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Date Posted:01/17/2009 4:09 PMCopy HTML
PWT Presents: Final Verdict
January 22nd, 2006 |
[ PWT's Sunday Night Shockwave has just gone off the air....The screen is all black until the usual warning about illegal recording and broadcasting of the following event....And then the opening video, set to Kid Rock's "Cocky", kicks in! the video package taking us through the highlights of the feuds coming to a head tonight.....Finally it ends and we're live with a rowdy crowd at the International Trade & Convention center in Savannah, Georgia! Some small fireworks go off across the stage as the cameras start to pan the crowd....Many fans have shown up with signs supporting their favorite wrestlers and some with their signs against their most hated....Finally the shot settles on the commentary table at ringside. Bob Fecca is sitting there all by his lonesome..
Fecca: Welcome everyone to "Final Verdict" live on pay per view and presented to you by Pee Dubbya Tee! I'm Bobby fecca and normally sitting beside me would be my broadcast partner Eddie Styles. But a couple weeks ago he ran his mouth about Jerry Lawler. And now he's got a match, a one time only appearance, against The King. So due to this, I'll be handling tonight's commentary alone.
[ The camera now panning over slightly to get a shot at the empty chair.
Fecca: And what a show I get to call this evening! We've got new comer Lola Star taking on Georgia James for the Fatal Female championship....Christian Michaels and Becca Wipwreck will put the cap on their feud for the time being witha grudge match.....Of course you all know Eddie Styles will be facing off with Jerry "The King" Lawler.....Bobby Johnson, Chris Styles, and Demented will then settle their feud in a triple threat "Styles House of Fun" match! Many are placing bets for that as the evening's show stealer.....But it could be topped when Nic E Dangerously faces Javen for the vacant Peoples championship in a "Throw The Towel" match.....A TLC match is set for Pure Perfection to defend their tag straps against the Lee Brothers, High Society, and MJ Storm. I know how that Storm kid feels tonight going at it alone......And finally ladies and gentlemen in the main event Seifer challenges Damien Collins for the PWT Heavyweight championship!!!! I'm really anxious to get to that one, so lets get things started!
[ Sabrina takes centerstage in the ring...
Sabrina: The following contest is the opening contest for Final Verdict and is scheduled for one fall and it is for the Fatal Female Championship. Making her way to the ring is the challenger.....
[ There are echo's of cheers throughout the arena by none other than the crowd. Soon those echo's and put to an end when the lights get cut. It's black for about a minute or so and then a few spotlights in orange, pink and red flash around the arena. "Don't cha" by the pussycat dolls hits the public announcement. The crowd then focuses on the tron which potrays clips of strip clubs and lovely ladies dancing on poles. It then focuses on one of the beauties..Lola Star herself. Other scene's soon start to play. Some of Lola's past wrestling moves and her talent. A laughter is heard throughout the arena. Purple smoke fills up the stage and through the mist arrives the shadow of the finest young lady in this world. Lola Star walks into the light waving at the male fans who holler and hoot to cheer her on while the females boo and some start to scream "whore". She is wearing a school girl like uniform with the shortest skirt. Lola smirks and continues to walk down the ramp. She walks towards the end of the ramp making a playboy bunny like taunt holding her index finger up and moving her lustful body. She then heads towards the stairs slowly climbing them and then bending over the ropes like Stacy Keilber revealing her white thong under her skirt. This makes the male fans cheer even more making the women in the crowd jealous. She then enters the ring waving and blowing kisses at the male fans, projecting her chest area.
Sabrina: From Newcastle England, Weighing 125 pounds......LOLA STAR!!!!!
[ There is ample clevage on the screen revealing Lola's white bra under her white halfway unbuttoned t-shirt. She gets in the middle of the ring doing somewhat of a sexy, tempting dance. After stopping she goes over to one of the ropes bending over to wave at a few more men in the audience. She then gets back in the middle smirking again. Her music then dies down as she waits for her opponent in the ring.
[ "Georgia the whole day through!", is heard throughout the arena as the name Georgia James rolls across the screen. T-H-E-E R-E-I-N-G-I-N-G G-O-D-D-E-S-S! Rolls across the screen immediately after that letter by letter in red.
Sabrina: Making her way to the ring, from Atlanta, Georgia weighing 128 pounds she is the reigning Fatal Female Champion......GEORGIA JAMES!!!!
[ As out comes this notiorious woman with a self-satisfied smirk borderling on cocky as she looks to the left and the right shruging her shoulders as she is jeered. Georgia walks the aisle taking her sweet time soaking up the energy as everyone is on the feet now. She gets to the bottom of the aisle and then dusts off her left and then her right shoulders cracking her trademark toothy grin. Seeing a kid at ringside she would normally hug now she gives the throat slash as she walks up the ringsteps and climbs into the ring. She hears it from the masses now more then ever as the spotlight goes up and she again brushes her left shoulder off looking to the left and raises her hands in the air arrogantly, as he Fatal Femal title glistens in the spotlights. The spotlight goes up and Georgia walks to the far corner of the ring casually leaning on the turnbuckle with her arms spread out over the top rope.
Fecca: It's show time folks! Styles has an ass kicking coming to him later.... But the two women are in the ring, lets get this party started.
[ The bell is heard ringing as Georgia does not take her eyes off Lola Star who looks like she is about to pounce at any moment. Georgia removes her title from around her waist as the referee shows it off to the crowd, as well as Lola Star. Not wasting another moment, Lola quicly takes down Georgia with spinning heel kick which sends Georgia through the middle rope and outside to the floor. Lola then wastes no time as he gets outside and begins to punch Georgia twice in the head. Lola picks up Georgia and sends her throat first across the guardrail, sending Georgia to the mat holding her throat. The referee is seen counting both women, but Lola then rolls inside the ring and back out again breaking the count. Lola then grabs Georgia who is trying to help herself to her feet with the side of the ring, and sets her up in between her legs and connects with a huge spiked piledriver sending Georgia flopping to the floor lifelessly.
Fecca: Holy crap!!! Now that has the break a neck right in half!!!
[ Lola proud of herself, rolls back into the ring as the ref's count had reached 9, but breaking the count once again. Georgia who seems not to be moving a inch, is helped up by Star who throws her inside of the ring and makes a cover.
Ref: 1....2....Kickout barely by James!!!
Fecca: There is still life in the champion. Im glad Styles aint here or else I'd have to listen to his bitching all night!!!
[ Lola then tries again for a second cover.
Ref: 1...2..Kickout again by James only quicker this time.
[ Lola then begins her quest once again on trying to dismantle the champion. Lola then helps up Georgia who is wobbling on her feet. But she gets nailed with a chick kick by Lola Star who is now standing over her smiling!!
Fecca: She is beating the hell out of the champion, We may see a new champion here tonight if this keeps up folks!!!
[ Lola then watch Georgia who is now lying on the mat barely moving. Georgia lifts her head enough to see where Lola is and then her head drops to the mat, as the referee begins his count.
Fecca: He's at 5!! Oh god!!
[ Georgia is seen getting up and to her feet as the count reached 9. Georgia is seen stumbling around and falls back into the ropes. Lola then charges at her, but Georgia back body drops Lola over to the top rope and to the floor. The loud smack of human flesh as it hits the mat echos throughout the arena. Georgia is trying to collect herself in the ring as she holds herself up by the ring ropes after she was beaten on by Lola Star!!
Fecca: Holy hell! She hit the outside mat HARD!!!
[ Georgia finally able to stand on her own then continues to shake off the cobwebs, while Lola Star slides in under the bottom rope holding her chest and abdomen area after the collision with the floor on the outside. Georgia still shaky, grabs Lola and nails her with a double armed suplex. Lola landing with a hard thud to the mat as the ring shakes softly. Georgia then gets out of the ring as she sets herself up on the apron with Lola on her back after the suplex. Georgia then flies over the top rope as she nails a Springboard Guillotine Leg drop onto the throat of Lola Star!!
Fecca: Holy shit!!! Now that had to knock the wind out of her!!!
[ Lola rolls onto her stomach as Georgia wastes no more time and sets Lola up into a Boston Crab!!! Lola who is screaming out in pain, is trying to go for the ropes to break the hold, but is unsuccesful as she is seen grabbing her abdomen. The ref is asking Lola if she wants to quit, but she shakes him off and the match continues. Holding on tightly is Georgia James as she dosent wanna let go, but has to now that Lola has been succesful in reaching the ropes. Georgia holds onto the move a little longer, but breaks the hold before the count of 5. Georgia then grabs Lola who is now limping a bit, and nails her with a capture suplex. Lola then holds her back as Georgia then is back to her feet. As Georgia goes to grab Lola again, Lola sweeps Georgia's leg out from under her putting James on her back.
Fecca: Both women are down!!! It looks like James hit her head pretty hard!!!
[ Lola and Georgia both get to their feet as Lola is back in control after nailing Georgia with a neckbreaker sending Georgia crashing to the mat and her skull crashing to the mat as well. Georgia not sure where she is, but has her eyes open and looks around. Lola not wanting to get some cheap win, knows what is at stake as she goes for a cover.
Ref: 1....2...Kickout by James!!
Fecca: Good!! We need this match to continue!!!
[ Lola helps georgia to her feet as a right hand flies nailing Georgia in the jaw. Georgia then sends a shot back towards Lola who takes a hard one. Both women continue to throw rights and lefts at one another as they just dont stop for one moment. Lola irish whips Georgia into the ropes, as Georgia rebounds she then nails Lola with a huge Hurricanrana flipping her over through the air and down to the mat. Georgia, not sure of what state Lola is in after that move quickly clamps down with a Sleeper hold with scissors, as her legs wraps tightly around the body of Lola Star cutting off air to her body. Lola then stops moving as the ref then walks over and grabs her arm and raises it.
Ref: 1
[ The arm drops
Fecca: Lola is going to sleep it looks like...Nighty night!!!
Ref: 2
[ The arm falls again!! The arm is on the decline the third time, only to have Lola's arm come to life with energy. Her body filling up with some sort of mental power to overcome the odds in this matchup.
Fecca: It's almost time folks!! This match is only getting more interesting by the moment!!!
[ Georgia lets go of the hold as she starts laying kicks to the side of the already damaged body of Lola Star! Georgia then smirks as she then gets up Lola Star who is now standing up against the ropes where Georgia used to be in that very same predicament earlier. Georgia then runs towars Lola trying to nail a clothesline, only to rebound into a clothesline from hell, from Lola Star!!! Lola not wanting to give up quite yet then goes down for another cover.
Ref: 1....2...Kickout by James!!!!
[ Georgia not quitting for one second. Georgia then smirks as she finally gets to her feet and then begins to wail on Lola Star who is not knowing what has happened to her. Georgia gets that look in her eyes as it seems she is wanting to finish this match up quickly. Georgia then tries to go for the Dream Sequence but Lola pushes her out of the way and nails Georgia James with a neckbreaker. Lola then goes to the top rope as she then attempts to connect with The Art Of Seduction, and connects on Georgia James.
Fecca: Holy sh*t that might end it right there!!!!
[ Lola then makes the cover..
Ref: 1
[ Kickout by Georgia James!!
Fecca: I thought that was the end!! I meanNo way possible, she should have gotten out of that!!!
[ Georgia then rolls around on the mat of the ring, as Lola Star then grabs her and kicks her in the midsection and sets her up nailing a huge alabama slam. Georgia then not moving as we watch Lola Star go to the top once again and nailing, The Art Of Seduction a second time. Lola then covers Georgia one more time.
Ref: 1...................2.......................3!!!!!
[ "Don't Cha" by the Pussycat dolls hits as Lola Star then gets a look of shock on her face as she has now realized that she has just beat Georgia James. Lola is then handed the Fatal Female Championship by the referee as Georgia James is on the mat now realizing that she just lost her prestigious title. Georgia then shakes her head as Lola is in the ring celebrating her victory as the new champion.
Sabrina: Here is your winner and NEW FATAL FEMALE CHAMPION...........LOLA STAR!!!!!
[ Lola continues to show off the title as she holds her head as it looks like shots of pain are still affecting her from the match. Lola then exits the ring as she heads to the back as the show goes to the next segment |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Final Verdict' (1/22/06)
Date Posted:01/17/2009 4:13 PMCopy HTML
PWT Presents: Final Verdict
January 22nd, 2006 |
[ Becca makes her way out now as "Bite The Dust" by PussyCat Dolls blares
Fecca: Boy is Eddie going to be upset that he missed this one. The hatred between these two has been burning like a wildfire for years now! Tonight, Christian meets Becca one more time in the ring to put this thing to rest......for the time being that is.
[ "Kryptonite" replaces the PussyCat Dolls and their song "Bite The Dust". The fans in attendance come outta their seats cheering for the Southern Heartthrob. And he soon appears on the stage with Rhya at his side. However something isn't right as he's dressed in normal street attire. A hush falling over the crowd as he raises up a mic. CM waits until his music has faded completely out.
CM: Ladies an gentlemen......and Becca....I know that you all came to this show tonight in hopes of seeing the best wrestling action in the world. And one of the attractions that led you to pick watching us, is that you were looking forward to "Brawl to Settle It All" between myself an Becca.
Fecca: Yeah, thats what the card said...
[ CM smacks loudly on some gum for a moment.
CM: But thats just not going to happen tonight!
[ Boos immediately rain down from fans. Becca herself is standing in the ring looking confused. She'd done spent the whole week training the hardest she has in years for this match.
Fecca: What is he talking about? Its not going to happen? Why not!?
CM: Hold on people! Before you pass judgement, please allow me to explain the situation. The reason that you will not see me in that ring tonight, against that....that....well I can't say what she is even on pay per view. Anyways, the reason I will not be wrestling is because of my brother...
[ More boos
CM: Hold on now! Tonight is not about me....Its not the night of Christian Michaels. No, this night is for my brother! Javen has worked his ass off in the latter parts of this week. He is physically and mentally ready for the "Throw The Towel" match later this evening. But so that I don't steal his thunder for this evening, I am hereby forfeiting this match to Becca!
Fecca: WHAT!?
[ Down in the ring Becca seems to have no problem with this turn of events. She looks at the ref who signals Sabrina to make the call
Sabrina: Your winner.....by forfeit......BECCA WIPWRECK!!!!!!
[ The fans are booing Becca as she celebrates in the ring. But it would appear that the Heartthrob isn't done talking.
CM: Oh and Becca....
[ Both of the Michaels flip Becca the bird before they head through the big curtain. In teh ring Becca seems less than thrilled at that disrespect. But as she's throwing a tantrum, the show fades into a short video package hyping Lawler vs Styles. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Final Verdict' (1/22/06)
Date Posted:01/17/2009 4:15 PMCopy HTML
PWT Presents: Final Verdict
January 22nd, 2006 |
With that the cameras go to the ring where Sabrina is standing a midst.
Sabrina, "Ladies and Gentlemen…… The Following contest has been sanctioned as a No Disqualifications Match! (Crowd pops) It has been set for ONEFALL and there will be No Time Limit…"
Suddenly Burning Bridges by 22 Gone Blasts over the PA making the crowd offer a pretty strong pop.
Fecca, "That sounds familiar… Is that…"
Before he can conclude his question the curtain swishes to the side and jumping out from behind it is none other than…
Frost comes flying onto the stage in a fashion similar to a face Edge and the crowd is eating it up.
Sabrina, "At this time it is my pleasure to introduce our very special Guest Commentator… Former Tag Team Champion JAKE_FROST!"
Frost begins heading down the ramp with great energy, slapping hands with the fans. It’s evident that he’s as excited to be here as they are to have him here. We can see a few random fans throwing up the "rock" symbol (\m/) which Jake gladly flashes back to them, making them grow even louder.
Fecca, "Well Apparently… Apparently Jake Frost has been invited to take Eddie Styles spot on color commentary for this match between the King and Styles!"
Frost gets to the ringside mats and begins walking around slapping hands with the fans as he goes. He makes his way around the ring and finally to the commentary table where Fecca is sitting. Fecca stands up and greets Frost with a hand shake as Frost begins placing a headset on.
Fecca, "Jake Frost! Welcome to Professional Wrestling Today! I’m Bobby Fecca and it’s a pleasure to have ya!"
Frost finishes shaking Fecca’s hand as he says, "Thanks a lot Bobby. It’s a pleasure to be here, LIVE in Savannah Georgia… Not to far away from the ol’ KC."
Fecca, "Absolutly not. So what brings the Anarchist to PWT?"
Jake laughs as they both sit down, "Ah ya know, I got a call from Street askin’ if I’d like to come on out tonight and check the place out… Sit ringside and call the action for a Jerry Lawler match, so I just said f**k, why not."
Fecca, "Good deal, good deal… One thing though…"
Jake, "What’s up?"
Fecca, "Gotta steer clear of the F Word Mr. Frost."
Frost laughs, "Absolutely, Absolutely… My bad man."
Fecca laughs, "It’s all good… Ya know in Pee Dubbya Tee ya just can’t say the F Word."
Frost, "Did you just sing that sentence?"
Fecca, "You’d have to be a Hank Williams Junior fan I suppose…"
The scenes fade to the ramp when we hear those oh so famous words…
"En… Doubah-you… Oh"
The Tron is playing the nWo video as the screen has become black and white for our viewers at home…
Fecca, "What the Hell…"
Jake, "Sweet, I get to see Jerry Lawler AND Scott Hall! Hey Yo!"
Finally, out from behind the curtain with a very arrogant, Eric Bischoff nWo style entrance comes none other than Eddie Styles.
Fecca, "My… God… We are so sued."
The crowd boos as Sabrina announces, "Introducing First… Making his way from Detroit Michigan and weighing in this evening at two hundred and eleven pounds… He is Shockwave’s Color Analyst… EDDIE_STYYYLEEESSS!"
The fans are still booing as Eddie gets a few feet down the ramp and stops, smirking a very arrogant smirk as the nWo theme continues to echo through-out the arena. He then turns sideways and throws his arms over in a very nWoish method of pointing to the curtain. The curtain moves and from behind it, bouncing about, is Bryant Montgomery. As he bounces his way off to the side, we then see the curtain move again as Damon Hades steps forward.
