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Date Posted:09/16/2010 4:42 AMCopy HTML

Saturday September 18th, 2010 Commentary Team: Bobby Fecca & Eddie Styles Venue: ARCO Arena, Sacramento, California Theme Song: "Still Unbroken" by Lynyrd Skynard Deadline: 11PM CST SUNDAY! September 19th 24 Hour Deadline 11pm CST Saturday Night, September 18th
Main Event Titanium Title Match Scott Addams (c) vs Martin Wright Special Guest Commentary: Christian Othniel Ref Assigned: Jim Richards Writer Assigned: Scotty McAddams (Can somebody please tell us how this is happening? Somehow, someway, Javen has gotten a man referred to as "Javen's Bitch" booked for a title match. Not only that but this time its set to main event Shockwave?! Dubbya tee eff?! No one's saying Wright is a bum, but ready to face the likes of Kim Pain, Ryan Cain, and Scott Addams? Not yet. What can ya do though? Oh yeah, keep an eye on Othniel at the commentary table!)
Tag Team Match Power & Glory(Gee & Tank) vs South Beach Kru(Donnie Wyld & Cameron Stevens) Ref Assigned: Frank Mason Writer: BurdBig John (The tag team champiosn are back in action this week! With rumors of the tag team rankings debuting after Hardcore Hell this is a great way for the South Beach Kru to make their case to be ranked highly.A win over teh champs is always huge, but its never easy. Gee and Tank have proven to be a solid pairing as champs. Well according to some, but most say its only cause of who Gee is sexin. Big chance to shut some mouthes here)
Singles Match Zarek Lyle vs Chris Burden Ref Assigned: Willie Sharpe Writer: Matlock (This match was scheduled to be a grudge match between Duke Andrews and Chris Burden based off what happened last week. However we recieved word earlier today that Duke would not be able to make Shockwave. Reportedly he pulled a muscle working out. Into the place of Andrews steps Zarek Lyle. This one is gonna be interesting as Burden has been pretty critical of Team PWT an Zarek is part of aforementioned Team PWT. Don't think he's gonna appreciate the criticism)
Singles Match Javen vs Ryan Cain Ref Assigned: Frank Mason Writer: Johnathan (This match stems from Javen attempting to get involved in Ryan's debut match against Martin Wright. Not to mention the homosexual remarks that Ryan made about the "Javen's Bitch" hazing that Martin has been going through. hasn't sat well with Javen. So this week he's challenged Ryan to a match. Lemme tell ya folks Ryan Cain has never met a challenge he wouldn't accept...except the time he was challenged to sing "Its Raining Men" on Rockband)
Singles Match Damien Collins vs Whysper Ref Assigned: Willie Sharpe Writer: Nate (Whysper sure is making alot of noise lately and ruffling a whole bunch of feathers to boot. Still though a successful title defense wasn't enough to satisfy Whysper. So this week Brooks is putting Whysper against the World's Heavyweight champion. He has dared Whysper to do something to impress him. But folks when have we ever known Damien Collins to just let himself be a steppings tone of any sorts? Yeah....Never.)
Singles Match Non-Title Kim Pain vs Tani Lyons Ref Assigned: Jim Richards Writer: Heather (Last week after Kim had beaten Mikah the Femme Fatale championes looke dto get her apiece of Mikah's rear. Wouldn't we all? Anyways though, as Tani lit up MIkah like the Fourth of July she was stunned by Kim Pain nailing her variation of the Go To Sleep made famous by CM Punk. The championess doesn't take likely to this so this week she looks for answers as to why and a lil bit of payback to go with it)
Single Match NS & Team PWT banned from ringside Matlock vs Con Escobar Ref Assigned: Willie Sharpe Writer: Justin (Last week saw Scott Addams win the right to be the cpatian of Team PWT but he gave it to Matlock. It seemed to be a decision the hwole team agreed with. Well folks Matlock has wasted lil time in stepping up to his new role as official captain. he specifically asked for this match to show the "beast" of Natural Selection what a "cornered animal" is capable of!)
Opening Match Singles Match Jessica Orton w/Phoenix Winterborn vs Christine Smith Ref Assigned: Frank Mason Writer: Burden of the Chris variety (There's not a much better way ta kick things off than two hawt Femme fatales tearing into one another. So tonight we're doin just thata s Jessica, the enwest addition to Vets Inc, takes on Christine Smith who recently just returned to the PWT scene))
Dark Match Main Event Marcus Bain vs Shadow (Not even the matches before Shockwave go on the air are safe from Natural Selection it seems! This week just before we go on the air we've got a hell of a match for our fans! Marcus Baina nd Shadow will go on one one LIVE and ONLY for the fans lucky enough to b in attendence! Get your tickets now guys an gals!)
Dark Match Ginny Genocide vs Ruby Cooper (When it was found out Jamie Static was gonna be in Grand Rapids workin Underground, Kei contacted us about letting Ginny wrestle thousands of miles away her in Sacremento! This should be interesting just to see how much freedom Ginny is allowed for the match. Keep an eye on teh web for this one. Also welcome back to Ruby Cooper! We haven't seene hr in a while but tonights he's back! Lets see what Ruby's got for us shall we?)
Dark Match No Holds Barred Salman Van Dam vs Matt Ward (Ladies an gents be sure an get out to the arena a lil early this Saturday! As always we're providings ome matches for our live audience only and what a set of matches this week! It all kicks off with a no hold barred contest pitting Matt Ward against Salman Van Dam. There's apparently a history of some sorts here. Stay tune dto PWT.com this week to learn about that) |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave - September 18,2010
Date Posted:09/21/2010 7:49 AMCopy HTML
Dark Match No Holds Barred Salman Van Dam vs Matt Ward Winner: Matt Ward Summary: Salman and Matt both wasted no time in starting things off with a good old fashioned fist fight. Salman had the upper hand, that was up until Ward hit a stiff knee to the gut following it up with a DDT but only picked up a two for his troubles. Ward kept on stomping away at Salman but Salman took a cheap move and kicked Matt right in the groin as he hit several consecutive suplexes in a row looking for a pin fall but to no avail. In the end, it was Ward who wrapped a steel chair around Salman’s head to pick up a HUGE win tonight.
Dark Match Ginny Genocide vs Ruby Cooper Winner: Ruby Cooper Summary: Ruby and Ginny started out the action looking strong. Ginny caught Ruby off guard with several high-risk maneuvers looking to pick up several win attempts but Ruby managed to kick out each time. Later on, Ruby started gaining some big momentum, she hit several move after move showing great athleticism but as she was looking for the win, Kei pulled Ginny out of the ring and started carrying her up the ramp as Ruby looked on stunned.
Dark Match Main Event Marcus Bain vs Shadow Winner: Bain Summary: This match-up was VERY heated; Shadow and Bain both pulling out all the stops as they hit moves that dazzled the crowd. Shadow managed to counter an Irish whip as he ran up on the turnbuckle and jumped backwards hitting a corkscrew moonsault landing on a standing Bain which drops him as he hooks the leg looking for a HUGE upset here but Bain kicks out. Later on, Marcus catches Shadow going up top as he shoves him off to where he strikes the canvas hard. As Shadow got up clutching his abdomen, Bain hit the Nail in the Coffin picking up an impressive, hard-fought victory. |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave - September 18,2010
Date Posted:09/21/2010 7:54 AMCopy HTML
As the final credits rolled for the fine programming that'd just ended we faded to black. It was only a brief fade before we came back in to a shot in the parking area of the ARCO Center. Here we saw young Kaydence Starr looking as lovely as ever. She had a cellphone up to her left ear an looked less than pleased with the conversation.
Kaydence: UGH! I don't get why you had to go see her on a weekend Christian......She needs you? Yeah well what about me? It was you that said you'd never leave me alone again after the way MJ and Caitlin got to me before.......
She sighed loudly.
Kaydence: You know what? Nevermind Christian! You think I can't see the writing on the wall lately? I'm not stupid. Or well maybe I was for being there for you. And I'm sorry that I ever was there for you when no one else was........Whatever. I don't want anything to do with you EVER again.......Oh and its PERMANENT this time! Don't come looking for me the next time your world is crashing down......
Kaydence reached behind her with her other hand. She grabbe dthe handle of a rolling suitcase and started walking towards her car.
Kaydence: I'm sure you can guess where I'm going.......What's so funny about it?......Well even if they are tri-weekly shows I won't have to deal with you anymore! HMPH!
The angry redhead flicked her phone down ending the call. Our camera followed as she made it to her car and opened the driver's door. She tossed in her suitcase and got in the driver's seat. Kayden started her cara nd peeled rubber out of the parking area. We then fade into Shockwave's opening video
After the video ends we come in LIVE here at teh ARCO Center in Sacremento, California! There's an explosion of pyros

The cameras begin panning over the rowdy crowd. Many of the fans are waving their signs they spent their tiem making. There's signs supporting favorites and signs to aggravate least favorites. As the camera shot pulls down to Fecca an Styles we see a NS shirts and signs sprinkled in the sea of humanity.
Fecca: WELCOME EVERYONE! This is PWT's flagship program! This is: SATURDAY NIGHT SHOCKWAVE! As always I'm Bobby Fecca joined at ringside by noneother than Eddie Styles!
Styles: Dude! Bobbsie! Did we just witness the end of Kaydence Starr's career here in PWT?
Fecca: It would appear we have Eddie. As we went into the opening video I got confirmation from the back. By the decree of Jonathan Brooks, Kaydence Starr is officially gone from Professional Wrestling Today.
Styles: Noooo! Damn that Christian Michaels! Why does he have to cost me a great looking broad to check out every week?
Fecca: Is that all Kaydence meant to you her ein PWT Eddie?
Styles: Absolutely! I means ure she could wrestle a lil bit but more than anything I enjoyed looking at her breasts and tight lil behind.
Fecca: Well I'm sure thats he'll be easily replaced for your affection by the other Femme Fatales. Speaking of which tonight we've got the Femme Fatale championess, Tani Lyons, going one on one with Revolution championess Kim Pain. This match coming to us thanks to last week when after Kim had beaten Mikah, she stopped Tani from getting a measure of retirbution. Tani took it personala nd so we got that champion vs champion match late ron. Non-title of course folks.
Styles: I think this is a bad choice by Tani myself. Look I get thats he's got the bone to pick with Mikah and Kim stopped her from picking it last week. But look at who we're talking about here! Kim Pain was a card-carrying member of the Caine Clan. They tore a path of destruction trhough this company a few years back. Since then the clan fell apart but Kim has maintained her reputation for kicking the ass of any an everybody in her way. Regardless of gender!
