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Date Posted:11/13/2010 11:11 PMCopy HTML

Saturday November 20th, 2010 Commentary Team: Bobby Fecca & Eddie Styles Venue: Angel Arena, Grand Rapids, Michigan Theme Song: "Still Unbroken" by Lynyrd Skynard Deadline: 11PM CST SATURDAY! November 20th 24 Hour Deadline 11pm CST FRIDAY Night, November 19th
The last episode of Shockwave was going great. There had been no sightings of Natural Selection all night long.....That is until righta fter the main event concluded! Suddenly the parasites flooded the ringside area, attacking both Drew Stevenson and Damien Collins. Vets Inc an remnants of Team PWT rushed out for the save. CM tried to fire Natural Selection but was trump-blocked by a note from Jacob Mitchell. No kidding! Who sent this note? Who has that kind of power? Find out during the opening moments of Shockwave!
Main Event Scott Addams vs Jacob Mitchell vs Whysper Ref Assigned: Jim Richards Writer Assigned: Mr Hunter (What do you get when you add together two champions and a thief in possession of a third title? The answer is our main event this week! Whysper, the Backyard champ, is always fighting for his respect. What better way to earn some then beating out the Titanium champ an the man currentl in possesion of the PWT World title? Of course for Addams he can do his pal Zarek a favor an soften up Jacob....or make a case to be the next challenger for the title. Hmm. And what about Mitchell? What a statement heading into the ppv if he defeats TWO champions in ONE match!)
Singles Match Cross vs Damien Collins Ref Assigned: William Sharpe Writer Assigned: Johnathan (This match, as we understand it, was demanded by Damien Collins after the previous Shockwave. He was furious about Cross and NS attacking him after the loss to Stevenson. So now here DC looks to try an take down the angry giant of PWT. Could make a huge statement heading into his title defense at Meltdown. However you know Cross will have marching orders from Mitchell to demolish Collins an send the champion limping to the ppv)
Triple Threat Match Tony Rich vs Zarek Lyle vs Drew Stevenson Ref Assigned: Mitch Roberts Writer Assigned: Keith (In this match we're featuring two-thirds of the Meltdown triple threat for the Titanium championship. We've also got one of the men who will be wrestling for the PWT World's Heavyweight championship at the ppv with Zarek in this match. All kinds of oppurtunities here. Tony an Drew could soften each other up for their match. Zarek could try an soften them both up for his pal Scott Addams. Maybe Rich softens up Lyle for Jacob? This one should prove to be very interesting)
Tag Team Match Vets Inc(Michael Harris + Phoenix Winterborn) vs Natural Selection(Con + Ryan Cain) Ref Assigned: William Sharpe Writer Assigned: Scotty McAddams (Michael Harris and Pheonix Winterborn have a history as a tag team. The duo have held numerous tag championships an they look to bring the tag straps home to PWT at Meltdown. However this week they're getting a lil practice in. Ryan Cain and Con each represent the two teams who are "co-holders" of the tag straps. Huge chance for both teams to get a feel for their ppv opponents)
Singles Match Ginny Genocide w/Tani Lyons vs Taryn Black w/Mikah Ref Assigned: Frank Mason Writer Assigned: Big Bad John (Announced last Shockwave this match determines who join Mikah and Tani at Meltdown for the Femme Fatale championship. Taryn will have Mikah in her corner and Tani has placed herself in Ginny's to ensure fair play. Folks look for this one to possibly be a show-stealer.)
Singles Match Michael Hunter vs Gavin Hart Ref Assigned: Jim Richards Writer Assigned: Mr Michael Harris (Its the PWT debut of Michael Hunter who is the son of former Tag Team champion Sean Hunter! Michael is looking to follow in his father's footsteps of success. This week he's kicking off his PWT career against Gavin Hart in what should be a good one.)
Singles Match Tani Lyons vs Georgia James Ref Assigned: Mitch Roberts Writer Assigned: Heather (Tani Lyons is about to take on a triple threat at Meltdown in an attempt to regain the Femme Fatale championship. So when you're the most recent former championess how do you prepare for a shot at regaining the title? Well Tani has decided by taking on the most dominant Femme Fatale in PWT's history: Georgia James! But folks this isn't all bout Tani. Gee could use some more momentum enroute to a Revolution title match)
Opening Match Shane Satan w/Shai vs Matt Ward Ref Assigned: Frank Mason Writer Assigned: Mr Burden (These two were stars of the recent Backyard Expo match that CM booked last Shockwave. Their abilities to beat each other senseless with weapons made quite the impression. In fact they made such an impression that the winner of this match gets a shot at the Backyard championship at Meltdown.)
Dark Match Jessika Orton vs Mikah (Jessika has been out of action for some undisclosed reasons but she's back now. Not looking for an easy match in her return she gets Mikah before Shockwave goe son the air. It doesn't get much tougher than the Femme Fatale championess. As for Mikah she's going to be involved later on in the show explaining her wrestling before the show.)
Dark Match Steve Whitmore vs James Tsunami vs Matlock (All of these guys will be featured in segments later on in the show so we're having them compete for the fans live in attendence.)
Dark Match Jade Jiles w/ Joel vs Ruby Cooper. (After receiving no answers for her open challenge, CM has put Jade on before the live show. her opponent is Ruby Cooper who has had some strong showings in the division. This should be an excellent warm-up for the fans arriving early) |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave - November 20th, 2010
Date Posted:11/23/2010 5:03 AMCopy HTML
Dark Match Jade Jiles w/ Joel vs Silicone Sally Winner: Jade Jiles Summary: Ruby Cooper was unable to make it to Shockwave this week. In her place Jade Jiles faced veteran femme fatale Silicone Sally. This match was a quick one with Jade picking up a quick victory.
Dark Match Steve Whitmore vs James Tsunami vs Matlock Winner: James Tsunami Summary: This match was a hotly contested one between the three. Early advantage to Tsunami. Matlock though fought hard to take it away. Whitmore as well. In teh end though Tsunami was able to get the pinfall victory |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave - November 20th, 2010
Date Posted:11/23/2010 5:06 AMCopy HTML
As the final credist for the evening's previous program end we briefly have a black screen. From there we fade into a nice looking restaurant with teh words "Earlier Today" at the bottom of the screen. Soon enough the camera finds acting PWT bossman Christian Michaels. He is, of course, enjoying himself a nice lil meal.
Well he was actually. Maybe nots o much anymore folks. From nowhere Duke Andrews, dressed as a waiter, leans his head into the shot.

Duke: Hiya there boss. Enjoying your meal?
Duke grinned
CM: I was actually Duke. However I seem to have lost my appetite all of a sudden.
Duke: Ah. That's a shame.
Andrews takes a seat across from CM. He picks up a spare fork and starts picking at the meal. Ya know the spots where he could tell CM hadn't ate yet.
CM: Is there a particular reason you've decided to ruin my meal Duke? Or is this just what you do?
Duke: Straight to the point. You know I've always like dthat about you Michaels.
At the mention of Duke "liking" something bout him CM raises an eyebrow.
Duke: I'll level with you hoss. See while I was supposedly "fired" by Natural Selection I know the truth. Fcat is my contract was about two weeks from expiring. Brooks decided not to renew my contract. You an I both know that's cause he wanted to punish me for still working with Taylor.
Christian nodded. He leaned forward an sipped from his glass of Diet Dr Pepper.
CM: I'm failing to see exactly what this has to do with you interupting my meal.
Duke: Silly ole hillbilly! Now that you're in charge an running the show, I want my job back!
CM: Uh huh. I see. And this has everything to do with your love of PWT and nothing to do with teh death of Greenville?
There's a broad smile on Duke's face.
Duke: Exactly! See you get it hillbilly. So when do you want to meet to discuss terms?
CM stood up from his seat and pulled out his wallet. He put some money on the table and then looked to Duke.
CM: How about you drop by my office say....half past never?
There was a smirk on Michaels' face before he turned an began walking away. As he did Duke's eyes shot wide and he yells out.
Duke: Come on man! I got a family to feed!
Christian just kep on walking. We fade into the opening video for Shockwave with Duke standing there with a scowl upon his face. |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave - November 20th, 2010
Date Posted:11/23/2010 11:35 PMCopy HTML
As the video ends we cut into the jam-packed Angel Arena! We're live in Grand Rapids, Michigan for another edition of Saturday Night Shockwave! No pyros tonight though folks as "Kryptonite" by Three Doors Down is playing. The fans are cheering Christian Michaels limping down the ramp. In the ring with a smirk, and the PWT World's Heavyweight championship belt, is Jacob Mitchell.