Fecca, "What the Hell…" Frost, "Looks like ol’ Eddie-Spaghetti got himself an insurance policy."
Damon Stands in the center of the stage just under the PWT-A-Tron as Eddie stands upright with a smirk on his face and Bryant just points to the big man with both hands reminding him verbally that He Is The Man!
Fecca, "Eddie Styles sits out here week in and week out bad mouthing Bryant Montgomery, joining me in a brigade of insults toward the lesser end of the McCallister gene pool, yet now he’s gone and enlisted his services for this match?!"
Frost, "Hey man, sometimes in this business ya gotta do things that you may not like ethically or in general; But they gotta be done to get ahead man."
Eddie Styles finally gets to the steel stairs, just as smug as ever as he actually struts up the stairs in a Jericho like fashion. Eddie slams his left foot onto the canvas, then his right as he spins around, leaning back on the ropes ala Y2J. His smirk trails from ear to ear as the fans are booing as loudly as they’ve booed all night. Eddie’s eatin it up though as he just smirks, ducks down and enters the ring between the second and third ropes. Bryant and Damon get to ringside and Bryant motions for Damon to duck down. Damon does so and Bryant places a hand beside his mouth to block the camera from seeing his lips as he quietly gives directions to the seven foot monster Damon Hades. Hades seems comprehensive of Montgomery’s instructions as he slowly rises straight and Bryant proceeds over toward the commentary table. Bryant walks over and grabs a chair on the opposite side of Fecca that Frost is on.
Montgomery, "GOOD LAWD is it good to be back on TEE-VEE! The Million Dolla grin, getting’ petted more than Rin-Tin-Tin… The One Man Power Hour, Don’t Got to be tall to tower, Errect like the Empire State, Drawin’ more bling bling than Bill Gate, The King outside the ring with the hype that makes ya go…"
Frost, "What’s been up Bryant?"
Bryant cocks an odd eyebrow as his head quickly turns to frost, "Who in the Hell are you?!"
Frost, "Jake Frost. I was workin BUD during your brief managerial reign."
Bryant, "Janitor?"
Frost, "Tag champion."
Bryant, "Wow, must have been a great champ if I was runnin the place and don’t know who the Hell you are."
Frost, "Must have been a good call to get rid of ya if you were runnin the place and didn’t know who the Hell your tag team champions were."
Bryant snickers, and then his eyes grow wide as he says, "WAIT! I know! You were the kid that teamed with the goofy lookin bastard and got his ass beat by Asshole Inc! I remember ya now"
Finally the screen changes back to color as the nWo theme fades and we see Eddie handing his jacket to referee Billy Jo.
Frost, "So how are things goin livin in your brother’s shadow?" Bryant, "Wouldn’t know, but speaking of living in someone’s shadow, how’s RJ these days? You guys were great in Divine Interven… (Sarcastic laugh) Oh wait, that’s right… He beat your ass and left you for D.I."
Jerry Lawler’s theme begins as the crowd erupts and Sabrina announces, "AND FINALLY… Making his way from Memphis Tennessee… He is the most recognized color analyist in professional wrestling, and currently the Colorized voice of Double-You, Double-You, Eee Monday Night Raw… He is Jerry_"THE KING" LAWWWWWWLERRR!"
The crowd goes nuts as Jerry Lawler steps from behind the curtain with a look of determination on his face.
Fecca, "Jerry The King Lawler making his way to PWT for a one night only bout against my broadcast colleague Eddie Styles, and folks this one’s not gonna be the wrestling "clinic" we hear Seifer often refer to, nor will be an instant classic… This is gonna be rough, tough, squeamish, and damned sure not pretty." Frost, "Kinda like sitting through one of Bryant’s promos." Bryant, "Cute. Did RJ teach ya how to work that mouth or had you already acquired enough oral practice by the time you reached him." Frost, "Jealous? F*g." Bryant, "Pfft… Whatever." Fecca, "Can we not use degrading slurs please…" Bryant, "Yeah qu**rbag." Fecca, "BRYANT!" Frost, "C**ksmoke." Fecca, "JAKE!" Bryant, "Douche-guzzler." Fecca, "BRYANT!" Frost, "Condom cleaner." Fecca, "DAMN IT YOU’RE BOTH ON TIME OUT!" Bryant, "Awe don’t get mad Bob, Your boyfriend’s not gonna hate on ya just cause a couple of dudes next to you are bashing your sexuality." Frost, "I’m not bashing his sexuality. If he’s gay that’s his prerogative, I’m bashing you and your lack of manhood." Bryant, "Bitch I’m in comparision to the Sears Tower." Frost, "Acording to Damon you’re hung like a baby." Bryant, "Damn straight… Nine pounds ten ounces!" Frost, "So you don’t deny Damon Hades having seen your penis?" Bryant, "Effin’ A Son… HOLD UP, WHAT?!"
By this time Jerry Lawler is making his way up the stairs. He walks onto the canvas and stairs down at the big man at ringside. Lawler then enters the ring via the second and third ropes and is almost instantly tripped up by our resident ogre. Lawler spins around and points down at Hades while talking some trash, but Styles runs and nails the King with a running Axehandle smash to the back.
The King drops to a knee and Referee Billy Jo calls for the opening bell. Fecca, "Styles grabbing a cheap start." Bryant, "A Smart start." Frost, "Smart, but equally cheap." Eddie is punching away at the Kingfish until he feels he has him jarred and then grabs him by the head and pulls him up to his feet. Styles delivers a karate chop to the gut of Lawler and then spins around with a fairly impressive round house kick that drops the King and draws some strong heat from the crowd. Fecca, "I wasn’t aware that Eddie had studied Martial Arts." Bryant, "Pfft, he didn’t Study Martial arts. He took the Ruckus approach and played Mortal Combat before his match." Fecca, "Pretty impressive never the less." Bryant, "Nah, he’s putting up a smoke screen, a "front" if you will… Like I said, he’s taking the Ruckus approach." Styles, however, is far more impressed with himself than Bryant is. Styles begins jumping around, clearly ecstatic that he’s owning the King. He runs to the far turnbuckle, jumping on the second rope and pointing at a booing fan as he yells, "WHO’S KING NOW, HUH? WHO’S DA KING NOW!" Eddie Hops down with a smirk on his face and turns around just in time to receive a stiff right hand to the mouth. Styles drops like a bag of bricks and immediately rolls under the bottom rope as the crowd erupts. Lawler exits the ropes but stays on the canvas. He walks over to the turnbuckles and climbs up onto the second rope, sitting on the top rope as Eddie’s getting up. Eddie staggers to his feet and Lawler leaps off… BAM! Fecca, "BAH GAWD, WHAT AN AXEHANDLE!" Frost, "The King is primed man!" Bryant, "The King is old, Eddie Styles has got it, I’ll guarantee it." Maybe, but the fans are eating this up. Lawler picks up Styles and presses his back against the black padding of the fan barricade. Lawler then delivers a chop to the chest, followed by a second chop to the chest, and then a stiff right hand to the jaw, another stiff right hand to the jaw… Crowd: JER-RY, JER-RY, JER-RY, JER-RY, JER-RY, JER-RY, JER-RY, JER-RY, JER-RY, JER-RY, JER-RY, JER-RY, JER-RY, JER-RY, JER-RY, JER-RY… Lawler pulls Styles up by his jaw, picks him up as if to deliver the snake eyes or Oklahoma slam, and then drops him face first on the barricade. The crowd erupts as Eddie bounces back and hits the black mats hard. Lawler then bends down and grabs Styles by the head, picking him up to his feet before he grabs him by the pants and neck and sends him back into the ring. Eddie rolls to his chest holding his face from the barricade shot as Lawler throws the ring apron up and begins fishing under the ring. Lawler withdraws a tied up plastic grocery bag with a perplexed look upon his face. He glances about, shrugs, and rips it open. He withdraws a rubber hand with some kind of goopy Jell. On the wrist band it says "Mark Henry Jr." Lawler lets out his trademark scream and quickly throws the hand into the crowd, preying to never see the lover child… erm.. hand of Mae Young and Mark Henry’s again. He goes back under the ring but this time he withdraws a garbage can full of random objects. The crowd pops as forign objects equal ratings, and Lawler tosses the can up and over the top rope as a few contents such as a Kendo stick and a "55 MPH" Road sign fall out. Lawler slides into the ring and by this time ol’ Edward is staggering up to his feet. Lawler grabs the Kendo stick and shrugs as he awaits Eddie. Eddie turns around and Lawler swings for the fences…. Well… The lower level fences. Fecca, "OUCH! Shades of Lawler’s EeeCeeDubbya feud with Tommy Dreamer right their." Styles immediately hits the mat, holding himself in pain as the crowd is going wild. Lawler drops the Kendo stick and grabs the speed limit sign. He draws the sign high above his head, and then slams it down on Eddie’s back with enough force to send it flying from his grip upon impact. Eddie screams out in pain but Lawler doesn’t seem to care and the fans are eating it up. Lawler walks over to the ropes and calls for a microphone. Lawler, "Hmm… Not too bad for an oldtimmer on the verge of "breaking his hip" huh? (Crowd pops)… How would you people like to see Eddie Styles with a broken bone? (Crowd erupts)." Lawler tosses the mic out of the ring and walks over to the trash can, picking it up and dumping the contents out at the ringside floor. Lawler then places the trash can down on the mat and picks up Styles’ basically lifeless body. The King places Eddie’s head between the royal legs and looks like he’s getting’ ready for a piledriver. Fecca, "Awe come on King… He deserves it, he damned well deserves it, but don’t put this man’s life on your conscious." For the first time since the match started, Damon Hades actually moves, climbing up onto the ring apron. King glances over and immediately discards Eddie. Damon starts climbing over the top rope so Jerry bends down and grabs the trash can that was originally set up to be Styles’ finish. He jolts across the ring and WRAP! Right over the head of the 500 plus pounder. Damon stands, seemingly un-phased with a leg on either side of the ropes. Lawler goes back a couple of steps and rushes forward, again with a running trash can shot over the head, but again, hardly any effect. Lawler tosses the trash can to the side and grabs the Kendo stick. He charges again and wraps Hades right across the side of the head, giving a huge echo through out the entire arena that makes the crowd give an "OoooOOo" sound. Fecca, "Bah Gawd, The King’s hittin like a prime Hank Aaron." But Hades is still standing, so what the Hell, just one more Aaron like swing… THWACK! Damon refuses to move and Lawler can’t believe it… But after a brief moment the big man finally falls back, his leg coming back over the top rope as he lands on the outside and canvas and rolls off to the ringside floor. The crowd is going absolutely berserk for the Memphis Icon at this point, but Lawler doesn’t realize that Styles is on his feet in the opposing corner and appears to be concealing something. Lawler turns around and starts walking over toward Styles. Styles suddenly twists around and sparks something in his hand, creating a fire ball. He goes to toss it at Lawler but he burns his own hand and drops it. He begins flailing about, waving his hand as he yells in pain. Fecca, "Styles just tried to pull a classic out of Lawler’s play book and bah gawd he got burned! Literally!" Bryant, "That was a riot… Leave the comedy to the comedians." Frost, "It’s funnier than any of the jokes you’ve had… Well, except for your career." Lawler appears to be in disbelief that Eddie Styles, EDDIE FLIPPIN STYLES just tried to toss a fireball at him. The last time a fireball was fluffed that bad? Hollywood Hulk Hogan Verses "The Renegade." Lawler just shakes his head and says "You wanta play with fire?!" Lawler grabs him by the back of the head and smashes his face off the top turnbuckle. Eddie stumbles back and the King picks him up and delivers a Manhattan drop. Styles grabs his groin in pain and Lawler delivers a quick but fairly powerless Clothesline, dropping Eddie to the mat. Eddie grabs his neck and slowly rolls to his chest as Lawler turns his back and looks as suspicious as Eddie did moments ago. Eddie Slowly pulls himself up and Lawler spins around and throws a fireball of his own, nailing Styles dead on. Eddie flies back onto the mat, holding his face as he screams in pain. The crowd erupts as Fecca says, "OHH… I Know Styles brought that on himself, but all things considered I think that may have been a bit un-necessary by the King." Frost, "No DQ Bobby… It’s as legal as a headlock." Fecca, "I’m not arguing Legalities, but empathy." Frost, "How do ya empathize with a guy who just tried to burn your face?" Fecca sighs, "Fair enough." Bryant, "Let me explain something… Bryant Montgomery is at the commentary table, and Bryant Montgomery equals ratings. However, for this formula to work we have to add the exponent of You Two shut the F**k up to the Second power." Frost, "For you to equal ratings the entire viewing public would have to equal mentally challenged." Bryant, "I’m not gonna argue the retardation of PWT Fans. You’ve gotta be mentally challenged to watch this crap when BUDs on the air." Frost, "BUD’s a great company, but from the little time I’ve been here I can damn sure tell that PWT is as well… And in all honest Bry, if you don’t like it then leave." Bryant, "Sorry, I’m not a quitter, but if I change my mind I’ll come to you for lessons." Fecca, "Frost makes a damn good point." Bryant, "You make a damn good "Shut the F**k Up"!" Back in the ring Eddie’s still shuttering in pain as the official is down on a knee trying to see if he’s alright. Lawler’s leaning back in the corner and actually appears to have a look of concern on his face. Lawler shakes his head and walks over to Eddie. He bends down to check on Eddie himself but Styles suddenly throws up a fist full of powder. Fecca, "THAT DIRTY SON OF A…" Bryant, "Genius!" Lawler stumbles back and tries to wipe the power from his eyes as Eddie gets up rather quickly. He points down to the outside where Hades is back to his feet and yells "GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!" Damon looks over to the commentary table and Bryant nods. Damon steps up onto the ring apron and over the top rope as we see The King swinging aimlessly in his blindness. He finally decides to take a risk as he runs back a foot or so and bounces off the ropes. He comes running, telegraphing a shoulder block but Damon puts up his big boot and floors the blinded Jerry Lawler to the fans chagrin. Bryant, "Gee, I’d love to chat fellas but that’s my queue." Bryant gets up and drops the head set as he darts off and slides under the bottom rope. Damon bends down and grabs Lawler, lifting him up off the mat as the crowd is still booing. Damon then throws King between the monstrous legs as Eddie slides out of the ring. Damon keeps Lawler in the set up for a piledriver or powerbomb as Eddie fishes under the ring and withdraws a table. The crowd is booing hard, obviously not wanting to see one of their all time favorites going through a table. Styles slides the table into the ring and Bryant begins setting it up. Fecca, "AWE COME ON, THIS ISN’T NECESSARY." Frost, "This is pretty f**ked up." Bryant gets the table set up right infront of Damon. Hades hoists The King into the air, looking for a powerbomb but Lawler holds onto Damon’s neck with his left hand and begins throwing quick right hands to the head of Hades. The crowd erupts but the celebration is short lived as Montgomery picks up the Kendo stick and wraps Lawler in the back of the head. Lawler goes limp atop of the shoulders of the seven foot Damon Hades. Hades then slips Lawler back, grabbing his arms for a Crucifix Powerbomb (AKA The Outsiders or Razor’s Edge.). Fecca,"DON’T DO THIS!" Frost, "F**k this." We hear the headset drop and almost instantly we see former BUD Tag Team champion Jake Frost slide into the ring. The crowd erupts and Eddie Styles turns around just in time to receive a spinning heel kick. Damon releases Lawler, letting him fall behind Hades’s back as Jake gets up with great speed and watches Bryant turn around only to end up drop kicking Montgomery to the mat. The crowd is erupting as both Eddie and Bryant have rolled out of the ring on separate sides and now it’s just Damon Hades and Jake Frost. Fecca, "JAKE FROST HAS COME TO THE AID OF JERRY LAWLER AND NOW HE’S STANDING FEARLESS AGAINST THIS… THIS… MONSTER!" Before any further thought can be processed Frost lunges forward and begins giving high punches, barely getting Hades in the jaw, but connecting never the less. After an absolute onslaught of right hands Jake has Damon’s back against the ropes. Jake goes backs up a few steps and charges forward, probably thinking of a clothesline or spinning heal kick to send the big man over but Damon catches him right around the throat. Damon hoists him up and then slams him down with a pretty decent chokeslam. The crowd begins booing as Frost lays flat on the mat. Both Eddie and Bryant slide back in the ring and begin putting the boots to Frost on the mat. But the crowd suddenly pops… Lawler appears to be back on his feet. He charges out of the corner and wraps Bryant in the back of the neck. Bryant hits the mat and Lawler swings and taps Eddie’s jaw with a right hand, dropping Eddie Styles. Damon, however, throws his huge right paw before Lawler can try and get to him. Lawler flies to the mat and flips up and over himself, landing on his knees. He grabs his jaw, trying to move it to see if it’s broken before he gets up. Lawler slowly walks backwards till his back is against the ropes and Hades is offering very slow chase, but chase never the less. Hades gets about two feet away from the King when we see Jake up in the background with a Kendostick in hand. Fecca, "This can’t be good for Hades…" |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Final Verdict' (1/22/06)
Date Posted:01/17/2009 4:16 PMCopy HTML
PWT Presents: Final Verdict
January 22nd, 2006 |
Frost sneaks behind him, lowers the stick, and then BAM! Right between the legs!. The crowd erupt as Damon just barely bends over. Lawler then begins an assault of right hands to Damon, backing him up inch by inch, till we notice that the table is RIGHT behind him. Jake drops the kendo stick and gets on one side of Damon as Lawler gets on the otherside. Fecca, "There’s no way… Damon Hades is over a quarter of a ton!" Lawler and Frost both grab Damon, looking for a double belly-to-back side suplex, and while they don’t get an increadible amount of air, they do get the big man up and they’re able to fall back, slamming Damon Hades through the table and sending the crowd into complete shock. At this point both Bryant and Eddie have rolled out of the ring and are looking on in awe. Eddie Styles waves his hands and says "Awe, f**k this." Styles turns his back and starts walking off but Frost runs back against the far ropes, jolts across the ring, leaps up onto the top rope, extending his arms clear out before leaping in a corkscrew. Styles turns around just in time to see Frost’s body flying down and then crashing hard into his own. Styles drops back and the back of his head appears to hit the bottom of the ramp. Bryant is attempting to pull Damon out of the ring, and is successful as Damon’s still slightly conscious. Frost picks himself up off of Styles, pulls Eddie up by the hair, and then runs with him, slinging him back into the ring. Styles slowly stumbles up, and then turns around just in time for Lawler to deliver a big kick to the gut of Eddie, and then prop him between the royal legs, drawing a HUGE eruption from the crowd. Lawler fails to disappoint as he hoists PWT’s color broadcaster up, and then BAM!
