Basic Information
Legal Name: Terrance Thomas Bennett Gimmick Name: "Playboy" Tommy Bennett Face: Bobby Roode (Long Hair) Announced From: Los Angeles California Birthday: January 22, 1985 Height: 6'0" Weight: 227lbs Theme Song: "Hail To The King" By Avenged Sevenfold
Charismatic Make-up
Distinguishing Features: N/A
In Ring Attire: The color schemes often vary however, the format is always the same. Standard short trunks, AMA Knee and elbow pads, tapped wrists and a tapped right hand, mid-calf boots with the initials "TB" On the upper outside. Tommy's been known to wear a lavish robe that matches his gear however, in PWT he's wearing an overhead, sideless chain mail to the ring (Picture Scott Steiner without the hood). His most frequent color schemes are black and silver, black and gold, purple and white, red and white or red and black (in those orders).
Arena Attire: It depends on if he's wrestling that night and/or, how close it is to his match. Generally he'd be found in custom suits and attire of that nature. However, if it's close to his match then he might be found in his ring gear with a self promoting T-Shirt on.
General Attitude :Off Camera: Tommy’s a pretty easy going guy. He’s generally respectful but he’s not a social butterfly. He has a couple of decent friends in the industry and he chats with them when they’re around but for the most part he keeps to himself (aside from Bunny of course).
On Camera: He’s an arrogant prick who’s convinced he’s the greatest thing since the creation of Eden and Eve’s sexy apple snatchin’ ass.
Absolute Do(s) and Don't(s): As mentioned above, Tommy think he’s the cock of the walk and he has no problem acting like so. In the ring he’s methodical. He picks his spots. He doesn’t mind begging off and looking weak if it’ll lure his opponent into a false sense of security. Backstage he’s an attack from behind guy. He’ll be happy to push your buttons but when it looks like the fists might fly, unless he’s got back up he’ll probably back off and attack you from behind when you’re occupied in a match or whatever. Oh, and he has no problem using Bunny as a human shield at ringside. He won’t go that route backstage but he’ll be happy to use her to get closer to a win.
Professional Wrestling Background/Career Tendencies
PWT Accomplishments: Look Back Soon & Frequently *Cool Face*
Other Wrestling Acomplishments:
ICWA: World’s Heavyweight Champion (Current)Nearly Unblemished Record Has Beaten Christian Michaels more times then the Little Drummer Boy ever beat his drum.)
Trained By/At: The Stro (Formally known as The Maestro in WCW) in Jacksonville North Carolina
Manager/Managing: Bunny St. Claire serves as his valet. Her face is Kim Kardashian although, I may change that.
Tag Team Partner(s): N/A
Stable: N/A
Weapon of Choice: Resourcefulness. Is that to say that he won’t us an actual physical weapon? No, much the contrary. It’s to say that he’s incredibly resourceful in his weaponry usage. I.E. While the ref’s distracted or out of position he’ll unwrap some of his wrist tape to choke his opponent (sometimes blatantly, often under the guise of an innocent headlock or sleeper hold). He’ll unwrap the corner pad not just to utilize the exposed turnbuckle but, to steal the rope from the pad and choke his opponent. If they’re on the floor, camera cables work well in that area too as does the actual ring apron. He also loves to utilize the mysterious object from the trunks. What object? Sometimes it’s a roll of quarters… Sometimes brass knucks… And sometimes, ya just don’t know because it’s wrapped in masking tape. He’s also been known on occasion to take Bunny’s purse and wrap an opponent over the head with it. Whatever she keeps in that purse is definitely harder then the average blush/mirror combo and birth control case.
Style: Jack Of All Trades – I realize that everybody wants to be great at everything. I also realize you only wanted a combination of two styles. However… Tommy’s style combines a little bit of everything. He’s not as good on the mat as David Van Dam or Drew Stevenson. He’s not flashy off the top rope like most of the TNA Chuds. He’s not as fast as Rey Mysterio. He’s not as strong as Brock Lesnar or Dave Batista. But he’s “good enough” at all of those things to bring them together in a unique package that makes him an incredibly dangerous competitor. However, he does warrant Above Average acknowledgement in Technical Prowess and Cheating… His strong points are that he’s methodical, always thinking ahead. His weak points are his vanity and arrogance. He’s always show boating and thinking he’s further ahead then he usually is.
