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Date Posted:02/17/2009 1:03 AMCopy HTML
Venue: Kohl Center - Madison, Wisconsin Date: Sunday, April 15th (DEADLINE = Midnight Central Saturday) Theme: "Blaze of Glory" by Bon Jovi |

Main Event PWT Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber Match Bobby Johnson (c) vs Georgia James vs Damien Collins vs Matt Matlock vs Drew Stevenson vs Seifer (A year after last year's debacle, PWT makes up for it with one merry hell of a main event! Bobby, in one of his last matches, puts the title on the line against Georgia, DC, Matlock, Drew, and Seifer! Can even the Elimination Chamber contain these warriors?)

PWT People's Title #1 Contendership Jason Caine vs Jessica Jones (Jessica is PWT's Number One Newcomer and is looking for a shot at gold! Jason just proved last week he's still very much in the hunt. What makes it interesting is Jason's relationship with Summer, somone JJ hangs with. This one should be good as a title shot is on the line!)

The King's Court (A special interview with King of PWT Christian Michaels who will be offering insight into his injury, as well as commenting on the PPV itself! Will he answer the burning question on everyone's mind when it comes to this year's tournament? Only time will tell.)

PWT TITANium Championship Extreme Caged Ladder Match Skylar vs Akmed vs Hank (Three men will step into a cage wrapped in barbed wire. Hanging above the ring is the TITANium championship. Winner is the man who can decimate his opponents enough that he is uncontested in climbing a ladder to the vacant title!)

Loser Leaves PWT Lucky Falcon vs Justyce (This is the bout that Justyce has seemingly been after since her debut in PWT. Now she's getting it....Lucky one on one with Summer an Shadow banned from ringside. Can Justyce serve some up to Lucky? Or will Lady Luck send the rookie packing?)

PWT # 1 Backyard Contendership Backyard Rules Tim Torn vs Shadow (These two came so close to becoming the Number One Newcomer but due to their effort they get a shot at redemption. Not only against each other, but a chance to go for gold! Who will pull take the next step on a path to the Backyard Championship?)