Fecca, "PILEDRIVER, PILEDRIVER, LAWLER HIT THE PILEDRIVER" The crowd is going nuts as Lawler gets up and removes the strap from his shoulder, making the crowd even louder. Lawler climbs up to the second turnbuckle on the ropes nearest him, and as the crowd chants his name, Jerry "The King" Lawler leaps off and delivers his trademark flying right hand to the head of Eddie Styles. Lawler hooks the far leg and Billy Jo drops down and counts …………….1…………..2…………..3!
Jo calls for the bell as the crowd goes nuts and Sabrina announces, "YOUR WINNER…… JERRY_"THE KINNNG"_LAWWWWWWWLLLERR!!!"
The crowd goes absolutely beserk as Lawler’s theme hits and the official raises his arm. Jake frost slides into the ring and gives Lawler a pound, pulling him in for a small embrace before he personally hoists the King’s victorious arm in triumph. Damon suddenly leaps up onto the canvas and Jake and Jerry both quickly turn, ready to take the beast on, but Bryant jumps up and holds Damon back.
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Re:PWT Presents 'Final Verdict' (1/22/06)
Date Posted:01/17/2009 4:17 PMCopy HTML
PWT Presents: Final Verdict
January 22nd, 2006 |
Man's voice: What the hell happened?
Voice: I dont know. It's like he appeared out of nowhere. Now he lies here on the ground not even moving!!!
[ Scene sets to a locker room in the back of the Savannah International Trade & Convention Center in Savannah, Georgia. There is a tv on in the background as a man is seen standing across the room in a darkend portion of the dimly lit area. He then makes his way out of the shadows and to the couch where he is now seen to be dressed in a pair of black wrangler jeans, nike tennis shoes and a blue and white buttoned up shirt. He is also seen wearing his ray ban sunglasses. The man speaks
Man: F*ck!!! This sh*t is unbelievable. Soap Opera's are so f*cking boring and fake, like Lola Stars breast implants!!
[ The locker room door opens as a backstage worker walks in and speaks
Man: Jimmy, their ready for you!!!
Jimmy: It's about time, I have been waiting for 45 f*cking minutes to do this!!
[ Jimmy then is seen grabbing the Titanium Championship, only then making his way down the long hallway. Jimmy then turns right in the upcoming hallway as he see's workers setting up sets for future promos and interviews. Jimmy then looks to his right to notice a bunch of wrestlers standing around trying to see who they can get to go into the women's locker room to get a video of the women undressing. Jimmy smirks as he ignores them as one man finally gets the courage to do it, and makes his way into the women's locker room. Jimmy then continues down the hallway, there is a cold draft that is blowing around the main stage entrance. Jimmy brushes it off as he then reaches the top of the rampway. Jimmy then nods as "Right Now" by Korn hits as black, white and blue spotlights flicker all over the area. On the top of the stage you notice a good few puffs of smoke fly up, as the spotlights shoot through the smoke, a male figure appears on the rampway.
Sabrina: Making his way to the ring, from Las Vegas Nevada, He is the self proclaimed TITANium Champion...JIMMY STRYKER!!!!!
Fecca: What the hell is he doing out here? After stealing the Titanium title and saying he is the proclaimed champion that is sick!!! But think about it, what kind of man would steal a championship anyways? Maybe he will tell us all who is joining him in his stable!!
[ The lights continue to flicker as the man makes his way down the rampway. The puffs of smoke shoot up every step that he makes, while on the way to the ring. While on his short walk. is a white spotlight that has shown about the halfway point to the ring as the big light and the flickers begin to work together. There you can see the man sliding in underneath the bottom rope as the lights continue to flicker over and over the dark black, the white bright color and the dark blue,as he is in the ring ready for his segment to begin while the lights in the area, slowly make their way back to normal. Jimmy is then handed a mic as he fixes the titanium championship over his left shoulder.
Jimmy: Now you all know what happened last week at Sunday Night Shockwave. Goldust and Marlena decided to have some fun and kick me in the balls. Well I got something out of it. I got this title. Yeah Goldust and Marlena were smart. They got me what I wanted, and they are sticking with me all the way through it. Which speaks for itself. You fans never appreciate this man. You never gave them a chance. You always think that someone different is never going to amount to much. But hey the guy has a beef with Seifer. He and I both do. He and I wanted to do something as a team. So what happened, I helped Goldust beat the shit out of Seifer, and then Marlena hands me the Titanium title which was coming to me anyways. So without further ado, I now name the first person to join up with me. He is a man who helped me get this title over my right shoulder and of course his managerial woman.... The man is none other than GOLDUST!!!
[ The lights go from normal to yellow and suddenly, Gold-Lust by WWE Productions and out walks Goldust accompanied by Marlenamakes his way out onto the rampway. Goldust then stops as he looks into the eyes of Marlena, as the two share a small kiss. Goldust the raises his arms into the air as a taunt which releases golden confetti, which falls all over the arena. Goldust and Marlena walk down the entrance ramp slowly and gets into the ring after climbing the steel steps. He climbs up a turnbuckle and does his signature arm taunt and then stops and looks at Jimmy while patting him on the shoulder where the Titanium Title sits as the two shake hands!!
Fecca: What the f*ck? A guy dressed in Gold!!
[ Goldust grabs a microphone
Jimmy: Well Goldust, I must say that this is a surprise to all these idiots in the crowd. I thought that no one would understand that you would be introduced first since you and I took out Seifer last week.
Goldust: Goldust did something no one expected when I helped Jimmy get one over on Seifer and I'm going to continue to bring the unexpected when I work with the Criminal Masterminds and make sure that the whole world never forgets the name of *inhales and exhales a breath followed with a chomp* Goldust!
Jimmy: Now you have it all right!! You know something i'm sure as hell certain that Seifer will lose tonight, but you know something else, you have nothing to worry about. People never saw it coming!! Seifer knew that you would come to me, since I was #1 contender for this title I have over my shoulder, and that I would do anything to get it!! Then I gave you another opportunity, to do what it was that should of been done in the first place and that is to take down Seifer. You know it and I know it, that you and I make an odd pair, but you have the opportunity of a lifetime with us, and you will become better than ever.
[ Jimmy pauses a moment as Goldust and Marlena step to the side of him as they start speaking to one another a moment. Jimmy smirks as he then turns around and starts to speak one more time.
Fecca: Now who?
Jimmy: Now onto my second person, he is a man who came to me first asking me about wanting to be in my group!! People always come asking and I tell them to take a hike because they have nothing to do with this business. But not this man. This man has everything that we need. He has power, smarts, and he dosen't give a f*ck about any one of you, because he is going to make these people pay!! He is going to make you all think about wanting to double cross us...... This man is none other than....DEMENTED!!!
[ The lights begin flickering on and then off all throughout the arena. "Never Enough" by Papa Roach blasts over the pa system and the fans, probably because of the song, erupt with applause. Sabrina - "Ladies and gentleman, making his way to the ring at this time, from Parts Unknown...weighing in at 326 pounds, DEEEEEMENTTTTEDD!!!" Demented appears from behind the curtains and makes his way down the rampway and toward the ring. Jimmy and Goldust then step back as Demented gets into the ring as he and Jimmy shake hands with one another. He then shakes the hand of Goldust as Demented is handed a mic.
Demented: Now look at what we have here. Five guys who aprreciate nothing more than causing pain and a little harmful tendencies to other fools who dare cross us. Look at me, I am 7 ft tall and 326 pounds. I can cause you pain. Now together as a team with all of you, I will now begin to inflict pain, watch the back of my team mates and make sure that we are the most dominant team that this business will ever see!!!
Fecca: This dude seems serious!! Why is Stryker, recruiting these guys?
Jimmy: Now the third man, I have worked with before. He is a man of many faces, many battles, and has a heart for the sport. Dont think I recruited him cause of what he did in the past. Cause then i'll just tell you to fuck off!! He is a man who I believe can help this group of individuals along with me, a true legend!!!
[ The crowd boo's loudly as Goldust and Demented just flip em all off
Jimmy: So without further ado, well yeah it can wait a minute because I want to speak some more cause I am the champion of course but the next man on my list This guy needs no introduction, but he needs a kick in the ass to get him in the right direction. This guy seems to be tough and he has shown me that he can get it done if he wants to. So ladies and gentlemen, I give you Dark Child aka JAMAL ATKINS!!!!!
Fecca: What the hell? And there is still one more to come!!!
[ The lights in the arena begin to flicker as "Hate Me Now" by Nas begins to play. The fans explode with booing. Jamal then comes out flipping everyone off as he just walks down the ramp and gets into the ring. Jamal Atkins flips off everyone once again and then goes and stands near the corner looking up towards the entrance ramp.
Fecca: Check it out, the two men are shaking hands. What can we expect from this?
Jamal Atkins: " All I want to say is thank you Jim, you and I we have had our differences, I know we weren't the best of friends but I think we can change that.. You see, I never really liked you at all, because you left Obie and I us so called Jobbers to rot.. but after all that I have came ti\o respect you. I have come to terms with why you left us... but lets one dwell on the past lets look at the future.. The future is Now.. Criminal Masterminds... We will rule all of PWT. Seifer, Damien Collins, DVD and anyone who thinks they can beat us.. well they got another thing coming,, because we dont bow to NOBODY!! Were the masters.. you bow to US!! I just gave you fair warning... BEWARE!!!!!!
Jimmy: Last but not least, and boy you can tell he had a lot of fight in him,damn Atkins you'll get your chance to rip the heads off the opponents soon, He is one of the people I am mentoring right now. He must be damn good for me to mentor him, but hey, I gave him a chance because he deserves it. I gave him the opportunity because he makes an effort. He does not slack around, he does not play games, and I know for a fact that I can trust him, and I am a man who hardly trusts anyone anymore. This man is none other than.........
[ The lights turn off, and a single blue spotlight is on the entranceway. "Wasteland" by 10 Years begins to play as a dark image begins to walk on onto the walkway. He stops, looks around the audience, and jumps up alluding to some pyrotechnics. Just a single shot of smoke comes out, and the fans start to laugh. He than proceeds to run to the ring and slides in under the bottom rope. Flipside jumps up hoping for something better and just another single puff of smoke, but than the lights go out again. You hear a voice shout "its time for the flipside" and instantaneously there is some sparks and smoke coming from the ring and the entranceway. Flipside stands in the ring with his arms crossed, shaking his head at the audience. The audience responds with cheers.
Jimmy: Yeah thats right the new kid on the block FLIPSIDE!!!!!!
Fecca: What the hell? This is a conspiracy!!
Jimmy: Now I want you all to realize something before I let this man speak. I have yet to decide on what i am going to do with the rest of the time I was allowed. As soon as Flipside gets to say his piece, then I will finish up. Until then you call all shut your fucking mouths so this man can speak!!!!
Flipside: Flipside: Styker has made the right decision in making me part of Criminal Minds. I will help our stable become the best one out there, and make sure that Criminal Minds strikes fear in other stables. A band of brothers, a clash of cousins... we have honor, loyalty, and respect. But above all, we are the best out there. Thank you Styker, I really appreciate this chance you have given me.
Jimmy: Well there you have it folks. 4 men who are worthy title contenders in the future have joined up with the Chaotic Mastermind to make PWT a better place. To clean up the scum that have infested this business. For a fact of the matter, I have been in this situation before. So therefore I present to you, the new shockwave of entertainment, the men who will not stand with me, in this very ring, and from now on, playing with peoples minds and loving it......
All five men: THE CRIMINAL MASTERMINDS!!!!!!!!
Fecca: Hell, nothing seems different. Unlike other stables, these 5 men will not only wrestler by themselves, but who knows where the others will be at that time. You can expect all hell to break loose.
[ "Right Now" by Korn hits as all 5 men come together and exit the ring. Jimmy leading the men to the back, while the fans begin to throw beer cups and bottles in their directions. Jimmy then grabs a chair as he tosses it into the crowd nailing a big fat man in the back of the head. Jimmy laughs as the guy seems pissed off as they ignore the rest of the commotion and head through the curtain to the back as the scene fades out to the next segment of Final Verdict |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Final Verdict' (1/22/06)
Date Posted:01/17/2009 4:20 PMCopy HTML
PWT Presents: Final Verdict
January 22nd, 2006 |
Damon, extremely reluctantly, drops down off the ring as Bryant stays up there with his back to Lawler and Frost. He’s yelling down at Hades, commending him for backing down but Frost has a smirk on his face. Frost sneaks behind Bryant, and then with great stealth and quickness he grabs Bryant’s off-white dress slacks and gives em a good yank, making em drop down to his ankles and exposing Bryant’s Mickey Mouse boxer shorts. The crowd erupts as Bryant’s jaw drops. Bryant spins around while covering himself with his hands, only for Lawler to lunge forward and pop him square in the mouth with a stiff right hand knocking Bryant off the ring with one pant leg still wrapped around Bryant’s ankle.
Bryant quickly gets up and starts running off, only to step on the freed pant leg and trip up. But he kicks the pants off completely and darts up, covering his package with his hands as he glances back occasionally. Damon slowly follows and Eddie… Well he hasn’t moved since the Piledriver/Flying Fist combo. Burning Bridges by 22 Gone Blasts over the PA as now Lawler raises Jake’s hand, and Jake gets a cunning grin on his face. Both men exit the ring and Lawler again raises Jake’s arm only on the floor instead of in the ring. The fans are eating it up hard.
Fecca, "BRYANT FINALLY GOT HIS! STYLES GOT HIS! AND JAKE FROST HAS APPEARED HERE LIVE IN PEE DOUBYA TEE! HOPEFULLY HE’S GONNA BE ON FULL TIME! WHAT A NIGHT! But folks, it’s not getting’ any slower by ANY stretch of the imagination. Because as soon as they scrape "Eddie-Spaghetti" off the mat, we’re gonna see the hot rivalry between the Monster Demented, the former BUD Heavyweight champion "King of Cool" Chris Styles, and the ICWA Royal Rumble winner Bobby "The Future of the Franchise" Johnson in a Chris Styles created "Styles House of Fun" match… Let us show ya how this one, came about."
As the video draws to an end we fade to the ring which is completely caged. Atop of the cage is barbwire, and the ropes in the ring are covered in barbwire. We can also see several random forign objects tied to the cage, as well as four trash cans (one in each corner) tied at the very top of the cage. These trash cans are loaded with random forign objects. The only person in the ring is a very well built referee but the camera doesn’t have a great view.
Sabrina, "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN… The following contest is the "Styles House of Fun" Match! The only way to win, is to say "I Quit" over the microphone with the official is currently wielding… Do to the clear danger of this bout, we have assigned a special referee… Please welcome former WWE and WCW Heavyweight champion, SID_VICIOUS!"
The crowd erupts as for the first time we actually notice the face and blonde locks of Sid Vicious.
Fecca, "Folks, with an official like that you’d be insane to cross the official."
Sid starts to wave to the crowd when we suddenly hear the starting cords of "Click Click Boom" by Saliva. The crowd pops a bit when from behind the curtain steps none other than…
Fecca, "Kamakazi Kaukasian?! What’s the Head of security doin out here?!"
KK walks down the ramp with his BMF walk as the crowd is giving a pretty strong ovation. KK gets down to ringside and goes to walk around the cage when he glances through the opened door and notices Sid giving him an off look. KK stops, tilts his head, cocks his eyebrow, and offers him up a one finger salute, drawing a pop from the crowd before he begins walking back around the ring.
Fecca, "I can’t believe that! He just told Sid he’s number one!"
KK walks around and ends up grabing a headset at the commentary table. Fecca stands up and extends his hand.
Fecca, "Kamakazi, it’s good to have ya…"
KK, "I ain’t here to shake your damned hand son. Put that sum-bitch back in your shorts, sit your lil meadly ass down and do your damned job." Fecca, "Then what are ya hear for?" KK, "I think it’s pretty clear that I’m here to keep people watchin’ and save the world from this lil bore fest you call good broadcastin’! I’ma be callin’ the color commentary for the rest of the night, and if ya got a problem there’s damned near ten thousand fans in this arena that are praying for a reason to see a good ol’ Kamakazi ass-whippin!" Fecca, "By all means, please, have a seat." KK, "Well gee, I’m so glad to have your approval. Is it alright if I take a seat… I mean can I please take a seat…" Fecca, "May…" KK, "Excuse me?" Fecca, "Well I…I was just saying that the proper English is "May I please take a seat" as opposed to can I…" KK, "Are you sh*tin me? This ain’t no damned English class, it’s a wrestlin’ show. I’m fixin to Kamakazi drop your ass right here…"
KK sits down and then cracks a laugh as he slaps a pale Bobby Fecca on the shoulder.
KK, "Awe Hell son, I’m just bustin’ your b**ls. Relax." Fecca lets out a sigh of releaf and says, "Excellent, you had me worried."
Bobby gives KK a pat and KK’s smile instantly fades.
KK, "What the Hell ya doin?" Fecca, "I was just givin ya supportive pat like…"
Fecca goes to pat him again and KK says, "Don’t touch me…"
Fecca, "What?"