Signature Moves:
1.) Ric Flair Up And Over – Whipped into the corner, he flips upside down and over the top rope to the apron. From there maybe he get’s clotheslined off, maybe he lands a thumb to the eye to the opponent… Who knows. 2.) Neck based moves – Tommy tends to put a lot of focus on the head and neck of his opponents in an effort to soften them up for his spring board brainbuster finisher. 3.) Rolling Knee Drop
Finisher(s): Hollywood Star Crush – Hoist the opponent up most of the way for a vertical suplex, drop him foreward (keeping hold of him) so the front of his thighs hit the top rope allowing the ropes to serve as spring to put extra mustard on the brainbuster. AKA Springboard Brainbuster.
The following is an excerpt from an RP titled "There's Nothing In The World Better Than Being Tommy Bennett"
"Around April of last year the ICWA kicked back into session. Tommy briefly teased a face turn before swerving and winning the ICWA World’s Heavyweight Championship from Drew Stevenson. Then shortly after, the ICWA went into it’s off season and that left Tommy back on the Independent scene. His character is announced from Los Angeles but Tommy is actually from Eastern North Carolina. He found work back in North Carolina for a promotion called “Southern Pro Wrestling”. Unfortunately that didn’t last too long. Never the less, Tommy’s ICWA success had him in high demand so, his schedule certainly wasn’t lacking. He’d done a couple of two week tours in Japan, one such tour through out various European countries and has been taking dates for Maple Leaf Wrestling in Canada as well as various Indys throughout the United States. Tommy’s roots, however, were placed in the original American Wrestling Coalition. Tommy began wrestling training in Jacksonville with WCW’s “Maestro” in the summer of 2003 as a high school graduation present from his father who, had been in the business himself as a job guy for a few years before deciding that he was better geared for the business end of things and became a promoter. He promoted Golden State Wrestling in the late 70s, throughout the 80s and finally sold the business in 90 to head to North Carolina with his wife and Tommy’s mother who’d come out to California to study at UCLA from North Carolina. So while he wasn’t the traditional second generation wrestler in terms of the fact that his dad’s name wasn’t huge and he didn’t have a bunch of connections into the business, he was still bread around the business until the age of five or six and wrestling remained a big deal in his house hold for many years. When Tommy trained with the Stro he had a natural knack for it. He trained hard and managed to still keep up with his studies at East Carolina University nearly two hours away from Jacksonville. By the end of 2003 he was taking Independent bookings around the area while still working out at Stro’s camp, helping with other students and smoothing out his technique. His first experience with the AWC was when he started getting bookings from AWC: New Beginnings in Charlotte in 2005. It was there that he met “The Last Cowboy” Luke Hansen. He wasn’t suppose to team with Luke. He wasn’t actually even suppose to work their main card. The Stro got him a tryout but even if the tryout had been successful, it was only suppose to get Tommy a call back for a future booking. However, as fate would have it, Luke’s would be tag team partner broke down on I-95 coming down from Maryland and wasn’t going to make it. The promoter through Tommy in there and the rest was history. Tommy started to get a video resume going and he and Luke clicked so well as a tag team in Charlotte that other AWC Territories started booking Luke and Tommy as a team. Tommy dropped out of college, rolling the dice on pursuing wrestling full time. Between 2005 and 2011 his career thrived in the AWC. He and Luke carried the AWC World Tag Team Championships on five separate occasions. One of those reigns spanned from March of 2009 till April of 2011. Twenty five months. And the only reason that reign ended when it did was because Tommy got signed to the ICWA. But by then, the AWC’s best days were well behind them and it was only a matter of time before the ship would sink." -------------------------------------------------- Since that time Tommy has gone on to become the ICWA World's Heavyweight champion, and with the close of the ICWA Shortly there after, one of the most highly demanded names on the Independent and foreign country circuits.
Sample Entrance: I'll take care of this before the first show. No really, I will.... |