Fecca: Welcome everyone to PWT's Saturday Night Shockwave! This is Bobby Fecca joined as always by Eddie Styles. Folks in the ring you see already Jacob Mitchell and Christian Michaels coming down the ramp. Michaels is here to confront Jacob over who stopped CM from firing Natural Selection last time.
Styles: There's been a poll on PWT.com Bobbsie and the people believe its either Jonathan Brooks or Nic E Dangerously. Who do you think it is?
Fecca: I tell ya Eddie I can't see it being either one of those two. But on thats ame token I have no clue who it *could* be.
Michaels is at the bottom of the ramp so Sabrina starts to introduce him.
Sabrina: Ladies and gentlemen please welcome the acting CEO of Professional Wrestling Today, CHRISTIAN MII-HEY!
In the middle of announcing CM's name Mitchell grabbed the mic. He shot a look at Sabrina an she knew her job was done. A grin on Jake's face as he watches CM hobble up the steps.
Jake: Come on Michaels! I don't have all night, get your crippled ass in this ring!
Christian glared before ducking into the ring. A mic was passed in.
Jake: So I hear there's something you want to ask me.
He grinned.
CM: Yeah. I want to know who's really behind what happened last Shockwave. That note was signed "The Jerm". Well I called my dad, Jeremy McMillion, and he had no clue what I was talking bout. He said he wouldn't work for this company again if he was on his last dime. So lets cut the crap Jacob! Who is it? Who blocked me?
Jake was still wearing that annoying grin. But then he turned an walked a few paces away. Turning back Jacob raised the mic up.
Jake: You think I answer to you Michaels? You're nothing anymore in this company than a crippled wannabe gee-emm! And I don't have to tell you a damned thing!
Mitchell adjusted the world title on his shoulder. he catches CM eyeing the title.
Jake: You eyeing my title Michaels? Huh?! Well you can rest assured that you'll NEVER see another shot at the title again. Because once I officially become the champion at Meltdown I will personally make sure that you never even see a number one contenders match again! For teh rest of your pathetic....
All of a sudden "Rocky Top", the University of Tennessee fight song, hits over the speakers.
Jake: ...little..
Jake arches an eyebrow as he finishes.
Jake: ....career..
The fans are cheering as the music plays.
Fecca: Can it be? Is it?
Finally from the back comes Jonathan Brooks! The crowd erupts with cheers even louder as they finally see him. CM is clappin in the ring while Jake looks like he's seen a ghost.
Brooks to the ring and climbs in. He's got a mic and steps right in between CM an Jake. There's a big grin on the face of CM and Brooks alike.
Brooks: Let me tell you something Jacob Mitchell!
Styles: Uh oh! Somebody's in trouuuuuble.
Fecca: Drop the hammer boss!
The CEO an owner of PWT Inc points a finger at Mitchell.
Brooks: Boy you don't have the power to make those kind of decisions.
Fecca: YES!
The stern, angered look on Brooks' face suddenly switche sto a smile. Jake breaks out into a smile as well leaving CM dumbfounded. Jonathan turned to Michaels an gave him a look of disdain now.
Brooks: But *I* do!
Fecca: WHAAAAAT?! Oh God someone tell me this isn't happening.
Styles: Oh my God I think it is....
CM lowered his mic an mouthes: "What are you doin?" toward Brooks.
Brooks: What am I doing? I'm pulling the curtain back! I'm dropping the proverbial bomb on you and all these idiots!
He pointed around teh arena at the fans. They booed like hell now.
Fecca: I....I don't understand. How can Brooks do this to us? To PWT....the boys in the back....to our fans?!
Brooks: Oh boo me all you idiots want! But what I'm doing is for the good of this company! Ya see back in June, during the Greenville Exodus, I saw the writing on the wall. This comapny, which was dropped into my lap by that piece of crap McCallister and Stevenson's bimbo wife, was on the verge of death. Most of those who didn't leave like rats fleeing a sinking ship straddled the fence, working for both us and that bastard in Greenville.
Brooks spat the words like venom.
Brooks: Even on his way out Taylor tried to destroy this company by signing Jacob here. He figured Jacob would tear the company apart. But I actually had a meeting with Jacob. We came to an understanding. It really shouldn't come as any surprise to you Michaels. This isn't much different than what happened ten years ago.
CM: What the hell are you talking about?!
Brooks: When Hardcore Angel brung in you, Dangerously, and the others as the original "Elite" of this company! Yawl were brought in to whip the crappy PWT of then into shape as a invading force. That's what I did with Jacob. He too wanted to see PWT flourish again. But we needed a villian. An invading force to unify the roster to fight for its life.
At this point Jake has just kicked back to relax in the corner. The arena is in a stunned silence.
Brooks: Enter the boys of Natural Selection. My answer to Angel's "Elite". And I have to say at first I was happy with what I saw. Members of the roster began to come together, unite to face a common enemy. I was proud. But then the infighting started. Team PWT had potential to be one of the most dominate forces EVER! But the idiots couldn't get along. Hell they kicked your pal Winterborn off the team! Damien Collins was openly degraded by them.
Jonthan points a finger right in CM's face.
Brooks: And where were you?! You were off playing slap an tickle with Kaydence Starr! Not to mention d*cking around with MJ Storm over some stupid squabble. If you're the heart of this company Michaels then its sick and diseased! But I have found the cure in Natural Selection.
A sickening grin on Brooks' fat face.
Brooks: Heh. You know what Michaels? With myself and Natural Selection back in control, PWT's going to leave you just like your wife did!
Fecca: Oh come on now Jonathan.
CM's head dropped as Brooks laughs. He looked back to Jacob who was laughin and applauding Brooks. The fans were booing like hell. But all of a sudden that turned to cheers as Michaels lunges forward! He grabbed Brooks by the collar of his shirt. CM with Brooks up against the ropes. He hears the crowd reaction change as Jacob darted out of teh corner. The Heartthrob turns an meets Jacob with a stiff right hand! Follow up with a left.....right.....left!
Fecca: Michaels! Michaels teeing off on Jacob Mitchell! Aw dammit!
Brooks grabbed the arms of CM and held on. Jacob wiped his mouth and then just kicks Michaels' in the injured left knee. CM drops down like a sack of bricks clutching at his knee. Brooks with a couple kicks to the back and maybe Mitchell thinking of doing more damage. However the crowd roars as Vets Inc rushes down the ramp. They slide in as Mitchell and Brooks bail.
Fecca: Thank goodness ofr Vets Inc getting out here when they did!
Styles: No kidding! There's no telling what would've happened had they not.
Mitchell points, laughing as CM clutches his knee. Vets Inc is in front of CM daring Mitchell an Brooks both to come back.
Fecca: But still Eddie what about the shocking bomb thatw as just dropped on us? As it turns out Jonathan Brooks HAS been behind Natural Selection the whole time. The CEO of this company claiming that he's trying to save this company like Hardcore Angel did bringing in "The Elite" from Wrestling Two Thousand some ten years ago.
Styles: I guess guys like Matlock were right thinkin some of Brooks' actions were to help Natural Selection an hinder our own Team PWT.
Fecca: Just when things start to look up for us the rug is pulled right back out from under us. Folks when we come back its Shane Satan versus Matt ward. The winner goes on to Meltdown to be a part of the Triple Threat for the Backyard championship against Whysper.
Fade to commercial on a shot of CM getting helped up.
****Commercial Break**** |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave - November 20th, 2010
Date Posted:11/23/2010 11:39 PMCopy HTML
We come back an its time for the first match of Shockwave
Sabrina: : "This match is a no disqualification set for one fall! For the number one contender ship for the Backyard championship!"
The lights flicker before decaying out to darkness. The titantron initiates a count down from ten as purple hued spotlights descend amongst the spectators. Upon hitting one the stage erupts in fireworks essentially cuing "You can run" by Jim Johnson. Matthew Ward steps onto the stage as the crowd roars with a mixed reaction. His forehead bandaged from a week prior, Matt looks towards the audience. He raises Mercy, his trademark kendo wrapped in barbwire. Walking down the ramp his eyes looked glazed over with destruction. Up the stairs and into the ring he goes, this time wisely clinching Mercy not ready to let go.
Fecca: Matt Ward looks intent, ready to get this match underway. Alot on the line fo r these two tonight. As we mentioned before the winner joins the triple threat against Whysper and another opponent at Meltdown. In that match the Backyard title will be on the line.