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Re:PWT presents 'Criminal Intent 2' (4/15/07)
Date Posted:02/17/2009 1:03 AMCopy HTML
[ We get the normal warnings about illegally watching pay per views and all that stuff. Then the screen fades back to black. Moments later a video kicks up. At the exact same time we hear the Criminal Intent theme for this year, "Blaze of Glory" by Bon Jovi. The video rolling on showing events that have led up to this year's event. And once that video comes to an end we're live at the Kohl Center in Madison, Wisconsin! Thousands of screaming PWT fans have packed this arena damn near to the top of the roof. Many fans are waving their signs made tonight in support of their favorite performer. And there's of course those who've made signs to antagonize other wrestlers. The cameras panning the arena before finally coming down to ringside where we see Bob Fecca and Eddie Styles.
Fecca: Welcome everybody to Criminal Intent! Glad you could join us tonight, April the fifteenth. Folks we've got a hell of a pay per view lined up for you. I'll personally assure you that you're getting your money's worth tonight.
Styles: Oh you're damned right they will Bob! Tonight we've got perhaps the biggest main event in the history of PWT! Damien Collins..........Matt Matlock.......Drew Stevenson.......Georgia James.......Seifer.....and the defending champion Bobby Johnson! And they're all going to do battle inside of the Elimination Chamber. Title on the line!
Fecca: Yes it is Eddie! The PWT Heavyweight championship will most definately be on the line. And as far as I know, this is the first time that it will be defended in the Elimination Chamber. As everyone recalls, it was supposedly going to be last year. However things happened and the match got changed around. But this year it happens!
Styles: Damn right!
Fecca: But that's not all you paid for this evening folks. You also paid your hard earned money to see a brutal "Extreme Caged Ladder" match. Three men will enter and one will leave with the TITANium championship.
Styles: Those three men being Skylar, Hank, and Akmed.
Fecca: Any favorite in that match Eddie?
Styles: I hear that Skylar may have some history in this type of match or one similar.
Fecca: Well we'll see later tonight. You know we also have Tim Torn taking on Shadow in a match to determine the number one contender for Akmed's Backyard title.
Styles: That should be a good one Bob. This kid by the name of Tim Torn is pretty impressive. If ole Shadow isn't careful Tim really is gonna be a "bio-hazard".
Fecca: Don't forget in another contendership match, this time for the Peoples championship, Jason Caine meets Jessica Jones.
Styles: That one's a surething for Jason. I don't know why Brooks wants to get this Jones girl hurt tonight.
Fecca: Also Justyce will finally get a match against Lucky Falcon. But this one is deeply personal between the two and will be a "Loser Leaves PWT" match. I personally hate to see either one of these young ladies leave, but tonight one of them will have to.
Styles: Its not fair.......How can we kick a beautiful woman out of this company?
Fecca: Well it seems that these two just can't seem to coexist in the same place. But don't forget Eddie, tonight we'll also be seeing Christian Michaels in person for the first time since Immortal Glory.
Styles: Meh. Maybe he'll blow out his other knee tonight.
[ Some fans sitting beside Eddie hear this and boo him.
Fecca: Wait a minute.....I'm getting word that Bobby Johnson has just arrived to the arena. lets go backstage and see if our partner Ken Mitchell can get an interview.
[ The scene switches to the backstage area. We quickly see Ken Mitchell hurrying over to Bobby Johnson, who's just entered the building with Image. The couple stop as Ken reaches them.
Mitchell: Bobby Johnson! Can I get a few quick words?
Bobby: Sure Ken, no problem. What you wanna talk about?
Mitchell: Well I have to ask, how does it feel to be entering a PWT arena for the next to last time?
[ Bobby takes off the pair of shades that he had on.
Bobby: Whoa playa. Who ever said that my match at the King of PWT pay per view would be the absolute last time I'm in a PWT arena?
Mitchell: Well I don't recall you saying it, but it seemed to be implied.
Bobby: Ah. Well then let me set the record straight. I don't ever plan on making an absolute last entrance into a PWT arena. I've made some real good friends here. But on July first I will be making my last entrance as an active competitor.
Mitchell: I see. So any thoughts as you arrive for your next to last match?
Bobby: Now see that is a better question. And yeah, I do have some thoughts. On one hand, like I said, I've made some good friends here. These are friends that I'm going to miss as I won't be seeing them as much anymore. But on the other hand I'm excited knowing that I'll be able to play with my kids. I've seen it for myself and heard stories about people who stayed in the business too long. They ended up missing their children growing up, or if they didn't they were so beat up they couldn't do the things fathers should.
Mitchell: Bobby I know I speak for everyone in PWT when I say that we're going to miss you. And I know that I speak for the fans when I say "thank you".......Thank you for all the great matches, memories, and moments that you've given us.
[ Ken extends his hand to Bobby and the two shake hands. The camera watches as Bobby moves down the hall until he rounds a corner. Then its back out to ringside for the first match of the night. |
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Re:PWT presents 'Criminal Intent 2' (4/15/07)
Date Posted:02/17/2009 1:04 AMCopy HTML
Sabrina "Ladies and gentlemen, the following is our opening contest, and is scheduled for one fall and match will be held under Backyard Rules. The winner of this match will become the number one contender for the Backyard Championship."
"Everybody’s Fool" by Evanescence hits and the arena lights dim. Shadow runs out to the stage and stands there for a bit and looks at the crowd. Blue fire then shoots up from the sides of the ramp and he walks down it slowly, not stalker slowly but slower than a normal walk.
Sabrina "First, weighing in at two hundred and ten pounds, Shadow!"
When Shadow gets to the ring he grabs the top rope and slingshots and flips over it into the ring. He then turns facing the ramp and gets down on one knee and waits for his opponent.
Eddie Styles "Well, chalk up another loss for Shadow."
Bob Fecca "Not very confident in his talent, Eddie?"
Eddie Styles "That and he’s facing a *bleep*-ing God!"
Suddenly, darkness. A green biohazard spins around in the middle of the ring as "Perfect Cell Theme (Techno Remix)" hits the PA, starting at the eighteen second mark. The fans pop into either boos or cheers. The creepy music starts to get a beat at twenty nine seconds, getting the fans even more riled up as Tim Torn walks out onto the stage, a green spotlight overhead. Tim lowers his head for his Perfection taunt, then performs his Ultra Mega taunt when the song really starts to kick in at the thirty-eight second mark, and the lights return fade into a shade of green.
Sabrina "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, from Newark, Delaware, weighing in at two hundred and seventy-five pounds, he is The Evolution of Perfection, The Biohazard, Ultra Mega, TIM TORN!!"
He looks around at the fans with a fierce look before running to the ring, and slides inside. He steps in the center of the ring to perform his Perfection Taunt, and the lights dim, with a spotlight of green on Tim Torn. Tim performs his Ultra Mega Taunt, and the lights pop back on to normal. He removes his black vest with a green biohazard symbol on the back and tosses it over the top rope to the outside. He squats in the lower left corner of the ring, his hands on his knees, ready.
Bob Fecca "Tim Torn doesn’t look very intimidated here, eh Styles?"
Eddie Styles "Tim Torn is never intimidated! Haven’t you figured that out yet?"
Bob Fecca "Well, he does have a tendency to underestimate his opponents."
Eddie Styles "Just shut up, ok?"
The bell rings, and two start off by circling each other, until Tim just stands in the middle of the ring, with a look of boredom as Shadow continues to circle Tim Torn.
Eddie Styles "Look, the match hasn’t even gotten underway and Tim’s already bored!"
As Shadow passes Tim’s front in his circular pattern, Tim runs at Shadow and goes for the Burning Lariat, which Shadow ducks. Tim turns around and is hit by a series of chops to the chest. Tim fights back, chopping Shadow back. The two get into a chopping contest, the chops getting louder and louder each time. Shadow chops Tim pretty hard, having Tim hold his chest, and then Tim chops Shadow, who receives the same effect. Shadow goes for another chop, but Tim just smacks Shadow across the face.
Bob Fecca "I think Tim’s had enough of that."
Shadow turns his head to look back at Tim only to receive another smack to the face. Tim pursues Shadow wherever Shadow goes, smacking him in the side of the head and the face. Tim gets Shadow into the corner, continually slapping Shadow, eventually resorting to a combination of regular smacks and backhands.
Eddie Styles "Tim’s bitch smacking Shadow! This guy’s great."
Bob Fecca "You really know how to kiss ass, don’t you?"
Eddie Styles "Didn’t I tell you to shut up?"
Bob Fecca "But….."
Eddie Styles "ZIP IT!"
Tim starts grinning and lets his guard down, and starts talking to the fans.
Tim "This guy’s just a bitch!"
Tim’s comment must have ticked Shadow off, for Shadow just snaps and starts kicking his way out of the corner. Kicks to the right hip, left hip, left leg, right leg, Shadow gets Tim to one knee, and just keeps kicking the shit out of him.
Bob Fecca "Tim looks like he’s in trouble."
Shadows punches Tim in the head, and then runs and bounces off the ropes, and hits Tim with a Running Enziguri. Shadow goes for the pin.
Kick out by Tim Torn! Shadow stomps Tim a little bit before rolling out of the ring and looking under the ring for some sort of weapon. He takes out a kendo stick, and slides into the ring. He waits for Tim to get to his feet, and then SMACK! Ultra Mega goes down after a hit to the head. Shadow goes for the cover again.
Kick out again from Torn.
Eddie Styles "Tim’s still in this. He ain’t going down easy."
Shadow gets up and again readies for another swing. Tim gets to one knee, and Shadow goes for another strike, but a low blow stops Shadow in his tracks. Shadows falls to the mat, holding his biscuits, giving Tim time to recover. The Biohazard gets to his feet, as Shadows is on his knees, bent over, still holding his crotch. Tim runs at Shadow and hits him with the Riot Kick. Tim puts his hand above his eyes, as if he was seeing Shadow’s head fly off. Tim holds both his arms up, the same way referees do when someone scores a Field Goal.
Bob Fecca "Wrong sport, Tim."
Eddie Styles "I’m going to tell him you said that."
Tim runs at Shadow once again, jumps in the air, and lands on Shadow’s back with a Double Foot Stomp. When Tim lands, he squats down on Shadow, adding more pressure to the back. Tim laughs a bit before pulling on Shadow’s hair, and starts shoving his face into the mat repeatedly.
Bob Fecca "Once again, The Evolution of Perfection toys with Shadow."
Eddie Styles "Tim figures that since he’s already got the match in the palm of his hand, he might as well have some fun."
Tim goes to shove Shadow’s face into the mat once more, but Shadow is able to use brute strength and lift himself off the ground, making Tim lose him balance and fall off. Tim gets up, but gets knocked down by a Cross Body. Shadow goes for the pin.
Barely a two count as Tim kicks out. Shadow grabs the kendo stick again and just starts striking Tim with it over and over again. Tim tries to get up, but each time he pushes himself off the mat, the kendo stick comes crashing down. Shadow goes for one last strike but Tim starts rolling out of the way, dodging each hit before he finally rolls out of the ring. Tim staggers away to the announce table, where he rests for a little bit.
Eddie Styles "That’s it Tim, take a little breather."
Bob Fecca "Break’s over!"
Shadow comes from behind with a kendo shot to the back. Tim falls onto and rolls over across the announce table to avoid any more shot.
Bob Fecca "Get outta here!"
Eddie Styles "Tim, watch ou…….."
Shadow swings across the table to try and hit Tim, but Tim ducks, and in doing so, Shadow smacks Eddie Styles right in the face.
Bob Fecca "HOLY CRAP!"
Shadow doesn’t really care and goes to swing again, but after Tim ducks this one, he launches himself over the table and tackles Shadow to the ground. Tim pummels Shadow with several rights and lefts before stepping off Shadow and looking under the ring and taking out……a black fluorescent light tube! Shadow gets to a knee and looks up, and sees a boot come crashing into his face as Tim hits the Massive Impact. Tim grins before jumping onto the table, and holding up the light tube.
Bob Fecca "This might be it!"
Tim places the light tube behind his legs and jumps off, going for the Future Perfect. IT HITS! Tim goes for the cover.
Tim gets to his feet and the ref raises his hand in victory as "Perfect Cell Theme (Techno Remix)" blares on the PA system.
Sabrina "The winner of the match, and NEEEEWWWW number one contender for the Backyard Championship, The Evolution of Perfection, The Biohazard, Ultra Mega, TIM TORN!!" |
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Re:PWT presents 'Criminal Intent 2' (4/15/07)
Date Posted:02/17/2009 1:05 AMCopy HTML
[ As the new number one contender for the Backyard championship celebrates his win, we fade to a scene backstage. The scene has Javen standing with the Big Red Clone, Kane Thrice. They seem to be in a bit of a conversation. Actually it looks like Javen is doing the talking and Kane Thrice the listening.
Javen: Thrice......You don't mind if I call ya that do ya?
[ No response from the monster.
Javen: Aight, anyways man I want you to hear me out on this. See I've been noticing that people don't take you very seriously. They see you and think that you're just this guy to laugh at.
[ Kane Thrice tilts his head to the side.
Javen: No lie man! People? They laugh at you when you're not in earshot. Always joking about how you're just some joke that my brother brung in here to mess with Kane Two.
[ Now the monster's shoulders slump and he seems sad.
Javen: Yeah I know how ya feel big man. That's the reason I wanted to talk to you. See people like to laugh at me too. They point and laugh at me because I was in love with a woman who was admittedly out of my league. Yet I'd grown up on these silly fairytales that love can overcome anything. Well lemme tell ya its all a crock! Cause I kept on and kept on trying to impress Becca. I just wanted her to get to know me and see that I wasn't a perverted creep. She didn't want to. Instead she found it more fun to make a fool out of me.....ME! The one guy who truly loves her! She chose to make a fool out of me while her "man" is off kissin an feeling on every piece of ass that walks through his door.
[ Thrice pats Javen on the shoulder, his way of letting Javen know that it'll be ok.
Javen: Thanks man. But anyways, people laugh at me because of the fool I let her make me out to be. And then they make fun of me for my hair being more than one color. Can you believe that?
[ A shake of the head know by Kane Thrice.
Javen: Me either. I know I'm tired of it man. I'm tired of being the laughing stock around here! Aren't you?
[ This time he nods his head yes.
Javen: Well then my friend, how about you come with me. Come with me and I'll make sure that people don't laugh at you anymore.
[ Javen motions for Kane Thrice to head down the hall with him. And after thinking it over for a few moments, Kane Thrice goes along with Javen. Meanwhile we fade back to ringside. |
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Re:PWT presents 'Criminal Intent 2' (4/15/07)
Date Posted:02/17/2009 1:05 AMCopy HTML
Styles: Ladies and Gentlemen you are watching PWT’s Pay per View Criminal Intent, and what would a PWT PPV be without a loser leaves PWT Match? Next up, Lucky Falcon steps into the ring against the up and comer Justyce Jenkins.
Fecca: It’s going to be a shame seeing one of these two ladies go. They are both equally hott.
Styles: Hott with two t’s?
Fecca: That’s what I am talking about.
Sabrina: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall and is a Loser Leaves PWT Match.
[ The lights dim, and green lights flash, as "Lucky You" hits the PA. Lucky walks out from behind the black curtain, as she makes her way down the ramp. Dressed in tight black leather pants with four leaf clovers down the sides. and a matching low V-neck leather sleeveless top.
Sabrina: Introducing first, from Miami Florida, she is Lucky Falcon
[ The fans boo and she ignores them, just with a smile on her face down the ramp, and walks around to the side of the ring and slides in under the bottom rope.
Styles: Folks is has been passed down to us from the powers that be, to remind all of you watching at home, but more importantly the wrestlers watching in the back. This match has a strict no interference policy. If anyone does get involved it very well may me that individual that leaves PWT.
[ The lights dim, as "I Don't Need A Man" by Pussycat Dolls hits the PA, and out walks Justyce. She glances around, in a somewhat paranoid manor, then she makes her way down the ramp, still looking around, looking somewhat paranoid.
Sabrina: Introducing next, also hailing from Miami Florida, she is Justyce Jenkins
[ She slides into the ring under the bottom rope and then walks to the middle of the ring and stands there for a moment, then moves to the side, glancing around waiting to see where her opponent is coming from.
Styles: Well folks, fasten your seat belts. This one is about to start. Two women stand in the ring now, at the end of the match only one of them will remain on the PWT roster.
[ It’s go time, both women are in the middle of the ring. PWT Referee Frank Mason calls for the bell, and we are underway in this Loser Leaves PWT Match. The women start out in their corners exchanging a few choice words. Finally they start circling each other in the ring, neither woman is going to be the first to make a move. Finally Lucky decides to take a few steps towards the middle of the ring, JJ matches them. Lucky takes a few more which are met by JJ. They are just a few feet apart now. Lucky goes for the lockup! JJ however catches her off guard and gets her with a hard slap right across her face.
[ Lucky shoots JJ a dirty look and then slaps her right back. The fans are eating it up, everyone loves a cat fight. Finally the pair locks up, not in your tradition wrestling lock up. There is a lot of hair pulling, and scratching. The fans continue to cheer. Lucky stops JJ with a huge couple of punches to her stomach. Lucky then grabs J by the head and hits a huge snapmare take down. JJ flips over and lands hard on the match. The crowd starts to boo lucky, who can only smirk!
Styles: Fecca this is going to be quite a match up, these women do not like each other!
Fecca: Most women don’t like each other!
Styles: Valid point!
[ JJ is quick to her feet, she is definitely not a happy camper, she darts at Lucky who side steps and then drops down and connects with drop toe hold. JJ’s face hits the mat hard, but she starts to climb right back up to her feet. Lucky isn’t going to have any of that though, she is quickly behind JJ and clobbers her in the back of the head with a huge forearm. JJ crumbles back to the mat. Lucky won’t have that either, she reaches down and grabs JJ’s hair. She forces her to her feet. Once she is up, Lucky grabs her wrist and whips her hard into the turnbuckle. JJ hit’s chest first and stumbles backwards. Lucky is there and ties her up with a school boy pin 1………..2….KICKOUT! Both women race to their feet, the fresh Lucky has the advantage and beats JJ, as soon as JJ reaches her feet she is hunched right back over with a kick to the gut. Lucky runs back to the ropes, bounces off and flips over JJ landing a huge sunset flip into the pin. 1……………2…….KICKOUT!
Styles: Mental games being played by Lucky here. She is really taking it to Justyce.
Fecca: Justyce will fight back, the underdog always fights back before being crushed.
[ Lucky climbs to her feet, JJ slowly makes her way up to hers. Lucky makes her way over to JJ. She is just a few feet from her, when JJ runs towards her wrapping her arms around her waist and tackling her to the ground. JJ mounts her and lets go a fury of rights and lefts. Lucky protects herself the best she can, covering up most of her face. JJ lets the punches land wherever she can, and only stops when the ref forces her off of Lucky. The ref lets Lucky back to her feet. JJ runs at her again and tackles her once again, she tries to mount her once again and let the punches fly but Lucky flips JJ over so that Lucky is on top, she lets go a punch or two, but JJ forces Lucky back over and JJ is on top, a few punches and the women continue rolling around punching each other.
[ Enough is enough and finally Frank Mason breaks it up. He places himself between the two women as they climb to their feet. Finally they do, this time neither is very aggressive they circle around each other, Lucky takes a few steps towards JJ but then backs up. Finally JJ runs at Lucky, Lucky ducks a clothesline attempt, she turns as does JJ. JJ tries to kick her in the guy but Lucky catches her foot. Jj hops around once or twice and leaps in the air and connects with a very effective enzuguri.
Styles: Big move for Justyce, Lucky had a lot of momentum and she just temporarily stopped that.
[ Justyce makes a big mistake here, instead of continuing to be aggressive she lets Lucky recover. She poses for the fan who actually are cheering for her this evening. Lucky does recover quickly, much faster than JJ had anticipated! As Lucky climbs to her feet, Justyce tries to stop her, she makes her way over to her quickly, before she can do anything, Lucky throws an elbow into her stomach, grabs JJ by the wrist and whips her to the ropes. Justyce bounces off of them and runs at Lucky, Lucky leaps in the air, showing some serious athletic ability she lands on JJ’s shoulders, she throws herself backwards and connects with a huge hurricanranna.
Styles: Big move from Lucky now, she has her momentum back.
[ Lucky now takes some time to pose for the crowd who boo. She smiles and then turns her attention to JJ who is climbing to her knees. Lucky is behind her, she waits. JJ slowly climbs to her feet. She turns and Lucky catches her off guard with a huge dropkick. That drops JJ instantly. Lucky makes her way over to JJ and puts her foot on her chest pinning her, 1,………..2………KICKOUT! Lucky shrugs her shoulders. She strikes another pose, this time mocking Justyce.
Fecca: It’s just a matter of time before Lucky wins this one.
Styles: We’ll see. Anything can happen in PWT!
[ Lucky bends down, picks JJ up and whips her to the ropes. As JJ bounces off and comes back towards Lucky, she slides behind JJ and connects with a effective unprettier.
Styles: LUCKY BREAK! That’s her finisher! Folks things are not looking good for Justyce right now!
Fecca: She’ll be fine! I could get up from that.
Styles: We’re about to find out just how fine she is going to be!
[ The arena falls silent, the ref’s hand hit’s the mat, but immediately he shoots two fingers into the air, and then points to the ropes. Lucky angrily sits up and follows the ref’s fingers to the ropes. There on the bottom rope JJ’s foot rests.
Styles: SHE’S STILL IN THIS! SHE GOT HER FOOT ON THE ROPES! Justyce is still a part of PWT! At least for now!
[ Things aren’t looking good for Justyce and the fans know it. The air is tense. JJ is lying on the mat, still suffering from that huge Unprettier from Lucky. Lucky however still can’t believe she got her foot on the ropes. She argues with our referee Frank Mason, but he is sticking to his guns, Jessica got her foot on the rope. Lucky still can’t believe it and continues to argue. The argument is pointless and she gives up after several more seconds. She turns and finds JJ still on the mat. Lucky casually makes her way over to her feet and grabs one in each hand.
Styles: Lucky is looking to lock in her version of a move most would call the Walls of Jericho, she calls it Un-lucky! If she gets this locked in, Justyce’s time in PWT will most certainly be over.
[ She starts to go for the move, but JJ fights with everything she’s got. Finally she manages to use the strength she had in her legs to kick Lucky backwards. Lucky stumbles back to the ropes, quickly JJ darts to her feet. Lucky sees her getting up and runs full speed at her. She goes for a clothesline, at the last possible second JJ ducks out of the way. Lucky runs through to the other side of the ring, hits the ropes and bounces off. She probably had the same idea in mind, but is stopped abruptly by JJ who is there waiting for her.
[ JJ connects with the spinebuster. Lucky hits the mat hard. JJ immediately reaches down and grabs Lucky’s feet, JJ then starts to put her in position and eventually does for the…
Styles: Un-lucky? JJ is going to try to beat Lucky with her own move! JJ has it locked in.
[ Justyce does have the walls of Jericho locked in tightly. Lucky tries to fight out of it, but JJ just sits farther back forcing Lucky’s back to bend a lot farther then it is supposed to! Lucky screams out in pain. Referee Mason is ready for the tap out, Lucky however is not. She tries with everything she’s got to get out of it. Everytime she comes close, JJ just applies a little more pressure. Finally Lucky’s body gives out on her, the pain becomes to excruciating and she…
Styles: LUCKY TAPS OUT! LUCKY TAPS OUT! Her run in PWT is over! Justyce Jenkins has pulled off the upset!
Sabrina: Ladies and Gentlemen, you’re winner via Submission, Justyce Jenkins!
[ Justyce keeps the hold locked in, obviously still not satisfied with the damage that has been done. Frank Mason finally gets her to let go, and Justyce begins to celebrate. |
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Re:PWT presents 'Criminal Intent 2' (4/15/07)
Date Posted:02/17/2009 1:06 AMCopy HTML
[ A promo hyping the King of PWT tournament plays as Lucky makes her way to the back. Once she's there we fade to the scene. A distraught Lucky is seen making her way towards the locker room. Suddenly from down the hall comes Jessica Jones, Summer, and Jason.
Summer: Oh my god! Lucky I'm so sorry that I couldn't be out there tonight.....I would've given anything to....
[ Lucky holds up her hand. She doesn't want to hear this. This young lady who has busted her ass since she got to PWT now has to collect her belongings and go. Lucky solemnly walks past the trio on down the hall.
Jason: What's her prob? I mean yeah she lost a "Loser Leaves PWT" match, but she could just like put on a mask and be back next week. Sheesh.
[ Jessica turns and glares at Caine before she storms off.
Jason: What?
[ He looks confused and Summer doesn't look too thrilled with his words. Then its back out to ringside for the next match. |
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Re:PWT presents 'Criminal Intent 2' (4/15/07)
Date Posted:02/17/2009 1:07 AMCopy HTML
[ Sabrina steps to the center of the ring.
Sabrina: The next match is the EXTREME.......CAGED.......LADDER MATCH!!!
[ The fans pop loudly.
Sabrina: Once all three competitors have made their way to the ring, the steel cage will be lowered from the ceiling. It is wrapped in barbed wire and has a ladder affixed to the inside by barbed wire. The winner will be the one who gets the ladder down, sets it up, and climbs the ladder to retrieve the TITANium championship hanging above the ring.
[ Another pop from the fans. But the cheers soon split to half boos and half still cheers as the first theme hits the airways. Its "In The End" by Linkin Park.
Sabrina: On his way to the ring first, standing six feet and one inch tall......He weighs in at two hundred and forty-five pounds......This is....SUICIDE HANK!!!!!
[ Hank appears at the top of the stage dressed only in a pair of jeans and wrestling boots. In his right hand is a chair wrapped in barbed wire. He holds it high and then makes his way down the ramp. Hank makes his way up the steps and gets into the ring. His theme fading away.
Sabrina: And his opponent, standing six feet and one inch tall.........He weighs in tonight at two hundred and thirty-five pounds........This is....SKYYYYYLAR!!!!!
[ "Bloodline" by Slayer blasts through the speakers. Smoke fills the entire stage area. A strike of lighting sets off a ring of fire around the mouth of the entrance and on both sides there are the "devilhorns" lit on fire as well. The eerie lyrics start to sink into everyone's souls. The energy is highly built. The crowd roaring. The screen flashes back playing out Skylar's highlights in his career. Skylar finally rises above the smoke as the flames lick his already messed up face. The coat and head hanging. Sky looks straight ahead down the ramp and towards the ring, raising the devil horns in the air as the flames shoot up everytime the horns are raised. His eyes glowing with intensity and rage. I blink once. I Blink Twice. I Take a deep breath. Sky takes one long fucking look around the arena, soaking up the force field that is PWT. As he takes a step forward and over the flames. Skylar comfortable as can be walks with a confident look down the rampway. The long hair dangling over his face as he head bangs to the beat of a different drum. Sky slaps a few hands down the way that are wanting to grab his every attention. The attire not much but a pair of black tights with Cross's all over them and a shirt that simply says. Fuck You. He breaks away from the crowd and up on the apron he bangs his head a couple more times, looking around at the crowd who obvisouly is doing the same thing. It's like one big mosh pit. The devil horns a blazed, sliding inbetween the second and third rope.
Sabrina: And their opponent, he stands at six foot even.......He weighs in at three hundred and twenty-five pounds......This is.......AKMED!!!!
[ As the intro to "Bodies" by Drowning Pool starts a lone man is standing at the top of the ramp with a spotlight on him and his head bowed down and his hands crossed in front of him. At the end of the intro the man throws his arms out wide and his head back and then sprints to the ring and slides in under the bottom rope and kips up when he is clear of the bottom rope.
Fecca: Well there we have them Eddie. The three men who are about to rip each other apart for the Titanium championship. Each man was given the option of a weapon of his choice to bring to the ring. Hank as we saw has brung a chair wrapped in barbed wire.
Styles: Yeah but the dumbass forgot to freakin wear a shirt! What sort of idiot goes into a match that utilizes barbed wire and doesn't wear a shirt?