Fecca: I don't think we should count Tani out yet though. She's quite the tough cookie herself. I mean just a week prior to getting her hands on Mikahs he took a brutal Prodigal Drop from Jacob Mitchell. Expect Kim to maybe get more than she bargined for in that match. Javen could be in that same boat tonight as he takes on Ryan Cain. What a sensation he is too. The fans love Cain and he love sthem right back. And he's a world-class athelete. I've seen some tape of his career and the kid is filled with an amazing ability.
Styles: Yeah, I'll admit that Ryan Cain is as talented a s they come in that ring. But you know something Bobbsie this is the major leagues. we're not some ma and pa wrestling company based out of Texas. we're worldwide baby! And I believe Javen when he says that there's a reason we haven't seen Ryan Cain before on this stage.
Fecca: Perhaps itw as simply that Cain wante dto hone his skills until he felt the time was right. Tonight though I guess we'll find out for sure as Ryan tests himself against Javen who is a longtime PWT veteran. And I tell you I'd sure like to know how Javen keeps getting all these title shots and big time matches for Martin Wright.
Styles: Well look the kid is only going to get better by facing the best Bobbsie. I think that Javen is trying to help Wright jumpstart his career and become somebody. Now I think that Brooks understands this and is why he's granting these matches. Martin needs to be more apprecitive to Javen for it too.
Fecca: That's about as likely as our tag team champions having a beer with The South Beach Kru after teh show tonight. These two newcomers have burst onto the scene after the debut episode of our new program, Friday Night Underground. Tonight they get a huge chance to leapfrog a bunch of other teams if they can beat teh champions.
Styles: I think they will too. Look out for the South Beach Kru. They're the next big deal in tag team wresting.
Fecca: Its a definate possibility. I'm sure though that Georgia James and Tank will have something to say about that. But Eddie how about Con Escobar, the beast of Natural Selection, going one on one with Team PWT's captain Matt Matlock tonight?
Styles: Going to be a hell of a battle there Bobbsie. As we all have seen in the past couple of months Con is a behemoth in the ring. He's powered through a bunch of people. Injured alot of people. Now of course Matlock is no stranger to putting people on the shelf. He's lethal with that monkey wrench. Don't know if he'll need it though with all of Natural Selection and Team PWT barred from ringside.
Fecca: We'll find out later tonight. I have to admit that I'm pulling for matlock. We stunend Natural Selection last week and need to keep that pressure on them tonight. Of ocurse Team PWT member Zarek Lyle is set to face Chris Burden who really couldn't care any less for both sides. He's wanting a shot at Bedlam but has let to recieve it.
Styles: You know I think Burden should count his blessings. Last week he was lucky that Natural Selection let him leave after he sacrificed Duke Andrews. If i were him I'd count my blessings and turn my attentions elsewhere.
Fecca: Burden has said that he wants a shot at the Titanium championship but we'll have to see where things go with that. Its certainly a match I'd like to see. Speaking of championes we also have the Backyard champion taking on the World Heavyweight champion as Whysper meets Damien Collins one on one tonight. These men are friends who tonight will put that friendship aside and battle for the victory.
Styles: I say look for Whysper to pick up the upset. That lil jumping bean seems to have snapped recently. Then again we've seen that Damien Collins can end a match within a moment's notice. Gah! I don't know who to pick here!
Fecca: I suspect our fans will be the real winners. However in our opening contest you may feel like the winner Eddie. Jessika Orton is making her inring debut for our great company by taking on Christine Smith. As you all know Christine is the wife of Adam Smith.
Styles: That's our opening contest?
Fecca: Yes sir. It is indeed the opening match tonight.
Styles: Then why are we still running our mouthes? Lets get to this match!
Fecca: Folks we have to take a quick break but when we return we'll have our opening contest! Stay tune dfor jessika Orton's debut against Christine Smith!
Styles; Trust me I will!
Shockwave fades off to its first break of the evening.
***Commercial Break*** |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave - September 18,2010
Date Posted:09/21/2010 9:06 AMCopy HTML
When we came back to Shockwave after the break we're backstage in front of a Pepsi machine. The camera slowly pulls back and raises up. Turns out that Javen is here at the Pepsi machine getting himself a drink. He puts in a dollar bill and an then a quarter. There's teh sound so fthe can thudding around after Javen pushes the button for a Dr Pepper. he pops the top an tilts the can back.
???: Excuse us, Javen?
Javen turned and there stood Lori Anne and Elizabeth Rossdale. He arched an eyebrow.
Javen: Yes?
Lori Anne: We've seen lately how you've been treating Martin Wright as your bitch and...
A sigh from Javen. he didn't care to hear anybody's complaints.
Javen: Look Lori, if yawl want to complain about it justs ave your breath. File the complaint with my middle finger. Kay? Thank you.
He smiled and was bout to leave. Quickly Lori Anne spat out what she had tos ay.
Lori: No! We don't want to complain. javen we want to be your bitches too!
There was a definate pause. Javen turned back around to Elizabeth nodding.
Javen: Excuse me? Did you just say the two of yawl want to be my bitches?
Lori: Yes. We've seen how since you took Martin under your wing his career has taken off. True, he has yet to win a match. However you're getting him matches against huge stars and even multiple title shots. We want in on some of that! So what do you say? Can we be your bitches too?
Now this was an offer you didn't hear all that often folks. Javen stood there for a moment and stroked his chin. He thought and then a grin came to his face.
Javen: Ya know what ladies? I think we just might be able to work something out. Come with me! There is much to discuss!
The three walked off and we came back to ringside. Seems thatw hile all this was going on Jessika Orton and Christine Smith had made their way to the ring. Phoenix Winterborn was in the corner of Jessika considering what happened between him and Natural Selection 24 hours ago. The bell rang an the ladies circled one naother.
Fecca: Did the Rossdale sisters just ask Javen to be his bitches? Folks I can't believe my ears on that one. But regardless of that situation we've got a match underway here. Jessika Orton is a long-time veteran of the business coming out of retirement. Eddie she'd felts he'd accomplished all she could in this business before.
Styles: Well she hasn't done it all if she hasn't stood atop the PWT mountain.
Fecca: No arguements from me. Jessika and Christine tie it up center of the ring.
That they do folks. There's some jockeyingf or position her early. Suddenly though Jessika takes a side-headlock on Christine. She wrenches it tightly. Without warning she kicks Smith over into a side-headlock takeover. Christine rolls Jessika onto her shoulders for a two count. Orton kicks back off her shoulders to her but again. Smith now reaches up an pushes back on Jessika's chin. She gets Orton's head back soem and then brings those long legs up and wraps him around the head of Jisska. Christine pulled back and Jessika came back with the legs.
Styles: Oh what a nice reversal there by Christine. Bobbsie don't tell Adam this but I wouldn't mind those legs around my head.
Fecca: I'm pretty sure that he's watching this episode of Shockwave tonight Eddie. Though I've heard rumors that he may be eclusive property to Underground. Nots ure how that's possible but-Whoa! Orton making a move here!
After trying with no success to escape the headsicssors, Jessika put her feet on the mat and then flipped into a bridging pin. On the count of one Christine wrapped her arms around Jessika's upper body. On teh count of two Christine bridges up on her head. The count is stopped but Christine raises on up and spins. She has Jessika in position where she could try an deliver a powerbomb. No! Smith spins around again and goes for a backslide pin. Gets a count of two but Orton off the shoulders. They raced up and Jessika charged. She ducked a clothesline and hit the farside ropes. Rebounded off an Christine sets up earlyf or a backdrop. She's leap-frogged by Orton. Christine comes up an spins right into a flying foreamr smash.
Fecca: My word what a fast pace to this match all of a sudden.
Styles: I could barely keep up with that sequence.
Jessika come sup to her feet with Christine jus a hair slower. A kick to the stomach by Orton. She hooked up Smitha nd hit a snap suplex. Floats over for a pin and only gets about 2. Instead of complaining to the ref Orton gets up. Christine is pulled upa nd sent to a corner. Jessika shoots in after her but eats the boots. Christine hops up on the top turnbuckle for a seat. She grabs Orton in a choke. Smith lifting up til Jessika's feet actually kick in teh air for a second. Count of four by the ref so Christine releases the hold.....Then she's grabs Jessika again. This time Orton wasn't having any of it. She reaches back with an arm and then snapmares her over! That's right Jessika just delivered a super snapmare!
Fecca: Aw what the hell is this now?
Styles: It looks like we're being joined by MJ Storm and his gal Caitlin Fury.
Fecca: I see that much. But why are they coming out here?
Phoenix catches a glimpse of MJ and Caitlin coming down. He moves around to the side of the ring facing the ramp. MJ breaks out into a run. He an Phoenix meet and the fists are flying. It doesn't take MJ an Caitlin long to overpower Phoenix. Afterall he had a number done on him by Bedlam the night before. Jessika slips out the ring to help. She attacks Caitlin and puts her on the floor. Jessika turns right into a HUFE spear by MJ! We're talking almost breaking her in half!
Fecca: Good lord! Storm could've broken her in half!
The ref is calling for a DQ win for jessika, however right now she looked far from being a winner. MJ pulled Phoenix upa nd hit the "Storm Chaser Slam". Satisfied he had caitlin bring him a mic.
MJ: MICHAELS! This is all your fault! Your fault for the years of pain and suffering I've had to suffer becauseof you! And now you're going to suffer. Earlier tonight we all saw it. We all saw your "goody box" close up and head out of here for greener pastures.
Storm chuckled.
MJ: And now your friends.....The rest of the patehtic Veterans Inc lay at my feet....Soon it'll beyou at my feet. You'll look up at me with a look on your face pleading for mercy and I...I will have none for you. At Hardcore Hell the story of Christian Michaels' long-lived career in PWT will come to a close. In its place will be MY story! MY return to the top of this business where I so rightfully belong!
Phoenix was trying to get up and MJ kicks him back down.
MJ: Michaels I demand that you be here next week! Then we'll sign our contract for Hardcore Hell.
He dropped the mic and with caitlin Fury at his side headed up the ramp. The ref was checkin on Phoenix and Jessika as we went to commercial.
***Commercial Break*** |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave - September 18,2010
Date Posted:09/21/2010 9:08 AMCopy HTML
Both competitiors were in the ring—Willie Sharpe, the ref assigned to the match signaled for the bell as the match was underway. Circling each other, neither was at a disadvantage, Matlock was just as tough as Con was intense. After a few seconds of circling each other- Matlock moved in first but Con scooped him up with ease and planted him into the mat with a hard bodyslam.