The lights inside the arena begin to dim when 'Shit On You' by D-12 begins to pollute the personal announcement system. With that being said – Shane Satan's somewhat intense video begins to play upon the titantron as the spectators in attendance begin to make their way to their feet. Their initial reaction – to jeer and boo very fucking loudly. It's only a matter of seconds before Shane barges past the gorilla curtain and makes his way over to the top of the entrance ramp with a strong look of intensity upon his face as he pauses at the center of the ramp. Shai steps out trailing from behind. Taking a few seconds to basque in the ambiance of hatred being thrown his way; Satan soon breaks his look of repulsion with a pretty arrogant smirk. Not looking at all phased by the haters in the crowd, Shane begins to swagger his way down the entrance ramp – occasionally flipping the birdie to a few random people he passes. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to conclude that his arrival hasn't gone down too well at all. However it's not long before Shane reaches the ring apron area and rolls himself into the ring. Shai proceeds to a corner. Satan quickly stands upright and smirks at the crowd – with a look of contention plastered upon his face. He clicks his neck both sides before pacing the ring – scratching his stubble momentarily.
Styles: Hey shouldn't we mention that this match is being contested under Backyard rules? I mean it only makes sense with the prize being a shot at the Backyard title.
Fecca: I think you just did Eddie.
Styles: Oh....Sweet! Carry on then.
The referee speaks to both men in the centre of the ring, going over the logistics I guess if this match were designed to have any. A quick stare down grows between the two before backing away to each opposing corner. The referee calls for the bell and steps out of the way.
Fecca: This match is officially started. It should be interesting to see who makes the first move. Cause folks with teh first move could come the first mistake. And a singular mistake can prove fatal for title hopes.
Matt Ward comes sprinting, holding mercy in his palms like a baseball bat. With a haymaker type swing, he lunges mercy forward. Shane Satan swiftly ducks underneath, spinning behind Ward and placing a boot into the back of his knee. Matt drops down, one knee touching the mat as Shane locks in a vintage sleeper type hold. Instinctively Matt Ward swings the kendo stick laced in barb-wire up and catches Shane in-between the brow. Shane instantaneously lets go and staggers backward, his hand tending to his forehead as his body leans into a turnbuckle. Matt stands up pleased as he charges once more, waving the kendo over head. Slamming it down Shane drops to his back and rolls out of the ring. The kendo rips away into the buckle padding.
Styles: Holy crap that was a close one! And look at how it ripped the turnbuckle Bobbsie.
Fecca: That could've easily been Shane Satan's flesh.
Shai comforts Satan as they deliberate outside of the ring going over a strategy to take down the giant. Matt Ward wisely steps back waiting inside the ring, he now knows Shai’s vital assets she offers her client. Shane Satan rolls into the ring keeping his distance as now a battle of words shout back and forth between the two. Getting inside Matt’s head, Shane convinces him to drop Mercy and take him on like a real man. They meet center stage and tie up. Instantly Matt Ward places Shane into a side headlock, flipping his over with a hip toss down to the canvas. Matt jumps up on Shane, straddling him as Shane Satan makes sure to maintain Matt Ward in full guard. Matt Ward rains down forearms upon Shane Satan as Shane clinches the back of Wards head and pushes it down on his chest to immobilize him. Satan swiftly grabs Wards left arm and pins it to his chest, throwing his legs around on of Wards shoulders and the other beneath his pit, locking him sounding in a MMA style triangle choke. Shane’s hands are on the back of Wards head, wrenching his neck into his thigh, diminishing the oxygen from Wards brain.
Fecca: That looks to be a triangle choke from the land of mixed martial arts.
Styles: Uhh I thought this was wrestling? Hardcore wrestling at that!
Ward scrambles to his feet, bent over he uses what’s left of his energy to hoist Shane into the air and powerbomb him back down on the canvas thus breaking the hold. Matt falls over, falling into the ropes as support as he catches his breath. Shane Satan just looks up at the lights. Shai jumps up on the apron, catching Wards attention as she grabs the back of his head and jumps down the floor. Wards neck bounces off the top rope before his body is sling shotted back to the canvas. Both men lay for a moment before Shane simply stands to his feet. He stalks behind Ward, allowing him to get up to his feet. The second he does Shane Satan wraps his arms around his waist and begins the hat trick of german suplexes. Matt goes over once, Shane leeched on as he spins Ward back to his feet. Ward flies twice, landing on the back of his head as Shane once again rolls him back up. The third Shane bridges up as the referee drops for the count.
One-Two-THR- Matt kicks his feet causing both shoulders to come up and crumbling the bridge.
Fecca: Nearfall there by Shane Satan
Meanwhile, camera is back on Shai who is livid that the count was slow. Her hands beating down on the apron as a sadistic smirk growls from ear to ear. She vanishes as weapons begin to crawl from the crevice beneath the ring. A ladder slides in first, Satan was successful the last time that came to play. A trash can, stop sign, fire extinguisher, a wooden mop, chair, and yes a roman candle. Shane Satan grabs the steel chair and places it upright. He takes a seat on it, awaiting Matt Ward. Ward stands up as Shane goes flying, Ward drops down as Shane jumps over and bounces off the ropes. Matt side steps performing a drop toe hold right onto the open chair vintage Raven style. Ward gets up and scrambles to capitalize but POP! POP! POP! POOOP! His body is struck relentlessly from the outside by Shai with that damn roman candle. Matt retreats to the turnbuckle trying to deflect the burning balls of fire from his chest.
Styles: What?! That's the first time I've ever seen someone use fireworks in a match.
Fecca: Its defiantely a new one for me Eddie. But that's one of the things that makes the Backyard division one of the most exciting in wrestling. These men an women are really unleashed to come up with creative ways to pick up the win.
Matt Ward literally leaps over the top rope down to the floor. Livid he begins to chase Shai around the ring. Shane is standing and decides to lean the ladder against the top rope as he awaits at the opposite side. As Ward and Shai come around the corner Satan sprints, running up the ladder and shooting star press splashes Ward sending him crashing into the barricade! The people in attendance simply gasp to the dangerous feet.
Styles: WHOA!
Shane gets up, Ward is in a sit down position against the barricade. Satan begins throwing right shots down on Matt’s bandaged head. The bandage eventually falls off as the stitches tear re-opening the wound. Shai even takes this opportunity to get some retribution as she too lets her fists fly down on Ward. Ward extends both hands and pushes Shane and Shai away as he stands up and staggers away, falling face down near the post. His body curling around the fire extinguisher. Shai and Shane approach only to be blasted in the face by the white foam substance. They quickly retreat covering their eyes and turning their backs. Ward is up and as Shai spins THUMP! Ward clocks her over the dome with the empty canister. Shai rag dolls down from the impact as Ward thrusts the canister into Shane’s gut and throws him head first into the bottom of the announcers table. Fecca and Styles stand up and back away as Ward begins tearing the monitors off. Matt Ward scoops Shane Satan up in a powerbomb position, hoisting his body well over his shoulder height and delivers The Effect (last ride) straight thru the table! Matt Ward covers.
One! Two! THRAH! NO! Shai miraculously dives onto the pile breaking the pin!
Fecca: .......Are we on?......Hello? My word folks! Matt Ward has just destroye dour table using Shane Satan's body as a wrecking ball! He nearly picks up the win but Shai payin dividends for Shane as usual. Eddie are you on?
Styles: .........
Fecca: Eddie still trying to get back on. Matt Ward truns his attention to Shai now.
Shai still down as Matt Ward stands up and towers over her. Shai throws an arm up low blowing him with what she likes to call Fuck Nut. Matt Ward doubles over, Shai Zahvanski jumps up on the barricade, leaps off, her legs straddling the back of Wards head and in one motion PILEDRIVER! The audience goes ape shit that this little petite woman pulled off such an innovative move on such a large man. Shai throws Shane’s hand on Ward.
ONE-TWO-THRAH NEVER! Ward kicks out! WARD KICKS OUT! Showing amazing heart to exceed in this organization.
Fecca: My god what heart shown by BOTH of these men tonight!
Styles: Am I back? Am I on?
Fecca: You're back Eddie.
Styles: Holy crap these two are killing each other. Sheesh! What will the winner have left for Meltdown in two weeks?
Both men lay exhausted and beaten. While Shai Zahvanski bickers with the referee. Eventually Ward gets up, dazed and confused to his surroundings. His back hits the apron as his coordination causes his body to wobble. Laying down on the apron Ward rolls back into the ring. Shai was in there and waiting! This whole match basically revolving around a handicap on Ward. Ward now in a sitting position, his line of view at Shane Satan. THWACK! The back of a chair beats against his back by the deliberate hands of Shai. Ward winces in pain but manages to rise to his feet. THWACK! Another blow, binding the chair over Matt’s shoulder. Wards hand extends, grasping Shai by the throat. Struggling she beats the chair against him but there is no leverage from the short distance between the two. Ward hoists her high into the air and CHOKESLAMS her over the top rope out onto the thin mat below. Shai is out for the count.
Styles: WHAT?!
Fecca: I understand teh furstration Matt but that action I can't condone.
Styles: Hey she put herself in a man's place buddy.
