Its that time again folks! The latest offering from the Aimoo Sports network has just faded off the air. Suddenly the opening video for a NEW season of PWT Saturday Night Shockwave kicks in. We're back to "Still Unbroken" by Lynard Skynard as our theme. As the video ends with a shot of Xavier Homicide being swarmed by fans at the end of LITS we go inside the American Airlines arena.

The camera pans around the crowd holding up signs for their favorite stars, and of course antagonizing their most hated. Most of teh signs though are for Xavier Homicide, the NEW World's Heavyweight champion. We pull down to ringside with the shot now. Back in his spot is Bobby Fecca standing beside Eddie Styles
Fecca: Welcome everbody to the season premiere of PWT's Saturday Night Shockwave! I'm Bobby Fecca once again joining my longtime broadcast partner Eddie Styles at the commentary table. I'd just like say that it feel so good to be back here in PWT! And I mean to really be back in PWT and not just ICWA-lite.
Styles: I dunno.....I kind of liked the ICWA-lite version of PWT. They always treated me well.
Fecca: I'm a little surprised you didn't follow them back to North Carolina.
Styles; Well as good as they did treat me, my home will always be PWT.
Fecca; That is definately good to hear Eddie. However i don't think the words we hear momentarily from Christian Michaels will necessarily be "good". He's a man that was abandoned by his friends in "The Clique" as they headed for so-called greener pastures. Then he shows up at Line In The Sand only to be turned away by security and then promptly ran down by a masked assailant.
Styles: Masked you say? Well we do have a new masked man runing around PWT....
Fecca: It wasn't the Masked Avenger.
Styles: How do you know?
Fecca: I...
Bobby Fecca is cut off as "Move" by Thousand Foot Krutch hits over the speakers. The fans all come to their feet but its quite a split in the cheers and the jeers. Ya have about 45% cheering and 55% still booing. Guess they don't forget that easily. Anyways from behind the curtain comes Christian Michaels.
Fecca: Seems that Michaels has a new entrance theme for a new season.
Styles: How'd the fans know who it was?
Fecca: Everything leaks onto teh internet these days Eddie.
The former four-time champion walking with a purpose as he heads down the ramp. His right arm is heavily taped. That itself is a result of what happened at Line In The Sand.
Sabrina: Ladies and gentlemen please welcome to the ring "The Southern Heartthrob" CHRISTIAN MIIIICHAELS!
The fans cheering for CM cheer a lil louder as Sabrina announced him.
Fecca: At this time folks lets look back at what happened at Line In The Sand two weeks ago.
On the PWT-a-tron a video kicks in showing CM arriving at LITS. He got out of his cara nd walked towards the door. As we all know by now the guards refused CM entry. So he went to leave when things went nuts.
....CM at the back of his car. He digs in his pocket and pulls out a set of keys. Suddenly the headlights of a black an silver 2010 Chevy Camaro turn on. The ight is bright and blinding. The Heartthrob puts up a hand to try an get a look at the car.
CM: What's the big idea as*hole?
Whoever sits in the driver's seat responds by gunning their engine. Michaels waves them off and turns toward his car. When he does suddenly there's teh sound of tires squealing as the camaro suddenly jolts forward. CM turns back to see what the commotion is. He turns just in time to see the car about to hit him. Christian manages to jump up onto the hood, rolling into the windshield cracking it badly before spinning off the car.
Double B: Good gracious!
The fans can be heard gasping as Michaels hits the pavement. He rolls from his stomach over a couple times to his back. The camaro had slammed its brakes on an screeched to a halt. Suddenly the taillights are lit up and the car backs up. The back wheel on the driver's side resting atop CM's right arm as the car stops again.
Styles: Oh my....Somebody's gotta get back there.
Having a car parked on his arm has CM snapping back to this world. He begins to yell out in agony while striking the tire with his left hand. We change to a shot from a regular camera as the driver's door of this car opens. Someone in black boots, jeans, sweatshirt, and ski-mask jumps out the car. This person stuffs the keys to the car in a pocket.
Double B: Who is that?
Styles: I can't tell with all that black.
Well whoever pulls a lead pipe from their back pocket. CM looks up and sees them. He kicks at this person but he's hopelessly pinned under that tire. They bypass the kicks and just start waylaying CM's ribs with the pipe.
Double B: Can we not get someone back there?