Fecca: I guess Hank......But moving along Eddie, what do you think of Skylar choice for a weapon? He brung a sledgehammer wrapped, naturally, in barbed wire.
Styles: No real surprise there Bob. I mean we saw earlier this week when Skylar showed us the weapon. Its one that may prove very useful in this match.
Fecca: He's also got his good friend Exodus of W2K fame at ringside for moral support. Lets hope thats all that Exodus is here for. Now lets talk about Akmed. He's the biggest man in this match which could affect his ladder climbing abilities as he's worn down. But I wouldn't imagine choosing to wrap barbedwire around yourself is going to help out a whole lot either.
Styles: It really depends Bob. If Akmed can use his weight to his advantage and hit hard and often, then he may not be handicapping himself to wrap all that barbed wire around himself.
Fecca: Well Eddie it seems like they've got the cage in place now, so we don't have to burn up anymore time.
Styles: Good deal.
[ The bell is rang and this match is officially underway. Skylar, Akmed, an Hank begin to circle around the ring staring at each other. All three are waiting to see who'll make the first move. But then Skylar yells to Hank that they should work together to take out the bigger man. Hank is a bit hesitant, but he manages to see the logic in this plan. Skylar nods and then rushes Akmed. He nails Akmed in the stomach doubling the big man over. Hank then comes up and slams his barbedwire wrapped chair across Akmed's back. This sends the big man down to the mat. Skylar then quickly takes a swing at Hank with the sledgehammer. But in the nick of time Hank got the chair up to block the sledgehammer. The force of the sledgehammer though knocks the chair from Hank's hands. The self proclaimed Number One Dealer begins to back into a corner. He's run out of room to back pedal when suddenly Akmed is back up. He catches Skylar by surprise and nails a picture perfect release German suplex! The impact leaves Skylar folded up and Hank thinking that he's just been saved.
Fecca: Uh oh, I think Hank mistakingly thinks that he was just saved by Akmed.
Styles: Our number one dealer is about to be a flattened dealer if he doesn't get out of that corner.
[ Akmed turns his attention to Hank. The very same Hank that now looks like he just saw a ghost. He's trying to convince Akmed that the previous chairshot was nothing personal. Akmed though doesn't buy it and he avalanches Hnak in the corner! He backs out of the corner pulling with him pieces of Hank's flesh. And with nothing holding him up in the corner, Hank falls face-first into the mat. Akmed then finds himself dropkicked in the back, sending him face-first into the side of the cage. The mesh caging and barbedwire ripping at Akmed's face and the shirt he was wise enough to wear.
Styles: That's gotta hurt.
Fecca: I would think so.
[ Skylar slinks up behind Akmed as he pulls himself away from the cage. Catching the big man by surprise, Skylar drops him with Carlito's "Backcraker". Akmed is now holding his back as he rolls on the mat. Skylar meanwhile goes to the side of the cage that has the ladder. He carefully goes about untying the barbedwire holding the ladder in place. But Hank has gotten up and charges across the ring. He flies through the air and sandwiches Skylar between the ladder and Hank's body. Skylar is dropped to a knee from the sandwich affect. Before he can get back to his feet though, he gets a running boot to the side of his face! the boot shoving Skylar's head between the ropes and into the cage. The barbedwire picking at his flesh. As Skylar peels himself carefully away, Hnak grabs his chair and positions it where he wants it. Skylar gets to his feet but is whipped around by Hank and nailed with a vertical suplex.....Right onto that chair wrapped in barbedwire! Skylar sitting up and holding his back in pain. Meanwhile Hank heads over to Akmed and stomps on him a few times. Then its Hank's turn to work on getting the ladder down.
Fecca: Looks like this barbedwire has these men ready to get that ladder and get the title.
Styles: You blame 'em?
Fecca: Not in the least. I believe my first act in the match would've been getting the ladder down.
[ Hank finally gets the ladder free and lifts it above his head. The fans give a lukewarm reaction for Hank. He turns around to set the ladder up but gets a spear from Skylar! Unfortunately for Skylar the ladder falls on top of him. And with both men now down, Akmed begins to get to his feet. He notices that the ladder is down and goes for it. After setting it up, Akmed begins to climb towards the TITANium title. Skylar an Hank begin to stir and notice that Akmed is ascending the ladder. Hank quickly goes for his chair and starts slamming it across Akmed's lower back (Thats as high as he can reach). On the other side of the ladder Skylar has started to climb up. He meets Akmed at the top as the big man weakly reaches for the title. Skylar knocks his hand away and then bounces Akmed's face off the top of the ladder. Then with Akmed stunned, Skylar sunset flips over Akmed and POWERBOMBS HIM OFF THE LADDER! The ring shaking as five hundred and sixty collective pounds hits from the top of that ladder.
Fecca: OH my God what a sunset flip into a powerbomb!
Styles: Holy shit that sweet!
Fecca: Sweet?! Akmed's inards could be busted up and there's no telling what damage that did to Skylar's spine landing in that seated position!
Styles: Calm down there Mister Run-on.
[ In the aftermath of that powerbomb, Akmed lays unmoving in a sprawled out position. As for Skylar, he's rolled over to his knees and holds his lower back. In the meantime Hank see's his oppurtunity to climb the ladder. And climb he does! Hank climbs right up to the top of the ladder and looks like he's going to take this match. But as he looks down, he just can't resist the urge to leave the fans with a moment that they'll never forget. Hank stands up on the very top of the ladder and this crazy sumbitch jumps off with a front flip that ends up looking an awful lot like a swanton bomb! Hank hits the move perfectly and it sends Akmed into convulsions. Hank to is jarred pretty hard by the move. But not to be outdone, Skylar makes it to his feet and now he's climbing the ladder. He makes it to the top of the ladder and waits for Akmed and Hank to both get back to their feet. Those two briefly excahnge some punches before they look up and notice Skylar above them. And that is when Skylar decides to come off the ladder in a shooting star press!
Styles: Those two better move unless they're idiots....
[ Skylar nails both Akmed and Hank, leaving all three spralwed on the mat.
Styles: Heh. Guess they're idiots.
Fecca: Or it could be that they were just mesmerized by Skylar leaping into a shooting star press.
Styles: Maybe, but I'm sticking with idiots.
[ Its about a full minute before either of the three men start to stir. That first one turns out to be Skylar who cralws off his opponents. The fans seem to be behind Skylar willing him to climb the ladder as he crawls around to it. Slowly he starts the climb up towards the belt. But he stops as Akmed begins to stir. Skylar hops off the ladder and grabs Hank's chair. He rams it into Akmed's gut as the big man had just gotten up. This leaves Akmed doubled over and gasping for air. The chair is then unfolded and set up with the seat underneath Akmed's face. Now normally Skylar climbs to the top rope and jumps off and leg drops the opponent's face into the seat. However this time Skylar goes halfway up the ladder. He *then* leg drops Akmed's face into the chair's seat! Barbedwire immediately tearing into Akmed's face. Skylar has a smirk on his face as blood pours from multiple gashes across Akmed's forehead.
Fecca: Skylar may have just won himself the Titanium championship with that
[ But as Skylar looks to the ladder, he see's Hank has made his way up the ladder. Skylar glares and then scrambles to the opposite side of the ladder. Hank's eyes growing large as Skylar grabs the bottom rung of the ladder and begins to lift. Skylar slowly tilting the ladder more and more. He eventually gets it tilted enough that Hank leaps off towards the cage. That's not the best of ideas though! Hank grabs the top of the cage and impales his hands on the sharp barbs of the barbedwire. Not to mention how he's pressed against the side of the cage with barbedwire ripping into his torso. Skylar? He's set the ladder back up and is climbing his way towards the TITANium championship.
Styles: Fecca it looks like *now* this match is over. All Skylar has to do is get that belt and he's the new Titanium champion.
Fecca: I'm not the one who usually counts my chicken's before they hatch, but in this case it looks like you're ri....Wait! Look at Hank over there!
[ Hank has somehow managed to deal with the pain and pull himself up on top of the cage. He stands up and yells at Skylar. No words really, just something to get his attention. And as Skylar looks across, Hank summons all his strength and jumps from the cage with a dropkick! He connects with Skylar sending the favorite to win this match sailing back into the opposite side of the cage. The barbedwire shredding the back of Skylar's shirt and gashing some places in his back as he slides down to the top rope and then flops into the ring. At the same time Hank is on his way down and looks like he's g oing to splash Akmed. But the big man must've sensed it coming. Akmed raises his knees and Hank's insides prolly just exploded from that impact! The fans all coming to their feet and cheering the effort these three men are putting out.
Fecca: ......
Styles: ......
[ The announcers are speechless as the ladder finally falls against the side of the cage. Now there is no one left standing in that ring. But eventually the first man to get to his feet is Akmed. He picks up Skylar and whips him into one corner. then hank is brought to his feet and whipped to the corner diagonally across from Skylar. Akmed then stands center of the ring and picks who to splash first. Turns out its Skylar and Akmed engulfs him in the corner with an avalanche attack! Then its Hank's turn! Back to Skylar! Hank again! Back across the ring towards Skylar, but he raises up both feet! Akmed eats the boots and staggers out of the corner. He turns toward Hank's corner only to have Hank charge out and shoulder charge into him. The force knocks Akmed backwards toward Skylar. And Skylar has managed to seat himself on the top turnbuckle and find a loose strand of barbedwire. When Akmed backs up to him, Skylar wraps it around Akmed's neck and pulls tightly. Naturally Akmed is struggling to get free of the piercing barbs as well as to open his airway back up. Hank comes in and he starts going to town with lefts and rights, trying to force what air is in Akmed's lungs to be expelled. The big man though shoves Hank away and then staggers from the corner......With Skylar on his back! He tries to shake him off, but just expends more precious energy. And eventually Akmed drops to his knees. Finally he's face down on the mat with his face turning purple under the crimson mask of blood he's wearing. Skylar though shows no signs of letting up until he's clubbed across the back by Hank.
Styles: I think we can officially count Akmed out of this one.
Fecca: That's not even funny in the least Eddie. Akmed could have some serious damage to his neck after that heinous attack by Skylar.
Styles: Meh, he'll be aight.
[ Hank pulls Skylar around and looks like he's going to hit a piledriver, but its not to be. Skylar drops to a knee and uppercuts Hank in the nads! He then grabs that sledgehammer wrapped in barbedwire and mushroom stamps Hank in the forehead with it! Hank is sent flying onto his back with blood gushing from his forehead. Just for good measure Skylar throws the hammer onto Hank's gut. This causes Hank to end up on his side in the fetal position. Meanwhile Skylar sets the ladder back upright and starts his climb. The fans are on their feet wondering if anything's going to stop him. But this time nothing does. Skylar reaches the top of the ladder and grabs the TITANium championship. "Bloodline" by Slayer blasts through the speakers as Skylar just drops off the ladder. The cage door is open and Exodus enters the ring to holds his firend's arm in the air. Meanwhile refs and other officials come in to check on Hank and Akmed.
Fecca: There you have it folks! After a grueling extreme, caged, ladder match........Our new TITANium champion is Skylar! What a battle to earn that championship Eddie?
Styles: I got to give it to him, he definately earned this title. No matter who won this match, they would've earned it.
Fecca: Agreed. But folks there he is, your TITANium champion......Skylar!
[ Sabrina is finally ready to make the official announcement.
Sabrina: Here is your winner and the *NEW* TITANium champion.......SKYLAR!!!!!! |
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Re:PWT presents 'Criminal Intent 2' (4/15/07)
Date Posted:02/17/2009 1:08 AMCopy HTML
[ After the brutal previous match, we went into footage from "Immortal Glory". That footage of course being of Christian Michaels versus Sean Frost Mann, in a stretcher match. We're shown how Becca was inside the ambulance as CM tried to open the door to place Sean and the stretcher inside. Mann then got off the stretcher and slammed a pipe into the back of CM's left knee. It was then just moments until Sean placed CM's leg in a limo door and superkicked said door closed and screwed up CM's knee! The footage coming to an end as CM is being loaded onto a stretcher himself and taken away to a hospital.
Fecca: Well folks there you see what happened at "Immortal Glory" back in February. The Southern Heartthrob had challenged Mann to that stretcher match. In the end it came back to bite Michaels and he's been out of action ever since.
Styles: Just goes to prove that old saying is true Bob. "Be careful what you wish for, cause you just might get it".
Fecca: There's not a more truthful statement about stretcher matches then that. But folks any moment now we're expecting the first live appearance by Christian since that night. We're hoping to learn more about that knee injury and find out an answer as to whether or not he'll be able to enter the King of PWT tournament this year.
[ The fans are anxiously awaiting Michaels appearance when the lights dim. Fans begin to cheer loudly as the opening strums of "Kryptonite" by 3 Doors Down begins to seep through the sound system. The tron comes to life with CM's entrance video as the crowd gets louder. Suddenly there's an explosion of pyros onstage, leaving behind a wall of smoke. The wall of smoke begins to fade away and the fans come to their feet to see the Southern Heartthrob standing there in his Jericho-like stance.
Fecca: There he is folks! Christian Michaels is back in a PWT arena for the first time since the end of February! And these fans are loving it!
[ Not quite yet able to spin around, CM slowly turns around with one crutch under his left arm. He makes his way down the ramp towards the ring. CM sliding his crutch in the ring before rolling in under the bottom rope. Slowly he gets to his feet and raises his right arm in the air. the fans cheer loudly as Sabrina announces the reigning King of PWT.
Sabrina: Ladies and gentlemen please welcome your reigning King of PWT..........CHRISTIAN MIIIIIIIIIIICHAELS!!!!
[ And the pop gets a lil bit louder. CM nodding his approval to the fans. He's handed the mic by Sabrina who then leaves the ring. The fans eventually quieting down so that Michaels can speak.
CM: Thank you all for that warm reception......I must admit that it feels great to be standing in a PWT ring again!
[ Cheers from the thousands in attendance
CM: Especially considering the last time I was in one was seven weeks ago....
[ Christian nods.
CM: Seven weeks ago when I thought that my career may have reached its end.
[ Fans boo at that thought.
CM: Luckily though when I had my MRI done we found out the damage wasn't as bad as first feared......Oh it was bad mind you, but not as bad as it could've been. See what happened was that car door managed to cause a severe tear in my meniscus. Some are you are prolly wondering just what the hell a meniscus is. Well its a liagment in my knee that acts to disperse the weight of my body on my knee and also reduce friction during movement.
[ Some of the fans look a bit confused.
CM: Basically its a fairly improtant ligament in my knee. Anyways, that door caused a severe tear in it. My doctors told me right away that since I'd be missing quite a bit of ring time. Instead of removing the destroyed part of the ligament they wanted to repair it. That meant that I would have alot more intensive rehab program. Three weeks ago i was told that I could start walking without any crutches, but there was a possibility I could reinjure the ligament if I only relied on a brace. So I've stayed with the crutches, though as you can all see tonight I feel well enough to jus use one.
[ A smirk appears on CM's face.
CM: Can you guess what means?
[ The fans seem to get it and start to cheer.
CM: Oh yeah! Its just a matter of weeks now before I'm back in this ring and kicking every ass that gets in my way! Which also means...
[ That smirk grows into a full grin.
CM: The King *WILL* be defending his throne this year! And you can bet your ass that I won't be bounced out early. Naw, if you plan to dethrone me you'd better have a note from God and an act of Congress handy. And even that isn't a surething to beat me. Cause thus far there's been no repeat KoPWT winners. So how awesome would it be for me to further etch my name into history by being the first? But I understand that there's quite the field of participants out there wanting to make sure that doesn't happen. Some of those names that I've heard are Seifer, Georgia James, Marcus Johnson, Damien Collins, Angelique, Matlock, and just signed last night my pal Nic E Dangerously. Hell I hear that even ole Jedi master Yoda is getting his ass off of Daggaba or whatever to come an compete in the tournament.
[ He chuckles at that one.
CM: Well ladies and gentlemen, I wanna wish yawl all luck this year......You're gonna need it.
[ A wink.
CM: Oh and before I go, I wanna address Sean Frost Mann. See I heard from a lil bird that your name is on the list of "King of PWT" participants. Well I dunno if you're seeing this, since you're hiding out in ICWA and playing partner to MJ Storm, but I'm gunning for you in the tournament. I'm going to do everything in my power to draw you as my first round opponent. Hell I'll pay bribes, somehow rig the raffle machine, or whatever else that I need to do. One way or another though Sean, I'm going to get ahold of you. Then you're gonna have a reason to be hiding away from PWT.......A damned good reason. You'll need to hide away so you can recover from the beating I'ma lay on you punk!
[ CM points into the camera that's on the apron filming this.
CM: So get ready punk! Cause I'll have my revenge for what you did to me! Oh and don't think you're off any hooks either Becca. If it hadn't been for you that night, I wouldn't be out of action right now. And regardless of who you're dating or possibly screwing, you'll pay too. You can bank on it!
[ And with that the Heartthrob drops the mic. "Kryptonite" kicks back up and CM makes his way to the ropes. He drops down to his ass and then rolls under the bottom rope. Once outside the ring he begins to make his waya round ringside slapping hands with the fans.
Fecca: Well there you have it folks! The Southern Heartthrob has confirmed that he WILL be defending his crown in this year's King of PWT tournament.
Styles: Yeah but I personally don't think he'll be able to successfully defend it. I mean the guy is just coming off of a major knee injury. Do you honestly think that it'll be that well healed to undergo the entire tournament?
Fecca: That's something that we'll have to wait and find out about Eddie. But I will tell you this, I wouldn't bet my money against Christian Michaels.
Styles: Pfft! I would and I will.
Fecca: That's your perogative Eddie. But folks up next is Jessica Jones taking on Jason Caine with a shot at the Peoples championship on the line! |
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Re:PWT presents 'Criminal Intent 2' (4/15/07)
Date Posted:02/17/2009 1:20 AMCopy HTML
[ A promo hyping Shockwave on Sunday nights has just ended. Then 'My Way' by Limp Bizkit plays throughout the arena, J.J. steps out onto the entrance ramp.
Sabrina: "Heading to the ring from Miami, Florida.....Please welcome JESSICA JONNNNES!!!!"
[ Fans give a mixed reaction as she taunts them for a moment before running down the ramp and sliding in the ring. She gets to her feet and runs into the corner getting up on the second turnbuckle. She raises her arms up over her head. After hopping down her music cuts and J.J. waits on the arrivial of her opponent.
Fecca: This should be an interesting match-up here. Jason Caine has the obvious height and weight advantage.
Styles: Well duh! Its not like he's a girly man or something.
Fecca: Anyways......There's also a certain "x factor" in this match. As many people know, Jessica Jones is good friends with Summer Stratus. Then on the other hand you have Jason who is dating Summer. So it should be interesting to see if Summer gets involved in this match.
Styles: And if she does......What side?
Fecca: Uh that was my point Eddie.
Styles: Oh....
[ Jason's theme song, "California Love" By Tupac Featuring Dr. Dre, begins to play. All of the stage lights remain the same while some of them starts to flicker on and off. His theme song begins to play louder and he comes from behind the curtain with a very cocky and arrogant attitude. He has a eric bischoff type grin upon his face as he walks down the entrance way and jumps over the ropes to get inside the ring. He steps on top of the middle rope and raises his left hand in the air while trash talkin some of the fans that may boo him.
Fecca: How classy....
Sabrina: And now entering the ring, from New York City, this.....is.......JASON CAINNNNNE!
[ He finally steps inside the ring with a smirk upon his face as he raises his hands up and looks at the fans as if to say "How can you not enjoy looking at this?".
Fecca: I tell ya Eddie, I don't think this guy has ever met a mirror he didn't like.
Styles: If I looked like that? I would imagine that I would enjoy looking ta myself in a mirror too.
[ With both competitors now in the ring the bell is rang. The match is officially underway and Jason comes towards the center of the ring with a smirk. He dares Jessica to come meet him in the center of the ring for the ole fashion lockup. Showing that she's not gonna be intimidated, Jessica stalks right up to Jason. They engage in a lockup and Jason promptly backs Jessica into a corner. The ref for this match, Mitch Roberts, calls for the break. Surprisingly we get one from Caine.
Fecca: A clean break there by Jason Caine. That is definately not what I had expected.
Styles: Why not? Jason's a stand up guy.
[ Fecca rolls his eyes at this statement. In teh ring we've got another lockup in the center of the ring. Jessica is giving it her all, but she's just finding it difficult to budge Jason. Caine though seems to have little trouble in backing Jessica back into the same corner. Roberts wants another clean break and it seems like we're going to get one. But without warning Jason tries to take Jones' head off! Thankfully for Jessica she managed to duck underneath and behind him. Jason spins on his heels and gets lit up by a strong knife edge chop from Jessica!
[ A second chop!
[ A third stinging chop!
[ Already tired of the stinging in his chest, Jason shoves Jessica away. She lands on her backside and looks up surprised. In the corner though Jason has a pissed off look. He charges towards Jessica who manages to take him down with a drop toe hold-like move. She then quickly moves up into a side-headlock. But this seems to be unwise as Jason easily gets to his feet and lifts Jessica into the air. And after holding Jessica up for a few seconds, to show off his superior power, he drops her in a belly to back suplex. Immediately after hitting the move Jason pops up and strikes a Randy Orton style pose. He is naturally greeted with a hell of a lot of jeers.
Fecca: Yeah what a big man Jason Caine is. He hits a suplex on a woman who is much smaller than he is.
Styles: Oh get over it Bob. Jessica Jones knew the risks when she agreed to this match. Its not Jason's fault she didn't say no and stay safely in the Femme Fatale division.
[ Finally after celebrating like he just won the Peoples championship again, Jason turns back to Jessica. He walks over and pulls her up by the hair. Roberts warns Jason about that but Caine just rolls his eyes. He then hooks Jessica up and nails a double arm suplex on her. Jones hitting the mat and immediatley sitting up and holding her lower back in pain. Jason walks over to her and once again pulls Jessica back to her feet. He then tosses her into the air, and as she comes back down Jason hits a Samoan Drop similar to how Umaga does it. He hooks a leg and Roberst gets down to count. ONE..........TWO..........THR-NO! Jessica manages to get a shoulder off the mat. Jason can't believe it and tries to argue that it was a three. Roberts is standing his ground though and tells Caine it was only a two. In the meantime Jessica had been trying to regain her vertical base. She'd made it to a doubled over state when Jason turned his attention back her way. Caine then angrily nails Jessica with a gutwrench powerbomb!
Fecca: Oh come on now!
Styles: Blame that on Roberts. If he'd agreed with Jason that it was a three count then this match would be over. Thus Jessica's pain an suffering would be done with.
Fecca: And we'd also have a damned screw job!
[ No attempt at a pin this time by Jason. He's ticked off now and ready to take it out on Jessica. Once again he picks Jessica up off the mat. This time he whips her to the farside ropes. She rebounds off right into a big spinebuster from Jason! Caine glaring at his opponent for a moment. He finally gets back to his feet and grabs one of Jessica's. Jason raises her leg up and begins to spin into a figur-four leglock. However much to Caine's surprise, Jessica manages to catch him with a small package. ONE..............TWO.............KICKOUT! Both race up to their feet and Jason tries a clothesline. The clothesline is ducked by Jessica though! Jason turns around and catches a boot meant for his stomach. He smriks at Jessica......then gets clocked by an enzuigiri kick! Caine staggers for a moment before finaly falling over like a great oak. Jessica knows she has to take advantage of this oppurtunity quickly. She checks Jason's position and then hops up to the top rope. Jones leaps back with a moonsault that lands perfectly on her opponent! She stays on for a pin. ONE..........NO! Jason was close enough to reach out and grab the bottom rope.
Fecca: Tough break there for Jessica. I think she might have pulled off this upset if Jason had been further away from the ropes.
[ Caine rolls out of the ring as Jones curses herself briefly. She then notices Jason trying to get his wits about him. So she hits the farside ropes and comes back, dropping down and baseball sliding her feet into Jason's back! He's sent careening into the ringside barricade as a result. Not bothering to come outside though Jessic is already hitting the ropes again. Caine turns back towards the ring just as Jessica launches herself in a suicide plancha! As such he has no chance to advoid the contact and takes the move full on. Both Jessica and Jason are left laying on the thin padding outside the ring as the ref begins his standard count. However at the same time the crowd raises to their feet. Why? Well headed down the ramp is Summer Stratus
Styles: Hey! Here comes Summer Stratus down the ramp Bob. Maybe now we'll get to find out which side she's going to take here.
Fecca: We just may indeed Eddie.
[ Summer makes her way down to the side of the ring where Jessica and Jason are down. She helps up......Jessica!
Styles: I knew it!
[ Roberts is ordering Summer not to get involved. But Summer ignores him and rolls Jessica into the ring. Thens he helps Jason up and rolls him into the ring as well.
Fecca: Not so fast Eddie. Looks like she's not taking either one's side yet.
[ Jessica and Jason make it to their feet in the ring. Jones ducking another clothesline and moving behind Jason. She then rolls him up for a quick two count. They race up again and this time Jessica is turned a complete flip by a Jason Caine clothesline! He put so much effort into the clothesline that he even leaves his own feet. Of course Jason is the first back to his feet. And he stalks Jessica as she gets to her feet. Once she's up Jason shoots in and lands a German suplex. He bridges for a pin but there's no count. Jason releases the bridge pin and looks for the ref. Roberts is laying flat on his back having been kicked in the face by Jessica as she was taken up an over for the suplex.
Styles: We have seriously got to get some tougher refs! Every single time a gust of wind goes by they're knocked out for fifteen minutes!
Fecca: To be fair to Roberts here, he was kicked in the face by a woman who was kicking like she was being kidnapped. Its fairly understandable that he'd be out like a light.
Styles: Hey! What's Summer doing over here?
[ Why she happens to be grabbing a chair. And with that chair Summer slides into the ring. The crowd booing as Summer hands the chair to Jason and tells her to finish off Jessica while she readies to wake the ref. A big smirk on Jason's face as he graciously accepts the chair. He stands over Jessica with that chair raised high. And just as he's about to bring it down, Summer suddenly uppercuts her's boyfriend in nads!
Styles: What the hell?!
Fecca: It looks like Summer has chosen her friend over her boyfriend! And who can really blame her after how Jason acted toward Lucky having to leave PWT earlier?
Styles: Me!
[ Jason drops the chair and turns to look at Summer. She coldly flips him off and then grabs the chair and slams it into his face! Jason is laid out like a light and Jessica pulled into a pin. Summer then loses the chair and wakes up the ref. Roberts crawls over and makes the count. ONE...........TWO...............THREE!!!! The bell rings and Sabrina gets to her job.
Sabrina: Ladies and gentlemen! Your winner and now the Number One Contender for the Peoples championship..........JESSICA JONNNNNNES!!!!!
[ Summer raises Jessica's hand in celebration as we fade into a hype video for the main event, again set to "Blaze of Glory" by Bon Jovi. |
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Re:PWT presents 'Criminal Intent 2' (4/15/07)
Date Posted:02/17/2009 1:20 AMCopy HTML