Ward paces the ring now fuming, setting up the obstacles to his advantage. The ladder be placed on the second rope, making a table out of it in the turnbuckle. The trash can, stop sign, and chair all placed in easy access. Shane Satan gets up holding the small of his back and shaking the cob webs loose. He climbs the steel steps and re-enters the ring. There he is met by Ward as the fireworks begin again. Shane throws a left, catching Ward in the rib cage. A right, peppering him in the temple. A left hook, back to the abdomen. Then a haymaker right, flush to the jaw. Ward doesn’t fall! The blows push him back, dropping him down to one knee. Shane bends down, grabbing the stop sign and heaves it at Ward. Ward catches it as Shane drop kicks it into his mug.
Styles: Hey Bobbsie, ya think Ward sees the signs about his chance sin this match? Hahaha.
Shane pulls Ward up to his feet and places him in a suplex position, hooking a leg to carry out a fisherman. Ward throws a shot to the gut, blocking the attempt and hoist Shane up above his head. Ward drops Shane down on an open turnbuckle, re-adjusts and holds Satan in a muscle buster type position. Stalling with the muscle buster Matt Ward walks around the ring before turning his back to the turnbuckle with the ladder table and dropping Shane Satan right down on top of the ladder! Shane bounces off, falling onto Ward as Matt pushes the body off of him. Ward climbs that exact turnbuckle, looking to finish it with his signature three sixty leg drop. Like a cannon Shane Satan shoots up, locks Ward in a suplex position and brainbusters him onto the ladder table! Both men lay out cold, Shane’s desperation attempt bought time.
Styles: HOW?! How did Shane Satan manage to....
Fecca: I think he felt if he didn't do something that this one was over. My word what a move! The first to recover could be teh winner in this match.
The referee almost calls stoppage; both men seemed unconscious before Shane demonstrated life by crawling towards the ropes. Pulling his body up to his feet he looked to the booing audience. Shane bent over, grabbing mercy in his hands and looking down at Ward. Ward gets up several moments after, Shane buying his time. Ward looks at Shane and see’s mercy in his hands. Ward grabs the wooden mop handle and wields it. They both step centre and begin the trade! Mercy cracks over Wards skull! The broom handle fires into Shane’s rib cage. Mercy connects with Wards shoulder, the broom handle collides with Shane’s thigh. They both swing for the fences, simultaneously connecting it the opposing side of each of their heads. Both sticks snap, the barbwire slicing into Wards head, the broom handle splintering away. Both men collapse, nothing left in the system.
The referee goes to call for the bell once more BUT Shai is in the ring! She drags Shane Satan’s arm over Matt Ward.
One, Two, THREE! Ding, ding ding. Your winner Shane Satan, not that he could stand to celebrate it.
Sabrina: Here is your winner, and moving on to the Backyard title match at Meltdown.....SHANE SATAN!
Fecca: What a shame that Shai is the reason Satan wins this match. Folks these two men destroyed their bodies for just a shot at championship gold in two weeks. I only wish that Shane would've own this match on his own.
Styles: Hey as far as I'm concerned the woman earned her check tonight. Shane keeps her around for moments like tonight. Now though you have to wonder who will join Shane and Whysper at Meltdown.
Fecca: I'm getting word that we're going to find out when we come back from commercial. Stay right here with us folks!
Fade to commercial.
****Commercial Break**** |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave - November 20th, 2010
Date Posted:11/25/2010 5:48 AMCopy HTML
When we return from the commercial break Jonathan Brooks has gathered a portion of the roster. Everyone is talking amongst theirselves. Well they were but Brooks clears his throat. All eyes turne dto him.
Brooks: Thank you all for showing up so promptly. As you all know Meltdown is two weeks away and there's still an opening in the Backyard title match. So far we've got Shane Satan posed to help get the title off that lil Mexican't.
He grinned.
Brooks: I've looked at each of you and I've decided that....JAVEN! You will get the shot! Afterall you've had Whysper's number several times before. So I'm choosing you. Thank you everyone.
With that Brooks turned and walked back into his office. Javen looked just as surprised as anyone that he was chosen to get the title match. However those who were neglected glared at him. This likely meant no match on the pay per view which meant no check for that show. However as Javen and a good portion of the crowd of wrestlers left, Steve Whitmore stayed behind.
Whitmore: You know what I don't care what two tons of fun says. I'm going to get myself a piece of that Backyard title action.
And with that we're back out at ringside.
The lights in the arena go dim as "Beautiful Disgrace" begins to play. Purple and white spotlights fill the arena scooping around the dimmed arena. Tani then steps out onto the stage walking backwards she then turns to the crowd as they cheer. She stops putting her hands to her hips looking out at the crowd. She smiles as she starts down the ramp her hands still on her hips.
Sabrina: "Ladies and Gentlemen this match is scheduled for one-fall. Introducing first from Apple Valley, California...TANI LYONS!!"
Tani then goes to one side and slaps the hands of the fans then to the other where she does the same. She then goes towards the steel steps quickly walking up them. She walks to the middle of the apron, in between the turnbuckles, just before getting into the ring and she turns towards the ramp putting her right arm up in the air, she then brings it down presenting herself. She then ducks under the middle rope into the ring. Tani then gets into the ring getting up on the nearest turnbuckle and doing the same motion from the second rope. She smiles as she turns jumping off the turnbuckle. She then looks up the ramp as her music fades. A voice is then heard through the silence.
"Bow down before your Glorified Reigning Goddess!"
With that like lightening Golden pyro hits the stage with a loud boom stirring the crowd and "Every Chance I Get" by T.I. hits sending the fans into a frenzy as out walks Georgia James throwing up the A hand gesture. She shrugs her shoulders with a cocky grin brushing off her left shoulder walking forward off the stage down the aisle to the ring through the smoke.
Sabrina: "And her opponent, from Atlanta, Georgia...GEORGIA JAMES!"
She jaw jacks with the fans allowing them to pat her on the back once at ringside reveling in their adoration before walking up the ringsteps and climbing through the middle ropes. She slides into the ring and then stands center ring and raises her hands high in the air before taking a bow. She slowly stands up straight after bowing and brushes her left shoulder and then her right shoulder off in a rhythmic motion doing alittle dance then she walks to the far left turnbuckle and leans against it casually yawning before stretching her arms out across the top ropes. She leans back and surveys the crowd then gazes towards Tani acknowledging their presense only as a last resort. Mitch Roberts then calls for the bell. As he does Georgia keeps her eyes on Tani.
Fecca: Georgia James is nearly staring a hole in Tani Lyons.
Styles: They both wanna assert their dominance.
The women then start to circle one another until finally they lock-up in the middle of the ring. They struggle back and forth for power but Georgia gets the upper-hand pushing Tani back into the corner. Georgia keeps her hold on Tani in the corner which causes the ref to push her back. Tani glares at Georgia as she steps back. Georgia then motions for Tani to come get her and Tani isn't shy to step forward. The women then lock-up again. This time Georgia shows her strength throwing Tani back. She hits the mat. Tani gets to her feet quickly keeping a glare on Georgia.
Fecca: Obviously things aren't going the way that Tani expected.
Styles: That's because Georgia James isn't like the women she's been facing.
The crowd begins to cheer loudly as the women stare at each other once again. Georgia goes to lock-up with Tani once again but this time Tani ducks under her and as Georgia turns back around Tani hits her hard with a dropkick. Both women get back to their feet quickly running at each other. Tani ducks around grabbing ahold of Georgia's midsection from behind. She runs Gee forward pushing her into the ropes and attempting to pull her back, but Gee holds onto the ropes pressing herself into Tani and causing her to let go and stumble back. Georgia then turns around and catches Tani with a hard clothesline. She then goes for the cover only getting a two count.
Fecca: Georgia was looking to end this match early.
Styles: Looks like the former Femme Fatal champ isn't going to give up that easy though.
Georgia gets to her feet and grabs Tani by the hair. But, Tani starts to fight back hitting a few rights to Gee's midsection she then gets to her feet and sends a hook to Georgia's face. Georgia retaliates sending a knee to Tani's midsection. She then grabs onto Tani's arm and throws her into the ropes. Georgia attempts to take Tani down with an armdrag but Tani holds her ground not allowing her to. Georgia tries to throw a clothesline but Tani ducks under it and lifts Georgia up on her shoulders. She holds onto Gee's neck as she brings her down onto her knee. Georgia then hits the match and Tani goes for a cover.
Fecca: A close one there by Tani after a beautiful firemen's carry neckbreaker.