The attacker has Michaels subdued by this point and has just resorted to kickin him. Suddenly though there's the sound of a door slamming open and hitting a wall....Or maybe some bouncers not doing their jobs. Anyways there's shouting and the attacker drops the pipe and takes off running. An instant later and Javen enters the scene. He stares after teh attacker just momentarily before kneeling beside his brother.
PWT medical staff and some on-call paramedics rush the scene. The medics are checking CM as someone suggests they get the car off his arm. Another person yells back that the keys are gone. Javen and some of the guys get behind the car and start trying to push it off.
Fecca: There ya see it again folks. A very dangerous situation there for Christian Michaels.
Styles: Yeah I was there that night as you heard with Burt Busch. I usually give Michaels a lot of crap but not even I think somebody deserves something like that. Whoever that masked person was tried to take away CM's livelyhood. You just don't do something like that.
In the ring now CM has been handed the mic. "Move" fades off the speakers as the crowd continues to about half boo an half cheer. Michaels looks around the capacity crowd that has filled this arena in his favorite city in the world. Finally he raise sthe mic to his lips and speaks.
CM: Ya know after the June I had it feels really good to be here in DALLAS, TEXAS!
A pause as the entire crowd cheers for the Mick Foley-ed cheap pop.
CM: Yeah after the month I had last month it feels good to be here in dallas standing in the middle of a PWT ring....
Another pause to collect his thoughts.
CM: Well mostly that is anyways. ya see I've had a hell of a upheavel in my personal life. My wife left me an fu*BLEEP*ed my now former best friend over some BS that he told her. Then the fbf, former best friend, decided ta take his ball an go home. Along with him an his ball went most of Team PWT.
The fans boo loudly.
CM: But that's ok everybody. Ya know this is the season premiere of Shockwave!
CM: We're all here, I'm here...
Half boos an cheers again.
CM: Ryan Starr's still queer...
There's a pretty positive reaction for Ryan.
CM: Haha. I'm jus kidding with ya Ryan. But folks don't forget that tonight Xavier Homicide is here to be officially crowned the PWT World's Heavyweight champion!
At the mention of that the crowd really blows the top off the arena with cheers. CM even tucks the mic under his right arm for a minute and claps his hands. Then he raises the mic back up to continue on.
CM: But lemme tell ya all whi *I* am here tonight!
The serious tone in CM's voice catches the attention of the fans.
CM: Two weeks ago I showed up at the Line In The Sand pay per view. Because of some previously mentioned issues I wasn't going to compete. But I decided to show up and support some actual friends. Low an behold I wasn't let in the building by a couple of new security guys. Fair enough. I guess that big nosed ass*BEEP*le knew if I saw him I'd knock said nose out the back of his skull
Some cheers from the fans who didn't care much for the Wall$treet ran version of PWT.
CM: So as ya saw on the screen I complied and tried to leave. But then some coward wants to run me down like a dog? Look I understand that I'm notthe most popular guy in this company anymore...
The crowd takes their cue as a mixture of cheers an boos arise.
CM: Yeah. And so I understand that there's a multitude of men an women with a multitude of reasons for such an act. It could've been anybody! Maybe it was Bobby Fecca? I know he wasn't too happyw ith us Cliquesters an how we treated his previous release.
CM walks over to the ropes facing the commentary table. Fecca holds up his hands and shakes his head "No". And he's emphatically telling us over the headset it wasn't him.
Fecca: I assure CM and everybody watching at home that it wasn't me.
CM: Or hell maybe it was Wall$treet. Ya know cowardly acts when someone's unable to defend themselves are right up his alley! But ya know he had a mockery ta try and make out of his match and exit to do instead. So for once he's not the coward in question. So then I think maybe it was Ace Hart? Or maybe Cross? Hell maybe it was even my ole pal Nic E Dangerously?!
There's quite a reactionf or those three names since we're in Texas. Everybody knows that since about 2000 that Texas has belonged to W2K.
CM: Then I think about how whoever did it obvisouly didn't want to be known. Those three guys would've had nametags on. So maybe it was Xavier Homicide....
Another HUGE roaring of cheers for the X-man.
CM: Yeah....Didn't think so. Not that I don't deserve it after the things we did to that man. But ya know Taylor was my boy and I agreed with alot of what he said. And one of the guys we wrong the most was......Phoenix Winterborn! So that's why I asked him here tonight. So Pheonix if you're ready...come on out!
There's a buzz amongst the fans.
Fecca: Phoenix Winterborn? Here?! Is it true?
Styles: I certainly hope not! I owe that guy twenty bucks.