KK, "I said don’t touch me. Are ya hard of hearin or just plain stupid?"
Fecca, "Uh…"
KK, "Just shut you’re damned mouth, keep your hands to yourself, and watch the damned match."
Sabrina: Entering the arena first, standing six feet and four inches and weighing in at two hundred an fifty-five pounds......BOBBY JOHNSON!!!!
[ "The G.O.A.T." by LL Cool J hits over the speakers. Bobby appears on the stage and hits some flexin an posing for the fans. He finishes up and makes his way down teh aisle, slapping hands with many fans. Johnson stops on the bottom ringstep and looks at the cage he's about to enter. Fans are still cheering as Bobby slowly makes his way into the cage. he approaches a corner and stares up the ramp.
Fecca: I wonder who's going to be the next person out here for this match....
KK: Well hell son, it really doesn't make a damn difference to me who the next silly sumbitch is! I just want to see somebody get their ass whipped in that contraption.
Fecca: My color guy tonight ladies and gents... |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Final Verdict' (1/22/06)
Date Posted:01/17/2009 4:22 PMCopy HTML
PWT Presents: Final Verdict
January 22nd, 2006 |
[ Johnson's music fades away and is replaced with "Never Enough" by Papa Roach. The fans boo as that kitten mauling bastard Demented steps out on the stage. In the ring, Bobby's eyes kind of get big. He'd been hoping that he could work on Chris Styles a few seconds before Demented showed up to the party. But alas its the seven foot tall nearly three hundred an thirty pound brick wall of Demented stalking down the ramp. Bobby grabs a kendo stick and actually leaves the ring and cage. He meets Demented at the end of the ramp and...THWACK! Bobby slaps the stick across the top of Demented's head. Big man shakes it off though after a small stumble back. THWACK! Again Johnson connected with the kendo. THWACK! A third shot catches Demented across the gut. He doubles over and Bobby drops the kendo. Bobby grabs Demented by his pants and shoulder, trying to rush him into the side of the cage like a battering ram. But the big man throws on the brakes. Johnson still attempting to muster all his strength to send Demented into the barbedwire wrapped cage. Its just not happening though...
KK: You'd think that dumb bastard would figure out he's not strong enough to muscle Demented around like that.
Fecca: Wait a minute! Here comes our third member of this match, Chris Styles!
[ Styles charges down the ramp. Without a word spoken between them, Chris takes up position on teh opposite side of Demented and together he and Bobby ram the unmasked monster into the dangerous caging. The brief partnership is over with in a hurry though. Chris connects with a right to the side of Bobby's head. Another and a nother connect as Johnson is staggered back. But on the fourth, Bobby blocks with his left arm and fires back with his own right! Chris Styles is being rocked back now. But a quick kick to the gut turns the tide back in favor of Styles. He's looking for a piledriver but its reversed by Johnson! He takes the legs from under Styles, setting up and catapulting him into the barricade. Chris hits with such force that he flips on over into the first row. The fans in the front row are trying tow arn Bobby of danger behind him. He tries to turn quickly, but its not quick enough as Demented mows down the young man with a massive clothesline. Demented stalks over to the barricade and reaches over, grabbing Styles by his fro. He pulls him to his feet and Styles trhows a cola in his eyes. Demented stumbles around for a moment trying to clear his eyes. Meanwhile Styles gets up on the barricade and comes off for a double axehandle smash.
Fecca: UH-OH!
[ Chris jumps right into the hand of Demented, who cleared his eyes enough to grab Styles for a chokeslam. But as he thrusts Chris into the air, Bobby Johnson from behind with a chopblock on Demented. Styles lands on his feet and immediately starts firing away with the lefts and rights across the back of Demented. Bobby Johnson up after hitting the chop, he joins in with Styles. However the unmasked monster powers up, sending both men backwards! Bobby on his ass looks up in amazement while Styles' eyes are the size of saucer plates. Not appreciating the earlier chop-block, Demented stalks after Bobby Johnson. In the meantime Chris Styles has made his way to the times keeper table. he takes two chairs and catches up to where Demented has stalked Bobby against the Barricade. Johnson ducks and rolls under a clothesline. Back to his feet and Chris Styles hands him a chair. The two stare each other down before connecting with a double shot right to Demented's face!
Fecca: My god what a chair shot!
[ Demented though sits up in a very Kane-like way. Bobby and Chris quickly race to opposite sides of Demented and connect with a wicked con-chair-to! This one puts the big man onto his back again. Chris and Bobby then both swing at each otehr with their chairs. The double connection jars them both and they drop the chairs. They look at each other and Bobby motions for them to get into the cage. Bobby enters the barbed wire cage and waits as Styles enters the cage as well. Demented is still on the outside when Johnson and Styles lock up in the traditional collar-elbow tie up. Johnson quickly locks in a standing arm bar, Styles rolls through, and comes up, reversing it into an arm drag takeover. Bobby hits the mat and is up quickly, he ducks an attempted clothesline by Styles and drops him with a neckbreaker.
Fecca: "Nice wrestling here in the cage, looks like both me are trying to avoid it."
KK: Hell kid, what would you do? You think these sumbitches want the barbed wire ripping at their skin. Aigh Aigh, I don't think so.
[Another collar elbow tie up, this time Johnson locks in an overhead wrist lock. He begins to push back, and Styles bends at the waist, his head hitting the match. Styles supports himself with his thighs, and Johnson leaps into the air, still holding the wrist lock, and lands boot first onto Styles thighs. Styles legs almost give way, but they don't. Johnson moves so his feet are on the mat, then leaps back into the air, slamming back onto Styles thighs. Still Styles manages to keep his bridge. Johnson goes for it again, but Styles gets his boots up and into the midsection of Johnson, then Styles rolls, and uses his feet to flip Johnson over, the wrist lock never getting broken. Styles rolls backwards, and lands boot first into the stomach of Johnson, he continues rolling, and hits a second monkey flip, this one breaks the wrist lock, and the crowd explodes with cheers out of appreciation for the wrestling.
Fecca: Neither man can gain an advantage, and look at Demented, he's still out from that conchairto.
[Styles backs up close to the ropes, and waits until Johnson gets to his knees. Styles runs towards Johnson, puts one foot on Johnson's thigh and lifts himself into the air, slamming his knee into the side of Johnson's head. Styles grabs Johnson's head and traps it underneath his arm and against his side. This exposes Johnson's back to him. Styles wraps his legs around Johnson's waist, and squeezes, while he uses his free arm to slam forearms into Johnson's back. Johnson groans in pain, but manages to slowly lift himself up to a standing position, Styles has Johnson's head locked, and his legs around Johnson's body. Johnson walks backwards, and then drops down. Styles realizes too late what's about to happen, as his face rams straight into the turnbuckle. Styles breaks his grip, and Johnson rolls out from under him, grabbing a kendo stick as he gets to his feet.
Fecca: I guess it's time to use the plunder.
[Styles begins to stand, his back towards Johnson. Johnson swings the stick and it smashes into the back of Styles thigh. Styles clutches at his leg, and gets a shot to the lower back, then to the upper back. Styles stumbles, turning around, and gets a kendo shot right to the gut. Johnson stands to the side of Styles, but facing the opposite way. He presses the kendo stick against Styles throat, and then swings Styles down, hitting a modified downward spiral. Johnson looks around at the crowd with a sadistic smirk, and they cheer for the former ICWA Royal Rumble Winner. Johnson gets behind Styles, and places the stick across this throat, as he puts his knees in Styles back. He pulls back on the stick while pushing up with his knees. Styles hands grip at the stick, trying to pull it away. Styles can't pull the stick away, and looks as if he's fading. Though the match is supposed to end by submission, Styles looks like he's fading. Special Guest referee Sid Vicious, who was assigned this contest, checks Styles. His arm goes up once, and goes down once. His arm goes up a second time, and comes down a second time. His arm goes up a third time, but before Sid Vicious can drop it, the big man Demented enters the ring and drives his foot into the head of the grounded Bobby Johnson.
Fecca: Johnson could've won the match right there, but Demented saved the match for both him and Styles.
[Demented pushes Styles away from Johnson, and lifts Bobby Johnson up to his feet. Johnson is not able to really get a footing after having Demented's custom fitted size 20 wrestling boot slammed into the side of his head. Demented scoops him up, and slams him down. Demented stands there, and then leaps in the air, and drives his whole 326 pound frame into the chest of Bobby Johnson with a devestating double stomp. The crowd lets out a big ohhhh, as Demented doesn't give Bobby any time to rest. Demented pulls Bobby up, and sets his back on his shoulder, standing straight up. He holds Johnson around the waist and begins to jump up and down, executing a submission hold of sorts. Johnson looks like he's close to submitting, but Styles dives forward, driving his forearm into Demented's knee. Demented's body comes out from under him, and he crashes onto his back with Johnson landing on his chest. Styles stands up and grabs a table that was between the ropes and the cage. He pulls the table into the middle of the ring, and sets it up. Styles pushes Johnson off of Demented, and pulls the big man to his feet, and lays him across the table. Styles moves to the top rope, his hands clutching the ropes so he doesn't have to touch the cage. It looks like he's going for a moonsault. Bobby Johnson is up. Johnson runs towards Styles, leaps onto the middle rope, and delivers a modified superkick to the back of Styles head. Styles is sent crashing into the barbed wire cage, his legs on either side of the turnbuckle as he falls back, his legs catching him so he's in a tree of woe position. Demented is up, off of the table, and Johnson turns around, and gets a hand wrapped around his throat. Demented lifts him up, looking for a chokeslam, but Johnson swings his body so he lands behind Demented, and pushes with all of his weight. The unexpected force lifts Demented into the air slightly and he crashes head first into the barbed wire cage.
Fecca: Holy cow Kamakazi! Styles is bleeding, Demented looks like he's bleeding, there's a table set up, and a ladder that hasn't come into play yet.
KK: Listen here you beady eyed sumbitch. Bobby Johnson has the ladder, and is setting it up.
[Johnson sets the 12 foot ladder up and grabs the big man, laying him across the table. Johnson climbs up to the top of the ladder, and the crowd is on their feet. Johnson leaps off and flips once, looking for a Swanton Bomb, but Demented moves out of the way, and Bobby crashes through the table. He lets out an agonized groan. Styles has managed to free himself, and runs towards Demented, who is climbing to his feet. He leaps into the air, wanting to hit a cross body, but Demented catches him, and the big man hoists him up onto his shoulders. He presses him above his head, and then throws him into the ladder. Styles crashes rib first into the standing ladder and knocks it over, and as the ladder falls, he lands chest first on it. Demented then bounces off the ropes, narrowly missing the barbed wire cage, and comes roaring back. The big man leaps into the air, and extends his body, driving his weight into Styles back, smashing him farther onto the cold steel ladder. The big man stands to his feet and lets out a scream of sorts, very animalistic. He turns towards Johnson, who is just beginning to stand from his mishap with the table. Johnson turns around and gets caught by Demented's right hand. Demented lifts Johnson up, and drops him down with a big chokeslam. Demented looks around, and sees Styles laying over the ladder. He grabs Styles by his pants, and pulls him off the ladder, tossing him back some. Styles hits the mat and rolls underneath the ropes, next to the barbed wire. Demented grabs the ladder, and walks over to the corner. He begins to climb the corner, and the seven foot monster stands atop the turnbuckle, holding onto the ladder. He looks down at Bobby Johnson, and then looks around at the crowd, sneering.
Fecca: No, God no! Don't do it!
[But Demented does, he leaps off the turnbuckle, his weight moving against the ladder. His 326 pounds come down with the ladder, crashing onto the chest of Bobby Johnson. The whole arena is filled with the screams of Bobby Johnson as he writhes around on pain, clutching his ribs. The bloody Demented looks at him, grinning an evil, sadistic grin. Styles is somehow up, clutching his ribs. He sees Demented running towards him, with a leg getting ready to come up for a running big boot. Styles drops down, and uses his legs to trip up Demented. The monster begins to fall, but goes through the ropes, and crashes into the cage again. Styles holds onto the top rope, and swings his body so his feet crash into the side of Demented's head, sending it back against the barbed wire. Styles grinds his boots against Demented's face as the barbs begin to rip the flesh from Demented's body. Styles moves away from Demented and grabs him by his wrestling tights. He pulls him to a standing position and wraps his arms around his waist. Big release german suplex. Styles drops an elbow to the sternum of Demented, before setting up another table, that was on a different side of the ring. He sets it up and pulls Demented up. He looks around as he kicks Demented in the gut and puts his head between his legs. Styles wraps his arms around Demented's waist and lifts him up, POWERBOMBING him through the table. Styles falls over, clutching his ribs as the crowd chants Holy Shit!
Fecca: Oh My! Did I just see that correctly? Chris Styles just powerbombed Demented through a table!"
[Bobby Johnson is beginning to stand, an arm wrapped around his waist. Styles is getting to his feet as well. Styles turns around towards Johnson. SUPERKICK! Styles hits the mat. But he's not completely out. Bobby in a moment of brilliance starts to pull at a portion of the barbedwire. He unravels it and raises Chris Styles up. Bobby, takes Styles' right arm and slowly wraps barbed wire around it and back through the cage.......Now the left arm of Chris Styles is raised up and Bobby wraps it the same as the right....Johnson smirking as he turns back toward Demented....He locks in his Bourban Street Blues. Demented struggles, but there's no rope breaks, and Chris Styles' is tied to the cage with barbedwire.... Demented doesn't want to give, but after about thirty seconds in the move, the big man begins to tap out furiously, while muttering the words "I give I give." The bell rings to end the match as "The G.O.A.T." hits the speakers.
Sabrina: "Your winner, BOBBY JOHNSON!"
[Bobby releases the hold and lays against the mat exhausted as Final Verdict goes to a hype for the People's Tournament Finals. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Final Verdict' (1/22/06)
Date Posted:01/17/2009 4:24 PMCopy HTML
PWT Presents: Final Verdict
January 22nd, 2006 |
[NED is in the ring, staring across to the other side into Javen's eyes. Javen is pacing, back and forth, looking at not NED, but rather the CoT that he holds in his hand. NED notices this and smiles, grasping it firmly, and turning to hand it down to his towel bearer, Alexis.
Fecca: "I was expecting the Crown of Thorns to start the match."
KK: "Nah, if I know Dangerously, he'll want this to go slow. He's out to prove a point and showcase himself tonight."
[The bell rings, and as NED paces to a circle, Javen's arms come up and shake, as he prepares to pounce.
Fecca: "This should be interesting. Javen is very random and you have no idea what he;ll do, whilst Dangerously likes to plan and be premeditative."
[Javen lunges at NED, who braces, but swirls around him to behind to go for a waistlock- NED goes to elbow back but Javen's head is low and he shoves NED as a locomotion towards a corner- NED stops it with his foot, and Javen changes for a belly-to-back, however NED's foot comes off the corner and stamps Javen's, who releasing the waist lock. NED spins around with a lariat, but Javen's ducked that and again, a waistlock. He goes for a German Suplex, but NED's arm wraps behind and locks Javen's head, and he monkey tosses him in front of him and on Javen's ass. Javen swirls and goes for a leg- and this tackle brings down NED, and Javen goes for a mount and starts swiping as fast as he can... punches connect and NED guards himself- but this isn't getting him to escape and he knows that slowly, Javen's trying to wear him down.
Fecca: "I don't know what Javen's strategy is for this match, but Dangerously is a ring general with virtually anyone he's wrestling. He should try and go his own style and go for huge, high impact moves to take Dangerously downf ast, because Dangerously's stamina gives this match to his favor the longer it goes on."
[Javen gets to his feet and brings down an elbow, and it connects, and as NED gets to his stomach to push up, Javen seens his chance and plants his foot into NED's neck. NED rolls away and to the ropes, holding the nape of his neck and scowling at Javen, who has one arm raised and a grin on his face.
KK: "I don't get it. What's the big deal?"
Fecca: "Ugh. If you did your research, you'd know Dangerously's been in many car accidents. His neck and his right knee are his weak spots, and Javen just tested a theory that must have gone through his head."
KK: "I don't want to know what's going on through his head!"
[NED must have lost his cool, because he charges Javen- who side steps it and NED goes to the corner, but Javen mis judges the time and NED charges back out with a lariat as he turns around. Javen gets planted, and NED reaches down and picks him up by the head. When he does, javen finds anothe ropen spot and goes for the "Jobba Killa" to take him down fast and hard, but NED feels it coming halfway through and scrambles out, losing his balance and falling into the ropes. He's near Alex, so he just steps out and onto the apron, talking to her as the crowd starts tcheering for Javen and his strategy that's, do far, is working well. Maybe NED can't believe it. Maybe he doesn't want to, but CM's little brother isn't as weak as he thought. CM claps his hands, getting fans to do so also, for his brother, and Javen takes another chance and tries to catch NED offguard with a charge- but NED fakes him out and was actually counting on this as he ducks down and sends a shoulder block into Javen's full-blast run... Javen grabs the top rope, doubling over and NED decides playtime is over. He wraps Javen for a suplex, and when he gets him full-tilt, he doesn't drop back, but *jumps* back, sending javen crashing not into the floor, but into the guardrail!!!!
Fecca: "That's so damn sick!"
KK: "That was unexpected this early..."
[NED crashed and skidded into the matting, hurt himself but starting to sit up and hold his nack with one arm as he tries to stand, but Javen... he crumples into a ball, hugging himself almost, in alot of pain *very* early into this match.
Fecca: "One can only assume that if Dangerously locks in the Jagged Reality soon, this match may be over as CM would have no choice but to spare his little brother the pain and torture."
[NED climbs up with the apron, and reaches for Javen, picking him up and heaving him half-way to a bodyslam, more like a set up for a fall-a-way. Trying to get him shoulder-high, he takes javen and runs him into the ringpost, working the back as fast as he can. Javen again falls to NED's feet, and NED reaches down again, and tosses him into the ring. He follows, and kicks Javen, rolling him to the other side, over to CM so CM can get a front-row seat to the show, so to speak. Then NED reaches for Javen's legs, and prepares for the end.
