Alright folks, it's time now for the MAIN-EVENT!
That's right Bob-o. And it's going to be an eciting one. Team PWT already trimmed the fat of Phoenix Winterborn, and now Zarek Lyle, Scott Addams and Tank all compete tonight to decide who really *IS* the team captain!
Over to Sabrina whos about to introduce our competitors!
Ladies an gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is to crown the Team PWT, Team captain! Introducing first, from Memphis, Tennessee, weighting in at three hundred and ten pounds, Taaaaaaaannkkkkkk!
"You don't want drama" hits and the crowd cheers as the big man, Tank steps out from behind the curtain, and starts to make his way down to the ring. in the ring he starts to give a slow cut-throat taunt,tag championship around his waist as his music fades out, in place of "Reject yourself" by Killswitch Engage hits and a bigger uproar hits as "The Greek God" Zarek Lyle comes from behind the curtain, a big smile on his face as he works the crowd over on his way down to the ring.
now making his way to the ring, from Crete, Greece, weighting in at two hundred and twenty give pounds, Zareeeeeeeek Lylllllleeeee!
Zarek gets into the ring and works over the crowd as he and Tank look at each other with a nod, and look to the entrance as "11:11" by Seasons After begins to play. A new theme to the crowd, but once the video of Scott Addams begins to show their cheers are just as strong as they were for Zarek, as he steps from behind the curtain with Titanium championship around his waist.
Now making his way to the ring, from Chicago, Illinois, the TITANium champion, "The Platinum Innovator" Scoooooooot Adddaaaaaaaaaaams!
Scott makes his way down to the ring to the approval of the fans. Sliding in under the bottom rope Scott gets into the corner holding his championship high, before handing it off to Willie Sharpe. Scott, Tank and Zarek all shake hands before the bout as Scott's music fades out and the bell sounds, and we're off.
Would you just take a minute to really look at each of these men. Two champions and a man with a contract for any title, whenever he so chooses within a six month window!
I think whichever one of these men takes the role of Captain will be good for PWT against those Natural Selection bastards.
It's taken a lot for them to unify themselves, but it's happened. The team lost, or got rid of, rather, one half of Veterans Inc, Phoenix Winterborn. I'm not one to judge whether it was a good or bad decision, but whatever it takes to put the team on a strong front, is good by me.
Winterborn is a good and a strong athlete, but his head just wasn't in it for the team and his teammates got a glimpse of that and and wait a minute the action is heating up in the ring!
All three men are throwing punches back and forth but Tank doesn't seem to be effected much and puts a stop to Scott's punched with a knee to the gut and then a clothesline to Zarek. Tank then picks Scott up into the air with a stalling suplex, walkng around the ring for a moment and then drops Scott, to get back up with a big taunt. Tank turns around to see Zarek getting up and notions for Zarek to try something, so he does. Running at Tank, he ducks a clothesline, and jumps onto the ropes. Tank turns around into a drop-kick that staggers him backward, but what Tank didn't see was Scott on all fours, causing Tank to trip over him and falls backwards.
And there begins the teamwork of The New Revolution, on Tank!
When you're there in the ring with a guy of that size you have to work together to take him out of the equasion.
Tank fell backward and between the ropes to the outside, and Scott signales to Zarek to take a leap. Zarek runs, and pulls a poetry in motion type of move off of Scott's back and to the outside, however Tank catches Zarek, and Scott runs to the ropes, running towards the edge that Tank holds Zarek and leaps over with a flipping suicide dive landing his back into Zareks to take Tank off his feet and the crowd erupts with a "this is awe-some! *clap clap clap-clap-clap*" chant.
Definitely great teamwork by these two men.
They know each other very well, Bob-o, like Brothers.
And every close pair of brothers fight as Scott sends Zarek into the steel steps!
Sure enough, a strong Irish whip and Zarek hits the steps with a thud. He holds his back and Scott out of the corner of his eye sees Tank getting up, and takes the fight over to him but Scott's pushed off of Tank, and then rammed into the edge of the apron. Tank scoops Scott up, and brings him up into a military press position.
No way is he going to go for the Tank Job on the outside?!
Scott could be in trouble here!
That's when out of no-where, Zarek comes flying into the scene with a drop kick to Tank's knees causing him to fall, and Scott to land on top of him, but when Scott's to his feet, BAM he's met with a standing side kick right to the jaw dazing Scott ad Zarek rolls him into the ring. Following shortly behind, Zarek goes for a cover.
One... Two... Kick out!
Sharpe made the count but Scott was able to get his shoulder up just in time. The crowd erupts and Zarek is beside himself but he's to his feet and waits for Scott. Scott's up and Zarek irish whips him to the corner, chest first. Zarek runs at him to stay o top of him, and brings Scott to the top rope and follows suit behind. Zarek yells out looking for..
Fecca: Chaos Theory!
Executed perfectly by Zarek but WAIT! Addams lands on his feet!
Scott landed on his feet alright, but was met with a huge clothesline from behind by Tank. Zarek turns around to be caught in a powerslam by the PWT muscle and is covered. Sharpe makes the count.
One... Two... No!