Fecca: What power from Natural Selection’s beast!
Styles: Indeed Bobb-O.. Con is scary strong!
Matlock held his back on the way up as Con pushed the pace. Decking Matlock with a few stiff right hands, he pushed Matlock against the ropes- and whipped him forward. Off the comeback, Con threw a nasty back elbow that clipped Matlock on the forehead- once again sending PWT’s de facto leader down to the ground as Con quickly made the cover.
Fecca: Quick pin attempt here by Esco!
Matlock’s shoulder popped off of the mat as Con didn’t give him time to breathe. Yanking him by his hair and standing him up- Con kicked him in the midsection and shoved him back into the turnbuckle. Catching Matlock a few times with hard shots—Con grabbed hold of Matlock’s arm and threw him across to the opposite side turnbuckle. Hitting it pretty hard backfirst- Con sprinted after him, but Matlock managed to throw a huge elbow of his own that killed Con’s momentum and knocked him backwards. Trying to follow through with more of an offensive manuer—Con snapped out of it quickly and plucked Matlock off of his feet and planted him into the mat with a powerslam and again made the cover- hooking the leg this time.
Fecca: Not yet!
After Matlock broke the pin attempt by kicking out—Con displayed some of his technical skill as he locked Matlock in an armbar. Wrenching at it—Con was fit to break Matlock’s arm and wouldn’t care about it—but Matlock was a tough son of a gun and wasn’t going to stay down. Slowly getting to his feet- Matlock’s momentum was rising but was quickly cut off with Con kicking him in his exposed ribs and quickly following that up with another hard- breathtaking slam- this time a side-slam. Dropping Matlock on his back—Con jumped to his feet and scanned the arena—the fans boo’d him like crazy but it didn’t phase him as he still managed to give off one of the most arrogant smirks ever seen.
Fecca: I must say—Con looks impressive. He’s keeping Matlock grounded, using great strategy, not allowing him to get to his feet.. Definitely impressive!
Styles: Even though they’re wrong for what they do—Natural Selection is made up on unbelievable professional wrestlers. Jake knows how to pick’em—Con proves that.
Scaling the top-rope—Con perched himself with his back to Matlock, as Matt realized where he was. Flinging himself from the top rope—Con turned his body in mid-air and caught Matlock with an amazing side double axe-handle as that knocked Matlock down, causing him to roll out of the ring and recover—Con on the other hand pushed himself up once more- looking down at Matlock.
Fecca: Amazing agility, wow!
Stepping onto the apron outside—Con looked down at Matlock as Con jumped off of the apron and landed a club shot to the back of Matlock’s neck—dropping him again. Picking Matlock up by the air, he rolled him into the ring and slowly followed. Matlock’s second wind came about though as when Con rolled into the ring—Matlock kicked him on the side of the head—a definite momentum breaker. Matlock didn’t stop there though—his frustration seemed to have come to a head as he continued stomping—aimed at Con’s head as he got up- and then the focus shifted to Con’s midsection as Matlock knocked him back into the corner. Grabbing the ropes—Matlock continued with the stomping frenzy as the crowd popped for their hero in Matlock gaining the upper-hand as finally.. after the sixteenth stomp or so- Con was grounded causing Matlock to back up and throw his arms in the air.
Fecca: See how quickly momentum shifted for Matlock there?! Con was the aggressor- now Matlock’s got control of the situation!
As Con slowly started to recover—Matlock kept his momentum from building by throwing shot after shot that connected with his right hand. Switching it up—Matlock knocked the spirit out of Con’s body with a hard-chop that fans “WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO’d” for. Leaning forward- Matlock hit Con wth a headbutt and then followed that up with yet ANOTHER stiff chop that lifted Con off of his feet as once more the fans gave their respect to The Nature Boy. Pulling him out of the corner- Matlock hit Con in the midsection with a quick knee before throwing his arm over his head and snapping Con into the mat with a Snap Suplex that got the fans worked up. On the way up, Matlock hit a few hard stomps- just to check Con and let him know that he was there.
Fecca: Matlock has come a long way in the PWT.. At one point completely unreliable- these days? He’s leading charge against possibily PWT’s biggest threat in Natural Selection. It’s unbelievable how times change, I could of swore, two or three years ago Matlock would have been the last guy to step up and do something.. Now? He’s the head of the pack.
Styles: He understands how dangerous Natural Selection is. He knows that Jake could very well destroy PWT if he got his wish and we can’t let it happen- As ugly as Matlock is, he’s tough and he’s headstrong.
Attempting to pull Con up- Matt messed up as Con clipped him in the midsection with a short left uppercut- but Matlock pushed through. Standing up- Matlock looked to hit Con with a hard right hand, but Con ducked beneath it and when Matlock turned—he stepped into a hard lariat that put him down as the fans boo’d and jeered while Con tried to catch his breath. Noticing Matlock took the shot pretty good, Con turned towards Matlock and dropped down over him as Sharpe made the count.\
Con’s second wind came into effect now as before Matlock could get up fully- Con beat him to the punch and locked him in a chinlock- just to keep Matlock’s energy from spiking. Clutching away at Matlock, more so to get him more tired than to try and gain a submission win. Keeping Matlock down and away from any sort of offense was a bright idea—it’d grind Matlock down and cap his momentum, he couldn’t build on anything- he was stuck. Continuing to keep the lock in there-- Matlock fought through it and got to his feet. Con pushed Matlock away, connected with a kick and once more pushed him back into the ropes. Whipping him forward- Matlock ducked beneath the oncoming attempt from Con- but wasn’t so lucky the next time around. Nearly taking his head off with a standing clothesline- Con dropped Matlock as Con knew it- he let off a howl to represent Natural Selection.. The Pack of Wolves.
Fecca: .. Wow. Con is ON FIRE tonight!
Styles: It’s terrifying how strong this guy is. I mean.. he nearly broke Matlock’s head clean off of his shoulders there! Is there no limit to his power?!
Standing Matlock up- Con hit him with a forearm shot, but Matlock bounced back and decked Con with one of his own. Con jumped back and fired off another forearm shot—Matlock again threw one of his own! Staggering Con as Con was pressed up against the ropes- Matlock whipped Con to the opposite side and as Con came back off of it, Matlock hit a powerslam of his own and made the pinfall
Styles: NO! NOT YET!
Matlock now looked to have a new lease on life as he picked Con up and hit him with a few hard shots—followed by a kick to the midsection. Con tried to fight back but Matlock ducked beneath another lariat attempt from Con and put him in a waist-lock. Looking for a belly to back suplex- Con hooked Matlock’s leg- stalling the attempt. Hoisting him up, looking for another try- Con blocked it again. Hitting Con in acrross the kidneys, loosening him up a bit—now Matlock was successful as he snapped Con into the air and dropped him on his head with a release German Suplex as Matlock inched over and made the pin, the fans went bananas as Sharpe slid into position.
Fecca: DOES HE?!
Styles: I thi—
Both men had pushed the pace and both were winded. Matlock was the first up, Con was slowly getting to a knee but it was clear that he was out of it after that suplex. Matlock moved towards Con and picked him up but Con knocked Matlock backwards with a rising European Uppercut- that so happened to sandwich Sharpe in back of Matlock as Matlock hit the turnbuckle. Smashing Sharpe- disabling him from the match up the fans boo’d as Con dropped back down a knee, catching his breathe.
The back of Matlock’s head snapped against Sharpe’s face as Matlock too was a bit woozy. The crowd begun to boo- heavy, like bin Laden was in the house as the camera cut to the top of the ramp where Ryan Starr strolled with a referee shirt on and a microphone.
Styles: .. Why is he out here..?
Ryan: I’ve been informed by Jonathan Brooks that until Hardcore Hell concludes, I am an official of PWT- Thus meaning, I must cover for my fallen comrade and take ref duty over this match!
Esco heard Starr’s voice and mouthed “What the FUCK?!-“ Matlock heard it and shrugged as he didn’t know what was going on neither.
Fecca: I think.. Neither man appreciates Ryan taking the incentive here..
Styles: This match went from zero to a thousand on the Homo-Meter.
Styles: Who cares? This guy’ll ruin this match- Notice how neither Team PWT or Natural Selection got involved, for real? This match was good- but HE showed up and that’s all changed. I hope Matlock and Con put their differences aside for a second and rip Ryan apart and throw his body in the Atlantic Ocean.
Fecca: .. Bitter much?
Ryan rolled into the ring as Matlock and Con continued to go to war. Exchanging shots- Matlock once more gained the edge with a quick kick to the midsection, knocking Con into the turnbuckle. Matlock sprinted forward and looked for a running splash, but Con moved out of the way at the last minute—let Matlock hit the turnbuckle and snapped him backwards with a German Suplex of his own. Bridging Matlock though—Starr took his time getting into position- checked Matlock’s shoulders with his hand to make sure it was flat against the mat- also made sure Con’s legs weren’t on the ropes.
Styles: …………………
O…….. n…… e……
Styles: I’m all for a Team PWT victory, BUT SERIOUSLY?!
Popping out of the pin- Matlock managed to break out of the pin as Con sat up and like an animal snarled towards Starr, didn’t bother shouting or saying anything but the look in his eyes said enough.
Fecca: .. I think.. Ryan just pissed The Effin’ Beast off..
Styles: I may get fired or suspended for this one but.. KILL HIM ESCO!
Esco’s nostrils flared as he stepped forward- Starr messing with Natural Selection was a terrible idea and now Con was going to take it out on him. Matlock used this chance to get to his feet and once more knocked him across his kidnies. Con stumbled forward as Matlock whipped him into the ropes- all this as Willie Sharpe had recovered and looked up at Starr- arching a brow- thinking he was seeing things.
Fecca: Looks like Willie recov-OH WOW!.. ARE YOU SERIOUS!?
Matlock managed to whip Con into the ropes, and as he did so- he also threw himself into the ropes. They both had the same idea as when both came off the ropes, with everything they had left- Con and Matlock exchanged clotheslines, both knocked each other out. The fans POPPED like crazy as Matlock’s arm was across Con’s chest- and Con’s arm was over Matlock’s chest as Starr got into position- Sharpe did as well.
Fecca: WAIT..
Fecca: A..
Both Sharpe and Ryan moved towards Sabrina- pleading their case. Sharpe got in Starr’s face as the crowd popped- Sharpe shrugged Starr off and moved towards Con- picked Con’s arm and held it in the air- declaring him the winner as the crowd was mixed with boo’s and cheers- more boo’s though.
