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Title: Ushering to the new era of Wrestling | |
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Date Posted:12/26/2011 4:16 AMCopy HTML ![]() It was indeed Christmas day, Scotty and Tani were celebrating the day in Peoria with Scotty's family and were heading to Cali in the morning to spend some time with her family. It being about 2 am, Scotty was the only one awake and he sat in front of his laptop in the bedroom, the webcam focused on him and a small light just enough to illuminate the area and the Titanium championship was right next to him. He made sure people never forgot just who the hell he was for PWT but Scotty had a look he hasn't had for the past few months - he was clean shaven, his hair cut a little differently. It was the familiar face of Addams from his more recent tenure with ICWA and IRX. In his mind, PWT was about to usher into a new era. A new time, some familiar faces but more new ones. It was a chance for what you seen with Jake... making the 'Today' part matter again. And on the end of Scotty it had to be done his way, in the only means that he knows how. [Scotty]: At this point we're six days away from the official return of Professional Wrestling Today. Six days away from one of the most well known, most respected, most threatening companies to make it's return and all I can to that is... about damn time. It's about damn time PWT comes back because it's the time of professional wrestling where new faces are showing, new stars are just waiting to be built... but let me make one thing perfectly clear here. Those people I could care less about at this point. See, I've already made up my mind that 2012, it's going to be the year of Addams. It's going to be the year that I don't just sit back and try to be that 'have a good match' guy. For the past seven years, I've raised hell, I've made a whole lot more enemies than I've made friends. I was exiled by a company that I helped build, I snuck back in with my partner, we won the tag titles. We toured around the world with ICWA, we were the unstoppable tag team champions there just the same. I've been a main eventer, a main attraction - I even have people threatening to walk out on their contracts if I get signed. I became the Titanium champion because I took advantage of opportunity and that is exactly what is going to happen upon PWTs returning. What we're looking at is just common knowledge, the basis for many more things to come. Scotty reached over and grabbed his glass of eggnog and took a drink, with a smile. [Scotty]: And I can't expect everybody to understand because not everybody can be on the normal scale of human intelligence, sadly. See, what's to come on Shockwave of Sheppard is just the first step for the new year. The moment that I leave Sheppard laid out in the middle of the ring and I hold my championship high above my head... the moment I leave Sheppard destroyed in the ring as we head into 2012, my path up to the next level begins. It's time that everything that you think you know about this sport changes. It's time that everything you think you know about PWT, about me, about this championship... everything changes and it starts in just one week at Shockwave. So the ultimate question is what is the first step? How will everything that we know about this sport, and this company... change? What will somebody like myself do to... make it so? What will somebody like myself do to be different than all the rest but the answer is simple. I'm not your average chode to step through that curtain and come to the ring thinking they're hot shit. Everything that I say? I back it up in the ring one hundred and ten percent. But that's just because that's who I am. It's a cut throat business and being the nice guy doesn't cut it. When people hear my name in 2012? They'll know that's the name of a man on top of his game, and a man that by the end of 2012 won't be like everybody else saying they're coming for the title - I'll make it so. It's a new time and a new era - a brand new foundation in PWT, and so it is with me - and so it shall be in 2012 and John Sheppard is just the first casualty on a list of many to come as I rectify the Titanium championship along my road to the big gold. This is no threat... this is a promise; so take heed. Nothing in 2012 is going to stop me from the ultimate goal, nothing. The time for the rise of Addams - it's now. Scotty had a nice little smirk as he reached his hand across the keyboard and the footage ends. |