikah seems frustrated.
Fecca: Looks like Mikah just wants this match over with.
She gets to her feet grabbing a fist full of Nina's hair in the process and lifts her off of her feet as well. She throws her across the ring with a hair toss. Nina hits the mat face first. Mikah gets a little cocky and taunts to the crowd before struting over towards Nina. She grabs her by the hair but Nina had recovered enough to pull Mikah into a small package. ONE..TWO..THR...KICKOUT! Mikah barely kicks out after the surprise pin attempt from Nina. Mikah looks shocked as she sits up looking back at Nina. The women get back to their feet at the same time and lock up. Nina gets the upper-hand when she sends a knee into Mikah's midsection. Nina then jumps up onto Mikah's shoulders bringing her down hard with a hurricanrana. Mikah, in shock rolls over and sits down in the corner. The crowd is pumped as Nina gets back to her feet and yells out. She doesn't waste anytime running to the corner and jumping onto Mikah with "Fantasy Fulfilled" aka a Bronco buster. The crowd goes wild.
Styles: Wowzaaa definitely a crowd pleaser there.
Fecca: Nina is looking to end this.
Mikah seeming a bit disgusted from the move tries to get out of the corner by pulling herself away with the ropes. Nina grabs onto her hair, draging her to her feet. She then hits a hard ddt right in front of the turnbuckle. She looks to Mikah then looks to the turnbuckle. She motions towards the turnbuckle which causes the crowd to cheer.
Fecca: I think we're gonna see that amazing 450 splash from Nina!
Nina climbs to the top turnbuckle pointing out to the crowd as she reaches the top. She then stands straight up before flipping forward with a beautiful 450 splash, unfortunately for her Mikah has rolled out of the way and all Nina hits is mat. There is a loud "OHHHH!" heard from the crowd as Nina grabs her stomach in pain.
Fecca: My God! That had to of broken her! Or at least a rib!
Styles: See! This is what I'm talking about Mikah is smart, that's why she's the number one contender!
Mikah helps herself up with the ropes as she catches her breath happy to have missed that huge move from Nina. Nina tries to catch her breath as she hardly gets herself up to all fours. Mikah sees this as an amazing opportunity and doesn't waste time running straight forward towards Nina and kicking her straight in the head with a "Taste of Poison". Nina falls flat and Mikah looks out at the crowd for a second before dropping to her knees and making a cover. ONE...TWO...THREE!
Styles: Thata girl!
Sabrina: Here is your winner....MIKAH!!
The crowd fills with boos as Mikah's music hits. She gets to her feet as Robert's raises her hand in the air. She talks some trash but suddenly the theme for our Femme Fatale championess hits. The fans start to cheer as Tani walks out leading with her the ENTIRE rest of the Femme Fatale roster. The championess has a mic in hand.
Tani: Mikah! Earlier tonight you claimed that if you won this championship you'd ask for the entire Femme fatale roster to be fired...
Mikah yells out that she said WHEN.
Tani: Whatever. The point is that neither myself or these ladies particularly care to be called losers. And even more none of us can stand YOU! So since I'm the championess and have a little say in my title defenses? I spoke to Jonathan Brooks and he's agreed that at Caged Combat its you and I in.....A LUMBERJILL MATCH!
The crowd goes wild as Tani smiles onstage. Mikah, as you could imagine, is not very thrilled in the ring. She's throwing quite a fit. We fade to commercial as Fecca an Styles talk about the announcement of Tani vs Mikah in a lumberjill match |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave: July 31st
Date Posted:08/02/2010 9:29 AMCopy HTML
"Grey' by Anew Revolution is playing, and we see Scott and Zarek walking through the back, Scott with a singapore caine in hand, Zarek with a fire extinguisher as the camera pans up, and from around a corner, comes Matlock and Javen, steel chairs in hand and they crash them across their backs. Scott and Zarek fall forward as the PWT Elite stand over them, and go to crash the chairs into them again. Scott leaned up against some wooden crates, and seeing Matlocks chair coming, he ducks out of the way just in time.
Fecca: Javen and Matlock taking a smart approach for the anything goes ruling, trying to get a jump on The New Revolution early on!
Styles: And I can't say that I blame them. Scott and Zarek are impressive together, and impressive apart but when you're PWT elite, you gotta knock it into the young guns heads that this is your house.
Fecca: The PWT Elite may very well have history etched in stone, and this might be their match where they feel more comfortable, but Scott and Zarek, I have a feeling will be the two of the many to be the true future of PWT, when guys like Matlock and Javen can't do it anymore.
A ref is rushed to the scene and the bell sounds and the fight is on. Zarek ducks the chair shot from Javen, and jabs the fire extinguisher into Javen's gut, and goes to knock him out with a head shot but Javen stops him, kicking Zarek in the gut and drops him with a DDT and a cover. but Scott breaks it up, but is met with a forearm shot by Matlock, causing Scott to stumble forward. Scott turns around and SMACK the chair is cracked across his head, and Matlock goes for a cover, but only two and Scott's busted open as he gets his shoulder up.