Fecca: Sharpe is declaring Con the winner!
Starr on the otherhand shook his head and moved towards Matlock- grabbed Matlock’s arm and held that in the air- an amazing pop filled the arena.
Styles: Starr is declaring Matlock the winner though!
Dropping each man’s hand, they met in the middle of the ring and continued their argument as it was apparent- there was no clean-cut winner. As the refs continued to argue, the scene faded to a commerical break, things wouldn’t be resolved.. no way. |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave - September 18,2010
Date Posted:09/21/2010 6:46 PMCopy HTML
Motorhead’s "Born to raise hell" blast’s from the public address system. Kimberly Pain makes her way from the curtain carrying her championship over her shoulder. Sliding in, she quickly taunts raising her belt over her head with her left arm.
Fecca: Well folks here we go! This match is going to be one of the toughest in the career of Tani Lyons. Kim Pain is known more for her run-ins with the men of our roster than our femme fatales.
Styles: Oh yes Bobbsie this will get bad and in a hurry at that.
The lights in the arena go dim as "Beautiful Disgrace" begins to play. Purple and white spotlights fill the arena scooping around the dimmed arena. Tani then steps out onto the stage walking backwards she then turns to the crowd as they cheer. She stops putting her hands to her hips looking out at the crowd. She smiles as she starts down the ramp her hands still on her hips. She then goes to one side and slaps the hands of the fans then to the other where she does the same. She then goes towards the steel steps quickly walking up them. She walks to the middle of the apron, in between the turnbuckles, just before getting into the ring and she turns towards the ramp putting her right arm up in the air, she then brings it down presenting herself. She then ducks under the middle rope into the ring. Tani then gets into the ring getting up on the nearest turnbuckle and doing the same motion from the second rope. She smiles as she turns jumping off the turnbuckle.
Fecca: This the first of two matches tonight featuring a champion versus another champion.
Styles: I never really thought of until now but we've got every champion in action tonight!
Fecca: Well nothing personal to our friends over on Friday Night Underground but there's a reason Shockwave is the flagship of this company
Both women are relinquished their titles by the referee.
Styles: This ref sucks!
Fecca: What? That's senior official Jim Richards. He's one of teh ebst refs in the business.
Styles: What ref doesn't check these ladies for foreign objects before a match starts?!
We can hear Fecca sigh. The bell tolls: Ding, ding, ding.
Fecca: This match is now officially underway.
Styles: You know I could be a suicide bomber if my seventy-two virgins looked like Kim or Tani. Betetr yet if they were evenly split with half looking like Tani and half looking like Kim.
Fecca: You may want to watch your words Eddie. You know in the past our femme fatales have taken offense to you objectifying them like that.
Tani Lyons and Kimberly Pain shoot glares across the ring, slowly side stepping as the circle around. Both women calculating the first strike, taking pre-emptive measures. Eventually they collide, locking up in a display of old school wrestling. Tani takes control, rolling her hips and putting the veteran in a side headlock. Kimberly quickly counters by shoving Tani forward, whom uses this instant acceleration to plunge into the ropes. Sailing back, Kimberly hits the mat, laying down as Tani leaps over her, heading for the opposite side. Pouncing back with speed Tani throws her body forward, cross bodying Kimberly down to the mat.
Fecca: Tani Lyons taking the early advanatge here. Nice exchange in the early moments of this match.
Styles: I'll admit that I'm surprised. Honestly I figured Kim would take this match form the start.
Tani stays down with Kimberly, quickly trying to wear her down with force full closed fist jabs with the occasional forearm. The referee taps Tani’s shoulder, standing her up as he gives a verbal warning about closed fist combat. Kimberly instantaneously takes advantage of the distraction, standing up as she locks her arms around Tani’s waist and throws her over her head with a thunderous Belly to back suplex. Tani flips in mid-air, landing directly back on her stomach.
Fecca: Good lord! Kim Pain right back into this match with a hellacious belly to back suplex!
Styles: Holy crap! Now that's more like what I was expecting to see in this match. Kim justs howed how deadly she can be. Poor Tani though. I wonder if she needs a rub down.
Fecca: Easy tiger.
Wisely Ms. Pain ushers for Painfilled Ending – her personal variation of the crippler crossface. Tani bellows in pain, her neck being wrenched back my Kimberly’s torquing arms. It looked as though Lyons was about to submit until her mind caught a hold of the pain and she realized she was in reaching distance of the ropes. She reaches out, grasping the bottom for dear life. The referee instigates the five count, reaching four before Kim would let go.
Fecca: Come on Kim break the damn hold!
Styles: Hey she had til the count of five to break the hold. And really I can't blame Kim too much for wanting to utilize it. Her plan of attack is always to inflict as much pain as often as possible.
Fecca: Well she certainly does that with her version of the crossface submission hold. I can't think of anyone I've seen in recent years put more torque into that move.
Kimberly stands up, imitating as if she was dusting her hands off. Walking away from Tani Lyons with a look of glee in her eyes. Tani pulled herself up, yelling at Kim that she wasn’t finished yet. Staggering forward, she approached Kimmy. With a cheap look on her face Kimberly met her center of the ring. Suddenly out of nowhere, Tani throws a devastating spinning back fist, catching Kim Pain square on the jaw! Both women fall to the mat.
Styles: WOW!
Fecca: Spinning backfist by Lyons sends herself and Kim crashing to the mat. My word! I think Richards may need to get in there and check for some teeth on the mat.
Styles: Tani had better follow up on this Bobbsie. Oh cause if she doesn't I think Kim's gonna be pissed!
Fecca: If you asked me Kim came into this match already well beyond pissed.
The ten count ensues, both women reaching their feet around four-ish. Tani grappling Pain, shoving her head between her legs. Grabbing her by the waist Lyons lifts Kimberly up on her shoulders. Kim fires shots from the sky, defending the best she can. Out of defense Tani throws her forward, snapping her head and delivering a sweet variation of a powerbomb facebuster. Tani quickly covers.
Fecca: Nearfall by Tani! What a close one there Eddie.
Styles: Yeah. I tell you I'm really impressed with Tani tonight.
Her shoulder inching out on a moments notice! Tani looks shocked, staring up at the referee as she hooks a leg and tries again, this time getting barely past one. Tani questions the referee’s motives while Kimberly uses the ropes to get up to her feet. Tani turns to be met by a step up enzugri! The impact rumbles across the dead silent arena. Both women once again lay flat on the canvas. Ref counts again!
Fecca: And on a moment's notice Kim turns the match back in her favor! Good lord these two women are elaving it all in the ring tonight fo ryou folks! Kim Pains howing that toughness that we've known her for all her career. However I believe that Tani Lyons is opening some eyes tonight with her toughness. She has really taken it to Kim this match.
Styles: Oh yeah she's mighty impressive Bobbsie but she can't seem to put her away.
Reaching about seven Kimberly bares life, scampering slowly to her feet. Her body wobbly and uncoordinated, staggering in Tani’s direction. Lyons was off her balance as well. Kim dips her shoulder and picks Tani up in position. However before she can connect with the "Painkiller"(Go to Sleep) Tani with a couple elbows. Lyons slips off behidn Kim. Pain turns holding her jaw. She's lifted onto Tani's shoulders.
Fecca: Could be moments away from "Vanity's Curse"? No! Kim Pain escapes!
Indeed Kim returned the favor of elbows. She hops off Tani's shoulder and whips her around. Kim goes into the slaps and spinning backfist combination a la CM Punk. She calls that "Start of The Pain".
Styles: Damn! You can almost see the sense knocked out of Tani on those shots.
The tough as nails Kim Pain stood over Tani and was about to reach down an pull her up. However the crowd starts to boo. Kim still gets more cheers than boos sos he knows to look at the ramp. Sure enough strollingd own is a good portion of Natural Selection. Con Escobar, Bedlam, Mikah, and the prospect Tony Rich.
Fecca: Oh what the hell is this now?
Styles: Hey look!
In the ring Tani popped up and caught Kim, who was bent over her, in a small package pin. Richards slid down and made the count. ONE.......TWO........THREE! Kim kicked out an micro-second too late. Sabrina though didn't even get to announce Tani as the winner. The member of Natural Selection make their way to the ring. They all hop up on a side of teh ring.
Fecca: Oh this does not look good for these ladies...
Styles: Maybe lady. Look! They're giving Tani a pass it seems.
Indeed it would seem that Con has stepped aside for Tani. being no fool she takes teh chance to get the hell outta there. Then NS and their prospect step into the ring. Kim gets to her feet and notices she's surrounded. A gulp from teh Dutchess of Pain. She brings her fists up ready for the worst.
Fecca: Kim needs to get out of here fast....
Kim throws the first punch nailing Rich in the mouth! he falls back to a corner and Kim pounces on him. She's quickly pulled off though by Con an Bedlam. KP is swinging with everything she has. however she's subdied by the large beast known as Con Escobar. He locks a full-nelson lock on Kim and forces her to her knees. Now Mikah slaps Kim across the face and starts yelling about "How coudl you do that to me? We're suspposed to be firends".
Fecca: This is sickening. Can't we get some help out here?
Styles: Don't look for it to be Team PWT there Bobbsie. Kim hasn't exactly made friends with them.
Mikah with another slap across the face of Kim. Pain responds by spitting at Mikah. This really enrages the first lady of Natural Selection. But suddenly the crowd comes to life as three figures charge down the ramp.
Fecca: Who is that?
Styles: I think its Javen! And he's got Plague and his bitch Martin Wright!
The three slide in the ring and they've all got chairs. Plague swings for Mikah who falls down an rolls out of the ring to advoid taking her medicine. Rich is caught with a grazing blow from Javen's chair as he leaves the ring. Con let go of Kima nd took a shot to the back from Wright with his chais. He turned around and smacked the chair out of Wright's hand. Suckerpunch by Bedlam drops Wright. Then a shot across te back form Javen knocks Bedlam through teh ropes to the floor. Con decides to head out as Javen an Plague both bead own on him.
Fecca: I can't believe I'm saying this but....Thank goodness for Javen!