[ The video package for the PWT Heavyweight Championship match inside of the Elimination Chamber airs over "Blaze of Glory", showing the history between these six superstars as well as various clips of the ominous elimination chamber. When it's done the fans are psyched as we switch to ringside as the Elimination Chamber is lowering. ]
Fecca: Well there it is, and here we are.
Styles: You'd think we've been waiting for this moment all night, or all month, but we've been waiting for this moment for a year. Six of PWT best stepping into the ring for the richest prize in our industry, bar none.
Fecca: What a match this is going to be Eddie, I can feel it in my bones! All of these stars have such an intertwined history it's going to be hard to follow up. Nearly all of them have fought one another before in various matches, some of them have teamed up before, played mind games, and some are even dating. This will surely go down as one for the ages just with their histories alone.
Styles: Throw them all into an Elimination Chamber with TEN TONS of unforgiving steel Bob? And oh man you've got yourself a hell of a Main Event.
Sabrina: Ladies and Gentlemen it is now time for your Main Event of the Evening. The Elimination Chamber match for the Heavyweight Championship of the World! The rules are as follows. Just a few minutes ago the competitors drew numbers at random, those numbers will determine their order of entrance out here tonight. The first four superstars to come out will take a place in one of the four chambers. The last two to enter will begin the match inside the ring. Every five minutes thereafter we will have a ten second countdown and one of the chamber doors will be unlocked adding another star into the mix until all superstars have entered the ring. Eliminations are via pinfall or submission and can happen at any time. The winner will be the last person left and will be crowned the PWT Heavyweight Champion!
[ The cameras shift towards the entrance as a voice is heard.. "Bow down before The Glorified Goddess." With that smoke rises as "Downfall" by Trust Company breaks out and the crowd raises as Georgia James struts to the ring holding up the A hand gesture and the Femme Fatale Championship around her waist. ]
Sabrina: Introducing first, from Atlanta, Georgia, she is your current Femme Fatale Champion, GEORRRRGGGIAAAAAA JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMEEEESSS!!!!
[ She walks from one side of the stage and too the next as Heyman follows her closely behind as she walks down the ramp ahead of him. Georgia stops at the base of the rampway and looks around the arena as the fans root her on. Her eyes shift towards the massive elimination chamber, nodding her head she flashes a cocky smile as she walks up the ringsteps and enters the chamber, strutting tight roping inside on the steel with a Ric Flair like strut before climbing through the ropes. She stands center ring and takes a bow before being led to the chamber in the far left as she gets locked in. Heyman has made his way outside the chamber and is standing near her chamber. ]
[ A video package of Damien Collins wrestling different opponents starts up on the big sceen accompained by "One Night Only" by Saliva. The Lights go almost all the way out. After a few seconds a spotlight appears on the middle of the stage. Standing in that spotlight is Damien FREAKIN Collins. The crowd goes crazy as Damien poses, with his arms stretched out in the sky. The flashes from the fans' cameras adds to the moment. After several seconds DC lowers his arms and heads down the ramp. ]
Sabrina: Please welcome from Salt Lake City, Utah, he is "The Real Deal", DAAMIIIIEEEENN COOOOOOOOOOOLLLIIIIIIIIIIINNNNSSS!!!
[ He slaps the fans hands as he passes by and finally makes it to the bottom of the ramp. His eyes too are focused on the chamber as he climbs up and into it, striking his pose once more for the fans before being led to the bottom left chamber and locked in. ]
[ The entire aren waits in silence. The opening guitar chords of "Born With Nothing, Die With Everything" hit the speakers. Eight seconds later, the song kicks into full gear as pyro erupts from the stage in a loud BOOM! ]
Fed up tired, Sick & twisted One man army I'm enlisted Trust yourself trust no one else Fuck a hero just be yourself
[ It's at this point when Matt Matlock steps out from behind the curtains, dressed in his jeans and a muscle shirt and wearing a pair of sunglasses. He stands there looking out over the crowd with a grin as the song continues. ]
And I don't need your lousy handouts With clenched fists I'll fight my way out Fight my way out, find my way out
[ Matt stands still for a moment, his arms at his sides. ]
People wake up and sing along I trust no one, all my trust is gone!
[ At this moment Matt looks skyward and points up to the roof as loud pyros suddenly explode on both sides of the ramp, starting at the top and repeatedly exploding all the way down past him towards the bottom. ]
Born with nothing (born with nothing) Die with everything! Born with nothing (born with nothing) Die with everything, yeah!
[ Now as the pyros subside and the song continues, Matt continues his walk down the ramp, his eyes focused on the chamber. Most of the crowd is booing as he does so, but some fans have their hands out for him, and he slaps hands with them as he passes by. He reaches the chamber and enters through the door. ]
Sabrina: And now in the ring, hailing from Cape Breton Island, Canada, he is "The Cornered Animal".... MATT....MAT-LOOOOOCK!
[ While Sabrina is doing the introductions Matt leaned over the ropes on both sides of the ring facing the crowd, talking trash at those are booing him. Matt then heads up the top turnbuckle, where he stands for a moment before stretching his arms to the side. The moment he does so a flurry of pyros erupt in the enter of the ring behind him, HBK-style pyros. They shoot off rapidly for a few seconds until he lowers his arms and they stop. It's at this point where Matt hands his sunglasses off to the ref as he steps down and then says a couple words to Damien before being led to his chamber on the far right side, blowing a kiss to Georgia who rolls her eyes as he does so. ]
Fecca: What a creepy, disgusting guy.
Styles: To him, that's a compliment.
Fecca: Well now we're at least guaranteed to start this match off with a current champion!
Styles: YAY.
[ The arena lights suddenly just shut off consuming the arena into complete darkness. The sudden engulfing of a massive bright spotlight shines down onto the entry area, the fans try looking through it but it is far too bright to see through it with the naked eye. Suddenly, the public address sound system comes on playing ''Burning Bright'' by Shinedown just as the stage is still engulfed in the massive light. After a few seconds, the spotlight begins fading away and the arena lights return to life as there stands Drew Stevenson with his hands on his hips just looking out nodding as these fans cheer him, he just begins walking down the aisle sporting his usual attire which consists of dark green Chute Boxe style shorts, dark green kneepads, boots and his hands taped up in dark green tape as well. ]
Sabrina: Now making his way to the ring, from Seymour, Missouri, he is the current People's Champion... DREEEW STEEEEEEEEVENSOOOOOONN!!!
[ He begins walkng down the aisle until he gets down to the ring. He grabs a hold of the chamber and feels the chain on his fingers before stepping into the chamber and being led to his chamber on the bottom right as he is locked in and begins to pace, ready to go. ]
Sabrina: Making his way to the ring from Miami, Florida, is is one half of the Tag Team Champions... THIS... IS... SEEEEEIIIIIFFFEEEERRR!!!
[ Seifer reaches the bottom of the ramp as he reaches forward and touches the chain, a little sadistic smile spreading on his face as he walks around the chamber, taking his time as his theme blares around the arena. He walks around the entire chamber, keeping his eyes on it as well as those in the chamber as he passes. Seif finally makes it around and shakes his head, bounces back and forth a couple of times before he steps into it and makes his way through the ropes, walking to one side and throwing his arms out to the side. He repeats this for the other two sides as then backs into the corner where Georgia was and awaits the champion. ]
[ The G.O.A.T., by LL Cool J, starts to play over the P.A. system. Single words start to flash up on the big screen…. ]
[ Various scene from past matches involving Bobby starts to play. Bobby giving Ricky Carter a 450 Splash off the top of a ladder, while Ricky’s laying on a table. Bobby giving Matt Matlock a Bourbon Street Blues™ in The Elimination Chamber. Bobby with a tight Bourbon Street Blues™ on Chris Stlyes. Bobby jumping off the top of the turnbuckle, and giving MJ Storm a Body Splash, while he is laying on the announce table. Bobby giving Luther Aldridge The Greatest Trademark Move Of All Time™. Bobby standing up on the turnbuckle with his arms raised in the air after winning the ICWA’s Royal Rumble 2. Bobby in the middle of the Hell in a Cell over a fallen MJ Storm, as he is holding the PWT Titanium, People’s, and Tag Team Championship’s simultaneously. Bobby executing a perfect Crescent City Connection on David Van Dam, and covering him for the three count to win the PWT Heavyweight Championship. ]
[ Bobby makes his way out from behind the curtains, as his manager/sister Crystal follows close behind, and they both stop on the top of the ramp. Crystal has his PWT Heavyweight Championship draped over her shoulder. He gets down in a Shawn Michaels type pose, as she stands behind him, and holds his Heavyweight Championship high into the air. He finally stands back up and starts to jump from side to side a lot like Brock Lesnar used to, as Crystal lowers the Heavyweight Title, and stands next to him. He stops jumping, and starts to make his way down the ramp, as she follows close behind. He stops in front of the ring, and looks up at the chamber, eyes filled with determination. Bobby walks over and is handed the Heavyweight title from Crystal as she nods, wishes him luck and heads up the ramp as Bobby enters the chamber. Bobby leap frogs over the ropes and into the ring. He walks over to the far corner, climbs up the turnbuckle, and hold his championship in the air for the crowd. The fans give him a huge pop. He gets back down, walks over to the opposite turnbuckle, and does the same routine before getting down and facing Seifer standing across from him. ]
Fecca: Win or lose, that'll be the last time we see Bobby Johnson entering a match as Heavyweight Champion.
[ Bobby holds up his championship once more before handing it to the ref who holds it up into the air and then gives it to the refs outside as they lock the main chamber door. The ref steps back into the ring and calls for the belt as the serious expressions of both Bobby and Seifer come into play even more so than before, it was "go time" and they were the first up to bat. ]
Fecca: Here we go, PWT Heavyweight Championship in the Elimination Chamber! What a way to kick things off too.
Styles: Seifer? Bobby Johnson? I'd say so!
[ Seifer immediately charges towards Bobby, meeting him in the middle of the ring and throwing out a flurry of right hands. This isn't your usual exchange as Seifer's really using his energy here by throwing out two punches to every one of Bobby's, this causes him to quickly pick up the advantage and push Bobby into the corner. Only once in the corner he doesn't stop there and just continues to pound on Bobby's face, bringing him lower and lower in the turnbuckle. Senior Jim Richards tries to get him to lay off so Seifer turns to him briefly and sends a fist to his face, knocking him down and then continues to pound on Bobby, lowering his body with him until he's too low and instead switches to stomping a mudhole in him. As Seifer lands kicks with authority, the fans are counting alongside "ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR! FIVE! SIX! SEVEN! EIGHT! NINE! TEN!" Seifer then turns around and leaves the corner, yelling out as he feels the adrenaline rush through his body and the crowd is already in a frenzy from the quick outburst. ]
Fecca: He stomped a mudhole in him and took out the ref already!
Styles: And walked it dry baby! I'll bet he's been waiting since the aftermath of Immortal Glory to release that tension!
Fecca: You know it. Seif showing all business here.
[ Bobby's beginning to get up and Seifer sees him, he turns and runs forward but Bobby uses his quick speed and jumps up, stomping Seifer right in his tracks as he clotheslines Seifer head over heels and goes to the ground as does Seifer. They both begin to make their way to their feet and begin the back and forth trade of punches, this time Bobby gets the advantage and pushes Seifer into the ropes. He Irish whips him out across the ring and drops Seifer with a spinning heel kick. Bobby gets up again and lifts Seifer up, pushing him into the side ropes but Seifer reverses it and sends Bobby across the ring, he lowers his head to lift Bobby but he gives Seifer a face buster instead. As Seif is stumbling backwards Bobby comes up and drops him with a dragon whip and then follows up with a leg drop as he goes for a cover. The ref comes around, a bit slow but he's got it together enough to make the count. ]
Styles: Not that soon.
Fecca: I think Bobby's just playing with him. He knows Seifer won't be put down with that.
[ Apparently Bob's right because Bobby shoves Seifer down again and this time hooks the leg but once again, Seifer kicks out, much quicker this time. Bobby lifts him up and knees him in the gut a couple of times before lifting him up above his head only Seif's able to shift his way and fall to his feet behind Bobby. From there Seif quickly grabs him and rolls him up as the ref drops for a count but Seifer keeps rolling as he eventually comes back to the original position as he stands up and then nails Bobby with a German. Seifer releases it however and goes to work on Bobby's lower back, kicking at it a couple of times before dropping an elbow. Seif follows that up with mounting the back of Bobby and going for a camel clutch, but Bobby fights it all the way and is able to turn himself over before Seifer's got a chance to get any real hold. Seif backs away now as Bobby comes to his feet and comes towards Seifer but he's quicker to the step and drives a knee right into Bobby's sternum and doubles him over. Seif then lifts him up into a suplex but turns it into a jackhammer, lying Bobby down near the middle of the ring. Seif kips up to his feet and looks around as the crowd digs it, he spots Matlock's chamber and smirks, as he walks over towards and ascends the turnbuckle from the outside while slamming a hand onto the plexiglass chamber wall, causing Matlock to yell something at him and then Seifer gives him up the bird before jumping off the turnbuckle and nailing Bobby with an elbow drop. ]
Fecca: Parts I and II of The Combo, is Part III next?!
[ Indeed it is this time as Seif quickly grabs Bobby's left arm and locks in the armbar submission. Bobby begins to struggle and get it out but to no avail as Seifer's got it locked in pretty well. Seifer begins to pull back and add pressure as the referee gets in Bobby's face but of course he refuses to give in. Rather, he's looking to maneuver his body around and does so, he eyes the back ropes only a couple feet away and begins to bring his body closer and closer to that mark, Seifer knows he's getting pulled but decides just to put as much pressure on his arm as possible. Eventually Bobby's able to reach out with his right hand and grabs a hold of the bottom ropes and the ref tells Seifer to break the hold - which he does. Seif gets up and doesn't let up one inch as he goes back for Bobby, picking up that left arm and twisting it around Bobby's back, as they begin to get up. Bobby swings with his right arm back, trying to hit Seifer but he keeps moving out of the way, turning Bobby in the process. Seifer lifts Bobby up and drops him forward, sticking his knee out and giving him a modified groin buster as Bobby tries to fall to the ground but Seifer still is holding onto his arm and fully grabs him now, dropping him with a suplex. With Bobby down Seifer goes for a cover. ]
Fecca: You know Seifer has to be thinking with a bum arm there's no way Bobby can lock in The Bourbon Street Blues again with any real power behind it.
[ Bobby kicks out and so Seifer picks him up, holding onto his head as he delivers a couple of elbows to the back of the neck before pushing him in between his legs and then reaching under. Seifer goes back near the ropes but before he can lift him into his Realm of Nightmares ally oop over Bobby quickly turns him and backbody drops Seifer OVER THE TOP AND ONTO THE STEEL BELOW!!! ]
Fecca: AND SEIFER TASTES THE STEEL FIRST! That couldn't have felt good.
[ The crowd "oohhs" and "aahs" as they hear the impact rattling the chamber itself as Georgia slightly winces looking on and Matlock has the biggest grin on his face as he looks on tied for the second best seat in the house with GJ. Seifer rolls himself over, with a handing on his back and gets up but by now Bobby's climbed through the ropes and comes outside with him. Grabbing Seifer by the hair and tights and throwing him up against the chain walling. Seifer bounces off of it and Bobby grabs him and goes for it again and again Seifer's entire frontal regions smash into the chains as now he's stumbling back as Bobby takes him and pushes him into the ropes to gain extra momentum as he does it a third time, the force sends Seifer to the ground once more as Bobby shakes his left arm, getting the feeling back into it after the force of the move. Bobby grins as he looks at Seifer on the ground and leaning up against the steel. He is all business though as he picks him up and reaches underneath, lifting Seifer up for a pump handle slam. But as Seifer is on top he's able to slide off and push Bobby forward towards Matlock's chamber. He's able to stop himself but Seifer rushes him and slams a arm into his back and sends him into the side of the glass before grabbing him and heaving him up and over in a german suplex onto the steel. Once again, the impact echos around the arena and the crowd lets Bobby know they feel his pain. ]
Styles: THAT'S RIGHT! Doesn't feel too good does it Champ?
Fecca: I wouldn't imagine landing on steel would feel good at all.
Styles: Of course it wouldn't. Hopefully when our reigning goddess gets in there she won't have to go through that.
[ Now it's Seifer's turn again as he picks Bobby up and slams his face into the steel chain. He does it once more and then grabs his head and mashes it into the chain side, rubbing his face up against the chains. Bobby's gripping the chains trying to fight it but Seifer's unrelenting in rubbing his face up against it. Finally Seifer lets go and grabs Bobby and throws him into the ring before coming in after him and once more going to work as he kicks Bobby's ribcage while he was crawling. Bobby gets to his feet and ducks a clothesline by Seifer and then drops him with a neckbreaker. Now both men are down in the center of the ring as... ]
Fecca: Five minutes is up!
[ The clock strikes up as we go to an aerial view of the chamber and the crowd counts along. ]
10... 09... 08... 07... 06... 05... 04... 03... 02... 01...

