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Title: Scotty Addams | |
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Date Posted:12/12/2009 8:49 PMCopy HTML Basic Information Legal Name: Scott Michael Addams Gimmick Name: "The New Revolution" Scotty Addams Face: Austin Aries Announced From: Chicago, IL Birthday: 6/5/85 Height: 5'11" Weight: 220lbs Theme Song: "Fallen Disciples" by Threat Signal Charismatic Make-up Distinguishing Features A tribal star on his upper left arm, ~4" scar across his right side from falling off of a ladder onto barbed wire In-Ring Attire Tights of a hue that might be white, blue, red, black -- he'll change up the color. Tribal designs down the side. In black/red on white tights,white/black tribals on red and blue tights. He'll also wear trunks and have the designs on the sides and around the waist Arena Attire: Either a t-shirt of bands Lamb of God, Sevendust, Shadows Fall, Spineshank or Mudvayne, or a company shirt or his own. He's generally wear denim shorts. Crowd Affliction:: Heel Style: High Flyer/Technical/Striker Coin Phrase(s): Innovators never Die, Out wrestle the best and fly higher than the rest General Attitude: He gets along with most everybody Absolute Do(s) and Don't(s): \DO: He's very talented and innovative in the ring and really puts focus into trying to switch it up against his opponents. However he does try to get the final word though not always on the mic. He'll pull off some big move to stick it to his opponents bringing in what power game he can bring to get the edge, he'll do whatever to walk out the one standing and brings much more of a smash mouth style to his technical and high flying. He's got his technical ability from Drew Stevenson when he trained Scott, and will definitely try to put on a good match for the people to keep up with his "redefining every moment". DONT: He's not a power wrestler, don't use him as such. Meaning, he's not gonna try to over power anybody, he'll use his size and agility, etc.) Favorite Match(s): Ladder, Cage, Submission, Last Man Standing -- he has a never say die attitude that lets him adapt and keep going Least Favorite Match(s): Hardcore, but he can still do it. Taunt: Throwing his arms in the air, crossing them at his wrists for an "A" Primary Psychology: Vicious. He'll pick a body part, like the neck or back, to set up for a submission finisher and keep attacking that body part at all costs. Bringing his smash mouth style to the technical edge. He'll usually throw some taunting in with this to get the fans involved. Secondary Psychology: High Risk. He'll throw some risks in, and keep up with the name 'platinum innovator' to throw off the opponent and stay a step ahead. Professional Wrestling Background/Career Tendinces PWT: Titanium Champion (Current - won @ Caged Combat) Other Wrestling Acomplishments: (This space is for titles an acomplishments in other companies. Please keep in mind that PWT only recognizes ICWA & The Domain aka BUD as fellow main-stream promotions. W2K, IRX, an EE are the only really big indy's that we acknowledge.) BUD Competed in Ultimate Warfare II for BUDVision Championship Competed in Chambers of War III 2008 Promo of the Year 2008 Fued of the Year 2008 Stable of the Year 2008 Best Supporting Male Franchise Champion Wrestle for Glory First and only Dirt [Hardcore] Champion Unleashed Wrestling Wide Extravaganza Tag Team Champion ICWA Cyber TV Champion Tag team champion (x2 w/ Zarek Lyle) National Wrestling Alliance NWA Heavyweight Champion Euphoric Entertainment Underground Champion Fatal Unity tag team champion [w/ Tony Rich] E2K [W2K/EE Talent Share] Alliance [Fatal Unity/Dual] Tag team champion [w/ Tony Rich) W2K W2K Dual Tag Team Champion (w/ tony rich) E2K [W2K/EE Talent Share] Alliance [Fatal Unity/Dual] Tag team champion [w/ Tony Rich) Wrestling & Respect Attitude Champion (won Rebellion #1) Trained By/At: Justin "Giant" Gravitt & Drew Stevenson Weapon of Choice: Steel chain Current Wrestling Info Manager/Managing: Tani Lyons Tag Team Partner(s): Zarek Lyle (The new Revolution Stable: (Got a group together? What's