Natural Selection collects on the floor and backs up the ramp. They're pointing fingers and talking some serious smack here. We switch to a shot backstage though as they exit. |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave - September 18,2010
Date Posted:09/21/2010 6:49 PMCopy HTML
Backstage- the scene opened on the shot of Megastar Mitchell with his feet kicked up, sitting in the lobby of the arena- reading through the local paper. The simple sight of Megastar sent the fans into a craze as a shadow was casted on Megastar- Narrowing his attention away from the paper, the camera pulled back to show Scott Addams standing there. A mixed reaction for Scott, not all the fans of the PWT Megaverse was completely sold on Scott turning over a new leaf, not especially with everything going on in PWT. From behind his shades- Megastar's eyesbrow arched as he put the paper down and stood up- Megastar stood a good six-foot-five, he was pretty tall compared to Addams. Looking down at Addams, Megastar smirked.
Megastar: What?
Addams: "What?" Look Megastar- If you're here to help PWT take down Natural Selection, I'm all for it. But I find it hard to believe that a guy is gonna turn his back on his son just like that. I wanna know right now man, face to face- where do you really stand? Is your loyalty with PWT or is it with Jake?
Megastar: .. Wasn't it your mouth that got you into trouble the last time I mopped the ring with you?
Addams: It's a new day, Megastar- trust me on that.
Chuckling- Megastar shrugged.
Megastar: If you say so, kid. But look- I don't really have time to be playing Who's Who with you. I'm busy, I got stuff to do. Good job last week winning by the way, hell of a match.. You did a questionable thing making Matlock leader, but I guess that's why we're the insurance policy for PWT, right?
Taken back by the remark- Addams didn't appreciate Megastar belittling PWT like that.
Addams: .. Who the hell are you exactly to disrespect PWT like that? Wha-
Another shadow was casted- the camera pulled back, showing it to be Duke Andrews. Addams sighed and rolled his eyes as Megastar glanced over at Duke and nodded his head.
Duke: - Finish that statement, why did you stop?
Scott was about to say something but Duke cut him off and spoke over him.
Duke: OH MY BAD. You must have me mistaken for someone who cares about your opinion! Didn't mean to get your hopes up Scotty, maybe we can talk about it sometime when you're not mouthing off?
Megastar and Duke exchanged glances as they both shook their heads.
Duke: Nah, that's not gonna happen.
Megastar: Your mouth is what gets you into trouble- and your mouth was what turned Duke away from Team PWT. You pushed away a guy that could of turned the tide in PWT's favor- But instead?
Pushing the shades off of his eyes and onto his forehead- Megastar smirked again.
Megastar: He's Team Megastar. So that's two members- well, counting myself. Megastar and Duke Andrews. Maybe at Hardcore Hell, stand aside and let the clean-up crew take care of the mess you created?
Duke: Or just don't show up at all- the buyrates won't be effected.
Before Addams could say anything- Megastar shoved past him and slapped him on the shoulder as Duke went in the opposite direction- Addams was less than thrilled with how things just went.. As the scene cut out to commerical.
Off of the camera break- a quick camera break at that- Team Megastar; Megastar Mitchell and Duke Andrews was seen backstage- sorting through some stuff. The doorway to the locker-room slammed open as stepping in to hate of the fans- was Jacob Mitchell.. Marcus Bain.. and Christian Othniel. Bedlam and Con Escobar- as well as Mikah and Tony Rich was missing in action. Jake didn't bother looking towards Duke and instead moved right for his father. Both men stood nose to nose- an epic scene to say the least as neither man blinked.
Bain: C'mon Megastar- This has gone on long enough already.
Not budging, the staredown- Bain sighed, Jake on the otherhand, he looked too intense to be in the right state of mind that he needed to be in during a time like this. Duke was standing at Megastar's right- ready to stand his ground incase things went down as Jake was the first to cut a smirk- that cold.. sinister smirk.
Jacob: Duke Andrews? Is that your best, Megastar? See, my father is a guy named Gregory Alan Mitchell- DEFINITELY not 'Megastar Mitchell.' This identity? This animation? It's already almost ripped our family apart and here you are, going down that same route 'cause you just can't stand to see someone else get the spotlight- that recognition.
Megastar: No Jacob, this is far beyond spotlight and recognition. This is about teaching you a lesson. You need a serious ego-check and I'm going to be the one to serve it to you.
Jacob: With who?! That nobody there?!
Jake threw a thumb Duke's way as Bain and Othniel stepped up- just as Duke was, they was ready for war. The tension grew in the room, stares were being exchanged as Megastar rubbed at his bearded chin.
Megastar: Scared?
Scoffing at Megastar's remark- Jake let the smirk fade into a smug look.
Jacob: Yeah- I'm terrified. I told everyone the Duke Andrews chapter ended at Shockwave and that's EXACTLY what happened. I closed the chapter with that nobody- all he is, is a leech that needed to suck off of my fame- my spotlight- my buzz. He was a guy that lost to Homicide and Collins- he's not good- he's a serious waste of time. You recruiting him for your crazy little cause just shows that you're desperate- You have nobody. NOT A SOUL!
Bain attempted to step forward- he wanted to punch Andrews in the face- but Jake's arm popped out and held Bain back. Othniel did the same- Jake didn't attempt to stop him though- Christian stopped himself.
Megastar: I got nobody? You forgetting who you're talking to?
Jacob: A washed up, jealous- poor excuse for a father? No, I know exactly who I'm talking to.
Megastar: Talk Jake- That's all that you do these days. You're in the same boat as that Addams kid- but you know what? I'll tell you something- brother. Me showing up was the warning- this is the first 'shot' fired. You want more noise? You want a bigger explosion?
Jacob: Yeah- I want an explosion- I want something big, 'cause going off of this, you're just as weak as Team PWT is. Instead of helping them, you're gonna hold them back with that bad back.. And Andrews? No comment.
Looking towards Andrews- shooting him a cold glare- Jake smirked before narrowing his attention back his father's way and cocked his head back- poking his jaw out in case Megastar wanted to throw a punch- there it was.
Megastar: Next week son- Team Megastar grows. This was the first shot, you want noise? You want explosions- you want something big? Next week I'm going to let off a cannon with what I've got.
Patting Jake on the cheek- smirking as he did so, Megastar laughed.
Megastar: See you then.. Patience is a virtue, remember that.
Knowing better to hit his father- Jake watched as Megastar and Duke stepped out of the room- Duke didn't like Jake- Duke didn't like Natural Selection and that was apparent as the staring contest continued even out the door. Jake turned towards it and watched Megastar and Andrews leave as he chuckled.
Jacob: You got no idea old man- Explosions? I've got a Hydrogen Bomb of my own in waiting.. Quote The Bull Shark..
Stepping off- Bain and Othniel laughed.
Jacob: .. Nevymorr. |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave - September 18,2010
Date Posted:09/21/2010 11:08 PMCopy HTML
Fecca: Styles, this one might be happening early on tonight, but it could be a show stealer as PWT Champion Damien Collins is taking on PWT Backyard Champion Whysper.
Styles: If it is so exciting why isn't it the Main Event?
Fecca: It doesn't matter where a match is on the card, it can still be exciting.
Collins and Whysper are both in the ring, Willie Sharpe the ref is ready to go. There is the bell, and we're off. Collins and Whysper are both circling each other, they finally meet in the middle of the ring. We get a lock up, DC takes control with a side headlock, Whysper shoves him a way, Collins hits the ropes and bounces off Whysper is standing there waiting for him. DC knocks him over with a huge shoulder block. Whysper hits the mat, but pops right back up. DC throws a punch, but it gets blocked by Whysper. DC throws another punch, and once again it gets blocked. Now Whysper throws a punch but DC ducks out of the way. When DC ducks under Whysper's arm, DC wraps his arms around Whysper's waist, and then ends up behind Whysper. DC has Whysper in position for, and connects with a German Suplex. The fans go crazy as DC makes a pin, but doesn't even get a two count.
Fecca: Collins, with a german suplex right off the bat.
Styles: It doesn't matter, he didn't get the three count did he?
Fecca: Not yet, but still what an impressive start for Damien Collins here, and these fans love it.
Styles: I still don't get why these people love Collins so much.
Whysper is a little slow to his feet, but after a few seconds he is standing up, and ready for DC. DC and Whysper lock up again, this time it is Whysper sliding DC into a wrist lock, and then Whysper slides DC in position for a German Suplex. Whysper goes for it, but DC slams his elbow back into the side of Whysper's head. Whysper releases DC. Here comes Collins, he spins around and throws a punch that finds the side of Whysper's head, DC lands another one, and another. DC kicks Whysper in the gut, and then runs back to the ropes, who knows what he had in mind for Whysper, because when DC hit the ropes, Whysper takes him down with a quick drop toe hold. Collins hits the mat, but is quick to his feet, Whysper whips him to the ropes, DC baseball slides under Whyspers legs, Whysper turns around to find DC already leaping in the air, DC goes for that famous dropkick of his and he connects.
Fecca: Collins rolling right now.
DC pins but once again he just barely gets the two count. DC pulls Whsyper up to his feet. DC whips Whysper to the corner. Whysper hits the turnbuckle, DC runs at him, but Whysper shoots out of the corner and throws his elbow into DC's face. DC stumbles backwards, Whysper stays ontop of him, Whysper whips DC to the rope, DC bounces off and when he does, Whysper ducks his shoulder and hits DC with a big back body drop. DC slams down to the mat.
Fecca: Big back body drop from Whysper right there. He needed that one to stop Collins didn't he Styles.
Styles: He needed something. Speaking of that, I need a soda. Do you think anyone would notice if I just left. No one is watching right now anyways.
Fecca: I think they would notice.
Whysper pins but barely gets a one. DC and Whysper both race to their feet. Whysper throws a punch that absolutely rocks Damien. Whysper throws another one, and once again rocks DC. DC is stumbling backwards, DC is at the ropes. Whysper throws another punch, but DC ducks out of the way. Whysper spins around, DC whips him to the ropes. Whysper hits the ropes, but instead Whysper jumps up and onto the middle rope, Whysper springboards off the middle rope, and flies backwards and hits DC with a flying cross body block. Whysper hooks DC's leg but before Jason Roberts can even get down to the mat, DC kicks out. Whysper calmly climbs to his feet, and waits for DC to climb to his feet. After a few seconds, DC climbs up to his feet. Whysper is behind him, Whysper, spins him around and goes for a DDT, but Collins fights out of it, shoving Whysper back to the ropes. Whysper doesn't bounces off the ropes, instead he runs right at Collins, but Collins catches him with a quick hip toss. Whysper flips over slamming onto the mat, DC pulls him back to his feet, DC goes for a hip toss again, and he connects again. Whysper is down on the mat. DC covers 1..............2.KICKOUT.
Fecca: Whysper gets his shoulder up. Good back and forth action from Collins and Whysper.