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Re:PWT presents 'Criminal Intent 2' (4/15/07)
Date Posted:02/17/2009 1:21 AMCopy HTML

[ The DU DU DU sounds as each of the chambers light up as each one strikes and then it stays on the top left {bottom right from our aerial view} as the crowd EXPLODES and we shift back inside of the chamber as they unlock the lock. ]
Fecca: Georgia James the first participant out of the mini chamber!
[ The door opens and Georgia pushes steps on through, looking in the ring she sees both Bobby and Seifer getting up, near each other at the same time as she grabs the top rope and jumps up, landing on her feet before kicking off the rope and spinning head over heels as she crashes onto both men with a shooting star press. ]
Styles: GODDESS GIFT 2.0!!
Fecca: What a way to start off her involvement!
[ Now all three superstars are down for the count, but Georgia being the freshest and being the one who pulled off the move is up to her feet first. Bobby is a bit quicker than Seifer so as he gets up he finds his legs being kicked out from under him as Georgia had come off the ropes and jumped, landing both feet square in the back of his legs as he crumbles down. She's up once more as Seifer too is getting up and immediately we don't see any hesitation between the two as she grabs Seifer's arm and quickly pushes him into the ropes but being the stronger of the two Seifer Irish whips her across the ring, but on the rebound Georgia with sound breaking speed whips her leg around and drills Seifer with a spinning heel kick. Seifer tries to get to his feet quickly so Georgia leaps at him and smashes his face in with her forearm, causing him to fall back into the bottom left turnbuckle by DC's chamber. Bobby has now risen to his feet and he grabs Georgia from behind and goes for a suplex but she's able to spin out and around Bobby and then proceeds to kick out his leg again, bringing him to one knee as she steps on the other and swings her body around with a enzurguri to the face. ]
Fecca: Georgia is on FIRE!
[ As she turns around she's clotheslined by Seifer who's running out of the corner as he just levels her to the ground. ]
Styles: And she just got put out.
Fecca: I think it's clear that despite their relationship, Seifer and Georgia have no problems in fighting each other, just like they said.
Styles: For the PWT Championship I should hope not! It could come down to them.
Fecca: We'll see Eddie. You'd like that wouldn't you.
Styles: Damn right!
[ Seifer goes after Bobby first, grabbing him and throwing him into the turnbuckle far back turnbuckle near GJ's empty chamber. As he turns around and goes towards the opposite turnbuckle Georgia's up and doesn't waste time in running towards Bobby and smashing him with a straight in clothesline. As she impacts Seifer begins running towards them, GJ moves out of the way as Seifer leaps up and SOARS through the air with a stinger splash. ]
Fecca: AIR SEIF!
Styles: And they say white men can't jump, HAH!
[ As Bobby comes stumbling out of the corner Georgia quickly takes advantage and arm drags him to the ground, spinning as she does so. Bobby's up again and again receives an armdrag as he goes to the ground. Seifer goes forward to her but not with the stumbleness Bobby had and she attempts an armdrag but Seifer locks her arm with his and prevents it, rather than trying again she uses the arm lock to her advantage and is able to jump to her feet and spin around backwards, kicking Seifer in the head as he goes to the ground, releasing the hold as Georgia lands on her feet much to the delight of the crowd after the luchadore move. However she doesn't dwell and begins to work on Seifer's shoulder, kicking it a couple times and rolling him over onto his back as she drops a knee and goes to put pressure. By now Bobby's up and simply walks behind her and grabs her by her shoulders, slamming her down onto the mat. She gets up and is immediately kicked in the gut by Bobby who then drops her with a DDT. Seifer's still down so Bobby climbs the turnbuckle near Damien and jumps off, spinning around and landing on Georgia with a 630 senton! He hooks the leg as the referee drops for the pinfall. ]
[ The Femme Fatale is able to get a shoulder up, as Bobby slowly rises to his feet. Seifer too is up and walks over to Bobby but before he can grab him and do anything Georgia reaches between his legs and grabs his left thigh as she pulls back and rolls him up in a school girl. ]
[ Seifer's quick to his feet after the surprise pin but so is Bobby right there and waiting as he delivers an enzurguri to Seifer causing him to fall back into the turnbuckle near Matlock who begins banging on his glass to annoy Seifer. Bobby comes rushing towards him and nails him with the BOBBY SPLASH! ]
Fecca: Once again, WHAT HEIGHT!
Styles: Pfft, not as high as Seifer.
Fecca: I beg to differ, he got some air under that.
Styles: I'll bet you he didn't.
Fecca: Who's gonna measure?
Styles: The ref?
Fecca: Let's just call the match.
Styles: Good call.
Fecca: Just doing my job.
Styles: No I mean good call backing out of my bet, you'd of lost.
[ Slight pause from the commentators as Bobby now pulls Seifer forward and reverse Mexican surfboards him across the ring as he lands on his back. ]
Fecca: And what a move by Bobby but here comes Georgia!
Styles: Yea, that's what I thought.
[ She grabs Bobby and delivers a quick snap suplex to him. Not letting up an inch now she helps him back up to his feet and goes for another suplex. However this time Seifer's made his way to his feet and sees this and he lifts Bobby's other arm up and together they lift Bobby up and both seem to have the same idea as they walk over towards the front ropes and dump him over them to the outside. Bobby's feet comes crashing down onto the steel below as Seifer turns to Georgia who is quick to gouge him the eyes and begins to smash forearms into his face, sending him back into the turnbuckle. With him now in the corner she mounts up and begins to punch Seifer in the face as the crowd counts alongside her. But as she hits number nine like is most of the case Seifer prevents a tenth from going down as he grabs her and walks out of the corner before backing up and dumping her over the outside to where Bobby is in a modified end of the Realm of Nightmares. She falls to the steel with impact as the chamber itself rattles again. ]
Styles: Nooo! I didn't want my Georgia to taste steel!
Fecca: Your what?
Styles: What?
Fecca: Hmmm...
Styles: Seifer should watch his back.
Fecca: What are you trying to say?
[ In the chamber Bobby grabs a hold of the back of Seifer's head as he's still in the ring and lifts him up with a hand on his tights he kicks his leg to muster the energy and is able to bring Seifer up and over the ropes and then he falls back and slams the front part of Seifer's body into the steel chains as Bobby falls to the ground and Seifer finds himself hanging from the side of the steel as his foot is caught up in one of the chains. Bobby smirks at this as he goes and begins to kick at Seifer's head but it's not long before Seif's able to wiggle his foot out of it and crawl to the ground. Georgia's now up and she hops over Seifer's back and begins to nail right hands to the face of Bobby, pushing him back towads the cage of Stevenson. Bobby however is able to get it together as he grabs Georgia and tosses her behind him and up against the glass of the chamber and begins to unload himself. At this time Seifer's up as he comes over to Bobby and attempts to give him a German but instead he blocks it and then brings his body forward, causing Seifer to fly forward towards the chamber as Georgia ducks out of the way and Seifer's head goes bouncing off of Drew's chamber. As Bobby turns around he's being kicked in the gut by Georgia who lifts him up for a suplex but as she's near the ropes Bobby swings his legs out and is able to fall over the ropes, still holing onto Georgia but now HE'S got her in the suplex position in the ring beside the ropes as Seifer's now turning around and he comes charging, diving through the top and middle ropes as he spears Bobby to the ground who in turns suplex Georgia but as she's coming down she's able to hit a modified like DDT on Seifer's head that punched through between Bobby's arm and stomach. The crowd goes CRAZAY! ]
Styles: They all got hit with something!!
[ The crowd is clearly enjoying watching these three in the ring at the same time against each other - for the first, and last time ever. They begin chanting "WALK OF FAME! WALK OF FAME! WALK OF FAME!" ]
Styles: I agree!
[ The PWTron lights up with a replay and as it finishes the crowd is counting along with the clock as we again switch to the aerial view of the three body car crash. ]
10... 09... 08... 07... 06... 05... 04... 03... 02... 01...
[ DU DU DU, the lights alternate between the three remaining chambers and land on the far right {bottom left aerial wise} as the crowd lets out a chours of boos while the chamber is unlocked. ]
Fecca: Here comes Matt Matlock!
Styles: He lucked out with the timing. Everyone's down!
[ Matlock enters the ring and goes straight for Georgia, kicking her in the face a couple times before helping her up onto his shoulders as he walks over and places her on the top turnbuckle by Damien. Matlock climbs up to the top and is bringing Georgia up with him, going for a superplex, but as they near the top she begins to battle out, punching Matlock as she does so and then gouges out his eyes, stunning him. Seifer now is up and he walks over and ducks under Matlock's legs and grabs him in a powerbomb hold like he had GJ in earlier. Only this time he walks out a little as Georgia ascends to the top of the turnbuckle and dives off as Seifer drives Matlock down into the mat. The two double team him there with Georgia grabbing his head and driving it down on the mat as Seifer gets his body. ]
Fecca: Talk about a double team!
[ The crowd cheers for the double team but Bobby cuts that short as he grabs Georgia and throws her into the turnbuckle near her old chamber and then jumps in with a Bobby Splash but she moves out of the way and begins to go after him in there. But as she's delivering rights he ducks under one and she ends up in the corner. Bobby now hits a couple rights of his own before grabbing her arm and Irish whipping her across the ring and then runs forth and nails her with a Bobby Splash as she stumbles forward into his arms and into a belly to belly over head suplex. Bobby goes in for the cover. ]
[ Meanwhile next to them Seifer and Matlock are up and trading right hands with Matlock gaining the advantage and getting him into the turnbuckle. He tries one more time, a bit ticked from what Seifer did earlier and lifts him onto the turnbuckle and climbs up with him as Georgia and Bobby have now gotten back to their feet to brawl some more. Matlock doesn't feel confident quite yet Seifer's down enough so he grabs his head and slams it into the glass chamber a couple of times causing Seifer to get a bit woozy as he flips Collins the bird while he's at it and hooks his arms under Seif before jumping back and bringing his head down with a DDT!! ]
Styles: He's gonna have a splitting headache tomorrow morning.
Fecca: Well his head has gone up against the chain, glass, and been dropped a couple times so I'd say so!
[ Matlock rolls Seifer over for the pinfall as Bobby's gained the advantage on Gee and has nailed her with a shining wizard as he looks to continue working on her. ]
[ Seif's able to throw a shoulder up as Matlock shakes his head, not satisfied with that so he turns him over and attempts to lock in the Matt-Lock but Seifer had scouted it as he quickly uses the bottom ropes to pull himself under and out onto the left side. Matlock turns around and sees Bobby trying to lift up Georgia with his back turned to him. Matlock smirks in stride as he jumps up and drops Bobby with a bulldog and then proceeds to lift him up and throw him into the turnbuckle before turning and blowing Georgia a kiss but that quickly is returned with a knee to the gut that doubles Matlock over. She grabs him and throws him into the same turnbuckle as Bobby, he goes smashing into her as she runs towards them and does a handstand before lifting her legs over and grabbing Matlock by the neck and throwing him over her as he lands on his back. As she stands up now Bobby tries to clothesline her from the turnbuckle but she ducks it and grabs him, dropping him with a neckbreaker but she jumps out almost like a reverse RKO. Georgia rolls over and grabs a leg. ]
[ Seifer's now made his way back into the ring as Matlock is a bit whoozy from being tossed as he walks right into a samoan drop and then Georgia comes forward and finds herself being dropped with a sidewalk slam. As he gets up and goes for Bobby the two meet face to face and deliver a couple rights but Seifer's quickly pulled away from the action by Georgia who grabs him by the back of his head and brings him down in a reverse DDT. Bobby meanwhile goes after Matlock, the two not wasting anytime in picking up where they left off last week before all hell broke loose as Bobby begins to lay into Matlock, unrelenting until he's got him up against the ropes and then looks to Irish whip him out across the ring but Matlock has a hand on the rope preventing that as he instead pulls Bobby in and right into a fireman's cary that he quickly utilizes to dump Bobby over the ropes and onto the steel below. By now both Georgia and Seifer are up as they eye each other before looking at Matlock talking trash to Bobby. They don't even nod as they read the other ones mind and both go for Matlock who turns around and finds himself surprised as he gets clotheslined over the top rope. Once more though, the alliance goes on hold as this time Seifer eye rakes Georgia and smirks at the favor returned. he grabs her by the tights and throws her between the ropes and outside as well, now alone in the ring. Seif looks out and smirks, "WHOOOing" and begins to do a little Ric Flair like strut for his boy before he walks over and joins in on the now four person melee outside. Since we're on the left side of the ring you can tell DC is itchin to come in as he moves his legs up and down, trying to keep himself warm. ]
Fecca: You know, one would think that the man that comes in last has the best advantage, but he also has been standing inside of that chamber for twenty long minutes.
Styles: Yeah but they know how to stay loose, once they get into the flow of things they're good to go.
Fecca: Still a couple more minutes until the next entrant.
[ Back in the chamber it's turned into a complete brawl. Very little order as all four superstars are trading blows with one another. Matlock's on his back and half under the rope as Bobby grabs his legs and falls back, sending his chest right into the bottom rope! Georgia slams into Bobby and Irish whips him towards the glass chamber but Bobby reverses it and sends her bouncing off the glass as Seifer's right there to grab Bobby and slam his face into the steel chain. He begins to rub it in the chains until he doubles over from a low blow by Matlock who tells him "He's mine". Matlock then low blows Bobby as well as both men are now down with Matlock grabbing Bobby's head and continuing to try and bust him open but it doesn't last long as now Georgia comes by and delivers a low blow to Matlock. Letting go of Bobby he falls down too as she stands tall amongst the men with that one of a kind smirk on her face. ]
Fecca: Would it be wrong to say she just took this match by the balls?
Styles: No matter how many guys are in pain just watching that right now, anytime Georgia's taking care of business it doesn't matter what you say!
[ Seifer's crawled back into the ring as has Da Champ and the two of them are beginning to make their way to their feet. Meanwhile Georgia has lifted Matlock back up and thrown him into the ring as well. She ascends to the top rope and jumps off right into Seifer's arms only she turns him and nails him with a hurricanrana. As Georgia turns around she's met by a stiff right from Matlock who then knees her in the gut he sticks her between his legs and lifts her up for a piledriver but she backbody drops him and as she comes vertical sees Bobby Johnson jumping off from the turnbuckle with a corkscrew 450 splash that levels her! The crowd digs it! "BOB-BY! BOB-BY! BOB-BY!" ]
Styles: How dare he do that to our fair lady!
[ Bobby goes for the cover on Georgia. ]
Styles: Not so fast bucko!
[ Bobby gets up and is met by Matlock who swings at him but he ducks and nails him with a kick to the sternum and pushes him up against the ropes, choking him. Finally Bobby back off as Matlock is leaning on the second rope and Seifer comes running, with both legs to the side he jumps on Matlock's back, sending his body into the rope even harder. Seif gets off and Matlock rolls to the mat as Seifer turns around to face both Bobby and Georgia pushing him into the ropes and throwing him across but he jumps up and clotheslines both of them as the crowd begins the countdown. ]
10... 09... 08... 07... 06... 05... 04... 03... 02... 01...