KK: "Well, this was quick."
Fecca: "This would be two opponents in two weeks that Dangerously has just basically rolled over with no problem. The Jagged Reality is about to be locked, folks!"
[Indeed, NED goes for it, but before he can wrap the legs, he has to double forward, and Javen aches himself in a crunch and sends a fist to NED's temple, and with his legs, he plants them in NED's chest and shoves him back! The crowd comes back to life, forgetting their boos just moments earlier, as Javen is making a good fight out of this. NED comes at Javen again, but to save himself, Javen forgets the clothesline and goes with a spinning heel kick, making only his legs in danger should NED counter. he doesn't, as the feet connect with NED's kisser and NED stammers back. Jeven rolls, and climbs to his feet, and as NED recoups, he kicks forward and stunts NED in a DDT! NED flips over and sprawls, as Javen rolls to the outside, holding his back from that initial to-the-outside suplex. He huffs, and CM comes to check on him, and he assures big brother he's fine, as the cameras go to Jeremy in the crowd.
Fecca: "Is that what this is all about for Javen? Is that why he's fighting harder than NED thought?"
KK: "I don't think Dangerously expected a fight tonight at all. Javen surprised him early on and with that comeback after that viscious suplex."
[The Jerm sees himself on PWT cameras, and waves, mouthing "HI MOM!", as Javen climbs to his feet. He grabs a chair, someone was sitting in, and claps it folded shut. Then with a free arm, he takes one, unfolded, and tosses it over his head and into the ring. It almost hits NED. Javen rolls in with his weapon and NED pushes up and sees the chair in the ring. His grimmace vanishes, as he looks around for Javen. Right behind him. NED turns and sees Javen raising the chair and slips by and does a drop toe hold, sending Javen into the other one! Javen's head bounces, and the chair flies out of his hand, and NED breathes a sigh of relief, as does Alexis. NED grabs Javen by the arm, jerking him up unnarturally, and on purpose, and then whips him with all his might into the turnbuckle. Javen bounces out, grasping his back and grimmacing in pain, as NED kicks him and goes for a suplex again- aiming for the folded chair- Javen wriggles free at full mast and ends up on his feet, stumbles a second, reaches for the chair, grabs it, and heads for the ropes and back like a spiralling football, smashing NED right between the eyes, laying him out flat.
Fecca: "Out of nowhere again!"
[Javen stands over NED, wobbling alittle, then grins and brings the chair up and down on NED's right knee... NED convulses, and tries to get away, rolling for the ropes but gets a chair to his back for his troubles. NED bows back and folls off the apron, and Javen holds up the chair. NED grabs the guard rail and climbs to his feet, as Javen hits the ropes and comes back for a Flying Suicide Plancha with the chair, becoming a ballistic missle- he connects with NED, and both tumble over the guard rail and onto a couple of (un?)lucky fans....
KK: "I foresee lawsuits in our future, Boob!"
Fecca: "Did you just call me a boob?"
KK: "Sorry, it was a typo, I'm excited."
[Alex uses the towel to cover her face, which must be her own strategy not to throw it in. The Crown of Thorns is leaning against the ring itself, but NED and Javen are on the next side to the immediate right. Javen's coughing, holding his chest, as NED is sprawled over some empty chairs, his right leg hanging down to the floor. Javen stands, hops on the guard rail, and launches off for a body splash, creating a mess of twisted metal and broken bodies... fans's fists are flying in chats and NED is trying to crawl. Javen is up first, limping alittle from the first suplex and the subsequent Plancha and the last dive, picking NED up off the floor and standing him up. Chop! WOOOO! Chop! WOOO! NED reels with each one, and stumbles back.
Fecca: "These two may not be staying in the arena!"
KK: "That'll make it hard for the towels to be thrown in, won't it?"
[Another chop, and another WOOOO! Javen kicks over an empty chair, vacated by a fan, and kicks it folded, kicks NED, and goes for a DDT- and this is his mistake, as the chops may have given NED time to recoup. NED reverses it into the "Kryptonite Krunch", and sends Javen's shoulders into the chair, dumping him down like a bad habit!! Some of the female fans look away as the males hoot and holler.
Fecca: "And Javen could be broken in half."
KK: "It's a very brutal leading up to the Jagged Reality, if that is hwta NED's planning to end the match with."
[Now NED is up, sucking some wind but clears his head, and brings up Javen, running him down an aisle and tossing him over the rail into a heap. NED climbs over, and grabs Javen's hair with both ahnds and drags him to the ringpost... BRANG!! BRANG!!! BRANG!! CM turns away, as Javen wobbles on his knees. NED wipes his mouth, checking for blood, and spins back around and BRANG! Javen topples over, sprawled out like a cadaver.
Fecca: "Four times his head crashed into the ringpost!"
[NED plucks him up and roll him into the ring, and goes to follow, but stalls, and turns back, walking to Alex, who's face is still buried in the towel. He picks up the CoT, and a murmur goes over the crowd. Javen is crawling, slowly, towards CM and a chair, and NED rolls in, CoT in hand. NED goes to attack, but Javen pops up, chair in hand, and deflects it, bouncing the COT back in the air- and Javen sends the chair edge-first into NED's mid-section. NED doubles, and Javen drops the chair and grasps NED, and hauls him up with great effort for a desperate piledriver. NED crumples, and Javen tries to stand up. NED rolls to his stomach, and grabs the COT, picking off the barbed wire...
Fecca: "What is he doing?"
KK: "I think he found a new way to play with his toy..."
[NED unravels the wire, and wraps it around his fist, stillf ace down, as Javen comes at him. When he feels Javen's hand on his head, he pops up with a fake left hand to get Javen's attention, and the plants his right, wired hand, into Javen's forehead! Javen falls back, and into the corner, as NED decends upon him and rips away at the skin at the top of his head with the wire, in view of CM... (Javen's corner).
Fecca: "Now, i believe the towels may come into play. Blood means pain and pain means someone may want to give up."
KK: "But does Christian want to let Javen give up? Or vice versa."
[NED steps up to the second rope and trhashes down with his right hand, stopping every three or so hits, looking down at Christian and screams at him to throw the damned towel. Christian shakes his head, and NED returns to the beatdown. When NED does it the next time, though, Javen shakes his head, and blood pours down from his hairline. NED grins, and hops down, grabbing Javen's hair and pushing his head over the ropes to show CM. He takes his right hand and rubs it over Javen's hairline, making it drip down faster, and then flings him back, plopping him onto the canvas. Javen reaches up as he turns over, trying to grab onto the ropes, and as he slowly climbs to his feet, NED runs up and gives a high knee to his gut to slow him down, knocking the wind out of him and unwrapping the wire from his own hand, starting on Javen's left wrist, twirling it around thr rope and to his right...
Fecca: "He might as well be handcuffed!"
[NED steps back, as Javen yanks away, trying to get free, but he loses his footing and falls to his knees. NED smiles, shaking his head, and reaches down for the kendo. He looks at CM, pointing to Javen's exposed, prone back and shrugs, asking him if he wants to throw it in now. CM answers no, and so NED shrugs, and takes it in both hands and whips Javen's back with a slice through the air and a slap so loud that Javen's back bows back and he lets out a yell... he falls to one knee again, breathing hard and NED shows CM the red line that now stretches across Javen's back. Cm again says no...
KK: "The anticipation of this... Javen's got to be wondering when the next strike will come.."
[Again, with both hands, NED goes horizontal this time. WHACK! Then from above- WHACK! Both slap the skin hard and both make Javen convulse, and NED tells CM he's ready to end this. Javen tries harder to yank himself free, pulling at the wire with his fingers, but he can't make it intime for the fourth- WHACK! an OOOOHHHH from the crowd, as Javen's red face and heaving shoulders betray what he's feeling right now.
Fecca: "Javen's back is no lacerated from that kendo!"
[Cm still won't throw in the towel, and NED shrugs and lines up his shot- and this time he took too long. javen's right hand wriggle sout from thw wire and he spins around and sends a punch right into NED's face!!!
[The crowd goes nuts as even CM is stunned and the Jerm stands up in his front row seat to see better- NED reeled around and clapped his hands to his face, dropping the kendo and back facing Javen, who now runs at NED and hops on his back, taking the loose end of the wire and around NED's throat!!!
Fecca: "This could be it!!!"
[NED thrashes his body about, but luckily for him his arms are caught in front of his neck, he reels back and forth trying to shake Javen but his legs are grapevined and he lets out a gutteral yell of war that some people in the front row jump, including the Jerm... Javen wriggles the wire to cut at NED's arms and forcing him to drop them so the wire can choke him out, but NED still fishtailing in desperation, he runs Javen to the corner and goes back first, and the first time, Javen's legs loosen, the second time Javen is standing, but as NED tries a third, javen hops back on and re-applies the grapevine... NED's face is turing red and he may be losing his composure. This definately wasn't in his plan, and he spins around, still unable to get free. so he runs forward, and steps on the corner ropes, geting his left foot to the second rope and launches off backwards and pancakes over Javen, who sprawls out and NED is free!
KK: "What a veteran move, Bob. NED knew where he was and went downt he possible options, and got free through experience."
Fecca: "Both survival instincts much be cranked up to one hundred and ten percent!"
[NED is up to his knees, and he has slices down his forearms. His neck is okay, but he still checks it out. His forehead is bleeding, not nearly as bad as Javen and his crimson mask, but he still breathes a sigh of relief. Javen pushes up and NED kicks him hard, in the ribs, and grabs the wired-arm into a hammerlock, and then grabs the free hand, tying them together behind Javen's back!!
Fecca: "Enough is enough! this shouldn't be allowed!"
[Again NED grabs the kendo, and reaches down, pulling Javen onto his jelly legs and to his feet. Javen wobbles and NED demands that Cm throw in the towel. Cm refuses. NED sneers and Javen takes the kendo to the face!! The crowd gasps again as javen spins and sprials down, face hitting the canvas and leaving a streak of red. He's putting his knees under him trying to get up and NED demands it again.
Fecca: "Just throw it in, Christian! Please, it's over!"
[CM shakes his head slowly, and Javen slowly gets up and NED reels back and bats his face again, full blast, and again Javen nose dives. People look away, Jerm looks away, CM looks away- for a second. NED points with the kendo, and Cm readies to throw the towel.
Fecca: "Thank god, it's over!"
[But before it leaves his hand, Javen pops to his feet, and his white eyes shine through the dark red, and je leaps at NED- NED barely has enough time to smash him in the face a third time, and it's so hard Javen almost flips backwards as he crashes into the mat- on his back!! It must have hurt his wrists alot because he fops around like a dying flounder, and NED gives the "bring it" motion to CM to throw the towel. CM sighs, and nods. It's time.
KK: "Javen is getting up..."
[As NED raises his arms in victory, looking up, Javen's slipping his hands under his own ass to get his arms in front of him- he does it and it works and CM looks shocked.
CM: "NIC!"
[NED looks at Cm, who points behind him- NED spins, and into a deadly Axehandle of barbed wire! NED crashes down, and Javen's straddled over him and brings down the axes over and over and over and over into NED's head, which is bouncing off the canvas. Javen stops, breathing heavily, looking at Alexis who is shocked herself.
[She hesitates and so Javen brings down the wried wrists over and over into NED's head, so hard and so fast that blood is spackling Javen's arms and stomach from NED!
KK: "This is sick! He's hacking away at the top of NED's head."
Fecca: "Something's not right..."
KK: "What, all the damn gore in the ring right now? on this night? All this night?!"
[Javen stops, heaving for breath, as if he;s fighting to get air through the blood, and looks wildly at Alexis.
Javen: "Do it or I will, I'll come out there, and I'll rip that towel out of your hand, and I'll throw it down my f***ing self!"
[Alexis steps back, towards the entrance.
KK: "Yeah! If she leaves, she can't ever throw in the towel. Genius."
Fecca: "Really, Styles, something's not right. Aren't you asking yourself why Christian warned Dangerously?"
KK: "Reflex? Who knows.."
[Javen shoves himself off NED and limps towards Alexis, who's near tears. NED rolls to face them, heaving himself, and saoked in his and Javen's blood. NED goes to his stomach and pushes up... Javen reaches down and grabs the kendo himself, and goes to step between the ropes- before he makes it, though, NED grabs him and pulls him back in- Javen elbows NED, and NED steps back- Javen goes to swat him- and NED plunges into Javen and lifts him up for a messy and sloppy "Deus Ex Machina" that connects... Javen tooples down, and NED reaches for his back which is scathed by the wire that binds Javen's hands. Javen slinks away like a snake to a corner, as NED pushes up and goes after him... Javen uses his hands like a wrecking ball to nail NED in the face, and NED sprawls back, out and bleeding. Javen steps towards him and leaves FOOTPRINTS of blood, and plops down sitting, and wraps NED's legs.
Fecca: "He's going to do it! The Jobba Breaka!"
KK: "With tied hands? Is that possible?"
[It is, but it's going to be modified even more than the original. he ties up NED's leg around his own, and hovers to his feet, hugging NED's other leg enough to perform his one, lone submission. The "Jobba Breaka", cuffed in barbed wire and consumed within his own crimson... Javen has it on... and NED's arms are flailing, as he scratches and claws toward something for leverage... alexis covers her mouth and goes to throw the towel, but NED screams at her not to-
Javen: "DO IT! DO IT! THROW IT!"
[Javen's laughing. Maniacally. He's looking right at CM, and then just beyond him to Jeremy, his father. Their father, and his tongue is out as if he wants to catch the blood on his tongue like the drops of a first rain; to remember this moment that he did what Christian couldn't do. NED's bickering with his woman back and forth about the towel, and although NED is grimmacing in pain he still pleads with her not to do it... waving his hand in a "no" motion as Javen laughs and laughs. NED's cockiness got the better of him tonight, and Javen's walking out with a win over him *and* his own brother. Jerm gives Javen the thumbs up, an Javen's smile softens into a warm curl as he closes his eyes.
Fecca: "Javen has won on so many levels tonight!"
KK: "... he hasn't won yet, stupid."
[Cm then tosses his towel into the air, trying to catch it... acting clumsey, and as Javen hears the commotion, he opens his eyes in horror. Cm can't keep ahold of the towel, and that turns into disbelief... It's flailing in the air, just before him, and also before him his chances to upstage his brother and give pride to his father...
Fecca: "What the hell?"
[Javen's mouth gaps, but on the other side, Alexis tells NED she's sorry, as Javen leans back and NED's face buries into his own arms... Cm acts like the towel is out of his grasp, and Javen lets go of the hold, standing up and releasing NED. Alexis stops herself dead cold- and javen asks CM why? over and over... an CM can only shrug. The towel is in his hands again, and he tells Javen not to worry, as NED crawls over to Alexis. He climbs up to his feet, and looks across to Javen, who argues with his brother, and Jerm slaps his forehead. He knows what's going on. And Fecca is about to realize.
KK: "Haha, whatever. It's just sibling rivalry."
Fecca: "YOU IDIOT.... CHRISTIAN MICHAELS!!!! He's partnered with NED on several occasions and has been a W2K Tag Team Champion with him! It was never JT Kash...."
KK: "Dammit, I don't have time to switch my bet... why couldn't you of thought about that on Thursday?"
[NED lunges at Javen, who spins to swipe him with his barbed axe handle again, but NED ducks it and nails a drop toe hold; such a simpel movewith irrevocable consquences. NED grabs Javen's legs and goes for his modified standing-Texas Cloverleaf; the "Jagged Reality".... with his knee into Javens back and right foot on Javen's flattened head, he arches back and there's no where to go. Javen's locked. Damo must have thought Alexis in trouble, for he comes out the entrance to go ringside.... maybe he's in disbelief of CM's actions, too.... who knows... But he watches intently, as CM rolls into the ring, and goes around to where Javen's glossy eyes can focus on him. He waves "buh bye", maybe to Javen, maybe to the fans, maybe to his "face" status, but in any case he holds the towel shoulder high, and the camera follows it as it leaves his hand and falls to the canvas. The white with blue stripped towel lands in a splotting of blood, giving it more contrast, as Javen's eyes go weak and streaks of tears tear into the blood on his face. The bell rings, and NED drops Javen's legs and holds his hands in the air.
Fecca: "RIDICULOUS!!!! Alexis was going to throw the towel! Javen did the impossible! He's People's Champion!!!
KK: "He didn't do the impossble. Christian did. Christian signed on with Nic E Dangerously and Synergy."
["King Nothing" rumbles acroos PWT as the ref hands NED his People's Championship Belt, and he holds it over his head dropping to his knees as Alexis and Damo rush the ring... and NED takes the blood off Javen's unmoving body, and wipes "404" in blood upon the belt's face. he stands, with effort, and looks at Christian, and they have a stare down, face to face.
Fecca: "IT WAS SIBLING RIVALRY! He and Dangerously are about to go at it!'
KK: "I don't know what to think- they're arguing- wait-"
[Then both break out in smiles, and give each other a big hug as boos rain down from all corners. Damo is shocked, Alexis is shocked! Are you? As they let go and Cm holds up NED's arm, Damo the other, and Alexis holds the "404"'ed Peoples Title, draping it around NED's waist for all to see... then stands at his side for a group picture...
KK: "Wow, I didn't see that coming. I didn't see Javen's fighting that hard coming, and I didn't see CM's betrayal coming. I would have pissed myself if it was Seifer, though."
[ "King Nothing" continues, as we cut to a promotion for Shockwave 37.... |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Final Verdict' (1/22/06)
Date Posted:01/17/2009 4:25 PMCopy HTML
PWT Presents: Final Verdict
January 22nd, 2006 |
[We fade back in after the promotion for Shockwave 37. Synergy- all four members, are still in the ring as Damo takes out the trash and tosses Javen out of the ring. "King Nothing" is still blaring....