Whysper quickly climbs back to his feet, DC is waiting for him, Whysper tries to throw a punch but Collins kicks him in the gut. Collins gets Whysper in position for a suplex. Collins gets Whysper lifted up in the air, but Collins kicks his legs and fights, so DC sets him back down. Collins goes for the suplex again, but once again Whysper fights, and DC sets him down. DC lets go of Whysper, and then runs forward trying to hit a quick clothesline, but Whysper ducks out of the way. Collins spins around, and gets caught by a big spinning heel kick from Whysper.
Fecca: Whysper catches Collins with a spinning heel kick, and folks we have got to take a quick commerical break we will be right back.
We come back from commercial, and Whysper has Collins in the middle of the ring and is pinning him. 1........2.KICKOUT from Collins.
Fecca: Collins kicks out, during the commerical break folks Whysper really took it to the world champ.
Styles: I wouldn't call it taking it to him. He had Collins locked in a sleeper for half of the commerical break.
Whysper drags Collins up to his feet, Whysper pushes DC to the corner turnbuckle, Whysper thrusts his shoulder into DC's gut a few times and then climbs up, maybe trying to bring down the ten count punches ontop of DC, but DC wasn't having that, he lifts Whysper up in the air, and runs forward hitting Whysper with a spinebuster.
Fecca: Collins needed that one to stop Whysper's momentum.
Whysper is down, but Collins can't take advantage of it, as he is still trying to regroup. After a few seconds, DC climbs to his feet, he is behind Whysper and stalking him. The fans are up on their feet, as they know the DC Drop is coming. Whysper slowly climbs to his feet, he stumbles around and then turns, DC shoots forward going for the...
Busch: DC DRO...NO!!! Whysper shoves him away.
Whysper shoved Damien away saving himself from a sure loss. Collins hits the mat but bounces right back up. Whysper is waiting for him. Whysper kicks Collins in the gut, and then runs to the ropes on Damien's left side. Once again Phoenix jumps up on the ropes, and spring boards off, turning in mid air and it looked like he was going to go for his finisher the Sound of Silence which is the diving Fameasser.
BuschL DC DROP!!!!!!!!!!! DC DROP!!!! Out of no where, Collins hits the DC Drop on Whysper.
Busch called it, Whysper went for the spring board fame asser, but Collins caught him with a nasty DC Drop, and the arena erupts for Collins. Collins hooks the legs. 1.................2..................3.
Busch: And just like that, it's over. It might not have been pretty but Collins got the job done.
Sabrina: Here is your winner, via pinfall Damien Collins!!!!
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave - September 18,2010
Date Posted:09/21/2010 11:09 PMCopy HTML
The scene comes up with Ken MItchell back in front of the usual spot set up for intervews. As the camera pulls back more we see he's got a special guest. The fans in teh arena catch a glimpse on the trona nd rock the buildingw ith their cheers. Yes folks its indeed Ryan Cain
Ken: Ladies and gentlemen please welcome my guest at this time: Ryan Cain!
Ryan smiles an nods. He wave sto the camera and teh fans get a lil louder somehow.
Ken: Ryan we are just moments away from your match with Javen. This week you and javene xchanged some verbal jabs with one naother. You said don't really remember him past who his brother is. Javen on the other hand says that people only know who you are because of the internet.
Ryan: And? Hey I don't mind if it sthe internet fans that get my name out there for all the masses. The fact of the matter is that no one else but The Franchsie could arrive on his first night in this company and not get a "Who's that guy?" reaction. Javen's just mad that I put him on blast. I told the world about his secret love affair with the male anal cavity.
Fans are laughin out in the arena
Ken: Javen says that all you are is walking and talking sophomoric humor. How do you respond to that?
Ryan: Ken didn't you watch my promos on the wbesite I....Oh wait a minute, that's right! Some goof killed the camera cause I wasn't staying on the script. Well let me tell you something I don't...
Suddenly we can't really hear Ryan's voice. he stops and looks at Ken and then at the mic. Mitchell shrugs and Cain takes the mic. He taps it a couple times and gets no sound. With a roll of the eyes Ryan tossed the mic back to Ken. He then headed for the Gorilla position. Our scene cutting back out to ringside.
Fecca: Once again folks Ryan Cain is cut off during the middle of sharing his thoughts.
Styles: Well good for whoever it is that's shutting him up. This guy is an internet and indy sensation. Great! I'm all for us giving those guys a shot. I mean does Nic E Dangerously ring any bells? But these guys like Cain think they can just come in here and run off at the mouth about anything.
Fecca: Personally I think its refreshing to see a young man like Ryan Cain in PWT. I like it that he's got a mind of his own and isn't a puppet. The fans want to see someone who's real, not created and packaged a certain way by corporate.
"Black Sheep" by Saliva hits and javen makes his way out. he stands at the top of the ramp and sneers at the fans who are once again booing him. He looked towards teh curtaina nd waved his hand. From the back comes Martin Wright wearing a "Javen's Bitch" shirt. A shirt which you can pick up at ShoPWT.com.
Sabrina: Introducing first, on his way to the ring accompanied by Martin Wright......JAAAAVEN!
After entering the ring Javen took to a corner. he had Martin Wright over and was working some strategy in with him. Saliva is replaced by CKY's "96 Quite Bitter Beings". Ryan Cain ran out onto the stage sending the fans into a frenzy. In the ring Javen shook his head with disgust.
Sabrina: And his opponent! he is known as The Franchise!.....RYAN...CAAAAIN!!!
Ryan had ran to the left side of the stage an pointed to the crowd. then he went to teh right side. The crowd went wild each time he pointed to a section. Cain then made his way down the ramp slapping a bunch of hands on teh way. He slid into the ring and went to a corner. Standing on the middle turnbuckle Ryan pumps his fists in the air.
Fecca: Listen to these fans come alive for Ryan Cain! California sure does love this kid!
Styles: What do you expect from this city? They'll support the Kings for goodness sake!
Cain was still pumping the crowd up when Javen looked for an early advantage. He charged across teh ring, which Ryan saw on the tron. Cain flies back and catches Javen with a crossbody block! mason slides down to count as cain stays on for a pin. ONE..........TW-NO! Javen kicked out and scrambled to his feet. Charges in at Ryan and gets an arm-drag for his troubles. Javen pops back up, charges again, and he gets a second arm-drag. This tiem as Javen comes up Ryan is teh charger. He runs at Javen and hits a running enziguri!
Fecca: Running enziguri by Ryan Cain! This match is all Ryan at this moment. Javen tried to get an early advanatge, Cain saw it coming on the tron. What do you think of Cain now Eddie?
Styles: I think he's having an incredible streak of luck to start this match. He's-
Fecca: Wait a minute! Pin by Ryan!
ONE.........TWO.........NO! Javen rolls his shoulder off the mat. Cain looks at Masona nd asks if it was a three. Only a two according to Frank Mason. Ryan leaves it at that and gets to his feet. Javen got up using the ropes. Cain comes in and drills Javen witha right hand. He then whips him across the ring. Javen rebounds off and gets a dropsault from Ryan! The fans go wild as Ryan pops up and poses while Javen rolls to the outside.
Styles: There you go Javen. Get to the outside, catch your breath,a nd put together a strategy.
Fecca: Not a bad suggestion Eddie as Ryan Cain is on fire!
Styles: Can't you be even a little unbiased?
Cain isn't the one to sit around and let Javen plan his next move. He charged at the ropes and grabbe dthe top to sling hismelf over. Javen sees it coming and he steps away. Ryan hold sonto the top rope an land son the apron. Javen looks to yank Ryan off teh apron by a leg. Instead though folks Javen takes that foot to the face. Ryan pops up and hits the middle rope coming back in an Asai moonsault! Javen reaches outa nd pulls Martin Wright into the line of fire.
Fecca: Aw come on now! That damned Javen pulls young Martin Wright in the way here.
Styles: Brilliant!
It may indeed be so folks. As Ryanw as getting to his feet Javen clubbed him across the back with his arm. This drops Cain to a knee. Javen pulls him away from Wright. He takes Cain and slams him facefirst into the ringside barricade! Ryan stumbled back and held his face. Javen then grabbed him by the back of teh head again. This time Javen sent him into the ringpost! Cain hits the mat and Javen is storming towards him. Mason leans out and he demands Javen get things into the ring.
Fecca: I agree with the ref here, Javen needs to get this match back in the ring.
Styles: How about letting the guys go? Sheesh! What are we the No Fun League?
Javen finally heeds the warnings and rolls Cain inside the ring. He makes a cover for the 2 before Cain shows his toughness an kicks out. Javen pulle dhim up and sent Ryan into a corner, hard. Here comes Javen charging in and slams into Ryan like an avalanche! Ryan slumped down in the corner to his ass. Javen grabbed the top rope and started stomping a mudhole in Cain. he stomps Ryan all the way down to his back. Javen then holding onto the top rope stil put sthe boot across Ryan's throat. referee Frank Mason come sover and he starts that five count. On four its broken. Javen yells at the ref to get off his back.
Styles: Yeah ref! Back off!
Ryan is pulled back to his feet coughing. Javen sends him across the ring to the opposite corner. He pats himself on the back and tells the fans to watch this. Javen sprints across the ring for another avalanche. But this time Ryan hold sthe top rope and throws his legs between the top an middle. Javen slams into the corner! Ryan throws himself backwards bringing his feet up into Javen's face! The fans going wild as Javen flies form teh corner to his back. Cain up to the top rope quickly. He comes off with a leg drop form the top rope!
Fecca: Leg drop off the top rope! Ryan Cain showing how tough he is taking the punishment from Javen and coming back!
Styles: Ugh!
As Javen flops around on the mat Ryan Cain is on his side holding his ass. He rolls over to a pin and nearly gets the three. Both get to their feet and Javen puts a boot to the mid-section. He goes to hit a vertical suplex on Cain. However though Ryan manages to slip out behind Javen. Ryan with a waistlock, runs Javen to the ropes. The instant Javen's chest hit the ropes Ryan went to roll back into a rollup. No! Javen hooked his arms under the top rope. In the end Ryan just threw himself to the mat. Javen turns an goes after him, but Ryan nips up and catches javen ins a hurricanrana!
Fecca: Wow! Kip up into a hurricanrana by Ryan Cain!
Styles: Oh that's not that impressive.
The fans feel otherwise as they popped. Ryan lets Javen get to his feet. He charged at Javen but Javen side-steps. Cain flies to the corner and runs up it a la Jeff hardy. Ryan spins back into a corkscrew crossbody!