After a couple moments Phoenix Winterborn does indeed walkout onto teh stage. There's no music or video and he's dressed in street clothes. Still the fans are cheering pretty loudly for Winterborn as he makes his way down the ramp. He's leaning to the left and then the right slapping as many hands as he possibly can. Phoenix is handed a mic before he makes his way up the steps. A quick stop on the apron to look out at all the fans before he ducks into the ring. Phoenix attempt sto shake hands with CM but the Heartthrob refuses to extends his hand.
CM: Hello there Phoenix.
PW: What's up Christian?
CM: What's up is I wanna know where the hell you were two Sundays ago? Ya know, between the hours of seven and ten o'clock pm. What's up is...
Phoenix raises a hand and then his mic.
PW: Easy there, Christian. Look, I know you're upset, and I know you're looking for answers, but not only was I not the one who ran you down, I wasn't even in the area then. Matter of fact, I was at home watching the show on Pay per view. Why, you may ask? Well, I'll just leave that to speculation for now. But, back to the topic at hand. Running you down on live television. YOu still think I did it, don't ya?
CM nods.
PW: Well, I can see why you would think that. I mean hell, I did have the motivation after you and Wally tried holding me down as far as this company goes. I did the same thing Xavier did, and y'all just wrote me off like I was a dis-illusioned idiot, so yeah, I had the motive to run you down, but lemme tell you this one more time. Nice and slow. I. Didn't. Do. It. Now, if you'll excuse me. I have some other matters to attend to, that DON'T involve me being out here having to explain myself to you.
Phoenix drops his mic and leaves the ring. CM watches a lil bit peeved as Winterborn disappeared. He's about to put his own mic down when the PWT-a-tron comes to life. The fans instantly boo seeing the masked figure from LITS on the screen. He holds up a voice-changer over the mask where his mouth is.
???: Really Michaels? All the people who could possibly be under this match and you call out Phoenix Winterborn? You're truly pathetic. Let me give you a small hint. When you look at the list of possibilities you need to look a little deeper into your past.
CM: Why don't you just bring your goofy ass out here and I rip that mask off!
???: You know I would, but a friend wanted to say hello first.
Michaels raises an eyebrow. the crowd suddenly buzzes as....
Fecca: Wait a minute....Who's this now?
A figure, obviously female by the curves, jumps the barricade beside the time keeper's table. She's dressed in the same kind of black attire as the man who attacked CM at LITS. Into the ring she slides and stands up. She pulls a tire-iron out of the back of her pants. CM has no idea until he turns around to drop the mic. When he sees the woman CM just has enough time to get his hands up. But she swings for the mid-section with the tire-iron! CM is double over.
Fecca: Who the hell is this mystery woman now?
Styles: Apparently the friend that the mystery guy meant. Hey you don't think its Rhya do you? I heard she was claiming to have destroyed some of CM's property recently...
Fecca: I...I.. I'd like to think she's not this crazy!
The Southern Heartthrob is holding his stomach as the woman raises the tire-iron up again. This time she slams it across CM's back dropping him to a knee. Then its a shot to the back of the head. Michaels is out and the woman slides out of the ring. She grabs a chair an slides back into the ring. The woman slips the chair onto CM's right arm and climbs to the middle turnbuckle of a corner. Suddenly the fans start cheering as Phoenix Winterborn charges down the ramp.
Fecca: Yes! Finally someone is doing something about this damned mugging!
The mystery woman hops down onto the apron upon seeing Phoenix charging down. She then hops to the floor an jumps the barricade. Winterborn stops at said barricade as the woman hauls ass out of the arena. He turns and rolls into the ring and helps refs Frank Mason an Jim Richards get the chair off Michaels' arm. CM sits up holding his arm as Winterborn is keeping a watchful eye out.
Fecca: Thank goodness for Phoenix Winterborn ladies and gentlemen. It was clear that this mystery woman is apparently working with the man who attacked CM two weeks ago. She had every intention of breaking Michaels' arm.
Styles: Like Ive said before, when you're in that ring you know the risks. Someone can easily be severely injured. But its an entirely different story when you're intentionally looking to break bones and put someone out of action.
Fecca: I agree completely Eddie. Well folks we're only just gettings tarted tonight with our season premiere of Saturday Night Shockwave! Come on back when the femme fatales officially kickoff this new season with a battle royale!
Styles: Ten women all trying to throw each other over the top rope? I can definately dig that!
CM is moving up the ramp as we fade off to commercial.
***Commercial Break*** |