Fecca: "Folks if you did what I should have done, and that's take a crap during this match, you missed Javen being robbed, by his own brother Christian, the fourth member of Synergy. You heard me right. Christian Michaels has aligned with Dangerously. F*** him."
KK: "Wow, I wish the Takeover was this exciting. Maybe Siefer joined *them*! I'd piss myself for sure."
[But as Synergy celebrates, with the bloody, "404" belt for the People, Brooks comes out down the ramp with a serious look on his face. One by one, Synergy notices, NED last, and looks at brooks as he walks down, grabbing a mic and stepping into the muddled ring.
NED: "What the hell do you want?"
CM: "Maybe he finally brought us that pizza you asked for a couple weeks ago."
Brooks: "No, that's not why I'm here. I'm here because of a legal problem concerning *you*, Mister Dangerously."
Fecca: "What is this all about?"
KK: "No idea, now shut up."
NED: "Uh, there are no legal problems with me, Brooks. Remember my contract? The stipulations? As long as I'm under contract, PWT covers up all my activities and I have *no* legal trouble, so go sit back down in the back and let me enjoy my win."
[NED turns away and raises his arms again, to a chorus of boos.
KK: "Pretty swank!"
Brooks: "Well, uh, Mister Dangerously, that seems to be the problem. The contract itself. remember the other stipulation... Wall$treet only signed you to one month, and you added that money-back guarantee because you wer so cock-sure of yourself. Remember?"
NED: "Yeah."
Brooks: "Well, you see, you signed that December 22nd. One month ago. Infact, one month and three minutes ago, which means you are no longer under contract....."
[NED is shocked, eyes wide, and wipes some of the un-dried blood from his face, as CM, Alexis, and Damo all listen in.
Fecca: "HAHAHAHAHA! Synergy grows one member but loses one in the process! I bet NED didn't plan on this either!"
Brooks: "So until you're resigned, you can't wrestle for PWT. And while I'm sure Wall$treet will resign you,... but he's not really around for me to talk to on this matter, and see, Mister Dangerously, that's the problem. He's been in and out for a while, so we have to wait for him to get this matter sorted out... and since I can't ask him as of this moment whether you are indeed resigned by the honor system and your word or not, I hereby am forced to concede that since your contract ran out just a few minutes ago....You CAN NOT be the People's champion!"
[ The fan roar with approval
Brooks: "But I have no interest in once having a vacant title in PWT, thus Javen will be crowned the People's Champion!"
[NED can't believe it. Neither can Synergy as a whole. NED is mortified, and he goes to talk, but his jaw just yammers with no words...
Brooks: "And before you get any funny ideas, Mister Dangerously... don't try and beat me up to resign you. Atleast until you ARE resigned, because your little legal loophole stipulation isn't in effect... and... if you so much as touch me..."
[He gets right up in the Peoples Champion's face....
Brooks: "... I WILL SUE YOUR ASS!"
[The crowd laughs, as NED takes a step back. This is confusing for him; he's usually in control and he just lost ALL of it.
Brooks: "Oh yeah, you can keep the money we paid you, per the terms of your money back guarantee. You did a hell of a job, Slick. have a nice day."
[Brooks drops the mic, as Fecca is heard laughing and "King Nothing" comes back on for Synergy, but Brooks makes the motion to cut it.
Fecca: "HAHAHA... they can't even play his theme because he's not with the company anymore! This is awesome!
KK: "Pretty f***ed up, right there.
[Javen is handed the belt, with his blood on it, by the ref, and he crawls backwards into a corner and laughs hysterically, holding the plate to his face, and gazing at his new prize.. Fade to next... as Synergy is dumbfounded for the first time in a long time... their leader is no.... longer.... employed... well, for the moment.
Fecca: Here comes trouble for Christian Michaels...
KK: Yeah, ruh roh rhaggy!
[ Its Rhya Michaels storming down to the ring. She rolls under the bottom rope, and stalks right up to her husband. The rest of Synergy has already moved to the floor. Damo thinks about going in, but NED holds him back. Perhaps this is a test in NED's eyes for his newest member. Rhya is shouting at CM, but its imposible to make out her words.....
Fecca: Oh no...
[ Rhya spits at her husband's feet before raising her left hands up for a slap. But it doesn't work that way! Christian ducks under the slap and taps his right temple with his right index finger. Rhya has a few more choice words for her husband, she looks out to the crowd, and then she clobbers CM in his left jaw with a solid right! The Heartthrob is staggered back a bit. Rhya though spins on her heels and goes over to Javen. Christian takes one good long look before exiting the ring, with a sneer on his face, and leaving up the rampw ith Synergy. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Final Verdict' (1/22/06)
Date Posted:01/17/2009 4:29 PMCopy HTML
PWT Presents: Final Verdict
January 22nd, 2006 |
Sabrina: "The following contest is for the Professional Wrestling Today World Tag Team Titles, and is a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Match!"
[The crowd explodes with applause. "Blow Me Away" by Breaking Benjamin begins to blare over the PA system. The sold-out Savannah, Georgia crowd leaps to their feet and begin to slam their hands together, cheering as the PWT Backyard Champion walks out onto the stage with his protégée of sorts, Erika Marie. MJ has his Backyard Championship wrapped around his waist. He looks at the crowd and raises both arms to them, as he and Erika begin their way down the ramp, dodging the two ladders set up on the ramp, with more resting against the guard rail.
Sabrina: "Introducing first, being accompanied by Erika Marie, he’s from Madison, Wisconsin, and he’s weighing in tonight at 256 pounds, the reigning Backyard Champion, MJ STORM!"
[MJ slides into the ring and hops on one of the turnbuckles, his arms in the air. He hops down and takes the Backyard Title off. He hands it to Erkia. Then he takes off his red trench coach and his red sunglasses, handing them to a ring hand. He tugs on the top rope of one corner, his eyes glued to the ramp.
Kamakazi : "I’ll be honest, Bob I don’t like MJ’s chances in this match. One man against three teams? It doesn’t seem possible. This man isn’t Kane."
[The PA System comes alive with the words "Tag Team Wrestling: Redefined!" being shouted over it. As the last word ends, "Stop The Show" by The Alchemist featuring Stat Quo and MOP hits the speaker system. The lighting system begins to flash gold and silver lights as Austin and Dustin Lee walk out onto the stage. They move to either side of the entry way. Casey Catalano walks out between them, grinning an evil smile. The crowd boo's them even louder as the former athletic trainer turned valet kisses each wrestler on his cheek. The trio begin to walk down the ring aisle.
Sabrina: "Making their way to the ring being accompanied by Casey Catalano, weighing in at a combined weight of 475 pounds, they represent The Takeover, Austin and Dustin, THE LEE BROTHERS!"
[The crowd boo's even louder as Austin and Dustin roll underneath the bottom rope, and Casey moves to take a spot next to the ring. The music ends, and the lights return to their normal match setting. "Live For The Moment" quickly hits the speaker system, and High Society comes running out onto the stage. They look around at the crowd and bob their heads. They get a so-so reaction of cheers, not really big stars yet in Professional Wrestling Today.
Sabrina: "On their way to the ring, weighing in tonight at a combined weight of 415 pounds, the team of Tai Star and AJ Storm, HIGH SOCIETY!"
[They run down the ramp and slide into the ring, ready for the match to begin, ready to prove that they are the best tag team in the match up. The lights completely shut off in customary Takeover style. The crowd stands to their feet. They are all ready. The Titan Tron flickers to life with the words Pure Perfection glowing. Then the PA System comes alive.
"And I heard as it were the noise of thunder, One of the four beasts saying come and see and I saw... And behold a white horse... There's a man going around taking names and he decides Who to free and who to blame every body won't be treated All the same there will be a golden ladder reaching down... When the man comes around"
[At this very moment, the lights flash quickly, and a gold spotlight stays on the stage. Three figures stand on the stage. David Van Dam and Matt Matlock are in the back standing erect. Their arms are up towards the sky. Angelina is crouched, one knee on the stage, her arms pointing towards the two. The song goes from Johnny Cash to "Don't Say Nuthin'" by The Roots.
Sabrina: "Making their way to the ring, being accompanied by Angelina Santana, they weigh in at a combined weight of 475 pounds, and are the reigning Professional Wrestling Today World Tag Team Champions, David Van Dam and Matt Matlock, PURE PERFECTION!"
[The trio begin to walk towards the ring, a chorus of boo's following them. They ignore the boos, and the outstretched hands of the fans. They roll into the ring, and DVD and Matlock hop on two adjacent corners, while Angelina stands between them both, her hands against the ropes. They hop off as their music fades and the lights return to normal. Angelina steps between the ropes and hops down. DVD unstraps his Ultimate Glory Championship from around his waist and hands it to her, before he and Matlock both look up, as well as all the other wrestler in the match, at the Professional Wrestling World Tag Team Championship Titles hanging from the cable about 23 feet above the canvas. DVD does the sign of the cross and ends by kissing the tips of his fingers. The three teams and MJ Storm each have their own corner, and they all eye each other as the referee assigned to this contest, former ECW and ICWA, official Bill Alfonso, asks each team if they are ready. They all nod, and he signals for the bell.
Bob: "And the match has started. This promises to be a fine Tag Team Contest. So good in fact, that PWT brought in Bill Alfonso to referee it."
Kamakazi: "Yes sir. A new referee coming in to watch David Van Dam and Matt Matlock climb up there and snatch down their Tag Team Titles."
Bob: "I like MJ Storm’s chances, believe it or not. Yeah he’s one man. But he looks more focused than I’ve ever seen him, and everyone’s giving him the short end of the stick."
Kamakazi: "They’re not giving him the short end of the stick to be mean. They’re being realistic. One man against three teams, come on, Bob. That’s ridiculous."
[The two continue back and forth as MJ Storm lunges across the ring and spears DVD to the mat. He begins to let the fists fly to the face of DVD before Matlock wraps his arms around MJ’s waist and pulls him off of DVD. MJ throws his elbow back, catching Matlock in the side of the head. He follows this up with a second elbow, then a third. Matlock breaks his grip around MJ’s waist, and MJ turns and nails Matlock with a hard right hand. He moves to bounce off the ropes and comes running back, but DVD leaps to his feet and rams his forearm into the side of MJ’s head, the force of impact actually flipping MJ’s body as he crashes into the mat.
[Across the ring, The Lee Brothers and High Society have begun to exchange blows. They’ve paired of. AJ with Austin, Tai with Dustin. The fists are flying, none of the men staggering, keeping up with the punches. Austin drives his knee up, sending it crashing into AJ’s gut. He follows this up with a big DDT. Tai swings his forearm and connects with Dustin’s head, and whips him across the ring. Dustin bounces back and gets lifted into the air, then slammed down with a sit out spine buster.
[MJ snap mares Matlock, leaps into the air and dropkicks DVD, and as he’s coming back down he thrusts his hand into Matlock’s throat. He gets to his feet and pulls Matlock up, hitting a snap suplex. DVD’s on his feet, and MJ hits him with a drop toe hold onto the middle rope. MJ signals to the standing AJ Storm, who just managed to throw Austin out of the ring. AJ comes running across the ring and leaps, driving his leg into the back of DVD’s neck, and his throat into the rope. AJ then runs across the ring and leaps over the top rope, flipping his body as he crashes back first into Austin Lee.
Bob: "Look at the action, MJ and High Society look to be in control. Somehow MJ is managing to take it to both DVD and Matlock, while High Society has The Lee Brothers on the outside of the ring."
[Matlock gets to his feet, using the ropes to pull himself up, rubbing his throat. MJ comes running at him, and Matlock ducks down, and the lifts himself up, sending MJ flipping over the top rope and crashing to the cold floor. Matlock turns, and moves over to his partner, helping DVD up to his feet.
[Dustin ducks Tai’s attempt at a short arm clothesline and lifts him into the air and throws him into the guard rail. Tai crashes into the metal railing with the back of his legs, and then falls to the floor. AJ has Austin bent over the guard rail, his legs in the crowd, his chest hanging over it. AJ climbs onto the apron, then top the top rope. He leaps off the top rope and flips forward, and comes crashing down on Austin’s neck with his leg.
[Matlock lifts MJ up and rolls him back into the ring. Matlock then grabs one of the ladders that are resting against the metal guard rails and places it on the apron. He pushes it into the ring as he climbs onto the apron, and enters the ring. DVD is standing, and he grabs MJ storm, whipping him into the ropes. MJ comes bouncing back and DVD lifts him up, and drops him crotch first onto his knee. Matlock then springs forward with a super kick, almost knocking MJ’s head off.
[AJ and Tai are double teaming Dustin. AJ moves back and Tai whips Dustin towards him, AJ hits a big spinning heel kick to Dustin. High Society grin, proud of themselves, but suddenly, they are both tackled by a diving David Van Dam, who just ran across the ring and jumped between the top and middle rope to crash into them both. DVD gets to his feet and pulls Tai to his feet. He quickly whips Tai into the steel steps. He pulls AJ up, and lifts him into the air in the suplex position. Then DVD just drops him, and AJ falls chest first onto the cold floor. AJ grabs at his mid-section as DVD turns towards Tai. He kicks Tai a couple of times, before slamming his head into the steps. Tai slumps into a sitting position, the side of his head resting against the steps. DVD backs up, and looks around. He slaps his thigh and runs forward. His foot comes up, then slams into the side of Tai’s head, driving the other side into the steel steps with such force that the steps are dislodged.
Bob: "My God, Kamakazi, my God! He could’ve just crushed Tai’s skull."
[In the ring, MJ has Matlock against the turnbuckle, and is driving knees into his gut. The ladder is laying flat against the mat behind MJ, and MJ pulls Matlock out over the corner, and lifts him up, and falls back with a big suplex. Matlock crashes back first into the cold steel. His face becomes a mask of pain as MJ bounces off the ropes and comes back with a body splash, driving Matlock farther against the ladder. MJ stands up, and rolls Matlock off of the ladder. MJ sets the ladder up, and begins to climb it, going towards the Tag Titles. Suddenly DVD comes in the ring, and pushes the ladder over. MJ, who wasn’t expecting DVD to get in that quick, is unable to do anything, and is sent from inside the ring, over the ropes, and crashing to the cold floor on the outside. DVD raises his arms, and helps Matlock up. They turn around, but get caught with a steel chair to the head. One shot for each of them. They both hit their knees, and AJ Storm slams the chair into their skulls again, and they both slump to the mat.
Bob: "Such action in this match, it’s hard to keep up with it all."
Kamakazi: "AJ Storm better turn around, Austin and Dustin are both up, and in the ring."
[Austin and Dustin roll into the ring behind AJ. AJ turns around and gets caught with a kick to the gut from Austin. He and Dustin grab him, executing a nice double suplex. Dustin and Austin get up and each drop elbows to the sternum of AJ. Austin motions for Dustin to go grab a table. Dustin does so, rolling out of the ring to grab one, he walks back to the ring and pushes it in. Austin grabs it and sets it up in the diagonal corner from where AJ’s body is. Dustin rolls in and grabs AJ. He looks at Austin and they both nod. Dustin whips AJ towards Austin who is crouched, with is side facing AJ. AJ comes towards him, and Austin uses his body to flip AJ’s, sending him crashing upside down through the table and into the turnbuckle. The Lee’s go to celebrate, but are caught with a springboard drop kick from Tai Star. They hit the mat and roll out of the ring. DVD and Matlock are slowly getting to their feet when Tai Star bounces off the ropes and leaps into the air, towards DVD and Matlock. Somehow both wrestlers get up in the air and drive their feet into Tai.
Bob: "No one seems to have an advantage yet, but it’s obvious The Takeover are really working together to make sure Pure Perfection stay on top."
[DVD and Matlock pull Tai up to his feet, and lift him in the air.
Bob: "No, are they setting up for their Double Muscle Buster!"
[And they are, they drop down, executing the move to well... perfection. The Lee Brothers are back in the ring, and so is MJ Storm. MJ has a steel chair, and The Lee Brothers have a table, and a ladder respectivly. MJ quickly nails DVD and Matlock with the chair, when DVD falls, he lands on the downed chair that AJ Storm brought in. Matlock just hits the turnbuckle. Then the chair meets The Lee Brothers heads. They fall. But then AJ is up, dropkick to MJ. Tai is up. The two set up both ladders. They also set the table up off to the side. They grab MJ and toss him out of the ring. They both begin to climb the ladders, but then The Lee Brothers are up, and climbing the ladders as well. All four are at the top, and begin to exchange blows. All four knock each other off and hit the mat. They hit, and instinctivley roll. They all hit the outside of the ring.
[MJ is up and back in. But Matlock is up. The two begin to exchange punches, MJ gets the upper hand, as he hasn’t been blasted by a chair multiple times this match. MJ whips Matlock into the ropes and Matlock comes bouncing black... STORM CHASER SLAM! DVD is up, and MJ bounces off the ropes, big spear. The crowd is roaring. Everyone’s down but MJ. The ladders are up. Erika Marie hops on the apron and begins to yell for MJ to climb the ladder. MJ moves towards it, but he sees something from behind Erika Marie. Angelina and Casey have crept behind her, and yank her off the apron. MJ goes to help her, but he sees Erika begin to exchange blows with them, trying to fend them off, and she’s doing quite well. MJ begins to climb the ladder slowly, and he reaches the top. He reaches up for the belts, everyone is on their feet, cheering. But suddenly, he bends over the ladder, groaning in pain. A young blonde woman who has never been seen in PWT before has entered the ring and climbed up the ladder, and just delivered a low blow to MJ Storm.
Bob: "That’s Emilia Everett, she’s a graduate of David Van Dam’s Van Dam School of Wrestling. What’s she doing here?"
Kamakazi: "Obviously she’s saving the match for David Van Dam and Matt Matlock."