Fecca: SCORE! THE SCORE! Ryan Cain just scored big with that move!
Styles: Come on Javen!
Ryan rolled off javen without wiating for a pin. He's waitin for Javen to get to his feet. Ya gotta think the Zero kick is coming huh? But wait! There's more to this match! Down the ramp comes Lori Anne and Elizabeth Rossdale. They jog down to the ring and Lori actually hops up on the apron right beside Ryan.
Fecca: Now what?! Lori Anne nor her sister Elizabeth have any business out here.
Styles: Hey earlier we saw them wnating to be Javen's new bitches! Maybe saving this match is their initiation!
Cain has no idea what to think here. But all of a sudden Lori grabs Ryan and plants a big ole kiss on him! His arms flail as he tries to get free of her grip. Finally she lets loose as javen charge sin behind Ryan. Cain steps to teh side an Javen knocked Lori flying off the apron. She's caught by Martin Wright an smiles.
Styles: Nice catch for Martin!
Fecca: Now Elizabeth is on the apron!
Unlike Lori, Elizabeth is pointinga nd yelling at Ryan. One would assume for lettin Lori get knocked down. So he responds by pie-facing her off the apron! Elizabeth turns and she take sout both Lori and Martin!
Styles: Now that's the kind of piling on I could enjoy.
Fecca: Get your mind back on this match! Javen has Ryan hooked up for the reverse twist of fate. he calls that the Javen Effect
Javen spun to nail the move but Ryan shoves him to the ropes. Rebounds off right into the Zero kick! The crowd goes nuts as Javen falls back flat on his back. Ryan makes apin an hooks the leg!
Crowd: ONE!
Crowd: TWO!
Crowd: THREE!
The bell rang and the crowd prolly just creamed all their collective shorts. Sabrina makes the announcement as Ryan climbs up a corner and holds his arms up. When he turned back to the ring martin Wright was standing over Javen's head. He was apparently laughing at him. Ryan with a lil shit-eatin grin gives Wright a Zero kick! He flies back against the ropes and then falls onto Javen in the 69 position! Ryan and the fans are laughing. We go to commercial as Fecca too laughs while Styles argues this isn't funny.
***Commercial Break*** |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave - September 18,2010
Date Posted:09/21/2010 11:37 PMCopy HTML
We're in the office of Jonathan Brooks when the commercials end. The ole fat man himself, "Boss" to everybody in PWT but one, is sitting at his desk. He's kind of looking over some papers and chattingw ith Brandon Marks.
Brooks: Boy I tell ya what Brandon! There ain't nothing that gets me in a worse mood than my Volunters losing to those damned Gators. Thirty-one to damn seventeen! What teh hell kind of horse manure is that huh? Makes me think I oughta take a trip to Nashville and straighten them boys out.
Jonathan turned his back Brandon's way. He was putting some papers in a portable filing cabinet. In this time Brandon had just decided to leave brooks to talk to himself. However into the office had walked Ginalynn. Yes folks Gee's momma was on da scene.
Brooks: Tell ya something else though Brandon. There's nothing better to get a man over his team's loss than a good woman. Tonight after Shockwave me an my sweet pea Georgia are gonna go out for a nice steak dinner.
The stern look of Gee's momma seems to fade just a bit...
Brooks: Thinking after that we'll go for a lil dancing.
Her look softened more.
Brooks: Heh heh. Then we're gonna head back to my hotel room...
Now the look is coming back in a hurry.
Brooks: And I'ma get my gal a lil liquored up....
Brooks spins back around in the chair without looking up. He was engrossed in a folder of contracts.
Brooks: And then Brandon I'ma wax Georgia's booty like my name is Turtle Wax!
Ginalynn's mouth drops open. Now is you get much booty its safe to say that Brandon Marks gets much more. There's just something about the candy gut apparently. But the point is that Brooks expected some sort of "Hells yeah" or something from Marks. He looked up and saw Ginalynn standing there instead. Her face was filled with anger. Brooks' eyes nearly popped outta his head.
Ginalynn: Why you dirty rotten scoundrel!
Brooks: Now hold on there ma'am. I was....I was...
Ginalynn: Just planning to violate my baby girl!
We go to ringside as Brooks tries his best to explain his way out of that situation.
Fecca: Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to Shockwave. Our next match was going to be between Duke Andrews and Chris Burden based off of what happened last week. But we have Zarek Lyle replacing Duke. Now this should be interesting, considering how critical Chris has been of Team PWT lately. However we saw earlier tonight that Duke actually was not competing here tonight because Megstar Mitchell wanted to debut him as the first member of Team Megastar
Styles: Indeed, as a matter of fact I was talking to Matlock backstage earlier, and he wasn't happy with Burden at all. Cursed him up and down and said he'd take him on if he wasn't busy with Natural Selection.
Fecca: Well whether you agree with Burden's opinions or not, we do know that recently Burden lost a good friend of his in an accident and his funeral was earlier this week. It was rumoured that he wasn't going to be here tonight, but he is so for that I commend him. And the thoughts and prayers of everyone in PWT are with the family of the deceased.
[Cutting to the ringside area now, Sabrina stands in the ring.
Sabrina: Ladies and gentlemen the following match is scheduled for one fall!
["Nightmare" by Avenged Sevenfold blasts the public address system, boycotting any order within the audience. The crowd roars with astonishment, shouting their profane gestures as Chris Burden steps out onto the stage. His upper torso concealed by a black leather jacket with a hoodie. The top of the hoodie baring large thick spikes. Walking down the ramp with a confident swagger, Chris ignores the ungreatfull yuppie larva that reach out to him. ]
Sabrina: Making his way to the ring, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada and weighing two hundred and fifteen pounds, CHRRRIS....BURRRRDEN!
[Sliding into the ring, Burden takes the nearest turnbuckle. Climbing to the second buckle he takes his index finger and points out at the crowd with a finger gun.][
Fecca: Chris Burden hovering in the spot where the fans both love and hate him, as usual. But you have to think it's moreso on the side of hate then usual with his comments about Team PWT.
Styles: Not to mention what he pulled last week. We thought he was there to help Duke but he left him to the wolves! You can't deny his ability in the ring though.
Fecca: Indeed you can't.
[[The lights suddenly go dark without any sense of warning as "Reject Yourself" by Killswitch Engage begins to play over the pa system. A single figure comes out from behind the black velvet curatin. As the lights slowly raise, you see Zarek Lyle walking down the ramp. As he walks down, he taunts the crowd, getting their screams up to a point of his liking.]
Sabrina: And the opponent, hailing from the city of Crete' in Greece, weighing two hundred and twenty-five pounds, "The Greek God" Zarek Lyle!
[He hops onto the apron and flips over the top rope. Zarek goes to a corner, jumping to the second turnbuckle, to get the crowd roaring. He hops off the turnbuckle, and jogs around the ring a bit. Resting his hands upon his knees in a crouching position, he awaits the ring of the bell.]
Fecca: Should be an interesting match between these two.
[As the bell rings, Zarek takes off at a run and launches at Chase with a spear. Zarek, being ten pounds heavier, takes Burden down hard with the spear. The crowd goes into a frenzy as Zarek makes a cover, hooking the leg. ONE! TWO! THREE?!]
Styles: He got him already?! No way!
[While everyone seems to be convinced it was a three count, referee Sharpe holds up his hands and declares that Zarek only achieved a count of two, getting a lot of booing and jeers from the crowd. Zarek isn’t pleased either as he gets in the face of Sharpe.]
Styles: Is it me Fecca, or did it seem to you like the ref was counting that one a little slowly?
Fecca: I think it was just you.
[With Zarek preoccupied with the referee, Burden comes to his senses and grabs ahold of Zarek’s feet, yanking them out from underneath him and making him fall face first to the canvas. Taking advantage, Burden quickly steps over Zarek and locks in a Camel Clutch submission, leaning back to cause more pain and get a quick tap out.]
Fecca: And just as soon as Zarek nearly got a pinfall Burden’s got Zarek in a submission! These two have not wasted any time here!
Styles: But I think Burden has him too close to the ropes for it to do much good.
[Sure enough, after only a minute or so Zarek has managed to reach out and grab the bottom most rope, starting the referee’s count. He gets to four and then Burden released the hold, as the referee tells him to back up and give Zarek some room.]
Fecca: Both of these men have come out of the gate with a near victory, and you can see the pain already. Zarek’s hurting from that Camel Clutch, and Burden’s gotta be a bit tender after that spear. They both know it’s gonna take more to take the other man down.
[The two men locked up now, standard collar and elbow tie-up. But it seems the Camel Clutch did more damage to Zarek then the spear did to Burden, as Chris manages to back up Zarek to the corner. He lays into Zarek with a series of chops and punches that leave Zarek reeling. He lifts Zarek up to the top rope, and climbs up himself and takes Zarek down with a big super-plex. Chris floats over into the cover and the referee is down to make the count. ONETWOTHREE! The bell rings.]
Fecca: What the hell? That was a fast count on Burden!
Sabrina: Ladies and gentlemen here is your winner, Chris Burden!
[Knowing what just went down, Burden quickly leaves the ring. The referee tries to but Zarek grabs him by the collar.]
Styles: I think Sharpe’s in for it now! Zarek doesn’t look happy!
[Zarek hesitates, wondering if a fine and suspension is worth getting his aggravation out. He instead just shoves Sharpe on his ass and leaves the ring, all the while "Nightmare" is playing over the speakers.]
Fecca: Well whether you agree with how it ended up, Chris Burden remains undefeated these past few weeks and now holds a victory over one of Team PWT’s members as well as a man who still has a guaranteed title shot anytime he wants. That’s gonna do wonders for him in the upcoming weeks.
Styles: You don’t think Burden would make a go for being on Team Megastar, would you?
Fecca: Right now he’s as likely a candidate as any, but folks we need to cut to commericial right now. We’ll be right back.
As we go to commercial break, the cameras catch a brief glimpse of Nevyrmorr perched atop the PWT-a-tron. Itw as apassings hot and when the camera comes back Nev is gone. WTF folks?