Fecca: VICIOUS chair shot by Matlock and that wound looks something fierce!
Styles: Matlock sending a message, Bob-o. You gotta do what you gotta do to keep young punks in their places when the PWT elite still belong at the top!
Javen goes to irish whip Zarek into a wodden crate, but Zarek counters it sending Javen back first into it as he drops to his knee and the pain is evident on his face. Zarek then nails a nice inzeguri with a smack heard nice and clear from Javen's head and Zarek's foot coliding. Scott and Matlock are fighting back and forth, and Matlock has Scott in a headlock and starts to walk him to the curtain. "Born with Nothing, die with everything" hits and we see Scott come flying out from behind the curtain and starts to roll down the ramp, and Matlock has a microphone.
"We TOLD you that this was OUR territory! And now everybody, look at your beloved comedian, Scott Addams as he lies in front of you a pathetic, bloody mess!"
Matlock tosses the mic aside, on the screen we have Javen and Zarek brawling on the screen.
Fecca: Matlock just continuing this assault on Scott, really trying to prove a point here tonight!
Styles: And like I've been saying, Bob-o. They have to prove a point. It's not to prove that they belong but to put these young whippersnappers in their places and make them show some damn respect. That picture that Scott brought up from Matlock at the pool was NOT cool. I even hear Javen threw up a little bit! NOT COOL! Like you and gays.
Fecca: Back to this again?
Styles: Well maybe if you didn't hate so bad...
Scott is at the bottom of the ramp, slowly getting up, blood just running from his head with a mean gash and Matlock seems to stalk him. Meanwhile backstage Zarek is stomping into Javen, but Javen is able to catch his foot, and throw it off to the side, then kick Zarek right in the crotch. Zarek backs off holding his nuts, and Javen jumps into the crate and leaps off trying to take Zarek down with a DDT, but Zarek turns it into a northern lights, and the pin is counted.
One... Two... Kick out!
Javen was able to kick out and the arena boos and Javen is quick to his feet. He kicks Zarek in the gut and lands the sit-out jaw breaker, and goes to tackle Zarek but is met with a knee to the face, and is met with a pele kick and Javen is stumbling around.
Fecca: Zarek right back on the offensive here, Ed.
Styles: Eeeh, only 'cause of a cheap shot. BUT Javen is not down and out yet, as long as we don't see that picture of Matlock again.
Back to ringside, Matlock and Scott are exchanging blow after blow outside the ring. Matlock irish whips Scott towards the steps, but the move is quickly countered sending Matlock to the steps. Scott raises his arms up and yells as the crowd erupts, and scott charges to Matlock, leaping through the air with a hesitation-esque drop kick, sandwhiching Matlock between the steps and Scott's feet.
Fecca: Scott flying through the air and crushing Matlock between his feet and the steps!
Styles: That's just not right! Matlock may not be able to stand again!
Reaching under the ring Scott pulls out a trash can and hits it a few times getting the crowd worked up with a big smirk on his face, and he runs at Matlock, who drop toe holds Scott, sending him face first into the trash can on the ground. A quick cover but only two. Frustration in his eyes now and then we have Zarek and Javen fighting from the side of the ramp towards the ring. Javen is leaning against the guard rail and big WHOOS come out when knife edge chops slap across Javen's chest. Matlock is in control of Scott, it seems until Scott starts throwing chops out of no where, getting back to his feet from his knees. Reaching under the ring, Scott grabs his caine again and nails Matlock in the midsection doubling him over. A loud smack across his back and Matlock's face says it all, and it's cracked across his back again and again and again, and the caine is broken.
Fecca: Scott has assumed control with one of his favorite weapons and is really taking it to Matlock!
Styles: Matlock is BUILT for this kind of a fight though, Bob-o. So to even try and count him down and out, no way! Javen neither. This is only the beginning!
Scott slides Matlock into the ring and heads to the top. Javen sees whats going on, and stalls Zarek with a thumb to the eye and charges to the ring, and pushes Scott off the top, sending him flipping and flying into the ring, but lands right on Matlock, and the ref counts the pin. Javen's face says OH SHIT but Matlock gets his shoulder up and Scott is still alive, but using the ropes to get to his feet, Zarek yanks Javen off of the apron and before Javen can even think, Zarek has him up for Sweet Misery. The crowd is going nuts as Javen is shaking his head. Zarek gets a running start and Javen is dropped outside with the Sweet Misery. The crowd goes berzerk and Zarek slides into the ring. Scott and Matlock were going at it, and Matlock has control, Scott into the corner, Matlock giving him a ten punch, and Matlock drops down, taunting to the crowd getting boos, and Scott props his legs into the air, and onto Matlocks shoulders/head. Projecting himself off the turnbuckle, and spins Matlock flipping him onto his back with a reverse spinning head scissors of sorts.
Fecca: SWEET MISERY ON THE OUTSIDE TO JAVEN! OH MY GOD! And what Innovaton right there by Scott! Using his elements against Matlock!