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Re:PWT presents 'Criminal Intent 2' (4/15/07)
Date Posted:02/17/2009 1:23 AMCopy HTML

[ DU DU DU, the lights alternate between the two remaining chambers and end up on the bottom right as the crowd goes wild. ]
Styles: Things are about to pick up, and with three tired man and a tired woman, he's got one hell of an advantage.
[ Stevenson wastes no time in jumping into the ring, heading right for Seifer as the two begin to trade rights and left, Drew clearly taking it to the Tag Champ as he pushes Seifer into the corner and just freaking unloads. He'd been waiting too long in that chamber and Seifer was the only one standing at the time so now he's getting worked. Drew finishes after a couple slaps that sends "WHOOOOS" throughout the arena, and he backs up satisfied at his handiwork as Seifer kind of stumbles out of the corner and then just falls face first. ]
Fecca: Jebus, he needs to stop hanging around The Naitch.
[ Drew has already turned around and is getting into it with Bobby, the two of them lock up as Drew easily powers down Bobby since he's a lot fresher, he pushes Bobby into the corner and then begins to deliver some knees to his gut before picking him up and dropping him with a belly to belly suplex. With Bobby down Drew locks him in a rear naked choke and begins to try and get Bobby to tap, but he's fighting it. Meanwhile Georgia has fallen victim to heated shots from Matlock who's unloading on her, finally he gets what he wants... and for the first time ever, it's about to be literal. The Cornered Animal grabs The Femme Fatale and turns her, setting her up for a tombstone piledriver. He stands in the middle of the ring holding her, Bobby's finally gotten out of the submission by pulling himself under the ropes as Drew follows him to the outside and Seifer's in the corner helping himself up. Matlock looks down at Georgia's crouch and then out at the crowd as he gets a sick perverted smirk on his face. ]
Styles: NO!
Fecca: You don't think he's...
Styles: NO!
Fecca: Thinking about...
Fecca: OHH MAH GAWD!!!
[ Matlock lets into his inner desires and plunges his face right between the legs of a half out of it Georgia James. He moves his head around in fast motion as Georgia absolutely FREAKS OUT! She begins to move her body quickly, trying to get away as she lowers tremendously, her arms on the mat trying to get out of his grasps as her chest is nearly on the mat, Matlock only holding onto the calfs of Georgia as his smile is one of pure arrogance until... ]
[ Matt's eyes roll back as he falls backwards after Seifer lands the kick right in between Georgia's legs and square on Matt's face. As he's falling Georgia rolls him and locks in her reverse armbar, capitalizing on the opportunity. ]
Styles: HAH! Take that you pervert!
[ Matlock tries to battle out of it but by the look in Thee Glorified Goddess' eyes, she's fuming and really pulling on that arm, Matlock grits his teeth hard before slamming his good arm on the mat a few times, finally giving in to the submission. The referee tells Georgia to let go, but she isn't letting go rather holding it in there as Seifer looks on, rather amused. Finally she does let go as the ref helps Matlock head for the door, disappointment in his eyes. ]
Fecca: There goes our first elimination of the evening.
Styles: And five more to go, this match has only just begun!
Fecca: Well it's certainly getting good. Matlock put up a solid effort.
Styles: Till the end when he tried to take a piece of the Goddess Delight!
[ Over on the outside of the ring, once more, by Damien's cage as he looks on, just chomping at the bit now Drew is still taking it to Bobby. Slamming his body up against the steel chains as Bobby comes stumbling off backwords and Drew grabs him, over head suplexing him over to the tope and back into the ring. There Seifer drops down and covers the champ. ]
[ He picks Bobby up and applies a front face lock. Georgia now meets Drew with the ropes between them, both of them trading blows but with a poke to the face, Georgia's able to gain the advantage as she grabs Drew's head and pulls him down onto the ropes, causing his head to bounce off with such force the top rope goes bouncing up and down as Drew falls to the steel outside. Georgia, not wasting anytime, climbs to the top turnbuckle and comes off of it and nails Drew with a moonsault body press, putting him down once more. Back inside the ring we see the struggle continue and the fatigue starting to show a little on both men who have been in since the beginning. They seem to be in a dead lock with their legs locked in position to thurst and push the other man back, but Seifer's still got the advantage right now with the facelock on Bobby. However as soon as he gets enough leverage and pushes Bobbby closer to the ropes Bobby's able to drop to his knees abrutptly and cause Seifer too to hit his body on the mat. It doesn't do much as Seif still has the facelock in but the sudden change in stalemate has allowed Bobby to roll over, now pinning Seifer. ]
[ But before the three goes down Seifer is able to release the lock and rolls away from Johnson. Back on the outside Georgia has gained the advantage, finally slowing down Drew's momentum since he entered and taking it to The Emerald, smashing his head up against the glass of DC's chamber a couple times before taking him to the chain link face and meshing his face up against that. Right on the outside, Paul Heyman is yelling words of encouragement and telling her to main his face and rip him apart limb from limb. Georgia's trying to do just that as she pulls him back and goes for a tilt-a-whirl back breaker but Drew's able to stop momentum and get on his feet. Upon doing so grabs her and gives her a vertical suplex after kicking her in the gut, the impact on the steel rattles the chamber as he grabs her leg and goes for a leg submission, trying to hyperextend her knee and take one of her wheels. But she's able to stop it from being applied as she scrambles away from Drew and out of the submission. Drew gets up and stalks her but she kicks him in the knees, bringing him down to her level as she, from her knees, surges forward and hits Drew with a short clothesline. With Drew now down as the well the two of them take a second to catch their breath before rolling back into the ring and getting up. As they do so both Bobby and Seifer have left one another and attack the two coming into the ring. Bobby goes after Drew so Seifer goes for Georgia. The two lock up and Seif takes the advantage, pushing Georgia into a corner as on the opposite end Bobby had done the same thing. At the same time they Irish whip Georgia and Drew, respectiavely towards the center of the ring but it's reversed and Bobby and Seifer go colliding into each other. They both fall back towards the other opponent and Drew and Georgia simutantously hook up Seifer and Bobby with suplexes and bridge the pin. Georgia's pinning Bobby as Drew's pinning Seifer. The ref runs down and looks at both shoulders, double counting. ]
Fecca: They both could be gone here!
[ Each of them almost in slow motion, but they both get their shoulders up and out, spinning around. A similar instance happens with Bobby and Seifer being throw towards each other but they are able to stop from colliding and instead with a lightning fast nod to each other duck their own punches and hit the person behind them. Seifer decks Georgia and Bobby nails Drew a couple of times before turning around and going after each other once more. ]
Fecca: What chaos!
Styles: This is awesome. There have been temporary alliances, but none of them last long.
Fecca: Not even SeiGee.
Styles: Everyone wants the championship Bob, *everyone*!
[ This time Bobby gets the best of the encounter as he keeps nailing Seifer until he trips over Georgia who was trying to get up, she's quick to take advantage and rolls him up for the count but he's able to keep rolling and eventually has her rolled up. ]
[ She pulls at the bottom rope to help herself up as Seifer begins to make his way to his feet. Drew has grabbed Bobby and is taking him to German Suplex City, nailing one... two... and the triplex before letting go as the fans are still digging this match and showing their appreciation "THIS IS AWESOME! THIS IS AWESOME!" Seifer rushes forward as Drew feels the adrenaline rushing through his body and kicks him in the gut. He puts him between his legs and goes for the Realm of Nightmares, spinning him up and over as he falls backwards and drops him with the ally oop but as he drops him Georgia is right there and aids him as she grabs Drew's head and drives it into the mat, adding extra force to the move with a modified X-Factor. As Seifer stands up, Georgia covers Drew. ]
[ For the final time in the match, as all the participants are getting back to their feet, despite a little groggily for some, the clock lights up and the fans count along, with ultra excitement. ]
10... 09... 08... 07... 06... 05... 04... 03... 02... 01...
Fecca: And here comes Damien FREAKIN' Collins!
[ The final chamber is unlocked and out comes DC with quick speed totally ready to go. Seifer goes right for him as he steps through the ropes but he's quick enough to grab him... ]
Fecca: DC DROP!
[ Drew is standing nearby as well and turns to Damien and... ]
Fecca: DC DROP!
[ Georgia tries to grab him but...]
Fecca: DC DROP!
[ Now it's Bobby's turn to stop him as he throws a kick his way but Damien ducks under... ]
Fecca: DC DROP!
[ All four participants lie in the ring with Damien the only one standing tall as he throws his arms out to the side and the crowd totally eats it up "DC! DC! DC!" ]
Styles: He went DC Drop crazy!
Fecca: Talk about a way to make an impact coming in!
[ Damien though, doesn't spend additional time taunting while the others are down like he may have before, this time he for the nearest guy getting up, which is Seifer as he was hit first, and begins to deliver some hard forearms to the head, he keeps at it and pushes Seifer into the bottom right corner. When he's in there Damien brings his body back but still holding onto the ropes and drives a couple of shoulders into Seif's midsection, really giving it to him as he lifts him up on the third try and sets him on the top turnbuckle. He goes up with him and beings to lift him up, as Seifer ends up standing as well on the top rope Damien hooks him and superplex's him down with thundering force. Rather than going for the cover Damien turns his attention to Georgia and Bobby who are both battling it out on the other side of the ring. He heads over there as the three of them begin to go out it. Meanwhile Drew had climbed to the top turnbuckle as Damien nailed the superplex but now a grin spreads across his face, no one to bother him, and a prone Seifer in the middle of the mat. He looks out and flashes that sadistic like grin. ]
Fecca: Uh oh, what's he got on his mind?
Styles: Whatever it is, it's not gonna be good for Seifer.
[ Drew lets his intentions known by standing up, turning around, and hopping up onto the back right chamber Matlock once occupied. He turns around at the top of the chamber and stands up as best he can. Then without a moment's notice he jumps off, soaring through the air and landing on Seifer with an high impact elbow drop!!! Drew however felt the pain shoot through his elbow as he rolls over and holds his arm. ]
Fecca: OH MY!
Styles: I don't know who got hurt more!
Fecca: Looks like Seifer, he's out of it. But what risk and impact by the People's Champion! And this crowd loves it!!
Styles: He certainly made the sacrifice there.
[ A chant breaks out for Drew, "STEV-EN-SON! STEV-EN-SON! STEV-EN-SON!" Over in the corner Georgia is getting double teamed as Damien and Bobby have her in a suplex position and suplex her to the outside as she goes crashing into the steel and the crowd 'ooohhs' at the impact. Drew has now rolled out towards the catacorner side of the chamber, and Seifer too has rolled to the opposite side across from Georgia. All of them trying to recover and catch a breath while DC and Bobby now circle up in the ring. ]
Fecca: Well be sure to enjoy this folks, this marks the first, and last time ever we'll see Bobby Johnson and Damien Collins going at it. Least we get it in some way or another.
Styles: One former champion and the current champion Bob. This match has been full of champions, either past or current.
[ Their pacing doesn't last long as they do your classic collar and arm lockup in the center. Damien begins to get low and use his legs to push Bobby backwards, he does it easily as Bobby's been in there for quite some time. He pushes him up against the ropes and Irish whips him off, as Bobby comes back Damien leaps into the air and nails him with a Damien Collins Dropkick. ]
Fecca: What a dropkick!
Styles: What a beaut!
Fecca: And graceful!
[ Damien is taking it to Bobby now as he lifts him up and goes for another Irish whip, this time though Bobby reverses it but so does Damien as he lifts him up into a sideslam, dropping him and holding a leg as the referee drops down for a cover. ]
[ Bobby's not ready to give up the belt just yet and begins to show why he's champion. As DC lifts him up and begins to deliver punches to the face, Bobby drops him with an electric chair drop. With DC down he grabs him and pushes him up against the ropes near where Georgia happens to be. He's sticking a knee in Collins' back as we see Georgia leaning up against the chains and Heyman is right outside, seemingly talking to her while also glancing over her shoulder and watching Bobby and DC. ]
Fecca: Bobby's now taking it to Damien but is Heyman giving Georgia mid match tips?!
[ Apparently not as when Bobby lets go of the pressure on Damien and backs up a little Heyman says something and Georgia turns around, walking over to Damien still leaning on the middle ropes and in her hand is a lead pipe. She takes it and without hesitating a second *CRACKS* it on DC's face!!! He drops like a sack of potatoes as Bobby looks on a bit surprised as Damien is now bleed and Georgia just smirks and makes her way into the ring. ]
Styles: Whatever it takes Bobbo, whatever it takes.
Fecca: She can't have that though, look at Damien!
Styles: Says who? It's no DQ! To think, one woman, out smarting all the guys. I love Seifer but I think my money's on her now.
[ In the ring Bobby is making the cover on Damien, taking advantage of the situation. ]
[ *CRACK* The count stops as Georgia holds the lead pipe and looks down at the slumped Bobby with whom she just nailed in the back of the head. Now both men are down and Drew's back up and sees this, his eyes begin to fill up with a psychotic rage as he points to the lead pipe and tells her that she shouldn't be using that, that she's better than that. She casually smirks and gives him the finger, just to piss him off. The crowd is shocked but it worked as Drew swings for her, she ducks and when they both turn around... *CRACK*! Drew gets nailed and drops as well. ]
[ The cameras focus in now as Drew begins to bleed, the pipe having caught near his eye as he bleeds from above it and his forehead. Georgia has a sinister look on her face, enjoying the carnage she just inflicted as Seifer's now back up and into the ring standing behind her and the crowd is on the edge of their feet, wondering what's going to go down next. She turns around slowly coming face to face with Seifer, lead pipe in hand. ]
Styles: UH OH!
Fecca: Things are gonna get very interesting now.
[ Some things are said between the two, first by Seifer then by Georgia but we don't know what. Finally Seifer flashes a grin and bends down a little, signaling with his hands for her to bring it and she does... only as she swings for him she drops the lead pipe, but he ducks her swing anyways and as they turn around she goes to grab the pipe but he kicks it away and it goes rolling to the right side of the chamber. She looks up as he points to his head, informing her he knows her all too well. Georgia smirks and gets up, coming towards Seifer as the two of them lock up, Georgia not allowing herself to be powered down as she knees Seifer in the gut and gets him in a face lock. She's got a good hold on it like Seif did on Bobby earlier, and slowly but surely she's bringing him down, he starts to weaken, feeling the pressure and because she knows how to do it, he's unable to get out of it. He's fighting however, sending his hand to her side as he moves his hand down the side of her stomach until he grabs onto her tights, getting a solid grip he lifts her into a suplex and falls with her, but effectively breaking the lock. Seifer gets up quickly, feeling a head rush as he does so and that leads him victim to the FINAL CONFLICT!! ]
Fecca: Drew with the Final Conflict on the worn down Seifer! It could be over for him right here!
[ That's about as far as it goes through as Seifer wisely rolls out of the ring and before Drew can prevent it DC turns Drew around and grabs him for another DC Drop but Drew just pushes him off this time, causing him to bounce on his ass. Bobby surges forward now and attacks Drew, but he's able to back body drop the Heavyweight Champion out of the ring and onto the steel as the crowd winces in his pain. Now, both Drew and Damien are standing in the ring, both of them having been busted open from the lead pipe. Bobby is next to Seifer still out of it outside the ring on the backside and Georgia is beginning to make her way to her feet. The blood on Damien's face begins to drip down to his mouth, as he's no choice but to taste a little bit of it as Drew comes forward to him but as he tastes it he has a sinister looking look on his face, as if he forgot how his blood tasted like. Suddenly just starts going after Drew with a new found energy, nailing him, right after right after right, sending him sailing back and then into the ropes as he pulls him off and spins around, dropping him with one hell of a spinebuster. Georgia too comes forth but DC is having none of her stuff anymore as he rocks her with a clothesline and then picks her up again quickly, grabbing her by the head and holding it under his arm, he jumps up and kicks off the ropes, nailing her with a tornado DDT. Damien then proceeds to lock her in a single leg boston crab. But the end isn't that near as Drew stands up and just clobbers Damien in the head with his arm, bringing him to the ground. As Damien starts to get up Drew goes into technical assassian mode and grabs him, kicking out his legs from under him and coming out on top of him. While on top Drew tries to wrap his arms around Damien's arms, getting a potential chickenwing or masterlock on but that too doesn't last long as Georgia slams a foot into the back of the head of Stevenson. He begins to get up after she does this, blocking a second one and proceeding to tackle her to the ground. As he does they end up going through the ropes with Georgia turning at the last minute and slamming Drew's face into the steel ground in an inverted DDT. She smirks and grabs his head, grating it into the steel flooring below and busting him up open even more. From this position Georgia grabs Drew's arm and applies Georgia's Song. ]
Styles: Now it's REALLY getting intense! Blood, weapons, carnage and aggression!
Fecca: Georgia's got the same move that eliminated Matlock earlier, but all decisions must be made in the ring!
Styles: Doesn't matter, he's bleeding like crazy, has taken some damage from earlier and now his arm is getting worked. Watch out Gee!
[ She's been focused on putting Drew down that she doesn't realize Damien has climbed the turnbuckle near Drew's old chamber and he jumps off, sending a missile dropkick to the face of Georgia James. With a grin on his face he grabs her and Irish whips her hard up against the chamber he was in. He goes again, this time for a shoulder thrust but she gets a boot up, stopping his progress. As he turns around he finds Drew right there who grabs him and throws him back into the ring but Damien's rolling and he ends up rolling out onto the other side - near the lead pipe. o0o0o0o. When he turns around though, Georgia grabs him and gives him a gatorbuster as she drives her knee into Drew's neck. She then begins to lift him up, her back to the ring and as she's able to deliver her Millennium Suplex, Damien comes from behind her and slams the lead pipe into the back of her head, causing her to fall into Drew's arms who quickly spins around and slings her over his head as her back hits against the chamber glass in a sickening thud as she simply slides down the chamber upside and out of it. ]
Styles: That HAD to hurt!
Fecca: Always does when it doesn't break.
[ Meanwhile at the backside of the cage Seifer and Bobby are sitting on chairs with cigars in their mouths, cards in their hands, a table set up with some chips and a couple of beers on it as they've got their poker faces on. ]
Fecca: Huh?
[ Errr... Men in Black memory eraser device for a paragraph. *FLASH* Meanwhile at the backside of the cage Seifer and Bobby are vying for position, each taking turns slamming one another into the side of the steel chains and getting all the more woozy because of it. Bobby though is able to get an advantage and grabs the side of Seifer, Russian leg sweeping him onto the steel below as Seifer grabs his lower back. Bobby begins to slide back in the ring but the focus is still on the other side as Georgia has now manages to get herself rightside up and is leaning up on the glass. You can tell she's a hurtin' as she begins to pick herself up by sliding up the glass as she doesn't trust if she'd be able to stand on her own. Drew looks to the ring to where Bobby has just gotten up and at the last millisecond he sees DC surging by running towards him, he quickly dives out of the way as Damien spears the holy hell out of Georgia RIGHT THROUGH THE GLASS CHAMBER!!! ]
Fecca: OH MY GAWD!
Styles: THROUGH THE CHAMBER?!?! There's glass *everywhere*!