***Commercial Break*** |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave - September 18,2010
Date Posted:09/22/2010 4:58 AMCopy HTML
The crowd went absolutely balistic when Georgia James and Tank hit the ring with their tag team championship belts in hand sneak attacking the South Beach Kru from behind after hiding under the ring and creating a diversion faking their ring entrance. The Kru turned into a vicious attack with with Power and Glory laying them out with the belts. They'd soon lay into them some more until referee Mitch Roberts took control of the situation and forced Tank and Donnie to wrestle one on one. Tank decimated Donnie with various power moves hightlighted by a bearhug into an overhead belly to belly suplex and Military Press Slam. Georgia would tag herself in and hit a nice moonsault for a nearfall, a neck snap, and a somersault planca, and Donnie would fight back and hit Georgia with a Roundhouse kick and following that up with a jumping leg lariat. This allowed Donnie to tag in his partner Cameron Stevens and he came out a house of fire lighting up Miss James with chops and punches and then powering her down with a hard Full Nelson Slam. Georgia would kick out and Cameron would stay on her and take her down with the airplane spin grabbing her and slinging her around. Georgia would skid across the ring and get up only to stumble around from dizziness and faceplant Ric Flair style. Cameron made the cover and would get a long two count with Georgia shooting a shoulder off the canvas at the last instance. Cameron would then pull up Georgia and go for a snap suplex but Georgia would float over fighting out of it and hit a falling neckbreaker.
She would then tag in Tank who leveled Stevens with a huge big boot when he came to his feet and then once he came back up layed him out with a devistating falling clothesline and he made the cover for a long two count. The brute force of Tank completely took the young upstart off gaurd and he would be forced to regroup rolling to the outside. Impatient Tank would follow after him and stalk him at ringside and charge at him with another shoulder block attempt but instead of laying out Cameron Stevens he'd run shoulder first into the ring post. This allowed Stevens time to get back into the ring and after rolling in Tank and begin working on his shuolder and arm. Stomping away at it with knees and boots.
He then applied an armbar submission but before Tank looked to be ready to give it up Georgia came in hitting a Guiotine leg drop right across the throat of Cameron Stevens breaking up the submission hold. And Georgia wouldn't leave the ring and nailed Stevens with a basement dropkick and then after Tank had shook off the effects of the armbar Georgia told him to pick up Stevens and he did and the lead him to waste with their trademark Spinebuster and Neckbreaker combination. Tank made the cover and got a long two count after Stevens found away to kick out. Again Tank took control with his superior strength and undeniable size advantage leveling Stevens with his trademark repeating short arms clothesline after a trio of the vicious strikes and then he pulled him up and took him down with a running powerslam that would make the British Bulldog proud. He would get another long two count and then he would signal that it is over. Immediately Tank went for the "Tank Job" and hoisted up Stevens for his devistating finisher but Donnie Wyld chop blocked the big man and Stevens came crashing down atop the big man with a great deal of velocity. When Tank pulled himself to a knee Donnie hit the Busaiku kick wiping out Tank with the flying knee and this brought Georgia into the ring and she locked Donnie into the cravate after a series of kicks to the leg and thigh and spun him down with a swinging neckbreaker out of the cravate. She then turned her attention to Cameron stevens and charged leaping in the air and went for the "Glorified to Perfection" but Stevens was able to muscle out of it by catching her and dropping her face first into the canvas with a facebuster.
Tank was up and Stevens and went in for the kill and grabbed Tank by the waist and hit a German Suplex taking the big man down. Immediately he went for his trademark submission finisher "Burn down the House" and locked it in. The crowd was going nuts calling for Tank to tap out but Georgia was not about to let that happen and she immediately interrupted the hold and the referee instructed her back to her corner. Cameron was able to tag in Donnie after Georgia hit him with a running knee strike before he could get up. Donnie came in a house of fire and hit another leg lariat, a round house kick, spinning heel kick, and then he went to the rops and springboarded himself back into the ring and took down Tank with a springboard cutter. The crowd exploded certain that the end was near and Georgia entered the ring brandishing a canister and immediately she she sprayed Donnie in the eyes with her trusty blinding spray "Bitch Be Gone" in plain view of the referee who saw this and signalled for the bell disqaulifying Power and Glory.
The crowd boo'd being cheated out of a great match by the champions. Georgia was caught in the ring with an irate Cameron Stevens who hit her with a few jabs and then nailed her with the bionic elbow and then he took her down with a snap suplex and then flipped into a front chancery peppering Georgia with a series of neck shots completing his trademark move called "The Flaming Thunder".... Tank started to come too and after enough damage was done Cameron grabbed Donnie before anymore more damage could be done and pulled him out of the ring. With fire in his eyes Tank asked for a microphone after checking on Georgia and spoke up.
Tank: Soon enough, you two punk asses will get a lesson in domination because you'll be taking on Power and Glory for the PWT World Tag Team Championships...
Cameron smirked and patted the blinded Donnie on the back and mouthed "kiss your championships" good bye . Styles an Fecca wonder how soon this match would happen.
***Commercial Break*** |
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Re:PWT Saturday Night Shockwave - September 18,2010
Date Posted:09/22/2010 5:25 AMCopy HTML
Coming back from a commercial, Martin Wright is already in the ring, as "Changes" by Godsmack hits and the crowd boos, as Othenial makes his way from behind the curtain, down to ringside.
Sabrina: Representing Natural Selection, the guest commentator for the main event, CHRIIIIISSSSTIAAAAAAN OTHEEENNIIIIIIIIIALLLL!
The boos echo loudly, but then, "11:11" by Seasons After hits the speakers and the crowd blows the roof off. From behind the curtain, Scott Addams emerges, Titanium championship around his waist as he makes his way down the ramp.
Sabrina: Now making his way to the ring from Chicago, Illinois! Representing Team PWT, he is the Titanium Champion, SCOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTT ADDDDDDDAAAAAAAAAAAMS!
Scott high fives some fans, and slides into the ring, staring right through Wright, down at ringside at Othenial. Tossing his vest to the outside and handing the championship off to the ref who holds and the bell sounds and the match is off.
Fecca: And the match is under-way with our Titanium Champion Scott Addams squaring off against Martin Wright, who hasn't had it entirely too easy with Javen, as of late.
Styles: Bob-o, where are your manners?! Christian, welcome to ringside.
Fecca: How can you say that with a straight face when you know for fact you've been nothing but against Natural Selection.
Styles: I have no idea what you're talking about, Bob-o. My apologies for him, Christian. But Bob-o, the problem with Martin is he doesn't see what Javen is actually doing for him. He even got him a championship shot against Scott!
Othenial: All Wright is doing is making sure Scotty's warmed up for Hardcore Hell. In the WarGames he'll get a .GIF Moment, and it'll be all over, so he's just getting ready for it.
Scott and Martin tie up imediately, but Scott turns it around into a quick arm drag. Martin and he are up to their feet rather quick, but Martin is met with a quick dropkick knocking him into the ropes. Martin hangs on, and Scott comes at him with a clothesline taking both of them to the outside, and the crowd is getting hot as Scott throws out a taunt and picks Martin back up, sliding him into the ring, Scott follows, but Martin throws a forearm to Scott to get a quick upper hand keeping him grounded.
Fecca: Wright is tyring to get the one up on Scott now!
Styles: If he plans to beat Scott tonight it's going to take a lot more of that.
Othenial: ...
The fight keeps on for a while with Martin actually taking control, Othenial not talking a lot, but more-so focusing on the match, and Wright is gettting Scott to the corner. The crowd is behind both men, as Martin gets to the middle rope, and starts with the ten punch to Scott's head. At eight, Scott shoves Martin off, grabs him and throws him into the corner, and lines up with a knife edge chop. WHOOOO! And again, and again. He does it about five times with a WHOOOOOOO! everytime, and Martin's chest is lit up but he throws a kick to Scott, getting him to back up. Martin heads up to the second rope, and leaps off, taking Scott down with a DDT, and a quick cover but only two.
Fecca: Scott kicking out after two, keeping the fight alive!
Othenial: He's just trying to impress me. Can't say I blame him.
Styles: I fully agree!
Fecca: Eddie, you're so full of it.
Othenial: At least he's smart enough to understand that you're in the presence of the future TITANium champion, and one of the chosen few. You'd be better off learning some respect, Bobby. 'Cause if you don't start being more like Eddie, here, you may not have a job once we take over PWT.
Scott had fought back into this thing, taking control of the match again, and planting Martin with a History in the Making but only a two count. During the fight, there was a thud of Othenial dropping the headset. Scott Irish whips Martin to the ropes, but his foot is caught up, by Othenial tripping him. Javen, who was at ringside in the first row for the match, jumps the barricade and gets into Othenial's face, and you can hear him shouting "THATS MY BTICH!" and Othenial has a smirk.
Fecca: Christian Othenial has just left the table and tripped up Wright, getting involved in this championship match!
Styles: Those damn dogs should keep their nose out of business it doesn't belong in!
Fecca: How can you seriously just say that when you were kissing his ass a minute ago!?
Styles: You think I'm going to be stupid and get my ass kicked? I think not.
Fecca: You're pathetic sometimes.
Styles: 'least I'm not a Starr basher for his choice.
Fecca: ...
Meanwhile, in thering as Martin stumbles forward, Scott toe kicks Martin in the gut, doubling him over and Scott side steps behind Martin, bringing him up to his shoulders, and the crowd erupts as Scott drops Martin on his head with the Platinum Driver, for the cover and the three.
"11:11" starts to play, but is quickly cut off and Scott sees Othenial and Javen in a shoving battle outside the ring, and the ref is trying to hand Scott his title, but Scott goes running right by the ref, leaping over the top rope with a flipping senton, onto both Javen and Othenial and the crowd goes nuts as Scott is fired up, but then, Natural Selection comes running from the back after a minute. Scott gets Javen up and gets his attention, point to Natural Selection, and they get into the ring, and Scott, Wright and Javen stand side by side.
Fecca: This is a sight I did not expect to see. Scott and Javen with their little bit of history, and then with Martin Wright too, but to fight off Natural Selection alone...
Styles: There is no way that they're doing to survive this! Even if Scott's Titanium champion...
Natural Selection starts to surround the ring, but they're cut off as "Still Unbroken" hits, and the fans erupt as the rest of Team PWT led by Matlock come charging out. Natural Selection storms the ring, and Team PWT is in shortly to follow, and they all start to brawl. Matlock and Jake, Othenial and Scott, Bedlam and DC, Bain and Zarek, Con and Tank, Mikah and Tani. Hell has broken loose. Javen grabs Martin and makes a quick escape and the fight is going all over the place. Jake and Matlock taking it into the crowd, Con and Tank/Bain and Zarek at ringside, Mikah and Tani up next to the ramp, Scott and Othenial battling it out in the ring. Neither side having any give, when "Warpigs" hits, drawing attention to the stage, as Megastar stands at the top, with Duke Andrews, and we fade....
Flash the PWT logo. |
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