Styles: Matty won't die! Wait... wrong guy, but still! Matlock isn't done yet! I know he and Javen can come back from this!
Scott is on fire, and he signals to Zarek who brings a table into the ring and starts to get it up. Scott is fighting off Matlock, but his momentum is stopped with a low blow, and Zarek not even realizing it, and Matlock removes the padding from the corner. But as he turns around, BAM, Stinger splash by Zarek. Scott is up, just limping a bit, and drops Matlock with a double arm DDT, and together Scott and Zarek place Matlock on the table. The crowd is going nuts as Zarek signals for Scott to go up top. Zarek on the table, lifts Matlock up into the Sweet Misery position, and Scott stands on the top, leaping off and with a huge double stomp, they send Matlock through the table with their move "Revolutionary" (Double Stomp/Cop Killa Combo). The crowd chanting HOLY SHIT as Scott falls over Matlock for the cover and the crowd chanting behind the count.
Fecca: That's it! It's over! Scott and Zarek win!
Styles: But the war is just beginning, Bob-o!
The bell sounds, the match is over, but before "Grey" can even hit, we see Natural Selection: Mitchell, Bain, Escobar, Othenial, and Bedlam all launch the ring. Before Scott and Zarek even realize whats going down, Scott is speared, and Zarek is Prodigal dropped, leaving NS standing in the ring.
Fecca: DAMNIT! I thought these punks were outta here!
Styles: Natural Selection, Bob-o! They always find a way!
"Still Ubroken" hits and Brooks is on the top of the ramp, ushering for the troops as the locker room starts to empty and head into the ring. Brandon Marks, Damien Collins, Eagle, Masked Avenger, Nevyrmorr, Nosferatu, Oz, Winterborn, Tank, Shadow, Bryce, Rich and Whysper. They get in the ring and theres a staredown then PWT launches into the attack. It's a massive numbers gain, but NS are fighting off well. Masked Avenger gets a knockout punch, Matlock is just thrown outside as he starts to gather himself. Con boots Oz, Bain clotheslines Tank.
Fecca: I can't believe what I'm seeing! Natural Selection are just ripping apart the roster AGAIN!
Styles: This is getting to be a bit much! They're just showing the entire roster right here that they're on top of their game!
Fecca: Well you also have to keep in mind, these are five very skilled men, and really Jacob is the one thats been in PWT the longest so its not expected for the roster to know how to fight these guys.
As soon as the big guys are down, like a pack of wolves they start stomping away at the big guys, and kicking them out of the ring. Javen is getting up outside the ring and walks up the ramp and relaxes, just watching on. DC goes right in after Jake, or tries to, but while he jumps over people, he's caught in mid-air with a vicious SPEAR that only Con can deliver. Marks starts throwing punches to every one of them, and he's drilled with a Prodigal Drop. A Death Sentence to Eagle, The Wreckless to Nev, huge .GIF moment to Nos, Shadow goes to strike but no! Combo Breaker and he's down! Bryce is spinebustered over the top and Tony Rich is left all alone.
Fecca: And then there was one. Tony is all alone in there with those damn wolves! He's gonna get slaughtered!
Styles: And he's got his match against Starr next week, too!
Speaking of Starr, he decided he wanted to run in, and at this point in time, Javen is just watching this all, realizing what is really happening, but the PWT roster all start to get back up, ready to fight again. But before they're to their feet, Con has Tony cornered, and before he can get away, Con catches him, lifts him up and Tony is dropped with The Wreckless II!
Fecca: THE WRECKLESS PART 2! Tony just got dropped sickeningly on his head!
Styles: Will he even be able to fight next week?!
Starr came running from the crowd and slid into the ring, threw some punches and strikes at NS, and got out of the ring on the other side, just as quick as he got in as they look at him like he was stupid.
Fecca: I don't know what Ryan is trying here, but PWT lives to fight! Every man is standing up!
Styles: This is amazing!
Then, as they start to stand, the lights go out and the lunar eclipse is seen on the screen and the lights are back on with "Blacken the cursed sun" blasting and the crowd erupts, as the Michigan Monster, Draven comes walking down the ramp. The look on Javen's face is priceless, as he turns around, just for Draven to kick him in the gut, and toss him clear off the ramp and into the crowd.
Styles: He's huge!
Starr stands there looking up at Draven, who pushes Starr off to the side and slides into the ring, staring down NS. Con an Draven are face to face, neither man backing down, but Bain put his arm over Con's chest, backing him up. Starr isn't done as he comes running down, and is springboarding off the top rope. Draven steps aside, and Bain spinebusters him viciously it the mat. Bain and Draven stare each other down and the crowd is going nuts with neither man making a move, and we hear Jake shout "Lets go!" Bain smirks as Natural Selection slowly exit the ring, and over the guard rail exiting the arena to the displeasure of the crowd.
Fecca: THE MICHIGAN MONSTER HAS DEBUTED FOLKS! And he just stared down with Natural Selection!
Styles: The tension was high here tonight! But folks, we're out of time! For Bob-o, I'm Eddie Styles, and we'll see you next week! |
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