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Re:PWT presents 'Criminal Intent 2' (4/15/07)
Date Posted:02/17/2009 1:24 AMCopy HTML

[ Georgia is completely doubled over inside of the chamber as glass is indeed everywhere, Damien too doesn't look to be in the greatest condition but Georgia certainly got the worst of it, cuts on her arms as she banged her head up against the other side as well, knocking her out. Back inside the ring both Drew and Bobby are a bit shocked to see the impact but it doesn't take too long before they start going at it with a bit more tired, but still just as dogged a determination. Bobby's quickly gaining the advantage as well as a lot more mustard to his punches as Drew only continues to be busted open more and more Bobby Irish whips Drew and then catches him and dropping him with a t-bone suplex as he quickly goes for the cover. ]
Fecca: The Greatest Trademark Move Of All Time! Man I'm gonna miss Bobby when he's gone.
Styles: Actually that's the Blood Spiller, and Seifer's not going anywhere.
Fecca: Bite me Eddie!
Styles: No, I'm good.
Fecca: Man, these guys and gal are giving it everything they have tonight.
Styles: Letting it all hang out is the only way to do it.
[ By now Seifer's made his way back into the ring as Bobby is rising to his feet. He doesn't waste any time in charging him with a lock up but quickly spins around and pulls his feet out from under him. He then quickly jumps onto Bobby with a couple of forearms to the back of the head, knowing that's where he was hit via the lead pipe. Bobby's prone enough as Seifer grabs his arm and applies the crossface. He holds it there, yanking back on Bobby who is trying to battle out. Drew is coming to now so Seifer releases the hold, knowing Bobby's got too much fight left in him to tap. Drew goes for him but Seif ducks and grabs his arm as he wrenches it behind his back, doing it a couple more times before picking him up and slideslamming him to the ground on that arm. Though Seifer isn't done as he picks Drew up and rams him into the corner, delivering a couple of shoulder thrusts before picking him up onto his shoulders as he turns around and then proceeds to give him a flapjack spinebuster, hard into the mat. ]
[ Outside the ring Damien is stumbling towards the ropes, looking not to be in the greatest shape after the spear through the glass as he slides through the ropes while Paul is on the outside of the chamber telling Georgia to get up as she's taken a lot more punishment and is much slower in coming around. Damien meets Seifer head on and begins to throw some rights but Seifer ducks and grabs his head, jumping out and giving him a side effect. Damien rolls over and Seifer kips up, much to the crowd's approval as they begin a chant for him now "SEI-FER! SEI-FER! SEI-FER!" He takes a glance to the outside to where Georgia is helping herself up via the steel chains before turning his focus back to the ring, but that was enough time for Bobby who picked up the lead pipe to drill him over the head *CRACK*. Seifer falls sideways and half out of the ring with his feet hanging on the ropes. ]
Fecca: Now all the guys have been hit!
Styles: Looks like Bobby's going for the last one left.
Fecca: The one who started this whole mess thanks to that damn Heyman.
[ Georgia slowly gets back into the ring only to see Bobby coming at her with the lead pipe, she's able to duck out under neath him and as they turn around she quickly kicks Bobby in the gut, grabbing him and DDTing him before he can use the pipe on her. Breathing a sore sigh of relief she rises again, seeing both Drew and Damien making their way back to their feet. Damien's closer so she goes for him kicking him in the gut and punching him in the face as she turns to Drew and does the same. Now she begins alternating between the two men, taking them both on but that doesn't last too long as they push her up into the ropes and throw her across, Damien lowers his face and Georgia kicks it in but Drew clotheslines her. He picks her up quickly and DC comes over and together they double suplex her. They both nod at each other and pick her up again, this time it's both of them who take turns in smashing Georgia in the face as the crowd is beginning to get on her side due to the double team. At the same time the two of them make the leap and nail Georgia with a double dropkick, sending her body flying towards the far left turnbuckle. Their little alliance is short lived as they start going at it, trading punches and slaps to the chest as red marks begin to form, matching the crimson of their faces. Georgia's none too pleased as she climbs her way up the turnbuckle, feeling the rush inside of her she makes it to the top and as Drew gets the upper hand and drills Damien with a kick sending him spinning around and towards Georgia, she dives off with a reverse DDT, bringing Damien crashing down to the mat! ]
Styles: Damn even after the double team she's still got fight in her!
[ The crowd totally explodes with the high impact and begin chanting "GEOR-GA! GEOR-GA! GEOR-GA!" Though it's very slow, Georgia feels the adrenaline and second wind hit, and even though in tremendous pain she grabs the ropes and begins to pull herself up. Drew on the other hand is up already and has the lead pipe in his hands. He's stalking Georgia, looking around, Bobby's out, Seifer's in LALA land and Damien's on dream street. He feels his forehead and an vengeful determination look is in his eyes as Georgia turns around and Drew goes low, diving and SLAMMING the lead pipe into the left knee of the The Goddess as she crumbles immediately after impact. ]
[ The crowd can't believe it, most are even in too much shock to boo Drew for his out of character like actions. He simply shrugs still with a fierce look in his eye as he throws the lead pipe at the steel chain and it slips through the hole, bouncing on the outside of the chamber. ]
Fecca: Well thank God for that. Drew throwing the lead pipe out, but not after taking Georgia's leg out.
Styles: Now he's adding insult to injury!
[ Drew's in a completely other state, despite being a bit banged up and bleeding, he goes for Georgia's injured leg, stomping at it a couple times before grabbing both legs and applying in a figure four leg lock. The second he gets it locked it Georgia howls in pain bringing her body up as her eyes shoot open and then she slams her body back down. Nearly crying out in pain as she reaches for the ropes, struggling desperately to get to them. Drew's still got that far off look in his eyes as he continues to add on the pressure. Damien has now gotten up and he merely ignores them, even going so far as to stepping over their interlocked legs and over to where Bobby is, grabbing his head and shoving it into the ropes and slamming a couple fists into his back. He then turns Bobby around and tries to get his arms tied up in the ropes, but Bobby's fighting it. He shows Damien just who's champion and kicks him in the gut and then he turns the tables on "The Real Deal" by slamming an elbow to the face and then grabbing the top and middle ropes and tying Damien up himself! As he's doing this the primary focus is still on Drew and Georgia, Gee slamming her fist down onto the mat trying to reach deep down and get out of this. The crowd is clearly behind her now, stomping their feet and clapping, cheering her on as she fights it. She can feel their energy and begins to turn Drew, she's almost got it turned, totally ignoring the refs questions if she gives up. Finally... FINALLY she's able to turn him and applies the Indian deathlock on Drew! ]
Fecca: She reversed it! Now the pressure's on Drew.
[ But what she didn't expect is the People's Champion to be feeding off that same energy the crowd was giving out as they cheer and Drew now fights the pain. The ref is on his side, asking him too if he gives up, but of course he isn't about to say so and so he fights, pulling his body towards the ropes, though he's so far away but he's able to drag Georgia even further away from the ropes herself as he nears his side of the ropes and then he works on turning her. It doesn't take as long before he's able to turn Georgia back the way they came after rocking back and forth a couple times and now, the pressure's all back on Georgia's knee that is absotelly killing her by the look on her face. ]
Fecca: Now he's reversed it and he's still pulling them back!
[ Drew has gotten to the point where he's not reaching back and grabbing a hold of the ropes, adding even mroe pressure. The ref yells at him but he shakes his head with that far off yet insane look in his eyes. ]
Styles: Ref he's holding onto the ropes!
Fecca: No DQ's remember? Look at the look in his eyes, we haven't seen this side of Drew.
Styles: He's going to break Georgia's knee and leg!
[ While Georgia struggles even more now, Bobby is unloading on Damien, delivering rights and lefts to the unable to defend himself Collins. He backs up and goes for a Killa Kick right at the head but somehow Damien's able to free himself from the ropes as he grabs his leg and drops him with a leg capture suplex right onto the mat. Damien isn't done as he picks Bobby up again and from behind him brings him up and down in a German suplex. But Damien is far from down as he does it again... and finally a third time as the crowd is loving every moment. ]
Fecca: Well that's Three Times The Crowd Pleaser!
Styles: They don't seem to be that pleased! Look at the Femme Fatale!
Fecca: She should just tap already, live to fight another day, save your leg Georgia!
[ But she won't do it, she doesn't want to go out this way. By now Seifer's come around and begins to make his way back around towards the ring, seeing Georgia in the figure four and then Drew holding onto the ropes on the other side, a fire lights up in his eyes as he reaches under neath the ropes grabbing Georgia's fisted up semi flailing arms and he begins to pull. ]
Styles: YES! Save your girl Seif, get him off the ropes!
[ Crowd once again is cheering like crazy as Seifer begins to get somewhere, Drew's arms go long before he finally frees him from the ropes but the figure four is still sinched in as you can tell Gee's in a ton of pain. Seifer enters through the bottom and middle ropes and walks over, sending kicks at Drew's midsection but still he refuses until Seifer just begins to kick at his legs. He does it a couple times and Drew releases the submission as we can hear Styles breathing a sigh of relief as does most of the fans watching as Georgia brings in her throbbing legs. Seifer goes after Drew though as he pulls him by his legs, more into the center of the ring, looking for his submission but before he can do anything to Drew, Damien's right there behind him and he grabs him, turning him around and dropping him with a DC Drop! Bobby's on the ground and sees Seifer fall on his stomach and grabs him, rolling starting to roll him over but Damien grabs Bobby instead, not about to let him reap the victory from his move as he knees Bobby in the head and sends him to the ropes. Bobby gets his surroundings and turns, looking towards DC as he jumps out at him, tackling him to the ground and sending punches to his face. ]
Fecca: You can tell the temperature has risen by about thirty degrees in there! It's exploding!
[ While they're fighting and Seifer's out from the finisher, Drew has come to his feet, they're a bit tender at the moment as he rubs his arm from the off the chamber impact earlier and kind of limps but nonetheless goes to pick up Georgia, the tranced look in his eyes are gone now but the passion to win is still there. He gets her up and lifts her up for the Final Conflict, but somehow Georgia's able to slide out of it. Only problem is as she lands on her feet her knee gives out and she falls to one knee. Drew sees this when he turns and knees her in the face and then follows it up by a superkick as she's falling back right at on her jaw as she falls to the mat. Drew's tired beaten body falls on top of her as the referee comes around for the count. ]
Styles: Come on Gee!
Styles: Nooo!
Fecca: Our second elimination! But damn did she fight.
[ Drew rolls off of her as the referee informs her of what went down and tries to get her out but it's not looking good. He shakes his head and heads past the superstars and towards the chamber door, telling the other refs. They wave down some paramedics as the door is unlocked and a ref as well as a medic get in the ring and walk over towards Georgia as they begin to help her get out of the ring. Meanwhile the action doesn't stop as Damien and Bobby go back and forth with the advantage brawl. Seifer is up again and has gone after Drew as the two of them now battle it out. Georgia's removed from the ring and put on a stretcher outside as Heyman accompanies her alongside the paramedics as they wheel her to the back. ]
Fecca: Well, folks we know Georgia went through hell in that elimination chamber, we can only hope her knee isn't too badly injured.
Styles: They're all going through hell in there, I guarantee you those who can walk will be sore tomorrow.
Fecca: This is the price they're paying to become Heavyweight Champion, unfortunately for Georgia she'll have to live to fight another day, what an effort.
[ As she's about to be wheeled out of sight she lifts her hand and waves, letting the fans know she's still there as they cheer. Back to the action we see Seifer being thrown into the turnbuckle by Drew but as he charges Seifer sprints out and tackles him to the ground only as he goes for some elbow shots to the face, Drew wraps his legs around Seifer, trying to get in a triangle choke on him. Seifer knows this submission however and fights it, mustering up the energy he's got as he lifts Drew up and slams him down, Drew's still not letting go so Seifer does it again, powerbombing him. Drew finally let's go as Seifer picks him up, kneeing him in the gut as he reaches around and with a belly to back waistlock picks him up and holds him above his shoulders, nearly verical behind his back before leaning forward and dropping him on his head! ]
Fecca: OUCH! The impact of that move Eddie.
Styles: Him and Drew aren't seeing eye to eye at the moment.
Fecca: What an understatement.
[ Drew grabs his neck as he rolls around in a bit of pain. Seifer drops down and goes for the cover. ]
Styles: HOW?!
Fecca: He's got a big heart, that's how.
Styles: He was dropped on his neck!
[ Seifer doesn't seem to mind as he lifts him up again, still fuming and ready to deliver even more punishment as he kicks him in the gut and lifts his arms up for a pedigree, only he picks him up and in a similar move as before, has him almost behind his back before arching his arms up and then slamming him down right onto his neck and lower back, Seifer still has his arms pinned behind his back as he holds him down for the pin. ]
Fecca: AGAIN! That's all heart right there, I'm telling you.
Styles: It's stupidity is what it is.
[ During that, Damien had been taking it to Bobby, smashing his head a few times against the turnbuckle and finally after a DDT to the ground he picked him up and slingshots him across the ring, right as Seifer gets up Bobby goes flying towards him. Only Bobby's quick to get his bearings as he soars through the air and changes a negative to a positive when he punches Seifer in the back of the head while they collide and fall to the mat. Drew begins to get up now, slowly but surely he does and Damien sees this, quickly jumping out and grabbing his head, driving it into the ground with another DC DROP! He rolls Drew over and hooks the leg for the cover. ]
Fecca: Right onto the People's Champion!
Styles: Not this time!
Fecca: What an incredible effort he put in though.
[ The ref lets him know it's time to leave and he does, slowly. The chamber's unlocked again and Drew exits. He lifts his head and lifts up a hand and gets an ovation similar to the one Georgia got as he limps out of there, dried blood and disappoinment on his facel. Back to action again as we're now down to three. Bobby and Damien are looking at each other as Seifer rolls to his feet and comes around the other side. Damien finds himself in an interesting predictament as he's in the middle of these two champions. ]
Fecca: Damien is clearly the freshest as he came in last and both Bobby and Seifer started the match out.
Styles: He may be worn out from what's been going down, his face is busted open, but he's clearly showing the pretty boy personna is gone tonight as he's had no problem doing what it takes here tonight but right now, he looks like a bloodied fish with two sharks circling him.
[ Those two sharks attack at the same time, both going for DC and throwing him into the ropes as double armbar toss him to the mat. He gets up and once again the double team, throwing him into the turnbuckle as Bobby takes off and soars though the air nailing DC with a Bobby Splash. He gives a cocky smirk towards Seifer and blows him a kiss as Seifer looks annoyed and then he too flies through the air, nailing DC with the Air Seif. As he gets off he looks to Bobby with that same cocky smile and brushes his shoulder off. ]
Fecca: Talk about ego coming into play!
[ Bobby gives him a thumbs up before rushing forth and kicking him in the gut. He stops there as DC has stumbled out and so Bobby grabs him and pushes him into the ropes as Seifer comes forth and does the same, they throw him across the ring and go to clothesline him but at the same time DC does the same thing, taking both Seifer AND Bobby down! For a few moments all three men lie their, catching their breaths as the crowd is cheering them on. It's DC who gets up first kicking at Seifer's ribs as he begins to roll over and towards the bottom right turnbuckle. Bobby has gotten up to and has his back to Damien so DC walks over towards him and stalks him, getting ready. ]
Fecca: It's coming!
[ Seifer too has gotten to his feet and sees what's going on, only he doesn't attack but rather waits. Bobby turns around as Damien goes for the DC Drop only Bobby pushes him out before he gets the full extension sending Damien flying towards Seifer who jumps out and WHAM! BLOOD SPILLER! Damien doesn't fall but what looks like a drunk spin turns around right into a KILLA KICK! From Bobby!!! ]
[ Bobby falls down and hooks the leg as the referee makes the cover while Seifer leans up against the bottom turnbuckle Raven style, watching. ]
Fecca: And The Real Deal is gone too! But he survived till near the end.
Styles: We're down to the last two, oh man, oh man!