Tani gets to her feet and Georgia follows getting to her feet just as quickly. Tani sends a kick to Georgia's midsection before running towards the ropes bouncing off of them. She then runs forward grabbing onto Georgia's hair and taking her down planting her face straight into the mat. Tani then gets to her feet picking Georgia up with her. Tani sends Georgia into the ropes and jumps up looking to hit a dropkick but Georgia has a hold of the ropes keeping herself in place. Tani hits the mat hard. Georgia then runs to Tani and wraps her arms around her neck with a sleeper hold. Tani begins to reach towards the ropes struggling to get to them. Georgia has a huge grin on her face as she yells at the ref to ask if Tani wants to give up. Tani shakes her head yelling "NO".
Fecca: Tani is in a predicament right now.
Styles: Georgia wants this one.
Tani starts to go limp but just as she does the crowd starts to get louder cheering Tani on. Tani then starts to fight back. She sits up with Georgia then gets to her knees and finally up to her feet with the crowd cheering loudly as she does. Tani sends a few kicks to Georgia's knees but Georgia doesn't let go. Tani finally grabs onto Georgia's head and drops down hitting a jawbreaker which causes Georgia to let go and stumble back. Tani is slow to get to her feet but as she does Georgia runs at her with a clothesline. Tani ducks under it once again and as Georgia turns around she is met with a huge spinning backfist by Tani. The crowd cheers as Tani sends another which takes Georgia to the mat. Tani makes the cover.
Fecca: A huge recovery by Lyons!
Styles: Nearly won the match with that one!
Tani looks distraught that Georgia kicked out but she gets to her feet quickly. She grabs Georgia by the hair getting her up to her feet. There is then a sea of boos from the crowd as Tani sets up The Lyon Tamer. Taryn Black then appears on the apron causing the ref to go over and yell at her.
Fecca: What the hell is Taryn...
Before Fecca can finish his sentence Tani is struck from behind by Femme Fatal Title in the grasp of Mikah. Georgia hits the mat and Tani falls forward out cold. Mikah then puts Georgia's arm over Tani and Mikah swiftly leaves the ring. Taryn jumps of the apron yelling at the ref who finally turns around. He then sees that Georgia is covering Tani and makes the count.
Georgia's music hits.
Fecca: My God, Mikah and Taryn Black just cost Tani this match!
Styles: Looks like things are heating up and if Taryn wins her match later tonight this is basically just a preview of the pay per view.
Fecca: Well if anything this is going to make Tani want revenge even more.
Sabrina: "Here is your winner...GEORGIA JAMES."
Georgia gets to her feet as the ref raises her arm in the air. Tani is hardly moving inside the ring she has just put her hand on the back of her head. Taryn and Mikah walk up the ramp staring at Tani in the ring as they laugh both yelling things to Tani. The scene fades to a commercial.
****Commercial Break**** |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave - November 20th, 2010
Date Posted:11/25/2010 6:18 AMCopy HTML
Cameras cut backstage to show Joel Giovanni sitting there on the couch in the locker-room he and his wife Taryn Black share with one another. He just had a grin plastered up on his lips and had his hands behind his head while he just leaned back all relaxed. It wasn't long before the young man decided to speak out and give his reasoning for having this specific air time.
Joel Giovanni: "Certainly none of you are surprised to see me here this week, seeing as last week, I told you morons that you'd be blessed with my handsome face every single week as I offered you common people the best advice that can ever be offered. Again I welcome you to Sex Tips with an Italian Sex God - Yours truly; Joel Giovanni."
He flashed a rather cocky grin.
Joel Giovanni: "Last week - I offered the men some advice. Advice that's very vital to every relationship that you're in. Rather you're married, engaged, dating, or just fucking around. Well this week, I am going to switch directions and offer the ladies some advice. Now I am sure you ladies have wondered just what the hell truly makes a man happy. Some of you like to go out and buy him things, Let me tell you something that doesn't work. Never has and never will, we aren't anything like you. Some of you think that a way to a man's heart is through his stomach. I personally would like to meet the stupid bitch that started this rumor that way I can punch her right in the face as hard as I possibly could."
He sat there in his chair shaking his head just a little bit.
Joel Giovanni: "There's only one true way to make a man happy and that's by putting out. If you don't do that then you are just going to have a man that certainly will cheat. I kid you not ladies, you deprive a man of sex and it's all over for you. He will find the first broad that he can, he will bend that bitch over, and he will go to town like no tomorrow. However that's not the advice, there's one thing men love almost as much as they love sex. And I'm talking about giving what you Americans would say dome, head, brain along with many other words. Every man loves a good [censored] job!"
As Giovanni sat there on the couch, he nodded his head just a little bit. It had to be true after all he was Joel Giovanni and knew what he was talking about. Hell have you seen what he's tagging?! The man knows what he wants and knows what women want, so for those who thought his tips were a bunch of crock then that just means your jealous and scared to do what's right.
Joel Giovanni: "A Great [censored] Job will put an end to damn near any sh*tty situation and make your man happy. Guarantee it. If your man were to come home after a long day's work and just started going off at the mouth. Yelling and screaming, carrying on about whatever. Bet you that would come to an end if you just got on your knees and did what any good wife, girlfriend, or whatever is suppose to do. Believe me, I've heard it all though. Women for some reason don't like to do this for whatever reason. I've heard they don't like the way it tastes, I've heard they feel like a man is superior when they have to get on their knees in front of him, along with many other things and those are nothing more than excuses. No one ever said you had to swallow, it's not for all ladies. Just those whom are true troopers. And no one said you always had to be on your knees, there's ways around that too. I suggest if you ladies want to keep your man, one that doesn't cheat then you start sucking a whole lot of d*ck because that's the only way it's going to happen."
His smirk just seemed to grow a little bit more with those words.
Joel Giovanni: "Do this and I promise, you will leave your man completely satisfied and he'll treat you like a [censored]ing Queen. Isn't that right baby?"
On that very note Taryn's head popped up into the cameras view and looked back at the cameras with a seductive grin on her lips. We all know what was going down at that point, She just nodded her head and offered a little wink before she turned back towards her husband whom pushed her head right back down - obviously she had a job to finish. Giovanni just smirked as he closed his eyes and leaned his head back.
After that interesting tip from Mr Giovanni the scene switches out front to the main entrance of the Angel arena. Just inside the entrance there's a stand set up with PWT merchandise. We see everything from replicas of the titles to t-shirts of the various stars of PWT. A couple of PWT employees are running the stand when Chris Burden walks up with a big box in his arms
He set the box down on the table and made his way behind. One of the employees tries to stop him. Afterall working for the company or not he wasn't supposed to be back there. Burden doesn't care though. He punches the guy over the table! The woman working with the guy decides to split.
Burden: Yeah, that's what I thought. Now to make me some serious dough.
Chris pushes all the merchandise on the table into a conviently placed garbage can behind the table. He opened the box he brung with hima nd began pulling out his own personal merchandise. You know the stuff you might've seen recently on PWT's shop website.
Fans wlaking by eyed Burden curiously, but no one approached to buy. We then head out to commercial
****Commercial Break**** |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave - November 20th, 2010
Date Posted:11/25/2010 6:23 AMCopy HTML
Both men stood in the ring with one another as the bell sounded - they circled around each other for a few moments before rushing towards one another in the center of the ring. They locked up but Hunter was the one to take control with a side headlock, although Hart quickly backed up against the ropes and shot Hunter off sending him to the other side. Hart bent down in the middle of the ring waiting for Hunter to come back and sure enough Hunter did but he stopped himself right in front of Hart. He landed a rather stiff kick right to the shoulder of Hart whom shot straight up holding it but he didn't stay up to long as Hunter charged forward connecting with a huge clothesline knocking Hart on his ass. Hunter knew he had the match in his favor at least for now anyway as he leaned down grabbing Hart by his head and pulled him to his feet. With a kick to the gut Hart double over as Hunter turned and went running towards the ropes only to come back and attempt a scissors kick which Hart ducked out of the way of. Hunter turned around only to have Hart charge at him but literally out of no where Hunter caught Hart with a sleeperslam before quickly attempting the pinfall.
Much to Hunter's surprise Hart got a shoulder up rather quickly. He didn't let it get to him too much as he got right back on his feet and grabbed a hold of Hart pulling him to his feet again, this time Hunter shot Hart into the ropes and then leaned down in the ring himself. Hart came bouncing back and leaped right over Hunter before getting the other side of the ropes, Hunter turned around confused on what had happened and Hart quickly went for a dropkick which Hunter managed to side step. Hart was getting up to his feet when Hunter charged in connecting with possibly the sickest Shining Wizard ever seen knocking Hart clean out on his back. That wasn't good enough for Hunter as he turned around and started going towards the top rope. He positioned himself up on top before diving off attemtping to connect with the "Black Label" but at the last second Hart managed to roll out of the way. Hunter got up to his feet holding his elbow in pain as Hart himself got up, He quickly spun Hunter around and set him up for the "Wake Up Call" but once Hart had Hunter lifted up, He managed to counter flipping himself backwards and landing on his feet. Before Hart had much time to react Hunter charged forward and connected with one hell of a Running STO before quickly going for the over on him.