the name? Who are the members in PWT?) Moves ( AT LEAST 15, NO FINISHERS!) *What that means is that you can't use the RKO, Pedigree, Sweet Chin Music, or any other moves of that sort as one of your regular moves. And you ABSOLUTLY can't use ANY PWT performer's finisher as one of your regular moves* 1] Stiff Kicks 2] Suplex Variants 3] Piledriver Variants 4] Buffalo Sleeper 5] Spinning Leg Lariat 6] Standing Hurricanranna 7] Standing High Angle Drop Kick 8] 450 Splash 9] Addam-Izer (rings of saturn) 10] The 7th Seal (Lethal Combination) 11] Scott-A-Tonik (Taquilla Sunrise) 12] The Future Twist (Spinal Tap) 13] Double Arm Spike DDT 14] Various Arm Submissions 15] Monkey Flip (out of the corner) 16] Stinger Splash 17] Addams DDT (Tornado Spike DDT) 19] Pure Infection (spinning spike complete shot - used primarily as a counter move, able to hit it out of no where) 21] Shot in the Dark (Shooting Star Press Leg Drop) 22] End of Days (Spinning Unprettier) 23] Sick Kick 24] Platinum Lock [A series of chain submission moves, leaving the opponent semingly helpless opening up all sorts of attack moves, quickly putting the momentum in Scott's favor] 25] Byakuya 27] Christo 28] Crucifix Bomb 29] Devil's Lock DDT 30] John Woo Trademark Moves(no more than 3): 1] Bad Dreams (Brainbuster Suplex float over into a sitting headlock w/ body grape vine) 2] Menace to Society (German Suplex rollover into a reverse DVD) 4] Perseverance (Horns of Aries(last chancery)/Muta Lock) 5] Master of the Midwest [KENTA Combo] 6] History in the Making [Backdrop to facebuster] 0:44 7] Death by Sunrise [Spinning Neckbreaker w/ opponent across top rope] Finishing Moves 1] End All, Be All [God's Last Gift 1:45) 3) Final Hour (LeBell Lock ala Danielson) Other Bio: Scott has been through a great deal since his career began. Having notable feuds with Rot, Sean Hunter and the entire IRX company and even an on-going with his former trainer, Drew Stevenson. Drew helped break Scott in but Scott has since moved onto his own character, not staying behind as the trainee. He's been stated to be one of the best to never be a world champion. For the longest time he traveled through the independents and spent a lot of mainstream time in BUD. Up until around the middle of the year, Scott played the Heel which lasted for about 5 years. Upon his entering into PWT this was the first time he was really a face and it's been with him since the May 29th edition of Saturday Night Shockwave, which he returned on camera to face Drew Stevenson. He and partner Zarek Lyle [The New Revoluton] were the final two of the newcomers battle royal of the Shockwave season premiere which got them to be the Titanium contenders, in which Scott defeated Zarek, to become Titanium champion. He's always been a strong singles athlete and a strong tag athlete with partners being Drew Stevenson [PURE], Tony Rich [The Spotlight Saints] and Zarek Lyle [The New Revolution]. Scotty was working hard to earn the trust of the people and turn over a new leaf but when natural selection took over PWT, the people turned on he and Zarek, amongst others and PWT had closed. Entering ICWA, they blamed the people for everything and the people for turning on them, and The New Revolution made their heel turn and have been against the people since. Detailed Entrance: "Pride, Honor, Glory, - it all defines me.." The arena goes black and the opening guitar plays setting a mood as red and white lights surround the entrance and rotate in quick circles shining on the fan and the entrance as "Fallen Disciples" by Threat Signal hits.The heavy riff plays as a spotlight aims right at the entrance and Scotty steps out from the entrance. Making his way down to the ring going side to side for the fans, he gets to the ring and Scotty raises his arms up into the air to form the "A" taunt with the arms in the air with his wrists, and his music continues to play as Scott does the "A" in all four corners and jumps down to wait for his opponent. |
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Re:Scotty Addams Date Posted:11/21/2011 11:28 PMCopy HTML bump and edited