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Re:PWT presents 'Criminal Intent 2' (4/15/07)
Date Posted:02/17/2009 1:24 AMCopy HTML

[ A grin suddenly spreads on the face of Seifer as the three goes down. Bobby rolls over and crawls to the opposite turnbuckle as the referee helps Damien leave. The door unlocks and he exits, the crowd gives him an ovation as well as he tiredly with dry blood on his face waves to his fans, but you can tell disappointed. ]
Fecca: He showed tonight he does have heart in that lovable body of his!
Styles: Yes he did, but now, now I think is the moment we've all been waiting for. Seifer and Bobby... one final time.
Fecca: The Immortal Glory II rematch. They've both been in since the very beginning so how fitting it is they're in at the end, the two favorites, now with nothing in their way.
[ Their eyes lock with one another, the grins fade as now it was time to resume business, the match they both knew was far from over. The two of them grab a hold of the top rope and pull themselves up from the corner. Both with tired looks on their faces but determination behind the fatigue as they know what is at stake. They begin to make their way to the center of the ring almost as if this was the beginning of a match, only the blood stains and broken glass in the chamber as well as their beaten bodies suggest otherwise. They don't waste anymore time in giving the crowd exactly what they want as they begin to trade blows for what feels like the millionth effing time. Unlike the beginning though, Bobby's the one who gets the advantage, pushing Seifer back into the corner and pounding in Seifer's face the referee begins to get closer but wisely backs off and just lets the two of them go at it. ]
Fecca: Looks like it's Bobby who's giving it to Seifer now.He knows he's got to beat Seifer just one more time and he can retire as champion, come back in July and have his final match.
Styles: Not happening. Seifer's been vying for the title for the past two months.
[ Bobby stomps a mudhole into Seifer and walks that sum bitch dry before walking to the outside and pulling Seifer via his leg with him, on the right side. He picks Seifer up and begins to throw him into the glass chamber. Seifer stops it and instead elbows Bobby in the head as he Irish whips him across but pulls him back at the last minute in a capture suplex and throws him onto the steel flooring. Seifer isn't done there however as he takes Bobby and hurls him into the ring and then follows after, totally determined to finish it off once and for all. He goes to pick up Bobby but Champ goes for the victory roll. ]
[ Seifer manages to get a shoulder up and out of the pinfall as they both stand up, Seifer coming towards Bobby first who scoop slams him down and then backs up to the turnbuckle, getting up on the second rope he jumps off, landing a leg drop on Seifer's chest and then hooks a leg. ]
[ Again, Seifer kicks out. Bobby's not bothered as he was expecting that, he even has a bit of a smirk as he grabs Seifer by the hair and slams his head down into the mat a couple of times before making yet another cover. ]
[ With authority that time as Bobby gets up and has that billion dollar smile as Seifer's not in as good a mood, knowing what Bobby's trying to do. ]
Fecca: Man I'm gonna miss Bobby and his antics.
Styles: Shut you you sap.
[ Seifer gives Bobby a fake little applause as he comes forward, bending down and getting close but they haven't tied up again yet. They begin to circle one another as the crowd starts to get into it. "LET'S GO BOB-BY! LET'S GO SEI-FER! LET'S GO BOB-BY! LET'S GO SEI-FER! LET'S GO BOB-BY! LET'S GO SEI-FER!" they are about to tie up again but Bobby slips around Seifer and pulls him up for a German only Seifer locks his legs and grabs his head, using some swinging momentum he drives Bobby's head into the mat but keeps holding it as he turns him and WHAM a knee right into the face of Bobby that rocks him. He moves out of the way, but Seifer's persistent and pulls his head back in for an elbow and then puts the pressure on, holding his forearm up against Bobby's face as he knees him in the gut. The two begin to vie for position on the ground as Seifer begins to show off his MMA/mat wrestling expertise as they twist and turn, Bobby's managed to roll onto the safe side and is on his stomach but Seifer's mounted on top, holding the shoulders of Johnson down as he is kneeing the lower back of Bobby. Bobby doesn't seem to be able to get out at the moment and is gritting through the pain. ]
Fecca: If Bobby doesn't do something here soon, Seif's gonna completely weaken that lower back with those hard knee shots to the kidney's.
Styles: You know what he's setting up for.
[ Bobby does do something, know exactly what Seifer's trying to do and makes a strong attempt to turn over and get Seifer off his back, literally. It works as he's able to as he turns kick Seifer square in the face, dazing him for a moment which allows Bobby enough time to make the escape and get back to his feet. With Seifer a bit dazed Bobby charges forward with a knee to the face but Seifer catches it and forces Bobby back to the ground only this time Bobby's taking more control and has Seifer in a side headlock. He begins to add pressure as he holds Seifer there while Seifer is still holding onto his leg, trying to gain an advantage. They seem to be at a stalemate while trying to gain position so Seifer begins to kick out his legs a little, really moving Bobby and him across the mat as he starts to stand up. Rather than fight all the way that way Bobby simply let's go and in turn Seifer does as well, both of them coming back to their feet to an ovation. But the two of them aren't one for ovations right now as they're at it again. Bobby once more slides under Seifer's arms and grabs the back of his neck, thrusting his body down and slams him on the mat. As Bobby leans over Seifer swings his legs upwards and grabs Bobby around the neck with them, bringing him down over his body as he lets go and stands up, grabbing a hold of Bobby's legs he steps through and forward, bending his legs backwards as he stands over Bobby's lower back. ]
Fecca: Reverse boston crab!
[ Luckily Bobby's right near the ropes and pulls his body through them enough so Seifer has to break the hold, as since there's no DQ's he probably wouldn't have this late in the game. He does so however and waits until Bobby gets back into the ring but right as he steps through the ropes Seifer's on him again, slapping his chest like crazy while the crowd WHOOO's it up like always. Bobby pushes Seifer away and stumbles away himself holding onto his chest but Seifer follows him. As Seif's about to get him he gives him a back kick to the stomach, doubling him over and then Bobby gives Seif a pump handle slam, putting him down on the mat as he looks to the top rope and heads over to one of the turnbuckles. Bobby is a little slow climbing it due to fatigue of an intense match, as he's getting to the top Seifer gets up and rushes towards him, running up the turnbuckles and grabs Bobby in an olympic slam from the top rope and slams both of them down onto the mat. ]
Styles: Talk about an impact!
[ The crowd goes wild yet again but Seifer just lies there close to Bobby. Both men breathing hard as he isn't able to capitalize on the opportunity. ]
Styles: Come on Seif! Just throw an arm over him and you're the new champ!
Fecca: These men have been battling it out in this chamber for over an hour! The first two in and the last two left, they've survived four others, they may survive the chamber when it's all over but will they survive each other?
Styles: Yeah that's great, let's go Seif!
[ Both men are perfectly still and then at the same time they kip up! Both feeling the energy, Seifer sees that he was up a split second before Bobby and so he swings his leg out looking for the Blood Spiller but Bobby ducks it and as Seifer turns around... ]
Styles: NO!
[ Bobby falls on top of Seifer, too tired to even pin the leg back. ]
Fecca: NO!
Styles: YES!
[ Now Bobby can't believe it, he's thinking "not again". He shakes his head and gets up, calling for Seifer to stand up, which of course takes him a lot longer but finally he begins to stumble up using the turnbuckle for leverage as Bobby gets behind him, sizing him up and then bam; he grabs him and brings him to the ground as he wraps his legs around him. ]
Fecca: THE BOURBON STREET BLUES! It's over Eddie, just like Immortal Glory!
[ Seifer immediately feels the pressure of the submission. He's got his knees sticking up and he's next to the turnbuckle, with one thrust of his legs he brings himself nearly under it and then begins to climb up the turnbuckle with his legs, first the bottom one, then the second and when he gets there the referee stops asking him if he gives but instead counts the pinfall. ]
Styles: His shoulders are on the mat! Count it ref, count it!
[ Bobby realizes what happened and quickly gets himself out of that predicament by releasing the hold as Seifer rolls over and gets to his feet, remembering what happened last time he was in that move too long. Bobby too has risen to his feet and as he turns around to face Seifer, out of no where Seifer jumps forward at him. ]
Styles: NOW IT'S OVER!
Styles: WHAT?!
[ Seifer looks at Bobby and flashes a glare, knowing what he must do now. He helps Bobby to his feet and throws him off the ropes but on the rebound Bobby jumps into the air and clotheslines Seifer. The two quickly get up however, Bobby first as he comes towards Seifer but Seifer's able to pick him up and slam him down with a spinebuster. A split second later and he's already got his legs set and is turning him for the submission. ]
Styles: Wow, he got that in fast.
Fecca: He's put many opponents away with this one, but Bobby's one hell of a fighter and champion!
Styles: He never was able to get it at IG.
[ Seifer's got it synched in as he leans back to put additional pressure on Bobby's lower back. He's starting to feel the pain and begins to fight it. The crowd realizing just how close the match could be to being over as Seifer's got it locked in good. They begin to get real wild all standing on their feet, some cheering for Seifer, some cheering for Bobby to break the hold, all loving every moment of it. Bobby's fighting hard, he lifts up his body and yells out as he begins to pull them towards the right side of the ropes, the camera getting a good shot of his facial expression as he gets closer and closer only to be pulled away by Seifer. He shakes his head, unwilling to let that be it as he tries for the ropes on the entrance side, he gets close but once more Seifer pulls him back. He keeps going in a circle and hits the left side, but as he nears it again Seifer pulls him back slightly. Bobby just falls down now, the pain starting to get to him as he balls up his fist and begins to pound down on the mat, not wanting to give in. He holds it there for a second and takes a couple breathes before once more making a final surge for the ropes at the back of the ring. ]
Fecca: He's going for it, looks like his last chance of hope.
Styles: Hope is all gone.
Fecca: There's always hope Eddie!
[ Bobby fights with everything he's got and he gets so close... so close... inching closer and closer... almost there... but as Seifer leans back even more he has no choice but to bring his hand up and... ]
Styles: TAP OUT!
Styles: Calm down there skippy.
Styles: Whoa, you must be excited if your name got caps too! And your Bob, I'm Eddie.
[ The fans are all going crazy as he starts to pull in a little, knowing he'd have to get far enough under for the hold to be broken but Seifer begins to release the hold some, the pressure on Bobby's back lightens as he nearly stands up only still holding onto his legs and then The Transcendent begins to walk forward, Bobby's grabbing for the rope but Seifer's got the advantage as he walks across the ring nearing the ropes in front of him while Bobby is grasping at the mat with a shocked expression, trying desperately to stop from being pulled. Seifer stops and then takes his free foot and puts it back near Bobby's shoulder and brings his legs further vertical, leaning back once more as Bobby's body is nearly vertical and Seifer's eyes get into one of those trances we've seen from him before, almost a manicial one as he starts to yell, feeling the energy surge from his body into Bobby's back as Bobby grunts out in pain. He takes his right hand and grabs Seifer's left ankle that was near, trying to do something to get Seifer off. His grip on Seifer's ankle isn't a strong one however as his head is lying on the mat he's moving his left hand quickly, trying to make more reaching motions but to no avail at all as he has no choice but to TAP the mat a few times. Seifer keeps the hold locked in as Bobby just lets his hand rest on the mat lifeless as the bell rings and referee tells Seifer the news. ]
[ "Trucker Anthem" blares around the arena as the fans explode with cheers, Seifer lets go of the hold and falls to one knee, catching his breath as the chamber begins to lift up. ]
[ The chamber has lifted out of the way and is headed up towards the ceiling as Seifer is handed the PWT Championship. Though tired he stands up and takes the belt unstrapping it and holding it in his right hand as he takes a glance at it and then lifts it up into the air. First on the left side and then going around to the other two sides as the flashes go off. Seifer's got the belt slung over his shoulder as Bobby has finally made it to his feet, he's just as tired but with a slight limp from the submission as Seifer looks over at him and nods. Bobby has a hand on his back lower back, clearly in a lot of pain but he looks back at Seifer then at the belt and then back at him as he sticks out his hand. Seifer takes the belt off his shoulder with his left hand and let's it hang as he walks over and shakes Bobby's hand. ]
Fecca: What a class act right there! I can barely even hear myself think Eddie.
Styles: I haven't heard this place this loud in a LOOONG time. We have a new champion after a match of the year worthy contest and they are cheering for BOTH these men!
Fecca: Not to mention Matlock, Georgia, Drew, and Damien who all did one hell of a job as well.
[ Seifer leans forward and says something to Bobby, what can't be heard but Bobby nods and says something back. He then lifts Bobby's arm and holds it up as they do a circle in the ring for the fans who cheer for Bobby "THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" ]
Fecca: What a sight.
[ He finally lets go as Seifer gives a pat on Bobby's back and he heads for the ropes sliding out of the ring. The referee is right there handing him his tag title as he heads up the ramp with his music still blasting aloud. At the top of the entrance ramp Seifer holds up both championships with the focus being on the PWT Heavyweight Championship. ]
Fecca: What an INCREDIBLE night it's been capped off with the crowning of a NEW Titanium Champion, people being forced to leave, hard fought contenderships and an even more incredible main event! Bobby's just competed in his final match as an active PWT superstar but he'll be back at King of PWT for his final match!
Styles: And of course we've got a NEW Heavyweight Champion!
Fecca: That we do, folks for Eddie Styles, I'm Bob Fecca signing off from PWT Criminal Intent II! Great Fight, Great Night, GOODBYE WISCONSIN!
[ The image fades with Seifer holding up the PWT Heavyweight Championship as Criminal Intent fades to the PWT logo before fading to nothingness. ]

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