Hunter got up to his feet shaking his arm attempting to shake the pain out in his elbow. Soon enough Hart was pushing himself up to his feet and that's when Hunter went right back on the attack, He clubbed Hart in the back of the neck which floored him to his knees. Right away Hunter grabbed a hold of Hart and whipped him into the corner, before backing up a little bit. He went charging in as he appeared to be going for some kind of splash or something along those lines but Hart managed to move just in time and caused Hunter to smack chest first into the corner. He turned around only to have Hart land some stiff kicks to his legs in an attempt to weaken him up, He landed one hard enough to cause Hunter's leg to buckle out as he fell down to one knee. Quickly Hart attempted to go for a huge DDT as he hooked Hunter for it properly but before he had a chance to connect with it. Hunter rolled on out of the position and caught Hart in the middle of the ring for "Duck Tape Smile." Hart literally had no where to go as he was doing his damnest to fight out of it. However it was no use what so ever as he brought his hand up and started slapping it against the mat.
Hart had tapped out to Michael Hunter giving the kid his first win in PWT. Hunter let go of the hold as soon as he heard the bell ring, He got right up on his feet to have his hand raised in victory. It appeared that Hunter had a bright future ahead of him with a win that took place in such a dominating fashion. As he continued to celebrate his victory, the cameras cut to the backstage area...
We're back out at the merchandise stand that Chris Burden took over. At this point he's got the entire stand decke dout with his stuff. We see a couple of fans curiously come by and look at the stuff. They pass on purchasing any and walk away. Burden berates them as they leave.
The camera pans to the right and we see Georgia James walk into the scene. Gee is still decked out in her gear after her match tonight. She has a towel around her neck. Burden turns an sees her, a smirk forming on his face.
Burden: Well hello there loser. Have you come to boost your sagging...
He looked to her chest
Burden: ....career by picking up some of this prime merchandise?
Gee grinned herself.
Gee: Actually no. I'd rather go naked than wear your merchandise.
Burden pretends to shudder at the thought. However Gee just ignores him and continues.
Gee: What I'm here to do is put you on notice Burden. See at Meltdown, in two weeks time, I've gotten my wish. The Revolution championship, which you've sullied much worse than Kim ever did, is gonna be on the line. You versus me versus....
???: Me.
In from the left stepped James Tsunami. He picked up a Burden action figure an looked at it. James tosses it onto the table. The instant its shoulders hit the table the left pops up. Burden quickly picks it up.
Burden: Hey! Careful! You break it you buy it idiot!
Tsunami: Oh yeah?
James snatches the action figure back. He throws it down on the ground, an again the left shoulder shoots off the ground. Tsunami then stares right into Burden's face as he stomps the figure several times! The camera gets a shot of the destroyed figure. He tries to throw a punch but its blocked by Tsunami. James grabs Burden an pulls him across the table.
Burden: Wait wait wait!
Tsunami had his fist pulled back and hesitates just a second. Burden with a kick to the nads! Of course Tsunami is doubled over holding his groin. Burden send shim across the table. He looks on wideyed as Tsunami took out several pieces of Burden merchandise.
Chris had his hand son his head an mouth open in shock. All of a sudden there was a slender hand on his right shoulder. Burden whips around and there's Georgia. His eyes shoot wider somehow as she has one of his replica "BWT" titles. Gee smashs the title right into Burden's face! He drops like a sack of bricks.
Gee: See ya in a couple weeks, chump.
She looked over an nodded to Tsunami before walking off.
Styles: How can she treat soemone like Burden this way? This guy is most certainly the future to my continuing to get a pay check.
Fecca: Looks like things aren't over for Burden yet....
Indeed Chris got up holding his head. Must've gotten hit hard too. He turns around, seemingly forgetting bout Tsunami. That's ok cause James reminds Burden of his presence with a hip-toss....THROUGH THE TABLE!
Styles: AHHH! You can't just....That's not right! Somebody get back there an help Chris!
Fecca: Well I see a lack of anchors tied to your ass Eddie.
Styles quiets down. Tsunami looks at Burden layin in the remnants of the table, covered in his own merchandise. He then crumples up a five an tosses it onto Burden. Fade to commercial.
****Commercial Break**** |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave - November 20th, 2010
Date Posted:11/25/2010 5:29 PMCopy HTML
Back off the commercial break and the scene is somewhere backstage at the arena. As our shot fades in, becoming clearer, we see two men standing beside each other. These days it seems unlikely you'd see them talking civilly but here we are: Cross and CM.
Cross: What Michaels? What do you want?
CM: I just wanna know where the Cross I'm known for almost ten years went to.
Cross: What are you talking about? I'm still the biggest and baddest sumbitch walking these halls.
CM: Really? Cause this Cross that I've been seeing lately? He seems like a shell of himself. I mean you an Ryan *sharing* tag team titles? That's a far cry from the Cross I used to know back in San Antonio.
The look on Cross' face tells that he doesn't want to be hearing this right now.
Cross: Look I agreed to talk with you because you an I are cool more often than not. This is the only time we'll talk like this. Next time I see you I'm putting my foot through your skull.
He paused.
Cross: BUT! You keep on this route and I won't wait until the next time.
CM held up his arms.
CM: Ya know what big man? Fine. Letly selling out has been your calling card.
Michaels walks off....Well more like hobbles off. Cross looks CM's way with a look of disdain. All of a sudden though he hears something an looks back. Damien Collins! WHAM! He blasts Cross with a chair staggering the big man. DC drops the chair and just starts peppering with Cross with lefts an rights.
Fecca: DC! DC has blindsided Cross with a chair. Good lord look at him pepper Cross with lefts an rights!
Cross buries his knee into DC's mid-section. he clubs his huge right arm across DC's back. Collins is dropped to a knee but he comes up and shoves Cross to teh wall. They're both unloading on each other as security floods in an breaks things up.
Styles: What the hell is with Collins? I've never seen him like that.
Fecca: I don't know. But it sure looks like he's mad as hell and not going to take it anymore! But folks we've got some action about to take place out here. Ginny Genocide versus Taryn Black. Winner joins the Femme Fatale title match at Meltdown.
White strobe lights begin to flash as the beginning of "Youth Gone Wild" by Skid Row begins to play. On either sides of the ramp are two large white screens where a silhouette of a woman stripping to the music appears. The music kicks in as Ginny Genocide throws the curtain behind her and energetically jumps up and down encouraging the fans to get to their feet. Just then from behind Taryn Black and Mikah before she can make her way down to the ring.
The crowd boos.
Fecca: God this is uncalled for.
Styles: Why should Taryn have to defend her spot in the Meltdown Femme Fatal Championship match?
Fecca: She stole it and she should win it fair and sqaure.
Styles: She got the one, two, three. That's all that matters.
The ladies laid into Ginny relentless and Ginny was at their mercy as she faught to stay in it pushing off one girl and then being assaulted by another. Ginny got to ringside and slide into the ring and Mikah gave chase and reached under the ring and pulled out the lead pipe. Ginny turned her attention to Taryn who stood infront of her and from behind Mikah cracked her across the back of the skull with the pipe. The crowd boo'd and Taryn made the cover. And the referee reluctantly made the count.
ONE... TWO.... THREE....
Sabrina: Here is your winner TARYN BLAACK!
"War in your Bedroom" by A Change of Pace hits and Taryn Black celebrates as if she's just put on the Match of her life. The crowd boos rain down and Taryn eats it up and celebrates the tainted win.
Fecca; This is disgusting if you ask me.
Styles: Well no one asked you. This is what Ginny and Tani get.
Fecca: Someone needs to make these two pay.
We cut to a commercial
****Commercial Break**** |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave - November 20th, 2010
Date Posted:11/25/2010 5:55 PMCopy HTML
We're back and Cross is shown again. He's angrily storming into Brooks' office. A man like that comes at ya and naturally ya jump back. Jonathan did just that against the wall. Cross slams his fists onto the desk.
Cross: What the hell fat man? You an Jake told me that if I came to PWT and helped tear down the rest of the shell..... left behind by Bitchass McCallister when he ran back to Hong Kong, Japan....that you'd take care of me.
By the way folks we know that Hong Kong is actually in China. Its kind of an inside joke for people who were around at the time. Thanks.
Cross: I'm a f*cking star! The best big man left in the business today! And I'm getting atatcked by a lil bitch like Collins? You better get control of these idiots or I'll go sit home an collect the rest of my guranteed money from my contract the next three years.
Brooks: I'm sorry! Please, Cross, understand that I had no idea Collins would snap like that. BUt trust me I'll take care of it all. You....You just sit down and relax. Here enjoy my Sub-Way meatball marinara footlong.