[She hops off the ladder and grabs a chair. She rolls out of the ring, and clocks Erika Marie with it, who gets kicked in the gut as she holds her head, and then Angelina Santana hits a modified version of her Hate Me Now. DVD is up and begins to climb up the other ladder. He reaches the top, and MJ hits him with an elbow. DVD forearms him. Another elbow from MJ, another forearm from Van Dam. DVD begins to get the upper hand, and he grabs MJ’s leg. The crowd is looking on as DVD lifts MJ up, over both ladders, and they both come swinging down, crashing through the table that was set up by High Society. The crowd rises to their feet and begin to chant "Holy Shit, Holy Shit"
Bob: "My God! My God! Last Chance off of the ladder through a table. My God! Both men are down!"
[But Matlock isn’t, and he begins to climb the ladder. He moves up it slowly, still reeling from the Storm Chaser Slam. He reaches the top, and looks up at the tag titles. He unsnaps them both and pulls them down. The bell rings to end the match.
Sabrina: "Your winners, and STILL Professional Wrestling Today World Tag Team Champions, David Van Dam and Matt Matlock, PURE PERFECTION!"
[Matlock climbs down the ladder, and helps David Van Dam up. He hands DVD his half of the titles as The Lee Brothers, Angelina, Casey, and Emilia all get into the ring. The seven off them stand in the ring, their arms raised as Final Verdict cuts to a hype video for Seifer versus Damien Collins for the World Title. |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Final Verdict' (1/22/06)
Date Posted:01/17/2009 4:30 PMCopy HTML
PWT Presents: Final Verdict
January 22nd, 2006 |
[ A.J and Tai, also known as High Society, make their way back to their lockerroom, to clean up after the fight, when the unimaginable happens. From no where.. a loud whack is heard as Tai goes flying one way and A.J suddenly falls forward crying out in pain. The camera pans around and sees someone with a bat moving in suddenly as another whack is heard, and A.J cries again.
" You stupid bastard. I made you and I told you I would break you." The voice says as now we see it is Raymond McFly and he has the bat, and he is beating poor A.J with it. " I am the reason you are here. I am the reason you are in this federation. I may be the only one that knew your weakness, and yet I asked you to join here, to keep you from sitting at home. I got you your shot, and all I wanted was some credit. * whack!* You stupid f*ck.. how dare you not give me the credit I diserve."
[ A.J tries to defend himself but he is so weak from the tag team fight, that one more shot, and A.J is out cold. Tai gets up and deflects another shot from Raymond, and with a swift kick, takes the bat out of Raymond's hand, and soon Raymond is yelling.. " This isn't over Storm.. your ass is mine."
[ Tai checks on A.J as he just lays out cold, his knee is a dark purple as his face bleeds. Elsewhere backstage, Damien Collins is preparing for his PWT Title defense versus Seifer; and Blondie is trying to talk to him.
DC: "Not now, Tracy."
Blondie: "Dam-"
DC: "Not now."
[ One of her kids tugs at her shirt.
Ricky: "Mom.... mom. Mom. Mom. Moooooom. Moooooooooooooooooooooom. Mom. Mom. Mom.
Blondie: "Not now, Ricky. Go play your PS2 or something, okay? I'll be there in a minute."
Ricky: "Okay...."
[ The camera doesn't stay on the Champion and the woman but instead follows the child. He leaves the room, apparently headed for a seperate locker room held for Blondie. He comes to a "T" intersection of hallways, and he can go right towards the room he knows he's supposed to wait at, or he can go left, in a corridor with no lights. As all small children are, he's afraid of the dark and peers around the corner to make sure the Boogeymanisn't there, and once he decides it's safe, he heads toward s the safety and comfort of his PS2.
Voice: "Psst... teehee..."
[ Ricky turns around, wide eyed, as he was sure no one was there.
Ricky: "Nic?"
Voice: "I don't know who this Nick person is, so it must not be me."
Ricky: "Are you the boogieman? You're not real."
Vioce: "Then I must not be the Boogeyman, because I am very real."
[ This answer satisfies the young boy, who is now not frightened, but rather curious.
Ricky: "Then who are you?"
Voice: "My name is Torin Tinkertrain. Do you want to play?"
Ricky: "I am going to go play. I have a PS2."
Torin: "Oh... what a lucky little boy you are. Or are you spoiled? Spoiled children are rotten creatures."
Ricky: "I don't like spiders."
Torin: "What's your name? You can tell Uncle Torin."
Ricky: "Ricky."
Torin: "And what are you doing alone here, Ricky? Don't you know there are things in the dark... that aren't there in the light? You could be in danger, unless someone was with you."
Ricky: "But you're with me, Torin!"
Torin: "Yesss.... yes I am with you little Ricky. Hey do you like Thanksgiving? I love to eat on Thanksgiving."
Ricky: "I like Christmas better."
Torin: "Is that how you got your Playstation 2?"
Ricky: "No, it was my birthday."
Torin: "LOOK AT THE TIME! Time is running out, don't you see it ticking away as if it wasn't there? It's getting late and soon we won't be able to play. We better hurry."
Ricky: "Where should we go?"
Torin: "I know a magical place. A mystical place, filled with the spirit of Thanksgiving and Sony. Hey... I know. Would you like some sweeties, little one?"
Ricky: "That should be okay, it's after dinner."
Torin: "Really?... I haven't eaten yet, myself. And I'm so hungry, little one. Won't you come with me? I don't want to dine alone in this dark place. I won't be safe unless someone is with me."
Ricky: "I'm brave. I'll go."
Torin: "Teehheee. And we can play forever. Or atleast... for as long as you will ever remember.... forever and ever... we'll be best friends until the end."
[ Slowly, the man named Torin steps out of the shadows, and we see a darkened face splashed by sudden light; a man in clown makeup. A man who is only four feet tall. A man who's eyes aren't that of a merry, child-loving clown... but yellowed with insanity, wide with anxiety... and his mouth drools at the corners, teeth yellowed and cracked. His fingernails are dirty and have dried blood on them... his knuckles are dried so much the skin splits and cracks and has specks of blood, as they form a claw trying to nab the young boy.
Blondie's Voice: "Ricky? Are you ready to play that silly game?"
[ Torin's head spins towards the direction of the voice, and quickly he pounces and grabs Ricky before he can answer, and drags him into the lonely, sulking, and suffocating blackness.
Blondie's Voice: "Ricky? That boy... Brianna will take care of him."
[ Fade to ringside for the entrances of tonight's main event performers |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Final Verdict' (1/22/06)
Date Posted:01/17/2009 4:35 PMCopy HTML
PWT Presents: Final Verdict
January 22nd, 2006 |
Fecca, "Bah gawd, what a display of sheer mayhem and violence…" KK, "That wasn’t too bad, not too bad at all." Fecca, "With all do respect…" KK, "What?" Fecca, "Uh… Nevermind. Well folks, this is what it’s all come down too… The PWT Heavyweight Championship match between PWT’s homegrown hero Damien Collins against the mainstream mass media Icon in The Immortal Seifer… Lets show ya how this one, came about."
With that Cocky begins to play over the PA as we go to the tron with video package showing random clips of things leading up to the main event…
The cameras then fade to the ring where we actually find former WWE Announcer, Howard Finkle.
Finkle, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Howard "The Fink" Finkle, and it is my PLEEEEEASURE to be here in Professional Wrestling Today to announce the Final Verdict MAIN EVVENT!"
The crowd pops as Finkle glances down at his index cards.
Finkle, "The Following contest has been scheduled for ONEFALL… There will be a ONE HOUR Time Limit! This contest IS for the Pee Double-You Tee HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE WORRRRRLDD!!!"
The crowd goes nuts as Hate in ya Eyes by Chamillionaire Blasts over the PA and the cameras slowly fade to the stage.
The lights dim as the tron sparks to life and "Hate In Ya Eyes" by Chamillionaire blares throughout the arena. Up on the screen is a shot of a turquoise colored ocean as it begins to move faster and faster to the city of Miami. The stage begins to become covered in a white fog.
As the music begins to pick up Seifer is seen up on the titantron, the backround is now a mixture of Miami and Seifer as he is seen hitting his Trademark moves on various opponents spread throughout his illustrious career. The view continues showing him in a wide range of his past matches all the while flashing shots of the city, almost intertwined with each other.
As the music continues to echo throughout the arena Seifer makes his way out to the entrance stage completely engulfed in a thick fog as the lights are still dimmed. Behind him shines a fascinating array of greenish laser lights focused on him and down towards the ring.
Finkle, "INTRODUCING FIRST... The Challenger... Making his way from Miami Florida and weighing in on this evening at 242 Pounds... He is the PWT Titanium Champion and one of the most highly respected performers on the circuit today... The Immortal SEIIIIIIIIIIIFERRRR!!!"
As he treads down the ramp silver and turquoise strobe lights begin to flash rapidly around the arena while behind him the greenish looking laser lights continue to shine towards the ring, making it seem as if Seifer was walking in the light as he nears the ring. Seifer stands on the outside, looking into the ring, he then lowers his head and jumps up onto the apron, grabbing the top rope and arching his back backwards as a set of explosions from the top blast down.
He slowly moves his body between the top two ropes before spinning around with his hands in the air as he looks out at the masses, the lights finally lighten as the music comes to an end.
The crowd has been waiting patiently for this moment all night. We are just seconds away from Damien Collins. "Survival of the Sickest'' by Saliva begins to play and the fans are on their feet. A picture of a bloodied Damien Collins holding the PWT Championship above his head flashes on the titantron, it is followed by the words It Begins Now. A video package of Damien wrestling begins playing.
Finkle: Ladies and Gentlemen, from Washington DC he is PWT's Heavyweight Champion of the world. Damien The Real Deal Collins!
[ Damien appears through the curtains as what seems like a million flashes from cameras go off. Damien stops at the top of the stage and holds his arms out posing for the fans, there around his waist is the PWT Championship. Damien poses for several seconds and then lowers his arms and starts on down the ramp. Damien slaps as many of the fans hands as he can on his way to the ring and once he reaches the bottom of the ramp he climbs up onto the ring apron. He takes the PWT Championship from his waist, and then he walks to the turnbuckle and climbs it. He raises the title up in the air as the camera flashes go off. Damien holds the pose for several seconds, he then slowly climbs down from the turnbuckle and gets ready for the match to begin.
Damien Collins has eyes locked on those of Seifer as Seifer has dropped his usual arrogant smirk for a very serious look. It’s evident that both these men have come to handle their business. Collins theme slowly fades as senior referee Tim White is padding the champ down. The Champ doesn’t resist but he doesn’t take his eyes off of Seifer either.
Fecca, "It’s no secret that Damien Collins doesn’t have a lot of good feelings toward Seifer." KK, "This isn’t bout good feelings, it’s about that man’s championship and he ain’t lookin to leave here with out it."
The official now has moved over and is padding down Seifer. Just like DC, Seifer doesn’t resist nor does he take his eyes off of the champion. Finally White decides both men are clean and he begins explaining the rules of the bout to the opponents at the center of the ring. Both men nod slightly, showing they understand what White is saying…
White, "… I expect a good, clean, match… The fans want to see a solid winner, don’t give me a reason to give em’ anything different!"
With that the official calls for the bell as DC and Seifer slowly begin circling each other. Finally both Seifer and DC lunge forward and lock in a very strong neck and elbow grapple. The two are pressed forehead to forehead with nothing but their oppositions demise in mind. Seifer seems to be able to muster a little more strength as he ends up pressing Collins down to a knee while maintaining the grapple. Damien isn’t quick to give up the struggle though, and he slowly makes his way back up to his feet and then he actually finds himself on the upper hand, pressing the Titanium champion down to a knee. The Immortal one fights his way back up to his feet and violently shoves Collins, breaking the grapple and sending DC back a couple steps. The crowd pops as the Heavyweight and Titanium champions begin circling methodically again. They both lunge forward for the grapple again but Seifer ducks down and sweeps the legs of the Champ. DC drops to the mat and Seifer quickly applies a sideheadlock, which almost looks like a modified crippler crossface. Collins struggles but he quickly draws his legs under himself, applying his weight on his knees and popping his legs out in order to offer himself a wide and stable base. Seifer is up to a knee as Collins is in a position very similar to the "down" position in amateur wrestling. Collins continues to struggle but he slowly fights up to his feet until he’s in a basic standing side headlock. Collins shoves Seifer, making Seifer break the hold and dart across the ring. Seifer bounces off the ropes and comes back as Collins plants his feet and goes for a hip toss. Seifer is sent up and over but he lands on his feet and continues to dart across the ring. The Immortal one bounces off the far ropes and comes back as Damien drops to the mat, making Seifer jump over the champion. Collins pops up as Seifer gets back to his original ropes. Seifer bounces off and ducks down as Damien leaps up, leap frogging the Titanium champion. Seifer again bounces off the far ropes and comes back as Collins quickly ducks down and then pops up, sending Seifer up and over with a basic back body drop. Seifer hits the mat hard and grabs his back but he quickly gets up to his feet. Collins drops down and delivers a basic fireman’s carry. Seifer lands on his ass and Damien applies an equally basic rear chinlock (weaker version of the sleeper). Fecca, "Fireman’s carry into the rear chinlock… Thus far this has been quite a wrestling match… And I do emphasize wrestling." KK, "That’s all fine and good, but if they think they’re gonna be able to just use basic wrestlin’ holds all day to get the job done they’re sadly mistaken." Back in the ring Seifer has been quick to pop up to a knee, making Collins get to his feet. Seifer gets to his feet and then swings an arm around Damien’s waist, grabbing the champ and hoisting him up into the air and dropping back with an inverted high angle suplex. Collins grabs his back but both men are quick to get up to their feet and they re-enter the grapple. Seifer quickly breaks the grapple as he grabs Damien’s wrist and pushes him against the ropes before yanking him off via the Irish whip, sending the Champ across the ring. Collins bounces off the far ropes and comes back as Seifer goes for what we assume to be a clothesline at first, but he ends up wrapping Collins’ head in a tightly applied Sleeper submission hold. The crowd erupts as Damien begins waving his arms in a struggle to get free. Fecca, "The Immortal one really has that hold synched in." The official throws his hand up between Seifer’s arm and Collins’ throat to verify that the hold is legal, and apparently it is as he doesn’t call for the break. Damien is fighting but their in the dead center of the ring and there doesn’t appear to be an out… But it appears that Damien is innovative as he quickly reaches up with both arms, wrapping them around Seifer’s head before he quickly drops to his ass, delivering an inverted jawbreaker. Seifer releases the hold and stumbles back as the crowd again erupts. DC hops up and runs back, bouncing off the ropes before he comes across and leaps into the air with a running crossbody. DC’s chest collides with the Immortal chest, taking Seifer down to the mat, but the Immortal one rolls through, ending up ontop of Collins with a lateral press. Seifer waste no time as he pops up, grabbing the legs of Collins and sticking his own leg between the champs legs, looking like he’s fixin to apply the "Immortal Deathlock" (Sharpshooter). The crowd goes absolutely nuts as Fecca says, "It could be over already! Seifer looking to apply that Immortal deathlock and if he does ya have to believe that Collins would be left with no choice but to… OH!" KK, "It was too early… Ya don’t win the heavyweight title in under five minutes if you’re wrestlin’ a real champion, and for my money Damien Collins as a damned real champion." While Seifer was trying to apply the Immortal Deathlock ol’ DC had reversed it into a small package which Seifer quickly kicked out of. Now both Damien Collins and Seifer Jacobs are on their feet in the ring, staring each other down as the crowd applauds loudly. One portion of the Crowd: LETS GO SEIFER… Second Portion: LETS GO COLLINS… LETS GO SEIFER, LETS GO COLLINS, LETS GO SEIFER, LETS GO COLLINS, LETS GO SEIFER, LETS GO COLLINS, LETS GO SEIFER, LETS GO COLLINS, LETS GO SEIFER, LETS GO COLLINS. Again DC and Seifer go to grapple but this time Collins ducks the grapple and swings around to the back, applying a rear waist lock. Seifer is pushing down on Damien’s hands, trying to break the champ’s lock… Apparently he’s successful as he quickly whips around, applying his own rear waist lock. Collins now put on the defensive, But Collins is quick to get back on offense as he too breaks the rear waist lock and whips around to Seifer’s back. Collins plants his feet, pops his hips and sends Seifer up and over with a German Suplex. Collins lands with a bridge, holding Seifer for a pin as Tim White counts ……………1………… Not quite two as Seifer powers out. Both men get up to their feet and Collins quickly grabs Seifer’s leg and neck, locking his own hands as he again pops up and delivers a Fisherman’s Suplex (Perfect Plex), maintaining the bridge for a cover. ……………1………… Again not quite two as Seifer powers out. Both men get to their feet and Collins grabs Seifer’s wrist, looking for an Irish whip. DC goes to deliver but is reversed as Seifer sends Collins rushing across the ring and slamming hard against the turnbuckles. Seifer gives chase and leaps up looking for a "Seifer Splash" (Stinger splash) but Collins quickly darts out of the way. Seifer gets his hands out and grabs the top rope, preventing himself from colliding chest first with the turnbuckles. Seifer turns around just in time to get nailed with a Clothesline, driving him back into the turnbuckles. Collins grabs Seifer and pops him up, setting him down on the top turnbuckle. Damien climbs up the ropes, drawing Seifer to his feet. Damien gets his feet on the top rope as he has Seifer locked up in the set up for a vertical suplex… he then hoists Seifer up and falls back, delivering a huge superplex that sends the fans into a frenzy. Fecca, "That may have just taken this fast paced bout down a couple of marks on the speedometer." KK, "That’s why heavyweights shouldn’t try and keep a cruiserweights speed. If you’re in a major heavyweight match keepin’ that speed you’re gonna end up doin’ something stupid to bring it to a stop. If these two would just beat the crap out of each other they’d be better off." Fecca, "I don’t think there’s anything wrong with keeping a fast pace…" KK, "How many championships you held? That’s what I thought, Shut up." Back in the ring Collins and Seifer are slowly rolling over to their knees. Both men slowly get to their feet around the same time. Collins rushes over toward Seifer but Seifer side steps