Scott breaks it up and Zarek gets the shoulder up at the same time. Scott starts to stomp into Tank quickly, but they don't seem to have an effect as he's up and quickly starts to snap jab Scott but Zarek axe handles Tank in the back, turning his attention that direction. Scott starts to kick Tank in the back of the legs, and then sqirls around while Tank is in a momentary daze, and he and Zarek attempt a double suplex, but Tank turns it into one of his own. Getting up, he roars out to the crowd as they heat up and he flexes waiting on the next one to get up. It's Zarek; while Scott is slowly climbing to the top rope he and Zarek keep eye contact.
Scott and Zarek really are working impressively here together tonight, but they have to remember that it's every man for himself in the end, and they would be wise to take a shot at a fall if they have it.
Scott and Zarek have been enemies before, Bob-o. And they've both been successful individuals as well as a tag team but they know whats on the line. Thats why I can get behind these guys because they know what it takes. Same with Ryan Starr...
Oh lord, this again? Really?!
Maybe if you would quit being... something-ist, than you'd see that Starr should be on Team PWT, too!
Like PW?
I don't get you sometimes. I'd swear you and Ryan have a fling or something.
*US* A *FLING?!* Nah, I've got like five supermodels waiting for me at home!
Tank is showing some good control here, but Scott is heading to the top rope!
Tank grabs Zarek lifting him up for a huge spinebuster and as he spins sround for the spinning portion, Zarek is able to quickly turn it into an arm drag, and right as Tank gets up, he's caught with a double-knee/back breaker move, and Scott leaps off the top with the Shot in the Dark (shooting star leg drop), taking Tank down and another "This is awesome!" chant breaks out.
Amazing double team move by The New Revolution!
We saw them use that last week, too. I don't even know what they're calling it yet but it's certainly effective. Like the people say, Bob-o, THIS IS AWESOME!
Scott to his feet first, he and Zarek breifly celebrate before Scott grabs Zarek and drops him with the 7th Seal (Lethal Combination) and goes for the cover on Tank.
One... Two... Power out!
Tank just showing massive power. Scott uses the ropes to get up, but right when Tank is up, Scott gets daring but Tank spinebusters him, for a cover.
One... Two... Thre- Kick out!
some quick pins here, but Tank and Scott both have life left in them for the fight for team captain!
And nobody wants to lose for the sake of losing, either. All three looking impressive and the crowd seems to enjoy the show too.
Scott kick out and Tank brings Scott to his feet, and Tank Job! Bringing Scott way into the air, the Tank Job connected, but Zarek was in the fight again, worn down but still fighting. Tank tries the Tank Job on Zarek, but Zarek got down from the gorilla press, and managed to get himself on the top turnbuckle. Tank turns around and is met with Apollo's Call (720 DDT)! Before Zarek could take advantage, Scott got him to his feet and laid into Zarek with the Master of the Midwest punch/kick combo, knocking him out of the ring and rushes over to Tank, applying the Platinum Crossface, Scott keeping his feet near the ropes, so Tank can't reach them. The pressure is on, and theres no movement from the big man, and Sharpe calls for the bell.
That's it, folks! We have our NEW Team Captain! The Titanium Champion Scott Addams has become the PWT Team Captain!
"11:11" hits, and Scott uses the ropes to get up as Sharpe holds his hand up high, but Scott being a good sport, helps up Zarek and Tank, as DC and Matlock come from the back to the ring.
Addams had a very impressive showing tonight, showing that he wants this team to succeed! ANd here comes Matlock and our champion, Collins to celebrate!
This is the unity that we saw last week, Eddie. And being two weeks from Hardcore Hell, team unity couldn't have come soon enough!
As the team is in the ring, Scott gets a microphone as his music fades out.
Hang...Hang on a second.
He takes a moment to get his breath.
Tonight... tonight I won and that makes... that makes me team captain, and I've already decided how we're going to handle things.
The team looks at Scott in question.
I - I came into PWT to build a reputation for myself, coming from the independents, PWT was the first big time stage I had been on since BUD two years ago. When Natural Selection came into the fold, all of us got together because new star, or seasoned vet, we all saw what was happening and after we took care of the egos, we got rid of the dead weight, and here we stand together, ready to fight side by side the moment that we need to. But me? I'm not your team captain.
Again... another wierd look from the team.
Theres only one man on this team that I think truthfull should be the captain and the man for us to rally with into battle, as much as I'd love to be that man, it's not me. It's Matt Matlock.
The team gets a very dumbfounded look, and the crowd has a cheer for Matlock.
Did Scott just...
I think he just gave the captain spot to Matlock!
I've been in the ring with Jake on a number of occasions, I've been in the ring with Omen, and even Con, but if there is one man that knows these bastards inside and out and can help us go to victory? It's Matt. The man has been bleeding and breathing PWT for nearly a decade, and that is the man who is our new team captain!
Scott hands Sharpe the microphone, and Scott raises Matlock's hand, and everybody looks a little shocked at what just happened, but they all raise their hands as they stand in the middle of the ring with "Still Unbroken" playing.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have our new team captain! What will happen next week for PWT with Matlock at the head of the charge?! I'm Bobby Fecca, for Eddie Styles, we'll see you next week on Shockwave!