The bossman offered the sub to Cross. However the big man slaps it away.
The shot swicthed outside to where we saw various employees walking by the office. Everyone stops and looks at the door to the office curiously. Then we switch to ringside.
Natural Selection is in the ring, as are Vets Inc. standing across from one another. The bell sounds and we have Harris and Cain to start it off. Circling around its two men very familiar with the ring it’s a matter of who gets the strike first. As Harris rounds around by Con, he quickly turns around and hits Con off the apron which allows for Cain to come running up and strike Harris from behind and knocking him into the corner. Cain starts to lay some punches into Harris and Con slides into the ring, grabbing Harris by the hair and pulling him back off of Cain. Winterborn flies into the picture hitting Con from behind but Con doesn’t seem to budge. He turns around and he and Phoenix start to trade blows which leads to them tumbling over the top and to the outside. The fight continues as a back and forth for a while and we come to having switched partners bringing PW and Con into the ring. Con is showing signs of his power over-throwing Phoenix and the crowd begins to chant "Fuck You Esco!" Esco of course, embraces it and sets up for the OWN3D. PW staggering around from his fight with Esco, turns around and gets OWN3D nearly flipping inside out from a gore-like spear. PW is limp in the corner and Con is taunting the crowd with his back turned to Vets Inc, Harris makes the tag and the crowd erupts. Con turns around, and with a huge eruption of the crowd, he’s knocked back hard with a huge Brooklyn Knockout. Cain makes the tag and rushes in. Ducking a Harris Clothesline, Harris turns around and the two start brawling, chants of ‘You’re a sell out!" start up and with Harris momentarily dazed, he goes for a Zero Kick but NO! Harris dodges, Zero Kick meets Con’s chin instead. Cain turns around and down with a spear. Harris out of the way and PW off the top with a big frog splash. Almost immediately after Harris hits a frog splash connecting the CLICK, BANG, GOODBYE and makes the cover for the three.
Cut to the back where Mitchell was watching a monitor shaking his head in disappointment. Standing behind him was Tony Rich. Jacob turned off the monitor and turns to Rich.
Jake: Alright listen up prospect. Lately you've been dispapointing me and that's not good. So let me tell you what to do in your match.
Rich nodded.
Jake: Go out there tonight and no matter what make sure that Zarek is not a hundred percent for my match at Meltdown.
Rich: But what about Drew? This is a chance for me to weaken him up too. Right? I mean then you soften up Addams for me tonight and BAM! Two more titles for Natural Selection come the pay per view. Right?
Mitchell looks at Tony like he's speaking in tongues.
Jake: Excuse me?
Rich: Yeah you know scratch each other's backs.
Jake: No. You scratch my back. Its not the other way around. In fact you'd better totally forget Stevenson is in your match tonight. Your sole target is Lyle. You got that?
Rich: .....
Jake: You got that?
Mitchell spoke a little more sternly. Slowly Tony Rich nodded.
Rich: Yeah. I got it.
Jake: Good.
Cut to commercial with Jake looking satisfied..
****Commercial Break**** |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave - November 20th, 2010
Date Posted:11/25/2010 5:59 PMCopy HTML
"I Can Do Anything" blares on the P.A system and Tony Rich burst through the curtain holding his Sex O Vision (camera) in his hand. Scanning the crowd for the hottys, he makes his way down the ramp. At the end of the ramp he spots a hotty, and walks up to her and puts his arms around her shoulders and aims the camera at them and gives her a quick taste of the magic. Sliding in the ring he is handed the stand for his camera and sets it up in the nearest corner and places the Sex O Vision on it, making sure it’s perfectly straight. When he is satisfied he looks toward the curtain and waits for his opponent.
Sabrina: "Standing in the ring, TONY RIIIIIICH."
The lights suddenly go dark without any sense of warning as "Reject Yourself" by Killswitch Engage begins to play over the pa system. A single figure comes out from behind the black velvet curtain. As the lights slowly raise, you see Zarek Lyle walking down the ramp. As he walks down, he taunts the crowd, getting their screams up to a point of his liking. He hops onto the apron and flips over the top rope. Zarek goes to a corner, jumping to the second turnbuckle, to get the crowd roaring. He hops off the turnbuckle, and jogs around the ring a bit. Resting his hands upon his knees in a crouching position, he awaits for the third and final opponent.
Sabrina: "And his opponent, ZAREK LYYYYYYYLLEE."
The arena lights suddenly just shut off consuming the arena into complete darkness. The sudden engulfing of a massive bright spotlight shines down onto the entry area, the fans try looking through it but it is far too bright to see through it with the naked eye. Suddenly, the public address sound system comes on playing ''Bad Company" by Five Finger Death Punch just as the stage is still engulfed in the massive light. After a few seconds, the spotlight begins fading away and the arena lights return to life as there stands Drew Stevenson with his hands on his hips just looking out nodding as these fans cheer him, he just begins walking down the aisle sporting his usual attire which consists of dark green Chute Boxer style shorts, dark green kneepads, boots and his hands taped up in dark green tape as well. He begins walking down the aisle until he gets down to the ring, he quickly rolls into the ring from under the bottom rope immediately getting back to his feet just pacing the ring simply awaiting for the bell to ring thus getting this match underway.
Sabrina: "And the final opponent, DREW STEEEEEVEEEEENNSOOOOON."
The referee signals for the bell as this match is officially underway.
Fecca: Rich, Lyle and Stevenson… Oh man this should be HUGE!
Styles: Indeed!
Rich starts things off charging in at Stevenson but Drew catches him as he hurls him up and over the top rope with an overhead belly to belly suplex as Rich hits the floor pretty hard.
Fecca: What a way to start off this match – Drew hurling Rich over the top rope with an overhead release belly to belly suplex.
Zarek then comes in immediately tying up with Drew as they jockey for position. Zarek manages to slap Drew in a headlock really applying the pressure as Drew keeps calm, he wraps his arms around Zarek’swaist hoisting him up in a modified backdrop as he slams Zarek down hard while bridging it into a pin as the referee drops down making the count.
Zarek kicks out and rolls backwards but maintains the headlock which is now a modified sleeper hold.
Styles: What great technical wrestling so far.
Fecca: You knew it would be.
Drew fights to his feet as Zarek refuses to release the hold, he kicks Drew in the back of the knee dropping him to one knee but Drew had managed to reach up positioning Zarek’s head on his shoulder hitting a modified jaw breaker which caused Zarek to release the hold stumbling around clutching his jaw in pain. Drew got up quickly as he kicked Zarek in the gut before stuffing his head under his arm and snapped him over for a snap suplex, Drew kept him in position as he got back to his feet and snapped him over again and again hitting three snap suplexes, however – as he kept him in position still, he held Zarek up in the vertical suplex position momentarily before dropping him hard with a brainbuster, Drew immediately covers Zarek looking for the win.
Zarek kicks out just in time.
Fecca: These two men tore it up over in Chicago and now, they’re doing it right here in Michigan as well – I love it!
Drew bent down to pick Zarek up as Zarek finds it in himself to grab Drew with a schoolboy.
Drew kicks out and pops up to his feet faster than Zarek as Rich kicks Drew right in the chin dropping him hard. Zarek gets up and starts chopping Rich as Rich then starts chopping Zarek as well. Both men trading chops as Rich decides to gain the upper hand as he knees Zarek in the gut then hits a DDT dropping Zarek hard. Rich rolls him over looking for the win.
NO! Zarek manages to get the shoulder up once again showing great resilience. Rich gets up smirking as he gets grabbed from behind, Drew starts nailing German after German, around eight of them until he releases Rich and quickly makes his way to the legs where he grabs them and applies the Missouri Cloverleaf to Rich.
Styles: Wait… What’s this?
Suddenly Zarek comes in and applies the crossface on to Rich as Drew still has the Cloverleaf locked in as well. Rich has nowhere to go so he eventually taps out.
Fecca: Wait… Who won?
The referee signaled for the bell and as both men got up to their feet. The ref raised both their hands into the air as it looked as if both men were victorious.
****Commercial Break**** |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave - November 20th, 2010
Date Posted:11/26/2010 4:58 AMCopy HTML
The scene is backstage in fornt of the PWT backdrop. We see the flatscreen monitor hanging, flashing the PWT logo. Brandon Marks is there and standing beside the Backyard champion Whysper. The Silent Warrior has the championship over his shoulder.
Marks: Welcome back to Shockwave everybody. I'm Brandon Marks and I'm joined tonight by none-other than reigning Backyard champion: Whysper. Thanks for taking time out for this interview champ.
Whysper: Thanks for having me Brandon.