and grabs a hold of the back of Damien’s head, using the champ’s momentum to toss him up and over the top rope to the floor in front of the commentary tables. The official begins chastising the Immortal one, but somehow Seifer doesn’t seem overly concerned as he drops down and rolls under the bottom rope. Seifer guides Collins up to his feet and then whips him across the floor till DC twists, making his back collide hare with the padded barricade. Seifer then runs and leaps looking for the Seifer Splash, but again DC Side steps, but this time Seifer isn’t lucky enough to see it coming and he collides chest first with the barricade. Seifer stumbles around grabbing his chest as DC runs and delivers a hard clothesline, knocking the contender to the floor. The crowd is going wild as DC takes a second to slap a few hands at ringside before he bends down and grabs Seif. By the head, pulling him up to his feet. The champ delivers an Irish whip to Seifer, whipping him back first against the ring. DC then goes up to Seifer and with great power he begins unloading some hard right handed knife edge chops to the exposed chest of his challenger. KK, "Here we go! It’s about time somebody opened up a can-a whoop ass!" Seifer, however, is quick to pop a thumb into the eye of Damien Collins, making him stumble back holding his eye. Seifer grabs DC by the back of the head and then BAM! He slams his face against the commentary table, bouncing the champs head like a basketball. Collins turns around and Seifer clotheslines Damien onto the commentary table as we see both Bobby Fecca and Kamakazi get up and back as far away as they can while keeping their headsets on. Seifer climbs up onto the table and pulls Collins up to his feet on the table. Seifer sticks the champs head between the immortal legs and appears like he might be getting ready to go for the piledriver… Seifer tries to pick the champ up but he’s kicking about and refusing to get up. Suddenly DC throws his hands on his knees and pushes his body up, sending Seifer flying up and over with a backbody drop. Seifer flies off the table and his feet nick the ring as he drops to the outside mats. Fecca, "OH MAH GAWD!" Collins climbs down as the capacity crowd is going absolutely crazy. By this time Tim White has come down to the floor and is being extremely lenient as he’s chosen not to apply the ten count, but he is being very vocal with his suggestion that Collins and Seifer take it back to the ring. Collins bends down grabs Seifer by the hair, pulling him up to his feet as he seems a little out of it. Fecca, "Damien Collins really adapting a more violent and aggressive style than usual… It’s evident that he wants to defeat Seifer by any means necessary… An attitude that I’m surprised to see in the clean cut Damien Collins." KK, "Somebody pissed the sum-bitch off and I’m likin’ it." Collins keeps a fist full of Seifer’s hair with his left hand and then delivers a huge right hand, followed by a second, and then a third. He releases Seifers hair and then THWACK! European Uppercut. Seifer drops back to the floor as the official admonishes Collins. Collins turns to the official and violently yells "SCREW OFF!" Tim White actually double blinks, shocked that Damien Collins, the officials favorite performer to work with, just told him to screw off. Collins bends down and again grabs a fist full of Seifer’s hair, pulling him up to his feet as the split crowd, which has been erupting through out the entire match, continues to do so. Collins grabs Seifer by the wrist and goes for an Irish whip but Seifer suddenly reverses with great power and Damien collides back first against the steel steps, making a huge clashing sound as the steps move a bit. Seifer goes over and begins sticking the boots to Collins, stomping a mudhole in him ala Steve Austin. Seifer than picks the champ up off the mats and with a hold of the back of his head he smashes Damien’s face off the top of the stairs. Collins grabs his nose and stumbles back as Seifer springs forward with the Blood Spiller (Sweet Chin Music), which sends DC Flying back and landing atop of the commentary table again. The crowd is going wild as we see KK and Fecca rush out of the way again. Seifer jumps up onto the ring, then hops up on the center of the top rope… Fecca, "MAH GAWD…WHAT’S HE GONNA…" Seifer leaps back in a moonsault, flying through the air as flashes fill the erupting arena. Seifer flies until he comes down and collides chest to chest with Collins, making the entire commentary table explode on impact as the fans go absolutely nuts. Crowd: HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT… Seifer and Damien lye in a heap upon the shambles of the commentary table as the fans are flipping out for two of their absolute favorite performers. Tim White is right down amongst the performers, checking to make sure that they’re both alright as Seifer just barely rolls off of Collins while holding his stomach and chest era in clear pain. Crowd: SEI-FER, SEI-FER, SEI-FER, SEI-FER, SEI-FER, SEI-FER, SEI-FER, SEI-FER, SEI-FER… In the back drop we can see Fecca trying to get his headset on. Fecca, "Am… Am I On… I… I Don’t know if I’m on but BAH GAWD what a MOVE! These two young athletes are at our feet, The commentary table is in ruins and so could the careers be of these two phenomenal performers!" The crowd just hasn’t let up, the pay per view Encore buy rates will be through the roof. Seifer is slowly, VERY slowly, crawling about, trying to find something to help him lift himself up. He grabs up on the black table cloth over the time keepers table and ends up pulling down the table as opposed to pulling himself up. He ends up grabbing the pant leg of Finkle and slowly starts pulling himself to his knees, and then up to his feet. As he arrives to his spaghetti legs the crowd grows even louder than before. He stumbles around as the only movement we’ve seen from Collins is the slow rise and fall of his stomach. Seifer stumbles over to Damien and grabs him by the head and arm, pulling him up to his feet. Seifer guides DC over to the ring and then rolls the Champion in under the bottom rope. The Immortal one slides into the ring and lays across DC’s upper torso as Tim White counts ………………1………………2……………… HIS FOOT’S ON THE ROPE, ROPE BREAK, HIS FOOT’S ON THE ROPE!" The crowd erupts with a mixture of jeers and cheers as Seifer falls back on his knees with a look of frustration on his face. Seifer pulls himself up to his feet as Damien rolls over to his chest. Fecca, "I… I Don’t Believe it… How the Hell is Collins able to keep goin?!" KK, "Am I On yet?" Fecca, "I hear ya big guy… That huge moonsault took out Kamakazi’s audio, but it seems like the technicians got it fixed…" KK, "G*D DAMN SON, These lil bastards are tearing this place apart!" Seifer bends down and grabs Collins by the head, pulling him up to his feet. Seifer grabs DC like he’s fixin for a T-Bone suplex but the champ quickly sinks a couple of hard elbows into the head of the Titanium champion, making him release the hold. Collins then wraps his arms around Seifer, pops up and twist around delivering a belly to belly suplex as the crowd pops. Both men lay on the mat breathing heavy. Fecca, "The desperation move from the champion! These guys have gotta be running on sheer adrenaline!" KK, "I Don’t give a rats ass what anybody says, professional wrestlers have more heart than any other breed of athlete, and that’s the Kamakazi Truth!" Tim White has checked both athletes and finds himself with no other choice as he begins counting …………………………1………………………2……………………………3…………………4………………………5……………………6 By now Collins is starting to get to his feet but Seifer’s still down ………………………7……………………8 Collins is pulling himself up the ropes ……………………………9 Collins is staggering but on his feet as Seifer has yet to move……………… Suddenly Seifer "kips up" or jumps up from his back straight to his feet in a fashion similar of The Rock and Shawn Michaels as DC is staggering with his back to the challenger. The fans are on their feet…… Collins turns around Seifer throws him up on the Immortal shoulders and swings him around for his Knights of the Round Table (F5 Into a stunner) but as he swings around and gets to about where Brock would drop a guy in the F5 Collins latches Seifer’s head and drops, driving the Immortal head into the mat with an inverted spike DDT. Fecca, "REVERSE, REVERSE, DAMIEN COLLINS HAS REVERSED THE KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND TABLE!" KK, "Don’t just lay there, pin the sum-bitch!" As if DC had heard Kamakazi, he slowly pushes Seifer, rolling him to his shoulders, and then crawls over top of his body. ………………………1……………2…………………3! But just as the officials hand is grazing the mat Seifer throws the right arm up. Tim White jumps up with two fingers in the air making the crowd go nuts, some with cheers and some with boos. DC falls back on his knees now, a look of disappointment upon his face as he looks up into the sky… DC pulls himself up and throws his hands in the air, locking em together ala Randy Orton and making the fans jump from their seats in an up roar. He gets behind a slow rising Seifer and gets in stalking postion. Fecca, "COLLINS IS READY TO END IT…" Seifer staggers up, his back to Damien… Seifer turns around and Collins leaps out looking for the DC Drop but Seifer ducks, grabs the arm, Hops up and swings around nailing the Immortal Instinct (Angle Slam) sending the fans into another frenzy. Seifer grabs both of DC’s legs and rolls back as the official counts ……………………1………………2………………………3? Not quite, DC gets a hand to the bottom rope. The fans are going nuts as Seifer gets up, clearly frustrated as he pushes the official and begins yelling. Damien is slowly pulling himself up behind the challenger. Seifer turns around and Collins again goes for his version of the RKO but Seifer pushes him off. DC Hits the ropes and bounces back, Seifer throws him up on the shoulders, he spins the champ and drops to his ass, BAM! Fecca, "KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND TABLE, KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND TABLE, SEIFER JUST HIT THE KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND TABLE!!!" Seifer hooks the far leg, rolls back and Tim White counts …………1………………2…………………3!
Tim White calls for the bell as the crowd goes beserk and Finkle is barely heard announcing, "YOUR WINNER AND THE NEW PWT HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION…… SEIIIIIIIIFFFFFERRRR!!!"
Fecca, "SEIFER! SEIFER! SEIFER HAS DONE IT, HE’S WON THE PEE DUBYA TEE HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP AND BAH GAWD THESE FANS ARE GOING NUTS!" KK, "You can say anything you want to, but those two sum-bitches right there are the best in the business and if ya doubted it just rewind the tape!"
Seifer’s theme music is blasting over the PA As White awards him the championship
Fecca, "Seifer Jacobs… A Man who’s known for his burning desire to have his Legacy cemented… His love of historical companies and prizes… Has just won the richest and one of the most historical prizes in the Industry… He has one the PWT WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE!"
Seifer is ecstatic… exhausted, but ecstatic… But suddenly the lights go dark.
Fecca, "What the Hell?"
We hear the opening cords of Goldust’s theme song as the fans begin to pop. The arena gets lit in Gold as from behind the curtain steps the bizarre one himself.
Goldust looks down the ramp very seriously before he begins walking down the ramp. Seifer takes a couple steps back, getting to center the ring as he tosses his strap to the side and gets ready for a fight. Goldust gets to the ring and walks up the steel stairs. He gets on the apron and looks deep into Seifer’s eyes before entering the ring between the Second and third ropes. Goldust and Seifer get face to face as Seifer appears to be ready to go. The music fades and the lights readjust with the two megastars face to face… Finally Goldust breaks the stair and walks over to the ropes, getting a microphone handed up from the crew at ringside.
Goldust, "Seiiifer…… The new PWT Heavyweight champion? … *Deep Goldust TM inhale* Congratulations. But as one flick ends, another must begin filming and On PWT Shockwave next Tuesday, I propose to start a Goldust production called "When Gold meets… Emmm GOOOLDUSSTT…"
Suddenly the opening cords of Violence Fetish blasts over the PA as the crowd grows loud with boos.
Fecca,"What the Hell?"
The music plays over the PA as Goldust has turned and is looking at the ramp. Seifer is rolling his eyes, he probably would have had a cake brought out if he’d of known he was gonna have some many people crashin’ his party.
Finally from behind the curtain steps none other than… |
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Re:PWT Presents 'Final Verdict' (1/22/06)
Date Posted:01/17/2009 4:37 PMCopy HTML
PWT Presents: Final Verdict
January 22nd, 2006 |
Fecca, "Well what the Hell does Van Dam want here…" KK, "He wants the same thing every sum-bitch in that locker room wants, the World Heavyweight Championship!"
DVD stands on the stage with a smirk on his face when we see a metallic object wrap Goldust in the back of the head. Goldust drops and we realize it’s Matt Matlock with his Monkey Wrench. Seifer turns around and Matlock goes to hit him to but Seifer quickly delivers a throat thrust and Matlock drops the wrench. The two engage in a fist fight and while Matlock’s holding his own, Seifer finds himself backing the tag champ up inch by inch.
Van Dam bolts down the ramp and slides under the bottom rope as Seifer has Matlock stuck in the corner. Van Dam runs over and spins Seifer around, nailing him with a hard right hand, followed by a second, then a third, but Seifer jabs a thumb into Van Dam’s eye drawing a huge pop from the crowd.
Seifer is going back and forth from Van Dam to Matlock throwing punches just as fast as he can when we hear the crowd start to boo… We see a woman flying down the stairs and as the camera catches up to her we realize it’s Georgia James and she’s equipped with a Steal Chair. Georgia slides under the bottom rope, Runs, and then WHAP! Right over the head of Seifer.
Seifer finally drops.
Goldust has gotten himself to a knee so Matlock rushes over and begins stomping away at him like a rabid pitbull. Georgia has mounted an unconscious Seifer and is throwing a combination of slaps, fists, and chokes as DVD grabs the microphone.
DVD, "For too long have we been over looked for pieces of crap like Seifer and Goldust! (Crowd boos) Georgia may not be takeover any more, but she and I do still have something in common… We’re sick and damned tired of being told that we need to sit on the back burner because guys like Seifer and Goldust have more fame on the oh so sacred "Mainstream" circuit. Well WallStreet, Screw your mainstream circuit and screw YOU! I Am David Van DAM! I am MISTER INDY SUPERSTAR! I’m too damned good for the media crapfests that these moron fans have pushed to the "mainstream". We’re sick and damned tired of being passed up when we’ve busted our ass in PWT, because somebody happened to win a world title in another promotion so he’s pushed to the top in a couple of months. And Goldust… FRICKIN GOLDUST?! Goldust couldn’t wrestle his soilder out of his pants and you’re gonna push him over the greatest real WRESTLER this company has ever had?! The same guy who’s sweat, bled, and busted his ass since the opening of this company?! Over Georgia James who damned near took the title from Damien Collins in New York… Over Matt Matlock… Matlock, talk to the people."
DVD Tosses the mic to Matlock who steps off of Goldust.
Matlock, " I Am Matt F**KING MATLOCK! I Have a bigger name than damned near anybody in this company, and my name’s got JUST AS MUCH fame as Seifer or Goldust! Yet here I sit in PWT, just like every other damned company, getting passed up while these wastes of space get pushed over me! Is Seifer good? Obviously. I fought him and we tore the house down… Yet you people cram Goldust into a spot to contend with Seifer the minute he walks in the door and tell me to go play with New Gen?! I’m through being passed up for people just because they figure Matt Matlock’ll be content as the resident Welcome Mat. Take your Welcome Mat and shove it up your welcoming ASS!"
By this time Damien Collins has gotten to his feet and notices the massacure taking place in the ring. He grabs a microphone.
Collins, "What the Heck are you guys doing?!"
David turns around and grabs Matlock’s mic.
DVD, "What should have been done a long time ago… We’re taking control of our own destinies. Damien, you’ve been right at the top with us, busting your ass for PWT… Yet once you leave this ring you probably won’t see another world title match because they’re stuck pushing these lameoids like Goldust who have a bigger group of fans then those of us who have stayed on the Indy circuit…… Join us Damien… Join us as we fight back."
Damien shakes your head, "No, this is all wrong… This isn’t how you do things…"
He walks over and grabs Georgia.
DC, "Get off him… I may not like him but he’s World champion and he deserves this moment."
Georgia spins around and drives her elbow into the face of Collins. Collins staggers back and DVD rushes offer and clotheslines him down, damned near knocking him out of his boots. DVD, Georgia, and Matlock all start stomping away at the former PWT Champion as Goldust is dragging himself up. Goldust gets to his feet and rushes over. Goldust grabs Matlock and delivers a right hand dropping him to the mat. Then a right to Georgia dropping her. He turns around for David but DVD catches him off gard and nails a European Uppercut making him turn and stumble away. DVD rushes behind him and clips the knee with his shoulder, dropping Goldust to the mat. DC has rushed to his feet and so have Georgia and Matlock. DC rushes over and smashes DVD in the back of the neck but Matlock and Georgia quickly start beating on him again. Goldust gets himself up and DVD takes control with his fists again… Suddenly in the back drop Seifer Kips up and the fans absolutely erupt. Matlock turns around and BAM!
Seifer hit his version of the Sweet Chin Music and Matlock goes up and over the top rope. Georgia turns around to see what’s going on and Damien grabs her shoulder, spins her around, and BAM!
Fecca, "DC DROP!"
The modified RKO of Collins drops her and she rolls under the bottom rope. David turns around and Both DC and Seifer rush over and start throwing fists at Van Dam. Goldust comes out of the corner and the tree seem to actually be giving direction to one another. Goldust and DC grab Van Dam by the arms and press him against the far ropes. David bounces off and rushes across the ring as Seifer gets set up in the center of the ring, looking like he plans to Superkick Van Dam as he runs back. But as Van Dam gets to the ropes nearest the ramp he delivers a baseball slide and exits the ring wisely.
The crowd boos but Van Dam just shakes his head. Matlock and Georgia are both holding their necks as they come over. Van Dam ends up standing in the center of the two as he has a mic in hand.
Van Dam, "Stupid decision Collins… Seifer, Goldust… Don’t get comfortable, your little custom made thrones at the top of PWT that you were handed are about to be over run and these are the asses that are gonna plop in em!"
Fecca, "Those are damned sure some asses! SEIFER IS THE PWT CHAMPION! Goldust laid down the challenge… DC’s surely gonna expect a world title rematch, and now the Takeover and their former comrade Georgia James have attempted to Hijack PWT for their shot! What’s gonna happen?! Who’s next for Seifer?! Less than ten minutes into his reign and Seifer is already the most contest Heavyweight Champion in history… BAH GAWD! So Much is goin’ on… Be sure to catch us Sunday Night on Pee Dubya Tee SHOCKWAVE!"
The cameras fade on Goldust and Collins on either side of Seifer who now has the World title over his shoulder as they stair down into the eyes of the Former Take Over stable that’s on the ramp. |
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