Marks: Whysper tonight you have an incredible main event match with Jacob MItchell and Scott Addams. You're the reigning Backyard champion, Addams is the Titanium champ, and Mitchell is one of the two contender for the World's Heavyweight title. How huge is this match for you?
Whysper: Its easily one of the biggest matches of my career. You look at all the factors involved with it. First its the main event, the featured match. The three of us are the grand finale tonight. Then you look at what you mentioned. Two champions and a top world title contender. This is HUGE!
Marks: Is it safe to assume that tonight you're looking to send a message to your two challengers for the Backyard title? Those two of course being newcomer Shane Satan and your old nemesis Javen.
Whysper pops his knuckles.
Whysper: Definately Brandon. Definately. Tonight I look to show not just them but the entire world what I'm capable of. I've been discounted my entire career and I know I will be tonight just as well. But I say its time for a lil poetic justice.
And with those parting words Whysper walks away from the set. Things switched back to ringside where Damien Collins was in the ring. He was waitin on Cross to make his way out to the ring for their match. Instead out came Jonathan Brooks.
Brooks: Damien! I know that tonight you were looking forward to facing Cross in a one on one match. Well kid I'm here to tell ya that that ain't gonna be happening. Ya see in this company I will not be rewarding cheap sneak attacks like your's. So instead of Cross tonight you will be taking on, making his return, THAT ONE GUY!
Jonathan steps to the side as indeed TOG makes his way out onto the ramp. He stops and shakes hands with Brooks. That's instant hatred from teh fans. They're booing as TOG points towards the ring an heads down.
Fecca: Well folks its nice to see That One Guy back here in a PWT ring but.....I...I just don't get this sudden change in our boss. Brooks is denying Collins a shot at Cross because finally someone gave a member of Natural Selection a dose of their own medicine.
Styles: They often say that the taste of your own medicine is bitter.
Fecca: I agree completely. Boy this bites for DC.
TOG enters the ring. Before the bell can even ring he walks over to DC and starts poking Collins in the chest. Seems that TOG is chewing DC out but we can't hear the words. All of a sudden though WHAM! DC Drop! Collins hits it and then pops up. He looks down at TOG and then up to the ramp. Brooks is less than pleased.
Brooks: Oh you think that's something Collins? Well the jokes on you! For attacking your opponent before the match started? I'm officially declaring you disqualified!
DC rolled his eyes.
Fecca: What! That's BULL! That is bullsh*t
Styles: Whoa there sparky, calm down.
Damien dropped down an rolled out of the ring. We then cut backstage to where Scott Addams was gettin ready for the the main event. Zarek Lyle walked in with a towel around his neck and bottle of water in hand. They gave each other the "Wats up" nod. Zarek sat down an started taking off his boots. Scott spoke up after taping his hands an wrists.
Addams: Hey man, tonight I'm going to do you a favor and soften Mitchell up for ya.
Zarek looked up. He shook his head "No".
Zarek: Nah man. When I win the title from Collins, beating Mitchell in the process, I don't want any excuses. So tonight you go out there an show Mitchell, Whysper, and the world why Scott Addams is one of the best in the world today.
Addams: Alright man.
The shook hands and Addams left for the ring. meanwhile we left for a commercial break.
****Commercial Break**** |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave - November 20th, 2010
Date Posted:11/26/2010 5:59 AMCopy HTML
At the sound of the bell Mitchell, Addams, and Whysper started to circle around each other. It wasn't long though till Addams and Whysper bum-rushed Mitchell backing him into a corner. Addams started to unleash with a combination of punches while Mitchell did the best he could to cover up and protect himself. After a kick to the gut Addams whipped Mitchell out of the corner right towards Whysper whom dropped down to the mat as soon as Mitchell came his way catching the Natural Selection leader with a drop toe hold forcing Mitchell to bash his face off the mat. Mitchell got up rather quick holding his jaw but when he turned around Whysper leaped into the air connecting with a wicked Enzurgri Kick that brought Mitchell down to one knee. Without any hestiation at all, Whysper grabbed a hold of Mitchell's head and connected with a huge Implant DDT which forced Mitchell to stand straight up in the air before falling to the mat, Whysper waisted no time rolling him over and attempting to get the win with a cover.
Whysper shook his head a little bit getting up to his feet before pulling Mitchell up as well. He whipped Mitchell towards the ropes and as soon as he came back Addams literally came out of no where connecting with a huge standing dropkick knocking Mitchell to the mat hard. Addams and Whysper both pulled Mitchell at that moment before tossing his arms over their shoulders. That's when both men lifted Mitchell up and slammed him down to the mat with a double suplex. Whysper and Addams both got back up to their feet while Whysper turned and went running towards the ropes. He came bouncing back landing a leg drop right across the chest of Mitchell, no sooner than he rolled out of the way. Addams came off the top rope connecting with a 450 Splash and quickly went for the cover.
Addams sat up on his knees for a moment a bit disappointed in the fact Mitchell wouldn't stay down. He got up to his feet and pulled Mitchell up as well only to toss him out of the ring, both Addams and Whysper locked eyes on each other at the moment before backing up across the ring turning their attention right towards Mitchell whom was getting up on the outside, It looked like the two of them were going for some type of dive as they went charging across the ring but Whysper was the only one that dove through the ropes as Addams stopped himself. Whysper went charging right through the ropes and connected with a suicide dive taking Mitchell down. Whysper got right back on his feet and turned around only to have Addams launch himself over the top rope and take him down with a hurricanrana on the outside. Everyone in the arena gave a huge pop for the spot as Addams got right back on his feet, He grabbed a hold of Mitchell and rolled him right back in the ring. Addams pulled himself up on the apron but before he could get in the ring Mitchell had gotten up on his feet and charged at Addams connecting with "Dead Man's Switch" right there on the apron. Addams fell down to his knees on the apron as Mitchell grabbed him and pulled him through the ring ropes only to slam him right down on his head with a Snap DDT. Quickly Mitchell rolled Addams over and went fort the cover on him.
Whysper was clubbing on Mitchell's back as Mitchell backed up hoping to get away. He managed to cause enough difference between the two that when Whysper went to punch him again that he grabbed a hold of Whysper's tights and pulled him forward sending him face into the turnbuckle. Whysper had his face up against the turnbuckle when Mitchell charged forward slamming his boot against the back of Whysper's head for "Bite The Bullet" after connecting with it Mitchell took a few steps backwards only to have Whysper fall against the mat motionless. Mitchell grabbed a hold of Whysper's arm and dragged him to the center of the ring only to drop down on his knees attempting to get the win with a cover.
Mitchell lost his cool at that point and started slamming his fist into the head of Whysper over and over again in attempt to keep him from fighting back. Though it didn't end there, Mitchell got up on his feet and started to stomp out Whysper. It was quite clear that his anger truly had gotten the better of him. That's when he dropped down to his knee again and He was about to go for the cover when Addams spun him around and started lighting him up with punches, before Addams landed a quick kick to the gut and then attempted to go for "Platinum Landing" but somehow Mitchell countered out of it, landed on his feet, and then dropped Addams with "The Prodigal Drop" right away the crowd began to boo heavily as they assumed it as all over. Mitchell just looked down at Addams with an emotionless face before dropping down and going for the cover.
1...2...3-NO!!!! KICKOUT FROM ADDAMS!!!
Mitchell couldn't believe it. He thought for sure that he had the match won as he got up to his feet. He started getting in the face of the Referee and shouting that it should have been a three. Of course the ref just reminded him that he was the official and it was in fact a two count. On that note Mitchell slid out of the ring in frustration and walked right on over to the time keeper's table grabbing a hold of the PWT World Heavyweight Championship. Everyone assumed he was just going to walk out but he didn't. Instead he slid right back in the ring and stood behind the referee that was checking on Addams. Just then the referee stood back up and right away Mitchell blasted the ref with the title...
Jacob popped into position waitingf or Addams to get up now. But from the back came Zarek Lyle to the ring. He ducked under a swing from the title. Zarek popped up an peppered Jacob with rights until he was against the ropes. He stepped back and then clotheslined Jacob outside to the floor! The fans were on their feet cheering. Suddenly those cheers grew louder as DC slid into the ring. He whips Zarek around! DC DROP!
The fans were going wild! Scott Addams though jumped up and he knocked DC through the middle an top ropes to the floor. No time to celebrate though. The chaos continues as Tony Rich clobbers Addams. But then Drew Stevenson german suplexes Rich folding him in half. Shane Satanw as there an blasted Drew with a chair. Javen showed up an he tackled Satan outside. Whysper over the top with a plancha to them both.
There's carnage everywhere as we head off the air. Our last scene is Mitchell stealing the World's title again. |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave - November 20th, 2010
Date Posted:11/13/2015 7:15 PMCopy HTML
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